SAP ABAP Data Element - Index F, page 29
Data Element - F
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | FM_DATAB | FM: Valid from date | DATUM | DATS |
2 | FM_DATBIS | FM: Valid to date | DATUM | DATS |
3 | FM_DATBIS_BLANK | FM: Date Valid Until BLANK Valid Value | DATUM | DATS |
4 | FM_DATE_CAN | Reversal Date | DATUM | DATS |
5 | FM_DATE_EXP | Expiration Date | DATUM | DATS |
6 | FM_DATE_EXP_TSTMP | Expiration timestamp | BCOS_TSTMP | DEC |
7 | FM_DATE_R | Conversion Date | DATUM | DATS |
8 | FM_DA_ACT | ST active | XFELD | CHAR |
9 | FM_DD_ATTRIBUTE | FM ALV GRID Lists: Color Attribute Values for Screen Docum. | FM_DD_ATTRIBUTE | NUMC |
10 | FM_DD_COLOUR | Color Attribute Values in Dynamic Documents | FM_DD_COLOUR | NUMC |
11 | FM_DEAKTIV | Deactivation Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
12 | FM_DECEA | Indicator: Local Collective Expenditures FM Acct Assignment | XFELD | CHAR |
13 | FM_DECFICTR | Funds Center in the Central Collective Expenditure FMAA | FM_FICTR | CHAR |
14 | FM_DECFIPEX | Commitment Item in the Local Collective Expenditure FMAA | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
15 | FM_DECFONDS | Fund in the Local Collective Expenditure FM Acct Assignment | BP_GEBER | CHAR |
16 | FM_DECKF | Cover Eligibility | X | CHAR |
17 | FM_DECKRNG | Cover pool | FM_DECKRNG | CHAR |
18 | FM_DECKRNG_COM | Cover Pool for Commitment Budget | FM_DECKRNG | CHAR |
19 | FM_DECKRNG_PAY | Cover Pool for Payment Budget | FM_DECKRNG | CHAR |
20 | FM_DECKUNG | Relevant for Real Cover Eligibility | XFELD | CHAR |
21 | FM_DELECC | Reset cross-company code items | XFELD | CHAR |
22 | FM_DELECLEARED | Reset cleared items | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | FM_DELEOPEN | Reset open items | XFELD | CHAR |
24 | FM_DELETE_CHECKCCF | Do not delete documents in FYC | XFELD | CHAR |
25 | FM_DELETE_LOEKZ | Select Documents with Deletion Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
26 | FM_DELKZ | Deletion indicator in TR-FM line item | XFELD | CHAR |
27 | FM_DELTA | Steigerungsrate zum Planjahr | CHAR10 | CHAR |
28 | FM_DELTA1 | Steigerungsrate zum Plj. + 1 | CHAR10 | CHAR |
29 | FM_DELTA2 | Steigerungsrate zum Plj. + 2 | CHAR10 | CHAR |
30 | FM_DELTA3 | Steigerungsrate zum Plj. + 3 | CHAR10 | CHAR |
31 | FM_DEPARTMENT | Federal Department | FM_DEPARTMENT | CHAR |
32 | FM_DEPARTMENT_PARTNER | Federal Department Partner | FM_DEPARTMENT | CHAR |
33 | FM_DEPT_REG | Treasury Account Symbol - Department Regular | FM_DEPT_REG | CHAR |
34 | FM_DEPT_TRAN | Treasury Account Symbol - Department Transfer | FM_DEPT_TRAN | CHAR |
36 | FM_DERIVE_ACC | Activate Account Assignment Derivation in Funds Management | XFELD | CHAR |
37 | FM_DERIVE_SAKNR | Derive G/L Account | XFELD | CHAR |
38 | FM_DESCRIPTION | Description of field name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
39 | FM_DETAIL | Object is subdivided | X | CHAR |
40 | FM_DEVIANT_BUDAT | Alternative Posting Date | DATUM | DATS |
41 | FM_DFICTR | Funds Center (Default Value in a Commitment Item) | FISTL | CHAR |
42 | FM_DFONDS | Fund (Default Value in a Funds Center) | BP_GEBER | CHAR |
43 | FM_DHHSTEL | Deckungsring-Haushaltsstelle | FIPEX | CHAR |
44 | FM_DIFF_HWBTRT_KEY_KK | Difference in FM Area and Local Currency Tax Amounts | WERTV7 | CURR |
45 | FM_DIFF_HWBTR_KEY_KK | Difference in FM Area and Local Currency Net Amounts | WERTV7 | CURR |
46 | FM_DIFF_TRBTRT_KEY_KK | Difference in Transaction Currency Tax Amounts (FM) | WERTV7 | CURR |
47 | FM_DIFF_TRBTR_KEY_KK | Difference in Transaction Currency Net Amounts (FM) | WERTV7 | CURR |
48 | FM_DISPLAY | Display object | X | CHAR |
49 | FM_DISTDAT | Date of last distribution in collective budget admin. | DATUM | DATS |
50 | FM_DISTKEY | Distribution keys | FM_DISTKEY | CHAR |
51 | FM_DISTORD | Distribution Sequence | POSITION | NUMC |
52 | FM_DISTRIB | CBA rule used | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | FM_DK_ABG | Retirement | X | CHAR |
54 | FM_DK_ADDOFF | Erfassung: additiv aus | X | CHAR |
55 | FM_DK_ADDOFF_MULT_L | Neue Sperre | X | CHAR |
56 | FM_DK_ADDOFF_MULT_R | Neuer Freigabewert | X | CHAR |
57 | FM_DK_ADDON | X | CHAR | |
58 | FM_DK_ADDON_MULT | X | CHAR | |
59 | FM_DK_ADDON_MULT_L | X | CHAR | |
60 | FM_DK_ADDON_MULT_R | X | CHAR | |
61 | FM_DK_ALL_FRGRP | Alle Freigabegruppen | X | CHAR |
62 | FM_DK_CB | Commitments | X | CHAR |
63 | FM_DK_CPBEAC | Kommunen: Konten der Bewirtschaftung kopieren | X | CHAR |
64 | FM_DK_ECDF | Umbuchung mit Haushaltsvermerk 'Deckungsfähigkeit' | X | CHAR |
65 | FM_DK_INT_NT | X | CHAR | |
66 | FM_DK_MIND | Wenigerausgabe | X | CHAR |
67 | FM_DK_NO_FRGRP | ohne Freigabegruppen arbeiten | X | CHAR |
68 | FM_DK_PB | Payments | X | CHAR |
69 | FM_DK_PCBUDGET | X | CHAR | |
70 | FM_DK_PCLOCKABLE | Bezugsbasis für prozent. Erfassung: lokal sperrbares Budget | X | CHAR |
71 | FM_DK_PCRELEASABLE | Bezugsbasis für prozent. Erfassung: freigebbares Budget | X | CHAR |
73 | FM_DK_PR | Percentage | DEC10_2V | DEC |
74 | FM_DK_RCKG | Project return | X | CHAR |
75 | FM_DK_REST | Budgetrest manuell | X | CHAR |
76 | FM_DK_SELE_GNJHR | Auswahl Jahr Kassenwirksamkeit | X | CHAR |
77 | FM_DK_SELE_HHM | X | CHAR | |
78 | FM_DK_SELE_REL | Auswahl Freigabegruppen | X | CHAR |
79 | FM_DK_SEL_FRGRP | X | CHAR | |
80 | FM_DK_UEDF | Umbuchung mit Haushaltsvermerk 'Budgeterhöhende Einnahmen' | X | CHAR |
81 | FM_DK_UMAA | X | CHAR | |
82 | FM_DK_UMBU | X | CHAR | |
83 | FM_DLFDJPL | Änderung lfd. Jahr zum Planjahr | PRZ43V | DEC |
84 | FM_DMBTR | Amount in Local Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
85 | FM_DMBTRT_KEY | FI Tax Amount in Company Code Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
86 | FM_DMBTRT_KEY_KK | Financial Accounting Tax Amount in Company Code Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
87 | FM_DMBTR_KEY | FI Net Amount in Company Code Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
88 | FM_DMBTR_KEY_KK | Financial Accounting Net Amount in Company Code Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
89 | FM_DOCU | Documentation on function module exists | SWC_BOOL | CHAR |
92 | FM_DPFORM | CHAR30 | CHAR | |
93 | FM_DPPROG | Report für externe FORM-Routinen | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
94 | FM_DPR_UPD | Flag to activate down payment request update to PO history | XFELD | CHAR |
95 | FM_DP_CLR | Flag to activate down payment clearing during a GR/IR | XFELD | CHAR |
96 | FM_DP_DIT | Activate Conversion of Bank Clearings (80-90) | X | CHAR |
97 | FM_DP_WITH_PO | FM Down payment with reference to purchase order for BL | FM_DP_WITH_PO | CHAR |
98 | FM_DRELFDJ | Änderung RE zum lfd. Jahr | PRZ43V | DEC |
99 | FM_DRUCK | Not relevant for budget print | XFELD | CHAR |
100 | FM_EBBKXX | Period ending balance in company code currency | WERT8 | CURR |
101 | FM_EBLDXX | Period closing balance in ledger currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
102 | FM_EBTRXX | Period closing balance in transaction currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
103 | FM_EBUDGET_PERIOD | FM: Receiver Budget Period | FM_BUDGET_PERIOD | CHAR |
104 | FM_ECHTOBS | Echtlauf mit Buchungssperre | CHAR1 | CHAR |
105 | FM_EDCOM | Cover-eligible FM account assignment in commitment budget | XFELD | CHAR |
106 | FM_EDIT | Edit Number | CHAR | |
107 | FM_EDIT_STATUS | Pre-Edit Status | FM_EDIT_STATUS | CHAR |
108 | FM_EDPAY | Cover-eligible FM account assignment in payment budget | XFELD | CHAR |
109 | FM_EDSIGN | Special Character for the Format of the Commitment Item | FM_EDSIGN | CHAR |
110 | FM_EFAREA | Receiver Functional Area | FKBER | CHAR |
111 | FM_EFICTR | Receiver funds center | FISTL | CHAR |
112 | FM_EFIPEX | Receiver commitment item | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
113 | FM_EFIPOS | Receiver commitment item | FIPOS | CHAR |
114 | FM_EFKBER | Receiver Functional Area | FKBER | CHAR |
115 | FM_EFONDS | Receiver fund | BP_GEBER | CHAR |
116 | FM_EGRANT_NBR | Grant Recipient | GM_GRANT_NBR | CHAR |
117 | FM_EHEAD | Indicator: Including Fields from Entry Documents | XFELD | CHAR |
118 | FM_EHKONT | Receiver account | SAKNR | CHAR |
119 | FM_EINW | Number of residents per FM area, fiscal year | NUMC10 | NUMC |
121 | FM_EKONT | Receiver Account Assignment: Reassignment Tool | CHAR30 | CHAR |
122 | FM_EMEASURE | Funded Program Receiver | FM_MEASURE | CHAR |
123 | FM_END_INV | Last year for Cash Budget Management balances | GJAHR | NUMC |
124 | FM_EPL | Personnel Expend. | CHAR12 | CHAR |
125 | FM_EPLAN | Number of Individual Plan | FM_EPLAN | CHAR |
126 | FM_EPLT1 | Text1 des Einzelplans | TEXT50 | CHAR |
127 | FM_EPLT2 | Text2 des Einzelplans | TEXT50 | CHAR |
128 | FM_EPLTXT | Name of individual plan | TEXT100 | CHAR |
129 | FM_EPNUM | Internal line item number | FM_EPNUM | NUMC |
130 | FM_ERFDAT | FIFM: Entry Date | DATUM | DATS |
131 | FM_ERFNAME | FIFM: Created by | USNAM | CHAR |
132 | FM_ERFUHR | FIFM: Creation Time | TIME | TIMS |
133 | FM_ERHBTR | Amount of increase in expenditure budget | WERTV8 | CURR |
134 | FM_ERHPROZ | % of a Revenue Allotted to Expenditure FM Account Assignment | PRZ32 | DEC |
135 | FM_ERLTXT | Explanatory text | TEXT60 | CHAR |
136 | FM_ERNPROZ | & of a revenue which is not to increase the budget | PRZ32 | DEC |
137 | FM_ERR | Error scenario when matching FM and FI bank accounts | FM_ERR | CHAR |
138 | FM_ERRDOCS | Subsequently post incorrect docs | XFELD | CHAR |
139 | FM_ERRONLY | Display errors only | XFELD | CHAR |
140 | FM_ERROR | Error number | FM_ERROR | CHAR |
141 | FM_ERZPT | CHAR20 | CHAR | |
142 | FM_ER_RC07 | Error number | FM_ERROR | CHAR |
143 | FM_ESTAT | FM: User Status | J_ESTAT | CHAR |
144 | FM_EU | Budget type in IS-PS availble for EU | X | CHAR |
145 | FM_EUFUNCS | Activate special EU functionality | XFELD | CHAR |
146 | FM_EUMBU | Profit transfer postings | WERTV9 | CURR |
147 | FM_EURO_BUDGET | Identification Budget Data Transfer | X | CHAR |
148 | FM_EURO_YEAR | Fiscal year for the copy of an FM area | GJAHR | NUMC |
149 | FM_EU_ACT | Indicator: EU System Active | XFELD | CHAR |
150 | FM_EU_ERROR | Field for Displaying Error Messages in EU Reports | FM_EU_ERROR | CHAR |
151 | FM_EXCLCHARGE | No Dunning Charge Calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
152 | FM_EXCLUDE_FLAG | Including/Excluding flag | FM_EXCLUDE_FLAG | CHAR |
153 | FM_EXPERT_MODE | Expert Mode for FM Reports | CHAR1 | CHAR |
154 | FM_EXPSIGN | Info system +/- sign: Expendits negative / revenues positive | XFELD | CHAR |
155 | FM_EXTPROT | Display detailed log | XFELD | CHAR |
156 | FM_E_DF_E | Echte Deckungsfähigkeit Empfänger | WERTV9 | CURR |
157 | FM_E_DF_S | Echte Deckungsfähigkeit Sender | WERTV9 | CURR |
158 | FM_E_DF_T | Echte Deckungsfähigkeit Transfer | WERTV9 | CURR |
159 | FM_F4_RELEVANT | Activity text is displayed in the F4 help | X | CHAR |
160 | FM_FAREA | Functional Area | FKBER | CHAR |
161 | FM_FAREA_ACTIVE | Functional Area in Funds Management Active | XFELD | CHAR |
162 | FM_FAREA_CROSS | Functional Area | CHAR1 | CHAR |
163 | FM_FAREA_E | Functional Area (Receiver for Closing Operations) | FKBER | CHAR |
164 | FM_FAREA_GROUP | Functional Area Group | GRPNAME | CHAR |
165 | FM_FAREA_NAME | Name of the functional area | TEXT25 | CHAR |
166 | FM_FBKCL | Bank clearing - total in financial management area currency | WERT8 | CURR |
167 | FM_FCBCL | Bank clearing (custom.) - total in financial mgmt area curr. | WERT8 | CURR |
168 | FM_FCBUD | Commitment budget - total in financial managment area curr. | WERT8 | CURR |
169 | FM_FCR_CREATE | Generate File for Clearing Requests | BOOLE | CHAR |
170 | FM_FCR_FILENAME | File Path Name | TEXT128 | CHAR |
171 | FM_FCR_PC | Save on PC | BOOLE | CHAR |
172 | FM_FCSCL | Customer clearing - total in financial mgmt area currency | WERT8 | CURR |
173 | FM_FCSTRID | Funds Center Subdivision ID | CHAR10 | CHAR |
174 | FM_FCSTR_ID | Subdivision ID of the funds center | CHAR10 | CHAR |
175 | FM_FCSUB1 | Substring 1 of Funds Center | CHAR10 | CHAR |
176 | FM_FCSUB1T_LO | Description 2 of Substring 1 of Funds Center | TEXT50 | CHAR |
177 | FM_FCSUB1T_SH | Description 1 of Substring 1 of Funds Center | TEXT50 | CHAR |
178 | FM_FCSUB2 | Substring 2 of Funds Center | CHAR10 | CHAR |
179 | FM_FCSUB2T_LO | Description 2 of Substring 2 of Funds Center | TEXT50 | CHAR |
180 | FM_FCSUB2T_SH | Description 1 of Substring 2 of Funds Center | TEXT50 | CHAR |
181 | FM_FCSUB3 | Substring 3 of Funds Center | CHAR10 | CHAR |
182 | FM_FCSUB3T_LO | Description 2 of Substring 3 of Funds Center | TEXT50 | CHAR |
183 | FM_FCSUB3T_SH | Description 1 of Substring 3 of Funds Center | TEXT50 | CHAR |
184 | FM_FCTHIE | Hierarchical sequence | XFELD | CHAR |
185 | FM_FCTRDN | Flag: including subordinate funds centers | XFELD | CHAR |
186 | FM_FCTRUP | Flag: including superior funds centers | XFELD | CHAR |
187 | FM_FDPBC | Down pmt bank clearing - total in financial mgmt area curr. | WERT8 | CURR |
188 | FM_FDPCC | Down payment bank clrg (cust.) - total in fin.mgmt area curr | WERT8 | CURR |
189 | FM_FDPMT | Down payments - total in financial managment area currency | WERT8 | CURR |
190 | FM_FDPRQ | Down payment requests - total in financial mgmt area curr. | WERT8 | CURR |
191 | FM_FDSTRID | Fund Subdivision ID | CHAR10 | CHAR |
192 | FM_FDSTR_ID | Subdivision ID of the fund | CHAR10 | CHAR |
193 | FM_FDSUB1 | Substring 1 of Fund | CHAR10 | CHAR |
194 | FM_FDSUB1T_LO | Description 2 of Substring 1 of Fund | CHAR50 | CHAR |
195 | FM_FDSUB1T_SH | Description 1 of Substring 1 of Fund | CHAR50 | CHAR |
196 | FM_FDSUB2 | Substring 2 of Fund | CHAR10 | CHAR |
197 | FM_FDSUB2T_LO | Description 2 of Substring 2 of Fund | CHAR50 | CHAR |
198 | FM_FDSUB2T_SH | Description 1 of Substring 2 of Fund | CHAR50 | CHAR |
199 | FM_FFNDR | Funds reservation - total in financial mgmt area currency | WERT8 | CURR |
200 | FM_FGRGI | Goods receipt/issue - total in financial mgmt area currency | WERT8 | CURR |
201 | FM_FGRTR | Transfer posting GR/Expense - total in fin. mgmt area curr. | WERT8 | CURR |
202 | FM_FIACC | Assignment of the G/L account to FM acct. ass. is binding | XFELD | CHAR |
203 | FM_FIACC_ACTIVE | G/L Account Derivation is Active | XFELD | CHAR |
204 | FM_FIBEL | Number of Accounting Document | BELNR | CHAR |
205 | FM_FICA_GROUP | Set Corresponding FI-CA Docments | CHAR10 | CHAR |
206 | FM_FICTR | Funds Center | FISTL | CHAR |
207 | FM_FICTRPART1 | Funds Center | FM_FICTRPART1 | CHAR |
208 | FM_FICTR_B | Funds center for the budget | FISTL | CHAR |
209 | FM_FICTR_C | Subordinate Funds Center | FISTL | CHAR |
210 | FM_FICTR_CL | Funds center | FISTL | CHAR |
211 | FM_FICTR_DESCR | Description of funds center | TEXT40 | CHAR |
212 | FM_FICTR_E | Funds center (receiver in fiscal year closing) | FISTL | CHAR |
213 | FM_FICTR_GROUP | Funds Center Group | GRPNAME | CHAR |
214 | FM_FICTR_N | Next Funds Center on Same Hierarchy Level | FISTL | CHAR |
215 | FM_FICTR_NAME | Funds center name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
216 | FM_FICTR_P | Superior funds center | FISTL | CHAR |
217 | FM_FICTR_T | Top Funds Center in a Subtree | FISTL | CHAR |
218 | FM_FIELDNAME | Field Names for Field Selection Control | FM_FIELDNAME | CHAR |
219 | FM_FIELDSEL | Name of Field Selection String for Master Data | FM_FIELDSEL | CHAR |
220 | FM_FIELDSELTXT | Description of field selection string for master data | TEXT30 | CHAR |
221 | FM_FIELDSTATUS | Indicator for the Field Status | FM_FIELDSTATUS | CHAR |
222 | FM_FIFMBTR | Difference Between Amount in FI and Amount in FM | WERTV7 | CURR |
223 | FM_FIKEY_KK | Reconciliation Key Contract Accounts Receivable and Payable | CHAR12 | CHAR |
224 | FM_FIKONT | FI Balance Sheet Account for day-End Closing | SAKNR_PLUMI | CHAR |
225 | FM_FILL_DISPL_FIELDS | Fill Display Fields | XFELD | CHAR |
226 | FM_FINSTAT_FILE | CHAR128 | CHAR | |
227 | FM_FINUSE | Application of Secondary Source Funds | FM_FINUSE | CHAR |
228 | FM_FINVC | Invoices - total in financial management area currency | WERT8 | CURR |
229 | FM_FIPCB | Original for financial budget | X | CHAR |
230 | FM_FIPEB | To Commitment Item | FIPEX | CHAR |
231 | FM_FIPEDIT | Coding mask for commitment item | CHAR24 | CHAR |
232 | FM_FIPEV | From Commitment Item | FIPEX | CHAR |
233 | FM_FIPEX | Commitment item | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
234 | FM_FIPEXPART1 | Functional Classification | FM_FIPEXPART1 | CHAR |
235 | FM_FIPEXPART2 | Functional Classification | FM_FIPEXPART2 | CHAR |
236 | FM_FIPEXPART3 | Territorial Classification | FM_FIPEXPART3 | CHAR |
237 | FM_FIPEX_BI | Commitment Item - for IS-PS Only (Batch Input Field) | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
238 | FM_FIPEX_C | Subordinate Cmmt Item | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
239 | FM_FIPEX_DONT_USE | Commitment item - Do not use field - see note 447805 | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
240 | FM_FIPEX_E | Commitment Item (Receiver in Fiscal Year Closing) | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
241 | FM_FIPEX_EDITED | Commitment Item (Prepared) | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
242 | FM_FIPEX_GROUP | Commitment Item Group | GRPNAME | CHAR |
243 | FM_FIPEX_N | Next Commitment Item on Same Hierarchy | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
244 | FM_FIPEX_NEW | New Cmmt Item | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
245 | FM_FIPEX_OLD | Old Cmmt Item | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
246 | FM_FIPEX_P | Superior Commitment Item | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
247 | FM_FIPEX_T | Highest Commitment Item in Subtree | FM_FIPEX | CHAR |
248 | FM_FIPGR | Budget Structure Template | FM_FIPGR | CHAR |
249 | FM_FIPOA | Unassignable expenditures: commitment item | FIPOS | CHAR |
250 | FM_FIPOB | To Commitment Item | FM_FIPOX | CHAR |
251 | FM_FIPOE | Unassignable revenues: commitment item | FIPOS | CHAR |
252 | FM_FIPOSI | Internal Commitment Item (14-character) | CHAR14 | CHAR |
253 | FM_FIPOS_CROSS | Commitment Item | XFELD | CHAR |
254 | FM_FIPOS_E | Commitment item (receiver in fiscal year change) | FIPOS | CHAR |
255 | FM_FIPOV | From Commitment Item | FM_FIPOX | CHAR |
256 | FM_FIP_N | Nachtrag Finanzplan (Gesamt) | WERTV9 | CURR |
257 | FM_FIP_N1 | Nachtrag Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 1 ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
258 | FM_FIP_N2 | Nachtrag Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 2 ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
259 | FM_FIP_N3 | Nachtrag Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 3 ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
260 | FM_FIP_N4 | Nachtrag Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 4 ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
261 | FM_FIP_O | Originalbudget Finanzplan (Gesamt) | WERTV9 | CURR |
262 | FM_FIP_O1 | Originalbudget Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 1 ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
263 | FM_FIP_O2 | Originalbudget Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 2 ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
264 | FM_FIP_O3 | Originalbudget Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 3 ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
265 | FM_FIP_O4 | Originalbudget Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 4 ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
266 | FM_FIP_S1 | Summe Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 1 / Org + Nachtrag ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
267 | FM_FIP_S2 | Summe Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 2 / Org + Nachtrag ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
268 | FM_FIP_S3 | Summe Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 3 / Org + Nachtrag ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
269 | FM_FIP_S4 | Summe Finanzplan ( Planjahr + 4 / Org + Nachtrag ) | WERTV9 | CURR |
270 | FM_FISCAL_YR | Treasury Account Symbol - Fiscal Year | FM_FISCAL_YR | CHAR |
271 | FM_FISTL_CROSS | Funds Center | XFELD | CHAR |
272 | FM_FIS_POS | Funds center and commitment item | CHAR21 | CHAR |
273 | FM_FITABS_STATUS | Status of Summarization Key (According to Cash Reg. Dif.) | CHAR20 | CHAR |
274 | FM_FIVOR | Financial transaction | FM_FIVOR | NUMC |
275 | FM_FKBCCNC | Locking amount against commitment budget in FM area crcy | WERT7 | CURR |
276 | FM_FKBCCNP | Locking amount against payment budget in FM area currency | WERT7 | CURR |
277 | FM_FKBTR | Amount in FM area currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
278 | FM_FKBTR8 | Amount in FM area currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
279 | FM_FKBTR8K | No longer used | WERTV9 | CURR |
280 | FM_FKBTRAP | Is no longer used | WERT7 | CURR |
281 | FM_FKBTRAS | Commitment/Actual for an assigned value in FM area currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
282 | FM_FKBTRCM | Amount to be checked against commt budget, in FM area crcy | WERTV8 | CURR |
283 | FM_FKBTRCN | Blocking amount in FM area currency | WERT7 | CURR |
284 | FM_FKBTRLFT | Amount left in year in FM area currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
285 | FM_FKBTRNA | Is no longer used | WERT7 | CURR |
286 | FM_FKBTRO | Original amount in FM area currency | WERT7 | CURR |
287 | FM_FKBTROP | Open amount in FM area currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
288 | FM_FKBTRPY | Amount to be checked against payment budget, in FM area crcy | WERTV8 | CURR |
289 | FM_FKBTRST | Is no longer used | WERT7 | CURR |
290 | FM_FKBTRT_KEY | FM Tax Amount in FM Area Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
291 | FM_FKBTRT_KEY_KK | FM Tax Amount in FM Area Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
292 | FM_FKBTRWF | Amount processed in Workflows, expressed in FM area crcy | WERTV8 | CURR |
293 | FM_FKBTR_KEY | FM Net Amount in FM Area Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
294 | FM_FKBTR_KEY_KK | FM Net Amount in FM Area Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
295 | FM_FKBTR_NEW | Local Currency Amount after Change | WERTV8 | CURR |
296 | FM_FKBTR_OLD | Local Currency Amount Before Change | WERTV8 | CURR |
297 | FM_FLG_ABP_RELEVANCY | Automatic Budget Posting Relevancy Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
298 | FM_FLG_ABP_SENDER | Automatic Budget Posting Sender Data Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
299 | FM_FLG_ADVANCE | Advanced Flag | FMFG_FLG_ADVANCE | CHAR |
300 | FM_FLG_AO | CO reconciliation object | XFELD | CHAR |
301 | FM_FLG_APPORT | Apportionment Category | FM_FLG_APPORT | CHAR |
302 | FM_FLG_APPROP | Appropriation Flag | CHAR | |
303 | FM_FLG_AUTHOR | Authority Type | FM_FLG_AUTHOR | CHAR |
304 | FM_FLG_AVAIL | Availability Time | FM_FLG_AVAIL | CHAR |
305 | FM_FLG_BEA | BEA Category | FM_FLG_BEA | CHAR |
307 | FM_FLG_BORROW | Borrowing Source | FM_FLG_BORROW | CHAR |
308 | FM_FLG_BULK | Bulk / Non Bulk Flag | CHAR | |
309 | FM_FLG_BUS_AREA | flg clear business area for collection | XFELD | CHAR |
310 | FM_FLG_CERTIFY | BRB Certification Flag | FMFG_YN | CHAR |
311 | FM_FLG_CMMT_ITEM | Clear Fipex for collection | XFELD | CHAR |
312 | FM_FLG_COMMIT_ITEM_NOT_VALID | Commitment Item for Posting date Not Valid | XFELD | CHAR |
313 | FM_FLG_COSTCENTER | flg clear cost center for collection | XFELD | CHAR |
314 | FM_FLG_COVERED | Covered Indicator | FM_FLG_COVERED | CHAR |
315 | FM_FLG_COV_TRANS_REST_BUD | Determine Residual Budget Again | XFELD | CHAR |
316 | FM_FLG_CUSTODIAL | Custodial Indicator | FM_FLG_CUSTODIAL | CHAR |
317 | FM_FLG_DEFINITE | Definite/Indef indicator | FM_FLG_DEFINITE | CHAR |
318 | FM_FLG_DISP_DISTRIBUTABLE_BDGT | Display Distributable Budget | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | FM_FLG_ENTITY | Entity Indicator | FM_FLG_ENTITY | CHAR |
320 | FM_FLG_EXCHANGE | Exchange Indicator | FM_FLG_EXCHANGE | CHAR |
321 | FM_FLG_FEDERAL | Federal Indicator | FM_FLG_FEDERAL | CHAR |
322 | FM_FLG_FMS | FMS Interface Indicator | CHAR | |
323 | FM_FLG_FUNCTION_NOT_VALID | Functional Area Not Valid for Key Date | XFELD | CHAR |
324 | FM_FLG_FUNC_AREA | Flg clear farea for collection | XFELD | CHAR |
325 | FM_FLG_FUNDS_CTR | flg clear fund center for collection | XFELD | CHAR |
326 | FM_FLG_FUND_BUDPD_NOT_VALID | Fund/Budget Period for Posting Date Not Valid | XFELD | CHAR |
327 | FM_FLG_FUND_CENTER_NOT_VALID | Funds Center for Posting Date Not Valid | XFELD | CHAR |
328 | FM_FLG_FUND_NOT_VALID | Fund for Posting Date Not Valid | XFELD | CHAR |
329 | FM_FLG_GOALS | Goals Flag | CHAR | |
330 | FM_FLG_GRANT_NOT_VALID | Grant for Posting Date Not valid | XFELD | CHAR |
331 | FM_FLG_INVENTORY_POSTING | Indicates that the current posting is an inventory posting | FM_FLG_INVENTORY_POSTING | CHAR |
332 | FM_FLG_INVNTRY_PSTNG | Indicates that current posting is an inventory posting | FM_FLG_INVNTRY_PSTNG | CHAR |
333 | FM_FLG_MAST_PREP | Master Preparer Indicator | CHAR | |
334 | FM_FLG_MEASURE | collect Funded Program | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | FM_FLG_MEASURE_NOT_VALID | Funded Program for Posting Date Not Valid | XFELD | CHAR |
336 | FM_FLG_OMB | OMB Interface Indicator | CHAR | |
337 | FM_FLG_ORDERID | flg clear order for collection | XFELD | CHAR |
338 | FM_FLG_PARTNER | Transaction Partner | FM_FLG_PARTNER | CHAR |
339 | FM_FLG_PROFIT_CTR | Flg Clear profit center for collection | XFELD | CHAR |
340 | FM_FLG_REIMBUR | Reimbursable | FM_FLG_REIMBUR | CHAR |
341 | FM_FLG_RTN_SUPL | Return/Supplement | XFELD | CHAR |
342 | FM_FLG_SPLIT_ALLOC | Account Split Indicator | CHAR | |
343 | FM_FLG_TAX_TO_GL | Adjust Tax Update in GL to FM | X | CHAR |
344 | FM_FLG_TRADE_ID | flg clear trade id for collection | XFELD | CHAR |
345 | FM_FLG_WBS_ELEM | Flg clear WBS for collection | XFELD | CHAR |
346 | FM_FLG_YEAR_END | Entry used in year end | XFELD | CHAR |
347 | FM_FMAADN | Indicator: Inclusive Subordinate FM Account Assignments | XFELD | CHAR |
348 | FM_FMAAUP | Indicator: Include Superior FM Account Assignments | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | FM_FMAHIE | Hierarchical Order of FM Account Assignments | XFELD | CHAR |
350 | FM_FMAKT | Indicator: Cash Budget Management active | XFELD | CHAR |
351 | FM_FMAREA_COPY_STATUS | Status of FM area copy | FM_COPY_STATUS | NUMC |
352 | FM_FMAREA_FLG | Euro FM area active | X | CHAR |
353 | FM_FMBTR | Amount in Funds Management | WERTV7 | CURR |
354 | FM_FMCHRWIN | Change Commitment Documents Using Official Cmmt Interface | CHAR1 | CHAR |
355 | FM_FMCH_NUPDFM | Also Adjust FM Document After Selection with RFFMCHAN | XFELD | CHAR |
356 | FM_FMFSTAMM | Only master data posted to | XFELD | CHAR |
357 | FM_FMNAME | Form name | CHAR15 | CHAR |
358 | FM_FMUPDT | Automatic FM Update | XFELD | CHAR |
359 | FM_FNAME | Fund name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
360 | FM_FNSTRID | Functional Area Subdivision ID | CHAR10 | CHAR |
361 | FM_FNSTR_ID | Subdivision ID of functional area | CHAR10 | CHAR |
362 | FM_FNSUB1 | Substring 1 of Functional Area | CHAR10 | CHAR |
363 | FM_FNSUB1T_LO | Description 2 of Substring 1 of Functional Area | CHAR50 | CHAR |
364 | FM_FNSUB1T_SH | Description 1 of Substring 1 of Functional Area | CHAR50 | CHAR |
365 | FM_FNSUB2 | Substring 2 of Functional Area | CHAR10 | CHAR |
366 | FM_FNSUB2T_LO | Description 2 of Substring 2 of Functional Area | CHAR50 | CHAR |
367 | FM_FNSUB2T_SH | Description 1 of Substring 2 of Functional Area | CHAR50 | CHAR |
368 | FM_FNSUB3 | Substring 3 of Functional Area | CHAR10 | CHAR |
369 | FM_FNSUB3T_LO | Description 2 of Substring 3 of Functional Area | CHAR50 | CHAR |
370 | FM_FNSUB3T_SH | Description 1 of Substring 3 of Functional Area | CHAR50 | CHAR |
371 | FM_FODOC | Miscellaneous documents - total in financial mgmt area curr. | WERT8 | CURR |
372 | FM_FONDS | Fund | BP_GEBER | CHAR |
374 | FM_FONDS_CROSS | Fund | XFELD | CHAR |
375 | FM_FOSDC | Miscellaneous statistical documents - total in fin.mgmt curr | WERT8 | CURR |
376 | FM_FPART | Commitment Item Type | FM_FPART | CHAR |
377 | FM_FPCHO | Purchase orders - total in financial management area curr. | WERT8 | CURR |
378 | FM_FPFP1 | Finanzplan mit verschobenen Kassenwirksamkeitsjahr | X | CHAR |
379 | FM_FPFP2 | Finanzplan mit gleichem Kassenwirksamkeitsjahr | X | CHAR |
380 | FM_FPLAUS1 | Ausgaben Originalbudget Plj. + 1 | WERTV9 | CURR |
381 | FM_FPLAUS2 | Ausgaben Originalbudget Plj. + 2 | WERTV9 | CURR |
382 | FM_FPLAUS3 | Ausgaben Originalbudget Plj. + 3 | WERTV9 | CURR |
383 | FM_FPLAUS4 | Ausgaben Originalbudget Plj. + 4 | WERTV9 | CURR |
384 | FM_FPLEIN1 | Einnahmen Originalbudget Plj. + 1 | WERTV9 | CURR |
385 | FM_FPLEIN2 | Einnahmen Originalbudget Plj. + 2 | WERTV9 | CURR |
386 | FM_FPLEIN3 | Einnahmen Originalbudget Plj. + 3 | WERTV9 | CURR |
387 | FM_FPLEIN4 | Einnahmen Originalbudget Plj. + 4 | WERTV9 | CURR |
388 | FM_FPLEW1 | OrgBud Fiplan PlJahr+1 je Einwohner | WERTV9 | CURR |
389 | FM_FPLEW2 | OrgBud Fiplan PlJahr+2 je Einwohner | WERTV9 | CURR |
390 | FM_FPLEW3 | OrgBud Fiplan PlJahr+3 je Einwohner | WERTV9 | CURR |
391 | FM_FPLEW4 | OrgBud Fiplan PlJahr+4 je Einwohner | WERTV9 | CURR |
392 | FM_FPMNT | Payments - total in financial management area currency | WERT8 | CURR |
393 | FM_FPMTR | Payment transfer postings - total in fin. mgmt area currency | WERT8 | CURR |
394 | FM_FPOHIE | Hierarchical sequence | XFELD | CHAR |
395 | FM_FPOSDN | Including Subordinate Commitment Items | XFELD | CHAR |
396 | FM_FPOSUP | Flag: including superior commitment items | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | FM_FPREQ | Purchase requisitions - total in fin. mgmt area currency | WERT8 | CURR |
398 | FM_FRGPRO | Release Group Profile | FM_FRGPRO | CHAR |
399 | FM_FRGPROT | Name of Group Profile Release | FM_FRGPROT | CHAR |
400 | FM_FRGRP | Release Group | FM_FRGRP | CHAR |
401 | FM_FRGT20 | Type of Release / Local Block | FM_FRGT20 | CHAR |
402 | FM_FRGT30 | Type of Release | FM_FRGT30 | CHAR |
403 | FM_FRGT5 | Type of Release | FM_FRGT5 | CHAR |
404 | FM_FRGVORG | Budget Type Group | FM_FRGVORG | CHAR |
405 | FM_FRVRG | Indicator: Financial transaction active | XFELD | CHAR |
406 | FM_FSTATBP | Budget Period Field Status | FM_CTRL_HC | CHAR |
407 | FM_FSTATCE | Cost element field status | FM_CTRL_HC | CHAR |
408 | FM_FSTATCG | Cost element group field status | FM_CTRL_HC | CHAR |
409 | FM_FSTATCI | Commitment item field status | FM_CTRL_HC | CHAR |
410 | FM_FSTATEF | Field Status Earmarked Funds | FM_CTRL_HC | CHAR |
411 | FM_FSTATFC | Field Status Functional Area | FM_CTRL_HC | CHAR |
412 | FM_FSTATFCI | Funds center field status | FM_CTRL_HC | CHAR |
413 | FM_FSTATFU | Fund field status | FM_CTRL_HC | CHAR |
414 | FM_FSTATGNT | Field Status Grant | FM_CTRL_HC | CHAR |
415 | FM_FUNCAREA_STATUS | Functional area status | FM_OBJ_STATUS | CHAR |
416 | FM_FUNCTION_ACTIVE | Activate Functional Area | XFELD | CHAR |
417 | FM_FUNCTION_BLANK | Blank is Valid Value for the Functional Area | XFELD | CHAR |
418 | FM_FUNCTION_DEACTIVATED | Deactivate Functional Area | XFELD | CHAR |
419 | FM_FUNCTION_START_HR | Functional area can be assigned to an account in HR from | DATUM | DATS |
420 | FM_FUND | Fund | BP_GEBER | CHAR |
421 | FM_FUNDSCTR_STATUS | Funds center status | FM_OBJ_STATUS | CHAR |
422 | FM_FUNDSEL | Quantity of selected funds for closing operations | FM_FUNDSEL | CHAR |
423 | FM_FUNDSTAT | Fund status | FM_FUND_STATUS | CHAR |
424 | FM_FUNDS_CTR_ACTIVE | Activate Funds Center | XFELD | CHAR |
425 | FM_FUNDS_CTR_START_HR | Funds center can be assigned to an account in HR from | DATUM | DATS |
427 | FM_FUNDTYPET | FM Fund Type Description | FM_FUNDTYPET | CHAR |
428 | FM_FUND_ACTIVE | Activate Fund | XFELD | CHAR |
429 | FM_FUND_BLANK | Blank is a Valid Value for Fund | XFELD | CHAR |
430 | FM_FUND_CNTR_STOP_HR | Assignable to Account in HR Until | DATUM | DATS |
431 | FM_FUND_DEACTIVATED | Deactivate Fund | XFELD | CHAR |
432 | FM_FUND_DESCR | Description of funds | TEXT40 | CHAR |
433 | FM_FUND_GROUP | Fund Group | GRPNAME | CHAR |
434 | FM_FUND_LONG | Fonds | FM_FUND | CHAR |
435 | FM_FUND_NAME | Fund name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
436 | FM_FUND_START_HR | Fund can be assigned to an account in HR from | DATUM | DATS |
437 | FM_FUND_STATUS | FM Fund Status (Unexpired, Expired, Cancelled) | FM_FUND_STATUS | CHAR |
438 | FM_FUSEBSH | Application of funds description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
439 | FM_FUSER | User defined transactions - total in fin. mgmt area curr. | WERT8 | CURR |
440 | FM_FUSETXT | Application of funds description | TEXT20 | CHAR |
441 | FM_FYC_ALE | ALE Distribution Scenario Active | CHAR1 | CHAR |
442 | FM_FYC_AREA | FM Closing Operations: Area for System Settings | FM_FYC_AREA | NUMC |
443 | FM_FYC_DEST | RFC Server Group for Parallel Background Processing | RZLLI_ACN | CHAR |
444 | FM_FYC_FLG_REVERSE | Undo Closing Operation Transaction | CHAR1 | CHAR |
445 | FM_FYC_LEDGER | Budget category | RLDNR | CHAR |
446 | FM_FYC_LEDGERT | Budget Category (Description) | TEXT30 | CHAR |
447 | FM_FYC_PARAL | Number of Parallel Processes in Closing Operations | FM_FYC_PARAL | NUMC |
448 | FM_FYC_PARALLEL | Program Flow with Parallel Processing | XFELD | CHAR |
449 | FM_FYC_PROCESS | FM Closing Operations | FM_FYC_PROCESS | CHAR |
450 | FM_FYC_REFBN | Document Number of a Commitment or FI Document | BELNR | CHAR |
451 | FM_FYC_REFBN_ROOT | Document Number of Chain Origin | BELNR | CHAR |
452 | FM_FYC_RFPOS_ROOT | Item Number of Chain Origin | NUMC05 | NUMC |
453 | FM_FYC_SELWF | Make Selection Using Work Items (Deletion Report) | XFELD | CHAR |
454 | FM_FYC_STATUS | Error Status | CHAR16 | CHAR |
455 | FM_FYC_WFDOCTYPE | Description Document Type: Earmarked Funds or Value Adjstmnt | TEXT30 | CHAR |
456 | FM_GDCOM | Cover pool for commitment budget | XFELD | CHAR |
457 | FM_GDPAY | Copy pool for payment budget | XFELD | CHAR |
458 | FM_GEBER_CANCEL | Cancelled Fund | BP_GEBER | CHAR |
459 | FM_GEBER_LONG | Obsolete | CHAR20 | CHAR |
460 | FM_GESKO_N | Summe der genehmigten Gesamtkosten Nachtrag | WERTV8 | CURR |
461 | FM_GESKO_O | Summe der genehmigten Gesamtkosten Originalbudget | WERTV8 | CURR |
462 | FM_GES_N | Gesamtkosten/Gesamteinnahmen Nachtrag | WERTV8 | CURR |
463 | FM_GES_O | Gesamtkosten/Gesamteinnahmen Originalbud. | WERTV8 | CURR |
464 | FM_GES_S | Summe Gesamtkosten/Gesamteinnahmen (OrgBud + Nachtrag) | WERTV8 | CURR |
465 | FM_GES_SUM | WERTV8 | CURR | |
466 | FM_GIBOTH | Record goods isssue in full | X | CHAR |
467 | FM_GINOBSX | Cash balance items not budget relevant | X | CHAR |
468 | FM_GINOREL | Goods issue is not budget relevant | X | CHAR |
469 | FM_GJAHR | Fiscal year | GJAHR | NUMC |
470 | FM_GJAHRB1 | Fiscal year up to which the FM line items are deleted | GJAHR | NUMC |
471 | FM_GJAHRB2 | Fiscal year up to which the FM totals records are deleted | GJAHR | NUMC |
472 | FM_GJAHR_AB | From fiscal year | GJAHR | NUMC |
473 | FM_GJAHR_BIS | To fiscal year | GJAHR | NUMC |
474 | FM_GJAHR_F | Fiscal year (fiscal year variant of the fund) | GJAHR | NUMC |
475 | FM_GJBIS | To Fiscal Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
476 | FM_GJVON | From Fiscal Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
477 | FM_GJW_E | Masch. GJW Empfänger Übertrag | WERTV9 | CURR |
478 | FM_GJW_S | Masch. GJW Sender Übertrag | WERTV9 | CURR |
479 | FM_GJW_SP | Masch. GJW Buchungssperre | WERTV9 | CURR |
480 | FM_GKFLG | Relevant to total costs | XFELD | CHAR |
481 | FM_GLACC_FIPEX | Commitment Item for Offsetting Entry Line P&L Acct | FIPEX | CHAR |
482 | FM_GLD | CHAR24 | CHAR | |
483 | FM_GLD_VS | Verdichtungs-/Summierungsvorschrift der Gliederung | TEXT50 | CHAR |
484 | FM_GMVKZ | Item is in Execution | FM_GMVKZ | CHAR |
485 | FM_GM_DESC | Grant Description | TEXT80 | CHAR |
486 | FM_GM_NAME | Name of Grant | TEXT20 | CHAR |
487 | FM_GOODSR | Goods receipt is recorded | X | CHAR |
488 | FM_GOTOPOS | Position on line number | FM_ITABKEY | NUMC |
489 | FM_GPLBEZ | Bezeichnung des Gesamtplans | TEXT20 | CHAR |
490 | FM_GPLNR | Nummer des Gesamtplans Teil B | NUMC2 | NUMC |
491 | FM_GP_DAYS | Grace Period in Days | NUM03 | NUMC |
492 | FM_GP_MONTHS | Grace Period In Months | MONAT | NUMC |
493 | FM_GRANT_DEACTIVATED | Deactivate Grant | XFELD | CHAR |
494 | FM_GRANT_GROUP | Grant Group | GRPNAME | CHAR |
495 | FM_GRANT_START_HR | Grant Available in HR From | DATUM | DATS |
496 | FM_GRNAME | Group name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
497 | FM_GROUP | User groups | FM_GROUP | CHAR |
498 | FM_GRP | Group | CHAR12 | CHAR |
499 | FM_GRPNR_BIS | Folder Prefix of Higher Interval Limit | CHAR2 | CHAR |
500 | FM_GRPNR_VON | Folder Prefix of Lower Interval Limit | CHAR2 | CHAR |