SAP ABAP Data Element - Index F, page 24
Data Element - F
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | FLIGHT_PROGRAM_PROVIDER_CODE | Frequent flyer program: Provider code | FTPD_PROVIDER_CODE | CHAR |
3 | FLIGHT_RAIL_LIST | Combined Display of Flight and Rail | FTPD_FLIGHT_RAIL_LIST | CHAR |
4 | FLIGHT_RBD | Flight Booking Code (RBD) | FTPD_FLIGHT_RBD | CHAR |
5 | FLIGHT_SCREEN | Seat Indicator: Video Screen | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
8 | FLIGHT_SEAT_AVAILABILITY | Seat Availability (Checkbox) | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
9 | FLIGHT_SEAT_STATUS | Flight seat status | FTPD_LEG_STATUS | CHAR |
11 | FLIGHT_SERVICE_NR | Travel service item number of flight | FTPD_FLIGHT_ID | NUMC |
12 | FLIGHT_SLOC_ARR | Flight Arrival Location | FTPD_IATA_LOCATION | CHAR |
13 | FLIGHT_SLOC_CONN | Stopover within flight segment | FTPD_IATA_LOCATION | CHAR |
14 | FLIGHT_SLOC_DEP | Departure Location | FTPD_IATA_LOCATION | CHAR |
15 | FLIGHT_SMOKE | Smoker/Nonsmoker | FTPD_PREF_SMOKER | CHAR |
16 | FLIGHT_SPACE | Seat Indicator: Additional Space | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
18 | FLIGHT_STOP_OVER | Stopover airport | FTPD_GEO_ID | CHAR |
19 | FLIGHT_STOP_OVER_TIME | Time of stopover | FTPD_TIME | TIMS |
20 | FLIGHT_TERM_ARR | Terminal code (arrival) | FTPD_TERMINAL | CHAR |
21 | FLIGHT_TERM_DEP | Terminal Code (Departure) | FTPD_TERMINAL | CHAR |
22 | FLIGHT_TIMES | Indicator for Entry of Flight Times in Dialog | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | FLIGHT_TIME_ARR | Flight arrival time | FTPD_TIME | TIMS |
24 | FLIGHT_TIME_DEP | Flight departure time | FTPD_TIME | TIMS |
25 | FLIGHT_TIME_FLOWN | Existing flight time | FTPD_TIME | TIMS |
26 | FLIGHT_TYPE | Flight type: International/domestic | FTPD_FLIGHT_TYPE | CHAR |
27 | FLIGHT_UPPER_DECK | Seat Indicator: Upper Deck | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
28 | FLIKZ | Indicator: Selection by production line | XFELD | CHAR |
29 | FLINCOMP | Incomplete (Instance, Configuration) | XFELD | CHAR |
30 | FLINCONS | Inconsistent (Instance, Configuration) | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | FLINE_D | IS-H: Line Item Screen Field | CHAR2 | CHAR |
32 | FLINH | Indicator: characteristic is inherited | CHAR1 | CHAR |
33 | FLINHCHAR | Only Execute for Inherited Characteristics | XFELD | CHAR |
34 | FLINN | Line number in form | NUMC3 | NUMC |
35 | FLINNO | Line Number in Form | NUMC3 | NUMC |
36 | FLINS_KK | Sender Institution Error Reason | FLINS_KK | CHAR |
37 | FLINT | Interval breakdown | YNFLG | CHAR |
38 | FLIST | Frame for list/overview | TEXT81 | CHAR |
39 | FLISTS | Free lists | DEC17 | DEC |
40 | FLIST_G | Free list groups | DEC17 | DEC |
41 | FLITD | Inception-to-Date Billing | XFELD | CHAR |
42 | FLLISTALL | List All Objects | XFELD | CHAR |
43 | FLLKENZ | Deletion Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
44 | FLLOCALDEP | Indicator: Local Object Dependencies | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | FLLOGON | API Log Switched On | XFELD | CHAR |
46 | FLM03 | Content for Finnish LM03 Format | CHAR280_KK | CHAR |
47 | FLMAIL | JIT: Mail to Vendor on Generation of Internet Release | XFELD | CHAR |
48 | FLMARKEDX | Flyer Selected | RF_KENNZX | CHAR |
49 | FLMASTERDATA | Get Master Data (or Result) | XFELD | CHAR |
50 | FLMEH | Conversion in Sales Unit/Base Unit of Measure | XFELD | CHAR |
51 | FLMNG | Shortfall quantity of the component in the order | MENG13 | QUAN |
52 | FLMSGLONG | Copy long text | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | FLMSGON | Copy API messages | XFELD | CHAR |
54 | FLNAME | Filename | STRING | STRG |
55 | FLNGTH | Output Length | FORM_POSITION | NUMC |
56 | FLNOCHGDOC | Switch off change documents | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | FLNOSTDVAL | Valid-from date not copied from change master record | XFLAG | CHAR |
58 | FLNRAN | Number of incorrect line items in acquisition posting | LNRAN | NUMC |
59 | FLOAT | Field of type FLTP | FLTP | FLTP |
60 | FLOAT08 | Floating Point Number - 64 Bit | FLOAT08 | FLTP |
61 | FLOATABS | Absolute deviation | B_FLOAT | FLTP |
62 | FLOATREL | Relative deviation | B_FLOAT | FLTP |
63 | FLOATVALUE | Floating point value | B_FLOAT | FLTP |
64 | FLOAT_8_BCO | Field of type FLTP | FLTP | FLTP |
65 | FLOAT_VAL | Float value for FRMFLD | FLOAT_VAL | FLTP |
66 | FLOAT_VALUE | Proxy Data Element (Generated) | FLTP | |
67 | FLOAT_WERT | General value for interpolation (interest, vola, rate, .) | FLTP | FLTP |
68 | FLOCTYPE | Type of Customer-Facing Location | LOCTYP | CHAR |
69 | FLONG | Field name | FLONG | CHAR |
70 | FLOOR_ID1 | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
71 | FLOPO | Floating point for independent requirements splitting | FLOPO | FLTP |
72 | FLOW_EXPL | Variable display depth in browser | XFELD | CHAR |
73 | FLOW_STATE | Flow status | CHAR | |
74 | FLOW_TEXT | Text for a node of document flow | CHAR90 | CHAR |
75 | FLPBHBFG | IS-H: Planned beds of an org. unit subsidized acc. to HBFG | BED_FLTP | FLTP |
76 | FLPBKHG | IS-H: Planned beds of an org. unit subsidized acc. to KHG | BED_FLTP | FLTP |
77 | FLPBSON | IS-H: Other planned beds of an org. unit | BED_FLTP | FLTP |
78 | FLPBSUM | IS-H: Total Planned Beds in Organizational Unit | BED_FLTP | FLTP |
79 | FLPGV | Product group used in CO integration | XFELD | CHAR |
80 | FLPKT | Points share of layout module | NUMC8 | NUMC |
81 | FLPOS | Position number of table field in database | NTABLONG | RAW |
82 | FLPXX | General floating-point for counter field | FLPXX | FLTP |
83 | FLQACTIVE | Liquidity Calculation: Online Update Active | XFELD | CHAR |
84 | FLQBELNR | Liquidity Calculation: Document Number | BELNR | CHAR |
85 | FLQBKTXT | Liquidity Calculation - Header Text for Man. Trans. Postings | TEXT40 | CHAR |
86 | FLQBSTAT | Liquidity Calculation: Doc. Status Manual Transfer Posting | FLQBSTAT | CHAR |
87 | FLQBUKRS | Liquidity Calculation: Paying Company Code | BUKRS | CHAR |
88 | FLQBUZEI | Liquidity Calculation: Line Item | BUZEI | NUMC |
89 | FLQCHECKGSBER | Liquidity Calculation: Check Free Business Area | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
90 | FLQCLASS | Liquidity Calculation: Type of Line Item | FLQCLASS | CHAR |
91 | FLQCURTP | Liquidity Calculation: Currency Type for Third Currency | CURTP | CHAR |
92 | FLQDAY | Liquidity Calculation: Payment Date | DATUM | DATS |
93 | FLQDMIT | Liquidity Calculation: Amount in Local Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
94 | FLQDMSUM | Liquidity Calculation: Amount in Local Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
95 | FLQDP_NOEND | Liquidity Calculation: Down Payment Line Items Not End Point | XFELD | CHAR |
96 | FLQEXITCREA | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Append Fields | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
97 | FLQEXIT_ASGN_BS | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Liquidity Item Derivation | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
98 | FLQEXIT_ASGN_EX | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Liquidity Item Derivation | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
99 | FLQEXIT_ASGN_FI | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Liquidity Item Derivation | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
100 | FLQEXIT_ASGN_REX | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Liquidity Item Derivation | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
101 | FLQEXIT_CCR | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Document Chains | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
102 | FLQEXIT_CM_DATA | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Forecast Information | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
103 | FLQEXIT_MODIFY_INV | Liquidity Calculation: Exit to Modification of Calculations | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
104 | FLQEXIT_REDU_CL1 | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Clearing Reduction 1 | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
105 | FLQEXIT_REDU_CL2 | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Clearing Reduction 2 | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
106 | FLQEXIT_REDU_DOC | Liquidity Calculation: Exit for Document Reduction | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
107 | FLQEXTENSION | Liquidity Calculation: Extended Account Assignments | XFELD | CHAR |
108 | FLQF4HELPGSBER | Liquidity Calculation: F4 Help for Free Business Area | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
109 | FLQFIPOS | Liquidity Calculation: Short Commitment Item | CHAR10 | CHAR |
110 | FLQFLD | Liquidity Calculation: Technical Field Name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
111 | FLQFURTHER | Liquidity Calculation: Further Evaluation | XFELD | CHAR |
112 | FLQGRPID | Liquidity Calculation: Query Sequence | CHAR14 | CHAR |
113 | FLQGSBER | Liquidity Calculation: Replacement for Business Area | GSBER | CHAR |
114 | FLQINACT | Liquidity Calculation: Query Ignored | XFELD | CHAR |
115 | FLQINFO_APPL | Liquidity Calculation: Maintain Info Accounts in Application | XFELD | CHAR |
116 | FLQKTOSL | Liquidity Calculation: Account Key for Material Account | CHAR3 | CHAR |
117 | FLQKWAER | Liquidity Calculation: Third Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
118 | FLQKWIT | Liquidity Calculation: Amount in Third Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
119 | FLQKWSUM | Liquidity Calculation: Amount in Third Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
120 | FLQMAX_REC_CLEARED | Liquidity Calculation: Limit for Recursion Termination | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
121 | FLQNONACT | Liquidity Calculation: Account Is not an Actual Account | XFELD | CHAR |
122 | FLQNOTOTALS | Liquidity Calculation: No Aggregates | XFELD | CHAR |
123 | FLQNRNR | Liquidity Calculation: Number Range for Transfer Postings | CHAR2 | CHAR |
124 | FLQORIG | Liquidity Calculation: Origin of Item | FLQORIG | CHAR |
125 | FLQORIG_NEW | Liquidity Calculation: New Origin Symbol for Assignment | FLQORIG | CHAR |
126 | FLQPARTNER | Liquidity Calculation: Counterparty for Payment | FLQPARTNER | CHAR |
127 | FLQPOS | Liquidity Item | FLQPOS | CHAR |
128 | FLQPOS_D | Liquidity Item: Default Value | FLQPOS | CHAR |
129 | FLQPOS_IN | Liquidity Item for Non-Assigned Incoming Payments | FLQPOS | CHAR |
130 | FLQPOS_IN_NM | Liquidity Item for N:M Incoming Transfer | FLQPOS | CHAR |
131 | FLQPOS_IN_TF | Liquidity Item for Incoming Cash Transfer | FLQPOS | CHAR |
132 | FLQPOS_LT | Liquidity Item: Description | TEXT60 | CHAR |
133 | FLQPOS_OUT | Liquidity Item for Non-Assigned Outgoing Payments | FLQPOS | CHAR |
134 | FLQPOS_OUT_NM | Liquidity Item for Outgoing N:M Transfer | FLQPOS | CHAR |
135 | FLQPOS_OUT_TF | Liquidity Item for Outgoing Cash Transfer | FLQPOS | CHAR |
136 | FLQPOS_ST | Liquidity Item - Name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
137 | FLQQRBUKRS | Liquidity Calculation: Company Code for Query/Sequence | BUKRS | CHAR |
138 | FLQQRID | Liquidity Calculation: Query ID | CHAR14 | CHAR |
139 | FLQQR_LT | Liquidity Calculation: Query Description | TEXT60 | CHAR |
140 | FLQQR_ST | Liquidity Calculation: Query Name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
141 | FLQRGNO | Liquidity Calculation: Internal Number for Range Entry | NUMC3 | NUMC |
142 | FLQRG_HIGH | Liquidity Calculation: Upper Value of Range | CHAR45 | CHAR |
143 | FLQRG_LOW | Liquidity Calculation: Lower Value of Range | CHAR45 | CHAR |
144 | FLQSEQNO | Liquidity Calculation: Sequential Number of Query | NUMC5 | NUMC |
145 | FLQSUBSCR | Liquidity Calculation: Subscreen Number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
146 | FLQTOP | Liquidity Calculation: Top Level Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
147 | FLQTYPE | Liquidity Calculation: Line Item Category | FLQTYPE | CHAR |
148 | FLQTYPE_FC | Liquidity Calculation: Category of Forecast Line Item | FLQTYPE_FC | CHAR |
149 | FLQWRIT | Liquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
150 | FLQWRSUM | Liquidity Calculation: Amount in Transaction Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
151 | FLQXBUDAT | Liquidity Calculation: Update for Posting Date | XFELD | CHAR |
152 | FLQXCURREX | Liquidity Calculation: Currency Swap Permitted | XFELD | CHAR |
153 | FLQXDEL | Liquidity Calculation: Historical Line Item | XFELD | CHAR |
154 | FLQXFREEGSBER | Liquidity Calculation: Free Usage of Business Area | XFELD | CHAR |
155 | FLQXGR_IR | Liquidity Calculation: Get Information from Orders | XFELD | CHAR |
156 | FLQXGSBER | Liquidity Calculation: Business Area Update | XFELD | CHAR |
157 | FLQXNM_REL | Liquidity Calculation: Special Treatment in N:M Case | XFELD | CHAR |
158 | FLQXONECC | Liquidity Calculation: Completed per Company Code | XFELD | CHAR |
159 | FLQXOPEND | Liquidity Calculation: Open G/L Account Lines are End Point | XFELD | CHAR |
160 | FLQXPARTIAL | Liquidity Calculation: Use Partial Information | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | FLQXTAXNET | Liquidity Calculation: Display Tax Separately | XFELD | CHAR |
162 | FLQ_ALIST | Liquidity Calculation: List for Analysis | XFELD | CHAR |
163 | FLQ_ASGN_FUNC | Liquidity Calculation: Derivation Function | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
164 | FLQ_DATA_O | Liquidity Calculation: Date of Data | DATUM | DATS |
165 | FLQ_EXITFUNCTION | Liquidity Calculation: Exit Function for Substitution | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
166 | FLQ_EXITPERCENTAGE | Liquidity Calculation: Percentage Threshold for Substitution | ABPRC | NUMC |
167 | FLQ_HKONT_R | Liquidity Calculation: G/L Account for Initial Setup | SAKNR | CHAR |
168 | FLQ_IBLART | Liquidity Calculation: Info Document Type | BLART | CHAR |
169 | FLQ_LIMIT_ACT | Liquidity Calculation: Number of Related Actual Line Items | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
170 | FLQ_LIMIT_PRD | Liquidity Calculation: Recusion Depth Times Clearing | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
171 | FLQ_LIMIT_REC | Liquidity Calculation: Number of Recursion Steps | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
172 | FLQ_LIST | Liquidity Calculation: Output List | XFELD | CHAR |
173 | FLQ_LQPOS_BAL | Liquidity Calculation: Item To Display Cash Balance | FLQPOS | CHAR |
174 | FLQ_LQPOS_BUF | Liquidity Calculation: Buffer Item | FLQPOS | CHAR |
175 | FLQ_NLIST | Liquidity Calculation: No List | XFELD | CHAR |
176 | FLQ_NO_CHECK | Liquidity Calculation: No Prelim. Check Before Regeneration | XFELD | CHAR |
177 | FLQ_NO_ZERO | Liquidity Calculation: Do Not Display Zero Amounts | XFELD | CHAR |
178 | FLQ_ONE_STEP | Liquidity Calculation: First Derivation Step Only | XFELD | CHAR |
179 | FLQ_SUBSTFELD | Liquidity Calculation: Field Changed by Substitution | FDNAME | CHAR |
180 | FLQ_TAKE_NEW | Liquidity Calc.: New Entry Has Priority During Regeneration | XFELD | CHAR |
181 | FLQ_TAKE_OLD | Liquidity Calc.: Old Entry Has Priority During Regeneration | XFELD | CHAR |
182 | FLQ_TCURR | Liquidity Calculation: Target Currency for Currency Swap | WAERS | CUKY |
183 | FLQ_TWO_STEP_EXIT | Liquidity Calculation: Second Derivation Step, Exit Only | XFELD | CHAR |
184 | FLQ_TWO_STEP_INV | Liquidity Calculation: Second Step in Customer/Vendor | XFELD | CHAR |
185 | FLQ_TWO_STEP_REX | Liquidity Calculation:2nd Derivation Step in Expense/Revenue | XFELD | CHAR |
186 | FLREF | Field selection reference | FLREF | CHAR |
187 | FLREF_MG | Field reference for material master | FLREF_MG | CHAR |
188 | FLREF_TC | Field selection reference in transaction code length | TCODE | CHAR |
189 | FLREF_TYPE | Category of field selection | FLREF_TYPE | CHAR |
190 | FLRELEASED | Indicator: Characteristic Released | XFELD | CHAR |
191 | FLREQ | Indicator: characteristic is required/optional | CHAR1 | CHAR |
192 | FLRES | Flag: costs were read from the corresponding type | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
193 | FLRESETALL | Reset overwrite for class/variant table | XFELD | CHAR |
194 | FLRESULTONLY | Result-Oriented Order BOM | XFELD | CHAR |
195 | FLRPW | Representative value (flag for print control) | YNFLG | CHAR |
196 | FLRTX | Description of field selection reference key | TEXT30 | CHAR |
197 | FLSKZ | Next record indicator for CAD data transfer | FLSKZ | CHAR |
198 | FLSOP | Indicator: SOP | X | CHAR |
199 | FLSRC_KK | File Source | XFELD | CHAR |
200 | FLS_LFART | Delivery Type for Outbound Delivery for Enh. Store Return | LFART | CHAR |
201 | FLS_LFART_CC | Delivery Type Inbound Delivery Cross Enhanced Store Returns | LFART | CHAR |
202 | FLS_LFART_IC | Delivery Type Inbound Delivery Intra. Enhanced Store Returns | LFART | CHAR |
203 | FLS_RSTO | Store Return with Inbound and Outbound Delivery | XFELD | CHAR |
204 | FLTCOUNTER | Filter counter | NUM4 | NUMC |
205 | FLTEXTX | Text | RF_KENNZX | CHAR |
206 | FLTEXT_KK | Name of Error Reason | TXT50 | CHAR |
207 | FLTOIL_TYPE | Consumable type of oil | FLUID_TYPE | CHAR |
208 | FLTPL_NAME | Functional location Template profile name | FLTPL_NAME | CHAR |
209 | FLTP_VALUE | Floating point value | FLTP | FLTP |
210 | FLTTX | Description of functional location category | TEXT30 | CHAR |
211 | FLTTYP | Filter Type for Delivery Data in Shipment | FLTTYP | CHAR |
212 | FLTXT | Text for special case field | TEXT10 | CHAR |
213 | FLTXYR | Flag for tax year (UK only) | CHAR001 | CHAR |
214 | FLTYP | Functional Location Category | FLTYP | CHAR |
215 | FLT_COAK | Actual Cost of Operation in Controlling Area Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
216 | FLT_COAO | Actual Costs of Operation in Object Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
217 | FLT_COPK | Planned Cost of Operation in Controlling Area Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
218 | FLT_COPO | Planned Cost of Operation in Object Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
219 | FLT_DEP | Filter-Dependence with BADI Definitions | ALTERN | CHAR |
220 | FLT_DISP_TXT | Fleet SDP: Display Version Description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
221 | FLT_DISP_VER | Fleet SDP: Display Version | CHAR3 | CHAR |
222 | FLT_EXT | Enhanceability of a Filter Type for BADI Definitions | ALTERN | CHAR |
223 | FLT_FLOAT_PT | Fleet SDP: Floating Point Value (Example) | IMRC_FLTPS | FLTP |
224 | FLT_FLTCODES | Fleet SDP: Use Vehicle VMRS | KREUZ | CHAR |
225 | FLT_NAME | Filter name | FILTERNAME | CHAR |
226 | FLT_PROP_TXT | Fleet SDP: Propose VMRS Text | KREUZ | CHAR |
227 | FLT_QUANTITY | Fleet SDP: Quantity Value (Example) | FLT_COUNTER | QUAN |
228 | FLT_QUNIT | Fleet SDP: Unit of Measure (Example) | MEINS | UNIT |
229 | FLT_TEXT | Short Text for Filter Values for Bus. Add-In Implementations | FLT_TEXT | CHAR |
230 | FLT_TYPE | Filter Type | ROLLNAME | CHAR |
231 | FLT_VMRS15 | Fleet SDP: VMRS Code 15 (currently: NN) | QCODE | CHAR |
232 | FLT_VMRS33 | Fleet SDP: VMRS Code 33 (Currently: NNN-NNN-NNN) | J_3GKATNRC | CHAR |
233 | FLT_VMRS79 | Fleet SDP: VMRS Code 79 (Currently: NN-NN-NN) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
234 | FLUGH | Airport | XFELD | CHAR |
235 | FLUID_TYPE | Fluid Type | FLUID_TYPE | CHAR |
236 | FLUPX | Indicator: business event follow-up processing completed | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
237 | FLURID | IS-H: Indentification of Corridor | BAUID | CHAR |
238 | FLURKZ | IS-H: Indicator that Building Unit is Corridor | XFELD | CHAR |
239 | FLURK_ANLA | Land register map number | CHAR4 | CHAR |
240 | FLURN_ANLA | Plot number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
241 | FLUSHCKPTS | Number of buffer flushes due to checkpointing | SINT4_NOS | INT4 |
242 | FLUSHES | Flushes | DEC14 | DEC |
243 | FLVAR | Area schema | FLVAR | CHAR |
244 | FLWARNING | API log contains warning messages | XFELD | CHAR |
245 | FLWITHVALS | Characteristics with values | XFELD | CHAR |
246 | FLWITHVDSC | Characteristic value descriptions | XFELD | CHAR |
247 | FLW_ADTATR | With additional data | XFLAG | CHAR |
248 | FLW_ASS_CH | Characteristics with Assigned Values | XFLAG | CHAR |
249 | FLW_BASATR | With basic data | XFLAG | CHAR |
250 | FLW_BOMATR | With attributes relevant to BOMs | XFLAG | CHAR |
251 | FLW_CHATR | Characteristic attributes | XFLAG | CHAR |
252 | FLW_CLATR | With attributes of class | XFLAG | CHAR |
253 | FLW_CLDSCR | With Class Description | XFLAG | CHAR |
254 | FLW_DEPDAT | Object dependency basic data | XFELD | CHAR |
255 | FLW_DEPDES | With Object Dependency Description(s) | XFELD | CHAR |
256 | FLW_DEPDOC | Object dependency documentation | XFELD | CHAR |
257 | FLW_DEPORD | Sequence of procedures | XFELD | CHAR |
258 | FLW_DEPSRS | Dependency Source Code | XFELD | CHAR |
259 | FLW_GL_DEP | Indicator: With Global Dependencies | XFELD | CHAR |
260 | FLW_INH_CH | Indicator: With Inherited Characteristics | XFLAG | CHAR |
261 | FLW_OPT_CH | Optional characteristics | XFLAG | CHAR |
262 | FLW_REQCH | Required entry characteristics | XFLAG | CHAR |
263 | FLW_STDATR | With attributes relevant to standard | XFLAG | CHAR |
264 | FLW_UNASCH | Characteristics without assigned values | XFLAG | CHAR |
265 | FLW_VTENTR | Contents (characteristic values) of variant table | XFELD | CHAR |
266 | FLX01 | Description of functional location | CHAR | |
267 | FLXAM | "Flex" costs | WERTV5 | CURR |
268 | FLXCR | "Flexible Benefits" Credit Amount | WERTV5 | CURR |
269 | FLYERID | Flyer ID | NUMC3 | NUMC |
270 | FL_13 | Field 13 in Period Table | VPFLD | CHAR |
271 | FL_15 | Field 15 in Period Table | VPFLD | CHAR |
272 | FL_16 | Field 16 in Period Table | VPFLD | CHAR |
273 | FL_18 | Field 18 in Period Table | VPFLD | CHAR |
274 | FL_ADATE | Flight date | DATUM | DATS |
275 | FL_APPNO | Proposal number | FL_APPNO | NUMC |
276 | FL_ARRV | Destination | FL_AIRP | CHAR |
277 | FL_ATIME | Arrival Time | FL_TIMS | TIMS |
278 | FL_ATTEND | Flight attendants | FL_LNAME | CHAR |
279 | FL_ATTEND1 | Flight attendants | FL_LNAME | CHAR |
280 | FL_BOOKING | Occupancy of airplane | FL_BOOKING | INT4 |
281 | FL_BUKFLG | Business Partner: Company Code Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
282 | FL_BUKRSTRANS | Indicator: Transport Company Code | KENNZX | CHAR |
283 | FL_BUTTON | Pushbutton text | TEXT4 | CHAR |
284 | FL_CAP | Capacity | FL_CAP | INT4 |
285 | FL_CHART | Status (scheduled or charter) | FL_STAT | CHAR |
286 | FL_CLASSB | Business class booking | FL_CLASS | CHAR |
287 | FL_CLASSE | Economy class booking | FL_CLASS | CHAR |
288 | FL_CLASSF | First class booking | FL_CLASS | CHAR |
290 | FL_COSTC | Cost center | FL_COSTC | NUMC |
291 | FL_CURR | Currency indicator | FL_CURR | CHAR |
292 | FL_CUSNO | Customer number | FL_CUSSNO | NUMC |
293 | FL_DAT | Departure date | DATUM | DATS |
294 | FL_DATE | Departure date | FL_DATE | DATS |
295 | FL_DEBFLG | Business Partner Customer Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
296 | FL_DEPA | Departure From | FL_AIRP | CHAR |
297 | FL_DEPT | Department | FL_DEPT | CHAR |
298 | FL_DESCR | Description for Flyer or Text | TEXT50 | CHAR |
299 | FL_DISCNT | Discount in price of flight | FL_DISCNT | CHAR |
300 | FL_DTIME | Departure Time | FL_TIMS | TIMS |
301 | FL_DV_CC | Copy Default Values / Must Confirm | CHAR1 | CHAR |
302 | FL_DV_DE | Default Values Deleted / Entered | CHAR1 | CHAR |
303 | FL_ENV_FIND | Indicator: MDT Category Has Environment Analyzer | EBA_FLAG | CHAR |
304 | FL_EXTN | File Extension | FL_EXTN | CHAR |
305 | FL_FAXNR | Fax | CHAR7 | CHAR |
306 | FL_FCONS | Fuel consumption | FL_FCONS | NUMC |
307 | FL_FLCODE | Flight code | FL_FLCODE | NUMC |
308 | FL_FLOWN | Miles flown | FL_FLOWN | NUMC |
309 | FL_FMOD_TYPE | Business Partner: Field Grouping Category | FL_FMOD_TYPE | NUMC |
310 | FL_FNAME | First name | FL_FNAME | CHAR |
311 | FL_FROM | Departure from | FL_CITY | CHAR |
312 | FL_ID | Flight ID | FL_ID | CHAR |
313 | FL_IMMED | Perform on demand payroll run | XFELD | CHAR |
314 | FL_JETID | Plane | JETID | CHAR |
315 | FL_KREDFLG | Business Partner Vendor Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
316 | FL_LINE | Status (scheduled or charter) | FL_STAT | CHAR |
317 | FL_LNAME | Last name | FL_LNAME | CHAR |
318 | FL_MAND | Required field? (X=Yes) | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | FL_MAT_AVAILABLE | Flag Material Availability | XFELD | CHAR |
320 | FL_MEAL | Meals on plane | FL_MEAL | CHAR |
321 | FL_ML_ST | Decomposition Hierarchy Multilevel / Structure Explosion | CHAR1 | CHAR |
322 | FL_MODEL | Construction year | GJAHR | NUMC |
323 | FL_NAME1 | First name | FL_NAME1 | CHAR |
324 | FL_NAME2 | Last name | FL_NAME2 | CHAR |
325 | FL_NDAY | Return flight: next day | CHAR1 | CHAR |
326 | FL_NOGAP | Close payroll gaps | XFELD | CHAR |
327 | FL_NRET | Return flight: no return needed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
328 | FL_PASSNO | Number of passengers | FL_PASSNO | NUMC |
329 | FL_PEBRATE | Period-End Billing Rate | KENNZX | CHAR |
330 | FL_PERID | Personnel number | FL_PERID | NUMC |
331 | FL_PILOT | Name of pilot | FL_LNAME | CHAR |
332 | FL_PLCODE | Pilot code | CHAR2 | CHAR |
333 | FL_PREISTRANS | Indicator: Transport Prices | KENNZX | CHAR |
334 | FL_PRICE | Flight price | FL_PRICE | DEC |
335 | FL_PRICING | Pricing on request/permanent | FL_PRICING | CHAR |
336 | FL_PROC_FIN | Indicator: Process Has Been Completed | XFELD | CHAR |
337 | FL_PROF_OBOM | Order BOM Profile | XFELD | CHAR |
338 | FL_PROG_MODIFY | Indicator: MDT Category Has Modify-Script | EBA_FLAG | CHAR |
339 | FL_PROG_OPEN | Indicator: MDT Category Has Open-Script | EBA_FLAG | CHAR |
340 | FL_PROG_SAVE | Indicator: Master Data Template Category Has Save-Script | EBA_FLAG | CHAR |
341 | FL_PURDT | Purchase date | DATUM | DATS |
342 | FL_RABTRANS | Indicator: Transport Discounts | KENNZX | CHAR |
343 | FL_REASON | Reason for flight | FL_REASON | CHAR |
344 | FL_REPT | File Repetition Factor | FL_REPT | NUMC |
345 | FL_SAVE_ERCH | Save Simulation Document | KENNZX | CHAR |
346 | FL_SCHEMATRANS | Transport Indicator: Start at Scheme Level | KENNZX | CHAR |
347 | FL_SDAY | Return flight: same day | CHAR1 | CHAR |
348 | FL_SEATNO | Seat number on airplane | FL_SEATNO | NUMC |
349 | FL_SELSC | Indicator: Call with selection screen | XFELD | CHAR |
350 | FL_SERNO | Serial number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
351 | FL_SERVICE | Flight services | FL_SERVICE | CHAR |
352 | FL_SINGLE | Single value? (X=Yes) | XFELD | CHAR |
353 | FL_SMOKER | Smokers | FL_SMOKER | CHAR |
354 | FL_SPARTETRANS | Transport ID: Start at Division Level | KENNZX | CHAR |
355 | FL_SPLOESCHEN | ID: Delete Master Data with Ref. to Division Before Update | KENNZ | CHAR |
356 | FL_STATUS | Status of flight application | FL_STATUS | CHAR |
357 | FL_STTARIF | Find statistical rate | KENNZX | CHAR |
358 | FL_TARIFTRANS | Transport ID: Start at Rate Level | KENNZX | CHAR |
359 | FL_TAX_BI | Tax determination takes place in billing | KENNZX | CHAR |
360 | FL_TELNR | Telephone | CHAR7 | CHAR |
361 | FL_TEXT | Screen field texts | TEXT35 | CHAR |
362 | FL_TIME | Departure/Arrival time | FL_TIME | TIMS |
363 | FL_TM_SEL | Type Matching Selection On Request / Permanent | CHAR1 | CHAR |
364 | FL_TM_STRA | Type Matching Strategy Partial / Complete Configuration | CHAR1 | CHAR |
365 | FL_TO | Destination airport | FL_CITY | CHAR |
366 | FL_TTYPTRANS | Transport ID: Start at Rate Category Level | KENNZX | CHAR |
367 | FL_TYPE | Jet type | CHAR10 | CHAR |
368 | FL_VB_FT | Event: PLFT must be updated | FLAG | CHAR |
369 | FL_VB_FV | Event: PLFV must be updated | FLAG | CHAR |
370 | FL_VB_PH | Event: PLPH must be updated | FLAG | CHAR |
371 | FM30ONLY | Match G/L Accounts with Financial Transaction 30 | XFELD | CHAR |
372 | FMABGWAERS | Reduction in local currency only | XFELD | CHAR |
373 | FMACCOUNTFR | G/L account lower limit | SAKNR | CHAR |
374 | FMACCOUNTTO | G/L account (upper limit) | SAKNR | CHAR |
375 | FMACC_CHBL | FM account assignment in follow-on document changeable | XFELD | CHAR |
376 | FMACWRTTP | Generic entry for FM value types | FMACWRTTP | CHAR |
377 | FMAGROUP | Clearing Group | NUMC5 | NUMC |
378 | FMASK | Character field (1) for specifying wildcard character | CHAR1 | CHAR |
379 | FMAVC_ADDRRULE | Strategy for Deriving Control Objects From Budget Addresses | ABADRENV | CHAR |
380 | FMAVC_AFMA_STEP01 | Determine Superior Commitment Item (User Field) | XFELD | CHAR |
381 | FMAVC_AFMA_STEP02 | Determine Top Node of Commitment Item (User Field) | XFELD | CHAR |
382 | FMAVC_AFMA_STEP03 | Determine Superior Funds Center (User Field) | XFELD | CHAR |
383 | FMAVC_AFMA_STEP04 | Determine Top Node of Funds Center (User Field) | XFELD | CHAR |
384 | FMAVC_AFMT_TYPE_CONTROL_OBJECT | Indicator: Source Account Assignment is Bugdet Address? | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | FMAVC_CEFFYEAROFFS | Year of Cash Effectivity, Offset Number Rel. to Fiscal Year | BUCU_NBYEAR | NUMC |
386 | FMAVC_CHECKHORIZON_SELECTION | Selection of Checking Horizon for Availability Control | FMAVC_CHECKHORIZON_SELECTION | CHAR |
387 | FMAVC_DERIACOGRANT | Determination of the Grant in Availability Control Objects | FMAVC_DERIACOGRANT | CHAR |
388 | FMAVC_ELVAL | Fiscal year value in local currency for ENQUEUE | CHAR21 | CHAR |
389 | FMAVC_FISCYEARFROM | Fiscal Year From Which Validity Begins | GJAHR | NUMC |
390 | FMAVC_HIERARCHY_AVC_DIMENSIONS | Hierarchical View of Control Object Elements | XFELD | CHAR |
391 | FMAVC_ONLY_BUDGET_DEFICITS | Consider only Objects with Budget Deficit | XFELD | CHAR |
392 | FMAVC_ONLY_BUDGET_DEFICITS_CE | Dummy - to be deleted | XFELD | CHAR |
393 | FMAVC_ONLY_HORIZON_ANNUAL | Consider Only Control Objects with Checking Horizon = Annual | XFELD | CHAR |
394 | FMAVC_ONLY_HORIZON_OVERALL | Consider Only Control Objects with Checking Horiz. = Overall | XFELD | CHAR |
395 | FMAVC_PROT_DETAIL | Issue Detailed Protocol | XFELD | CHAR |
396 | FMAVC_RBE_FILTER | AVC Commitment/Actual Filter for RBE | CHAR02 | CHAR |
397 | FMAVC_RBE_FILTER_EXP | AVC Filter for Expenditure Operations | CHAR02 | CHAR |
398 | FMAVC_RBE_FILTER_REV | AVC Filter for Revenue Operations | CHAR02 | CHAR |
400 | FMAVC_REP_EXPENDITURE_VIEW | Use View on Expenditures and Ceiling Type 'Outgoing Amounts' | XFELD | CHAR |
401 | FMAVC_REP_REVENUE_VIEW | Use View on Revenues and Ceiling Type 'Incoming Amounts' | XFELD | CHAR |
402 | FMAVC_RESET_INDEX | Reset Index Table Entries for AVC | XFELD | CHAR |
403 | FMAVC_USE_GENERAL_CUST_BUDTYPE | Use General Customizing for Value/Budget Type Selection | XFELD | CHAR |
404 | FMAVC_VALBUDTYPE_SELECTION | Value Type Selection for Availability Control | FMAVC_VALBUDTYPE_SELECTION | CHAR |
405 | FMAVC_WFSTATECOMB | Selection of Workflow Statuses for Availability Control | FMAVC_WFSTATECOMB | CHAR |
406 | FMAWPOS | Reference document item | FMAWPOS | CHAR |
407 | FMB1_____4 | Format byte | FMB1_____4 | RAW |
408 | FMB2_____4 | Format byte extension | FMB2_____4 | RAW |
409 | FMBASIS_POINTS | Average daily basis points for purchase cards | FMBASIS_POINTS | DEC |
410 | FMBCCF_BUDTYPE_RCVR | Budget Type (receiver) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
411 | FMBCCF_BUDTYPE_SNDR | Budget Type (Sender) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
412 | FMBCCF_BUDTYPE_SNDR_RCVR | Budget Type (Two-sided postings) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
413 | FMBCCF_SPRED_RCVR | Distibution key for receiver | SPRED | CHAR |
414 | FMBCCF_SPRED_SNDR | Distibution key for sender | SPRED | CHAR |
415 | FMBCCF_STATUS | Carry forward of budget for commitments is allowed | FMBCCF_STATUS | CHAR |
416 | FMBCFF_POPER_RCVR | Posting period (Receiver) | POPER | NUMC |
417 | FMBCFF_POPER_SNDR | Posting period (Sender) | POPER | NUMC |
418 | FMBCFF_PROC_RCVR | Receiver budget process | BUKU_PROCESS_UI | CHAR |
419 | FMBCFF_PROC_SNDR_RCVR | Two-sided budget process | BUKU_PROCESS_UI | CHAR |
420 | FMBDGTAVCIMPACT | Budget Availability Impact | FMBDGTAVCIMPACT | CHAR |
421 | FMBETRAG | Item amount | WERTV8 | CURR |
422 | FMBGA | Public-Owned Commercial Operation | FMBGA | CHAR |
423 | FMBGACKEY | Line Item Category for Adjustment Documents | FMBGACKEY | CHAR |
424 | FMBGACTIVE | Activation Switch for Public-Owned Commercial Operations | XFELD | CHAR |
425 | FMBGATXT | Public-Owned Commercial Operation (Description) | TEXT60 | CHAR |
426 | FMBGAVAQ | Input Tax Deduction Rate | FMBGAVAQ | DEC |
427 | FMBGA_BELNR | Accounting Document Number | CHAR12 | CHAR |
428 | FMBGCBLNR | Number of Input Tax Adjustment Document | BELNR | CHAR |
429 | FMBGCONF | Status of Adjustment Already Posted | CHAR4 | CHAR |
430 | FMBGCORBLART | Document Type for Adjustment Documents | BLART | CHAR |
431 | FMBGCORPER | Period for Input Tax Adjustment | POPER | NUMC |
432 | FMBGCRM | Monthly Input Tax Adjustments (in Local Currency) | WERTV7 | CURR |
433 | FMBGCTYP | Type of Adjustment Document (Annual or Monthly Adjustment) | FMBGCTYP | CHAR |
434 | FMBGDFAUFNR | Default Request for Input Tax Adjustment Documents | AUFNR | CHAR |
435 | FMBGDFKOSTL | Default Cost Center for Input Tax Adjustment Documents | KOSTL | CHAR |
436 | FMBGHWBRT | Gross amount in local currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
437 | FMBGHWCORR | Input Tax Revised Amount (in Company Code Currency) | WERTV7 | CURR |
438 | FMBGHWFR | Sales not Relevant to Tax (Consumed) in Local Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
439 | FMBGHWST | Tax-Relevant Sales (in Local Currency) | WERTV8 | CURR |
440 | FMBGHWVOR | Calculated Input Tax Adjstmnt Values (Company Code Currency) | WERTV7 | CURR |
441 | FMBGKST | FM Account Assignment to PCOs: Status | CHAR4 | CHAR |
442 | FMBGRFCDEST | Target System for the Integration with Contract Accounting | RFCDEST | CHAR |
443 | FMBGSTA | Deductible Tax Amount (in Local Currency) | WERT7 | CURR |
444 | FMBGSTE | Tax Amount (in Local Currency) | WERT7 | CURR |
445 | FMBGTAXFIP | Tax Commitment Item | FIPOS | CHAR |
446 | FMBLDOCSEQ | Sequence of Budgetary Ledger Documents | NUM02 | NUMC |
447 | FMBLDOCTYPE | Budgetary Ledger Document Type | BLART | CHAR |
448 | FMBLEVENT | Event in Budgetary Ledger Core | FMBLEVENT | CHAR |
449 | FMBLEXTCFY | Difference between Year of Cash Effectivity and Fiscal Year | NUMC2 | NUMC |
450 | FMBLEXTDOCTYPE | Posting Document Type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
451 | FMBLEXTSIGN | Amount Sign ( + or - ) | FMBLEXTSIGN | CHAR |
452 | FMBLEXTSTRNAME | Derivation Tool Structure Names | FMBLEXTSTRNAME | CHAR |
453 | FMBLEXT_BLART | Budgetary Ledger Document Type | BLART | CHAR |
455 | FMBLONLYONE | All BL documents in only one BL document | X | CHAR |
456 | FMBLRELEVANT | FM Budgetary ledger - Relevant Line | FMBLRELEVANT | CHAR |
457 | FMBLTARGET1 | First Intermediate Target for Derivation Tool | CHAR30 | CHAR |
458 | FMBLTARGET2 | Second Intermediate Target for Derivation Tool | CHAR30 | CHAR |
459 | FMBLUSFACTOR | Determination-Factor for US SGL | FMBLUSFACTOR | CHAR |
460 | FMBLUSFACTORT | US Federal Government SGL Determination Factor Text | FMBLUSFACTORT | CHAR |
461 | FMBLUSRELEVANT | US SGL Line Relevant to the Budgetary Ledger PAID/DELIVERED | FMBLUSRELEVANT | CHAR |
462 | FMBLUSSGL_LINE | SGL Sequence Line Number | FMBLUSSGL_LINE | NUMC |
463 | FMBLUSSGL_LINE1 | Internal Line Number | FMBLUSSGL_LINE1 | NUMC |
464 | FMBLUSSGL_LINE2 | Internal Line Number | FMBLUSSGL_LINE2 | NUMC |
465 | FMBL_ACCOUNT | General Ledger account | SAKNR | CHAR |
466 | FMBL_ACCOUNT_OFFSET | General Ledger offset account | SAKNR | CHAR |
467 | FMBL_REG_ACC | BL Account | SAKNR | CHAR |
468 | FMBL_REG_AMOUNT | Amount for Year-End Balancing Display | WERTV9 | CURR |
469 | FMBL_REG_BUNDLID | Document Counter | NUMC3 | NUMC |
470 | FMBL_REG_CREDIT | Credit Account | SAKNR | CHAR |
471 | FMBL_REG_DBCINDI | Debit / Credit / Balance Indicator | FMBL_REG_DBCINDI | CHAR |
472 | FMBL_REG_DEBIT | Debit Account | SAKNR | CHAR |
473 | FMBL_REG_DESC | Posting Group Short Text | FMBL_REG_DESC | CHAR |
474 | FMBL_REG_GRP | Posting Group for Year-End Balancing | FMBL_REG_GRP | CHAR |
475 | FMBL_REG_SEQNO | Sequence Number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
476 | FMBL_REG_TFLAG | Test Mode | CHAR1 | CHAR |
478 | FMBPO_BASE_DATE | Budget Base Date | FMBPO_BASE_DATE | DATS |
482 | FMBPO_EMPLOYEE_RESP | Employee Responsible | CRM_PARTNER_NO | CHAR |
483 | FMBPO_EXPR_DATE | Budget Expiration Date | FMBPO_EXPR_DATE | DATS |
484 | FMBPO_EXPR_DATE_UI | Budget Expiration Date | FMBPO_EXPR_DATE_UI | DATS |
485 | FMBPO_EXPR_PERIOD | Budget Expiration Period | FMBPO_EXPR_PERIOD | NUMC |
486 | FMBPO_EXPR_PERIOD_UI | Budget Expiration Period | FMBPO_EXPR_PERIOD_UI | NUMC |
487 | FMBPO_EXP_DATE | Budget Expiration Date | FMBPO_EXP_DATE | DATS |
488 | FMBPO_EXP_DATE_UI | Budget Expiration Date | FMBPO_EXP_DATE_UI | DATS |
489 | FMBPO_EXP_PERIOD | Budget Expiration Period | FMBPO_EXP_PERIOD | CHAR |
490 | FMBPO_EXP_PERIOD_UI | Budget Expiration Period | FMBPO_EXP_PERIOD_UI | CHAR |