SAP ABAP Data Element - Index F, page 9
Data Element - F
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 FC_EUSHWAL Show original list X CHAR 
2 FC_EXCEL Online-Entry: Excel as Front End KPP_EXCEL CHAR 
3 FC_EXCFLG Method is an exception CHAR1_X CHAR 
4 FC_EXIND Exempt from inclusion CHAR1_X CHAR 
6 FC_EXPLVL Level of expansion of the hierarchy CHAR2 CHAR 
7 FC_EXRIND Exchange rate indicator FC_EXRIND CHAR 
8 FC_EXRINDAP Exchange rate indicator for fair value adjustment increases FC_EXRIND CHAR 
9 FC_EXRINDDA Exchange rate indicator for fair value decreases FC_EXRIND CHAR 
10 FC_EXRINDDE Exchange rate indicator for extraordinary amortization FC_EXRIND CHAR 
11 FC_EXRINDIP Comparative exchange rate indicator FC_EXRIND CHAR 
12 FC_EXRINDWU Exchange rate indicator for writeups FC_EXRIND CHAR 
13 FC_EXRTYP Exchange rate type KURST CHAR 
14 FC_EXRTYPD Default exchange rate type KURST CHAR 
15 FC_FBUPTR Reclassification: Source partner unit FC_BUNIT CHAR 
16 FC_FDPOS Column position NUM2 NUMC 
17 FC_FDTPOST Post to Triggering Document Type X CHAR 
18 FC_FEFLG First consolidation at the end of period X CHAR 
19 FC_FFACT Ratio for the "From" Currency Units CHAR11 CHAR 
20 FC_FGWBEG Full Goodwill at Beginning of Period FC_ITEM CHAR 
21 FC_FGWEND Full Goodwill at End of Period FC_ITEM CHAR 
22 FC_FIDATA Reported financial data CHAR1_X CHAR 
23 FC_FIDAT_ST Standardized Financial Data CHAR1_X CHAR 
25 FC_FIELDNAME_LST Field Name in Structures for List Output TEXT30 CHAR 
26 FC_FILEID Online-Entry: File Description for Excel-Integration CHAR40 CHAR 
27 FC_FINIT Delete old value CHECKBOX CHAR 
28 FC_FITEM Reclassification: Source FS item FC_ITEM CHAR 
29 FC_FIXFLG Fixing of a Subassignment FC_FIXFLG NUMC 
30 FC_FIXVAL_S Fixed value for a char. in breakdown category (short text) TEXT15 CHAR 
31 FC_FIXVS Version: Selected FS items FC_FIXVS CHAR 
32 FC_FLG General indicator, SAP Consolidation CHAR1 CHAR 
33 FC_FLG1 Length of field 1 NUMC02 NUMC 
34 FC_FLG2 Length of field 2 NUMC02 NUMC 
35 FC_FLG3 Length of field 3 NUMC02 NUMC 
36 FC_FLG4 Length of field 4 NUMC02 NUMC 
37 FC_FLG5 Length of field 5 NUMC02 NUMC 
38 FC_FLG6 Length of field 6 NUMC02 NUMC 
39 FC_FLG7 Length of field 7 NUMC02 NUMC 
40 FC_FLG8 Length of field 8 NUMC02 NUMC 
41 FC_FLG9 Length of field 9 NUMC02 NUMC 
42 FC_FLGFI Chart of accounts is common throughout corp. group (FI) CHAR1_X CHAR 
43 FC_FLGPCA Chart of accounts is a transaction C/A (PCA) CHAR1_X CHAR 
44 FC_FLGPCAI Secondary cost elements mapped on a range basis CHAR1_X CHAR 
45 FC_FLGROND Also select rollup consolidation units CHAR1_X CHAR 
46 FC_FLG_DEF Use the assigned business area as the default CHAR1_X CHAR 
47 FC_FMLIND Formula allowed CHAR1_X CHAR 
48 FC_FMPERI From period PERDE NUMC 
49 FC_FMYEAR From fiscal year GJAHR NUMC 
50 FC_FNUMB Number of fields used NUMC01 NUMC 
51 FC_FOCTR Currency translation when local currency = group currency X CHAR 
52 FC_FORGCH Organizational Change at First Consolidation FC_ORGCH NUMC 
53 FC_FORGCHFLG Indicator for Organizational Change at First Consolidation X CHAR 
54 FC_FORMAT File format (upload) FILEFM_UL CHAR 
56 FC_FOR_CU Allocation for cons unit ID CHAR1_X CHAR 
57 FC_FPERI Period of first consolidation FC_FPERI NUMC 
58 FC_FPERS Position of contact person FC_FPERS CHAR 
59 FC_FRHLEVL Begin processing at this hierarchy level FC_HLEVL CHAR 
60 FC_FRHLVLN Begin processing at this hierarchy step NUMC2 NUMC 
61 FC_FRMFLD String of names for not-totaled characteristics in JE layout TEXT20 CHAR 
62 FC_FROMITEM Range limit of an item set FC_ITEM CHAR 
63 FC_FRPERID Effective from period FC_PERID_F NUMC 
64 FC_FRYEAR Effective from fiscal year GJAHR_INV NUMC 
65 FC_FR_YPER Year/period inverted FC_FR_YPER NUMC 
66 FC_FSCAT Consolidation frequency FC_FSCAT CHAR 
67 FC_FSCAT_AUTRV Consolidation frequency for determining the reversal period FC_FSCAT CHAR 
68 FC_FSDEFLT Use assignment as the default X CHAR 
69 FC_FSITEM Reclassification: "From" subitem FC_SITEM CHAR 
70 FC_FYEAR Year of first consolidation GJAHR NUMC 
71 FC_GAACASS Account mapped to a group account FC_GAACASS CHAR 
72 FC_GAAEASS Account (cost element) mapped to a group account FC_GAAEASS CHAR 
73 FC_GAITASS FS item mapped to a group account FC_GAITASS CHAR 
74 FC_GB List business areas CHAR1_X CHAR 
75 FC_GBCOBL Check if company code/business area is active in doc. X CHAR 
76 FC_GCIND Entry in group currency CHAR1_X CHAR 
77 FC_GCSUM1 Total of Divestiture Original Cost, GC WERTV9 CURR 
78 FC_GCSUM2 Total of C/T Difference, Original Cost, GC WERTV9 CURR 
79 FC_GCSUM3 Total of Valuation Allowance, GC WERTV9 CURR 
80 FC_GCSUM4 Total of C/T Difference, Valuation Allowance, GC WERTV9 CURR 
81 FC_GCSUM5 Total Divestiture of Valuation Allowance in Group Currency WERTV9 CURR 
82 FC_GCUR Post in group currency X CHAR 
84 FC_GCURR_FLG Group currency X CHAR 
85 FC_GCURR_ISO ISO code - group currency ISOCD CHAR 
86 FC_GCVALAF Total Original Book Value in Group Currency WERTV9 CURR 
87 FC_GCVALAPK0 Acquisition Original Cost, Current Year (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
88 FC_GCVALD0 Div. of Valuation Allow., Prior Year in Prior Periods (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
89 FC_GCVALD1 Div. of Valuation Allow., Current Year in Prior Periods (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
90 FC_GCVALD2 Div. of Valuation Allow., Current Year in Curr. Period (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
91 FC_GCVALD3 C/T Difference from Divestiture Val.Allow. in Prior Periods WERTV9 CURR 
92 FC_GCVALD4 C/T Difference from Divestiture Val.Allow. in Current Period WERTV9 CURR 
93 FC_GCVALDDD2 Val.Allowance, Divestiture Prior Year in Curr.Period (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
94 FC_GCVALDI Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Current Period, in GC WERTV9 CURR 
95 FC_GCVALDJ Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Prior Periods, in GC WERTV9 CURR 
96 FC_GCVALDPK1 Divestiture Original Cost in Prior Periods (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
97 FC_GCVALK0 Original Book Value, Prior Year (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
98 FC_GCVALK1 Divestiture of Original Book Value, Prior Year (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
99 FC_GCVALK2 C/T Difference from Original Cost Prior Year in Prior Year WERTV9 CURR 
100 FC_GCVALK3 C/T Difference from Orig.Cost Prior Year in Prior Periods WERTV9 CURR 
101 FC_GCVALK4 C/T Difference from Orig.Cost Prior Year in Current Period WERTV9 CURR 
102 FC_GCVALL3 C/T Difference from Orig.Cost Current Year in Prior Periods WERTV9 CURR 
103 FC_GCVALL4 C/T Difference from Orig.Cost Current Year in Current Period WERTV9 CURR 
104 FC_GCVALM1 C/T Difference from Divestiture Orig.Cost in Prior Periods WERTV9 CURR 
105 FC_GCVALM2 C/T Difference from Divestiture Orig.Cost in Current Period WERTV9 CURR 
106 FC_GCVALM3 Divestiture of C/T Difference Original Cost in Prior Periods WERTV9 CURR 
107 FC_GCVALM4 Divestiture of C/T Difference Original Cost in Curr.Period WERTV9 CURR 
108 FC_GCVALN1 Valuation Allowance in Income Statement, Prior Year (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
109 FC_GCVALN2 C/T Difference from VA I/S Prior Year in Prior Year WERTV9 CURR 
110 FC_GCVALN3 C/T Difference from VA I/S Prior Year in Prior Periods WERTV9 CURR 
111 FC_GCVALN4 C/T Difference from VA I/S Prior Year in Current Period WERTV9 CURR 
112 FC_GCVALV1 Valuation Allowance in Prior Periods (GC) WERTV9 CURR 
113 FC_GCVALV2 C/T Difference I/S from Val.Allowance in Current Period WERTV9 CURR 
114 FC_GCVALV3 C/T Difference B/S-I/S from Val.Allowance in Prior Periods WERTV9 CURR 
115 FC_GCVALV4 C/T Difference B/S-I/S from Val.Allowance in Current Period WERTV9 CURR 
116 FC_GECONT Overall statistical offsetting item FC_ITEM CHAR 
117 FC_GES List companies CHAR1_X CHAR 
118 FC_GESIND Hierarchy grouped by companies CHAR1_X CHAR 
119 FC_GITEM Adjustment item in the income statement FC_ITEM CHAR 
120 FC_GPCNT1 Group share PRZ38 DEC 
121 FC_GPCNT1I FS item for group share FC_ITEM CHAR 
122 FC_GPCNT2 Group share with voting rights PRZ38 DEC 
123 FC_GPCNT2I FS item for group share in voting stock FC_ITEM CHAR 
124 FC_GPCNT3 Group share without voting rights PRZ38 DEC 
125 FC_GPCNT3I Item for group share in non-voting stock FC_ITEM CHAR 
126 FC_GPCNT4 Group share in annual net income PRZ38 DEC 
127 FC_GPCNT4I Item for group share in annual net income FC_ITEM CHAR 
128 FC_GPCNT5 Group share, direct PRZ38 DEC 
129 FC_GPCNT5I Item for group share - direct investment FC_ITEM CHAR 
130 FC_GPERI Start period for goodwill amortization FC_GPERI NUMC 
131 FC_GRACCNT Group account number SAKNR CHAR 
132 FC_GRCHACC Group chart of accounts KTOPL CHAR 
133 FC_GVREF State consolidated value at the reference exchange rate X CHAR 
134 FC_GWAAMCI Item for goodwill writeups FC_ITEM CHAR 
135 FC_GWAAMCS Subitem for writeups of goodwill FC_SITEM CHAR 
136 FC_GWAAMCT Subitem category for goodwill writeups FC_SITYP CHAR 
137 FC_GWAAMDI Item for the amortization of goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
138 FC_GWAAMDS Subitem for the amortization of goodwill FC_SITEM CHAR 
139 FC_GWAAMDT Subitem category for the amortization of goodwill FC_SITYP CHAR 
140 FC_GWAAQCI Item for the accumulated amortization of goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
141 FC_GWAAQCISET Item Set for Push-down Goodwill Valuation Allowances FC_SETNAME CHAR 
142 FC_GWAAQCT Subitem category for accumulated amortization of goodwill FC_SITYP CHAR 
143 FC_GWAAQCTCYS Subitem Goodwill Amortization CTD Orig.Cost, Current Year FC_SITEM CHAR 
144 FC_GWAAQCTPYS Subitem Goodwill Amortization CTD Orig.Cost, Opening Balance FC_SITEM CHAR 
145 FC_GWAAQDI Item for the acquisition cost of goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
146 FC_GWAAQDISET Item Set for Push-down Goodwill Original Cost FC_SETNAME CHAR 
147 FC_GWAAQDS Subitem for the acquisition cost of goodwill FC_SITEM CHAR 
148 FC_GWAAQDT Subitem category for the acquisition cost of goodwill FC_SITYP CHAR 
149 FC_GWAAQOI Offsetting Item on Balance Sheet for Goodwill Amortization FC_ITEM CHAR 
150 FC_GWAAQOS Subitem f. Offset Item f. Addition to Goodwill Amortization FC_SITEM CHAR 
151 FC_GWAAQOT Subitem Category for Offset Item for Goodwill Amortization FC_SITYP CHAR 
152 FC_GWABG Start date for the amortization of new goodwill FC_DGWBG CHAR 
153 FC_GWACUS Customizing: Ordinary Amortization of Goodwill FC_COICUS CHAR 
154 FC_GWADPCS Subitem for the amortization of goodwill FC_SITEM CHAR 
155 FC_GWADPCTCYS Subitem Goodwill Amortization CTD Val.Allow., Current Year FC_SITEM CHAR 
156 FC_GWADPCTPYS Subitem Goodwill Amortization CTD Val.Allow., Opening Bal. FC_SITEM CHAR 
157 FC_GWADPDS Subitem for writeups of goodwill FC_SITEM CHAR 
158 FC_GWAEXC Exception Goodwill Ordinary Amortization X CHAR 
159 FC_GWAFLG Goodwill Ordinary Amortization X CHAR 
160 FC_GWALCUR Group currency for threshold for goodwill amortization WAERS CUKY 
161 FC_GWALFLG Threshold value for the amortization of goodwill X CHAR 
162 FC_GWALVAL Threshold value for the amortization of goodwill WERTV9 CURR 
163 FC_GWAOFFSCS Subitem: Offsetting Entry, Goodwill Amort., Acq.Cost, Credit FC_SITEM CHAR 
164 FC_GWAOFFSDI Offsetting Item, Goodwill Amortization, Acquisition Cost FC_ITEM CHAR 
165 FC_GWAOFFSDS Subitem: Offsetting Entry, Goodwill Amort., Acq.Cost, Debit FC_SITEM CHAR 
166 FC_GWAOFFSDT Subitem Categ.: Offsetting Entry, Goodwill Amort., Acq.Cost FC_SITYP CHAR 
167 FC_GWAPE Life of goodwill amortization in months NUMC3 NUMC 
168 FC_GWARFLG Amortize new goodwill over remaining life X CHAR 
169 FC_GWASTAT Item for Goodwill Val.Allowances: Amortization, Statistical FC_ITEM CHAR 
170 FC_GWASTATAQ Item for Goodwill Amortization, Original Value, Statistical FC_ITEM CHAR 
171 FC_GWASTATCT Item Goodwill Amortization CTD, Statistical FC_ITEM CHAR 
172 FC_GWASTATOFFS Offsetting Item, Goodwill Amortization, Statistical FC_ITEM CHAR 
173 FC_GWAVS Version: Goodwill FC_GWAVS CHAR 
174 FC_GWAYR Life of goodwill amortization in years NUMC2 NUMC 
175 FC_GWBG Begin date of new goodwill FC_DGWBG CHAR 
176 FC_GWCTFLG Goodwill in Local Currency X CHAR 
177 FC_GWDAQDI Item for the direct elimination of goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
178 FC_GWDAQDS Subitem for the direct elimination of goodwill FC_SITEM CHAR 
179 FC_GWDAQDT Subitem category for the direct elimination of goodwill FC_SITYP CHAR 
180 FC_GWDAQOI B/S Offsetting Item for Direct Elimination of Goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
181 FC_GWDAQOS Subitem for Offset for Direct Elimination of Goodwill FC_SITEM CHAR 
182 FC_GWDAQOT Subitem Category f. Offset f. Direct Elimination of Goodwill FC_SITYP CHAR 
183 FC_GWDCUS Customizing: Direct elimination of goodwill FC_COICUS CHAR 
184 FC_GWDEXC Exception for direct elimination of goodwill X CHAR 
185 FC_GWDFLG Direct elimination of goodwill X CHAR 
186 FC_GWDOFFSCS Subitem: Offset.Entry, Goodwill Direct Elimination, Credit FC_SITEM CHAR 
187 FC_GWDOFFSDI Offset.Item, Goodwill Direct Elimination, Acquisition Cost FC_ITEM CHAR 
188 FC_GWDOFFSDS Subitem: Offset.Entry, Goodwill Direct Elimination, Debit FC_SITEM CHAR 
189 FC_GWDOFFSDT Subitem Cat.: Offset.Entry, Goodwill Direct Elimination, APC FC_SITYP CHAR 
190 FC_GWDSTAT Item for Goodwill Val.Allow.: Direct Elimination, Stat. FC_ITEM CHAR 
191 FC_GWDSTATOFFS Offsetting Item: Goodwill Direct Elimination, Statistical FC_ITEM CHAR 
192 FC_GWEXC Exception for Goodwill/Negative Goodwill X CHAR 
193 FC_GWFLG Copy Goodwill Amortization CHAR1_X CHAR 
194 FC_GWFULL_INVOR Full Goodwill per Direct Investor X CHAR 
195 FC_GWIEFLG Post Goodwill at Investee Unit X CHAR 
196 FC_GWLCFLG Carry Goodwill in Local Currency X CHAR 
197 FC_GWLCUR Group currency for the threshold value WAERS CUKY 
198 FC_GWLVAL Threshold value WERTV9 CURR 
199 FC_GWNCUS Customizing: Extraordinary Amortization of Goodwill FC_COICUS CHAR 
200 FC_GWNEXC Exception Goodwill Extraordinary Amortization X CHAR 
201 FC_GWNFLG Goodwill Extraordinary Amortization X CHAR 
202 FC_GWPE Life in months NUMC3 NUMC 
203 FC_GWPROC Treatment of Goodwill FC_GWPROC CHAR 
204 FC_GWPROCDA Treatment of Goodwill in Increases in Direct Investment FC_GWPROC CHAR 
205 FC_GWPROCIA Treatment of Goodwill in Increases in Indirect Investment FC_GWPROC CHAR 
206 FC_GWPROC_COIAC Treatment of Goodwill in Acquisitions of Investments FC_GWPROC CHAR 
207 FC_GWRAMCI Item for periodic reduction of goodwill: credits FC_ITEM CHAR 
208 FC_GWRAMCS Subitem for periodic reduction of goodwill: credits FC_SITEM CHAR 
209 FC_GWRAMCT Subitem category for periodic reduction of goodwill: credits FC_SITYP CHAR 
210 FC_GWRAMDI Item for periodic reduction of goodwill: debits FC_ITEM CHAR 
211 FC_GWRAMDS Subitem for periodic reduction of goodwill: debits FC_SITEM CHAR 
212 FC_GWRAMDT Subitem category for periodic reduction of goodwill: debits FC_SITYP CHAR 
213 FC_GWRAQCS Subitem for periodic reduction of goodwill - divestiture FC_SITEM CHAR 
214 FC_GWRAQCTCYS Subitem for Per.Reduction of Goodwill, CTD OC Current Year FC_SITEM CHAR 
215 FC_GWRAQCTPYS Subitem for Per.Reduction of Goodwill, CTD OC Opening Bal. FC_SITEM CHAR 
216 FC_GWRAQDI Bal.sheet item: periodic reduction of goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
217 FC_GWRAQDS Subitem for periodic reduction of goodwill - acquisition FC_SITEM CHAR 
218 FC_GWRAQDT Subitem category for B/S item for periodic reduction of GW FC_SITYP CHAR 
219 FC_GWRAQOCS Subitem f. Offset f. Per.Reduction of Goodwill, Disposal FC_SITEM CHAR 
220 FC_GWRAQODS Subitem f. Offset f. Per.Reduction of Goodwill, Addition FC_SITEM CHAR 
221 FC_GWRAQOI B/S Offsetting Item for Periodic Reduction of Goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
222 FC_GWRAQOT Subitem Category f. Offset f. Periodic Reduction of Goodwill FC_SITYP CHAR 
223 FC_GWRBG Beginning date of the periodic reduction of new goodwill FC_DGWBG CHAR 
224 FC_GWRCUS Customizing: Periodic reduction of goodwill FC_COICUS CHAR 
225 FC_GWRED Goodwill Reduction FC_GWRED CHAR 
226 FC_GWREDDT Goodwill Reduction in Divestitures and Transfers FC_GWREDDT CHAR 
227 FC_GWREDFLG Complete Reduction of Goodwill X CHAR 
228 FC_GWRESI Item: Appropriations for Goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
229 FC_GWRESS Subitem: Appropriations for Goodwill FC_SITEM CHAR 
230 FC_GWREST Subitem Category: Appropriations for Goodwill FC_SITYP CHAR 
231 FC_GWREXC Exception for periodic reduction of goodwill X CHAR 
232 FC_GWRFLG Periodic reduction of goodwill X CHAR 
233 FC_GWRLCUR Group currency for threshold for periodic reduction of GW WAERS CUKY 
234 FC_GWRLFLG Threshold value for the periodic reduction of goodwill X CHAR 
235 FC_GWRLVAL Threshold value for the periodic reduction of goodwill WERTV9 CURR 
236 FC_GWROFFSCS Subitem: Offset.Entry, Goodwill Periodic Reduction, Credit FC_SITEM CHAR 
237 FC_GWROFFSDI Offset.Item: Goodwill Periodic Reduction, Acquisition Cost FC_ITEM CHAR 
238 FC_GWROFFSDS Subitem: Offset.Entry, Goodwill Periodic Reduction, Debit FC_SITEM CHAR 
239 FC_GWROFFSDT Subitem Cat.: Offset.Entry, Goodwill Periodic Reduction, APC FC_SITYP CHAR 
240 FC_GWRPE Life of periodic reduction of goodwill - months NUMC3 NUMC 
241 FC_GWRRFLG Reduce the new goodwill over its remaining life X CHAR 
242 FC_GWRSTAT Item for Goodwill Val.Allow.: Periodic Reduction, Stat. FC_ITEM CHAR 
243 FC_GWRSTATCT Item for Periodic Reduction of Goodwill, CTD, Statistical FC_ITEM CHAR 
244 FC_GWRSTATOFFS Offsetting Item: Goodwill Periodic Reduction, Statistical FC_ITEM CHAR 
245 FC_GWRYR Life of the periodic reduction of goodwill - years NUMC2 NUMC 
246 FC_GWSTAT Statistical item for the amortization of goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
247 FC_GWTADI Item: Currency Translation for Goodwill FC_ITEM CHAR 
248 FC_GWTADS Subitem: Currency Translation for Goodwill FC_SITEM CHAR 
249 FC_GWTADT Subitem Category: Currency Translation for Goodwill FC_SITYP CHAR 
250 FC_GWTBEGFLG Currency Translation for Goodwill at Beginning of Period X CHAR 
251 FC_GWWCUS Customizing: Direct Writeoff of Goodwill FC_COICUS CHAR 
252 FC_GWWEXC Exception for Direct Writeoff of Goodwill X CHAR 
253 FC_GWWFLG Direct Writeoff of Goodwill X CHAR 
254 FC_GWYR Life in years NUMC2 NUMC 
255 FC_HB1GC Reported value in consolidation group currency (SAP Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
256 FC_HB1GC_BAPI Reported value in consolidation group currency BAPICURR DEC 
257 FC_HB1GC_YTD Accumulated value for reported data in cons GC (SAP Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
258 FC_HB1LC Reported value in local currency (SAP Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
259 FC_HB1LC_BAPI Reported local value in local currency BAPICURR DEC 
260 FC_HB1LC_YTD Accumulated value for reported data in local crcy (Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
261 FC_HB1QU Reported value - quantity (SAP Consolidation) MENGV9 QUAN 
262 FC_HB1QU_BAPI Reported local value in quantities MENGV9 QUAN 
263 FC_HB1QU_YTD Accumulated quantity for reported data (SAP Consolidation) MENGV9 QUAN 
264 FC_HB1TC Reported value in transaction currency (SAP Consolidation) WERTV9 CURR 
265 FC_HB1TC_BAPI Reported value in transaction currency BAPICURR DEC 
266 FC_HB2GC Standardized value in cons. group currency (SAP Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
267 FC_HB2GC_BAPI Standardized value in consolidation group currency BAPICURR DEC 
268 FC_HB2GC_YTD Accum. value for standardized data in cons group crcy(Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
269 FC_HB2LC Standardized value in local currency (SAP Consolidation) WERTV9 CURR 
270 FC_HB2LC_BAPI Standardized value in local currency BAPICURR DEC 
271 FC_HB2LC_YTD Accum. value for standardized data in local crcy (SAP Cons) WERTV9 CURR 
272 FC_HB2QU Standardized value - quantity (SAP Consolidation) MENGV9 QUAN 
273 FC_HB2QU_BAPI Standardized value in quantities MENGV9 QUAN 
274 FC_HB2QU_YTD Accumulated quantity for standardized data (SAP Cons.) MENGV9 QUAN 
275 FC_HB2TC Standardized value in transaction currency (SAP Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
276 FC_HB2TC_BAPI Standardized value in transaction currency BAPICURR DEC 
277 FC_HB3GC Consolidated value in cons. group currency (SAP Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
278 FC_HB3GC_BAPI Consolidated value in consolidation group currency BAPICURR DEC 
279 FC_HB3GC_YTD Accumulated consolidated value in cons group crcy (Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
280 FC_HB3QU Consolidated value - quantity (SAP Consolidation) MENGV9 QUAN 
281 FC_HB3QU_BAPI Consolidated value in quantities MENGV9 QUAN 
282 FC_HB3QU_YTD Accumulated consolidated value quantity (SAP Cons.) MENGV9 QUAN 
283 FC_HB3TC Consolidated value in transaction currency (SAP Cons.) WERTV9 CURR 
284 FC_HB3TC_BAPI Consolidated value in transaction currency BAPICURR DEC 
285 FC_HFSPERI Period of Intention for Sale PERDE NUMC 
286 FC_HFSYEAR Year of Intention for Sale GJAHR NUMC 
287 FC_HIDEFLG Subassignment only shown when needed CHAR1_X CHAR 
288 FC_HIDEPROT Log Output Suppressed X CHAR 
289 FC_HINDEX Hierarchy index for list processor RAW2 RAW 
290 FC_HIRCUS Customizing: Fair value adjustments FC_COICUS CHAR 
291 FC_HIREXC Exception for fair value adjustments X CHAR 
292 FC_HIRFLG Fair value adjustments X CHAR 
293 FC_HIRVS Version: Hidden reserves (fair value adjustments) FC_HIRVS CHAR 
294 FC_HLEVEL Hierarchy level for list processor RAW1 RAW 
295 FC_HLEVL Hierarchy level FC_HLEVL CHAR 
296 FC_HLIND Use hierarchy levels X CHAR 
297 FC_HLNUM Number of hierarchy steps to be expanded NUMC2 NUMC 
298 FC_HRACQEN Increase fair value adjustment at the end of the period X CHAR 
299 FC_HRAMCIT Fair value adjustment: writeup item FC_ITEM CHAR 
300 FC_HRAMDIT Fair value adjustment: amortization item FC_ITEM CHAR 
301 FC_HRAQCIT Fair value adjustment: valuation item FC_ITEM CHAR 
302 FC_HRAQDIT Fair value adjustment: original item FC_ITEM CHAR 
303 FC_HRAQDSI Subitem for transferring hidden reserves (fair value adj.) FC_SITEM CHAR 
305 FC_HRDIVBG Decrease fair value adjustment at beginning of period X CHAR 
306 FC_HRDPCNT Amortization percentage rate PRZ38 DEC 
307 FC_HRDPCSI Subitem for amortization of hidden reserves (fair value adj) FC_SITEM CHAR 
308 FC_HRDPDSI Subitem for writeups of hidden reserves (fair value adj.) FC_SITEM CHAR 
309 FC_HRES1 Fair value adjustment: main number FC_HRES1 CHAR 
310 FC_HRES2 Fair value adjustment: Subnumber FC_HRES2 CHAR 
311 FC_HRFLG Copy Fair Value Adjustments CHAR1_X CHAR 
312 FC_HRFSCAT Cons frequency of amortization of reported fair value adjs FC_FSCAT CHAR 
313 FC_HRMINIT Item for minority interest in hidden reserves FC_ITEM CHAR 
314 FC_HRPRIO Priority fair value adjustment NUMC2 NUMC 
315 FC_HRREV Procedure for eliminating hidden reserves/contingencies(FVA) FC_HRREV CHAR 
316 FC_HRSHA Scope of elimination of hidden reserves/contingencies FC_HRSHA CHAR 
317 FC_HRSITYP Subitem category for hidden reserves (fair value adjustment) FC_SITYP CHAR 
318 FC_HRVALAP Fair value increase WERTV9 CURR 
319 FC_HRVALDA Fair value decrease WERTV9 CURR 
320 FC_HRVALDD Adjustment to accum. amortization from decrease WERTV9 CURR 
321 FC_HRVALDE Extraordinary amortization WERTV9 CURR 
322 FC_HRVALDN Amortization WERTV9 CURR 
324 FC_HRVGRAP Gross book value of acquisition of fair value adjustment WERTV9 CURR 
325 FC_HRVLCAP Fair value increase in local currency WERTV9 CURR 
326 FC_HRVLCBG Opening book value of fair adjustments in local currency WERTV9 CURR 
327 FC_HRVLCDA Fair value decrease in local currency WERTV9 CURR 
328 FC_HRVLCDD Adj. to accum. amortization from decrease of FVA in LC WERTV9 CURR 
329 FC_HRVLCDE Extraordinary amortization of FVA in local currency WERTV9 CURR 
330 FC_HRVLCDN Amortization of fair value adjustments in local currency WERTV9 CURR 
331 FC_HRVLCEN Closing book value of fair value adjustments in local crcy WERTV9 CURR 
332 FC_HRVLCPP Original FVA in prior periods in local currency WERTV9 CURR 
333 FC_HRVLCWU Writeup of fair value adjustments in local currency WERTV9 CURR 
334 FC_HRVRCAP Fair value increase in group currency WERTV9 CURR 
335 FC_HRVRCBG Opening book value of fair value adjustments in group crcy WERTV9 CURR 
336 FC_HRVRCDA Fair value decrease in group currency WERTV9 CURR 
337 FC_HRVRCDD Adj. to accum. amort. from decrease in FVA - group currency WERTV9 CURR 
338 FC_HRVRCDE Extraordinary amortization of FVA in group currency WERTV9 CURR 
339 FC_HRVRCDN Amortization of fair value adjustments in group currency WERTV9 CURR 
340 FC_HRVRCEN Closing book value of fair value adjustments in group crcy WERTV9 CURR 
341 FC_HRVRCPP Orig. FVA in prior periods in group currency WERTV9 CURR 
342 FC_HRVRCWU Writeup of fair value adjustments in group currency WERTV9 CURR 
343 FC_HRYCIACT Display First Consolidation and Divestiture X CHAR 
344 FC_HRYNAME Hierarchy name HIERANM CHAR 
345 FC_HSLCMP Reconciliation: Compare Values in Second Currency CHAR1_X CHAR 
346 FC_HSL_C Amount in Local Currency (Credit) WERT9 CURR 
347 FC_HSL_D Amount in Local Currency (Debit) WERT9 CURR 
348 FC_IAIND Assignment inactive CHAR1_X CHAR 
349 FC_IAIND_B Inactive CHAR1_X CHAR 
350 FC_IAIND_D Status indicator CHAR1_X CHAR 
351 FC_IBPSET Reclassification: Set of partner units for triggering item FC_SETNAME CHAR 
352 FC_IBUPTR Reclassification: Partner unit of the triggering item FC_BUNIT CHAR 
353 FC_ICOIFLG Include in consolidation of investments X CHAR 
354 FC_IDEIND Item blocked against entry and posting CHAR1_X CHAR 
355 FC_IEIND 'I'=Include/'E'=Exclude the assignment FC_IEIND CHAR 
356 FC_IGSGBFI Sequence for converting companies/business areas FC_IGSGBFI NUMC 
357 FC_IHCG Bequeathing consolidation group FC_CONGR CHAR 
358 FC_IHIND Inheritance FC_IHIND NUMC 
359 FC_IITEM Triggering FS item FC_ITEM CHAR 
360 FC_IITSET Set of triggering items FC_SETNAME CHAR 
361 FC_INCOMP Task is incomplete CHAR1_X CHAR 
362 FC_INCULO Load integrated units X CHAR 
363 FC_INDDP1 Realtime Update is Data Transfer Method for Company Cons. X CHAR 
364 FC_INDDP2 Realtime Update is Data Transfer Method for Bus.Area Cons. X CHAR 
365 FC_INDEPVA Fixed value for a subitem category-like characteristic CHAR10 CHAR 
366 FC_INDLS1 Ledger Selection is Active for Company Consolidation CHAR1_X CHAR 
367 FC_INDLS2 Ledger Selection is Active for Business Area Consolidation CHAR1_X CHAR 
368 FC_INDPE1 Periodic Extract is Data Transfer Method for Company Cons. CHAR1_X CHAR 
369 FC_INDPE2 Transfer Method for Business Area Cons is Periodic Extract CHAR1_X CHAR 
370 FC_INDRU1 Transfer Method for Company Cons is Rollup X CHAR 
371 FC_INDRU2 Transfer Method for Business Area Cons is Rollup X CHAR 
372 FC_IND_CU1 Consolidation unit 1 chosen CHAR1_X CHAR 
373 FC_IND_CU2 Consolidation unit 2 chosen CHAR1_X CHAR 
375 FC_INH Master data maintenance with inheritance CHAR1_X CHAR 
376 FC_INICG Consolidation group FC_CONGR CHAR 
377 FC_INIT Task is in its initial stage CHAR1_X CHAR 
378 FC_INITALL Overall status: Initial stage CHAR1_X CHAR 
379 FC_INPIND Periodic data entry CHAR1_X CHAR 
380 FC_INPVS Version for data entry FC_INPVS CHAR 
381 FC_INRLDNR Reconciliation ledger FC_INRLDNR CHAR 
382 FC_INSERT Do not modify existing settings CHAR1_X CHAR 
383 FC_INTDE Integrated Entry Investment/Equity X CHAR 
384 FC_INVAL Location of inventory data values FC_INVAL CHAR 
385 FC_INVEXT Third-party Investment FC_ITEM CHAR 
386 FC_INVFLG Copy Changes in Investments CHAR1_X CHAR 
387 FC_INVVAL Location of investment holdings values FC_VALDB1 CHAR 
388 FC_INVVS Version: Changes in investments FC_INVVS CHAR 
389 FC_IP86CR List criterion FC_IP86CR NUMC 
390 FC_IPICR List criterion FC_IPICR NUMC 
391 FC_IPICR2 List criterion FC_IPICR2 NUMC 
392 FC_IPIVS Version: Elimination of IU profit/loss in inventory FC_IPIVS CHAR 
393 FC_IPTYP Input type FC_IPTYP CHAR 
394 FC_IPTYP_C Entry of cumulative values FC_IPTYP CHAR 
395 FC_IPTYP_P Entry of periodic values FC_IPTYP CHAR 
397 FC_ISET1 Item set 1 SETID CHAR 
398 FC_ISET3 Item set 2 SETID CHAR 
399 FC_ISISET Set of triggering subitems FC_SETNAME CHAR 
400 FC_ISITEM Triggering subitem FC_SITEM CHAR 
401 FC_ISKSTAR Cost Elements FLAG CHAR 
402 FC_ISOCD Reporting currency in ISO Code ISOCD CHAR 
404 FC_ITACASS Account mapped to an FS item FC_ITACASS CHAR 
405 FC_ITAEASS Account (cost element) mapped to an FS item FC_ITAEASS CHAR 
406 FC_ITBAG Balancing adjustment item for bus. area/profit center cons FC_ITEM CHAR 
407 FC_ITBG Item for retained earnings on the balance sheet FC_ITEM CHAR 
408 FC_ITCEASS Map a cost element to an FS item FC_ITCEASS CHAR 
409 FC_ITCGNEW Consolidation chart of accounts to be created FC_ITCLG CHAR 
410 FC_ITCGY FS item type FC_ITCGY CHAR 
411 FC_ITCLG Consolidation chart of accounts FC_ITCLG CHAR 
412 FC_ITCLGTX New description of a consolidation chart of accounts TEXT20 CHAR 
413 FC_ITCLG_I Consolidation chart of accounts for data transfer FC_ITCLG CHAR 
414 FC_ITDPIND Treatment of differences depends on item X CHAR 
415 FC_ITEM Financial statement item FC_ITEM CHAR 
416 FC_ITEMC Item - credit FC_ITEM CHAR 
417 FC_ITEMD Item - debit FC_ITEM CHAR 
418 FC_ITEMDERIVE Reconciliation: Derive FS Items from Accounts/Cost Elements CHAR1_X CHAR 
419 FC_ITEMIND Treatment of totals items FC_ITEMIND CHAR 
420 FC_ITEM_BS Balance sheet item for the FS balancing adjustment FC_ITEM CHAR 
422 FC_ITEM_IS Income statement item for the FS balancing adjustment FC_ITEM CHAR 
423 FC_ITEM_ST Statistical item for the FS balancing adjustment FC_ITEM CHAR 
424 FC_ITEM_T Financial statement item FC_ITEM CHAR 
426 FC_ITEQU Equity item FC_ITEM CHAR 
427 FC_ITERG Item for retained earnings on the income statement FC_ITEM CHAR 
428 FC_ITGAASS Group account mapped to an FS item FC_ITGAASS CHAR 
429 FC_ITGIND Post the difference to this item set X CHAR 
430 FC_ITGRP Breakdown category FC_ITGRP CHAR 
431 FC_ITGRPFIX_FLG Char. w/fixed value in breakdown cat (SIcat-like char.) CHAR1_X CHAR 
432 FC_ITGRP_SETNAME Set name in breakdown category FC_SETNAME CHAR 
433 FC_ITHRY Item Hierarchy FC_ITHRY CHAR 
434 FC_ITINV Investment item FC_ITEM CHAR 
435 FC_ITKEY Classification key FC_ITKEY CHAR 
436 FC_ITKEYCF Classification key for carryforward FC_ITKEYCF CHAR 
437 FC_ITKEYIP Elim. IU P/L in inventory: classif. key for posted items FC_ITKEYIP CHAR 
438 FC_ITKEYSI Classification key for selected items FC_ITKEYSI CHAR 
439 FC_ITLABC B/S item for provisions for deferred income taxes (credit) FC_ITEM CHAR 
440 FC_ITLABD Balance sheet item for deferred income taxes (debit) FC_ITEM CHAR 
441 FC_ITLAGC Income statement item: deferred income taxes (credit) FC_ITEM CHAR 
442 FC_ITLAGD Income statement item: Deferred taxes (debit) FC_ITEM CHAR 
443 FC_ITLGH Output length of FS items NUMC02 NUMC 
444 FC_ITM Insertion point FC_ITEM CHAR 
446 FC_ITSGN0 Deactivate Item Set Generation CHAR1_X CHAR 
447 FC_ITSGN1 Only Generate FS Item Sets upon User Action CHAR1_X CHAR 
448 FC_ITSGN2 Prompt for Item Set Generation CHAR1_X CHAR 
449 FC_ITSGN3 Generate Item Sets Automatically CHAR1_X CHAR 
450 FC_ITSIND Totals item CHAR1_X CHAR 
451 FC_ITTYP FS item category FC_ITTYP CHAR 
452 FC_ITUSE Where-applied indicator FC_ITUSE CHAR 
453 FC_ITUSE1 Where-applied Indicator FC_ITUSE1 CHAR 
454 FC_ITUSE_BAPI Where-applied indicator FC_ITUSE_BAPI CHAR 
455 FC_IUEPFI Source item for reclassifications in proportional cons. FC_ITEM CHAR 
456 FC_IUEPTI Destination item for reclassifications in prop. cons. FC_ITEM CHAR 
457 FC_IUE_PROPN1 Proportion for Consolidation Unit 1 CHAR12 CHAR 
458 FC_IUE_PROPN2 Proportion for Consolidation Unit 2 CHAR12 CHAR 
459 FC_IVFLG Consolidation of investments control FC_IVFLG CHAR 
460 FC_IVTFLG Copy Inventory Data CHAR1_X CHAR 
461 FC_IWDUFLG Investment Amortization/Write-up X CHAR 
462 FC_JEFLD Name of the table field FDNAME CHAR 
463 FC_JEFRM Journal entry layout FC_JEFRM CHAR 
464 FC_JENTR Include journal entries CHAR1_X CHAR 
465 FC_KIND Formatting command on selection screen of a report program FC_KIND CHAR 
466 FC_KRITASS View at equity holding adjustments FC_KRITASS CHAR 
467 FC_KRITINV View at investment structures FC_KRITINV CHAR 
468 FC_KSLCMP Reconciliation: Compare Values in Third Currency CHAR1_X CHAR 
469 FC_KSL_C Amount in Group Currency (Credit) WERT9 CURR 
470 FC_KSL_D Amount in Group Currency (Debit) WERT9 CURR 
471 FC_KZBU Consolidation unit CHAR1_X CHAR 
472 FC_KZCG Consolidation group CHAR1_X CHAR 
473 FC_LANGU Language key SPRAS LANG 
474 FC_LANGU_BU Language of consolidation unit SPRAS LANG 
475 FC_LBALIND Document balances in local currency ICON CHAR 
476 FC_LBFLG Divestiture accounting at beginning of period X CHAR 
477 FC_LCGWFLG Goodwill Entry Carried in Local Currency X CHAR 
478 FC_LCIND Last task in the task group (data monitor) CHAR1_X CHAR 
480 FC_LCKEYIE Local Currency Key of Investee Unit WAERS CUKY 
481 FC_LCRIT01 Lists for interunit eliminations FC_LCRIT01 CHAR 
482 FC_LCRIT02 List Criteria for Deleting Realtime Documents FC_LCRIT02 CHAR 
483 FC_LCSUM3 Total of Valuation Allowance in LC WERTV9 CURR 
484 FC_LCUR Post in local currency X CHAR 
485 FC_LCURR_FI Local currency or parallel local currency of company code WAERS CUKY 
486 FC_LCURR_FLG Local currency flag X CHAR 
487 FC_LCVALAF Total Original Value in Local Currency WERTV9 CURR 
488 FC_LCVALAP Original Book Value (LC) WERTV9 CURR 
489 FC_LCVALAPK0 Acquisition Original Value, Current Year (LC) WERTV9 CURR 
490 FC_LCVALBG Beginning Book Value (Local Currency) WERTV9 CURR 
491 FC_LCVALD0 Divest. of Val.Allowance Prior Year in Prior Periods (LC) WERTV9 CURR 
492 FC_LCVALD1 Divest. of Val.Allowance Curr. Year in Prior Periods (LC) WERTV9 CURR 
493 FC_LCVALD2 Divest. of Val.Allowance Curr. Year in Curr. Period (LC) WERTV9 CURR 
494 FC_LCVALDA Accumulated Adjustment of OC from Curr. Per. (LC) WERTV9 CURR 
495 FC_LCVALDD Accumulated Adjustment from Divest. in Current Period (LC) WERTV9 CURR 
496 FC_LCVALDDD2 Valuation Allow., Divestiture Pr.Year in Current Period (LC) WERTV9 CURR 
497 FC_LCVALDE Amortization Amount, Extraordinary (LC) WERTV9 CURR 
498 FC_LCVALDI Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Current Period, in LC WERTV9 CURR 
499 FC_LCVALDJ Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Prior Periods, in LC WERTV9 CURR 
500 FC_LCVALDN Amortization Amount, Ordinary (LC) WERTV9 CURR