SAP ABAP Data Element - Index F, page 10
Data Element - F
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | FC_LCVALDP | Accumulated Adjustment of OC from Per. (LC) | WERTV9 | CURR |
2 | FC_LCVALDPK1 | Divestiture Original Cost in Prior Periods (LC) | WERTV9 | CURR |
3 | FC_LCVALEN | Ending Book Value (LC) | WERTV9 | CURR |
4 | FC_LCVALIE | Investment Book Value of Investee Unit in LC | WERT9 | CURR |
5 | FC_LCVALK0 | Original Book Value, Prior Year (LC) | WERTV9 | CURR |
6 | FC_LCVALK1 | Divestiture of Original Book Value, Prior Year (LC) | WERTV9 | CURR |
7 | FC_LCVALN1 | Valuation Allowance in Income Statement, Prior Year (LC) | WERTV9 | CURR |
8 | FC_LCVALV1 | Valuation Allowance in Prior Periods (LC) | WERTV9 | CURR |
9 | FC_LCVALWU | Writeup (LC) | WERTV9 | CURR |
10 | FC_LC_LST | List criterion | CHAR2 | CHAR |
11 | FC_LDIFFIND | Consolidation document shows differences against FI document | ICON | CHAR |
12 | FC_LDRVS | Version: Ledger | FC_LDRVS | CHAR |
13 | FC_LDTEQI | Equity Item for Legacy Data Transfer | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
14 | FC_LDTEQS | Subitem for Legacy Data Transfer | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
15 | FC_LDTEQT | Subitem Category for Legacy Data Transfer | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
16 | FC_LDTFLG | Legacy Data Transfer | X | CHAR |
17 | FC_LDTPE | Period of Legacy Data Transfer | PERDE | NUMC |
18 | FC_LDTYR | Fiscal Year of Legacy Data Transfer | GJAHR | NUMC |
19 | FC_LD_PC | Ledger for Profit Center Consolidation | RLDNR | CHAR |
20 | FC_LEAD | Lead scaling factor | FC_LEAD | NUMC |
21 | FC_LFORM | Legal form | FC_LFORM | CHAR |
22 | FC_LIMIND | Use threshold value for elimination differences | X | CHAR |
23 | FC_LIMIT | Threshold value (limit) for posting differences | WERTV9 | CURR |
24 | FC_LINECOUNT | Row number | FC_NUMC6 | NUMC |
25 | FC_LINENUM | Row number | NUMC04 | NUMC |
26 | FC_LINETYPE | Row type | FC_LINETYPE | CHAR |
27 | FC_LINETYPEFLG | Use Row Type Indicators | FC_FLG_USE | CHAR |
28 | FC_LINETYPE_LST | Row Type (for list output) | FC_LINETYPE_LST | CHAR |
29 | FC_LMANDT | Client of the local SAP System | MANDT | CLNT |
30 | FC_LMERGERFLG | Divestiture Accounting Due to Merger | X | CHAR |
31 | FC_LOCK | Task is blocked | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
32 | FC_LOCKIND | Block automatically | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
33 | FC_LOGFILE | Logical File Name | FC_LOGFILE | CHAR |
34 | FC_LORGCHFLG | Indicator for Organizational Change at Divestiture Acctg | X | CHAR |
35 | FC_LORIG | Display original list | X | CHAR |
36 | FC_LPERI | Period of divestiture accounting | FC_LPERI | NUMC |
37 | FC_LPFLTCH | Characteristic in the list processor | SCRTEXT_M | CHAR |
38 | FC_LPFLTER | Select and display error messages | X | CHAR |
39 | FC_LPPNEXT | List processor: Show successors | X | CHAR |
40 | FC_LPPNODE | List processor: Only nodes on print-outs | X | CHAR |
41 | FC_LPPNP | List processor: Page breaks on print-outs | X | CHAR |
42 | FC_LPPNPC | List processor: Characteristic for page breaks on print-outs | SCRTEXT_M | CHAR |
43 | FC_LPPPREV | List Processor: Show Predecessors | X | CHAR |
44 | FC_LPPROTARCH | Archive List Log | X | CHAR |
45 | FC_LPRCT | Percentage limit for elimination difference | PRZ38 | DEC |
46 | FC_LPUSRHD | List processor: Suppress header in details list | X | CHAR |
47 | FC_LPUSRLN | List processor: Line control, suppress blank lines | X | CHAR |
48 | FC_LPVALUE | List Processor: Value of a characteristic | CHAR20 | CHAR |
49 | FC_LSIND | Legal entity | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
50 | FC_LSTDI01 | Views at G/L chart of accounts, cons chart of accounts | FC_LSTDI01 | CHAR |
51 | FC_LSTDI02 | Comparison views at chart of accounts, cons C/A (accts only) | FC_LSTDI02 | CHAR |
52 | FC_LSTDI03 | Views at G/L accounts | FC_LSTDI03 | CHAR |
53 | FC_LSTDI04 | Views at financial statement items | FC_LSTDI04 | CHAR |
54 | FC_LSTDI05 | Views at group accounts | FC_LSTDI05 | CHAR |
55 | FC_LSTDI06 | Comparison views at charts and cons charts (accts+cost elem) | FC_LSTDI06 | CHAR |
56 | FC_LSTDI07 | Views at G/L accounts and cost elements | FC_LSTDI07 | CHAR |
57 | FC_LSTDI08 | Views at financial statement items | FC_LSTDI08 | CHAR |
58 | FC_LSTDI09 | Views at group accounts | FC_LSTDI09 | CHAR |
59 | FC_LSTDI10 | Views at Document Number Ranges | NUMC1 | NUMC |
60 | FC_LSTGSHR | Group share | CHAR15 | CHAR |
61 | FC_LSTGSHR_LONG | Group Share | CHAR31 | CHAR |
62 | FC_LSTPROP | Proportion | CHAR6 | CHAR |
63 | FC_LSTPROP_LONG | Proportion | CHAR12 | CHAR |
64 | FC_LYEAR | Year of divestiture accounting | GJAHR | NUMC |
65 | FC_L_OVER | Threshold value exceeded | ICON | CHAR |
66 | FC_L_OVR_P | Threshold exceeded for pair of consolidation units | ICON | CHAR |
67 | FC_MAILDP | Realtime Update: Send Express Mail with Error List | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
68 | FC_MANPOS | Manual Posting | X | CHAR |
69 | FC_MARK | Select entry | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
70 | FC_MASK | Use masking | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
71 | FC_MAXSET | Maximum Sets Active | X | CHAR |
72 | FC_MCIND | Consolidation frequency applies to all CGs | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
73 | FC_MEINS_ISO | Base unit of measure in ISO code | ISOCD_UNIT | CHAR |
74 | FC_MERFLG | Merger Activities | X | CHAR |
75 | FC_METH | Consolidation of investments method | FC_CMETH | CHAR |
76 | FC_MFLAG | Method has changed | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
77 | FC_MIAPUA | Minority Interest in ANI, Push-down Method, Statistical Item | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
78 | FC_MICONT | Minority interest in ANI - offsetting item | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
79 | FC_MIGSTATUS | Migration: Status | FC_STATUS | CHAR |
80 | FC_MIGTASK | Migration task | FC_MIGTASK | NUMC |
81 | FC_MIG_ADFLD1 | Migration 1st char.: Field of table group ECMC | FDNAME | CHAR |
82 | FC_MIG_ADFLD2 | Migration 2nd char.: Field of table group ECMC | FDNAME | CHAR |
83 | FC_MIG_ADFLD3 | Migration 3rd char.: Field of table group ECMC | FDNAME | CHAR |
84 | FC_MINFLG | Minority interest | X | CHAR |
85 | FC_MISADJ | Statistical item for minority interest in adjusted ANI | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
86 | FC_MISADJEQ | Minority Int. in Annual Net Income, Statistical (Equity M.) | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
87 | FC_MISADJGW | Minority Int. in Annual Net Income, Statistical (Goodwill) | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
88 | FC_MISTAT | Minority interest in ANI - statistical item | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
89 | FC_MLFLG | Manual entry | X | CHAR |
90 | FC_MMD_ADFLD1 | Migration: Copy the master data for the 1st additional field | X | CHAR |
91 | FC_MMD_ADFLD2 | Migration: Copy the master data for the 2nd additional field | X | CHAR |
92 | FC_MMD_ADFLD3 | Migration: Copy the master data for the 3rd additional field | X | CHAR |
93 | FC_MMD_RSUBD | Migration: Default Subgroup | RSUBD | CHAR |
94 | FC_MMD_RVERS | Migration: Base version | RVERS_GC | CHAR |
95 | FC_MMD_SCRIT1 | Migration: Sort criterion 1 -> Attribute: field name | FDNAME | CHAR |
96 | FC_MMD_SCRIT2 | Migration: Sort criterion 2 -> Attribute: field name | FDNAME | CHAR |
97 | FC_MMD_SCRIT3 | Migration: Sort criterion 3 -> Attribute: field name | FDNAME | CHAR |
98 | FC_MODIFIED | Selection Screen: Code has been manually modified | X | CHAR |
99 | FC_MODIFY | Overwrite existing settings | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
100 | FC_MONITOR | Status management activated | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
101 | FC_MONPER | Monitor authorization | FC_MONPER | CHAR |
102 | FC_MSGID | Message index for the list processor | INT3 | NUMC |
103 | FC_MSGNO | Message Number | SYMSGNO | NUMC |
104 | FC_MSGTY | Message type | MSGAR | CHAR |
105 | FC_MSGTY_STAT | Message type for log statistics | FC_MSGTY_STAT | CHAR |
106 | FC_MSLCMP | Reconciliation: Compare Quantities | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
107 | FC_MSTONE | Milestone | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
108 | FC_MULTDOCIND | Reconciliation: Multiple Partner Documents Exist | ICON | CHAR |
109 | FC_MUTFLG | Mutual stock method | X | CHAR |
110 | FC_NAME | Name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
111 | FC_NAME1 | Name 1 | TEXT50 | CHAR |
112 | FC_NAME2 | Name 2 | TEXT50 | CHAR |
113 | FC_NAMGE | Code for generating a CG/CU | TEXT30 | CHAR |
114 | FC_NAMLGH | Adopted length of the organizational unit IDs | FC_NAMLGH | NUMC |
115 | FC_NAMSEQ | Sequential position of the organizational unit ID | FC_NAMSEQ | NUMC |
116 | FC_NEQCUS | Customizing: Negative shareholders' equity | FC_COICUS | CHAR |
117 | FC_NEQEXC | Exception for Negative Stockholders' Equity | X | CHAR |
118 | FC_NEQFLG | Negative stockholders' equity | X | CHAR |
119 | FC_NEWLL_YEAR | Fiscal Year from Which New Level Logic Is to Be Applied | GJAHR | NUMC |
120 | FC_NGAAMCI | Item for writeups of negative goodwill | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
121 | FC_NGAAMCS | Subitem for writeups of negative goodwill | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
122 | FC_NGAAMCT | Subitem category for goodwill writeups | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
123 | FC_NGAAMCTCYS | Subitem: Neg. Goodwill Amort., C/T Diff. OC Current Year | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
124 | FC_NGAAMCTPYS | Subitem: Neg. Goodwill Amort., C/T Diff. OC, Opening Balance | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
125 | FC_NGAAMDI | Item for the amortization of negative goodwill | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
126 | FC_NGAAMDS | Subitem for the amortization of negative goodwill | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
127 | FC_NGAAMDT | Subitem category for amortization of negative goodwill | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
128 | FC_NGAAQCI | Item for accumulated amortization of negative goodwill | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
129 | FC_NGAAQCISET | Item Set for Negative PD Goodwill, Valuation Allowances | FC_SETNAME | CHAR |
130 | FC_NGAAQCT | Subitem category for accum.amortization of negative goodwill | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
131 | FC_NGAAQDI | Item for acquisition cost of negative goodwill | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
132 | FC_NGAAQDISET | Item Set for Negative PD Goodwill, Original Cost | FC_SETNAME | CHAR |
133 | FC_NGAAQDS | Subitem for acquisition cost of negative goodwill | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
134 | FC_NGAAQDT | Subitem category for acquisition cost of negative goodwill | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
135 | FC_NGAAQOI | B/S Offsetting Item for Amortization of Negative Goodwill | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
136 | FC_NGAAQOS | Subitem f. Offset f. Amortization of Neg.Goodwill, Addition | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
137 | FC_NGAAQOT | Subitem Category f. Offset f. Amortization of Neg.Goodwill | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
138 | FC_NGABG | Beginning date of amortization of new negative goodwill | FC_DGWBG | CHAR |
139 | FC_NGACUS | Customizing: Ordinary Amortization of Negative Goodwill | FC_COICUS | CHAR |
140 | FC_NGADPCS | Subitem for the amortization of negative goodwill | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
141 | FC_NGADPCTCYS | Subitem: Neg. Goodwill Amort., CTD Val.Allowance, Curr.Year | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
142 | FC_NGADPCTPYS | Subitem: Neg. Goodwill Amort., CTD Val.All., Opening Balance | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
143 | FC_NGADPDS | Subitem for writeups of negative goodwill | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
144 | FC_NGAEXC | Exception Negative Goodwill Ordinary Amortization | X | CHAR |
145 | FC_NGAFLG | Negative Goodwill Ordinary Amortization | X | CHAR |
146 | FC_NGALCUR | Group currency f. threshold of neg. goodwill amortization | WAERS | CUKY |
147 | FC_NGALFLG | Threshold for amortization of negative goodwill | X | CHAR |
148 | FC_NGALVAL | Threshold for amortization of negative goodwill | WERTV9 | CURR |
149 | FC_NGAOFFSCS | Subitem: Offset.Entry, Negative Goodwill Amort. APC, Credit | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
150 | FC_NGAOFFSDI | Offsetting Item: Negative Goodwill Amortization, Acq.Cost | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
151 | FC_NGAOFFSDS | Subitem: Offset.Entry, Negative Goodwill Amort. APC, Debit | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
152 | FC_NGAOFFSDT | Subitem Categ.: Offset.Entry, Negative Goodwill Amort. APC | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
153 | FC_NGAPE | Life of amortization of negative goodwill in months | NUMC3 | NUMC |
154 | FC_NGARFLG | Amortization of new negative goodwill over remain. life | X | CHAR |
155 | FC_NGASTAT | Item for Neg.Goodwill Val.Allow.: Amortization, Stat. | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
156 | FC_NGASTATAQ | Item f. Amort. of Neg. Goodwill, Orig.Value, Statistical | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
157 | FC_NGASTATCT | Item: Negative Goodwill Amortization, C/T Diff, Statistical | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
158 | FC_NGASTATOFFS | Offsetting Item: Negative Goodwill Amortization, Statistical | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
159 | FC_NGAYR | Life of amortization of negative goodwill in years | NUMC2 | NUMC |
160 | FC_NGDAQCI | Item for direct elimination of negative goodwill | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
161 | FC_NGDAQCS | Subitem for the direct elimination of negative goodwill | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
162 | FC_NGDAQCT | Subitem category for direct elimination of negative goodwill | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
163 | FC_NGDAQOI | B/S Offsetting Item for Direct Elimination of Neg. Goodwill | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
164 | FC_NGDAQOS | Subitem for Offset for Direct Elimination of Neg. Goodwill | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
165 | FC_NGDAQOT | Subitem Category f. Offset f. Direct Elim. of Neg. Goodwill | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
166 | FC_NGDCUS | Customizing: Direct Elimination of Negative Goodwill | FC_COICUS | CHAR |
167 | FC_NGDEXC | Exception for direct elimination of negative goodwill | X | CHAR |
168 | FC_NGDFLG | Direct Elimination of Negative Goodwill | X | CHAR |
169 | FC_NGDOFFSCS | Subitem: Offset.Entry, Neg.Goodwill Direct Elim., Credit | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
170 | FC_NGDOFFSDI | Offsetting Item: Neg.Goodwill Direct Elimination, Acq.Cost | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
171 | FC_NGDOFFSDS | Subitem: Offsetting Entry, Neg.Goodwill Direct Elim., Debit | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
172 | FC_NGDOFFSDT | Subitem Cat.: Offset.Entry, Neg.Goodwill Direct Elim., APC | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
173 | FC_NGDSTAT | Item for Neg.Goodwill Val.Allow.: Direct Elimination, Stat. | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
174 | FC_NGDSTATOFFS | Offsetting Item: Neg.Goodwill Direct Elim., Statistical | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
175 | FC_NGFLG | Negative goodwill | X | CHAR |
176 | FC_NGNCUS | Customizing: Extraordinary Amortization of Negative Goodwill | FC_COICUS | CHAR |
177 | FC_NGNEXC | Exception Negative Goodwill Extraordinary Amortization | X | CHAR |
178 | FC_NGNFLG | Extraordinary Amortization of Negative Goodwill | X | CHAR |
179 | FC_NGPROC | Treatment of negative goodwill | FC_GWPROC | CHAR |
180 | FC_NGPROCDA | Neg.GW Treatment in Direct Invest.(exc. First Cons) | FC_GWPROC | CHAR |
181 | FC_NGPROCIA | Neg.GW Treatment in Increase in Indirect Investment | FC_GWPROC | CHAR |
182 | FC_NGPROC_COIAC | Treatment of Negative Goodwill in Investment Acquisition | FC_GWPROC | CHAR |
183 | FC_NGRAMCI | Item for periodic reduction of negative goodwill: credit | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
184 | FC_NGRAMCS | Subitem for periodic reduction of negative goodwill: credits | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
185 | FC_NGRAMCT | Subitem cat. for periodic reduction of negative GW: credits | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
186 | FC_NGRAMDI | Item for periodic reduction of negative GW: debits | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
187 | FC_NGRAMDS | Subitem for periodic reduction of negative goodwill: debits | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
188 | FC_NGRAMDT | Subitem cat. for periodic reduction of negative GW: debits | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
189 | FC_NGRAQCS | Subitem for periodic reduction of negative GW: divestiture | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
190 | FC_NGRAQCTCYS | Subitem for Per.Reduction of Neg. GW, CTD OC Current Year | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
191 | FC_NGRAQCTPYS | Subitem for Per.Reduction of Neg. GW, CTD OC Opening Balance | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
192 | FC_NGRAQDI | B/S item for periodic reduction of negative GW | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
193 | FC_NGRAQDS | Subitem for periodic reduction of negative GW: acquisitions | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
194 | FC_NGRAQDT | Subitem cat. for B/S item for periodic reduction of neg. GW | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
195 | FC_NGRAQOCS | Subitem f. Offset f. Periodic Reduction of Neg. GW, Disposal | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
196 | FC_NGRAQODS | Subitem f. Offset f. Periodic Reduction of Neg. GW, Addition | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
197 | FC_NGRAQOI | B/S Offsetting Item for Direct Elimination of Neg. Goodwill | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
198 | FC_NGRAQOT | Subitem Category f. Offset f. Periodic Reduction of Neg. GW | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
199 | FC_NGRBG | Beginning date of the reduction of new negative goodwill | FC_DGWBG | CHAR |
200 | FC_NGRCUS | Customizing: Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | FC_COICUS | CHAR |
201 | FC_NGREXC | Exception for periodic reduction of negative goodwill | X | CHAR |
202 | FC_NGRFLG | Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | X | CHAR |
203 | FC_NGRLCUR | Group currency of threshold for periodic reduction of neg.GW | WAERS | CUKY |
204 | FC_NGRLFLG | Threshold for periodic reduction of negative goodwill | X | CHAR |
205 | FC_NGRLVAL | Threshold for periodic reduction of negative goodwill | WERTV9 | CURR |
206 | FC_NGROFFSCS | Subitem: Offset.Entry, Neg.Goodwill Periodic Reduct., Credit | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
207 | FC_NGROFFSDI | Offsetting Item: Neg.Goodwill Periodic Reduction, Acq.Cost | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
208 | FC_NGROFFSDS | Subitem: Offset.Entry, Neg.Goodwill Periodic Reduct., Debit | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
209 | FC_NGROFFSDT | SI Cat.: Offset.Entry, Neg.Goodwill Periodic Reduct., APC | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
210 | FC_NGRPE | Life of periodic reduction of negative goodwill - months | NUMC3 | NUMC |
211 | FC_NGRRFLG | Reduce new negative goodwill over its remaining life | X | CHAR |
212 | FC_NGRSTAT | Item for Neg.Goodwill Val.Allow.: Periodic Reduction, Stat. | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
213 | FC_NGRSTATCT | Item f. Periodic Reduction of Neg.Goodwill, CTD, Statistical | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
214 | FC_NGRSTATOFFS | Offset.Item: Neg.Goodwill Periodic Reduction, Statistical | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
215 | FC_NGRYR | Life of periodic reduction of negative goodwill - years | NUMC2 | NUMC |
216 | FC_NGWCUS | Customizing: Direct Writeoff of Negative Goodwill | FC_COICUS | CHAR |
217 | FC_NGWEXC | Exception for Direct Writeoff of Negative Goodwill | X | CHAR |
218 | FC_NGWFLG | Direct Writeoff of Negative Goodwill | X | CHAR |
219 | FC_NHAQCSI | Subitem for transferring hidden contingencies (fair val.adj) | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
220 | FC_NHDPCSI | Subitem for changes to hidden contingencies - credit | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
221 | FC_NHDPDSI | Subitem for changes to hidden contingencies - debit | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
222 | FC_NHFLG | Fair Value Deficit (Excess Book Value over Fair Value) | X | CHAR |
223 | FC_NHSITYP | Subitem category for hidden contingencies (fair value adj.) | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
224 | FC_NIAPUA | Annual Net Income from Push-down Method, Statistical Item | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
225 | FC_NICONT | Annual net income - offsetting item | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
226 | FC_NIDEMG | Net Income Item for Demerger | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
227 | FC_NIDIVP | Net Income Item for Partial Divestitures | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
228 | FC_NIGWAMI | Goodwill amortization item / negative investment book value | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
229 | FC_NIGWAMS | Subitem for Goodwill amortization/neg. investement bookvalue | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
230 | FC_NIGWAMT | SI cat. for goodwill amortization/neg. investment book value | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
231 | FC_NIGWAQI | Item for goodwill accum.amortization item/neg. inv. BV | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
232 | FC_NIGWAQS | Subitem goodwill accum.amortization/negative investment BV | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
233 | FC_NIGWAQT | Subitem cat. goodwill accum.amortization/neg. investment BV | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
234 | FC_NIIDFLG | Affect net income when reducing indirect investments | X | CHAR |
235 | FC_NIMC | Annual Net Income Item for Method Change | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
236 | FC_NIMERG | Net Income Item for Merger | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
237 | FC_NINVFLG | Enable negative investments | X | CHAR |
238 | FC_NIOC | Annual Net Income Item, Organizational Change | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
239 | FC_NIPD | Annual Net Income Item for Push-down Method | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
240 | FC_NIPDFLG | Affect net income when posting partial divestitures | X | CHAR |
241 | FC_NIPRCP | FS item: Annual net income prior to proportion change | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
242 | FC_NIPRFC | 'Annual net income prior to first consolidation' item | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
243 | FC_NIPU | Annual Net Income Item for Push-down Method | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
244 | FC_NISADJ | Statistical item for adjusted annual net income | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
245 | FC_NISADJEQ | Adjusted Annual Net Income, Statistical (Equity Method) | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
246 | FC_NISADJGW | Adjusted Annual Net Income, Statistical (Goodwill) | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
247 | FC_NISTAT | Annual net income - statistical item | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
248 | FC_NMINFLG | No calculation of minority interest | X | CHAR |
249 | FC_NODOCIND | Reconciliation: No Partner Document Exists | ICON | CHAR |
250 | FC_NOMASK | Process single entries separately | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
251 | FC_NOQIND | Suppress proportional consolidation | X | CHAR |
252 | FC_NOREVED | No reversed documents | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
253 | FC_NOREVER | No reversal documents | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
254 | FC_NOREVP | No pairs of reversal documents | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
255 | FC_NPIND | Post interunit loss | X | CHAR |
256 | FC_NREADY | Overall status: Still incomplete | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
257 | FC_NSHARE | Number of shares | NUMC12 | NUMC |
258 | FC_NSHR2 | Number of shares with voting rights | NUMC12 | NUMC |
259 | FC_NSHR3 | Number of non-voting shares | NUMC12 | NUMC |
260 | FC_NV2LC | Nominal book value of voting shares | WERT9 | CURR |
261 | FC_NV2_LST | Nominal book value of voting shares | CHAR22 | CHAR |
262 | FC_NV3LC | Nominal book value of non-voting shares | WERT9 | CURR |
263 | FC_NV3_LST | Nominal book value of non-voting shares | CHAR22 | CHAR |
264 | FC_OBLIG | Selection screen: Parameter/select option is mandatory | X | CHAR |
265 | FC_OBUNIT | Original consolidation unit | FC_BUNIT | CHAR |
266 | FC_OBUPTR | Original partner consolidation unit | FC_BUNIT | CHAR |
267 | FC_OCFLG | Organizational Changes, No Effect on Earnings | X | CHAR |
268 | FC_ODIFF_KSL | Other differences in group currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
269 | FC_ODIFITC | Credit item for posting other differences | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
270 | FC_ODIFITD | Debit item for posting other differences | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
271 | FC_ODIFSIC | Credit subitem for posting other differences | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
272 | FC_ODIFSID | Debit subitem for posting other differences | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
273 | FC_OECHR | Characteristic value of the organizational element | FC_OECHR | CHAR |
274 | FC_OECUR | Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
275 | FC_OELGH | Length of the organizational element | NUMC01 | NUMC |
276 | FC_OK | Task is error-free | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
277 | FC_ORGCH | Organizational Change Number | FC_ORGCH | NUMC |
278 | FC_ORGCHFLG | Organizational Change Indicator | X | CHAR |
279 | FC_ORGEL | Organizational element | FC_ORGEL | CHAR |
280 | FC_ORGSEL | SAP Consolidation: Org unit is selected | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
281 | FC_ORGUN | Organizational unit | FC_ORGUN | NUMC |
282 | FC_OSIIND | One-sided elimination | X | CHAR |
283 | FC_OSPIND | Post to the initiating cons unit | X | CHAR |
284 | FC_OVERW | Overwrite mode | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
285 | FC_OVERWR | Overwrite | FLAG | CHAR |
286 | FC_OVRCE | Overwriting of standardizing/consolidation entries enabled | X | CHAR |
287 | FC_OVRRD | Enable overwriting of reported financial data | X | CHAR |
288 | FC_PARTNER_IND | Specify the partner unit | FC_ITEM_IND | CHAR |
289 | FC_PARTP | SAP Consolidation: Parameter type for mass changes | FC_PARTP | CHAR |
290 | FC_PBIND | Post to the partner unit | FC_PBIND | CHAR |
291 | FC_PC1_LST | Change in investment share | CHAR12 | CHAR |
292 | FC_PC2_LST | Change in voting shares | CHAR12 | CHAR |
293 | FC_PC3_LST | Change in non-voting shares | CHAR12 | CHAR |
294 | FC_PC4_LST | Share change/annual net income | CHAR12 | CHAR |
295 | FC_PCGRP | Profit center group | FC_SETID | CHAR |
296 | FC_PCIND | Parent unit | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
297 | FC_PCNT1 | Change in investment share | PRZ38 | DEC |
298 | FC_PCNT2 | Change in voting shares | PRZ38 | DEC |
299 | FC_PCNT3 | Change in non-voting shares | PRZ38 | DEC |
300 | FC_PCNT4 | Change in share in annual net income | PRZ38 | DEC |
301 | FC_PCNTLST | Share | PRZ34 | DEC |
302 | FC_PCNTLST_LONG | Share | PRZ38 | DEC |
303 | FC_PCTV_ACS | Percentage rate (3+8) with dr/cr sign from offline entry | CHAR13 | CHAR |
304 | FC_PCT_ACS | Percentage rate (3+8) without dr/cr sign from offline entry | CHAR12 | CHAR |
305 | FC_PCUIND | Substitute the partner unit during the rollup | X | CHAR |
306 | FC_PDEFLG | Partial Divestiture as Equity Transaction | X | CHAR |
307 | FC_PERCR | Percentage profit | FC_PRZ38V | DEC |
308 | FC_PERCT | Percentage to be reclassified | PRZ34 | DEC |
309 | FC_PERID | Period | PERDE | NUMC |
310 | FC_PERID10 | Tenth period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
311 | FC_PERID11 | Eleventh period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
312 | FC_PERID_1 | Previous period | POPER | NUMC |
313 | FC_PERID_2 | Second period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
314 | FC_PERID_3 | Third period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
315 | FC_PERID_4 | Fourth period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
316 | FC_PERID_5 | Fifth period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
317 | FC_PERID_6 | Sixth period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
318 | FC_PERID_7 | Seventh period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
319 | FC_PERID_8 | Eighth period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
320 | FC_PERID_9 | Ninth period preceding the current period | POPER | NUMC |
321 | FC_PERID_F | From period | FC_PERID | NUMC |
322 | FC_PERID_T | To period | FC_PERID | NUMC |
323 | FC_PERIND | Divestiture at beginning of period | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
324 | FC_PERIO | Ind.: Cumulative (YTD) update / Periodic update | FLAG | CHAR |
325 | FC_PERIOD | Periodic reclassification | X | CHAR |
326 | FC_PERIV | Fiscal year variant | PERIV | CHAR |
327 | FC_PEROPEN | Open periods explicitly in the monitor | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
328 | FC_PERTEXT | Text for period status | CHAR30 | CHAR |
329 | FC_PERTP | Period category | FC_PERTP | CHAR |
330 | FC_PFIELD | Name of a parameter/select option in the selection screen | FC_PFIELD | CHAR |
331 | FC_PFIELDREF | Reference to a parameter/select option in the entry screen | DATA | REF |
332 | FC_PGFLG | Push-down Goodwill | X | CHAR |
333 | FC_PGRECY | Composition of Annual Net Income | FC_PGRECY | NUMC |
334 | FC_PGRPIND | Hierarchy grouped by profit center groups | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
335 | FC_PGWLCRIT | Pushdown-technical field | FC_PGWLCRIT | CHAR |
336 | FC_PHYSFIL | Physical file name | LOCALFILE | CHAR |
337 | FC_PHYSFIL1 | Path and Name of File for Hierarchy Information | LOCALFILE | CHAR |
338 | FC_PHYSFIL2 | Path and Name of File for Organizational Units | LOCALFILE | CHAR |
339 | FC_PIIND | FS item category is postable | X | CHAR |
340 | FC_PIWDI | Item for Investment Amortization | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
341 | FC_PIWDS | Subitem for Investment Amortization | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
342 | FC_PIWDT | Subitem Category for Investment Amortization | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
343 | FC_PIWUI | Item for Investment Writeup | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
344 | FC_PIWUS | Subitem for Investment Writeup | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
345 | FC_PIWUT | Subitem Category for Investment Writeup | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
346 | FC_PKIND | Type of field | FC_PKIND | CHAR |
347 | FC_PLACCNT | SAP Cons: The account is an income statement (P&L) account | FLAG | CHAR |
348 | FC_PLEVL | Posting level | FC_PLEVL | CHAR |
349 | FC_PLEVLGRP | Posting Level Group | FC_PLEVLGRP | NUMC |
350 | FC_PLVL20 | Elimination entries | YESNO | CHAR |
351 | FC_PLVL30 | Treatment of consolidation entries | YESNO | CHAR |
352 | FC_POBOX | PO Box | CHAR10 | CHAR |
353 | FC_POIND | Offsetting item posted against unit managing inventory | X | CHAR |
354 | FC_POOFLG | Pooling of interests | X | CHAR |
355 | FC_POSTTXT | Text for input type | TEXT20 | CHAR |
356 | FC_PRCACTI | Preceding task | FC_CACTI | CHAR |
357 | FC_PRCSTEL | SAP Consolidation: Primary cost element | FLAG | CHAR |
358 | FC_PRCTR1 | SAP Cons Integration: Profit Center | CHAR10 | CHAR |
359 | FC_PREFIX | Prefix of an organizational unit ID | FC_PREFIX | CHAR |
360 | FC_PRELIM | Task pending completion of preceding task | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
361 | FC_PRES | Presentation server | FLAG | CHAR |
362 | FC_PRFIND | Validation was carried out | FC_PRFIND | CHAR |
363 | FC_PRGRP | Product group | FC_PRGRP | CHAR |
364 | FC_PRGRPUSE | Type of product group usage | X | CHAR |
365 | FC_PROC | Specify the type of processing | FC_SPEC | CHAR |
366 | FC_PROFLG | Proportional consolidation | X | CHAR |
367 | FC_PROLCR | List Criterion - Apportionment Program | FC_PROLCR | CHAR |
368 | FC_PROPCHR | Proportion or proportion change | CHAR15 | CHAR |
369 | FC_PROPN | Proportion | PRZ38 | DEC |
370 | FC_PROT | Display a log | X | CHAR |
371 | FC_PROTCAT | Type of Log Output | FC_PROTCAT | CHAR |
372 | FC_PROTTXT | Text describing the status of the log session | TEXT20 | CHAR |
373 | FC_PROTUPL | Upload log | FC_PROTUPL | CHAR |
374 | FC_PROTX | Detailed Log Includes Error-Free Data Records | X | CHAR |
375 | FC_PROTY | Log: Data Records with Warning Messages or Errors | X | CHAR |
376 | FC_PROTYP | Apportionment Procedure for Two-sided Eliminations | FC_PROTYP | NUMC |
377 | FC_PROTYPR | Apportionment Procedure for Two-sided Eliminations | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
378 | FC_PROTZ | Log: Statistic of Incurred Messages | X | CHAR |
379 | FC_PRYEAR | Previous Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
380 | FC_PTBRK_I | Partial breakdown | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
381 | FC_PUACHK | Validation of Push-down Goodwill | FC_PUACHK | NUMC |
382 | FC_PUAFLG | Push-down Method | X | CHAR |
383 | FC_PUARESI | Push-down Goodwill Reserves: FS Item | FC_ITEM | CHAR |
384 | FC_PUARESS | Push-down Goodwill Reserves: Subitem | FC_SITEM | CHAR |
385 | FC_PUAREST | Push-down Goodwill Reserves: Subitem Category | FC_SITYP | CHAR |
386 | FC_PURFLG | Purchase method of consolidation | X | CHAR |
387 | FC_QNTIN | Post quantities | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
388 | FC_QUAN1_DHBII | Adjustment of quantities | MENG8 | QUAN |
389 | FC_QUANT | Inventory quantity | MENGV9 | QUAN |
390 | FC_QUANTCH | Quantity | CHAR23 | CHAR |
391 | FC_RACGR1 | Group Dependent Task Group for the Data Monitor | FC_ACGR | CHAR |
392 | FC_RACGR2 | Group Dependent Task Group Consolidation Monitor | FC_ACGR | CHAR |
393 | FC_RATE | Exchange Rate with Translation Ratios | CHAR25 | CHAR |
394 | FC_RATIO | Proportion | PRZ34 | DEC |
395 | FC_RCLCGBUPTR | Logic for partner inclusion at posting level 30 | FC_RCLCGBUPTR | CHAR |
396 | FC_RCLCGREST | Selection Type for Group Restrictions in Reclassification | FC_RCLCGREST | CHAR |
397 | FC_RCLDIV | Reclassification of taxes on investment income | X | CHAR |
398 | FC_RCLERR | List criterion for the reclassification | FC_RCLERR | CHAR |
399 | FC_RCLHFS | Assets Held for Sale | X | CHAR |
400 | FC_RCLHFSTYPE | Reclassification: Processing Type of Assets Held for Sale | FC_RCLHFSTYPE | CHAR |
401 | FC_RCLMO | Inclusion of parent/subsidiary | FC_RCLMO | CHAR |
402 | FC_RCLVS | Version: Reclassifications | FC_RCLVS | CHAR |
403 | FC_RCONGR | Limit to a specific consolidation group | FC_CONGR | CHAR |
404 | FC_RDOCNR | Number of document used as template for cons. document | BELNR | CHAR |
405 | FC_RDOCYR | Fiscal year of reference document in consolidation | GJAHR | NUMC |
406 | FC_READY | Overall status: Completed | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
407 | FC_REASN | Reason for inclusion | FC_REASN | CHAR |
408 | FC_RECCG | Consolidation unit receiving downloaded data | FC_CONGR | CHAR |
409 | FC_RECDI | Receiving dimension for downloaded data | FC_DIMEN | CHAR |
410 | FC_RECERR | Only display irregularities | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
411 | FC_RECONCILE | Execute reconciliation run | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
412 | FC_RECSTAT | Status reconciliation Consolidation versus Fin. Accounting | ICON | CHAR |
413 | FC_REFCACT | Reference task | FC_CACTI | CHAR |
414 | FC_REFER | Reference | FC_BUNIT | CHAR |
415 | FC_REFERI | Reference exchance rate indicator | FC_EXRIND | CHAR |
416 | FC_REFHI | Standard hierarchy | FC_HRCHY | CHAR |
417 | FC_REFNR | Reference number for the consolidation document | BELNR | CHAR |
418 | FC_REFTEXT | Sources for transferring a G/L chart to a Cons chart/accts | TEXT20 | CHAR |
419 | FC_REF_PERID | Reference period | FC_REF_PERID | NUMC |
420 | FC_REF_RVERS | Reference version | FC_REF_RVERS | CHAR |
421 | FC_REF_RYEAR | Reference fiscal year | FC_REF_RYEAR | NUMC |
422 | FC_REL_POST46 | File for sender system with release 4.6 or higher | X | CHAR |
423 | FC_REL_PRE46 | File for sender system with release 4.5 or less | X | CHAR |
424 | FC_REPID | Programs for which a request screen is to be generated | FC_REPID | CHAR |
425 | FC_REPLACE | Replace existing settings | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
426 | FC_REP_PERIV | Fiscal Year Variant for Reporting | PERIV | CHAR |
427 | FC_RERIN | Reference exchange rate indicator | FC_EXRIND | CHAR |
428 | FC_RESULT | Result | CHAR60 | CHAR |
429 | FC_RETIND | Subitems for acquisitions and divestitures | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
430 | FC_REVIND | Reverse documents | X | CHAR |
431 | FC_REVPERID | Period of the Reversal Document | PERDE | NUMC |
432 | FC_REVYEAR | Year of reversal document or reversed document | GJAHR | NUMC |
433 | FC_RHRVS | Version: Eliminated hidden reserves (fair value adjustments) | FC_RHRVS | CHAR |
434 | FC_RITEXT | Text element (TEXT-xxx) for Func key 'Report assignment...' | CHAR3 | CHAR |
435 | FC_RLDNR | Ledger | RLDNR | CHAR |
436 | FC_RLDNR1 | Sender Ledger for Rollup to Company Consolidation | RLDNR | CHAR |
437 | FC_RLDNR2 | Sender Ledger for Rollup to Business Area Consolidation | RLDNR | CHAR |
438 | FC_RLDNR3 | Sender Ledger for Rollup to Profit Center Consolidation | RLDNR | CHAR |
439 | FC_RLIND | Rollup CU can be entered and recorded | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
440 | FC_RMANDT | Client of the Logical System | SYCHAR03 | CHAR |
441 | FC_RMODE | Mode for rollup processing | FC_RMODE | CHAR |
442 | FC_RNDIN | Rounding entry | X | CHAR |
443 | FC_ROBUN_VAL | Include Rollup Consolidation Units in Validation | X | CHAR |
444 | FC_ROIND | Rollup consolidation unit | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
445 | FC_ROIND_SEL | Include rollup consolidation units in the selection | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
446 | FC_ROLEV_SEL | Read rollup records | X | CHAR |
447 | FC_ROLEV_VAL | Read rollup records | X | CHAR |
448 | FC_ROLLUP1 | Rollup for Company Consolidation | ROLLUPN | CHAR |
449 | FC_ROLLUP2 | Rollup for Business Area Consolidation | ROLLUPN | CHAR |
450 | FC_ROLLUP3 | Rollup for Profit Center Consolidation | ROLLUPN | CHAR |
451 | FC_RPACQ | Period of acquisition | NUM03 | NUMC |
452 | FC_RPFLG | Apportionment | FC_RPFLG | NUMC |
453 | FC_RPTGR | Report group | CHAR2 | CHAR |
454 | FC_RRATE | Reference exchange rate | CHAR12 | CHAR |
455 | FC_RTCUR | Transaction currency | WAERS | CUKY |
456 | FC_RTE_LST | Exchange rate | CHAR11 | CHAR |
457 | FC_RTFLG | Currency translation | FC_RTFLG | NUMC |
458 | FC_RTIND | Divestiture took place | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
459 | FC_RULDELE | Delete Lock Mode Entries for Rollups in Consolidation | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
460 | FC_RULENAME | Validation rule | BOOL_ID | CHAR |
461 | FC_RULEOP | Operator for logical connection of validation rules | FC_BOOLOP | CHAR |
462 | FC_RULMATCH | Reconcile Lock Mode Entries for Rollups in Consolidation | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
463 | FC_RULOCK | Lock Modes for Rollup into Consolidation | FC_RULOCK | NUMC |
464 | FC_RULSET | Set Lock Mode During Rollup into Consolidation | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
465 | FC_RULSHOW | Display Lock Mode Entries for Rollups into Consolidation | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
466 | FC_RUNIT | Quantity unit of measure for Consolidation | MEINS | UNIT |
467 | FC_RUNTEXT | Type of program execution | TEXT20 | CHAR |
468 | FC_RVERS | Consolidation (end-result) version | FC_RVERS | CHAR |
469 | FC_RVERS1 | Target version | FC_RVERS | CHAR |
470 | FC_RVSFLG | Select Reversed Documents | X | CHAR |
471 | FC_RVSIND | Reversal of document | X | CHAR |
472 | FC_RVSPERID | Period in which reversal takes place | PERDE | NUMC |
473 | FC_RVSRYEAR | Fiscal year in which reversal takes place | GJAHR | NUMC |
474 | FC_RWDOCFD | Accounting doc. field used for supplying the subitem | FDNAME | CHAR |
475 | FC_RYACQ | Year of acquisition | GJAHR | NUMC |
476 | FC_RYEAR | Fiscal year | GJAHR | NUMC |
477 | FC_RYEAR_1 | Previous Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
478 | FC_SAMPLEDOC | Held document is a sample document | CHAR1 | CHAR |
479 | FC_SAQOCI | Other Comprehensive Income in Step Acquisition | FC_SAQOCI | CHAR |
480 | FC_SBADR | Correspondence | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
481 | FC_SBCUR | Currency translation | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
482 | FC_SBINA | Inactive | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
483 | FC_SBINT | Integration | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
484 | FC_SBINV | Consolidation of investments | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
485 | FC_SBK3F | K3 form | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
486 | FC_SBLAN | Language | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
487 | FC_SBLNC_I | Check the sign of the balance | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
488 | FC_SBNAM | Description | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
489 | FC_SBREX | Inclusion | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
490 | FC_SBTAX | Tax rate | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
491 | FC_SBUSA | Business area | GSBER | CHAR |
492 | FC_SBVAL | Validation | FC_FSLCT | CHAR |
493 | FC_SCALE | Scaling Factor | FC_SCALE | CHAR |
494 | FC_SCONMI | Minority Interest in Retained Earnings | FC_SCONMI | CHAR |
495 | FC_SCURR | Standard local currency | X | CHAR |
496 | FC_SDEIND | Subitem blocked against posting and entry | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
497 | FC_SECSTEL | SAP Consolidation: Secondary cost element | FLAG | CHAR |
498 | FC_SEQNO | Sequence number in a method | SEQNO | CHAR |
499 | FC_SEQNO2 | Entry | SEQNO | CHAR |
500 | FC_SEQNR | Sequence number | NUMC01 | NUMC |