SAP ABAP IMG Activity - Index R, page 4
IMG Activity - R
# | IMG Activity | Transaction Code | Short Description |
1 | RM_STEFFI_10 | S_XBI_19000019 | Set Up Workbench |
2 | RODPS_DATASOURCE_EXT | S_BY3_13000021 | BAdI: Processing of DataSource Enhancements |
3 | RODPS_NOTES | S_BY3_13000020 | Overview Information |
4 | RODPS_ODP_IMG | S_BRK_62000001 | Specify Client for Modeling |
5 | ROLE TYPE | S_GF1_13000013 | Role Type |
6 | ROLE_COMPARE_TOOL | S_BJA_09000026 | Roles comparison tool |
7 | ROLE_REFERENCE | S_XC0_18000016 | Roles |
8 | ROLLE-SICHT-ZUORD_GI | S_ALR_87007489 | Role Category - View Allocation |
9 | ROLLE-SICHT-ZUORD_GP | S_ALR_87009538 | Define Role-View Assignment |
10 | ROLLE/DOK.GRUPPE | S_ALR_87003896 | Assign Documents to Correspondence Activities and Roles |
11 | ROLLENART_GP | S_ALR_87009535 | Define Role Types |
12 | ROLLENART_GP_I | S_ALR_87007470 | Role Categories and Role Types |
13 | ROLLENTYP | S_ALR_87004818 | Assign Role Category to Application |
14 | RPLM_MT_REPORTING | S_AEN_10000755 | Transfer Default Values for LaunchPad |
15 | RPLM_PSS_REPORTING | S_AEN_10000791 | Apply Default Values for LaunchPad |
16 | RPLM_QI_REPORTING | S_AEN_10000765 | Transfer Default Values for LaunchPad |
17 | RPM_BUPA_CUST_FIELDS | S_PCC_47000057 | BAdI: Portfolio Management BUPA Customer Fields |
18 | RPM_CALC_BUPA_BPFTE | S_PCC_47000058 | BAdI: Calculate the Business Partner Availability |
19 | RPM_CREATEUSR_NAME | S_PCC_47000061 | BAdI: Generate User Name |
20 | RPM_DX_BUCKET | S_X1D_36000069 | Import from Microsoft Excel to Buckets |
21 | RPM_DX_INITIATIVE | S_X1D_36000054 | Import from Microsoft Excel to Initiatives |
22 | RPM_DX_ITEM | S_X1D_36000053 | Import from Microsoft Excel to Items |
23 | RPM_DX_PORTFOLIO | S_X1D_36000070 | Import from Microsoft Excel to Portfolios |
24 | RPM_DX_RES_ASSIGN | S_X1D_36000071 | Import from Microsoft Excel to Capacity Assignment of Bucket |
25 | RPM_FES_PROJECT | S_X1D_36000057 | BAdI: Change Sorting and Content - Staffing Work Center/FES |
26 | RPM_FES_RESOURCE | S_X1D_36000056 | BAdI: Change Sorting and Content - Resources Work Center/FES |
27 | RPM_FES_RESOURCE_WOR | S_X1D_36000055 | Change Sorting and Content for Resources Work Center/FES |
28 | RPM_FICO_INTF | S_EE5_50000308 | BAdI: Transfer of Fin. Ctrlg Data to Portf. and Proj. Mgmt |
29 | RPM_HR_IN_IF001 | S_PCC_47000060 | BAdI: Inbound Time Processing for the HR Header Segment |
30 | RPM_HR_IN_IF002 | S_PCC_47000063 | BAdI: Inbound Time Processing for Original System Segment |
31 | RPM_HR_IN_IF003 | S_PCC_47000064 | BAdI: Inbound Time Processing for Availability Segment |
32 | RPM_HR_IN_IF004 | S_PCC_47000065 | BAdI: Inbound Time Processing for the Absence Segment |
33 | RPM_HR_IN_IF005 | S_PCC_47000066 | BAdI: Inbound Time Processing for Rate Segment |
34 | RPM_HR_IN_IF006 | S_PCC_47000067 | BAdI: Inbound Time Processing for General Segment |
35 | RPM_OBJECT_SERVICES | S_X1D_36000087 | BAdI: Maintenance Services for Portfolio Management Objects |
36 | RPM_PDFFORMS | S_PTD_51000083 | Create PDF-Based Print Forms |
37 | RPM_PROCESS_DATA | S_PCC_47000068 | BAdI: Inbound Processing of Time Data by Customer |
38 | RPM_PROJ_CUST_FIELDS | S_PCC_47000076 | BAdI: Project Customer Fields |
39 | RPM_RM_ICON_CALC | S_PTD_51000010 | BAdI: Icon Calculation for Resource Management |
40 | RPM_TIMCV | S_EE5_50000306 | Convert Working Time Unit |
41 | RPM_V_FES_IMG | Set Summary Line and Buffering of Fast Entry Screen | |
42 | RRICB_ICCA | S_EBS_44000014 | Maintain Clearing Accounts for Company Codes |
43 | RRICB_OK17 | S_EBS_44000015 | Maintain Optional Account Determination |
44 | RR_REPORT | S_B6A_52000003 | Test |
45 | RR_SICF | S_B6A_52000004 | Configure and Activate HTTP Services Individually |
46 | RSA1 | S_EBS_44000116 | Activate Queries |
47 | RSBCTDC_PARAM | S_B71_29000005 | Define Global Demand Combination Parameters |
48 | RSBCTSDPR_EOLSR | S_B52_73000009 | Score Reduction for Discrepant Emergency Orders |
49 | RSBCTSDPR_GLBPRM | S_B53_39000001 | Global Parameters |
50 | RSBCTSDPR_LOOKUP | S_B52_73000007 | Score Lookup Table |
51 | RSBCTSDPR_MTCCAT | S_B52_73000011 | Metric Categories |
52 | RSBCTSDPR_MTCDTY | S_B52_73000017 | Valid Combinations of Metrics and Delivery Types |
53 | RSBCTSDPR_MTCID | S_B52_73000006 | Metrics |
54 | RSBCTSDPR_OTDWF | S_B52_73000004 | Weighting Factors for On-time Delivery in Quantity Algorithm |
55 | RSBCTSDPR_PRSR | S_B52_73000010 | Problem Report Score Reductions |
56 | RSBCTSDPR_SCALC | S_B52_73000008 | Score Calculation Rule Table |
57 | RSBCTSDPR_SIGDOC | S_B71_29000008 | Definition of significant document type |
58 | RSBCT_SREP_SCL | S_B75_08000018 | Scalability Level Configuration |
59 | RSBCT_TLOGM_ADJ_SEL | S_B75_08000008 | Adjust Selection of Analysis Run |
60 | RSBCT_TLOGM_RULEKEYS | S_B73_57000044 | Adjust Quantity of Rule Keys for an Analysis Run |
61 | RSBCT_TLOGM_TASK | S_B73_57000047 | Implement Single Task for Postprocessing |
62 | RSBCT_TLOGM_TASKLIST | S_B73_57000046 | Define Task Codes for Postprocessing Depending on Analysis Configuration |
63 | RSL | S_ALR_87015145 | Calculation Key |
64 | RSLBCT_001 | S_BH2_10000008 | Define Account Key |
65 | RSLBCT_002 | S_BH2_10000009 | General Settings |
66 | RSL_DEGRESSIV | S_ALR_87009138 | Declining-Balance Method |
67 | RSL_PER | S_ALR_87009204 | Period Control Method |
68 | RSL_RECHENSCHLUSSEL | S_ALR_87009139 | Base Method |
69 | RSL_STUFEN | S_ALR_87009203 | Multi-Level Method |
70 | RSL_STUFEN_KALE | S_ALR_87009217 | Multi-Level Method in Calendar Years |
71 | RSL_ZUORDNUNG | S_ALR_87009205 | Assignment of Methods to Depreciation Key |
72 | RSXWB_ENHANCE_ACTIVA | S_BT6_28000056 | BAdI: Actions to be performed before or after content activation (BW) |
73 | RTAXMCHECK | S_AC0_52000035 | Check Material Masters for Obsolete Tax Classifications |
74 | RTP_KR_001 | S_L4H_49002366 | Define Retirement Pension Plans |
75 | RTP_KR_002 | S_L4H_49002367 | Define Participant Status |
76 | RTP_KR_004 | S_L4H_49002412 | BAdI: Modification of Contribution Calculation |
77 | RTP_KR_005 | S_L4H_49002369 | Specify Frequency and Method for Contribution Calculation |
78 | RTP_KR_006 | S_L4H_49002370 | Define Contribution Rates |
79 | RTP_KR_007 | S_L4H_49002371 | Define External Institutions |
80 | RTP_KR_008 | S_L4H_49002372 | Assign Pension Plans to External Institutions |
81 | RTP_KR_009 | S_L4H_49003110 | BAdI: Modification of Contribution Period |
82 | RTTE_SET_3XTAXDET | S_PLC_83000105 | Enable / Disable TTE 3.x Tax Determination |
83 | RUA1 | S_AHR_61018934 | Build up rounding model for garnishments |
84 | RUA2 | S_AHR_61018935 | Build up Net for Garnishments |
85 | RUA3 | S_AHR_61018936 | Build up Gross for Garnishments |
86 | RUA4 | S_AHR_61018937 | Build up Basis for Garnishments |
87 | RUA51 | S_AHR_61018938 | Model for the Level Systems |
88 | RUA52 | S_AHR_61018939 | Model for the Special Rules |
89 | RUA53 | S_AHR_61018940 | Model of the non-exempt amount |
90 | RUA6 | S_AHR_61018941 | Assign Calculation Rule to type of debts |
91 | RUECKZ_ABLEHN_DEF | S_KFM_86000062 | Define Rejection Reasons |
92 | RUECKZ_ALLG_STEUER | S_KFM_86000058 | Define General Control Data |
93 | RUECKZ_BEWEG_FELD | S_KFM_86000059 | Test |
94 | RUECKZ_FINANZSTR | Define Cash Flow Behavior | |
95 | RUECKZ_GRUENDE_DEF | S_KFM_86000061 | Define Payoff Reasons |
96 | RUECKZ_KGRUENDE_DEF | S_ALN_01001294 | Define Reasons for Notice |
97 | RUECKZ_KONDIS_FEST | S_KFM_86000060 | Define Condition Types |
98 | RUFIAA_CUSTLODB | S_EB5_05000289 | Customizing Include: Add Russian Fields to Logical Database |
99 | RUFIAA_CUSTREP | S_EB5_05000290 | Customizing Include: Add Russian Fields to Reports |
100 | RULE_TEST | S_L4H_49001327 | Test rule and function |
101 | RUND_VZ_PAUSCH | S_ALR_87006963 | Determine Rounding Parameters for Adjusted AP/Flat Rates |
102 | RU_OFFSACC_BF23 | S_EB5_05000218 | Activate Online Offsetting Account Determination |
103 | RWBE_DB_OPTIMIZATION | S_E17_83000021 | BAdI: Optimization for Retail Stock Overview |
104 | RZ_KK_MUSTER | S_PLN_06000288 | Define Templates |
105 | RZ_KK_STEUERDATEN | S_PLN_06000289 | Define General Control Data |
106 | R_PRP_SYNC_STAF_STAT | S_CP4_60000038 | Synchronize Roles to Staffing Type |