- V-1 V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-11 V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 V-27 V-28 V-29 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36 V-37 V-38 V-39 V-40 V-41 V-42 V-43 V-44 V-45 V-46 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 V-58 V-59 V-60 V-61 V-62 V-63
View - V
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | V_SOUD_P1 | Projection view of SOUD for 4.0-XPRA adress management | D | SOUD |
2 | V_SOUIADRP | SAPoffice: View of SOUI and Fields of SADRP (Addresses) | D | SOUD |
3 | V_SOUSRADR | SAPoffice: View for SAP user and his/her address | D | SOUC |
4 | V_SO_KEY | View of USR21, SOUD and ADCP | D | USR21 |
5 | V_SO_SOST | Send Date and Title of Transmissions | D | SOST |
6 | V_SPCIPPROFILES | View to maintain user assigment to a profile | C | SPCIPPROFILES |
8 | V_SPHATICT | SAPphone: Description of address data areas | C | SPH_ATICT |
9 | V_SPH_ATIC | SAPphone: Maintenance view address data areas w/functions | C | SPH_ATIC |
10 | V_SPH_SERV | SAPphone: Telephony server attributes | C | SXNODES |
11 | V_SPH_SRVT | SAPphone: Texts for telephony server | C | SPH_SERVT |
12 | V_SPM_GLB_PRM | Global Parameters for Supplier Performance Management | C | RSBCTSDPR_GLBPRM |
13 | V_SPM_METRICS | Define Rating Criteria for Supplier Performance Management | C | RSBCTSDPR_MTCID |
14 | V_SPM_METRIC_CAT | Define Category for Rating Criteria | C | RSBCTSDPR_MTCCAT |
15 | V_SPM_MTCDTY | List Rating Criteria | C | RSBCTSDPR_MTCDTY |
16 | V_SPM_OTDWF | Weighting Factors for On-time Delivery in Quantity Algorithm | C | RSBCTSDPR_OTDWF |
17 | V_SPM_SCALC | Score Calculation Rules | C | SPM_SCALC |
18 | V_SPM_SCORE_LU | Score Lookup | C | RSBCTSDPR_LOOKUP |
19 | V_SPM_SIGDOC | Definition of Significant Document Type | C | RSBCTSDPR_SIGDOC |
20 | V_SPPFPRPR001 | Print Profile | C | TSPPF_PRPR_001 |
21 | V_SPPFPRPR002 | Print Profile Data | C | TSPPF_PRPR_002 |
22 | V_SPROSTATKW | Status Values | C | SPROSTATKW |
23 | V_SPT | File system authorizations | C | SPTHB |
24 | V_SQLRTEXT1 | Projection View: Search Help for Groups | D | SQLRTEXT1 |
25 | V_SQLRTEXT2 | Database View: Search Help for Functions | D | SQLRTEXT2 |
26 | V_SRCH_VTABLE | Search of Vtables | D | CUVTAB |
27 | V_SREACH_SPART | DB View : Search Help for SPART | D | SMOTVTA |
28 | V_SREACH_VKORG | Search Help for VKORG | D | SMOTVTA |
29 | V_SREACH_VTWEG | DB View : Search Help for VTWEG | D | SMOTVTA |
30 | V_SRMPATHORG | Maintain Allowed Organizational Objects for Process Route | C | SRMPATHORG |
31 | V_SRMPLOG | Joint View of srmwfpthps and Text Table srmactivtt | D | SRMWFPTHPS |
33 | V_SRM_PROD_CAT | Maintenance View for SRM Product Categories in Proj. Mgmt | C | DPR_SRM_PROD_CA |
34 | V_SRM_PROJ_CONTR | Customizing for Control Table for EBP Project Success | C | SRM_PROJ_CONTR |
35 | V_SRM_VE_CNTWEBS | Maint. View for Questionnaire Determination (Vendor Eval.) | C | SRM_VE_CNTL_WEBS |
36 | V_SRR_DEF | Definition of Screen Variants for Manual Actual Postings | C | SEND_REC_REL_DEF |
37 | V_SRVGRP | SPTA: View of server groups | D | RZLLITAB |
38 | V_SSCDOCMNT_DC | Definition of the Document Type | C | SSCDOCMNT_DC |
39 | V_SSCINFTYPE_DC | Assign Data Collector Class to Info Type | C | SSCINFTYPE_DC |
40 | V_SSCPROCIDACTIV | Active Self Services Processes for System | C | SSCSSPROCIDACTIV |
41 | V_SSCPROCLOGSYS | System Assignment to Process Type | C | SSCSSPROCTYPESYS |
42 | V_SSCSSPROCTCLNT | Process Type System Assignment | C | SSCSSPROCTYPECNT |
43 | V_SSCSSPROCTPRID | Definition of Self Service Process | C | SSCSSPROCTYPPRID |
44 | V_SSCSSPROCTYPE | Maintain Self Service Process Type | C | SSCSSPROCTYPE |
45 | V_SSC_CRMC_T077D | Views for Customer account groups | C | CRMC_T077D |
46 | V_SSUBPO | Maintenance View for SSUBPOLL | C | SSUBPOLL |
47 | V_ST04N_ANA_LF | Help view: Detailed analyses monitor (only leaves) | H | ST04N_ANA |
48 | V_STACUST | Status maintenance | C | STACUST |
49 | V_STALIGHT | Traffic light allocation for status groups | C | STALIGHT |
50 | V_STAT | Status Objects (JEST and JSTO) | D | JSTO |
51 | V_STATUSAGENCY | Travel Agency Status in Travel Planning | C | STATUSAGENCY |
52 | V_STATUS_MAPPING | Maintain testcase status mapping | C | STATUS_MAPPING |
53 | V_STCAGR_11AKT | Maint.Std Comn Case Trigger Agreement, Agr.Type 24 (Active) | C | CACS_STCAGR |
54 | V_STCAGR_11ALL | Maint. Std Comn Case Trigger Agreement, Agr.Type 24 (All) | C | CACS_STCAGR |
55 | V_STCAGR_24AKT | Maint.Std Comn Case Trigger Agreement, Agr.Type 24 (Active) | C | CACS_STCAGR |
56 | V_STCAGR_24ALL | Maint. Std Comn Case Trigger Agreement, Agr.Type 24 (All) | C | CACS_STCAGR |
57 | V_STEP | View for Cross-Language Objects and Attributes | D | DSMOPSOLUTIONDAT |
58 | V_STEPSOFSOLU | Business Process Steps in a Solution | D | DSMOPCUSTOMIZING |
59 | V_STOP_ACTION_A | Maintenance View for Assignment of Stop Action to Stop | C | TDSTOP_ACTION_A |
60 | V_STORNO | Reversal Reasons | C | TZST |
61 | V_STORTA | Selection View: Search Help ESTORTA | D | T499S |
62 | V_STTCRU_24AKT | Maint.Std Comn Case Trigger Rules, Agreemnt Cat. 24 (Active) | C | CACS_STTCRU |
63 | V_STTCRU_24ALL | Maint.Std Comn Case Trigger Rules, Agreement Cat. 24 (All) | C | CACS_STTCRU |
64 | V_STTYPTGT | Displays all site types for initial download | D | SMW1SPRVDR |
65 | V_SUBGEO_CONTEXT | Sub Geo Context | C | SUB_GEO_CONTEXT |
66 | V_SUB_2_CRM1 | View of Subject by CRM with crmd_srv_osset | D | CRMD_ORDERADM_H |
67 | V_SUB_2_CRM2 | View of Subject by CRM without crmd_srv_osset | D | CRMD_ORDERADM_H |
68 | V_SURAPPLFIELD | Survey: SAP field: header | C | SURAPPLFIELD |
69 | V_SURAPPLICATION | Survey: register application | C | SUR_APPLICATION |
70 | V_SURAPPLINT | Application interface: read, check, read modules | C | SURAPPLINT |
71 | V_SURAPPLSYST | Assignment: application - system | C | SURLOGSYS |
72 | V_SURAPPLVECTOR | Survey: SAP fields: body (posting arrays) | C | SURAPPLVECTOR |
73 | V_SURPLUGINS | Survey: Plugins | C | SURPLUGIN |
74 | V_SURQUESTQ | Survey structure (EHS) question list | D | T7EHS00_QUESTQ |
75 | V_SURREFS | Survey: posting arrays | C | SURREFS |
76 | V_SUS_PROD_EXT | SUS: View for product extension maint. | C | SUS_PROD_EXT |
77 | V_SUS_SUPP_CONT | SUS: Supplier specific content settings | C | SUS_SUP_SCHEME |
78 | V_SUS_TARG_SYS | SUS: Target business systems in product scenarios | C | SUS_TARGET_SYST |
79 | V_SXADDRTY | SAPconnect: Maintenance view - communication methods | C | SXADDRTYPE |
80 | V_SXCONV | SAPconnect: Maintenance view - conversion | C | SXCONVERT |
81 | V_SXCOS | SAPconnect: Maintenance View - Send Attribute Classes | C | SXCOS |
82 | V_SXDEVTYPL | SAPconnect: Language-Dependent Device Types | C | SXDEVTYPL |
83 | V_SXFORMAT | SAPconnect: Maintenance View - Format Groups | C | SXFORMATG |
84 | V_SXMSAGGDATA | SAP XI Status Overview: Header Aggregated Data | P | SXMSAGGDAT |
85 | V_SXMSAGGERRLBL | Database View on PI Status Details | D | SXMSAGGERRLABEL |
86 | V_SXMSAGGRAW | SAP XI Status Overview: Raw Data Message Attributes | P | SXMSAGGRAW |
87 | V_SXMSSYERR | Integration Engine System Error | C | SXMSSYERR |
88 | V_SXNODES | SAPconnect: Maintenance View - Nodes | C | SXNODES |
89 | V_SXROUTE | SAPconnect: Maintenance View - Routes | C | SXROUTE |
90 | V_SXSERV | SAPconnect: Maintenance View - Node Attributes | C | SXSERV |
91 | V_SXTELIN | SAPconnect: Maint. view: Telephone modification (incoming) | C | SXTELMOIN |
92 | V_SXTELOUT | SAPconnect: Maint. View: Telephone Modification (outgoing) | C | SXTELMOOUT |
93 | V_SYAW | Directory of the views | D | DSYAW |
94 | V_SYSTEMSOFSOLUT | Systems for a Solution | D | DSMOPCUSTOMIZING |
95 | V_SYSTEM_F4 | View for F4 help for systems in landscape | D | ACCONTEXTDIR |
96 | V_SZKKO | Scenario Header | C | VTVSZKO |
97 | V_S_FCODE | View for internal tables in SE18/19/20 | D | SXS_FCODE |
98 | V_S_SCRN | View for an internal table for SE18/19/20 | D | SXS_SCRN |
99 | V_S_TABLE | for editing internal tables in SE18/19/20 | D | SXS_TABLE |
100 | V_T000CM | FI-AR-CR Settings for all Clients | C | T000CM |
101 | V_T000F_1 | Activation: "Plants Abroad" | C | T000F |
102 | V_T000F_2 | Activation: "Business Area Display Authorization Check" | C | T000F |
103 | V_T000F_3 | Activation: "Document Types Display Authorization Check" | C | T000F |
104 | V_T000F_4 | Activation: "Alternative Local Currency" | C | T000F |
105 | V_T000GL | Activation of New General Ledger Accounting | C | T000GL |
106 | V_T001 | Company Code | C | T001 |
107 | V_T001A | Additional Local Currencies For Company Code | C | T001A |
108 | V_T001B | Posting Periods: Specify Time Intervals | C | T001B |
109 | V_T001B_COFI | Posting Periods: Specify Time Intervals | C | T001B |
110 | V_T001B_GL | Local Posting Periods | C | T001B |
111 | V_T001B_PL | Local Plan Periods | C | T001B |
112 | V_T001B_PS | Acct Assmnt Elements in General Ledger | C | T001B_PS |
113 | V_T001B_PS_PER | Posting Periods: Specify Time Intervals | C | T001B_PS_PER |
114 | V_T001C | Global Posting Periods | C | T001C |
115 | V_T001C_PL | Global Plan Periods | C | T001C |
116 | V_T001D | Validation of Accounting Documents | C | T001D |
117 | V_T001E | Company Code-Dependent Address Data | C | T001E |
118 | V_T001F | Forms | C | T001F |
119 | V_T001F2 | PDF Forms | C | T001F |
120 | V_T001F_FK | Maintenance view | C | T001F |
121 | V_T001F_RP | Forms | C | T001F |
122 | V_T001F_TR | Maintenance view for bill of exchange transaction record | C | T001F |
123 | V_T001G | Sender Details | C | T001G |
124 | V_T001G_AG | Sender Text for Forms from Agency Business | C | T001G |
125 | V_T001G_FK | Issuer Specifications for Shipment Credit Memos | C | T001G |
126 | V_T001G_QM | Company-code dependent sender details (QM) | C | T001G |
127 | V_T001G_RP | Sender Details | C | T001G |
128 | V_T001I | Parameter types for additional company code specifications | C | T001I |
129 | V_T001K | Valuation Areas (V_T001K) | P | T001K |
130 | V_T001KML | Activation of Material Ledger | C | T001K |
131 | V_T001K_ASSIGN | Assignment Plant - Company Code | C | T001K |
132 | V_T001K_CCS | Activate Actual Cost Component Split | C | T001K |
133 | V_T001K_LK | Assignment of Plants to Company Codes (Valuation Area) | C | T001W |
134 | V_T001K_PR | Dynamic release of planned price changes | C | T001K |
135 | V_T001K_W | Valuation at Sales Prices (Retail Method) | C | T001K |
136 | V_T001L | Storage locations | C | T001L |
137 | V_T001L_D | Storage Location MRP | C | T001L |
138 | V_T001L_I | Storage Locations | C | T001L |
139 | V_T001L_L | Create Delivery (Default Values for Storage Location) | C | T001L |
140 | V_T001L_MES | Maintenance of MES Business System for Storage Location | C | T001L |
141 | V_T001L_N | Negative Stock in Storage Loc. | C | T001L |
142 | V_T001M | Company Data For FTR Report Z5A (FRG) | C | T001M |
143 | V_T001N | Foreign VAT Registration Numbers | C | T001N |
144 | V_T001O | Cross-System Company Codes | C | T001O |
145 | V_T001P | Personnel Area/Subarea | C | T001P |
146 | V_T001P_HRF | Personnel Areas/Subareas (DB View for HR Forms) | D | T001P |
147 | V_T001Q | Substitution in Accounting Documents | C | T001Q |
148 | V_T001Q_FI_0006 | Substitution for Cost-of-Sales Accounting | V | V_T001Q |
149 | V_T001R | Rounding Rules for Currencies | C | T001R |
150 | V_T001RWT | Withholding Tax Rounding Rules | C | T001RWT |
151 | V_T001S | Accounting Clerks | C | T001S |
152 | V_T001S_KORRSP | Define Accounting Clerks | C | T001S |
153 | V_T001T | Company Code-Dependent Texts | C | T001T |
154 | V_T001TR | Company codes | C | T001 |
155 | V_T001U | Control of Import Data Screens | C | T001 |
156 | V_T001URL | Maintenance of Company Code URL Addresses | C | T001URL |
157 | V_T001W | Plants | C | T001W |
158 | V_T001WMIN | Mini View to T001W | P | T001W |
159 | V_T001WT | Withholding tax information for company code per w/tax type | C | T001WT |
160 | V_T001W_BWKEY | View of Plants Through Valuation Key (BWKEY) | D | T001W |
161 | V_T001W_CORE | Plants | C | T001W |
162 | V_T001W_DR | Allocation of Node Type | C | T001W |
163 | V_T001W_EXT | Logical System for Plants (Execution) | C | T001W_EXT |
164 | V_T001W_EXT_ADR | View of ADRC and T001W_EXT for External Plants | D | T001W_EXT |
165 | V_T001W_EXT_DR | Allocation of Node Type | C | T001W_EXT |
166 | V_T001W_EXT_IV | Organizational Units for Internal Costing Per Plant | C | T001W_EXT |
167 | V_T001W_EXT_XLO | Assign Customer Number to an External Plant | C | T001W_EXT |
168 | V_T001W_I | Allocation of PlanPlants to MaintPlants | C | T001W |
169 | V_T001W_IV | Organizational Units for Internal Costing Per Plant | C | T001W |
170 | V_T001W_L | Create Delivery (Default Values for Plant) | C | T001W |
171 | V_T001W_LI | Vendor plant assignments | C | T001W |
172 | V_T001W_MV | Qty structure tool: Assignment of naming structure to plant | C | T001W |
173 | V_T001W_PC | Default Values for Variance Keys | C | T001W |
174 | V_T001W_PI | Batch Record: Type of Document Management System | C | T001W |
175 | V_T001W_RE | Plants/Subsidiaries - Delivery Data | C | T001W |
176 | V_T001W_RP | Price reference plant Valuation flag | C | T001W |
177 | V_T001W_SITE | Dummy View for plausibility check for ALE Distr. for Sites | C | T001W |
178 | V_T001W_SITE_EXT | Dummy View ALE Sites (Additional Fields) | C | T001W |
179 | V_T001W_SO | Plant Table | C | T001W |
180 | V_T001W_SRC | Supplying Plant Assignment via Availability Check | C | T001W |
181 | V_T001X | Configuration of External Receiving Comp.Codes | C | T001X |
182 | V_T001_CESSION | Accounts Receivable Pledging Active | C | T001 |
183 | V_T001_CORE | Company code | C | T001 |
184 | V_T001_DEF | Assign Deferred Tax Rules to Company Codes | C | T001 |
185 | V_T001_EXT | Enhanced withholding tax functions active | C | T001 |
186 | V_T001_FM | Assigning Company Codes to FM Areas | C | T001 |
187 | V_T001_FM1 | Activate Cash Budget Management | C | T001 |
188 | V_T001_FM2 | Activate Funds Management | C | T001 |
189 | V_T001_FM3 | Activate Funds Management and HR | C | T001 |
190 | V_T001_FMACT | Activate Funds Management | C | T001 |
191 | V_T001_IMP | Foreign Trade: Import - Extended Document Control | C | T001 |
192 | V_T001_LK | Assignment of company codes to internal trading partners | C | T001 |
193 | V_T001_MF | Help view: Company code selection | C | T001 |
194 | V_T001_PS | Activate Project Cash Management | C | T001 |
195 | V_T001_UMKRS | Time-Dep. Assignment of Comp. Codes to Sales/Purch. Tax Grp | C | T001_UMKRS |
196 | V_T001_UMKRS_Z | Activate Time-Dep. Sls/Pur.Tax Grps / Assign Selection Date | C | T001_UMKRS_Z |
197 | V_T002C | Help View for All Languages Installed in the System | H | T002C |
198 | V_T002_SUBST | Preferred Language Sequence for Presentation of Objects | C | T002_SUBSTITUTE |
199 | V_T003 | Document Types | C | T003 |
200 | V_T003O | Order Types | C | T003O |
201 | V_T003O_40 | Maintain Process Order Types | C | T003O |
202 | V_T003O_BC | MCB Budget check customizing | C | T003O_BC |
203 | V_T003O_CO | Order Types | C | T003O |
204 | V_T003O_DS | Digital Signature for Order Operations | C | T003O_DS |
205 | V_T003O_I | Maintenance Order Types | C | T003O |
206 | V_T003O_I1 | Assign invest. profile to model order | C | AUFK |
207 | V_T003O_I2 | Assign capitalization key to model order | C | AUFK |
208 | V_T003O_IS | Status Profile f. MaintOrders | C | T003O |
209 | V_T003O_N0 | Activate Network Type Classification | C | T003O |
210 | V_T003O_N1 | Assign Settlement Profil to Network Type | C | T003O |
211 | V_T003O_N2 | Assign Object Class to Network Type | C | T003O |
212 | V_T003O_PP | "Maintain Production Order Types" | C | T003O |
213 | V_T003O_PS | Maintain Network Types | C | T003O |
214 | V_T003O_S | Maintain Order Types: Fast Entry | C | T003O |
215 | V_T003O_SC | PM Status Change Control | C | T003O_SC |
216 | V_T003O_SD | Order Types for Shipping Deadlines | C | T003O |
217 | V_T003R | Number Ranges for Log. Invoice Verification Transactions | C | T003R |
218 | V_T003_B | Assignment: Document Type - Info Official Document Numbering | C | T003 |
219 | V_T003_B_2 | Assignment: Document type - Document class per country | C | T003_I |
220 | V_T003_B_I | Assign Document Classes to Document Types | C | T003_I |
221 | V_T003_CORE | Document Types | C | T003 |
222 | V_T003_FS | Document types (Flag for deriving posting date) | C | T003 |
223 | V_T003_FXR | Activate Currency Translation with Market Data Exch. Rates | C | T003 |
224 | V_T003_MCA | Allow Postings to Position and Equivalent Accounts | C | T003 |
225 | V_T003_PP | Currency Differences for Partial Payments | C | T003 |
226 | V_T003_USFG | Document types | C | T003 |
227 | V_T003_XUACPA | Uniqueness of Assignment to Accounting Principles | C | T003 |
228 | V_T004 | List of All Charts of Accounts | C | T004 |
229 | V_T004F | Groups for Field Status Definition | C | T004F |
230 | V_T004I | Charts of Accounts | C | T004 |
231 | V_T004M | Rules for sample accounts | C | T004M |
232 | V_T004R | Sample Account Rules Variants | C | T004R |
233 | V_T004V | Field Status Variants | C | T004V |
234 | V_T004_01 | FIAA: Choose chart of accounts | C | T004 |
235 | V_T004_B | G/L Account Record: Assign Layout for Individual Processing | C | T004 |
236 | V_T004_CORE | Directory of Charts of Accounts | C | T004 |
237 | V_T005 | Country Global Parameters | C | T005 |
238 | V_T005A | Asset Accounting: Country information | C | T005 |
239 | V_T005BU | Business Transaction Event for Bank Data Transfer | C | T005BU |
240 | V_T005E | County | C | T005E |
241 | V_T005G | City | C | T005G |
242 | V_T005I | Communication: country dialling code exceptions (Telex) | C | T005I |
243 | V_T005J | Communication: country dialling code exceptions (Telephone) | C | T005J |
244 | V_T005J_EXT | Enhancement of Table T005J | C | T005J_EXT |
245 | V_T005K | Communication: country dialling code | C | T005K |
246 | V_T005K_1 | Communication: Mobile Telephone Properties | C | T005K |
247 | V_T005K_EXT | Enhancement of Table T005K | C | T005K_EXT |
248 | V_T005O | Table T005O (name format fields) maintenance view | C | T005O |
249 | V_T005P | Fiscal Regional Codes (Italy, Spain) | C | T005P |
250 | V_T005Q | Country Keys For Withholding Tax | C | T005Q |
251 | V_T005S | Regions | C | T005S |
252 | V_T005SEPA | SEPA country settings | C | T005SEPA |
253 | V_T005Z | Reporting Country Indicator | C | T005Z |
254 | V_T005ZR | Rules for Assignment of Reporting Country Indicators | C | T005ZR |
255 | V_T005_01 | Country Selection | C | T005 |
256 | V_T005_ADR | Country table: Fields for the address management | C | T005 |
257 | V_T005_BAS | Global Parameters of Countries (New Dimension Systems) | C | T005 |
258 | V_T005_MAB | Foreign Trade: Countries | C | T005 |
259 | V_T005_SRV | Selection of Country for Tax Calculation at Service Level | C | T005 |
260 | V_T006D | Dimensions for units of measure | C | T006D |
261 | V_T006E | System for Units of Measurement | C | T006E |
262 | V_T006EE | Systems for Units of Measurement (Entities) | C | T006EE |
263 | V_T006EEC | Assignment of Unit of Measurement Family to Countries | C | T006EEC |
264 | V_T006EER | Assignment of Unit of Measurement Family to Countries | C | T006EER |
265 | V_T006I | ISO units | C | T006I |
266 | V_T006_EXP | View for T006 with Selection Dimension Exponent | D | T006 |
267 | V_T006_L | View for Determination of Units of Measurement for LENGTH | D | T006 |
268 | V_T006_T | View for Determination of Units of Measurement for Time | D | T006 |
269 | V_T007A | Transfer for Deferred Tax Code | C | T007A |
270 | V_T007AC | Tax Code Selection for Transactions | C | T007AC |
271 | V_T007A_CORE | Tax on Sales/Purchases Code | C | T007A |
272 | V_T007A_DEF | Transfer for Deferred Tax Code | C | T007A |
273 | V_T007B | Tax Processing in Accounting | C | T007B |
274 | V_T007BE | Bill of exchange customizing for deferred tax | C | T007BE |
275 | V_T007C | Tax Categories | C | T007C |
276 | V_T007DT | Define Deferred Tax Rules | C | T007DT |
277 | V_T007F | Taxes on Sales/Purchases Groups | C | T007F |
278 | V_T007I | Group Numbers for the Tax on Sales/Purch.Advance Pmnt | C | T007I |
279 | V_T007J | Tax on Sales/Purchases Advance Payment | C | T007J |
280 | V_T007K | Grouping of Tax Base Balances | C | T007K |
281 | V_T007K_LU | Grouping of Tax Base Balances | C | T007K_LU |
282 | V_T007L | Grouping of Tax Balances | C | T007L |
283 | V_T007L_LU | Grouping of Tax Balances Luxembourg | C | T007L_LU |
284 | V_T007R | External Group No. for Tax Amnts for Sal/Purch.Tax Reporting | C | T007R |
285 | V_T007Z | Assign Time-Dependent Tax Group Version | C | T007Z |
286 | V_T007Z_LU | Tax grouping version Luxembourg | C | T007Z_LU |
287 | V_T007_EU | Specify Tax Codes for Acquisition Tax Accruals | C | T007_IT |
288 | V_T008 | Payment Block Reasons | C | T008 |
289 | V_T009B | Period assignment | C | T009B |
290 | V_T009C | Period texts | C | T009C |
291 | V_T009Y | Shortened fisc.year | C | T009Y |
292 | V_T009_A | Fiscal year variants | C | T009 |
293 | V_T010O | Posting Periods: Define Variants | C | T010O |
294 | V_T011 | Financial Statement Versions | C | T011 |
295 | V_T011A | FI Financial Calendar - Task Description | C | T011A |
296 | V_T011E | FI Financial Calendar - Person Responsible for Unit | C | T011E |
297 | V_T011V | FI Financial Calendar Task-Schedule Link | C | T011V |
298 | V_T011_XBRL | Financial Statement Versions from XBRL Taxonomies | C | T011_XBRL |
299 | V_T012 | House Banks | C | T012 |
300 | V_T012A | Assign Payment Method -> Bank Transactions | C | T012A |
301 | V_T012C | Value Date Rules for Bank Transactions | C | T012C |
302 | V_T012D | Parameters for DMEs and Foreign Payment Transactions | C | T012D |
303 | V_T012D_CORE | Parameters for DMEs and foreign pmnt transactions | C | T012D |
304 | V_T012E | EDI-compatible payment methods | C | T012E |
305 | V_T012K | House Bank Accounts | C | T012K |
306 | V_T012K_CORE | House bank accounts | C | T012K |
307 | V_T012K_D | Bank Details for Returned Bills of Exchange Payable | C | T012K |
308 | V_T012K_IN | Purpose of Bank Account | C | T012K |
309 | V_T012K_W | Bank Details for Bill Of Exchange Presentation | C | T012K |
310 | V_T012O | ORBIAN Details | C | T012O |
311 | V_T012_CORE | House banks | C | T012 |
312 | V_T012_INC | Maintain: Value Date in the Past | C | T012 |
313 | V_T014 | "Credit Control Areas" | C | T014 |
314 | V_T014_SEGMENT | Credit Control Area and Segment | C | T014 |
315 | V_T015L | SCB Indicators | C | T015L |
316 | V_T015M | "Names Of The Months" | C | T015M |
317 | V_T015V | Application Area for Instructions in Payment Transactions | C | T015V |
318 | V_T015W | Instruction Keys | C | T015W |
319 | V_T015W0 | List of Permitted Instruction Flds for each Application Area | C | T015W0 |
320 | V_T015W1 | Instructions in Payment Transactions | C | T015W1 |
321 | V_T015W_URG | Urgent Payment in Instruction Key | C | T015W |
322 | V_T015X | Message destinations | C | T015X |
323 | V_T015Z | "Digits And Numbers In Words" | C | T015Z |
324 | V_T016 | Industry Keys | C | T016 |
325 | V_T018C | Concentration: Interim Account and Amount Stipulations | C | T018C |
326 | V_T018D | Cash Management and Forecast Forms | C | T018D |
327 | V_T018P | Postal Giro Offices | C | T018P |
328 | V_T018V | Acct Transfer: Determine Receiving Bank's Clearing Account | C | T018V |
329 | V_T018Z | Cash Transfer: Payment Method Determination Payment Requests | C | T018Z |
330 | V_T020R | Program selection for program transactions | C | T020R |
331 | V_T021A | Forms For Additional Information | C | T021A |
332 | V_T021M | Interactive Characteristics for Flexible Balance Display | C | T021M |
333 | V_T021S | Line Layout Variant Special Fields | C | T021S |
334 | V_T021STDF | Fast Entry: Standard Variant Fields | C | T021STDF |
335 | V_T021STDV | Fast Entry: Standard Variants | C | T021STDV |
336 | V_T021V | Default Values For Display Variants | C | T021V |
337 | V_T022_CO | CO transactions | C | T022 |
338 | V_T023 | Material Groups | C | T023 |
339 | V_T023T | Other languages for material groups | C | T023T |
340 | V_T023_A | Default Asset Class | C | T023 |
341 | V_T024A | Maintenance planner group | C | T024A |
342 | V_T024A_F | Production scheduler | C | T024A |
343 | V_T024B | Credit Management: Credit Representative Groups | C | T024B |
344 | V_T024C | "Planner Group for Standard Value Calculation" | C | T024C |
345 | V_T024D | MRP Controllers | C | T024D |
346 | V_T024E | Purchasing Organizations | C | T024E |
347 | V_T024E_ASSIGN | Assign Purchasing Organization -> Company Code | C | T024E |
348 | V_T024E_BP | PO Price History Update Type | C | T024E |
349 | V_T024E_LK | Assignment of Company Codes to Purchasing Organizations | C | T024E |
350 | V_T024E_NTR | Company Code, Subsequent Settlement for Purch. Organization | C | T024E |
351 | V_T024E_SG | Assignment of Schema Group to Purchasing Organization | C | T024E |
352 | V_T024E_SM | Assignment of Market Price Calculation Schema to Purch. Org. | C | T024E |
353 | V_T024F | Production Scheduler | C | T024F |
354 | V_T024I | Maintenance planner groups | C | T024I |
355 | V_T024I_W | Default Order Type for Maintenance Items | C | T024I |
356 | V_T024P | Credit Representative | C | T024P |
357 | V_T024W_CCP | Plant/Supplying Plant Assignment for Extended Source Determ. | C | T024W_CCP |
358 | V_T024W_LK | Assignment of Plants to Purchasing Organizations | C | T024W |
359 | V_T024Z | Assignment of Purchasing Organizations | C | T024Z |
360 | V_T026 | Maintain purchasing area | C | T026 |
361 | V_T026Z | Purchasing area determination | C | T026Z |
362 | V_T028B | Allocate Banks to Transaction Types for Electronic Banking | C | T028B |
363 | V_T028D | Keys for posting rules | C | T028D |
364 | V_T028G | External Transactions for Electronic Bank Statement | C | T028G |
365 | V_T028H | Manual Bank Statement Transactions | C | T028H |
366 | V_T028L | EB: Sender Bank - CM Data | C | T028L |
367 | V_T028M | Group Currency Keys into Currency Classes | C | T028M |
368 | V_T028O | Create currency classes | C | T028O |
369 | V_T028P | Assignment of Bank Statement Transactions to Search Strings | C | T028P |
370 | V_T028R | Repetitive funds transfer transaction groupings | C | T028R |
371 | V_T028RTRANS | Insert repetitive details - bank to bank transfers | C | T028RTRANS |
372 | V_T028R_KNBK | Insert repetitive partner details - customers | C | T028RTRANS |
373 | V_T028R_LFBK | Insert repetitive partner details - vendors | C | T028RTRANS |
374 | V_T028R_TRTM | Insert repetitive partner details - treasury partners | C | T028RTRANS |
375 | V_T028V | Transaction types | C | T028V |
376 | V_T028X | Assign Internal Return Reasons to External | C | T028X |
377 | V_T028Y | Returns Activities | C | T028Y |
378 | V_T028Y_SEPA | Change Mandate Status | C | T028Y_SEPA |
379 | V_T028Z | Returns Activities: Change Open Items | C | T028Z |
380 | V_T030B | Standard posting keys | C | T030B |
381 | V_T030C | Global Retained Earnings Accounts | C | T030C |
382 | V_T030F | Receivables Provision: Methods | C | T030F |
383 | V_T030H | Acct Determination For OI Exch.Rate Differences | C | T030H |
384 | V_T030HB | Account Determination | C | T030HB |
385 | V_T030Q | Clearing Accounts for Distributed Systems | C | T030Q |
386 | V_T030V | Account Conversion | C | T030V |
387 | V_T030_ACI | Technical Clearing Account for Integrated Acquisition | C | T030 |
388 | V_T030_GL | Local Retained Earnings Accounts | C | T030 |
389 | V_T031 | Bill Discount Note - Default Values | C | T031 |
390 | V_T031S | Bill of Exchange Status | C | T031S |
391 | V_T033 | FI Valuation Area | C | T033 |
392 | V_T033F_EBST | Posting Specifications | C | T033F |
393 | V_T033G_EBST | Accounts | C | T033G |
394 | V_T033I_EBST | Account Symbols | C | T033I |
395 | V_T033O | Allocate Levels for MM and SD Transactions | C | T036Q |
396 | V_T034 | Cash Mgmt: Determine Account Assignments/Document Splitting | C | T034 |
397 | V_T035 | Planning Groups | C | T035 |
398 | V_T035D | Cash Management Account Names | C | T035D |
399 | V_T035Z | Liquidity Forecast: Payment Date Determination/Assignments | C | T035Z |
400 | V_T036 | Planning levels | C | T036 |
401 | V_T036M | Level Assignment for Earmarked Funds | C | T036M |
402 | V_T036M2 | Earmarked Funds: Group Assignment If Account Missing | C | T036M2 |
403 | V_T036O | Allocate Levels for MM and SD Transactions | C | T036Q |
404 | V_T036R | Payment Request Levels | C | T036R |
405 | V_T036S | Planning Levels with Payment Blocks | C | T036S |
406 | V_T036V | Allocation of Planning Levels for Financial Assets Mgmt | C | T036V |
407 | V_T036VD | Allocation of Planning Levels for Financial Assets Mgmt | C | T036V |
408 | V_T036VN | Treasury: Assign Planning Levels | C | T036V |
409 | V_T036V_RE | Allocation of Planning Levels for Financial Assets Mgmt | C | T036V |
410 | V_T036W | Allocation of planning levels for Financial Assets Mgmt | C | T036V |
411 | V_T037 | View Obsolete -> V_T037_1 Is Relevant | C | T037 |
412 | V_T037A | Archiving Categories for Cash Management & Forecast | C | T037A |
413 | V_T037S | Customizing account assignment reference | C | T037S |
414 | V_T037SN | Securities: Account Assignment Reference | C | T037S |
415 | V_T037_1 | Planning types | C | T037 |
416 | V_T038 | Cash Management: Grouping Structure | C | T038 |
417 | V_T038P | Cash Management: Groupings and Their Headers | C | T038P |
418 | V_T038T | Replaced by View V_T038P (from Release 4.6A) | C | T038T |
419 | V_T038V | % Distribution for Cash Position and Liquidity Forecast | C | T038V |
420 | V_T039 | Source Symbols for Cash Management | C | T039 |
421 | V_T040 | Dunning Keys | C | T040 |
422 | V_T040S | Dunning Block Reasons | C | T040S |
423 | V_T041AR | Residual Item Additional Functions | C | T041AR |
424 | V_T041B | Company Code Allocation For Manual Payments | C | T041B |
425 | V_T042 | Company Codes | C | T042 |
426 | V_T042A | Bank selection for payment program | C | T042A |
427 | V_T042A_RE | Permit House Bank for Automatic Payment | C | T042A |
428 | V_T042B | Paying Company Codes | C | T042B |
429 | V_T042BD | Paying Company Codes | C | T042B |
430 | V_T042B_Z | Forms for Paying Company Codes (Pmnt Program) | C | T042B |
431 | V_T042D | Available Amounts for Payment Program | C | T042D |
432 | V_T042D_RE | Available Amounts | C | T042D |
433 | V_T042E | Maintenance of Company Code Data for a Payment Method | C | T042E |
434 | V_T042EA | ALE-Compatible Payment Methods | C | T042EA |
435 | V_T042ECT | Letter for Payment Correspondence (PDF) | C | T042ECT |
436 | V_T042E_Z | Forms for Payment Methods in Company Code (Pmnt Program) | C | T042E |
437 | V_T042F | Payment Method Supplements | C | T042F |
438 | V_T042F_FMFG_TC | Payment Method Supplement maps to ALC and Payment Office | C | T042F |
439 | V_T042G | Groups of company codes | C | T042G |
440 | V_T042I | Account determination | C | T042I |
441 | V_T042ICC | Account Determination for Payment Cards | C | T042ICC |
442 | V_T042ICC_HKONT | The Receivables Accounts for Payment Cards | D | T001 |
443 | V_T042IY0 | Account Determination with Subaccounts for F110 | C | T042IY |
444 | V_T042I_RE | Accounts for Automatic Postings Payment Program | C | T042I |
445 | V_T042J | "Bank Charges Determination" | C | T042J |
446 | V_T042JB | Define Bank Group for Merged Banks (Japan) | C | T042JB |
447 | V_T042JB1 | Define Branch Group for Merged Banks (Japan) | C | T042JB1 |
448 | V_T042K | Accounts For Bank Charges | C | T042K |
449 | V_T042M | User Numbers At The Bank | C | T042M |
450 | V_T042N | "Bank Transaction Codes" | C | T042N |
451 | V_T042OFI | Events for MT100 and other DME Formats | C | T042OFI |
452 | V_T042P | Bank Selection by Postal Code | C | T042P |
453 | V_T042Q | Permitted Destination Lands for Payment Method | C | T042Q |
454 | V_T042R | Building Society | C | T042R |
455 | V_T042S | Charges/Expenses for Automatic Payment Transactions | C | T042S |
456 | V_T042T | Sender Details | C | T042T |
457 | V_T042T_Z | Sender details (Payment program) | C | T042T |
458 | V_T042V | Value Date for Automatic Payments | C | T042V |
459 | V_T042W | Permitted currencies for payment method and country | C | T042W |
460 | V_T042Y | Account Determination for G/L Account Payments | C | T042Y |
461 | V_T042YP | Account Determination for Bank Clearing A/C for HR Payments | C | T042YP |
462 | V_T042ZA | Maint. of Note to Payee Text for Ctry, Pymt Mthd, & Origin | C | T042ZA |
463 | V_T042ZD | Definition of Additional Payment Method Classifications | C | T042ZD |
464 | V_T042ZEBPP | Maintenance of EBPP Payment Methods | C | T042ZEBPP |
465 | V_T042ZF | Allocation: Branch - (Paying) Company Code | C | T042ZF |
466 | V_T042ZFCL | Additional Payment Method Classes | C | T042ZFCL |
467 | V_T042ZL | Payment Program: Payment Methods per Country | C | T042Z |
468 | V_T042Z_XEINZ | Incoming Payment Methods in Company Code | D | T042E |
469 | V_T042Z_Z | Payment methods (Payment program) | C | T042Z |
470 | V_T043 | Assign Users-->Tolerance Groups | C | T043 |
471 | V_T043G | Customer/Vendor Tolerances | C | T043G |
472 | V_T043I | Tolerance Groups for Persons Processing Inventory Diff. | C | T043I |
473 | V_T043K | Control Of Payment Notices To Customers/Vendors | C | T043K |
474 | V_T043S | Tolerances for Groups of G/L Accounts in Local Currency | C | T043S |
475 | V_T043T | FI Tolerance Groups For Users | C | T043T |
476 | V_T044A | Foreign Currency Valuation Methods | C | T044A |
477 | V_T044AB | Time-Dependent Attributes | C | T044AB |
478 | V_T044D | Acc.Bal.Audit Trail: Extract Workfiles | C | T044D |
479 | V_T044E | Hedged Foreign Currency Items | C | T044E |
480 | V_T044G | Maintain Accumulated Depreciation Key | C | T044G |
481 | V_T044I | FI Valuations: Determine Base Value | C | T044I |
482 | V_T044LA | Sorted List of Open Items | C | T044LH |
483 | V_T044L_CRE | Sorted List of Open Items Callup Point | C | T044L |
484 | V_T044L_DEB | Sorted List of Open Items Callup Point | C | T044L |
485 | V_T045B | Expense/Bank Accounts and Tax Codes for Bill Presentation | C | T045B |
486 | V_T045D | Available amount for bill of exchange presentation | C | T045D |
487 | V_T045DTA | File Check Table for Bill of Exchange Presentation | C | T045DTA |
488 | V_T045E | Presentation to Bank | C | T045E |
489 | V_T045F | Bank Allocation for Bill of Exchange Presentation | C | T045F |
490 | V_T045G | Charges for bill of exchange presentation (bank fees) | C | T045G |
491 | V_T045L | Charges for Bill Presentation (Country-Dependent) | C | T045L |
492 | V_T045P | Bill of Exchange Portfolios | C | T045P |
493 | V_T045T | User IDs for Bank Transactions | C | T045T |
494 | V_T045W | Bill Of Exchange Usage Bank SubAccounts | C | T045W |
495 | V_T046 | Bill of Exchange Tax | C | T046 |
496 | V_T046A | Define Returned Bills of Exchange Account | C | T046A |
497 | V_T046S | Decline Reason Codes for Returned Bills of Exchange Payable | C | T046S |
498 | V_T047A_MV | Dunning procedure | C | T047A |
499 | V_T047D | Form selection for legal dunning procedure | C | T047D |
500 | V_T047E | Form selection for dunning notices | C | T047E |