- V-1 V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-11 V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 V-27 V-28 V-29 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36 V-37 V-38 V-39 V-40 V-41 V-42 V-43 V-44 V-45 V-46 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 V-58 V-59 V-60 V-61 V-62 V-63
View - V
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | V_MDG_MDFL1011 | Master Data: Attributes at Hierarchy Edges | C | MDG_MDFL1011 |
2 | V_MDG_MDFL1015 | Master Data: Template for Attributes at Network Edges | C | MDG_MDFL1015 |
3 | V_MDG_MDFL1016 | Master Data: Attributes at Netzwork Edges | C | MDG_MDFL1016 |
4 | V_MDG_MDFL1035 | Master Data: Local External Roles in Hierarchies | C | MDG_MDFL1035 |
5 | V_MDG_MDFL1045 | Master Data: Special Enqueue Fields | C | MDG_MDFL1045 |
6 | V_MDG_MDFPARAM | Master Data: General Settings | C | MDG_MDF0009 |
7 | V_MDG_MDFTRTXT | Text Table for Content Translation | C | MDG_MDFTRTXT |
8 | V_MDG_MDFTRTXT2 | Text Table for Content Translation | C | MDG_MDFTRTXT2 |
9 | V_MDG_MLT_AS_CAT | Multiple Assignment Categories | C | MDG_MLT_AS_CAT |
10 | V_MDG_MLT_AS_RSN | Multiple Assignment Reasons | C | MDG_MLT_AS_REASN |
11 | V_MDG_OBJ_DETAIL | Master data governance object details | C | MDG_OBJ_DETAIL |
12 | V_MDG_OBJ_DISP | Object Display | C | MDP_IL_OBJECTS |
13 | V_MDG_REL_OBJ | Related Object types | C | MDG_RELATED_OBJ |
14 | V_MDG_SDQ_MSG_UI | Maintenance of address validation decision table | C | MDG_SDQ_MSG_UI |
15 | V_MDG_SRCH_SRV_C | Search Applications for Search Services | C | MDG_SRCH_SRV_CNF |
16 | V_MDG_T006 | LORD Search Help View for Units of Measurement | H | T006 |
17 | V_MDLG | MRP area: Storage location | C | MDLG |
18 | V_MDLL | MRP area: Subcontractor | C | MDLL |
19 | V_MDLV | MRP area | C | MDLV |
20 | V_MDLW | MRP area: Plant | C | MDLW |
21 | V_MDMA | Maintenance view MDMA | C | MDMA |
22 | V_MDMA_BERID | DB View: Table MDMA, Field BERID | D | MDMA |
24 | V_MDMOBJ | obsolete | C | MDMXTCHK |
25 | V_MDM_DATA_BP_CS | Test Data - Business Partner at Complex Structure Level | D | MDM_TESTDATA_1 |
26 | V_MDRP_NODT | Node Type for DRP Network | C | MDRP_NODT |
27 | V_MDUBS | Conversion: Basis Spread: Quotation Types | C | MDUBS |
28 | V_MDUCMCPE | Basic functions: Code conversion for commod.price categories | C | MDUCMCPE |
29 | V_MDUCMDCS | Basic Functions: Commodity Price Type Conversion for DCS | C | MDUCMDCS |
30 | V_MDUCMV | Basic functions: Code conversion for commod.price categories | C | MDUCMV |
31 | V_MDUCR | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Currency Names | C | MDUCR |
32 | V_MDUCV | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Exchange Rate Types | C | MDUCV |
33 | V_MDUDFBS | Conversion: Basis Spread: Quotation Types | C | MDUBS |
34 | V_MDUDFCR | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Currency Names | C | MDUCR |
35 | V_MDUDFCV | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Exchange Rate Types | C | MDUCV |
36 | V_MDUDFIV | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Index Types | C | MDUIV |
37 | V_MDUDFVV | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Volatility Types | C | MDUVV |
38 | V_MDUDFWV | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Security Price Types | C | MDUWV |
39 | V_MDUHR | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Stock Exchanges | C | MDUHR |
40 | V_MDUIR | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Index Names | C | MDUIR |
41 | V_MDUIV | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Index Types | C | MDUIV |
42 | V_MDURR | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Interest Rate Names | C | MDURR |
43 | V_MDUVV | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Volatility Types | C | MDUVV |
44 | V_MDUWR | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Security Names | C | MDUWR |
45 | V_MDUWV | Basic Functions: Convert Codes for Security Price Types | C | MDUWV |
46 | V_MDVM_0 | Projection View to Primary Indew of MDVM | D | MDVM |
47 | V_MEMO | View: Customizing planning type on transaction type level | C | AT85 |
48 | V_METAINFONETS | HR Forms: Using MetaNets in InfoNets | D | TINFONET_01 |
49 | V_METANETSTAR | HR Forms: MetaStars in MetaNets (Country-Dependent) | D | TMETANET_02 |
50 | V_METANETSTARI | HR Forms: MetaStars in MetaNets (Country-Dependent) | D | TMETANET_02 |
51 | V_METASTARDIM | HR Forms: Dimensions in MetaStars (Country-Dependent) | D | TMETASTAR_02 |
52 | V_METASTARDIMI | HR Forms: Dimensions in MetaStars (Country-Independent) | D | TMETASTAR_02 |
53 | V_METASTARFIG | HR Forms: Figures in MetaStars | D | TMETASTAR_02 |
54 | V_METASTARINETS | HR Forms: Where-Used List of Metastars in Infonets | D | TINFONET_T_01 |
55 | V_METRIC | View Metrics | C | AICCMSBI_METRIC |
56 | V_MGE_T500L | Display view for Countries | C | T500L |
57 | V_MGWPICTURE | Image Data | C | MGWPICTURE |
58 | V_MIGO_ACTION | MIGO - Transactions | C | MIGO_CUST_ACTION |
59 | V_MIGO_REFDOC | MIGO - Reference Documents | C | MIGO_CUST_REFDOC |
60 | V_MIGO_TCODE | MIGO - Transactions | C | MIGO_CUST_TCODE |
61 | V_MIG_BDOCTYPE | BDoc Types used for Migration | C | MIG_BDOCTYPE |
62 | V_MILL_OCCUST | Selection Profile for Customizing of Combination | C | MILLOCCUST |
63 | V_MILL_PROFH | Customizing maintenance view for selection profiles | C | MILL_CLPROFH |
64 | V_MILL_SD_T160M | User-Definable Error Messages: MILL SD Functions | C | T160M |
65 | V_MILL_T160M_ALL | Controllable Error Messages: MILL Products | C | T160M |
66 | V_MILL_T161 | Mill: Ref. Characteristics in Purch. Docmt Types Switch View | C | T161 |
67 | V_MILL_T399X | Additional Settings for Production Orders | C | MILL_T399X |
68 | V_MILL_TVAK_SE | Automatic determination of charac. overview | C | TVAK |
69 | V_MILL_TVAP_SE | Transfer Charac. Values from Customer-Material Info Record | C | TVAP |
70 | V_MILL_VS_FLOW | Version Management | C | MILL_VS_FLOW |
71 | V_MIRROREX | CFM: Maintenance View of Initial Table for Mirror Transactns | C | VTBMDEX |
72 | V_MIRRORIN | CFM: Maintenance View Inbound Processing of Mirror Trans. | C | VTBMDIN |
73 | V_MIRRORINFKT | CFM: Maintenance View of Incoming Function for Mirror Trans. | C | VTBMDINFKT |
74 | V_MIRRORLS | CFM: Maint. View Assign. Partner - Log. System Mirror Trans. | C | VTBMDLS |
75 | V_MIRRORMAP | CFM: Maint. View Mapping Table Prod./Trans.Type Mirr.Trans. | C | VTBMDMAP |
76 | V_MIRRORMAPCOND | CFM: Maintenance View for Mapping Condition Types | C | VTBMDMAPKOND |
77 | V_MIRRORMAPFLW | CFM: Maintenance View for Mapping Flow Types | C | VTBMDMAPFLW |
78 | V_MIRRORPART | CFM: Maintenance View of Partner - Company Code Assignment | C | VTBMDPARTNER |
79 | V_MI_MSD_NAME | MI: View for MCDs and Runtime Environment | D | MEMSD |
80 | V_MKM_ZU_KLS | Characteristics Assigned to Classes of Class Type 101 | D | CABN |
81 | V_MKM_ZU_KLS_BEZ | Characteristics with Assignment to Classes | D | CABN |
82 | V_MKPF | View of MSEG and MKPF | D | MKPF |
83 | V_MKTPL_CAUT_BW | View for Causal Data Extraction for CGPL Tasks | D | CRMD_MKTPL_CAU |
84 | V_MKTPL_CAU_BW | View for causal data extraction | D | CRMD_MKTPL_CAU |
85 | V_MLIKS | View Inventory Sampling ( XBLNI) for Search Help MLIKS | D | LINK |
86 | V_MMBSI_PRC_MODE | SRM Pricing During Purchase Order Creation | C | MMBSI_PRC_MODE |
87 | V_MMIM_BEW | View of Table MBEW | P | MBEW |
88 | V_MMIM_BS | View of Purchase Orders | D | EKKO |
89 | V_MMIM_CHA | View on Table MCHA for for Real Batches | D | MCHA |
90 | V_MMIM_CYC | Materials Included in Cycle Counting | P | MARC |
91 | V_MMIM_EN | View of Sales Order Stocks | D | MSKA |
92 | V_MMIM_EN2 | View of Sales Order Stocks (Without Quantity Update) | D | MSKA |
93 | V_MMIM_IPO | View of Physical Inventory Document Items | P | ISEG |
94 | V_MMIM_KN | View of Consignment Stocks | D | MKOL |
95 | V_MMIM_LB | View of Warehouse Stocks of Split-Valuated Material | D | MCHB |
96 | V_MMIM_LC | View of Batch Material Stocks On Hand | D | MCHB |
97 | V_MMIM_LC_MB5M | View of Batch Material Stocks On Hand - MB5M Optimization | D | MCHB |
98 | V_MMIM_LN | View of Non-Batch Material Stocks On Hand | D | MARD |
99 | V_MMIM_MKP | View on Material Document Header | P | MKPF |
100 | V_MMIM_MST | Material Status | P | MSTA |
101 | V_MMIM_ON | View of Stck. of Mat. Prov. to Vendor | D | MSLB |
102 | V_MMIM_QN | View on Project Stocks | D | MSPR |
103 | V_MMIM_REP_CUST | Maintenance View Reporting Customizing | C | MMIM_REP_CUST |
104 | V_MMIM_REP_PRINT | Customizing Reporting MM-IM | C | MMIM_REP_PRINT |
105 | V_MMIM_RES | Projection View: Reservations for Material | P | RESB |
106 | V_MMIM_STO | Inv. management reporting view: cancelled documents | P | MSEG |
107 | V_MMIM_VW | View on Customer Special Stocks | D | MSKU |
108 | V_MMIM_WB | View of Valuated Stock of Value-Only Materials | D | MBEW |
109 | V_MM_CHVW | View for Archiving the Batch Where-Used List | D | CHVW |
110 | V_MON_DBCON | Oracle monitoring: search help for table ORA_MON_DBCON | H | ORA_MON_DBCON |
111 | V_MO_CRM_CONTEXT | View of CRM and Context | D | CRMD_ORDERADM_H |
112 | V_MO_HEAD_SOLUTN | View of CRM Header Table and Context | D | CRMD_ORDERADM_H |
113 | V_MPDDM_SR | MPD: Customizing View for Data Mapping | C | MPDDM |
114 | V_MPD_IL_OBJECTS | MDP Initial Load Maintenance View for Object Types | C | MDP_IL_OBJECTS |
115 | V_MPD_IL_OBJ_FLD | Additional selection fields for extractor | C | MDP_IL_OBJ_FIELD |
116 | V_MPLA_T399W | View for Selection of Maintenance Plans for Call Object Type | H | MPLA |
117 | V_MPL_C_ADAPTER | Adapter for iPPE Workbench: General Data | C | MPL_C_ADAPTER |
118 | V_MPL_C_DOCTYPES | Adapter for iPPE Workbench: Document Types | C | MPL_C_DOCTYPES |
119 | V_MPME_F4 | View For Selecting Measuring Points for Rental Units | D | VIMI01 |
120 | V_MPNCNV | Conversion Exit / Output Length of MPN-Part Number | C | MPNCNV |
121 | V_MPNSET | MPN-MRP Sets | C | MPNSET |
122 | V_MPN_IMATN | Selection of FFF class materials | D | MARA |
123 | V_MPTXA | DB View for Search Help MPTXA | D | PSTX |
124 | V_MPTXB | DB View for Search Help MPTXB | D | PSTX |
125 | V_MQ2 | Quota Arrangement Usage | C | TMQ2 |
126 | V_MRKML_KA101_SH | Characteristics, Class Type 101 | D | KSML |
127 | V_MRMRBBW_ERR | Message Log Extraction | C | MRMRBBW_ERR_EXTR |
128 | V_MRTRS_MRGEN | Define Control Parameters for Master Recipe Transformation | C | MRTRSC_20 |
129 | V_MRTRS_RFCDEST | Define RFC Destination of the General Recipe | C | MRTRSC_10 |
130 | V_MSAM_BGRFC_QUE | View to configure msam data object queue | C | MSAM_BGRFC_QUEUE |
131 | V_MSAM_DESTSD | Backend controlled replication | C | MSAM_CDEST_SD |
132 | V_MSAM_EQ_TEMP | Customizing view for maintaining template equipment | C | MSAM_CEQUI_TMP |
133 | V_MSAM_FUNL_PRF | MSAM functional location template profile view | C | MSAM_FUNCLOC_PRF |
134 | V_MSAM_MUL_LANG | Maintenance view for default and subset language | C | MSAM_CMUL_LANG |
135 | V_MSGTYP_PM | View for PM message categories | D | DD07L |
136 | V_MSG_COND | Message Type for the Condition Type | C | VDMSG_FOR_COND |
137 | V_MSG_SAL | Definition of Security Audit Log Messages | D | TSL1T |
138 | V_MSG_SLG2 | Definition of System Log Messages | D | TSL1T |
140 | V_MSP_MHIS_MHIO | Call Objects of Maintenance Plans | D | MHIS |
141 | V_MSR_C_RPO_REPL | Specify Settings for Replacement Materials from Vendor | C | MSR_C_RPO_REPL |
142 | V_MSR_MM_CUST | Activate Advanced Returns and Enhanced Store Returns | C | T161 |
143 | V_MSUBST_MPN07 | One-Way/Restricted Interchangeabilities of Parts | C | MSUBST |
144 | V_MTFPLA | Maintain Invoicing Plan Types: Periodic Invoices | C | TFPLA |
145 | V_MTFPLAMU | Maintain Date Proposal for Invoicing Plan Type | C | TFPLA |
146 | V_MTFPLATY | Assign Date Proposal Category to Invoicing Plan | C | TFPLA |
147 | V_MTFPLA_T | Maintain Invoicing Plan Types: Partial Invoice | C | TFPLA |
148 | V_MTFPLT | Maintain Date Category for Invoicing Plan Type | C | TFPLT |
149 | V_MTVFS | Invoicing Plan: Reasons for Blocking | C | TVFS |
150 | V_MTVRG | Rule Table for Date Determination: Invoicing Plans | C | TVRG |
151 | V_MTVTB | Maintain Date Descriptions for Invoicing Plan | C | TVTB |
152 | V_MWBFCD | Database View for F4 Help for Maint. View for T77MWBK-FCODE | D | T77MWBFCD |
153 | V_MWBS | Database View for F4 Help for Maint. View for T77MWBK-SCEN. | D | T77MWBS |
154 | V_MXTVO | Define Transaction Types for Vendors | C | MXTVO |
155 | V_MY01 | Balance Sheet Valuation Sample (LIFO/FIFO) | C | TMY01 |
156 | V_MY02 | LIFO/FIFO Method | C | TMY02 |
157 | V_MY03 | FIFO Valuation Areas | C | TMY03 |
158 | V_MY04 | LIFO/FIFO Valuation: Company Code Parameters | C | TMY04 |
159 | V_MY05 | Layer Version | C | TMY05 |
160 | V_MY06 | Balance Sheet Valuation: Constants for DB Commit | C | TMY06 |
161 | V_MYDELTALAUF | Maintenance View: Delta Run for Balance Sheet Valuation | C | MYLAUFIT |
162 | V_MYLAUFCUST | Delta Run for Balance Sheet Valuation | C | MYLAUFCUST |
163 | V_MYPS1 | Allocation Criteria for Pool Splitting (Material -> Pool) | C | MYPS1 |
164 | V_MYPS2 | Allocation Critiera for Pool Merging (Old Pool -> New Pool) | C | MYPS2 |
165 | V_MYPS3 | Rule Type for Reassignment of Material Layers | C | MYPS3 |
166 | V_N1APRIT | IS-H*MED: Request priorities | C | N1APRI |
167 | V_N1APRIV | Req.Prior. | D | N1APRI |
168 | V_N1AST | IS-H*MED: Request status | C | N1AST |
169 | V_N1ATV | IS-H*MED: Request Category Usage | C | N1ATV |
170 | V_N1AUFGA | IS-H*MED: Maintenance View for Task | C | N1AUFGA |
171 | V_N1BEZY | IS-H*MED: Maintenance cycle (N1BEZY,NLEI,NLEM) | D | N1BEZY |
172 | V_N1DFO | IS-H*MED: View Dispensing Form | C | N1DFO |
174 | V_N1FST | IS-H*MED: View Transport Job Status + Text | C | N1FST |
175 | V_N1IFG | IS-H*MED: View degrees of infection | C | N1IFG |
176 | V_N1LAGRG | IS-H*MED: View position types | C | N1LAGRG |
177 | V_N1LAPP | Maintenance View for n1lapp | C | NTPK |
178 | V_N1LAUF | IS-H*MED: Assignments of Service/Task | C | N1LAUF |
179 | V_N1LSSTA | IS-H*MED: Service Status | C | N1LSSTA |
180 | V_N1MATVM | IS-H*MED: View NMATV - N1MATVM | D | NMATV |
181 | V_N1MEK | IS-H*MED: View Medication Catalog | C | N1MEK |
182 | V_N1MEOPRI | IS-H*MED: Priority of Order Maintenance View | C | N1MEOPRI |
183 | V_N1MEP | IS-H*MED: View Medications - Catalog Position | C | N1MEP |
184 | V_N1ORGAN | IS-H*MED: Organs | C | N1ORGAN |
185 | V_N1PFABSG | IS-H*MED: Termination Reasons | C | N1PFABSG |
186 | V_N1PLST | IS-H*MED: Positions | C | N1PLST |
187 | V_N1POBJECTTYPE | IS-H*MED: Registered Object Types and Text Maintenance | C | N1POOBJECTTYPE |
188 | V_N1POBKL | IS-H*MED: View planning object classes | C | N1POBKL |
189 | V_N1POOBJCTDISP | IS-H*MED: Display Classe for Object Types in PatOrg and Text | C | N1POOBJCTTYPDISP |
190 | V_N1PTI | IS-H: Sched. Types for Inpatient Appts | C | N1PTI |
191 | V_N1QUAL | IS-H*MED: Qualifications | C | N1QUAL |
192 | V_N1STGR | IS-H: Cancellation Reasons | C | N1STGR |
193 | V_N1TA | IS-H*MED: Transport Types | C | N1TA |
194 | V_N1TPORD | IS-H*MED: Medication; Template - Order + Text | D | N1TPMEORDER |
195 | V_N1TPP | IS-H*MED: View for planning object class | D | N1TPP |
196 | V_N1VPPF4 | IS-H*MED: Input Help (F4) for Vital Signs | C | N1VPPF4 |
197 | V_N1VPST | IS-H*MED: Vital Sign Master Data (and Texts) | C | N1VPS |
198 | V_N1ZPI | IS-H*MED: View time interpretation + description | D | N1ZPI |
199 | V_N2BK | IS-H*MED: Basic Nursing Catalog | C | N2BK |
200 | V_N2DGAIST | IS-H*MED: View for Table N2DGAIST | C | N2DGAIST |
201 | V_N2DGAIUM | Maintenance View Convert Field Contents for Data Export DGAI | C | N2DGAIUM |
202 | V_N2DGAIVR | Maintenance View Vaild Versions Data Export DGAI | C | N2DGAIVR |
203 | V_N2DL1 | Service-Related Document Profile | C | N2DL1 |
204 | V_N2DL2 | Service-Document Category Assignments | C | N2DL |
205 | V_N2DO1 | OU-Related Document Profile | C | N2DO1 |
206 | V_N2DO2 | OU-Document Category Assignments | C | N2DO |
207 | V_N2DSDVSART | i.s.h.med View of Dispatch Types | C | TN2DSDVSART |
208 | V_N2ET2 | IS-H*MED: View for tables N2ET and N2ETT | D | N2ET |
209 | V_N2F4SIMPLETREE | Simple F4 Help as Tree | D | N2F4SIMPLETREE |
210 | V_N2GL_NOTECAT | IS-H*MED: Category of Note | C | TN2GL_NOTECAT |
211 | V_N2GL_PROF | ISHMED Occupational Groups | C | TN2GL_PROFESSION |
212 | V_N2GL_PROF_AUFG | i.s.h.med View to Occupational Groups and Tasks | D | TN2GL_PROFESSION |
213 | V_N2GL_PROPERTY | IS-H*MED: System Properties of Graphical Editor | C | TN2GL_PROPERTY |
214 | V_N2GL_SMARTFORM | IS-H*MED: Customer Smart Form for Pathways | C | TN2GL_SMARTFORM |
215 | V_N2GT | IS-H*MED: Classification areas catalog | C | N2GT |
216 | V_N2KA1 | Cardio: Proposal Values for Text Fields in CORD Components | C | N2KA |
217 | V_N2MAPS | IS-H*MED: Employees for positions | D | N1MAPS |
218 | V_N2PS | IS-H*MED: Nursing standard catalog | C | N2PS |
219 | V_N2SAMPLE_LABOR | Test Laboratory | D | N2LABOR001 |
220 | V_N2TBS_SET | View of Text Module as Set | D | N2TBS_SET |
221 | V_N2TBS_SET_HEAD | Header Data for Text Module Set | D | N2TBS_SET_HEAD |
222 | V_N2TEAM | IS-H*MED: View team for a service | D | N1LSTEAM |
223 | V_N2ZTPDEF | IS-H*MED: View for defining the time with texts | C | N2ZTPDEF |
224 | V_NAMES_AI | DD: Supplies TNMAP entries with stauts A,I and instances | D | ASGRP |
225 | V_NAPR | Form (Layout Set) for Messages | C | TNAPR |
226 | V_NBEW | IS-H: Movements with respective case and patient | D | NBEW |
227 | V_NC301B | IS-H: EDI - Agreements with Data Collection Points | C | NC301B |
228 | V_NC301KTR | IS-H EDI: Data Cllct. Point - Ins. Provider Asgmt | C | NC301KTR |
229 | V_NC301P | IS-H EDI Data Collection Point Master Data | C | NC301P |
230 | V_NC301P_ACC | IS-H EDI Data Collection Point Master Data | C | NC301P |
231 | V_NC302KTR | IS-H EDI Annahmestellen Kostenträger Zuordnung §302 | C | NC302KTR |
232 | V_NCE_KB | Maintenance view for NCE Knowledge Base | C | CNV_NCE_KB |
233 | V_NCE_SQL | WHERE conditions | C | CNV_NCE_SQL |
234 | V_NCH10 | IS-H CH: Service Breakdown | C | NCH10 |
235 | V_NCH43A | IS-H CH: Rollenumschlüsselung für Arztzuordnungen | C | NCH43A |
236 | V_NCH44A | IS-H CH: Leistungsregeln OPS | C | NCH44A |
237 | V_NCH53 | IS-H CH: Billing Agreement Per Case | C | NCH53 |
238 | V_NCH60 | IS-H CH: Kriterien für Sammelaufträge | C | NCH60 |
239 | V_NCH61 | IS-H CH: Sammelaufträge | C | NCH61 |
240 | V_NCH62 | IS-HCO CH: Kriterien für Sammelaufträge | C | NCH62 |
241 | V_NCMON | IS-HCM: Function Modules for HCM Monitor | C | NCMON |
242 | V_NETEWACONFTYPE | View for Note for Negative Confirmation | D | TEWACONFTYPE |
243 | V_NET_LEVEL | View: Level Definition for Networks | C | NET_LEVEL |
244 | V_NFAM | IS-H: Messages for billing (view NFAM) | C | NFAM |
245 | V_NFCPD | Nota Fiscal: One-Time Customer Accounts | D | J_1BNFDOC |
246 | V_NFDOC | Nota Fiscal Header | D | J_1BNFDOC |
247 | V_NFLIN | Nota Fiscal Line Item | D | J_1BNFDOC |
248 | V_NFNAD | Nota Fiscal Partner | D | J_1BNFDOC |
249 | V_NFSTX | Nota Fiscal Tax per Item | D | J_1BNFDOC |
250 | V_NF_MESSAGES | Nota Fiscal: Messages | D | J_1BNFDOC |
251 | V_NGLM_ANA | Analysis Results for SAP G/L Monitor | D | NGLM_ANA_HD |
252 | V_NINSI | Maint. View for Institution-Dep. Ins. Provider Master Data | C | NINSI |
253 | V_NIW3 | Document Types | C | TNIW3 |
254 | V_NIW4 | Movement Types | C | TNIW4 |
255 | V_NIW4_NG | Lowest Value: Movement Types for Non-Movement | C | TNIW4 |
256 | V_NIW4_RW | Lowest Value: Mvt Types for Exception Rules, Rng of Coverage | C | TNIW4 |
257 | V_NIW5 | Lowest Value: Devaluation by Range of Coverage | C | TNIW5 |
258 | V_NIW5W | Lowest Value: Devaluatn by Range of Cov. for Each Val. Area | C | TNIW5W |
259 | V_NIW6 | Lowest Value: Deval. by Slow/Non-Movement | C | TNIW6 |
260 | V_NIW6W | Lowest Value: Devaluation by Slow/Non-movement (Valn Area) | C | TNIW6W |
261 | V_NIW7N | Weighting Factors for Material Movements (Movement Rate) | C | TNIW7 |
262 | V_NIW7R | Weighting Factors for Consumption Values (Range of Coverage) | C | TNIW7 |
263 | V_NIW8 | Weighting of Stock Quantities | C | TNIW8 |
264 | V_NIW8N | Weighting of Stock Quantities (Movement Rate) | C | TNIW8H |
265 | V_NIW8R | Weighting of Stock Quantities (Range of Coverage) | C | TNIW8H |
266 | V_NIW9 | Reduction of Sales Prices (Lowest Value) | C | TNIW9 |
267 | V_NKDI | IS-H: Database View for Diagnosis Table NKDI for EIS | D | NKDI |
268 | V_NKIP_1 | IS-H: Pre-Approved Insurance | C | NKIP |
269 | V_NKIP_2 | IS-H: Insurance Verification Default Values | C | NKIP |
270 | V_NLAU | IS-H: Service Exclusions | C | NLAU |
271 | V_NLAZ | IS-H: Assign IS-H Service to CO Activity Type | C | NLAZ |
272 | V_NLBSN_ACT | Pflege view BSN werte übername | C | TNLBSN_ACT |
273 | V_NLBSN_ID_STAT | Pflege view ausweis status | C | TNLBSN_ID_STAT |
274 | V_NLBSN_PARAM | Pflege viewBSN algemeines parameters | C | TNLBSN_PARAM |
275 | V_NLBSN_SOURCE | Pflege view burger service nummer quelle | C | TNLBSN_SOURCE |
276 | V_NLBSN_STATUS | Pflege view burger service nummer status | C | TNLBSN_STATUS |
277 | V_NLEI_HCO_A | IS-H: Services Still to Be Transferred | D | NLEI |
278 | V_NLEI_HCO_B | IS-H: Partially Transferred Services | D | NLEI |
279 | V_NLEI_HCO_C | IS-H: Completely Transferred, Changed Services | D | NLEI |
280 | V_NLEM | Tables NLEM, NLEI | D | NLEI |
281 | V_NLGGZ_CO_HOUR | Pflege view kostpreis stunde zeit | C | TNLGGZ_CO_HOUR |
282 | V_NLGGZ_CO_STAY | Pflege view Kostpreis Aufenthaltskosten | C | TNLGGZ_CO_STAY |
283 | V_NLGGZ_HITLIST | Pflege view DBC GGZ Hitlist | C | TNLGGZ_HITLIST |
284 | V_NLGR | IS-H: Dyn. Service Groups | C | NLGR |
285 | V_NLOP | IS-H: Surgery Data with Service Date | D | NLEI |
286 | V_NLST | IS-H*MED: NLEM, NLEI | D | NLEM |
287 | V_NMARC | IS-H MM: | H | MARC |
288 | V_NMARM | IS-H MM: View for Unit of Measure Input Help | D | MARA |
289 | V_NMATLEI | Define Default Material Service | C | TNMATLEI |
290 | V_NMHIT | IS-H MM: Material Proposal | C | NMHIT |
291 | V_NMKAO | IS-H MM: Assign Material Catalogs -> OU | C | NMKAO |
292 | V_NMKAO2 | IS-H: Assign Material Catalogs to OU (Access with OU) | C | NMKAO |
293 | V_NMKAP | IS-H MM: Maintain Material Catalog Items | C | NMKAP |
294 | V_NMKAP2 | IS-H MM: Maintain Material Catalog Items | C | NMKAP |
295 | V_NMKAPH | IS-H MM: | D | NMKAT |
296 | V_NMKAT | IS-H MM: Define Material Catalogs | C | NMKAT |
297 | V_NMSEO | IS-H MM: Assign Material Sets to OU | C | NMSEO |
298 | V_NMSEP | IS-H MM: Maintain Material Set Items | C | NMSEP |
299 | V_NMSET | IS-H MM: Maintain Material Set | C | NMSET |
300 | V_NMSTOR | IS-H MM: Maintain OU-Related Closets | C | NMSTOR |
301 | V_NMSTORL | IS-H MM: Maintain Storage Locations | C | NMSTORL |
302 | V_NNK1 | IS-H NL: Kostenträger Zusatz Daten | C | NNK1 |
303 | V_NNK1_N | IS-H NL: Kostenträger Zusatz Daten | C | NNK1 |
304 | V_NNK2 | IS-H NL: Dummy view, NICHT VERWENDEN!!!! | C | NNK1 |
305 | V_NNPER | IS-H NL: Assign Physician -> Insurance Provider | C | NNPER |
306 | V_NNPW | _ | C | NNPW |
307 | V_NNTF | IS-H NL: Service Catalog Determination | C | NNTF |
309 | V_NOBTY | IS-H: Maintenance View Object Types | C | NOBTY |
310 | V_NODES | Projection View: Node Info ENODE | P | ENODE |
311 | V_NOTA | Conversion: Memo IDs | C | BPUNOTA |
312 | V_NPACT | Selection view activities belonging to network | D | AFKO |
313 | V_NPLANC | Statistical Occupancy Characteristics | C | NPLANC |
314 | V_NRES_MODC | View Between Activities and Resources | D | PNODID |
315 | V_NRES_MODD | View Between Activities and Resources | D | PNODID |
316 | V_NTFI | IS-H: Service Catalog Determination | C | NTFI |
317 | V_NTPKD | IS-H: Add. Fields for Service Master Germany | C | NTPKD |
318 | V_NTPV | IS-H: Assign Service to Base Planning Object | C | NTPV |
319 | V_NTPZ | IS-H: View for Maintenance Transaction NTPZ | C | NTPZ |
320 | V_NTSI | IS-H: Define Service Catalog Columns | C | NTSI |
321 | V_NULL_ONOFF | Maint. Fld Deactivated (for Hiding Zero Recs of Logical DBs) | C | FTI_NULL_ONOFF |
322 | V_NWATINTENS | IS-H AT: Intensivdokumentation - Patientenadministration | C | NWATINTENS |
323 | V_NWATPHYS | IS-H AT: Intensivdokumentation - Physiologische Daten | C | NWATPHYS |
324 | V_NWATTISS28 | IS-H AT: Intensivdoku. - Pflege- u. Therapiedoku. (TISS-28) | C | NWATTISS28 |
325 | V_NWATTRISS | IS-H AT: Intensivdoku. - Erfass. traumatologischer Patienten | C | NWATTRISS |
326 | V_NWBUTTON | IS-H / IS-H*MED: Texts for Pushbuttons in Toolbar | D | NWBUTTON |
327 | V_NWCH90 | IS-H CH: Honorarleistungen | C | NWCH90 |
328 | V_NWFVAR | IS-H / IS-H*MED: Texts for Function Variant | D | NWFVAR |
329 | V_NWFVARP | IS-H / IS-H*MED: Texts for Functions Under Pushbuttons | D | NWFVARP |
330 | V_NWPG | Maintenance View NWBP | V | NWPG |
331 | V_NWPLACE | IS-H / IS-H*MED: View for Texts of Work Environment | D | NWPLACE |
332 | V_NWPUSZ | IS-H*MED: Assign Work Environment to User(Role) + Text | D | NWPUSZ |
333 | V_NWPUSZT | IS-H / IS-H*MED: Assign Work Environment to User (Role) | C | NWPUSZ |
334 | V_NWPVZ | IS-H / IS-H*MED: View for Texts of Work Env.-to-View Asgmt | D | NWPVZ |
335 | V_NWVIEW | IS-H / IS-H*MED: View/ Texts for Views | D | NWVIEW |
336 | V_N_MD_FAS | IS-H: View for Search Help Dept Status Basic Medical Doc. | D | TJ30 |
337 | V_N_MD_STATUS | IS-H: View for Search Help Med. Basic Documentation Statuses | D | TJ30 |
338 | V_OBJECTID | Search Help for Contract Number | D | LAE_CRM_HEADER |
339 | V_OBJLINK_CLI | Object Links for Checklist Item | D | DPR_OBJLINK |
340 | V_OBJLINK_CL_O | Object Links for Checklist Header | D | DPR_OBJLINK |
341 | V_OBJLINK_CL_T | Object Links for Checklist Template | D | DPR_OBJLINK |
342 | V_OBJLINK_MTG | Object Links for Role | D | DPR_OBJLINK |
343 | V_OBJLINK_PHA | Object Links for Phase | D | DPR_OBJLINK |
344 | V_OBJLINK_PRO | Object Links for Project | D | DPR_OBJLINK |
345 | V_OBJLINK_TSK | Object Links for Task | D | DPR_OBJLINK |
346 | V_OBJ_H | Object: Header Data | C | OBJH |
347 | V_OBJ_M | Object: Methods | C | OBJM |
348 | V_OBJ_S | Object: Piece List | C | OBJS |
349 | V_OBJ_SL | Object: Object List - Logical Object | C | OBJSL |
350 | V_OBJ_SUB | Object: Sub-objects | C | OBJSUB |
351 | V_OBL_TYPES | Maintenance of Object Link types | C | RPM_OBL_OBTYP |
352 | V_OBTAB_IDENT | Maintenance of Object Table Identification | C | TCL_OBTAB_IDENT |
353 | V_OFFGRPFLDS | Maintain Grouping Characteristics | C | TCACS_OFFGRPFLDS |
354 | V_OFFGRPRULE | Maintain Grouping Rule in Remuneration Clearing | C | TCACS_OFFGRPRULE |
355 | V_OFFNUM_CN | Assign Number group and Prefix to comp. code and doc. class | C | OFFNUM_CN |
356 | V_OFFNUM_IT | Assign Number Ranges to Doc. Classes | C | OFNUM_IT_1 |
357 | V_OFF_NUM_ID | Settings for Official Document Numbering Indonesia | C | OFF_NUM_ID |
358 | V_OFF_NUM_LV | Obsolete: Number Groups for Official Document Numbering (LV) | C | OFF_NUM_LV |
359 | V_OFF_NUM_LV2 | Assign Number Ranges to Document Class, Number Group, Date | C | OFF_NUM_LV2 |
360 | V_OFF_NUM_LV_ACT | Obsolete: Assignment of Active Number Group | C | OFF_NUM_LV_ACT |
361 | V_OFNUM_BG | Enable ODN for Cancellation Invoices per Vendor | C | OFNUM_BG |
362 | V_OFNUM_ES | Enable ODN for Correction Invoices per Vendor (ES) | C | OFNUM_ES |
363 | V_OFNUM_MX | Assign Official Numbering with Approval Number | C | OFNUM_MX |
364 | V_OFNUM_PH | Assign Number Ranges to Business Places - PH | C | OFNUM_TW_2 |
365 | V_OFNUM_TW_2 | Assign Number Ranges to Business Places | C | OFNUM_TW_2 |
366 | V_OFX_BPM_FIEB | All Supported Message Sets | C | OFX_BP_MSGS_FIEB |
367 | V_OFX_BUS_FIEB | Function Modules for the Business Processes | C | BUSPROC_FCT_FIEB |
368 | V_OFX_LADR_FIEB | Define OFX Partner | C | LOGADR_ATTR_FIEB |
369 | V_OFX_LAMS_FIEB | Assignment of Message Sets to Business Processes | C | OFX_LA_MSGS_FIEB |
370 | V_OFX_STS_FIEB | Status Values for OFX Applications (OFX Customizing) | C | FIEB_STATUSV |
371 | V_OFX_VER_FIEB | OFX Versions (Technical OFX Customizing) | C | OFX_VERSION_FIEB |
372 | V_OI001 | IS Oil Company Code Parameters | C | OI001 |
373 | V_OI001P | OIL Company Code Parameters: Production order | C | OI001 |
374 | V_OI0BW_OIGSPA | View for BW Extractor OI0BW_TD_OIGSPA | D | OIGS |
375 | V_OI0BW_OIGSV | View for BW Extractor OI0BW_TD_OIGSV | D | OIGS |
376 | V_OI0BW_OIGSVD | View for BW Extractor OI0BW_TD_OIGSVD | D | OIGS |
377 | V_OI0BW_T005E | View for county code texts (BW) | D | T005F |
378 | V_OI0BW_T005H | View for City code Texts (BW) | D | T005H |
379 | V_OI0_T685A | Pricing ConditionTypes - IS-Oil Control | C | T685 |
380 | V_OI0_TVAK | Sales Document Types - IS-Oil Control | C | TVAK |
381 | V_OI0_TVFK | Billing Document Types - IS-Oil Control | C | TVFK |
382 | V_OIA8L | View for search help OIA8U | P | OIA08H |
383 | V_OIAH | Permitted fee account assignment strings | C | TOIAH |
384 | V_OIANA | View for search help OIANA | D | OIA10H |
385 | V_OIAQB | Exchange Movements Index - uncleared items | D | OIAQB |
386 | V_OIASB | View for search help OIASB | D | OIAQA |
387 | V_OIASC | View for search help OIASC | D | OIAQA |
388 | V_OIA_EWU_EKPO | Euro Conversion: Database View for Changing EKPO | D | EKPO |
389 | V_OIA_EWU_OIAF7 | EMU Conversion: Database view for changing OIAF7 | D | OIAF7 |
390 | V_OIA_EWU_OIAFE | Euro Conversion: Database View for Changing OIAFE | D | OIAFE |
391 | V_OIA_EWU_OIANF | EMU Conversion: Database view for changing OIANF | D | OIANF |
392 | V_OIA_TVLP | Delivery Item Categories - Exchange Assignment | C | TVLP |
393 | V_OIB01 | Conversion Group + Texts | C | OIB01 |
394 | V_OIB02 | Define Conversion Mode | C | OIB02 |
395 | V_OIB02_CALCTIME | Customizing Table OIB02 | C | OIB02 |
396 | V_OIB04 | FM definition (API/AGA/Customer functions) | C | OIB04 |
397 | V_OIB05 | UoM group assignment | C | OIB05 |
398 | V_OIB06 | Customizing tables OIB06/OIB06T | C | OIB06 |
399 | V_OIB07 | Parameter of the Quantity Conversion Interface | C | OIB07 |
400 | V_OIB07_HELP | Help fields for QCI parameters | C | OIB07_HELP |
401 | V_OIB_ACT_NTGAS | Acitvate SAP natural gas conversion routines | C | OIB_DEF |
402 | V_OIB_ANA_CNTRL | Silo Mgmt. Cust.: Dip - MM analysis | C | OIB_ANALYS_CNTRL |
403 | V_OIB_AROM_HEAD | Header Data | C | OIB_AROM_HEADER |
404 | V_OIB_AROM_VCF | Aromatics VCF table | C | OIB_AROM_VCF |
405 | V_OIB_CONV_RDGRP | Assign Reading group to Conversion group | C | OIB_CONV_RDGRP |
406 | V_OIB_CONV_SETID | Assign set ID | C | OIB_CONV_RDGRP |
407 | V_OIB_CONV_UOM | Assignment of Units between QCI and T006 | C | OIB_CONV_UOM |
408 | V_OIB_DEF | Choose default table/transaction for QCI: | C | OIB_DEF |
409 | V_OIB_DIP_WL_ENT | Silo Management WL entries | C | OIB_DIP_WORKLIST |
410 | V_OIB_DIP_WL_IND | Silo Mgmt: Worklist Table | C | OIB_DIP_WL_INDEX |
411 | V_OIB_DIP_WL_USR | Silo Mgmt: Worklist user assignment | C | OIB_DIP_WL_USER |
412 | V_OIB_MIGO_DEF | QCI Default Determination Date (MIGO) | C | OIB_DEF |
413 | V_OIB_PPP_DATA | Physical properties data: details | C | OIB_PPP_DATA |
414 | V_OIB_PPP_HEADER | Physical properties data: header | C | OIB_PPP_HEADER |
415 | V_OIB_QTCD_RESID | Residence Time QCI Defaults | C | OIB_QTCD_RESID |
416 | V_OIB_RDGGROUP | Details: Reading group entries | C | OIB_READINGGROUP |
417 | V_OIB_RDGRDEF | Reading Group: Definition | C | OIB_RDGRDEF |
418 | V_OICDC | Differential Reference Code | C | OICDC |
419 | V_OICGN | Gross/Net Pricing Rule Defaults | C | OICGN |
420 | V_OICMI | Metropolitan Indicator | C | OICMI |
421 | V_OICNU | Gross/Net Volume UoM Relationships | C | OICNU |
422 | V_OICPL | Customer Price List - Material | C | OICPL |
423 | V_OICQC | Quotations (Origin, Type) for Prices | C | OICQC |
424 | V_OICQCNTL | F&A Repository Control Parameters | C | OICQCNTL |
425 | V_OICQP | Price Quotations - Formula and Average Price | C | OICQP |
426 | V_OICQS | Origin of Quotation (Prices) | C | OICQS |
427 | V_OICQT | View for Quotaton Types | C | OICQT |
428 | V_OICRD | Report line definition | C | OICRD |
429 | V_OICSL | State license fee zone | C | OICSL |
430 | V_OICWA | Wide area pricing zone | C | OICWA |
431 | V_OIC_KONV_EWU | EMU Conversion: Database view for changing OIC_KONV | D | OIC_KONV |
432 | V_OIC_LSMW_PROJ | Maintain LSMW Project for Data exchange | C | OIC_LSMW_PROJ |
433 | V_OIC_OIANF_EWU | EMU Conversion: Database view for changing OIC_OIANF | D | OIC_OIANF |
434 | V_OIC_VMVAK | Contract number by sold-to party | D | VBAK |
435 | V_OID9I | Remapping Default Item Categories | C | OID9I |
436 | V_OIDAP | Alternative Supply Plant Table | C | OIDAP |
437 | V_OID_MEBEO | PO History Records per Bill of Lading Number | D | EKBE |
438 | V_OIFAAMCS | Subscreen Assignments | C | OIFAAMCSA |
439 | V_OIFBPBLT | Location Type - Business Partner Roles | C | OIFBPBLT |
440 | V_OIFBRD1 | Link Dialogs Supported for Technical Category | C | OIFBRD1 |
441 | V_OIFBRD1T | Link dialogs supported for BPR-technical cat. type | D | OIFBRD1 |
442 | V_OIFBRD2 | Business Partner Role - Add.SET/GET Parameters | C | OIFBRD2 |
443 | V_OIFBRF1 | Business Partner Roles | C | OIFBRF1 |
444 | V_OIFBRF2 | Bussines Partner Roles - Technical Categories | C | OIFBRF2 |
445 | V_OIFBRFX | Help view for accessing partner roles by location type | D | OIFBPBLT |
446 | V_OIFBRT1 | Business Partner Roles - Technical Category | C | OIFBRT1 |
447 | V_OIFBRTX | Help view for accessing role technical categories by role | D | OIFBRF2 |
448 | V_OIFCHRS2 | Retail Network Contract service hours type | C | OIFCHRS2 |
449 | V_OIFCOPT1 | Retail Network Contract Option Type | C | OIFCOPT1 |
450 | V_OIFOLD1 | Link Dialogs for Object Link Type | C | OIFOLD1 |
451 | V_OIFOLD1T | Link dialog supported per object link type with text | D | OIFOLD1 |
452 | V_OIFOPBLT | Location type - permissible object links | C | OIFOPBLT |
453 | V_OIFORACO | Activation of Oil-Retail Integration Components | C | OIFORACTIV |
454 | V_OIFORACR | Activate Oil-Retail Integrat. Components | C | OIFORACTIV |
455 | V_OIFORCAM | Conversion Article to Material (ALE) | C | OIFORCAM |
456 | V_OIFORCPR | Customer expected price to sales cond. record | C | OIFORCPR |
457 | V_OIFSBLCD | Business Location Blocking Codes | C | OIFSBLCD |
458 | V_OIFSCTCAPT | SSR BASE: Screen Configuration - Caption settings | C | OIFSCTCAPT |
459 | V_OIFSCTDSDEFC_C | Customer Data Sections (SCT) | C | OIFSCTDSDEFC_C |
460 | V_OIFSCTFDDEFC1 | Field Definition (Screen Configuration Tool) | C | OIFSCTFDDEFC1 |
461 | V_OIFSFSELAMC | Customer Enhancement Fields for Field Select. | C | OIFSCTFDDEFC |
462 | V_OIFSPBLS | Business location type - language dependent | D | OIFSPBLT |
463 | V_OIFSPBLT | Physical business location type | C | OIFSPBLT |
464 | V_OIFSPBLTAPPL | Assignment Business Loc. Type - Application type | C | OIFSPBLTAPPL |
465 | V_OIFSPBLTCR | Physical business location type | C | OIFSPBLT |
466 | V_OIFSPBLTDTSECT | Business Loc. Data Section per Location Type | C | OIFSCTDSDEFC |
467 | V_OIFSPBLTFSEL | Business Location field selection - Location Type | C | OIFSCTFDCONFC |
468 | V_OIFSPBLTSC | Physical Business Location screens - Location Type | C | OIFSCTSNDEFC |
469 | V_OIFSPBLTSCCONF | Physical Business Loc. main screens - Data Sections | C | OIFSCTSNCONFC |
470 | V_OIFWBSEL | Help view for accessing WBS elements by project | D | PRPS |
471 | V_OIFXC_1 | System Control - General and Top Level | C | OIFXCON |
472 | V_OIFXC_4 | System Control - Business Partners Roles | C | OIFXCON |
473 | V_OIFXC_6 | System Control - Links to OLTP Reporting | C | OIFXCON |
474 | V_OIFXST | Object status (IS-Oil MRN) | D | OIFXST |
475 | V_OIFXST_C | Object Status Codes | C | OIFXST |
476 | V_OIF_TVAK | Sales Document Types | C | TVAK |
477 | V_OIGSCM | TD Veh. meter view OIGCMH - OIGS for veh. meter archiving | D | OIGCMH |
478 | V_OIGSDOCS | TD View (Del.& Sh.Not.) for Document Selection Report | D | LIKP |
479 | V_OIGSDS | View Shipments assigned to driver | D | OIGS |
480 | V_OIGSRES | TD View (Reservations) for Document Selection Report | D | RKPF |
481 | V_OIGSRM | TD Rack meter view OIGRMH - OIGS for rack meter archiving | D | OIGRMH |
482 | V_OIGSVC | TD Transport Unit History | D | OIGSVC |
483 | V_OIGT001L | Define TD intransit storage location | C | T001L |
484 | V_OIGTVFTK | Determination: Doc.Type specific Valuation class | C | OIG_TVFTK |
485 | V_OIGVT | TD Vehicle Selection View - scheduling transaction | D | OIGV |
486 | V_OIH01 | Excise duty external rates | C | OIH01 |
487 | V_OIH01A | Excise duty external rates Region based | C | OIH01A |
488 | V_OIH02 | Excise duty tax group | C | OIH2 |
489 | V_OIH03 | Excise duty / tax status | C | OIH03 |
490 | V_OIH04 | Excise duty tax status | C | OIH4 |
491 | V_OIH05 | Excise duty handling type | C | OIH5 |
492 | V_OIH07 | Combination of ED Grouping and Handling Type | C | OIH07 |
493 | V_OIH07A | Combination of ED Grouping and Handling Type Region based | C | OIH07A |
494 | V_OIH08 | Excise duty defaults for purchasing | C | OIH08 |
495 | V_OIH08A | Excise duty defaults for purchasing Region based | C | OIH08A |
496 | V_OIH10 | Excise duty handling type / tax status | C | OIH10 |
497 | V_OIH10A | Excise duty handling type / tax status Region based | C | OIH10A |
498 | V_OIH11 | Excise duty defaults for sales | C | OIH11 |
499 | V_OIH11A | Excise duty defaults for sales Region based | C | OIH11A |
500 | V_OIH16 | Excise duty pricing indicator | C | OIH16 |