View - V
# View Name Short Description View Type Basis Table
1 VV_511K_B_PFMCG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
2 VV_511K_B_PFMRD_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
3 VV_511K_B_PFMS1 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
4 VV_511K_B_PFMS1_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
5 VV_511K_B_PFMS2 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
6 VV_511K_B_PFMS2_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
7 VV_511K_B_PFMSA_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
8 VV_511K_B_PFMSG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
9 VV_511K_B_PFMUG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
10 VV_511K_B_PFMXU Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
11 VV_511K_B_PFRDM Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
12 VV_511K_B_PFSGM Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
13 VV_511K_B_PFTAG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
14 VV_511K_B_PFTBA_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
15 VV_511K_B_PFTBG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
16 VV_511K_B_PFTCG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
17 VV_511K_B_PFTRD_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
18 VV_511K_B_PFTSA_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
19 VV_511K_B_PFTSG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
20 VV_511K_B_PFTUG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
21 VV_511K_B_PFUMX_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
22 VV_511K_B_PFWGB Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
23 VV_511K_B_PFWGG Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
24 VV_511K_B_PFZ0M Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
25 VV_511K_B_PFZ0M_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
26 VV_511K_B_PFZ1M Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
27 VV_511K_B_PFZ1M_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
28 VV_511K_B_PFZ2M Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
29 VV_511K_B_PH13B_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
30 VV_511K_B_PHCLV_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
31 VV_511K_B_PHFGI_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
32 VV_511K_B_PHMNP_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
33 VV_511K_B_PHPHI_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
34 VV_511K_B_PHSJP_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
35 VV_511K_B_PL0_CYFRM Maintain Cross Financial Year Retro for March V V_511K_B 
36 VV_511K_B_PL0_PRISW Compute Housing Loan Principal Repayment Amount V V_511K_B 
37 VV_511K_B_PPAES_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
38 VV_511K_B_PPRDI_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
39 VV_511K_B_PRCIM_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
40 VV_511K_B_PRF01_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
41 VV_511K_B_PRF02_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
42 VV_511K_B_PRF03_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
43 VV_511K_B_PRF04_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
44 VV_511K_B_PRF05_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
45 VV_511K_B_PRF06_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
46 VV_511K_B_PRF07_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
47 VV_511K_B_PRF08_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
48 VV_511K_B_PRF09_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
49 VV_511K_B_PRF10_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
50 VV_511K_B_PRF11_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
51 VV_511K_B_PROMA Payroll constant PROMA (Argentina) V V_511K_B 
52 VV_511K_B_PT83L_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
53 VV_511K_B_PTTRT_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
54 VV_511K_B_PUWAS_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
55 VV_511K_B_PVCOM_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
56 VV_511K_B_PVDEC_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
57 VV_511K_B_PVGCO_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
58 VV_511K_B_PVNOU_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
59 VV_511K_B_QCUCY_L7D Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
60 VV_511K_B_QEXTT_PCO Extra Tax Percentage in Case of No Private Health Insurance V V_511K_B 
61 VV_511K_B_QREFU_AC0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
62 VV_511K_B_QUALI_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
63 VV_511K_B_QUOTA2 Constant QUOT2 V V_511K_B 
64 VV_511K_B_REFIN_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
65 VV_511K_B_REHAB_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
66 VV_511K_B_RESDT_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
67 VV_511K_B_RSFTM_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
68 VV_511K_B_RU_CHAVP Child Care Compens Percent of Average Salary V V_511K_B 
69 VV_511K_B_RU_CREAR Max.Compens. for Baby Care Vac V V_511K_B 
70 VV_511K_B_RU_GENA1 RUAID accuracy of period factor V V_511K_B 
71 VV_511K_B_RU_ILSEN Calculation Constant for Check Months Seniority for Illness V V_511K_B 
72 VV_511K_B_RU_KAL2Y Number of Calendar Days in 2 Years V V_511K_B 
73 VV_511K_B_RU_KALTM xayroll Parameter - Average Number of Calendar Days in Month V V_511K_B 
74 VV_511K_B_RU_LFZIT Calculation Constant to to Define Period of Link Absences V V_511K_B 
75 VV_511K_B_RU_REFDV Divider of REFIN for Loan V V_511K_B 
76 VV_511K_B_RU_REFML Multiplier of REFIN for Loan V V_511K_B 
77 VV_511K_B_RU_RULIM Calculation Constant for Limiting of Maximum Amount by FSS V V_511K_B 
78 VV_511K_B_RU_TXLIM Calculation Constant V V_511K_B 
79 VV_511K_B_RVROE_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
80 VV_511K_B_RVRWE_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
81 VV_511K_B_S89SW Maintain Sec89(1) Switch at Implementation Level V V_511K_B 
82 VV_511K_B_S89TX_470 Constant for Computaton of Negative Value of Wage Type /650 V V_511K_B 
83 VV_511K_B_SACDI_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
84 VV_511K_B_SACJU_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
85 VV_511K_B_SACSV Payroll constant SACSV V V_511K_B 
86 VV_511K_B_SCGRT_AC0 Tax Rate for Short Term Capital Gains (Listed Securities) V V_511K_B 
87 VV_511K_B_SCRDI_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
88 VV_511K_B_SDSPC Payroll constant SDSPC (Mexico) V V_511K_B 
89 VV_511K_B_SDVAR_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
90 VV_511K_B_SENIO_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
91 VV_511K_B_SESAD SESAD payroll constant (Argentina) V V_511K_B 
92 VV_511K_B_SESAR_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
93 VV_511K_B_SESCA_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
94 VV_511K_B_SESCC_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
95 VV_511K_B_SESDC_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
96 VV_511K_B_SESLA_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
97 VV_511K_B_SESLC_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
98 VV_511K_B_SESMA_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
99 VV_511K_B_SESMC_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
100 VV_511K_B_SESRI_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
101 VV_511K_B_SESRO_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
102 VV_511K_B_SFABS_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
103 VV_511K_B_SFAGE_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
104 VV_511K_B_SFSOM_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
105 VV_511K_B_SFSOW_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
106 VV_511K_B_SFSRM_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
107 VV_511K_B_SFSRW_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
108 VV_511K_B_SFVAC_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
109 VV_511K_B_SIJPR_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
110 VV_511K_B_SIND1 Payroll constants SIND1 and SIND2 V V_T511K 
111 VV_511K_B_SIND2 Payroll constant SIND2 V V_511K_B 
112 VV_511K_B_SL0_ADDSS Addresss to be Printed on Form No. 16AA V V_511K_B 
113 VV_511K_B_SLPRJ_L7D Payroll Constants V V_T511K 
114 VV_511K_B_SNHMT_AL0 Suppl. NHI Bonus Deduction V V_511K_B 
115 VV_511K_B_SNHPT_AL0 Supplement NHI Contri. Rate V V_511K_B 
116 VV_511K_B_SONDA_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
117 VV_511K_B_SPDPS_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
118 VV_511K_B_SPHEX_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
119 VV_511K_B_SPLH1_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
120 VV_511K_B_SPMPS_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
121 VV_511K_B_SPMSL_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
122 VV_511K_B_SUPAL_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
123 VV_511K_B_SUPHD_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
124 VV_511K_B_SUPME_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
125 VV_511K_B_SUPPN_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
126 VV_511K_B_SVDGM_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
127 VV_511K_B_SVDGY_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
128 VV_511K_B_SYCOE_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
129 VV_511K_B_SZMAX Percentage Acc. to EStG Sec. 77, Sentence 4 V V_511K_B 
130 VV_511K_B_TAXDT_PCO Date for Tax Calculation V V_511K_B 
131 VV_511K_B_TCIBO_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
132 VV_511K_B_TCNEG_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
133 VV_511K_B_TDIAN_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
134 VV_511K_B_TGMAX_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
135 VV_511K_B_TIPEM_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
136 VV_511K_B_TOCOA_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
137 VV_511K_B_TOCPD_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
138 VV_511K_B_TOTDI_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
139 VV_511K_B_TOTME_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
140 VV_511K_B_TRADI_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
141 VV_511K_B_TRAME_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
142 VV_511K_B_TTPDI_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
143 VV_511K_B_TTPME_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
144 VV_511K_B_TXEMB_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
145 VV_511K_B_TXEMR_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
146 VV_511K_B_TXEMT_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
147 VV_511K_B_TXEP1_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
148 VV_511K_B_TXEPT_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
149 VV_511K_B_TXHIG_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
150 VV_511K_B_TXLOW_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
151 VV_511K_B_UNALC_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
152 VV_511K_B_UNI Constants SIND1 and SIND2 V V_T511K 
153 VV_511K_B_UNINE_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511K_B 
154 VV_511K_B_V1ATK_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
155 VV_511K_B_V1SJK_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
156 VV_511K_B_V2ATK_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
157 VV_511K_B_V2SJK_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
158 VV_511K_B_V9ATK_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
159 VV_511K_B_VACGP VACGP constant V V_511K_B 
160 VV_511K_B_VALRE_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511K_B 
161 VV_511K_B_VERFB_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
162 VV_511K_B_VGLMT Payroll Parameter VGLMT V V_511K_B 
163 VV_511K_B_VKABA_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
164 VV_511K_B_WERBA_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
165 VV_511K_B_WOSTD_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
166 VV_511K_B_WRDAG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
167 VV_511K_B_XICMP_L6D Maintain Constants for XI Integration V V_511K_B 
168 VV_511K_B_XILCK_L6D Maintain Constants for XI Integration V V_511K_B 
169 VV_511K_B_ZUFBA_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511K_B 
170 VV_511K_CH_MUG Swiss Payroll Parameters: MUG V V_T511K 
171 VV_511K_D_AT_BVA_GKK Check Amounts of Maximum and Minimum Contribution Limits V V_511K_D 
172 VV_511K_EDLIB Basis For EDLI V V_T511K 
173 VV_511K_EPFAG Age limit for Pension Contrb V V_T511K 
174 VV_511K_ERC_L6D Constants for ERC Reporting V V_T511K 
175 VV_511K_FI_CAR Maintain Finnish company car constants V V_T511K 
176 VV_511K_FI_SFC Min./max. sickness fund contribution amounts V V_T511K 
177 VV_511K_FI_SI Maintain Finnish social insurance constants V V_T511K 
178 VV_511K_FI_SICK Maintain payroll constants for Finnish sickness handling V V_T511K 
179 VV_511K_FI_TAX Maintain Finnish tax constants V V_T511K 
180 VV_511K_FI_TELAB TEL absence limit constant V V_T511K 
181 VV_511K_FI_TUMF Trade union maximums V V_T511K 
182 VV_511K_FI_TUMF2 Maximum trade union membership fee amounts V V_T511K 
183 VV_511K_KR_DEPDL Korea Payroll Constants: DEPDL V V_511K_B 
184 VV_511K_KR_DEPLT Korea Payroll Constants: DEPLT V V_511K_B 
185 VV_511K_NO_SICKH Constants for Norwegian sickness handling V V_T511K 
186 VV_511K_NO_TAXTA Constants for Norwegian tax calculation V V_T511K 
187 VV_511K_PETDS 4MI Calculation For Previous Employment V V_T511K 
188 VV_511K_RU_DIVID VV_511K_RU_DIVID V V_511K_B 
189 VV_511K_S80EM Employee contribution % NPS V V_T511K 
190 VV_511K_S80ER Employer contribution % NPS V V_T511K 
191 VV_511K_SE_OVERL Constants for swedish overtime limits V V_T511K 
192 VV_511K_SLMCC Define the Sick Leave with out MC V V_T511K 
193 VV_511P_BE_BEMEV Viewvariant for constant BEMEV V V_T511P 
194 VV_511P_BE_MCORR Viewvariant for constant MCORR V V_T511P 
195 VV_511P_BE_RTDH2 Viewvariant for payroll parameter RTDH2 V V_T511P 
196 VV_511P_B_401CL_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
197 VV_511P_B_401KL_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
198 VV_511P_B_401KS_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
199 VV_511P_B_402GL_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
200 VV_511P_B_415CL_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
201 VV_511P_B_457CL_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
202 VV_511P_B_457KL_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
203 VV_511P_B_AC0_S88DL Income Limit for Section 88D Rebate V V_511P_B 
204 VV_511P_B_AHVFB_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
205 VV_511P_B_AHVNE_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
206 VV_511P_B_ARLMT_470 Maintain Arrears Limit V V_511P_B 
207 VV_511P_B_ATTAL_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
208 VV_511P_B_ATTAM_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
209 VV_511P_B_CKYEA_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
210 VV_511P_B_CLAIM_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
211 VV_511P_B_CMTMX_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
212 VV_511P_B_DDMIN_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
213 VV_511P_B_EBBVI_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
214 VV_511P_B_EBBVR_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
215 VV_511P_B_EBBVV_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
216 VV_511P_B_ESILT_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
217 VV_511P_B_ESIMN_470 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
218 VV_511P_B_FM217_470 Maintain Minimum Salary of Part Time Employees V V_511P_B 
219 VV_511P_B_FMDP2_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
220 VV_511P_B_FMDP3_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
221 VV_511P_B_FMDPN_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
222 VV_511P_B_FMSPS_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
223 VV_511P_B_FPIND_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
224 VV_511P_B_FTDIS_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
225 VV_511P_B_FTPRE_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
226 VV_511P_B_GLIDP_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
227 VV_511P_B_GLIEE_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
228 VV_511P_B_GLIOP_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
229 VV_511P_B_GRUEB_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
230 VV_511P_B_INCPY_L7D Maintain the Maximum Incentive Payment Allowed V V_511P_B 
231 VV_511P_B_INDEP_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
232 VV_511P_B_INEMP_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
233 VV_511P_B_IRADV_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
234 VV_511P_B_L4H_LFRAM Upper Income Limit for Low-income Foreigners V V_511P_B 
235 VV_511P_B_LEXRT_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
236 VV_511P_B_LIMIN_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
237 VV_511P_B_LMPEX_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
238 VV_511P_B_LMVAL_470 Maintain Maximum amount for loans outstanding V V_511P_B 
239 VV_511P_B_LZFGR_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
240 VV_511P_B_LZFST_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
241 VV_511P_B_LZFSV_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
242 VV_511P_B_M130R_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
243 VV_511P_B_M130T_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
244 VV_511P_B_M131R_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
245 VV_511P_B_MAMC1_L7D Monthly Monetary Caps for Medical Aid V V_511P_B 
246 VV_511P_B_MAMC2_L7D Monthly Monetary Caps for Additional Beneficiaries V V_511P_B 
247 VV_511P_B_MAXAA_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
248 VV_511P_B_MEALA_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
249 VV_511P_B_MEALX_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
250 VV_511P_B_MIINC_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
251 VV_511P_B_MINTX_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
252 VV_511P_B_MNPAM_470 Maintain the Minimum Wage Amount V V_511P_B 
253 VV_511P_B_MOPRE_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
254 VV_511P_B_MSLOW_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
255 VV_511P_B_MSVLT_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
256 VV_511P_B_NHFRI_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
257 VV_511P_B_NHIMN_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
258 VV_511P_B_NHLOW_AL0 Minium NHI Premium to Get Medium Gov Subsidy V V_511P_B 
259 VV_511P_B_NHMED_AL0 Minium NHI Premium for No Gov Subsidy V V_511P_B 
260 VV_511P_B_OVERM_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
261 VV_511P_B_OVMWG_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
262 VV_511P_B_OVPWK Payroll Parameter for Income-Related Expenses V V_511P_B 
263 VV_511P_B_PEILR_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
264 VV_511P_B_ROUND_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
265 VV_511P_B_SC217_470 Maintain Minimum Salary of Full Time Employees V V_511P_B 
266 VV_511P_B_SEDED_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
267 VV_511P_B_SMICM_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
268 VV_511P_B_SNHMI_AL0 MIN Supplement NHI Amount V V_511P_B 
269 VV_511P_B_SNHMX_AL0 MAX Supplement NHI Amount V V_511P_B 
270 VV_511P_B_STFBI_AL0 Payroll Parameters V V_511P_B 
271 VV_511P_B_TXDEP_AL0 Payroll constants V V_511P_B 
272 VV_511P_B_TXPER_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
273 VV_511P_B_TXSAL_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
274 VV_511P_B_TXSTD_AL0 Payroll Constants V V_511P_B 
275 VV_511P_FI_CAR Maintain Finnish company car constant amounts V V_T511P 
276 VV_511P_FI_TAX Maintain Finnish tax constant amounts V V_T511P 
277 VV_511P_NO_ATR Constant amounts for annual tax reporting V V_T511P 
278 VV_511P_PFBAS PF Eligible Pay V V_T511P 
279 VV_511_B_FI Define Wage Type Permissibility for each PS and ESG V V_511_B 
280 VV_512E_B_SALDO_AL0 Form-Related Control of Time Types V V_512E_B 
281 VV_512E_B_ZL____AL0 Form-Related Control of Time Types V V_512E_B 
282 VV_512Z_FI_0057 IMG Activity: Trade Union fees Finland V T512Z 
283 VV_521C_B_0010_____AL0 Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification) V V_521C_B 
284 VV_521C_B_0011_____AL0 Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification) V V_521C_B 
285 VV_521C_B_0026_____AL0 Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification) V V_521C_B 
286 VV_521C_B_0070_____AL0 Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification) V V_521C_B 
287 VV_521C_B_0073_____AL0 Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification) V V_521C_B 
288 VV_521C_B_0116_____AL0 Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification) V V_521C_B 
289 VV_521C_B_0136_____AL0 Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification) V V_521C_B 
290 VV_521C_B_0200_____AL0 Permitted Payees for Infotypes (W/out Subtype Specification) V V_521C_B 
291 VV_52D7_B_0005_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
292 VV_52D7_B_0008_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
293 VV_52D7_B_0010_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
294 VV_52D7_B_0011_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
295 VV_52D7_B_0014_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
296 VV_52D7_B_0015_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
297 VV_52D7_B_0019 Wage type group for Family Allowance V V_52D7_B 
298 VV_52D7_B_0021_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
299 VV_52D7_B_0026_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
300 VV_52D7_B_0052_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
301 VV_52D7_B_0057_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
302 VV_52D7_B_0060_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
303 VV_52D7_B_0083_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
304 VV_52D7_B_0100_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
305 VV_52D7_B_0120_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
306 VV_52D7_B_0146_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
307 VV_52D7_B_0183_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
308 VV_52D7_B_0210_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
309 VV_52D7_B_0267_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
310 VV_52D7_B_0326_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
311 VV_52D7_B_0380_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
312 VV_52D7_B_0390_AL0 Assignment of wage types to wage type groups V V_52D7_B 
313 VV_52D7_B_0391_AL0 Assignment of wage types to wage type groups V V_52D7_B 
314 VV_52D7_B_0416_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
315 VV_52D7_B_0531_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
316 VV_52D7_B_0560_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
317 VV_52D7_B_0579_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
318 VV_52D7_B_0699_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
319 VV_52D7_B_0ADV_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
320 VV_52D7_B_0ADV_AL0_01 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
321 VV_52D7_B_0AWS_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
322 VV_52D7_B_0DED_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
323 VV_52D7_B_0LL1_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
324 VV_52D7_B_0LL3_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
325 VV_52D7_B_0TAF_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
326 VV_52D7_B_0TCP_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
327 VV_52D7_B_0TNR_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
328 VV_52D7_B_0TTX_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
329 VV_52D7_B_1001_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
330 VV_52D7_B_1240_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
331 VV_52D7_B_1300_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
332 VV_52D7_B_1330_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
333 VV_52D7_B_1340_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
334 VV_52D7_B_13MN_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
335 VV_52D7_B_1430_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
336 VV_52D7_B_1440_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
337 VV_52D7_B_1450_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
338 VV_52D7_B_1460_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
339 VV_52D7_B_1490_AL0 Assign wage types to WT groups V V_52D7_B 
340 VV_52D7_B_1GUP_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
341 VV_52D7_B_1MUL_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
342 VV_52D7_B_1OCP_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
343 VV_52D7_B_1TFM_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
344 VV_52D7_B_1TRM_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
345 VV_52D7_B_2002_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
346 VV_52D7_B_2003_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
347 VV_52D7_B_2050_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
348 VV_52D7_B_3210_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
349 VV_52D7_B_3220_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
350 VV_52D7_B_3310_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
351 VV_52D7_B_5V01_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
352 VV_52D7_B_5V02_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
353 VV_52D7_B_5V03_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
354 VV_52D7_B_6001_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
355 VV_52D7_B_6002_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
356 VV_52D7_B_6003_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
357 VV_52D7_B_6004_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
358 VV_52D7_B_6117_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
359 VV_52D7_B_6500_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
360 VV_52D7_B_7001_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
361 VV_52D7_B_7002_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
362 VV_52D7_B_ADVP_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
363 VV_52D7_B_BKOT_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
364 VV_52D7_B_CA00_AL0 Assign wage types to wage type groups V V_52D7_B 
365 VV_52D7_B_CA14_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
366 VV_52D7_B_CAAD_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
367 VV_52D7_B_CASV_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
368 VV_52D7_B_CC63_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
369 VV_52D7_B_CG63_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
370 VV_52D7_B_DED1_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
371 VV_52D7_B_DEDN_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
372 VV_52D7_B_DPAY_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
373 VV_52D7_B_FAMY_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
374 VV_52D7_B_FOT1_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
375 VV_52D7_B_GR01_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
376 VV_52D7_B_HEAL_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
377 VV_52D7_B_INSU_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
378 VV_52D7_B_ITWV_PCO Wage Type Group for Tax Variation V V_52D7_B 
379 VV_52D7_B_LA00_AL0 Assign wage types to wage type groups V V_52D7_B 
380 VV_52D7_B_LVPH_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
381 VV_52D7_B_MISC_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
382 VV_52D7_B_PAYM_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
383 VV_52D7_B_PCPP_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
384 VV_52D7_B_PROV_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
385 VV_52D7_B_RU_0293 Assign Wage Types to Group of Previouse Employers Payments V V_52D7_B 
386 VV_52D7_B_RU_BASC Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
387 VV_52D7_B_RU_EXTR Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups. V V_52D7_B 
388 VV_52D7_B_RU_HQ13 Wage Types with Tax Rate 13% in Tax Reporting for HQS V V_52D7_B 
389 VV_52D7_B_RU_SCKN Assign Wage Types to Group of Normative Sickness Processing V V_52D7_B 
390 VV_52D7_B_RU_SCKR Assign Wage Types to Group of Standard Sickness Processing V V_52D7_B 
391 VV_52D7_B_RU_SCKY Year-Specific Wage Types for Sickness Certificates Register V V_52D7_B 
392 VV_52D7_B_RU_TAXS Assign Wage Types to Group of Taxes and SI payments V V_52D7_B 
393 VV_52D7_B_RU_UCAR WTs with Unlimited Cumulation in CRT, Deleted After Rehire V V_52D7_B 
394 VV_52D7_B_RU_VACA Assign Wage Types to Group of Vacations V V_52D7_B 
395 VV_52D7_B_SAVI_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
396 VV_52D7_B_SE00_AL0 Assign wage types to wage type groups V V_52D7_B 
397 VV_52D7_B_STOC_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
398 VV_52D7_B_SUB1_AL0 Assignment of wage types to wage type groups V V_52D7_B 
399 VV_52D7_B_SUP1_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
400 VV_52D7_B_SUP2_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
401 VV_52D7_B_SUP3_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
402 VV_52D7_B_TAXA_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
403 VV_52D7_B_TAXO_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
404 VV_52D7_B_TAXS_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
405 VV_52D7_B_TAXW_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
406 VV_52D7_B_TIPS_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
407 VV_52D7_B_TRAJ_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
408 VV_52D7_B_TRM2_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
409 VV_52D7_B_VA00_AL0 Assign wage types to wage type groups V V_52D7_B 
410 VV_52D7_B_VK48_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
411 VV_52D7_B_WCTP_AL0 Assign Wage Types to Wage Type Groups V V_52D7_B 
412 VV_52D7_FI_0057 Check Wage Type Group 'Membership Fees' Finland V V_52D7_B 
413 VV_533_B_01_AL0 Automatic Leave Generation V V_533_B 
414 VV_535N_B_T_AL0 Name affix V V_535N_B 
415 VV_536A_B_48_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_B 
416 VV_536A_B_AE_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_B 
417 VV_536A_B_NO_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_B 
418 VV_536A_B_ZA_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_B 
419 VV_536A_B__A_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_B 
420 VV_536A_B__E_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_B 
421 VV_536A_B__F_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_B 
422 VV_536A_B__P_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_B 
423 VV_536A_B__S_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_B 
424 VV_536A_C__AH_AL0 Addresses V V_536A_C 
425 VV_554C_E0 Absence valuation: 'As-if' principle (regular) V V_554C_E 
426 VV_554S_G_V1 Absence: Payment Data V V_554S_G 
427 VV_558A_RPUNSHA0 View: Copy Nightshifts of Heavy Labor Data to Cluster NS V V_T558A 
428 VV_582A_C_V1 Infotype with Acct./Logictics Data V V_582A_C 
429 VV_588B_B_B40__AL0 Applicant Actions Menu V V_588B_B 
430 VV_596D_01VADM01 Activation of Subapplication VA25 V V_T596D 
431 VV_596D_01_RB04 RBM: Key Date MAV Release R04a V V_596D_B 
432 VV_596D_01_RB06 PRN: Change Key Data MeFin Release S06 V V_596D_B 
433 VV_596D_01_RB08 Pension Rcpt Notif.: Change Key Date MeFin Release S08 V V_596D_B 
434 VV_596D_01_ZF16 Specify Validity Interval Zusy Release 16 V V_596D_B 
435 VV_596D_01_ZFAS Validity Interval: ZfA Status Management V V_596D_B 
436 VV_596D_B_A_SVON Validity Interval of Subapplication 'SVON' V V_596D_B 
437 VV_596D_B_CUS1_AL0 Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications V V_596D_B 
438 VV_596D_B_CUS2_AL0 Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications V V_596D_B 
439 VV_596D_B_CUS3_AL0 Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications V V_596D_B 
440 VV_596D_B_JZU1_AL0 Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications V V_596D_B 
441 VV_596D_B_QPR1_AL0 Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications V V_596D_B 
442 VV_596D_B_STDB_AL0 Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications V V_596D_B 
443 VV_596D_B_SV01_AL0 Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications V V_596D_B 
444 VV_596D_MGBV Activate Maternity Protection Act Prohibited Activities V V_T596D 
445 VV_596D_SVAU Reimbursement ER Expenses: Notional Run Work Incapacity V V_T596D 
446 VV_596D_VA_VAEP Activation of Subapplication VAEP V V_T596D_VADM 
447 VV_596D_ZMSG Activate Supplement to Maternity Pay in Schema D000 V V_T596D 
448 VV_596G_VBEZ Cumulation Wage Types for Pension Payments (D) V V_T596G 
449 VV_596J_01VA8501 Assignment of Wage Types to Cum. Wage Types of Subapp. VA85 V V_T596J 
450 VV_596J_01VADM01 Assignment of Wage Types to Cum. Wage Type ANLA (Customer) V V_T596J 
451 VV_596J_01VADM02 View Maintenance Cum. Wage Types Death Benefit Sec. 18 V V_T596J 
452 VV_596J_01VADM03 Assignment of Wage Types to Cum. Wage Types of Subapp. VA85 V V_T596J 
453 VV_596J_01VADM04 Assignment of Non-Dynamic Wage Types V V_T596J 
454 VV_596J_A1 Customer WT's for Wage Statement of Workers' Comp. Assoc V V_596J_A 
455 VV_596J_A_EHAK_A Assignment of Wage Types to Cum. Wage Type ANLA (Customer) C T596J 
456 VV_596J_A_EHAK_AL0 Assignment of Customer Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types V V_596J_A 
457 VV_596J_A_EHGL_AL0 Assignment of Customer Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types V V_596J_A 
458 VV_596J_A_EHVE Wage Types for Survey of Earnings V V_596J_A 
459 VV_596J_A_EHVS Remuneration Structure Survey V V_596J_A 
460 VV_596J_A_US_MNY1 Cumulation of New York State Labor Law 195.1 Notice V V_596J_A 
461 VV_596J_BZ01 ZfA Notifs BZ01 - Assign Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types V V_T596J 
462 VV_596J_VBEZ Assign Payroll Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types V V_T596J 
463 VV_596J_ZVMP SP Notif. Prog. 2006: Maintain EE Adnl/Compul. Contributions V V_T596J 
464 VV_596L_ESBA Maintenance View Variant: Employer Data for ESS Display V V_T596L 
465 VV_596L_ESBB Maintenance View Variant: Company Data for ESS Display V V_T596L 
466 VV_596M_B_BDAB Personnel Area Reporting - Data of Sender V V_596M_B 
467 VV_596M_B_BDBS Personnel Area Reporting - Data for Place of Work V V_596M_B 
468 VV_596M_B_SVEE Enter Personnel Area Reporting Data - Sender V V_596M_B 
469 VV_596M_B_SVEF Enter Personnel Area Reporting Data - Employment Company V V_596M_B 
470 VV_596M_ESBA Maintenance View Variant: Employer Details - ESS Display V V_596M_A 
471 VV_596M_ESBB Maintenance View Variant: Company Details - ESS Display V V_596M_A 
472 VV_596M_ESBC Maintenance View Variant: ER Contact Details - ESS Display V V_596M_B 
473 VV_596M_LSTA Data from Personnel Area Reporting LSTA DE V V_596M_A 
474 VV_596M_LSTC Data of Personnel Area Reporting LSTC DE V V_596M_A 
475 VV_5A2S_A_1E_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
476 VV_5A2S_A_1V_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
477 VV_5A2S_A_35_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
478 VV_5A2S_A_41_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
479 VV_5A2S_A_71_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
480 VV_5A2S_A_72_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
481 VV_5A2S_A_73_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
482 VV_5A2S_A_74_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
483 VV_5A2S_A_75_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
484 VV_5A2S_A_76_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
485 VV_5A2S_A_77_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
486 VV_5A2S_A_81_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
487 VV_5A2S_A_82_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
488 VV_5A2S_A_83_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
489 VV_5A2S_A_84_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
490 VV_5A2S_A_85_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
491 VV_5A2S_A_86_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
492 VV_5A2S_A_87_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
493 VV_5A2S_A_88_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
494 VV_5A2S_A_89_AL0 Exemption and Deduction Amounts - Tax AT V V_5A2S_A 
495 VV_5A4P_FI_TELAB Maintain absence codes for announcements V T5A4P 
496 VV_5ASRFSCNFLD_XI Fields from Form Scenarios for XI Scenarios V V_5ASRFSCNFLD 
497 VV_5CAP_A_V1 HR-CH: Document Names for Attribute Classes V V_5CAP_A 
498 VV_5CAP_A_V2 HR-CH: Document Names for Attribute Classes V V_5CAP_A 
499 VV_5CAS_ABG_V1 HR-CH: Assignment of EE Attribute Classes to IT Fields/Adj. V V_5CAS_ABG 
500 VV_5CBA_ABG_V1 HR-CH: PC Evaluation Type/Adjustment PC-Schema V V_5CBA_ABG