- V-1 V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-11 V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 V-27 V-28 V-29 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36 V-37 V-38 V-39 V-40 V-41 V-42 V-43 V-44 V-45 V-46 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 V-58 V-59 V-60 V-61 V-62 V-63
View - V
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | V_GMSMVALUETYPE | Status-Dependent Value Type Settings | C | GMSMVALUETYPE |
2 | V_GMSMVALUETYPE1 | GM Value Type Control at Lifecycle Level (not User Status) | C | GMSMVALUETYPE_1 |
3 | V_GMSP | Sponsors | D | BUT000 |
4 | V_GMSPLITRULES | GM Budgeting Distribution Splitting Rules | C | GMSPLITRULES |
5 | V_GMSPLITRULES_E | View for Splitting Rules | C | GMSPLITRULES_ELE |
6 | V_GMSTATNET | Maintenance view for grant status networks | C | GMSTATNET |
7 | V_GMSTATNET_INT | Maintenance view for Grant Lifecycle Statuses by Grant type | C | GMSTATNET_INT |
8 | V_GMUSERSTATUS_H | GM help view for user status Lookup | H | TJ30 |
9 | V_GMVALUETYPE | Maintenance View for Value Types | C | GMVALUETYPE |
10 | V_GMWFAVC | Maintenance view of table GMWFAVC | C | GMWFAVC |
11 | V_GMWFAVC_2 | Maintenance view of table GMWFAVC | C | GMWFAVC |
13 | V_GMWFGRANTM | Maintenance view of table GMWFGRANTM | C | GMWFGRANTM |
14 | V_GRACATTRSCOPE | Attribute scope | C | GRACATTRSCOPE |
15 | V_GRACCONATTRIDM | Connector Attribute IDM | C | GRACCONATTRIDM |
17 | V_GRACCONATTRSAP | Connector Attribute SAP | C | GRACCONATTRSAP |
18 | V_GRACCONATTRWS | Connector Attribute WS | C | GRACCONATTRWS |
19 | V_GRACFLDMAP | Group Field Mapping | C | GRACFLDMAP |
20 | V_GRACGRPOPRMAP | Group Operation Mapping | C | GRACGRPOPRMAP |
21 | V_GRACUSRATTR | User attributes | C | GRACUSRATTR |
22 | V_GRFNCCICONNECT | Connector Definition | C | GRFNCCICONNECTOR |
23 | V_GRFNCCISSEQCON | Subsequent Connector | C | GRFNCCISUBSEQCON |
24 | V_GRFNCGRPCONLNK | Connector and Connector Group Link | C | GRFNCGRPCONLK |
25 | V_GRFNCONNGRP | Connector Group Definition | C | GRFNCONNGRP |
26 | V_GRFNCONNGRPTYP | Connector Group type | C | GRFNCONNGRPTYPE |
27 | V_GRFNCONNSCNLK | Connector Scenario Link | C | GRFNCONNSCNLK |
28 | V_GRFNCONNTYPE | Connection Type Definition | C | GRFNCONNTYPEDEF |
29 | V_GRFNDEFAUDTYP | Default value for Audit Type | C | GRFNDEFAUDTYP |
30 | V_GRFNDSFLTENA | Data source filter Enable to Save | C | GRFNDSFLTENA |
31 | V_GRFNFILEPATH | File path definition | C | GRFNCCIFILEPATH |
32 | V_GRFNINTEGSCEN | Integration Scenario | C | GRFNCCIINTEGSCEN |
34 | V_GRFNMDC | Activate Master Data Changes Workflow | C | GRFNMDC |
35 | V_GRFNMWCNESCCON | MSMP Process Escape Conditions | C | GRFNMWCNESCCOND |
37 | V_GRFNMWCNGLBESR | MSMP Maintenance View for Process Escape Conditions | C | GRFNMWCNGLBESR |
38 | V_GRFNMWCNGLBNOT | Process Level Notifications | C | GRFNMWCNGLBNOT |
39 | V_GRFNMWCNMSGCAT | MSMP Message Log Categories for Debugging | D | GRFNMWCNMSGCAT |
40 | V_GRFNMWCNSTGTSK | View Maintainance:Stage Tasks | C | GRFNMWCNSTGTSK |
41 | V_GRFNMWCNVERA | Active Verions Maintenance | C | GRFNMWCNVERA |
42 | V_GRFNMW_ACGLB | View Maintainance:Global Settings | C | GRFNMWCNGLBSET |
43 | V_GRFNMW_ACINI | View Maintainance:MSMP Process Initiator | C | GRFNMWCNPRINI |
44 | V_GRFNMW_ACRES | View Maintainance:MSMP Routing Results | C | GRFNMWCNRRESL |
45 | V_GRFNMW_ACROT | View Maintainance:MSMP Route Mapping | C | GRFNMWCNROUTE |
46 | V_GRFNMW_ACRPR | View Maintainance:Process | C | GRFNMWCNPRCS |
47 | V_GRFNMW_ACRQA | View Maintainance:Task Values | C | GRACMWCNSACRQ |
48 | V_GRFNMW_ACRQS | View Maintainance:Stage Definition | C | GRFNMWCNSDEF |
49 | V_GRFNMW_ACRST | View Maintainance:MSMP Stage to Path Assignment | C | GRFNMWCNSTG |
50 | V_GRFNMW_ACUAR | View Maintainance:User Access Review | C | GRACMWCNSUAR |
51 | V_GRFNMW_AGENT | View Maintainance:Agents | C | GRFNMWCNAGNT |
52 | V_GRFNMW_APPROVR | View Maintainance: Approvers | C | GRFNMWCNAPPR |
53 | V_GRFNMW_AUDITRV | MSMP Stage Task Setings for Audit Review | C | GRACMWCNSAURW |
54 | V_GRFNMW_FNAPR | MSMP Stage Task Configuration Values for RAR Function WF | C | GRACMWCNFNAPR |
55 | V_GRFNMW_MITIGCC | MSMP Task Values: Mitigation Control Creation | C | GRACMWCNSMITCC |
56 | V_GRFNMW_NOEVENT | Maintainance View: Notification Events | C | GRFNMWNOTIEVENT |
57 | V_GRFNMW_NORECIP | View Maintainance:Notification Recepients | C | GRFNMWNOTIFRECPT |
58 | V_GRFNMW_NOTEMPL | MSMP:View for Notification Template | C | GRFNMWNOTIFTEMP |
59 | V_GRFNMW_PROCTYP | View Maintainance: Process Types | C | GRFNMWCNPRCTY |
60 | V_GRFNMW_PTHSTG | View Maintainance: Path Definition and Stage Type | C | GRFNMWCNPATH |
61 | V_GRFNMW_RARRMNT | MSMP Stage Task Configuration Values for RAR Risk Maint WF | C | GRACMWCNRKMNT |
63 | V_GRFNMW_RULEID | View Maintainance: Rule ID | C | GRFNMWCNRULEID |
64 | V_GRFNMW_SODRISK | MSMP Stage Task Configuration Values for SOD Risk Review | C | GRACMWCNRKRVW |
65 | V_GRFNNOTIFVARBL | Notification Template Variables | C | GRFNMWNOTIFVARBL |
66 | V_GRFNNOTIFYSKIP | Disable Notification per End User (Personalization) | C | GRFNNOTIFYSKIP |
68 | V_GRFNQRATING | Question ratings | C | GRFNQRATING |
69 | V_GRFNQRATINGTYP | Question rating Type | C | GRFNQRATINGTYPE |
71 | V_GRFNRELLINK | Maint. view for related links | C | GRFNRELLINK |
72 | V_GRFNREPCOLTXT | Column header texts | C | GRFNREPCOLTXT |
73 | V_GRFNREPCOLTXTG | Customizable column header texts | C | GRFNREPCOLTXTG |
74 | V_GRFNREPCOLUMN | Report: Columns | C | GRFNREPCOLUMN |
75 | V_GRFNREPCOLUMNC | Report: Columns - customers customizing | C | GRFNREPCOLUMNC |
76 | V_GRFNREPCOLVER | Report: Columns in Version | C | GRFNREPCOLVER |
77 | V_GRFNREPCOLVERC | Report: Columns in Version - customer's customizing | C | GRFNREPCOLVERC |
78 | V_GRFNREPFILTER | Report: Filters | C | GRFNREPFILTER |
79 | V_GRFNREPFILTERC | Report: Filters - customer's customizing | C | GRFNREPFILTERC |
80 | V_GRFNREPFILVER | Report: Filter in Version | C | GRFNREPFILVER |
81 | V_GRFNREPFILVERC | Report: Filter in Version - customer's customizing | C | GRFNREPFILVERC |
82 | V_GRFNREPHEADERD | Reporting: Report header | C | GRFNREPHEADER |
83 | V_GRFNREPHIER | Report: Hierarchy | C | GRFNREPHIER |
84 | V_GRFNREPRFILTER | Report: Evaluation types' filter | C | GRFNREPRFILTER |
85 | V_GRFNREPSTRATEG | Report: Walking Strategy | C | GRFNREPSTRATEGY |
87 | V_GRFNSCNCNTPLK | Scenario connection type Link | C | GRFNSCNCTYPLK |
89 | V_GRFNSPTASK | Maint. view for selection procedure and task | C | GRFNSELPRCTASK |
90 | V_GRFNSRCNTYGRP | Country Group Configuration | C | GRFNSRCNTYGRP |
91 | V_GRFNSRCNTYGRPA | Country Group Assignments | C | GRFNSRCNTYGRPA |
92 | V_GRFNSRCONFCDF | CDF Visibility Configuration | C | GRFNSRCONFIG |
93 | V_GRFNSRCONFROLE | Role Visibility Configuration | C | GRFNSRCONFIG |
94 | V_GRFNSUBSCEN | Sub Scenario Definition | C | GRFNSUBSCEN |
95 | V_GRFNSUBSCEN_READONLY | Read only maintian view of V_GRFNSUBSCEN | V | V_GRFNSUBSCEN |
96 | V_GRFNVUSERRESP_PC | Maintain Users Responsible for Entity | V | GRFNVPERSRESP |
97 | V_GRFNVUSERRESP_RM | Maintain Users Responsible for Entity | V | GRFNVPERSRESP |
98 | V_GRFNWDA | Maint. view for WD application name | C | GRFNWDA |
99 | V_GRFNYCA | view for 'you can also' links | C | GRFNYCA |
100 | V_GRFN_DOC | Disable link support in Attachments & Links | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
101 | V_GRFN_DOC_SIGNO | Enable documents for sign-off | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
103 | V_GRFN_QEXPLAIN | Question explanation text | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
104 | V_GRFN_VH_NO_SRH | Value help no initial search is executed | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
105 | V_GRPCACFENV | ACF Environment | C | GRPCACFENV |
106 | V_GRPCAIF | Enable SAP Interactive Forms by Adobe | V | V_GRPCCUST1 |
107 | V_GRPCAIS | RFC Destinations of AIS Systems for MIC | C | GRPCAIS |
108 | V_GRPCAISOU | Assignment of AIS Systems to Org Units | C | GRPCAISOU |
109 | V_GRPCAISREPORT | Assignment of AIS Reports to MIC | C | GRPCAISREPORT |
111 | V_GRPCASDUEDATE_VAR | Extend Due Date for Repeat Assessment and Test | V | V_GRPCASDUEDATE |
112 | V_GRPCATTACHMENT | Attachment | V | V_GRPCCUST1 |
113 | V_GRPCATTR | Object Attributes | C | GRPCATTR |
114 | V_GRPCATTR2 | Object Attributes | C | GRPCATTR |
115 | V_GRPCATTR3 | Object Attributes | C | GRPCATTR |
116 | V_GRPCATTR4 | Object Attributes | C | GRPCATTR |
117 | V_GRPCATTRSUBVAL | Attribute Values - Subvalues | C | GRPCATTRSUBVAL |
118 | V_GRPCATTRVALUE | Attribute Values | C | GRPCATTRVALUE |
119 | V_GRPCATTRVALUE2 | Attribute Values | C | GRPCATTRVALUE |
120 | V_GRPCATTRVALUES | Attribute Values | C | GRPCATTRVALUES |
121 | V_GRPCATTRVALUS | Attribute Values | C | GRPCATTRVALUES |
122 | V_GRPCATTRV_TF | Frequency - Timeframe | C | GRPCATTRVALUE |
123 | V_GRPCATTRV_TF2 | Timeframe | C | GRPCTIMEFRAME |
124 | V_GRPCBPATTR | Business Process Specific Attribute Value | C | GRPCBPATTR |
125 | V_GRPCBPATTRVAL | Business process specific Attribute Values (e.g. CAPA attr.) | C | GRPCBPATTRVALUE |
126 | V_GRPCBUSPROCESS | maint. view for business process | C | GRPCBUSPROCESS |
127 | V_GRPCCONNECTOR | Connector Setup | C | GRPCCONNECTOR |
128 | V_GRPCCORPORATE | Organization Hierarchy Relevant for Process Control | C | GRPCCORPORATE |
129 | V_GRPCCRARFLAG | Set overall rating manually | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
130 | V_GRPCCREATEPERS | Restrict Authorization to Create Persons | V | V_GRPCCUST1 |
131 | V_GRPCCUST1 | Indicator (Maintenance by SAP Only) | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
132 | V_GRPCCUST2 | Indicator | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING2 |
133 | V_GRPCDEF | Deficiency | C | GRPCDEFTYPE |
134 | V_GRPCDEFIC1 | Attributes for Deficiency Analysis | C | GRPCATTR |
135 | V_GRPCDEFIC2 | Attribute Values | C | GRPCATTRVALUES |
136 | V_GRPCDEFIC3 | Calculation by Deficiency Type | C | GRPCDEFICCUS |
137 | V_GRPCDEFIC4 | Aggregation Types | C | GRPCAGGREGCODE |
138 | V_GRPCDESIGNRATING | Control Design Rating | V | V_GRPCATTRVALUES |
139 | V_GRPCENABLELOG | Application Log Enabling for GRC PC Application | C | GRPCENABLELOG |
140 | V_GRPCEVIDLEVEL | Level of evidence | C | GRPCEVIDLEVEL |
141 | V_GRPCEVIDLVSET | Level of Evidence Value Set | C | GRPCEVIDLVSET |
142 | V_GRPCFACTOR | Control Factor | C | GRPCFACTOR |
143 | V_GRPCHIDECTRLCOST | Hide cost per control | V | V_GRPCCUST1 |
144 | V_GRPCLASTRECIP | Fallback Recipient of Work Items | C | GRPCLASTRECIP |
145 | V_GRPCMAUNALRATING | Manual Rating | V | V_GRPCCUST1 |
146 | V_GRPCMCRATING | Rating Requiring Issue To Be Reported | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING2 |
147 | V_GRPCOBJTYPE | Obsolete: MIC Types | C | GRPCOBJTYPE |
148 | V_GRPCORGUGRLCR | Organization Level Rule Criteria | C | GRPCORGUGRLCR |
149 | V_GRPCORGUGRPCON | Org. Unit Group Level Connector Assignment | C | GRPCORGUGCONNECT |
151 | V_GRPCPERSCREATE | Restrict Authorization to Create Persons | V | V_GRPCCUST1 |
153 | V_GRPCRATINGVAL | Rating Value Set | C | GRPCRATINGVAL |
154 | V_GRPCREGBUSCUST | Maint. view for regul&business process specific customizing | C | GRPCREGBUSCUST |
155 | V_GRPCREPFRQN | Maintenance view for GRPCREPFRQ | C | GRPCREPFRQ |
156 | V_GRPCREPFRQN1 | Maintenance view for GRPCREPFRQ | C | GRPCREPFRQ |
157 | V_GRPCREPWORK | Maintenance View for Repeated Work | C | GRPCREPWORK |
158 | V_GRPCREPWORK1 | Maintenance view for GRPCREPFRQ | C | GRPCREPWORK |
159 | V_GRPCREPWORK2 | Settings for repeated action on non-relevant with control | C | GRPCREPWORK |
160 | V_GRPCREPWORK_VAR | Maintain Non-relevant With Control Repeat Work Setting | V | V_GRPCREPWORK |
161 | V_GRPCREPWORK_VAR1 | Maintain Repeat Work Setting on ELC Relevant Evaluation | V | V_GRPCREPWORK1 |
162 | V_GRPCREPWORK_VAR2 | Maintain Repeat Work Setting on Control Relevant Evaluation | V | V_GRPCREPWORK2 |
164 | V_GRPCRLCR | Rule Criteria | C | GRPCRLCR |
165 | V_GRPCRLCRA | Criteria Assignment | C | GRPCRLCRA |
166 | V_GRPCRLCRA_CL | Criteria Assignment | C | GRPCRLCRA |
167 | V_GRPCRLCRSYSA | Criteria System Type Assignment | C | GRPCRLCRSYSA |
168 | V_GRPCRLSETT | Rule Parameter Texts | C | GRPCRLSETT |
169 | V_GRPCROLE | Obsolete: Role Editing | C | GRPCROLE |
170 | V_GRPCROLETASK | Obsolete: Role <-> Task Assignment | C | GRPCROLETASK |
171 | V_GRPCRTACTRLDEF | Control Definition View | C | GRPCRTA_CTRLDEF |
172 | V_GRPCRULE | Rule Definition | C | GRPCRULE |
175 | V_GRPCRVVAL | Criteria Value | C | GRPCRVVAL |
176 | V_GRPCRVVAL_CL | Criteria Value | C | GRPCRVVAL |
177 | V_GRPCSCRIPT | Script | C | GRPCSCRIPT |
178 | V_GRPCSCRIPT_N | Script | C | GRPCSCRIPT |
181 | V_GRPCSETTINGS | Setting Values | C | GRPCSETTINGS |
182 | V_GRPCSIGNOFF_IS | Maintain Issue Types for Sign-Off | C | GRPCSIGNOFF_IS |
183 | V_GRPCSKIPVALID | Skip Validation Depending on the Rating | V | V_GRPCCUST1 |
184 | V_GRPCSODCFG | Edit Conflict Group | C | GRPCSODCFG |
185 | V_GRPCSODTASK | Obsolete: Tasks in Conflict Group | C | GRPCSODTASK |
186 | V_GRPCSYSTEM | System Type | C | GRPCSYSTEM |
187 | V_GRPCTASK | Obsolete: Task | C | GRPCTASK |
188 | V_GRPCTRANS | Rule Parameters | C | GRPCTRANS |
189 | V_GRPCVALCHDOC | Approval of Process and Control Changes | V | V_GRPCCUST1 |
190 | V_GRPCVALIDATION | Validation | V | V_GRPCCUST1 |
192 | V_GRPCWSCONNECT | Connection for Web Service | C | GRPCWSCONNECTOR |
193 | V_GRPC_ATTRIBUTE | Multicompliance Framework Dynamic Attributes | C | GRPC_ATTRIBUTE |
194 | V_GRPC_ATTR_MAPP | Multicompliance Framework Dynamic Attributes UI Mapping | C | GRPC_ATTR_MAPPIN |
195 | V_GRPC_CR_RRANGE | Control Rating Range | C | GRPC_CR_RRANGE |
196 | V_GRPC_EVENTYP | Maintain Event Type | C | GRPCEVENTTYPE |
197 | V_GRPC_EVTPARTNR | Versions allowed for Event type and Partner ID | C | GRPCEVTPARTNR |
199 | V_GRPC_MCFBUSPRO | MCF Regualtion specific business transaction | C | GRPC_MCF_BUSPROC |
200 | V_GRPC_MCFCUSFLD | Custom field | C | GRPC_MCF_CUSFLD |
201 | V_GRPC_MCFENTLNK | Entity link | C | GRPC_MCF_ENTLINK |
202 | V_GRPC_MCFREGCON | Regulation Id Definition | C | GRPC_MCF_REGCONF |
203 | V_GRPC_MCFREGLNK | Link assignment for Regulation and Regulation type | C | GRPC_MCF_REGLINK |
204 | V_GRPC_MCFREGTYP | Regulation type definition | C | GRPC_MCF_REGTYPE |
205 | V_GRPC_MCFREGTYR | Regulation type -Read only view for the view cluster | C | GRPC_MCF_REGTYPE |
206 | V_GRPC_MCFSAPATT | MCF Dynamic SAP Attributes Configuration | C | GRPC_MCF_SAP_ATT |
207 | V_GRPC_MCF_ENTIT | Entity definition | C | GRPC_MCF_ENTITY |
208 | V_GRPC_MC_RATING | Rating Requiring Issue To Be Reported | V | V_GRPCCUST2 |
209 | V_GRPC_MC_RATING_LOGIC | Aggregation Logic for Management Control Rating | V | V_GRPCCUST2 |
210 | V_GRPC_ORG_RLCR | All Org unit Rule Criteria | D | GRPCRLCR |
211 | V_GRPC_PARTNR | Maintain Partner | C | GRPCPARTNER |
212 | V_GRPC_PERSON | Obsolete: Person in MIC | C | GRPC_PERSON |
213 | V_GRPC_SCOP_FREQ | Scoping Freqency Configuration | C | GRPC_SCOPIN_FREQ |
214 | V_GRPC_VERSION | Event version | C | GRPCVERSION |
215 | V_GRPC_VERSIONDT | Version Detail | C | GRPCVERSIONDET |
216 | V_GRPGA | Assignment of WBS elements to MRP WBS elements | C | GRPGA |
217 | V_GRPGV | Validity area of the MRP WBS elements | C | GRPGV |
218 | V_GRRM_ANA_GAF | Include steps in Analysis WF GAF | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
219 | V_GRRM_AN_CHINIT | Check initial impacts for Analysis | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
220 | V_GRRM_AN_CHINPR | Check Initial Probability Values for Analysis | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
221 | V_GRRM_AN_COM | Analysis comment on analysis level | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
222 | V_GRRM_AN_HIST | Analysis UI legacy mode | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
223 | V_GRRM_AN_LEGACY | Analysis UI legacy mode | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
224 | V_GRRM_AN_MITIG | Analysis UI legacy mode | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
225 | V_GRRM_CH_HIS_AU | Business user Change history authority check | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
226 | V_GRRM_COL_CP_AN | Copy actual analysis when starting new Collab. assessment | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
227 | V_GRRM_DRS5_COM | Corporate Risks Analysis comment | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
228 | V_GRRM_DRS5_ELOS | Display Expected Loss for Corporate Risk Analysis | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
229 | V_GRRM_OPPORT | Hide Opportunity on the UI | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
230 | V_GRRM_PRISK | Risk proposals and and ad-hoc escalation | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
231 | V_GRRM_REP_IM_DR | Hide Opportunity on the UI | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
232 | V_GRRM_RESP_SHR | Central authorization check for shared Responses | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
233 | V_GRRM_RES_OVR | Overwrite Residual Analysis | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
234 | V_GRRM_VALI_NEW | Start a risk validation from risk edit page | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
235 | V_GRRM_VAL_RCSA | Risk Control Self Assessment Settings | C | GRPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
236 | V_GSB_A | "Assign Business Area -> Consolidation Business Area" | C | TGSB |
237 | V_GSB_B | Assign Business Area to Cross-System Business Area | C | TGSB |
238 | V_GTYP | View of transaction categories | C | AT01 |
239 | V_GUARANTORBP1 | View Business Partner Data for Guarantor Contract | D | EVER |
240 | V_GUARANTORBP2 | View Business Partner Data for Customer Contract | D | EVER |
241 | V_GUARANTORBP3 | Guarantor Data for SD Contract -> Guarantor Contract | D | EEWA_GUARANTOR |
242 | V_GUARANTORBP4 | Guarantor Data for SD Contract -> Customer Contract | D | EEWA_GUARANTOR |
243 | V_GUARANTORCUST | View All Customizing Data for Guarantor | D | TEWAGUARANTORAAT |
244 | V_HBNK_LADR_FIEB | Assignment of House Banks to OFX Partners | C | HBNK_LOGADR_FIEB |
245 | V_HCP_PLANNING | Customizing Headcount Planning | C | T77POSBUD |
246 | V_HCP_SUBTY | Maintain Subtypes for Headcount Planning (IT1019) | C | T778U |
247 | V_HC_FAQS_APP | Buffered View of Table SAPHC_FAQS_APP | D | SAPHC_FAQS_APP |
248 | V_HC_LINKS_APP | Buffered View of Table SAPHC_LINKS_APP | D | SAPHC_LINKS_APP |
249 | V_HDR_ACT_NODE | View Node PPEOBJ | D | PNODID |
250 | V_HDR_ALTNUM | View Node PPEOBJ | D | PNODID |
251 | V_HDR_CMP_NODE | View Node PPEOBJ | D | PNODID |
252 | V_HDR_COPVAR | View for Variants of Co-Products | D | POSVID |
253 | V_HDR_FLO_NODE | View Node PPEOBJ | D | PNODID |
254 | V_HEAD_INFOGROUP | Definition: Layout for Employee Information | C | TPT_UIA_CLNT_LAY |
255 | V_HEAD_INFOGRP | Definition: Layout for Employee Information | C | TPTUCLYT |
256 | V_HEAD_INFOGSTR | Display Objects for Employee Information | C | TPTUCLYTS |
257 | V_HEAD_INFOG_STR | Display Objects for Employee Information | C | TPT_UIA_CLNT_NMP |
258 | V_HEAD_LOG | Incorrect Work Items (Temporary Error) | D | SWWWIHEAD |
259 | V_HEAD_RET | Incorrect Dialog/Background Items (System and Applic.Error) | D | SWWWIHEAD |
260 | V_HELPTZB25 | Call Selection for Search Help TZB25 | H | TZB0A |
261 | V_HELP_IMASELOP | Help View ima_selopt | H | IMA_SELOPT |
262 | V_HELP_RSTYP | Help View for default resource types | D | LRSTY |
263 | V_HELP_RULESETPA | View as Selection Method for Search Help FTR_RULESET_PA | H | TZPA |
264 | V_HELP_RULESETTT | View as Selection Method for Search Help FTR_RULESET_TT | H | AT10 |
265 | V_HELP_TAIF10 | Help View for Field BOX1 .. BOX10 | H | TAIF10 |
266 | V_HIST_REQ_ALLO | History Requirement Control: Classification | C | TCLA |
267 | V_HIST_REQ_ALLOO | History Requirement Control per Classification Object | C | TCLAO |
268 | V_HIST_REQ_ALLOS | History Requirement Control per Classification Status | C | TCLC |
269 | V_HIST_REQ_BOM | History Requirement Control: Bill of Material | C | TCS09 |
270 | V_HIST_REQ_BOMS | History Requirement Control per BOM Status | C | TCS17 |
271 | V_HIST_REQ_CHAR | History Requirement Control: Characteristic | C | TCC08 |
272 | V_HIST_REQ_CHARS | History Requirement Control per Characteristic Status | C | TCMS |
273 | V_HIST_REQ_CLA | History Requirement Control: Class | C | TCLA |
274 | V_HIST_REQ_CLAS | History Requirement Control per Class Status | C | TCLU |
275 | V_HIST_REQ_DOC | History Requirement Control: Document | C | TDWA |
276 | V_HIST_REQ_DOCS | History Requirement Control per Document Status | C | TDWS |
277 | V_HIST_REQ_MAT | History Requirement Control: Material | C | T134 |
278 | V_HLP_TXTVARREAD | Classes That Implement Interface IF_LSO_CRP_RENDER_READER | H | SEOMETAREL |
279 | V_HM_CALC_CAT | Hypothetical calculation category based on hedge strategy | D | THMTS_ASS_D_CALC |
280 | V_HOLDOTYPE_F4 | Hold Type with Object Type Text | H | T7PIQHSSTATUS |
281 | V_HOST_F4 | View for F4 help for hosts in landscape | D | ACCONTEXTDIR |
282 | V_HRAUTH_DIST_R | Executable Reports Without LDB for Distributed Reporting | C | HRAUTH_DIST_REP |
283 | V_HRDSYS_HRL_CCD | HRDSYS: Translation Interface Long Text CCD | D | DSYS_LOHEAD_C_CD |
284 | V_HRDSYS_HRL_ECD | HRDSYS: Translation Interface Long Text ECD | D | DSYS_LOHEAD_E_CD |
285 | V_HRDSYS_HRL_ECI | HRDSYS: Translation Interface Long Text ECI | D | DSYS_LOHEAD_E_CI |
286 | V_HRDSYS_HRS_CCD | HRDSYS: Translation Interface Short Text CCD | D | DSYS_LOHEAD_C_CD |
287 | V_HRDSYS_HRS_ECD | HRDSYS: Translation Interface Short Text ECD | D | DSYS_LOHEAD_E_CD |
288 | V_HRDSYS_HRS_ECI | HRDSYS: Translation Interface Short Text ECI | D | DSYS_LOHEAD_E_CI |
289 | V_HREIC_ACTPRIO | EIC Activity Priorities (Maintenance View) | C | THREIC_ACTPRIO |
290 | V_HREIC_ACTPROF | EIC Activity Profile (Maintenance View) | C | THREIC_ACTPROF |
291 | V_HREIC_APPT | EIC Business Hours | C | THREIC_SLA_APPT |
292 | V_HREIC_AUTHENT | Authentication Profile for Employees | C | THREIC_AUTHENT |
293 | V_HREIC_CAT | EIC Categories (Maintenance View) | C | THREIC_CAT |
294 | V_HREIC_CATEG | View for Category Tables | D | THREIC_CATEGORY |
295 | V_HREIC_CATEGS | EIC: Categories and Subcategories | C | THREIC_CATEGORY |
296 | V_HREIC_CONF4 | Input Help for EIC Constants | C | THREIC_CONSTANTV |
298 | V_HREIC_CONTCHA | EIC Contact Channels | C | THREIC_CONTCHA |
299 | V_HREIC_DEF | SLA Target: Definition | C | THREIC_SLA_DEF |
300 | V_HREIC_ESEARCHP | EIC Employee Search: Profile | C | THREIC_ESEARCHPR |
301 | V_HREIC_FOLLREA | EIC Follow-Up Reason (Maintenance View) | C | THREIC_FOLLREA |
303 | V_HREIC_GRP_CAT | EIC Grouping Categories | C | THREIC_GROUP_CAT |
304 | V_HREIC_GRP_DET | EIC Grouping: Detail | C | THREIC_GROUP_DET |
305 | V_HREIC_GRP_PROF | Assignment: Authentication Profile - Grouping | C | THREIC_GRP_PROF |
306 | V_HREIC_IB_CAT | Define Inbox Item Categories | C | THREIC_IBCAT |
307 | V_HREIC_IB_EMAIL | Define E-Mail Addresses | C | THREIC_IBEMAIL |
308 | V_HREIC_IB_PRCAT | EIC - Assign Categories to Inbox Profiles | C | THREIC_IBPRCAT |
309 | V_HREIC_IB_PRFW | EIC Assignment: Inbox Profiles - Further Processing | C | THREIC_IB_PRFW |
310 | V_HREIC_IB_PRIO | Define Priority for Inbox Entries | C | THREIC_IBPRIO |
311 | V_HREIC_IB_PRI_M | Assign Priority of Element Types to Inbox Priorities | C | THREIC_IBPRIOMAP |
312 | V_HREIC_IB_PROF | EIC - Inbox Profile | C | THREIC_IBPROF |
313 | V_HREIC_IB_STAT | Define Status for Inbox Entries | C | THREIC_IBSTAT |
314 | V_HREIC_IB_STATM | Assign Status of Element Types to Inbox Status | C | THREIC_IBSTATMAP |
315 | V_HREIC_MODEL | EIC: GenIL Model (Maintenance View) | C | THREIC_MODEL |
316 | V_HREIC_OBJECTS | EIC: GenIL Objects (Maintenance View) | C | THREIC_OBJECTS |
317 | V_HREIC_PROC | Maintain Processors | C | THREIC_PROC |
318 | V_HREIC_PROF_Q | Assignment Questions - Authentication Profile | C | THREIC_PROF_QUES |
319 | V_HREIC_QUESTION | Edit Questions for Authentication Profile | C | THREIC_QUESTIONS |
320 | V_HREIC_REA_PROC | EIC Assignment: Follow-Up Reason (Maintenance View) | C | THREIC_REA_PROC |
321 | V_HREIC_SEMSTAT | Activity Status | C | SCMGSTATPROFS |
322 | V_HREIC_SLA | SLA Contracts | C | THREIC_SLA |
323 | V_HREIC_SLA_APPT | EIC Business Hours | C | THREIC_SLA_APPT |
324 | V_HREIC_SLA_DEF | SLA Target Definitions | C | THREIC_SLA_DEF |
325 | V_HREIC_SLA_TGT | SLA Targets | C | THREIC_SLA_TGT |
326 | V_HREIC_SUBCAT | EIC Subcategories (Maintenance View) | C | THREIC_SUBCAT |
327 | V_HRFPM_CHNG_LOG | HRFPM: Change Log and Engine Log (for Search Help) | D | HRFPM_CHANGE_LOG |
328 | V_HRFPM_ENG_LOG | HRFPM: Change Log and Engine Log (for Search Help) | D | HRFPM_ENGINE_LOG |
329 | V_HRFPM_ERRCATG | Error Categories for Errors in Staff Assignment Rules | C | T77HRFPM_ERRCATG |
330 | V_HRFPM_ERRCODE | Error Codes for Checks | C | T77HRFPM_ERRCODE |
331 | V_HRFPM_ERR_EXMP | Check Exceptions | C | T77HRFPM_ERREXMP |
332 | V_HRFPM_EXMP_GRP | Groups of Check Exceptions | C | T77HRFPM_EXMPGRP |
333 | V_HRFPM_FIL_DERI | Derivation Strategy of Filter Values for Checks | C | T77HRFPM_DERFIL |
334 | V_HRFPM_FIN_FILT | Definition Filter Values for BAdI for Staff Assignment Rules | C | T77HRFPM_FIN_FIL |
335 | V_HRFPM_HIERBU | Assignment of BS Element Type to Report Column | C | HRFPM_BU_HIERBU |
336 | V_HRFPM_HIERCOL | Columns for Hierarchy Information in Reporting | C | HRFPM_BU_HIERCOL |
337 | V_HRFPM_HIERVAR | Formatting Variant for Reporting Personnel Bdgt Plan Mngmnt | C | HRFPM_BU_HIERVAR |
338 | V_HRFPM_JOB_LOG | HRFPM: Change Log and Engine Log (for Search Help) | D | HRFPM_ENGINE_LOG |
339 | V_HRFPM_LOCKINT | Integration Lock Notes Commitment Creation | C | T77HRFPM_LOCKINT |
340 | V_HRFPM_OCC_CHK | View for Table T77HRFPM_OCC_CHK | C | T77HRFPM_OCC_CHK |
341 | V_HRFPM_SALSA | Search Method for Search Help by Account Assignment | D | HRFPM_DIFFERENCE |
343 | V_HRFPM_TRFCOND | Condition for Group Notes | C | T77HRFPM_TRFCOND |
344 | V_HRFPM_WFACTIVE | Activate Workflow for Notes | C | T77HRFPM_LOCKINT |
345 | V_HRFPM_WF_ADMIN | Administrator Notes Workflow | C | T77HRFPM_LOCKINT |
346 | V_HRF_FORMCLASS | HR-Forms: Form Class | D | THRFORM_CLASS |
347 | V_HRF_INFONET | HR Forms: InfoNet | D | TINFONET_01 |
348 | V_HRF_METANET | HR Forms: MetaNet | D | TMETANET_02 |
349 | V_HRF_SELFIELDS | HR Forms: Permissible Selection Fields for Print Reports | D | DD03L |
350 | V_HRICP_IT_CUST | Infotypes to Be Tracked per Consumer | C | HRICP_D_IT_CUST |
351 | V_HRP1519_1500 | Selection of HRP1519 + HRP1500 for Integration Check | D | HRP1519 |
352 | V_HRP1769_1001 | Selection of Study Segments via Program | D | HRP1769 |
353 | V_HRP1771_1001 | Database View for Selection of Registrations | D | HRP1771 |
354 | V_HRP5050 | Compensation Job Attributes | D | HRP5050 |
355 | V_HRPBC_RESP | View for HRPBC_RESP_1001 | D | T778V |
356 | V_HRPMLOGO | Defining Logos for HR Funds and Position Management | C | HRPMLOGO |
357 | V_HRPMLOGO_ALV | Logo for ALV Reports in HR Funds and Position Management | V | V_HRPMLOGO |
358 | V_HRPMLOGO_ALV_2 | Background for ALV Reports in HR Funds and Position Mgt | V | V_HRPMLOGO |
359 | V_HRPMLOGO_START | Logo on Initial Screen | V | V_HRPMLOGO |
360 | V_HRS1221 | View T Code - Set/Get Parameter | D | HRS1220 |
361 | V_HRSP_ABS_CBF | Absence Planner: Callback Functions | C | HRSP_ABS_CBF |
362 | V_HRSP_ABS_INF_C | Info Columns for Absence Planner: Public Sector Germany | C | HRSP_ABS_INF_COL |
363 | V_HRSP_ABS_INF_L | Info Columns for Absence Planner: Public Sector Germany | C | HRSP_ABS_INF_LIN |
364 | V_HRSP_ABS_PROF | Profile for Absence Planner: Public Sector Germany | C | HRSP_ABS_PROF_T |
365 | V_HRSP_ABS_SEAS | Absence Planner: Definition of High Season | C | HRSP_ABS_HIGH_SS |
366 | V_HRSSWDHD | Test Workflow Definition | D | SWDSHEADER |
367 | V_HRS_COMP | Database View of Development Class for Standard Tasks | D | TADIR |
368 | V_HRWEB_ABS_REQ | Specify Periods for Leave Requests | C | HRWEB_ABS_REQ |
369 | V_HRWEB_GROUP_ID | WAP: Grouping for Customizing Tables | C | HRWEB_GROUP_ID |
370 | V_HRWEB_RULE_GRP | Create Rule Groups | C | HRWEB_RULE_GROUP |
371 | V_HRWEB_TRS_MESS | Configure Output of Messages | C | HRWEB_TRANS_MESS |
372 | V_HRWEB_TRS_MSG | OBSOLETE! Ignore or Reformulate Messages | C | HRWEB_TRANS_MSG |
373 | V_HTNM | Read MPN Material | D | MARA |
374 | V_HTN_MSUBST | View to Group Tables MARA and MSUBST for Search Help Z | D | MARA |
375 | V_H_FMFG_MULT_EF | Help view for multi-funding document type | H | TKBBA |
376 | V_H_PARTNER_DIFT | BP: Help View: Differentiation Types for Partner | H | BUT100 |
377 | V_H_SFW_OBJTYPES | Object types used in the SPEED framework | D | SFW_OBJTYPES |
378 | V_H_T8A60 | Select Representative Material Numbers | H | T8A60 |
379 | V_H_TEMPLATE | Scenario details - The scenario manager framework | D | SFW_SCENARIO_MST |
380 | V_H_TFK047A | Help View for Item-Dunning Procedure Search Help | H | TFK047A |
381 | V_H_TFK047A_C | Help View for Correspondence-Dunning Procedure Search Help | H | TFK047A |
382 | V_H_TFK047A_CO | Help View for Correspondence-Dunning Procedure Search Help | H | TFK047A |
383 | V_H_TFK047B | Help View for Item-Dunning Procedure Search Help | H | TFK047B |
384 | V_H_TFK047L | Define Help View for Dunning Activities | H | TFK047L |
385 | V_H_TKBBA | Document Type View | H | TKBBA |
386 | V_H_TP23 | BP: Help View: Differentiation Type | H | TP23 |
387 | V_H_TRANS | Active transactions | D | SMOG_TRANS |
388 | V_IBBINDING | IB: Maintenance View for IBBINDING | C | IBBINDING |
389 | V_IBINR | IB: Instance (General data+configuration/no admin data) | D | IBIN |
390 | V_IBINR_CM | IB: Instance (General data+configuration/no admin data) | D | IBINCM |
391 | V_IBINTR | IB: Components (Read view for short texts) | D | IBINT |
392 | V_IBINVALUES_F | IB: Selection of IBase Instances via Characteristic Val. | D | IBINVALUES |
393 | V_IBINW1 | IB: Instance (General data+configuration+creator) | D | IBIN |
394 | V_IBINW1_CM | IB: Instance (General data+configuration+creator) | D | IBINCM |
395 | V_IBINW2 | IB: Instance (Gen. Data+Configuration+Changer) | D | IBIN |
396 | V_IBINW2_CM | IB: Instance (Gen. Data+Configuration+Changer) | D | IBINCM |
397 | V_IBIN_SYVAL | IB: View from symbol and value | D | IBINVALUES |
398 | V_IBSP1 | IB: Instance Device Data | D | IBIN |
399 | V_IBSPR | IB: Read View for IBSP | D | IBSP |
400 | V_IBSPW | IB: Write View for IBSP | D | IBSP |
401 | V_ICC_CONDTXT_IN | Maintenance View for Condition Type and Description | C | CONDTYPSUSIN |
402 | V_ICLADRC | Claims-Specific Address Data | D | ICLCLAIM |
403 | V_ICLCCEVENT | Claim Bundle with Claim Bundle Type and Text | D | ICLCCEVENT |
404 | V_ICLCCEVENT_HIL | Claim Bundle "Standard" Help | D | ICLCCEVENT |
405 | V_ICLITEM | Database View for BW-Extraction of ICLITEM and ICLITEMEV | D | ICLITEM |
406 | V_ICLITEMEV | Database View for BW-Extraction of ICLITEM and ICLITEMEV | D | ICLITEM |
407 | V_ICLPART_ROLES | Claim Participants and Their Roles | D | ICLPARTOCC |
408 | V_ICLPAYI_CC | Database View for BW-Extraction of ICLPAY and ICLPAYI | D | ICLPAY |
409 | V_ICLPAYMENT | Database View for BW-Extraction of ICLPAY and ICLPAYI | D | ICLPAY |
410 | V_ICLRES_TYPES | Permitted Reserve Types in a Subclaim | D | ICLCLAIM |
411 | V_ICLSCREENSEQ | Screen Sequence by Claim Processing (Sub)Mode | D | TICL094 |
412 | V_ICLSERVCAT | FS-CM: DB Read View for Benefits/Services/Fees Catalogs | D | ICLSERVCAT |
413 | V_ICLSUBCL_TYPES | Coverage Types | D | ICLCLAIM |
414 | V_ICLTBE01 | Business Transaction Event: P/S in FS-CM | C | TBE01 |
415 | V_ICLTPS01 | Business Transaction Event: Processes in FS-CM | C | TPS01 |
416 | V_ICL_ACTIVITY | Task (Normal and Purely Manual) | H | TICL044 |
417 | V_ICL_ACT_BUNDLE | Tasks for Claims of Claim Bundle | D | ICLCLAIMA |
418 | V_ICL_CLAIMNO | ICL: CDC: Search Help for Claim Data | H | ICLCLAIM |
419 | V_ICL_CLMBNDLE | Claim Bundle and Participants | D | ICLCCEVENT |
420 | V_ICL_CMC_EVENT | Events | D | TBE01 |
421 | V_ICL_CMC_PLOB_C | Permitted Internal Claim Types for Lines of Business | D | TICL321 |
423 | V_ICL_CRESPROF | Reserve Profile Determination in Multiple Insurance | C | ICL_CRESPROF |
424 | V_ICL_CSUBCLASS1 | FS-CM Classes That Allow Substitution with Customer Classes | H | ICL_CSUBCLASS |
425 | V_ICL_DD02 | Text for Structure Name | D | DD02L |
426 | V_ICL_DD_FIELD | Detail Information for Fields | D | DD03L |
427 | V_ICL_ITEMCATREP | Claim Item Category for Repetitive Payments | H | TICL139 |
428 | V_ICL_REP_PAYMNT | Claims, Subclaims, and Payments (Reporting) | D | ICLCLAIM |
429 | V_ICL_TASK | Task (Normal, Not Purely Manual) | H | TICL044 |
430 | V_ICL_WF_EVENT | Event | H | SWOTTV |
431 | V_ICL_WF_OBJTYPE | Object Category | H | TOJTB |
432 | V_ICL_WF_PARAM | Parameters | H | SWOTTQ |
433 | V_ICL_WF_TCODE | Transaction Code | H | TICL025 |
434 | V_ICL_WF_TRACNTR | Transaction Control Workflow | C | TICL044 |
435 | V_ICON | Icon maintenance | C | ICON |
436 | V_ICRC00_TEMPL | Templates for Notifications | C | ICRC00_TEMPL |
437 | V_ICRC02 | Account Groups for G/L Account Reconciliation | C | ICRC02 |
438 | V_ICRC04 | Reconcile Account Groups for G/L Accounts: Assign Accounts | C | ICRC04 |
439 | V_ICRC_USER_PREF | Recon. with Affil. Co.: Document Assignment User Settings | C | ICRC00_USER_PREF |
440 | V_IDCNFSPOS | Maintain Account Information | C | IDCNFSPOS |
441 | V_IDCNMAPCURRCD | Currency Codes (Golden Audit) | C | IDCNMAPCURRCD |
442 | V_IDCNTRY_CHECK | Country-specific checks: check values | C | IDCNTRY_CHECK_V |
443 | V_IDCN_ACCITEM1 | Operating Activities for GL Accounts (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_ACCITEM |
444 | V_IDCN_ACCITEM2 | Assignment of Report Item to GL Account (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_ACCITEM |
445 | V_IDCN_ACCITEM3 | Assignment of Report Item (Supp. Info) (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_ACCITEM |
446 | V_IDCN_ARCH_ITEM | Archive Items (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_ARCHIV_ITEM |
447 | V_IDCN_ARCH_VAL | Archive Values (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_ARCHIEV_VAL |
448 | V_IDCN_BOMA | Books | C | IDCN_BOMA |
449 | V_IDCN_CASH_ITEM | Cash Flow Items (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_CASH_ITMES |
450 | V_IDCN_DETAIL_EA | Maintain Detail Expense Account | C | IDCN_DETAIL_EA |
451 | V_IDCN_DOCTYPE | Accounting Document Types (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_DOCTYPE |
452 | V_IDCN_DOTY | Maintain Form Types | C | IDCN_DOTY |
453 | V_IDCN_EXCH_RATE | Exchange Rate Types (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_EXCH_RATE |
454 | V_IDCN_FSCDEF | Maintain Form Structure | C | IDCN_FSCDEF |
455 | V_IDCN_FSCLINES | Maintain Form Structure Lines | C | IDCN_FSCLINES |
456 | V_IDCN_FSCNODES | Assign Nodes to Form Structure Lines | C | IDCN_FSCNODES |
457 | V_IDCN_FSCVALUES | Maintain Form Structure Line Values | C | IDCN_FSCVALUES |
458 | V_IDCN_GA_ANLKL | Asset Classes (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_GA_ANLKL |
459 | V_IDCN_GA_BWASL | Asset Transaction Types (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_GA_BWASL |
460 | V_IDCN_GA_DEP | Parameters for Asset Depreciation (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_GA_DEP |
461 | V_IDCN_GA_ORDNR | Asset Evaluation Group (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_GA_ORDNR |
462 | V_IDCN_LOMA | Lots | C | IDCN_LOMA |
463 | V_IDCN_MAP_EAS | Detailed Expense Accounts (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_MAP_EAS |
464 | V_IDCN_REPITEMID | Maintain Report Item Information | C | IDCN_REPITEMID |
465 | V_IDCN_REPSHEQTY | Shareholders' Equity (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_REPSHEQTY |
466 | V_IDCN_TOTLINE | Subtotal Lines (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_TOTLINE |
467 | V_IDCN_TRDTYPE | Document Types (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_TRDTYPE |
468 | V_IDCN_TRTTYPE | Transaction Types (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_TRTTYPE |
469 | V_IDCN_TR_MAP | FI Document Types (Golden Audit) | C | IDCN_TR_MAP |
470 | V_IDCN_VALLIN_H | Form lines with direct value | H | IDCN_FSCLINES |
471 | V_IDCN_VOID | Void Reasons for Prenumbered Forms | C | IDCN_VOID |
473 | V_IDES_SI | Assign Number Range for Self Invoices to Company Code | C | IDES_SI |
474 | V_IDFIAA_JP_TAX1 | Maintain Tax Area and Transaction Types for Man. Postings | C | IDFIAA_JP_TAX1 |
475 | V_IDFIAA_JP_TAX2 | Japanese Tax - Transaction Types - City Transfer | C | IDFIAA_JP_TAX2 |
476 | V_IDFITYP | Maintain Fiscal Types | C | IDFITYP |
477 | V_IDIN_ASSETBLK | Maintain Asset Block details | C | IDIN_ASSETBLK |
478 | V_IDIN_FIAA_OWDV | FI-AA India : Opening WDV for Asset Blocks | C | IDIN_FIAA_OWDV |
479 | V_IDIN_FIAA_TAX | Maintain Depreciation Area | C | IDIN_FIAA_TAX |
480 | V_IDIN_FIAA_TRGR | Assign Trans. Types to Trans. Type Group | C | IDIN_FIAA_TRN_TY |
481 | V_IDKR_AMNDSTAT | Amendment Status code for Korea Electronic Tax Invoice | C | IDKR_AMNDSTAT |
482 | V_IDMX_VAT | Define Directly Attributable Tax Condition Types | C | IDMX_VAT |
483 | V_IDMX_VAT_ACC | Assign VAT Accounts to VAT Return Lines | C | IDMX_VAT_ACC |
484 | V_IDOCPRMS | Control parameters for data transfer from the source system | C | ROIDOCPRMS |
485 | V_IDOC_WF | ALE: Process Code Data of Inbound IDoc | D | EDIDC |
486 | V_IDPL_II_TAX | Tax Exemption | C | IDPL_II_TAX |
487 | V_IDPL_SI | Assign Number Range Interval to Company Code | C | IDPL_SI |
488 | V_IDPL_SI_TAX | Assign Tax Code to Company Code for Internal Invoice | C | IDPL_SI_TAX |
489 | V_IDPT_A011 | Revaluation Areas for Asset Reports | C | IDPT_A011 |
490 | V_IDPT_A021 | Revaluation Classes/Exceptions for Asset Reports | C | IDPT_A021 |
491 | V_IDPT_A031 | Manual Entries for Asset Report 32.1 | C | IDPT_A031 |
492 | V_IDPT_A041 | Currency Revaluation Coeffients for Asset Reports | C | IDPT_A041 |
493 | V_IDPT_A051 | Movement Types for Assets Being Retired | C | IDPT_A051 |
494 | V_IDPT_A061 | Depreciation Foregone | C | IDPT_A061 |
495 | V_IDPT_A071 | Limit for assets which use Electric/ non-electric energy | C | IDPT_A071 |
496 | V_IDPT_A099 | Checks for Asset Reports | C | IDPT_A099 |
497 | V_IDT007RA | New Grouping for Tax Amounts | C | IDT007RA |
498 | V_IDVKBUR_BUPLA | Assign Business Places to Sale Offices | C | IDVKBUR_BUPLA |
499 | V_IDWTNAVIG | Maintenance View for IDWTNAVIG - Withholding Tax Reporting | C | IDWTNAVIG |
500 | V_IDXRCVACK | IDoc Adapter: Outbound Status Conversion | C | IDXRCVACK |