View - V
# View Name Short Description View Type Basis Table
1 V_TVKO_COM Competitor Number Assignment for Sales Organization C TVKO 
2 V_TVKO_CORE Sales Organizations C TVKO 
3 V_TVKO_IV View for Inter-Company Billing C TVKO 
4 V_TVKO_LK Assignment of Company Codes to Sales Organizations C TVKO 
5 V_TVKO_NAC Organizational Unit: Sales Organizations - Output C TVKO 
6 V_TVKO_P Sales organizations C TVKO 
7 V_TVKO_PP Price Protection Period by Sales Organization C TVKO 
8 V_TVKO_SD Assignment: Part. Determin. Proc. to Sales Activities (CAS) C TVKK 
9 V_TVKO_TAX Determining the VAT registration number C TVKO 
10 V_TVKO_WAE Statistical Currency by Sales Organization C TVKO 
11 V_TVKR Cancellation Rules C TVKR 
12 V_TVKS Cancellation Procedures C TVKS 
13 V_TVKT Customers: Account Assignment Groups C TVKT 
14 V_TVKUS Assign Rules to Cancellation Procedure C TVKUS 
15 V_TVKV Pricing Procedures: Transaction C TVKV 
16 V_TVKWZ_ASSIGN Assignment Sales Organization/Distribution Channel - Plant C TVKWZ 
17 V_TVKWZ_LK Assignment of Plants to Sales Organizations C TVKWZ 
18 V_TVLA Loading points C TVLA 
19 V_TVLG Routes: Weight Groups for Deliveries C TVLG 
20 V_TVLGZ Maintain Details for Weight Groups C TVLGZ 
21 V_TVLIZ Maintenance View for Table C TVLIZ 
22 V_TVLK Delivery types C TVLK 
23 V_TVLKN Delivery Number Intervals per Warehouse Number C TVLKN 
24 V_TVLK_CON Legal Control: Delivery Types C TVLK 
25 V_TVLK_DL Delivery Type Dependent Data for Shipping Deadlines C TVLK 
26 V_TVLK_EIU FT: Delivery types: Document pricing procedure incompl. C TVLK 
27 V_TVLK_KRE Delivery Types - Credit Limit Check C TVLK 
28 V_TVLK_NAC Delivery Types: Output Determination Procedure C TVLK 
29 V_TVLK_NGW Rough GR: Output Determination Procedure C TVLK 
30 V_TVLK_NLA Inbound Delivery - Output Determination Procedure C TVLK 
31 V_TVLK_NUM_DEC Delivery Type: Number Range Det. Rule for Decentral LES C TVLK 
32 V_TVLK_PR Pricing procedure for pricing/delivery C TVLK 
33 V_TVLK_RBL Deliveries: Dlv.types - Purchase Order Storage Location Rule C TVLK 
34 V_TVLK_RF Carry Out New Route Determination With or Without Check C TVLK 
35 V_TVLK_ROF Delivery Types - New Route Determination C TVLK 
36 V_TVLK_SD Assignment: Partner Determination Procedure to Delivery C TVLK 
37 V_TVLK_SPL Delivery Split for Warehouse Number per Delivery Type C TVLK 
38 V_TVLK_SPOFI Control for Shipping Point Determination C TVLK 
39 V_TVLK_STG Deliveries: Types: Statistics Group C TVLK 
40 V_TVLK_TR Transportation Relevance for Delivery Type C TVLK 
41 V_TVLK_TXT Access types: Delivery types C TVLK 
42 V_TVLK_VUV Error Procedures: Header - Delivery C TVLK 
43 V_TVLK_W Specify Determination Rules C TVLK 
44 V_TVLK_WRF Scheduling with route schedule for delivery type C TVLK 
45 V_TVLOZ Maintenance View for Table C TVLOZ 
46 V_TVLP Delivery item categories C TVLP 
47 V_TVLP_BAC Batch Installation in the Inbound Delivery C TVLP 
48 V_TVLP_BWA Movement Types for Inbound Deliveries C TVLP 
49 V_TVLP_CH Automatic Batch Determination for Delivery Item Categories C TVLP 
50 V_TVLP_CHP Deliveries: Item Categories: Do Not Check Batch C TVLP 
51 V_TVLP_CON Legal Control: Delivery Item Categories C TVLP 
52 V_TVLP_EIU Foreign Trade: Item Types Shipping: DocPricProced. Incompl. C TVLP 
53 V_TVLP_KOM Deliveries: Item categories - picking C TVLP 
54 V_TVLP_LGO Delivery: Item Categories: Do Not Check Storage Location? C TVLP 
55 V_TVLP_MAB Declarations to the Authorities: Assign Exclusion Indicators C TVLP 
56 V_TVLP_NAC Output View TVLP C TVLP 
57 V_TVLP_POD Maintain POD Relevance C TVLP 
58 V_TVLP_REG Stock Determination / Rules for Tables T434K, P, R C TVLP 
59 V_TVLP_STG Delivery Item Categories: Statistics Groups C TVLP 
60 V_TVLP_TL Transport relevance of item categories C TVLP 
61 V_TVLP_TXT Access Sequence: Delivery item categories C TVLP 
62 V_TVLP_V Availability Check for Each Delivery Item Category C TVLP 
63 V_TVLP_VFP Delivery: Item Category: Switch off Availability Check C TVLP 
64 V_TVLP_VP Packing Requirement for Item Categories C TVLP 
65 V_TVLP_VUV Error procedures for delivery item types C TVLP 
66 V_TVLR Goods Receipt Sequence - Define Transfer Order C TVLR 
67 V_TVLS Deliveries: Blocking Reasons/Criteria C TVLS 
68 V_TVLSP Delivery Blocks C TVLSP 
69 V_TVLS_SBE Reasons for and Scope of Deliv.Blocks: Transfer of Req.Block C TVLS 
70 V_TVLTZ Maintenance View for Table C TVLTZ 
71 V_TVLV Sales Document: Delivery Schedule Usage ID C TVLV 
72 V_TVLZ Validity Period Category C TVLZ 
73 V_TVM1 Material Group 1 C TVM1 
74 V_TVM2 Material Group 2 C TVM2 
75 V_TVM3 Material Group 3 C TVM3 
76 V_TVM4 Material Group 4 C TVM4 
77 V_TVM5 Material Group 5 C TVM5 
78 V_TVMS Materials: Status in Sales and Distribution C TVMS 
79 V_TVMS_W Material status, SAP Retail functions C TVMS 
80 V_TVNFACTC SD: Function Activation on CLIENT Level C TVNFACTC 
81 V_TVNFACT_BIL Billing: Function Activation at BUKRS (Company Code) Level C TVNFACT 
82 V_TVNFACT_RR Revenue Recognition: Function Activation at BUKRS Level C TVNFACT 
83 V_TVOID Check Void Reason Codes C TVOID 
84 V_TVP0 Contact Person: Attribute 10 C TVP0 
85 V_TVP2 Contact Person: Attribute 2 C TVP2 
86 V_TVP3 Contact Person: Attribute 3 C TVP3 
87 V_TVP4 Contact Person: Attribute 4 C TVP4 
88 V_TVP5 Contact Person: Attribute 5 C TVP5 
89 V_TVP6 Contact Person: Attribute 6 C TVP6 
90 V_TVP7 Contact Person: Attribute 7 C TVP7 
91 V_TVP8 Contact Person: Attribute 8 C TVP8 
92 V_TVP9 Contact Person: Attribute 9 C TVP9 
93 V_TVPAD View via Determination Control C TVPAD 
94 V_TVPG_3 Partner Schemas for Vendor Billing Documents D TVPG 
95 V_TVPG_4 Partner Schemas for Vendor Billing Documents D TVPG 
96 V_TVPG_ABH Partner Scheme for Agency Document Header C TVPG 
97 V_TVPG_ABI Partner Scheme for Agency Document Item C TVPG 
98 V_TVPG_FK Partner Determination Procedures: Billing Header C TVPG 
99 V_TVPG_FP Partner Determination Procedures: Billing Item C TVPG 
100 V_TVPG_I Partner Schemas: Vendor Master Record C TVPG 
101 V_TVPG_KO Partner Determination Procedures: Sales Activities (CAS) C TVPG 
102 V_TVPG_LK Partner Determination Procedures: Delivery C TVPG 
103 V_TVPG_QM Partner Determination Procedure C TVPG 
104 V_TVPG_QM2 Partner Determination Procedure C TVPG 
105 V_TVPG_R Partner Schemas for Vendor Billing Documents D TVPG 
106 V_TVPG_S Partner Determination Procedures for Billing Documents D TVPG 
107 V_TVPG_SD Partner Determination Procedures: Customer Master C TVPG 
108 V_TVPG_TCK Partner Schema Trading Contract Header C TVPG 
109 V_TVPG_TCP Trading Contract: Partner Schema C TVPG 
110 V_TVPG_TK Partner Determination Procedures: Shipment C TVPG 
111 V_TVPG_VK Partner Determination Procedures: Sales Document Header C TVPG 
112 V_TVPG_VP Partner Determination Procedures: Sales Document Item C TVPG 
113 V_TVPH Contact Partner: Attribute 1 C TVPH 
114 V_TVPODG Reason for Variance in POD C TVPODG 
115 V_TVPR Commission Groups C TVPR 
116 V_TVPV Contact Person: Decision Authority C TVPV 
117 V_TVRAB Route Stages C TVRAB 
118 V_TVRG Rule Table for Date Determination C TVRG 
119 V_TVRL Relevance of BOM Items to SD C TVRL 
120 V_TVRMAS Repairs Procedure: Procedures C TVRMAS 
121 V_TVRMAV Repairs Procedure: Times C TVRMAV 
122 V_TVRMAVK Repair procedure: Actions C TVRMAVK 
123 V_TVRO Routes C TVRO 
124 V_TVROPT SD - Report Optimization C TVROPT 
125 V_TVRO_COM Routes C TVRO 
126 V_TVRO_TDZ Delivery scheduling: Lead time for transportation planning C TVRO 
127 V_TVRO_TZ Delivery Scheduling: Transit Time C TVRO 
128 V_TVRO_VMTRC View for Search Help VMTRC D TVRO 
129 V_TVRRUR Revenue Recognition: Account Det.'Unbilled Receiv./Costs' C TVRRUR 
130 V_TVRSZ Routes: Legs for each Route C TVRSZ 
131 V_TVS010A Payment Option C TVS010A 
132 V_TVS010B Payment Plan C TVS010B 
133 V_TVS010BTICL330 Payment Frequency of a Repetitive or Scheduled Payment D TVS010B 
134 V_TVS010B_CS Payment Plans for Future Commission V V_TVS010B 
135 V_TVS010B_XMANU View via All Non-Manual Payment Plans H TVS010B 
136 V_TVS010H Payment Plan: Percentage Distribution C TVS010H 
137 V_TVS010I Activities in Payment Plan C TVS010I 
138 V_TVS010J Activities in Payment Plan C TVS010J 
139 V_TVS020A Assignment Table Payment Option <-> Payment Plan C TVS020A 
140 V_TVS020A_SHLP Assignment of Indiv. Paymt Plan Conversions to Paymt Option H TVS020A 
141 V_TVS020B Assignment of Indiv. Paymt Plan Conversions to Paymt Option C TVS020B 
142 V_TVS020D Activities When Changing Payment Plan C TVS020D 
143 V_TVS030A Define Activities for Payment Plan Change C TVS030A 
144 V_TVS030B Events in Payment Plan C TVS030B 
145 V_TVS030C Define Activities for Posting Event C TVS030C 
146 V_TVS030D IS-IS Scheduling: Change Event Definition for Payment Plan C TVS030D 
147 V_TVS030E Define Activities for Change Event C TVS030E 
148 V_TVS040A Scheduling: Clearing Algorithm for Cust.-Init. Payment C TVS040A 
149 V_TVS040B Customer-Initiated Payment: Sorting C TVS040B 
150 V_TVS040BFE Customer-Initiated Payment: Sort Criteria C TVS040BFE 
151 V_TVSA SD Documents: Processing Groups C TVSA 
152 V_TVSAK Special Processing Indicator C TVSAK 
153 V_TVSA_1 SD Documents: Processing Groups C TVSA 
154 V_TVSA_NAC Groups - Output Assignment C TVSA 
155 V_TVSB Shipping Conditions C TVSB 
157 V_TVSD Customer: Statistics groups C TVSD 
158 V_TVSF SD: Statistics Groups for Document Types and Item Categories C TVSF 
159 V_TVSFK Statistics Update Sequence: Document Header C TVSFK 
160 V_TVSFP Statistic Update Group: Item C TVSFP 
161 V_TVSHP Shipping Parameters at Client-level C TVSHP 
162 V_TVSHP_DSP Subsequent Outbound Delivery Split and Lock at GI Posting C TVSHP 
163 V_TVSHP_HU Unique HU Number Assignment at Client Level C TVSHP 
164 V_TVSLT Deliveries: Texts Processing Status C TVSLT 
165 V_TVSM Material: Statistics Groups C TVSM 
166 V_TVSR Routes: Legs C TVSR 
167 V_TVST Shipping Points C TVST 
168 V_TVSTZ Shipping Point Determination C TVSTZ 
169 V_TVSTZ_STORLOC Storage-Location-Specific Shipping Point Determination C TVSTZ_STORLOC 
170 V_TVST_ADR Shipping Point Addresses D TVST 
171 V_TVST_ALW Scheduling with Route Schedule for Shipping Point C TVST 
172 V_TVST_IMESS Controllable Error Messages: Messages in Multiple Proc. Log C TVST 
173 V_TVST_KOM Organizational Unit: Shipping Pts. - Print Picking List C TVST 
174 V_TVST_KOQ Picking Confirmation C TVST 
175 V_TVST_LOK Organizational Unit: Shipping Point Locations C TVST 
176 V_TVST_NAC Organizational Unit: Shipping Points - Output Determination C TVST 
177 V_TVST_RF Assignment: Departure Country/Zone to Shipping Point C TVST 
178 V_TVST_ROF Organizational unit: Shipping point - working hours C TVST 
179 V_TVSU Material Substitution: Reasons C TVSU 
180 V_TVSWZ_LK Assignment of Shipping Points to Plants C TVSWZ 
181 V_TVTA_ASSIGN Assignment Sales Org. - Distribution Channel - Division C TVTA 
182 V_TVTA_CCU Sales Area Def.Values - Customer Check ship/sold-to C TVTA 
183 V_TVTA_GRE Org.Unit: Sales Area - Business Area Determination Rule C TVTA 
184 V_TVTA_IV Dunning Areas C TVTA 
185 V_TVTA_KFV Sales Area - Business Area Determination SlsOrg/DstCh C TVTA 
186 V_TVTA_KKB Sales Area: Allocation to Credit Control Area C TVTA 
187 V_TVTA_LK Definition of Sales Areas C TVTA 
188 V_TVTA_VFP Sales Area: Default Values for Availability Check C TVTA 
189 V_TVTA_W Maintain Promotion Determination per Sales Area C TVTA 
190 V_TVTB Date Description Maintenance C TVTB 
191 V_TVTF Shipment Cost Types C TVTF 
192 V_TVTG Reasons for Date Deviation C TVTG 
193 V_TVTK Shipment Types C TVTK 
194 V_TVTK_DL Transport Type Dependent Data for Shipping Deadlines C TVTK 
195 V_TVTK_DLT Assign Time Segments to Shipment Type C TVTK 
196 V_TVTK_NAC Transport: Types - Output Determination C TVTK 
197 V_TVTK_PROF Activity Profiles for Shipment Types C TVTK 
198 V_TVTK_SD Assignment: Partner Determination Procedure to Shipment C TVTK 
199 V_TVTK_STA Assignment of Statistics Groups to Shipment Type C TVTK 
200 V_TVTK_TXT Access sequence: Shipment types C TVTK 
201 V_TVTK_VFK Assign Shipment Cost Types C TVTK 
202 V_TVTK_VFR Shipment Cost Relevance for Shipping Types C TVTK 
203 V_TVTR Routes: Modes of Transport C TVTR 
204 V_TVTR_COM Mode of Transport C TVTR 
205 V_TVTW Distribution channels C TVTW 
206 V_TVTY Packaging Material Types C TVTY 
207 V_TVTY_NAC Handling Unit Output C TVTY 
208 V_TVTY_NR Handling Unit: Control No.Assignment for Each Pack.Mat.Type C TVTY 
209 V_TVTZ Deadline Functions C TVTZ 
210 V_TVT_CA_SDELI Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for Deliveries C TVT_CA_SDELI 
211 V_TVT_CA_SDELI_R Restriction of Fwdg Agent Selection Variants for Deliveries C TVT_CA_SDELI_R 
212 V_TVT_CA_SSHIP View: Selection Variants of Forwarding Agent for Shipments C TVT_CA_SSHIP 
213 V_TVT_CA_TRA Transportation Basis Data for Forwarding Agent C TVT_CA_TRA 
214 V_TVT_CA_USR Assignment Between Forwarding Agent and SAP System User C TVT_CA_USR 
215 V_TVUV Incompletion Control: Procedures C TVUV 
216 V_TVUVF Incompletion Control: Fields C TVUVF 
217 V_TVUVFC Incompletion Control: Function Codes C TVUVFC 
218 V_TVUVFCT Incompletion Log: Function Code: Texts C TVUVFCT 
219 V_TVUVG Incompletion Control - Object Categories C TVUVG 
220 V_TVUVS Incompletion Control: Status Groups C TVUVS 
221 V_TVV1 Customer Group 1 C TVV1 
222 V_TVV2 Customer Group 2 C TVV2 
223 V_TVV3 Customer Group 3 C TVV3 
224 V_TVV4 Customer Group 4 C TVV4 
225 V_TVV5 Customer Group 5 C TVV5 
226 V_TVVD Maintenance of Profile for Contract Data C TVVD 
227 V_TVVFS Variant Matching Procedure: Procedures C TVVFS 
228 V_TVVFZ Variant Matching Procedure: Time Control C TVVFZ 
229 V_TVVW Item Usage C TVVW 
230 V_TVWA "Customers: Goods Receiving Hours (Default Values)" C TVWA 
231 V_TVZ01 Customiz. prefilter inc.pmnt dist./overpmnt/adv.pmnt cancel C TVZ01 
232 V_TVZ02 Inc.pmnt dist. criteria C TVZ02 
233 V_TVZ03 Inc.pmnt distrib. flow control/Adv.- and overpmnts C TVZ03 
234 V_TVZ04 Customizing incoming payment distribution C TVZ04 
235 V_TVZ05 Editing under internal activity number C TVZ05 
236 V_TVZ05_I Incoming Payments: Processing by Activity Type C TVZ05 
237 V_TVZ05_RE Not Used C TVZ05 
238 V_TVZ06 Value table criteria C TVZ06 
239 V_TVZB Payment Condition: Allocate Security C TVZB 
240 V_TVZP Maintain Planning Delivery Schedule Instructions C TVZP 
241 V_TVZS Maintain Delivery Schedule Splitting Rules C TVZS 
242 V_TVZZ Assign Delivery Schedule Splitting Rules C TVZZ 
243 V_TW01 Customizing Securities Classification C TW01 
244 V_TW01N Securities: Classification C TW01 
245 V_TW02 Customizing Investment Type C TW02 
246 V_TW02N Securities: Shareholding Type C TW02 
247 V_TW03 Customizing Investment Type Structure Details C TW03 
248 V_TW03N Securities: Shareholding Type Structure Details C TW03 
249 V_TW04 Customizing legal form C TW04 
250 V_TW05 Customizing insurance branch C TW05 
251 V_TW06 Customizing BAV 4/77 C TW06 
252 V_TW06S Unit of Measure Rounding Rule C TW06S 
253 V_TW07 Customizing SCB Asset Group C TW07 
254 V_TW07N Securities: SCB Asset group C TW07 
255 V_TW08 Customizing Financial Accounting Asset Group C TW08 
256 V_TW08N Securities: FIBU Asset group C TW08 
257 V_TW08T_TEXTS Texts for Asset Grouping P TW08T 
258 V_TW09 Customizing PRF-number C TW09 
259 V_TW09B Customizing PRF-number relationship C TW09B 
260 V_TW10 Customizing sub-section C TW10 
261 V_TW10B Customizing sub-section relationship C TW10B 
262 V_TW11 Customizing balance sheet indicator C TW11 
263 V_TW11N Customizing balance sheet indicator C TW11 
264 V_TW12 Customizing BAV group 501 C TW12 
265 V_TW12B Customizing BAV group 501 relationship C TW12B 
266 V_TW14 Customizing Reservation Reasons C TW14 
267 V_TW14N Securities: Reason for Reservation C TW14 
268 V_TW15 Customizing: Refer. btwn Product Type and Repayment Type C TW15 
269 V_TW15N Securities: Refer.btw. Prod.Type and Repmnt Type C TW15 
270 V_TW16 Customizing: Refer. btwn Product Type + Secur.Classificat. C TW16 
271 V_TW16N Refer.btw. Prod.Type and Securities Classif. C TW16 
272 V_TW17N Securities: Blocking Flags C TW17 
273 V_TW18 Customizing view for maintaining SCB indicator C TW18 
274 V_TW18N Securities: Maintain SCB Indicator C TW18 
275 V_TW19 Securities form view C TW19 
276 V_TW20 Customizing security type C TW20 
277 V_TW20N Define Security Types C TW20 
278 V_TW21 Customizing funds type C TW21 
279 V_TW21N Securities: Define Fund Types C TW21 
280 V_TW21_BAV Assign funds types exclusively to bond funds C TZ43 
281 V_TW22 General Security Classification C TW22 
282 V_TW50 Securities: Maintain Custody Type C TW50 
283 V_TW53 Listing key C TW53 
284 V_TW53N Securities: Listing Key C TW53 
285 V_TW54 Price notations C TW54 
286 V_TW54N Securities: Additional Price Details C TW54 
287 V_TW55 Price markdowns C TW55 
288 V_TW55N Securities: Price markdowns C TW55 
289 V_TW56 Security price type C TW56 
290 V_TW56N Securities: Security Price Types C TW56 
291 V_TWAA Promotion type C TWAA 
292 V_TWAA_NAC Assignment of schema to doc. type C TWAA 
293 V_TWAC Map CRM Campaign Type to Promotion Type C TWAC 
294 V_TWAHD Alternative Historical Data for Forecast C TWAHD 
295 V_TWAP1 Maintain appointment profile C TWAP1 
296 V_TWAP2 Reasons for date variance C TWAP2 
297 V_TWAT Promotion themes C TWAT 
298 V_TWB08 Assign Flow Types per Condition Group to Appl. Subfunctions C TWB08 
299 V_TWB08A Assign Flow Types to Application Subfunctions C TWB08A 
300 V_TWB08N Securities: Other Flows C TWB08 
301 V_TWB2HEDGE Hedge Types C TWB2HEDGE 
302 V_TWB2HEDGECURR Hedge for Each Currency C TWB2HEDGECURR 
303 V_TWB2HEDGEPART Business Partner for Each Company Code C TWB2HEDGEPART 
304 V_TWBA Pricing document type C TWBA 
305 V_TWBACCTYPE GT Expenses: Accounting Type C TWBACCTYPE 
306 V_TWBB Assortment list type C TWBB 
307 V_TWBBB Maintenance view-Transact.categ.- Secur.transact.type alloc. C TWBBB 
308 V_TWBBBN Allocation Flow Category - Flow Type C TWBBB 
309 V_TWBBM Control of Logistics Quantities C TWBBM 
310 V_TWBBP Assortment list profile parameters C TWBBP 
311 V_TWBCLASSASSIGN GT Expenses: Assign Expense Class C TWBCLASSASSIGN 
312 V_TWBEXCLASS GT Expenses: Expense Class C TWBEXCLASS 
313 V_TWBEXP GT Expenses: Vendor Billing Documents per TEW Type C TWBEXP 
315 V_TWBEXSTEP Link Between Expense Document Type and TEW Step C TWBEXSTEP 
316 V_TWBN Reason for Price Change C TWBN 
317 V_TWBO0 Parameters for PO-based load building and investment buying C TWBO0 
318 V_TWBO1 Profiles for PO-based load building C TWBO1 
319 V_TWBO2 Maintain restriction profile C TWBO2 
320 V_TWBO3 Maintain restrictions C TWBO3 
321 V_TWBO4 Maintain restriction categories C TWBO4 
322 V_TWBP Assortment list profile C TWBP 
323 V_TWBPOSTYPASSIG GT Expenses: Assign Posting Types to Group C TWBPOSTYPASSIGN 
324 V_TWBPOSTYPE GT Expenses: Type of Posting C TWBPOSTTYPE 
326 V_TWBVBDDETMET GT Expenses: Vendor Billing Doc. Determination Method C TWBVBDDETMET 
328 V_TWB_STRUCTURE Test Structure Attribute Selection View D TTREE 
329 V_TWC37 Status Definition: Securities C TZC37 
331 V_TWCBCHAINCHKE Check Classes for Customer Checks on Chains C TWCBCHAINCHKE 
332 V_TWCBCHAINCHKI Check Classes for Standard Chain Checks C TWCBCHAINCHKI 
333 V_TWCBCHAINCOCKE Check Classes for Customer Checks on Cond. Fields in Chains C TWCBCHAINCOCKE 
337 V_TWCBCPCTYPE Condition Type Copy Control C TWCBCPCTYPE 
338 V_TWCBCPGRP Copy Control Group C TWCBCPGRP 
339 V_TWCBCPGRPASSIG Assignment of Billing Type to Copy Group C TWCBCPGRPASSIGN 
340 V_TWCBCPPRSCH Pricing Procedure Copy Control C TWCBCPPRSCH 
341 V_TWCBGENCHKE Check Classes for Customer Checks of Table Fields C TWCBGENCHKE 
342 V_TWCBGENCHKI Check Classes for Standard Checks of Table Fields C TWCBGENCHKI 
343 V_TWCBGENCOCHKE Check Classes for Customer Checks on Condition Fields C TWCBGENCOCHKE 
345 V_TWCBRESTRICT Classes That Determine Restrictions C TWCBRESTRICTION 
346 V_TWCBRESTRICTCA Classes That Determine Restrictions (with Category) C TWCBRESTRICTCAT 
347 V_TWCBTXTGRP Text Determination Procedure C TWCBTXTGRP 
348 V_TWCBTXTGRPID Text Types in Determination Procedure C TWCBTXTGRPID 
349 V_TWCMR Category Management: Roles C TWCMR 
350 V_TWCMURL Assignment of BW Analyses to Internet Addresses C TWCMURL 
351 V_TWCOL VarChart Graphics: Colors C TWCOL 
352 V_TWCP Profile for Distributing Discounts in POS Inbound C TWCP 
353 V_TWD01_AC View for Assignment of Securities Account to Accounting Code D TWD01 
354 V_TWDR Transactions with Automatic Revaluation at Retail C TWDR 
355 V_TWDRD Profile for Delivery Relationship Determination C TWDRD 
356 V_TWDRD_DOCTP Delivery Relationshp: Document Types per Document Category C TWDRD_DOCTP 
357 V_TWEA Material Pricing Groups C TWEA 
358 V_TWEGO Assign price point group to org. level/material group C TWEGO 
359 V_TWEK Customer Groups C TWEK 
360 V_TWEP Label Categories C TWEP 
361 V_TWET Label Type C TWET 
362 V_TWEV Determination sequences (&1) C TWEV 
363 V_TWEVZ Steps in determination sequence C TWEVZ 
364 V_TWEW External Material Group C TWEW 
365 V_TWEZ Labeling Party C TWEZ 
366 V_TWFO Active Indicator Order Release C TZFO 
367 V_TWFPF Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution C TWFPF 
368 V_TWFPFG Plant Profiles for Merchandise Distribution - Bus. Processes C TWFPFG 
369 V_TWFPFG_ADD Business Processes with Stock Reduction C TWFPFG 
370 V_TWFPF_ADD Plant Profiles for Distribution with Stock Reduction C TWFPF 
371 V_TWGF Area schema C TWGF 
372 V_TWGLV Layout area C TWGLV 
373 V_TWGR Size interval/price calculation assignment D TWGR 
374 V_TWGTA Global Trade Management: Control Table C TWGTA 
375 V_TWGTA_CFM Global Trade: Control Table - CFM Settings C TWGTA 
376 V_TWGV Layout C TWGV 
377 V_TWGVALE Layout Number Ranges for ALE Inbound C TWGVALE 
378 V_TWH01 Customizing Stock Exchange table C TWH01 
379 V_TWH01N Securities: Exchanges C TWH01 
380 V_TWIC0100 Define Customizing Schema with Basis Settings (GR) C TWICSCM 
381 V_TWIC0100N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
382 V_TWIC0101N Permitted Reference Documents per Business Process C TWIC0101 
383 V_TWIC0200 Customizing Schema with Basis Settings (Goods Mov/Transfer) C TWICSCM 
384 V_TWIC0200N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
385 V_TWIC0250 General Business Transactions for Other Goods Movements C TWIC0250 
386 V_TWIC0250N General Business Transactions for Other Goods Movements C TWIC0250 
387 V_TWIC0260 General business transactions for stock transfers C TWIC0250 
388 V_TWIC0260N General Business Transactions for Stock Transfers C TWIC0250 
389 V_TWIC0300N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
390 V_TWIC0301N Assign Allowed Purchasing Document Types C TWIC0301 
391 V_TWIC0302N Assign Allowed Reasons for Ordering C TWIC0302 
392 V_TWIC0400N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
393 V_TWIC0401N Assign Permitted Reference Document Categories C TWIC0401 
394 V_TWIC0403A Define Grouping Schema and Assign Chart of Accounts C TWICSCM 
395 V_TWIC0403B Assign Accounts for Cash Payment C TWIC0403B 
396 V_TWIC0404N Assign Permitted Reversal Reasons to Schema C TWIC0404 
397 V_TWIC0500 Define Customizing schemas with basic settings C TWICSCM 
398 V_TWIC0500N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
399 V_TWIC0501 Assign Allowed Order Types C TWIC0501 
400 V_TWIC0501N Assign Allowed Sales Document Types C TWIC0501 
401 V_TWIC0600 Define Customizing Schemas with Phys. Inventory Basic Data C TWICSCM 
402 V_TWIC0600N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
403 V_TWIC0700N Global Control of Store Order Function in Retail Store C TWICSCM 
404 V_TWIC0750N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
405 V_TWIC0800 Basic Data for Screen for Defining Sales Prices C TWICSCM 
406 V_TWIC0800N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
407 V_TWIC1000FM SRS Vendor Master: Master for Fields on Tabstrips C TWIC1000FM 
408 V_TWIC1000TSK SAP Retail Store: Tasks for Field Attribute Control C TWIC1000TSK 
409 V_TWIC1001F_1101 Assign Fields to Title Element C TWIC1001F 
410 V_TWIC1001F_1201 Assign Fields to Title Element C TWIC1001F 
411 V_TWIC1001_1101 Assign Title Element to Schema C TWIC1001 
412 V_TWIC1001_1201 Assign Title Element to Schema C TWIC1001 
413 V_TWIC1002_1210 Assign Buttons on Entry Screeen to Schema C TWIC1002 
414 V_TWIC1010A_102 Define Grouping Schema and Assign Chart of Accounts C TWICSCM 
415 V_TWIC1010A_402 Define Grouping Schema and Assign Chart of Accounts C TWICSCM 
416 V_TWIC1010B_102 Assign Permitted G/L Accounts C TWIC1010B 
417 V_TWIC1010B_402 Assign Permitted G/L Accounts C TWIC1010B 
418 V_TWIC1020_1202 Permitted Units of Measurement C TWIC1020 
419 V_TWIC1020_1203 Permitted Units of Length C TWIC1020 
420 V_TWIC1020_1204 Permitted Units of Weight C TWIC1020 
421 V_TWIC1020_1205 Permitted Units of Measurement C TWIC1020 
422 V_TWIC1100CLNT Cross-Plant Settings for Vendor Master Maintenance C TWIC1100CLNT 
423 V_TWIC1100N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
424 V_TWIC1200CLNT Cross-Plant Settings for Material Master Maintenance C TWIC1200CLNT 
425 V_TWIC1200N Define Customizing Schemas with Basic Settings C TWICSCM 
426 V_TWIC8000 Profiles for product presentation C TWICSCM 
427 V_TWIC8001 Customer administration profiles C TWICSCM 
428 V_TWIC8002 Profiles for quotation and order control C TWICSCM 
429 V_TWIC8003 Assign countries C TWIC8003 
430 V_TWIC8003N Assign Countries C TWIC8003 
431 V_TWIC8003_1102 Assign Countries C TWIC8003 
432 V_TWICAPPL Applications C TWICAPPL 
433 V_TWICMESSAGE Change Characteristics of System Messages C TWICMESSAGE 
434 V_TWICMESSAGE_IN Only Internal: Create System Messages C TWICMESSAGE 
435 V_TWICMESSAGE_NE Characteristics of System Messages C TWICMESSAGE 
436 V_TWICOBJ Customizing objects C TWICOBJ 
438 V_TWICSCM101N Grouping of Permitted Reference Docs per Business Process C TWICSCM 
439 V_TWICSCM250 Grouping of business transactions (other goods movement) C TWICSCM 
440 V_TWICSCM250N Grouping of Business Transactions (Other Goods Movement) C TWICSCM 
441 V_TWICSCM260 Grouping of business transactions (stock transfers) C TWICSCM 
442 V_TWICSCM260N Grouping of Business Transactions (Stock Transfers) C TWICSCM 
443 V_TWICSCM301N Define Grouping of Allowed Order Types C TWICSCM 
444 V_TWICSCM302N Grouping of Allowed Reasons for Ordering C TWICSCM 
445 V_TWICSCM401N Grouping of Permitted Reference Document Categories C TWICSCM 
446 V_TWICSCM501 Define grouping of allowed order types C TWICSCM 
447 V_TWICSCM501N Define Grouping of Allowed Order Types C TWICSCM 
448 V_TWICSCM8003 Maintain country schemas C TWICSCM 
449 V_TWICSCM8003KA Define Grouping for Countries C TWICSCM 
450 V_TWICSCM801N Grouping of System Messages C TWICSCM 
451 V_TWICSCMF Assign Customizing Schemas to Plants C TWICSCMF 
452 V_TWICSCMF0100 Assignment of Customizing Schemas to Plants (Goods Receipt) C TWICSCMF 
453 V_TWICSCMF0200 Assignment of Customizing schemas to plants (goods mov/tran) C TWICSCMF 
454 V_TWICSCMF0250 Assign Business Transaction Grouping to Plants (Other GM) C TWICSCMF 
455 V_TWICSCMF0260 Assign Business Transaction Grouping to Plants (Stock Trans) C TWICSCMF 
456 V_TWICSCMF301N Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
457 V_TWICSCMF302N Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
458 V_TWICSCMF501 Assign order type grouping to plants C TWICSCMF 
459 V_TWICSCMF600 Assign Customizing Schemas to Plants C TWICSCMF 
460 V_TWICSCMF800 Assign Customizing Schemas to Plants C TWICSCMF 
461 V_TWICSCMF8003 Assign Country Grouping to Plants C TWICSCMF 
462 V_TWICSCMFN Assignment of Customizing Schemas to Plants C TWICSCMF 
463 V_TWICSCMF_0101 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
464 V_TWICSCMF_0102 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
465 V_TWICSCMF_0400 Assignment of Customizing Schemas to Plants C TWICSCMF 
466 V_TWICSCMF_0401 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
467 V_TWICSCMF_0402 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
468 V_TWICSCMF_0403 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
469 V_TWICSCMF_0404 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
470 V_TWICSCMF_1100 Assignment of Customizing Schemas to Plants C TWICSCMF 
471 V_TWICSCMF_1101 Assignment of Customizing Schemas to Plants C TWICSCMF 
472 V_TWICSCMF_1102 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
473 V_TWICSCMF_1200 Assignment of Customizing Schemas to Plants C TWICSCMF 
474 V_TWICSCMF_1201 Assignment of Customizing Schemas to Plants C TWICSCMF 
475 V_TWICSCMF_1202 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
476 V_TWICSCMF_1203 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
477 V_TWICSCMF_1204 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
478 V_TWICSCMF_1205 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
479 V_TWICSCMF_1210 Assignment of Grouping Schema to Plants C TWICSCMF 
480 V_TWICSCM_0404 Schema for Permitted Reversal Reasons C TWICSCM 
481 V_TWICSCM_1101 Retail Store II: Define Schema for Field Selection C TWICSCM 
482 V_TWICSCM_1201 Retail Store II: Define Schema for Field Selection C TWICSCM 
483 V_TWICSCM_1202 Grouping of Permitted Units of Measurement C TWICSCM 
484 V_TWICSCM_1203 Grouping of Permitted Units of Length C TWICSCM 
485 V_TWICSCM_1204 Grouping of Permitted Units of Weight C TWICSCM 
486 V_TWICSCM_1205 Grouping of Permitted Units of Volume C TWICSCM 
487 V_TWICSCM_1210 Define Schema for Buttons on Entry Screen C TWICSCM 
488 V_TWICSKEY Definition of bus. trans. for select boxes (other GM) C TWICSKEY 
489 V_TWICSKEY0260 Definition of bus. trans. in select boxes (stock transfer) C TWICSKEY 
490 V_TWIK Internet Application Component Product Catalog C TWIK 
491 V_TWISPC_ASORTZ Assignment of Store Groups to Assortments C TWISPC_ASORTZ 
493 V_TWISPC_CUA Customer-Specific CUA Status and Title C TWISPC_CUA 
494 V_TWISPC_DPLVA Manual Planning Variants for Planning Layout C TWISPC_DPLVA 
495 V_TWISPC_DPLVV Default Parameters for Manual Planning Variants C TWISPC_DPLVV 
496 V_TWISPC_FBATTRB Planning Hierarchy Structure:Function Modules for Attributes C TWISPC_FBATTRB 
497 V_TWISPC_FBMDHIE Planning Hierarchy Structure: Function Modules for Hierarchy C TWISPC_FBMDHIE 
498 V_TWISPC_FCODES Customer-Specific Menu Functions for Manual Planning C TWISPC_FCODES 
500 V_TWISPC_FILGRPZ Assignment of Stores to Store Groups C TWISPC_FILGRPZ