- V-1 V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-11 V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 V-27 V-28 V-29 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36 V-37 V-38 V-39 V-40 V-41 V-42 V-43 V-44 V-45 V-46 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 V-58 V-59 V-60 V-61 V-62 V-63
View - V
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | V_CWTYA02_2 | Action Sequence | C | CWTYA02 |
2 | V_CWTYA05 | Processing Statuses | C | CWTYA05 |
3 | V_CWTYA06 | Assignment Function Code - Action Code | C | CWTYA06 |
4 | V_CWTYA08 | Pushbutton Profile | C | CWTYA08 |
5 | V_CWTYA09 | Assignment Pushbutton Profile - Action Control | C | CWTYA09 |
6 | V_CWTYA11 | View for Keyboard Functions | C | CWTYA11 |
7 | V_CWTYA12 | Link Internal Functions to Actions | C | CWTYA12 |
8 | V_CWTYC01 | Assignment Copy Procedure - Claim Type | C | CWTYC01 |
9 | V_CWTYC02 | Copy Procedures | C | CWTYC02 |
10 | V_CWTYC03 | Fields that Are not To Be Copied | C | CWTYC03 |
11 | V_CWTYR06 | Assignment Message, Decision Code, Manual Processing | C | CWTYR06 |
12 | V_CWTYVS | Activation of Validations/Substitutions | C | CWTYVS |
13 | V_CZV_0 | Restricted Batches for Batch at Plant Level | D | MCHA |
14 | V_CZV_1 | Restricted-Use Batches for Cross-Plant Batch | D | MCH1 |
15 | V_CZV_MCHB | Batch Material - Batch Status Management | P | MCHB |
16 | V_CZV_MCSD | Customer Stock - Status Management | P | MCSD |
17 | V_CZV_MKOL | Consignment Material - Batch Status Management | P | MKOL |
18 | V_CZV_MSCD | Customer Stock at Vendor - Status Management | P | MSCD |
19 | V_CZV_MSFD | Customer order stock at vendor - status management | P | MSFD |
20 | V_CZV_MSID | Vendor stock at vendor - status management | P | MSID |
21 | V_CZV_MSKA | Sales Order Stock - Status Management | P | MSKA |
22 | V_CZV_MSKU | Customer Special Stocks - Status Management | P | MSKU |
23 | V_CZV_MSLB | Material Provided to Vendor - Status Management | P | MSLB |
24 | V_CZV_MSPR | Project Stock - Status Management | P | MSPR |
25 | V_CZV_MSRD | Project stock at vendor - status management | P | MSRD |
26 | V_C_FCODE | View for internal tables in SE18/19/20 | D | SXS_FCODE |
27 | V_C_SCRN | View for an internal table for SE18/19/20 | D | SXS_SCRN |
28 | V_C_TMFK3 | Price Change Group: Possible Fields | C | TMFK3 |
29 | V_DAMOBJPROPCAT | View for F4 Help Damaged Object in Claim Items | D | ICLDAMOBJ |
30 | V_DBCON_HELP | Oracle monitoring: help view for selecting ORA connection | H | DBCON |
31 | V_DBMS_F4 | View for F4 help for hosts in landscape | D | ACCONTEXTDIR |
32 | V_DBT7PIQT100S | Database View of Overridable Messages | D | T7PIQT100S |
33 | V_DB_ATVO61 | Database View for Interest Rate Volatility | D | ATVO61 |
34 | V_DB_ATVO62 | Database View for Currency Volatility | D | ATVO62 |
35 | V_DB_ATVO63 | Database View for Security Volatility | D | ATVO63 |
36 | V_DB_ATVO64 | Database View for Index Volatility | D | ATVO64 |
37 | V_DB_BUT | SAP Business Partner: Database View of Partner and Role | D | BUT000 |
38 | V_DB_MDMA | MRP area view for tables MDMA and MDLV | D | MDLV |
39 | V_DB_TA21L | IATA Locations | D | TA21L |
40 | V_DB_TFK047B | Database View for Search Help for Item Dunning Procedure | D | TFK047A |
41 | V_DD02B | DD: View of Structured Object Header | D | DD02B |
42 | V_DD02BND | DD: Node List for Struct.Objects, Runtime, Active Version | D | DD02BND |
43 | V_DD02L | Search Help for NODE Tables | D | DD02L |
44 | V_DD02T | Texts only for TRANSP and POOL tables | D | DD02T |
45 | V_DD03L | Projection: Table Name, Field Name, Key, Roll Name | D | DD03L |
46 | V_DD05B | DD: View of Associations: Runtime Data, Active Version | D | DD08B |
47 | V_DD05F | DD: Association Filter, Runtime, Active Version | D | DD05F |
48 | V_DD08B | DD: View of Associations: Header, Runtime, Active Version | D | DD08B |
49 | V_DD12_FULLTXT | DD: Full Text Index Columns | D | DD12L |
50 | V_DD324 | All Transaction Tables Referring to OBJNR | D | DD03L |
51 | V_DDART | DD: View on data class and texts | D | DDART |
52 | V_DDAT_54 | Authorization group assignment to table/view | C | TDDAT |
53 | V_DDCPRO | ABAP Dictionary: View for Displaying CNV Projects | D | DDCPRO |
54 | V_DDLDEP | DD: Dependency Ddl - STOB/VIEW | D | DDLDEPENDENCY |
55 | V_DDLOGTAB | DD: Logged Basis Tables of a Changeable DB/P View | D | DD25L |
56 | V_DDPART | DD: View via TBATG and DDPART | D | TBATG |
57 | V_DDREPLIRVIEWS | DD: Join to determine repl. proj. views for an application | D | DDREPLICATOR |
59 | V_DDREPLIXVIEWS | DD: Join to determine external views for an application | D | DDREPLICATOR |
60 | V_DEADL_WI | View for Determining Deadline Data | D | SWWWIDEADL |
61 | V_DEALTYPE_T | Texts for Sales Promotion Category for BW | D | T6B1 |
62 | V_DEBI_AG | Customers relevant for agency business | D | KNVV |
63 | V_DEF_ACC_CAT | Default Contract Account Category for Student | V | V_T77S0 |
64 | V_DEF_BPPRE | Set Up Standard Prefix for Business Partner Number | V | V_T77S0 |
65 | V_DEF_BP_GROUP | Default Business Partner Grouping for Student | V | V_T77S0 |
66 | V_DEF_BP_TYP_ST | Default Business Partner Type for Student | V | V_T77S0 |
67 | V_DEF_GSTEER | General Control Data for Deferral | C | TDDEF_GSTEER |
68 | V_DEF_MVUNT | Set Up Unit for Module Value | V | V_T77S0 |
69 | V_DEF_POSTPR | Reasons for Manual Postprocessing of a Deferral | C | TDDEF_POSTPR |
70 | V_DEF_REASON | Reasons for Deferral | C | TDDEF_REASON |
71 | V_DEF_REL_CA_SP | Set Up Standard Relationship Between SP and Contract Account | V | V_T77S0 |
72 | V_DEF_REL_CA_ST | Set Up Standard Relationship Between ST and Contract Account | V | V_T77S0 |
73 | V_DEF_RFC_GROUP | Standard RFC group | V | V_T77S0 |
74 | V_DEF_RSTYP | Help View for default resource types | D | LRSTY |
75 | V_DEF_TZPAB | Settings for Product Type | C | TZPAB |
76 | V_DEVGART | Forex: Forex Attributes of Transaction Types | C | AT10X |
77 | V_DEVL | Maintenance View for Transport Layers | C | DEVL |
78 | V_DEV_SOL | Different Conflict Resolution | C | ERESOL_CUST |
79 | V_DFCU01 | Datafeed: Translation Table Currencies | C | VTB_DFCU |
80 | V_DFCU02 | Datafeed: Translation Table Securities | C | VTB_DFCU |
81 | V_DFCU03 | Datafeed: Translation Table Reference Interest Rates | C | VTB_DFCU |
82 | V_DFCU04 | Datafeed: Translation Table Indices | C | VTB_DFCU |
83 | V_DFCU05 | Datafeed: Translation Table for Commodities | C | VTB_DFCU |
84 | V_DFCU06 | Datafeed: Translation Table CPE Commodities | C | VTB_DFCU |
85 | V_DFCU08 | Datafeed: Translation Table for Derivative Contract Spec. | C | VTB_DFCU |
86 | V_DFCU08_MASS | Datafeed: Translation Table for Derivative Contract Spec. | C | VTB_DFCU |
87 | V_DFCU09 | Datafeed: Basis Spread Translation Table | C | VTB_DFCU |
88 | V_DFCU21 | Datafeed: Translation Table for Forwards | C | VTB_DFCU |
89 | V_DFCU30 | Datafeed: Translation Table for Volatilities | C | VTB_DFCU |
90 | V_DFCU30B | Datafeed: Translation Table for Volatilities | C | VTB_DFCU |
91 | V_DFCU30N | Datafeed: Translation Table for Volatilities | C | VTB_DFCU |
92 | V_DFCU31 | Datafeed: Translation Table Currency Volatilities | C | VTB_DFCU |
93 | V_DFCU32 | Datafeed: Translation Table for Securities Volatilities | C | VTB_DFCU |
94 | V_DFCU33 | Datafeed: Translation Table Interest Volatilities | C | VTB_DFCU |
95 | V_DFCU34 | Datafeed: Translation Table for Index Volatilities | C | VTB_DFCU |
96 | V_DFKKBRLEVYCODE | Brazil: Levy Code for Barcode Payment Method | C | DFKKBRLEVYCODE |
97 | V_DFKKBRSEQ | Brazil : Control of DME File Sequence Number | C | DFKKBRSEQ |
98 | V_DFKKCJM | Cash Journal Master Data | C | DFKKCJM |
99 | V_DFKKCOHI_ARC | Archiving: Leading Table for Archiving and Deleting | D | DFKKCOHI |
100 | V_DFKKCROWN | Owner of Prenumbered Check Forms | C | DFKKCROWN |
101 | V_DFKKKO_EURO | EURO: View for Reading DFKKKO | D | DFKKKO |
102 | V_DFKKOPK_EURO | EURO: Update View for DFKKOPK | D | DFKKOPK |
103 | V_DFKKOP_EURO | EURO: Update View for DFKKOP | D | DFKKOP |
104 | V_DFKKOP_RS | Update View for DFKKOP: Euro Convsn Instalmnt and Coll.Billg | D | DFKKOP |
105 | V_DFKKREP03 | Payment History: Posting Totals for Debit Entries | D | DFKKREP03 |
106 | V_DFKKREP04 | Open Items at Period End | D | DFKKREP04 |
107 | V_DFKKREP05 | Payment History: Reversals and Write-Offs | D | DFKKREP05 |
108 | V_DFKKTAXEX | Maintain FI-CA Tax Exemptions | C | DFKKTAXEX |
109 | V_DFKKTAX_EXEMPT | FI-CA Tax Exemptions | C | DFKKTAX_EXEMPT |
110 | V_DFKKVBUND | View for History: Trading Partners (VBUND) for GPART | C | DFKKVBUND |
111 | V_DFPAYV_FORMI | Payment Medium: Selection Variants - Formats for Variants | C | DFPAYV |
112 | V_DFPAYV_VARI | Payment Medium: Selection Variants - Variants | C | DFPAYV |
113 | V_DFPM_AUTH | Payment Medium: Authorization Check Origin Active | C | DFPM_AUTH |
114 | V_DIALOG_CONFIG | Configuration Settings for GR Dialog | C | BORGR_DIALOG_PRO |
115 | V_DIALOG_FILTER | Filter Settings | C | BORGR_FILTER_PRO |
116 | V_DIDCN_GA_ANLKL | Asset Class for Golden Tax Audit | D | IDCN_GA_ANLKL |
117 | V_DIDCN_GA_BWASL | Database view for Transcation types | D | IDCN_GA_BWASL |
118 | V_DIDCN_GA_DEP | Reporting parameters for Depreciation Key | D | IDCN_GA_DEP |
119 | V_DIMAPARPP_REV | Payment Plans: Payment Plan Reversal | C | DIMAPARPPLAN_REV |
120 | V_DIMAPA_REV_DE | Payment Plan Reversal Detail Display | C | DIMAPA_REV_DETA |
121 | V_DISTCRT_ROLE | Maintenance View for Table BPC_DISTCRT_ROLE | C | BPC_DISTCRT_ROLE |
122 | V_DITCOKO | Movement Types for PM/CS Orders | C | DITCOKO |
123 | V_DIWPS_COMP | Reallocation: Conversion of Component Plant/Storage location | C | DIWPS_COMP |
124 | V_DIWPS_CUST | Reallocation: Customizing | C | DIWPS_CUST |
125 | V_DIWPS_WORK | Reallocation: Conversion of Operation Plant/Work Center | C | DIWPS_WORK |
126 | V_DMEE_TECH_ABA | DMEE: Technical Fields in the Transfer Structures | C | DMEE_TECH_ABA |
127 | V_DMEE_TREE_REL | DMEE: Release Indicator for Delivered Format Trees | C | DMEE_TREE |
128 | V_DMEE_TREE_TECH | DMEE: Technical Fields in the Transfer Structures | C | DMEE_TREE_TECH |
129 | V_DMEE_TREE_TYPE | Maintenance View for DMEE_TREE_TYPE | C | DMEE_TREE_TYPE |
130 | V_DMEE_TYPE_ABA | Maintenance View for DMEE_TYPE_ABA | C | DMEE_TYPE_ABA |
131 | V_DML_GROUP | Maintenance View for MDF Groups | C | DML_GROUP |
132 | V_DML_OBJTYPE | Maintenance View for MDF Object Types | C | DML_OBJTYPE |
133 | V_DML_RELTYPE | MDF Relationship Types | C | DML_RELTYPE |
134 | V_DML_SERVICE | Maintenance View for MDF Objects | C | DML_SERVICE |
135 | V_DML_SETTYPE | Maintenance View for DML_SETTYPE | C | DML_SETTYPE |
136 | V_DML_TEXTTYPE | Maintenance View for MDF Text Types | C | DML_TEXTTYPE |
137 | V_DML_TXTTYPOBJ | Maintenance View for Text Types for MDF Objects | C | DML_TEXTTYPEOBJ |
138 | V_DMS_IDX_MIMES | DMS: Definition of MIME Type for Indexing (View) | C | DMS_IDX_MIMES |
139 | V_DMS_OI | DMS: maintenance view of settings for office integration | C | DMS_OI |
140 | V_DMS_OI_1 | DMS: ALT (maintenance view for settings of OI) | C | DMS_OI |
141 | V_DMS_TDWA_THUMB | Display View for Table DMS_TDWA_THUMB | C | DMS_TDWA_THUMB |
142 | V_DMS_TDWA_WEB | Web Customizing Document Type for DMS | C | DMS_TDWA_WEB |
143 | V_DMS_TDWA_WF | Web Customizing Document Type -> Web Functions | C | DMS_TDWA_WF |
144 | V_DMS_TDWA_WG | Show/Hide from Field Groups in Web (for DVS) | C | DMS_TDWA_WG |
145 | V_DNOD_NOTIF | View of Messages | D | DNOD_NOTIF |
146 | V_DOCCLS | Maintain Document Classes | C | DOCCLSS |
147 | V_DOCCLS_CN | Maintain Document Classes for China | C | DOCCLSS |
148 | V_DPAYCHKNUM | Checks: Number Lot | C | DPAYCHKNUM |
149 | V_DPAYCHKNUMLOT | Check Number Lot Master Table | C | DPAYCHKSET |
150 | V_DPAYCHKSET | Check: General Settings | C | DPAYCHKSET |
151 | V_DPP_MASK | DPP Customizing Table View | C | DPP_MASK |
153 | V_DPR_ABS_URL | View Absolute URL for Project Management Call | C | DPR_ABS_URL |
154 | V_DPR_APPL_VIEW | Views When Accessing Project Management | C | DPR_APPL_VIEW |
155 | V_DPR_APP_MAP | Applications object mapping | C | DPR_OBL_OBGRP |
156 | V_DPR_APP_MAP2 | Applications object mapping | C | DPR_OBL_OBGRP |
157 | V_DPR_AREA | Area | C | DPR_AREA |
158 | V_DPR_BUPA | View for BUT000 and BUT100 (Employee, Resource) | D | BUT000 |
159 | V_DPR_BW_DQ_DS | Proj.Mgmt BW: Object Cat./DataSource/DataSource Type Assign. | C | DPR_BW_DQ_DS |
160 | V_DPR_BW_SYSSTAT | View Maintenance: BW Status Objects for System Status | C | DPR_BW_SYSSTAT |
161 | V_DPR_BW_USRSTAT | View Maintenance: BW Status Objects for User Status | C | DPR_BW_USERSTAT |
162 | V_DPR_CAUSE | Reason for Project | C | DPR_CAUSE |
163 | V_DPR_CHANGE_DOC | Activate Change Documents | C | CGPL_OBJTYP_PROP |
165 | V_DPR_CHKLST_HTX | View for CGPL_TASK and DPR_CHECKLIST_H (for Texts) | D | CGPL_ENTITY |
169 | V_DPR_CHKLST_ITX | View forf CGPL_TASK and DPR_CHECKLIST_I (for Texts) | D | CGPL_TASK |
172 | V_DPR_CHLST_H_TT | View for CGPL_PROJECT and DPR_CHECKLIST_H (for Texts; Temp.) | D | CGPL_PROJECT |
173 | V_DPR_CI_FGROUPS | Proj.Mgmt: Field Groups for Customer Fields per Proj.Element | C | DPR_CI_FGROUPS |
174 | V_DPR_CI_FG_FLD | Proj.Mgmt: Customer Fields for Field Groups per Proj.Element | C | DPR_CI_FGRP_FLD |
175 | V_DPR_CI_PRJ_FGR | Project Management: Field Groups per Project Type | C | DPR_CI_PROJ_FGRP |
176 | V_DPR_CI_STR_TYP | Project Management: Project Elements with Customer Fields | C | DPR_CI_STR_OTYP |
177 | V_DPR_CI_TY_CHNG | Proj.Mgmt: Customer Fields - Alias per Obj.Cat. of Proj. Pl. | C | DPR_CI_OTYP_CHNG |
178 | V_DPR_CI_UI_SHLP | Proj.Mgmt: UI Options Supported per Search Help Type | C | DPR_CI_UIOP_SHLP |
179 | V_DPR_CLH4PTYPE | Checklist Type per Project Type | C | DPR_CLH_TYPE_P |
180 | V_DPR_CLH_TYPE | Checklist Type | C | DPR_CLH_TYPE |
181 | V_DPR_CP_CATEGORY | Define Categories for Control Plan | V | V_DPR_CP_STAGE |
182 | V_DPR_CP_ITEM | Master Data Table for Control Plan Characteristics | C | DPR_CP_ITEM |
183 | V_DPR_CP_ITEMSYS | Activate Integration of QM Master Inspection Characteristics | C | DPR_CP_ITEM_SYS |
184 | V_DPR_CP_ITEM_DB | Master Data Table for Control Plan Characteristics | D | DPR_CP_ITEM |
185 | V_DPR_CP_PROC | Process Steps in Control Plan | C | DPR_CP_PROC |
186 | V_DPR_CP_SAMPLE | Sample Frequency in Control Plan | C | DPR_CP_SAMPLE |
187 | V_DPR_CP_STAGE | Control Plan: Category | C | DPR_CP_STAGE |
188 | V_DPR_CP_SYSTEM | Test Systems in Control Plan | C | DPR_CP_SYSTEM |
189 | V_DPR_CP_TOOL | Tools, Machines, and so on in Control Plan | C | DPR_CP_TOOL |
192 | V_DPR_CUST_UI_BSP_CUSTOMER | General Interface Settings | V | VDPR_UI_BSP_CUST |
193 | V_DPR_CUST_UI_BSP_SAP | SAP Maintenance View Variant | V | VDPR_UI_BSP_CUST |
194 | V_DPR_DATE_SET | Date Type | C | DPR_DATE_SET |
195 | V_DPR_DIST_VAL | Settings for Distribution | C | DPR_DIST_VAL |
196 | V_DPR_EVAL_EXTR | Maintenance View Evaluations - Extracts for Project Type | C | DPR_EVAL_EXTRACT |
197 | V_DPR_FC | Field Control | C | DPR_FC |
198 | V_DPR_FC_AI | Field Control Information Depending on Authorization | C | DPR_FC_AI |
199 | V_DPR_FC_AI_FG | Field Control Info. Depending on Authorization (Grouped) | C | DPR_FC_AI_FG |
200 | V_DPR_FC_AI_FG_A | Field Control Info. Depending on Authorization (Grouped) | C | DPR_FC_AI_FG |
201 | V_DPR_FC_CI | Field Control Information Depending on Conditions | C | DPR_FC_CI |
202 | V_DPR_FC_CI_FG | Field Control Information According to Conditions (Grouped) | C | DPR_FC_CI_FG |
203 | V_DPR_FC_COND | Conditions for Determining Field Control Information | C | DPR_FC_COND |
204 | V_DPR_FC_FC_OBJT | Object Categories per Field Control Profiles | C | DPR_FC_FC_OBJTYP |
205 | V_DPR_FC_FG | Group Field Control Information in Acc. with Authorization | C | DPR_FC_FG |
206 | V_DPR_FC_FLD_FG | Assign Fields to Field Groups in Field Control | C | DPR_FC_FLD_IN_FG |
207 | V_DPR_FC_MAP | Field Control: Map Internal Fields to External Fields | C | DPR_FC_MAP |
208 | V_DPR_FC_OBJTYP | Field Control: Object Categories | C | DPR_FC_OBJTYPE |
209 | V_DPR_FC_OBJTYPE | Field Control Object Category | C | DPR_FC_OBJTYPE |
210 | V_DPR_FIN_GECCO | Accounting Integration Using Cost Collector in mySAP ERP | C | DPR_FIN_GECCO_CU |
211 | V_DPR_FLD_DETAIL | Field Structure configuration view | C | DPR_FIELD_DETAIL |
212 | V_DPR_FORM | Forms | C | DPR_FORM |
213 | V_DPR_FORMFP | PDF Print Forms | C | DPR_FORMFP |
214 | V_DPR_FORMFP_PRO | PDF Print Forms per Project Type | C | DPR_FORMFP_PRTYP |
215 | V_DPR_FORM_PRTYP | Print Form per Project Type | C | DPR_FORM_PRTYP |
216 | V_DPR_FPCONTEXT | PDF Print Forms | P | FPCONTEXT |
217 | V_DPR_LANGUAGES | Text Languages Supported in Project Management | C | DPR_LANGUAGES |
218 | V_DPR_LOCATION | Location | C | DPR_LOCATION |
219 | V_DPR_LOC_DB | Location | D | DPR_LOCATION |
220 | V_DPR_MAP_RULES | Mapping Rules | C | DPR_MAP_RULES |
221 | V_DPR_MSP_EXT_AT | View for maintaining MSP Extended Attributes Entries | C | DPR_MSP_EXT_ATTR |
222 | V_DPR_OBGRP_INT | Settings for Grouping Object Types | C | DPR_OBL_OBGRP |
223 | V_DPR_OBJ_MAP | BPS DPR Field Mapping | C | DPR_FIELD_MAP |
224 | V_DPR_OBJ_MAP1 | Import of Base System Data to Proj. Mgmt Project Elements | C | DPR_FIELD_MAP |
225 | V_DPR_OBJ_MAP2 | Import of Base System Object data to a Portfolio Item | C | DPR_FIELD_MAP |
226 | V_DPR_OBJ_MAP3 | Import of Base System Data to Proj. Mgmt Project Elements | C | DPR_FIELD_MAP |
227 | V_DPR_OBL_CATEG | Object Link Categories | C | DPR_OBL_CATEGORY |
228 | V_DPR_OBL_OBGRP | Group of Object Types | C | DPR_OBL_OBGRP |
229 | V_DPR_OBL_OBJTYP | Restrict Project Element Types | C | DPR_OBL_ENTITY |
230 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP | Object Types for Object Links | C | DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
231 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYPS | Object Types for Object Links | C | DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
232 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP_DMSR3 | Object Types for Documents in SAP DMS | V | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
233 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP_DMSR3STATUSREP | Object Types for Status Reports in SAP DMS | V | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
234 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP_FINANCE | Object Types for Single-Object Controlling in SAP ERP | V | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
235 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP_GENERAL | Characteristics of Object Link for Object Type | V | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
236 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP_GENERAL_RPM | Project Management Object Link Types | V | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
237 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP_INM_DFM | Object Link Types | V | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
238 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP_MPM | Links for Multi-Project Management | V | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
239 | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP_XRPM | Object Link Types | V | V_DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
240 | V_DPR_OBL_SHLP | Search via Internal ID of Linked Object | D | DPR_OBJLINK_SHLP |
241 | V_DPR_OBTYP_INT | Properties of Object Categories in Integration Processes | C | DPR_OBL_OBTYP |
242 | V_DPR_PART_ID | Roles from Templates (DPT and CPT) via ID and so on | D | DPR_PART |
243 | V_DPR_PART_RFUNC | Roles from Templates (DPT and CPT) via Role Function | D | DPR_PART |
244 | V_DPR_PART_ROLE | Customizing: Role Types | C | DPR_PART_ROLE |
245 | V_DPR_PART_SKILL | Roles from Templates(DPT and CPT) via Qualifications | D | DPR_PART |
246 | V_DPR_PART_TEXT | Roles from Templates (DPT and CPT) via Text | D | DPR_PART |
247 | V_DPR_PHA4PTYPE | Phase Type per Project Type | C | DPR_PHA_TYPE_P |
251 | V_DPR_PHA_TYPE | Phase Type | C | DPR_PHA_TYPE |
252 | V_DPR_PRIORITY | Priority | C | DPR_PRIORITY |
253 | V_DPR_PROCESS | Process | C | DPR_PROCESS |
256 | V_DPR_PRO_TYPE | Project Type | C | DPR_PRO_TYPE |
258 | V_DPR_RATES | Cost/Revenue Rates for Roles | C | DPR_RATES |
259 | V_DPR_RATES_CALC | Customizing: Mapping of Cost/Revenue Rates for Roles | C | DPR_RATES_CALC |
260 | V_DPR_RATES_CO | Cost/Revenue Rates for Project Roles | C | DPR_RATES_CO |
261 | V_DPR_RATES_MAP | Validity/Details of Cost/Revenue Rates | C | DPR_RATES_MAP |
262 | V_DPR_ROLE4PTYPE | Role per Project Type | C | DPR_PART_ROLE_P |
263 | V_DPR_ROLE_FUNC | Enter Role Functions | C | DPR_ROLE_FUNC |
264 | V_DPR_ROLE_ID | Roles via Role ID | D | DPR_PART |
265 | V_DPR_SEL_TIMES | Help_view for DPR_TIME_UNITS, T006, and T006A | H | DPR_TIME_UNITS |
267 | V_DPR_SRCH_HELP | Project Management Search Help | C | DPR_SEARCH_HELP |
268 | V_DPR_SRM_DEST | Source System for Shopping Cart Categories | C | DPR_SRM_CAT_DEST |
269 | V_DPR_TASK | View for CGPL_TASK and DPR_TASK | D | CGPL_TASK |
270 | V_DPR_TASK_GEN | Tasks in Project Management | D | DPR_TASK |
273 | V_DPR_TIME_UNITS | Maintenance of Time Units | C | DPR_TIME_UNITS |
274 | V_DPR_TSK4PTYPE | Task Type per Project Type | C | DPR_TSK_TYPE_P |
275 | V_DPR_TSK_TYPE | Task Type | C | DPR_TSK_TYPE |
276 | V_DPR_UNIT_TIME | Time Units in Project Management | D | DPR_TIME_UNITS |
277 | V_DPR_VACANTROLE | Vacant Roles | D | DPR_PART |
278 | V_DPR_VRSN_DEF | Possible Version Numbers | V | V_CGPL_VRSN_DEF |
279 | V_DPSOB_UPDOWNLD | Contract Object: Mapping Up and Download | C | DPSOB_UPDOWNLOAD |
280 | V_DPSOB_UPDWNLD2 | Contract Object: Mapping Download | C | DPSOB_UPDWNLOAD2 |
281 | V_DRGLCGR | Yard Door Location groups | D | LYLGR |
282 | V_DRZA | Search help: relations | D | DRZA |
283 | V_DRZAO | Search help: recipient list | D | DRZAO |
284 | V_DRZAT | Search help: recipient list according to short text | D | DRZAT |
286 | V_DSH_ASSIGNED | Search helps of a collective search help | D | DD31S |
287 | V_DSH_DOMA_FV | Dictionary Search Helps: Domain-fixed values | D | DD07L |
288 | V_DSH_ENTITYTAB | Search Helps: Field domains with entity tables | D | DD03L |
289 | V_DSH_FIELD_TA | Dictionary Search Helps: Table fields with type-ahead | D | DD35L |
290 | V_DSH_TABLE_TA | Dictionary Search Helps: Tables with type-ahead | D | DD35L |
291 | V_DSH_TF_DETAIL | Detailed Information about Table/View fields | D | DD02L |
292 | V_DSOURCE | DataSource | D | ROOSOURCE |
293 | V_DSWPCI_SOL_VAL | Solution with Validity Date | D | DSMOPSOLUTIONDAT |
295 | V_DSWPSACPNAMES1 | Mapping Solman Component Strings <-> PPMS Components | C | DSWPSACOMPNAMES1 |
296 | V_DSWPSACPNAMES2 | Mapping Solman Component Strings <-> PPMS Components | C | DSWPSACOMPNAMES2 |
297 | V_DSYBA | List of global note types | C | DSYBA |
298 | V_DT2KAPAR | Downtime for Capacity Category | C | DT2KAPAR |
299 | V_DTCTID | Downtime Category | C | DTCTID |
300 | V_DTELID | Downtime Element | C | DTELID |
301 | V_DUNNLVL | Dunning Level Determination | C | TDDUNNLVL |
302 | V_DVIINFO_HKF | Information Origin | C | DVIINFO_HKF |
303 | V_DVIINFO_TYP | Define Information Types | C | DVIINFO_TYP |
304 | V_DVSALE01 | Definition for original transports DMS | C | DVSALE01 |
306 | V_DYNUM | View on Maintenance of Table MCDYNUM | C | MCDYNUM |
307 | V_D_PARTNER_DIFT | Differentiation Types Assigned to Partner | D | BUT100 |
308 | V_D_SOLUTION | Maintain Table Fields for Authorization Object D_SOLUTION | C | DSMOPCUSTOMIZING |
309 | V_D_T350I | Valid Maintenance Activity Types for Each Order Type | D | T350I |
310 | V_E070STCK | View Bill of Materials | D | E070 |
311 | V_E070TC | View of E070TC, E070 and E07T | D | E070 |
312 | V_E071 | V_E071 | D | E070 |
313 | V_E071EU | Items in a Correction E070 + E071 | D | E070 |
314 | V_EABL | View: IS-U Meter Rdng Results | D | EABL |
315 | V_EAML_CM_PROFID | Define Context Menu Profiles | C | EAML_CM_PROFID |
316 | V_EAML_CM_PROFIT | Define Context Menu Elements | C | EAML_CM_PROFIT |
317 | V_EAML_EDGE_PROF | Define Profile Used for Edge Types | C | EAML_EDGE_PROF |
318 | V_EAML_EDGE_TYPE | Type of Link Object | C | EAML_EDGE_TYPE |
319 | V_EAML_EVT_ATT_R | Assign Property to Attribute | C | EAML_EVT_ATT_REL |
320 | V_EAML_EVT_A_VAL | Allowed Property Values | C | EAML_EVT_A_VAL |
321 | V_EAML_EVT_OBJ | Define Network Attributes | C | EAML_EVT_OBJ |
322 | V_EAML_EVT_OTYPE | Define Network Attribute Categories | C | EAML_EVT_OTYPE |
323 | V_EAML_EVT_O_ATT | Define Network Attribute Properties | C | EAML_EVT_O_ATT |
324 | V_EAML_E_PRO_ASS | Assignment of Edge Profile to Edge Type | C | EAML_EDGE_TYPE |
325 | V_EAML_LRP_TYPE | Define LRP Type | C | EAML_LRP_TYPE |
326 | V_EAML_NET_EVT_R | Assign Network Attribute Categories to Network Types | C | EAML_NET_EVT_REL |
327 | V_EAML_NODE_PROF | Define Profile Used for Node Types | C | EAML_NODE_PROF |
328 | V_EAML_NODE_TYPE | Node Type for Object Link From / To | C | EAML_NODE_TYPE |
329 | V_EAML_NW_GROUP | Define Network Group | C | EAML_NW_GROUP |
330 | V_EAML_NW_TYPE | Define Network Types | C | EAML_NW_TYPE |
331 | V_EAML_N_PRO_ASS | Assignment of Node Profile to Node Type | C | EAML_NODE_TYPE |
332 | V_EAML_OL_POS | Define Display Option for Links | C | EAML_OL_POS |
333 | V_EAML_TT_PROFID | Define Tooltip Profiles | C | EAML_TT_PROFID |
334 | V_EAML_TT_PROFIT | Define Tooltip Elements | C | EAML_TT_PROFIT |
335 | V_EAMSC_UI_SHLP | Configuration for search help assignment | C | EAMSC_UI_SHLP |
336 | V_EAMS_KPIFOROBJ | Maintain KPI for Objects | C | EAMS_KPIFOROBJ |
337 | V_EAMS_KPIPARAM | Maintain Parameter for KPI | C | EAMS_KPIPARAM |
338 | V_EAMS_UI_SHLP | Configuration for search help assignment | C | EAMS_UI_SHLP |
339 | V_EAMS_VISOBJCOM | Maintain Components of Visual Object | C | EAMS_VISOBJCOMPT |
340 | V_EAMWS_ORG_AREA | Organizational Area for Safety | C | EAMWS_ORG_AREA |
341 | V_EAMWS_PLANTS | Safety-Relevant Plants and Plant-Specific Safety Settings | C | EAMWS_PLANTS |
342 | V_EAMWS_RM_SYST | Connection to Risk Management System | C | EAMWS_RM_SYSTEM |
343 | V_EAMWS_SFTYSYMB | Folder in MIME Repository for Storing Safety Symbols | C | EAMWS_SFTY_SYMB |
344 | V_EAM_ACT_FUNC | Activation of Additional Functions | C | EAM_ACT_FUNC |
345 | V_EANAS_ETKOMB | IS-U Dev. Checker: All Fields from EANAS and ETKOMB to TKOMB | D | EANAS |
346 | V_EANC_GTIN_VT | GTIN Variant Tpes | C | EANC_GTIN_VT |
347 | V_EANC_MEINHGRP | UoM Grouping criteria for different systems(metric/imperial) | C | EANC_MEINHGRP |
348 | V_EANC_PROCESS | Table in Which the Processes to be Mapped are Defined | C | EANC_IOPROCESS |
349 | V_EANL | Installation View with EANLH as Leading Table | D | EANLH |
350 | V_EANL0 | Installation View with EANL as Leading Table | D | EANL |
351 | V_EANL_BW | Installation for Process Statistics for Rate Maintenance | D | EANL |
352 | V_EAN_GLN | Maintain GLN Table | C | EANC_GLN_MAPP |
353 | V_EAN_VENDOR | Maintain EAN at Vendor | C | MLEA |
354 | V_EAREASERVTYPES | Service types for service area | C | TPRDCTAREASTYPE |
355 | V_EARGIPER | ARGENTINA: Revenue tax municipal rate | C | TEARGIPER |
356 | V_EARMACOF | ARGENTINA: Revenue tax municipal distribution | C | TEARMACOF |
357 | V_EARREVTAX_M | ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax attribute at province | D | TEARREVTAX_M |
358 | V_EARREVTAX_P | ARGENTINA: Legal report revenue tax attribute at province | D | TEARREVTAX_P |
359 | V_EART | View for Search Help EART | D | KNA1 |
360 | V_EARTAXID | ARGENTINA: Legal report determination of reporting method | D | J_1ATAXID |
361 | V_EARTAXID1 | ARGENTINA: Legal report variant assignment to STRKZ_EE | D | TEARTAXID1 |
362 | V_EASIMRCATRTYPE | Consumption Transfer for Alternative Rate Categories in Sim. | C | EASIMRCATRTYPE |
363 | V_EASTI_H | View of EASTI and EASTIH | D | EASTI |
364 | V_EASYDMS_C_GROU | Customizing view for maintaining groups | C | EASYDMS_C_GROUPS |
365 | V_EASYDMS_C_PARA | View for Easy Document Management Parameters | C | EASYDMS_C_PARA |
366 | V_EAUS_BW | Move-Out Document for Process Statistics | D | EAUS |
367 | V_EBEW_LIKP | DB view for joining EBEW & LIKP Perf. optimization TA MBBS | D | EBEW |
368 | V_EBEW_VBAK | DB view for joining EBEW & VBAK. Perf. optimization TA MBBS | D | EBEW |
369 | V_EBFC03 | IS-U EBF: Maintenance View for Correction Step Allocation | C | EBFC03 |
370 | V_EBFC04 | IS-U EBF: Maintenance View for Document Line Preselection | C | EBFC04 |
371 | V_EBF_DOC_F4 | DB View for F4-Help Old Document Correction | D | ERCH |
372 | V_EBKNP | View: Read Requisn. Acct. Assgt. via ext. WBS Element Number | D | EBKN |
373 | V_EBPPCAT | Maintain System Settings for Log Categories | C | TEBPPCAT |
374 | V_EBPPCATCOCD | Deactivated Company Codes | C | TEBPPCATCOCD |
375 | V_EBPPCATCUST | Maintain Settings for Log Categories | C | TEBPPCATCUST |
376 | V_EBPP_T043G | Biller Direct: Settings for Business Partner | C | EBPP_T043G |
377 | V_EBR_COVER | Batch Record: Cover Page | C | REBR5 |
378 | V_EBULK_GOODS | Bulk Waste Articles for Item of Waste Disposal Order | D | EWA_ORDER_OBJECT |
379 | V_ECERTIF | Allocation of Certification Status | C | ECERTIF |
380 | V_ECICACCCOND | CIC Auto Activity Component: Conditions | C | ECICACCCOND |
381 | V_ECICWFINBFLT | Maintenance View: Task Filter for CIC Workflow Inbox | C | ECICWFINBFLT |
382 | V_ECLEAN | Input Help View for Property by Description and Cleaning Obj | D | EEWA_PROP |
383 | V_ECLEAN_ADDR | Use Address to Determine Property | H | EEWA_PROP_H |
385 | V_ECM_CTXT | Context | C | ECM_CTXT |
386 | V_ECM_CTXTH | Context Hierarchy of a Change Type | C | ECM_CTXTH |
387 | V_ECM_CTXTT | Context Descriptions | C | ECM_CTXTT |
388 | V_ECM_KND | Change Type | C | ECM_KND |
389 | V_ECM_KNDT | Change Type Descriptions | C | ECM_KNDT |
390 | V_ECM_OBJTYPES | ECM Maintenance View for Applications (System) | C | ECM_OBJTYPES |
391 | V_ECM_ORG | Customizing for Validity: Organizational Units | C | ECM_ORG |
392 | V_ECM_PHS | Customizing for Validity: Phases | C | ECM_PHS |
393 | V_ECM_PHST | Customizing for Validity: Phase Descriptions | C | ECM_PHST |
394 | V_ECNCONFA | Navigator Configuration Search Help | D | ECNCONF |
396 | V_ECOMEVENT_COMP | Display View | C | ECOMEVENT_COMP |
397 | V_ECONCARD | View of BP Concession Card with ECONCARD as Main Table | D | ECONCARD |
398 | V_ECONCARD0 | View of BP Concession Card with ECONCARDH as Main Table | D | ECONCARDH |
400 | V_ECP_FUNCTION | List of customizing keys for iViews in subcontracting (E&C) | C | ECP_FUNCT_TYPE |
401 | V_ECP_FUNCT_CUS | List of customizing keys for iViews in subcontracting (E&C) | C | ECP_FUNCT_CUS |
402 | V_ECP_FUNCT_KEY | Key fields for iView function | C | ECP_FUNCTION_KEY |
403 | V_ECP_FUNCT_OBJT | Relevant object types for function type | C | ECP_FUNCT_TYPE_O |
404 | V_ECP_MLST | Maintenance of relevant milestone settings | C | ECP_MLST |
405 | V_ECP_STATUS | Maintencance of relevant status settings | C | ECP_PO_STATUS |
406 | V_ECRMISUITMTYPE | Help view ISU item category | H | ECRM_ISU_ITMTYPE |
407 | V_ECVCONF | IS-U customer overview: configuration | C | ECVCONF |
408 | V_ECVFIELD | IS-U Customer Information: Excluded Fields | C | ECVFIELD |
409 | V_ECVFIELDHH | IS-U Customer Information: Head Fields | C | ECVFIELDH |
410 | V_ECVHTML | IS-U customer overview: HTML pages | C | ECVHTML |
411 | V_ECVIMOD | IS-U Customer Information: Excluded Info Module | C | ECVIMOD |
412 | V_ECVIMODHH | IS-U Customer Information: Info Module Head | C | ECVIMODH |
413 | V_ECVNODE | IS-U Customer Overview: Tree Nodes | C | ECVNODE |
414 | V_EDAYTBLOCKDEF | View for Definition of Time-Of-Use Group | C | EDAYTYPBLOCKDEF |
415 | V_EDAYTYPBLOCK | View for Time-Of-Use Group | C | EDAYTYPBLOCK |
416 | V_EDAYTYPE | Day Type | C | EDAYTYPE |
417 | V_EDBDMSKY | View of CCMS_KEY of Table EDBDMSKY | D | EDBDMSKY |
419 | V_EDEREGPROC | Deregulation Process | C | EDEREGPROC |
420 | V_EDEREGPROCPAR | Parameters in Deregulation Process | C | EDEREGPROCPAR |
421 | V_EDEREGPROCPARD | Parameter in Deregulation Process (Display) | C | EDEREGPROCPARDIS |
423 | V_EDEREGSCENCONT | Contracts for Supply Scenario | C | EDEREGSCENCONTR |
424 | V_EDEREGSCENSERV | Services for Supply Scenario | C | EDEREGSCENSERV |
425 | V_EDEREG_INV_SUP | Basic Settings for Aggregated Posting of Incoming Bills | C | EDEREG_INV_SUPPL |
426 | V_EDGE | Projection View: Link Info EDGE | P | EDGE |
427 | V_EDIBAPI | View of EDIDC and TBDBA | D | EDIDC |
428 | V_EDIDOCMAP | Mapping of IDoc Types | C | EDIDOCMAP |
429 | V_EDIMAP | EDI: table for IDoc and application field assignments | C | EDIMAP |
430 | V_EDIPOXU | Conversion of special characters for XML | C | EDIPOXU |
431 | V_EDISCOBJ | Disconn.Obj. Periods | D | EDISCOBJ |
432 | V_EDISCORDSTATE | View for Confirmation Status | C | EDISCORDSTATE |
433 | V_EDISCPOS | Disconnection document items with OBJ supplement | D | EDISCPOS |
434 | V_EDISCVAR | Disconnection processing variant | C | EDISCVAR |
435 | V_EDISEGMAP | Mapping of IDoc Segments | C | EDISEGMAP |
436 | V_EDMMS | Assignment of Vendor/Customer to POrg. Data and Plant | C | EDMMS |
437 | V_EDMS_CT01 | EDMS: Document Categories | C | EDMS_CT01 |
438 | V_EDPAR | View for Table EDPAR | C | EDPAR |
439 | V_EDPST | Translation table EDI Int.Doc. <--> SD item categories | C | EDPST |
440 | V_EDPVW | View for Table EDPVW | C | EDPVW |
441 | V_EDRGSCENAGREE | Category of Service Provider Agreement for Supply Scenario | C | EDEREGSCENAGREE |
442 | V_EDRGSCENDATEX | Data Exchange Processes for Supply Scenario | C | EDEREGSCENDATEX |
443 | V_EDRGSPAGRTYPE | Service Provider Agreement Types | C | EDRGSPAGRTYPE |
444 | V_EDR_CHKVAR | Deregulation: Check Variant for Data Consistency | C | EDR_CHKVAR |
445 | V_EDR_SUBCHKVAR | Deregulation: Sub-Check-Variants for Data Consistency | C | EDR_SUBCHKVAR |
446 | V_EDSC | Discnt Header Data, Time Slices and Text: EDSC, EDSCH, EDSCT | D | EDSCH |
447 | V_EDSCH | Discnt Time Slices EDSCH | C | EDSCH |
448 | V_EDSDC | View for Table EDSDC | C | EDSDC |
449 | V_EDSXA | Help View for Discount Input Help | D | EDSCH |
450 | V_EEDMCONCHK | View for Maintenance of Cons. Checks for EDM Profile Import | C | EEDMCONCHK |
451 | V_EEDMCONCHKERR | View for Error Codes for Consistency Checks | C | EEDMCONCHKERR |
452 | V_EEDMCONGRP | View for Consistency Check Group | C | EEDMCONGRP |
453 | V_EEDMCONGRPCHK | View for Allocation of Consistency Checks to Check Group | C | EEDMCONGRPCHK |
454 | V_EEDMCONGRPERR | View for Actions for Error Codes of Activated Checks | C | EEDMCONGRPERR |
455 | V_EEDMFORMHEAD | Header Data of Formula (View) | C | EEDMFORMHEAD |
456 | V_EEDMFORMINST | ISU EDM Form. Inst. Header + Output Param. for Search Help | D | EEDMFORMPAR |
457 | V_EEDMFORMMOD | Calculation Mode Options per Formula Parameter | C | EEDMFORMMODPAR |
458 | V_EEDMFORMPAR | Formula Parameters (View) | C | EEDMFORMPAR |
459 | V_EEDMFORMPART | Formula Parameters (Text) (View) | C | EEDMFORMPART |
460 | V_EEDMPROFCONTXT | Maintenance Dialog for Profile Allocation Context | C | EEDMPROFCONTEXT |
461 | V_EEDMPROFOPROLE | Operand - Profile Role Allocation | C | EEDMPROFOPROLE |
462 | V_EEDMPROFROLESR | Source Role Allocation | C | EEDMPROFROLESRS |
463 | V_EEDMREPGRPERR | View for Actions on Error Codes of Groups | C | EEDMREPGRPERR |
464 | V_EEDMREPLACE | View for Maintenance of Replacement Value Procedures | C | EEDMREPLACE |
465 | V_EEDMREPLACEASS | View for Allocation of Replacement Value Procedure to Group | C | EEDMREPLACEASS |
466 | V_EEDMREPLACEERR | View for Error Codes of Replacement Value Procedure | C | EEDMREPLACEERR |
467 | V_EEDMREPLACEGRP | Maintenance View for Replacement Value Procedure Group | C | EEDMREPLACEGRP |
468 | V_EEDMROLEINST | View for Role Selection for Installation | H | EPROFASSROLE |
469 | V_EEDMROLEREG | View for Role Selection for Register Allocation | H | EPROFASSROLE |
470 | V_EEDMSETTLPARAM | Settlement Parameter: Profiles and Values | C | EEDMSETTLPARAM |
471 | V_EEDMSETTLPARP | Settlement Paramter: Definition of Reference Profiles | C | EEDMSETTLPARAMP |
472 | V_EEDMSETTLPARV | Settlement Paramter: Definition of Values | C | EEDMSETTLPARAMV |
473 | V_EEDMSETTLPROC | Settlement Procedure (Header Data) | C | EEDMSETTLPROC |
474 | V_EEDMSETTLPROCG | Profiles as Settlement Procedure Parameters | C | EEDMSETTLPROCPAG |
475 | V_EEDMSETTLPROCI | Settlement Procedure (Roles for Installation Allocation) | C | EEDMSETTLPROCRI |
476 | V_EEDMSETTLPROCP | Parameters of Settlement Procedure | C | EEDMSETTLPROCPA |
477 | V_EEDMSETTLPROCR | Settlement Procedure (Role for Register Allocation) | C | EEDMSETTLPROCRR |
478 | V_EEDMSETTLPROCS | Settlement Procedure (Role for Profiles for Sending) | C | EEDMSETTLPROCRS |
479 | V_EEDMSETTLPROSC | Settlement Unit Category for Selection | C | EEDMSETTLPROCSUC |
480 | V_EEDMSETTLPROSE | Settlement Procedure (Service Type for Procedure) | C | EEDMSETTLPROCSER |
481 | V_EEDMSETTLPROSL | Selections for Settlement Procedure | C | EEDMSETTLPROCSEL |
482 | V_EEDMSETTLPRT | Settlement Procedure (Log Output) | C | EEDMSETTLPROCPRO |
483 | V_EEDMSETTLSTEP | Settlement Steps (Header Data) | C | EEDMSETTLSTEP |
484 | V_EEDMSETTLSTEPP | Parameters of the Settlement Step | C | EEDMSETTLSTEPPA |
485 | V_EEDMSETTLUNIT | Settlement Unit (Header Data) | C | EEDMSETTLUNIT |
486 | V_EEDMSETTLUNITH | Settlement Unit (Historical Data) | C | EEDMSETTLUNITH |
487 | V_EEDMSTATUSEXIN | Conversion of External Status to Internal Transaction | C | EEDMSTATUS_EX_IN |
488 | V_EEDMSTEPPARAM | Help View for Settlement-Specific Parameters | H | EEDMSETTLPARAM |
489 | V_EEDMSYNPRFACTO | Dynamic Modification Function | C | EEDMSYNPRFACTOR |
490 | V_EEDMUNIT | Search Help View for Measurement Units | D | EDIVDIM |
491 | V_EEDMUNIT_FOR | Search Help View for Dimensions (Formula Profile) | D | EDIVDIM |
492 | V_EEDMUNIT_FOR_M | Search Help View for Measurement Units (Formula Profiles) | D | EDIVDIM |
493 | V_EEIN_BW | Move-In Document for Process Statistics | D | EEIN |
494 | V_EEWACAPAB | View: Bulk Waste Capacity | D | EEWA_CAPAB_KEY |
495 | V_EEWA_BULK_CUST | Maintain Bulk Waste Order Types | C | TEEWA_BULKY_CUST |
496 | V_EEWM_QPCD | IS-U: Help View for QPCD and QPCT (Catalogs with Texts) | H | QPCD |
497 | V_EEWWZ_APPLGRP | Application Group | C | EEW_WZCF_APPLGRP |
498 | V_EEWWZ_CONFIGGN | Additional Attributes for EEW Extension Types | C | EEW_WZCONFIG_GEN |
499 | V_EEWWZ_OBJDEF | Object Definition | C | EEW_WZCF_OBJDEF |
500 | V_EEWWZ_PLACE | Extension Place | C | EEW_WZCF_PLACE |