View - C
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | CACHE_TREX_OP_ST | Information About the Caching Option | D | PSHLP_CACHE_OPT |
2 | CACS00_VACCAS | Account Assignment Type/Cost Information for Remuneration | C | CACS00_ACCAS |
3 | CACS00_VACCST | Account Assignment Type/Cost Info for Settlement Types | C | CACS00_ACCST |
4 | CACS00_VSTAB01 | Maintenance View for CACS00_SELTAB01 | C | CACS00_SELTAB01 |
5 | CACS00_V_BUSOBJ | DB View to Determine Leading Subobject Type | D | CACS00_OBJ |
6 | CACS00_V_CAS_INV | Commission Case (CACS00_CAS / CACS00_INV) | D | CACS00_CAS |
7 | CACS00_V_DOCSD | Settlement Items and Line Item Detail Lines | D | CACS00_DOCSE |
8 | CACS00_V_DOCX | Doc.Header, Remuneration Lines, Settlement Items and Details | D | CACS00_DOCHD |
9 | CACS00_V_HD_RE | CACS00_DOCHD and CACS00_DOCRE View | D | CACS00_DOCHD |
10 | CACS00_V_HD_SE | CACS00_DOCHD and CACS00_DOCSE View | D | CACS00_DOCHD |
11 | CACS00_V_HD_SE02 | CACS00_DOCHD and CACS00_DOCSE View | D | CACS00_DOCHD |
12 | CACS00_V_XDOCPAR | View Through CACS00_DOCHD, PAR, INV, REL and ACT | D | CACS00_DOCHD |
13 | CACS00_V_XDOCRE | View Through CACS00_DOCHD, PAR, INV, REL, ACT, VA, OBJ, RE | D | CACS00_DOCHD |
15 | CACS25_V_SES1 | Settlement Schedule + Document Header | D | CACS25_SESHD |
16 | CACS25_V_SES3 | Settlement Schedule Header and Items | D | CACS25_SESIT |
17 | CACS42_VPSTB01 | Maintain Characteristic Combinations for Distribution Ratios | C | CACS42_PSSTAB01 |
18 | CACS42_VPSTBAL01 | Display Character.Combinations for Distrib.Rates (All Vers.) | C | CACS42_PSSTAB01 |
19 | CACSCD_VACRCD | Acct.Ass.Type/Costs Info for Remunerations (Stt.System CD) | C | CACSCD_ACRCD |
20 | CACSCD_VACSCD | Acct.Ass.Type/Costs Info for Settlements (Stt.System CD) | C | CACSCD_ACSCD |
21 | CACSFA_VACRFA | Account Assignment type info for Remuneration(System FICA) | C | CACSFA_ACRFA |
22 | CACSFA_VACSFA | Account Assignment type info for Settlement (System FICA) | C | CACSFA_ACSFA |
23 | CACSFI_VACRFI | Acct.Ass.Type/Costs Info for Remunerations (Stt.System FI) | C | CACSFI_ACRFI |
24 | CACSFI_VACSFI | Acct.Ass.Type/Costs Info for Settlements (Stt.System FI) | C | CACSFI_ACSFI |
25 | CACSHR_VACRHR | Acct.Ass.Type/Costs Info for Remunerations (Stt.System HCM) | C | CACSHR_ACRHR |
26 | CACSHR_VACSHR | Acct.Ass.Type/Costs Info for Settlements (Stt.System HCM) | C | CACSHR_ACSHR |
27 | CACSM2_VVAMMAP | "Conditions" for Mapped Valuation | C | CACSM2_VAMMAP |
28 | CACSNO_NO_VACSFI | AcctAssignType/Cost Info for Notification (Notif.System FI) | C | CACSNO_NO_ACSFI |
29 | CACSSE_VACR01 | Remun.Type Accnt Assignment for Stt. to Customer Stt.Sytem | C | CACSSE_ACR01 |
30 | CACSSE_VACS01 | Stt.Type Account Assignment for Stt. to Cust.Stt. System | C | CACSSE_ACS01 |
31 | CACS_TMP_FILTER0 | ssss | D | TCACS_FILTER0 |
32 | CACS_VCNTRCAT | Application Measurement: Contract Category | C | CACS_CNTRCAT |
35 | CACS_V_METATYP | Connects CACS_METATYPE with DD04T | D | DD04T |
36 | CACS_V_RI_HDIT | Run Administration Header and Items | D | CACS_RI_HD |
37 | CACS_V_RI_HDIT_P | Run Administration Header and Items | D | CACS_RI_HD |
38 | CACS_V_T681F | View on T681F | D | T681F |
39 | CAFKO_RU | View of AFKO for Confirmation | P | AFKO |
40 | CAFVC_RU | View on AFVC (confirmation) | P | AFVC |
41 | CALL_FWD_TDV | Call Forwarding | D | CALL_FWD_TD |
42 | CALL_FWD_TDVH | Call Forwarding | D | CALL_FWD_TDH |
43 | CAP1 | Available Capacity Definition (Capacity category) | TC26 | |
44 | CAP3 | Mass changing of capacity (units of measure) selectionscreen | KAPE | |
45 | CAP4 | Mass changing of capacity (units of measure) unit of measure | T006 | |
46 | CATA | CATT test case | CATA | |
47 | CATAG_V | CATT view of CATA and CATG | D | CATA |
49 | CATS_AFVC | CATS: Order Operations with CATS Fields | D | AFVC |
50 | CATS_DELTA_SEL | Selection Criteria for Delta Updates | D | CATS_BIW_DELTA |
51 | CATU | CATT: Variants | CATU | |
52 | CAUFV | View "Order Headers PP/CO" | D | AFKO |
53 | CBESH_SOESH_FM_V | field mapping view | C | CBESH_SOESH_FMAP |
54 | CBESH_SOESH_F_V | View for Field Mapping | C | CBESH_SOESH_FMAP |
55 | CBESH_SOESH_V | View for the cbesh_soesh table with template ids | C | CBESH_SOESH |
56 | CBESH_SO_OD_V | View for cbesh_so_odata table | C | CBESH_SO_ODATA |
57 | CBESH_SO_V | View for semantic objects table | C | CBESH_SO |
58 | CBIH_AC01 | EHS: Safety Measure Types | C | CCIHC_AC01 |
59 | CBIH_AC07 | EHS: Safety Measure Categories | C | CCIHC_AC07 |
60 | CBIH_DETTYPE | EHS: Determination Type | C | CCIHC_DETTYPE |
61 | CBIH_DVTYPE | EHS: Specify Measuring Device Types | C | CCIHC_DVTYPE |
62 | CBIH_EPI01 | EHS: Origin of an Exposure Profile Entry | C | CCIHC_EPI01 |
63 | CBIH_IH03 | EHS: Assign Exposure Rating to an Agent Category | C | CCIHC_IH09 |
64 | CBIH_IH05 | EHS: Assignment Display Field to Agent Characteristic | C | CCIHC_IH05 |
65 | CBIH_LT01 | EHS: Reference Value Category | C | CCIHC_LT01 |
66 | CBIH_METDVTYPE | EHS: Assignment Measurement Method and Measuring Device Type | C | CCIHC_METDVTYPE |
67 | CBIH_METHOD | EHS: Measurement Method | C | CCIHC_METHOD |
68 | CBIH_MJCAT | EHS: Sampling Type | C | CCIHC_MJCAT |
69 | CBIH_MPTYPE | EHS: Measurement Project Type | C | CCIHC_MPTYPE |
70 | CBIH_MPTYPECAT | EHS: Assignment Measurement Project Type to Sampling Type | C | CCIHC_MPTYPCAT |
71 | CBIH_MSOURCE | EHS: Sampling Locations | C | CCIHC_MSOURCE |
72 | CBIH_QT01 | EHS: Exposure Amount Category | C | CCIHC_QT01 |
73 | CBIH_QT04 | EHS: Exposure Amount with Reference Value Category | C | CCIHC_QT04 |
74 | CBIH_QT05 | EHS: Assignment Table Agent Type/Amount Category | C | CCIHC_QT05 |
75 | CBIH_REP_UNITS | Specify Units for SARA Reports | C | CCIHC_REP_UNITS |
76 | CBIH_TCG31 | EHS: Maintain Agents Types | C | TCG31 |
77 | CBIH_WA01 | EHS: Work Area Types | C | CCIHC_WA01 |
78 | CBIH_WA07 | EHS: Control Table for Integration Objects | C | CCIHC_WA07 |
79 | CBIH_WA11 | EHS: Authorization Groups for Work Areas | C | CCIHC_WA11 |
80 | CBRC_ERRORMAIL | EH&S: Enter Recipients for Error Notification | C | CCRCC_ERRORMAIL |
81 | CBRC_SDCONDTAB | EH&S Notification Check: Blocking Conditions | C | CCRCC_SDCONDTAB |
82 | CBRC_TCG81 | EHS: Regulatory List | C | TCG81 |
83 | CCARDEC_V | Encryption of Payment Card Type | C | CCARDEC_CUST |
84 | CCD_ACC | F4 Help: Company Codes Relating to a Securities Account | H | TWD01 |
85 | CCD_ALL | F4 Help: Company Code (no context) | H | TZBZ |
86 | CCD_ID | F4 Help: Company Codes for a Security ID Number | H | VWPBUKR |
87 | CCGLV_ARBPL | EHS: GLM Work Center | C | CCGLC_ARBPL |
88 | CCGLV_AUDH | EHS: Audit Data | D | CCGLT_AUDH |
89 | CCGLV_BASIC | EHS: Basic Data | C | CCGLC_BASIC |
90 | CCGLV_DEF_CTY | EHS: Assignment Plant to Validity Area | C | CCGLC_DEF_CTY |
91 | CCGLV_DEF_SHIP | EHS: Assignment Plant to Mode of Transport | C | CCGLC_DEF_SHIP |
92 | CCGLV_DGPHRREL | EHS: GHS/Dangerous Goods: Phrase Assignment | C | CCGLC_DGPHRREL |
93 | CCGLV_GVFILT | EHS: Filter for Print Requests | C | CCGLC_GVFILT |
94 | CCGLV_LABTY | EHS: Label Categories | C | CCGLC_LABTY |
95 | CCGLV_LABTY_F4 | EHS: Label Categories (Help View) | H | CCGLC_LABTY |
96 | CCGLV_LODEST | EHS: RFC Destinations to Logistics Systems | C | CCGLC_LODEST |
98 | CCGLV_LSHD | EHS: Label Stock | H | CCGLT_LSHD |
99 | CCGLV_LSIZE | EHS: Label Sizes | C | CCGLC_LSIZE |
100 | CCGLV_LSSIZE | EHS: Size of Label Stock | C | CCGLC_LSSIZE |
101 | CCGLV_MPD | EHS: Labeling Scenarios | C | CCGLC_MPD |
102 | CCGLV_MPDP | EHS: User Entries for Labeling Scenarios | C | CCGLC_MPDP |
103 | CCGLV_MPDP_NEW | EHS: Labeling Scenarios User Entries Print Request | C | CCGLC_MPDP_NEW |
104 | CCGLV_MPD_NEW | EHS: Labeling Scenario Print Request | C | CCGLC_MPD_NEW |
105 | CCGLV_PLANT_EPA | EHS: Assignment: EPA Number to Plant | C | CCGLC_PLANT_EPA |
106 | CCGLV_PREORH | EHS: Header Data for Print Request | C | CCGLC_PREORH |
108 | CCGLV_PRN | EHS: Central Printer Management | C | CCGLC_PRN |
109 | CCGLV_PRNSTN | EHS: Print Station for Print Requests | C | CCGLC_PRNSTN |
110 | CCGLV_PRNSTT | EHS: Print Station for Print Requests - Text | C | CCGLC_PRNSTT |
111 | CCGLV_PRNTR | EHS: Printer at a Print Station | C | CCGLC_PRNTR |
112 | CCGLV_PRNTRT | EHS: Printer at a Print Station - Text | C | CCGLC_PRNTRT |
113 | CCGLV_PRNWST | EHS: Print Destination | C | CCGLC_PRNWST |
114 | CCGLV_PRTREQ_HDR | EHS: View for Print Request Header Data | H | CCGLT_PRTREQ_HDR |
115 | CCGLV_PR_PAR_UT | EHS: View for Print Request Parameter Unit Tests | C | CCGLT_PR_PAR_UT |
116 | CCGLV_PUOM | EHS: Packaging Unit | C | CCGLC_PUOM |
117 | CCGLV_PUOM_F4 | EHS: Packaging Unit Help View | H | CCGLC_PUOM |
118 | CCGLV_SCEN | EHS: Labeling Scenarios - Header Table | C | CCGLC_SCEN |
119 | CCGLV_SCEND | EHS: Labeling Scenarios - Destinations | C | CCGLC_SCEND |
120 | CCGLV_SCENGRP | EHS: Labeling Scenario Group | C | CCGLC_SCENGRP |
121 | CCGLV_SCENT | EHS: Labeling Scenarios - Text | C | CCGLC_SCENT |
122 | CCGLV_SCEN_APPL | EHS: Output Control for Labeling Scenarios | C | CCGLC_SCEN_APPL |
123 | CCGLV_SECC | EHS: Definition Secondary Data Symbols Concatenation Rules | C | CCGLC_SECC |
124 | CCGLV_SECF | EHS: Secondary Value Determin. for Report Symbols - Methods | C | CCGLC_SECF |
125 | CCGLV_SEQLST | EHS: List of Sequential Data | C | CCGLC_SEQLST |
126 | CCGLV_SERD | EHS: Sequential Numbering | C | CCGLC_SERD |
127 | CCGLV_SERIAL | EHS: Set Default Sequential Numbering | C | CCGLC_SERIAL |
128 | CCGLV_SPOOLDEV | EHS: Output Devices | D | TSP03 |
129 | CCGLV_TABLES | EHS: Tables for Extended Check | C | CCGLC_TABLES |
130 | CCGLV_TCG31 | EHS: Specification Type Maintenance | C | TCG31 |
131 | CCGLV_THRESH | EHS: Additional Labels | C | CCGLC_THRESH |
132 | CCGLV_TRCHK | EHS: Rules for Print Requests of Process Orders | C | CCGLC_TRCHK |
133 | CCGLV_TRCHKE | EHS: Additional Rules for Print Requests of Process Orders | C | CCGLC_TRCHKE |
134 | CCGLV_USERACTION | EHS: User Action View Maintenance | C | CCGLC_USERACTION |
135 | CCGLV_USERACTIOT | EHS: Maintenance View for User Actions: Text | C | CCGLC_USERACTIOT |
136 | CCGLV_WWIPRN | EHS: Activate WWI Printer | C | CCGLC_WWIPRN |
137 | CCGLV_WWISRV | EHS: Configure WWI Server for Print Request Creation | C | CCGLC_WWISRV |
138 | CCGLV_WWISRVT | EHS: WWI Server for GLM - Text | C | CCGLC_WWISRVT |
139 | CCGLWBV_BP | EHS: LWB Function | C | CCGLC_WBC_BP |
140 | CCGLWBV_BPM | EHS: LWB Function Description (Mass) | C | CCGLC_WBC_BPT |
141 | CCGLWBV_BPT | EHS: LWB Function Description | C | CCGLC_WBC_BPT |
142 | CCGLWBV_ETD | EHS: LWB Activity | C | CCGLC_WBC_ETD |
143 | CCGLWBV_ETDM | EHS: LWB Activity Description (Mass) | C | CCGLC_WBC_ETDT |
144 | CCGLWBV_ETDT | EHS: LWB Activity Description | C | CCGLC_WBC_ETDT |
145 | CCGLWBV_PAR | EHS: Basic Data for Function Workbench | C | CCGLC_WBC_PAR |
146 | CCGLWBV_QC | EHS: LWB Search Criteria | C | CCGLC_WBC_QC |
147 | CCGLWBV_QCM | EHS: LWB Search Criteria Description (Mass) | C | CCGLC_WBC_QCT |
148 | CCGLWBV_QCT | EHS: LWB Search Criteria Descriptions | C | CCGLC_WBC_QCT |
150 | CCGLWBV_STBM | EHS: LWB Subtab Description (Mass) | C | CCGLC_WBC_STBT |
151 | CCGLWBV_STBT | EHS: LWB Subtab Description | C | CCGLC_WBC_STBT |
152 | CCGLWBV_STSC | EHS: Subtab Screen Field Names | C | CCGLC_WBC_STSC |
153 | CCGLWBV_STSD | EHS: LWB Subtab Screen | C | CCGLC_WBC_STSD |
154 | CCGLWBV_STSF | EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Filter Field Value Output | C | CCGLC_WBC_STSF |
155 | CCGLWBV_STSM | EHS: Subtab Screen Field Names (Mass) | C | CCGLC_WBC_STSC |
156 | CCGLWBV_STSO | EHS: LWB Subtab Screen Field Properties | C | CCGLC_WBC_STSO |
158 | CCGLWBV_TABM | EHS: LWB Tab Description (Mass) | C | CCGLC_WBC_TABT |
159 | CCGLWBV_TABT | EHS: LWB Tab Description | C | CCGLC_WBC_TABT |
160 | CCGLWBV_TSD | EHS: LWB Tab Screen | C | CCGLC_WBC_TSD |
161 | CCGLWBV_TSDM | EHS: LWB Tab Screen Description (Mass) | C | CCGLC_WBC_TSDT |
162 | CCGLWBV_TSDT | EHS: LWB Tab Screen Description | C | CCGLC_WBC_TSDT |
163 | CCGLWBV_TSO | EHS: LWB Tab Screen - Field Properties | C | CCGLC_WBC_TSO |
164 | CCGLWBV_TSOC | EHS: Tab Screen Field Names | C | CCGLC_WBC_TSOC |
165 | CCGLWBV_TSOF | EHS: LWB Tab Screen Filter Field Value Output | C | CCGLC_WBC_TSOF |
166 | CCGLWBV_TSOM | EHS: Tab Screen Field Names (Mass) | C | CCGLC_WBC_TSOC |
167 | CCIHV_AC03 | EHS: Priorities for Safety Measures | C | CCIHC_AC03 |
168 | CCIHV_AC05 | EHS: Effectiveness of a Safety Measure | C | CCIHC_AC05 |
169 | CCIHV_ACTYPE | EHS: View for F4 Help Safety Measure Types | H | CCIHC_AC09 |
170 | CCIHV_AY01 | EHS: Control Table Analysis Methods | C | CCIHC_AY01 |
171 | CCIHV_AY05 | EHS: Specify Risk Matrix | C | CCIHC_AY05 |
172 | CCIHV_AY06 | Analysis Method Questionnaire - Rating | C | CCIHC_AY06 |
174 | CCIHV_DFLGRC | EHS: Manipulate Deletion Indicators of CCIHT_RC Records | D | CCIHT_RC |
175 | CCIHV_ERQTWAH | EHS: Risk Assessments for Work Areas | D | CCIHT_WAH |
177 | CCIHV_FALOC | EHS: Entry Location for Injury/Illness Log Entry | C | CCIHC_FALOC |
178 | CCIHV_FALOCHELP | EHS: Help View of Entry Location | H | CCIHC_FALOC |
179 | CCIHV_FATRMT | EHS: Types of Aid Given | C | CCIHC_FATRMT |
180 | CCIHV_FATYPE | EHS: Injury/Illness Log Entry Types | C | CCIHC_FATYPE |
181 | CCIHV_HAZTYPE | EHS: View for Agent Types | D | TCG31OBJ |
182 | CCIHV_IAID | EHS: Help View Incident/Accident Log Key | H | CCIHT_IAL |
183 | CCIHV_IALPCAT | EHS: Accident Category | C | CCIHC_IALPCAT |
184 | CCIHV_IAOBJ | EHS: Object Types in Industrial Hygiene and Safety | C | CCIHC_IAOBJ |
185 | CCIHV_IATYPE | EHS: Incident/Accident Log Entry Types | C | CCIHC_IATYPE |
187 | CCIHV_IH01 | EHS: Value Assignment Types in Ind. Hygiene and Safety | C | CCIHC_IH01 |
188 | CCIHV_IH06 | EHS: Exposure Rating Category | C | CCIHC_IH06 |
189 | CCIHV_IH09 | EHS: Assign Exposure Rating to an Agent Category | C | CCIHC_IH09 |
190 | CCIHV_IH11 | EHS: Value Assignment Types in Ind. Hygiene and Safety | C | TCG11 |
191 | CCIHV_IHAC07 | EHS: Safety Measure Category-Safety Measure Type Assignment | C | CCIHC_AC09 |
192 | CCIHV_IHAWM | EHS: Object Type - Object Subtype - Phrase Set Assignment | C | CCIHC_IHAWM |
193 | CCIHV_IHOBJ | EHS: Value Assignment Type - Object Type Assignment | C | CCIHC_IHOBJ |
194 | CCIHV_IHTAB | EHS: Object Type - Tab Assignment | C | CCIHC_IHTAB |
195 | CCIHV_IHTYPE | EHS: Object Type - Object Subtype Assignment | C | CCIHC_IHTYPE |
196 | CCIHV_IHTYPE1 | EHS: Object Type - Tab - Object Subtype Assignment | C | CCIHC_IHTYPE1 |
197 | CCIHV_IPABSENCES | EHS: DB View - Find Absences for a Person | D | CCIHT_IP |
198 | CCIHV_IPTYPE | EHS: Role of Person Involved | C | CCIHC_IPTYPE |
199 | CCIHV_IPTYPEOBJ | Exclude Person's Role for Object Type | C | CCIHC_IPTYPEOBJ |
201 | CCIHV_LOCMETHOD | EHS: Assign Location to Measurement Method | C | CCIHC_LOCMETHOD |
202 | CCIHV_LOCPLANT | EHS: Assignment Location to Plant | C | CCIHC_LOCPLANT |
203 | CCIHV_LT01 | EHS: Relationship to Method Name | D | CCIHC_QT04 |
204 | CCIHV_MPLEVELDBR | EHS: Assignment Level Measurement Project - Report Category | D | CCIHC_MPLEVEL |
205 | CCIHV_MPLEVELDBW | EHS: Assignment Level Measurement Project - Work Area | D | CCIHC_MPLEVEL |
206 | CCIHV_MPLEVELRPT | EHS: Assignment Measurement Project Level - Report Category | C | CCIHC_MPLEVELRPT |
207 | CCIHV_MPLEVELTXT | EHS: Description of Assignment Level Work Area - Meas. Proj. | C | CCIHC_MPLEVEL |
208 | CCIHV_MPMJCAT | EHS: Assignment Measurement Project Type to Sampling Type | D | CCIHC_MPTYPCAT |
209 | CCIHV_MPREG | EHS: Specify Evaluation Objects Measurement Project | C | CCIHC_MPREG |
210 | CCIHV_MPWATYPE | EHS: Work Area Types - Specify Assignment Level Meas. Proj. | C | CCIHC_MPWATYPE |
211 | CCIHV_OBJTYPE | EHS: Object Type - Object Subtype | C | CCIHC_OBJTYPE |
212 | CCIHV_OC01 | EHS: Operation Status | C | CCIHC_OC01 |
213 | CCIHV_PB | EHS: Probability of Risk | C | CCIHC_PB |
214 | CCIHV_QT06 | Assign Rating | C | CCIHC_QT06 |
215 | CCIHV_QUALPROT | EHS: Quality of Protection Level | C | CCIHC_QUALPROT |
216 | CCIHV_QUANTTYPE | EHS: View of Agent Types | D | CCIHC_QT05 |
217 | CCIHV_RAR | EHS: Reason for Risk Assessment | C | CCIHC_RAR |
218 | CCIHV_RATING | EHS: View of Categorized Exposure Rating | D | CCIHC_IH07 |
219 | CCIHV_SV | EHS: Severity of Risk | C | CCIHC_SV |
220 | CCIHV_TCG41 | EHS: User-Defined Text Type - Object Type Assignment | C | CCIHC_TCG41 |
221 | CCIHV_TCG41_IHS | EHS: User-Defined Text Type - Object Type Assgmt with Desc. | H | CCIHC_TCG41 |
222 | CCIHV_UNIT | EHS: Database View for Unit ID, Name, Dimension | D | T006 |
223 | CCIHV_WA01 | EHS: Search Help View for Relationship Plant / Company Code | D | T001W |
224 | CCIHV_WA11 | EHS: Help View Authorization Groups for Work Areas | H | CCIHC_WA11 |
227 | CCMV_ABLOGSYS | Maintain logical system | C | CCMC_ABLOGSYS |
228 | CCMV_ABLOGSYSUS | Define ITS for BOR Method Workspaces | C | CCMC_ABLOGSYSUS |
229 | CCMV_ABOXLOGSYS | Maintain Mapped Logical System and Logical System | C | CCMC_ABLOGSYS |
230 | CCMV_LOGICAL | To use as F4 help for logical system | D | CCMC_ABLOGSYS |
231 | CCRCV_BW | Specify Bonded Warehouses | C | CCRCC_BW |
232 | CCRCV_BW_CONF | Function Modules for Bonded Warehouses per Regulation | C | CCRCC_BW_CONF |
233 | CCRCV_CD | Define Rules for Country Determination | C | CCRCC_CD |
234 | CCRCV_CHCK_ON | Define Function Modules for Online Checks | C | CCRCC_CHCK_ON |
235 | CCRCV_CHCK_SALES | Activate Regulation Check in Sales | C | CCRCC_CHCK_SALES |
236 | CCRCV_DET | Function Modules per Regulation/Scenario | C | CCRCC_DET |
237 | CCRCV_DETDOCTYPE | Function Modules per Regulation/Scenario/Scenario Category | C | CCRCC_DETDOCTYPE |
238 | CCRCV_ERRMAIL | Specify Error Message Recipients | C | CCRCC_ERRMAIL |
239 | CCRCV_EXCHG | Specify Data Transfer (Property Tree) | C | CCRCC_EXCHG |
240 | CCRCV_FILTER | Specify Selection Criteria for Volume Tracking | C | CCRCC_FILTER |
241 | CCRCV_LIMITG | General Quantity Limit | C | CCRCC_LIMITG |
242 | CCRCV_LIMITS | Relative Quantity Limits | C | CCRCC_LIMITS |
243 | CCRCV_MON | Specify Functions for Volume Monitoring | C | CCRCC_MON |
244 | CCRCV_PERIOD | Specify Monitoring Periods | C | CCRCC_PERIOD |
245 | CCRCV_POL | EHS: Polymer Labeling and Monomer Composition per Regulation | C | CCRCC_POL |
246 | CCRCV_SCENTYPE | Assign Scenarios to Scenario Categories | C | CCRCC_SCENTYPE |
247 | CCSEQ_ACTIVE_V | Activate Change Sequence Graph | C | CCSEQ_ACTIVE |
248 | CCUNV111 | Stowage Category | C | CCUNC111 |
249 | CCUNV113 | Categories of Instruction for Enclosure | C | CCUNC113 |
250 | CCUNV115 | Instructions for Enclosure | C | CCUNC115 |
251 | CCUNV117 | Regulatory Basis for Transport Restrictions | C | CCUNC117 |
252 | CCUNV121 | Packaging Code | C | CCUNC121 |
253 | CC_DB_VIEW | Selection for CC | D | BBP_CTR_ITEM_MAP |
254 | CD0VIINC01 | View wird in Tabelle CD0TBinc01 inkludiert | D | CD0BAS1VI |
255 | CD0VIINC02 | View includiert Tabelle und wird in Struktur includiert. | D | CD0BAS6VI |
256 | CD0VISH001 | Veri-View mit nicht geerbter Suchhilfe-Anbindung | D | CD0TBSH001 |
257 | CD0VISHBAS | View ist Selektionsmethode der Suchhilfe CD0SHVI01 | D | CD0BAS1VI |
258 | CD0VVBAS1 | View, der als Basis für eine Viewvariante dient | C | CD0BAS1VI |
259 | CD0VVVI1 | Viewvariante | V | CD0VVBAS1 |
260 | CD0VVVI2 | Zweite Viewvariante zu cd0vvbas1 | V | CD0VVBAS1 |
261 | CD21 | Veri test | CD0MC3 | |
262 | CEBN_ACT_GRP_V | Activate extension group for CestBON annotations | C | CEBN_ANNO_GRP_C |
263 | CEBN_ANNO_XSLT_V | Maintain XSLT extensions of CestBON annotations | C | CEBN_ANNO_XSLT |
264 | CEBN_AN_XLT_A_CV | Maintain Customer Extension for Factsheet by XSLT | C | CEBN_AN_XLT_A_C |
265 | CEBN_EXT_GROUP_V | Maintain extension groups for CestBON factsheet annotations | C | CEBN_EXT_GROUPS |
266 | CEBN_SOESH_FM_V | View for Field Mapping table CEBN_SOESH_FMAP | C | CEBN_SOESH_FMAP |
267 | CEBN_SOESH_V | View for the cebn_soesh table with template ids | C | CEBN_SOESH |
268 | CEBN_SO_OD_V | View for cebn_so_odata table | C | CEBN_SO_ODATA |
269 | CEBN_SO_V | View for semantic objects table | C | CEBN_SO |
270 | CELAUFK | Selection of Orders With Organizational Assignment | D | AUFK |
271 | CF01 | Matchcode for SAP APO - Integration Model | CIF_IMOD | |
272 | CFAFOIACT_DETR | View Variant for Derivatives | V | CFAFOIACT |
273 | CFAFOIACT_FX | View Variant for Foreign Exchange | V | CFAFOIACT |
274 | CFAFOIACT_LOAN | Activate/Deactivate Financial Object Integration for Loans | V | CFAFOIACT |
275 | CFAFOIACT_MM | View Variant for Money Market Transactions | V | CFAFOIACT |
276 | CFAFOIACT_POS | View Variant for Class Position in Sec. Acct/Futures Acct | V | CFAFOIACT |
277 | CFB_V_PREF_FIELD | View - Possible Comparison Fields in CFB_VERID_MRP | D | DD03L |
278 | CFB_V_RMC_BSART | Document Types in Raw Material Procurement Cockpit | C | CFB_C_RMC_BSART |
279 | CFB_V_RMC_PERIOD | Period Under Review for Raw Material Procurement Cockpit | C | CFB_C_RMC_PERIOD |
280 | CFC_SHORTLOCK | CFC: Lock of application tab to change (lock) status | CFC_LOCKS | |
281 | CFC_V_APPLCTS | CFC: Applications | C | CFC_APPLCTS |
282 | CFC_V_APPLOBJ | CFC: Application objects | C | CFC_APPLOBJ |
283 | CFC_V_AP_FCODES | Application-Specific GUI Function Codes | C | CFC_APPL_FCODES |
284 | CFC_V_CNTRL_OBJ | CFC: Control objects | C | CFC_CONTROL_OBJ |
285 | CFC_V_EVENTS | CFC: Events | C | CFC_EVENTS |
286 | CFC_V_EVENT_FCT | CFC events -> Function modules assignment | C | CFC_EVENT_FCT |
287 | CFC_V_EVTS_DISP | CFC: Events | C | CFC_EVENTS |
288 | CFC_V_ITEM_STATE | CFC: Status of the application table entries | C | CFC_ITEM_STATE |
289 | CFC_V_SCR_VARS | Master Screen Layout Variants | C | CFC_SCREEN_VARS |
290 | CFC_V_SELFIELDS | CFC: Selection fields of the application | C | CFC_SELFIELDS |
291 | CFC_V_WORKSTATE | Clarification Case Processing Status | C | CFC_IT_WORKSTATE |
292 | CFDI_REJV_MX | MX: CFDI Rejection Codes Maintenance | C | CFDI_REJ_CODE_MX |
293 | CFX_BP_SETV | Global Settings of Organization in cFolders | C | CFX_BP_SET |
294 | CFX_ECN_SETV | Maintainence view for SPRO entry on CFX_ECN_SETV | C | CFX_ECN_SET |
295 | CFX_ECN_SET_V | Activate Change No. | C | CFX_ECN_SET |
296 | CFX_V_EXT_IMG | Settings for External integration | C | CFX_EXT_IMG |
297 | CGPLV_BW_APP | Applications for BW Master Data mapping | C | CGPL_BW_APP |
298 | CGPLV_BW_APPOBJ | Application / Object Type relation for BW Master Data Update | C | CGPL_BW_APPOBJ |
299 | CGPLV_BW_MAPMD | Map CRM Master Data to BW InfoObjects | C | CGPL_BW_MAPMD |
300 | CGPLV_BW_OBJT | Object Types for BW Master Data Update | C | CGPL_BW_OBJT |
301 | CGPL_PLGRP_ALERT | KPI Alert Selection | D | CGPL_PLANGRP_KPI |
304 | CHIP_CACHE_VIEW | View Over CHIP Cache Tables | D | CHIP_CACHE_HDR |
306 | CIFGPARAMV | Maintenance View for CIFGPARAMS | C | CIFGPARAMS |
307 | CIFMSL_V01 | View for Forecast Table in Consumption Scenario (CSML) | D | MAPR |
310 | CIFOPMODEV | Target Systems, Operation Mode and Queue Type | C | CIFOPMODE |
311 | CIFSRCIN | Info Record View for CIF Sources of Supply | D | EINA |
312 | CIFSRCOA | View of Outline Agreement for CIF Sources of Supply | D | EKKO |
313 | CIF_DRS_DATES | Direct shipment order dates | D | EBAN |
314 | CIF_DRS_PURCH | CIF Direct Shipment relevant Purchase Requisitions | D | EBAN |
315 | CIF_IMODSEL | View for Search Help for Model Name, Logsys, Application | D | CIF_IMOD |
316 | CIF_IMODV | Maintenance View for Table CIF_IMOD | C | CIF_IMOD |
317 | CIF_TCHTR | CHT: Change Trigger for PDM Data | C | TCHTR |
318 | CIF_TCO43V | Enhancements for Production Scheduling Profile in APO CIF | C | TCO43 |
319 | CIF_TCX00V | Enhancement for Scheduling Parameters in APO CIF | C | TCX00 |
320 | CKECP_F4_EXTTX | Search for Cost Estimates Starting from External Long Text | H | KEKO |
321 | CKECP_F4_LTEXT | Search for Ad Hoc Cost Estimates Based on Long Text | H | KEKO |
322 | CKKALAKALV | Selection Methods for Search Help CKKAT | H | KALV |
323 | CKMLWRUNPERIOD | Actual Costing Runs for Reporting Periods | D | CKMLRUNPERIOD |
324 | CKMLWRUNPERIOD_1 | First Run for Actual Costing for Reporting Periods | D | CKMLRUNPERIOD |
325 | CKPCMACKW | DI 46C Enhancement for Costing in iPPE | A | MACKW |
326 | CKTC_VPALT | View iPPE Mode | D | PNODID |
327 | CKTC_VPOSV | View iPPE Variants | D | PNODID |
328 | CLAS | Class Matchcodes | KLAH | |
329 | CLB2V_APPL | Applications Collaborating with a Service Provider | C | CLB2C_APPL |
330 | CLB2V_APPL_CONT | Collaboration: Application Context | C | CLB2C_APPL_CONT |
331 | CLB2V_APPL_DATA | Collaboration: Application Settings for a Target Server | C | CLB2C_APPL_DATA |
332 | CLB2V_APPL_PLATF | Collaboration: Application-specific Server | C | CLB2C_APPL_PLATF |
333 | CLB2V_AUTH_CONT | Collaboration: Authentication Context | C | CLB2C_AUTH_CONT |
334 | CLB2V_AUTH_METH | Collaboration: Authentication Methods | C | CLB2C_AUTH_METH |
335 | CLB2V_CONTEXT | Collaboration: Application Context Specific Settings | C | CLB2C_CONTEXT |
336 | CLB2V_ENT_TYPE | Collaboration: Entity Types of Service Provider | C | CLB2C_ENT_TYPE |
337 | CLB2V_GW_NOTIFYC | OData Service Settings for Notifications | C | CLB2C_GW_NOTIFY |
338 | CLB2V_GW_NOTIFYS | OData Service Settings for Notifications | C | CLB2S_GW_NOTIFY |
339 | CLB2V_GW_REL_C | Service Registry: Related Services | C | CLB2C_GW_SRV_REL |
340 | CLB2V_GW_REL_S | Service Registry: Related Services | C | CLB2S_GW_SRV_REL |
341 | CLB2V_GW_SRV_C | Collaboration: OData Service Registry | C | CLB2C_GW_SRV |
342 | CLB2V_GW_SRV_S | Collaboration: OData Service Registry | C | CLB2S_GW_SRV |
343 | CLB2V_IC_DISP | Collaboration: Dispatcher for Interceptor Pattern | C | CLB2C_IC_DISP |
344 | CLB2V_PLATF | Collaboration: Server Communication Settings | C | CLB2C_PLATF |
345 | CLB2V_PLATF_AUTH | Collaboration: Authentication Method per Context | C | CLB2C_PLATF_AUTH |
346 | CLB2V_PLATF_DEF | Collaboration: Target Platform (Server) | C | CLB2C_PLATF_DEF |
347 | CLB2V_PLATF_METH | Collaboration Platform API Method: Valid Version | C | CLB2C_PLATF_METH |
348 | CLB2V_PTYPE | Collaboration: Service Provider Type | C | CLB2C_PTYPE |
349 | CLB2V_PTYPE_CF | Platform Type: Class Factory | C | CLB2C_PTYPE_CF |
350 | CLB2V_PTYPE_METH | Collaboration Platform: API Methods | C | CLB2C_PTYPE_METH |
351 | CLB2V_PTYPE_VERS | Collaboration Platform: API Method Versions | C | CLB2C_PTYPE_VERS |
352 | CLB2V_SERVICE_C | Collaboration: Service | C | CLB2C_SERVICE |
353 | CLB2V_SERVICE_S | Collaboration: Service | C | CLB2S_SERVICE |
354 | CLB2V_SRVPTYPE_C | Service Providers connected to an Application | C | CLB2C_SRV_PTYPE |
355 | CLB2V_SRVPTYPE_S | Service Providers connected to an Application | C | CLB2S_SRV_PTYPE |
356 | CLB2V_TUNNEL_C | Collaboration: Tunnel Service | C | CLB2C_TUNNEL_SRV |
357 | CLB2V_USER_TOKEN | OAuth Access Data for User | C | CLB2D_USER_TOKEN |
358 | CLBV_APPLI | Applications Collaborating with a Service Provider | C | CLBC_APPLI |
359 | CLBV_APPLI_CONT | Collaboration: Application Context | C | CLBC_APPLI_CONT |
360 | CLBV_APPLI_DATA | Collaboration: Application Settings for a Target Server | C | CLBC_APPLI_DATA |
361 | CLBV_APPLI_PLATF | Collaboration: Application-specific Server | C | CLBC_APPLI_PLATF |
362 | CLBV_AUTH_CONT | Collaboration: Authentication Context | C | CLBC_AUTH_CONT |
363 | CLBV_AUTH_METH | Collaboration: Authentication Methods | C | CLBC_AUTH_METH |
364 | CLBV_ENTITY_TYPE | Collaboration: Entity Types of Service Provider | C | CLBC_ENTITY_TYPE |
365 | CLBV_GW_NOTIFY_C | OData Service Settings for Notifications | C | CLBC_GW_NOTIFY |
366 | CLBV_GW_NOTIFY_S | OData Service Settings for Notifications | C | CLBS_GW_NOTIFY |
367 | CLBV_GW_SRV_C | Collaboration: OData Service Registry | C | CLBC_GW_SRV |
368 | CLBV_GW_SRV_S | Collaboration: OData Service Registry | C | CLBS_GW_SRV |
369 | CLBV_IC_DISP | Collaboration: Dispatcher for Interceptor Pattern | C | CLBC_IC_DISP |
370 | CLBV_PLATF | Collaboration: Server Communication Settings | C | CLBC_PLATF |
371 | CLBV_PLATF_AUTH | Collaboration: Authentication Method per Context | C | CLBC_PLATF_AUTH |
372 | CLBV_PLATF_DEF | Collaboration: Target Platform (Server) | C | CLBC_PLATF_DEF |
373 | CLBV_PLATF_METH | Collaboration Platform API Method: Valid Version | C | CLBC_PLATF_METH |
374 | CLBV_PTYPE | Collaboration: Service Provider Type | C | CLBC_PTYPE |
375 | CLBV_PTYPE_CF | Platform Type: Class Factory | C | CLBC_PTYPE_CF |
376 | CLBV_PTYPE_METH | Collaboration Platform: API Methods | C | CLBC_PTYPE_METH |
377 | CLBV_PTYPE_VERS | Collaboration Platform: API Method Versions | C | CLBC_PTYPE_VERS |
378 | CLBV_SRV_PTYPE_C | Service Providers for which an OData Service is Released | C | CLBC_SRV_PTYPE |
379 | CLBV_SRV_PTYPE_S | Service Providers for which an OData Service is Released | C | CLBS_SRV_PTYPE |
380 | CLBV_USER_TOKEN | OAuth Access Data for User | C | CLBD_USER_TOKEN |
381 | CLFN | Variant functions | KLAH | |
382 | CLM_VV_COSCEN | CO Scenario Maintenance View for Claim | V | VIAOM_CSCENARIO |
383 | CLSELKLAH | Fill KLAH-ANZUO with number of KSSK entries for class | P | KLAH |
384 | CLSR | Sort sequences | KLAH | |
385 | CLS_TR_GRAPH_V | Mapping Translation Graph - Translation Relevance | D | CLS_TRANSL_GRAPH |
386 | CLTB | Variant tables | KLAH | |
387 | CMAP_V_ATMP | View: ATMP | C | CMAP_ATMP |
388 | CMAP_V_ATRB | View: ATRB | C | CMAP_ATRB |
389 | CMAP_V_ATTP | View: ATTP | C | CMAP_ATTP |
390 | CMAP_V_DFVL | View: DFVL | C | CMAP_DFVL |
391 | CMAP_V_MATM | View: MATM | C | CMAP_MATM |
392 | CMAP_V_MCXT | View: MCXT | C | CMAP_MCXT |
393 | CMAP_V_MVMP | View: MVMP | C | CMAP_MVMP |
394 | CMAP_V_VLMP | View: VLMP | C | CMAP_VLMP |
395 | CME_ST_CHARATRV | Merkmal: globale Attribute | D | CME_ST_CHARATR |
396 | CME_ST_CHARATRVH | Merkmal: globale Attribute | D | CME_ST_CHARATRH |
397 | CME_ST_FORMATV | CME-Datentyp: Formatangaben. | D | CME_ST_FORMAT |
398 | CME_ST_FORMATVH | CME-Datentyp: Formatangaben. | D | CME_ST_FORMATH |
399 | CME_ST_ISO_AT1V | CME Merkmal -ISO Attribute- | D | CME_ST_ISO_AT1 |
400 | CME_ST_ISO_AT1VH | CME Merkmal -ISO Attribute- | D | CME_ST_ISO_AT1H |
401 | CME_ST_ISO_ATAV | CME Characteristic: ISO Attributes | D | CME_ST_ISO_ATA |
402 | CME_ST_ISO_ATAVH | CME Characteristic: ISO Attributes | D | CME_ST_ISO_ATAH |
403 | CME_ST_ISO_ATBV | CME Characteristic: ISO Attributes | D | CME_ST_ISO_ATB |
404 | CME_ST_ISO_ATBVH | CME Characteristic: ISO Attributes | D | CME_ST_ISO_ATBH |
405 | CME_ST_R3_ATTRV | CME Merkmal -R/3 Attribute- | D | CME_ST_R3_ATTR |
406 | CME_ST_R3_ATTRVH | CME Merkmal -R/3 Attribute- | D | CME_ST_R3_ATTRH |
407 | CME_ST_R3_DEPV | CME Merkmal -Beziehungswissen am R/3 Mer | D | CME_ST_R3_DEP |
408 | CME_ST_R3_DEPVH | CME Merkmal -Beziehungswissen am R/3 Mer | D | CME_ST_R3_DEPH |
409 | CME_ST_REFV | Merkmal: Datenreferenz | D | CME_ST_REF |
410 | CME_ST_REFVH | Merkmal: Datenreferenz | D | CME_ST_REFH |
411 | CME_ST_VALUEV | CME-Datentyp: Werte | D | CME_ST_VALUE |
412 | CME_ST_VALUEVH | CME-Datentyp: Werte | D | CME_ST_VALUEH |
413 | CME_ST_VAL_TXTV | DML-Textobjekt | D | CME_ST_VAL_TXT |
414 | CME_ST_VAL_TXTVH | DML-Textobjekt | D | CME_ST_VAL_TXTH |
416 | CMSV_ALTID_FMT | List of Alternative ID Formats | C | CMSC_ALTID_FMT |
417 | CMSV_APPL_IMPL | Application specific implementations | C | CMSC_APPL_IMPL |
418 | CMSV_APP_COMP | Maintenance view for application completion status | C | CMSC_APP_COMP |
419 | CMSV_APP_PARAM | Maintenance view for CMSC_APP_PARAM | C | CMSC_APP_PARAM |
420 | CMSV_BFW_APPPRFC | Business logic customizing | C | CMSC_BFW_APPPRFC |
421 | CMSV_BFW_APPPRFX | Application profile mapping | C | CMSC_BFW_APP_PRF |
422 | CMSV_BFW_APP_PRF | Application profile mapping | C | CMSC_BFW_APP_PRF |
423 | CMSV_BFW_FN_PRF | Business framework to funtion name mapping | C | CMSC_BFW_PRF |
424 | CMSV_BFW_PRF | Business framework profile - handler mapping | C | CMSC_BFW_PRF |
425 | CMSV_BFW_PRF_DEF | Business framework profile definition | C | CMSC_BFW_PRF_DEF |
426 | CMSV_BP_ATTR | CMS: BP additional attributes maintenance view | C | CMSC_BP_ATTR |
427 | CMSV_BP_FCT_REL | Partner Relevancy | C | CMSC_BP_FCT_REL |
428 | CMSV_BP_PRF | Maintenance view for Business partner profile | C | CMSC_BP_PRF |
429 | CMSV_BP_PRF_DET | Maintenance view for business partner profile details | C | CMSC_BP_PRF_DET |
430 | CMSV_BP_PRF_GEN | Maintenance view for Business partner profile - Generic view | C | CMSC_BP_PRF |
431 | CMSV_BRE_APPSCEN | Mapping application and scenario | C | CMSC_BRE_APPSCEN |
432 | CMSV_BRE_RLSET | Rule Set Definition | C | CMSC_BRE_RLSET |
433 | CMSV_BRE_RULE | Rule Definition | C | CMSC_BRE_RULE |
434 | CMSV_BRE_RULEF | Rule Definition | C | CMSC_BRE_RULE |
435 | CMSV_BRE_RULEMAP | Assign Rules to Rule Sets | C | CMSC_BRE_RULEMAP |
436 | CMSV_BRE_RULEPAR | Assign parameters to rule | C | CMSC_BRE_RULEPAR |
437 | CMSV_BRE_SCEN | Define schema access | C | CMSC_BRE_SCEN |
438 | CMSV_BRE_SCH | Schema Definition | C | CMSC_BRE_SCH |
439 | CMSV_BRE_SCHMAP | Assign rule sets to schema | C | CMSC_BRE_SCHMAP |
440 | CMSV_BRE_VALBIT | Bit position for the validation rule | C | CMSC_BRE_VALBIT |
441 | CMSV_BRE_VALCL | Validation Class Definition | C | CMSC_BRE_VALCL |
442 | CMSV_BRE_VLCLMAP | Assign Rules to Validation classes | C | CMSC_BRE_VLCLMAP |
443 | CMSV_BW_STA_Q_T | Status extraction | D | CMSC_LO_STA_Q_T |
444 | CMSV_CI_CONKEYXN | Define Price Bucket Search Attributes | C | CMSC_CI_CONKEYXN |
445 | CMSV_CI_DATE_GRP | Maintenance view for channel inventory date group | C | CMSC_CI_DATE_GRP |
446 | CMSV_CI_DTGRPDEF | Define Date Group | C | CMSC_CI_DTGRPDEF |
447 | CMSV_CI_LKEYXN | Define Price Bucket Search Attributes | C | CMSC_CI_LKEYXN |
448 | CMSV_CI_RULES | Maintenance view for channel inventory rules | C | CMSC_CI_RULES |
449 | CMSV_CI_XNGRPDEF | Define transaction group | C | CMSC_CI_XNGRPDEF |
450 | CMSV_CI_XN_GRP | Maintenance view for channel inventory transactiong group | C | CMSC_CI_XN_GRP |
451 | CMSV_CM_SEVE_T | Custom View For Source Event Text | C | CMSC_CM_SEVE |
452 | CMSV_CM_SOBJ_T | Custom View For Source Object | C | CMSC_CM_SOBJ |
453 | CMSV_CM_SPREVE | Custom View For Source Read Profile | C | CMSC_CM_SRDPRO |
454 | CMSV_CM_SPREVE_D | Data base View For Source Read Profile Details | D | CMSC_CM_SRDPRO |
455 | CMSV_CM_SPRO | Custom View For Source Profiles | C | CMSC_CM_SPRO |
456 | CMSV_CM_TASPRO | Custom View For Assign Read Update Profile To Target Object | C | CMSC_CM_TASPRO |
457 | CMSV_CM_TEVE_T | Custom View For Target Event Texts | C | CMSC_CM_TEVE |
458 | CMSV_CM_TOBJ_T | Custom View For Target Object | C | CMSC_CM_TOBJ |
459 | CMSV_CM_TPREVE | Custom View For Target Update Profile | C | CMSC_CM_TUPPRO |
460 | CMSV_CM_TPREVE_D | Projection view for target profile details | D | CMSC_CM_TUPPRO |
461 | CMSV_CM_TPRO | Custom View For Target Profile | C | CMSC_CM_TPRO |
462 | CMSV_CNT_MTHD | Contract selection Method | C | CMSC_CNT_MTHD |
463 | CMSV_COND_REL | Condition Maintenance View | C | CMSC_COND_REL |
464 | CMSV_CRM_MAP_XN | Map CRM documents to Transaction types | C | CMSC_CRM_MAP_XN |
465 | CMSV_DATES_REL | Date Relevancy | C | CMSC_DATES_REL |
466 | CMSV_DATE_REL | CMS Mapper Date Relevancy table | C | CMSC_DATE_REL |
467 | CMSV_DEA_MST | Maintain Drug Enforcement Agency | C | CMSD_DEA_MST |
468 | CMSV_DOCUMEN_REL | CMS Mapper Document relevancy View | C | CMSC_DOCUMEN_REL |
469 | CMSV_DOCU_REL | Transaction Type Relevancy | C | CMSC_DOCU_REL |
470 | CMSV_DOSAGE | Pharma : Dosage Form | C | CMST_DOSAGE |
471 | CMSV_EDI_CODE | Assign Outbound EDI codes | C | CMSC_EDI_CODE |
472 | CMSV_FC_LE_MAP | UI function code and logical event mapping. | C | CMSC_FC_LE_MAP |
474 | CMSV_GENERIC | Pharma : Generic Code | C | CMST_GENERIC |
475 | CMSV_GROWTH_TYPE | Growth Type Maintenance | C | CMSC_GROWTH_D_T |
476 | CMSV_GRP_MEM_MST | Maintanence View for Group Roster Table | C | CMSD_GRP_MEM_MST |
477 | CMSV_HICL | Pharma : Hierarchical Ingredient Code List | C | CMST_HICL |
478 | CMSV_HIN_MST | HIN Master | C | CMSD_HIN_MST |
479 | CMSV_INTF_MAP | Maintain entity/interface mapping | C | CMSC_INTF_MAP |
480 | CMSV_LE_DEF | View for logical event definition | C | CMSC_LE_DEF |
481 | CMSV_LE_PRF | Maintainence view for logical event mapping. | C | CMSC_LE_PRF |
482 | CMSV_LE_PRF_DEF | Logical event profile defintiion view. | C | CMSC_LE_PRF_DEF |
483 | CMSV_LO_APPL | Application definition for resale order | C | CMSC_LO_APPL |
484 | CMSV_LO_APPLATTC | Maintain application attributes - Cust | C | CMSC_LO_APPLATTC |
485 | CMSV_LO_APPL_ATT | Additional attributes for applications | C | CMSC_LO_APPL_ATT |
486 | CMSV_LO_APPL_SSC | Addl screen control for LO applications | C | CMSC_LO_APPL_SSC |
487 | CMSV_LO_APPSKEYC | Assign system steps to application | C | CMSC_LO_APPSKEYC |
488 | CMSV_LO_APP_PRF | Profile mapping for applications | C | CMSC_LO_APP_PRF |
489 | CMSV_LO_APP_SKEY | Assign system steps to application | C | CMSC_LO_APP_SKEY |
490 | CMSV_LO_APP_XN | Assign transaction types to application | C | CMSC_LO_APP_XN |
491 | CMSV_LO_CONFIG | Maintain global attributes for resale order framework | C | CMSC_LO_CONFIG |
492 | CMSV_LO_EXTN | Define extensions for resale order - Attributes | C | CMSC_LO_EXTN |
493 | CMSV_LO_EXTNAVIC | Navigation to external objects | C | CMSC_LO_EXTNAVIC |
494 | CMSV_LO_EXTN_PRF | Extension profile definition | C | CMSC_LO_EXTN_PRF |
495 | CMSV_LO_EXT_NAVI | Navigation to external objects | C | CMSC_LO_EXT_NAVI |
496 | CMSV_LO_FIELDGRP | Maintenance view for Field Group | C | CMSC_LO_FIELDGRP |
497 | CMSV_LO_GRID_UI | Maintenance view for Grid customizing | C | CMSC_LO_GRID_UI |
498 | CMSV_LO_GRID_UIC | Configure the ALV grids - Cust | C | CMSC_LO_GRID_UIC |
499 | CMSV_LO_PKEY | Define process step | C | CMSC_LO_PKEY |
500 | CMSV_LO_PRF | Profile definition | C | CMSC_LO_PRF |