View - C
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | CRMV_MI_AGTFUNC | Assignment of Function to Processing Group Type | C | CRMC_MI_AGTFUNC |
2 | CRMV_MI_AGTYP | Investigation: Processing Group Type | C | CRMC_MI_AGTYP |
3 | CRMV_MI_CDTCGR | Assignment of Code Group to Code Type | C | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
4 | CRMV_MI_CDTCODDB | Database View: Codes to Code Type | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
5 | CRMV_MI_CODTYP | Investigation: Code Types | C | CRMC_MI_CODTYP |
6 | CRMV_MI_DECCAT | Catalog for Selection of Identification Codes | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
7 | CRMV_MI_DECCGR | Database View: Decision Code Groups | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
8 | CRMV_MI_DECCOD | Database View: Decision Codes | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
9 | CRMV_MI_DECFCT1 | Database View: Decision Functions for Agent Grp (W/o Level) | D | CRMC_MI_AGTGRP |
10 | CRMV_MI_DECISION | Decision Functions and Decision Codes | C | CRMC_MI_DECISION |
11 | CRMV_MI_DIA_AG | Definition of Agent Groups | C | CRMC_MI_AGTGRP |
12 | CRMV_MI_EXEFUNC | Executable Functions for Investigations | C | CRMC_MI_EXEFUNC |
13 | CRMV_MI_FUNCCDT | Assignment of Code Type to Executable Function | C | CRMC_MI_FUNCCDT |
14 | CRMV_MI_GEN | General Control Parameters for Investigations | C | CRMC_MI_GEN |
15 | CRMV_MI_IDFCAT | Catalog for Selection of Identification Codes | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
16 | CRMV_MI_IDFCGR | Catalog for Selection of Identification Codes | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
17 | CRMV_MI_IDFCOD | Catalog for Selection of Identification Codes | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
18 | CRMV_MI_LEVEL | Processing Levels for Investigations | C | CRMC_MI_LEVEL |
19 | CRMV_MI_LVLFUNC | Assignment of Executable Functions to Processing Level | C | CRMC_MI_LVLFUNC |
20 | CRMV_MI_MICAT | Catalogs for Investigations | D | TQ15 |
21 | CRMV_MI_MICODE | Codes for Investigations | D | QPCD |
22 | CRMV_MI_MICODGR | Code Groups for Investigations | D | TQ15 |
23 | CRMV_MI_REACAT | Catalog for Selection of Identification Codes | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
24 | CRMV_MI_REACGR | Catalog for Selection of Reason Codes | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
25 | CRMV_MI_REACOD | Database View: Reason Codes | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
26 | CRMV_MI_TEXTID | Assignment of Text Type to Agent Group | C | CRMC_MI_AGTGRP |
27 | CRMV_MI_VISCGR | Database View: Visible Code Groups for Agent Group | D | CRMC_MI_CDTCGR |
28 | CRMV_MI_VISPDEF | Definition of Visibility Profiles | C | CRMC_MI_VISPDEF |
29 | CRMV_MI_VISPDEFT | Assignment of Visibility Profile to Processing Group | C | CRMC_MI_AGRVISPR |
30 | CRMV_MI_VISPRF | Assignment of Code Group to Visibility Profile | C | CRMC_MI_VISPRF |
31 | CRMV_MKP_CHAN | Communication Channel | C | CRMC_MKP_CHAN |
32 | CRMV_MKP_OPT | Opt-In Identifiers | C | CRMC_MKP_OPT |
33 | CRMV_MKP_OPT_ASG | Country-Specific Opt-In Settings | C | CRMC_MKP_OPT_ASG |
34 | CRMV_MKP_ORIGIN | Form of Consent | C | CRMC_MKP_ORIGN |
35 | CRMV_MKTBT_REL | Marketing - Business Transaction Relationship | C | CRMC_MKTBT_REL |
36 | CRMV_MKTCCM_PARA | Parallel Processing for Collaborative Scenario | C | CRMC_MKTCCM_PARA |
37 | CRMV_MKTCLDR_ATS | Selection of calendar attributes | C | CRMC_MKTCLDR_ATS |
38 | CRMV_MKTCLDR_BIM | Mapping of input variable for BW query | C | CRMC_MKTCLDR_BIM |
39 | CRMV_MKTCLDR_KPI | Maintenance View | C | CRMC_MKTCLR_KPI |
40 | CRMV_MKTCLDR_NAV | Define Navigation Options | C | CRMC_MKTCLDR_NAV |
41 | CRMV_MKTCLDR_RCS | Maintainance of allowed Row Context attributes | C | CRMC_MKTCLDR_RCS |
42 | CRMV_MKTEAI_ACR | Define Setting for Bulk Create Service | C | CRMC_MKTPL_EAI_P |
43 | CRMV_MKTEAI_TCR | Define Settings for Bulk Create Service | C | CRMC_MKTPL_EAI_P |
44 | CRMV_MKTEAI_TR | Define Settings for Bulk Read Service | C | CRMC_MKTPL_EAI_P |
45 | CRMV_MKTGS_APPMT | MKTGS OL: Generic Application Metadata Maintenance View | C | CRM_MKTGS_APPMTD |
46 | CRMV_MKTGS_ASGCC | MKTGS OL: Generic Assignment Cross Check Maintenance View | C | CRM_MKTGS_ASGCCH |
47 | CRMV_MKTGS_ASGMT | MKTGS OL: Generic Assignment Metadata Maintenance View | C | CRM_MKTGS_ASGMTD |
48 | CRMV_MKTGS_BDIM | CRM Marketing: Base dimension KPI view maintenance | C | CRMC_MKTGS_BDIM |
49 | CRMV_MKTGS_CALC | CRM Marketing: Calculation method view maintenance | C | CRMC_MKTGS_CALC |
50 | CRMV_MKTGS_CMAP | Mapping of client-dependent fields to comm. structure | C | CRMC_MKTGS_CDMAP |
51 | CRMV_MKTGS_COMP | CRM Marketing: Comparison KPI view maintenance | C | CRMC_MKTGS_COMP |
52 | CRMV_MKTGS_EVDEF | Maintainance view for Event Definition | C | CRMC_MKTGS_EVDEF |
53 | CRMV_MKTGS_EVHLR | Maintanence View for the Event handler | C | CRMC_MKTGS_EVHLR |
54 | CRMV_MKTGS_EVLIS | Event Listener Maintenance | C | CRM_MKTGS_EVLIST |
55 | CRMV_MKTGS_EVNTS | Maintanence View for Events | C | CRMC_MKTGS_EVNTS |
56 | CRMV_MKTGS_FDSET | Maintainance of Fieldsets | C | CRM_MKTGS_FLDSET |
57 | CRMV_MKTGS_FSFLD | Freestyle Field Definitions | C | CRM_MKTGS_FRSFLD |
58 | CRMV_MKTGS_FSGRP | Field Groups | C | CRM_MKTGS_FSGRP |
59 | CRMV_MKTGS_FSMAP | Fast Search Field Mapping Customizing View | C | CRM_MKTGS_FLDMAP |
60 | CRMV_MKTGS_OBAS2 | MKTGS OL: Generic Object - Assignment Relation Maint. View | C | CRM_MKTGS_OBJASG |
61 | CRMV_MKTGS_OBAS3 | MKTGS OL: Generic Object - Assignment Relation Maint. View | C | CRM_MKTGS_OBJASG |
62 | CRMV_MKTGS_OBASG | MKTGS OL: Generic Object - Assignment Relation Maint. View | C | CRM_MKTGS_OBJASG |
63 | CRMV_MKTGS_OBJMT | MKTGS OL: Generic Object Metadata Maintenance View | C | CRM_MKTGS_OBJMTD |
64 | CRMV_MKTGS_PAR | Settings for Parallel Processing | C | CRMC_MKTGS_PAR |
65 | CRMV_MKTGS_PAR_01 | Settings for Parallel Processing in Account planner | V | CRMV_MKTGS_PAR |
66 | CRMV_MKTGS_RATE | CRM Marketing: Tier type view maintenance | C | CRMC_MKTGS_RATE |
67 | CRMV_MKTGS_RORIG | CRM Marketing Customizing view for the Rate origin system | C | CRMC_MKTGS_RATES |
68 | CRMV_MKTGS_TGR | CRM Marketing: Tier growth rebate view maintenance | C | CRMC_MKTGS_TGR |
69 | CRMV_MKTGS_TGRKF | CRM Marketing: TGR KFP mapping table | C | CRMC_MKTGS_TGRKF |
70 | CRMV_MKTGS_TGRPF | CRM Marketing: Profile mapping table | C | CRMC_MKTGS_TGRPF |
71 | CRMV_MKTGS_TIER | CRM Marketing: Tier type view maintenance | C | CRMC_MKTGS_TIER |
72 | CRMV_MKTGS_TSTGR | CRM Marketing: Trade spend TGR association view maintenance | C | CRMC_MKTGS_TSTGR |
73 | CRMV_MKTHV_CHFEC | Assignment ofHigh Volume Variant to Communication Medium | C | CRMC_MKTHV_CHFEC |
74 | CRMV_MKTHV_DTAS | Delta Source Objects for High Volume Segmentation | C | CRMC_MKTHV_DTAS |
75 | CRMV_MKTHV_MCUST | Mass mailer global settings | C | CRMC_MKTHV_MCUST |
76 | CRMV_MKTHV_MDPRP | Maintenance view for RFC Destination Properties | C | CRMC_MKTHV_MDPRP |
77 | CRMV_MKTHV_MP2BP | CRM Marketing: MP to BP field mapping | C | CRMC_MKTHV_MP2BP |
78 | CRMV_MKTHV_MPAMA | Maintenance view for RFC Destination Path Mapping | C | CRMC_MKTHV_MPAMA |
79 | CRMV_MKTHV_MRFCD | Maintenance view for RFC destinations | C | CRMC_MKTHV_MRFCD |
80 | CRMV_MKTHV_VA | High Volume Variants | C | CRMC_MKTHV_VA |
81 | CRMV_MKTHV_VAS | High Volume Setting | C | CRMC_MKTHV_VAS |
82 | CRMV_MKTIMEX_FI | View for format information | C | CRMC_MKTIMEX_FI |
83 | CRMV_MKTIMEX_FIH | Help view for format information | H | CRMC_MKTIMEX_FI |
84 | CRMV_MKTIMEX_FM | View for formats | C | CRMC_MKTIMEX_FM |
85 | CRMV_MKTIMG_BW | CRM Marketing: BW Report Parameters | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_BW |
86 | CRMV_MKTIMG_BWP | CRM Marketing: BW Parameters and Values for Identification | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_BW_P |
87 | CRMV_MKTIMG_BWPT | CRM Marketing: BW Report Parameter Templates | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_BWPT |
88 | CRMV_MKTIMG_MS_A | CRM Marketing: Method Scheme - Structure Maint. - Overview | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_TMP |
89 | CRMV_MKTIMG_MS_B | CRM Marketing: Method Scheme - Header - Basic Mode | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_MS_H |
90 | CRMV_MKTIMG_MS_H | CRM Marketing: Method Schema - Header | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_MS_H |
91 | CRMV_MKTIMG_MS_I | CRM Marketing: Method Schema - Structure | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_MS_I |
92 | CRMV_MKTIMG_MS_T | CRM Marketing: Method Schema - Texts | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_MS_T |
93 | CRMV_MKTIMG_OR_T | CRM Marketing: Origin Indicator - Description | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_OR_T |
94 | CRMV_MKTIMG_PAR | Settings for Parallel Processing | C | CRMC_MKTIMG_PAR |
95 | CRMV_MKTIMG_PAR_01 | Settings for Parallel Processing in Segment Builder | V | CRMV_MKTIMG_PAR |
96 | CRMV_MKTIMG_PAR_02 | Settings for Parallel Processing in ELM | V | CRMV_MKTIMG_PAR |
97 | CRMV_MKTIMG_PAR_03 | Parallelization Settings for Segment Builder Fast Find | V | CRMV_MKTIMG_PAR |
98 | CRMV_MKTIMG_PAR_04 | Settings for Parallel Processing in Document Distribution | V | CRMV_MKTIMG_PAR |
99 | CRMV_MKTISM_CL1 | Maintain Taxonomy Classification Schemes | C | CRMC_MKTISM_CL1 |
100 | CRMV_MKTISM_CL2 | Maintain Characteristics Classification Schemes | C | CRMC_MKTISM_CL2 |
101 | CRMV_MKTISM_PD_F | Assign Partner Determination Procedure to Facts/Observations | C | CRMC_MKTISM_PDP |
102 | CRMV_MKTISM_PD_I | Assign Partner Determination Procedure to Insights | C | CRMC_MKTISM_PDP |
103 | CRMV_MKTISM_PFOW | Partner Function customizing for Owner | C | CRMC_MKTISM_PFOW |
104 | CRMV_MKTISM_PFRS | Partner Function customizing for Restricted Access Person | C | CRMC_MKTISM_PFRS |
105 | CRMV_MKTISM_REL | Relationships | C | CRMC_MKTISM_REL |
106 | CRMV_MKTISM_RELT | Relationship entity types | C | CRMC_MKTISM_RELT |
107 | CRMV_MKTISM_STPR | Assign Status Profile | C | CRMC_MKTISM_STPR |
108 | CRMV_MKTISM_TDPS | Maintain determination proc. for additional texts | C | CRMC_MKTISM_TDPS |
109 | CRMV_MKTISM_TID | Maintain Text IDs for standard texts | C | CRMC_MKTISM_TID |
110 | CRMV_MKTISM_TOBJ | Maintain Text Objects | C | CRMC_MKTISM_TOBJ |
111 | CRMV_MKTISM_WS | Maintain Destination of xPD Web Service | C | CRMC_MKTISM_WS |
112 | CRMV_MKTLIST_HT | External List - View via Header and Text Table | D | CRMD_MKTLIST_H |
113 | CRMV_MKTLIST_I | Selection of List Item External List Management (ELM) | D | CRMD_MKTLIST_H |
114 | CRMV_MKTLIST_M1 | ELM Mapping Format Type | C | CRMC_MKTLIST_M1 |
115 | CRMV_MKTLIST_M2 | ELM Mapping Format Component | C | CRMC_MKTLIST_M2 |
116 | CRMV_MKTLIST_M3 | ELM Mapping Component Attributes | C | CRMC_MKTLIST_M3 |
117 | CRMV_MKTLIST_MH | ELM Mapping: View for header and text | D | CRMD_MKTLIST_MH |
118 | CRMV_MKTLIST_O | Origin of External List | C | CRMC_MKTLIST_O |
119 | CRMV_MKTLIST_P | Settings for Parallel Processing | C | CRMC_MKTLIST_P |
120 | CRMV_MKTLIST_TYP | Type of External List | C | CRMC_MKTLIST_T |
121 | CRMV_MKTPLTP_OCT | Additional Overlaps for Trade Promotion Types | C | CRMC_MKTPLTP_OCT |
122 | CRMV_MKTPLTP_ODI | TPM Overlap Check - Attributes | C | CRMC_MKTPLTP_ODI |
123 | CRMV_MKTPLTP_ODR | TPM Overlap Check - Additional Date Ranges | C | CRMC_MKTPLTP_ODR |
124 | CRMV_MKTPL_ACCOM | Maintain Accomodation for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_ACCOM |
125 | CRMV_MKTPL_ADSIZ | MDF : Maintain Ad Size for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_ADSIZ |
126 | CRMV_MKTPL_AGRTP | Define Selective Copying to Trade Promotions | C | CRMC_MKTPL_AGRTP |
127 | CRMV_MKTPL_ATT | Maintenance View for Customizing table for Mkt Project Att | C | CRMC_MKTPL_ATT |
128 | CRMV_MKTPL_BGL | Define Business Goals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_BGL |
129 | CRMV_MKTPL_BI_IO | BI InfoObjects corresponding to marketing object types | C | CRMC_MKTPL_BI_IO |
130 | CRMV_MKTPL_BRFAS | Maintain Breakfast for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_BRFAS |
131 | CRMV_MKTPL_CAPCR | Define Currency Units for Cross-Order Caps | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CAPCR |
132 | CRMV_MKTPL_CAPRL | Maint. View : Causal Profile & Causal Type Link | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CAPRL |
133 | CRMV_MKTPL_CAUKF | TPM Planning : Map Key Figures for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CAUKF |
134 | CRMV_MKTPL_CA_VL | Causal Values. | D | CRMC_MKTPL_EX_CA |
135 | CRMV_MKTPL_CFLDL | Maint View - Causal Type & Causal Related Fields Link | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CFLDL |
136 | CRMV_MKTPL_CFLDT | Maintenance View for Causal Type - Related Fields | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CFLD |
137 | CRMV_MKTPL_CHFEC | Assignment of File Export Variant to Communication Medium | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CHFEC |
138 | CRMV_MKTPL_CH_HV | Define High-Volume Communication Medium | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CHAN |
139 | CRMV_MKTPL_CLOGO | MDF : Maintain Logo for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CLOGO |
140 | CRMV_MKTPL_CLRES | Claim Resolution Layout | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CLRES |
141 | CRMV_MKTPL_COLOR | Maintenance View for Color | C | CRMC_MKTPL_COLOR |
142 | CRMV_MKTPL_COMB | Combinability Types | C | CRMC_MKTPL_COMB |
143 | CRMV_MKTPL_CONDG | CRM Customizing Marketing Planning: Conditions Generation | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CONDG |
144 | CRMV_MKTPL_COSTF | View for Spend Type filtering | D | CRMC_MKTPL_COTYP |
145 | CRMV_MKTPL_CPROT | Causal Profile Maintenance View | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CPRO |
146 | CRMV_MKTPL_CTEXP | Assign Expense Types and Accrual Profiles to MDF Initiative | D | CRMC_MKTPL_CTYEX |
147 | CRMV_MKTPL_CTEXT | View to extract Expense type for CGPL Tasks | D | CRMD_MKTPL_EXPTY |
148 | CRMV_MKTPL_CTY_T | Causal Factor Type Maintenance View | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CTYP |
149 | CRMV_MKTPL_CUFKY | TPM: Map Key Figures for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CUFKY |
150 | CRMV_MKTPL_CUFLD | Maint View - Customer enhancement - Causal Fields | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CUFLD |
151 | CRMV_MKTPL_DATE | View Maintenance for Additional Date Ranges | C | CRMC_MKTPL_DATE |
152 | CRMV_MKTPL_DATEC | Additional date ranges | C | CRMC_MKTPL_DATE |
153 | CRMV_MKTPL_DATEI | Additional date ranges | C | CRMC_MKTPL_DATE |
154 | CRMV_MKTPL_DATEM | Additional date ranges | C | CRMC_MKTPL_DATE |
155 | CRMV_MKTPL_DATEP | Additional Date Ranges | C | CRMC_MKTPL_DATE |
156 | CRMV_MKTPL_DATES | Additional Date Range | C | CRMC_MKTPL_DATE |
157 | CRMV_MKTPL_DATET | Additional date ranges | C | CRMC_MKTPL_DATE |
158 | CRMV_MKTPL_DSLOT | Maintain Display Location for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_DISLO |
159 | CRMV_MKTPL_DSTYT | Maintain Display Type for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_DISTY |
160 | CRMV_MKTPL_EAIPD | EAI: Parallel processing definition | C | CRMC_MKTPL_EAIPD |
161 | CRMV_MKTPL_ETACC | View for mapping Expense Type to Accrual Profile | C | CRMC_MKTPL_ETACC |
162 | CRMV_MKTPL_ETACM | Campaign FMI: Assign Accrual Profile to Exp | C | CRMC_MKTPL_ETACM |
163 | CRMV_MKTPL_ETKFP | View for Mapping expense t ype to keyfigure | C | CRMC_MKTPL_ETKFP |
164 | CRMV_MKTPL_EXPTY | View to extract Expense type for CGPL Projects | D | CRMD_MKTPL_EXPTY |
165 | CRMV_MKTPL_EX_CA | Maint. View - Assign Causal Factor Types to Expense Types | C | CRMC_MKTPL_EX_CA |
166 | CRMV_MKTPL_FEADT | Maintain Feature Ad for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_FEAAD |
167 | CRMV_MKTPL_FIXTZ | Define Fix Conversion Timezone for Object Class | C | CRMC_MKTPL_FIXTZ |
168 | CRMV_MKTPL_FMPPD | Campaign FMI: Planning Profile Definition for Cost Key Fig. | C | CRMC_MKTPL_FMPPD |
169 | CRMV_MKTPL_FMPRF | Campaign FMI: Integration Profile Settings | C | CRMC_MKTPL_FMPRF |
170 | CRMV_MKTPL_FUAGR | Determine Fund Usage Item Aggregation Type | C | CRMC_MKTPL_FUAGR |
171 | CRMV_MKTPL_FUSET | View for General Settings | C | CRMC_MKTPL_FUSET |
172 | CRMV_MKTPL_GADEF | Generic Actions default options | C | CRMC_MKTPL_GADEF |
173 | CRMV_MKTPL_GAFL1 | CRM Marketing - Generic Actions filters definition | C | CRMC_MKTPL_GAFL1 |
174 | CRMV_MKTPL_GAFLT | CRM Marketing - Generic Actions filters | C | CRMC_MKTPL_GAFL |
175 | CRMV_MKTPL_HIER | Customizing view for Marketing Project Hierarchy | C | CRMC_MKTPL_HIER |
176 | CRMV_MKTPL_ISELT | Maintain Incremental Secondary Location for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_ISELO |
177 | CRMV_MKTPL_ITCGR | Item Category Groups for Display Pallet | C | CRMC_MKTPL_ITCGR |
178 | CRMV_MKTPL_KPI1 | Assign icons to KPI Alert grades | C | CRMC_MKTPL_KPI1 |
179 | CRMV_MKTPL_KPI_H | Customizing for KPI hierarchical views | C | CRMC_MKTPL_KPI_H |
180 | CRMV_MKTPL_LOY | Define Wizards | C | CRMC_MKTPL_LOY |
181 | CRMV_MKTPL_MEDIT | Maintain Media for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_MEDIA |
182 | CRMV_MKTPL_MSEXP | Campaign FMI: Mapping Marketing Spends to Expense Types | C | CRMC_MKTPL_MSEXP |
183 | CRMV_MKTPL_MSKFM | Campaign FMI: Mapping Key Figure to Marketi | C | CRMC_MKTPL_MSKFM |
184 | CRMV_MKTPL_MTRAN | Maintain Mode of transport for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_MTRAN |
185 | CRMV_MKTPL_OBMAP | Type Mapping for Copied Objects | C | CRMC_MKTPL_CTMAP |
186 | CRMV_MKTPL_PAPR | Define Marketing Parallel Processing | C | CRMC_MKT_PAREXEC |
187 | CRMV_MKTPL_PRFIX | View Maintenance for auto-naming BAdI prefixes | C | CRMC_MKTPL_PRFIX |
188 | CRMV_MKTPL_QEPOS | Define Trade Spend Position | C | CRMC_MKTPL_QEPOS |
189 | CRMV_MKTPL_RANGE | Ranges for KPI grouping | C | CRMC_MKTPL_RANGE |
190 | CRMV_MKTPL_REEVT | View the BRF Table | C | CRMC_MKTPL_REEVT |
191 | CRMV_MKTPL_RLCTX | View for the rule contexts | C | CRMC_MKTPL_RLCTX |
192 | CRMV_MKTPL_RLEVT | view for rule events | C | CRMC_MKTPL_RLEVT |
193 | CRMV_MKTPL_RLSTR | View for the datasource structures | C | CRMC_MKTPL_RLSTR |
194 | CRMV_MKTPL_ROWPR | Available number of rows per product dimension view in TPM | C | CRMC_MKTPL_ROWPR |
195 | CRMV_MKTPL_RTS | Customizing View for Sales Area based Off-Invoice Check | C | CRMC_MKTPL_RTS |
196 | CRMV_MKTPL_RT_AC | Archiving Control CRM - Marketing Planner | C | CRMC_MKTPL_RT_AC |
197 | CRMV_MKTPL_RULE | Condition Groups Relevant for the Rule Type | C | CRMC_MKTPL_RULE |
198 | CRMV_MKTPL_SLSKT | Maintain Slotted SKUs for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_SLOSK |
199 | CRMV_MKTPL_SPCLT | Maintain Space Location for Causals | C | CRMC_MKTPL_SPCLO |
200 | CRMV_MKTPL_SPLIT | Customizing View for Split Calendar Options | C | CRMC_MKTPL_SPLIT |
202 | CRMV_MKTPL_STVCM | Campaign FMI: Status to Value Category Mapping | C | CRMC_MKTPL_STVCM |
203 | CRMV_MKTPL_SYST | View for System Status to AVC Profile | C | CRMC_MKTPL_SYST |
204 | CRMV_MKTPL_TPCTL | Maintain Marketing Planning to Causal Profile Assignment | C | CRMC_MKTPL_TPCTL |
206 | CRMV_MKTPL_TPMTP | Trade Promotion Types | D | CRMC_MKTPL_CTYPE |
207 | CRMV_MKTPL_TSFLT | To maintain the data in customizing CRMC_MKTPL_TSFLT | C | CRMC_MKTPL_TSFLT |
208 | CRMV_MKTPL_TSPND | Maintenance View for table CRMC_FLT_TSPENDS | C | CRMC_MKTPL_TSPND |
210 | CRMV_MKTPL_VCAVC | Campaign FMI: Value Category to AVC Profile | C | CRMC_MKTPL_VCAVC |
211 | CRMV_MKTPL_VERUI | Maint view for customizing version UI | C | CRMC_MKTPL_VERUI |
212 | CRMV_MKTPL_VRST | View to maintain user status and system status | C | CRMC_MKTPL_VRST |
213 | CRMV_MKTPL_VRUST | Maintainence view for User Status | C | CRMC_MKTPL_VRUST |
214 | CRMV_MKTPL_VSEXT | MDF View Extractor: Validation Sheet (MDF INI) | D | CRMD_CLA_VS_VS |
215 | CRMV_MKTPL_VUIAT | Maint. view of the version UI for attrs of asg. type | C | CRMC_MKTPL_VUIAT |
216 | CRMV_MKTPPG_GPAT | Maintenance view for Guideline Parameters | C | CRMC_MKTPPG_GPAR |
217 | CRMV_MKTPPG_PLVL | Used for F4 Help in PPG Pricing Level | D | CRMC_MKTPPG_PLVL |
218 | CRMV_MKTPPG_PLVT | Promotion Guideline Pricing Levels | C | CRMC_MKTPPG_PLVL |
219 | CRMV_MKTPROF | CRM Marketing: Profiles | D | KLAH |
220 | CRMV_MKTPROSPECT | Marketing Prospect Search | H | CRMD_MKTHV_MC |
221 | CRMV_MKTTGGRP_US | CRM Marketing: Usage Category/Description/Business Partner | D | CRMD_MKTTGGRP_US |
222 | CRMV_MKTTG_DEDUP | Maintain Deduplication Rules | C | CRMC_MKTTG_DEDUP |
223 | CRMV_MKTTG_DTY | Display Types | C | CRMD_MKTTG_DTY |
224 | CRMV_MKTTG_FC | Function Codes for a Marketing Segment | C | CRMC_MKTTG_FC_T |
225 | CRMV_MKTTG_MGR_H | Program for Master Group Generation | C | CRMC_MKTTG_MGR_H |
226 | CRMV_MKTTG_OP | Target Group Operations | C | CRMC_MKTTG_OP |
227 | CRMV_MKTTG_OPT_H | Sample Optimization | C | CRMC_MKTTG_OPT_H |
228 | CRMV_MKTTG_OP_C | Target Group operations for customer implementations | H | CRMC_MKTTG_OP_C |
229 | CRMV_MKTTG_OT | Activation of a Marketing Segment | C | CRMC_MKTTG_OT |
230 | CRMV_MKTTG_OT_1 | Segment Types for a Marketing Segment | C | CRMC_MKTTG_OT_1 |
231 | CRMV_MKTTG_OT_2 | Origin Types for a Marketing Segment | C | CRMC_MKTTG_OT_2 |
232 | CRMV_MKTTG_OT_H | Usage of a Marketing Segment | C | CRMC_MKTTG_OT_H |
233 | CRMV_MKTTG_PF | CRM-Marketing: Search View Profiles | D | CRMD_MKTTG_PF_H |
234 | CRMV_MKTTG_RUL | Rules for Target Group Splitting and Refinement | C | CRMC_MKTTG_RUL |
235 | CRMV_MKTTG_SAF | CRM-Marketing: Attribute Filter Search view | D | CRMD_MKTTG_SAL |
236 | CRMV_MKTTG_SAL_C | CRM Mktg: View for Attribute Lists and Relevant Text Table | D | CRMD_MKTTG_SAL |
237 | CRMV_MKTTG_SA_DP | Assign Attribute Types to Display Types | C | CRMC_MKTTG_SA_DP |
238 | CRMV_MKTTG_SA_TP | Attribute Types | C | CRMC_MKTTG_SA_TP |
239 | CRMV_MKTTG_SDS_C | CRM Mktg: View for Data Sources and Relevant Text Table | D | CRMD_MKTTG_SDS |
240 | CRMV_MKTTG_SET | CRM-Marketing: Profile Set Search view | D | CRMD_MKTTG_SET_H |
241 | CRMV_MKTTG_SO | CRM Marketing: View Maintenance - Selection Options | C | CRMD_MKTTG_SO |
242 | CRMV_MKTTG_TBP | CRM Marketing: Target Group Texts/Business Partners | D | CRMD_MKTTGGRP_T |
243 | CRMV_MKTTG_TG | CRM-Marketing: Target Group Search view | D | CRMD_MKTTG_TG_H |
244 | CRMV_MKTTG_TGPFS | CRM-Marketing: Target Group Search view | D | CRMD_MKTTG_TG_H |
245 | CRMV_MKTTG_TGPT | CRM Marketing: TG Selection - TG/Profile Template/Attribute | D | CRMD_MKTTGGRP_TG |
246 | CRMV_MKTTG_TGT | CRM Marketing: Target Group Texts/Selection | D | CRMD_MKTTGGRP_T |
247 | CRMV_MKTTG_TGTPT | CRM Marketing: TG Selection - Text/Prof.Templ./Attr./TG | D | CRMD_MKTTGGRP_PT |
248 | CRMV_MKTTG_TPM_X | CRM Marketing: Cust. TPM field enhancement for Segments | C | CRMC_MKTTG_TPM_X |
249 | CRMV_MKTTG_TPT | CRM Marketing: TGs - Texts/Profile Templates/Attributes | D | CRMD_MKTTGGRP_T |
250 | CRMV_MKTTG_TREXD | RFC Destination and Settings for TREX Index | C | CRMC_MKTTG_TREXD |
251 | CRMV_MKTTG_TYP_H | Usages | C | CRMC_MKTTG_TYP_H |
252 | CRMV_MKTTG_USBP | CRM Marketing: Target Groups - Usage/BP | D | CRMD_MKTTGGRP_US |
253 | CRMV_MKTTG_UST | CRM Marketing: Target Groups - Usage/Texts | D | CRMD_MKTTGGRP_US |
254 | CRMV_MKT_ADDR | Personalized Address Formatting in B2B Scenario | C | CRMC_MKT_PERSB2B |
255 | CRMV_MKT_AGR_BIR | BW reports for Agreement | C | CRMC_MKTGS_BIREP |
256 | CRMV_MKT_BLCONF | Business Line Level Configuration Maintenance for Indirects | C | CRMC_MKT_BLCONF |
257 | CRMV_MKT_CND_GRP | Marketing Planning: Condition Maintenance Group Assignment | C | CRMC_MKT_CND_GRP |
258 | CRMV_MKT_FEC_VA | File Export Variants | C | CRMC_MKT_FEC_VA |
259 | CRMV_MKT_FEC_VAS | File Export Variant: Settings | C | CRMC_MKT_FEC_VAS |
260 | CRMV_MKT_PAREXEC | CRM Marketing: Maintenance View for Parallel Campaign Export | C | CRMC_MKT_PAREXEC |
261 | CRMV_MKT_PP_FM | View for function module for product proposal | C | CRMC_MKT_PP_FM |
262 | CRMV_MKT_TOOLS | Programs for Expert Tool in Marketing | C | CRMC_MKT_TOOLS |
263 | CRMV_MKT_TOOL_A | Grouping of Reports | C | CRMC_MKT_TOOL_A |
264 | CRMV_MLR_TEST | Minimum Percentages for Minimum Lease Rate Test | C | CRMC_MLR_TEST |
265 | CRMV_MNTPRF_ASSI | Assign Enhancement Profiles to Item Categories | C | CRMC_ITEM_TYPE |
266 | CRMV_MOB_ACT_D | CRM Mobile: Activity Download | C | CRMC_MOB_ACT_D |
267 | CRMV_MOB_ACT_N | CRM Mobile: Activity Notes | C | CRMC_MOB_ACT_N |
268 | CRMV_MOB_ACT_S | CRM Mobile: Exclusion Status for Activity | C | CRMC_MOB_ACT_S |
269 | CRMV_MOB_ACT_U | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Activity Update | C | CRMC_MOB_ACT_U |
270 | CRMV_MOB_AFS_BK | CRM Mobile : Factsheet Assignment Blocks | C | CRMC_MOB_AFS_BK |
271 | CRMV_MOB_AFS_BLK | CRM Mobile: Account Fact Sheet Blocks Maintenance View | C | CRMC_MOB_AFS_BLK |
272 | CRMV_MOB_AFS_FLD | CRM Mobile: Fact Sheet Block Fields | C | CRMC_MOB_AFS_FLD |
273 | CRMV_MOB_AFS_VTB | CRM Mobile : Account Factsheet Field | C | CRMC_MOB_AFS_VTB |
274 | CRMV_MOB_BO | CRM Mobile : View for backend BO names | C | CRMC_MOB_BO |
275 | CRMV_MOB_CNTR_H | CRM Mobile: Download Filters Counters-Reading History | C | CRMC_MOB_CNTR_H |
276 | CRMV_MOB_COMPL_D | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Compliants Download | C | CRMC_MOB_COMPL_D |
277 | CRMV_MOB_COMPL_N | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Complaints Notes | C | CRMC_MOB_COMPL_N |
278 | CRMV_MOB_COMPL_O | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for SRV Organization and Team | C | CRMC_MOB_COMPL_O |
279 | CRMV_MOB_COMPL_S | CRM Mobile : Exclusion Status View for Complaint | C | CRMC_MOB_COMPL_S |
280 | CRMV_MOB_CTASK_U | CRM Mobile: View for Complaint Task Status Update | C | CRMC_MOB_CTASK_U |
281 | CRMV_MOB_CURR | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Currency | C | CRMC_MOB_CURR |
282 | CRMV_MOB_DATE | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Date Filter | C | CRMC_MOB_DATE |
283 | CRMV_MOB_DEST | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Mobile RFC Destinations | C | CRMC_MOB_DEST |
284 | CRMV_MOB_IB_HIST | CRM Mobile: Download Filters IBase - Transaction History | C | CRMC_MOB_IB_HIST |
285 | CRMV_MOB_IB_S | CRM Mobile: Download Filters IBase Management - Status | C | CRMC_MOB_IB_S |
286 | CRMV_MOB_LANG | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View Language | C | CRMC_MOB_LANG |
287 | CRMV_MOB_LEAD_D | CRM Mobile : Maintainence for View download | C | CRMC_MOB_LEAD_D |
288 | CRMV_MOB_LEAD_N | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Lead Notes | C | CRMC_MOB_LEAD_N |
289 | CRMV_MOB_LEAD_S | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Lead Exclusion Status | C | CRMC_MOB_LEAD_S |
290 | CRMV_MOB_LEAD_U | CRM Mobile: Maintenance view for Lead Update | C | CRMC_MOB_LEAD_U |
291 | CRMV_MOB_OBJ_N | Customization Table for Product/Object Notes | C | CRMC_MOB_OBJ_N |
292 | CRMV_MOB_OBJ_S | CRM Mobile: Download Filters Object Management - Status | C | CRMC_MOB_OBJ_S |
293 | CRMV_MOB_OPPT_D | CRM Mobile: Download Filters For Opportunity Management | C | CRMC_MOB_OPPT_D |
294 | CRMV_MOB_OPPT_N | CRM Mobile: Download Filters Opportunity Management - Notes | C | CRMC_MOB_OPPT_N |
295 | CRMV_MOB_OPPT_S | CRM Mobile: Exclusion Status for Opportunity | C | CRMC_MOB_OPPT_S |
296 | CRMV_MOB_OPPT_U | CRM Mobile: Opportunity Update Parameters | C | CRMC_MOB_OPPT_U |
297 | CRMV_MOB_ORG | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Organization | C | CRMC_MOB_ORG |
298 | CRMV_MOB_SC_D | CRM Mobile: Service Contract d/l customizing view | C | CRMC_MOB_SC_D |
299 | CRMV_MOB_SC_DWN | CRM Mobile: Customization view for service contract d/l | C | CRMC_MOB_SC_D |
300 | CRMV_MOB_SC_N | CRM Mobile: Service Contract Notes Customizing | C | CRMC_MOB_SC_N |
301 | CRMV_MOB_SC_S | Status Customization View | C | CRMC_MOB_SC_S |
302 | CRMV_MOB_SO_D | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for SO Download | C | CRMC_SO_MOB_D |
303 | CRMV_MOB_SO_N | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for SO Notes | C | CRMC_SO_MOB_N |
304 | CRMV_MOB_SO_S | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for SO Exclusion Status | C | CRMC_SO_MOB_S |
305 | CRMV_MOB_SO_UPD | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Sales Order Update | C | CRMC_MOB_SO_U |
306 | CRMV_MOB_SRVAS_S | Customization View for the Service Assignment | C | CRMC_MOB_SRVAS_S |
307 | CRMV_MOB_SRVCN_D | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Service Conf. Download | C | CRMC_MOB_SRVCN_D |
308 | CRMV_MOB_SRVCN_N | CRM Mobile: Maint. View for Service Confirmation Notes | C | CRMC_MOB_SRVCN_N |
309 | CRMV_MOB_SRVCN_O | CRM Mobile: Customization View for Service Confirmation | C | CRMC_MOB_SRVCN_O |
310 | CRMV_MOB_SRVCN_S | CRM Mobile : Exclusion Status View for Service Confirmation | C | CRMC_MOB_SRVCN_S |
311 | CRMV_MOB_SRVOR_D | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Service Order Download | C | CRMC_MOB_SRVOR_D |
312 | CRMV_MOB_SRVOR_N | CRM Mobile: Maint. View for Service Order Notes | C | CRMC_MOB_SRVOR_N |
313 | CRMV_MOB_SRVOR_O | CRM Mobile: Customization View for Service Orders | C | CRMC_MOB_SRVOR_O |
314 | CRMV_MOB_SRVOR_S | CRM Mobile : Exclusion Status View for Service Order | C | CRMC_MOB_SRVOR_S |
315 | CRMV_MOB_SRV_D | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for Service Order Download | C | CRMC_MOB_SRV_D |
316 | CRMV_MOB_SRV_DT | CRM Mobile: Service Scenario Dates Customizing View | C | CRMC_MOB_SRV_DT |
317 | CRMV_MOB_SRV_N | CRM Mobile: Maint. View for Service Order Notes | C | CRMC_MOB_SRV_N |
318 | CRMV_MOB_SRV_S | CRM Mobile : Exclusion status view for Service order | C | CRMC_MOB_SRV_S |
319 | CRMV_MOB_SRV_ST | CRM Mobile: Exclusion Status for Service order | C | CRMC_MOB_SRV_S |
320 | CRMV_MOB_SWCV | CRM Mobile: Maintenance View for SWCV | C | CRMC_MOB_SWCV |
321 | CRMV_MODEL_BUIL | CRM Business Partner: Model for BOL | C | CRMC_MODEL_BUIL |
322 | CRMV_MODEL_EDRIL | Maintenance view EDR BOL model | C | CRMC_MODEL_EDRIL |
323 | CRMV_MODEL_IBIL | Object Model IBase IL | C | CRMC_IB_MODEL |
324 | CRMV_MODEL_LIREP | View for Listing Report Interaction Layer Model | C | CRMC_MODEL_LIREP |
326 | CRMV_MODEL_PRCIL | View for Pricing Interaction Layer Model | C | CRMC_MODEL_PRCIL |
328 | CRMV_MODEL_TTEIL | View for TTE Interaction Layer Model | C | CRMC_MODEL_TTEIL |
329 | CRMV_MODE_C_BUIL | Maintenance view for CRMC_MODE_C_BUIL | C | CRMC_MODE_C_BUIL |
330 | CRMV_MODL_C_LMIL | Loyalty Management applications BOL Model (Customer view) | C | CRMC_MODL_C_LMIL |
331 | CRMV_MPK_APP | Maintenance view for CRM_MPK Application Table | C | CRMC_MPK_APP |
332 | CRMV_MPK_APPGRP | Maintenance View for CRM_MPK Application Group | C | CRMC_MPK_APPGRP |
333 | CRMV_MPK_APPLINK | Maintenance view for CRM_MPK Application Link | C | CRMC_MPK_APPLINK |
334 | CRMV_MPK_APPSCR | Maintain Measuring Point Application Display | C | CRMC_MPK_APPSCR |
335 | CRMV_MPK_ATTR | Maintain Counter Attributes | C | CRMC_MPK_ATTR |
336 | CRMV_MPK_CAT | Maintain Counter Categories | C | CRMC_MPK_CAT |
337 | CRMV_MPK_MPOINT | DB View for CRMD_MPK_MPOINT search help | D | CRMD_MPK_MPOINT |
338 | CRMV_MPK_MPOINTT | DB View Counter and Counter Short Text | D | CRMD_MPK_MPOINTT |
339 | CRMV_MPK_READING | Help view for Reading | H | CRMD_MPK_READING |
340 | CRMV_MPK_SCRPROF | Screen Profiles for Measuring Point Administration | C | CRMC_MPK_SCRPROF |
341 | CRMV_MULTIGRP | Multi-Group | C | CRMC_MULTIGRP |
344 | CRMV_MULTIVALUEC | Maintenance view for advanced search settings | C | CRMC_MULTIVALUEC |
345 | CRMV_NAVIGATION | Assignment of Field and Processing Location | C | CRMC_NAVIGATION |
346 | CRMV_NFDET | Assign Nota Fiscal Attributes to Item Categories | C | CRMC_NFDET |
347 | CRMV_NF_ADMIN | System Settings for Notification Framework | C | CRMC_NF_ADMIN |
348 | CRMV_NF_BOR_HNDL | Maintenance View of Table CRMC_NF_BOR_HNDL | C | CRMC_NF_BOR_HNDL |
349 | CRMV_NF_CHN_DEF | Maintenance View for Table CRMC_NF_CHN_DEF | C | CRMC_NF_CHN_DEF |
350 | CRMV_NF_FILTERS | Filter Set for Notification Framework | D | CRMD_NF_HEADER |
351 | CRMV_NF_FORM_DEF | Maintenance View for Table CRMC_NF_FORM_DEF (Not Used) | C | CRMC_NF_FORM_DEF |
352 | CRMV_NF_OUTPUTS | Output set for Notification Framework | D | CRMD_NF_HEADER |
353 | CRMV_NF_SEL_FLD | Maintenance View of Table CRMC_NF_SEL_FLD | C | CRMC_NF_SEL_FLD |
354 | CRMV_NF_TXN_DEF | Maintenance View for Table CRMC_NF_TXN_DEF | C | CRMC_NF_TXN_DEF |
355 | CRMV_NM_SUB | View-Subscription Manager | C | CRMD_NM_SUB |
356 | CRMV_NODE_MAP_CL | ESOA Node mapping class | C | CRMC_NODE_MAP_CL |
357 | CRMV_NOTIF | Notification Profiles - Maintenance View | C | CRMC_NOTIF |
358 | CRMV_NOTIF_EVENT | Events within Notification Profiles | C | CRMC_NOTIF_EVENT |
359 | CRMV_NR_R_HELP | Help View for Number Range Maintenance in CRM | H | NRIV |
360 | CRMV_OBJECTS | Subobjects of CRM Document | C | CRMC_OBJECTS |
361 | CRMV_OBJECTS_GEN | Maintenance Metainformation | C | CRMC_OBJECTS_GEN |
362 | CRMV_OBJECT_ASSI | Assignment: Application Area - Sub-object | C | CRMC_OBJECT_ASSI |
363 | CRMV_OBJECT_CUST | Description of Generated Business Transaction Components | C | CRMC_OBJECTS |
364 | CRMV_OBJECT_FUNC | Event Handler: Assignment Object - Functions | C | CRMC_OBJECT_FUNC |
365 | CRMV_OBJECT_HELP | View for Object Names for Pricing Type Determination | H | CRMC_OBJECTS |
366 | CRMV_OBJECT_ID | Documents by Object Number | D | CRMD_ORDERADM_H |
367 | CRMV_OBJECT_TYPE | Maintainence View for Object types | C | CRMC_OBJECT_TYPE |
368 | CRMV_OBJI_C_BUIL | Maintenance view for CRMC_OBJI_C_BUIL | C | CRMC_OBJI_C_BUIL |
369 | CRMV_OBJLINKPF_D | Define Object Link Profile | C | CRMC_OBJLINKPF_D |
370 | CRMV_OBJLINKPF_P | Assign Object Link Profile to Transaction Type | C | CRMC_PROC_TYPE |
371 | CRMV_OBJLINKPROF | Assign Object Link Types | C | CRMC_OBJLINKPROF |
372 | CRMV_OBJLINKTYPE | Define Object Link Type Details | C | CRMC_OBJLINKTYPE |
373 | CRMV_OBJLINKTY_D | Define Object Link Types | C | CRMC_OBJLINKTY_D |
374 | CRMV_OBJREF | Maintenance view for Object Relationships | C | CRMC_OBJREF |
375 | CRMV_OBJREF_PF | Maintenance view for Object Relationship profiles | C | CRMC_OBJREF_PF |
376 | CRMV_OBJREF_S | Maintenance view for Object Relationships System table | C | CRMC_OBJREF_S |
377 | CRMV_OBJREF_UI | Maintenance view for Object Relationships in Overview screen | C | CRMC_OBJREF_UI |
378 | CRMV_OBJRF_ITEM2 | Display Items in Document (Opportunity) | D | CRMD_ORDERADM_H |
379 | CRMV_OBJRF_ITEMS | Display Items in Document (Sales Documents) | D | CRMD_ORDERADM_H |
380 | CRMV_OBJ_ASSI_I | Assignment: Application Area - Sub-object | C | CRMC_OBJ_ASSI_I |
381 | CRMV_OBJ_ASSI_IC | Maintain Enhancement Profile for Transaction | C | CRMC_OBJ_ASSI_IC |
382 | CRMV_OBJ_BTIL | Objects | C | CRMC_OBJ_BTIL |
383 | CRMV_OBJ_BTIL_C | Customer-Specific Implementations for Objects | C | CRMC_OBJ_BTIL_C |
384 | CRMV_OBJ_BUIL | Customizing: Business Partner Objects in BOL | C | CRMC_ALLOBJ_BUIL |
385 | CRMV_OBJ_C_LMIL | BOL Object View for Loyalty Management applications ( Cust) | C | CRMC_OBJ_C_LMIL |
386 | CRMV_OBJ_DESCR | View: Product Item Category | C | CRMC_OBJ_DESCR |
387 | CRMV_OBJ_EDRIL | Maintenance view EDR BOL Objects | C | CRMC_OBJ_EDRIL |
388 | CRMV_OBJ_FLD_SEL | Selection via Unique Field Names | D | CRMC_OBJ_FLD_GEN |
389 | CRMV_OBJ_FUNC | Event Handler: Object Functions | C | CRMC_OBJ_FUNC |
390 | CRMV_OBJ_GEN_PRO | F4 on Generated Objects with Profile-Relevant Flag | H | CRMC_OBJECTS_GEN |
391 | CRMV_OBJ_IBIL | IBase Objects | C | CRMC_OBJ_IBIL |
392 | CRMV_OBJ_IND | Maintenance View for Indirects BOL Object Table | C | CRMD_OBJ_IND |
393 | CRMV_OBJ_LIREP | View for Object Table for GENIL of List Report BOL | C | CRMC_OBJ_LIREP |
394 | CRMV_OBJ_LMIL | LM Application | C | CRMC_OBJ_LMIL |
395 | CRMV_OBJ_LOG | Customising view for Log profile- Business Object table. | C | CRMC_OBJ_LOG |
396 | CRMV_OBJ_PRCIL | View for Object Table for Generic Interaction Layer Pricing | C | CRMC_OBJ_PRCIL |
397 | CRMV_OBJ_PROFILE | View: Object Profile | C | CRMC_OBJ_PROFILE |
398 | CRMV_OBJ_ROIL | RO Application | C | CRMC_OBJ_ROIL |
399 | CRMV_OBJ_TTEIL | View for Object Table for Generic Interaction Layer TTE | C | CRMC_OBJ_TTEIL |
400 | CRMV_OBJ_TYPE | Status object types in CRM business transaction | C | CRMC_OBJ_TYPE |
401 | CRMV_OBJ_TYPE_DB | Database View: Status Object Type | D | CRMC_OBJ_TYPE |
402 | CRMV_OEM_MI_PT | Transaction Type for Integration of OEM Managed Inventory | C | CRMC_OEM_MI_PT |
403 | CRMV_OIS_IB_REG | Maintenance View for Object Information Sheet: Info Blocks | C | CRMC_OIS_IB_REG |
404 | CRMV_OIS_IB_VW | Maintenance View for Object Information Sheet: Info Block | C | CRMC_OIS_IB_VW |
405 | CRMV_OIS_RL_VW | Maintenance View for Object Information Sheet: Role View | C | CRMC_OIS_RL_VW |
406 | CRMV_OIS_TRIGGER | Maint. View for Object Information Sheet: Trigger Condition | C | CRMC_OIS_TRIGGER |
407 | CRMV_OIS_VW_REG | Maintenance View for Object Information Sheet: Views | C | CRMC_OIS_VW_REG |
408 | CRMV_OPPIMPOR | Priority of Opportunity / Lead | C | CRMC_OPPIMPOR |
409 | CRMV_OPPORT_H | Customizing Opportunity at Header Level | C | CRMC_OPPORT_H |
410 | CRMV_OPPORT_ITEM | Opportunity Customizing at Item Level | C | CRMC_SALES_ITEM |
411 | CRMV_OPPT_OD | Transaction Types for Opportunity OData Service | C | CRMC_OPPT_OD |
412 | CRMV_OPPT_TYPE | Opportunity Group | C | CRMC_OPPT_TYPE |
413 | CRMV_ORDER_ARC | Archiving Control for CRM One Order | C | CRMC_ORDER_ARC |
414 | CRMV_ORDER_DEDUP | Assign class for Deduplication | C | CRMC_ORDER_DEDUP |
415 | CRMV_ORDER_ITEMS | Display of Items in Document | D | CRMD_ORDERADM_H |
416 | CRMV_ORDER_VIEW | Business Transaction: Define Views | C | CRMC_ORDER_VIEW |
417 | CRMV_ORDITEM_ST | CRM View: User Status for Items | D | CRMC_ITEM_TYPE |
418 | CRMV_ORDPPR_LAM | Object List Screen with Installation | C | CRMC_ORDPPR_LAM |
419 | CRMV_ORGMAN | Cross Settings for Divisions | C | COMC_ORGMAN |
420 | CRMV_ORGPROF | Organizational Data Profile | C | CRMC_ORGPROF |
421 | CRMV_ORLALL_BTIL | Extend Business Transaction Object Model | C | CRMC_ORLALL_BTIL |
422 | CRMV_ORLSTA_BTIL | Static Object Relations | C | CRMC_ORLSTA_BTIL |
424 | CRMV_OR_BWFLDM_D | D-Version of BI Field Map | C | CRMD_OR_BWFLDMAP |
425 | CRMV_OR_CNODEUI | Define Component Controller Context Node Mapping | C | CRMC_OR_CNODEUI |
426 | CRMV_OR_DT_STEP | Maintenance View for Wizard Steps | C | CRMC_OR_DT_STEP |
427 | CRMV_OR_DT_WACTN | Actions for Wizard Step | D | CRMC_OR_DT_WIZAC |
428 | CRMV_OR_DT_WIZ | Maintenance View for Wizard | C | CRMC_OR_DT_WIZ |
429 | CRMV_OR_DT_WIZAC | Maintenance View for Wizard Actions | C | CRMC_OR_DT_WIZAC |
430 | CRMV_OR_DT_WIZST | Maintenance View for Wizard Steps | C | CRMC_OR_DT_WIZST |
431 | CRMV_OR_DT_WSTEP | Data View for Wizard Steps | D | CRMC_OR_DT_WIZST |
432 | CRMV_OR_EMBUI | Define Components | C | CRMC_OR_EMBUI |
433 | CRMV_OR_F4_HELP | Int. Reporting - Maintenance View for F4 Help Information | C | CRMD_OR_FILTFLD |
434 | CRMV_OR_FILTFLD | Int. Reporting - Maintenance View for Table CRMD_OR_FILTFLD | C | CRMD_OR_FILTFLD |
435 | CRMV_OR_FLDOPERA | Int. Reporting - Maintenance View for Table CRMD_OR_FLDOPERA | C | CRMD_OR_FLDOPERA |
436 | CRMV_OR_ITYPE | Report Areas | C | CRMC_OR_ITYPE |
437 | CRMV_OR_ITYPE_D | D-Versions of Report Areas | C | CRMC_OR_ITYPE |
438 | CRMV_OR_IT_BIQRY | Interact. Reporting - Assignment of BI Query to Report Area | C | CRMD_OR_IT_BIQRY |
439 | CRMV_OR_IT_BIQ_D | Interact. Reporting - Assignment of BI Query to Report Area | C | CRMD_OR_IT_BIQRY |
440 | CRMV_OR_KFAGGRM | Key Figure Aggregation Mode | C | CRMD_OR_KFAGGRM |
441 | CRMV_OR_NAVFLD | Navigation Fields | C | CRMD_OR_NAVFLD |
442 | CRMV_OR_PROFILE | Interactive & HANA Live Report Profile | C | CRMC_OR_PROFILE |
443 | CRMV_OR_REPPRO | OLTP Report Customizing | C | CRMC_OR_REPPRO |
444 | CRMV_OR_SRCHHELP | Interactive Reporting - Maintenance of Search Help Events | C | CRMD_OR_FILTFLD |
445 | CRMV_OUTBND_RESI | Define ResidenceTime for Outbound Correspondence | C | CRMC_OUTBND_QRES |
446 | CRMV_PACK_TYPES | Process Type Determination for Subdocuments | C | CRMC_PACK_TYPES |
447 | CRMV_PARTNER_MP1 | Mapping Partner Functions into R/3 | C | CRMC_PARTNER_2R3 |
448 | CRMV_PARTNER_MP2 | Mapping Partner Functions from R/3 | C | CRMC_PARTNER_2CR |
449 | CRMV_PARTY | Cancelling party | C | CRMC_PARTY |
450 | CRMV_PAYMFORM | When Due in Period | C | CRMC_PAYMFORM |
451 | CRMV_PAYMSCHED | Payment Schedule Generation Method | C | CRMC_PAYMSCHED |
452 | CRMV_PAYM_DATA | Business Agreement: Payment Data | C | CRMC_PAYM_DATA |
453 | CRMV_PAYM_METHOD | Payment Data Maintenance | C | CRMC_PAYM_METHOD |
454 | CRMV_PCAT_VIEW_A | Product Catalog View for Search Help CRMV-PCAT-VIew_A | D | COMM_PCAT_VIEW |
455 | CRMV_PCAT_VRT_A | Product Catalog Variant for Search Help CRMV_PCAT_VRT_A | D | COMM_PCAT_VRT |
456 | CRMV_PDAY_SHIFT | Payment Date Adjustment | C | CRMC_PDAY_SHIFT |
457 | CRMV_PDA_PROF | View for profile parameters for PDA | C | CRMD_PDA_PROF |
458 | CRMV_PERI_COMPL | View for Maintaining Table CRMC_PERI_COMPL | C | CRMC_PERI_COMPL |
459 | CRMV_PER_TYPE | Define Period Types | C | CRMC_PER_TYPE |
460 | CRMV_PE_TYPE | Process Events | C | CRMC_PE_TYPE |
461 | CRMV_PFLEGE_CSID | Maintenance View for Search ID | C | CRMT_LOCA_CSID |
462 | CRMV_PF_SET_BP | Read Profiles and Profile Sets for a Business Partner | D | CRMD_MKTTG_TG_H |
463 | CRMV_PHASE | Sales Stage | C | CRMC_PHASE |
464 | CRMV_PH_FRG10 | Ph BP Frg.10 | D | CRMPHAM_BP_FRG10 |
465 | CRMV_PH_FRG21 | Ph BP Frg 21 | D | BUT000 |
466 | CRMV_PH_FRG30 | Ph BP Frg 30 | D | BUT000 |
467 | CRMV_PKGRL | View for Package Rule | C | CRMC_PKGRL |
468 | CRMV_PKGRL_CP | Change Process Integration of Package Rules - CP | C | CRMC_PKGRL_CP |
469 | CRMV_PKGRL_CPFG | Change Process Integration of Package Rules - FG per ChgPrc | C | CRMC_PKGRL_CPFG |
470 | CRMV_PKGRL_FG | Field group for package | C | CRMC_PKGRL_FG |
471 | CRMV_PLANGRPCUST | Assign Dependency To Account Type | C | CRMC_PLGRPCUST |
472 | CRMV_PLANGRPPROD | Assign Dependency To Product Planning Basis | C | CRMC_PLGRPPROD |
473 | CRMV_PLNK_KIND | Maintain Type of Pool Linkage | C | CRMC_PLNK_KIND |
474 | CRMV_PMM_DIS_CON | Assign price conditions to negotiable discounts | C | CRMC_PMM_DIS_CON |
475 | CRMV_PMM_DIS_TYP | Define negotiable discounts | C | CRMC_PMM_DIS_TYP |
476 | CRMV_PMM_PRC_CON | Map Negotiable Discounts to Condition Types | C | CRMC_PMM_PRC_CON |
477 | CRMV_PMM_PRICING | Assign price conditions to negotiable prices | C | CRMC_PMM_PRICING |
478 | CRMV_PMNTTRMS | Terms of Payment | C | CRMC_PMNTTRMS |
479 | CRMV_PMNT_FAM | Maintain Payment Family | C | CRMC_PMNT_FAM |
480 | CRMV_PNT_001 | Profile Assignment | C | CRMC_PNT_001 |
481 | CRMV_PNT_010 | Profile | C | CRMC_PNT_010 |
482 | CRMV_PNT_011 | Profile: Level | C | CRMC_PNT_011 |
483 | CRMV_PNT_020 | Activate Relationships by Transaction Type | C | CRMC_PNT_020 |
484 | CRMV_PNT_030 | Copying Type | C | CRMC_PNT_030 |
485 | CRMV_PNT_040 | Relnship Cat. | C | CRMC_PNT_040 |
486 | CRMV_PNT_IL_RLTP | Product Relationship Types | D | COMC_IL_TYPE |
487 | CRMV_PNT_IL_RTF4 | Product Relationship Types: F4 | H | COMC_IL_TYPE |
488 | CRMV_PNT_UI_001 | Display Variant Assignment: Header | C | CRMC_PNT_UI_001 |
489 | CRMV_PNT_UI_001A | Display Variant Assignment: Navigation | C | CRMC_PNT_UI_001A |
490 | CRMV_PNT_UI_002 | Display Variant Assignment: Item | C | CRMC_PNT_UI_002 |
491 | CRMV_PNT_UI_010 | Layout | C | CRMC_PNT_UI_010 |
492 | CRMV_PNT_UI_020 | Tree Variant | C | CRMC_PNT_UI_020 |
493 | CRMV_PNT_UI_021 | Tree Variant: Restrict Start Item Categories | C | CRMC_PNT_UI_021 |
494 | CRMV_PNT_UI_022 | Tree Variant: Restrict Displayed Relations | C | CRMC_PNT_UI_022 |
495 | CRMV_PNT_UI_023 | Tree Variant: Item Categories to Be Displayed at All Times | C | CRMC_PNT_UI_023 |
496 | CRMV_PNT_UI_024 | Tree Variant: Restrict Displayed Subitems | C | CRMC_PNT_UI_024 |
497 | CRMV_PNT_UI_AVAR | Display Variant from a Document | H | CRMC_PNT_UI_010 |
498 | CRMV_PODCACTIV | Purchase Order No. Check: Activation per Trans. Type and BP | C | CRMC_PODCACTIV |
499 | CRMV_PODCGROUP | Purchase Order Number Check: BP Groups | C | CRMC_PODCGROUP |
500 | CRMV_PODC_HDRS_1 | Purch. Order No. Check: Order Hdr GUIDs and Purch. Order No. | D | CRMD_SALES |