View - R
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | R3TR_VARIS | R3trans view of VARIS | D | VARIS |
2 | RBKP_V | Incoming Invoice, Header Data | D | RBKP |
3 | RBT_ENH_T6B1_V | Extended Rebate Processing: Settings for Agreement Types | C | T6B1 |
4 | RCCHARV | View: Characteristic and Text for Classification | D | RCCHAR |
5 | RCCHARVALV | View: Characteristic and Text for Classification | D | RCCHARVAL |
6 | RCELTYPEV | View: Development Element Type and Text for Classification | D | RCELTYPE |
7 | RCFMV | Material Master View on Production Resources/Tools | D | MARA |
8 | RCFMW | Material Master View on Production Resources/Tools | D | MARA |
9 | RCJ_NUMPD | Db view external/internal numbers project definition | D | PROJ |
10 | RCJ_NUMPR | Db view internal/external numbers WBS element | D | PRPS |
11 | RCJ_VSNUMPD | DB view external/internal number f. project def. (version) | D | VSPROJ_CN |
12 | RCJ_VSNUMPR | Db view internal/external numbers WBS element | D | VSPRPS_CN |
13 | RCM_ORG_VQACT_AS | RCM Organizer Quick Action: Role <-> Profile Assignment | C | RCM_ORG_QACT_PRA |
14 | RCM_ORG_VQACT_PA | RCM Organizer: View for Profiles (Quick Action) | D | RCM_ORG_QACT_PRA |
15 | RCM_ORG_VQACT_PD | RCM Organizer: Definition of Views (Quick Action) | C | RCM_ORG_QACT_PRD |
16 | RCM_ORG_VQACT_PR | RCM Organizer: Quick Action Profile Maintenance | C | RCM_ORG_QACT_PR |
17 | RCM_REC_TVAFP | RCM: Function Profile <-> Role Assignment | C | RCM_REC_TAFP |
18 | RCM_REC_TVCOLE | RCM Record: Maintenance of Element Columns for Func. Profile | C | RCM_REC_TELCOL |
19 | RCM_REC_TVFP | RCM Record: Function Profile Maintenance | C | RCM_REC_TFP |
20 | RCM_REC_TVTB | RCM Record: Toolbar Element Maintenance for Recrd Containers | C | RCM_REC_TTB |
21 | RCM_REC_TVTBE | RCM Record: Toolbar Element Maintenance for Record Elements | C | RCM_REC_TTB |
22 | RCM_REC_VFP | RCM: Record: View via configuration toolbar elements | D | RCM_REC_TTB |
23 | RCPL_PP_MIG | RMS-RCP: Lock Object for Process Parameter Migration | RCPT_PPMIG_GSTAT | |
24 | RCPV_ACTION | Action Properties | C | RCPC_POB_PROPS |
25 | RCPV_MSCSEQ | Sequence of Specification Types | C | RCPC_MSCSEQ |
26 | RCPV_MSCSTATPR | Status Profile | C | RCPC_MSCSTATPR |
27 | RCPV_MSC_ASCOPE | Changes to Scope of Application | C | RCPC_MSC_ASCOPE |
28 | RCPV_MSC_STCOND | Conditions for Recipe Header Status | C | RCPC_MSC_STCOND |
29 | RCPV_MSC_STEXEC | Execution Steps for Recipe Header Status | C | RCPC_MSC_STEXEC |
30 | RCPV_OBJTYPE_RCP | Properties of a Specification Category | C | RCPC_OBJTYPE_RCP |
31 | RCPV_OPERATION | Operation Properties | C | RCPC_POB_PROPS |
32 | RCPV_PP_CLS_EQR | RMS_RCP: View for Process Parameter Classes of Equip. Req. | D | RCPC_SPECART_EQR |
33 | RCPV_PP_CLS_RCP | RMS_RCP: View for Process Parameter Classes of Recipes | D | RCPC_SPECART_RCP |
34 | RCPV_PROCESS | Process Properties | C | RCPC_POB_PROPS |
35 | RCPV_RATING | Ratings that Allow GR->MR Transfer (Scope of Application) | C | RCPC_RATING |
36 | RCPV_SEARCH_RCP | Used to Search for Specification Types of Category 'RECIPE' | D | TCG31 |
37 | RCPV_SHLP_AENNRA | RMS-RCP: Search Help for Change Numbers Recipes (Variant) | D | AENR |
38 | RCPV_SPECART_EQR | Properties of an EQR Specification Type | C | RCPC_SPECART_EQR |
39 | RCPV_SPECART_RCP | Properties of an RCP Specification Type | C | RCPC_SPECART_RCP |
40 | RCPV_SPEC_EQR | Choose Specification Type (Specification Cat. = 'EQUIP_REQ') | C | TCG31OBJ |
41 | RCPV_SPEC_RCP | Choose Specification Type (Specification Cat. = 'RECIPE') | C | TCG31OBJ |
42 | RCPV_SPEC_USTATE | User Status of an RCP Specification Type | C | RCPC_SPEC_USTATE |
43 | RCPV_SRC_QUNIT | RMS-RCP: Help View for Units of Measure in RMWB | H | FRMLC_T007 |
44 | RCPV_STAGE_PROPS | Stage Properties | C | RCPC_POB_PROPS |
45 | RCPV_T007 | Define Allowed Units of Measure | C | FRMLC_T007 |
46 | RCPV_TEST_ACTION | For Filling During Development: Action Properties | C | RCPC_POB_PROPS |
47 | RCPV_TEST_OPERA | For Filling During Development: Operation Properties | C | RCPC_POB_PROPS |
48 | RCPV_TEST_PROC | For Filling During Development: Process Properties | C | RCPC_POB_PROPS |
49 | RCPV_TEST_RCP | Only Used for Filling During Development | C | RCPC_SPECART_RCP |
50 | RCPV_TEST_STAGE | For Filling During Development: Stage Properties | C | RCPC_POB_PROPS |
51 | RCPV_VDEF_EQR | Define Views for EQR Specification Types | C | RCPC_VDEF_EQR |
52 | RCPV_VDEF_EQRT | Language-Dependent Names of the View Definitions | C | RCPC_VDEF_EQRT |
53 | RCPV_VDEF_POB | Define Views for POB Specification Types | C | RCPC_VDEF_POB |
54 | RCPV_VDEF_POBT | Language-Dependent Names of the View Definitions | C | RCPC_VDEF_POBT |
55 | RCPV_VDEF_RCP | Define Views for RCP Specification Types | C | RCPC_VDEF_RCP |
56 | RCPV_VDEF_RCPT | Language-Dependent Names of the View Definitions | C | RCPC_VDEF_RCPT |
57 | RCPV_VIEWSPE_EQR | Assignment: View<->Specification Type (EQR) | C | RCPC_VIEWSPE_EQR |
58 | RCPV_VIEWSPE_RCP | Assignment: View<->Specification Type (RCP) | C | RCPC_VIEWSPE_RCP |
59 | RCPV_VIEW_ACTION | Assignment: View<->Action | C | RCPC_VIEWSPE_POB |
60 | RCPV_VIEW_OP | Assignment: View<->Operation | C | RCPC_VIEWSPE_POB |
61 | RCPV_VIEW_PROCES | Assignment: View<->Process | C | RCPC_VIEWSPE_POB |
62 | RCPV_VIEW_STAGE | Assignment: View<->Process Stage | C | RCPC_VIEWSPE_POB |
63 | RDPT_ACTIVE_SET | Active Set View | D | VWPANLE |
64 | RDPT_FACTOR2_V | Treasury: Drawing Factors | C | RDPT_FACTOR2 |
65 | RDPT_FACTOR_V2 | Join Two Drawing Factors Table | D | RDPT_FACTOR_HDR2 |
66 | RDPT_FACTOR_VHD2 | Treasury: Drawing Factors Header | C | RDPT_FACTOR_HDR2 |
67 | RDPT_SET_SCHD | Join Set with the Schedules | D | RDPT_SET |
68 | RDPT_SET_SCHD_RD | Treasury: View Joining Set to Redemptions | D | RDPT_SET |
69 | RE01 | test | RET100 | |
70 | REASV_BW_V | BW Text View - Reason for Variance | D | TRUGT |
71 | REBV_CONDTYPE | Conditions: Condition Types | C | /SAPCND/T685 |
72 | REBV_CONDTYPESUP | Rebate Condition Types | C | /SAPCND/T685 |
73 | REB_CND_MNT_CL_V | Maintenance Classes for Rebate Condition Maintenance | C | REB_CND_MNT_CL |
74 | REB_COND_MASS_V | Mass Maintenance of Rebate Condition Records | C | REB_COND_MNTMASS |
75 | REB_RQ_ASGN_V | Settings for Rebate Relevance | C | REB_RQ_ASGN |
76 | REORGVIEW | DB View for Reorg. of Scheduling Agreement Schedule Lines | D | MARA |
77 | REPPTABS_V | User Settings: Tabstrip Information | D | REPPTABS |
78 | REQREQ | Exclusive Requirement Coverage Request | REQHEAD | |
79 | REQ_SET_V | Requirement Set Maintenance | C | REQ_SET |
80 | REQ_SET_V_DET | Requirement Set Maintenance with predefined Set ID | C | REQ_SET |
81 | RESBDV | "Database View of RESB for Availability Check" | D | RESB |
82 | RESBDVU | "Database View of RESB for Availability Check (UPDATE)" | D | RESB |
83 | RESBL | Database view of RESB set deletion indicator (update) | D | RESB |
84 | RESP_BW_V | BW View for Person Responsible for Work Center | D | TC24 |
85 | REWARD_PRODV | Set Type for Reward Products | D | REWARD_PROD |
86 | REWARD_PRODVH | Set Type for Reward Products | D | REWARD_PRODH |
87 | REWARD_PRO_LOYV | Set Type for Reward Products | D | REWARD_PRO_LOY |
88 | REWARD_PRO_LOYVH | Set Type for Reward Products | D | REWARD_PRO_LOYH |
89 | REWARD_PRO_TPYV | Reward Product Type | D | REWARD_PRO_TPY |
90 | REWARD_PRO_TPYVH | Reward Product Type | D | REWARD_PRO_TPYH |
91 | REWARD_PRO_TYPV | Reward Product Type | D | REWARD_PRO_TYP |
92 | REWARD_PRO_TYPVH | Reward Product Type | D | REWARD_PRO_TYPH |
93 | RFCDES_VIEW | Database View for RFCDES Table | D | RFCDES |
94 | RFCDES_VIEW_CBWL | Database View for RFCDES Table | D | RFCDES |
95 | RFCPAR | Object-specific RFC destinations for delta download | C | CRMRFCPAR |
96 | RFCPAR_D | Maintenance of RFC destinations for uploading objects | C | SMOFRFCPAR |
97 | RFCPAR_U | Maintenance of RFC destinations for uploading objects | C | SMOFRFCPAR |
98 | RFCSYSACL | Lock object for trusted system table | RFCSYSACL | |
99 | RFC_T242Y | Data Transfer: Source | C | T242Y |
100 | RF_WKQUV_VV | AA | C | LRF_WKQU |
101 | RIS_QUICK_SEARCH | Quick Search: Ctrl.+Shift.+A | D | TADIR |
102 | RIS_V_DDL_TADIR | DDL Sources and TADIR information | D | DDDDLSRC |
103 | RIS_V_EXECUTABLS | View on executable objects | D | SEOCLASS |
104 | RIS_V_PROG_TADIR | RIS: View for ABAP Source Search | D | RIS_PROG_TADIR |
105 | RIS_V_RTXT_TADIR | DDL Sources and TADIR information | D | REPOTEXT |
106 | RIS_V_SRCH_NAMES | Object Names for ABAP Source Search | D | RIS_V_PROG_TADIR |
107 | RIS_V_SRC_IDX | Joined Index | D | RIS_PROG_TADIR |
108 | RIS_V_T100_TADIR | Messages and TADIR information | D | T100 |
110 | RMAN_PRSP_V_CSCR | Assignment of WD Components to Confirmation Layouts | C | RMAN_PRSP_CO_SCR |
111 | RMAN_PRSP_V_RSCR | Assign Layout to Order Type/Plant/Role | C | RMAN_PRSP_RU_SCR |
112 | RMAN_PRSP_V_SCR | Screen ID: WD Component Assignments | C | RMAN_PRSP_SCREEN |
113 | RMPSVP_ACTFUNC | Maintain Activity Functions for Process Route(Incoming Post) | C | SRMACTFUNC |
114 | RMPSVP_ACTIVTY | View for Activity Maintenance (Case Management) | C | SRMACTIVTY |
115 | RMPSV_ATTRRULNAM | Maintenance View: Generation Rules for Case Indicator | C | RMPSATTR_RULNAM |
116 | RMPSV_CASERULNAM | Generation Rules for Case Indicator | D | SRMHLLISTS |
117 | RMPSV_DOC_TYPE | RMPS: Display the avlable inbnd doc types of email post item | C | RMPSPEINDOCTYP |
118 | RMPSV_F4INBNDATT | RMPS: Fetches the inbound attributes to be used via f4 help | H | RMPS_MPG_EML_ATT |
119 | RMPSV_MENU_CTRL | Menu Customizing | C | RMPS_MENU_CTRL |
120 | RMPSV_MPGEML_INB | RMPS: Maping of Inbound doc attributes to E-mail attributes | C | RMPS_MPG_EML_ATT |
121 | RMPSV_RESUB_TYP | Resubmissions | H | RMPS_T_RESUB_TYP |
122 | RMPS_SOA_STATUS | Maintain External Document Status | C | RMPSE_SOA_STATUS |
123 | RMPS_V_MENU_CUST | Customize Menu and Toolbar Texts | C | RMPS_MENU_CUST |
124 | RMPU_VPLAFD | View of Planned Order for Pull List Selection | P | PLAF |
125 | RMPU_VRESB | View of RESB for Pull List With Selection | D | RESB |
126 | RMSAL_HDR | Lock Header Data via Prefix | RMSAS_HDR_BUF | |
127 | RMSAL_LASTAT | RMS: Lock Object for Language-Dependent Translation Statuses | RMSAT_LASTAT | |
128 | RMSAL_QMHDR | RMSATLQM: Lock Object for Header Data | RMSAT_QMHDR | |
129 | RMSAL_REL_DUM | RMS: Versioning - Locks for Relations | RMSAT_REL_ENQDUM | |
130 | RMSAV_MSC_OBJSRV | Object Type-Specific Mass-Change Service | C | RMSAC_MSC_OBJSRV |
131 | RMSAV_MSC_SRV | Service for Mass Change | C | RMSAC_MSC_SRV |
132 | RMSAV_OBJECT | Maintenance View for Object Type | C | RMSAC_OBJECT |
133 | RMSAV_PPDEF | Definition of Process Parameters | C | RMSAC_PPDEF |
135 | RMSAV_PP_GENSET | General Settings for Process Parameters | C | RMSAC_PP_GENSET |
136 | RMSAV_STATCHECK | Relationship Between Specification Types and Check Methods | C | RMSAC_STATCHECK |
137 | RMSAV_STATMSG | Messages with Type | C | RMSAC_STATMSG |
138 | RMSAV_STATOBJ | Status Check: Assignment Specification Categ. to ABAP Class | C | RMSAC_STATOBJ |
139 | RMSAV_STATSELOPT | Status Options of Child Object | C | RMSAC_STATSELOPT |
140 | RMSAV_SUBOBJECT | Maintenance View for Object Type | C | RMSAC_SUBOBJ |
141 | RMSAV_TIME_UOM | Help View for Time Units | H | T006 |
142 | RMSAV_VAI_PP | Process Parameter Names with Phrases Assigned | C | RMSAC_VAI_PP |
143 | RMSAW_M_QPMKS | Generated View for Matchcode ID QPMK -S | D | QPMK |
144 | RMSAW_T002C | RMS: ATL DB View for all Languages Installed in the System | D | T002C |
145 | RMSLVH_STATUS | Help View for Label Status Input Help | H | TJ02 |
146 | RMSLV_CHAR_CLASS | Characteristics Assigned to Classes (Class Type 100) | D | CABN |
147 | RMSLV_DIET_TXTID | Labeling: Assign Text Modules to Diet Values | C | RMSLC_DIET_TXTID |
148 | RMSLV_FORM2_TAB | Relevant PDF-Based Print Forms for Labeling EHP6 | C | RMSLC_FORM2_TAB |
149 | RMSLV_FORM2_TEXT | Texts for Output on PDF-Based Print Form EHP6 | C | RMSLC_FORM2_TXTB |
150 | RMSLV_FORM2_TM | Text Module Names | C | RMSLC_FORM2_TM |
151 | RMSLV_FORM_NUTR | Format Nutrients on PDF-Based Print Form | C | RMSLC_FORM_NUTR |
152 | RMSLV_FORM_QUANT | Format Nutrients on PDF-Based Print Form | C | RMSLC_FORM_NUTR |
153 | RMSLV_FORM_TAB | Relevant PDF-Based Print Forms for Labeling | C | RMSLC_FORM_TAB |
154 | RMSLV_FORM_TEXT | Texts for Output on PDF-Based Print Form | C | RMSLC_FORM_TXTB |
155 | RMSLV_LBLID | Select Label Set | H | RMSLA_HD |
156 | RMSLV_LBLID_DSC | Select Label Set with Description | H | RMSLA_HD |
157 | RMSLV_LBLID_DSCR | Select Label Set with Description | D | RMSLA_HD |
158 | RMSLV_NUTRHD | Component Structure Defaults | C | RMSLC_NUTRHD |
159 | RMSLV_QUAL_TXTID | Labeling: Assign Text Modules to Qualitative Data Values | C | RMSLC_DIET_TXTID |
160 | RMSLV_RULE | Labeling: Rules | C | RMSLC_RULE |
161 | RMSLV_STMT_ID | Statement Purpose | C | RMSLC_STMT_ID |
162 | RMSLV_TEXT | Labeling: Text Module | C | RMSLC_TEXT |
163 | RMSLV_UI_TAB | Tab Pages for Labeling | C | RMSLA_UI_TAB |
164 | RMSLV_WUI_NUTRHH | Header of Component Structure Template | C | RMSLC_WUI_NUTRHH |
165 | RMSLV_WUI_NUTRHI | Items of Component Structure Template | C | RMSLC_WUI_NUTRHI |
166 | RMSLV_WUI_NUTRHT | Description of Component Structure Template Header | C | RMSLC_WUI_NUTRHT |
167 | RMVBBE | Abbreviated VBBE for F4 Help | P | VBBE |
168 | RMVDRCLB | Callback for Derivation | C | RMDRCLB |
169 | RMVDRTYPE | Derivation Type | C | RMDRTYPE |
170 | RMXMW_PP_CLASS | Selection View for Search Help, PP Classes RMSAC_PPDEF/TCG11 | D | RMSAC_PPDEF |
171 | RMXTW_PRODH | Find Trials by Product Hierarchy | D | MARA |
172 | RMXTW_RESOURC | TMS-API: Resource Assignment Help View | H | RMXTT_TRIAL_RES |
173 | RMXTW_RMXTC_MAP | View for Search Help: Assign Parameters (Transformation) | D | RMXTC_T30 |
174 | RODPS_REPL_KEY | Pointer for Full Key | D | RODPS_REPL_POINT |
175 | ROG_S02OBJ | D28: Plant Maintance Object list for SD sales Document item | D | SER02 |
176 | ROG_SEROBJ | View for OBJK & SER02 tables | D | OBJK |
177 | ROG_VBAKAP | Sales header and items | D | VBUK |
178 | ROG_VBAKSE | Sales header and items | D | VBAK |
179 | ROG_VBAKSO | Sales header and items (old view for ROG_VBAKSE) | D | VBUK |
180 | ROG_VBAPAK | Sales header and items for SMP | D | VBAK |
181 | ROG_VBAPUP | Item data and status | D | VBAP |
182 | ROOS_V | View using OLTP Sources and Texts | D | ROOSOURCE |
183 | ROSV_LANG_QSTN | Language Selection for Questionnaires | C | ROST_LANG_QSTN |
184 | ROSV_PCAT_QSTN | Assign Product Category and Questionnaire to Languages | C | ROST_PCAT_QSTN |
185 | ROSV_SEL_PRODCAT | Product Categories for Registration | C | ROST_SEL_PRODCAT |
186 | ROVERCUBE2 | Active Record ROVERCUBE1 | D | ROVERCUBE1 |
188 | ROVERCUSAV | Customer Master Data View | D | ROVERCUSTA |
189 | ROVERCUSTV | Verification Scenarios Customer Texs | D | ROVERCUSTT |
190 | ROVERFIEAV | Verification Scenario: View of Field Attributes | D | ROVERFIEA |
191 | ROVERFIEHV | Verification Scenario: Hierarchy Table View | D | ROVERFIELH |
192 | ROVERFIETV | Verification Scenarios Field Texts | D | ROVERFIELT |
193 | ROVERREGIV | View of Regions in Verification Scenario | D | ROVERREGIA |
194 | ROVERREGTV | Verification Scenario | D | ROVERREGIT |
195 | ROVERTYPAV | Scenario Verification View using Attributes of Test Type | D | ROVERTYPEA |
196 | ROVERTYPTV | Verification Scenario View using Texts for Type | D | ROVERTYPET |
197 | RO_INTER_SH | View of table JBRDBKO | D | JBRDBKO |
198 | RPM_USER_ROLES | Database view for Roles via user authorization | D | ACO_USER |
199 | RPM_V_FES_IMG | Summary Line / Buffering of FES screens | C | RPM_FES_IMG |
200 | RRT_MDX_FCT | MDX Functions | C | RRT_MDX_FUNCTION |
201 | RS3DRELV | Possible 3rd Party Source System Types and Releases | D | RS3DREL |
202 | RSADMINAV | RSADMINA Maintenance View | C | RSADMINA |
203 | RSADMINAV2 | Maintenance View for ODS Fields (RSADMINA) | C | RSADMINA |
204 | RSADMINCV1 | BW: Settings for Flat Files | C | RSADMINC |
205 | RSADMINCV10 | URL Creation by the Server | C | RSADMINC |
206 | RSADMINCV11 | Standard Web Templates | C | RSADMINC |
207 | RSADMINCV12 | Settings - Microsoft Analysis Services | C | RSADMINC |
208 | RSADMINCV13 | Drag&Relate Settings | C | RSADMINC |
209 | RSADMINCV14 | OLAP: Cache Parameters | C | RSADMINC |
210 | RSADMINCV15 | Web Protocoll for BW Web Reporting URLs Created by Server | C | RSADMINC |
211 | RSADMINCV16 | Authorization Settings | C | RSADMINC |
212 | RSADMINCV17 | Settings for Currency Translations | C | RSADMINC |
213 | RSADMINCV18 | DB Connect Settings | C | RSADMINC |
214 | RSADMINCV19 | Settings for InfoSets | C | RSADMINC |
215 | RSADMINCV2 | BW: Monitor Waiting Time | C | RSADMINC |
216 | RSADMINCV20 | Hide Menu 'Publish to Enterprise Portal 5.0' | C | RSADMINC |
217 | RSADMINCV21 | Standard Web Templates | C | RSADMINC |
218 | RSADMINCV23 | Analysis Authorization System | C | RSADMINC |
219 | RSADMINCV24 | Quantity Conversion: Setting Buffer Size Int. Table | C | RSADMINC |
220 | RSADMINCV25 | Database Interface/Performance | C | RSADMINC |
221 | RSADMINCV26 | Database Interface/Performance (Oracle) | C | RSADMINC |
222 | RSADMINCV27 | Set Standard Web Templates | C | RSADMINC |
223 | RSADMINCV28 | Determine Settings for Web Templates | C | RSADMINC |
224 | RSADMINCV29 | Settings for Broadcasting | C | RSADMINC |
225 | RSADMINCV3 | BW: User in SS for ALE Communication | C | RSADMINC |
226 | RSADMINCV30 | Load Distribution for Analys. Proc. | C | RSADMINC |
227 | RSADMINCV31 | RFC Destination for BI Model Generation | C | RSADMINC |
228 | RSADMINCV32 | Data Warehousing Workbench | C | RSADMINC |
229 | RSADMINCV33 | FAE Threshold Value for SID Service | C | RSADMINC |
230 | RSADMINCV34 | Asynchronous Deletion from Write-Optimized DataStores | C | RSADMINC |
231 | RSADMINCV4 | BEx Values | C | RSADMINC |
232 | RSADMINCV5 | BW: Currency Conversion for External Systems | C | RSADMINC |
233 | RSADMINCV6 | BW: Threshold Value for Data Loading | C | RSADMINC |
234 | RSADMINCV7 | BW: Basic Settings | C | RSADMINC |
235 | RSADMINCV8 | BW: Parameter for Aggregates (Structure, Change Run) | C | RSADMINC |
236 | RSADMINCV9 | BW: Posting Mode for Master Data | C | RSADMINC |
238 | RSAP_APPLIC_V | Application for BI System Measurement | D | TUAPP |
239 | RSAR_ALPHA_CHECK | Alpha Check in Transfer Rules (HW 598691) | D | RSDCHABAS |
240 | RSBATCHTYPE | Type of Processes of BW Batch Management | C | RSBATCHDEBUGTYPE |
241 | RSBCTCB_CHA_T_V | Characteristic-Data Target Texts | D | RSDCHABAS |
242 | RSBCTCB_DS_ATT_V | DataSource attributes | D | RSOLTPSOURCE |
243 | RSBCTCB_QRY_T_V | Query Texts | D | RSZELTTXT |
244 | RSBCTCB_QUERY | Content Browser - Query Info | D | RSRREPDIR |
245 | RSBCTCB_RFTXT_V | Role Folder Texts | D | AGR_HIERT |
246 | RSBCTCB_RTXT_V | Role Texts | D | AGR_TEXTS |
247 | RSBCT_IPMV_DT | BCT-IPM: Data Value | C | RSBCT_IPMC_DT |
248 | RSBCT_IPMV_SC | BCT-IPM: Cumulation Scope for a Data Value | C | RSBCT_IPMC_SC |
249 | RSBCT_MEV_ACC | BCT-ME: Definition of Account Numbers | C | RSBCT_MEC_ACC |
250 | RSBCT_MEV_CASH | BCT-ME: Definition of Cash Accounts | C | RSBCT_MEC_CASH |
251 | RSBCT_MEV_CASHKP | BCT-ME: Select Chart of Accounts | C | RSBCT_MEC_KP |
252 | RSBCT_MEV_INFOPR | BCT-ME: Define Update Rule | C | RSBCT_MEC_INFOPR |
253 | RSBCT_MEV_IOBJVA | BCT-ME: Define Filter Conditions | C | RSBCT_MEC_IOBJVA |
254 | RSBCT_MEV_IP_MAP | BCT-ME: Title Levels Mapping (Material IP GUID) | C | RSBCT_MEC_IP_MAP |
255 | RSBCT_MEV_KP | BCT-ME: Chart of Accounts | C | RSBCT_MEC_KP |
256 | RSBCT_MEV_KYF | BCT-ME: Definition of Key Figure InfoObjects | C | RSBCT_MEC_KYF |
257 | RSBCT_MEV_KYFKP | BCT-ME: Assign Chart of Accounts | C | RSBCT_MEC_KYFKP |
259 | RSBCT_MEV_SCEN | BCT-ME: Scenarios for Title Integration | C | RSBCT_MEC_SCEN |
260 | RSBCT_MEV_TLEVEL | BCT-ME: Assign Title Level InfoObject | C | RSBCT_MEC_TLEVEL |
261 | RSBCT_NAVCUSTOM | Maintenance View for BW-PCUI-Portal-Navigation | C | RSBCT_NAVKEYDET |
262 | RSBCT_NAVKEYDETV | Access to Customizing of BW-PCUI-Navigation links | D | RSBCT_NAVKEYDET |
263 | RSBCT_PBPC_CAP_V | Formula Caps | C | RSBCT_PBPC_CAP |
264 | RSBCT_PBPC_CGR_V | Formula Cap - Grouping | C | RSBCT_PBPC_CAPGR |
265 | RSBCT_PBPC_IOB_V | Infoobject Usage in BRF BI Planning Connector Scenario | C | RSBCT_PBPC_IOBJ |
266 | RSBCT_PBPC_LKC_V | Selection Citeria for Buffering BRF BI Planning Lookup data | C | RSBCT_PBPC_LKPC |
267 | RSBCT_PBPC_LKP_V | Buffer settings for Lookups in BRF BI Planning Connector | C | RSBCT_PBPC_LKP |
268 | RSBCT_PBPC_SCN_V | BRF BI Planning Connector Scenario | C | RSBCT_PBPC_SCEN |
269 | RSBCT_PBP_COSTKV | PBP Maintenance View Used Key Figures for Personnel Costs | C | RSBCT_PBP_COSTK |
270 | RSBCT_PBP_CT_V | PBP: Maintenance View for Content Category of InfoProvider | C | RSBCT_PBP_CTYPE |
271 | RSBCT_PBP_IOBJ1V | PBP: Maintenance View for Characteristics Used | C | RSBCT_PBP_IOBJU |
272 | RSBCT_PBP_IOBJ2V | PBP: Maintenance View for Key Figures Used | C | RSBCT_PBP_IOBJU |
273 | RSBCT_PBP_IOBJ_V | PBP: Info Objects Used in Maintenance View | C | RSBCT_PBP_IOBJ |
274 | RSBCT_PBP_IP_V | PBP: Maintenance View for InfoProviders Used | C | RSBCT_PBP_INFOPR |
275 | RSBCT_RFASH_VCAL | Customizing for Article List | C | RSBCT_RFASH_TCAL |
276 | RSBCT_RPA_EV_LOC | POS Analytics: Locking Event Table | RSBCT_RPA_EV | |
277 | RSBCT_RPA_V_EV | POS Analytics: View of the Event Table | D | RSBCT_RPA_EV |
278 | RSBCT_RPA_V_EVT | POS Analytics: View of the Event Table | D | RSBCT_RPA_EV |
280 | RSBCT_TEV_USRSTA | Allocation of User Status to Status Objects | C | RSBCT_TEC_USRSTA |
281 | RSBKDATA_V | View: Temporary Storage DTP Runtime | D | RSBKDATA |
282 | RSBKREQUEST_V | View of DTP Request | D | RSBKREQUEST |
283 | RSBPCB_REPORT | BPC: BPF View for System Report | D | RSBPCB_TMPL |
284 | RSBPCE_DAP_DET | BPC: Data Access Profile Detail | D | RSBPCE_DAP_DIM |
285 | RSBPCR_V_ACT_PRV | BPC: Activity workspace action Provider | C | RSBPCR_ACT_PROV |
286 | RSBPCR_V_APS_PRV | BPC: Resource releated appset handler | C | RSBPCR_APPS_PROV |
287 | RSBPCR_V_OWN_PRV | BPC: Owner authority check | C | RSBPCR_OWNER_PRV |
289 | RSBPCR_V_RES_PRV | BPC: Resource type provider | C | RSBPCR_RES_PROVD |
290 | RSBPCR_V_VIW_PRV | BPC: View Provider | C | RSBPCR_VIEW_PROV |
291 | RSBPC_EN_V_DEFPR | E&N: User Channel Preferences | D | RSBPC_EN_DEFPRE |
292 | RSBPC_WEB_V_DISP | BPC: Web Handler | C | RSBPC_WEB_DISP |
293 | RSBSTATUS_V | View of Request Status | D | RSBREQUID |
294 | RSCNVRR | View on tables RSCNVRRHD and RSCNVRRT | D | RSCNVRRHD |
295 | RSCOMPDEST_V | Maintenance View for Open Hub: Logical Systems | C | RSCOMPTLOGOT |
296 | RSCOMPTLOGOT_V | Maintenance View for Logical Object Display Components | C | RSCOMPTLOGOT |
297 | RSCONTACTV | Source System Dependent Object Collection for BICA | C | RSCONTACT_COL |
298 | RSCONTACTV_CUST | Source System Dependent Objects for BI Content Analyzer | C | RSCONTACT_COL |
299 | RSCONTENTCHECKCV | Customizing View for BI Content Analyzer Checks | C | RSCONTENTCHECK_C |
300 | RSCONTENTCHECKPV | Priority Maintenance for BI Content Analyzer Check Results | C | RSCONTENTCHECK_P |
301 | RSCONTENTCHECKV | Maintenance View for Exception of BI Content Checks | C | RSCONTENTCHECK_E |
302 | RSCONTENTPACK_V | View for Packages used for BI Content Checks | C | RSCONTENTPACKAGE |
303 | RSCONTENTPROPV | Global Settings for BI Content Analzser | C | RSCONTENTPROP |
304 | RSCONTIOBCHECKV | Maintenance View for Confirmation of Incompatible Changes | C | RSCONTIOBCHECK |
305 | RSCOPY_FLD_V | Field Assignments for Data Flow Copy | C | RSCOPY_FLD |
307 | RSCRMPACK_V1 | View to combine axis and memory value . | D | RSCRMPACK_AXIS2 |
308 | RSCRMTODO_V | View of Target Group Candidates | D | RSCRMTGTODO |
309 | RSCRMV_EVENT_EVN | View for maintaining event handlers at event level | C | RSCRMC_IMP_EVENT |
310 | RSCRMV_EVENT_QRY | View for maintaining event handlers at query level | C | RSCRMC_EVENT_QRY |
311 | RSCRMV_TIME_IPRO | InfoProviders and Source Time Characteristics | C | RSCRMC_TIME_IPRO |
312 | RSCRMV_TIME_TGT | Target Time Characteristics for InfoProvider | C | RSCRMC_TIME_TGT |
313 | RSCTTISET | SHLP for UOM and CTT | D | RSQFOBJ |
314 | RSDAARCHREQDPA_V | View: Data Package of Archiving Request | D | RSDAARCHREQ |
315 | RSDAARCHREQTSH_V | View on request-based Timeshift index | D | RSDAARCHREQTSHFT |
316 | RSDAARCHREQ_V | View of Archiving Request | D | RSDAREQ |
317 | RSDAARESREQ_V | BW Archiving: View for Archiving Request | D | RSDAREQ |
318 | RSDADAPLOC_V | View of Data Archiving Process Local Properties | D | RSDADAPLOC |
319 | RSDADAPTIMSHFT_V | BW Archiving: Timeshifts for Data Archiving Process | D | RSDADAPTIMSHIFT |
320 | RSDANLCON_SYB | Near-line Connections based on SAP Sybase IQ Connector | D | RSDANLCON |
321 | RSDANLREQ_V | View for Near-Line Requests | D | RSDAREQ |
322 | RSDAREAV | View of InfoAreas with texts | D | RSDAREA |
323 | RSDAREFTABSDB_OV | BW Archiving: Template for Near-Line Table View | D | RSDAREFTABSDB_ON |
324 | RSDASYBREFTAB_OU | Template for Near-line Lookup Data View | D | RSDASYBREFTAB_ON |
325 | RSDAS_V_PROV_VAR | Data Access Service Provider with Variants | D | RSDAS_PROV |
326 | RSDATRNAVV | View of navigation attributes and texts | D | RSDATRNAV |
327 | RSDA_S_DAP | BW Archiving: View of Data Archiving Process | D | RSDADAP |
328 | RSDDAGGR_V | View Using Aggregate Directory | D | RSDDAGGRDIR |
329 | RSDDIMEV | View of dimensions with texts | D | RSDDIME |
330 | RSDDIMEV_DTA | View of dimensions with texts | D | RSDDIME |
331 | RSDDSTAT_DM | Data Manager Part of the Statistic | D | RSDDSTATHEADER |
332 | RSDDSTAT_OLAP | OLAP + Front End Part of Statistic | D | RSDDSTATHEADER |
334 | RSDDTREXTABL_IC | Status of Table/Indexes by InfoCube | D | RSDDTREXDIRTABL |
335 | RSDD_TMPNM_LOCK | Lock for administration table for temporary names | RSDD_TMPNM_ADM | |
337 | RSDIOBCV | View of InfoObject catalogs with texts | D | RSDIOBC |
338 | RSDIOBJV | View of InfoObjects and texts | D | RSDIOBJ |
339 | RSDMASICFVIEW | Model View of Time-Independent SID Table | D | RSDMASITAB |
340 | RSDMASTCFVIEW | Model View of Time-Dependent SID Table | D | RSDMASTTAB |
341 | RSDMCHKTAB | View of the master data tables | D | RSDMCHTTAB |
342 | RSDMCHTCFVIEW | Model View of Time-Dependent Master Data Table | D | RSDMCHTTAB |
343 | RSDMDIMVIEW | View across DIMID and SID with Line Item Dimension | D | RSDMSIDTAB |
344 | RSDMDM_V_IOBJAGR | Customizing for Master Data Maintenance | C | RSDMDM_IOBJ_AGR |
345 | RSDMDM_V_IOBJDTL | Customizing for Master Data Maintenance | C | RSDMDM_IOBJ_DTLS |
346 | RSDMESC_DB_MT | Scoring Models for D&B | D | RSDMA_DBT_MODELT |
347 | RSDMHSIVIEW | View across Hierarchy SID and Hierarchy Nodes | D | RSDMHSITABNEW |
348 | RSDMODSVIEW_MPP | Model View for DataStore Object: View for MPP | D | RSDMODSTAB_MPP |
349 | RSDMSIDVIEW | View across SID and Characteristic Value | D | RSDMSIDTAB |
350 | RSDMVIEW | Model view InfoCube | D | RSDMFACTAB |
351 | RSDMVP_BWD_ABC | Help for Mining Sources from Infopackages - Decision Tree | D | RSDMTP_DSRC_BWD |
352 | RSDMVP_BWD_ADISC | Help for Mining Sources from Infopackages - Ass. Discovery | D | RSDMTP_DSRC_BWD |
353 | RSDMVP_BWD_AD_NW | Help for Mining Sources from Infopackages - Ass. Discovery | D | RSDMTP_DSRC_BWD |
354 | RSDMVP_BWD_CLUST | Help for Mining Sources from Infopackages - Clustering | D | RSDMTP_DSRC_BWD |
355 | RSDMVP_BWD_COMMN | Help for Mining Sources from Infopackages - Decision Tree | D | RSDMTP_DSRC_BWD |
356 | RSDMVP_BWD_DTREE | Help for Mining Sources from Infopackages - Decision Tree | D | RSDMTP_DSRC_BWD |
357 | RSDMVP_BWD_SCORE | Help for Mining Sources from Infopackages - Scoring | D | RSDMTP_DSRC_BWD |
358 | RSDSTS | Transfer Structure / PSA Table: Info for Replica | D | RSISOSMAP |
359 | RSDVCHA | View of characteristics, basic chars and local properties | D | RSDCHA |
361 | RSDVDIME | View of dimensions and local properties | D | RSDDIME |
362 | RSDVDPA | View of Technical Chars., Basic Chars., and Local Properties | D | RSDDPA |
363 | RSDVTIM | View of units, basic characteristics and local properties | D | RSDTIM |
364 | RSDVUNI | View of units, basic characteristics and local properties | D | RSDUNI |
365 | RSD_MT_TABLESV | Mega-Tenancy Table Classification | C | RSD_MT_TABLES |
366 | RSD_S_ODSO | View of Properties and Texts for DataStores | D | RSDODSO |
367 | RSECBIAUPROP | View of General TLOGO Properties and Texts | D | RSECBIAU |
368 | RSECHIEVIEW | Hierarchy Authorizations Join for All ACT + A Versions | D | RSECUSERAUTH |
369 | RSECHIE_CL_VIEW | Versioning for Hierarchy Authorizations | D | RSECSESSION_CL |
370 | RSECLOPDLOGFV | Extraction View for LOPD Logs (Filter Level) | D | RSECLOPDLOGH |
371 | RSECLOPDLOGV | Extraction View LOPD Log | D | RSECLOPDLOGH |
372 | RSECLOPDQIOBJREL | LOPD-Relevant InfoObjects of Query (If Known) | D | RSECLOPDQSTAT |
373 | RSECTXT_CL_VIEW | Versioning for Authorization Texts | D | RSECTXT_CL |
375 | RSECVAL_CL_VIEW | View for Versioning | D | RSECVAL_CL |
377 | RSGMDDMODV | View of Data Model and Texts | D | RSGMDDMOD |
378 | RSINSPCHECKT_DEL | Delta-Enabled Texts to be Checked | D | RSINSP |
379 | RSINSPCHECK_DEL | Delta-Enabled Checks in Inspection Plans | D | RSINSP |
380 | RSINSPSRC_DEL | Delta-Enabled Source Objects in Inspection Plans | D | RSINSP |
381 | RSINSPT_DEL | Delta-Enabled Checks in Inspection Plans - Texts | D | RSINSP |
382 | RSINSP_A | Active Inspection Plans | D | RSINSP |
383 | RSIODD02V | Screen View: Create InfoSource | D | DD02T |
384 | RSIQMX_V_DTP | Processes from DTP (Information Quality) | D | RSBKDTP |
385 | RSIQMX_V_DTPT | Processes from DTP - Texts (Information Quality) | D | RSBKDTP |
386 | RSIQMX_V_REQUEST | Inspections from Requests | D | RSBKREQUEST |
387 | RSIQM_V_CHECKS | Checks with Type | D | RSINSPCHECK |
388 | RSMDUSGTPV | View Using Usage Types and Their Status | D | RSMDUSGTP |
389 | RSMRMV_A_CALCM | Add User-Defined Accrual Methods | C | RSMRMT_A_CALC_M |
390 | RSMRMV_A_CUSTOMI | Define System Parameters for Accrual Modelling | C | RSMRMT_A_CUSTOMI |
391 | RSMRMV_A_DEF_MAP | Define Derivation of Accrual Methods from Planning Profiles | C | RSMRMT_A_DEF_MAP |
392 | RSMRMV_C_CUSTOMI | Define System Parameters for Coupon Redemption Modeling | C | RSMRMT_C_CUSTOMI |
393 | RSOACUBE_SSYST_V | Assignment: Virtual Cube <-> Source System | D | RSOACUBE_LOGSYS |
394 | RSOACUBE_V | BW OLTP Direct Access: InfoCubes for Direct Access (in SSys) | D | RSOACUBE |
395 | RSOBJS_OBJ_TYPEV | View of Object Types and Texts | D | RSOBJS_OBJ_TYPES |
396 | RSOBJS_OBJ_VIEWV | Object Services: Views with Texts | D | RSOBJS_OBJ_VIEWS |
397 | RSOCOMPV | Maintenance View Business Content Components (Customer View) | C | RSOCOMP |
398 | RSODP_BWA_INDEXP | ODP: Runtime Information for BWA Index | D | RSODP_BWA_INDEX |
399 | RSODSOUC | Beta Implementatino for Use Case Definition | C | RSODSOUSECASE |
400 | RSOS_OBJT_ACTV | Search/Index Active Object types from RSOS_OBJT_CONF | D | RSOS_OBJT_CONF |
401 | RSOS_OBJT_CONFV | Maintenance View for Object Type Search configuration | C | RSOS_OBJT_CONF |
402 | RSOTLOGOCOPYV | Copying TLOGO Objects (Old and New Names) | C | RSOTLOGOCOPY |
403 | RSOVTLOGONSPCUS | Customer namespace for BW Content | C | RSOTLOGONSPDEL |
404 | RSOVTLOGONSPDEL | Delivery namespace for BW Content | C | RSOTLOGONSPDEL |
405 | RSO_BDS_MAST_DOC | Document Types for BW Master Data | C | BDS_CL_DOC |
406 | RSO_BDS_META_DOC | Document Types for BW Meta Objects (InfoCubes, Queries, ..) | C | BDS_CL_DOC |
407 | RSO_CNT_STATE_V | View on Content Status of A and D Versions | D | RSO_CNT_STATE_A |
408 | RSPLF_SRVTYPE_DV | Maintenance View for Dialog Information from Service Types | C | RSPLF_SRVTYPE_D |
409 | RSPLF_SRVTYPE_PV | Maintenance View for Parameter Definition from Service Types | C | RSPLF_SRVTYPE_P |
410 | RSPMXREFTGTVIEW | Source view | D | RSPMXREF |
411 | RSPMXREFTGTVIEW2 | Source view | D | RSPMXREF |
413 | RSRD_V_CREATYPE | Create Types | D | RSRD_CREATYPE |
414 | RSRD_V_DISTTYPE | Distribution Types | D | RSRD_DISTTYPE |
415 | RSRD_V_OBJTYPE | View of Object Types and Text | D | RSRD_OBJTYPE |
416 | RSRD_V_OUTFORM | View for Output Format | D | RSRD_OUTFORM |
417 | RSRD_V_REGISTRTN | Broadcasting Monitor View Using Registrations and Settings | D | RSRD_REGISTRATN |
418 | RSRD_V_SETTING | View Using Broadcast Settings and Texts | D | RSRD_SETTING |
419 | RSRRENDAV | Attributes and Texts of Renderers | H | RSRRENDERERATR |
420 | RSRRENDERERATRMV | Web Output Module Attributes with Texts | C | RSRRENDERERATR |
421 | RSRRENDERERATRV | Web Output Module Attributes with Texts | D | RSRRENDERERATR |
422 | RSRRENDERERV | Directory of Renderers and Texts | D | RSRRENDERER |
423 | RSRRENDV | Attributes and Texts of Renderers | H | RSRRENDERERATR |
425 | RSRVARIANTVIEW | Variant Header and Texts | D | RSRVARIANTDIR |
426 | RSRVPACKAGEV | View for F4 Help for RSRV Package Name | H | RSRVPACKAGE |
427 | RSR_MDX_UI_STMTV | MDX: Dialog: View by Statements and Texts | D | RSR_MDX_UI_STMT |
428 | RSSCM_BWAPO_V | Maintenance view for table RSSCM_BWAPO without dummy key | C | RSSCM_BWAPO |
429 | RSSMA_REORG | Lock of reorg plan | RSSMA_REORG | |
430 | RSTBBW_TALIM_CHV | Obsolete - Database View Limit Category | D | RSTBBW_TALIM_CH |
431 | RSTRAN_RTO_V | View on Runtime Object of Transformation | D | RSTRAN_RTO_HDR |
432 | RSTT_REP_V | View for Report Table for RSTT Reporting | D | RSTT_REP |
433 | RSTT_VLOG | View of Test Results for Test Archive | D | RSTT_LOGSEQ |
434 | RSTT_V_ERROR | View for Error Information | D | RSTT_ERROR |
435 | RSTT_V_ERROR2 | View for RSTT_error and RSTT_error_T | D | RSTT_ERROR |
436 | RSTT_V_ESTAT | View with Job and Error Status Table | D | RSTT_TJOB |
437 | RSTT_V_TJOB1 | View for RSTT_TJOB and RSTT_TJOB_T | D | RSTT_TJOB |
438 | RSTT_V_TJOB_T | Trace Tool: View of RSTT_TJOB and RSTT_TJOB_t | D | RSTT_TJOB |
440 | RSTT_V_TPAC_T | Trace Tool: View bet. TPackage Header and TPackage Texts | D | RSTT_TPACKAGE |
441 | RSTT_V_TRACE1 | View for Trace and CATT Trace Table | D | RSTT_CATTTRACE |
443 | RSTT_V_TRACE_T | Trace Tool: View Between Trace Header and Trace Texts | D | RSTT_TRACE |
444 | RSTT_V_TREQ | View for Test Requests | D | RSTT_TREQ |
445 | RSTT_V_VARIANT | Trace Tool: View of Variants incl. Text | D | RSTT_VARIANT |
446 | RSTT_V_VARIANT2 | Trace Tool: View of Variants incl. Text | D | RSTT_VARIANT2 |
447 | RSUNIURLVIEW | URLs, InfoObjects and Some Properties | D | RSUNIURLDIR |
448 | RSWEB_ADMINSV | E-Analytics Customizing Settings | C | RSWEB_ADMIN |
449 | RSZWITEMPARAMTXT | Item (parameter) texts | D | RSZWMDITEMTEXT |
450 | RS_SMA_SMP | Split Merge Package | RSSMA_SMP | |
451 | RS_SMA_SMR | Split Merge Rule | RSSMA_SMR | |
452 | RTKB | Runtime version of SCE knowledge base | SCEKB | |
453 | RZPT_ACTIONSV | Archiving: RZPT - Permitted Actions | C | RZPT_ACTIONS |
454 | RZPT_RZV | Archiving: RZPT - Views for Maintenance of Residence Time | C | RZPT_RZ |
455 | R_WDK_GENERIC | Generic lock object for Kayak applications - read access | WDK_ENQUEUE_OBJECT_READ_STY |