- V-1 V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-11 V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 V-27 V-28 V-29 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36 V-37 V-38 V-39 V-40 V-41 V-42 V-43 V-44 V-45 V-46 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 V-58 V-59 V-60 V-61 V-62 V-63
View - V
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | V_FMFGT_ALC_GWA | Assign. of Business Act. Type and Reporter Category to ALC | C | FMFGT_ALC_GWA |
2 | V_FMFGT_DIT_FBT | List for DIT and FBT Accounts | C | FMFGT_DIT_FBT |
3 | V_FMFGT_FSN | US Federal Fiscal Station Number(FSN) | C | FMFGT_FSN |
4 | V_FMFGT_IPAC_ACC | US Federal DIT/FBT Accounts for IPAC Interface Process | C | FMFGT_IPAC_ACCT |
5 | V_FMFGT_PO | Payment Office - U.S. Federal Government | C | FMFGT_PO |
6 | V_FMFGT_SS02 | View for Payment Statistical Sampling Process Rules | C | FMFGT_SS02 |
7 | V_FMFGT_SS03 | AP Clerk/Supervisor Relationship | C | FMFGT_SS03 |
8 | V_FMFG_ABP | Parameters for Automatic Budget Postings (ABP) | C | FMFG_ABP |
9 | V_FMFG_ABP_H_DEF | Auto. Budget Postings Budget Entry Doc. Header Defaults | C | FMFG_ABP_HDR_DEF |
10 | V_FMFG_BLART_EXC | Doc. Types excl. from source and posting type check | C | FMFG_BLART_EXCL |
11 | V_FMFG_BL_YRCL | Budgetary Ledger Year End closing | C | FMFG_BL_YRCL |
12 | V_FMFG_BL_YRCL_2 | Year End Closing | C | FMFG_BL_YRCL |
13 | V_FMFG_DOCT_ADJ | Document Types for Adjustment | C | FMFG_DOCT_ADJ |
14 | V_FMFG_TRADE_ID | Non-Federal Trading Partner Exceptions for US Government | C | FMFG_TRADE_ID |
15 | V_FMFG_USER_ADJ | User Names for Adjustment Types | C | FMFG_USER_ADJ |
16 | V_FMFIHHST | Pflege zur Haushaltsansatzstatistik | C | FMFIHHST |
17 | V_FMFIHHSU | Pflege zur Haushaltsansatzstatistik | C | FMFIHHSU |
18 | V_FMFINBTR | Pflege von Formularfestwerten | C | FMFINBTR |
19 | V_FMFINCODE | Master Data View Fund | D | FMFINCODE |
20 | V_FMFINCODE_F4 | Help View for Fund | H | FMFINCODE |
21 | V_FMFINT_BW | BW: Extraction View for Fund Texts | D | FMFINT |
22 | V_FMFIPGRP | Verdichtungen über Gruppierungen für den Gesamt-/Finanzplan | C | FMFIPGRP |
23 | V_FMFIPI | Maintenance View of Investment Financial Budget | C | FMFIPI |
24 | V_FMFIPSUM | Pflegeview zusätzliche Summierung Finanzpl. verdichtete Form | C | FMFIPSUM |
25 | V_FMFNDTPID | Assign Fund Category to Strategy Environment | C | FMTABADRHFUNDTYP |
26 | V_FMFORMAN | Maintenance View: Assignment Table for SAPSCRIPTs | C | FMFORMAN |
27 | V_FMFORMZU | Pflegeview : Zuordnungstabelle der SAP-Script Formulare | C | FMFORMZU |
28 | V_FMFPO | Account Assignment Item and Text | D | FMFPO |
29 | V_FMFRG_A | Create Release Group Profile | C | FMFRGPRO |
30 | V_FMFRG_B | Define Release Groups | C | FMFRG |
31 | V_FMFRG_C | Assign Budget Types | C | FMFRGASGN |
32 | V_FMFRG_D | Assign Release Group Profile | C | FMFRGZOR |
33 | V_FMFSG | Define Field Status Group | C | FMFSG |
34 | V_FMFSGA | Assignment of Field Status Group | C | FMFSGA |
35 | V_FMFSS | Define Field Status | C | FMFSS |
36 | V_FMFSSA | Field Status Definition Assignment | C | FMFSSA |
37 | V_FMFSSDEF | Edit Field Status | C | FMFSSDEF |
38 | V_FMFSV | Define Field Status Variant | C | FMFSV |
39 | V_FMFSVA | Assignment of Field Status Variant | C | FMFSVA |
40 | V_FMFUNDTYPE | Create FM Fund Types | C | FMFUNDTYPE |
41 | V_FMFUNDTYPE_GM | Create FM Fund Types | C | FMFUNDTYPE |
42 | V_FMFUSE | HelpView prepearer ID | H | FMFUSE |
43 | V_FMFUSET_BW | BW: Extraction View for Application of Funds Texts | D | FMFUSET |
44 | V_FMFUSE_BW | BW: Extraction View for Applications of Funds | D | FMFUSE |
45 | V_FMFYCC | Settings for Commitment Carryforward | C | FMFYCC |
46 | V_FMGLD | Classification Texts | C | FMGLD |
47 | V_FMGPLFU | Grouping for Financing Overview | C | FMGPLFU |
48 | V_FMGPLHQ | Gruppierung zum Haushaltsquerschnitt | C | FMGPLHQ |
49 | V_FMGROUP | Create User Groups for Fund Message | C | FMGROUP |
50 | V_FMGRP | Maintain Grouping | C | FMGRP |
51 | V_FMGRPIV | Gruppen für Innere Verrechnugen / Kalk. Kosten | C | FMGRPIV |
52 | V_FMGRPMAIN | Gruppierungen zu Themen | C | FMGRPMAIN |
53 | V_FMGRPPL | Pflegeview für den Gruppierungsplan | C | FMGRPPL |
54 | V_FMGRPSUM | Pflegeview zusätzliche Summierung Gruppierungsübersicht | C | FMGRPSUM |
55 | V_FMGRUP | Pflegeview Gruppierungsübersicht | C | FMGRUP |
56 | V_FMHGR | Maintain Main Group | C | FMHGR |
57 | V_FMHIENODES | View for hierarchy nodes with address | D | FMHIENODES |
58 | V_FMHIESETTINGS | Settings for Hierarchical Budget Structure | C | FMHIESETTINGS |
59 | V_FMHIVAR | Funds Centers Hierarchy Variants | C | FMHIVARNT |
60 | V_FMHSART | Commitment Item Type | C | FMHSART |
61 | V_FMHVMTXT | Budget Memo | C | FMHVMTXT |
62 | V_FMICO | FM Actual Line Items from CO | D | FMICOIT |
63 | V_FMIFI | FM Actual Line Items from FI | D | FMIFIHD |
64 | V_FMIFIX | FM Actual Line Items from FI - Append | A | V_FMIFI |
65 | V_FMIKEW | Number of Residents per FM Area, Fiscal Year | C | FMIKEW |
66 | V_FMINVPAY_IT | Further document to be posted | C | FMINVPAY_IT |
67 | V_FMITPOC1 | FMITPO: Transfer Posting | C | FMITPOCT |
68 | V_FMITPOC2 | FMITPO: Reimbursement | C | FMITPOCT |
69 | V_FMITPOC3 | FMITPO: Returns | C | FMITPOCT |
70 | V_FMITPOC4 | FMITPO: Assign Invoice | C | FMITPOCT |
71 | V_FMIUR | Specify Open Time Intervals | C | FMIUR |
72 | V_FMKA_ZTA | Defaulteinstellung Verdichtungsschlüssel | C | FMKA_ZTA |
73 | V_FMKR | FM: Criteria for Criteria Category | C | FMKR |
74 | V_FMKRG | FM: Criteria Category Group | C | FMKRG |
75 | V_FMKRGTP | FM: Criteria Category to Criteria Category Group Assignment | C | FMKRGTP |
76 | V_FMKRTP | FM: Criteria Category | C | FMKRTP |
77 | V_FMKW6 | Grace Periods for Public-Law Dunning Procedure | C | FMKW6 |
78 | V_FMLA | Layout for budgeting workbench | C | FMLA |
79 | V_FMLGD_H_MSGNR | Message Control | C | FMLGD_H_MSGNR |
80 | V_FMMAACT | Activation of Multi-annual Budgeting | C | FMMAACT |
81 | V_FMMACGPERC | Assign Percentage for YCE to Cover Groups | C | FMMACGPERC |
82 | V_FMMAPERC | Assign Percentages for Multi-Annual Budgeting | C | FMMAPERC |
83 | V_FMMDCISUB1 | Process Substring 1 of Commitment Item | C | FMMDCISUB1 |
84 | V_FMMDCISUB1_T | Extraction Substring 1 of Commitment Item | D | FMMDCISUB1 |
85 | V_FMMDCISUB2 | Process Substring 2 of Commitment Item | C | FMMDCISUB2 |
86 | V_FMMDCISUB2_T | Extraction Substring 2 of Commitment Item | D | FMMDCISUB2 |
87 | V_FMMDCISUB3 | Process Substring 3 of Commitment Item | C | FMMDCISUB3 |
88 | V_FMMDCISUB3_T | Extraction Substring 3 of Commitment Item | D | FMMDCISUB3 |
89 | V_FMMDCISUB4 | Process Substring 4 of Commitment Item | C | FMMDCISUB4 |
90 | V_FMMDCISUB4_T | Extraction Substring 4 of Commitment Item | D | FMMDCISUB4 |
91 | V_FMMDCISUB5 | Process Substring 5 of Commitment Item | C | FMMDCISUB5 |
92 | V_FMMDCISUB5_T | Extraction Substring 5 of Commitment Item | D | FMMDCISUB5 |
93 | V_FMMDFCSUB1 | Process Substring 1 of Funds Center | C | FMMDFCSUB1 |
94 | V_FMMDFCSUB1_T | Extraction Substring 1 of Funds Center | D | FMMDFCSUB1 |
95 | V_FMMDFCSUB2 | Process Substring 2 of Funds Center | C | FMMDFCSUB2 |
96 | V_FMMDFCSUB2_T | Extraction Substring 2 of Funds Center | D | FMMDFCSUB2 |
97 | V_FMMDFCSUB3 | Process Substring 3 of Funds Center | C | FMMDFCSUB3 |
98 | V_FMMDFCSUB3_T | Extraction Substring 3 of Funds Center | D | FMMDFCSUB3 |
99 | V_FMMDFDSUB1 | Process Substring 1 of Fund | C | FMMDFDSUB1 |
100 | V_FMMDFDSUB1_T | Extraction Substring 1 of Fund | D | FMMDFDSUB1 |
101 | V_FMMDFDSUB2 | Process Substring 2 of Fund | C | FMMDFDSUB2 |
102 | V_FMMDFDSUB2_T | Extraction Substring 2 of Fund | D | FMMDFDSUB2 |
103 | V_FMMDFNSUB1 | Process Substring 1 of Functional Area | C | FMMDFNSUB1 |
104 | V_FMMDFNSUB1_T | Extraction Substring 1 of Functional Area | D | FMMDFNSUB1 |
105 | V_FMMDFNSUB2 | Process Substring 2 of Functional Area | C | FMMDFNSUB2 |
106 | V_FMMDFNSUB2_T | Extraction Substring 2 of Functional Area | D | FMMDFNSUB2 |
107 | V_FMMDFNSUB3 | Process Substring 3 of Functional Area | C | FMMDFNSUB3 |
108 | V_FMMDFNSUB3_T | Extraction Substring 3 of Functional Area | D | FMMDFNSUB3 |
109 | V_FMMDST | Field Selection String for Master Data | C | FMMDST |
110 | V_FMMDSTF | View: Field Status of Field Selection String | C | FMMDSTF |
111 | V_FMMDSUBDIV | View for Definition of Master Data Subdivision | C | FMMDSUBDIV |
112 | V_FMMEASURE_FGC | Funded Program's Field Grouping Criteria by FM Areas | C | FMMEASURE_FGC |
113 | V_FMMM1 | Maintain Warehouse Funds Center Assignment | C | FMMM1 |
114 | V_FMOPENPER | Specify Open Periods in Budgeting | C | FMOPENPER |
115 | V_FMOPENPER_FUND | Specify Open Periods in Budgeting per fund | C | FMOPENPER_FUND |
116 | V_FMPBETMA | FM: Activate Multi-Year Budget | C | FM01D |
117 | V_FMPCARD_V | Search Help View Earmarked Funds (Credit Voucher) ID V | D | KBLK |
118 | V_FMPDCUST | Settings for Payment Distribution | C | FMPDCUST |
119 | V_FMPD_SHELP | Search Help Payment Distribution | H | FEBKO |
120 | V_FMPEB_ASSIGN | Assign Org. Units to Partially Exempt Institutions | C | FMPEB_ASSIGN |
121 | V_FMPEB_RATE_DEF | Assign Input Tax Deduction Rates | C | FMPEB_RATE_DEF |
122 | V_FMPEB_TAXIND | Assign Tax Codes to Partly Exempt Organizations | C | FMPEB_TAXIND |
123 | V_FMPEB_TAXINFO | Get Active Condition Values (KTOSL) | D | A003 |
124 | V_FMPEPLAY | FMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Basic Data | C | FMPEPLAY |
125 | V_FMPEPLAY_COL | FMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Columns | C | FMPEPLAY_COL |
126 | V_FMPEPLAY_DCOL | FMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Display Columns | C | FMPEPLAY_COL |
127 | V_FMPEPLAY_H | FMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Header | C | FMPEPLAY_H |
128 | V_FMPEPLAY_TAB | FMPEP - Layout Customizing Settings - Tabstrips | C | FMPEPLAY_TAB |
129 | V_FMPGS | Balance Cmmt Item | D | FMPG |
130 | V_FMPPLAN | Chart of Commitment Items: Entities | C | FMPPLAN |
131 | V_FMPPT | Commitment Item Texts (FM Area/Fiscal Year and Plan) | D | FM01P |
132 | V_FMPROFILE | Define Editing Options for Budget Amounts | C | FMPROFILE |
133 | V_FMPRTCOMB | Assign Budget Type for Release to Process | C | FMPTCOMB |
134 | V_FMPRTCOMBA | Assignment of combinations(process/release type) to status | C | FMPTCOMBA |
135 | V_FMPSOINT | Interest Formula | C | FMPSOINT |
136 | V_FMPSOINTADD | Additional Data for Interest Formula | C | FMPSOINTADD |
137 | V_FMPSOIS | Subledger Account Preprocessing Procedure | C | FMPSOIS |
138 | V_FMPSOISK | Subledger Account Preprocessing Procedure | C | FMPSOISK |
139 | V_FMPSO_PEND | Correction User for Pending Day-End Closing | C | FMPSO_PEND |
140 | V_FMPSO_TAGRP | Maintain Closing Group | C | FMPSO_TAGRP |
141 | V_FMPSO_ZGRP | Zuordnung Abschluß - Finanzkreis / Buchungskreis | C | FMPSO_ZGRP |
142 | V_FMPSO_ZTAB | Defaulteinstellung Abschlußgruppe | C | FMPSO_ZTAB |
143 | V_FMPSTCOMB | Assign Statistical Budget Type to Process | C | FMPTCOMB |
144 | V_FMPSTCOMBA | Assignment of statistical combinations to status | C | FMPTCOMBA |
145 | V_FMPTCOMB | Assign budget type to process | C | FMPTCOMB |
146 | V_FMPTCOMBA | Assignment of combinations(process/budget type) to status | C | FMPTCOMBA |
147 | V_FMPTCOMBS | Assign Budget Type To Process (Mass Maintenance) | C | FMPTCOMB |
148 | V_FMRACCMVA | Rules for Account Assignment Transfer from Earmarked Funds | C | FMRESACCMVRULE |
149 | V_FMRACCMVASSIGN | Assignment of Account Assignment Transfr Rules to Activities | C | FMRESACCMVASSIGN |
150 | V_FMRACCMVB | Rules for Account Assignment Transfer: Control of Fields | C | FMRESACCMVRULES |
151 | V_FMRBACT | Define Use of Budget Memos for RIB | C | FMRBACT |
152 | V_FMRBACT_FULL | Maintain Settings for RIB | C | FMRBACT |
153 | V_FMRBBOBJECTS | View for RIB objects with address | D | FMRBBOBJECTS |
154 | V_FMRBBRECS | View for RIB receivers with address (of RIB object) | D | FMRBBRECS |
155 | V_FMRBBRECS_REC | View for RIB receivers with address (of budget receiver) | D | FMRBBRECS |
156 | V_FMRCCVARI | Company Code Groups | C | FMRCCVARI |
157 | V_FMRCCVARIA | Assign Company Code Group to Company Code | C | FMRCCVARIA |
158 | V_FMREAS_RULES | Assignment Strategy for FM Area and Fiscal Year | C | FMREAS_STRATS |
159 | V_FMREC | Ausdruck von Quittungen | C | FMREC |
160 | V_FMRELSTATE | Definition of Release Scenario | C | FMRELSTATE |
161 | V_FMRELTYPEDEF | Define Budget Types for Release | C | FMBUDTYPE |
162 | V_FMREL_FTYPE | Define Release Scenario per Fund Type | C | FMREL_FTYPE |
163 | V_FMREL_FUND | Define Release Scenario per Fund | C | FMREL_FUND |
164 | V_FMRESERV_A | Search Help View for Earmarked Funds ID A | D | KBLK |
165 | V_FMRESERV_B | Search Help View for Earmarked Funds ID B | D | KBLK |
166 | V_FMRESERV_C | Search Help View for Earmarked Funds ID C | D | KBLK |
167 | V_FMRESERV_H | Search Help View for Earmarked Funds ID H | D | KBLK |
168 | V_FMRESERV_K | Search Help View for Earmarked Funds ID K | D | KBLK |
169 | V_FMRESERV_P | Search Help View for Earmarked Funds ID P | D | KBLK |
170 | V_FMRESERV_Z | Search Help View for Earmarked Funds ID Z | D | KBLK |
172 | V_FMRESINIT1 | Earmarked Funds: View Initialization Data | C | FMRESINI1 |
173 | V_FMRESLOCKS | Earmarked Funds Blocks | C | FMRESLOCKS |
174 | V_FMRE_HRBA | Document Types for Earmarked Funds for HR-PM Integration | C | FM01 |
175 | V_FMRE_MM_CATASS | Permitted Earmarked Funds Doc. Types in Purchase Order Docs | C | FMRE_MM_CATASS |
176 | V_FMRIF_REL_1 | RIB Relation: Sender FMAA <--> Receiver FMAA , RIB Rule | D | FMUDRULE |
177 | V_FMRIF_REL_1_C | RIB Rule:Sndr FMAA <--> Receiver FMAA ; RIB Rule (Call Proc) | D | FMUDRULE |
178 | V_FMRIF_REL_1_D | RIB Rule: Sndr FMAA <--> Receiver FMAA ; RIB Rule (Distrib.) | D | FMUDRULE |
179 | V_FMRIF_REL_2 | RIB Relation: Sender FMAA <--> Receiver Pool ; RIB Rule | D | FMUDRULE |
180 | V_FMRIF_REL_3 | RIB Relation: Sender FMAA <--> Receiver Pool (+Members) | D | FMUDRULE |
181 | V_FMRIP_REL_1 | RIB Relation: Sender Pool <--> Receiver FMAA | D | FMRPRULE |
182 | V_FMRIP_REL_2 | RIB Relation: Sender Pool <--> Receiver Pool (+Members) | D | FMRPRULE |
183 | V_FMRIP_REL_3 | RIB Rule: For Sender Pool (+Members) | D | FMRPRULE |
184 | V_FMRLOCKS | Earmarked Funds Blocks | C | FMRESLOCKS |
185 | V_FMROLLUP_FTYPE | Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund Type | C | FMROLLUP_FTYPE |
186 | V_FMROLLUP_FUND | Preclosing Rollup: Transfer Rules for Fund | C | FMROLLUP_FUND |
187 | V_FMRSCDATA | Earmarked Funds Data | C | FMRSCDATA |
188 | V_FMRSCVAR | Assign Scenario Variant to Scenario | C | FMRSCVAR |
189 | V_FMR_TOL | Tolerance Limits | C | FMR_TOL |
190 | V_FMR_TOLS | Tolerance Keys for Overrun Tolerances | C | FMR_TOLS |
191 | V_FMSGLCLASS | Budget Status of accounts | C | FMSGLCLASS |
192 | V_FMSNLINK | Assignment of SN-BUSTL to Collective Expenditure | C | FMSNLINK |
193 | V_FMSNRULE_D | Distribution Basis for Collective Expenditures | C | FMSNRULE |
194 | V_FMSNRULE_D_V1 | Distribution Basis for Collective Expenditure | V | V_FMSNRULE_D |
195 | V_FMSPLIT_APROF | Action Profiles for Rule-Based Account Distribution | C | FMSPLIT_APROF |
196 | V_FMSPLIT_APROFA | Actions in a Rule-Based Account Distributions Action Profile | C | FMSPLIT_APROF_A |
197 | V_FMSPLIT_AUTG | Authorization groups for Rule-Based Account Distributions | C | FMSPLIT_AUTG |
198 | V_FMSPLIT_DIST | Distribution methods for Rule-Based Account Distributions | C | FMSPLIT_DIST |
199 | V_FMSPLIT_FPROF | Field Profiles for Rule-Based Account Distributions | C | FMSPLIT_FPROF |
200 | V_FMSPLIT_FPROFF | Fields in Field Profile for Rule-Based Account Distributions | C | FMSPLIT_FPROF_F |
201 | V_FMSPLIT_GRP | Rule Groups for Rule-Based Account Distributions | C | FMSPLIT_GROUP |
202 | V_FMSPLIT_RULE | Distribution Rules for Rule-Based Account Distributions | C | FMSPLIT_RULE |
203 | V_FMSPLIT_RULETP | Rule types for Rule-Based Account Distributions | C | FMSPLIT_RULETP |
204 | V_FMSTATDEF | Budgeting status definition in FM | C | FMSTATDEF |
205 | V_FMSTATYPEDEF | Define Statistical Budget Types | C | FMBUDTYPE |
206 | V_FMTABADRH | Define Derivation Strategy | C | FMTABADRH |
207 | V_FMTABADRH_DB | Database view to read strategy environment | D | FMTABADRH |
208 | V_FMTABS | View für die Zeilen des Tagesabschlusses | C | FMTABS |
209 | V_FMTABS1 | Pflegeview Zeilen des Tagesabschlusses ( Einstieg ) | C | FMTABS1 |
210 | V_FMTABS2 | Pflegeview Zeilen des Tagesabschlusses ( Detail ) | C | FMTABS2 |
211 | V_FMTC_PMT_TYPE | Payment Types from Payment Methods | C | FMTC_PMT_TYPE |
212 | V_FMTC_PYMT_PLUS | Assign File ID and Agency ID to Payment Method | C | FMTC_PMT_TYPE |
213 | V_FMTC_RFC | Treasury Regional Financial Center | C | FMTC_RFC |
214 | V_FMTF_GLACC | Selection View for Search Help | D | SKA1 |
215 | V_FMTOL | Maintain Tolerance for Budget Consistency | C | FM01TOL |
216 | V_FMTOL_CONS_TO | Deactivate Budget Consistency for Overall Values | V | V_FM01TOL_CONS |
217 | V_FMTOL_CONS_YR | Deactivate Budget Consistency for Annual Values | V | V_FM01TOL_CONS |
218 | V_FMTRUSTFUND_PK | Posting Key for Lines Generated Automatically | C | FMTRUSTFUND_PK |
219 | V_FMTTXID | Create Text Types | C | FMTTXID |
220 | V_FMUAB | Subsection | C | FMUAB |
221 | V_FMUGR | Maintain Subgroup | C | FMUGR |
222 | V_FMUP00 | View for Maintaining New Update Profiles | C | FMUP00 |
223 | V_FMUP00_F | FM Area Assignment -> Update Profile | C | FM01 |
224 | V_FMUP00_N | View for Maintaining New Update Profiles | C | FMUP00 |
225 | V_FMUP01 | Updating Control | C | FMUP01 |
226 | V_FMUP01H | Help View for Table FMUP00 | H | FMUP00 |
227 | V_FMUP02 | Configurable Fields for Update Profile | C | FMUP02 |
228 | V_FMUP03 | Customizable Fields for Update Profile | C | FMUP03 |
229 | V_FMUSERGROUP | User per user group maintenance | C | FMUSERGROUP |
230 | V_FMUSFGF2_TRANS | Transfer Agency Code and Account - U.S. Federal Government | C | FMUSFGF2_TRANS |
231 | V_FMUSFG_TS | Treasury Subclasses | C | FMUSFG_TS |
232 | V_FMUSFG_TSA | Assign FI Doc Type/Acct/Fund to Treasury Subclass Code | C | FMUSFG_TSA |
233 | V_FMVALID | Maintain and Activate Validation Funds Management | C | FMVALID |
234 | V_FMVARNT | Chart of Commitment Items Variant | C | FMVARNT |
235 | V_FMVART | Werte für die Verdichtungsschlüsselart | C | FMVART |
236 | V_FMVORTR | Carryforward Table for Totals Records | C | FMVORTR |
237 | V_FMVORTR0 | Totals Records Carryforward Item Categories for FMSU Table | C | FMVORTR0 |
238 | V_FMWF_ACT | View: Activity Categories for FM Role Definition | C | FMWF_ACTTY |
239 | V_FMWF_AMG | View: Amount Groups for FM Role Definition | C | FMWF_AMGRP |
240 | V_FMWF_BDG | View: FM Account Assignment Groups for FM Role Definition | C | FMWF_BDGRP |
241 | V_FMWF_BTY | View: Doc.Type Asst to Doc.Classes in FI/FM Role Definition | C | FMWF_BLTYP |
242 | V_FMWF_DOC | View: Document Classes for FM Role Definition | C | FMWF_DOCCL |
243 | V_FMWF_MDR | View: Main Rules for FM Role Definition | C | FMWF_MDRUL |
244 | V_FMWF_MRK | View: Main Rules for FM Role Definition - Header Entries | C | FMWF_MDRLK |
245 | V_FMYC_CFC1R | Commitments in the FYC: Carryforward Parameters | C | FMCFC1R |
246 | V_FMYC_CFC1_A | Control Payment Budget Commitment in the Fiscal Year Change | C | FMCFC1 |
247 | V_FMYC_CFC1_B | Control Commitment Budget Commt in the Fiscal Year Change | C | FMCFC1 |
248 | V_FMYC_CFC2_1 | Control of Residual Payment Budget in the Fiscal Year Change | C | FMCFC2 |
249 | V_FMYC_CFC2_2 | Control of Residual Commitment Budget in Fiscal Year Change | C | FMCFC2 |
250 | V_FMYC_CFC2_3 | Control of Carryforward Budget for Commitment (Payment Bdgt) | C | FMCFC2 |
251 | V_FMYC_CFC2_4 | Control of Carryforward Budget for Commitment (Cmmt Bdgt) | C | FMCFC2 |
252 | V_FMYC_CFRULE | FM - Carryforward Parameters | C | FMCFRULE |
253 | V_FMYC_FMCFC0 | Fiscal Year Change: Default Settings | C | FMCFC0 |
254 | V_FMZUCO | Customzing: Field Status | C | FMZUCO |
255 | V_FM_FYC_TABADRH | Define Derivation Strategy | C | TABADRH |
256 | V_FM_MEASURE | Master Data View Funded Program | D | FMMEASURE |
257 | V_FM_T8G30A | Acct determination key for doc splitting | C | T8G30A |
258 | V_FM_T8G30B | Account Determination for CO-FI Reconcil. - Clearing Accts | C | T8G30B |
259 | V_FM_TABW | FI-AA Transaction Data: Indicator "Relevant to Budget" | C | TABW |
260 | V_FM_TFKB | Functional Areas | C | TFKB |
261 | V_FOI_PRODTYPE | Financial Object Integration: Product Types | C | CFAFOIACT_DETAIL |
262 | V_FOPCAIS | RFC Destinations of AIS Systems for MIC | C | FOPCAIS |
263 | V_FOPCAISOU | Assignment of AIS Systems to Org Units | C | FOPCAISOU |
264 | V_FOPCAISREPORT | Assignment of AIS Reports to MIC | C | FOPCAISREPORT |
265 | V_FOPCATTR | Object Attributes | C | FOPCATTR |
266 | V_FOPCATTR2 | Object Attributes | C | FOPCATTR |
267 | V_FOPCATTR3 | Object Attributes | C | FOPCATTR |
268 | V_FOPCATTR4 | Object Attributes | C | FOPCATTR |
269 | V_FOPCATTRSUBVAL | Attribute Values - Subvalues | C | FOPCATTRSUBVAL |
270 | V_FOPCATTRVALUE | Attribute Values | C | FOPCATTRVALUE |
271 | V_FOPCATTRVALUE2 | Attribute Values | C | FOPCATTRVALUE |
272 | V_FOPCATTRVALUES | Attribute Values | C | FOPCATTRVALUES |
273 | V_FOPCATTRVALUS | Attribute Values | C | FOPCATTRVALUES |
274 | V_FOPCATTRV_TF | Frequency - Timeframe | C | FOPCATTRVALUE |
275 | V_FOPCATTRV_TF2 | Timeframe | C | FOPCTIMEFRAME |
276 | V_FOPCCORPORATE | Mark Organizational Hierarchy as Relevant for MIC | C | FOPCCORPORATE |
277 | V_FOPCCREATEPERS | Restrict Authorization to Create Persons | V | V_FOPCCUST1 |
278 | V_FOPCCUST1 | Indicator (Maintenance by SAP Only) | C | FOPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
279 | V_FOPCCUST2 | Indicator | C | FOPCCUSTOMIZING2 |
280 | V_FOPCDEFIC1 | Attributes for Deficiency Analysis | C | FOPCATTR |
281 | V_FOPCDEFIC2 | Attribute Values | C | FOPCATTRVALUES |
282 | V_FOPCDEFIC3 | Calculation by Deficiency Type | C | FOPCDEFICCUS |
283 | V_FOPCDEFIC4 | Aggregation Types | C | FOPCAGGREGCODE |
284 | V_FOPCDESIGNRATING | Control Design Rating | V | V_FOPCATTRVALUES |
285 | V_FOPCLASTRECIP | Fallback Recipient of Work Items | C | FOPCLASTRECIP |
286 | V_FOPCMAUNALRATING | Manual Rating | V | V_FOPCCUST1 |
287 | V_FOPCMCRATING | Rating Requiring Issue To Be Reported | C | FOPCCUSTOMIZING2 |
289 | V_FOPCPERSCREATE | Restrict Authorization to Create Persons | V | V_FOPCCUST1 |
290 | V_FOPCROLE | Role Editing | C | FOPCROLE |
291 | V_FOPCROLETASK | Role <-> Task Assignment | C | FOPCROLETASK |
292 | V_FOPCSIGNOFF_IS | Deactivate Issue Types for Sign-Off | C | FOPCSIGNOFF_IS |
293 | V_FOPCSKIPVALID | Skip Validation Depending on the Rating | V | V_FOPCCUST1 |
294 | V_FOPCSODCFG | Edit Conflict Group | C | FOPCSODCFG |
295 | V_FOPCSODTASK | Tasks in Conflict Group | C | FOPCSODTASK |
296 | V_FOPCTASK | Task | C | FOPCTASK |
297 | V_FOPCVALCHDOC | Approval of Process and Control Changes | V | V_FOPCCUST1 |
298 | V_FOPCVALIDATION | Validation | V | V_FOPCCUST1 |
299 | V_FOPC_AUTRATING | Set Rating to Green for Automatically Closed Issues | C | FOPCCUSTOMIZING1 |
301 | V_FOPC_MC_RATING | Rating Requiring Issue To Be Reported | V | V_FOPCCUST2 |
302 | V_FOPC_MC_RATING_LOGIC | Aggregation Logic for Management Control Rating | V | V_FOPCCUST2 |
303 | V_FOPC_PERSON | Person in MIC | C | FOPC_PERSON |
304 | V_FORM2 | Securities: Forms | C | TW19 |
305 | V_FORM4 | Forex: Forms | C | AT80 |
306 | V_FORM5 | Money Market: Forms | C | AT80 |
307 | V_FORM6 | Derivatives: Forms | C | AT80 |
308 | V_FORMAN | Pflege Anordnungstyp für den Formulardruck | C | FORMAN |
309 | V_FORM_2 | Securities: Correspondence Activities | C | AT80 |
310 | V_FOTETAXC | Settings Electronic Data Transmission | C | FOTETAXC |
311 | V_FOTETAXPC | Parameter Values Electronic Data Transmission | C | FOTETAXPC |
312 | V_FPB_LP_ITEMC_1 | Maintenance of Report Definition with Texts | C | FPB_LP_ITEMC |
313 | V_FPB_LP_OBJC_1 | Object in Hierarchy Tree | C | FPB_LP_OBJC |
314 | V_FPB_LP_O_I_C_1 | Maintenance View for FPB_LP_O_I_C | C | FPB_LP_O_I_C |
315 | V_FPB_PERSAPPL | Maintenance View of the Personalization Hierarchy | C | FPB_PERSAPPL |
316 | V_FPB_PERSAPPLFL | Maintenance View of the Personalization Characteristics | C | FPB_PERSAPPLFLD |
317 | V_FPB_PERSARR | Maintenance View of Field Groupings | C | FPB_PERSARR |
318 | V_FPB_PERSDIALOG | Maintenance View of Personalization Dialogs | C | FPB_DIALOG |
319 | V_FPB_PERSFIELDS | Maintenance View of Dialog Fields | C | FPB_PERSDIALOG |
320 | V_FPB_PERSTAB | Maintenance View of Tab Page | C | FPB_PERSTAB |
321 | V_FPB_PERSVAR | Maintenance View of Personalization Variables | C | FPB_PERSVAR |
322 | V_FPB_SNIAPHIER | Hierarchies in an Application | C | FPB_SNI_APHIER |
323 | V_FPB_SNIAPPL | Hierarchy Applications | C | FPB_SNI_APPL |
324 | V_FPB_SNIHIER | Hierarchy Definition | C | FPB_SNI_HIER |
325 | V_FPB_SNIHIEROBJ | Objects in the Hierarchy | C | FPB_SNI_HIEROBJ |
326 | V_FPB_SNISEARCHF | General Search Criteria in Hierarchy | C | FPB_SNI_SEARCHF |
327 | V_FPB_SNISEARCHO | Object-specific Search Criteria in Hierarchy | C | FPB_SNI_SEARCHO |
328 | V_FPB_SNISUBOBJ | Subnode Relationships in the Hierarchy | C | FPB_SNI_SUBOBJ |
329 | V_FPB_SUBCONTEXT | Maintenance View of Personalization Subcontexts | C | FPB_SUBCONTEXT |
330 | V_FPP_CUST | Customizing for FPP Processes | C | FPP_CUST |
331 | V_FRE_DB_DIF_PRO | Maintain DIF occurence profiles | C | FRE_DB_DIF_PROF |
332 | V_FRE_DB_FRE_D | Define F&R Replenishment Types | C | FRE_DB_FRE_DISMM |
333 | V_FRE_DB_FRE_W | Define High Level Filter for Sites | C | FRE_DB_FRE_WERKS |
334 | V_FRE_DOC_CAT_CO | Define Document Types for Contract Outbound | C | FRE_DOC_CAT_TYPE |
335 | V_FRE_DOC_CAT_TY | Define Document Types for Order Outbound | C | FRE_DOC_CAT_TYPE |
336 | V_FRE_DOC_TY_SO | Maitenance View for FRE_DOC_TY_SO | C | FRE_DOC_TY_SO |
337 | V_FRE_ORD_FASH | Order Inbound Customizing Settings | C | FRE_ORD_FASH |
338 | V_FRE_ORD_FASH_C | Order Inbound Fashion Settings | C | FRE_ORD_FASH |
339 | V_FRE_PRODH_RELI | Maintain F&R Hierarchy Types | C | FRE_PRODH_RELID |
340 | V_FRE_REORG_CONS | Deletion of consumption data | C | FRE_REORG_CONS |
341 | V_FRE_TS_REL_ST | Define Stock Types | C | FRE_TS_REL_ST |
342 | V_FRML_EXPLSCOPE | View for Explosion Scopes | H | FRMLT_EXSC |
343 | V_FRML_EXPL_SCOP | View for Explosion Scopes | H | FRMLC62T |
344 | V_FRML_STATUS | Help View for Statuses of Recipes and Formulas | H | TJ04 |
345 | V_FSBPCC_T880 | Description of Partner Company | C | T880 |
346 | V_FSEPA_INST_CD | Local Instrument and Lead Times for SEPA Direct Debits | C | FSEPA_INST_CD |
347 | V_FSEPA_INST_SL | Priority Rules for Local Instrument and Lead Times | C | FSEPA_INST_SL |
348 | V_FSL_IDOBJ_CUST | FSL: Maintenance View for Mapping Identification Object | C | FSL_IDOTYPM_CUST |
349 | V_FSL_STAT_CUST | FSL: User Status for Items | C | FSL_STAT_CUST |
350 | V_FSL_TMZR_CUST | Payment Types - Leasing Enhancements | C | TMZR |
351 | V_FTI_LDBDDICMAP | Translation Maintenance (Table/Field)_1 <-> (Table/Field)_2 | C | FTI_LDB_DDIC_MAP |
352 | V_FTI_SELDDICMAP | Translation Maintenance Selections/Parameters in Field Names | C | FTI_SEL_DDIC_MAP |
353 | V_FTPT_FARECMP | View of DB Table FTPT_FARE_COMP (Fare Bases) | D | FTPT_FARE_COMP |
354 | V_FTPT_FLIGHT | View of DB Table FTPT_FLIGHT (Flight Segments) | D | FTPT_FLIGHT |
355 | V_FTPT_FL_FCMP | View of DB Table FTPT_FLIGHT_FCMP (Flights <-> Fare Bases) | D | FTPT_FLIGHT_FCMP |
356 | V_FTPT_FL_TSTK | View of DB Table FTPT_FLIGHT_TSTK (Airline Ticket Data) | D | FTPT_FLIGHT_TSTK |
357 | V_FTRE_REQS | Request a Feature in Solution Manager | C | SMSY_FTRE_REQS |
358 | V_FTRE_SREL | Initial Release of a Feature in Solution Manager | C | SMSY_FTRE_SREL |
359 | V_FTR_CL_F4 | Treasury Transaction Management: Search Help for Facilities | H | VTB_ASGN_RELAT |
360 | V_FTR_FC_F4 | Treasury Transaction Management: Search Help for Facilities | H | VTBFHA |
361 | V_FTUSE | Foreign Trade: Control table: User-dependent settings | C | FTUSE |
362 | V_FUNC | Function Usage in Environment | C | COFUNC1 |
363 | V_FUNCT_LOC_HIER | Definition of Hierarchies for Functional Locations | C | TFUNCT_LOC_HIER |
364 | V_FUNDTT_BW_PU | BW: Extraction View for Fund Type Texts | D | FMFUNDTYPET |
365 | V_FUNDTYPET_BW | BW: Extraction View for Fund Type Texts | D | FMFUNDTYPET |
366 | V_FUNDTYPE_BW_PU | BW: Extraction View for Fund Types | D | FMFUNDTYPE |
367 | V_FVKPBA | Select Contract Accounts by Partner Bank Details | D | FKKVK |
368 | V_FVKPG | View for Selecting Business Partners for an Account | D | FKKVK |
369 | V_FVKPGLP | Viwe for Selecting Business Partner by Account | D | FKKVKP |
370 | V_FVKPS | Contract Accounts Using Address Data from Shadow Table | D | FKKVK |
371 | V_FXINTMARGIN | Int. FX: Maintenance View for Rate Markups or Markdowns | C | VTBMARGIN |
372 | V_GART2 | Securities: Transaction Types | C | AT10 |
373 | V_GART4 | Forex: Transaction Types | C | AT10 |
374 | V_GART5 | Money Market: Transaction Types | C | AT10 |
375 | V_GART6 | Derivatives: Transaction Types | C | AT10 |
376 | V_GARTB4 | Forex: Transaction Types | C | AT10 |
377 | V_GARTB5 | Money Market: Transaction Types | C | AT10 |
378 | V_GARTB6 | Derivatives: Transaction Types | C | AT10 |
379 | V_GART_OV_6 | Product Type and Transaction Type Overview | C | AT10 |
380 | V_GB01C | Fields Belonging to a Rule Class | C | GB01C |
381 | V_GB31C | View for Table GB31C | C | GB31C |
382 | V_GBA2 | View for Type of Charges and Restrictions of Land Reg. Type | D | VIGBA2 |
383 | V_GEBER_A | Maintain Fund | C | FMFINCODE |
384 | V_GEN_EB_FIEB | General Data on Electronic Banking | C | GENERAL_EB_FIEB |
385 | V_GEN_OBJ_TYP | View for Generic Object Types | C | GEN_OBJ_TYP |
386 | V_GEN_OBJ_TYPMAP | Maintain the semantics for internal objects | C | GHO_GEN_TYP_MAP |
387 | V_GEN_OBJ_TYP_R | View for Generic Object Types | C | GEN_OBJ_TYP |
388 | V_GEOMETRY_SERV | Geometry Service | C | GEOMET_SER_CONF |
389 | V_GEOPROC_OPTION | Geo Processing Options | C | GEOPROC_OPTIONS |
390 | V_GEOPROC_PARAMS | Geo Processing Parameter | C | GEOPROC_PARAMS |
391 | V_GEOPRO_IM_BASE | Geo Processing Import Parameters | C | GEO_PROC_IMPORT |
392 | V_GEOT005 | Mapping Country->Geocoordinates | C | T005 |
393 | V_GEOT005S | Mapping Country/Region->Geocoordinates | C | T005S |
394 | V_GEO_CONF_BASE | Geo Processing Basic Configuration | C | GEOPRO_CONF_BASE |
395 | V_GEO_CONTEXT | Geo Context | C | GEO_CONTEXT_CONF |
396 | V_GEO_CON_APPL | Geo Context Application Entry | C | GEO_CONTEXT_APPL |
397 | V_GEO_PARAM_SERV | Parameter for Services | C | GEOPRO_PARAM_SER |
398 | V_GEO_PROCESS | Geo Processing | C | GEO_PROCESS_CONF |
399 | V_GEO_PROCESS_EX | Geo Processing Export Parameter | C | GEO_PROC_EXPORT |
400 | V_GEO_PROCESS_IM | Geo Processing Import Parametrs | C | GEO_PROC_IMPORT |
401 | V_GHO_DISP | View for Disposition Maintenance | C | GHO_DISPOSITION |
402 | V_GHO_PP_NODE | Network Objects usable for Nodes | D | IFLOS |
403 | V_GISCMOBJTYPE | View for Maintaining Object Types for a Configuration | C | GHO_GISCMOBJTYPE |
404 | V_GJV_A_B_MAP | Field mapping APPL dynpro - Bapi parameter field | C | GJV_PROG_A_FLD |
405 | V_GJV_PRG_A_FLD | APPL prog fields | C | GJV_PROG_A_FLD |
406 | V_GJV_PRG_B_FLD | View BAPI parameter fields for JV BAPIs field mapping | C | GJV_PROG_B_FLD |
407 | V_GLACCREFH | G/L Account Master Record: Create with Reference | C | GLACCREFH |
408 | V_GLCGR | Yard location groups | H | LYLGR |
409 | V_GLE_AFX_GLOBL_CUST | Global Customizing for Archiving: Settings for G/L Extension | V | V_AFX_GLOBL_CUST |
410 | V_GLE_AFX_GLOB_C | Global Customizing for Archiving: Settings for G/L Extension | C | AFX_GLOBAL_CUST |
411 | V_GLE_ARC_USR | Maintenance View: Variant of V_ARC_USR for G/L Extension | V | V_ARC_USR |
412 | V_GLE_ECSARC_UPD | Update from Analysis Run for Object GLE_ECS | D | GLE_ECS_ITEM |
413 | V_GLE_ECS_ARCCST | Residence Times for Object GLE_ECS | C | TGLE_ECS_ARC_CST |
414 | V_GLFLEXA | Flexible general ledger: Actual line items | D | GLFLEXA |
415 | V_GLFLEXC | Flexible G/L: View for consistency check of object numbers | D | GLFLEX00 |
416 | V_GLFLEXP | Flexible G/L: Plan line items | D | GLFLEXP |
417 | V_GLFLEXT | Flexible G/L: Totals | D | GLFLEXT |
418 | V_GLOFAACNTRL | Assign Country-Specific Fields to Field Groups | C | GLOFAACNTRL |
419 | V_GLOFAACNTRLC | Activate Country-Specific Fields | C | GLOFAACNTRLC |
420 | V_GLOFAAJPAX16AC | FI-AA: Japan/Additional Attribs for Asset Classes (Annex 16) | C | GLOFAAJPAX16AC |
421 | V_GLOFAAJPIMP | Impairment Japan - Field Group to Depr area mapping | C | TGLO_JP_IMPDEPR |
422 | V_GLOFAAJPIMPT | Impairment Japan - Field Group to Depr area mapping | C | TGLO_JP_IMP |
423 | V_GLOFAAJPITEM | FI-AA: Japan/Asset Item (Annex 16) | C | GLOFAAJPITEM |
424 | V_GLOFAAJPSTRC | FI-AA: Japan/Asset Structure (Annex 16) | C | GLOFAAJPSTRC |
425 | V_GLOFAAJPT093 | FI-AA: Japan/Additional Attribs for Dep. Areas (Annex 16) | C | GLOFAAJPT093 |
426 | V_GLOFAAJPTSICHK | FI-AA: Japan/Definition of Type-Structure-Item | C | GLOFAAJPTSICHK |
427 | V_GLOFAAJPTSIDEF | FI-AA: Japan/Default Values for Type-Structure-Item | C | GLOFAAJPTSIDEF |
428 | V_GLPCA_CT | External view for table GLPCA_CT | X | GLPCA_CT |
429 | V_GLPOS_C_CT | External view for table GLPOS_C_CT | X | GLPOS_C_CT |
430 | V_GLPOS_N_CT | External view for table GLPOS_N_CT | X | GLPOS_N_CT |
431 | V_GLS_CNT_REDEL | Control of Check Sequence for Purchase Order Change | C | GLS_CNT_REDEL |
432 | V_GMAVCBUDFILTH0 | Maintain AVC Filter Settings for GM Actuals Values | C | GMAVCBUDFILTH |
433 | V_GMAVCBUDFILTH1 | Maintain AVC Filter Settings for GM Budget Values | C | GMAVCBUDFILTH |
434 | V_GMAVCLDGRACT | Maintain Activation Status for GM AVC Ledger | C | GMAVCLDGRACT |
435 | V_GMAVCLDGRATT | Maintain Attributes for GM Availability Control Ledger | C | GMAVCLDGRATT |
436 | V_GMAVCLDGRGAT | Assign Check Horizon to Control Ledger (Default Value) | C | GMAVCLDGRGAT |
437 | V_GMAVCLDGRSRC | Maintain Source for Consumed Amounts of GMAVC Control Ledger | C | T881 |
438 | V_GMAWARDTYPE | Maintenance View for Award Types | C | GMAWARDTYPE |
439 | V_GMBASIDX_R | Receivers objects and their GM address | D | GMBASIDX |
440 | V_GMBASIDX_S | Sender objects and their GM address | D | GMBASIDX |
441 | V_GMBDGTDOCTOFM | Budget Document Types | C | GMBDGTDOCTYPE |
442 | V_GMBDGTDOCTYPE | Budget Document Types | C | GMBDGTDOCTYPE |
443 | V_GMBDGTFM | GM Budget --> FM default values for interface | C | GMBDGTFM |
444 | V_GMBDGTHDRFYLNS | View of Header and Lines | D | GMBDGTHEADER |
445 | V_GMBDGTHDRLNS | View of Header and Lines | D | GMBDGTHEADER |
446 | V_GMBDGTINTSET | Budget Integration Settings | C | GMGRTYPE |
447 | V_GMBDGTLAYOUT | GM: Budget layout by grant type | C | GMBDGTLAYOUT |
448 | V_GMBDGTOUTGRANT | Outgoing Grant Budget Details | D | GMBDGTLINE |
449 | V_GMBDGTREASONCD | Plan/Budget Reason Codes | C | GMBDGTREASONCD |
450 | V_GMBDGTSETTINGS | View of GM Budgeting transaction settings | C | GMBDGTSETVERSION |
451 | V_GMBDGTVERSION | Plan/Budget Versions | C | GMBDGTVERSION |
452 | V_GMBPRELAT_F4 | GM Help view for grant to business partner relations | H | GMRELATIONSHIP |
453 | V_GMBR | Billing Rule Maintenance | C | GMBR |
454 | V_GMBRE | Billing Rule Elements | C | GMBRE |
455 | V_GMBRM | Rules for Manual Billing | C | GMBRM |
456 | V_GMBRSD | SD Objects for a Grant | C | GMBRSD |
457 | V_GMCCSETTINGS | Settings for Company Code | C | GMCCSETTINGS |
458 | V_GMCFDA | GM: CFDA code maintenance | C | GMCFDA |
459 | V_GMCOA | Chart of Account Settings - Grants Management | C | GMCOA |
460 | V_GMCOUPD | CO Settings for Grants Management Update | C | GMCOUPD |
461 | V_GMCSRULES | Cost Sharing Rule Maintenance | C | GMCSRULES |
462 | V_GMDEFARCHIVE | Maintenance View for Archive Definition in GM | C | GMDEFARCHIVE |
463 | V_GMFGC | Obsolete | C | GMFGC |
464 | V_GMFGC_1 | Obsolete - deletable | C | GMFGC_1 |
465 | V_GMFGC_2 | Obsolete - deletable | C | GMFGC |
466 | V_GMFINCODE_F4_D | Database view for Grants Management Funds Search Help | D | FMFINCODE |
467 | V_GMFINCODE_F4_H | Help view for Grants Management Funds Search Help | H | FMFINCODE |
468 | V_GMFIUPD | Maintenance View for FI Update in GM | C | GMFIUPD |
469 | V_GMGAAP | GM GAAP Accrual Account Maintenance | C | GMGAAP |
470 | V_GMGAAPVT | GM GAAP Accrual Value Type | C | GMGAAPVT |
471 | V_GMGRANTRELAT | GM Help view for grant to grant relations | H | GMRELATIONSHIP |
472 | V_GMGRANTTYPE | Grant type search view | H | GMGRTYPE |
473 | V_GMGRRESP | Grant Responsibilities | C | GMGRRESPONSIBLE |
474 | V_GMGRTYPE | Maintenance View for Grant Type | C | GMGRTYPE |
475 | V_GMGRTYPEREPORT | Default Reporting Records from Grant Type | C | GMGRTYPEREPORT |
476 | V_GMGR_STATUS_F4 | GM Help view for looking up grant status | H | GMGR |
477 | V_GMGR_TREX | Masterdata view Grants | D | GMGR |
478 | V_GMIDCRULES | Indirect Cost Rules | C | GMIDCRULES |
480 | V_GMLDC | Legislative District Codes | C | GMLDC |
481 | V_GMLIFECYCLEF4 | Help view for lifecycle status | H | TJ02 |
482 | V_GMLOC | Letter of Credit Definition | C | GMLOC |
484 | V_GMPBCLINK | Integration Settings between GM and PBC | C | GMCCSETTINGS |
485 | V_GMRBBOBJECTS | View for GM RIB objects with address | D | GMRBBOBJECTS |
486 | V_GMRBBRECS | View for RIB receivers with address (of RIB object) | D | GMRBBRECS |
487 | V_GMRELATIONSHIP | GM: Maintenance for relationships | C | GMRELATIONSHIP |
488 | V_GMREPCLASS | GM Report Class | C | GMREPCLASS |
490 | V_GMRESPEVENTS | Grant Responsibility Events | C | GMRESPEVENTS |
491 | V_GMRESPTYPE | Responsibility Types | C | GMRESPTYPE |
492 | V_GMREVBDGTFM1 | FM defaults for Interface with GM Budget Revaluation | C | GMREVBDGTFM1 |
493 | V_GMRMBDGT | Maintenance View for Grant Type Interface to Records Mgmt. | C | GMRMBDGT |
494 | V_GMRMBDGT_ACT | Maintenance View for Grant Type Interface to Records Mgmt. | C | GMRMBDGT_ACT |
495 | V_GMRMBUPA | Maintenance View for BP Roles -> Interface to Records Mgmt. | C | GMRMBUPA |
496 | V_GMRMBUPA_ACT | Maintain Activation Status for Records and Business Partners | C | GMRMBUPA_ACT |
497 | V_GMRMELEMENTS | Maintenance View for Records Mgmt Elements | C | GMRMELEMENTS |
498 | V_GMRMGRTYPE | Maintenance View for Grant Type Interface to Records Mgmt. | C | GMRMGRTYPE |
499 | V_GMRMGRTYPE_ACT | Maintenance View for Grant Type Interface to Records Mgmt. | C | GMRMGRTYPE_ACT |