- V-1 V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-11 V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 V-27 V-28 V-29 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36 V-37 V-38 V-39 V-40 V-41 V-42 V-43 V-44 V-45 V-46 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 V-58 V-59 V-60 V-61 V-62 V-63
View - V
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | V_T539J_GB_TPSA | TPS View T539J Annual Salary Wage Type Valuation | V | V_T539J_GB |
2 | V_T539J_GB_TPSU | TPS View T539J Local Supplement Wage Type Valuation | V | V_T539J_GB |
3 | V_T539R | Wage Maintenance | C | T539R |
4 | V_T539R_UI | Help View for Standard Wage Maintenance | H | T539R |
5 | V_T539R_UI_DE | Database View for Standard Wage Maintenance | D | T539R |
6 | V_T539S | Wage Type for Standard Wage Maintenance | C | T539S |
7 | V_T53G0 | Jurisdiction | C | T53G0 |
8 | V_T53G1 | Category of the Order | C | T53G1 |
9 | V_T53G2 | Agency for Garnishments | C | T53G2 |
10 | V_T53G4 | Debt Types | C | T53G4 |
11 | V_T53G5 | Model for the Basis Amount | C | T53G5 |
12 | V_T53G7 | Characteristics of the basis model | C | T53G7 |
13 | V_T53G8 | Model for the Gross amount | C | T53G8 |
14 | V_T53GA | Characteristics of the Gross amount | C | T53GA |
15 | V_T53GB | Model for the net amount | C | T53GB |
16 | V_T53GD | Characteristics of the Net amount | C | T53GD |
17 | V_T53GE | Model for the non-exempt amount | C | T53GE |
18 | V_T53GG | Characteristics Model for the non exempt amount | C | T53GE |
19 | V_T53GH | Non Exempt: Special rules | C | T53GH |
20 | V_T53GJ | Non Exempt: Characteristics Special rule | C | T53GJ |
21 | V_T53GK | Non Exempt: Level Systems | C | T53GK |
22 | V_T53GM | Non Exempt: Characteristics Level Systems | C | T53GM |
23 | V_T53GO | Model for the relationship to other debts | C | T53GO |
24 | V_T53GQ | Service Charge | C | T53GQ |
25 | V_T53GS | Service Charge Characterisitics | C | T53GS |
26 | V_T53GT | Priorities of Debts | C | T53GT |
27 | V_T53GU | Calculation Model | C | T53GU |
28 | V_T53GW | Characteristics of the Calculation Model | C | T53GW |
29 | V_T53GX | Model Rounding Amount | C | T53GX |
30 | V_T53GX2 | Characteristics of the Rounding Model | C | T53GX2 |
31 | V_T53GY | Garnishments Elements | C | T53GY |
32 | V_T541A | Deductions Paid by Employer for Guaranteed Net Amounts | C | T541A |
33 | V_T541N | Guaranteed Net Amounts | C | T541N |
34 | V_T542A | Work Contract | C | T542A |
35 | V_T543A | Statistics | C | T543A |
36 | V_T543B | Statistical Exceptions | C | T543B |
37 | V_T544A | Car rule for tax | C | T544A |
38 | V_T546T | Employee Subgroup Groupings for Personnel Calculation Rules | C | T546T |
39 | V_T547T | Periods of Notice | C | T547T |
40 | V_T547V | Contract Types | C | T547V |
41 | V_T548S | Date Conversion | C | T548S |
42 | V_T548Y | Date Types | C | T548Y |
43 | V_T549A | Payroll Areas | C | T549A |
44 | V_T549AG | Texts for Payroll Area Groups | C | T549AG |
45 | V_T549AGA | Define Payroll Area Groups | C | T549AGA |
46 | V_T549A_2 | Payroll Areas - Relevant to Payroll | C | T549A |
47 | V_T549A_DK | Payroll Areas (HR-DK) | C | T549A |
48 | V_T549L | Date Modifiers | C | T549L |
49 | V_T549P | Valid Time Units for Payroll | C | T549P |
50 | V_T549Q | Payroll Periods | C | T549Q |
51 | V_T549R | Period Parameters | C | T549R |
52 | V_T549S | Period-Related Date Entries | C | T549S |
53 | V_T549S_B | Period-Related Date Entries | C | T549S |
54 | V_T549V | Default Values for Payment Model | C | T549V |
55 | V_T549W | Payment model | C | T549W |
56 | V_T549X | Payment Periods | C | T549X |
57 | V_T549Z | Calendar for payment model | C | T549Z |
58 | V_T54C0 | Start of the tax year for payroll periods | C | T54C0 |
59 | V_T54C1 | Calendar for Cumulation | C | T54C1 |
60 | V_T54C2 | Calendar Type | C | T54C2 |
61 | V_T54C3 | Cumulation of Wage Types | C | T54C3 |
62 | V_T54C4 | Valid Calendar Types | C | T54C4 |
63 | V_T54C6 | Cumulation Periods | C | T54C6 |
64 | V_T54C6_A | Cumulation Periods | C | T54C6 |
65 | V_T550A | Daily Work Schedule | C | T550A |
66 | V_T550P | Work Break Schedule | C | T550P |
67 | V_T550X | Rules to determe variant for monthly WS rule generation | C | T550X |
68 | V_T551A | Period Work Schedule | C | T551A |
69 | V_T551C | Period Work Schedule Valuation | C | T551C |
70 | V_T552V | Dyn. Assgnmnt of DWS: Clock-in Postings | C | T552V |
71 | V_T552W | Dynamic Daily WS Assignment: Planned/Actual Overlap | C | T552W |
72 | V_T553T | Day Types Text | C | T553T |
73 | V_T554A | Breakdown of Absences After Quota Deduction | C | T554A |
74 | V_T554C | Absence Valuation | C | T554C |
75 | V_T554D | Military Service Ranks | C | T554D |
76 | V_T554E | Counting Classes for Absence Valuation | C | T554E |
77 | V_T554G | Types of Birth | C | T554G |
78 | V_T554H | Evaluation Type for Attendances/Absences | C | T554H |
79 | V_T554L | Absence Valuation Rules | C | T554L |
80 | V_T554M | Rule Table: Absences for Maternity Protection | C | T554M |
81 | V_T554P | Symbol for Attendance and Absence | C | T554P |
82 | V_T554R | Day Rules | C | T554R |
83 | V_T554S | Absence: Input Checks | C | T554S |
84 | V_T554S_ESSEX | ESS: Deactivation of attendance/absence types | C | T554S_ESSEX |
85 | V_T554S_GB_PS | Absence Subtype Groupings | C | T554S |
86 | V_T554S_WEB | Processing Processes for Types of Leave | C | T554S_WEB |
87 | V_T554V | Defaults for Absence Types | C | T554V |
88 | V_T554W | Periods of Military Service | C | T554W |
89 | V_T554Y | Global Time Constraint Reaction | C | T554Y |
90 | V_T555A | Time Types | C | T555A |
91 | V_T555A_WEB | OBSOLETE! Time Types to Be Displayed | C | T555A_WEB |
92 | V_T555D | [OBSOLETE; USE NOW V_T705A] Att./Absence Reasons Subsystem | C | T555D |
93 | V_T555E | Time Evaluation Messages | C | T555E |
94 | V_T555E_WLIST | Message Processing: Message Types | C | T555E |
95 | V_T555H | PDC Group Assignment | C | T555H |
96 | V_T555I | PDC Master Record Information | C | T555I |
97 | V_T555J | Time Transfer Specifications: Transfer to Time Types | C | T555J |
98 | V_T555K | Time Transfer Specifications: Transfer to Wage Types | C | T555K |
99 | V_T555L | Time Transfer Specifications: Transfer to Absence Quotas | C | T555L |
100 | V_T555O | Time Profiles | C | T555O |
101 | V_T555P | Employee Time Transfer Type | C | T555P |
102 | V_T555U_DW | Time Recording IDs w/ Texts | D | T555U |
103 | V_T555W | [OBSOLETE; USE NOW V_T705K]; Ext. Wage Types from Subsystem | C | T555W |
104 | V_T555Z | Time Type Determination | C | T555Z |
105 | V_T556 | Substitution Types | C | T556 |
106 | V_T556A | Absence Quota Type | C | T556A |
107 | V_T556A_WEB | Specify Display of Absence Quotas | C | T556A_WEB |
108 | V_T556E | Rule Groups for the Refinement of Absences | C | T556E |
109 | V_T556G | Rules for the Refinement of Absences | C | T556G |
110 | V_T556G_A | Coverage History: Absence Evaluation Seniority Bands | C | T556G |
111 | V_T556M | Process Partial-Day Absences Using XNAB Function | C | T556M |
112 | V_T556P | Attendance Quota Type | C | T556P |
113 | V_T556P_WEB | Specify Display of Attendance Quotas | C | T556P_WEB |
114 | V_T556R | Deduction Rules for Attendance Quotas | C | T556R |
115 | V_T556U | Quota compensation types | C | T556U |
116 | V_T556W | Assign Wage Types to Quotas to be Compensated | C | T556W |
117 | V_T557 | Availability Type | C | T557 |
118 | V_T557A_DW | Reporting Time Types with Texts | D | T557A |
119 | V_T557B | Reporting Time Types | C | T557A |
120 | V_T557BU | Reporting Time Types | C | T557A |
121 | V_T557B_DW | Reporting Time Types with Texts | D | T557A |
122 | V_T557D_DW | Quota Types for Reporting w/ Texts | D | T557D |
123 | V_T557E | Reporting Quota Types | C | T557D |
124 | V_T557E_DW | Quota Types for Reporting w/ Texts | D | T557D |
125 | V_T557G | Attendances/Absences Assignment | C | T557G |
126 | V_T557GU | Attendances/Absences Assignment | C | T557G |
127 | V_T557H | Time Types Assignment | C | T557H |
128 | V_T557HU | Time Types Assignment | C | T557H |
129 | V_T557I | Wage Types Assignment | C | T557I |
130 | V_T557IU | Wage Types Assignment | C | T557I |
131 | V_T557J | Absence Quota Types Assignment | C | T557J |
132 | V_T557K | Leave Types Assignment | C | T557K |
133 | V_T557L | Attendance Quotas Assignment | C | T557L |
134 | V_T557M | Assign Time Types (Monthly Cumulations Table SALDO) | C | T557M |
135 | V_T557PT_SP | PT-SP: Maintain Reporting Time Types (Absence Planner) | C | T557G |
136 | V_T557V | Membership Function | C | T557V |
137 | V_T558A | Payroll Account Transfer | C | T558A |
138 | V_T558D_LEG | T558D: Payroll Account Transfer View | C | T558D |
139 | V_T559D | Validity/Deduction Interval for Absence Quotas | C | T559D |
140 | V_T559E | Base Entitlement for Absence Quota Generation | C | T559E |
141 | V_T559F | Processing of Absence Quota Remainders | C | T559F |
142 | V_T559J | Convert Leave Types to Quota Types | C | T559J |
143 | V_T559L | Absence Quota Type Selection | C | T559L |
144 | V_T559L_PBS | Absence Quota Type Selection (Public Sector - AU) | C | T559L |
145 | V_T559M_PBS | Reduction Rules for Absence Quota Generation-(HR:AU:PBS) | C | T559M |
146 | V_T559P | Limits for Time Balances | C | T559P |
147 | V_T559QT | Transfer Remaining Quota to New Quotas | C | T559QT |
148 | V_T559R | Rounding Rule | C | T559R |
149 | V_T564T | Insurance Companies | C | T564T |
150 | V_T569R | Earliest Recalculation Dates for Time Management | C | T569R |
151 | V_T569T | Control Record Texts | C | T569T |
152 | V_T569U | Logs for Control Records | C | T569U |
153 | V_T569V | Control Records | C | T569V |
154 | V_T56C1 | Parameter for Cumulation Types | C | T56C1 |
155 | V_T56C2 | Permitted Cumulation Types | C | T56C2 |
156 | V_T56C3 | Date for the Cumulation Intervals | C | T56C3 |
157 | V_T56C4 | Period Date Relevant for Cumulations | C | T56C4 |
158 | V_T56C5 | Time-Based Window for Cumulation Table Entries | C | T56C5 |
159 | V_T56C8 | Country-Specific Cumulation Tables | C | T56C8 |
160 | V_T56E1 | HR-XX: Exception Reporting - Tolerance Grouping | C | T56E1 |
161 | V_T56E2 | HR-XX: Exception Reporting - Rule Description | C | T56E2 |
162 | V_T56E3 | HR-XX: Exception Reporting | C | T56E3 |
163 | V_T56E4 | HR-XX: Exception Repoting - Sub Rules | C | T56E4 |
164 | V_T56E5 | HR-XX: Exception Reporting - Table list | C | T56E5 |
165 | V_T56E6 | HR-XX: Exception Reporting - Table Field list | C | T56E6 |
166 | V_T572B | Description of Sickness | C | T572B |
167 | V_T572E | Control table for additional absence data | C | T572E |
168 | V_T572G | Permitted Values for Events | C | T572G |
169 | V_T577 | Family Characteristics | C | T577 |
170 | V_T577_A | Familieneigenschaften | C | T577 |
171 | V_T577_C | Family Characteristics | C | T577 |
172 | V_T577_UI | Help View for Table T577 | H | T577 |
173 | V_T578A | Medical Doctors | C | T578A |
174 | V_T578T | Areas of Examination | C | T578T |
175 | V_T578W | Permissible Values for Areas of Examination | C | T578W |
176 | V_T578X | Permissible Values for Areas of Examination | C | T578X |
177 | V_T578Y | Examination Results | C | T578Y |
178 | V_T578Z | Internal Medical Service | C | T578Z |
179 | V_T582A | Infotype attributes (Customizing) | C | T582A |
180 | V_T582B | Infotypes That Are Created Automatically | C | T582B |
181 | V_T582G | Infotype/Subtype Assignment - Grouping Reason | C | T582G |
182 | V_T582ITD | Infotype - Dialog Module (CE) | C | T582ITD |
183 | V_T582ITOPER | Infotype Operations | C | T582ITOPER |
184 | V_T582ITVCHCK | Verification Class for a Version Flag | C | T582ITVCHCK |
185 | V_T582ITVCLAS | Classes for Determining Version IDs and Infotype Containers | C | T582ITVCLAS |
186 | V_T582ITVOPER | Permissibility of Infotype Operations | C | T582ITVOPER |
187 | V_T582L | Infotypes - country-specific settings | C | T582L |
188 | V_T582S | Infotype Texts | C | T582S |
189 | V_T582V | Assignment of Infotypes to Views | C | T582V |
190 | V_T582W | Assigns Infotype View to Primary Infotype | C | T582W |
191 | V_T584A | Test Procedures - Infotype Assignment | C | T584A |
192 | V_T585A | HR Documents: Infotypes To Be Logged | C | T585A |
193 | V_T585B | HR Documents: Field Group Definition | C | T585B |
194 | V_T585C | HR Documents: Field Group Characteristics | C | T585C |
195 | V_T585O | HR Optical Archiving: Configuration Table for PREL and PAPL | C | T585O |
196 | V_T587A | Detail View: Personnel Assignments - Categories | C | T587A |
197 | V_T587B | View for information category text | C | T587B |
198 | V_T587C_D | Personnel Assignment Details | C | T587C |
199 | V_T587C_O | Personnel Assignments Overview | C | T587C |
200 | V_T587C_T | Personnel Assignments - Texts | C | T587C |
201 | V_T588AUTO_MAP | Mapping for Conversion of Repeat Structure/Tables | C | T588AUTO_MAP |
202 | V_T588AUTO_TABLE | Mapping for Conversion of Repeat Structure/Tables | C | T588AUTO_TABLE |
203 | V_T588AUTO_TEXT | Assignment of Text Fields for Generic Text Reader | C | T588AUTO_TEXT |
204 | V_T588AUTO_TEXTC | Maint. View: Assgmt Text Flds for Gen. TextReader (Customer) | C | T588AUTO_TEXTC |
205 | V_T588B | Infotype Menu | C | T588B |
206 | V_T588C | User Groups Dependency on Menus and Info Groups | C | T588C |
207 | V_T588D | Info Group | C | T588D |
208 | V_T588F4_TEXT | Maintenance View for Table T588F4_TEXT | C | T588F4_TEXT |
209 | V_T588FIX_TEXT | Assignment of Data Elements to Determine Fixed Texts | C | T588FIX_TEXT |
210 | V_T588G | Field-Specific Retroactive Accounting Recognition | C | T588G |
211 | V_T588I | Header Modifier | C | T588I |
212 | V_T588M | View for Infotype Screen Control | C | T588M |
213 | V_T588MFPROPC | HR: Field Properties | C | T588MFPROPC |
214 | V_T588MFPROPS | HR: Field Properties | C | T588MFPROPS |
215 | V_T588M_ESS | Control of Screen Fields for ESS Scenarios | C | T588M_ESS |
216 | V_T588N | Screen Modification for Account Assignment Block | C | T588N |
217 | V_T588UICONVCLAS | Maintenance View for Table T588UICONVCLAS | C | T588UICONVCLAS |
218 | V_T588Z | Dynamic Actions | C | T588Z |
219 | V_T591A | Subtype Characteristics | C | T591A |
220 | V_T591A_ESSEX | ESS: Deactivation of Subtypes | C | T591A_ESSEX |
221 | V_T591A_LR | Subtypes for Labour Relations (South Africa) | C | T591A |
222 | V_T591A_NOA | Nature of Action Codes | C | T591A |
223 | V_T591A_UI_DE | Help View for Permissible Subtypes | H | T591A |
224 | V_T591B | Wage-type-dependent retroactive accounting trigger | C | T591B |
225 | V_T591C | Recipient Type for Communication Type | C | T591A |
226 | V_T5961 | Areas | C | T5961 |
227 | V_T5963 | Assign Areas to Subapplications | C | T5963 |
228 | V_T5963_A | Assign Areas to Subapplications | C | T5963 |
229 | V_T596A | Subapplications | C | T596A |
230 | V_T596C | Validity Interval for Statutory Subapplications | C | T596C |
231 | V_T596D | Validity Intervals for Non-Statutory Subapplications | C | T596D |
232 | V_T596D_VADM | Validity Periods of Subapplications | C | T596D |
233 | V_T596G | Specification for Cumulation Wage Types for Subapplications | C | T596G |
234 | V_T596G_B | Specification for Cumulation Wage Types for Subapplications | C | T596G |
235 | V_T596I | Assignment of Wage Types to Cumulation Wage Types | C | T596I |
236 | V_T596I_AR | View Argentina for table T596I | C | T596I |
237 | V_T596I_IT | C | T596I | |
238 | V_T596J | Assignment of Wage Types to Cumulation WTs (Customer Table) | C | T596J |
239 | V_T596J_AR | View Argentina for table T596J | C | T596J |
240 | V_T596J_T5C23 | Calculation Formula for Comments | C | T5C23 |
241 | V_T596K | HR-PAY: View for Country-Specific Table Names | C | T596K |
242 | V_T596L | Determination of Personnel Area Reporting | C | T596L |
243 | V_T596L_BEW | HR-DBW: View Variant V_T596L for Statements | V | V_T596L |
244 | V_T596L_BEW_FR | Statements/Cert.: define personnel area | V | V_T596L |
245 | V_T596L_LSTA | HR-DST: View Variant V_T596L for Employment Tax Notification | V | V_T596L |
246 | V_T596L_LSTB | HR-DST: View Variant V_T596L for Employment Tax Statement | V | V_T596L |
247 | V_T596L_LSTD | HR-DST: View Variant V_T596L for Data Provider | V | V_T596L |
248 | V_T596L_VBA | HR-DBW: View Variante V_T596L for BEW (E-mail Procedure) | V | V_T596L |
249 | V_T596M | Data from Personnel Area Reporting | C | T596M |
250 | V_T596MD | Screens/Structures of Subscreens from T596M | C | T596MD |
251 | V_T596N | Summary Personnel Area Reporting | C | T596N |
252 | V_T596NV | Summary Personnel Area Reporting | C | T596NV |
253 | V_T596N_BEW | HR-DBW: View Variant T596N for Statements D | V | V_T596N |
254 | V_T596N_BEW_AT | HR-BW: View Variant T596N for Statements AT | V | V_T596N |
255 | V_T596N_BEW_FR | View variant for French statement T596N | V | V_T596N |
256 | V_T596N_VBA | HR-DBW: View Variant T596N for BEW (E-mail Procedure) | V | V_T596N |
257 | V_T596U | Conversion Table | C | T596U |
258 | V_T596X | Dynamic assignment of cumulation wage types to fields | C | T596X |
259 | V_T599C_F | pnp 900 | C | T599F_PY |
260 | V_T599C_PY | Time Selection | C | T599C_PY |
261 | V_T599E | Time-Dependent Rounding for Operation RNDC in Payroll Rule | C | T599E |
262 | V_T599F | Report Category - Select Options | C | T599F |
263 | V_T599F_PY_2 | Organizational Selections (Superset) | C | T599F_PY |
264 | V_T599I | Parameters that Control Logical Views for T512W | C | T599I |
265 | V_T599J | Text Table for Logical Views | C | T599J |
266 | V_T599R | HR Report Attributes | C | T599R |
267 | V_T599R_B | HR Report Attributes - Flow Control for Logical Database | C | T599R |
268 | V_T599SFE | Required infotypes for feature structure | C | T599SFE |
269 | V_T599Y | Convert External Wage Types | C | T599Y |
270 | V_T599Z | Time Wage Types to Third-Party Systems | C | T599Z |
271 | V_T5A03 | Employee Subgroup Grouping for Continued Pay | C | T503Z |
272 | V_T5A1D | Contribution Groups per SI Characteristic | C | T5A1D |
273 | V_T5A1F | Values for Characteristic Types of Contribution Groups | C | T5A1F |
274 | V_T5A1O_REF | Display View for Reference Number | C | T5A1O_REF |
275 | V_T5A1S | Employer Account Numbers with Social Insurance Bodies | C | T5A1S |
276 | V_T5A1T | Social Insurance Bodies | C | T5A1T |
277 | V_T5A1U | Company Employee Pension Fund | C | T5A1U |
278 | V_T5A1X | Wage Types for Determining SI Contributions | C | T5A1X |
279 | V_T5A1Z_P | Maintenance View T5A1Z: AGRD and EBSV Check | C | T5A1Z |
280 | V_T5A1Z_PBS_P | Maintenance View T5A1Z_PBS - AGRD and EBSV Check | C | T5A1Z_PBS |
281 | V_T5A2A | Proportionate Calculations of Deduction Amounts | C | T5A2A |
282 | V_T5A2D | Tax Procedure/Reasons for Tax Exemption | C | T5A2D |
283 | V_T5A2D_VAL_HLP | Value Help for Tax Procedure and Exemption Reason | H | T5A2D |
284 | V_T5A2E | Income Tax Rates | C | T5A2E |
285 | V_T5A2G_AD | Assignment of Addresses to Municipalities | C | T5A2G_AD |
286 | V_T5A2G_NEW | Municipality Code and Municipality Status | C | T5A2G_NEW |
287 | V_T5A2G_NEW_PLZ | Postal Codes of Municipality | C | T5A2G_NEW_PLZ |
288 | V_T5A2H | Transfer Wage Types to Small or Large Relation Wage Type | C | T5A2H |
289 | V_T5A2I | Relation-Forming Wage Types | C | T5A2I |
290 | V_T5A2J_SZ | Scaling for Spec. Payment Taxation StabG | C | T5A2J |
291 | V_T5A2L | Total Number L16 | C | T5A2L |
292 | V_T5A2M | Damaging Actions/Reasons | C | T5A2M |
293 | V_T5A2S_PP | Commuter Rate: Kilometer Limits | C | T5A2S_PP |
294 | V_T5A3A | Family allowance | C | T5A3A |
295 | V_T5A4D | Time-Dependent Entitlement Quotas | C | T5A4D |
296 | V_T5A4H | View for Date Specifications (Continued Pay) | C | T5A4H |
297 | V_T5A4P_GB_PS | Absence Groupings | C | T5A4P |
298 | V_T5A4Q | Characteristics of Attendance/Absence Categories | C | T5A4P |
299 | V_T5A4S | Assgmt Job/Pos. to Heavy Labor Pos. in Acc. with Sec. 5 Reg. | C | T5A4S |
300 | V_T5A5D | Variables in Forms for Sickness Certificates | C | T5A5D |
301 | V_T5A5F | Technical Control for Sickness Certificates | C | T5A5F |
302 | V_T5A5K | Forms for Domestic Sickness Certificates | C | T5A5K |
303 | V_T5A5T | Print Item Texts for Sickness Certificates | C | T5A5T |
304 | V_T5A5U | Forms for Foreign Sickness Certificates | C | T5A5U |
305 | V_T5A5Z | System Responses for Master Data Maintenance | C | T5A5Z |
306 | V_T5A6B | Equalization Reasons | C | T5A6B |
307 | V_T5A6D | Fields for Special Cases | C | T5A6D |
308 | V_T5A6F | Interest Types | C | T5A6F |
309 | V_T5A6H | Rules of a Garnishment Group | C | T5A6H |
310 | V_T5A7A | Field Properties of Payslip Fields | C | T5A7A |
311 | V_T5A7D | Payslip Checking Rules | C | T5A7D |
312 | V_T5A7E | Payslip Validation Rules | C | T5A7E |
313 | V_T5A7F | Define Comparison Condition | C | T5A7F |
314 | V_T5A7I | Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16) | C | T5A7I |
315 | V_T5A7J | Transfer Payslip Tax Domestic (L16) (Customer Table) | C | T5A7J |
316 | V_T5A7L | Payslip: Actions/Reasons for Payslip Creation | C | T5A7L |
317 | V_T5A7V | Payslip: Employer Assignment for Variants for RPUELDA0 | C | T5A7V |
318 | V_T5A7W | Payslip: Employer Assignment to Company | C | T5A7W |
319 | V_T5A8AB | Maintenance View for Civil Servant Group | C | T5A8A |
320 | V_T5A8C | Maintenance View for Calculation Period | C | T5A8C |
321 | V_T5A8D | Maintenance View for Revaluation Factor/Revaluation Number | C | T5A8D |
322 | V_T5A8EF | Maintenance View for Retirement Reason | C | T5A8E |
323 | V_T5A8G | Maintenance View for Deduction for Early Retirement | C | T5A8G |
324 | V_T5A8H | Maintenance View for PRAT Customizing Constant | C | T5A8H |
325 | V_T5A8HRAT_FIL | Maintenance View for Pension Calculation BAdI Filter | C | T5A8HRAT_CLCP_FV |
326 | V_T5A8I | Maint. View for Key Date for Total Pensionable Empl. Period | C | T5A8I |
327 | V_T5A9B | Payment Characterisics of Default Wage Types for IT 0527 | C | T5A9B |
328 | V_T5A9D_A | Validity of Retirement Age Groupings | C | T5A9D |
329 | V_T5A9E_A | Retirement Age Based on Date of Birth | C | T5A9E |
330 | V_T5A9F_A | Time-Dependent Factors for Severance Pay | C | T530D |
331 | V_T5A9G | Company Number of Union | C | T5A9G |
332 | V_T5A9M | Multiple Assignment for Municipal Tax | C | T5A9M |
333 | V_T5AE1 | Enter Absence Types for Illness Notification | C | T5AE1 |
334 | V_T5AE2 | Align Absence Types for Illness Notification | C | T5AE2 |
335 | V_T5AE3 | Convert Absence Types in Event of Missing Illness Notif. | C | T5AE3 |
336 | V_T5AGR | Projection Rules (Income Report) | C | T5AGR |
337 | V_T5AK0 | Wage Groups | C | T5AK0 |
338 | V_T5AK1 | Standard Working Hours | C | T5AK1 |
339 | V_T5AK2 | Flat Rates for Hours Lost | C | T5AK2 |
340 | V_T5AKB | Reference No. for Short-Time Work | C | T5AKB |
341 | V_T5APBS01 | Insurer | C | T5APBS01 |
342 | V_T5APBS02 | Type of Cash Benefits | C | T5APBS02 |
343 | V_T5APBS03 | Joint Taxation: Assignment of Fields for Import | C | T5APBS03 |
344 | V_T5APBS04 | Joint Taxation: Assignment of Wage Types to Infotypes | C | T5APBS04 |
345 | V_T5APBS05 | Joint Taxation: Assignment of Wage Types for Export | C | T5APBS05 |
346 | V_T5APBS06 | Pay Scale Reclassification | C | T5APBS06 |
347 | V_T5APBS07 | Correction Wage Types for SI Public Sector | C | T5APBS07 |
348 | V_T5APBS08 | Maximum and Minimum Contribution Bases | C | T5APBS08 |
349 | V_T5APBS09 | Variable SI Percentages | C | T5APBS09 |
350 | V_T5APBS10 | Properties of Attendance/Absence Types for SI Public Sector | C | T5APBS10 |
351 | V_T5APBS11 | SI Public Sector: Sequence Tax Calculation Special Payment | C | T5APBS11 |
352 | V_T5APBS12 | SI Public Sector: Absence - Contribut. Type Group Assignment | C | T5APBS12 |
353 | V_T5APBS14 | SI Public Sector: SI Modifier - Percentages Assignment | C | T5APBS14 |
354 | V_T5APBS14II | SI Public Sector: SI Modifier - Percentages Assignment | C | T5APBS14 |
355 | V_T5APBS15 | Technical Form Control of RPCSVBA2PBS | C | T5APBS15 |
356 | V_T5APBS16 | Percentages for Indirect Valuation via APSV2 | C | T5APBS16 |
357 | V_T5APBS17 | Correction Wage Types for SI Public Sector | C | T5APBS17 |
358 | V_T5APBS18 | Maximum and Minimum Contribution Bases | C | T5APBS18 |
359 | V_T5APBS19 | Assignment of SCB Point Wage Types to Subtypes | C | T5APBS19 |
360 | V_T5APBS20 | Properties for Absence Types for FRSC | C | T5APBS20 |
361 | V_T5APBS21 | Key Date Calculation | C | T5APBS21 |
362 | V_T5APBS_F_APORG | Return Values for Feature APORG | C | T5APBS_F_APORG |
363 | V_T5APF | Class Name for Dynamic Instance Generation | C | T5APF |
364 | V_T5APG | Customer Layer f. Dynamic Instance Generation (Analog T5APF) | C | T5APG |
365 | V_T5ARL | Assignment of Organizations to Base Wage Types | C | T5ARL |
366 | V_T5AS0 | Usage Groups (Income Statistics) | C | T5AS0 |
367 | V_T5AS1 | Function Groups (Income Statistics) | C | T5AS1 |
368 | V_T5AS2 | Remuneration Type (Income Stat. Acc to Equal Treatment Act) | C | T5AS2 |
369 | V_T5ASRACTIVITY | Activities | C | T5ASRACTIVITY |
370 | V_T5ASRADDCRIT | Groupings for Reports | C | T5ASRADDCRIT |
371 | V_T5ASRAUTHACTVT | Methods of Authorization Check for Activities | C | T5ASRAUTHMETHOD |
372 | V_T5ASRAUTHCONT | Methods of Authorization Check for Activities | C | T5ASRAUTHMETHOD |
373 | V_T5ASRCONTTYPE | Content Types | C | T5ASRCONTENTTYPE |
374 | V_T5ASRDPFANCHOR | Number of Node Attribute "Anchor" | C | T5ASRDPFANCHOR |
375 | V_T5ASRDPFARDOCS | Assignment of Document Types to Category of Files | C | T5ASRDPFARDOCS |
376 | V_T5ASRDPFCAT | Category of Personnel Files | C | T5ASRDPFCAT |
377 | V_T5ASRDPFDOCU | Assignment of Anchor to Attachment Type | C | T5ASRDPFDOCUMENT |
378 | V_T5ASRDPFFORMS | Assignment of Anchor to Form Scenario | C | T5ASRDPFFORMS |
380 | V_T5ASRFSCNXI | Form Scenario for XI Inbound Processing | C | T5ASRFSCNXI |
381 | V_T5ASRGR2PRAUTH | Assignment of Process to Process Group for Auth. Check | C | T5ASRGRP2PRCAUTH |
382 | V_T5ASRITFORDER | Sequential Order for Update of Infotypes | C | T5ASRITFORDER |
383 | V_T5ASROBJGROUP | Group of Objects | C | T5ASROBJGROUP |
384 | V_T5ASRPROC | Processes | C | T5ASRPROC |
385 | V_T5ASRPROCCHK | Link Processes with Process Groups (Collision Check) | C | T5ASRPROCCHK |
386 | V_T5ASRPROCCONT | Group Processes for UI Control and Collision Check | C | T5ASRPROCCONT |
387 | V_T5ASRPROCGROUP | Process Groups | C | T5ASRPROCGROUP |
388 | V_T5ASRPROCGRPA | Start Object for Process Groups | C | T5ASRPROCGRPA |
389 | V_T5ASRPROCGRVAL | Group-Dependent Process Selection for Start Application | C | T5ASRPROCGRVAL |
390 | V_T5ASRPROCPAID | Assign Sample for Reference Numbers to Processes | C | T5ASRPROCPAID |
391 | V_T5ASRPROCPROP | Attributes for Processes in Start Application | C | T5ASRPROCPROP |
392 | V_T5ASRPROCROLE | Agent Roles | C | T5ASRPROCROLE |
393 | V_T5ASRPROCVALID | Valid Processes for Start Applications | C | T5ASRPROCVALID |
394 | V_T5ASRPRSCFORM | Configuration Data For Start of Processes with Form | C | T5ASRPRSCFORM |
395 | V_T5ASRPRSCXI | Configuration for Processes for XI Inbound Processing | C | T5ASRPRSCXI |
396 | V_T5ASRPRSCXIMSG | Workflow Template for XI Message Type | C | T5ASRPRSCXIMSG |
397 | V_T5ASRRFNUMPAID | Define Pattern for Reference Numbers of Processes | C | T5ASRREFNUMPAID |
398 | V_T5ASRSEARCH | Assignment of Variant for Search Fields for User Group | C | T5ASRSEARCH |
399 | V_T5ASRSEARCHFDS | Employee Search Fields | C | T5ASRSEARCHFDS |
400 | V_T5ASRSEARCHVAR | Variants for Employee Search | C | T5ASRSEARCHVAR |
401 | V_T5ASRSELFLDDF | Prefill Selection Fields for Reports: Dyn. Field Selection | C | T5ASRSELFLDDF |
402 | V_T5ASRSELFLDID | Specify Reports with Default Field Values | C | T5ASRSELFLDID |
403 | V_T5ASRSELFLDSF | Prefill Selection Fields for Reports: Stat. Field Selection | C | T5ASRSELFLDSF |
404 | V_T5ASRSELFLDVAR | Specify Variants for Reports | C | T5ASRSELFLDVAR |
405 | V_T5ASRSHADOWFLD | Shadow Fields for XI Inbound Processing | C | T5ASRSHADOWFLDS |
406 | V_T5ASRSHFLDATRD | Permitted XI Fields for XI Scenario | C | T5ASRSHFLDXISCEN |
407 | V_T5ASRSHFLDATTR | XI Shadow Field - Attributes | C | T5ASRSHFLDATTR |
408 | V_T5ASRSWNEXOBJ | Objects To Be Excluded for Work Item Notification | C | T5ASRSWNEXOBJ |
409 | V_T5ASRSWNEXUSER | Users To Be Excluded for Work Item Notification | C | T5ASRSWNEXUSER |
410 | V_T5ASRSWNEXWFTS | Workflow Tasks for Suppresion of Work Item Notification | C | T5ASRSWNEXWFTS |
411 | V_T5ASRWITHDRAW | Permission for Withdrawal of Process | C | T5ASRWITHDRAW |
412 | V_T5ASRXI2ATTMAP | Mapping XI Inbound Attachments to Form Attachments | C | T5ASRXI2ATTMAP |
413 | V_T5ASRXI2FLDMAP | Mapping XI Inbound Processing Fields to Form Fields | C | T5ASRXI2FLDMAP |
414 | V_T5ASRXIFSCN | Form Scenario for XI Message Type | C | T5ASRXIFSCN |
415 | V_T5ASRXIMAPATT | Mapping XI Msg. Attachments According to Form Attachment Ty. | C | T5ASRXIMAPATT |
416 | V_T5ASRXIMAPFLD | Mapping XI Message Fields According to Form Fields | C | T5ASRXIMAPFLD |
417 | V_T5ASRXIMSGFLDD | XI Fields of XI Message Type | C | T5ASRSHFLDATTR |
418 | V_T5ASRXISCENPG | Process Group for XI Scenario | C | T5ASRPRSCXI |
419 | V_T5ASRXISCPROP | Attributes for XI Scenario Types | C | T5ASRXISCPROP |
420 | V_T5AU0 | Specify Usage Types for Simulation Results | C | T5AU0 |
421 | V_T5B01 | SI Categories Employees (B) | C | T5B01 |
422 | V_T5B02 | SI Categories Employers (B) | C | T5B02 |
423 | V_T5B03 | SI Specifications Employees (B) | C | T5B03 |
424 | V_T5B04 | SI Notifications Employees (B) | C | T5B04 |
425 | V_T5B05 | Function SI for Employee Paid on Tips (B) | C | T5B05 |
426 | V_T5B06 | Obsolete: Text Table Country Codes SI/"BELCOTAX" (B) | C | T5B0F |
427 | V_T5B07 | Profession Groups (B) | C | T5B07 |
428 | V_T5B08 | Obsolete: Nationalities (B) | C | T5B08 |
429 | V_T5B09 | Type deduction of SI-contribution employer (B) | C | T5B09 |
430 | V_T5B0A | SI Categories Employees (B) (obsolete) | C | T5B0A |
431 | V_T5B0B | SI Categories Employers (B) (obsolete) | C | T5B0B |
432 | V_T5B0J | Usage for SI Category Employee | C | T5B0J |
433 | V_T5B11 | Type of tax Calculation (B) | C | T5B11 |
434 | V_T5B12 | Spouse's Professions (B) | C | T5B12 |
435 | V_T5B13 | Leave Regulation Taxes (B) | C | T5B13 |
436 | V_T5B14 | Marital Status (B) | C | T5B14 |
437 | V_T5B17 | BELCOTAX 281. activity code. | C | T5B17 |
438 | V_T5B17_BOW | BELCOTAX 281. activity code. BOW: use V_T5BX3 for Print out | C | T5B17 |
439 | V_T5B1E | Employee Grouping Modifiers | C | T5B1E |
440 | V_T5B1H | Relationships Betw. Companies and Institutions | C | T5B1H |
441 | V_T5B1P | Personnel area/subareas | C | T5B1P |
442 | V_T5B1R | Relationships Betw. Pers. Subareas and Institutions | C | T5B1R |
443 | V_T5B1S | Companies | C | T5B1S |
444 | V_T5B1T | Relationships Betw. Companies and Institutions | C | T5B1T |
445 | V_T5B1U | Relationships Betw. Pers. Subareas and Institutions | C | T5B1U |
446 | V_T5B1V | Correspondence of customer entries in TSADV | C | T5B1V |
447 | V_T5B31 | Translation Table-View Educational Leave Quotums (Be) | C | T5B31 |
448 | V_T5B41 | Belgian specific date types for IT 41. | C | T5B41 |
449 | V_T5B53 | Postal Codes for Taxes (B) | C | T5B53 |
450 | V_T5B5A | Fusion Postal Codes (B) | C | T5B5A |
451 | V_T5B5C | Postal Codes (B) | C | T5B5C |
452 | V_T5B5D | Match Belgium Postal codes to region | C | T5B5D |
453 | V_T5B62 | Text Table Collective Agreements (B) | C | T5B6B |
454 | V_T5B63 | Joint Commissions (B) | C | T5B6C |
455 | V_T5B71 | Work Periods SI (B) | C | T5B71 |
456 | V_T5B72 | Weekly Workdays "Regime" (B) | C | T5B72 |
457 | V_T5B73 | Regulations Work Schedules (B) | C | T5B73 |
458 | V_T5B94 | View for legal document | C | T5B94 |
459 | V_T5B95 | View for legal document | C | T5B95 |
460 | V_T5B96 | View legal document and form | C | T5B96 |
461 | V_T5B9A | Institutions (B) | C | T5B9A |
462 | V_T5B9B | Institutional Groups (B) | C | T5B92 |
463 | V_T5B9G | Employee Groups/Subgroups (B) | C | T503Z |
464 | V_T5B9P | Personnel Areas/Personnel Subareas (B) | C | T001P |
465 | V_T5BAL | Activation allowances | C | T5BAL |
466 | V_T5BC0 | Client specific home-work expenses | C | T5BC0 |
467 | V_T5BC0A | zz | C | T5BC0 |
468 | V_T5BC0_ALL | Rail tariff for commuting expenses - overview sceen | C | T5BC0 |
469 | V_T5BCI10 | HR-Belgium: Complementary Indemnity- Debtor Type Code List. | C | T5BCI10 |
470 | V_T5BCI11 | Complementary Indemnity: Agreement Type Code List | C | T5BCI11 |
471 | V_T5BCI12 | HR-Belgium: Complementary Indemnity - CI amount adjustment | C | T5BCI12 |
472 | V_T5BCI13 | HR-Belgium: CI: Justification for Incomplete month code list | C | T5BCI13 |
473 | V_T5BCI14 | Complementary Indemnity: Capitalization code list | C | T5BCI14 |
474 | V_T5BCI15 | Complementary Indemnity: Allowance Type code list text | C | T5BCI15 |
475 | V_T5BCISIC | Complementary Indemnity: Social Insurance Contributions | C | T5BCISIC |
476 | V_T5BCISIC_ALL | Complementary Indemnity: Social Insurance Contributions | C | T5BCISIC |
477 | V_T5BD1 | Local Unit ID view | C | T5BD1 |
478 | V_T5BD3 | Additional Social Insurance Contributions (obsolete) | C | T5BD3 |
479 | V_T5BD4 | Definition of modifiers for additional contributions | C | T5BD4 |
480 | V_T5BD5 | Inherently dangerous activities | C | T5BD5 |
481 | V_T5BD6 | Assignment of premium rates to risk activities | C | T5BD6 |
482 | V_T5BD7 | Groupings of premium rates for risk activities | C | T5BD7 |
483 | V_T5BD8 | DMFA Service Codes | C | T5BD8 |
484 | V_T5BD9 | DMFA Remuneration Codes | C | T5BD9 |
485 | V_T5BDA | Additional Social Insurance Contributions | C | T5BDA |
486 | V_T5BDA_ALL | Additional Social Insurance Contributions - Overview of all | C | T5BDA |
487 | V_T5BDI0 | HR-BE: Dimona Central Table | C | T5BDI0 |
488 | V_T5BDR | Deductions codes for DMFA | C | T5BDR |
489 | V_T5BDRJ | Job Card Codes | C | T5BDRJ |
490 | V_T5BDRM | Grouping of deductions for DMFA | C | T5BDRM |
491 | V_T5BDRO | Grouping of deductions for DMFA | C | T5BDRO |
492 | V_T5BDRX | Activa - SI Reductions | C | T5BDRX |
493 | V_T5BDRY | Job Card Codes, Activa Allowances and SI Reductions | C | T5BDRY |
494 | V_T5BDRZ | Activa - Allowances | C | T5BDRZ |
495 | V_T5BFA | Assign pollution category to fuel type | C | T5BFA |
496 | V_T5BFB | CO2 coefficient per pollution category | C | T5BFB |
497 | V_T5BFB_5DEC | CO2 coefficient per pollution category | C | T5BFB |
498 | V_T5BFB_REF | CO2 Reference Value by Pollution Category | C | T5BFB |
499 | V_T5BFC | Assignment of Car Models to Fiscal HP (Extension of T5C3) | C | T5BFC |
500 | V_T5BFCN | Fusion Postal Codes (entity) | C | T5BFCN |