- V-1 V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-11 V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 V-27 V-28 V-29 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36 V-37 V-38 V-39 V-40 V-41 V-42 V-43 V-44 V-45 V-46 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 V-58 V-59 V-60 V-61 V-62 V-63
View - V
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | V_J_3RF_BK_GUID | GUIDs for XML file. Sales and Purchase Books. | C | J_3RF_BK_GUID |
2 | V_J_3RF_OPERTYP | Assign Operation Type Codes to Tax Codes | C | J_3RF_OPERTYP |
3 | V_J_3RF_T052S | Payment Terms for Splitting by Shelf Life of Goods | C | J_3RF_T052S |
4 | V_J_3RF_VENDOR | Vendor Data | C | J_3RF_PARTNER |
5 | V_J_3RSSVATCOEFA | Separate VAT Coefficients | C | J_3RSSEPVATCOEFA |
6 | V_J_3RTSE_VATMM | Specify Tax Codes for Customs Union Declaration | C | J_3RTSE_CODE |
7 | V_J_KR_T059C | Types of Recipient: Vendors per Withholding Tax Type(Korea) | C | J_KR_T059C |
8 | V_KAL | Treasury: Calendar Currency Code Tables Extra | C | TCURK |
9 | V_KBED | Database View Using KBED and KBEZ | D | KBED |
11 | V_KBPF_MS | View from bkpf | D | BKPF |
12 | V_KCDBNT | Data transfer: Sender structure package | C | KCDBN |
13 | V_KCDSMT | Maintain Sender Structure | C | KCDSM |
14 | V_KCONS_CHNL | Maintenance view: Communication channel | C | KCONS_CHNL |
15 | V_KCONS_CHNL_T | Consent Data: DB view for F4 help | D | KCONS_CHNL_T |
16 | V_KCONS_CUSTORG | Consent Data: DB view for F4 help for custom ID | D | KCONS_CUST_ORG_T |
17 | V_KCONS_CUST_ORG | Consent Data: Maintenance view: Legal entities | C | KCONS_CUST_ORG |
18 | V_KCSL | Data Slices | C | KCSL |
19 | V_KECRM_T8A10 | Substitution of Profit Center in CRM Integration | C | KECRM_T8A10 |
20 | V_KEKO_ENQ | View for locking KEKO using company code | D | KEKO |
21 | V_KFM_ADM | Administrator Key Figures for Generic Key Figure Monitor | C | KFM_KF_ADM_VAR |
22 | V_KFM_KF_GROUP | KFM_KF_GROUP + Key Figure Type | D | KFM_KF_GROUP |
23 | V_KFM_USR_KF_VIE | KFM_USR_KF_VIEW + Key Figure Type | D | KFM_USR_KF_VIEW |
24 | V_KFPK_VB | Transfer Price Agreements | D | KFPK |
25 | V_KFPK_VB_R | Transfer Price Agreements (Receiver Side) | D | KFPK |
26 | V_KFPK_VB_S | Trasnfer Price Agreements (Sender Side) | D | KFPK |
27 | V_KFPK_VR | Transfer Price Allocations | D | KFPK |
28 | V_KFPK_VR_R | Transfer Price Allocations (Receiver Side) | D | KFPK |
29 | V_KFPK_VR_S | Transfer Price Allocations (Sender Side) | D | KFPK |
30 | V_KFPR_VGN | Activities for Network (DASA 4.5 only) | D | AUFK |
31 | V_KKAA | Results Analysis Keys | C | TKKAA |
32 | V_KKAB | Posting Rules in WIP Calculation and Results Analysis | C | TKKAB |
33 | V_KKAE | View for Maintenance of Supplied RA Methods with Text | C | TKKAE |
34 | V_KKAP | Results Analysis Versions | C | TKKAP |
35 | V_KKAR | Update of WIP Calculation and Results Analysis | C | TKKAR |
36 | V_KKAS | Valuation Methods | C | TKKAS |
37 | V_KKASB | Valuation Variant for WIP at Target Cost | C | TKKAS |
38 | V_KKASI | Valuation Method for Work in Process at Actual Costs | C | TKKAS |
39 | V_KKASP | Valuation Method for Work in Process at Planned Costs | C | TKKAS |
40 | V_KKASW | Valuation Method for Work in Process | C | TKKAS |
41 | V_KKAS_L | Simplified Maintenance of Valuation Methods | C | TKKAS_L |
42 | V_KKAX | Line IDs for Results Analysis or WIP Calculation | C | TKKAX |
43 | V_KKAZ | Assignment of Cost Elements for WIP and Results Analysis | C | TKKAZ |
44 | V_KLADDONFAK | Maintanance of Add-On Factors | C | KLADDONFAK |
45 | V_KLAMMER | Treasury: Hedge Types | C | AT72 |
46 | V_KLARRC | Maintenance of Default Risk Rule | C | KLARRC |
47 | V_KLARRCRS | Maintenance of Risk Sensitivity for DRR | C | KLARRCRS |
48 | V_KLARRZU01 | Assign BCA Product to Default Risk Rule, Limit Prod Group | C | KLARRZU01 |
49 | V_KLARRZU02 | Assign Default Risk Rule, Limit Product Group for Accounts | C | KLARRZU02 |
50 | V_KLARRZU03 | Assign DRR and Limit Product Group to BCA Product (New) | C | KLARRZU03 |
51 | V_KLARRZU04 | Variable Transaction: Assign DRR, Limit Product Group | C | KLARRZU04 |
52 | V_KLARRZU05 | Assignment to Risk Object | C | KLARRZU05 |
53 | V_KLAUSFWKT | Maintenance of Default Probability | C | KLAUSFWKT |
54 | V_KLBBASID | Maintenance View for Calculation Base | C | KLBBASID |
55 | V_KLBESTZU | Assignment of Default Risk Rule for Positions | C | KLBESTZU |
56 | V_KLBEWFAKT | Determination of Valuation Factors | C | KLBEWFAK |
57 | V_KLCMMAPPING | Mapping Table for CM and Business Partner | C | KLCMMAPPING |
58 | V_KLDATESHIFT | Shift Validity Date of Settlement Risk for FX Option | C | KLDATESHIFT |
59 | V_KLEGZU | Assignment of Default Risk Rule for OTC Options | C | KLEGZU |
60 | V_KLEVC | Maintenance of Settings Specific to Determination Procedure | C | KLEVC |
61 | V_KLEVC_FORMID | Help View for Formula ID | H | KLFORMID |
62 | V_KLEVC_FORM_010 | Help View for Formula ID | H | KLFORMID |
63 | V_KLEVDEF | Maintenance of Determination Procedure | C | KLEVDEF |
64 | V_KLEXT1 | Update of Calculation Basis in KLARP | D | KLARP |
65 | V_KLEXTINTKNZTYP | Mapping of External to Internal Key Figure for Netting | C | JBRKNZTYPTAB |
66 | V_KLFART_HELP | IS-H AT: Helpview für int. Klassifikationsart 40, 41 und 42 | H | TNKLA |
67 | V_KLFAZ06 | Maintenance of the Facility Type | C | KLFAZ06 |
68 | V_KLFAZ07 | Maintenance: Assignment of Fac. Type to Limit Product Group | C | KLFAZ07 |
69 | V_KLFB | Assignment of classe to template | C | KLFB |
70 | V_KLFORMID | Formula Maintenance | C | KLFORMID |
71 | V_KLGEWFAK | Weighting Factor for Settlement Risk | C | KLGEWFAK |
72 | V_KLINTORG | Maintenance: Internal Organizational Unit | C | KLINTORG |
73 | V_KLLR01 | Maintenance: Assignment: Cntry Rating/Recovery Rate Determ. | C | KLLR01 |
74 | V_KLLR02 | Maintenance: Countries VaR % | C | KLLR02 |
75 | V_KLLR03 | Maintenance: Assignment of CEQ Class - CEQ in Percentage | C | KLLR03 |
76 | V_KLLR04 | Maintenance of Country Default Probability | C | KLLR04 |
77 | V_KLLR05 | Maintenance: LEQ in Percentage | C | KLLR05 |
78 | V_KLLRB | Maintenance: Country Risk Area | C | KLLRB |
79 | V_KLLRDEF01 | Maintenance: Country Rating | C | KLLRDEF01 |
80 | V_KLLRDEF02 | Definition of the CEQ Class | C | KLLRDEF02 |
81 | V_KLLRDEF03 | Definition of the LEQ Class | C | KLLRDEF03 |
82 | V_KLMAXLIMIT | Limit per Product Type/Transaction Type | C | KLMAXLIMIT |
83 | V_KLMWAERBD | Maintenance of MWCP and RCP | C | KLMWAERBD |
84 | V_KLNT01 | Maintenance of Netting Group | C | KLNT01 |
85 | V_KLNT02 | Maintenance of Netting Factor Assignment | C | KLNT02 |
86 | V_KLORDERZUARR | Assignment of Default Risk Rule for Single Transactions | C | KLORDERZUARR |
87 | V_KLRATINGRRFZU | Assign Recovery Rate Determination to Rating | C | KLRATINGRRFZU |
88 | V_KLRECEIVER | Assignment of Senders to Recipients | C | KLRECEIVER |
89 | V_KLREGDEF | Maintain Variable Assignment ID | C | KLREGDEF |
90 | V_KLRISKBEGIN | Start Date for Risk Calculation | C | KLRISKBEGIN |
91 | V_KLRISKSENSI | Maintenance of Risk Sensitivity | C | KLRISKSENSI |
92 | V_KLRRDEF | Maintenance of Recovery Rates | C | KLRRDEF |
93 | V_KLRRFINDDEF | Definition of Recovery Rate | C | KLRRFINDDEF |
94 | V_KLSBV | Maintenance: Collateral Valuation Procedure | C | KLSBV |
95 | V_KLSDCPATT | Assignment of Name to STC Product (for Search Help) | D | KLSDCTRPDEF |
96 | V_KLSDCPROT | Maintenance of Status of STC Log Generation | C | KLSDCPROTS |
97 | V_KLSDCTRPDEF | Maintenance of Single Transaction Check Product | C | KLSDCTRPDEF |
98 | V_KLSI01 | View for selection of collateral for transaction | D | KLSI01 |
99 | V_KLSIART | Define Collateral Type | C | KLSIART |
100 | V_KLSIBESART | Maintenance: Collateral Valuation Rule | C | KLSIBESART |
101 | V_KLSIPRIO | Define Collateral Priority | C | KLSIPRIO |
102 | V_KLTAGENDSF | Define Selection Filter for End-of-Day Processing | C | KLTAGENDSF |
103 | V_KLTAGENDSF1 | Maintenance View for Selection Filter | C | KLTAGENDSF1 |
104 | V_KLXAKT | Global Settings | C | KLXAKT |
105 | V_KNA1ADR1 | Projection View for Importing Cust. Address Data (Conv.) | P | KNA1 |
106 | V_KNA1ADR2 | View for Update of KNA1 after CAM Conversion | D | KNA1 |
107 | V_KNA1ADR3 | Projection View for checking KNA1-ADRNR, KNA1-LAND1 | P | KNA1 |
108 | V_KNA1ADRC | View of KNA1 and ADRC | D | KNA1 |
109 | V_KNA1WETT | View of KNA1: Selecting Competitors | D | KNA1 |
110 | V_KNA1WRF1 | Combined read operation of KNA1 and WRF1 (field selection) | D | KNA1 |
111 | V_KNA1_CORE | General Data in Customer Master | C | KNA1 |
112 | V_KNA1_NO_PLANT | View of KNA1 for search help - customer without plant | D | KNA1 |
113 | V_KNB1_CORE | Customer Master (Company Code) | C | KNB1 |
114 | V_KNEA | Revenue Type | C | KNEA |
115 | V_KNVKADR1 | Projection View for Importing Contact Person Address Data | P | KNVK |
116 | V_KNVKADR2 | View for Update of KNVK for CAM Conversion (4.5A) | D | KNVK |
117 | V_KONA_PROMO | Extraction of Promotions from KONA | D | KONA |
118 | V_KONA_PROMO_T | Extractor for Texts for SD Promotions | D | KONA |
119 | V_KONA_SALESD | Extraction of Sales Deals from KONA | D | KONA |
120 | V_KONA_SALESD_T | Extractor for Texts for Sales Deals | D | KONA |
121 | V_KONDART5 | Money Market: Condition Types | C | TZK01 |
122 | V_KONDART6 | Derivatives: Condition Types | C | TZK01 |
123 | V_KONH_CO | Overhead, details | C | KONH |
124 | V_KONH_COR | Costing Sheet: Overhead Details | C | KONH |
125 | V_KONR | Resource Prices: Condition Records | C | KONR1 |
126 | V_KONTREF4 | Forex: Account Assignment Reference | C | T037S |
127 | V_KONTREF5 | Money Market: Account Assignment Reference | C | T037S |
128 | V_KONTREF6 | Derivatives: Account Assignment Reference | C | T037S |
129 | V_KONX | Overhead, details | C | KONX1 |
130 | V_KORART | Treasury: Correspondence Types | C | AT81 |
131 | V_KOSTCO_H | Generated View for Matchcode ID KOST-N | D | CSKS |
132 | V_KOSTOU_H | Generated View for Matchcode ID KOST-N | D | CSKS |
133 | V_KOTABNR_TC_CUS | Trading Contract: Help Table Conditions | D | T685 |
134 | V_KPI_CATALOG | Key Figures | C | EPM_KPI_CATALOG |
135 | V_KPI_CATEGORY | KPI Categories | C | EPM_KPI_CATEGORY |
136 | V_KPI_DATA | Corrections for KPI Database | C | EPM_KPI_DATA |
137 | V_KPI_TARGET_SYS | Primary System for KPIs and KPI values | C | EPM_TARGET_SYS |
138 | V_KPI_USER | Users to KPIs | C | EPM_KPI_USER |
139 | V_KPI_USER_GATES | Personalized Threshold Values and Target Value for KPIs | C | EPM_USER_GATES |
140 | V_KPI_USER_TEXTS | Personalized IDs for KPIs | C | EPM_USER_TEXTS |
141 | V_KPP0V | Assigning layout <-> validation | C | KPP0V |
142 | V_KPPT | CO Planning: Maintain Planning Areas | C | KPPT |
143 | V_KRED_AG | Vendors relevant for agency business | D | LFA1 |
144 | V_KSCHL_TC_CUST | Trading Contract: Conditions Customizing | D | T685 |
145 | V_KTO_PAR | FS-CD | D | FKKVK |
146 | V_LACTY | Activity Catalog | C | LACTY |
147 | V_LACTY2 | View for working centers | D | LACTY |
151 | V_LAGAC | Assign Activity to Activity Groups | C | LAGAC |
152 | V_LAGDF | Define Activity Groups | C | LAGDF |
153 | V_LALRT | Alert value mapping (threshold) - description | C | LALRT |
154 | V_LANGGRU | View for tables LANBGGRU and LANGGRUT | C | LANGGRU |
155 | V_LANG_OBJ | Test | C | LANGOBJ |
156 | V_LATCT | Attribute catalog | C | LATCT |
157 | V_LATPR | Object Attributes to Present | C | LATPR |
158 | V_LATTM | Attributes' value mapping | C | LATTM |
159 | V_LAYER_CONF | Layer Configuration | C | LAYER_CONF |
160 | V_LAYGR | Plant layout area | D | TWML |
161 | V_LAYMOD_CUST | View for layout modules with layout per customer | D | TWML |
162 | V_LAYMOD_DEP | View for layout modules with layout per customer | D | TWML |
163 | V_LBRNR | Product catalog layout area | D | WWMI |
164 | V_LCC_ASSGN | Assignments: Object to Product (PLCC) | C | LCC_ASSIGNMENTS |
165 | V_LDAPGW | LDAP Connector (Maintenance View) | C | LDAPGATEW |
166 | V_LDAPMAP1 | Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - FMs and Indicators | C | LDAPMAP1 |
167 | V_LDAPMAP2 | Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Fields | C | LDAPMAP2 |
168 | V_LDAPMAP3 | Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Attributes | C | LDAPMAP3 |
169 | V_LDAPMAP4 | Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Parameters | C | LDAPMAP4 |
170 | V_LDAPMAP5 | Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Object Classes | C | LDAPMAP5 |
171 | V_LDAPMAP6 | Mapping SAP Fields to LDAP Attributes - Synchronization | C | LDAPMAP6 |
172 | V_LDGM | Assignment of Country Groups to Characteristics | C | LDGM |
173 | V_LDLBH1 | For Search Help | D | LDLBH |
174 | V_LDLBPG | View of line balance header/items | D | LDLBH |
175 | V_LDLH1 | For Search Help | D | LDLH |
176 | V_LDPRF | Define Display Profile | C | LDPRF |
177 | V_LECI_CARDDATA | Check-in: Database View via CARD and EVENT_DATA | D | LECI_CARD |
178 | V_LECI_CHK_PT | Definition of a Checkpoint | C | LECI_CHK_PT |
179 | V_LECI_EVENTDATA | Check-in: Database View via EVENT and EVENT_DATA | D | LECI_EVENT |
180 | V_LEDRUCKPROF1 | Assignment Printer, Output Types to Print Profiles | C | LEDRUCKPROFIL |
181 | V_LEGOD | Execution Group Objects (EGO) definition | C | LEGOD |
182 | V_LELTY1 | Define Resource Element Types | C | LELTY |
183 | V_LENTY_RUT | View: Entities Catalog table for Route Management | C | LENTY_RUT |
184 | V_LENTY_TSK | View: Entities Catalog table for Task Management | C | LENTY_TSK |
185 | V_LETYH | View: Entity hierarchy in the priority model | C | LETYH |
186 | V_LEXTP | External process - activity mapping | C | LEXTP |
187 | V_LEXUS | Extension 2.0 usage | C | LEXUS |
188 | V_LFA1ADR1 | Projection View for Importing Vendor Address Data (Conv.) | P | LFA1 |
189 | V_LFA1ADR2 | View for Update of LFA1 after CAM Conversion | D | LFA1 |
190 | V_LFA1ADR3 | Projection View for Checking LFA1-ADRNR, LFA1-LAND1 | P | LFA1 |
191 | V_LFA1_CORE | Vendor Master (General Section) | C | LFA1 |
192 | V_LFA1_SCAC | Carriers by SCAC | D | LFA1 |
193 | V_LFB1_CORE | Vendor Master (Company Code) | C | LFB1 |
194 | V_LFCPR | Function Profile | C | LFCPR |
195 | V_LFCTX | Function Code Text | C | LFCTX |
196 | V_LFMC | Conditions - Shortexts (can be overwritten) for cond. types | C | LFMC |
197 | V_LGRES | Storage Resources Help View | H | CRHD |
198 | V_LICOMP_DEF | Maintenance View for iPPE Engine Components | C | CLICOMP_DEF |
199 | V_LIKP_DG | Outbound Delivery Groups | D | LIKP |
200 | V_LIKP_DG_KEY | Outbound Delivery Groups | D | LIKP |
201 | V_LIMIT | View of Limits for Invoice Verification | D | EKKO |
202 | V_LIMITTAB | Treasury: Limit Types Table | C | ATOR |
203 | V_LINF_M | View for search help LINF_M, delivery information | D | LFINF |
204 | V_LISAKT | Planning Activity for Background Planning | C | LISAKT |
205 | V_LISCONNR | LIS: View for Assigned System Roles | C | LISCONNECR |
206 | V_LISCOPAK | Key Figure Assignment LIS - CO-PA | C | LISCOPAK |
207 | V_LISCOPAM | Characteristics Assignment LIS - CO-PA | C | LISCOPAM |
208 | V_LISCOPAZ | Assignment of Info Structure to Operating Concern | C | LISCOPAZ |
209 | V_LIVPR | Verification Profiles | C | LIVPR |
210 | V_LI_PA | View for Reading Planned Orders of Prod.Line | D | MKAL |
211 | V_LLOCT | General Settings for TRM | C | LLOCT |
212 | V_LLVEL | Define Levels | C | LLVEL |
213 | V_LMDB_ACTVT_AD | Authority Values for Authority Field Activity | D | TACT |
214 | V_LMDB_ACTVT_OB | Authority Values for Authority Field Activity | D | TACT |
215 | V_LMDB_FIXVALMAP | Fixed Values for CIM Properties (e.g. ValueMaps) | C | LMDB_FIXVALMAP |
216 | V_LMDB_LOG_CONF | Configuration of LMDB application logging | C | LMDB_LOG_CONF |
217 | V_LMDB_MENT_TYPE | Entity Main Type | C | LMDB_MENT_TYPE |
218 | V_LMDB_SENT_TYPE | Entity Sub Type | C | LMDB_SENT_TYPE |
219 | V_LMDB_SETTINGS | CIM configuration and settings | C | LMDB_SETTINGS |
220 | V_LMDB_SETT_C | CIM configuration | C | LMDB_SETTINGS_C |
221 | V_LMDB_SETT_CL | CIM configuration for long string values | C | LMDB_SETTINGS_CL |
222 | V_LMDB_SETT_L | CIM current settings | C | LMDB_SETTINGS_L |
223 | V_LMDB_SETT_LL | CIM current settings for long string values | C | LMDB_SETTINGS_LL |
224 | V_LMDB_SPARAM | Maintenance View for service configuration parameters | C | LMDB_SPARAM |
225 | V_LMDB_SYST_GRP | System Group Types | C | LMDB_SYST_GRP |
226 | V_LMDB_SYST_TYPE | Entity System Type | C | LMDB_SYST_TYPE |
227 | V_LMENU | Menu Tree | C | LMENU |
228 | V_LMNCT | Menu Catalog | C | LMNCT |
229 | V_LMNRT | Define Mandatory Routes | C | LMNRT |
230 | V_LMOBD | Object class ID | C | LMOBD |
231 | V_LMOCD | Object class definitions for monitoring | C | LMOCD |
232 | V_LMOCH | Object class hierarchy for monitoring | C | LMOCH |
233 | V_LMOCM | Object class permitted movements | C | LMOCM |
234 | V_LMTHD | Method Catalog | C | LMTHD |
235 | V_LNAMES | Local table names of an SAP instance | D | APSRV |
236 | V_LNODE1 | Define Nodes | C | LNODE |
237 | V_LOADER_CLASS | Data load loader class | H | SEOMETAREL |
238 | V_LOBSL | Define Obstacles | C | LOBSL |
239 | V_LOCMD | Object class methods | C | LOCMD |
240 | V_LOGCMPOFSOL | Logical Components of a Solution | D | DSMOPCUSTOMIZING |
241 | V_LOGCOMP | View of logical components | D | SMSY_GROUPS |
242 | V_LORD_MEAN | Lean Order: View via MEAN & MAKTX | D | MEAN |
243 | V_LORD_SCENARIO | Lean Order: Scenario ID | C | LORD_SCENARIO_ID |
244 | V_LPRSN | Personalization | C | LPRSN |
245 | V_LPRVL_TSK | Maintain static priorities for Task management | C | LPRVL_TSK |
246 | V_LRM_BS_ARC_OBJ | Mapping the Object Type to an Archiving Object | C | LRM_T_BS_ARC_OBJ |
247 | V_LRM_BS_BOR_OBJ | Mapping the Object Type to a BOR Object Type | C | LRM_T_BS_BOR_OBJ |
248 | V_LRM_BS_DES_OBJ | Mapping the ILM Object to a Data Destruction Object | C | LRM_T_BS_DES_OBJ |
249 | V_LRM_BS_FLD_BVD | Fields with Value Determination with BAdI | C | LRM_T_BS_FLD_BVD |
250 | V_LRM_BS_FLD_DVD | Fields with Direct Value Determination | C | LRM_T_BS_FLD_DVD |
251 | V_LRM_BS_HND_GEN | Handling Special Chars in Fields for Application (Generic) | C | LRM_T_BS_HND_SPL |
252 | V_LRM_BS_HND_SPF | Handling Special Chars in Fields for Application (Specific) | C | LRM_T_BS_HND_SPL |
253 | V_LRM_BS_JOINS | Join Definitions | C | LRM_T_BS_JOINS |
254 | V_LRM_BS_KFD_BVD | Explicit Inheritance - Instance Determination with BAdI | C | LRM_T_BS_KFD_BVD |
255 | V_LRM_BS_KOW_BVD | Determination of Own Instance Key with BAdI | C | LRM_T_BS_KOW_BVD |
256 | V_LRM_BS_OT | Object Types | C | LRM_T_OT |
257 | V_LRM_BS_RST_CD | IRM (Rules for BS and RST): Conditions | C | LRM_BS_RST_CONDS |
258 | V_LRM_BS_RST_RL | IRM (Rules for BS and RST): Rules | C | LRM_BS_RST_RULES |
259 | V_LRM_BS_RTP_CD | IRM (Rules for BS and RTP): Conditions | C | LRM_BS_RTP_CONDS |
260 | V_LRM_BS_RTP_RL | IRM (Rules for BS and RTP): Rules | C | LRM_BS_RTP_RULES |
261 | V_LRM_BS_STT_BVD | Start Times with Value Determination in BAdI | C | LRM_T_BS_STT_BVD |
262 | V_LRM_BS_STT_DVD | Start Times with Direct Value Determination | C | LRM_T_BS_STT_DVD |
263 | V_LRM_BS_TO | Value Determination for Time Offset | C | LRM_T_BS_TO |
264 | V_LRM_CON_ST | Reference Times for Start Time Determination | C | LRM_T_CON |
265 | V_LRM_CON_TO | Time Offsets for Start Time Determination | C | LRM_T_CON |
266 | V_LRM_CON_TU | Units of Time | C | LRM_T_CON |
267 | V_LRM_EXIT_CUST | Dummy View for Jump to Object Category-Specific Customizing | C | LRM_T_EXIT_CUST |
268 | V_LRM_EXIT_POL | Dummy View for Branching to Policy Maintenance | C | LRM_T_EXIT_POL |
269 | V_LRM_HND_CS_GEN | Handling Special Chars in Fields for Customer (Generic) | C | LRM_T_HND_SPL |
270 | V_LRM_HND_CS_SPF | Handling Special Chars in Fields for Customer (Specific) | C | LRM_T_HND_SPL |
271 | V_LRM_OC | Object Categories | C | LRM_T_OC |
272 | V_LRM_OC_MF | Mandatory Condition Fields for Policies | C | LRM_T_OC_MF |
273 | V_LRM_OC_OG | Object Groups | C | LRM_T_OC_OG |
274 | V_LRM_OC_PC | Result Fields of Policies (Only for Navigation in VCL) | C | LRM_T_OC_PC |
275 | V_LRM_OC_RF | Result Fields of Policies | C | LRM_T_OC_RF |
276 | V_LRM_OC_RG | Rule Groups | C | LRM_T_OC_RG |
277 | V_LRM_OC_RG_F | Rule Group - Field Definition | C | LRM_T_OC_RG_F |
278 | V_LRM_OC_SF | Standard Condition Fields for Policies | C | LRM_T_OC_SF |
279 | V_LRM_OT | Object Types (ILM Objects) | C | LRM_T_OT |
280 | V_LRM_OT_C | ILM Objects - Customer-Specific Settings | C | LRM_T_OT_C |
281 | V_LRM_OT_FLD | Available Condition Fields for Policies | C | LRM_T_OT_FLD |
282 | V_LRM_OT_PC | Policy Categories Available for Object Types | C | LRM_T_OT_PC |
283 | V_LRM_OT_POL_FLD | Selected Fields in Policy | C | LRM_T_OT_POL_FLD |
284 | V_LRM_OT_POL_ORI | Policy Names | C | LRM_T_OT_POL_ORI |
285 | V_LRM_OT_PT | Policy Types (Audit Areas) | C | LRM_T_OT_PT |
286 | V_LRM_OT_SF | Available Standard Condition Fields for Object Categories | C | LRM_T_OT_SF |
287 | V_LRM_OT_STT | Available Reference Times for Start Time Determination | C | LRM_T_OT_STT |
288 | V_LRM_OT_STT_TO | Time Offset for Start Time Versus Reference Time | C | LRM_T_OT_STT_TO |
289 | V_LRM_PC | Policy Categories | C | LRM_T_PC |
290 | V_LRM_PT | Policy Types (Audit Areas) | C | LRM_T_PT |
291 | V_LRM_RE_OT_PT | IRM (Rules): Policy Types | C | LRM_T_OT_PT |
292 | V_LRM_RE_POL_FLD | IRM (Rules): Selected Fields | C | LRM_T_OT_POL_FLD |
293 | V_LRM_RE_POL_ORI | IRM (Rules): Policy Origin and Status | C | LRM_T_OT_POL_ORI |
294 | V_LRM_RE_PT | Policy Types (Audit Areas) | C | LRM_T_PT |
295 | V_LRM_RE_RES_STR | Registration of Rule Structure for OC and PC | C | LRM_RE_RES_STRUC |
296 | V_LRSNC | Reason Codes Definition: External and Internal | C | LRSNC |
297 | V_LRSTC | Define Resource Type Components | C | LRSTC |
298 | V_LRSTY2 | Define Resource Types | C | LRSTY |
299 | V_LRTCP | Assign Capacities to Resource Types | C | LRTCP |
300 | V_LRTEX | Define Route exceptions | C | LRTEX |
301 | V_LRTQA_HU | HU - Resource type qualifications | C | LRTQA |
302 | V_LRTQA_LVL | Level - Resource type qualifications | C | LRTQA |
303 | V_LRTQA_WA | WA - Resource type qualifications | C | LRTQA |
304 | V_LSECC | Capacity of Static Execution Control (SEC) | C | LSECC |
305 | V_LSOCHANGECAT | Specify Change Categories | C | LSOCHANGECAT |
306 | V_LSOCHANGEREAC | Specify System Reaction | C | LSOCHANGEREAC |
307 | V_LSOCRPCONTROL | View: Output Control: Delivery-Method-Specific | C | LSOCRPCONTROL |
308 | V_LSOCRPCOTYP | Search Help via LSO Correspondence Types | H | TFK070A |
309 | V_LSOCRPLOGLEVEL | Maintenance View for Correspondence Log Level | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
310 | V_LSOCRPMEDIUM | Maintenance View: Output Medium | C | LSOCRPMEDIUM |
311 | V_LSOCRPNOTIFGRP | Maintenance View: Notification Groups (Initial Access) | C | LSOCRPNOTIFGRP |
312 | V_LSOCRPNTFGRPCK | Maintenance View: Notification Groups: Allowed Relationships | C | LSOCRPNOTIFGRPCK |
313 | V_LSOCRPNTFGRPFC | Maintenance View: Notification Groups - LFCODES | C | LSOCRPNOTIFGRPFC |
314 | V_LSOCRPRECROLE | Maintenance View: Recipient Roles | C | LSOCRPRECROLE |
315 | V_LSOCRPSOUT | Synchronous Output | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
316 | V_LSOCRPTEXTVAR | Maintenance View for Text Variables | C | LSOCRPTXTVAR |
317 | V_LSOCRPWLDEL | Delete Behavior for Correspondence Worklist and History | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
318 | V_LSOFOLLOWUP | Control Options for Follow-Up Processing | C | LSOFOLLOWUP |
319 | V_LSOFUPROCESS | Control Options for Follow-Up Processing | C | LSOFUPROCESS |
320 | V_LSOLHUFORM | Unterichtsformen | C | LSOLHUFORM |
322 | V_LSOLSP | External Training Provider: Services | C | LSOLSPSRV |
323 | V_LSOLSPPAR | External Training Provider | C | LSOLSP |
324 | V_LSOLSPSYS | Learning Service Provider: System Services | C | LSOLSPSYS |
325 | V_LSOLSP_XI | External Training Provider: Services | C | LSOLSPSRV |
326 | V_LSOMACSTRAT_C | Learning Macro Strategies | C | LSOMACSTRAT_C |
327 | V_LSOMETADATA | Supported Metadata | C | LSOMETADATA |
328 | V_LSOMICSTRAT_C | Learning Micro Strategies | C | LSOMICSTRAT_C |
329 | V_LSOSTRAT_C | Active Micro-/Macro Learning Strategy Combinations | C | LSOSTRATC_C |
330 | V_LSOSTRAT_S_C | Allowed Micro-/Macro Learning Strategy Combinations | C | LSOSTRAT_C |
331 | V_LSOTFORM_C | Learning Solution - Delivery Methods | C | LSOTFORM_C |
332 | V_LSOXILOGLEVEL | Maintenance View for Learning Services Log Level | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
333 | V_LSO_COL_CR_HLP | Value Help: Room IDs for Categories | C | LSO_COL_ROOM_HLP |
334 | V_LSO_COL_PROF | Profiles | C | LSO_COL_PROF |
335 | V_LSO_COL_PROF_R | Profiles / Roles | C | LSO_COL_PROF_RLE |
336 | V_LSO_COL_TMPL | Templates | C | LSO_COL_TMPL |
337 | V_LSO_COL_TMPL_C | Templates: Categories | C | LSO_COL_TMPL_CAT |
338 | V_LSO_COL_TMPL_P | Templates: Parameters | C | LSO_COL_TMPL_PAR |
339 | V_LSO_CUSTBACEND | Specify Back-End User and Password | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
340 | V_LSO_CUSTCHAR8 | 8-Bit Support in File Names | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
341 | V_LSO_CUSTCPJCO | Set JCO Control Parameters | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
342 | V_LSO_CUSTCPURL | Specify URL Address for Playing Courses | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
343 | V_LSO_CUSTEPCFG | Customizing for Collaboration Room | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
344 | V_LSO_CUSTEPRFC | Communication Parameters for Collaboration Room | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
345 | V_LSO_CUSTLOGIN | Separate Logon in Training Management and CMS | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
346 | V_LSO_CUSTMRURL | Specify CMS Address | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
347 | V_LSO_CUSTOFFLP | Specify Download Address of Offline Player | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
349 | V_LSO_CUSTPREFX | Specify URL Prefix for CM - Master Repository Communication | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
350 | V_LSO_CUSTREPAD | Specify CMS Address | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
351 | V_LSO_CUSTREPID | Specify CMS User and Password | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
352 | V_LSO_CUSTSEURL | Enter Address of Search Engine | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
353 | V_LSO_CUSTTEMPL | Address of Central Storage Location for Templates | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
354 | V_LSO_CUSTTIDEX | Name of Course Content Index | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
355 | V_LSO_CUSTUKTIE | Set Up Display Options | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
356 | V_LSO_CUSTXSLT | Enter Address of Central Storage Location for XSLT Files | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
357 | V_LSO_CUST_LOGL | Maintenance View for Log Level | C | LSO_CUSTOMIZE_C |
358 | V_LSRZN | Define Served Zones | C | LSRZN |
359 | V_LSRZN1 | Define Served Zones | C | LSRZN |
360 | V_LSTLN | Step Flow | C | LSTLN |
361 | V_LSTMP | Maintenance Mapping Step Type to Step | C | LSTMP |
362 | V_LSTSC | Physical Screens | C | LSTSC |
363 | V_LTCTW | Task critical time window (CTW) | C | LTCTW |
364 | V_LTCTW1 | Task critical time window (CTW) | C | LTCTW |
365 | V_LTDX | DB View LTDX (ALV Layouts) | D | LTDX |
366 | V_LTRBOTABLE_S | For Finding Main Business Object and Table ID | D | LTR_ANY |
367 | V_LTRCT | Transaction Catalog | C | LTRCT |
368 | V_LTRDESTTYPE_S | For finding Destination Types | D | LTR_ANY |
369 | V_LTRKEYCOMP_S | For finding Key Components | D | LTR_ANY |
370 | V_LTRMAINBO_S | For finding Main Business Objects | D | LTR_ANY |
371 | V_LTR_DELE_PARAM | LTR: Maintain Delimitation Parameters | C | LTR_DELIM_PARAMS |
372 | V_LVVOR_REQ | List VAS orders with reference document | D | LVVOR |
373 | V_LVVRO | LXVAS work center operation DOCNR list | D | LVVRO |
374 | V_LVVRO_SCREEN | LXVAS work center operation DOCNR list | D | LVVRO |
375 | V_LWHRG | Treasury: Leading currency | C | TCURL |
376 | V_LWKCN | Define Work Centers and Operations | C | LWKCN |
377 | V_LWRKA | Define Working Areas | C | LWRKA |
378 | V_LZGDF | Define Zone Groups | C | LZGDF |
379 | V_LZGZN | Assign Zones to Zone Groups | C | LZGZN |
380 | V_LZNDF | Define Zones | C | LZNDF |
381 | V_LZNDFM | Define Zones - modifiable | C | LZNDF |
382 | V_LZNNX | Define Zone Entry/Exit | C | LZNNX |
383 | V_LZSN | Leading zeroes | C | ADLZSN |
384 | V_MAA | View for BW extraction MAA | D | EKKO |
385 | V_MAFU | Preference: Alternative Commodity Code | C | MAFU |
386 | V_MAHNWESEN | Basic Settings for Dunning | C | TZPAB |
387 | V_MAINT_TAIF10 | Maintenance View for Table TAIF10 | C | TAIF10 |
388 | V_MALG | View for Layout Module Variants | D | MALG |
389 | V_MAM | Int. Comments on Quotation | C | TMAM |
390 | V_MAPEWG | Material master: Preference determination: Cross-plant | C | MAPEWG |
391 | V_MAPR_PROP | Replenishment: Pointer to PROW | D | MAPR |
392 | V_MAP_FILGRPT_BW | MAP: Store Group Texts | D | TWISPC_FILGRPT |
393 | V_MAP_FILGRPZ_BW | MAP: Store Group Assignments | D | TWISPC_FILGRPZ |
394 | V_MARABELEG | View Material Quantity Document | D | MSEG |
395 | V_MARAEINH | View Material Base Unit | D | MARA |
396 | V_MARA_MAKT | Material Data | D | MARA |
397 | V_MARA_MAKT_MARC | Material Plant Data | D | MARA |
398 | V_MARA_S | Value-based IM: Mara Projection | P | MARA |
399 | V_MARM_T006A | View of MARM and T006A | D | MARM |
400 | V_MASTERDATA | View for Cross-Language Objects and Attributes | D | DSMOPSOLUTIONDAT |
401 | V_MAST_STPO | View of Bill of Material Items for Sales Material | D | MAST |
402 | V_MATGRP_CUST | Article Hierarchy | C | MATGRP_CUST |
403 | V_MATGRP_DATE | Database View for Hierarchy Key Date | D | WRF_MATGRP_STRUC |
404 | V_MATGRP_HIER | Hierarchy Data View | D | WRF_MATGRP_HIER |
405 | V_MATGRP_LEVEL | Database View for Hierarchy Level | D | WRF_MATGRP_STRUC |
406 | V_MATGRP_LEVEL_R | Database View for Hierarchy Level | D | WRF_MATGRP_STRUC |
407 | V_MATGRP_ROLE | Category Role | C | MATGRP_ROLE |
408 | V_MATGRP_STRAT | Category Strategy | C | MATGRP_STRATEGY |
409 | V_MATNR | Aggregated object for reading material number + description | D | MARA |
410 | V_MATNR_HU | Aggregated object for reading material number + description | D | MARA |
411 | V_MAT_ROUT_BOM | Connected materials, routingd, BOMs | D | MAPL |
412 | V_MAT_SERIAL | Search help view for material for serial number | D | EQUI |
413 | V_MAZO | Import Processing: Additional Customs Law Description | C | MAZO |
414 | V_MBEW_JV | Pre-Paid Inventory maintenance | C | MBEW |
415 | V_MBIKS | View Inventory Sampling ( XBLNI) for Search Help MBIKS | D | IKPF |
416 | V_MCA_VC | Statistics Group for Movement Types - LIS | C | TMCA |
417 | V_MCB | Update Groups for Statistics Updating | C | TMCB |
418 | V_MCCMFO | Calculation Steps | C | MCCMFO |
419 | V_MCDX | Projection View for MCDX | P | MCDX |
420 | V_MCF_MAP_STATUS | Map CRM MCF Campaign Status to ERP Promotion Status Blocked | C | MCF_MAP_STATUS |
421 | V_MCGEG | Building for a Municipality | H | VIOB03 |
422 | V_MCGEOR | Matchcode Building for Order (Direct Allocation) | D | VIOBOV |
423 | V_MCGETP | Matchcode Building for Functional Location | D | VIOB39 |
424 | V_MCGRG | Property for a Municipality | H | VIOB02 |
425 | V_MCGROR | Matchcode Property for Order (Direct Allocation) | D | VIOBOV |
426 | V_MCGRTP | Matchcode Property for Functional Location | D | VIOB39 |
427 | V_MCHCL_MAT | Batch Class Conversion | H | MCHCL_MAT |
428 | V_MCHMPOS | Maintenance Item | D | MPOS |
429 | V_MCHUWT | Batch Worklist: Assign | C | MCHUWT |
430 | V_MCHUWT_PRIV | Batch Worklist: Assign Users | V | V_MCHUWT |
431 | V_MCHWT | Maintenance View for Batch Worklist Types | C | MCHWT |
432 | V_MCINF_BI | Information Structures for Mass Simulation | H | TMC4 |
433 | V_MCMEG | Rental Units for Building/Municipality | D | VIMI01 |
434 | V_MCMEH | Rental Units for Property/Municipality | D | VIMI01 |
435 | V_MCMEOR | Matchcode Rental Unit for Order (Direct Allocation) | D | VIOBOV |
436 | V_MCMETP | Matchcode Rental Unit for Functional Location | D | VIOB39 |
437 | V_MCMVOR | Matchcode Rental Agreement for Order (Direct Allocation) | D | VIOBOV |
438 | V_MCMVP_A | Generated view for Matchcode ID MCMVP -A | D | CUVTAB_TX |
439 | V_MCMVP_B | Generated view for Matchcode ID MCMVP -B | D | CUVTAB |
440 | V_MCMVP_C | Generated view for Matchcode ID MCMVP -C | D | CUVTAB |
441 | V_MCWEOR | Matchcode Business Entity for Order (Direct Allocation) | D | VIOBOV |
442 | V_MCWETP | Matchcode Business Entity for Functional Location | D | VIOB39 |
443 | V_MCWSVF | Selection variant for space optimizing (field char. data) | C | MCWSVF |
444 | V_MCWSVK | Define selection variant | C | MCWSVK |
445 | V_MC_PA | View for Reading Planned Orders of MRP Controller | D | MARC |
446 | V_MDAT_OBJ_CTS | Display Object: Master Data Infotype Fields | C | TPTUCOBJ |
447 | V_MDAT_OBJ_HLP | Display Object: Master Data Infotype Fields | H | TPTUSOBJ |
448 | V_MDAT_OBJ_STD | Display Object: Master Data Infotype Fields | C | TPTUSOBJ |
449 | V_MDDMAP | MRP Views | C | MDDMAP |
450 | V_MDG0401 | Relationship between Business activity and Check Type | C | MDG0401 |
451 | V_MDG040C | Enrichment Spots and Filter Structures | C | MDG040C |
452 | V_MDG041C | Maintenance View for Enrichment Adapter Assignment | C | MDG041C |
453 | V_MDG042C | Maintenance View for Enrichment Adapters | C | MDG042C |
454 | V_MDG2024 | Checks and Enrichment Spots for Workflow Step | C | MDG2024 |
455 | V_MDGD_CHAREQ | Change request type | H | USMD1601 |
456 | V_MDGD_FILE_CONV | MDP File up load Maintenance View for Converter type | C | MDGD_FILE_CONV |
457 | V_MDGM_USMD0020 | Entity Type (MDG Material) | H | USMD0020 |
458 | V_MDG_BS_BP_ACC | Access Class assignment | C | MDG_BS_BP_ACCESS |
459 | V_MDG_BS_BP_CHCK | Workflow Step Check Eliminations | C | MDG_BS_BP_CHECK |
460 | V_MDG_BS_BP_FLDG | Entities-DB-Fieldgroups | C | MDG_BS_BP_FLDGRP |
461 | V_MDG_BS_BP_HDL | Maintenance of handler processed by access class | C | MDG_BS_BP_HNDLR |
462 | V_MDG_BS_ECC_CUP | Number Range for Customer Contact Person per Target System | C | MDG_BS_ECC_CUSCP |
463 | V_MDG_BS_ECC_CUS | Number Range per Target System and Customer Account Group | C | MDG_BS_ECC_CUSNR |
464 | V_MDG_BS_ECC_NR | obsolete: Do not use any more | C | MDG_BS_ECC_NR |
465 | V_MDG_BS_ECC_VEN | Number Range per Target System and Vendor Account Group | C | MDG_BS_ECC_VENNR |
466 | V_MDG_BS_MATMNAV | Message navigation | C | MDG_BS_MAT_MNAV |
467 | V_MDG_BS_SUPPL_F | Attribution Entity/DB/Modification group (Supplier) | C | MDG_BS_SUPPL_FG |
468 | V_MDG_BUSI_ACT | Business activity | C | MDP_IL_OBJECTS |
469 | V_MDG_DQR_DQS | Data Quality Service | C | MDG_DQR_DQS |
470 | V_MDG_DQ_CONF_DC | Maintaince View of MDG_DQ_CONF_DC for field maintainence | C | MDG_DQ_CONF_DC |
471 | V_MDG_DQ_MAT_DC | Maintainence View of MDG_DQ_MATCH_DC for Match Profile ID | C | MDG_DQ_MATCH_DC |
472 | V_MDG_ECC_BPFLMP | Mapping Of CVI-Structures To Modification Groups | C | MDG_ECC_BPFLDMAP |
473 | V_MDG_ECC_CUST_F | Attribution Entity/DB/Modification group (Customer) | C | MDG_ECC_CUST_FG |
474 | V_MDG_ES_TEMPLAT | Assign Search Object Connector Template to Object Type | C | MDG_ES_TEMPLATE |
475 | V_MDG_FND_BPFLMP | Mapping BAPI Fields To BDT Field Groups | C | MDG_FND_BPFLDMAP |
476 | V_MDG_MDF0000 | Master Data: Applications | C | MDG_MDF0000 |
477 | V_MDG_MDF0001 | Master Data: Response to Messages | C | MDG_MDF0001 |
478 | V_MDG_MDF0002 | Master Data: Default Classes | C | MDG_MDF0002 |
479 | V_MDG_MDF000T | Master Data: Applications | H | MDG_MDF0000 |
480 | V_MDG_MDF0050 | Leading Fiscal Year Variant MDF | C | MDG_MDF0050 |
481 | V_MDG_MDF1000 | Master Data: Roles | C | MDG_MDF1000 |
482 | V_MDG_MDF1001 | Master Data: Roles Allowed in Applications | C | MDG_MDF1001 |
483 | V_MDG_MDF1003 | Master Data: Tables of Predefined Fields | C | MDG_MDF1003 |
484 | V_MDG_MDF1004 | Master Data: Attributes of Predefined Fields | C | MDG_MDF1004 |
485 | V_MDG_MDF1005 | Master Data: Template Structures for Tables to be Generated | C | MDG_MDF1005 |
486 | V_MDG_MDF1007 | Master Data: Attributes of Roles | C | MDG_MDF1007 |
487 | V_MDG_MDF1008 | Master Data: Attributes Needed for Creating | C | MDG_MDF1008 |
488 | V_MDG_MDF1009 | Master Data: Roles Allocated Automatically | C | MDG_MDF1009 |
489 | V_MDG_MDF1010 | Master Data: Structures for Hierarchy Attributes | C | MDG_MDF1010 |
490 | V_MDG_MDF1011 | Master Data: Attributes at Hierarchy Edges | C | MDG_MDF1011 |
491 | V_MDG_MDF1015 | Master Data: Structures for Network Attributes | C | MDG_MDF1015 |
492 | V_MDG_MDF1016 | Master Data: Attributes at Netzwork Edges | C | MDG_MDF1016 |
493 | V_MDG_MDF1035 | External Roles in Hierarchies | C | MDG_MDF1035 |
494 | V_MDG_MDF1045 | Master Data: Special Enqueue Fields | C | MDG_MDF1045 |
495 | V_MDG_MDF9000 | Master Data: Maintenance of Virtual Types | C | MDG_MDF9000 |
496 | V_MDG_MDFL1000 | Master Data: Local Roles | C | MDG_MDFL1000 |
497 | V_MDG_MDFL1001 | Master Data: Local Roles Permitted in Application | C | MDG_MDFL1001 |
498 | V_MDG_MDFL1003 | Master Data: Tables of Predefined Fields | C | MDG_MDFL1003 |
499 | V_MDG_MDFL1004 | Master Data: Attributes of Predefined Fields | C | MDG_MDFL1004 |
500 | V_MDG_MDFL1010 | Master Data: Template for Attributes at Hierarchy Edges | C | MDG_MDFL1010 |