- V-1 V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-11 V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 V-21 V-22 V-23 V-24 V-25 V-26 V-27 V-28 V-29 V-30 V-31 V-32 V-33 V-34 V-35 V-36 V-37 V-38 V-39 V-40 V-41 V-42 V-43 V-44 V-45 V-46 V-47 V-48 V-49 V-50 V-51 V-52 V-53 V-54 V-55 V-56 V-57 V-58 V-59 V-60 V-61 V-62 V-63
View - V
# | View Name | Short Description | View Type | Basis Table |
1 | V_T7PIQ_US_DLM | Assign NSCH Degree Levels to Standard Degree Levels | C | T7PIQ_US_DLM |
2 | V_T7PIQ_US_DLS | Define NSCH Degree Levels | C | T7PIQ_US_DLS |
3 | V_T7PIQ_US_EDU | Assign SEVIS Education Levels to Degree Types | C | T7PIQ_US_AWARDM |
4 | V_T7PIQ_US_ESS | Define NSCH Enrollment Status for Enrolled Students | C | T7PIQ_US_ESS |
5 | V_T7PIQ_US_ETH | IPEDS Ethnicity | C | T7PIQ_US_ETH |
6 | V_T7PIQ_US_ETHN | Assign IPEDS Ethnic Groups to Standard Ethnic Origins | C | T7PIQ_US_ETHNIM |
7 | V_T7PIQ_US_HISC | Determine High-School Completion | C | T7PIQ_US_HIGHSC |
8 | V_T7PIQ_US_INVRS | View to maintain invalidating reasons for External Results | C | T7PIQINVRSN |
9 | V_T7PIQ_US_MAT | Define SEVIS Exchange Visitor Matriculation Codes | C | T7PIQ_US_MATCO |
10 | V_T7PIQ_US_MATN | Assign SEVIS Matriculation Codes to Standard Degree Levels | C | T7PIQ_US_MATCO |
11 | V_T7PIQ_US_NHCIM | Define NSCH Privacy Levels and Confidentiality | C | T7PIQ_US_NHCIM |
12 | V_T7PIQ_US_NHDRM | Assign NSCH Enrollment Statuses to Deregistration Reasons | C | T7PIQ_US_NHDRM |
13 | V_T7PIQ_US_NHDRS | Define NSCH Enrollment Statuses for Deregistered Students | C | T7PIQ_US_NHDRS |
14 | V_T7PIQ_US_NHESM | Assign Enrol. Status for Enrolled Students to Degree Levels | C | T7PIQ_US_NHESM |
15 | V_T7PIQ_US_POS | Define SEVIS Exchange Visitor Position Codes | C | T7PIQ_US_POSCO |
16 | V_T7PIQ_US_PRGCL | Main View for Possible set of Progression Results | C | T7PIQ_US_PRGCL |
17 | V_T7PIQ_US_PRGCM | Main View for Mapping Prog Results with Prog Classification | C | T7PIQ_US_PRGCLM |
18 | V_T7PIQ_US_RACM | Map Race Codes | C | T7PIQ_US_RACM |
19 | V_T7PIQ_US_RESI | Assign Residence Status | C | T7PIQ_US_RESDSTM |
20 | V_T7PIQ_US_RSTAT | External Test Result Status | C | T7PIQTRSTAT |
21 | V_T7PIQ_US_SNOT | Assign SEVIS Note Types to Standard Note Types | C | T7PIQ_US_SEVNM |
22 | V_T7PIQ_US_STLE | Assign IPEDS Student Levels to Degree Levels | C | T7PIQ_US_STLEVM |
23 | V_T7PIQ_US_STYP | Sports Types for US-IPEDS Reporting | C | T7PIQ_US_SPORTM |
24 | V_T7PIQ_US_SUBT | View used to exclude subtests from Composite result calc. | C | T7PIQTRSUBTEST |
25 | V_T7PIQ_US_TRSRC | View used to flag test result sources as official/unofficial | C | T7PIQTRENTRYMOD |
26 | V_T7PIQ_US_TR_TI | Assign Training Times to Standard Degree Levels | C | T7PIQ_US_TRG_TIM |
27 | V_T7PIQ_US_TTYPE | View to decide if Manual and Composite results are created. | C | T7PIQTRTESTTYPE |
28 | V_T7PIQ_US_TY_TR | Assign Types of Training to Standard Degree Levels | C | T7PIQ_US_TYP_TRG |
29 | V_T7PIQ_US_VETST | Assign Veterans' Statuses to Service Statuses | C | T7PIQ_US_VETE_ST |
30 | V_T7PIQ_US_VISA | Assign SEVIS Visa Type to Standard Visa Type | C | T7PIQ_US_VISACM |
31 | V_T7PM0_BW | Extraction of Budget Area | D | T7PM0 |
32 | V_T7PM2 | Define Currency of Section of Budget | C | T7PM2 |
33 | V_T7PM2_B | Reference Currency for Budget Type Group | C | T7PM2 |
34 | V_T7PM2_CMP | Reference Currency for Budget Type Group | V | V_T7PM2_B |
35 | V_T7PM3_8 | Budget Structure Element Types and Texts | D | T7PM8 |
36 | V_T7PM3_A | Maintain Budget Structure Element Type | C | T7PM3 |
37 | V_T7PM3_B | Budget Types | C | T7PM3 |
38 | V_T7PM3_BW | Extraction of BS Element Type | D | T7PM3 |
39 | V_T7PM3_H | Maintain Hierarchy of Budget Structure Element Types | C | T7PM3_H |
40 | V_T7PM3_SH | Search Help Budget Structure Element Type | D | T7PM3 |
41 | V_T7PM4 | Maintain Budget Unit Name | C | T7PM4 |
42 | V_T7PM4_B | Budget Unit Name | C | T7PM4 |
43 | V_T7PM4_CMP | Budget Unit Name | V | V_T7PM4_B |
44 | V_T7PM5 | Maintain Budget Unit Name | C | T7PM5 |
45 | V_T7PM6 | Maintain Expenditure Types | C | T7PM6 |
46 | V_T7PM6_7_HELP | Expenditure Types | H | T7PM6 |
47 | V_T7PM6_MO | Maintain Valid Employee Grouping for Determining Commit.Item | C | T7PM6_MO |
48 | V_T7PM6_MSG_1 | Maintain Tolerance Limits for each Message in Payroll | C | T7PM6_MSG |
49 | V_T7PM6_RFI | Maintain How Commitment Items Are Determined | C | T7PM6_RFI |
50 | V_T7PM6_RFI_01 | Maintain How Commitment Items Are Determined (HR-FPM) | V | V_T7PM6_RFI |
51 | V_T7PM8 | Maintain Name of Budget Structure Element Type | C | T7PM8 |
52 | V_T7PM9 | Maintain Financial Years | C | T7PM9 |
53 | V_T7PM9_B | Budget Periods | C | T7PM9 |
54 | V_T7PMA | Maintain Allowance Catalog | C | T7PMA |
55 | V_T7PMC | Maintain Allowances | C | T7PMC |
56 | V_T7PMF | Defining Special Pay Scale Groups | C | T7PMF |
57 | V_T7PMG_2 | Distribution of Default Value in Distribution Key | C | T7PMG_2 |
58 | V_T7PMG_TAR | Maintain Default Values on Basis of PS Classif./Expend. Type | C | T7PMG |
59 | V_T7PMG_TOT | Maintain Default Values (Overall View) | C | T7PMG |
60 | V_T7PMG_ZUL | Maintain Default Values for Bonuses | C | T7PMG |
61 | V_T7PMH_O | Career Groups and Career Group Texts | C | T7PMH |
62 | V_T7PMK | Maintain Names of Budget Structure Elements | C | T7PMK |
63 | V_T7PML | Maintain Financing Types per Object Type | C | T7PML |
64 | V_T7PMM_S | Define Attributes of Budget Updates | C | T7PMM |
65 | V_T7PMM_U | Combinations of Reclassification Rules and BS Element Types | C | T7PMM |
66 | V_T7PMM_V | Maintain Attributes of Rules | C | T7PMM |
67 | V_T7PMN | Maintain Valuation of Absence Types | C | T7PMN |
68 | V_T7PMN_XAWART | Maintain Valuation of Absence Types + XAWART Assignment | C | T7PMN |
69 | V_T7PMP | Define Budget Carry-Forward Method | C | T7PMP |
70 | V_T7PMQ_BW | Extraction Budget Status | D | T7PMQ |
71 | V_T7PMS | Maintain Change of Execution Status | C | T7PMS |
72 | V_T7PMT1 | Maintain Events | C | T7PMT1 |
73 | V_T7PMT1_0001 | Maintain System Reactions For Financing | V | V_T7PMT1 |
74 | V_T7PMT1_0002 | Define System Reactions for Staffing | V | V_T7PMT1 |
75 | V_T7PMT1_0003 | Maintain System Reaction for Consistency Check | V | V_T7PMT1 |
76 | V_T7PMT1_0004 | Maintain System Reaction for Availability Check | V | V_T7PMT1 |
77 | V_T7PMT1_R | Define System Reactions | C | T7PMT1 |
78 | V_T7PMU | Defining Default Values for Teaching Hours | C | T7PMU |
79 | V_T7PMV | Maintain Reasons for Reducing Teaching Hours | C | T7PMV |
80 | V_T7PMW | Maintain Conversion Factors for Pay Scale Valuation | C | T7PMW |
81 | V_T7PMX | Maintenance Screen for FTE Ranges (Maximum) | C | T7PMX |
82 | V_T7PMY1 | Combinations of BS Element Types and Commitment Items | C | T7PMY1 |
83 | V_T7PMY2_NEW | HR-FPM: Integration of HR-FPM with PD and FI-FM | C | T7PMY2 |
84 | V_T7PMY2_VAR_HHM | Integration with Funds Management | V | V_T7PMY2_NEW |
85 | V_T7PMY2_VAR_OM | Consistency Check With Organizational Management | V | V_T7PMY2_NEW |
86 | V_T7PMY4_T | HR-FPM: Involved in Integration | C | T7PMY4 |
87 | V_T7PM_DIKEY_T | Define Distribution Key for Default Value | C | T7PM_DIKEY |
88 | V_T7PM_MOINT_T | 'Involved in Integration With FI-FM' Grouping | C | T7PM_MOINT |
89 | V_T7PM_MOREQ_T | HR-FPM: Definition of Grouping for Origin of Funds Required | C | T7PM_MOREQ |
90 | V_T7PM_PM003_T | HR-FPM: Assign to Grouping for Origin of Funds Required | C | T7PM_PM003 |
91 | V_T7RSM00AP | External Personnel Action Types Processing | C | T7RSM00AP |
92 | V_T7RU0290CODE | Document (IT0290) Code | C | T7RU0290CODE |
93 | V_T7RU0290PRIOR | Priority of Document (IT0290) for Reporting | C | T7RU0290PRIORITY |
94 | V_T7RU0290SEPAR | Document (IT0290) Series Separator | C | T7RU0290SERSEPAR |
95 | V_T7RU1B | Payee Keys of receiving orders (Russia standard) | H | T7RU1B |
96 | V_T7RU25 | V_T7RU25 | C | T7RU25 |
97 | V_T7RU2P | HR-RU Forms - background | C | T7RU2P |
98 | V_T7RU50 | Personnel areas/subareas region assignment | C | T001P |
99 | V_T7RU50B | Constants for WT in Personell Area/Subarea grouping - CIS | C | T7RU50B |
100 | V_T7RU51AV_A | Calculation Rules for Averages - RU additional fields | C | T7RU51AV_A |
101 | V_T7RU51AV_C | Adjustment Rules for Bases for Calculating Average Values | C | T51AV_C |
102 | V_T7RU51AV_P | Link Wage Type for SI Base to Calculation Modifier | C | T7RU51AV_P |
103 | V_T7RU51AV_PT | Connection of Frozen Averages for Transitive Absences | C | T7RU51AV_PT |
104 | V_T7RU51P | Base Wage Type Valuation through seniority | C | T7RU51P |
105 | V_T7RU51R | Percent bonus according to seniorities | C | T7RU51R |
106 | V_T7RU51S | Define Special Calculation Processes for Wage Types | C | T7RU51S |
107 | V_T7RU521B | Payee Keys | C | T521B |
108 | V_T7RU52CL | Text for work condition class | C | T7RU52CL |
109 | V_T7RU52W | Percent bonus for Work Conditions | C | T7RU52W |
110 | V_T7RU52WC | Class ans Degree of Work Condition | C | T7RU52WC |
111 | V_T7RU53 | Employee Group/Subgroup Russia attributes | C | T503Z |
112 | V_T7RU530 | Mapping Table: Reasons for Personnel Actions - Russia | C | T7RU530 |
113 | V_T7RU53P | Status for Time Accounting for Employee Group | C | T7RU53P |
114 | V_T7RU554C | Relation between absence type and wage type for days of abse | C | T7RU554C |
115 | V_T7RU554S | Additional Attribute for Social Insurance Absence Types | C | T7RU554S |
116 | V_T7RU80S | Basic Normal Schedules (Russia) | C | T7RU80S |
117 | V_T7RU8P | HR-RU Forms - background | C | T7RU8P |
118 | V_T7RU9A | Addresses of Organizations | C | T7RU9A |
119 | V_T7RU9A_GRP | Assignment Group to the Organization | C | T7RU9A_GRP |
120 | V_T7RU9GP | Assignment Parameters to the Group | C | T7RU9GP |
121 | V_T7RU9GRP | Group of Parameters Definition | C | T7RU9GRP |
122 | V_T7RU9P | HR-RU Forms - background | C | T7RU9P |
123 | V_T7RU9PAR | Parameters Definition | C | T7RU9PAR |
124 | V_T7RU9PAR_VAL | Values of the Parameter | C | T7RU9PAR_VAL |
125 | V_T7RUAA | KLADR: Cities | C | T7RUAA |
126 | V_T7RUAB | KLADR: Boroughs (City districts) | C | T7RUAB |
127 | V_T7RUAD | KLADR: Streets | C | T7RUAD |
128 | V_T7RUADV | ADV-6-2 external sums | C | T7RUADV |
129 | V_T7RUADVN | Additional Amounts for Form ADV-6-2 | C | T7RUADVN |
130 | V_T7RUAVN | Average number of workers | C | T7RUAVN |
131 | V_T7RUB1 | Bonus Models | C | T7RUB1 |
132 | V_T7RUB2 | Personal Modifiers | C | T7RUB2 |
133 | V_T7RUB3 | Scale Selection by Bonus Model and Personal Modifier | C | T7RUB3 |
134 | V_T7RUB4 | Bonus Model Scale | C | T7RUB4 |
135 | V_T7RUB5 | Scale Values | C | T7RUB5 |
136 | V_T7RUCATS | Payer categories | C | T7RUCATS |
137 | V_T7RUCOUNTY | KLADR: Counties (Regional districts) | C | T7RUCOUNTY |
138 | V_T7RUD1 | Group of deductions | C | T7RUD1 |
139 | V_T7RUD2 | Wage Types of deductions for limiting | C | T7RUD2 |
140 | V_T7RUD3 | Limit Rules | C | T7RUD3 |
141 | V_T7RUDATAFORMAC | Data Output Format for Reports | C | T7RUDATAFORMATC |
142 | V_T7RUDATAFORMAT | Data Output Format for Reports | C | T7RUDATAFORMAT |
143 | V_T7RUDOMA | KLADR: Houses | C | T7RUDOMA |
144 | V_T7RUFA | Flexible Employee Payroll Data (Totals) | C | T7RUFA |
145 | V_T7RUFB | Flexible Employee Data (Contants) | C | T7RUFB |
146 | V_T7RUFC | Flexible Employee Payroll Data Form Name View | C | T7RUFC |
147 | V_T7RUFORMCONST | Initial Values for Russian Forms | C | T7RUFORMCONST |
148 | V_T7RUG0_PA | HR: Garnishment Order Types | V | T7RUG0 |
149 | V_T7RUG0_PY | HR: Garnishment Order Types | V | T7RUG0 |
150 | V_T7RUG2 | OBSOLETE: Garnishmetn Document Category (Russia). | C | T7RUG2 |
151 | V_T7RUG9 | Fee for Payment Method | C | T7RUG9 |
152 | V_T7RUGB | Fee for Payment Method | C | T7RUGB |
153 | V_T7RUM0 | Military Card Information Catalog | C | T7RUM0 |
154 | V_T7RUMATST | OKIN: Marital Status Designators | C | T7RUMATST |
155 | V_T7RUN1 | V_T7RUN1 | C | T7RUN1 |
156 | V_T7RUN7 | Tax privileges | C | T7RUN7 |
157 | V_T7RUN8 | Assignment wage's groups & codes to reports | C | T7RUN8 |
158 | V_T7RUNATIO | OKIN: Nationality | C | T7RUNATIO |
159 | V_T7RUOC1 | Content of Employee Selection Process | C | T7RUOC1 |
160 | V_T7RUOC2 | Define the Process for Employees Selection | C | T7RUOC2 |
161 | V_T7RUOKFS | OKFS directory | C | T7RUOKFS |
162 | V_T7RUOKFST | OKFS directory | C | T7RUOKFST |
163 | V_T7RUOKIN | OKIN | C | T7RUOKIN |
164 | V_T7RUOKINDOCU | OKIN: Educational document | C | T7RUOKINDOCU |
168 | V_T7RUOKSO | OKSO | C | T7RUOKSO |
169 | V_T7RUOKSO_QC | OKSO Qualifications | C | T7RUOKSO_QC |
170 | V_T7RUOSFT | HR-RU: Output Form Type (Reporting) | C | T5F99OSFT |
171 | V_T7RUP0 | Tax's schemas | C | T001P |
172 | V_T7RUP1 | Tax's schema | C | T7RUP1 |
173 | V_T7RUP2 | View for T7RUP2 | C | T7RUP2 |
174 | V_T7RUP3 | View of T7RUP3 | C | T7RUP3 |
176 | V_T7RUPACKTYPE | Packages Types | C | T7RUPACKAGETYPE |
177 | V_T7RUPAYCAT | Employee Categories | C | T7RUPAYCATEGORY |
178 | V_T7RUPAYERCAT | PFR: Payer's Category | C | T7RUPAYERCAT |
179 | V_T7RUPFERROR | PFR package CHECKPSN errors | C | T7RUPFERROR |
180 | V_T7RUPFRULE1 | HR Valuation rules for Superannuation Fund of Russia (PFR) | C | T7RUPFRULE1 |
181 | V_T7RUPFTYPEER | PFR Error types | C | T7RUPFTYPEER |
182 | V_T7RUPFTYPEPK | PFR package types | C | T7RUPFTYPEPK |
183 | V_T7RUPU | KLADR: Cities political units | C | T7RUPU |
184 | V_T7RUR2 | Maintain Meaning of Statuses of IT 0048 (Residence status) | C | T591A |
185 | V_T7RUR3 | Residence Type Identifier | C | T7RUR3 |
186 | V_T7RUREGION | KLADR: Regions (Provinces) | C | T7RUREGION |
187 | V_T7RURK | Regional Coefficient for Region and County | C | T7RURK |
188 | V_T7RURPTCST00 | Report Customizing Data | C | T7RURPTCST00 |
189 | V_T7RURPTCST_LOG | Switch Off Logging for Reports in Background | C | T7RURPTCST00 |
190 | V_T7RUSCHOOL | Educational institution | C | T7RUSCHOOL |
191 | V_T7RUSCHOOLOKIN | OKIN: Educational institution link | C | T7RUSCHOOLOKIN |
192 | V_T7RUSTAFF | Staff PD objects | C | T7RUSTAFF |
193 | V_T7RUSTATUS | Package Status | C | T7RUSTATUS |
194 | V_T7RUT1 | Taxes and Social Insurance Payments | C | T7RUT1 |
195 | V_T7RUT1_EXT | Tax Wage Type Splitting During Data Transfer (Russia) | C | T7RUT1_EXT |
196 | V_T7RUT3 | Tax Privileges | C | T7RUT3 |
197 | V_T7RUT4 | Minimum pay | C | T7RUT4 |
198 | V_T7RUT5 | Social Insurance | C | T7RUT5 |
199 | V_T7RUT5_1 | Social Insurance | C | T7RUT5 |
200 | V_T7RUT5_PAID | Social Insurance - Paid days of illness | C | T7RUT5_PAID |
201 | V_T7RUT6 | Help view for T5YT6 | H | T7RUT6 |
202 | V_T7RUT7 | Help view for T5yT7 | H | T7RUT7 |
203 | V_T7RUT8 | Conversion of Social Group | C | T7RUT8 |
204 | V_T7RUTA | Tax's method | C | T7RUTA |
205 | V_T7RUTAHED | Type of the afterhiger education | C | T518C |
206 | V_T7RUTS | Time Schedule Report Customizing Table | C | T7RUTS |
207 | V_T7RUT_XAB | T7RUT_XAB | C | T7RUT_XAB |
208 | V_T7RUWCS | Working Conditions Environment | C | T7RUWCS |
209 | V_T7RU_005S_Y | KLADR: Regions - territorial entity | C | T7RU_005Y |
210 | V_T7RU_005Y | KLADR: Regions - territorial entity | C | T7RU_005Y |
211 | V_T7RU_521B | Payee Keys | C | T521B |
212 | V_T7RU_554T | Absence and Attendance Long Texts | C | T554S |
213 | V_T7RU_556B | Absence Quota Type Texts | C | T556A |
214 | V_T7RU_558B | Payroll Account Transfer: Payroll Periods (Russia) | C | T558B |
215 | V_T7RU_558D | Payroll Account Transfer: Wage Types (Russia) | C | T558D |
216 | V_T7RU_558D_TAX | Payroll Account Transfer: Taxes (Russia) | C | T7RU_558D_TAX |
217 | V_T7RU_99F0 | Forms - Russian Attributes | C | T7RU_99F0 |
218 | V_T7RU_99FF | View for T7RU_99FF | C | T5F99FF |
219 | V_T7RU_99FFC | View for Client's redefinition of fields | C | T5F99FFC |
220 | V_T7RU_99FFC_R | Customer-Specific Redefinition of Fields | C | T5F99FFC |
221 | V_T7RU_99FF_R | Forms: Field definition | C | T5F99FF |
222 | V_T7RU_STAT_VAR | Variant Name of Statistical Report | C | T7RU_STAT_VAR |
223 | V_T7RU_STAT_VFLD | View Variant Fields | C | T7RU_STAT_VFLD |
224 | V_T7RU_T005Y | KLADR: Regions - territorial entity | C | T7RU_005Y |
225 | V_T7RU_T596F | CIS - View for table T596F | C | T596F |
226 | V_T7TH03 | Provident Fund EG/ESG Grouping for PF THAILAND | C | T503Z |
227 | V_T7TH0P | PA/Subarea Groupings for SS PF and Tax (Complete View)-TH | C | T001P |
228 | V_T7TH0P_A | PA/Subarea Groupings for Tax Calc Method - Thailand | C | T001P |
229 | V_T7TH0P_B | PA/Subarea Grouping for Social Security Rates - Thailand | C | T001P |
230 | V_T7TH0P_C | PA/Subarea Grouping for Provident Fund - Thailand | C | T001P |
231 | V_T7TH0P_D | PA/Subarea Groupings for SS Branches - Thailand | C | T001P |
232 | V_T7THBR | Company Branch Codes | C | T7THBR |
233 | V_T7THMC | Social Security Modifier table for Company | C | T7THMC |
234 | V_T7THMP | Personal Area/Sub area groupings for Provident Fund | C | T7THMP |
235 | V_T7THMS | Personal Area/Sub Area groupings for SS Branches | C | T7THMS |
236 | V_T7THMX | Personal Area/Sub Area grouping for Tax Calc. Method | C | T7THMX |
237 | V_T7THPC | Provident Fund Company Rates THAILAND | C | T7THPC |
238 | V_T7THPM | Provident Fund EG/ESG Modifier THAILAND | C | T7THPM |
239 | V_T7THSB | Social Security Branches | C | T7THSB |
240 | V_T7THSP | Form of Address/ Prefix Codes | C | T7THSP |
241 | V_T7THSR | Social Security Contribution - Company Rates | C | T7THSR |
242 | V_T7THSS | Social Security Statutory Rates THAILAND | C | T7THSS |
243 | V_T7THTE | Termination tax rates - TH | C | T7THTE |
244 | V_T7THTM | Tax Calculation Method | C | T7THTM |
245 | V_T7THTR | Tax Rates - TH | C | T7THTR |
246 | V_T7TIM_BRLM_S_P | Arrange Business Rules in Steps | C | T7TIM_BURULM |
247 | V_T7TIM_BRL_DIST | Assignment of Distribution Methods to Steps of Business Rule | C | T7TIM_BURULM |
248 | V_T7TIM_BRL_SORT | Assignment of Sort Options to Steps of Business Rule | C | T7TIM_BURULM |
249 | V_T7TIM_BSB_KTAA | Assignment of Absence Quota to Business Subject | C | T7TIM_BSB_KTARTA |
250 | V_T7TIM_BSB_KTAP | Assignment of Attendance Quota to Business Subject | C | T7TIM_BSB_KTARTP |
251 | V_T7TIM_BSB_LGA | Assignment of Business Subject to Wage Type | C | T7TIM_BSB_LGART |
252 | V_T7TIM_BSB_MSG | Assignment of Message Type to Business Subject | C | T7TIM_BSB_MESSG |
253 | V_T7TIM_BSB_ZTA | Assignment of Time Type to Business Subject | C | T7TIM_BSB_ZTART |
254 | V_T7TIM_BURULE | Business Rules of Time Evaluation | C | T7TIM_BURULE |
255 | V_T7TIM_BURULM | Arrange Business Rules in Steps | C | T7TIM_BURULM |
256 | V_T7TIM_BUSUBGR | Assignment of Business Subjects to Grouping Reasons | C | T7TIM_BUSUBGR |
257 | V_T7TIM_BUSUBRU | Use of Business Rules | C | T7TIM_BUSUBRU |
258 | V_T7TIM_BUSUBR_D | Use of Business Rules | C | T7TIM_BUSUBRU |
259 | V_T7TIM_COPERA | Customer Implementation of Time Evaluation Operations | C | T7TIM_COPERAS |
260 | V_T7TIM_E_M_OPT | Defintion of Optional Attributes in Native Interface | C | T7TIM_EVAL_MAP |
261 | V_T7TIM_NAT_IF | View of T7TIM_NAT_IF_CMP | C | T7TIM_NAT_IF_CMP |
262 | V_T7TIM_OPERA | Implementation of Time Evaluation Operation and Interface | C | T7TIM_OPERATIONS |
263 | V_T7TIM_PCR_BUSU | Assignment of Personnel Calculation Rule to Business Subject | C | T7TIM_PCR_BUSUB |
264 | V_T7TIM_RGR_GWT | Rule Groups in Processing Step Under GWT | C | T7TIM_GWT_STEP |
265 | V_T7TIM_RGR_LIMI | Rule Groups in Processing Step Under LIMIT | C | T7TIM_LIMIT_STEP |
266 | V_T7TIM_RGR_QUOT | Rule Groups in Processing Step Under QUOTA | C | T7TIM_QUOTA_STEP |
267 | V_T7TIM_TIGRP_EN | Return Value of Feature TIRUG | C | T7TIM_TIGRP_ENT |
268 | V_T7TW0A | Taiwan ZIP code | C | T7TW0A |
269 | V_T7TW0AX | Taiwan ZIP code | C | T7TW0A |
270 | V_T7TW0P | Personal Areas/Subareas (Taiwan) | C | T001P |
271 | V_T7TW0Z | Define Taiwan ZIP Code | C | T7TW0Z |
272 | V_T7TW1B | Primary view for T7TW1B | C | T7TW1B |
273 | V_T7TW1C | Primary view for T7TW1C | C | T7TW1C |
274 | V_T7TW1D | NHI exempt reason | C | T7TW1D |
275 | V_T7TW1G | Insurer Name and Address | C | T7TW1G |
276 | V_T7TW1I | LI Occupational Risk | C | T7TW1I |
277 | V_T7TW1I_T | LI Occupational Risk | C | T7TW1I |
278 | V_T7TW1K | LI Occupational Risk Percentage | C | T7TW1K |
279 | V_T7TW1K_T | LI Occupational Risk Percentage | C | T7TW1K |
280 | V_T7TW1P | LI Country Code | C | T7TW1P |
281 | V_T7TW2D | Tax Authority Code | C | T7TW2D |
282 | V_T7TW2G | Maintain tax media filing sequence number reservation | C | T7TW2G |
283 | V_T7TW2J | Tax agreement codes maintenance | C | T7TW2J |
284 | V_T7TW3A | Employment Stabilization Fund | C | T7TW3A |
285 | V_T7TW4Y | Ethnic Group of Taiwan Aborigines (Text) | C | T7TW4B |
286 | V_T7TW50 | Rate for multiple payment | C | T7TW50 |
287 | V_T7UNAAP_ADDTAB | PAAP Maintenance View for additional tables | C | T7UNAAP_ADDTAB |
288 | V_T7UNAAP_ATTR_A | PAAP Activation Switch | C | T7UNAAP_ATTRIBS |
289 | V_T7UNAAP_ATTR_B | PAAP Parameter Settings | C | T7UNAAP_ATTRIBS |
290 | V_T7UNAAP_ATTR_C | PAAP Switch checking Payroll / Tiime Evaluation Run | C | T7UNAAP_ATTRIBS |
291 | V_T7UNAAP_ATTR_D | PAAP Switch checking Time Evaluation Run | C | T7UNAAP_ATTRIBS |
292 | V_T7UNAAP_CPERNR | Helpview for copied Persons | C | T7UNAAP_CO_PERNR |
293 | V_T7UNAAP_INFO | Non relevent infotypes for PAAP | C | T7UNAAP_INFO |
294 | V_T7UNAAP_T529A | PAAP Maintenance View Actiontype | C | T7UNAAP_T529A |
295 | V_T7UNAAP_TSTC | PAAP Maintenance View for relevant Transaction(s) | C | T7UNAAP_TSTC |
296 | V_T7UNBEN_T5UBA | NPO Benefit Plan Cost Rule Variant Maintanance View | C | T7UNBEN_T5UBA |
297 | V_T7UNBEN_T5UBH | NPO Benefit Cost Rule Maintenance View | C | T7UNBEN_T5UBH |
298 | V_T7UNBEN_T5UBI | NPO Benefit Cost Rule Settings Maintenance View | C | T7UNBEN_T5UBI |
299 | V_T7UNCMT_XREF | CMT Maintenance View Duty Station Crossreference | C | T7UNCMT_XREF |
300 | V_T7UNOBJAS | View for search help for NPO table T7UNOBJAS | D | T7UNOBJAS |
301 | V_T7UNOM_CCOCCG | Relationship Between CCOG and OCCG Functional Code | D | T7UNOM_CCOCCG |
302 | V_T7UNOM_CCOG | ICSC CCOG Functional Code | C | T7UNOM_CCOG |
303 | V_T7UNOM_CCOG_2 | CCOG | C | T7UNOM_CCOG |
304 | V_T7UNOM_FD_PS | Fund Position Maintenance view | C | T7UNOM_FUND_POS |
305 | V_T7UNOM_FD_PS_2 | Dependencies Fund ID Position Type | D | T7UNOM_FUND_POS |
306 | V_T7UNOM_FUNDT | NPO Funding Type | C | T7UNOM_FUNDT |
307 | V_T7UNOM_OCCG | OCCG Functional Code | C | T7UNOM_OCCG |
308 | V_T7UNOM_OUTYPE | Organisational Unit Type Maintenance View | C | T7UNOM_OUTYPE |
309 | V_T7UNOM_POSIT | NPO Position Type ID | C | T7UNOM_POSIT |
310 | V_T7UNPAD503_B | EE Subgroup Grouping for PCR/CollAgrmtProv. | C | T503Z |
311 | V_T7UNPAD503_E | EE Subgroup Grouping for Rental Eligibility Check | C | T503Z |
313 | V_T7UNPAD_AREA | Duty Station Area/Zone Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_AREA |
314 | V_T7UNPAD_CEBCNT | NPO: Education Grant CEB Country Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_CEBCNT |
315 | V_T7UNPAD_CEBDS | PY-NPO: Education Grant CEB Duty Station Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_CEBDS |
316 | V_T7UNPAD_CEBGRD | EG CCAQ Staff Grade Mapping table | C | T7UNPAD_CEBGRD |
317 | V_T7UNPAD_DPAC | Dependency allowance maintenance view | C | T7UNPAD_DPAC |
318 | V_T7UNPAD_DS | Duty Station Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DS |
319 | V_T7UNPAD_DS0G | Maintenance View Duty Station Relation to Payscale Area | C | T7UNPAD_DS0G |
320 | V_T7UNPAD_DS0P | Duty Station Relation to Personnel Area/Subarea Maint. View | C | T7UNPAD_DS0P |
321 | V_T7UNPAD_DS1P | Duty Station Main Time-Dependent Info Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DS1P |
322 | V_T7UNPAD_DS1P_E | PY-NPO: Duty Station time dep. info Educatio Grant | C | T7UNPAD_DS1P |
323 | V_T7UNPAD_DS1P_R | Duty Station Time-Dependent Info Rental Subsidy Maint. View | C | T7UNPAD_DS1P |
324 | V_T7UNPAD_DSCA | Duty Station Category Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DSCA |
325 | V_T7UNPAD_DSDA | Duty Station Dependency Allowance Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DSDA |
326 | V_T7UNPAD_DSHE | Duty Station Hardship Element Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DSHE |
327 | V_T7UNPAD_DSLC | Duty Station Home Leave Cycle Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DSLC |
328 | V_T7UNPAD_DSME | Duty Station Mobility Element Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DSME |
329 | V_T7UNPAD_DSPA | Post Adjustment Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DSPA |
330 | V_T7UNPAD_DSPT | NPO: PTA Personnel Transition Allowance Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DSPT |
331 | V_T7UNPAD_DSRE | Duty Station Removal/Non-Removal Element Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_DSRE |
332 | V_T7UNPAD_EG03 | NPO: EE Grouping for EG Eligibility | C | T503Z |
333 | V_T7UNPAD_EG05 | NPO: EG Country settings | C | T005 |
334 | V_T7UNPAD_EG30 | NPO: Eligibility reason for EG | C | T530E |
335 | V_T7UNPAD_EGAMT | NPO: EG Maintenance view for entitlements | C | T7UNPAD_EGAMT |
336 | V_T7UNPAD_EGAMTA | NPO: EG Maintenance view for entitlements all | C | T7UNPAD_EGAMT |
337 | V_T7UNPAD_EGAPL | NPO: Exp. MM. Application Switch Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_EGEXPAPL |
338 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCA | NPO: EG Maintenance view Category Classification | C | T7UNPAD_EGCA |
339 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCAQ | Mt. View for EG Expense Type Classes for CCAQ | C | T7UNPAD_EGCAQ |
340 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCEB | Duty Station CEB Relation to SAP Entity Duty Station | C | T7UNPAD_EGCEB |
341 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCL | NPO: EG Maintenance view Category Classes | C | T7UNPAD_EGCL |
342 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCOS | NPO: EG Maintenance view expense types | C | T7UNPAD_EGCOS |
343 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCOSC | EG Maintenance view expense types for CCAQ | C | T7UNPAD_EGCOS |
344 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCTR | NPO: EG Entitlement Countries | C | T7UNPAD_EGCTR |
345 | V_T7UNPAD_EGCURC | NPO: Help View For Currency | D | TCURC |
346 | V_T7UNPAD_EGEUC | NPO: EG Database view EU Country | D | T005 |
347 | V_T7UNPAD_EGPSH | NPO: EG Maintenance view expense types flat rates | C | T7UNPAD_EGPSH |
348 | V_T7UNPAD_EGRS | NPO: EG Maintenance view Boarding reasons | C | T7UNPAD_EGRS |
349 | V_T7UNPAD_EGSG | NPO: EG Maintenance view School Grade Text | C | T7UNPAD_EGSG |
350 | V_T7UNPAD_EGSN | NPO: EG School Maintenance view | C | T7UNPAD_EGSN |
351 | V_T7UNPAD_EGST | NPO: EG Maintenance view School Types Text | C | T7UNPAD_EGST |
352 | V_T7UNPAD_EGTCUR | Education Grant Maintenance View for Currency | C | TCURC |
353 | V_T7UNPAD_GA | PY-NPO: Pay Grade Grouping and Rental Subsidy Increase | C | T7UNPAD_GA |
354 | V_T7UNPAD_GA_MH | PY-NPO: Pay Grade Grouping and Rental Subsidy Increase | C | T7UNPAD_GA |
355 | V_T7UNPAD_GA_RS | PY-NPO: Pay Grade Grouping and Rental Subsidy Increase | C | T7UNPAD_GA |
356 | V_T7UNPAD_HSFA | Maintenance view for Hardship flat amounts | C | T7UNPAD_HSFA |
357 | V_T7UNPAD_HSFA_A | Maintenance view for Hardship flat amounts - All Entries | C | T7UNPAD_HSFA |
358 | V_T7UNPAD_MBFA | Mobility Flat amounts Maintenance view | C | T7UNPAD_MBFA |
359 | V_T7UNPAD_MBFA_A | Mobility Flat amounts Maintenance view All Entries | C | T7UNPAD_MBFA |
360 | V_T7UNPAD_NRFA | Non-Removal Flat amounts Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_NRFA |
361 | V_T7UNPAD_NRFA_A | Non-Removal Flat amounts Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_NRFA |
362 | V_T7UNPAD_PFST | Pension Fund Status Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_PFST |
363 | V_T7UNPAD_PFSV | Pension Fund Schema Values Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_PFSV |
364 | V_T7UNPAD_PFUN | Pension Fund Schemes | C | T7UNPAD_PFUN |
365 | V_T7UNPAD_PSGR | Pay Grade Grouping Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_PSGR |
366 | V_T7UNPAD_RGST | Repatriation Grant Number Translation Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_RGST |
367 | V_T7UNPAD_RS502 | Rental Subsidy Marital Status Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_RS502 |
368 | V_T7UNPAD_RSACR | Maintenance View Rental Subsidy Average Commercial Rent | C | T7UNPAD_RSACR |
369 | V_T7UNPAD_RSCH | Rental Subsidy Scheme Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_RSCH |
370 | V_T7UNPAD_RSDA | Rental Subsidy Entitlements Amount Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_RSDA |
371 | V_T7UNPAD_RSDE | Rental Subsidy Entitlements Percentage Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_RSDE |
372 | V_T7UNPAD_RSDR | Rental Subsidy Dwelling Rent Type Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_RSDR |
373 | V_T7UNPAD_RSMA | Rental Subsidy Maximum Amount Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_RSMA |
374 | V_T7UNPAD_RSMAG | Maintenance View Rental Subsidy Max. Amount Grade Grp. | C | T7UNPAD_RSMAG |
375 | V_T7UNPAD_RSRR | Rental Subsidy Reimbursement Percentage Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_RSRR |
376 | V_T7UNPAD_SLGR | NPO: Sick Leave Grouping | C | T7UNPAD_SLGR |
377 | V_T7UNPAD_SLQU | NPO: Sick Leave Quota Values | C | T7UNPAD_SLQU |
378 | V_T7UNPAD_T502_T | Rental Subsidy Marital Status Relation Maintenance View | C | T7UNPAD_T502_T |
379 | V_T7UN_ATTRIBS_A | NPO: General Attributes Personnel Administration | C | T7UN_ATTRIBS |
380 | V_T7UN_ATTRIBS_B | NPO: General Attributes Organizational Management | C | T7UN_ATTRIBS |
381 | V_T7UN_ATTRIBS_E | NPO: General Attributes Education Grant | C | T7UN_ATTRIBS |
382 | V_T7UN_ATTRIBS_P | NPO: General Attributes Education Grant | C | T7UN_ATTRIBS |
383 | V_T7UN_T52E2 | Posting to Accounting: Posting Variants | C | T52E2 |
384 | V_T7UN_T577 | Disability Characteristic NPO | C | T577 |
385 | V_T7UN_T577_1 | Dependent Characteristic NPO | C | T577 |
386 | V_T7UN_T577_2 | Disability Characteristic NPO | C | T577 |
387 | V_T7UN_T577_3 | Living with S/M Characteristic NPO | C | T577 |
388 | V_T7UN_T577_4 | Dependency Characteristic NPO | C | T577 |
389 | V_T7UN_T577_5 | Allowance Characteristic NPO | C | T577 |
390 | V_T7US3PRTXSYMKO | Posting of tax wage types | C | T7US3PR_TXSYMKO |
391 | V_T7US3PR_V0T | Assign Account ID, HR Payee Number to Wage Type (V0 split T) | C | T7US3PR_V0TYPE_T |
392 | V_T7USBEN01_1 | Saving plans compensation model name and text | C | T7USBEN01 |
393 | V_T7USBEN02_1 | Saving plans compensation model setup | C | T7USBEN02 |
394 | V_T7USBEN03 | Catch-up contribution for Savings plan | C | T7USBEN03 |
395 | V_T7USBEN04 | High Deductible Health Plan Contributions | C | T7USBEN04 |
396 | V_T7US_ETA_OVMTH | View for US Employee Tax Arrangement Override Method | C | T7US_ETA_OVMTH |
397 | V_T7US_ETA_TXOVM | Override Method per Tax Authority & Tax Type | C | T7US_ETA_TXOVM |
398 | V_T7US_FMLA_AB | Assign Absence Types to FMLA Reasons | C | T7US_FMLA_AB_ADM |
399 | V_T7US_FMLA_DETR | Relationship: FMLA Rule Group to FMLA Rule | C | T7US_FMLA_DETRUL |
400 | V_T7US_FMLA_DETW | Link betw. EE Grp for Week Converter and Week Converter Rule | C | T7US_FMLA_DETWWK |
401 | V_T7US_FMLA_PROF | FMLA Workbench: Profile Settings | C | T7US_FMLA_PROF |
402 | V_T7US_FMLA_R2R | Relationship of FMLA Rules to FMLA Reasons | C | T7US_FMLA_RU2RE |
403 | V_T7US_FMLA_RSN | FMLA Reasons | C | T7US_FMLA_REASON |
404 | V_T7US_FMLA_RULE | Definition of FMLA Rules | C | T7US_FMLA_RULE |
405 | V_T7US_FMLA_WWK | Rule for Determining Week Converter | C | T7US_FMLA_WRKWK |
406 | V_T7VE01 | Additional company information | C | T7VE01 |
407 | V_T7VE02_A | Additional time-dependent company information | C | T7VE02 |
408 | V_T7VE02_B | Company information for profit share payment | C | T7VE02 |
409 | V_T7VE02_C | Company information for severance payment | C | T7VE02 |
410 | V_T7VE03 | SUDEBAN code | C | T7VE03 |
411 | V_T7VE04 | Contract assignment | C | T7VE04 |
412 | V_T7VE0P | Additional information on personnel area/subarea | C | T001P |
413 | V_T7VE10 | Assignment of date class to absence quota | C | T7VE10 |
414 | V_T7VE90 | Rules for calculating compensation | C | T7VE90 |
415 | V_T7VE95 | Severance pay code: Code and text | C | T7VE95 |
416 | V_T7VE97 | Assign. sev. pay code to grouping of sev. pay legal norms | C | T7VE97 |
417 | V_T7VE98 | Grouping employees for sev. pay calculation: Code and text | C | T7VE98 |
418 | V_T7VEAB | Absence category attributes | C | T7VEAB |
419 | V_T7VEQP | Absence quota attributes | C | T7VEQP |
420 | V_T7VES3 | Function code relationship (Company/IVSS) | C | T513 |
421 | V_T7XAS0 | Wagetype assignment to claim plan | C | T7XAS0 |
422 | V_T7XAS2 | Assign claim variant/base wagetype to Program | C | T7XAS2 |
423 | V_T7XAS3 | Claim variant for Program | C | T7XAS3 |
424 | V_T7XAS5 | Claim rule for Program | C | T7XAS5 |
425 | V_T7XAS6 | Claim variant for Plan | C | T7XAS6 |
426 | V_T7XAS8 | Claim rule for plan | C | T7XAS8 |
427 | V_T7XAS9 | Assignment of Claim Variant and Panel of Doctors to Plan | C | T7XAS9 |
428 | V_T7XASA | Dependent cover | C | T7XASA |
429 | V_T7XASC | Assign family members to dependent cover | C | T7XASC |
430 | V_T7XASD | Doctor details | C | T7XASD |
431 | V_T7XASF | Grouping of Doctors to Panel | C | T7XASF |
432 | V_T7XASH | Panel of Doctors | C | T7XASH |
433 | V_T7XASI | Claims groupings for plan | C | T7XASI |
434 | V_T7XASK | Claim groupings for program | C | T7XASK |
435 | V_T7XP_DETAIL | Detail Screen Type | C | T7XP_DETAIL |
436 | V_T7XP_DET_POS | Assignment of Expert Profile Element to Detail Screen Type | C | T7XP_DETAIL_POS |
437 | V_T7XP_ELEM | Expert Profile Element | C | T7XP_ELEM |
438 | V_T7XP_ELEM_VAL | Value for Expert Profile Element | C | T7XP_ELEM_VAL |
439 | V_T7XP_GROUP | Expert Profile Element Group | C | T7XP_GROUP |
440 | V_T7XP_GROUP_POS | Assignment of Expert Profile Element to Group | C | T7XP_GROUP_POS |
441 | V_T7XP_HITLIST | Hit List Type | C | T7XP_HITLIST |
442 | V_T7XP_HLIST_POS | Assignment of Expert Profile Element to Hit List Type | C | T7XP_HITLIST_POS |
443 | V_T7XP_PROF | Expert Profile Types | C | T7XP_PROF |
444 | V_T7XP_PROF_POS | Assignment of Expert Profile Element to Expert Profile Type | C | T7XP_PROF_POS |
445 | V_T7XP_SCENARIO | Search Scenario | C | T7XP_SCENARIO |
446 | V_T7XP_SEMANTIC | Semantic Attributes of Expert Profile Elements | C | T7XP_SEMANTIC |
447 | V_T7XP_SETTINGS | General Settings for Expert Finder | C | T7XP_SETTINGS |
448 | V_T7XP_SMASK | Search Template Type | C | T7XP_SMASK |
449 | V_T7XP_SMASK_POS | Assignment of Expert Profile Element to Search Template Type | C | T7XP_SMASK_POS |
450 | V_T7XSSPERSTRUCT | ESS PersInfo, view for infotype structure | C | T7XSSPERSTRUCT |
451 | V_T7XSSPERSUBTYP | Specify Use Case and Active Subtypes | C | T7XSSPERSUBTYPE |
452 | V_T7XSSREUSEUISN | Reuse of Screen Structure Name for New Country Version | C | T7XSSREUSEUISN |
453 | V_T7XSSSERAR | Assign Subareas to Areas (Find Entries) | C | T7XSSSERAR |
454 | V_T7XSSSERARB | Define Area Pages (Add Entries) | C | T7XSSSERARB |
455 | V_T7XSSSERARBC | Define Area Pages (Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERARBC |
456 | V_T7XSSSERARC | Assign Subareas to Areas (Add and Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERARC |
457 | V_T7XSSSERARG | Assign Areas to Area Group Pages (Find Entries) | C | T7XSSSERARG |
458 | V_T7XSSSERARGB | Define Area Group Pages (Add Entries) | C | T7XSSSERARGB |
459 | V_T7XSSSERARGBC | Define Area Group Pages (Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERARGBC |
460 | V_T7XSSSERARGC | Assign Areas to Area Group Pages (Add and Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERARGC |
461 | V_T7XSSSERHEB | Define Headers (Add Entries) | C | T7XSSSERHEB |
462 | V_T7XSSSERHEBC | Define Headers (Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERHEBC |
463 | V_T7XSSSERLNK | Confirmation Screen Links | C | T7XSSSERLNK |
464 | V_T7XSSSERRES | Define Resources (Add Entries) | C | T7XSSSERRES |
465 | V_T7XSSSERRESC | Define Resources (Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERRESC |
466 | V_T7XSSSERSAR | Assign Services to Subareas (Find Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSAR |
467 | V_T7XSSSERSARB | Define Subareas (Add Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSARB |
468 | V_T7XSSSERSARBC | Define Subareas (Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSARBC |
469 | V_T7XSSSERSARC | Assign Services to Subareas (Add and Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSARC |
470 | V_T7XSSSERSDB | Define Servers | C | T7XSSSERSDB |
471 | V_T7XSSSERSRV | Define Services (Add Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSRV |
472 | V_T7XSSSERSRVC | Define Services (Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSRVC |
473 | V_T7XSSSERSRVCG | Define Country-Specific Services (Add Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSRVCG |
474 | V_T7XSSSERSRVCGC | Define Country-Specific Services (Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSRVCGC |
475 | V_T7XSSSERSRVG | Define Service Groups (Add Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSRVG |
476 | V_T7XSSSERSRVGC | Define Service Groups (Change Entries) | C | T7XSSSERSRVGC |
477 | V_T7XSSSERSRVHLP | View for search help for Helper Services in XSS | H | T7XSSSERSRV |
478 | V_T7XSS_GRT_IFR | View to maintain the dimensions of the IFrame | C | T7XSS_GRT_IFR_D |
479 | V_T7XSS_SER_RFW | ESS rep.framwork: Mapping of Application id to abap class | C | T7XSS_SER_RFW |
480 | V_T800A | FI-SL Table Directory | C | T800A |
481 | V_T800AIS | View of FI-SL table directory: InfoSource structure | P | T800AIS |
482 | V_T800AIS_PI | View of FI-SL Table Directory: BW Transfer Structure | P | T800AIS_PI |
483 | V_T800A_ICRC | Activate Intercompany Reconciliation Process Tables | C | T800A |
484 | V_T800D | Fields for Master Data Check | C | T800D |
485 | V_T800HIST | Log Tables for Program Runs in FI-GL or FI-SL | D | T800HISTH |
486 | V_T800M | Fixed Field Movements | C | T800M |
487 | V_T804I | Report Writer: Supported Languages | C | T804I |
488 | V_T80D | Client-Specific User Exits in FI-SL | C | T80D |
489 | V_T80D_GL | Client-Dependent User Exits in General Ledger | V | V_T80D |
490 | V_T80D_SL | Client-Specific User Exits in FI-SL | V | V_T80D |
491 | V_T80D_VSR | Client-Dependent User Exits in Substitutions | C | T80D |
492 | V_T80I | Cross-Client User Exits in FI-SL | C | T80I |
493 | V_T811H | Data Fields for Allocation | C | T811H |
494 | V_T811I | Field Usage for Allocation | C | T811I |
495 | V_T811IA | Customizing Field Attributes: Allocation | C | T811IA |
496 | V_T811J | Field Groups for Allocation | C | T811J |
497 | V_T811M | Allocation: Texts for Data Fields | C | T811M |
498 | V_T811T | Allocation System Information | C | T811T |
499 | V_T811U | Partner object update | C | T811U |
500 | V_T811_C_L | View of Cycles and Texts | D | T811C |