SAP ABAP View V_T011V (FI Financial Calendar Task-Schedule Link)
BBPCRM (Software Component) BBPCRM
   CRM (Application Component) Customer Relationship Management
     CRM_APPLICATION (Package) All CRM Components Without Special Structure Packages
       FBAS (Package) Financial accounting 'Basis'
Basic Data
View Type C Maintenance View 
Maintenance View V_T011V  
Short Description FI Financial Calendar Task-Schedule Link    
Root table T011V   FI financial calendar task-schedule link 
# Table Name Foreign Table Foreign Field Foreign DIR
1 T011V T011V
2 T011A T011V AUFGA E
3 T011E T011V VEREH E
4 T011B T011A AUFGA I
5 T011F T011E VEREH I
Join Conditions
# Table Name Field Name Negation Operator Constants Cont. line AND/OR Offset F Length Mco Field
View Fields
# View field Table Field Maintenance Flag Key Data element Mod Short Description
2 VEREH T011V VEREH S VEREH_011V Calendar schedule
3 AUFGA T011V AUFGA   AUFGA_011V Task from calendar
4 TXT50_011F T011F TXT50 S TXT50_011E Name of schedule
5 TXT50_011B T011B TXT50 R TXT50_011A Name of task
Maintenance Status
  read only
  read and change
  Time-dependent views: like U, validity data like ' '
  read, change, delete and insert
Delivery Class C   Customizing table, maintenance only by cust., not SAP import 
Data Browser/Table View Maintenance X  Display/Maintenance Allowed  
Last changed by/on SAP  20130529 
SAP Release Created in 470