SAP ABAP Data Element - Index C, page 64
Data Element - C
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
2 CO_PARAM_PROV_NEW_SEARCH Search for procurement elements again COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
3 CO_PARAM_PROV_SEARCH Search for procurement elements COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
4 CO_PARAM_SDORD Select Initiating Object Records for Sales Order COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
5 CO_PARAM_VIEW Display Initiating Object Records COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
6 CO_PARAM_VIEW_ALL Unrestricted search for procurement element change records COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
7 CO_PARAM_VIEW_CHECK Procurement element change records "Changes checked" COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
8 CO_PARAM_VIEW_CLOSE Initiating Object Record with Completed Change Process COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
9 CO_PARAM_VIEW_COMP Procurement element change records "Changes determined" COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
10 CO_PARAM_VIEW_SEARCH Init. Object Records for which Proc.Elements Searched For COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
11 CO_PARAM_VIEW_TRANS Procurement element change records "Changes executed" COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
12 CO_PARAM_VIEW_UNPROC Procurement element change records "Not processed" COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
13 CO_PARAM_VIEW_VERS Procurement element change rec. "Simulation order created" COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
14 CO_PARAM_VIEW_WO_PROV Initiating Object Records Without Procurement Elements COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
15 CO_PARAM_VIEW_WO_REF_PROV Init. Object Records for which no Proc. Elements were Found COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
16 CO_PARAM_VIEW_WO_SEARCH Init.Object Records: No Search Made for Procurement Elements COCM_CHOICE CHAR 
18 CO_PAROB Partner object in edited format J_OBJNR_ED CHAR 
19 CO_PAROB1 Partner object (always filled) in edited format J_OBJNR_ED CHAR 
20 CO_PAROB_UMB Reposting partner in prepared form J_OBJNR_ED CHAR 
21 CO_PAROPT Indicator: Optional parameter FLAG CHAR 
22 CO_PART Partner Type CHAR4 CHAR 
23 CO_PAR_A Partner Object Type J_OBART_LD CHAR 
24 CO_PAR_TYP Type of parameter CO_PAR_TYP CHAR 
25 CO_PASSW User password_ CHAR20 CHAR 
26 CO_PCKSZ PP-PI:_Maximum number of messages in a transmission INT4 INT4 
27 CO_PCOST Determine Plan Costs: 1/2/3 CO_PCOST CHAR 
28 CO_PEDD Forecast finish date of operation from confirmation DATUM DATS 
29 CO_PEDZ Forecast finish time of operation from confirmation ATIME TIMS 
30 CO_PENDD Outline finish of collective order (date) DATUM DATS 
31 CO_PENDT Outline finish time ATIME TIMS 
35 CO_PERNR Personnel number PERNR NUMC 
36 CO_PERSP Ind.: "Transaction is Relevant for CO Period Lock" XFELD CHAR 
37 CO_PGEBIET CO planning: Planning area (01=CstElem/ActvTyp inputs, ...) CO_PGEBIET CHAR 
38 CO_PHNR Phase number VORNR CHAR 
39 CO_PIARC Indicator: Archive PI Sheets/Work Instructions XFLAG CHAR 
40 CO_PIARCBG Indicator: Archive PI Sheets/Work Instructions in Background XFLAG CHAR 
41 CO_PIDEL Indicator: Delete PI Sheets/Work Instructions from Database XFLAG CHAR 
42 CO_PIDELBG Indicator:Delete Objects from Database in Background XFLAG CHAR 
43 CO_PIDISP Indicator: Display PI Sheets/Work Instructions from Archive XFLAG CHAR 
44 CO_PISTAT Status of the PI sheet CO_PISTAT CHAR 
45 CO_PIS_ARCH Status of PI Sheet: Archived FLAG CHAR 
46 CO_PIS_CANC Status of PI Sheet: Canceled FLAG CHAR 
47 CO_PIS_CLOSE Status of PI Sheet: To be Completed FLAG CHAR 
48 CO_PIS_COMPL Status of PI Sheet: Completed FLAG CHAR 
49 CO_PIS_DISC Status of PI Sheet: Discarded FLAG CHAR 
50 CO_PIS_HORIZON PI Sheet Time Horizon NUMC3 NUMC 
51 CO_PIS_INWORK Status of PI Sheet: In Process FLAG CHAR 
52 CO_PIS_NEW Status of PI Sheet: New FLAG CHAR 
53 CO_PIVIT Purely Iterative Price XFELD CHAR 
54 CO_PI_ADR Operator or group of operators processing a PI sheet CHAR32 CHAR 
55 CO_PI_POS Position of generated proc. instructions in the ctrl. recipe CO_PI_POS CHAR 
56 CO_PI_SORT Sequence of the process instructions at one position CO_PI_SORT NUMC 
57 CO_PKAPA Control confirmation procedure "Adjust remaining capacity" CO_RUPRZ CHAR 
58 CO_PKOSA Use Product Cost Collector as Cost Object XFELD CHAR 
59 CO_PKOST Control confirmation procedure "Calculate actual costs" CO_RUPRZ CHAR 
60 CO_PLAFKZ Indicator: Convert planned order with RSNUM CHAR1 CHAR 
61 CO_PLAUF Date for routing transfer DATUM DATS 
62 CO_PLAUL Routing selection CO_PLAUL CHAR 
63 CO_PLAUL_40 Master recipe selection CO_PLAUL CHAR 
64 CO_PLRAT Activity Price for Plan Allocation FLAG CHAR 
65 CO_PLTRM Indicator: Copy planned order scheduling KREUZ CHAR 
66 CO_PMODE Print mode (batch or online) CHAR1 CHAR 
67 CO_POBART Partner object type J_OBART CHAR 
68 CO_POBART_LD Partner Object Type J_OBART_LD CHAR 
69 CO_POBJ_24 Partner object (without activity type) CO_POBJ_24 CHAR 
71 CO_PODAT Expected debit date DATUM DATS 
72 CO_PODAT_B Expected debit date through DATUM DATS 
73 CO_PODAT_V Expected debit date from DATUM DATS 
74 CO_PORD_ARCHIVED Process or Production Order Has Been Archived XFELD CHAR 
75 CO_POSNR Order item number CO_POSNR NUMC 
76 CO_POSPRE Predecessor Item Number CO_POSNR NUMC 
77 CO_POSREF Reference Production Order POSNR NUMC 
78 CO_PRART Indicator: Check status only for material availability XFELD CHAR 
79 CO_PREDEF_CO Indicator of Marked Actual Costs Exists XFELD CHAR 
80 CO_PREDEF_GM Intended goods movements exist XFELD CHAR 
81 CO_PREVSTP Indicator: previous screen exists FLAG CHAR 
82 CO_PRFLG Checking sequence for business functions NUMC2 NUMC 
84 CO_PRKTX Description of the Destination-Specific Target Field TEXT40 CHAR 
85 CO_PRMBD Check with requirements CHAR1 CHAR 
86 CO_PROC Indicator for selecting process orders XFELD CHAR 
87 CO_PRODNET Indicator: Order is part of collective order KREUZ CHAR 
88 CO_PRODPRF Production Scheduling Profile CO_PRODPRF CHAR 
89 CO_PROFIL Profile for field selection CO_PROFIL CHAR 
90 CO_PROFIL_GR Profile for fields selection grouping criteria CO_PROFIL CHAR 
91 CO_PROFIL_SR Profile for field selection sort criteria CO_PROFIL CHAR 
92 CO_PROF_AA Profile for order headers order information system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
93 CO_PROF_BA Profile for items in order information system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
94 CO_PROF_BB Profile for sequences in order information system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
95 CO_PROF_BC Profile for confirmations header order information system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
96 CO_PROF_BE Profile document link order info system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
97 CO_PROF_CA Profile for operations order information system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
98 CO_PROF_CB Profile for goods movements with errors (header) CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
99 CO_PROF_CC Profile for goods movements header order information system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
100 CO_PROF_DA Profile for capacity rqmts. operation order info.system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
101 CO_PROF_DB Profile for sub-operations order info. system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
102 CO_PROF_DC Profile for trigger points order information system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
103 CO_PROF_DE Profile for components order information system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
104 CO_PROF_DF Profile for PRTs in order information system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
105 CO_PROF_DG Profile for operation confirmations in order info. system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
106 CO_PROF_DH Profile purchase requisition operation order info system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
107 CO_PROF_DI Profile purchase order operation order info system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
108 CO_PROF_DJ Profile document link order info system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
109 CO_PROF_DT Object profile - Order Information System CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
110 CO_PROF_EA Profile for indiv.cap. rqmts. operation order info.system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
111 CO_PROF_EB Profile for capacity rqmts.(sub-operation) order info system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
112 CO_PROF_EC Profile for confirmations (sub-operation) order info.system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
113 CO_PROF_ED Profile for goods movements with errors (operation) CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
114 CO_PROF_EE Profile for goods movements (operation) in order info.system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
115 CO_PROF_EF Profile purchase requisition sub-operation order info system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
116 CO_PROF_EG Profile purchase requisition sub-operation order info system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
117 CO_PROF_FA Profile for indiv.cap.rqmts.(sub-operation) order info.sys. CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
118 CO_PROF_FB Profile for goods movements with errors (sub-operation) CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
119 CO_PROF_FC Profile for confirmation of individual capacity reqs. (op.) CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
120 CO_PROF_FD Profile for goods movements - sub-op. order info system CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
121 CO_PROF_GA Profile for confirmation of individual cap. reqs. (sub-op.) CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
122 CO_PROF_GR Graphics profile for collective order CO_PROFIL CHAR 
123 CO_PROF_MM Profile documentation goods movements for order (AUFM) CO_PROF_DT CHAR 
124 CO_PROF_ST Order information sytem: overall profile CO_PROF_ST CHAR 
125 CO_PROTEXT Output of an extended log XFELD CHAR 
126 CO_PROTO Display detailed list of records copied? XFELD CHAR 
127 CO_PRT_SRC Specify way of determining output device CO_PRT_SRC CHAR 
128 CO_PRUEB Ind.: Copy Net Price from Requisition into Purchase Order KREUZ CHAR 
129 CO_PRUEFKZ Indicator: No material availability check XFELD CHAR 
130 CO_PRZALL Ind. Consider all Business Processes XFELD CHAR 
131 CO_PRZEQUAL Indicator: Reference Business Process Identical With Target XFELD CHAR 
132 CO_PRZGRU Indicator: Business Process Group XFELD CHAR 
133 CO_PRZNR Business Process CO_PRZNR CHAR 
134 CO_PRZNR_TO To Business Process Number CO_PRZNR CHAR 
135 CO_PRZONE Indicator: Specific Business Process XFELD CHAR 
136 CO_PRZST Control confirmation process CO_PRZST CHAR 
137 CO_PRZTX Text for process control for confirmation PRODPRF_TX CHAR 
138 CO_PRZTY Order category for controlling confirmation process CO_PRZTY NUMC 
139 CO_PSAMG Scrap quantity in item MENG13 QUAN 
140 CO_PSIKZ Classification By Primary (P) / Secondary (S) / Int.Act.A(I) CO_PSIKZ CHAR 
141 CO_PSMNG Order item quantity MENG13 QUAN 
142 CO_PSTARTD Outline start of collective network (date) DATUM DATS 
143 CO_PSTARTT Start time of a collective order ATIME TIMS 
144 CO_PSTEUS Control key check KREUZ CHAR 
146 CO_PVRGNG Ind.: Process period lock for plan transactions XFELD CHAR 
147 CO_PWAUS Control confirmation process "Backflushing" CO_RUPRZ CHAR 
148 CO_PWEIN Control confirmation procedure "Automatic goods receipt" CO_RUPRZ CHAR 
149 CO_PWERK Planning plant for the order WERKS CHAR 
150 CO_PZAEQ Base for step 2 as a percentage PROZV8 DEC 
151 CO_PZF Percentage of Fixed Quantities or Costs PROZV8 DEC 
152 CO_PZFS Percentage of fixed target costs/quantities PROZV8 DEC 
153 CO_PZGS Percentage of target costs/quantities PROZV8 DEC 
154 CO_PZPKT Time of confirmation procedure CO_RUPRZ CHAR 
155 CO_PZVS Percentage of variable target costs/quantities PROZV8 DEC 
156 CO_RATCP Price calculation: Cost component splitting active FLAG CHAR 
157 CO_RATMI Actual price calculation: Determination method CO_RATM NUMC 
158 CO_RATMP Plan price calculation: Determination method CO_RATMP NUMC 
159 CO_RAUFART Reference order type for print control AUFART CHAR 
160 CO_RBEST Category of Reference Purchase Order BELEGTYP NUMC 
161 CO_RCODE Return code for process messages from ext. systems CHAR2 CHAR 
162 CO_REFBA Document type of FI reference document BLART CHAR 
163 CO_REFBK Company code of FI document BUKRS CHAR 
164 CO_REFBN Reference Document Number BELNR CHAR 
165 CO_REFBT Document type of reference document BELTY CHAR 
166 CO_REFBTYP Reference document category (conversion exit; c.f. REFBTYP) BELEGTYP NUMC 
167 CO_REFBZ Posting row of reference document BUZEI NUMC 
168 CO_REFGJ Fiscal year of reference document GJAHR NUMC 
169 CO_REFID Key for text symbol CHAR30 CHAR 
170 CO_REFZN Number of item in reference document NUM3 NUMC 
171 CO_RELDT_F From release date DATUM DATS 
172 CO_RELDT_T To release date DATUM DATS 
176 CO_RELEASE_CTRL_ORDER_PI Release Control: Order - Process Order CO_RELEASE_CTRL_ORDER_PI CHAR 
177 CO_REPID Report to be used for printing PROGNAME CHAR 
178 CO_RESS Indicator: Secondary resources exist KREUZ CHAR 
180 CO_RFC_GRP RFC Server Group for Parallel Processing RZLLI_ACN CHAR 
181 CO_RGEKZ Indicator: Backflushing for order CO_RGEKZ CHAR 
182 CO_RKNOT Right node of a collective order AUFNR CHAR 
183 CO_RLINTYP Line category in variable lists for compl. confirmation RLINTYP CHAR 
184 CO_RLSTTYP List type of confirmation RLSTTYP CHAR 
185 CO_RMZHL Confirmation counter CIM_COUNT NUMC 
186 CO_ROLLUP Summarization CO_ROLLUP CHAR 
187 CO_ROUT_TEXT Indicator: Copy text from routing header XFELD CHAR 
188 CO_ROWMB Maximum portion size for parallel processes BUZEI NUMC 
189 CO_RPKTX Description of the Evaluation Version TEXT30 CHAR 
190 CO_RPRZNR Reference Business Process CO_PRZNR CHAR 
191 CO_RPSTR Evaluation version for process messages CO_RPSTR CHAR 
192 CO_RPTOOL Tool for process message evaluation CHAR4 CHAR 
193 CO_RTEXT Confirmation text TEXT40 CHAR 
194 CO_RUECK Completion confirmation number for the operation CO_RUECK NUMC 
195 CO_RUFHG Select confirmable operations XFELD CHAR 
196 CO_RUMNG Previously confirmed activity MENG13 QUAN 
197 CO_SATZA Record type for confirmation CO_SATZA CHAR 
198 CO_SAUFN Number of higher-level run schedule in the CO-PC hierarchy AUFNR CHAR 
199 CO_SAUFNR Number of the order to which you settle AUFNR CHAR 
200 CO_SAVEM Signature: save mode CO_SAVEM CHAR 
201 CO_SCFIX Fixed/variable indicator FLAG CHAR 
202 CO_SCHAEKZ Enter forecast values XFELD CHAR 
203 CO_SCHAETZ Forecast value used to update the standard value VGWRT QUAN 
204 CO_SCHED_ORIG Origin of scheduling dates CO_SCHED_ORIG CHAR 
206 CO_SCPRZ Splitting Method CO_SCPRZ CHAR 
208 CO_SCREEN Indicator: Display print layout KREUZ CHAR 
209 CO_SCREG Rule for Splitting Costs CO_SCREG CHAR 
210 CO_SCTYP Structure type CO_SCTYP CHAR 
211 CO_SCWICH Weighting Indicator FLAG CHAR 
212 CO_SCZUO Assignment CO_SCZUO CHAR 
213 CO_SDATB To selection date DATUM DATS 
214 CO_SDATV From selection date DATUM DATS 
215 CO_SEDAT Creation date of the process message DATUM DATS 
216 CO_SEKNZ Sender/Receiver Indicator BELKZ CHAR 
217 CO_SELART Processing Type (Subdivision of the Transactions) CO_SELART CHAR 
218 CO_SELBD Selection rule for process date evaluation CHAR49 CHAR 
219 CO_SELCHAR Indicator: Select process message characteristics FLAG CHAR 
220 CO_SELKZ Selection indicator for costing line items CK_SELKZ CHAR 
221 CO_SELPR Indicator: Selective printing CHAR1 CHAR 
222 CO_SEL_VAR Variant for order information system VARIANT CHAR 
223 CO_SEQ_CHG Sequence exchange manual/auto CO_SEQ_CHG CHAR 
224 CO_SET_AHA Indicator: Automatic char. value assignment in the PI sheet FLAG CHAR 
225 CO_SET_APO Indicator: Automatic char. value assignment in the order FLAG CHAR 
226 CO_SET_CHA Indicator: Char. value assignment using other characteristic FLAG CHAR 
227 CO_SET_DATE Set date to date given FLAG CHAR 
228 CO_SET_FIX Indicator: Characteristic value is fixed value FLAG CHAR 
229 CO_SET_NO Indicator: No char. value assignment FLAG CHAR 
230 CO_SET_VAR Indicator: Char. value assignment using variable FLAG CHAR 
231 CO_SEUZT Creation time of the process message UZEIT TIMS 
232 CO_SGTXT Segment text TEXT50 CHAR 
233 CO_SHIFT_DATE Shift date by given time period FLAG CHAR 
234 CO_SIGNASYN Ind.: Signature process is carried out asynchronously FLAG CHAR 
235 CO_SIGNCNT Signature counter CO_SIGNCNT NUMC 
236 CO_SKFOR Target Cost Formula FLAG CHAR 
237 CO_SLIST Print as individual lists KREUZ CHAR 
238 CO_SMATNR Sender material MATNR CHAR 
239 CO_SMNG13 Total activity to be confirmed MENG13 QUAN 
240 CO_SMNG_CH Quantity to be confirmed: activity type CHAR17 CHAR 
241 CO_SNDALL Indicator: Send message to all destinations or not at all XFLAG CHAR 
242 CO_SNGPR Indicator: Individual Processing XFLAG CHAR 
243 CO_SOBKZ_D Special stock indicator for dialog display CO_SOBKZ_D CHAR 
244 CO_SORTN Sort number NUM4 NUMC 
245 CO_SORTNR Sort number NUM2 NUMC 
246 CO_SORTSEL Sending of Process Messages: Sort on Database   CHAR 
247 CO_SOURCE Sender of the process message CHAR32 CHAR 
248 CO_SPALTE Logical Column: Corresponds to Message (Message Category) CO_SPALTE INT1 
249 CO_SPLIT CO session split P_CO_SPLIT CHAR 
250 CO_SPLVS Version for actual cost splitting according to target costs COVERSI CHAR 
251 CO_SPRZME Unit of measurement for confirmed business process qty MEINS UNIT 
252 CO_SPRZMG Quantity to confirm: Business process MENG13 QUAN 
253 CO_SRFLG Senders / Receivers FLAG CHAR 
254 CO_STABOR Indicator: Processing Status "Terminated" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
255 CO_STALL Indicator: all processing statuses DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
256 CO_STATE State for an object status CHAR12 CHAR 
257 CO_STATIS Indicator: LIS statistics are active CHAR1 CHAR 
258 CO_STATTXT State for an object status TEXT12 CHAR 
259 CO_STATUS Processing Status (CO Accrual Calculation, Overhead Rates) X CHAR 
260 CO_STATUS_OCM Processing Status of the OCM Process TEXT8 CHAR 
261 CO_STAUF BOM selection key CO_STAUF CHAR 
262 CO_STCANC Indicator: processing status "discarded" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
263 CO_STCREA Indicator: processing status "created" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
264 CO_STDOWN Indicator: Processing Status "Sent" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
265 CO_STEMPF Indicator: Processing status "Destination error" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
266 CO_STEP_1 Import data and calculate target costs TEXT50 CHAR 
267 CO_STEP_1B Import data and calculate target costs TEXT50 CHAR 
268 CO_STEP_1C Original object data TEXT50 CHAR 
269 CO_STEP_2 Split actual costs based on target values TEXT50 CHAR 
270 CO_STEP_2B Split actual costs based on target values TEXT50 CHAR 
271 CO_STEP_2C Processed Data TEXT50 CHAR 
272 CO_STEP_3 Split actual costs based on splitting rules TEXT50 CHAR 
273 CO_STEP_3B Split actual costs based on splitting rules TEXT50 CHAR 
274 CO_STEP_4 Variances Calculated TEXT50 CHAR 
275 CO_STEP_ID Screen ID controlling the screen sequence CHAR5 CHAR 
276 CO_STERRO Indicator: Processing Status "Terminated" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
277 CO_STERRO2 Indicator: Processing Status "Terminated" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
278 CO_STFINI Indicator: processing status "processed" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
279 CO_STFLG Identifier for reversal document FLAG CHAR 
280 CO_STINCL Indicator: processing status "message incomplete" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
281 CO_STINIT Indicator: Processing Status "To Be Sent" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
282 CO_STINIT2 Indicator: Processing Status "To Be Sent" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
283 CO_STOER Price Unit (Object Currency) NUM5 NUMC 
284 CO_STOFF Indicator: Material components allocated to operation/phase KREUZ CHAR 
285 CO_STOKZ Indicator: Document Has Been Reversed FLAG CHAR 
286 CO_STRAT Method for Determining the Tracing Factor for Settlement CO_STRAT NUMC 
287 CO_STRMP Start date of the planned order DATUM DATS 
288 CO_STRUMIL Copy structure with values XFELD CHAR 
289 CO_STRUONL Copy only structure without values XFELD CHAR 
290 CO_STSEND Indicator: Processing Status "Sent" FLAG CHAR 
291 CO_STSMA_HDR Status profile that is assigned to an order header J_STSMA CHAR 
292 CO_STTEMP Indicator: processing status "to be resubmittet" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
293 CO_STTXME System status of rental unit CHAR40 CHAR 
294 CO_STTXT System Status CHAR40 CHAR 
295 CO_STTXTU Field for user status display CHAR40 CHAR 
296 CO_STUFE CO-PC Hierarchy Level CO_STUFE NUMC 
297 CO_STWARN Inidcator: processing status "sent with warning" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
298 CO_STWTMP Indicator: processing status "to be resubmitted w/ warning" DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
299 CO_STZHL Confirmation counter of cancelled confirmation CIM_COUNT NUMC 
300 CO_ST_REFBN Document Number of Canceled Reference Document BELNR CHAR 
301 CO_SUBKEY CO key subnumber CO_SUBKEY CHAR 
302 CO_SUBNR Subnumber for grouping characteristics in CO CO_SUBNR NUMC 
303 CO_SUMBZ Number of posting lines for local objects BUZEI NUMC 
304 CO_SVERID Production version of sender material VERID CHAR 
305 CO_SWAER Sender Object Currency WAERS CUKY 
306 CO_SWELE Target element number CK_ELEMENT NUMC 
307 CO_SWERKS Plant of sender material WERKS CHAR 
308 CO_SWSMH Cost component splitting switching structure CO_SWSMH CHAR 
309 CO_TAB_MAX Maximum no. of table lines for repeated data requests NUM4 NUMC 
310 CO_TAB_MIN Minimum no. of table lines for repeated data requests NUM4 NUMC 
311 CO_TARKZ_I Indicator: Actual Allocation Price TARKZ CHAR 
312 CO_TASKNUM Number of work processes that are ready for processing INT4 INT4 
313 CO_TCODE Transaction in which printing is carried out TCODE CHAR 
314 CO_TECO_EXPLODE_NET Complete technically: Order network explosion CO_TECO_EXPLODE_NET CHAR 
315 CO_TEILNET Number of superior network AUFNR CHAR 
316 CO_TEXT_10 Text (10 Characters) TEXT10 CHAR 
317 CO_TM_FREI Indicator: Order is (partially) released CHAR1 CHAR 
318 CO_TM_TABG Indicator: Order is technically completed CHAR1 CHAR 
319 CO_TOL Result of Tolerance Valuation CO_TOL CHAR 
320 CO_TOPKSTRG Highest Cost Object in a Cost Object Hierarchy KSTRG CHAR 
321 CO_TPKTX Short Description of Process Instruction Type TEXT40 CHAR 
322 CO_TRANS_X Changes made XFELD CHAR 
323 CO_TRANS_X1 Changes made TEXT8 CHAR 
324 CO_TSPALTE Table column in the PI sheet CO_TSPALTE NUMC 
325 CO_TXTRF Indicator: Characteristic value is long text FLAG CHAR 
326 CO_TYP_CAGR Currency Type for Controlling Area, Group Valuation CURTP CHAR 
327 CO_TYP_CALG Currency Type for Controlling Area CURTP CHAR 
328 CO_TYP_CAPC Currency Type for Controlling Area, Profit Center Valuation CURTP CHAR 
329 CO_TYP_CCGR Company Code Currency: Group Valuation CURTP CHAR 
330 CO_TYP_CCLG Currency Type of Company Code CURTP CHAR 
331 CO_TYP_CCPC Currency Type for The Company Code, Profit Center Valuation CURTP CHAR 
332 CO_TYP_GRGR Currency Type for Corporation, Group Valuation CURTP CHAR 
333 CO_TYP_GRLG Currency Type for Corporation CURTP CHAR 
334 CO_TYP_GRPC Currency Type of Corporation, Profit Center Valuation CURTP CHAR 
335 CO_TZTSTMPS Time Stamp for the Creation of an Initiating Object Record TZNTSTMPS DEC 
336 CO_UAUFN Number of the Higher-Level Order in the CO-PC Hierarchy AUFNR CHAR 
337 CO_UEBLI Check overdelivery tolerance in order CO_UEBLI CHAR 
338 CO_UKSTR CO-PC: Higher-level cost object KSTRG CHAR 
339 CO_UMATN Number of the higher-level material in the CO-PC hierarchy MATNR CHAR 
340 CO_UMSKZ Indicator: Collective conversion of planned orders CHAR1 CHAR 
341 CO_UOART Object Type of the Higher-Level Object in CO-PC Hierarchy CO_OBART CHAR 
342 CO_UOM Indicator: Display unit of measure for input value FLAG CHAR 
343 CO_UPDATE Reset/overwrite data (X), or do not change ( ) BOOLE CHAR 
344 CO_UPDFL Update flag XFELD CHAR 
345 CO_UPD_CONF Confirmation Created/Cancelled X CHAR 
346 CO_UPTER Indicator: Change to Scheduled Dates CHAR1 CHAR 
347 CO_USER User name UNAME CHAR 
348 CO_USE_WCP Indicator: Use work center printer XFLAG CHAR 
349 CO_USNAM Name of user USNAM CHAR 
350 CO_USPOB Origin object (cost center / activity type) J_OBJNR_ED CHAR 
351 CO_USP_A Type of origin object J_OBART_LD CHAR 
352 CO_USRNAME User name TEXT120 CHAR 
353 CO_UTASK Indicator: Background print KREUZ CHAR 
354 CO_UWERK Number of the higher-level plant in the CO-PC hierarchy WERKS CHAR 
355 CO_VAART CO Settlement: Processing type CO_VAART CHAR 
356 CO_VALDT Special Valuation Date for Cost Accounting DATUM DATS 
358 CO_VAL_ASS PI assistant: type of value assignment CO_VAL_ASS CHAR 
359 CO_VARI Break down group hierarchy CHAR1 CHAR 
360 CO_VARIANT Selection variant RALDB_VARI CHAR 
361 CO_VARIANT_BP Selection Variant, Business Process Master Data RALDB_VARI CHAR 
362 CO_VARIANT_KA Select Variant: Cost Element Master Data RALDB_VARI CHAR 
363 CO_VARIANT_KL Selection Variant: Activity Type Master Data RALDB_VARI CHAR 
364 CO_VARIANT_KS Selection Variant: Cost Centers Master Data RALDB_VARI CHAR 
365 CO_VARNAME Name of the variable ATWRT CHAR 
366 CO_VARNR CO actual postings fast input: Variant VARNR_021F CHAR 
367 CO_VAR_SRC Variable name whose value is transferred CHAR30 CHAR 
368 CO_VAR_TGT Name of the variable to which value is transferred CHAR30 CHAR 
369 CO_VAR_VAL Indicator: Char. value assignment using variable FLAG CHAR 
370 CO_VBELN Sales Order CHAR10 CHAR 
371 CO_VBELN_POSNR Sales Order Item NUMC6 NUMC 
372 CO_VBFORM Form routine of the print program CHAR30 CHAR 
373 CO_VERANB COPC Area of Responsibility CO_VERANB CHAR 
374 CO_VERAP Person Responsible VERAK CHAR 
375 CO_VERDOP Standard cumulation operation for XXL CO_VEROP CHAR 
376 CO_VERID CO-PC Hierarchy: Version ID of the Higher-Level Object VERID CHAR 
377 CO_VERKZ Indicator: input/output side CO_VERKZ CHAR 
378 CO_VERS_X Simulation Order Created XFELD CHAR 
379 CO_VERS_X1 Simulation Order Created TEXT8 CHAR 
380 CO_VFMNG Committed quantity for order acc. to ATP check components MENG13 QUAN 
381 CO_VFVG Business function (for availability check) CO_VFVG CHAR 
382 CO_VIEW_CA FI-CA Placeholder for Contract Overview O2PAGEEXT CHAR 
383 CO_VINDEX Variable index NUMC4 NUMC 
384 CO_VISPH Number of Phases Displayed in a PI Sheet CO_VISPH NUMC 
385 CO_VKEY Indicator: line characteristic XFELD CHAR 
386 CO_VMENG Committed quantity MENGV13 QUAN 
387 CO_VNAME Person Responsible for the Controlling Area XUBNAME CHAR 
388 CO_VOGRP_LOCK Block indicator for the RKOSTAT2 conversion program   CHAR 
389 CO_VONPE Posting period POPER NUMC 
390 CO_VORGA Process instruction category CO_COSTR CHAR 
391 CO_VORGANG CO Business Transaction J_VORGANG CHAR 
392 CO_VORGNG1 CO Business Transaction CO_VORGNG1 CHAR 
393 CO_VORLAGE Reference (data copied from here) XFLAG CHAR 
394 CO_VORNR Operation/phase number VORNR CHAR 
395 CO_VPKAPA Indicator check capacity availability XFELD CHAR 
396 CO_VPKAPAT Indicator: Do not check capacity availability XFELD CHAR 
397 CO_VRGNGKZ Transaction Indicator: Transaction Allowed for Version? YNFLG CHAR 
398 CO_VRG_TXT Name of CO transaction TEXT30 CHAR 
399 CO_VSTEP Processing step NUMC01 NUMC 
400 CO_VTASK Indicator: Print in update task KREUZ CHAR 
401 CO_VTEXT CO transaction text TEXT30 CHAR 
402 CO_VTYPE Processing Type NUMC2 NUMC 
403 CO_WAFLG Indicator for CO Area and/or Object Currency CHAR1 CHAR 
404 CO_WARNUNG State of processing: X = invalid value XFLAG CHAR 
406 CO_WEAE Indicator: Goods receipt indicator can be changed XFELD CHAR 
407 CO_WEMNG Quantity of goods received for the order item MENG13 QUAN 
409 CO_WERT Order value in document currency WERT7 CURR 
410 CO_WIPBACT Activity Confirmation WIP Batch TV_IMAGE CHAR 
413 CO_WIPBMAT Material of WIP Batch MATNR CHAR 
414 CO_WIPBMAT_REF Material of Reference WIP Batch MATNR CHAR 
416 CO_WIPBPLNT_REF Plant of Reference WIP Batch WERKS CHAR 
417 CO_WIPBSPLITS Number of Splits to Create WIP Batch   NUMC 
418 CO_WIPBTYPE Type of Batch in WIP Batch Management CO_WIPBTYPE CHAR 
419 CO_WIPBTYPE_TXT Name of WIP Batch Type CHAR50 CHAR 
420 CO_WIPB_ATEVAL Char. Value Assignment for Target/Actual Compar. WIP Batch CO_TOL CHAR 
421 CO_WIPB_CPCONF Indicator for Adoption of Conf. in Batch Classification CO_WIPB_CPCONF CHAR 
422 CO_WIPB_FLG_AT Display of WIP Batch for Item in Target/Actual Comparison XFELD CHAR 
423 CO_WIPB_FLG_GIBATCH Indicator for Assigned Goods Issue Batches XFELD CHAR 
424 CO_WIPB_FLG_GM Indicator: Goods Movement for a WIP Batch XFELD CHAR 
425 CO_WIPB_FLG_GRBATCH Indictor for Finished Batches XFELD CHAR 
426 CO_WIPB_FLG_OB Indicator for Original Batches XFELD CHAR 
427 CO_WIPB_FLG_POS Indicator for WIP Batches with Item Reference XFELD CHAR 
428 CO_WIPB_LVL WIP Batch Level NUMC03 NUMC 
429 CO_WIPB_LVL_PRE Predecessor WIP Batch Level NUMC03 NUMC 
430 CO_WIPB_MATPRE_TXT Short Text for Material of Predecessor Batch TEXT40 CHAR 
431 CO_WIPB_MAT_TXT Material Short Text for WIP Batch TEXT40 CHAR 
432 CO_WIPB_OBTYPE Type of Original Batch CO_WIPB_OBTYPE CHAR 
433 CO_WIPB_ORD Order Number at Time of Creation of WIP Batch AUFNR CHAR 
434 CO_WIPB_ORDER Order Number of Assignment Target of WIP Batch AUFNR CHAR 
435 CO_WIPB_PREB_BATCH Predecessor Batch CHARG CHAR 
436 CO_WIPB_PREB_EXIST Indicator: Predecessor Batch Exists XFELD CHAR 
437 CO_WIPB_PREB_MAT Material of Predecessor Batch MATNR CHAR 
438 CO_WIPB_PREB_PLNT Plant of Predecessor Batch WERKS CHAR 
439 CO_WIPB_XWIPB Indicator: Movement Type Allows WIP Batches XFELD CHAR 
440 CO_WKFIA Total split fixed costs (Step 2) WERTV8 CURR 
441 CO_WKFIG Split fixed costs (Step 1) WERTV8 CURR 
442 CO_WKFIGR Split receiver-fixed costs (Step 1) WERTV8 CURR 
443 CO_WKFIGS Split sender fixed costs (Step 1) WERTV8 CURR 
444 CO_WKFIV Allocated Actual Fixed Costs WERTV8 CURR 
445 CO_WKGFIXVO Distributed Costs From Predistribution of Fixed Costs WERTV8 CURR 
446 CO_WKGIA Split costs (Step 2) WERTV8 CURR 
447 CO_WKGIG Total split costs (Step 1) WERTV8 CURR 
448 CO_WKGIGU Split costs not apportioned (Step 1) WERTV8 CURR 
449 CO_WKGIV Allocated Actual Costs WERTV8 CURR 
450 CO_WKVIA Actual variable costs (Step 2) WERTV8 CURR 
451 CO_WKVIG Split variable costs (Step 1) WERTV8 CURR 
452 CO_WKVIV Allocated Actual Variable Costs WERTV8 CURR 
453 CO_WPDFX Indicator: Include Fixed Cost Predistribution FLAG CHAR 
454 CO_WRTKZ Indicator: Characteristic value assigned XFELD CHAR 
456 CO_WSGXXX Total value in sender currency WERTV8 CURR 
457 CO_WSMEF Value computation type for planned fixed quantity WSWTE CHAR 
458 CO_WSMEG Value computation type for total planned qty WSWTE CHAR 
459 CO_WSMEV Valuation type for variable plan quantity WSWTE CHAR 
460 CO_WSWKF Valuation type for planned fixed costs WSWTE CHAR 
461 CO_WSWKG Value computation type for total planned costs WSWTE CHAR 
462 CO_WSWKV Valuation type for plan variable costs WSWTE CHAR 
463 CO_WTKAT Value Cat.: Actual(A) /Plan(P) /Budget(B) / Commitment(C) CO_WTKAT CHAR 
464 CO_XALLPST Copy all actual postings BOOLE CHAR 
465 CO_XCOEJ Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COEJ" XFELD CHAR 
466 CO_XCOEJL Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COEJL" XFELD CHAR 
467 CO_XCOEJR Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COEJR" XFELD CHAR 
468 CO_XCOEJT Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COEJT" XFELD CHAR 
469 CO_XCOEP Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COEP" XFELD CHAR 
470 CO_XCOEPB Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COEPB" XFELD CHAR 
471 CO_XCOEPL Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COEPL" XFELD CHAR 
472 CO_XCOEPR Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COEPR" XFELD CHAR 
473 CO_XCOEPT Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COEPT" XFELD CHAR 
474 CO_XCOFP Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COFP" XFELD CHAR 
475 CO_XCOOI Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COOI" XFELD CHAR 
476 CO_XCOSP Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COSP" XFELD CHAR 
477 CO_XCOSS Ind.: "Transaction Writes in COSS" XFELD CHAR 
478 CO_XDRUCK Indicator: Print list KREUZ CHAR 
479 CO_XFELD Indicator (radio button) BOOLE CHAR 
480 CO_XGSBER Indicator: Account assignment business area has priority XFELD CHAR 
481 CO_XMKM Message characteristic on X axis ATNAM CHAR 
482 CO_XPARVAL Variable name for changing parameters CHAR30 CHAR 
483 CO_XSELPST Select actual data to be copied BOOLE CHAR 
484 CO_XSTAT Statistical Object Indicator BOOLE CHAR 
485 CO_YMKM Message characteristic on Y axis ATNAM CHAR 
486 CO_YRATE Price Calculation with Period-Based Average Prices XFELD CHAR 
487 CO_ZDETA Call up detail screen to enter actual times XFELD CHAR 
488 CO_ZEILE Table line in the PI sheet CO_ZEILE NUMC 
489 CO_ZHLDT_B Payment date until which selection is to be made (incl.) DATUM DATS 
490 CO_ZHLDT_V Payment date from which selection is to be made (incl.) DATUM DATS 
491 CO_ZIEL Target (to which data is transferred) XFLAG CHAR 
492 CO_ZMKM Message characteristic on Z axis ATNAM CHAR 
493 CO_ZUSATZ Processing Control (Further Criteria) XFLAG CHAR 
495 CO_ZUSCHNITT Cutting measures exist XFELD CHAR 
496 CO_ZUSTXT Indicator: Additional component text XFELD CHAR 
497 CPABEFZ Calculated cumulative quantity received by customer MENGV15 QUAN 
498 CPACTDATE Date change pointer activated DATUM DATS 
499 CPACTION Text for Screen 3000 TEXT30 CHAR 
500 CPACTTIME Activation time of a change pointer CPACTTIME CHAR