SAP ABAP Data Element - Index C, page 134
- C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 C-7 C-8 C-9 C-10 C-11 C-12 C-13 C-14 C-15 C-16 C-17 C-18 C-19 C-20 C-21 C-22 C-23 C-24 C-25 C-26 C-27 C-28 C-29 C-30 C-31 C-32 C-33 C-34 C-35 C-36 C-37 C-38 C-39 C-40 C-41 C-42 C-43 C-44 C-45 C-46 C-47 C-48 C-49 C-50 C-51 C-52 C-53 C-54 C-55 C-56 C-57 C-58 C-59 C-60 C-61 C-62 C-63 C-64 C-65 C-66 C-67 C-68 C-69 C-70 C-71 C-72 C-73 C-74 C-75 C-76 C-77 C-78 C-79 C-80 C-81 C-82 C-83 C-84 C-85 C-86 C-87 C-88 C-89 C-90 C-91 C-92 C-93 C-94 C-95 C-96 C-97 C-98 C-99 C-100 C-101 C-102 C-103 C-104 C-105 C-106 C-107 C-108 C-109 C-110 C-111 C-112 C-113 C-114 C-115 C-116 C-117 C-118 C-119 C-120 C-121 C-122 C-123 C-124 C-125 C-126 C-127 C-128 C-129 C-130 C-131 C-132 C-133 C-134 C-135 C-136 C-137 C-138
Data Element - C
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | CUDCL | Customs declaration type for customs processing in FT | CUDCL | CHAR |
2 | CUDRF | Number of screen for copying from reference | DYNNR | CHAR |
3 | CUDYN | Screen module no. 1 - detail screen 0300 SAPLCUCO | DYNNR | CHAR |
4 | CUDYN2 | Screen module number 2 - detail screen 0300 SAPLCUCO | DYNNR | CHAR |
5 | CUDYN3 | Screen module number 3 - detail screen 0300 SAPLCUCO | DYNNR | CHAR |
6 | CUENT | Type of Goods Identity Seal in Foreign Trade/Customs | CUENT | CHAR |
7 | CUEQUI | Configured Equipment Exists for Material | XFELD | CHAR |
8 | CUEVALIND | Counter for value assignment alternative | CUEVALIND | NUMC |
9 | CUFACT | Fact number in DDB (transaction data for configuration) | NUMC8 | NUMC |
10 | CUFCT_BF | Customer Function Module | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
11 | CUFDOCTYPE | Key for Document Types | CHAR5 | CHAR |
12 | CUFEE | Duty types for electr. procedures in Foreign Trade/Customs | CUFEE | CHAR |
13 | CUFEG | Duty group (additions, deductions) for electr. procedures | CUFEG | CHAR |
14 | CUFLAG1 | CU: Only Information Transferred from SCE to Configuration | CUFLAG1 | CHAR |
15 | CUFLD | Field with currency unit/unit of measure | FDNAME | CHAR |
16 | CUF_SOL_KEY | Solution Key | BBP_CUF_SOL_KEY | CHAR |
17 | CUF_SOL_TYPE | Key Field Type | CUF_SOL_TYPE | CHAR |
18 | CUF_VALUE | Value of Customer Fields | CUF_VALUE | CHAR |
19 | CUGEN_CHARACTERISTIC_NAME | Characteristic Name | CHAR40 | CHAR |
20 | CUGEN_VALUE_EXT | Characteristic Value | CHAR40 | CHAR |
21 | CUHAZ | Additions / Deductions for electr. procedures in Customs | CUHAZ | CHAR |
22 | CUIB_ASSTYP | CUIB: Assgmt Type - Component (Instance) to Char. Value | CUIB_ASSTYP | CHAR |
23 | CUIB_AUT | CUIB: Justification | CUIB_AUT | CHAR |
24 | CUIB_CBASE | CUIB: System-Dependent CBase Reference | CUOBJ | NUMC |
26 | CUIB_CBASE_STATUS | CUIB: Overall Configuration Status | CHAR2 | CHAR |
27 | CUIB_CUOBJ | CUIB: System-Dependent Configuration Reference | CUOBJ | NUMC |
28 | CUIB_IBINTTYP | CUIB: Internal Type of Referencing Object | NUM4 | NUMC |
29 | CUIB_IBTYP | CUIB: Type of Installation | CHAR | |
30 | CUIB_INSTANCEOBJECT | CUIB: Component Scheduling | CHAR | |
31 | CUIB_INST_STATUS | Component Status (Instance) from Configuration Perspective | CHAR2 | CHAR |
32 | CUIB_KBID | CUIB Data Element for SCEKB-KBID | NUMC6 | NUMC |
33 | CUIB_LANGUAGE | CUIB Language for Characteristic Value Assignment | SPRAS | LANG |
34 | CUIB_OBART | CUIB: Object Type | J_OBART | CHAR |
35 | CUIB_OBJKEY | CUIB: Key of Referencing Object | CHAR50 | CHAR |
36 | CUIB_OBJTYP | CUIB: External Type of (Referencing) Object | CHAR10 | CHAR |
37 | CUIB_OBJTYP_INSTANCE | CUIB: Object Type of Component Scheduling | CHAR | |
38 | CUIB_PERSISTENT_ID | CUIB: External ID of Instance (Persistent) | CHAR32 | CHAR |
40 | CUIB_RECNO | CUIB: Unique Record Number | SYSUUID_22 | CHAR |
41 | CUIB_SEGMCNT | CUIB: Counter for Characteristic Values and Domains | NUM4 | NUMC |
42 | CUIB_SYMID | CUIB: Numeric Identifier of a Symbol | NUMC12 | NUMC |
43 | CUIB_VALCOD | CUIB: Interval Limits | CUIB_VALCOD | CHAR |
44 | CUIND | ATP: Indicator for configuration | CUIND | CHAR |
45 | CUINK | Inconsistent configuration | XFELD | CHAR |
46 | CUINP | Input | CHAR1 | CHAR |
47 | CUINQR | Organizational area inquiry - sales and distrib. | XFELD | CHAR |
48 | CUINRQ | Organizational area planning | XFELD | CHAR |
49 | CUINST | Instance number within DDB (configuration) | NUMC8 | NUMC |
50 | CUJPROT | Pushbutton for accessing interface log | XFELD | CHAR |
51 | CUJPVAL | Go to table maintenance | XFELD | CHAR |
52 | CUKDSDT | Display Last Change to Table Contents | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | CUKDSET | Sales order (SET) | XFELD | CHAR |
54 | CUKD_BOMOB | BOM item object | CHAR36 | CHAR |
55 | CUKD_BOMOK | BOM object | CHAR36 | CHAR |
56 | CUKD_EXTROW | Row Number | NUMC10 | NUMC |
57 | CUKD_FHKTX | Description of the production resource/tool | TEXT40 | CHAR |
58 | CUKD_FHMAR | Production resource/tool category | CHAR1 | CHAR |
59 | CUKD_FHMNR | Production resource/tool number | CHAR33 | CHAR |
60 | CUKD_FLGTEXT | Sequence description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
61 | CUKD_HEADL | Header line in a universal list | CHAR83 | CHAR |
62 | CUKD_KMPTX | Component description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
63 | CUKD_KTEXT1 | Short text 1 | TEXT40 | CHAR |
64 | CUKD_KTXT40 | Work center description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
65 | CUKD_OBKTX | Object description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
66 | CUKD_OBTSP | Object type, language-dependent value | CHAR1 | CHAR |
67 | CUKD_PLNAL | Group counter | CHAR2 | CHAR |
68 | CUKD_PLNNR | Key for task list group | CHAR8 | CHAR |
69 | CUKD_PSNFH | Item number for production resource/tool | NUMC4 | NUMC |
70 | CUKD_SPEC_NO | Number of a set of model service specifications | CHAR10 | CHAR |
71 | CUKD_SPOSN | BOM item number | CHAR4 | CHAR |
72 | CUKD_SRVPOS | Service number | ASNUM | CHAR |
73 | CUKD_STALT | Alternative BOM | CHAR2 | CHAR |
74 | CUKD_STLAN | BOM usage | CHAR1 | CHAR |
75 | CUKD_WTEXT | Plant description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
76 | CUKNOBJ | Dependencies Exist for Configuration Parameters | XFELD | CHAR |
77 | CUKNTYPE | Origin of assigned values in configuration | CHAR2 | CHAR |
78 | CUKOA | Configurable Object is a Condition Type | X | CHAR |
79 | CUKWT_F05A | Currency Key | WAERS | CUKY |
80 | CUKY52 | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
81 | CULDP | Date of last sick pay - current employer | DATUM | DATS |
82 | CULFD | Sequence number | NUM3 | NUMC |
83 | CULIPS | Configured Deliveries | XFELD | CHAR |
84 | CULL_CONFIG_TYPE | Configuration Type | CULL_CONFIG_TYPE | CHAR |
85 | CULL_GEN_INSTANCE_NR | CULL: Low-Level Instance | INT4 | INT4 |
86 | CULL_GEN_RESULT | Result of Dependency Evaluation | CULL_GEN_RESULT | CHAR |
87 | CULL_TRACE_ACTIVE | Trace Active | XFELD | CHAR |
88 | CULL_TRACE_PROCEDURE_ACTIVE | Trance Procedures Active | XFELD | CHAR |
89 | CULL_TRACE_SELCOND_ACTIVE | Trace Selection Conditions Active | XFELD | CHAR |
90 | CULNPOS | Variant table item number | CULNPOS | NUMC |
91 | CULNPOS_CL | Variant table item number | CULNPOS_CL | NUMC |
92 | CULNSRT | Internal sorting of variant table item | CULNSRT | NUMC |
93 | CUMARC | Configured Materials | XFELD | CHAR |
94 | CUMARCV | Configured Planning Materials Exist | XFELD | CHAR |
95 | CUMAT | Object is a Material | X | CHAR |
96 | CUMATRS | Availability Check | XFELD | CHAR |
97 | CUMHK | Characteristic Origin | CHAR1 | CHAR |
98 | CUMIG_KNOW_SOURCE_LINE | Source Line of Knowledge Code in Editor Format | CHAR | |
99 | CUMONTE | Manual changes to components allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
100 | CUMONTF | Assembly Order | XFELD | CHAR |
101 | CUMPT | Cumulation Procedure | CUMPT | CHAR |
102 | CUMRULE | Cumulation rule for bases for calculating average values | CHAR4 | CHAR |
103 | CUMSDAT | Date for Selection of Goods Receipts | CHAR1 | CHAR |
104 | CUMSRESET | Reset Agreed Cumulative Quantity | CHAR1 | CHAR |
105 | CUMSSET | Set Agreed Cumulative Quantity | CHAR1 | CHAR |
106 | CUMSTESTL | Set/Reset Agreed Cumulative Quantity as Test Run | XFELD | CHAR |
107 | CUMSWBZRP | Take GR-Based Invoice Verification Into Account | XFELD | CHAR |
108 | CUMTEXT | Text on cumulation rules for average bases | TEXT80 | CHAR |
109 | CUMTP | Cumulation rule for bases for calculating average values | NUM02 | NUMC |
110 | CUMTYTX | Calendar type - name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
111 | CUMULATIVE | BSI: Cumulative payment | NUM1 | NUMC |
112 | CUM_SPLIT_QTY_CURR_PER | Cum. Split Qty of Subsequent Reporting Pts (Current Period) | MENG13V | QUAN |
113 | CUM_SPLIT_QTY_PREV_PER | Cum. Split Qty of Subsequent Reporting Pts (Prev. Periods) | MENG13V | QUAN |
114 | CUM_XFIELD | Choose field for which values should be cumulated | XFELD | CHAR |
115 | CUNAM | Table and field name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
116 | CUNET | Object is a Standard Network | XFELD | CHAR |
117 | CUOBACT | Indicator: object is active for configuration | XFELD | CHAR |
118 | CUOBJ | Configuration (internal object number) | CUOBJ | NUMC |
119 | CUOBJNUM | CUOBJ counter | INT4 | INT4 |
120 | CUOBJ_BM | Internal object no.: Batch classification | CUOBJ | NUMC |
121 | CUOBJ_CH | Internal object number of the batch classification | CUOBJ | NUMC |
122 | CUOBJ_VA | Configuration | CUOBJ | NUMC |
123 | CUOBM | Internal object number | CUOBJ | NUMC |
124 | CUOBN | Key of Object to be Classified | CUOBN | CHAR |
125 | CUOBOM_POS_STATU | Change status of an item in the order BOM | CUOBOM_POS_STATU | CHAR |
126 | CUOBV | Internal object number of configurable material for planning | CUOBJ | NUMC |
127 | CUOFF | Offset | NUM3 | NUMC |
128 | CUOPE | Operator | CHAR3 | CHAR |
129 | CUOTA | Deduction for union fees | XFELD | CHAR |
130 | CUOV_VAR | Variable name in function call (object dependencies) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
131 | CUOWNER | Item Owner (Responsible Person) | XUBNAME | CHAR |
132 | CUPAKKTXT | Customer Usage Software Component | CHAR | |
133 | CUPALETXT | Techn. Release of a Software-Komponentenversion | CHAR | |
134 | CUPAR | Package type for electr. procedures in Foreign Trade | CUPAR | CHAR |
135 | CUPBKO | Planned Independent Reqmts Exist for Configurable Material | XFELD | CHAR |
136 | CUPB_INDEX | Table Index | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
137 | CUPB_REF_OBJECT | Reference Object in Dependency Parser | CHAR8 | CHAR |
138 | CUPB_RESULT | Result of Syntax Check | CHAR1 | CHAR |
139 | CUPB_TERM_TYPE | Type of Term in Dependency Parser | CHAR8 | CHAR |
140 | CUPDW | Number of weeks of sick pay - current employer | DEC3_4 | DEC |
141 | CUPID | Technical Name of Measurement Item | CHAR | |
142 | CUPLFERT | Planned/Production Order | XFELD | CHAR |
143 | CUPMNTCNET | Type of dependency net: constraint net | XFELD | CHAR |
144 | CUPMNTRNET | Type of dependency net: rule net | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | CUPMSEGM | Internal key of a dependency net | CUPMSEGM | NUMC |
146 | CUPMSEGMID | Description of a dependency net | CHAR30 | CHAR |
147 | CUPMSEGTYP | Type of PMS segment (constraint net) | CUPMSEGTYP | CHAR |
148 | CUPOS | Position cursor on this field | CUPOS | CHAR |
149 | CUPPATCHLEVEL | Patch-Level | CHAR | |
150 | CUPRFID | Configuration Profile Name | CUPRFID | CHAR |
151 | CUPRO | Electr. procedures in Foreign Trade/Customs | CUPRO | CHAR |
152 | CUPROD | Production organizational area | XFELD | CHAR |
153 | CUPRRES | Automatic Fixing | XFELD | CHAR |
155 | CUPSPNAME | Support Package Name | CHAR | |
156 | CUPS_NUMC4 | Componentization: NUMC4 data element | NUMC4 | NUMC |
157 | CUPS_NUMC8 | Componentization: NUMC8 Data Element | NUMC8 | NUMC |
158 | CUPURC | Purchasing organizational area | XFELD | CHAR |
159 | CUQOB | Argument for object to be configured | CUQOB | CHAR |
160 | CUQUOT | Organizational area quotations - sales and distribution | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | CURCONV | Usage for currency rounds | WERTV8 | CURR |
162 | CURCY | Currency Key | WAERS | CUKY |
163 | CURCYRL_T | Converted Transferred Original Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
164 | CURCY_T | Transferred Currency Converted | WAERS | CUKY |
165 | CURC_NEW | New currency | WAERS | CUKY |
166 | CURC_OLD | Old currency | WAERS | CUKY |
167 | CURDECCHAR | Number of decimal places for currency (characters) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
168 | CURDT | Type of Translation Date | CURDT | CHAR |
169 | CURESB | Indicator That Configured Reservations Exist | XFELD | CHAR |
170 | CURFIELD | Cursor field | CHAR132 | CHAR |
171 | CURFLAG | Char. type: single-val(0), restrictable(1), multiple-val(2) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
172 | CURHA | Currency key of the hard currency | WAERS | CUKY |
173 | CURIN | Currency Key of the Index-Based Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
174 | CURISO_T | Transferred Currency (ISO Code) | ISOCD | CHAR |
175 | CURKY | Currency Key | CHAR7 | CHAR |
176 | CURNO | Number of the Local Currency | NUM01 | NUMC |
177 | CURNO_FPM | Sequential Number | NUMC12 | NUMC |
178 | CURODPUN | Material re-order point | MENG13 | QUAN |
179 | CURODVAL | Material's order value | WERT11 | CURR |
180 | CURODVOL | Material order volume | MENG13 | QUAN |
181 | CURODWGT | Material order weight | MENG13 | QUAN |
182 | CUROW | Cursor position (line) | NUM2 | NUMC |
183 | CURR09 | Currency amount, field length 9 | WERT5 | CURR |
184 | CURR1 | Currency key of currency 2 | WAERS | CUKY |
185 | CURR1TXT | Name of the second currency | CHAR60 | CHAR |
186 | CURR2 | Currency key of currency 3 | WAERS | CUKY |
187 | CURR2TXT | Name of the third currency | CHAR60 | CHAR |
188 | CURR3 | Currency key of currency 4 | WAERS | CUKY |
189 | CURR3TXT | Name of the third currency | CHAR60 | CHAR |
190 | CURR4TXT | Name of the second currency | CHAR60 | CHAR |
191 | CURR7 | Currency field (7 char.) | WERTV4 | CURR |
192 | CURRA | Planned currency for bank accounts/bank clearing accounts | WAERS | CUKY |
193 | CURRD | Planned currency for subledger accounts | WAERS | CUKY |
194 | CURRDEC | Number of decimal places | CURRDEC | INT1 |
195 | CURRDEC_N | Number of Decimal Places | NUMC03 | NUMC |
196 | CURRDNO | Number of Current Data Segment | INT4 | INT4 |
197 | CURRENCY | Currency Key | WAERS | CUKY |
198 | CURRENCY1034 | CURRENCY1034 | CURRENCY1034 | CHAR |
199 | CURRENCYISO | Currency (Acc. To ISO Standard) | ISOCD | CHAR |
200 | CURRENCYSAP | Currency (SAP-Internal) | WAERS | CUKY |
201 | CURRENCY_CODE | Proxy Datenelement (generiert) | CHAR | |
202 | CURRENCY_CODE16 | Code | CHAR | |
203 | CURRENT | Default Object Type for This Authorization Object | J_OBART | CHAR |
204 | CURRENTNO | Last used Range No | CHAR10 | CHAR |
205 | CURRENTUSE_ALV | Current Use as a Percentage | DEC | |
206 | CURRENTVALUE | Current Value of the postfix | RANGE_LOWERLIMIT | CHAR |
207 | CURRENT_PER | Also take current period into account | CHAR1 | CHAR |
208 | CURRENT_PERIOD_VERSION | Current period version | NUMC2 | NUMC |
209 | CURRFCVER_DELE | Current forecast version | COVERSI | CHAR |
210 | CURRFCYR_DELE | Year of current forecast | GJAHR | NUMC |
211 | CURRGLOBAL | Currency key at ledger/global company level | XFELD | CHAR |
212 | CURRGTEST | Perform test run | XFELD | CHAR |
213 | CURRHILF | IS-M/SD: Additional Payment | CHAR11 | CHAR |
214 | CURRJ | Fiscal Year Valid on Calendar Day | GJAHR | NUMC |
215 | CURRKEY | Class of the currency key used | CURRKEY | CHAR |
216 | CURRK_KK | Alternative Currency for Change | WAERS | CUKY |
217 | CURRLOCAL | Currency key at ledger/company code level | XFELD | CHAR |
218 | CURRNEW_VK | New Currency Key | WAERS | CUKY |
219 | CURRNO | Station no. | CURRNO | NUMC |
220 | CURRNUMB | Current number of the table in the LDB | INT4 | |
221 | CURRNUMBER | Number of the currency in FI-SL | CURRNUMBER | CHAR |
222 | CURROLD_VK | Old Currency Key | WAERS | CUKY |
223 | CURROWD | Number of Records That Exist for a Table | DEC12 | DEC |
224 | CURRP_KK | Payment Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
225 | CURRTXT | Currency Long Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
226 | CURRTYP | Currency Type | CURRTYP | CHAR |
227 | CURR_5 | Currency Key | CHAR5 | CHAR |
228 | CURR_ACTL_COST_DELE | Actual cost based on current forecast version | WERTV8 | CURR |
229 | CURR_ACTL_QTY_DELE | Actual quantity based on current forecast version | MENGV8 | QUAN |
230 | CURR_ACTL_SKF_DELE | Actual SKF based on current forecast version | CQUA8 | QUAN |
231 | CURR_APC_DECR | Decrease in APC in Tax Declaration Period | PMCURR | CURR |
232 | CURR_APC_INCR | Increase in APC in Tax Declaration Period | PMCURR | CURR |
233 | CURR_APC_LY | Last Year's Total Acquisition and Production Costs | PMCURR | CURR |
234 | CURR_APC_TOTAL | Total APC at End of Tax Declaration Period | PMCURR | CURR |
235 | CURR_COMPL_COST_DELE | Forecast total cost | WERTV8 | CURR |
236 | CURR_COMPL_QTY_DELE | Forecast total quantity | MENGV8 | QUAN |
237 | CURR_COMPL_SKF_DELE | Forecast total for statistical key figures | CQUA8 | QUAN |
238 | CURR_CONV | Currency conversion | HRD_CURR_CONV | CHAR |
239 | CURR_DATE | Current date at time of query | DATS | DATS |
240 | CURR_DATUM | Exch. Rate Maintenance: Date When Worklist Last Maintained | DATUM | DATS |
241 | CURR_DCD_VALUE | Decided Value | PMCURR | CURR |
242 | CURR_DISP_ACB | Currency in Which Amounts Are Displayed | WAERS | CUKY |
243 | CURR_D_PROV_FIN | Change in Taxable Value | PMCURR | CURR |
244 | CURR_EB | Currency | CHAR3 | CHAR |
245 | CURR_EBJP | Currency (SWIFT Code) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
246 | CURR_ERR_L | Currecy error in optional ledgers | XFELD | CHAR |
247 | CURR_EXT | Currency of External Bank Account | WAERS | CUKY |
248 | CURR_FCURR | Exch.rate maint: Source currency | WAERS | CUKY |
249 | CURR_FIELD_PS | Currency Key Field for Currency Field | FDNAME | CHAR |
250 | CURR_INT | Exch.rate maint: Maintenance interval | CURR_INT | CHAR |
251 | CURR_INTXT | Kurspflege: Maintenance interval in text form | TEXT30 | CHAR |
252 | CURR_KK | Currency | CHAR5 | CHAR |
253 | CURR_LASTM | Exch.rate maint: last work list maintenance | DATUM | DATS |
254 | CURR_LIGHT | Currency for absolute threshold value in exception reporting | WAERS | CUKY |
255 | CURR_LOCAL_KK | Local Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
256 | CURR_NEW | New curr. | WAERS | CUKY |
257 | CURR_ODATE | Date of the Old Exchange Rate | DATUM | DATS |
258 | CURR_ORATE | Old Exchange Rate | PKURS | DEC |
259 | CURR_QUOT | Exch.rate maint: Rate as currency pair (XXX/YYY) | CHAR11 | CHAR |
260 | CURR_RATE | Exchange Rate | UKURS | DEC |
261 | CURR_RATEC | Rate 1:1 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
262 | CURR_RATEN | New Exchange Rate | PKURS | DEC |
263 | CURR_RATE_DELE | Forecast cost/quantity rate | WERTV6 | CURR |
264 | CURR_REL | Currency Factors | CHAR13 | CHAR |
265 | CURR_REM_COST_DELE | Remaining cost based on current forecast version | WERTV8 | CURR |
266 | CURR_REM_QTY_DELE | Remaining quantity based on current forecast version | MENGV8 | QUAN |
267 | CURR_REM_SKF_DELE | Remaining SKF based on current forecast version | CQUA8 | QUAN |
268 | CURR_STRUCTURE_PS | Reference Structure for Currency Key | AS4TAB | CHAR |
269 | CURR_SY_SRC | System Source Currency | CHAR1 | CHAR |
270 | CURR_TAXB_AMNT | Taxable Amount | PMCURR | CURR |
271 | CURR_TAX_BVL | Tax Book Value | PMCURR | CURR |
272 | CURR_TAX_BVL_LY | Last Year's Tax Book Value | PMCURR | CURR |
273 | CURR_TAX_EVA | Tax Evaluation Amount | PMCURR | CURR |
274 | CURR_TAX_EVA_LY | Last Year's Tax Evaluation Amount | PMCURR | CURR |
275 | CURR_TAX_PAYABLE | Tax Payable | PMCURR | CURR |
276 | CURR_TCURR | Exch.rate maint: Target currency | WAERS | CUKY |
277 | CURR_TIME | Current time of query | T | TIMS |
278 | CURR_TOL | Tolerance for Changin Exchange Rates | CURR_TOL | DEC |
279 | CURR_VDATE | Exchange Rate Valid from | DATUM | DATS |
280 | CURR_WKSET | Exch.rate maint: Work list | CHAR10 | CHAR |
281 | CURR_WKTXT | Exch.rate maint: Work list description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
282 | CURR_XDIR | Exch.rate maint: Rate maintained by direct quotation | XFELD | CHAR |
283 | CURR_XIND | Exch.rate maint: Rate maintained by indirect quotation | XFELD | CHAR |
284 | CURSBOM | BOM Configuration | X | CHAR |
285 | CURSETTING | Flag: Object belongs to current settings | X | CHAR |
286 | CURSF | Field name of present cursor position | DYNFNAM | CHAR |
287 | CURSI | Cursor ready for input at present position | X | CHAR |
288 | CURSL | Step loop line at present cursor position | INT4 | INT4 |
289 | CURSO | Cursor Field when Choosing | CHAR30 | CHAR |
290 | CURSORNAME | SQL statement cursor name | CHAR | |
291 | CURSOR_NO | Place cursor on the 'NO' option line | XFELD | CHAR |
292 | CURSPLN | Task List Configuration | X | CHAR |
293 | CURSQLLEN | Length of the Current SQL Statement | INT4 | |
294 | CURSR | Source Currency for Currency Translation | CURSR | CHAR |
295 | CURSV | Contents of field at present cursor position | TEXT80 | CHAR |
296 | CURS_LINE | Position of the line in the step loop | TABIX | INT4 |
297 | CURT1 | Currency type of the first local currency | CURTP | CHAR |
298 | CURT2 | Currency Type of Second Local Currency | CURTP | CHAR |
299 | CURT3 | Currency Type of Third Local Currency | CURTP | CHAR |
300 | CURT4 | Currency type of the fourth local currency | CURTP | CHAR |
301 | CURTO_CU_GEN_BITSTRING | Bitmap | RSTR | |
304 | CURTO_CU_GEN_SOURCE_CODE_EXT | Source Code Line Length 80 | CHAR | |
305 | CURTO_DISPO_RELEVANT | Change Transfer | CHAR1 | CHAR |
306 | CURTO_EXT_CHECK | Execute Extended Consistency Check | CHAR | |
307 | CURTO_NO_IMO_CHECK | No Check on Integration Model | XFELD | CHAR |
308 | CURTO_OBJECT_KEY | Object Key | CHAR50 | CHAR |
309 | CURTO_OBJECT_TYPE | Object Type | CHAR10 | CHAR |
310 | CURTO_PLANVERSION | APO Planning Version | CHAR | |
312 | CURTO_RATE_ROUTING | Routing Selection / Recipe for PDS from Production Version. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
313 | CURTO_REL | Plug-In Release | CHAR | |
314 | CURTO_SUBCON | Including Subcontracting | CHAR | |
315 | CURTO_TEST_MODE | Test Mode | CHAR1 | CHAR |
316 | CURTO_TOPDOWN | Top Down Generation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
317 | CURTO_TRANS_DELETION | Deletion Flag Transfer | CHAR | |
319 | CURTP | Currency type and valuation view | CURTP | CHAR |
320 | CURTPPC | Currency type of the profit center report currency | CURTP | CHAR |
321 | CURTP_B | Currency Type and Valuation View | CURTP_B | CHAR |
322 | CURTP_B2 | Currency Type and Valuation View | CURTP_B | CHAR |
323 | CURTP_KK | Currency Type And Valuation View | CURTP | CHAR |
324 | CURTP_TEXT | Currency Type Description | TEXT20 | CHAR |
325 | CURTYPE | Currency type | RSCURTYPE | CHAR |
326 | CURTYPE_MCB | Currency Type | CURTP | CHAR |
327 | CURTYP_SHOW | Display currency | CURTYP_SHOW | CHAR |
328 | CURT_1 | 1st Currency Type (FI Interface) | CURTP | CHAR |
329 | CURT_2 | 2nd Currency Type (FI Interface) | CURTP | CHAR |
330 | CURT_3 | 3rd Currency Type (FI Interface) | CURTP | CHAR |
331 | CURT_HSL | Currency type of the local currency (HSL) | CURTP | CHAR |
332 | CURT_KSL | Currency type of the group currency (KSL) | CURTP | CHAR |
333 | CURT_OSL | Currency type of currency 4 | CURTP | CHAR |
334 | CURVE | Curve in graphic | NUMC1 | NUMC |
335 | CURVW | Exchange rate type usage | TEXT40 | CHAR |
336 | CURWEKSA | Specifies sales of a particular material in previous week | MENG13 | QUAN |
337 | CUR_ACTION | Current action in document pricing | CHAR10 | CHAR |
338 | CUR_BL_NO | Current Block Number of download | NUMC10 | NUMC |
339 | CUR_PAGENR | Current (vertical) page | NUMC4 | NUMC |
340 | CUR_STAT | Current status in document pricing | DOC_STAT | CHAR |
341 | CUSALE | Organizational area sales order | XFELD | CHAR |
342 | CUSAZ | Number for customs processing in Foreign Trade | DEC4 | DEC |
343 | CUSCANZ | No. of accesses to table | CUSCANZ | CHAR |
344 | CUSDA | Date for customs declaration for customs processing in FT | DATUM | DATS |
345 | CUSER | IS-H: User ID for CPIC session | USNAM | CHAR |
346 | CUSERF2_NU | User field: Numeric | CHAR13 | CHAR |
347 | CUSETBD | Start Configuration with BOM Master Data | XFELD | CHAR |
348 | CUSETDT | Settings for set processing | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | CUSETMK | Start Configuration with Characteristic Value Assignment | XFELD | CHAR |
350 | CUSETOV | Start Configuration with Configuration Structure | XFELD | CHAR |
351 | CUSETRS | Start Configuration with Configured BOM | XFELD | CHAR |
352 | CUSET_BROWSER | Start configuration with browser | XFELD | CHAR |
353 | CUSK1 | Customizing notes function flag | XFELD | CHAR |
354 | CUSK2 | ID for use of the status function in Customizing | XFELD | CHAR |
355 | CUSLNT_STPO_MAX_ITEM_BITMAP | Maximum Bitmap for Function Modules for CUSLNT_STPO | LRAW | |
356 | CUSNU | No. for customs declaration for customs processing in FT | CHAR50 | CHAR |
357 | CUSPK1 | Customizing notes function flag | XFELD | CHAR |
358 | CUSPK2 | Indicator for use of the status function in Customizing | XFELD | CHAR |
359 | CUSPR | Number of the implementation project in Customizing | CUSPR | NUMC |
360 | CUSPRO | Number of the implementation project in Customizing | CUSPRO | NUMC |
361 | CUSPTXT | Customizing: text for implementation project | TEXT50 | CHAR |
362 | CUSR_DATE | Date template, e.g. 'YYYY.MM.DD' | SYCHAR10 | CHAR |
363 | CUSR_DEDE | Decimal Separator | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
364 | CUST | Flag: Customer entry or SAP entry | CUST | CHAR |
365 | CUST1_BEZ | Customs office 1 description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
366 | CUST2_BEZ | Customs office 2 description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
367 | CUST3_BEZ | Customs office 3 description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
368 | CUST4_BEZ | Customs office 4 description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
369 | CUST5_BEZ | Customs office 5 description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
370 | CUST6_BEZ | Customs office 6 description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
371 | CUSTA | Configuration status | CHAR1 | CHAR |
372 | CUSTATTRNAME | Customer Attribute name | CHAR | |
373 | CUSTA_BEZ | Customs office description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
374 | CUSTB_BEZ | Description of office of destination | TEXT30 | CHAR |
376 | CUSTFLD_DE | Customer Fields | CHAR1 | CHAR |
377 | CUSTFLG | Indicator: node = customer | CHAR01 | CHAR |
378 | CUSTH_VK | Cust. struct. for posting data transfer - header | AS4TAB | CHAR |
379 | CUSTID | License number of a customer system | CUSTID | CHAR |
380 | CUSTINDEP | Copy flag: Cross-client Customizing objects with IMG | X | CHAR |
381 | CUSTINFO | Customer Information Number | CUSTINFO | CHAR |
382 | CUSTKEY | Hardware key | CHAR11 | CHAR |
383 | CUSTKEY_T | Active hardware key from saplicense | CHAR | |
384 | CUSTLBD | Display BOM Master Data | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | CUSTLDT | Settings for BOM configuration | XFELD | CHAR |
386 | CUSTLDY | No BOM explosion in configuration editor | XFELD | CHAR |
387 | CUSTLKD | Order BOM | XFELD | CHAR |
388 | CUSTLMK | "Goto characteristic value assignment" always active | XFELD | CHAR |
389 | CUSTLMULTI | Multi-level BOM explosion | XFELD | CHAR |
390 | CUSTLNO | No BOM explosion | XFELD | CHAR |
391 | CUSTLOV | Configuration Structure of BOM | XFELD | CHAR |
392 | CUSTLRS | Configured BOM Result | XFELD | CHAR |
393 | CUSTLSINGLE | Single-Level BOM Explosion | XFELD | CHAR |
394 | CUSTMODE | Indicator for customer fields for equip.: 'S', 'C', 'E', 'P' | CHAR1 | CHAR |
395 | CUSTMODEL | View of ALE model | CUSTMODEL | CHAR |
397 | CUSTO | Download Customizing data | XFELD | CHAR |
398 | CUSTOMAUTH | Customer authorization for view customizing | CUSTOMAUTH | CHAR |
399 | CUSTOMERS_ALV | Customers | NUM5 | NUMC |
400 | CUSTOMER_ACTIVATION | Customer Activation of Table Entry | X | CHAR |
403 | CUSTOMER_DEACTIVATION | Customer Deactivation of Table Entry | X | CHAR |
404 | CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID | Reference to Amadeus Profile | FTPD_CUSTOMER_PROFILE_ID | CHAR |
406 | CUSTOMINCL | Customer Include | PROGNAME | CHAR |
407 | CUSTOMIZING_NAME | PIM Customizing Parameter | CUSTOMIZING_NAME | CHAR |
408 | CUSTOMIZING_VALUE | PIM Customizing Parameter Value | CHAR | |
409 | CUSTOM_ADAPTER | Generic Adapter | SEOCLSNAME | CHAR |
410 | CUSTP_BF | Additional Product Developed by Customer | CUSTP_BF | CHAR |
411 | CUSTP_VK | Customer struct. for posting data transfer - item | AS4TAB | CHAR |
412 | CUSTSCRTEXT_ITAGCY | Customer Screen Description | CUSTSCRTEXT_ITAGCY | CHAR |
413 | CUSTSORT | Sort field for deliveries for forming picking waves | CUSTSORT | NUMC |
417 | CUSTTYPE | Customer Type | XCHA35 | CHAR |
418 | CUSTU | Status for electr. procedures in Foreign Trade/Customs | CUSTU | CHAR |
419 | CUSTUFE | Level | CHAR2 | CHAR |
420 | CUSTX | Customizing: Text for implementation project | TEXT50 | CHAR |
422 | CUST_APOTYPE | Distinction Between SDP-APO and Standard APO | CUST_APOTYPE | CHAR |
423 | CUST_CHK | Customer | CUST_CHK | CHAR |
424 | CUST_CODE | Customer key (TITO FORMAT) | CHAR17 | CHAR |
425 | CUST_COMPC | Customer Number Compounded with Company Code | KUNNR | CHAR |
426 | CUST_DEF_KEY | Customer-Defined Key | CUST_DEF_KEY | CHAR |
427 | CUST_DOC_KK | Invoicing Function: Create Customer Documents | CHAR12 | CHAR |
428 | CUST_ISU | Customizing changes allowed for client | KENNZX | CHAR |
429 | CUST_MASS_CREATE | Configurable Entry Screen for Creating Multiple Assets | XFELD | CHAR |
430 | CUST_MODUS | Maintenance Mode for Customizing | CUST_MODUS | CHAR |
431 | CUST_NAME | Customer Name | CHAR60 | CHAR |
432 | CUST_NO | customer number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
433 | CUST_NUMBERS | Number of Customers | NUM08 | NUMC |
434 | CUST_PROJECT | Subprojects | PROJECT_ID | CHAR |
435 | CUST_PROTO | Indicator: Create Customizing log | XFELD | CHAR |
436 | CUST_PRUEFPKT | Independent validations (customer-specific) | CUST_PRUEFPKT | CHAR |
437 | CUST_SALES | Customer number | KUNNR | CHAR |
438 | CUST_SCGR | Screen Group Add-On Enhancement Customer Master | BLDGR | CHAR |
439 | CUS_ACT | Customizing activity | CUS_ACT | CHAR |
440 | CUS_ACTIVE | Customer Enhancement: Attributes of Objects to be Adjusted | CUS_ACTIVE | CHAR |
441 | CUS_AC_TYP | Type of activity | CUS_AC_TYP | CHAR |
442 | CUS_ADDED | Processor or Tester Added | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
443 | CUS_ATR | Customizing Attributes | CUS_ATR | CHAR |
444 | CUS_AUTHOR | Customer Enhancement/Modification: Last Changed By | XUBNAME | CHAR |
445 | CUS_DATE | Cuzstomer Enhancement/Modification: Date of Last Change | SYDATS | DATS |
446 | CUS_DONE | Processor Completed Adjustment or Subsequent Test | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
447 | CUS_HIER | IMG hierarchy level | CUS_HIER | NUMC |
448 | CUS_IMG_AC | IMG Activity | CUS_IMG_AC | CHAR |
449 | CUS_INACT | Customer Enhancement: Object Attributes | CUS_INACTIVE | CHAR |
450 | CUS_INFO | Modification: Internal note | CUS_INFO | CHAR |
451 | CUS_LTEXT | Customer Enhancement: Text with 132 Characters | CUS_LTEXT | CHAR |
452 | CUS_MARK | New Objects in Support Package Queue | SYSCHAR01 | CHAR |
453 | CUS_MENU | Menu name | CUS_MENU | CHAR |
454 | CUS_MTEXT | Customer Enhancement: Text with 100 Characters | CUS_MTEXT | CHAR |
455 | CUS_OBJECT | Customer enhancement: Object name | SYCHAR12 | CHAR |
456 | CUS_OPER | Customer enhancement: Operation | CUS_OPER | CHAR |
458 | CUS_PCORR | Installation Mode for Corrections to Note | CUS_PCORR | CHAR |
459 | CUS_PROCESSOR | Modification Adjustment: Processors | XUBNAME | CHAR |
460 | CUS_PROJ | Project number for Customizing project | CUS_PROJ | CHAR |
461 | CUS_PROT | Modification is being logged without upgrade support | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
462 | CUS_P_TYPE | Customizing project types | CUS_P_TYPE | CHAR |
463 | CUS_ROLE | Role of a Processor in SPAU | CUS_ROLE | CHAR |
464 | CUS_SPAU | Indicator object in SPAU | SYSCHAR01 | CHAR |
465 | CUS_SPAUCD | SPAU: Adjustment Return Code and Post-Processing Status | CUS_SPAUCD | CHAR |
466 | CUS_STATE | Customer enhancement: Editing status (orig., mod., cust.) | TEXT15 | CHAR |
467 | CUS_STATUS | Post-Processing Status of Customer Modifications | CUS_STATUS | CHAR |
468 | CUS_STAT_DATE | Customer Enhancement: Date of Last Status Change | SYDATS | DATS |
469 | CUS_STAT_TIME | Customer Enhancement: Time of Last Status Change | SYTIME | TIMS |
470 | CUS_SY_SRC | System Source Customer | CHAR1 | CHAR |
471 | CUS_TEST | Subsequent Test Required for Object | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
472 | CUS_TESTER | Processor is Tester | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
473 | CUS_TEXT | Customer enhancement: Text | CUS_TEXT | CHAR |
474 | CUS_TIME | Customer Enhancement/Modification: Time of Last Change | SYTIME | TIMS |
475 | CUS_UMODE | Upgrade Mode: automatic/semi-automatic/manual | CUS_UMODE | CHAR |
476 | CUS_UPGRAD | Customer enhancement: Upgrade not yet edited | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
477 | CUS_V_TYPE | Customizing project view types | CUS_V_TYPE | NUMC |
478 | CUT | Operation CUT | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
479 | CUTCACT | Actions | CHAR1 | CHAR |
480 | CUTCCSTR | Constraints | CHAR1 | CHAR |
481 | CUTCDDB | Dynamic Database | CHAR1 | CHAR |
482 | CUTCFLAG | Trace On/Off Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
483 | CUTCFUNC | Functions | CHAR1 | CHAR |
484 | CUTCIND | Indentation of Trace Message | NUMC2 | NUMC |
485 | CUTCLEV | Level of Detail of Trace Display | NUMC1 | NUMC |
486 | CUTCLV1 | Trace Level 1 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
487 | CUTCLV2 | Trace Level 2 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
488 | CUTCMOD | Relevant Area for Trace | CHAR4 | CHAR |
489 | CUTCPCND | Prerequisites | CHAR1 | CHAR |
490 | CUTCPMS | Performance Constraints (PMS) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
491 | CUTCPROC | Procedures | CHAR1 | CHAR |
492 | CUTCSCND | Selection Conditions | CHAR1 | CHAR |
493 | CUTCTABL | Tables | CHAR1 | CHAR |
494 | CUTC_CNT | Row Counter for Trace | NUMC6 | NUMC |
495 | CUTC_OBJ | Object to be Traced | CHAR30 | CHAR |
496 | CUTI | Operation CUTI | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
497 | CUTLEFT | Left/right indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
498 | CUTOFFENTRY | Notification Threshold | CUTOFFENTRY | INT4 |
499 | CUTOFFORDER | Creation of Waste Disposal Order Blocked | KENNZX | CHAR |
500 | CUTRIGGER | Reference to fact list (configuration: TMS, PMS) | NUMC8 | NUMC |