SAP ABAP Data Element - Index R, page 29
- R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-11 R-12 R-13 R-14 R-15 R-16 R-17 R-18 R-19 R-20 R-21 R-22 R-23 R-24 R-25 R-26 R-27 R-28 R-29 R-30 R-31 R-32 R-33 R-34 R-35 R-36 R-37 R-38 R-39 R-40 R-41 R-42 R-43 R-44 R-45 R-46 R-47 R-48 R-49 R-50 R-51 R-52 R-53 R-54 R-55 R-56 R-57 R-58 R-59 R-60 R-61 R-62 R-63
Data Element - R
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | RLMFW_CHKID | Check | CHAR | |
4 | RLMFW_CHKTP | Type of Check | RLMFW_CHKTP | CHAR |
5 | RLMFW_CHNGBY | Changed by | USNAM | CHAR |
6 | RLMFW_CHNGDAT | Changed on | DATUM | DATS |
7 | RLMFW_CHNGTIM | Changed at | UZEIT | TIMS |
8 | RLMFW_COMMENT | Comment | TEXT128 | CHAR |
9 | RLMFW_CONOK | Overwrite Check Result Manually | RLMFW_FLAG | CHAR |
10 | RLMFW_CREABY | Created by | USNAM | CHAR |
11 | RLMFW_CREADAT | Created on | DATUM | DATS |
12 | RLMFW_CREATIM | Created at | UZEIT | TIMS |
13 | RLMFW_DELIND | Deletion Indicator | XFLAG | CHAR |
14 | RLMFW_EMAIL | Notification via E-Mail | XFLAG | CHAR |
15 | RLMFW_FLAG | Indicator | RLMFW_FLAG | CHAR |
16 | RLMFW_HELP_ICON | Help Text for Check | TEXT65 | CHAR |
17 | RLMFW_ICON_CHK | Status of Checks in Release Order | TEXT60 | CHAR |
18 | RLMFW_ICON_REL | Status of Releases in Release Order | TEXT60 | CHAR |
19 | RLMFW_IFACT | Release Management Status | RLMFW_IFACT | CHAR |
20 | RLMFW_INCPLE | Incomplete | XFLAG | CHAR |
21 | RLMFW_KTEXT | Description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
22 | RLMFW_KZCANCEL | Marked for Deletion | RLMFW_FLAG | CHAR |
24 | RLMFW_KZOBJ | Release Objects | RLMFW_FLAG | CHAR |
25 | RLMFW_OBJKEY | Release Object Key | RLMFW_OBJKEY | CHAR |
27 | RLMFW_OBJTYP | Release Object Type | RLMFW_OBJTYP | CHAR |
28 | RLMFW_OBJTYP_TXT | Description of Release Object Type | TEXT60 | CHAR |
29 | RLMFW_OTYP_ICON | Release Object Type | TEXT65 | CHAR |
30 | RLMFW_POSNR | Item Number | RLMFW_POSNR | NUMC |
31 | RLMFW_PROBLM | Problematic Release Object | XFLAG | CHAR |
32 | RLMFW_RELDAT | Released on | DATUM | DATS |
33 | RLMFW_RELSTA | Release Status | XFELD | CHAR |
34 | RLMFW_RELTIM | Released at | UZEIT | TIMS |
35 | RLMFW_RESPID | Person Responsible | HROBJID_12 | CHAR |
36 | RLMFW_RESPTP | Person Responsible (Processor Type) | OTYPE | CHAR |
37 | RLMFW_ROKTXT | Description | TEXT60 | CHAR |
38 | RLMFW_RONUM | Order Number | RLMFW_RONUM | CHAR |
39 | RLMFW_ROSTAT | Order Status | RLMFW_ROSTAT | CHAR |
40 | RLMFW_ROWCNT | Number of Release Objects in Release Order | INT4 | |
41 | RLMFW_SNDDAT | Shipping Date | DATUM | DATS |
42 | RLMFW_SNDTIM | Shipping Time | UZEIT | TIMS |
43 | RLMFW_TARDAT | Target Date | DATUM | DATS |
44 | RLMFW_TARGET | Release Target | RLMFW_TARGET | CHAR |
45 | RLMFW_TARGET_TXT | Short Text for Release Target | TEXT60 | CHAR |
46 | RLMFW_UNSAVED | Unsaved Release Status | XFELD | CHAR |
47 | RLMOBMAXLE | Maximum length for a bar code type | NUMC1 | NUMC |
48 | RLMOBMINLE | Minimum length for a bar code type | NUMC1 | NUMC |
49 | RLMOD_KK | Returns Posting Type | RLMOD_KK | CHAR |
50 | RLO4INVERC | Recount version as character field | RL04INVERC | CHAR |
51 | RLOAD | Master Language | LANG | LANG |
52 | RLOCK_INDPAY | Payment Specification: Read Locks on Contract Acct/Contract | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | RLOCK_KK | Icon For Lock (Interest, Dunning and Payment Lock) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
54 | RLPLALGEWI | Load capacity of storage bin in CHAR format | NUM11 | NUMC |
55 | RLPLALKAPV | Total capacity of storage bin | CHAR11 | CHAR |
56 | RLREOCREAT | Create archives in WM | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | RLREOLAUFZ | Minimum run time of documents to be archived | PACK2 | DEC |
58 | RLREORLAUF | Minimum run time for documents to be reorganized | PACK2 | DEC |
59 | RLREORTEST | Only test run during reorganization | XFELD | CHAR |
60 | RLREOTESTR | Indicator: do not delete | XFELD | CHAR |
61 | RLREOXFELD | X-field for transfer fields in function modules | XFELD | CHAR |
62 | RLSITAUFTE | Indicator: Include allocation TOs | XFELD | CHAR |
63 | RLSKO_KK | Bank clearing account for returns | SAKNR | CHAR |
64 | RLSTAR | Reference Activity Type | LSTAR | CHAR |
65 | RLSYSFASC | ASCII file format | FLAG | CHAR |
66 | RLSYSFDAT | DAT file format (spreadsheet) | FLAG | CHAR |
67 | RLSYSFRTF | RTF file format | FLAG | CHAR |
68 | RLS_DATE | Release Date for Control Cycle | DATUM | DATS |
69 | RLTBAS | Baseline Date for Calculating the Replenishment Lead Time | DATUM | DATS |
70 | RLTEXT | Library: Description | TEXT35 | CHAR |
71 | RLTTX | Description of the reference functional location category | TEXT30 | CHAR |
72 | RLTYP | Reference functional location category | RLTYP | CHAR |
73 | RLTYP_CP | Business partner has been created as contract partner | RLTYP_CP | CHAR |
74 | RLTYP_INST | Business partner has been created as installer | RLTYP_INST | CHAR |
75 | RLTYP_KK | Type of returns | RLTYP_KK | NUMC |
76 | RLVFLAG | Documents with Revision Levels | XFELD | CHAR |
77 | RLWRT | Total value at time of release | WERT15 | CURR |
78 | RL_ABS_BNDARY | Absolute delimitation date | DATUM | DATS |
79 | RL_ACCOUNT_DB_REF | Reference to account master record (DB level) | CL_ACCOUNT_DB_RL | REF |
80 | RL_ACCTBAL | Current Account Balance in Base Unit of Measure | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
81 | RL_ACCTBAL_ACCTME | Current Account Balance in Account Unit of Measure (AUM) | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
82 | RL_ACCTBAL_ACPOST | Account balance after account posting in base unit of meas. | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
83 | RL_ACCTBAL_ACPOST_AME | Account balance after account posting in alt. unit of meas. | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
84 | RL_ACCTME | Account Unit of Measure | MEINS | UNIT |
85 | RL_ACCTNO | Returnable packaging account | RL_ACCTNO | CHAR |
86 | RL_ACCTNO_EXT | Returnable Packaging Account Number at Partner | RL_EXTERNAL_ID | CHAR |
87 | RL_ACCTNO_S | Number of Returnable Packaging Account at Sender | RL_ACCTNO_S | CHAR |
88 | RL_ACCTSTATE | Returnable Packaging Account Status | RL_ACCTSTATE | CHAR |
89 | RL_ACHOL | Number of returnable packaging exchange partner | RL_PARTNER_NO | CHAR |
90 | RL_ACHOLC | Exchange partner for credit account posting type | RL_ACHOLDC | CHAR |
91 | RL_ACHOLD | Exchange partner for debit account posting type | RL_ACHOLDC | CHAR |
92 | RL_ACHOLTY | Partner type of returnable packaging exchange partner | RL_PARTNER_TYPE | CHAR |
93 | RL_ACHOL_EXT | External name for exchange partner | RL_EXTERNAL_ID | CHAR |
94 | RL_ACHOL_NAME1 | Name 1 of returnable packaging exchange partner | TEXT40 | CHAR |
95 | RL_ACHOL_ORT01 | Location of returnable packaging exchange partner | TEXT40 | CHAR |
96 | RL_ACMAN | Number of returnable packaging location | RL_PARTNER_NO | CHAR |
97 | RL_ACMANTY | Partner type of returnable packaging location | RL_PARTNER_TYPE | CHAR |
98 | RL_ACMAN_EXT | External Description for Location | RL_EXTERNAL_ID | CHAR |
99 | RL_ACMAN_NAME1 | Name 1 of location of returnable packaging | TEXT40 | CHAR |
100 | RL_ACMAN_ORT01 | Place name of returnable packaging location | TEXT40 | CHAR |
101 | RL_ACNRE | External Number Range for Returnable Packaging Account | CHAR2 | CHAR |
102 | RL_ACNRI | Internal Number Range for Returnable Packaging Account | CHAR2 | CHAR |
103 | RL_ACSTIT | No. of transaction in returnable packaging account statement | RL_ACSTIT | NUMC |
104 | RL_ACSTNO | Number of Returnable Packaging Account Statement | RL_ACSTNO | CHAR |
105 | RL_ACSTREM | Comments (text field) | RL_ACSTREM | CHAR |
106 | RL_ACSTTRNO_I | Internal transmission number for RP account statements | RL_ACSTTRNO_I | NUMC |
107 | RL_ACSTUM | Unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
108 | RL_ACST_CREATE_CTRL | Control for Creation and Sending of RP Account Statements | RL_ACST_CREATE_CTRL | CHAR |
109 | RL_ACST_CTRL | Statement control for returnable packaging account | RL_ACST_CTRL | CHAR |
110 | RL_ACST_DIRECT | Direction of the Account Statement | EDI_DIRECT | CHAR |
111 | RL_ACTORID | Processor ID in organizational management | HROBJID_12 | CHAR |
112 | RL_ALT_UOM | Alternative unit of measure for RP account transactions | MEINS | UNIT |
113 | RL_ARCDELETE | Delete only in test mode | XFELD | CHAR |
114 | RL_ARCFILE | Create archive file | XFELD | CHAR |
115 | RL_ARCPROD | Archiving - Update Run | XFELD | CHAR |
116 | RL_ARCPROT | Processing log | XFELD | CHAR |
117 | RL_ARCTEST | Archiving - test run | XFELD | CHAR |
118 | RL_BAL | Balance (On Date of Statement) | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
119 | RL_BALBPOST | Balance before posting according to physical order of entry | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
120 | RL_BALDATE | Acct statement date | DATUM | DATS |
121 | RL_BALDATE_OLD | Old Posting Date (Balance Carried Forward) | DATUM | DATS |
122 | RL_BAL_OLD | Old Account Balance (Balance Carried Forward) | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
123 | RL_BT_ERROR_STATE | Aggregated Error Status for Business Transaction | RL_BT_ERROR_STATE | CHAR |
124 | RL_BT_PROC_STATE | Processing Status of the Business Transaction | RL_BT_PROC_STATE | CHAR |
125 | RL_CANPOTYPE | Reverse account posting type | RL_POTYPE | CHAR |
126 | RL_CHNGTYPE | Processing status of account statement/transaction | RL_CHNGTYPE | CHAR |
127 | RL_COLUMN_SPACE | Placeholder (ALV Layout) | CHAR132 | CHAR |
128 | RL_CONTACT | Contact person | UNAME | CHAR |
129 | RL_CONTEXT | Call Context for Inbound Processing of Statement Request | RL_CONTEXT | CHAR |
130 | RL_CONTXT | Maintenance Context | RL_CONTXT | CHAR |
131 | RL_CONTXT_ACSTCREA | Context for Account Statement Creation | RL_CONTXT_ACSTCREA | CHAR |
132 | RL_CONTXT_PO | Context of Returnable Packaging Account Postings Maintenance | RL_CONTXT_PO | CHAR |
133 | RL_CONTXT_ST | Context of Returnable Packaging Acct Statement Maintenance | RL_CONTXT_ST | CHAR |
134 | RL_CPCTRL | Procedure for returnable packaging account matching | RL_CPCTRL | CHAR |
135 | RL_CPDIFF | Quantity difference of matching group | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
136 | RL_CPDOCDATE | Document Date of Matching Record | DATUM | DATS |
137 | RL_CPDOCIT | Document Item | RL_DOCIT | NUMC |
138 | RL_CPDOCNO | Number of Transaction/Posting Document | RL_DOCNO | CHAR |
139 | RL_CPENTRTSTP | Time created (timestamp) for matching group | TZNTSTMPS | DEC |
140 | RL_CPGRPNO | Matching group | RL_CPGRPNO | NUMC |
141 | RL_CPGRP_DB_REF | Reference to DB object matching group | CL_CPGRP_DB_RL | REF |
142 | RL_CPGRP_USECNT | Number of Times a Matching Group is Used (DB + Archive) | RL_CPGRP_USECNT | INT4 |
143 | RL_CPGRP_USECNT_DB | Number of Times a Comparison Group is Used (Without Archive) | RL_CPGRP_USECNT | INT4 |
144 | RL_CPITTYPE | Matching Record Type: Account Posting/Statement Transaction | RL_CPITTYPE | CHAR |
145 | RL_CPKIND | Matching type | RL_CPKIND | CHAR |
146 | RL_CPPOSTDATE | Posting Date of Matching Record | DATUM | DATS |
147 | RL_CPQUAN | Posting Quantity of Matching Record | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
148 | RL_CPQUAN_PONORM | Posting Qty: +/- Sign Normalized According to Acct Posting | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
149 | RL_CPQUAN_PONORM_INV | Posting qty with +/- sign normalized in reverse acc. to pstg | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
150 | RL_CPQUAN_STNORM | Posting qty: +/- sign normalized according to statement | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
151 | RL_CPQUAN_STNORM_INV | Posting qty with +/- sign normalized in reverse acc. to stmt | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
152 | RL_CPSTATEHD | Matching status of returnable packaging account statement | RL_CPSTATEHD | CHAR |
153 | RL_CPSTATEIT | Matching status for posting record or statement transaction | RL_CPSTATEIT | CHAR |
154 | RL_CPSTATE_ICON | Indicator for Matching Status | RL_CPSTATE_ICON | CHAR |
155 | RL_CPUOM | Unit of Measure for Posting Quantity in Matching Record | MEINS | UNIT |
156 | RL_CPUSNAM | User that executed matching | XUBNAME | CHAR |
157 | RL_CUSTNO | Customer number in account statement | RL_CUSTNO | CHAR |
158 | RL_CUSTNO_PR | Customer number in account statement (main relationship) | RL_CUSTNO_PR | CHAR |
159 | RL_DEFAULT_VALUE | Default Value of a Field | RL_DEFAULT_VALUE | CHAR |
160 | RL_DELIMITATION_DB_REF | Reference to DB object delimitation record | CL_DELIMITATION_DB_RL | REF |
161 | RL_DELIVDATE | Delivery Date | DATUM | DATS |
162 | RL_DETAIL_ICON | Indicator for details or current item | RL_DETAIL_ICON | CHAR |
163 | RL_DLMT_BAL | Account balance at time of posting | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
164 | RL_DLMT_PARAM | Parameter for delimitation of account postings | RL_DLMT_PARAM | CHAR |
165 | RL_DLMT_TSTP | Delimitation time (timestamp) | TZNTSTMPS | DEC |
166 | RL_DLMT_TXT | Short text for delimitation type | TEXT40 | CHAR |
167 | RL_DLMT_TYPE | Delimitation type for returnable packaging account postings | RL_DLMT_TYPE | CHAR |
168 | RL_DLMT_USE | Delimitation use | RL_DLMT_USE | CHAR |
169 | RL_DOCDATE | Date of document | DATUM | DATS |
170 | RL_DOCIT | Document item | RL_DOCIT | NUMC |
171 | RL_DOCNO | Document Number for Transaction | RL_DOCNO | CHAR |
172 | RL_ENTRDATE | Creation date of returnable packaging account posting | SYDATS | DATS |
173 | RL_ENTRDATE_ORIG | First creation date of reprocessing record | DATE | DATS |
174 | RL_ENTRPOST_DATE | Creation Date/Time of Account Posting (Formatted for Print) | CHAR19 | CHAR |
175 | RL_ENTRTIME | Time of creation of returnable packaging account posting | SYTIME | TIMS |
176 | RL_ENTRTSTP | Time of creation (timestamp) of RP account posting | TZNTSTMPS | DEC |
177 | RL_ENTRTSTP_ORIG | Time first entered (timestamp) | TZNTSTMPS | DEC |
178 | RL_ENTRY_UOM | Unit of entry for returnable packaging account postings | MEINS | UNIT |
179 | RL_EVTYPE | Transaction Type for Returnable Packaging Account Posting | RL_EVTYPE | CHAR |
180 | RL_EVTYPE_TXT | Description of transaction type of RP account posting | TEXT40 | CHAR |
181 | RL_EXTCTRL_DB_REF | Reference to conversion control record (DB level) | CL_EXTCTRL_DB_RL | REF |
182 | RL_EXTERNAL_ID | Description of Object at Partner | RL_EXTERNAL_ID | CHAR |
183 | RL_EXTID_DB_REF | Reference to conversion record (DB level) | CL_EXTID_DB_RL | REF |
184 | RL_FLAG_CHECK_IDOCEX | Delete log, only if no IDoc in system | XFELD | CHAR |
185 | RL_FLAG_LOG_ACST_MATCH | Selection: Logs for Account Matching via Internet | XFELD | CHAR |
186 | RL_FLAG_LOG_IN | Log created on receipt of statements (inbound) | XFELD | CHAR |
187 | RL_FLAG_LOG_OUT | Logs created on creation of statement (outbound) | XFELD | CHAR |
188 | RL_FLAG_NO_NAST | Do not create message records | XFELD | CHAR |
189 | RL_FLAG_TEST | Execute function in test mode | XFELD | CHAR |
190 | RL_FRBNR | Number of Bill of Lading | RL_FRBNR | CHAR |
191 | RL_GRP_POSTIT | Representative of an item group | RL_POSTIT | NUMC |
192 | RL_ICON_ACCTSTATE | Container Field for Icons: RP Account Status | RL_ICON_ACCTSTATE | CHAR |
193 | RL_ICON_PLANING | Field for Icons: Quantity Below Reorder Point Quantity | RL_ICON_PLANING | CHAR |
194 | RL_KONNR | Number of Outline Agreement | EBELN | CHAR |
195 | RL_KTPNR | Item Number of Outline Agreement | EBELP | NUMC |
196 | RL_LFSNR | Number of external delivery note | RL_LFSNR | CHAR |
197 | RL_LOG_OLDDAT | Deletion of logs that are older than x days | NUMC | NUMC |
198 | RL_MATCUSTNO | Returnable Packaging Number at Customer, as per Transmission | RL_PARRET_MATNR | CHAR |
199 | RL_MATGR | Type of returnable packaging | RL_MATGR | CHAR |
200 | RL_MATSUPPNO | Returnable Packaging Number at Vendor, as per Transmission | RL_PARRET_MATNR | CHAR |
201 | RL_MOVDATE | Goods Movement Date for Returnable Packaging Business Trans. | SYDATS | DATS |
202 | RL_MOVTIME | Time of the Goods Movement | SYTIME | TIMS |
203 | RL_MOVTSTP | Time of the Goods Movement | TZNTSTMPS | DEC |
204 | RL_NAMED_ID | Named Object | RL_NAMED_ID | CHAR |
205 | RL_NAMING_ID | Informing Partner | RL_PARNR | CHAR |
206 | RL_NO_ACCTBAL | Evaluation Without Account Balance | CHAR001 | CHAR |
207 | RL_NRART | Type of partner number | NRART | CHAR |
208 | RL_NRART_TEXT | Type of Partner Number: Text | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
209 | RL_OFFPOTYPE | Offsetting account posting type | RL_POTYPE | CHAR |
210 | RL_OPENQUAN | Open Quantity for Account | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
211 | RL_OPEN_QUAN_SEL | Display Open Quantities for Account | XFELD | CHAR |
212 | RL_ORDQUAN | Purchase Order Quantity in Base Unit of Quantity | RL_BALANCE_ABS | QUAN |
213 | RL_OTYPE | Object type | OTYPE | CHAR |
214 | RL_PARNR | Output Partner | RL_PARNR | CHAR |
215 | RL_PARTNER_NO | Number for a Returnable Packaging Business Partner | RL_PARTNER_NO | CHAR |
216 | RL_PARTNER_NO_EXT | External Description for Returnable Packaging Business Part. | RL_EXTERNAL_ID | CHAR |
217 | RL_PARTNER_ROLE | Partner role in RP account posting transaction | RL_PARTNER_ROLE | CHAR |
218 | RL_PARTNER_ROLE_TXT | Name of returnable packaging partner role | TEXT20 | CHAR |
219 | RL_PARTNER_SIDE | Role of partner in relationship (location/exch. partner) | RL_PARTNER_SIDE | CHAR |
220 | RL_PARTNER_TYPE | Partner type within returnable packaging relationships | RL_PARTNER_TYPE | CHAR |
221 | RL_PARTNO | Sequence number for RP account postings per acct and deltype | INT4 | |
222 | RL_PER_NO_ACST | Period, during which no empty statements are created | NUMC3 | NUMC |
223 | RL_PLANING | Indicator Quantity Below Reorder Point Quantity | XFELD | CHAR |
224 | RL_PLANING_CTRL | Planning Type for Returnable Packaging Account | RL_PLANING_CTRL | CHAR |
225 | RL_POCATEGORY | Account posting type | RL_POCATEGORY | CHAR |
226 | RL_PODOCIT | Reference Document Item | RL_PODOCIT | NUMC |
227 | RL_PODOCNO | Reference document for RP account posting | RL_DOCNO | CHAR |
228 | RL_POSIGN | +/- Sign for Account Posting Type | SIGN | CHAR |
229 | RL_POSNR | Item Number of the External Delivery Note | RL_POSNR | NUMC |
230 | RL_POSTDATE | Posting date | DATUM | DATS |
231 | RL_POSTEXIST | Indicator showing whether a posting exists | XFELD | CHAR |
232 | RL_POSTIT | Item Number of Account Posting | RL_POSTIT | NUMC |
233 | RL_POSTNEW | Postings Which Are Not Contained in Any Statement Yet | INT4 | INT4 |
234 | RL_POSTNO | Returnable packaging account posting number | RL_POSTNO | CHAR |
235 | RL_POSTQUAN | Posting quantity in base unit of measure | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
236 | RL_POSTQUAN_ABS | Posting quantity in base unit of measure | RL_BALANCE_ABS | QUAN |
237 | RL_POSTQUAN_ABS_ENTRY | Posting Quantity (Amount) in Unit of Entry | RL_BALANCE_ABS | QUAN |
238 | RL_POSTQUAN_AME | Posting Quantity in Alternative Unit of Measure | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
239 | RL_POSTQUAN_CREDIT | Posting quantity (inbound at location) | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
240 | RL_POSTQUAN_DEBIT | Posting quantity (outbound at location) | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
241 | RL_POSTQUAN_ISSUE | Outbound qty of RP account posting in base unit of measure | RL_BALANCE_ABS | QUAN |
242 | RL_POSTQUAN_ISSUE_AME | Outbound qty of RP account posting in alt. unit of measure | RL_BALANCE_ABS | QUAN |
243 | RL_POSTQUAN_RECEIPT | Inbound quantity of RP account posting in base unit of meas. | RL_BALANCE_ABS | QUAN |
244 | RL_POSTQUAN_RECEIPT_AME | Inbound qty of RP account posting in alt. unit of measure | RL_BALANCE_ABS | QUAN |
245 | RL_POSTYEAR | Posting year | GJAHR | NUMC |
246 | RL_POST_CTRL | Permissibility of Manual/Automatic Posting | RL_POST_CTRL | CHAR |
247 | RL_POST_LINE_ICON | Indicator for the posting line | RL_POST_LINE_ICON | CHAR |
248 | RL_POTYPE | Account posting type | RL_POTYPE | CHAR |
249 | RL_POTYPEC | Credit Posting Type | RL_POTYPE | CHAR |
250 | RL_POTYPED | Debit Posting Type | RL_POTYPE | CHAR |
251 | RL_POTYPE_TXT | Text for account posting type | RL_POTYPE_TXT | CHAR |
252 | RL_POTY_TRANSL | Conversion profile for return. pack. account posting types | RL_POTY_TRANSL | CHAR |
253 | RL_POTY_TRANSL_TXT | Text for conversion profile | RL_POTY_TRANSL_TXT | CHAR |
254 | RL_PPSEL | Select Account by Main Relationship Only | XFELD | CHAR |
255 | RL_PRPASHP | Number of Main Relationship | RL_PSHPNO | CHAR |
256 | RL_PRPSHPA | Assignment ID of Main Partner Relationship | RL_PSHPASS | NUMC |
257 | RL_PSHPASS | Sequence number of assignments of relationship to account | RL_PSHPASS | NUMC |
258 | RL_PSHPNO | Number of Partner Relationship | RL_PSHPNO | CHAR |
260 | RL_PSHP_ASS_DB_REF | Reference to relation assignment record (DB level) | CL_PSHP_ASS_DB_RL | REF |
261 | RL_PSHP_DB_REF | Reference to partner relationship (DB level) | CL_PSHP_DB_RL | REF |
262 | RL_PSTATE1 | Select acct postings/acct statements for archiving | CHAR0001 | CHAR |
263 | RL_PSTATE2 | Select acct postings/acct statements for archiving | CHAR0001 | CHAR |
264 | RL_PSTATE3 | Archiving IDoc | XFELD | CHAR |
265 | RL_RECEIVER | RP Recipient | RL_PARTNER_NO | CHAR |
266 | RL_RECEIVER_EXT | RP Recipient (External Description) | RL_EXTERNAL_ID | CHAR |
267 | RL_RECEIVER_TYPE | Partner type of returnable packaging recipient | RL_PARTNER_TYPE | CHAR |
268 | RL_REFDOCDATE | Date of Reference Document | DATUM | DATS |
269 | RL_REFDOCIT | Reference document item | RL_DOCIT | NUMC |
270 | RL_REFDOCNO | Reference document for original transaction | RL_DOCNO | CHAR |
271 | RL_REFGRP_POSTIT | Reference to item group of original posting | RL_POSTIT | NUMC |
272 | RL_REFPOSTIT | Item Number of Reference Posting | RL_POSTIT | NUMC |
273 | RL_REFPOSTNO | Reference Posting Number for Reversal | RL_POSTNO | CHAR |
274 | RL_REFPOSTYEAR | Posting Year of Reference Posting | GJAHR | NUMC |
275 | RL_REFPURCH_DOC | Reference Document for Purchasing Document | EBELN | CHAR |
276 | RL_REL_BNDARY | Difference to end of previous month | RL_DEC2S | DEC |
277 | RL_REORDBAL | Reorder Point Quantity in Base Unit of Quantity | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
278 | RL_REPACCTN | Evaluate Returnable Packaging Account Number | CHAR001 | CHAR |
279 | RL_REPACHOL | Evaluation exchange partner | CHAR001 | CHAR |
280 | RL_REPMATNR | Evaluation Material Number of Returnable Packaging | CHAR001 | CHAR |
281 | RL_REPROCNO | Number of reprocessing record | RL_REPROCNO | CHAR |
282 | RL_REPROC_DB_REF | Reference to DB object reprocessing record | CL_REPROC_DB_RL | REF |
283 | RL_REPROC_ITEM_DB_REF | Reference to DB object reprocessing record (item) | CL_REPROC_ITEM_DB_RL | REF |
284 | RL_REPROC_ROLE_DB_REF | Reference to DB object reprocessing record (role) | CL_REPROC_ROLE_DB_RL | REF |
285 | RL_RET_MATNR | Returnable packaging | MATNR | CHAR |
286 | RL_RET_MATNR_ACHOL | Returnable packaging number at exchange partner | RL_PARRET_MATNR | CHAR |
287 | RL_RET_MATNR_ACMAN | Returnable packaging number at location | RL_PARRET_MATNR | CHAR |
288 | RL_RET_MATNR_EXT | Returnable Packaging Number at Partner | RL_PARRET_MATNR | CHAR |
289 | RL_REVPOTYPE | Subsequent account posting type | RL_POTYPE | CHAR |
290 | RL_ROLEACM | Role of location in account statement | RL_ROLEACM | CHAR |
291 | RL_ROLEACM_TEXT | Role of location in account statement: description | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
292 | RL_ROLEPARTNER | Role of partner in the relationship | RL_ROLEPARTNER | CHAR |
293 | RL_ROLE_EXP | RP partner role of exchange partner in an account posting | RL_PARTNER_ROLE | CHAR |
294 | RL_ROLE_LOC | RP partner role of location in an account posting | RL_PARTNER_ROLE | CHAR |
295 | RL_ROLE_TXT_EXP | Name for RP partner role of exchange partner | TEXT20 | CHAR |
296 | RL_ROLE_TXT_LOC | Name for RP partner role of location | TEXT20 | CHAR |
297 | RL_RTPERIOD1 | Residence time 1 | NUMC04 | NUMC |
298 | RL_RTPERIOD2 | Residence time 2 | NUMC04 | NUMC |
299 | RL_SENDER | Returnable Packaging Sender | RL_PARTNER_NO | CHAR |
300 | RL_SENDER_EXT | Returnable Packaging Sender (External Description) | RL_EXTERNAL_ID | CHAR |
301 | RL_SENDER_TYPE | Partner type of sender | RL_PARTNER_TYPE | CHAR |
302 | RL_SEQNO | Posting sequence number of returnable packaging account | RL_SEQNO | INT4 |
303 | RL_SEQUENCE_LOST | Sequence Incomplete | XFELD | CHAR |
304 | RL_SETTLEMENT_PARTNER | Returnable packaging settlement partner | RL_PARTNER_NO | CHAR |
305 | RL_SETTLEMENT_PARTNER_EXT | Returnable packaging settlement partner (external name) | RL_EXTERNAL_ID | CHAR |
306 | RL_SETTLEMENT_PARTNER_TYPE | Partner type of settlement partner | RL_PARTNER_TYPE | CHAR |
307 | RL_SIGN | Totals display: Right-hand column break character | CHAR1 | CHAR |
308 | RL_SRTDOCDT | Evaluation With Acct Balance; Sorted By RefDocDate | CHAR001 | CHAR |
309 | RL_SRTPOSDT | Evaluationn With Account Balance, Sorted By Posting Date | CHAR001 | CHAR |
310 | RL_STEXT | Processor | TEXT40 | CHAR |
311 | RL_SUPPNO | Vendor Number in Account Statement | RL_SUPPNO | CHAR |
312 | RL_SUPPNO_PR | Vendor number in account statement (main relationship) | RL_SUPPNO_PR | CHAR |
313 | RL_TRANSDATE | Posting date | DATUM | DATS |
314 | RL_TRANSL_CUST_IN | Convert customer number on receipt of statement | XFELD | CHAR |
315 | RL_TRANSL_CUST_OUT | Convert customer number on sending statement | XFELD | CHAR |
316 | RL_TRANSL_SUPP_IN | Convert vendor number on receipt of statement | XFELD | CHAR |
317 | RL_TRANSL_SUPP_OUT | Convert vendor number on sending statement | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | RL_TRANSPTN | Shipping Partner Number | RL_TRANSPTN | CHAR |
319 | RL_TRANSQUAN | Transaction quantity | RL_BALANCE | QUAN |
320 | RL_TRANSTYPE | Transaction type for returnable packaging account statements | CHAR3 | CHAR |
321 | RL_TRANSTYPE_P | Transaction type "previous year" for RP account statements | CHAR3 | CHAR |
322 | RL_TRMNO_EXT_CHECK | Handling of faulty external transmission numbers | RL_TRMNO_EXT_CHECK | CHAR |
323 | RL_TYPE_NAMED_ID | Type of Named Object | RL_TYPE_NAMED_ID | CHAR |
324 | RL_TYPE_NAMING_ID | Partner type of informing partner | NRART | CHAR |
325 | RL_USNAM | Posting Carried Out By | XUBNAME | CHAR |
326 | RL_USNAME_ORIG | First entered by | XUBNAME | CHAR |
327 | RL_VALDAT | Key date | DATUM | DATS |
328 | RL_VALFROM | Valid from date | DATUM | DATS |
329 | RL_VALTO | Valid-to date | DATUM | DATS |
330 | RL_VBELN | Number of the Internal Delivery Note | VBELN | CHAR |
331 | RL_VKORG | Sales organization | VKORG | CHAR |
332 | RL_VTWEG | Distribution channel | VTWEG | CHAR |
333 | RM06B_EXT_REL_DSP | All Purchase Requisitions | XFELD | CHAR |
334 | RM06B_EXT_REL_EXE2DATE | Release Request Sent To Date | SYDATS | DATS |
335 | RM06B_EXT_REL_EXE2TIME | Release Request Sent To Time | SYTIME | TIMS |
336 | RM06B_EXT_REL_EXEDATE | Release Request Sent From Date | SYDATS | DATS |
337 | RM06B_EXT_REL_EXETIME | Release Request Sent From Time | SYTIME | TIMS |
338 | RM06B_EXT_REL_EXT | In External Release and Release Request Not Sent | XFELD | CHAR |
339 | RM06B_EXT_REL_INT | In Internal Release and Release Request Sent | XFELD | CHAR |
340 | RM06B_EXT_REL_PND | Waiting for Confirmation from External System | XFELD | CHAR |
341 | RM06B_EXT_REL_WAIT | Waiting for Result of Release from External System | XFELD | CHAR |
342 | RM06CCMEXP_PRICEDATE | Date of Price Determination | DATUM | DATS |
343 | RM06EKBE_I | Minimum number of purchase order history records | INT4 | INT4 |
344 | RM06EKEK_I | Number of Remaining SA Releases (JIT/FRC Delivery Schedules) | INT4 | INT4 |
345 | RM06ERVE_EURO | Determine euro rate automatically? | XFELD | CHAR |
346 | RM06ERVE_LIEFTEST | Check vendor's currency? | XFELD | CHAR |
347 | RM08N_XIVTYP3 | Invoices entered for verification in background | XFELD | CHAR |
348 | RM08N_XIVTYP4 | Invoices entered by EDI | XFELD | CHAR |
349 | RM08N_XIVTYPEDI | Invoices entered by EDI | XFELD | CHAR |
350 | RM08N_XIVTYPHG | Invoices entered for verification in background | XFELD | CHAR |
351 | RM08N_XIVTYPONL | Invoices entered for online verification | XFELD | CHAR |
352 | RM08N_XUNF | Indicator: Only select invoices with unclarified errors? | XFELD | CHAR |
353 | RM08V_BPME | Order price unit (purchasing) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
354 | RM08V_BPMN | Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit | MENG13V | QUAN |
355 | RM08V_MEIN | Base unit of measure | CHAR3 | CHAR |
356 | RM08V_MENG | Quantity | MENG13V | QUAN |
357 | RM08V_NETP | Net price | CHAR20 | CHAR |
358 | RM08V_RETPO | Returns item | XFELD_MIT_STERN | CHAR |
359 | RM08V_UEBM | Number of higher-level material | MATNR | CHAR |
360 | RM08XBEST | Indicates that purchase orders are selected | BOOLE | CHAR |
361 | RM08XGERW | Indicator: credit memo expected | BOOLE | CHAR |
362 | RM08XLIFP | Indicator: Select scheduling agreements | BOOLE | CHAR |
363 | RM08XLIFR | Indicator: Different invoicing party too | BOOLE | CHAR |
364 | RM08XRERW | Indicates that invoice is expected | BOOLE | CHAR |
365 | RM08_IDENT | Identification of the application that generated the invoice | RM08_IDENT | CHAR |
366 | RM08_KONS_XABG | Settle Withdrawals: Credit Memo | BOOLE | CHAR |
367 | RM08_KONS_XABR | Settle Withdrawals and Return Deliveries | BOOLE | CHAR |
368 | RM08_KONS_XANZ | Display Withdrawals and Return Deliveries | BOOLE | CHAR |
369 | RM08_KONS_XGABR | Settle Withdrawals as Credit Memo | BOOLE | CHAR |
370 | RM08_KONS_XINV | Select Settled Withdrawals | BOOLE | CHAR |
371 | RM08_KONS_XKONS | Include Consignment Withdrawals | BOOLE | CHAR |
372 | RM08_KONS_XNINV | Select Withdrawals Not Settled | BOOLE | CHAR |
373 | RM08_KONS_XPIPE | Include Pipeline Withdrawals | BOOLE | CHAR |
374 | RM08_KONS_XRABR | Settle Withdrawals as Invoice | BOOLE | CHAR |
375 | RM08_LIFS_AEHNL | Indicates that delivery note no. is entered approximately | BOOLE | CHAR |
376 | RM08_LIFS_EXAKT | Indicates that delivery note no. is entered exactly | BOOLE | CHAR |
377 | RM08_MWSKZ | Tax code | MWSKZ | CHAR |
378 | RM08_REOR_XTEST | Indicates whether test run is carried out | BOOLE | CHAR |
379 | RM08_SKDAT | Latest date when full cash discount still possible | DATUM | DATS |
380 | RM08_XEINK | Message category EINK active? | BOOLE | CHAR |
381 | RM08_XERS | Message type ERS acitve? | BOOLE | CHAR |
382 | RM08_XKONS | Message type KONS active? | BOOLE | CHAR |
383 | RM08_XMLPP | Message type MLPP active? | BOOLE | CHAR |
384 | RM08_XREKL | Message type REKL active? | BOOLE | CHAR |
385 | RMACCSTAT | Roadmap: Accelerator Status | ICONNAME | CHAR |
386 | RMACCTEXT | Roadmap: Accelerator Name | TEXT255 | CHAR |
387 | RMACCTNAME | Roadmap: Accelerator Technical Name | AGR3_HTML | CHAR |
388 | RMAC_EL | Generic start of RMAC modules | CHAR3 | CHAR |
389 | RMAIN | Remaining Entitlement for FMLA | WEEKS | DEC |
390 | RMAND | Client | SYCHAR03 | CHAR |
391 | RMAN_PRPL_ACC_CYRBELAS | Capacity Load Per Period Due to Remaining Capacity | RMAN_PRPL_ACC_CYRBELAS | DEC |
392 | RMAN_PRPL_AMPEL | Traffic Light Status for Range of Coverage | ICON | CHAR |
393 | RMAN_PRPL_BERWX | Range of Cover. | DECV3_1 | DEC |
394 | RMAN_PRPL_DSTYPE | Range-of-Coverage Type | CHAR25 | CHAR |
395 | RMAN_PRPL_QUANT | Stock Quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
397 | RMAN_PRPL_TWRED | Limit Val. for Red Traff. Light for Range-of-Coverage Status | DECV3_1 | DEC |
398 | RMAN_PRPL_TWYEL | Limit Val. for Yellow Traffic Light for Range-of-Cov. Status | DECV3_1 | DEC |
399 | RMAN_PRSP_BOOLEAN | Boolean Variable (X = True, Space = False) | RMAN_PRSP_BOOLEAN | CHAR |
400 | RMAN_PRSP_BUTTONNAME | Name of Pushbutton | CHAR30 | CHAR |
402 | RMAN_PRSP_COMP_DISPLAY | Show WD Component Depending On Mode | RMAN_PRSP_COMP_DISPLAY | CHAR |
403 | RMAN_PRSP_CREA_DAYS_PAST | Start of Evaluation Period: Days in the Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
404 | RMAN_PRSP_CREA_REL_CONF_PAST | Date of Entry: Number of Days in Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
405 | RMAN_PRSP_CUST_PROBLEM | Customer-Specific Problem | RMAN_PRSP_ERROR_FLAG | CHAR |
406 | RMAN_PRSP_DAYS_ACT_PAST | Confirmation List: Number of Days in the Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
407 | RMAN_PRSP_DAYS_FUTURE | Operation List: Number of Days in the Future | NUMC5 | NUMC |
408 | RMAN_PRSP_DAYS_PAST | Operation List: Number of Dates in Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
409 | RMAN_PRSP_EXCL_HDR_STAT1 | Exclude Order Status 1 | XFELD | CHAR |
410 | RMAN_PRSP_EXCL_HDR_STAT2 | Exclude Order Status 2 | XFELD | CHAR |
411 | RMAN_PRSP_EXCL_OPER_STAT1 | Exclude Operation Status 1 | XFELD | CHAR |
412 | RMAN_PRSP_EXCL_OPER_STAT2 | Exclude Operation Status 2 | XFELD | CHAR |
413 | RMAN_PRSP_FIELDNAME | Field Name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
414 | RMAN_PRSP_HEADER_STAT_TXT | System Status of Order Header | TEXT4 | CHAR |
415 | RMAN_PRSP_HEADER_STAT_TXT2 | System Status of Order Header | TEXT4 | CHAR |
416 | RMAN_PRSP_INSP_LOT_FUTURE | Inspection Lot List: Number of Days in Future | NUMC5 | NUMC |
417 | RMAN_PRSP_INSP_LOT_PAST | Inspection Lot List: Number of Days in Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
418 | RMAN_PRSP_INSP_LOT_PAST_CR | Inspection Lot Creation Dates: Number of Days in Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
419 | RMAN_PRSP_LATE_TYPE | Late indicator - indicator if operation is running late | XFELD | CHAR |
420 | RMAN_PRSP_LINE_NUMBER | Line Number | NUMC | |
421 | RMAN_PRSP_LINE_SEQUENCE | Sequence Number | NUMC | |
424 | RMAN_PRSP_MD_COUNT_TY | Entry Counter | INT4 | |
425 | RMAN_PRSP_OPER_STAT_TXT | System Status for Operation | TEXT4 | CHAR |
426 | RMAN_PRSP_OPER_STAT_TXT2 | System Status for Operation | TEXT4 | CHAR |
427 | RMAN_PRSP_PI_ORD_FUTURE | Process Order Dates/Times: Number of Days in Future | NUMC5 | NUMC |
428 | RMAN_PRSP_PI_ORD_PAST | Process Order Dates/Times: Number of Days in Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
429 | RMAN_PRSP_PM_OPR_FUTURE | PM Operation Dates: Number of Days in Future | NUMC5 | NUMC |
430 | RMAN_PRSP_PM_OPR_PAST | PM Operation Dates: Number of Days in Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
431 | RMAN_PRSP_PM_ORD_FUTURE | PM Order Dates: Number of Days in Future | NUMC5 | NUMC |
432 | RMAN_PRSP_PM_ORD_PAST | PM Order Dates: Number of Days in Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
433 | RMAN_PRSP_POSTING_DATE_FUT | Posting Date: Number of Days in Future | NUMC5 | NUMC |
434 | RMAN_PRSP_POSTING_DATE_PAST | Posting Date: Number of Days in Past | NUMC5 | NUMC |
435 | RMAN_PRSP_PREDEC_PROBLEM | Problem with Predecessor Operation | RMAN_PRSP_ERROR_FLAG | CHAR |
436 | RMAN_PRSP_PRE_SUCC | Predecessor/Successor Information | XFLAG | CHAR |
437 | RMAN_PRSP_PRE_SUCC_IDENT | Identification of Predecessor/Successor | RMAN_PRSP_PRESUC | CHAR |
440 | RMAN_PRSP_PROGR_OPR | Operation Progress | INT4 | INT4 |
441 | RMAN_PRSP_PROGR_ORD | Order Progress | INT4 | INT4 |
442 | RMAN_PRSP_QUALITY_PROBLEM | Indicator for Quality Problem | RMAN_PRSP_ERROR_FLAG | CHAR |
443 | RMAN_PRSP_ROLEID | Role ID for Confirmation in Portal | RMAN_PRSP_ROLEID | CHAR |
444 | RMAN_PRSP_SCREENID | Layout for Portal Confirmation | CHAR | |
445 | RMAN_PRSP_SCREENTEXT | Layout Description | CHAR40K | CHAR |
446 | RMAN_PRSP_STATUS_CAP_PROBLEM | Status Capacity Check | CHAR20 | CHAR |
447 | RMAN_PRSP_STATUS_CUST_PROBLEM | Status Individual Check | CHAR20 | CHAR |
448 | RMAN_PRSP_STATUS_ICON | Status Icon | CHAR46 | CHAR |
449 | RMAN_PRSP_STATUS_MACHINE_PROBL | Status Machine Outage | CHAR20 | CHAR |
450 | RMAN_PRSP_STATUS_MAT_PROBLEM | Status Missing Part Check | CHAR20 | CHAR |
451 | RMAN_PRSP_STATUS_Q_PROBLEM | Status Q Problem Check | CHAR20 | CHAR |
452 | RMAN_PRSP_STATUS_TOOLS_PROBLEM | Status Tools Check | CHAR20 | CHAR |
453 | RMAN_PRSP_STRING | String | STRG | |
454 | RMAN_PRSP_SUCC_PROBLEM | Successor Operations Problems | RMAN_PRSP_ERROR_FLAG | CHAR |
459 | RMAN_PRSP_WD_COMPONENT | Name of Web Dynpro Component | CHAR | |
460 | RMAR1 | Obsolete/Insignificant Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
461 | RMARA | Return code MARA | XFELD | CHAR |
462 | RMARC | Return code Marc | XFELD | CHAR |
463 | RMARD | Return code MARD | XFELD | CHAR |
464 | RMARDH | Indicator: MARDH for previous period could not be read | XFELD | CHAR |
465 | RMARGIN_SUB | Billing Interval for Secondary Installation After MR Date | NUMC | |
466 | RMAUTH_BACKFL_CANCEL | Reversing backflushes | XFELD | CHAR |
467 | RMAUTH_BACKFL_CONCLU | Final postings (separat./postprocess.) | BFACT_CONCLU | CHAR |
468 | RMAUTH_BACKFL_MISC | Dummy field for other authorizations | BFACT_MISC | CHAR |
469 | RMAUTH_BACKFL_POST | Authorization for posting/correction | BFACT_POST | CHAR |
470 | RMAUTH_BACKFL_REPPT | Reporting points (subsequent posting/resetting) | BFACT_REPPT | CHAR |
471 | RMAUTH_BACKFL_SCRAP | Authorization for the scrap backflush | XFELD | CHAR |
472 | RMAUTH_BACKFL_TYPE | Backflush types | BFACT_TYPE | CHAR |
473 | RMAUTH_BFTYP_ACT | Authorization for activity backflush | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
474 | RMAUTH_BFTYP_ASS | Authorization for assembly backflush | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
475 | RMAUTH_BFTYP_COM | Authoriztion for component backflush | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
476 | RMA_ARKTX_G | Short text for describing serviceable item material | TEXT40 | CHAR |
477 | RMA_ATTRI | Repairs processing: Display item attributes | RMA_ATTRI | CHAR |
478 | RMA_DEFAU | Repair procedure: Default transaction | XFELD | CHAR |
479 | RMA_DE_HIGH | HIGH field in creation of SELECT-OPTIONS tables | CHAR | |
480 | RMA_DE_LOW | LOW field in creation of SELECT-OPTIONS tables | CHAR | |
481 | RMA_DE_OPTION | OPTION field in structure of SELECT-OPTIONS tables | CHAR | |
482 | RMA_DE_SIGN | SIGN field in creation of SELECT-OPTIONS tables | CHAR | |
483 | RMA_DYNPO | Billed acc. to resources, dynamic items confirmed | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
484 | RMA_EXTNR | Use document number to enter external PO number | XFELD | CHAR |
485 | RMA_FAKTU | Repair has been either partially or completely billed | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
486 | RMA_FLG_KZEN | Status indicator 'Business decision to be made' | CHAR1 | CHAR |
487 | RMA_KONFL | Repairs procedure: Manual processing required | XFELD | CHAR |
488 | RMA_MATNR_G | Repairs processing: Serviceable material number | MATNR | CHAR |
489 | RMA_MATNR_S | Repairs processing: Material number of service product | MATNR | CHAR |
490 | RMA_MENGE | Repairs processing: Serviceable material quantity for repair | NUM7 | NUMC |
491 | RMA_MENGE_REPALIF | Quantity of serviceable materials for delivery to customer | NUM07 | NUMC |
492 | RMA_MENGE_REPANFO | Quantity of expected serviceable items | NUM07 | NUMC |
493 | RMA_MENGE_REPFAKT | Quantity of billed serviceable materials | NUM07 | NUMC |
494 | RMA_MENGE_REPIREP | Quantity of serviceable materials under repair | NUM07 | NUMC |
495 | RMA_MENGE_REPLEIK | Number of materials on loan to the customer | NUM07 | NUMC |
496 | RMA_MENGE_REPLIEF | Quantity of serviceable materials delivered to customer | NUM07 | NUMC |
497 | RMA_MENGE_REPREPA | Quantity of repaired serviceable materials | NUM07 | NUMC |
498 | RMA_MENGE_REPRETO | Quantity of serviceable materials to be returned | NUM07 | NUMC |
499 | RMA_MENGE_REPRLIF | Quantity of serviceable items sent in by customer | NUM07 | NUMC |
500 | RMA_MENGE_REPRLWE | Quantity of servicable materials received (GR posted) | NUM07 | NUMC |