SAP ABAP Data Element - Index R, page 26
- R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-11 R-12 R-13 R-14 R-15 R-16 R-17 R-18 R-19 R-20 R-21 R-22 R-23 R-24 R-25 R-26 R-27 R-28 R-29 R-30 R-31 R-32 R-33 R-34 R-35 R-36 R-37 R-38 R-39 R-40 R-41 R-42 R-43 R-44 R-45 R-46 R-47 R-48 R-49 R-50 R-51 R-52 R-53 R-54 R-55 R-56 R-57 R-58 R-59 R-60 R-61 R-62 R-63
Data Element - R
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | RKEBWME007 | Unit of Measure for Number of Block Seats | MEINS | UNIT |
2 | RKEBWME008 | Unit of Measure for Sales Quantity | MEINS | UNIT |
3 | RKEBWOBJCT | BW Object (InfoObject, GUID...) | CAT_FNAM | CHAR |
4 | RKEBWOBJT | BW Object: Text | CHAR60LOW | CHAR |
5 | RKEBWOBJT2 | SAP Reference Structure | CAT_FNAM | CHAR |
6 | RKEBWOBJW | BW Object: From-Value | CHA64 | CHAR |
7 | RKEBWOBJW2 | BW Object: To-Value | CHA64 | CHAR |
8 | RKEBWOWAER | Object Currency, Account-Based Profitability Analysis | WAERS | CUKY |
10 | RKEBWREAD | CO-PA Connection to SAP BW: Number of Records Read | INT4 | INT4 |
11 | RKEBWREPL | CO-PA Connection to SAP BW: Number of Replicated Records | INT4 | INT4 |
12 | RKEBWSDATE | Start Time: Date | DATUM | DATS |
13 | RKEBWSEL | CO-PA Connection to SAP BW: InfoSource Contains Selection | FLAG | CHAR |
14 | RKEBWSRC | CO-PA Connection to SAP BW: DataSource for InfoSource | RKEBWSRC | CHAR |
15 | RKEBWSTAT | CO-PA Connection to SAP BW: InfoSource Replication Status | RKEBWSTAT | CHAR |
16 | RKEBWSTIME | Start Time: Hour | UZEIT | TIMS |
18 | RKEBWTRAGG | Using Database Aggregation Functions During Callup | FLAG | CHAR |
19 | RKEBWTRNM | Name of Data Transfer | CHAR60LOW | CHAR |
20 | RKEBWTRSRC | Source of Data from which Data is Read during Restructuring | FLAG | CHAR |
21 | RKEBWTSTMP | CO-PA Connection to SAP BW: Replication Status | RKE_TSTMP | DEC |
22 | RKEBWTWAER | Transaction Currency, Account-Based Profitability Analysis | WAERS | CUKY |
23 | RKEBW_NO_GROUP_BY | CO-PA Connection to SAP BW: Select w/o GROUP BY with FULL | FLAG | CHAR |
24 | RKEBW_NO_PAOBJNR_SPLIT | CO-PA Connection to SAP BW: No PAOBJNR Packaging with INIT | FLAG | CHAR |
25 | RKECHAR01 | Character field,length 1 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
26 | RKECHAR02 | Character field, length 2 | CHAR2 | CHAR |
27 | RKECHAR03 | Character field, length 3 | CHAR3 | CHAR |
28 | RKECHAR04 | Character field, length 4 | CHAR4 | CHAR |
29 | RKECHAR05 | Character field, length 5 | CHAR5 | CHAR |
30 | RKECHAR06 | Character field, length 6 | CHAR6 | CHAR |
31 | RKECHAR07 | Character field, length 7 | CHAR7 | CHAR |
32 | RKECHAR08 | Character field, length 8 | CHAR8 | CHAR |
33 | RKECHAR09 | Character field, length 9 | CHAR9 | CHAR |
34 | RKECHAR10 | Character field, length 10 | CHAR10 | CHAR |
35 | RKECHAR11 | Character field, length 11 | CHAR11 | CHAR |
36 | RKECHAR12 | Character field, length 12 | CHAR12 | CHAR |
37 | RKECHAR13 | Character field, length 13 | CHAR13 | CHAR |
38 | RKECHAR14 | Character field, length 14 | CHAR14 | CHAR |
39 | RKECHAR15 | Character field, length 15 | CHAR15 | CHAR |
40 | RKECHAR16 | Character field, length 16 | CHAR16 | CHAR |
41 | RKECHAR17 | Character field, length 17 | CHAR17 | CHAR |
42 | RKECHAR18 | Character field, length 18 | CHAR18 | CHAR |
43 | RKECHAR19 | Character field, length 19 | CHAR19 | CHAR |
44 | RKECHAR20 | Character field, length 20 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
45 | RKECHAR21 | Character field, length 21 | CHAR21 | CHAR |
46 | RKECHAR22 | Character field, length 22 | CHAR22 | CHAR |
47 | RKECHAR23 | Character field, length 23 | CHAR23 | CHAR |
48 | RKECHAR24 | Character field, length 24 | CHAR24 | CHAR |
49 | RKECHAR25 | Character field, length 25 | CHAR25 | CHAR |
50 | RKECRMCSTY | CRM Cost Element | KSTAR | CHAR |
51 | RKECRMELEM | CRM Marketing Element | PS_POSNR | NUMC |
52 | RKECRMELEM_POSID | CRM Marketing Element | PS_POSID | CHAR |
54 | RKEDRABC_CHARAC | Selection or Update Characteristic | FDNAME | CHAR |
55 | RKEDRABC_FLAG | Flag: selection characteristic | KEDRFLAG | CHAR |
56 | RKEFIELD30 | CO-PA Field | CAT_FNAM | CHAR |
57 | RKEFIELD3V | Fixed Value | CAT_FNAM | CHAR |
58 | RKEG_ARABA | Special offer discount | WERTV7 | CURR |
59 | RKEG_EFORM | Form of manufacture | RKEG_EFORM | CHAR |
61 | RKEG_PRDGR | Product range | RKEG_PRDGR | CHAR |
62 | RKEG_REGIO | Region | RKEG_REGIO | CHAR |
65 | RKEHA_DIMENSION | HANA Attribute View | FDNAME | CHAR |
66 | RKEHA_MODEL | HANA Information Model | RKEHA_MODEL | CHAR |
67 | RKEHERK | Origins (CO-PA) | RKEHERK | CHAR |
68 | RKEIN | Update time unit | CHAR1 | CHAR |
70 | RKELISUNI | Unit of key figure | MEINS | UNIT |
71 | RKELISVAL | Amount of key figure CO-PA <-> LIS | RKELISVAL | DEC |
72 | RKEMCAPPL | Mass Customizing Application | RKEMCAPPL | CHAR |
73 | RKEMCFDISP | Mass Customizing - Processing Type | RKEMCFDISP | CHAR |
74 | RKEMCFTYPE | Mass Customizing - Field Type | RKEMCFTYPE | CHAR |
75 | RKEMCKEY | Mass Customizing - Template Key | CHAR10 | CHAR |
76 | RKEMCSKEY | Mass Customizing - Template Subkey | CHAR16 | CHAR |
78 | RKENCCDATE | Changed On | DATUM | DATS |
79 | RKENCCHANG | Number of profitability segments changed | INT4 | INT4 |
80 | RKENCCORD | Realignment request | RKENCUNIFY | NUMC |
81 | RKENCCOTXT | Description of change request | TEXT50 | CHAR |
82 | RKENCCRITI | Bookmark: critical operations | RKENCCRITI | CHAR |
83 | RKENCCRTXT | Short text of realignment run | TEXT50 | CHAR |
84 | RKENCCRUN | Realignment run | RKENCUNIFY | NUMC |
85 | RKENCCTIME | Time last changed | UZEIT | TIMS |
86 | RKENCDERIV | Number of derivations | INT4 | INT4 |
87 | RKENCDRERR | Error during derivation | INT4 | INT4 |
88 | RKENCEDATE | Finish date | DATUM | DATS |
89 | RKENCETIME | Finish time | UZEIT | TIMS |
90 | RKENCFTST | Test mode | FLAG | CHAR |
91 | RKENCFUNDO | Restore | FLAG | CHAR |
92 | RKENCHIT | Number of line items for a realignment run | INT4 | INT4 |
93 | RKENCLFDNR | Sequence number of realignment run log | RSNUMC4 | NUMC |
94 | RKENCNCORD | Number of dependent realignment requests | INT4 | INT4 |
95 | RKENCREAD | Number of profitability segments read from database | INT4 | INT4 |
96 | RKENCSDATE | Start date | DATUM | DATS |
97 | RKENCSTAT | Status of realignment run | RKENCSTAT | CHAR |
98 | RKENCSTIME | Start time (HHMMSS) | UZEIT | TIMS |
99 | RKENCUNCHG | Do Not Change | FLAG | CHAR |
100 | RKENC_ORGFIELD | CO-PA Realignments: special handling for specific fields | XFELD | CHAR |
101 | RKENN | Application of Remainder Rule | RKENN | CHAR |
102 | RKEOBJNR | Profitability Segment Number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | NUMC |
103 | RKEOBJNR_S | Profitability Segment No. for CO-PA Post. Acc. to Cons. Mth | RKEOBJNR | NUMC |
104 | RKEOBJN_BI | Number for Profitability Segments (CO-PA) (Batch Input Fld) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
105 | RKEOB_B_KK | Profitability segment numbers (CO-PA): batch input | CHAR10 | CHAR |
106 | RKEOOBJNR | Number for profitability segments in original system (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | NUMC |
107 | RKEOSUBNR | Change history for CO-PA prof. segments in org. system | RKESUBNR | NUMC |
108 | RKEPA | Indicator for arbitrary use | RKEPA | CHAR |
110 | RKEPOBJ | Partner profitability segment number (CO-PA) | RKEOBJNR | NUMC |
111 | RKEPSUBNR | Changes to partner profitability segments (CO-PA) | RKESUBNR | NUMC |
112 | RKERFBELNR | Reference document number for CO-PA line item | BELNR | CHAR |
113 | RKERFPOSNR | Item number from reference document (CO-PA) | RKE_POSNR | CHAR |
114 | RKERN | Reaction to overtime in core time | MSGWE | CHAR |
115 | RKESKMATYP | Aircraft Type | RKESKMATYP | NUMC |
117 | RKESKMCATG | Business field | RKESKMCATG | NUMC |
118 | RKESKMDEST | Destination | RKESKMDEST | CHAR |
119 | RKESKMFLTN | Flight Number | RKESKMFLTN | CHAR |
120 | RKESKMFLTY | Flight Type | RKESKMFLTY | CHAR |
122 | RKESKMLEGS | Route Segment | RKESKMLEGS | CHAR |
123 | RKESKMOPDY | Day of Operation | RKESKMOPDY | CHAR |
124 | RKESKMORIG | Departure Location | RKESKMORIG | CHAR |
126 | RKESKMSTGE | Strategic Business Unit | RKESKMSTGE | NUMC |
127 | RKESKMWNHG | Main Material Group | RKESKMWNHG | NUMC |
129 | RKESKWABFK | Variance: Shipment Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
130 | RKESKWABLG | Lot size variance | WERTV8 | CURR |
131 | RKESKWABLK | Idle-Capacity Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
132 | RKESKWABMG | Quantity Variance | WERTV8 | CURR |
133 | RKESKWABPR | Price Variance | WERTV8 | CURR |
134 | RKESKWABSG | Other variances | WERTV8 | CURR |
135 | RKESKWABST | Resource-Usage Variance | WERTV8 | CURR |
136 | RKESKWAGTK | Sales Agent Commission | WERTV8 | CURR |
137 | RKESKWAKRB | Special offer discount | WERTV8 | CURR |
138 | RKESKWBKPZ | Number of Block Seats | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
139 | RKESKWBLKS | Revenue: Block Seats | WERTV8 | CURR |
140 | RKESKWBLOK | Block Hours | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
141 | RKESKWBONI | Bonuses | WERTV8 | CURR |
142 | RKESKWBRUM | Gross sales | WERTV8 | CURR |
143 | RKESKWCATR | Catering | WERTV8 | CURR |
144 | RKESKWCRGK | Crew Salaries | WERTV8 | CURR |
145 | RKESKWCRWK | Crew Expenses | WERTV8 | CURR |
146 | RKESKWDEPR | Depreciation | WERTV8 | CURR |
147 | RKESKWEURO | Overflight Fees | WERTV8 | CURR |
148 | RKESKWEXLR | Excess Luggage | WERTV8 | CURR |
149 | RKESKWFKFX | Fixed Manufacturing Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
150 | RKESKWFKVA | Variable Production Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
151 | RKESKWFLHR | Flight Hours | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
152 | RKESKWFLKM | Number of Kilometers Flown | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
153 | RKESKWFLSC | Flight Cost of Sales | WERTV8 | CURR |
154 | RKESKWFLSR | In Flight Sales | WERTV8 | CURR |
155 | RKESKWFOEN | Research and Development | WERTV8 | CURR |
156 | RKESKWFRGR | Freight | WERTV8 | CURR |
157 | RKESKWFUEL | Fuel Consumption | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
158 | RKESKWFULK | Fuel Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
159 | RKESKWGOHD | Administration Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
160 | RKESKWGRHD | Ground Handling | WERTV8 | CURR |
161 | RKESKWINSR | Insurance | WERTV8 | CURR |
162 | RKESKWIREG | Flight Irregularities | WERTV8 | CURR |
163 | RKESKWKDRB | Customer Discount | WERTV8 | CURR |
164 | RKESKWKLFK | Accrued shipment costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
165 | RKESKWLFEE | Landing Fees | WERTV8 | CURR |
166 | RKESKWLOGI | Logistics | WERTV8 | CURR |
167 | RKESKWMAEK | Direct Material Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
168 | RKESKWMAGK | Material overhead costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
169 | RKESKWMARB | Material discount | WERTV8 | CURR |
170 | RKESKWMGRB | Quantity discount | WERTV8 | CURR |
171 | RKESKWMKAD | Advertising | WERTV8 | CURR |
172 | RKESKWMKDP | Marketing Department | WERTV8 | CURR |
173 | RKESKWMKPR | Promotion | WERTV8 | CURR |
174 | RKESKWPAXR | Passenger Revenue | WERTV8 | CURR |
175 | RKESKWPAXS | Number of Passengers | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
176 | RKESKWPXHD | Passenger Handling | WERTV8 | CURR |
177 | RKESKWRESV | Reservation Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
178 | RKESKWSEAT | Number of Available Seats | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
179 | RKESKWSGEK | Other Overhead | WERTV8 | CURR |
180 | RKESKWSKTO | Cash discount | WERTV8 | CURR |
181 | RKESKWSMKT | Sales & Marketing | WERTV8 | CURR |
182 | RKESKWSOHD | Sales Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
183 | RKESKWSVME | Sales quantity | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
184 | RKESKWVERW | Administration Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
185 | RKESKWVKPV | Sales commission | WERTV8 | CURR |
186 | RKESKWVSEK | Sales Special Direct Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
187 | RKESKWVTAD | Sales field service | WERTV8 | CURR |
188 | RKESKWVTID | Sales office | WERTV8 | CURR |
189 | RKESKWWTFX | Fixed Maintenance Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
190 | RKESKWWTVA | Variable Maintenance Costs | WERTV8 | CURR |
191 | RKESTATU | Update status for CO-PA line items | RKESTATU | CHAR |
192 | RKESUBNR | Profitability Segment Changes (CO-PA) | RKESUBNR | NUMC |
193 | RKESU_B_KK | Changes history for profitability segments(CO-PA): batch in. | CHAR4 | CHAR |
195 | RKESVVAZNK | Difference: Commitment/Postcalculation | WERTV9 | CURR |
196 | RKESVVBEVP | Valuation Result for Previous Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
197 | RKESVVDKOI | Direct Costs (Actual) | WERTV9 | CURR |
198 | RKESVVEKKB | Net Present Value Equity Costs | WERTV9 | CURR |
199 | RKESVVEKKO | Equity Costs | WERTV9 | CURR |
200 | RKESVVGKZU | Overhead | WERTV9 | CURR |
201 | RKESVVIKPC | Indir. costs PC | WERTV9 | CURR |
202 | RKESVVIKRE | Indir. costs rest | WERTV9 | CURR |
203 | RKESVVLIKO | Liquidity costs | WERTV9 | CURR |
204 | RKESVVMRKO | Reserve Requirement Costs | WERTV9 | CURR |
205 | RKESVVPROA | Commission paid | WERTV9 | CURR |
206 | RKESVVPROB | Commission NPV | WERTV9 | CURR |
207 | RKESVVPROE | Commission earned | WERTV9 | CURR |
208 | RKESVVRIKB | NPV stand.risk costs | WERTV9 | CURR |
209 | RKESVVRIKO | Stand. risk costs | WERTV9 | CURR |
210 | RKESVVRKOI | Risk costs (actual) | WERTV9 | CURR |
211 | RKESVVSTKO | Stand. unit costs | WERTV9 | CURR |
212 | RKETD_CHECK_JOB | Job Chain Status-Dependent | FLAG | CHAR |
213 | RKETD_WAIT | Await End of All Jobs Scheduled Here | FLAG | CHAR |
214 | RKEVERSI | Plan version (CO-PA) | COVERSI | CHAR |
215 | RKEVERSIRECEIVER | Receiver Plan Version (CO-PA) | COVERSI | CHAR |
216 | RKEVERSI_B | Reference Version (CO-PA) | COVERSI | CHAR |
217 | RKEVERSI_R | Receiver version (CO-PA) | COVERSI | CHAR |
218 | RKEY1 | Key part 1 | RKEY1 | CHAR |
219 | RKEY2 | Key part 2 | RKEY2 | CHAR |
220 | RKEY3 | Key part 3 | RKEY3 | CHAR |
221 | RKEYYY | Dependency price unit in CO area currency | RKEYYY | NUMC |
222 | RKE_ABSMG | Sales quantity | MENGV13 | QUAN |
223 | RKE_ABSPR | Activate budget assignment | XFELD | CHAR |
224 | RKE_ACCT_FLAG | Flag: Characteristic Assigned Manually or Using TKEZU | FLAG | CHAR |
225 | RKE_AGGIN | Aggregation: internal display | CHAR1 | CHAR |
226 | RKE_AGGTM | Aggregation based on time | RKE_AGGTM | CHAR |
227 | RKE_ALEACT | CO-PA Distribution: Active indicator | RKE_ALEACT | CHAR |
228 | RKE_ALEFU1 | Function | RKE_ALEFU1 | CHAR |
229 | RKE_ALEMKZ | Segment level chars in distributed Profitability Analysis | XFELD | CHAR |
230 | RKE_ALGNEGVAL | Processing Algorithm for Negative Values | RKE_ALGNEGVAL | CHAR |
231 | RKE_AL_DBSELECT | Type of database selection for periodic allocations CO-PA | KALC_DB_SELECT | NUMC |
232 | RKE_ANRKZ | Lock indicator for automatic characteristic derivation | XFELD | CHAR |
233 | RKE_ANZPER | Number of periods of the event | RKE_COUNTER | NUMC |
234 | RKE_ANZ_EP | No. of line items in delta read process (CO-PA drill-down) | RKE_ANZ_EP | NUMC |
235 | RKE_ANZ_X | Number of form elements on X axis | INT4 | INT4 |
236 | RKE_APERIO | Initial period | JAHRPER | NUMC |
237 | RKE_APPL | Application | RKE_APPL | CHAR |
238 | RKE_ARTKZ | RECH-ARTKZ (internal) | CFARTKZ | CHAR |
239 | RKE_ASCDES | Sort direction | RKE_ASCDES | CHAR |
240 | RKE_ATRSTA | Status of attributes for operating concern | NUMC1 | NUMC |
241 | RKE_ATTR_STATUS | Attribute Status | RKE_ERKRS_STATUS | CHAR |
242 | RKE_ATYP | Element storage type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
243 | RKE_AUFLOS | Flag: Characteristic can be expanded according to sets | XFLAG | CHAR |
244 | RKE_AUSFR | Outgoing freight | WERTV7 | CURR |
245 | RKE_AUSPR | Type of Profitability Analysis | RKE_AUSPR | CHAR |
246 | RKE_AUSPR1 | Indicator for costing-based Profitability Analysis | XFELD | CHAR |
247 | RKE_AUSPR2 | Indicator for account-based Profitability Analysis | XFELD | CHAR |
248 | RKE_AWAHL | Column parameter for when saving | NUMC2 | NUMC |
249 | RKE_BASE_SEQNR | COPA Distribution: Base Segment | RKE_SEQNR | NUMC |
250 | RKE_BDIR | Sort direction for condition in SEIG | RKE_ASCDES | CHAR |
251 | RKE_BELNR | Document number of line item in Profitability Analysis | BELNR | CHAR |
252 | RKE_BERFO | Report type | CHAR2 | CHAR |
253 | RKE_BERKZ | Report Indicator | BERKZ | CHAR |
254 | RKE_BERNA | Report Name | BERNA2 | CHAR |
255 | RKE_BERTXT | Report description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
256 | RKE_BERVA | Key figure scheme | RKE_BERVA | CHAR |
257 | RKE_BEWERT | CO-PA Planning: Automatic valuation online | CHAR01 | CHAR |
258 | RKE_BFELD | Field no. on B | NUMC2 | NUMC |
259 | RKE_BFTXT | Text for report type | TEXT20 | CHAR |
260 | RKE_BIMON | Posting period (to) | POPER | NUMC |
261 | RKE_BINACT | Indicator: Elimination of internal business is active | XFLAG | CHAR |
262 | RKE_BLKX | Selection field: Number of value fields | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
263 | RKE_BLOCKF | Period block for CO-PA operating concern | NUM02 | NUMC |
264 | RKE_BLTEXT | Indicator: Process long text | XFELD | CHAR |
265 | RKE_BONUS | Annual rebates | WERTV7 | CURR |
266 | RKE_BOPE | Condition | RKE_BOPE | CHAR |
267 | RKE_BPRINT | Condition Column in Print | NUMC2 | NUMC |
268 | RKE_BRANC | Profitability Analysis: Industry version | RKE_BRANC | CHAR |
269 | RKE_BRANCH | CO-PA: Branch in the plan structure | CHAR10 | CHAR |
270 | RKE_BUNR | Elimination of internal business volume flag | CHAR1 | CHAR |
271 | RKE_BUS_TR_EXIT | Exit Active | XFLAG | CHAR |
272 | RKE_BUS_TR_REL | Business Transaction Relevant for Legal Update in CO-PA | XFLAG | CHAR |
273 | RKE_BUS_TR_REL_TP | Business Transaction Relevant for Updates in PrCtr Valuation | XFLAG | CHAR |
274 | RKE_BUTYP | Posting type | RKE_BUTYP | CHAR |
275 | RKE_BVTXT | Report version text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
276 | RKE_BWFKT | Point of valuation | RKE_BWFKT | CHAR |
277 | RKE_BWRT | Condition value | CURRV13 | CURR |
278 | RKE_BWRT9 | Conditional value with 3 decimal places | RKE_WERTV9 | DEC |
279 | RKE_CE4_PRESEARCH | CO-PA Accelerator: CE4 Preliminary Search | FLAG | CHAR |
280 | RKE_CEPNN | Line-item file | CHAR5 | CHAR |
281 | RKE_CFIELD | Characteristic in an operating concern | FDNAME | CHAR |
282 | RKE_CFORM | Form | RKE_FORM | CHAR |
283 | RKE_CHARACTERISTIC | CO-PA Characteristic name | FDNAME | CHAR |
284 | RKE_CHARACTERISTIC_VALUE | CO-PA characteristic value | CHAR | |
285 | RKE_CHAR_CHECK | Consistency Check for Characteristic Values | RKE_FLAG_3 | CHAR |
286 | RKE_CHOICE | Selected entry | CHAR1 | CHAR |
287 | RKE_CHTYPE | CO change type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
288 | RKE_CHT_ADD | Transformation of Characteristics - Add Values | RKE_BOOL | CHAR |
289 | RKE_CHT_CANC | Transformation of Characteristics - Cancel Orig. Values | RKE_BOOL | CHAR |
290 | RKE_CLITST | Check whether line item exists in the partner system | CHOICE | CHAR |
291 | RKE_CNSUB | Number of times report displayed | NUM8 | NUMC |
292 | RKE_COLOR | Display color | NUMC2 | NUMC |
293 | RKE_COLUMN | Column position | NUM4 | NUMC |
294 | RKE_CONDITION | External Condition | CHAR4 | CHAR |
295 | RKE_COND_FIELD | CO-PA Characteristic | FDNAME | CHAR |
296 | RKE_COND_ID | Formula ID | RKE_COND_ID | CHAR |
297 | RKE_COND_VALUE | Characteristic Value | KEYID | CHAR |
298 | RKE_COUNTER | Counter for Events | RKE_COUNTER | NUMC |
299 | RKE_COUNTER_CCU | CO-PA: Counter for Conditional Usage of Segment-Lvl Chars | RKE_COUNTER_CCU | NUMC |
300 | RKE_COUNTER_COND | Sequence Number for Formula Storage | RKE_COUNTER_COND | NUMC |
301 | RKE_CREDA | Date operating concern was created | SYDATS | DATS |
302 | RKE_CRERL | SAP Release in which the operating concern was created | SAPRL | CHAR |
303 | RKE_CRIGEN | Characteristic (concrete use ==> EDIMAP) | CHAR18 | CHAR |
304 | RKE_CRITV | Characteristic value in summarization level catalog | KEYID | CHAR |
305 | RKE_CUANM | Name of control program for drill-down reporting | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
306 | RKE_CUST_STATUS | Status of Client-Specific Part of the Environment | RKE_ERKRS_STATUS | CHAR |
307 | RKE_DACTUAL | Status indicator | RKE_DACTUAL | CHAR |
308 | RKE_DARCHIVE | Flag: Read Archived Data When Building Summarization Data | FLAG | CHAR |
309 | RKE_DATE_DERIV | CO-PA: Date for characteristic derivation | DATUM | DATS |
310 | RKE_DATTYP | Data type for ABAP/4 Dictionary objects | DATATYPE | CHAR |
311 | RKE_DATUM | Selection date | DATUM | DATS |
312 | RKE_DAUSPG | CO-PA characteristic value (dynamic display) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
313 | RKE_DBATCH | Background processing (X = do not display message) | FLAG | CHAR |
314 | RKE_DBFORM | Form routine for processing data read | ABFORMNAME | CHAR |
315 | RKE_DBSTMP | Start time for reading data | RKE_TSTMP | DEC |
316 | RKE_DBTSTF | Form routine for processing time stamp | ABFORMNAME | CHAR |
317 | RKE_DB_MEMORY | Memory Capacity - CO-PA Analysis | RKE_DB_ANALYSE | NUMC |
318 | RKE_DDEZ | Default for decimal places in list currency | CHAR1 | CHAR |
319 | RKE_DDTEXT | Description of ABAP Dictionary objects | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
320 | RKE_DECI | Number format | RKCE_DECIM | CHAR |
321 | RKE_DECIC | Decimal display: Counter | NUMC1 | NUMC |
322 | RKE_DECID | Decimal places in the detail list | INT4 | INT4 |
323 | RKE_DECIDP | Decimal places in the detail list when printing | INT4 | INT4 |
324 | RKE_DECIM | Decimal places for quantities | NUMC1 | NUMC |
325 | RKE_DECIP | Decimal places for perc. columns | NUMC1 | NUMC |
326 | RKE_DECIQ | Decimal display: Quotas | NUMC1 | NUMC |
327 | RKE_DECIS | Decimal display: Others | NUMC1 | NUMC |
328 | RKE_DECIU | Decimal places in the overview list | INT4 | INT4 |
329 | RKE_DECIUP | Decimal places in the overview list when printing | INT4 | INT4 |
330 | RKE_DECIW | Decimal places for values | NUMC1 | NUMC |
331 | RKE_DEFINE | Read (defined) data | RKE_DEFINE | CHAR |
332 | RKE_DELTA | Safety interval in seconds for delta read process | RKE_DELTA | NUMC |
333 | RKE_DEPFL | CO-PA: Compounded Characteristic | RKE_BOOL | CHAR |
334 | RKE_DETAIL | Detail | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | RKE_DEZDAR | Number format | RKE_DEZDAR | CHAR |
336 | RKE_DIMPI | Master data default display | RKE_DIMPI | CHAR |
338 | RKE_DIST_APPL | COPA Distribution: Application | RKE_DIST_APPL | CHAR |
339 | RKE_DIST_CTYPE | COPA Distribution: Value Field / Characteristic Type | RKE_DIST_CTYPE | CHAR |
340 | RKE_DIST_DIFF | CO-PA Distribution: Differenciation Indicator | RKE_DIST_DIFF | CHAR |
341 | RKE_DIST_DIFF_T | ID of Differenciation Indicator for CO-PA Distribution | CHAR50 | CHAR |
342 | RKE_DIST_NAME | Identifier for CO-PA Distribution | RKE_DIST_NAME | CHAR |
343 | RKE_DIST_SNAME | Identifier for CO-PA Distribution Segment | RKE_DIST_SNAME | CHAR |
344 | RKE_DIST_TYPE | COPA Distribution: Type | RKE_DIST_TYPE | CHAR |
345 | RKE_DMESSAGE | Message behavior | RKE_DMESSAGE | CHAR |
346 | RKE_DOKU | Description for Program Versions for PVERS Logic | CHAR | |
347 | RKE_DOMTX | RK-E: Domain Text in Short for Displaying Fixed Value Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
348 | RKE_DRUKZ | Field printed in line item list | NUMC1 | NUMC |
349 | RKE_DSAVE | Store summarization data | XFLAG | CHAR |
350 | RKE_DSAVE2 | Read summarization levels | CHAR1 | CHAR |
351 | RKE_DSAVE3 | Read All (Summarization Level) / Read Line Items | CHAR1 | CHAR |
352 | RKE_DSOURCE | Summarization indicator | RKE_DSOURCE | CHAR |
353 | RKE_DVERS | Dictionary version of report tables in INDX file | NUMC02 | NUMC |
354 | RKE_DWAERS | Default target currency | WAERS | CUKY |
355 | RKE_DWAHL | Sequence of columns in print out | INT4 | INT4 |
356 | RKE_EBENE | CO-PA: Report level | RKE_EBENE | CHAR |
357 | RKE_EDEZ | Separate number format | INT4 | INT4 |
358 | RKE_EDIM | CO-PA dimension of an element | CHAR1 | CHAR |
359 | RKE_EFORM | Characteristic group | RKE_EFORM | CHAR |
360 | RKE_EFORM2 | Characteristic group | RKE_EFORM | CHAR |
361 | RKE_EIG | Characteristic | RKE_EIG | CHAR |
362 | RKE_EINFR | Incoming freight | WERTV7 | CURR |
363 | RKE_EINHD | Print unit on detail screen yes/no | X | CHAR |
364 | RKE_EINHG | Print unit on basic data screen yes/no | X | CHAR |
365 | RKE_EINHGP | Print: Print unit on initial list yes/no | X | CHAR |
366 | RKE_EINVP | Incoming packaging | WERTV7 | CURR |
367 | RKE_EIPONR | Sequence Number | NUMC6 | NUMC |
368 | RKE_EISUEB | CO-PA: Transfer reporting data to EIS/BP | RKE_EISUEB | CHAR |
369 | RKE_ELINE | Row number for characteristic field | NUM3 | NUMC |
370 | RKE_ELINE2 | Row number for characteristic field | NUM3 | NUMC |
371 | RKE_ELNR | Element number of a structure | NUMC4 | NUMC |
372 | RKE_EMEEHT | Unit of measure | CHAR2 | CHAR |
373 | RKE_ENSTA | Status of environment | RKE_ENSTA | NUMC |
374 | RKE_ENTRY | Possible entry: Single value or interval | RKE_ENTRY | CHAR |
375 | RKE_ENV | Formula Environment | RKE_ENV | CHAR |
376 | RKE_ENVIR_STATUS | Status of the Cross-Client Part of the Environment | RKE_ERKRS_STATUS | CHAR |
377 | RKE_EPERIO | Closing period | JAHRPER | NUMC |
378 | RKE_EPOS | External GUI interface | XFELD | CHAR |
379 | RKE_EPOVGL | Compare line items | CHOICE | CHAR |
380 | RKE_EPS | Print EPS too | XFELD | CHAR |
381 | RKE_ERKRS_STATUS | Status: Operating Concern | RKE_ERKRS_STATUS | CHAR |
382 | RKE_ERLOS | Revenue | WERTV7 | CURR |
383 | RKE_ERROR | Type of error handling | RKE_ERROR | CHAR |
384 | RKE_ESGPA | Support Set/Get parameter | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
385 | RKE_ESTAT | Entry status for characteristic field | RKE_ESTAT | CHAR |
386 | RKE_ETYP | Element type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
387 | RKE_EVKZ | Basic/user-defined report str. flag | RKE_EVKZ | CHAR |
388 | RKE_EVTXT | Text for basic/user-defined report str. | TEXT20 | CHAR |
389 | RKE_EWAERS | Own currency in main memory | WAERS | CUKY |
390 | RKE_EWSKZ | Characteristic/Value Field Indicator | RKE_EWSKZ | CHAR |
391 | RKE_EXCEPTIONS | Exceptions in Segment-Level Characteristics | CHAR20 | CHAR |
392 | RKE_EXDOC | CO-PA: Indicator for an External Document | RKE_EXDOC | CHAR |
393 | RKE_EXIMDA | Flag: Data exists in client | XFELD | CHAR |
394 | RKE_EXTR | Saving required | XFELD | CHAR |
395 | RKE_FANZ | Number of elements displayed in one structure | TABIX | INT4 |
396 | RKE_FAOBJ | Indicator: Characteristic Creates Data Object in Archiving | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | RKE_FART | Type of Form | CHAR1 | CHAR |
398 | RKE_FASEL | Indicator: Characteristic for Prof. Analysis in Selection | XFELD | CHAR |
399 | RKE_FELDF | Value field name for fixed cost center costs | FDNAME | CHAR |
400 | RKE_FELDG | Value field for variable cost-center costs | FDNAME | CHAR |
401 | RKE_FELDGS | Value Field Name for All Cost Center Costs | FDNAME | CHAR |
402 | RKE_FEMS | Selection group | CFINT4 | INT4 |
403 | RKE_FERTF | Fixed Production Costs | WERTV7 | CURR |
404 | RKE_FERTK | Production Costs | WERTV7 | CURR |
405 | RKE_FERTP | Proportional production costs | WERTV7 | CURR |
406 | RKE_FFNAM | Str. or field name | RKE_FORM | CHAR |
407 | RKE_FIELD | CO-PA: Field name | FDNAME | CHAR |
408 | RKE_FIELDVALUE | Contents of a Value Field | DECV15_2 | DEC |
409 | RKE_FIXD | 0=Ac 1=237A 2=Dy(0) 3=Dy(1) | NUMC1 | NUMC |
410 | RKE_FIXKZ | Indicator (F,V,P,' ') for currency translation | XFELD | CHAR |
411 | RKE_FIXVAR | CO-PA: Language-dependent fixed values of text variables | TEXT40 | CHAR |
412 | RKE_FLAGLH | From/to flag | RKE_FLAGLH | CHAR |
413 | RKE_FLAGR | CO-PA: Replace function (Text/Characteristic value) | RKE_FLAGR | CHAR |
414 | RKE_FLDBEZ | Field Label | TEXT18 | CHAR |
415 | RKE_FLDTXT | Authorization field text | REPTEXT | CHAR |
416 | RKE_FLEVEL | Level of structure | NUMC1 | NUMC |
417 | RKE_FLEX | Flexible adaptation to rows/columns | XFLAG | CHAR |
418 | RKE_FLGATR | Flag: Maintain attributes of operating concern | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
419 | RKE_FLGCUR | Store Additional Currency/Valuation | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
420 | RKE_FLGCUS | Delete Customizing Settings for Operating Concern | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
421 | RKE_FLGDSTR | Delete Data Structures for the Operating Concern | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
422 | RKE_FLGENV | Delete Operating Concern Environment | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
423 | RKE_FLGMODEL | Radio button: create by copying | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
424 | RKE_FLGOMODEL | Radio button: create without copying | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
425 | RKE_FLGSTR | Flag: Maintain data structures for operating concern | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
426 | RKE_FLLIST | CO: List all characteristic values in a dimension | XFLAG | CHAR |
427 | RKE_FMLTYP | Formula type for calculation element | RKE_FMLTYP | NUMC |
428 | RKE_FNAME | Field name for ABAP/4 Dictionary objects | FDNAME | CHAR |
429 | RKE_FNAM_TEXT_M | Field Name: Medium-Length Text | SCRTEXT_M | CHAR |
430 | RKE_FOFFS | Field offset | NUMC4 | NUMC |
431 | RKE_FORM | Programmed formula | CHAR15 | CHAR |
432 | RKE_FORMAT | Cell format for detail list | RKE_FORMAT | CHAR |
433 | RKE_FORMAT_COND | Formula Display | RKE_FORMAT_COND | CHAR |
434 | RKE_FORMEL | Formula for an element of the key figure scheme | CHAR60 | CHAR |
435 | RKE_FORMT | Structure | CHAR25 | CHAR |
436 | RKE_FORMULA | Formula | RKE_FORMULA | CHAR |
437 | RKE_FREIKZ | CO-PA released indicator for planning structure | CHAR1 | CHAR |
438 | RKE_FRGKZ | Release flag for translation | CHOICE | CHAR |
439 | RKE_FS | Follow-on record in SAPMKCBR | TABIX | INT4 |
440 | RKE_FTYP | Type of structure | CHAR1 | CHAR |
441 | RKE_FUNCCH | Function module for validity check | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
442 | RKE_FUNCF4 | Function module for F4 help | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
443 | RKE_FVKZ | Fixed/variable indicator | RKE_FVKZ | CHAR |
444 | RKE_GDATE | Date created | DATUM | DATS |
445 | RKE_GDATUM | Generation date | DATUM | DATS |
446 | RKE_GEN | Flag for generation of derivation structure | RKE_GEN | CHAR |
447 | RKE_GENSTAT | Generation Status | CHAR1 | CHAR |
448 | RKE_GEN_TYPES | Generating Example Data for Record Types | CHAR10 | CHAR |
449 | RKE_GETTINFO | Control Variable for Tree Descriptions (Nodes/Leaves) | RKE_GETTINFO | CHAR |
450 | RKE_GETVINFO | Control Table for Tree Value Range | RKE_GETVINFO | CHAR |
451 | RKE_GRPTXT | Description of the realignment group | TEXT20 | CHAR |
452 | RKE_GUZEIT | Time generated | AS4TIME | TIMS |
453 | RKE_GWAHL | Generated sequence of characteristics/key figures | NUMC2 | NUMC |
454 | RKE_GWAHLN | Generated sequence of characteristics/key figures | NUMC8 | NUMC |
455 | RKE_HIENM | Hierarchy entry | CHAR1 | CHAR |
456 | RKE_HIGH | Upper limit of characteristic values (only for ranges) | EIGXX | CHAR |
457 | RKE_HIGH_G | Upper limit of characteristic value (in interval only) | CHAR | |
458 | RKE_HIGH_L | Upper limit of characteristic value (in interval only) | KEYID | CHAR |
459 | RKE_HILFS | Operating supplies | WERTV7 | CURR |
460 | RKE_HKTAB | Origin table | TABNAME | CHAR |
461 | RKE_HZSTMP | Time created (Greenwich Meantime) | RKE_TSTMP | DEC |
462 | RKE_ICON | Icon | CHAR4 | CHAR |
463 | RKE_IHIGH | Upper limit of table index | CFINT4 | INT4 |
464 | RKE_ILOW | Lower limit of table index | CFINT4 | INT4 |
465 | RKE_INACT | Display indicator for sets in the Report Painter | XFELD | CHAR |
466 | RKE_INDIV | Individual setting for columnt | X | CHAR |
467 | RKE_INDX | Indicator: Data stored in cluster table COIX | XFELD | CHAR |
468 | RKE_INDXDA | Date data was saved in INDX file | DATUM | DATS |
469 | RKE_INIT | Description | XFLAG | CHAR |
470 | RKE_INTEN | CO: Brightness flag | XFLAG | CHAR |
471 | RKE_INTENS | Highlighting for display | XFELD | CHAR |
472 | RKE_INTERN | Internal field | INT4 | INT4 |
473 | RKE_INVKZ | Currency translation: Inversion flag | X | CHAR |
474 | RKE_IPVAR | CO-PA: Entry aid for characteristics | RKE_IPVAR | CHAR |
475 | RKE_IPVARX | CO-PA: Entry aid - Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
476 | RKE_IPV_ACTIVE | Active indicator for screen variant | CHAR | |
477 | RKE_ITYPE | Information Type for CO-PA Planning Log | RKE_ITYPE | CHAR |
478 | RKE_KAEING | Transfer Incoming Sales Orders to CO-PA | RKE_KAEING | CHAR |
479 | RKE_KAUFLO | Indicator: Characteristic cannot be expanded | XFLAG | CHAR |
480 | RKE_KENNZ | Value field in the CO Report Painter | CHAR10 | CHAR |
481 | RKE_KFLDN | Field name for SD interface | FDNAME | CHAR |
482 | RKE_KNTFRM | Indicator for use in account-based Profitability Analysis | RKE_KNTFRM | NUMC |
483 | RKE_KOMMA | Decimal places for local currency | NUMC1 | NUMC |
484 | RKE_KTABNA | Name of key table for summarization level | AS4TAB | CHAR |
485 | RKE_KTSUB | Subnumber in a summarization level | NUMC6 | NUMC |
486 | RKE_KVARAC | Indicator: Variation not active | CHAR1 | CHAR |
487 | RKE_KZ_COCMP | Indicator: Transfer Cost Component Split | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
488 | RKE_LASUB | Date when report last displayed | DATUM | DATS |
489 | RKE_LAYOUT | Line item layout | RKE_FORM | CHAR |
490 | RKE_LEADCHAR | Receiver Characteristic | FDNAME | CHAR |
491 | RKE_LEDBO_BZ_SHORT | Currency type description (short text) | TEXT20 | CHAR |
492 | RKE_LENGTH | Length of entry/output field | NUM4 | NUMC |
493 | RKE_LEVEL | Hierarchy level of a set in the Report Painter | NUM2 | NUMC |
494 | RKE_LFD | Sequence number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
495 | RKE_LFD4 | Sequence Number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
496 | RKE_LFDNR | Sequence Number for Selection Condition | NUMC4 | NUMC |
497 | RKE_LINDX | Flag: Read data from INDX file | XFELD | CHAR |
498 | RKE_LNG | Field length DB | NUMC2 | NUMC |
499 | RKE_LNGS | Field length of sort order | NUMC2 | NUMC |
500 | RKE_LNGW | Field length output | NUMC2 | NUMC |