SAP ABAP Data Element - Index A, page 3
Data Element - A
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | ABP_SLINELONG | Source Line of an ABAP Program (8-Digit) | SYCHAR08 | CHAR |
2 | ABP_SSCR | Data CB index of internal table %_SSCR | SYCHAR05 | CHAR |
3 | ABP_TIMEST | Timestamp of an ABAP/4 program | SYCHAR14 | CHAR |
4 | ABP_TYP | Budget Billing Plan Category, Internal | CHAR1 | CHAR |
5 | ABP_VERS | Version no. of a program as specified in attributes (TRDIR) | SYCHAR04 | CHAR |
6 | ABRAB | Dlv. sched. valid from | DATUM | DATS |
7 | ABRABBKZ | Direct debit procedure indicator | ABRABBKZ | CHAR |
8 | ABRABN | Consumer D-tape (filled by settlement company) | TEXT15 | CHAR |
9 | ABRABND | Consumer D-tape (filled by settlement company, diskette) | TEXT21 | CHAR |
10 | ABRABS1 | Combine Budget Billing Amount Due Date and Bill | ABRABS | CHAR |
11 | ABRABSCH | Default value for allocation structure | ABSCH | CHAR |
12 | ABRANSCHRO | Forward. addr.: Pstcde, city (pstcde 4 char., city 21 char.) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
13 | ABRANSCHRS | Forwarding address: Street (street, blank, house number) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
14 | ABRAQZIF | Identifier "settlement by equivalence number" | XFELD | CHAR |
15 | ABRAR | Employee subgroup grouping for personnel calculation rule | ABRAR | CHAR |
16 | ABRART | IS-H: Billing Type for Patient Accounting | ABRART | CHAR |
17 | ABRAUSLBTR | Expenses amount | TEXT8 | CHAR |
18 | ABRBEG | Settlement start (start of period or move-in date) | TEXT6 | CHAR |
19 | ABRBETR | Amount | TEXT8 | CHAR |
20 | ABRBETRA | Identifier "Settlement by amount" | XFELD | CHAR |
21 | ABRBETRAG | Amount, free for acct settlement exchange | TEXT8 | CHAR |
22 | ABRBETRL | Expenses amount (realty) | TEXT9 | CHAR |
23 | ABRBEZAL | Expense amount ID | TEXT2 | CHAR |
24 | ABRBEZGR | Description of basic components | TEXT2 | CHAR |
25 | ABRBG | Start of accounting settlement period | DATUM | DATS |
26 | ABRBI | SA rel. valid to | DATUM | DATS |
27 | ABRBIS | Settlement period until | DDAT | DATS |
28 | ABRBLART | Document type "Accounting document (FI) for CO settlement | BLART | CHAR |
29 | ABRBLDAT | Subseq. Settlement: Document date (vendor billing doc. only) | DATUM | DATS |
30 | ABRBSCHLHA | Settlement: Credit posting key | BSCHL | CHAR |
31 | ABRBSCHLSO | Settlement: Debit posting key | BSCHL | CHAR |
32 | ABRBUDAT | Subseq. settlement: Billing/posting date, settlement docs | DATUM | DATS |
33 | ABRBUP | Posting period of settlement | MONAT | NUMC |
34 | ABRDA | Payroll Date | DATUM | DATS |
35 | ABRDAT | Date of the next call | DATUM | DATS |
36 | ABRDATE | Settlement date for rebate arrangements (Purchasing) | DATUM | DATS |
37 | ABRDATS | Scheduled Billing Date | DATUM | DATS |
38 | ABRDATSE | Scheduled billing date for period-end billing order | DATUM | DATS |
39 | ABRDATSU | Scheduled billing date for suppressed billing order | DATUM | DATS |
40 | ABRDATS_BI | Scheduled billing date | DATUM | DATS |
41 | ABRDT | Delivery Schedule Date | DATUM | DATS |
42 | ABRDT_LAST | Date of Last-Transmitted (Old) Release | DATS | DATS |
43 | ABRDT_ORG | Delivery schedule date of creation | DATUM | DATS |
44 | ABREART | Settlement type for service charges | ABREART | CHAR |
45 | ABREC | Open / To be Settled / Settled (Indicator) | ABREC | CHAR |
46 | ABRECH | Not relevant to billing | KENNZX | CHAR |
47 | ABRECHJAHR | Accounting Year of Trip | GJAHR | NUMC |
48 | ABRECHK | IS-M: Settlement Type | ABRECHK | CHAR |
49 | ABRECHK_TEXT | IS-M: Text for Settlement Type | TEXT60 | CHAR |
50 | ABRECHNR | Accounting number | CHAR9 | CHAR |
51 | ABRECHNUNGSTAGE | Billing Period in Days | LFDNR4 | NUMC |
52 | ABREC_TXT | Trip Open/To be Settled/Settled - Long Text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
53 | ABREG | Derivation rule/derivation structure | ABREG | CHAR |
54 | ABREI | Display coverage | ABREI | CHAR |
55 | ABREL | Relevant for settlement | ABREL | CHAR |
56 | ABREN | End of accounting settlement period | DATUM | DATS |
57 | ABREPUPD | "Proof of origin" - Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
58 | ABREVATION_ALV | Abbreviation | CHAR10 | CHAR |
59 | ABREX | External description for agreement | CHAR20 | CHAR |
60 | ABRFAKT | Billing factor | ABRFAKT | DEC |
61 | ABRFAKT_EQ | Indicator: billing factor identical for all regs of device | KENNZX | CHAR |
62 | ABRFNAME | Source | ABRFNAME | CHAR |
63 | ABRFREIG | Reason for releasing billing | ABRFREIG | CHAR |
64 | ABRFZ | Cumulative released quantity | MENGV15 | QUAN |
65 | ABRGEMKZ | Common rooms, indicator | ABRGEMKZ | CHAR |
66 | ABRGESP | Blocked area (accountancy firm tape) | TEXT10 | CHAR |
67 | ABRGHVJ | Credit previous year | TEXT8 | CHAR |
68 | ABRGKOST | Total costs for customer D-tape (acct settlement) | TEXT11 | CHAR |
69 | ABRGKOSTD | Total costs for customer D-tape (acct settlement) diskette | TEXT9 | CHAR |
70 | ABRGNR | IS-M/AM: Contract Settlement Number | ABRGNR | NUMC |
71 | ABRGRDHZ | Heating basic share | TEXT6 | CHAR |
72 | ABRGRDHZL | Heating basic share (Total for realty) | TEXT8 | CHAR |
73 | ABRGRDSO | Other basic share | TEXT6 | CHAR |
74 | ABRGRDSOL | Other basic share (Realty total) | TEXT8 | CHAR |
75 | ABRGRDWW | Hot water basic share | TEXT6 | CHAR |
76 | ABRGRDWWL | Hot wate basic share (Realty total) | TEXT8 | CHAR |
77 | ABRGZAHL | Total customer payments D-tape | TEXT8 | CHAR |
78 | ABRGZAHLD | Total customer payments D-tape (diskette) | TEXT9 | CHAR |
79 | ABRG_POSNR | IS-M: Contract Settlement - Item Number | ABRG_POSNR | NUMC |
80 | ABRHO | Scheduling Period | ANZTA | NUMC |
81 | ABRIST | Actual cost settlement/ cost of sales | ABRIST | CHAR |
82 | ABRKAL | Settlement Calendar for Vendors | WFCID | CHAR |
83 | ABRKARTG | Identifier "settlement with original cost element" | XFELD | CHAR |
84 | ABRKDNR | Customer no. used by settlement company to manage partner | NUM7 | NUMC |
85 | ABRKENNZ | Indicator (not needed) | TEXT1 | CHAR |
86 | ABRKN | Payroll constant | ABRKN | CHAR |
87 | ABRKOVOR | Default receiver object type | J_OBART_LD | CHAR |
88 | ABRKSTAR | Settlement cost element for receiver | KSTAR | CHAR |
89 | ABRKZ | IS-H: Service Can Be Billed for | ABRKZ_LS | CHAR |
90 | ABRKZ_FALL | IS-H: Billing Indicator for Case | ABRKZ_FALL | CHAR |
91 | ABRKZ_FK | IS-H: Billing Indicator for Invoice | ABRKZ_FK | CHAR |
92 | ABRKZ_STA | IS-H: Use Billability Specified in Service Master | ABRKZ_STA | CHAR |
93 | ABRKZ_TEXT | IS-H: Billing Indicator for a Case - Decription | DDTEXT | CHAR |
94 | ABRLEI_ZWI | IS-H: Interim Billing for Svces w/o Confirmation of Coverage | ISH01 | CHAR |
95 | ABRLF | Number of a settlement run (subsequent settlement) | ABRLF | CHAR |
96 | ABRLI | Internal delivery schedule number | ABRLI | NUMC |
97 | ABRLSORT | Realty location (pstcde, city) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
98 | ABRLSSTR | Realty street (street, blank, house number) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
99 | ABRLTAG | Last day of acct settlement period (MMDDYY) D-tape | TEXT6 | CHAR |
100 | ABRLVORBTR | Last advance payment amount | TEXT8 | CHAR |
101 | ABRMAXBR | Maximum number of distribution rules | NUMC3 | NUMC |
102 | ABRME | IS-M: Number | SAEME | DEC |
103 | ABRMENGE | Identifier "settlement by quantity" | XFELD | CHAR |
104 | ABRMG | Maximum Release Quantity per Period | MENG13 | QUAN |
105 | ABRMM | IS-M: Quantity (mm, Pages, Seconds) | SAEMM | QUAN |
106 | ABRMONRAT | Monthly advance payment installmnent | TEXT6 | CHAR |
107 | ABRMWSTBTD | Value added tax amount D-tape | TEXT9 | CHAR |
108 | ABRMWSTBTR | Value added tax amount D-tape | TEXT7 | CHAR |
109 | ABRMWSTKZ | Display value added tax (indicator) | ABRMWSTKZ | CHAR |
110 | ABRMWSTS | Value-Added Tax Rate (Amount) in Credit Card Clearing | NUM5 | NUMC |
111 | ABRNA | Name of the person who made the call | USNAM | CHAR |
112 | ABRNAME1 | 1. line: user name (name of tenant, owner....) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
113 | ABRNAME2 | 2nd user name (2nd line: name of tenant, owner...) | TEXT25 | CHAR |
114 | ABRNR | Sequential settlement number | INT2 | INT2 |
115 | ABRNR_VK | Invoice Number | ABRNR_VK | NUMC |
116 | ABRNZAHL | New advance payment amount D-tape | TEXT5 | CHAR |
117 | ABRNZVJ | Supplementary pmnt previous year | TEXT8 | CHAR |
118 | ABROBJNR | Object (cust. classification key for bus.entity) | TEXT15 | CHAR |
119 | ABROE | ID of Billing Organizational Unit | ORGID | CHAR |
120 | ABROEF | ID of Billing Organizational Unit | ISH_ABROE | CHAR |
121 | ABRORDNR | Accountancy firm classification key | TEXT9 | CHAR |
122 | ABRPARA | Process Release Creation in Parallel | XFELD | CHAR |
123 | ABRPC | Percentage of Absences | DEC3_2 | DEC |
124 | ABRPE | Accounting settlement period | ABRPE | CHAR |
125 | ABRPREIS | Identifier for "cost component structure" | XFELD | CHAR |
126 | ABRPROZE | Identifier for "percentage-rate settlement" | XFELD | CHAR |
127 | ABRPSHZ | Flat-rate heating | TEXT8 | CHAR |
128 | ABRPSKW | Flat-rate cold water | TEXT8 | CHAR |
129 | ABRPSKWL | Flat-rate cold water (total for realty) | TEXT9 | CHAR |
130 | ABRPSSO | Flat-rate other | TEXT8 | CHAR |
131 | ABRPSSOL | Flat-rate other (total for realty) | TEXT9 | CHAR |
132 | ABRPSWW | Flat-rate warm water | TEXT8 | CHAR |
133 | ABRRES02 | Backup D-tape 2 figures (disc) | TEXT2 | CHAR |
134 | ABRRES1 | Reserve data medium exchange M-tape (accountancy firm) | TEXT1 | CHAR |
135 | ABRRES16 | Reserve L-tape (16 characters) | TEXT16 | CHAR |
136 | ABRRES17 | Reserve 17 characters (data exchange) | TEXT17 | CHAR |
137 | ABRRES19 | Reserve L-tape (19 characters) | TEXT19 | CHAR |
138 | ABRRES2 | Reserve 2 data medium exchange M-tape (accountancy firm) | TEXT39 | CHAR |
139 | ABRRES20 | Reserve L-tape (20 characters) | TEXT20 | CHAR |
140 | ABRRES3 | Reserve D-tape 3 characters (diskette) | TEXT3 | CHAR |
141 | ABRRES39 | Reserve 39 (data medium exchange) | TEXT39 | CHAR |
142 | ABRRES4 | Reserve D-tape 4 characters (diskette) | TEXT4 | CHAR |
143 | ABRRES45 | Reserve L-tape (45 characters) | TEXT45 | CHAR |
144 | ABRRES69 | Reserve 69 characters | TEXT69 | CHAR |
145 | ABRRES8 | Reserve data medium exchange M-tape (accountancy firm) 8char | TEXT8 | CHAR |
146 | ABRRES83 | Reserve L-tape (83 characters) | VVTEXT83 | CHAR |
147 | ABRSALDO | Balance or total costs (+/-) D-tape | TEXT11 | CHAR |
148 | ABRSALDOD | Balance or total costs (+/-) D-tape (diskette) | TEXT9 | CHAR |
149 | ABRSH | Indicator: hide industry sector on initial screen | XFELD | CHAR |
150 | ABRSORT | IS-H: Sort Rules for Billing | ISH_SORT | CHAR |
151 | ABRSP | Indicator: Personnel number locked for payroll | XFELD | CHAR |
152 | ABRSPERR | Reason for blocking billing | ABRSPERR | CHAR |
153 | ABRSPERRDT | Date on which schema was blocked for billing | DATUM | DATS |
154 | ABRST | Payroll hours | JRSTD | DEC |
155 | ABRSTAT | Maintenance plan call status | ABRST | CHAR |
156 | ABRSTTAG | Key-date for new payments D-tape | TEXT6 | CHAR |
157 | ABRST_CUM | Percentage ratio of payroll hours to total value | CHAR20 | CHAR |
158 | ABRST_PLN | Percentage ratio of payroll hours to planned hours | CHAR20 | CHAR |
159 | ABRTG | Payroll days | TAGE4_2 | DEC |
160 | ABRTG_CUM | Percentage ratio of payroll days to total value | CHAR20 | CHAR |
161 | ABRTG_PLN | Percentage ratio of payroll days to planned days | CHAR20 | CHAR |
162 | ABRTG_ZINS | Settlement day for interest calculation of account balance | NUMC2 | NUMC |
163 | ABRUD | Date of the call | DATUM | DATS |
164 | ABRUE | Teardown | CX_ZEIT | FLTP |
165 | ABRUF | Forecast Delivery schedule number | ABRUF | NUMC |
166 | ABRUFANZ | Number of calls | ABRUFANZ | DEC |
167 | ABRUFDAT | Date of the last call | DATUM | DATS |
168 | ABRUFWERT | Value of value contract already released | ABRUFWERT | CURR |
169 | ABRUF_DAT | IS-M: Allocation Date of Contract Assignment | DATUM | DATS |
170 | ABRUF_PART | Check partner authorizations | ABRUF_PART | CHAR |
171 | ABRUMLWBTR | Apportionment loss risk amount D-tape | TEXT6 | CHAR |
172 | ABRUMLWKZ | Calculation of apportionment loss risk | ABRUMLWKZ | CHAR |
173 | ABRURSCH | Proposal for Source Structure | URSCH | CHAR |
174 | ABRV | PM: Maintain user setting for settlement rule | ABRV | CHAR |
175 | ABRVAR | Settlement variant | ABRVAR | CHAR |
176 | ABRVARIA | Settle Variances | XFELD | CHAR |
177 | ABRVERRKZ | Advance payment settlement by settlement company | ABRVERRKZ | CHAR |
178 | ABRVF | Payroll Procedure | ABRVF | CHAR |
179 | ABRVON | Settlement period from | DDAT | DATS |
180 | ABRVORG | Billing Transaction | ABRVORG | CHAR |
181 | ABRVORG2 | Billing Transaction that Triggered Period-End Billing | ABRVORG | CHAR |
182 | ABRVORGU | Billing Transaction for a Suppressed Billing Order | ABRVORG | CHAR |
183 | ABRVORHZ | Heating advance payment or full advance payment | TEXT8 | CHAR |
184 | ABRVORHZD | Heating advance payment or full advance payment (diskette) | TEXT7 | CHAR |
185 | ABRVORSO | Other advance payment | TEXT8 | CHAR |
186 | ABRVORSOD | Other advance payment (diskette) | TEXT7 | CHAR |
187 | ABRVORSOL | Other advance payment (total for realty) | TEXT9 | CHAR |
188 | ABRVORWW | Advance payment for warm water | TEXT8 | CHAR |
189 | ABRVORWWD | Advance payment for warm water (diskette) | TEXT7 | CHAR |
190 | ABRVP | Evaluate Payroll Result for Previous Period | XFELD | CHAR |
191 | ABRVW | Usage Indicator | ABRVW | CHAR |
192 | ABRV_D | Display dialog when maintaining settlement rule | KREUZ | CHAR |
193 | ABRV_P | Always maintain settlement rule with default | KREUZ | CHAR |
194 | ABRV_STD | Standard setting for maintaining settlement rule | KREUZ | CHAR |
195 | ABRV_W_P | Always maintain settlement rule without default | KREUZ | CHAR |
196 | ABRWERTE | Read Actual Settlement Data | KKACHR1 | CHAR |
197 | ABRWT | Value of payroll constants | DEC7_2 | DEC |
198 | ABRWZT | Residential period in settlement period (MMDDYYMMDDYY) | TEXT12 | CHAR |
199 | ABRZET | Time at Which Worklist was Last Processed | UZEIT | TIMS |
200 | ABRZO_B_KK | Upper Limit Of Billing Period (Batch Input) | CHAR8 | CHAR |
201 | ABRZO_CA | Upper Limit of the Calculation Period | DATUM | DATS |
202 | ABRZO_KK | Upper Limit of the Billing Period | DATUM | DATS |
203 | ABRZTL | Settlement period for realty (MMDDYYMMDDYY) | TEXT12 | CHAR |
204 | ABRZU_B_KK | Lower Limit of Billing Period (Batch Input) | CHAR8 | CHAR |
205 | ABRZU_CA | Lower Limit of Calculation Period | DATUM | DATS |
206 | ABRZU_KK | Lower Limit of Settlement Period | DATUM | DATS |
207 | ABRZU_VK | Invoicing Period Lower Limit | DATUM | DATS |
208 | ABRZW | Indicator: settlement to be effected as interim settlement | XFELD | CHAR |
209 | ABR_APPL | Application for Settlement Processor | ABR_APPL | CHAR |
210 | ABR_AUFGR | Order Group for Incorrect Orders During CO Settlement | GRPNAME | CHAR |
211 | ABR_DAT | IS-H: Billing Date | RI_DATUM | DATS |
212 | ABR_EMP | General settlement receiver | ABR_EMP | CHAR |
213 | ABR_FND | Results Analysis Data Was Settled | KKACHR1 | CHAR |
214 | ABR_GJAHR | Settlement Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
215 | ABR_INTERV | IS-H: Interim Billing Interval (Weeks/Days/Quarter) | ISH_INTERV | NUMC |
216 | ABR_INTROW | Purchase order: Release order line | INTROW | NUMC |
217 | ABR_KTEXT | IS-H: Short Text for Billing Type | TEXT12 | CHAR |
218 | ABR_NR | Accounting number | NUM05 | NUMC |
219 | ABR_ORGID | IS-H: Indicator whether OU is Authorized to Bill Indepndtly | XFELD | CHAR |
220 | ABR_PACKNO | Purchase order: Release order package number | PACKNO | NUMC |
221 | ABR_PERIO | Settlement Period | PERBL | NUMC |
222 | ABR_PROTO | Blocking Reason Appears in Billing Log | ABR_PROTO | CHAR |
223 | ABR_REL | IS-H:Head Office for HC Smart Card, not Relevant for Billing | XFELD | CHAR |
224 | ABR_STATUS | IS-M: Contract Settlement Status | ABR_STATUS | CHAR |
225 | ABR_TAGE | IS-H: Interim Billing After x Days as of Admission | ISH_TAGE | NUMC |
226 | ABR_TEXT | IS-H: Description of Billing Type | TEXT30 | CHAR |
227 | ABR_TYP_OL | IS-M: Settlement Category for Online Items | ABR_TYP_OL | CHAR |
228 | ABR_UKV | Settle to Cost-of-Sales Accounting | KKACHR1 | CHAR |
229 | ABR_ZSTAT | IS-M: Settlement Status of the Assignment | ABR_ZSTAT | CHAR |
230 | ABR_ZWI | IS-H: Ind. Specifying if Int. Bill. is to be Performed | ISH01 | CHAR |
231 | ABS01 | Devaluation 1 for value adjustment (pool LIFO) | WERT13 | CURR |
232 | ABS02 | Devaluation 2 for value adjustment (pool LIFO) | WERT13 | CURR |
233 | ABS03 | Devaluation 3 for value adjustment (pool LIFO) | WERT13 | CURR |
234 | ABS3_ALL_KK | All company codes | CHKBOX_KK | CHAR |
235 | ABS3_TEST_KK | Test Run | CHKBOX_KK | CHAR |
236 | ABSAI | Sales (actual) | FLTP | FLTP |
237 | ABSAK | Settlement to G/L account | ABREMPKZ | CHAR |
238 | ABSART | Processed document type | BSART | CHAR |
239 | ABSAT | Sales | FLTP | FLTP |
240 | ABSBE | Display total requirments in the planning table | CHAR1 | CHAR |
241 | ABSBETRG | Control of budget billing amount calculation | ABSBETRG | CHAR |
242 | ABSBETRW | Budget billing amount in transaction currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
243 | ABSBT | Credit Management: Hedged Amount | WERT7 | CURR |
244 | ABSBT_SUM | Total Secured Receivables | WERTV8 | CURR |
245 | ABSBT_X8 | Credit Management: Hedged Amount (Absolute) | WERT8 | CURR |
246 | ABSBU | Sending company code | BUKRS | CHAR |
247 | ABSCALDAYS | Calendar days | CHAR20 | CHAR |
248 | ABSCH | Indicator that plan is completed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
249 | ABSCHLDAT | Start date for budget billing payment | DATS | DATS |
250 | ABSCHLE | Date of first budget billing amount of the period | DATUM | DATS |
251 | ABSCHLL | Date of last budget billing amount of the period | DATUM | DATS |
252 | ABSCHLPAN | Adjust budget billing plan | KENNZX | CHAR |
253 | ABSCHLT_KK | Tolerance Days for Budget Billing in Account Balance Display | HISTT_KK | NUMC |
254 | ABSCHLUS_J | Year of Cutoff Period | GJAHR | NUMC |
255 | ABSCHLUS_M | Month of Cutoff Period | KKANUM3 | NUMC |
256 | ABSCHLZEIT | IS-M: Standard Validity Period for Contracts (in Months) | SYNUM02 | NUMC |
257 | ABSCHLZEIT_CHAR | IS-M: Standard Validity Period for Contracts (in Months) | CHAR02 | CHAR |
258 | ABSCHL_BEG | IS-M: Rule for Contract Start | ABSCHL_BEG | CHAR |
259 | ABSCHL_END | IS-M: Rule for Contract End | ABSCHL_END | CHAR |
260 | ABSCHL_KNZ | IS-M: Item is Assigned to Several Contracts | XFELD | CHAR |
261 | ABSCHL_PER | Cutoff Period | KKANUM7 | NUMC |
262 | ABSCHL_PER_PLAN | Cutoff Period for Planned Results Analysis | KKANUM7 | NUMC |
263 | ABSCHL_REL | IS-H: Relevant for §8 BPflV Discount (Chief/Ext. Physician) | XFELD | CHAR |
264 | ABSCHL_TOL | IS-M: Contract Tolerance Quantity for Non-Fulfillment (in %) | NUMC03 | NUMC |
265 | ABSCHL_TOL_CHAR | IS-M: Contract Tolerance Quantity for Non-Fulfillment (in %) | CHAR03 | CHAR |
266 | ABSCH_ERN | IS-M: Indicator: Automatic Contract Renewal | JNFELD | CHAR |
267 | ABSCH_KK | Component for Reconciling Check Encashment | ABSCH_KK | CHAR |
268 | ABSDA | Completion date for call object | DATUM | DATS |
269 | ABSDAT | Print date for BB requests or generation of partial bill | DATUM | DATS |
270 | ABSDATE | Factory calendar: Absolute date | HFDATE | DEC |
271 | ABSDAT_ANF | Valid print date of a budget billing plan item | DATUM | DATS |
272 | ABSDAT_INV | Selection date of a budget billing plan item | DATUM | DATS |
273 | ABSDAY | Total absence days | TAGE4_2 | DEC |
274 | ABSDAY_CUM | Percentage ratio of abs./att. days to cumulated value | CHAR20 | CHAR |
275 | ABSDIFFKZ | Differentiate budget billing amount due dates | KENNZX | CHAR |
276 | ABSDRUCK | Screen text: print/debit entry date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
277 | ABSDT | Close date | DATUM | DATS |
278 | ABSDY | Duration of absence | NUM6 | NUMC |
279 | ABSELPERNR | Number of Personnel Numbers with Attendance/Absence Hours | ANZHL | DEC |
280 | ABSEN | Print sender | XFELD | CHAR |
281 | ABSENABRST | Payroll hours | CHAR20 | CHAR |
282 | ABSENABRTG | Payroll days | CHAR20 | CHAR |
283 | ABSENCDAYS | Absence/attendance days | CHAR20 | CHAR |
284 | ABSENCE | Absence | CHAR40 | CHAR |
285 | ABSENCEHRS | Absence/attendance hours | CHAR20 | CHAR |
286 | ABSENCEREC | Number of attendance/absence records | CHAR20 | CHAR |
287 | ABSERMIT | Type of budget billing amount determination | ABSERMIT | CHAR |
288 | ABSET | SAP Selection Filter: Releases Instead of Schedule Lines | ABSET | CHAR |
289 | ABSFAELLIG | Screen text: due on | CHAR1 | CHAR |
290 | ABSFOBE_CM | Description for form of payment guarantee | TEXT60 | CHAR |
291 | ABSFORM_CM | Form of payment guarantee | ABSFORM_CM | CHAR |
292 | ABSFZ | Allowed deviation in quantity (absolute) | MENG13 | QUAN |
293 | ABSGR | Reason for Cancellation | NUMC02 | NUMC |
294 | ABSHRS_CUM | Percentage ratio of hours to cumulated value | CHAR20 | CHAR |
295 | ABSHRS_PLN | Percentage ratio of att./abs. hours to planned time | CHAR20 | CHAR |
296 | ABSKV | Attendance/Absence Category for Coll.Contract/Company Agrmnt | ABSTY | CHAR |
297 | ABSKZ | Rejection Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
298 | ABSLANFO | Budget billing request for debtor | ABSLANFOAB | CHAR |
299 | ABSLANFOAB | Budget billing request for debtor | ABSLANFO | NUMC |
300 | ABSLANFOBZ | Budget billing request for cash payer | ABSLANFO | NUMC |
301 | ABSLBETR | Upper limit of budget billing amount for rounding | VABSLBTR | CURR |
302 | ABSLE | Number of days between billing and first budget billing amt | ABSLE | DEC |
303 | ABSLFDNR | Consecutive number of budget billing amount | ABSFLDNR | NUMC |
304 | ABSLKZ | Billing Line Item for Budget Billing Amount Determination | KENNZX | CHAR |
305 | ABSLL | Interval between last budget billing amount and billing | ABSLL | DEC |
306 | ABSLM | Number of Months Between Invoicing and First BB Amount | ABSLM | NUMC |
307 | ABSLT | Assign Receipt in Absolute Amounts | XFELD | CHAR |
308 | ABSL_KZ | Display budget billing dates | KENNZX | CHAR |
309 | ABSMNANP | Do not adjust budget billing amount automatically | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
310 | ABSN7_EB | Sender name | TEXT7 | CHAR |
311 | ABSNAME | IS-H Name of the Organizational Unit Making a Request | TEXT30 | CHAR |
312 | ABSND_EB | Sending bank (electronic bank statement) | CHAR50 | CHAR |
313 | ABSNM | User ID of the person who closed the cost estimate | USNAM | CHAR |
314 | ABSNM_EB | Sender name | CHAR18 | CHAR |
315 | ABSNT | BAT section/subsection | CHAR6 | CHAR |
316 | ABSNT2 | CAFPS Section/Sub-Section (to) | CHAR6 | CHAR |
317 | ABSNUMMER | Screen text: number | CHAR1 | CHAR |
318 | ABSONST | IS-H: Other setup beds of an org. unit | BETTANZ | NUMC |
319 | ABSOR | City of the Sending Company Code | TEXT25 | CHAR |
320 | ABSORGEH | IS-HCM Sending org. unit | ORGID | CHAR |
321 | ABSP | Left limit of field section | CHAR3 | CHAR |
322 | ABSPERDAT | Block date of budget billing payment | DATS | DATS |
323 | ABSPL | Indicator: Scope of list of condition data for arrangement | XFELD | CHAR |
324 | ABSPLN | Indicator: Scope of List Output (Subsequent Settlement) | XFELD | CHAR |
325 | ABSPS | Absolute Position for Class. Horizontal Table of Chars | CLH1 | INT2 |
326 | ABSPW | Currency of rebate arrangement | WAERS | CUKY |
327 | ABSPWN | Currency of arrangement in case of conversion (Euro) | WAERS | CUKY |
328 | ABSPW_ABR | Rebate arangement currency | WAERS | CUKY |
329 | ABSPZ | Scope of verification level of rebate agreement | ABSPZ | CHAR |
330 | ABSRATE_KK | Installment Interval | ABSRATE_KK | NUMC |
331 | ABSREC_CUM | Percentage ratio of number of records to cumulated value | CHAR20 | CHAR |
332 | ABSSCBE_CM | Description of payment guarantee procedure | TEXT60 | CHAR |
333 | ABSSCHE_CM | Payment Guarantee Procedure | ABSSCHE_CM | CHAR |
334 | ABSSTEU | Budget billing control | ABSSTEU | CHAR |
335 | ABSSTEUB | Indicator: Amount-Based Budget Billing Calculation | KENNZX | CHAR |
336 | ABSSTEUTT | Indicator: budget billing control from rate category | KENNZX | CHAR |
337 | ABSSTEUV | Indicator: consumption-based budget billing calculation | KENNZX | CHAR |
338 | ABSSTOPANFO | Final request date for BB requests for move-in/out | DATUM | DATS |
339 | ABSSTOPDAT | Stop date for budget bill. requests in the case of move-out | DATUM | DATS |
340 | ABSSTOPKAR | Final Budget Billing Interval | ANZAHL3 | NUMC |
341 | ABSSTOPKZ | Stop budget billing plan | KENNZX | CHAR |
342 | ABSSYSTEM | IS-HCM: Sending system | SYSTEM | CHAR |
343 | ABSTA | Release status (current release, old release) | ABSTA | CHAR |
344 | ABSTAG | Sch. print date of BB request or generation of partial bill | ABSTAG | NUMC |
345 | ABSTAMP | ABAP Time Stamp | TIMESTMP | CHAR |
346 | ABSTANDKZ | Distance to Easter | CHAR1 | CHAR |
347 | ABSTA_BEZ | Rejection status description | TEXT20 | CHAR |
348 | ABSTA_VB | Rejection status for SD item | STATV | CHAR |
349 | ABSTB_KK | Calculation type for taxes during write-off | ABSTB_KK | CHAR |
350 | ABSTD | Absence hours | JRSTD | DEC |
351 | ABSTD_SUM | Total absence hours | JRSTD | DEC |
352 | ABSTERM | Interval between business event dates | CHAR12 | CHAR |
353 | ABSTEXT | Text: period text | CHAR1 | CHAR |
354 | ABSTIMM_KK | Reconcilation accounts in Contract A/R & A/P (incl.VAT) | SAKNR | CHAR |
355 | ABSTK | Overall rejection status of all sales document items | STATV | CHAR |
356 | ABSTO | Indicator: Reversal of Deregistrations on Data Medium | XFELD | CHAR |
357 | ABSTOP | Indicator: maintenance plan locked against calls | XFELD | CHAR |
358 | ABSTOPDAT | Stop date of budget billing payment | DATS | DATS |
359 | ABSTP | Absence/attendance category | ABSTP | CHAR |
360 | ABSTT | Status of transf./settlmt. of line item in cap.inv. measure | ABSTT | CHAR |
361 | ABSTX | Name of the Sending Company Code | TEXT25 | CHAR |
362 | ABSTXT | Text for attendance/absence categories | TEXT30 | CHAR |
363 | ABSTY | Attendance/absence type | ABSTY | CHAR |
364 | ABSTYP_CM | Payment guarantee category | ABSTYP_CM | CHAR |
365 | ABSTZ | Sales | MENGE | QUAN |
366 | ABSUB | Generic key for subtype table | CHAR15 | CHAR |
367 | ABSUMME | IS-H: Total of all Setup Beds in Organizational Unit | BETTANZ | NUMC |
368 | ABSUN | Time unit | ABSUN | CHAR |
369 | ABSUZ | Display total production in the planning table | CHAR1 | CHAR |
370 | ABSVERKZ | Items from Budget Billing Clearing | XFELD | CHAR |
371 | ABSVER_BBP | List of Budget Billing Procedures to Be Used | DDTEXT | CHAR |
372 | ABSVZ | Absence Indicator for Supplementary Pension | ABSVZ | CHAR |
373 | ABSWH_KK | Interval Between Repetitions In Months Or Days | ABSWH_KK | NUMC |
374 | ABSZS | Indicator for Additional Period | XFELD | CHAR |
375 | ABSZU | Display other receipts | CHAR1 | CHAR |
376 | ABSZYK | Budget billing cycle | ABSZYK | NUMC |
377 | ABSZYKTER | Allowable budget billing cycles | ABSZYKTER | CHAR |
378 | ABSZYKTSL | Actual budget billing cycle | ABSZYK | NUMC |
379 | ABSZYKV | Overrriding BB cycle on contract level | ABSZYKV | CHAR |
380 | ABSZYKZT | Budget Billing Cycle (in Months) | ABSZYK | NUMC |
381 | ABSZYK_TEXT | Budget billing cycle | CHAR20 | CHAR |
382 | ABS_AGENT | IS-M: Agency | GPNR | CHAR |
383 | ABS_ATT_DAYS | Attendance/Absence Days | HRDAYS | DEC |
384 | ABS_ATT_HOURS | Absence/Attendance hours | JRSTD | DEC |
385 | ABS_ATT_TYPE | Attendance or absence type | ABS_ATT_TYPE | CHAR |
386 | ABS_BEDNR | IS-M/AM: Key for a Requirement in the Contract | ABS_BEDNR | CHAR |
387 | ABS_BEDNR1 | IS-M: Contract Requirement That Implies Another | ABS_BEDNR | CHAR |
388 | ABS_BEDNR2 | IS-M: Contract Requirement that is Implied by Others | ABS_BEDNR | CHAR |
389 | ABS_BEDNR_TEXT | IS-M/AM: Text for Requirement Key in Contract | TEXT50 | CHAR |
390 | ABS_CONST | Adjust Promotion Sales Price, Retain Absolute Variance | FLAG | CHAR |
391 | ABS_ERF_AE | IS-M/AM: Degree of discount fulfillment from orders accepted | DECV3_2 | DEC |
392 | ABS_ERF_FK | IS-M/AM: Degree of Discount Fulfillment from Billed Orders | DECV3_2 | DEC |
393 | ABS_FLAG | Flag for absolute threshold value (X = allowed) | XFELD | CHAR |
394 | ABS_FVTNR | IS-M: Number of Follow-On Contract | ABS_VTNR | NUMC |
395 | ABS_GP | IS-M: Business Partner Number BP in Contract | GPNR | CHAR |
396 | ABS_KOLI | IS-M: Contract Condition List | PROGRAM_ID | CHAR |
397 | ABS_LVEWE | IS-M/AM: List Tool Application (for Display Variants) | ABS_LVEWE | CHAR |
398 | ABS_MARGIN_OK | Absolute minimum margin was reached | CHAR | |
399 | ABS_MENGE1 | IS-M/AM: Agreed Quantity to be Sold | ABS_MENGE | QUAN |
400 | ABS_MENGE2 | IS-M/AM: Agreed Quantity to be Sold | ABS_MENGE | QUAN |
401 | ABS_MULHR | Multiplier for Absence Hours | DEC | |
402 | ABS_NACHB | IS-M: Post-Editing Reason | NATXT | CHAR |
403 | ABS_POSNR | IS-M: Contract, Item Number | ABS_POSNR | NUMC |
404 | ABS_PROZ | IS-M: Limit in Percent of Contract-Relevant Involvement | PROZBEZ | DEC |
405 | ABS_REQ_POSS_TIL | ESS Leave Request: Earliest Date for Request | DATUM | DATS |
406 | ABS_STZART | IS-M: Record Types for Data Transfer from Contract | ABS_STZART | CHAR |
407 | ABS_TEXT | IS-M: Freely Definable Text | FREITEXT | CHAR |
408 | ABS_TYP | IS-M/AM: Contract Category | ABS_TYP | CHAR |
409 | ABS_VBSTAT | IS-M: Assignment Not Updated in Contract Standing | ABS_VBSTAT | CHAR |
410 | ABS_VTNR | IS-M: Contract Number | ABS_VTNR | NUMC |
411 | ABS_VTNRTX | IS-M: Contract Number (Text) | TEXT50 | CHAR |
412 | ABS_VVTNR | IS-M: Predecessor to Current Contract | ABS_VTNR | NUMC |
413 | ABS_ZUST | IS-M: Person Responsible | XUBNAME | CHAR |
414 | ABTAR | IS-H: Identification Key of Service Catalog (Billing) | ISH_ABTAR | CHAR |
415 | ABTEI | Department | ABTEI | CHAR |
416 | ABTEIL | Department | ABTEI | CHAR |
417 | ABTEILUNG | Organizational Area | CHAR10 | CHAR |
418 | ABTEI_PA | Contact person's department at customer | ABTEI | CHAR |
419 | ABTEL | Department Indicator | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
420 | ABTEXT | Text for menu bar | SF_C20 | CHAR |
421 | ABTIM | Indicator for valuation | ABTIM | CHAR |
422 | ABTKZ | Addressee Area | ABTKZ | CHAR |
423 | ABTL_ACTION_BOOLEAN | Yes/No for action in response to ITF Conversion Rule | CHAR | |
424 | ABTL_END_FORMAT | Target end-format for ITF Conversion Rules | ABTL_TEXT120 | CHAR |
425 | ABTL_FMT_ACTION | A formatting action in response to an ITF conversion rule | ABTL_TEXT256 | CHAR |
426 | ABTL_ITF_FORMAT | ITF Character Format for ITF Conversion Rules | CHAR | |
427 | ABTL_LIST_FMT_TYPE | Type of list in an ITF conversion rule - bullet, numbered... | ABTL_LIST_FORMAT_TYPE | NUMC |
428 | ABTL_NXT_HFORMAT | An target format in the key to an ITF conversion rule | ABTL_TEXT10 | CHAR |
429 | ABTL_PRV_HFORMAT | A target format in the key to an ITF conversion rule | ABTL_TEXT10 | CHAR |
430 | ABTL_RULES | Key for sets of ITF conversion rules for ABAP Tools Docu | CHAR | |
431 | ABTL_TABLE_FLAG | Indicator for active table when set - ITF Conversion Rules | CHAR | |
432 | ABTL_TABLE_LIST | List level in a table for ITF to HTML Conversion Rules | ABTL_LIST_FORMAT_TYPE | NUMC |
433 | ABTL_TGT_FORMAT | Target character start-format for ITF conversion rules | ABTL_TEXT120 | CHAR |
434 | ABTNR | Department number | ABTNR | CHAR |
435 | ABTNR_CL | Department Number | ABTNR_CL | CHAR |
436 | ABTNR_DESC | Department Number (CVI) | ABTNR | CHAR |
437 | ABTNR_PA | Contact person department | ABTNR | CHAR |
438 | ABTPO_F150 | Number of the first table entry displayed | PACK3 | DEC |
439 | ABTRG | Adjustment Amount for Transfer of Repayment Amounts | PRBETRG | CURR |
440 | ABTTX | Description for a group of assortment list groups | TEXT20 | CHAR |
441 | ABTXKZ | Texts maintained in the agreement | XFELD | CHAR |
442 | ABTXT | Short text for EE subgroup grouping for personnel calc.rules | ABTXT | CHAR |
443 | ABTXT_KK | Name of Write-Off Reason | TXT50 | CHAR |
444 | ABTXT_VK | Invoicing Type Text | CHAR30 | CHAR |
445 | ABTYP | Employee subgroup grouping for primary wage tpyes | CHAR1 | CHAR |
446 | ABTYPE | ABAP data type (nametab interface coded) | NTABSHORT | RAW |
447 | ABTYPT_PS | Revenue Type | CHAR30 | CHAR |
448 | ABTYP_KK | Type of Interval (e.g. Month) | ABTYP_KK | CHAR |
449 | ABTYP_PS | Revenue Type | ABTYP_PS | CHAR |
450 | ABTYP_VK | Origin Area of a Payment Form | ABTYP_VK | CHAR |
451 | ABTYV | Employee subgroup grouping for standard wage maintenance | ABTYZ | CHAR |
452 | ABTYZ | EE subgroup grouping-primary wage types & wage maintenance | ABTYZ | CHAR |
453 | ABTZK | Permissibility of EE subgroup grouping for primary wage type | PAD_ABTYP | CHAR |
454 | ABT_ARZT | IS-H: EA Abteilungsbezeichnung oder Arztname | TEXT50 | CHAR |
455 | ABT_LIEF | Department of contact person at vendor | ABTEI | CHAR |
456 | ABUEB | Release Creation Profile | ABUEB | CHAR |
457 | ABUEZ | Display the user exit row in the planning table | CHAR1 | CHAR |
458 | ABUKR | Company Code which will be Cleared Against | BUKRS | CHAR |
459 | ABUKR_KK | Company Code which will be Cleared Against | BUKRS | CHAR |
460 | ABUNT | Absence Less Than 1 Day | P034_ABUNT | CHAR |
461 | ABVAR | Differing variant | CHAR1 | CHAR |
462 | ABVER | Display availability | CHAR1 | CHAR |
463 | ABVERTRAG | IS-H: Setup Contractual Beds in Organizational Unit | BETTANZ | NUMC |
464 | ABVOR | Prepopulate Standard Release Order Quantity in Contract | ABVOR | CHAR |
465 | ABVORZ | +/- Sgn of real dep. area in screen layout rule of der. area | VORZEI | CHAR |
466 | ABVPB | Display planned independent reqmts in the planning table | CHAR1 | CHAR |
467 | ABVST | Notification status (DC) | ASTAB | CHAR |
468 | ABVTX_KK | Text for Outgoing Bank Details | TEXT140 | CHAR |
469 | ABVTY_EXT_KK | Bank ID in External System for Outgoing Payments | CHAR20 | CHAR |
470 | ABVTY_KK | Bank Details ID for Outgoing Payments | CHAR4 | CHAR |
471 | ABWADR | IS-M: Multiple Usage of Partner Role in Order | ABWADR | CHAR |
472 | ABWAE | Settlement currency for bank transfers | WAERS | CUKY |
473 | ABWAR | Absence type | TEXT25 | CHAR |
474 | ABWART_HR | IS-M: Absence Type (HR) | AWART | CHAR |
475 | ABWAS | Scrap Variance | MENG15 | QUAN |
476 | ABWASL | Diff. transaction type | BWASL | CHAR |
477 | ABWBD_KK | Alternative Posting Date for Clarification Posting | DATUM | DATS |
478 | ABWBETRAG | IS-M: Bank Return Amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
479 | ABWBEZR_RH | Alternative Delivery Round for Total Market Coverage | BEZRUNDE | CHAR |
480 | ABWBEZR_VT | Delivery Round for Ad Insert Distribution | BEZRUNDE | CHAR |
481 | ABWBK | Alternative Company Code | BUKRS | CHAR |
482 | ABWBL_CA | Number of Summarizing Object | ABWBL_CA | CHAR |
483 | ABWBL_KK | Number of the substitute FI-CA document | ABWBL_KK | CHAR |
484 | ABWBP_KK | Alternative Business Partner | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
485 | ABWBTR | Request amount: Transaction currency | BTRA_BETRG | CURR |
486 | ABWBUDAT_KK | FI Transfer: Alternative Posting Date for Summary Records | DATUM | DATS |
487 | ABWBU_AV | Alternative Company Code (Payment Advice Management) | BUKRS | CHAR |
488 | ABWBW | Absence valuation VBL | VBLAK | CHAR |
489 | ABWCHKZ | Indicator for charging of variances | ABWCHKZ | CHAR |
490 | ABWCH_DF05 | Deviation between Desired Amount and Amount Found | WRTV7 | CURR |
491 | ABWD1 | End of processing 1 (run payroll for up to) | DATUM | DATS |
492 | ABWD2 | End of processing (do not run payroll for after) | DATUM | DATS |
493 | ABWDAT_KK | Fr-Date | DATUM | DATS |
494 | ABWDT | Validity period of cond.records can differ from agreement | XFELD | CHAR |
495 | ABWEI | Percentage Variance: Inventory Count Result/Book Quantity | NUM3 | NUMC |
496 | ABWEIC | Deviation (calculated) | FLTP | FLTP |
497 | ABWEICH | Permissible deviation (in months) for gas data control | ABWEICH | NUMC |
498 | ABWEICHUNG | Exception to shift times | TEXT7 | CHAR |
499 | ABWEICHUNG_TR | Variance in transaction currency | WERT8 | CURR |
500 | ABWEICH_FK | Variance in FM area currency | WERT8 | CURR |