SAP ABAP Data Element - Index A, page 19
Data Element - A
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 AI_SDK_XUBNAME Alternative S-User for OSS Message Creation XUBNAME CHAR 
2 AI_STRUC_TEXT Structure Element Name HIER_TEXT CHAR 
3 AI_TABNAME Tab in SAP Solution Manager AI_TABNAME CHAR 
4 AI_TRANSTYP Transaction Type in SAP Solution Manager AI_TRANSTYP CHAR 
6 AJAHR_KK Reporting year NUMC4 NUMC 
7 AJART Equalization Type AIART CHAR 
8 AJDAT Financial document processing: Date of receipt TZNTIMESTP NUMC 
9 AJHRANP No. of years increase in percent. refer to (before key date) DEC2 DEC 
10 AJTZO Financial document processing: Time zone - Date of receipt TZNZONE CHAR 
11 AJUNG Number of preemptive shares ASTUECK DEC 
12 AJZIVERDAT IS-M: Relevancy of Shipping Date from Carrier Data AUSPRGART CHAR 
13 AK1BL_EB On-account posting document no., posting area 1 BELNR CHAR 
14 AKAKT_ARI FI-ARI: Information type active? XFELD CHAR 
15 AKART Financial document processing: Type of financial document AKART CHAR 
16 AKBLN_EB Payment on account document number BELNR CHAR 
17 AKBNMES Financial document processing: Check external AKICMES CHAR 
18 AKBSM Active order qty MENGE QUAN 
19 AKBST Checkbox: stock value from current stock SCRPFLAG CHAR 
20 AKBTR Number of Tax Days, Cumulated PRANZHL DEC 
21 AKB_ACTIVE Obsolete: Indicator "Active for BCB Integration"   CHAR 
22 AKB_BATCHSIZE Obsolete; No. of Table Entries for Each Communcation Process   INT4 
23 AKB_BTCSTATUS Obsolete: State of Background Job   CHAR 
24 AKB_CHECKMETHOD Obsolete: Check Method   CHAR 
26 AKB_COMP_STATE Obsolete: Compatibility Status   CHAR 
27 AKB_FREEZE_STATE Obsolete: Freeze State   CHAR 
28 AKB_ISUSUPPLIER Obsolete: Indicator "Actual Supplier for Where-Used List"   CHAR 
29 AKB_JOB_STATE Obsolete: Job States   INT4 
31 AKB_NOTE Obsolete: Comment   CHAR 
32 AKB_PROCLEVEL Obsolete: Processing Level   NUMC 
33 AKB_PRODUCT_ID Obsolete: Software Product ID   CHAR 
34 AKB_PROFILE_ID Obsolete: Profile ID   NUMC 
35 AKB_PROJECT_ID Obsolete: ID of Backward-Compatibility Check   NUMC 
36 AKB_PROJECT_NAME Obsolete: Project Name   CHAR 
37 AKB_RELATION Obsolete: Relationship Between Products   CHAR 
38 AKB_RELMODE Obsolete: Handling of Environment During Release/Freeze   CHAR 
39 AKB_RUNLIST_STATE Obsolete: Purpose of a Data Transfer   CHAR 
40 AKB_SCR_INFO_TYPE Obsolete: Type of Script Entry   CHAR 
41 AKB_STATE_STR Obsolete: Object State   CHAR 
42 AKB_SYSROLE Obsolete: System Role   CHAR 
44 AKB_USG_STATE Obsolete: Processing State of Application Program   CHAR 
45 AKCNT Sequence in activity INT4 INT4 
46 AKELL Number of basement rooms DEC3 DEC 
47 AKENN Deduction for Dinner Invitation RKENN CHAR 
48 AKERLST Automatic credit control: Permitted age in hours NUM2 NUMC 
49 AKERLTA Automatic credit control: Permitted age in days NUM2 NUMC 
50 AKFFZ Actual cumulative production go-ahead quantity MENG15 QUAN 
51 AKGUI Generate order validity index XFELD CHAR 
52 AKGXXX Amount settled to asset/AUC WERTV8 CURR 
53 AKH Application Component AKH CHAR 
54 AKHKOMPO Application Component ID UFPS_POSID CHAR 
55 AKHOR Date for task list selection DATUM DATS 
56 AKHORDA Automatic credit control: Date of credit horizon SYDATS DATS 
57 AKH_NAME Application Component description   CHAR 
58 AKICDIA Financ. doc. procg: System reaction in case of incompletion FLAG CHAR 
59 AKICMES Financial document processing: Incompletion handling AKICMES CHAR 
60 AKIND Differentiation: full day or less than one day CHAR1 CHAR 
61 AKINDER Number of children DEC2 DEC 
62 AKIND_ID Appraisal type ID AKIND_ID NUMC 
63 AKIZI Number of nurseries DEC3 DEC 
64 AKKCONFIRM Financial doc.procg: MAIL user of person confirming fin.doc. XUBNAME CHAR 
65 AKKDT Letter of credit is valid to DATUM DATS 
66 AKKEI Financial document processing: Export / Import AKKEI CHAR 
67 AKKEN Net change planning indicator in the planning horizon XFELD CHAR 
68 AKKIN Letter-of-credit indicator AKKIN CHAR 
69 AKKLIMAG Credit limit used (from automatic credit control) PRZ32 DEC 
70 AKKLIMK Credit limit used (100%) PRZ32 DEC 
71 AKKMFREIGB Financial document processing: Release via credit management FLAG CHAR 
72 AKKNR Number of the letter of credit AKKNR CHAR 
73 AKKNZ Order Category Indicator Plant Maintenance AKKNZ CHAR 
74 AKKST Financial document processing: Status AKKST CHAR 
75 AKKSUCH Financial document processing: Search term TEXT40 CHAR 
76 AKKTP Financial document processing: Financial document category AKKTP CHAR 
77 AKKUR Exchange rate for letter-of-credit procg in foreign trade KURRF DEC 
78 AKKUR_P Price-quotation rate for processing letters of credit in FT KURSP DEC 
79 AKKUR_V Indir.-quotation rate for processing letters of credit in FT KURSP DEC 
80 AKLAR Material class type KLASSENART CHAR 
81 AKLAS Archiving category AKLAS CHAR 
82 AKLASSE Billing class AKLASSE CHAR 
83 AKLASSETXT Text for billing class TEXT30 CHAR 
84 AKLAS_NR Two-character entry NUMC2 NUMC 
85 AKLAS_VA Two-character entry CHAR2 CHAR 
86 AKLAX Evaluation class AKLAX NUMC 
87 AKLFZ Actual cumulative delivery go-ahead quantity MENG15 QUAN 
88 AKMAHNS Automatic Credit Control: Maximum Dunning Level Permitted MAHNS NUMC 
89 AKMFZ Actual cumulative material go-ahead quantity MENG15 QUAN 
90 AKMNG Current Qty Field for Arithmetic Operations in Doc.Process. AKMNG CHAR 
91 AKNAP Selection field for required resource CHAR1_X CHAR 
92 AKNPRDAT Automatic credit control: Next check date ANZTA NUMC 
93 AKNUM Consecutive Number of Activity NUM4 NUMC 
94 AKOBF Amount for Payment on Account in Document Currency WRTV8 CURR 
95 AKOBH Amount for Payment on Account in Local Currency WRTV8 CURR 
96 AKOBLIG Credit exposure (from automatic credit control) WRTV8 CURR 
97 AKOBT Total of Difference Postings WRTV7 CURR 
98 AKOBU Company Code for the Posting of the Payment on Account BUKRS CHAR 
99 AKOKA Account Type for Posting of the Payment on Account KOART CHAR 
100 AKOKO Account for the Posting of the Payment on Account KTO17 CHAR 
101 AKONST A-tape constants (settlement company) NUM1 NUMC 
102 AKONT Reconciliation Account in General Ledger SAKNR CHAR 
103 AKONTAUS IS-M: Reconciliation Account - Foreign SAKNR CHAR 
104 AKONTIN IS-M: Reconciliation Account - Domestic SAKNR CHAR 
105 AKONTOF Reconciliation Account without Credit Management Update SAKNR CHAR 
106 AKONT_KK Alternative revenue account for deferred revenues SAKNR CHAR 
107 AKOOI Automatic credit control: Days overdue for oldest open item ANZTA NUMC 
108 AKOST Cost Center "From" Value KOSTL CHAR 
109 AKOTYP_VK (On Account) Amount Category AKOTYP_VK CHAR 
110 AKPDTOL Automatic credit control: No. days for consideration of OIs ANZTA NUMC 
111 AKPER Flag for inclusion of the current period's historical value X CHAR 
112 AKPRZ Depreciation percentage for financial document processing PRZ32 DEC 
113 AKPRZOPK Automatic credit control: Percentage of overdue open items PRZ32 DEC 
114 AKSAUFT Total of sales values (from automatic credit control) WRTV8 CURR 
115 AKSCH Promotion condition type KSCHL CHAR 
116 AKSPNR_AE Number of Billing Class/Division Category Combination AKSPNR CHAR 
117 AKSPNR_PO Number of Billing Class/Division Category Combination AKSPNR CHAR 
118 AKSTA Activity status NUM1 NUMC 
119 AKSTOPGR Stop Reasons for Current Release CHAR20 CHAR 
120 AKSUMOPKUM Automatic credit control: Cumulative total of open items WRTV8 CURR 
121 AKT08_EB Sending bank acct, 8 characters NUMC08 NUMC 
122 AKTAL Current explosion available XFLAG CHAR 
123 AKTARTT Name of Price Activation Type DDTEXT CHAR 
124 AKTBAU Promotion module IS-R WSORT CHAR 
125 AKTBD Final date of validity DATUM DATS 
126 AKTBD_MAX Final date of validity DATUM DATS 
127 AKTBEZ Promotion description TEXT40 CHAR 
128 AKTBJAHR Year, until which calendar is in buffer GJAHR NUMC 
129 AKTBO Current profitability segment (CO-PA) CHAR1 CHAR 
130 AKTBONUS IS-M/AM: Current Valid Contract Bonus RABATT DEC 
131 AKTBW Indicator for revaluation at retail in promotions XFELD CHAR 
132 AKTBWBW_SIM Asset: Book value from sim. valuation in purchase currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
133 AKTBWBW_SIM_AW Asset: Book value from sim. valuation in display currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
134 AKTBWHW_SIM Asset: Book value from sim. valuation in local currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
135 AKTBWHW_SIM_AW Asset: Book value from sim. valuation in display curr. (LC) WERTV8_TR CURR 
136 AKTCHECK Indicator: Check current status of data CHAR1 CHAR 
137 AKTDB IS-H: File Number at Insurance Provider CHAR20 CHAR 
138 AKTDR Action: print kanban for status change XFELD CHAR 
139 AKTE Record Number TEXT15 CHAR 
140 AKTEI Current table entry NUM3 NUMC 
141 AKTFI Promo determination XFELD CHAR 
142 AKTFT Indicator "Detailed scheduling available" XFELD CHAR 
143 AKTGL Creditor's Case Number TEXT20 CHAR 
144 AKTGR Assigned group CHAR4 CHAR 
145 AKTGT Indicator: "rough-cut scheduling available" XFELD CHAR 
146 AKTI Activate Approved Records CHAR1_X CHAR 
147 AKTI1 Activity status XFELD CHAR 
148 AKTID Activation ID for default parameter sets OIB_ACTID CHAR 
149 AKTIO Clearing Actions AKTIO CHAR 
150 AKTION Editing Type CHAR25 CHAR 
151 AKTIONEN Actions for Authorization Check of Travel Agency Status AKTION CHAR 
152 AKTIONEN_T Frame text: additional functions KENNZX CHAR 
155 AKTIONSW Action for status change in automatic MR data monitoring AKTIONSW CHAR 
156 AKTION_200_ALV Sales Promotion CHAR200 CHAR 
157 AKTION_RP Operation type CHAR1 CHAR 
158 AKTIV Total of the Active Items Displayed WERTV9 CURR 
159 AKTIVD Asset capitalization date DATUM DATS 
160 AKTIVI Planning activity AKTIV CHAR 
161 AKTIVIEREN Switch for activation (X=activate, BLANK=check only) AS4FLAG CHAR 
162 AKTIVJN Indicator: Active XFELD CHAR 
163 AKTIVJN_BA Flag: active XFELD CHAR 
165 AKTIVX Indicator as to whether Amount Field Contains Tax Rate XFELD CHAR 
166 AKTIV_021F Fast Entry: Variant Active? XFELD CHAR 
167 AKTIV_ABLST IS-M/SD: Unloading Viability Set for Unloading Point   CHAR 
168 AKTIV_AK Indicator: Application Active XFELD CHAR 
169 AKTIV_ARI FI-ARI: Supplier active? XFELD CHAR 
170 AKTIV_BF Partner active? XFELD CHAR 
171 AKTIV_FKB4 Total of the active items displayed WRTV7 CURR 
172 AKTIV_KK Application Area Is Active AKTIV_KK CHAR 
173 AKTIV_KK2 Screen Variant Active XFELD CHAR 
174 AKTIV_TFRM Routine has been activated XFELD CHAR 
175 AKTIV_VK Activity Code CHAR4 CHAR 
176 AKTKEY Key for planning activity CHAR3 CHAR 
177 AKTKN Indicator: active/inactive CHAR1 CHAR 
178 AKTKO Condition Type for Promotions XFELD CHAR 
179 AKTKZ Indicator: Active YNFLG CHAR 
180 AKTMG Current Goods Receipt Quantity MENG13 QUAN 
181 AKTNR_VK Activity Number of a Dunning Level NUM3 NUMC 
182 AKTOP Current sub-calculation (CAPP) NUM4 NUMC 
183 AKTPAGE Current page NUM3 NUMC 
184 AKTPE Current period PERI3 DEC 
185 AKTPER Include current period XFELD CHAR 
186 AKTPOS Reference to allocation table item in promotion XFELD CHAR 
187 AKTPR Activities: material mgmt record/period closing program AKTPR NUMC 
188 AKTREL Current Release SYCHAR03 CHAR 
189 AKTRT Indicator: "scheduling rates of production" available XFELD CHAR 
190 AKTSPERRE Switch for activation lock (X=On, BLANK=Off) AS4FLAG CHAR 
191 AKTST Activation status text DDTEXT CHAR 
192 AKTSTUECK Number of units to be received after capitalization ASTUECK DEC 
193 AKTSUBNR Consecutive number of current contract NUMC2 NUMC 
194 AKTTXT Planning activity TXT20 CHAR 
195 AKTTYP Activity category in transaction (Cr/Ch/D) AKTTYP CHAR 
196 AKTUE Action: user exit when status changes XFELD CHAR 
197 AKTVA_011 Item key representing the assets ERGSL CHAR 
198 AKTVH ID Sales promotion XFELD CHAR 
199 AKTVJAHR Year, from which calendar is in buffer GJAHR NUMC 
200 AKTVT Activities AKTVT CHAR 
201 AKTWE Action: goods receipt when status changes XFELD CHAR 
202 AKTXT Text of Archiving Category TEXT30 CHAR 
203 AKTXT_KK Activity Type Name TEXT40 CHAR 
204 AKTYP Activity category in SAP transaction AKTYP CHAR 
205 AKTYP_07A Transaction/report type TEXT50 CHAR 
206 AKTYP_AM Activity type of transaction for application monitor CHAR1 CHAR 
207 AKTYP_IP Payment Specification: Activity Category AKTYP_IP CHAR 
208 AKTYP_KK Mass activity type AKTYP_KK CHAR 
209 AKTYP_KK2 Transaction Activity Type AKTYP_KK2 CHAR 
210 AKTZE Case Number of Garnishment and Transfer Ruling TEXT20 CHAR 
211 AKTZL Current entry INT2 INT2 
212 AKT_EINTR Current Entry in First Line of Screen ( Table Form) NUM4 NUMC 
213 AKT_EINTR_6 Current Entry in First Line of Screen ( Table Form) NUM6 NUMC 
214 AKT_PER Indicator: Transfer current period XFELD CHAR 
215 AKT_POS IS-H: Current Item Number ISH_POS NUMC 
216 AKT_POS05 IS-H: Current Item Number ISH_POS05 NUMC 
217 AKT_POS08 IS-H: Current Item Number NUMC08 NUMC 
218 AKT_UZEIT Time interval for determining active users UZEIT TIMS 
219 AKUBM Current cumulative quantity ordered CHAR15 CHAR 
220 AKUE Number of kitchens DEC3 DEC 
221 AKUEM Current cumulative quantity received CHAR15 CHAR 
222 AKUMREF Current conversion factor AKUMREF CHAR 
223 AKURS_D Exch. rate: translation of loc. curr. into arrangement curr. KKURS DEC 
224 AKVER Buying habits AKVER CHAR 
225 AKVERD Summarization criteria for postings to expense accounts CHAR1 CHAR 
226 AKVXXX Variable Variance in Controlling Area Currency WERTV8 CURR 
227 AKWAE Currency key for letter-of-credit procg in foreign trade WAERS CUKY 
228 AKWHW Payment on account (Local currency = LC) WERT7 CURR 
229 AKWTW Payment on account (purchase order currency = TC) WERT7 CURR 
230 AKYTR Exception handling in transaction KEYTR NUMC 
231 AKZ Change indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
232 AKZAE_CA Counter for Several Activities NUMC6 NUMC 
233 AKZAE_KK Counter for Several Activities NUMC6 NUMC 
234 AKZUS Display current batch status CHAR1_X CHAR 
235 AKZZK Reference CHAR64 CHAR 
236 AK_AMPEL Traffic light for Foreign Trade status of a document/item   CHAR 
237 AK_AUFTRAG Financial document processing: Assigned order value WERTV10 CURR 
238 AK_FAKTURA Financial document processing: Assigned billing doc. value WERTV10 CURR 
239 AK_GESAMT Financial document processing: Open value WERTV10 CURR 
240 AK_GES_UP Fin. doc. processing: Open value with overdraft percentage WERTV10 CURR 
241 AK_HAKEN Indicator for confirming completeness   CHAR 
242 AK_LIEFER Financial document processing: Assigned delivery values WERTV10 CURR 
243 AK_NR Equalization fund number NUM03 NUMC 
244 ALABL Allocations: Processing (Screen Text) CHAR1 CHAR 
245 ALABLAUF Allocation processing indicator ALABLAUF CHAR 
246 ALACTTAB Selection of Current Tab Control Title CHAR10 CHAR 
247 ALAIDUID Alert: Unique Identifier to be used in AID (char10) CHAR10 CHAR 
248 ALALERTICON Alert (White, Green, Yellow, Red) ICON CHAR 
249 ALALGEN Alerts: switch MTE alert generation on and off CHAR1 CHAR 
250 ALALRTINTL Database Alert Monitor Refresh Interval: multiples of 10s INT1 INT1 
251 ALANA Alternative country key for country of dispatch/export CHAR3 CHAR 
252 ALAND Departure country (country from which the goods are sent) LAND1 CHAR 
253 ALAND_ISO Departure country in ISO code INTCA CHAR 
254 ALAND_KK Delivering Country LAND1 CHAR 
255 ALAND_SED SED: Delivery country USC05 CHAR 
256 ALAND_TBG Country: shipment start LAND1 CHAR 
257 ALANX Country of dispatch - Description CHAR15 CHAR 
258 ALARCHIVE Archive Remaining Space in KB   INT4 
259 ALARCHIVEA Most Recent Archive Age Allowed in Days   INT4 
260 ALARS Derived Tax Wage Types LGART CHAR 
261 ALART Type of allocation ALART CHAR 
262 ALARTSTTXT Text for meter reading control TEXT30 CHAR 
263 ALASSBYPAR Alert: Shows if the method is assigned by a parent CHAR1 CHAR 
264 ALASSIST Alert: Name of Customization Assistant CHAR40 CHAR 
265 ALATTRID Alerts: Monitor attribute ID (generic storage)   INT4 
266 ALATTRNAME MonI: Name of Textattribute of Monitoring Object CHAR40 CHAR 
267 ALATTRTEXT Alert: Attribute Text CHAR256 CHAR 
268 ALATTRVAL Alerts: Value of monitor attribute (generic storage) CHAR20 CHAR 
269 ALAUM Select all exceptions XFELD CHAR 
270 ALAUTOEMAIL CCMS: Message Type Activation E-Mail ALTYPEACTIV CHAR 
271 ALAUTOFAX CCMS: Message Type Activation Fax ALTYPEACTIV CHAR 
272 ALAUTOLOGS % fill of log save directory when automatic saving begins   INT4 
273 ALAUTORK Auto-Reaction Method for ALBTCMON   CHAR 
274 ALAUTORML CCMS: Message Type Activation Remote Mail ALTYPEACTIV CHAR 
275 ALAUTOSMS CCMS: MessageType Activation Pager/SMS ALTYPEACTIV CHAR 
276 ALAVGTYP Alert: type of average CHAR4 CHAR 
277 ALAVGWAIT Average wait time (in ms)   INT4 
278 ALBACKUP Allowed age of a full backup INT4 INT4 
279 ALBACKUPAG Most Recent Backup Age Allowed INT1 INT1 
280 ALBED Selection of subcontractor requirements of material provided ANZMOD CHAR 
281 ALBFFWTIME Average Buffer Busy Wait Time in ms   INT4 
282 ALBOOL Alerts: Boolean value (1 = true, 0 = false) CHAR1 CHAR 
283 ALBRANCH Alert: event branch (80 char) CHAR80 CHAR 
284 ALBRBACKUP Is BRBACKUP is used ? Yes-1, No-0 INT1 INT1 
285 ALBTC Display vendor batch in batch where-used list CHAR1_X CHAR 
286 ALBUFFBUSY Buffer Busy Waits per Refresh Interval   INT4 
287 ALBUFWRITE Buffer Pool Writes   INT4 
288 ALBZTEXT Text for Meter Reading Center TEXT40 CHAR 
289 ALCATSCANS Number of catalog scans for each period INT4 INT4 
291 ALCCMPARAT Description of CCMS customizing parameter TEXT60 CHAR 
292 ALCCMVALUE CCMS Customizing Value CHAR20 CHAR 
293 ALCENTRALDT Indicator: Monitoring pause centrally scheduled, not ad hoc   CHAR 
294 ALCHECKPTS Number of checkpoints per interval   INT4 
295 ALCHGDATE Alert: Date of last change DATUM DATS 
296 ALCHGTIME Alert: Time of last change TIME TIMS 
297 ALCHGUSER Alert: Last Changed By USERNAME CHAR 
298 ALCLIENT Monitoring architecture: client to monitor CHAR3 CHAR 
299 ALCNTACTAL Alert: MT Val: Count of active Alerts   INT4 
300 ALCNTALINL Alert: MT: Count Alerts in List   INT4 
301 ALCNTCHILD Alert: Number of Children of MT   INT4 
302 ALCNTSUMAL Alert: MT Val: Sum of Alerts in MT   INT4 
303 ALCOA Expansion of Batch Usage for CO Order XFELD CHAR 
304 ALCOMMANDS Number of SQL commands for each period INT4 INT4 
305 ALCOMMITS Number of commits for each period INT4 INT4 
306 ALCONTSTAT Alert: Status of Context (active/inactive/....) CHAR1 CHAR 
307 ALCONVCACH Converter cache hit ratio INT4 INT4 
308 ALCPYSETWH Alert: copy properties variant -checkbox which type- CHAR1 CHAR 
309 ALCREORGH SALC Cache: Time in Hours, After Which Cache Is Reorganized   INT4 
310 ALCUSDBSTS Alert: Status Customizing Daten in der DB (perm/temp) CHAR1 CHAR 
311 ALCUSGROUP Alert: Customization: Name of Customization Group TEXT40 CHAR 
312 ALCUSKEPBT Alert: Customizing keep alerts pushbutton in the screen CHAR1 CHAR 
313 ALCUSSETNM Alert: Name of monitoring properties variant CHAR20 CHAR 
314 ALCUSSETST Alert: Status of properties variant (active / not active) CHAR1 CHAR 
315 ALCUSSETTX Alert: Description (LongText) of Customizing Set TEXT80 CHAR 
316 ALCUSTLOCA Alert: Customizing Localization   INT4 
317 ALCUSTSTAT Alert: Customizing Status   INT4 
318 ALCUSTTYP Alert: Type of Customizing data (group / TID-specific) CHAR1 CHAR 
319 ALCUSUNIT Unit referring to decimal place TEXT20 CHAR 
320 ALCUSVISBT Alert: Customizing visible user level CHAR1 CHAR 
321 ALCVALMIN Alert: SALC Cache: Validity Period of Data in Minute   INT4 
322 ALDAT Discontinuation date DATUM DATS 
323 ALDATACACH Data cache hit ratio INT4 INT4 
324 ALDATAKEY Alerts: Key for a Date CHAR30 CHAR 
325 ALDATASOURCE Source for PerfDB Data: space = central, R = remote DB, T = CHAR1 CHAR 
326 ALDATE Alert: date DATUM DATS 
327 ALDATE_DEL Application log: expiry date DATUM DATS 
328 ALDATUM Date of Last Deletion of Logs DATUM DATS 
329 ALDBBUFF Data Buffer Hit Ratio in %   INT4 
330 ALDBLINEID Alert: Message container line ID in database (NUMC) NUM6 NUMC 
331 ALDB_FILL Database filling level INT4 INT4 
332 ALDCK Financial doc. procg: Check date of shipped bill of lading XFELD CHAR 
333 ALDEADLOCK Number of deadlocks per refresh interval   INT4 
334 ALDECIMALS ALert: Decimal part of Performance Values   INT4 
335 ALDELAY Take into Account Delay for ALBTCMON   CHAR 
336 ALDELIVSTA Alert: MT Val: Delivery Status   INT4 
337 ALDFLTVERS Alert: SAP-default version number (UTC timestamp) TZNTSTMPS DEC 
338 ALDFS Financial doc.procg: Fld selection - Date of bill of lading FAAKK CHAR 
339 ALDKD Age code NUM2 NUMC 
340 ALDMTHLD Data manager threshold reached   INT4 
341 ALDPLOOKAH Alert: "Look ahead" time for a tool dispatcher   INT4 
342 ALDPMAXRUN Alert: Maximum runtime of a tool dispatcher   INT4 
343 ALDSCRATIO Quality of dynamic statement cache   INT4 
344 ALDUMMY Alert: Dummy data element   INT4 
345 ALDUMMYC2 Alert: Dummy field. Purpose: Alignment of date/time 16 byte CHAR2 CHAR 
346 ALEABID ABAP/4 error ID to trigger alert CHAR3 CHAR 
347 ALEABKEY ABAP/4 short dump key TEXT40 CHAR 
348 ALEABKEYLN Length of ABAP/4 short dump key INT1 INT1 
349 ALEABTXT ABAP/4 error text TEXT40 CHAR 
350 ALEABW Channel Counter Difference CHAR10 CHAR 
351 ALEANSWLM1 Threshold for response time for yellow alert (in ms)   INT4 
352 ALEANSWLM2 Limit for response time for red alert (in ms)   INT4 
353 ALEANSWTIM Average response time of dialog step (in ms)   INT4 
354 ALEBFDIR Percentage of buffer directory filled   INT4 
355 ALEBFDIRL1 Limit for yellow alert for buffer directory (%)   INT4 
356 ALEBFQUAL Buffer quality in percent   INT4 
357 ALEBFQUAL1 Buffer quality limit for yellow alert   INT4 
358 ALEBFQUAL2 Buffer quality limit for red alert   INT4 
359 ALEBFQUALL Buffer quality limit for yellow alert NUMC3 NUMC 
360 ALEBFSPC Utilization of Buffer Memory in Percent   INT4 
361 ALEBFSPCL1 Buffer memory limit for yellow alert (%)   INT4 
362 ALEBN ALE IDoc Distribution Status of Payment Data ALEIST CHAR 
363 ALECHCIN Local Channel Counter NUM6 NUMC 
364 ALECHCOUT Partner Channel Counter NUM6 NUMC 
365 ALECHTYP Type for system log filter definition CHAR1 CHAR 
366 ALECNTRED Counter for red alerts   INT4 
367 ALECNTYEL Counter for yellow alerts   INT4 
368 ALECONTNR Container of alert boundary value table TALIM CHAR250 CHAR 
369 ALECOSERNR Serial no. of TALIM container with same loc/type/subtype NUMC5 NUMC 
370 ALECOTYP Container type of alert boundary value table TALIM NUMC5 NUMC 
371 ALECOUNT Count for system log filter definition   INT4 
375 ALEDEP Flag: Object is significant for distribution X CHAR 
376 ALEDEVTRC Trace switch for developer trace (dev-Filef)   INT4 
377 ALEDISABL Disabled flag for alert INT1 INT1 
378 ALEDISABLD Alert flag, dialog element CHAR1 CHAR 
379 ALEDMPOOL Number of times EDM pool was full per interval   INT4 
380 ALEDSKRSP1 Disk Response Time in ms for Yellow Alert   INT4 
381 ALEDSKRSP2 Disk Response Time in ms for Red Alert   INT4 
382 ALEEDIRLM Enqueue directories filled limit for yellow alert   INT4 
383 ALEENDIR Percentage of enqueue directory filled at alert trigger   INT4 
384 ALEENENT Percentage of lock table filled at alert trigger   INT4 
385 ALEENENTLM Limit for lock table space at alert trigger   INT4 
386 ALEENERR No. of errors in lock administration for alert triggering   INT4 
387 ALEENTTYP Entry type of alert boundary value table TALIM NUMC5 NUMC 
388 ALEEUDIR Percentage of enqueue user tab filled at alert trigger   INT4 
389 ALEEVTFREQ No. of transaction steps per minute   INT4 
390 ALEFL Mode of Change Authorizations for Integrated Distributed PDM ALEFL CHAR 
391 ALEFLG ALE permitted CHAR1 CHAR 
392 ALEFREQ Frequency for system log filter definition   INT4 
394 ALEFRMEM2 Free Memory in MB to Invoke Red Alert.   INT4 
395 ALEFROMID Lower boundary for system log filter definition TEXT3 CHAR 
396 ALEFSYS Percentage of file system filled   INT4 
397 ALEFSYSAKB Minimum free space allowed in a file system (MB)   INT4 
398 ALEFSYSFMB Free space of file system in MB   INT4 
399 ALEFSYSKB Free space in a file system (MB)   INT4 
400 ALEFSYSLIM File system full limit for yellow alert (%)   INT4 
401 ALEFSYSLMB Threshold value for free space in file system in MB   INT4 
402 ALEFSYSNAM Name of file system whose fill level triggers an alert TEXT40 CHAR 
403 ALEGPINT Integer field in multi-purpose alert record   INT4 
404 ALEGPTEXT Text field in multi-purpose alert record TEXT72 CHAR 
406 ALEINP Indicator: Create IDoc for Incoming Payments XFELD CHAR 
407 ALEITEM Indicator: Send Line Item for Payment XFELD CHAR 
408 ALEKZ Create purchase order automatically XFELD CHAR 
409 ALELANCOR1 Lan Collisions for Yellow Alert?   INT4 
410 ALELANCOR2 Lan Collisions for Red Alert   INT4 
411 ALELANERR1 Lan Errors for Yellow Alert   INT4 
412 ALELANERR2 Lan Errors for Red Alert   INT4 
413 ALELIST Output List Yes/No XFELD CHAR 
414 ALELOAD CPU load for alert trigger (%)   INT4 
415 ALELOAD5 CPU utilization in per cent, 5 minute mean value   INT4 
416 ALELOCALE Validity range of alert boundary value table TALIM TEXT20 CHAR 
417 ALELOCALSTATUS Local Status for Object CHAR10 CHAR 
419 ALENG Output length of field in screen header CHAR2 CHAR 
420 ALEOP Transfer Mode CHAR1 CHAR 
421 ALEOPCODE Operation code for operations on alerts   INT4 
422 ALEOUTP Indicator: Create IDoc for Outgoing Payments XFELD CHAR 
423 ALEPACKLM1 Total Packets for Yellow Alert   INT4 
424 ALEPACKLM2 Total Packets for Red Alert   INT4 
425 ALEPAG Percentage of paging file used   INT4 
426 ALEPAGIN Page out rate for alert triggering   INT4 
427 ALEPAGIN1 Threshold value YELLOW for page-in rate with alert trigger   INT4 
428 ALEPAGIN2 Threshold value RED for page in rate with alert trigger   INT4 
429 ALEPAGLIM Limit for paging file (%)   INT4 
430 ALEPAGMAX Largest percentage used of paging file   INT4 
431 ALEPAGOUT Page out rate for alert triggering   INT4 
432 ALEPAGOUT1 Limit for page-out rate for yellow alert trigger   INT4 
433 ALEPAGOUT2 Limit for page-out rate for red alert trigger   INT4 
435 ALEPARTNERSTATUS Partner Status for Object CHAR10 CHAR 
436 ALEP_TEXT ALE partner text PTEXT CHAR 
437 ALEQBTC Queue full, dispatcher queue for background processes   INT4 
438 ALEQBTCMAX Max. fill level, dispatcher queue for background processes   INT4 
439 ALEQDIA Queue fill level, dispatcher queue for dialog processes   INT4 
440 ALEQDIAMAX Max. fill level, dispatcher queue for dialog processes   INT4 
441 ALEQENQ Queue fill level, dispatcher queue for enqueue processes   INT4 
442 ALEQENQMAX Max. fill level, dispatcher queue for enqueue processes   INT4 
443 ALEQLIM Limit for yellow alert, full level of DP queue   INT4 
444 ALEQSPO Queue fill level, dispatcher queue for spool processes   INT4 
445 ALEQSPOMAX Max. fill level, dispatcher queue for spool processes   INT4 
446 ALEQV2 Queue level of displatcher queue for V2 update processes   INT4 
447 ALEQV2MAX Max. level of dispatcher queue for V2 update processes   INT4 
448 ALEQVB Queue fill level, dispatcher queue for update processes   INT4 
449 ALEQVBMAX Max. fill level, dispatcher queue for update processes   INT4 
450 ALERCYDATE ALE recovery date DATUM DATS 
451 ALERCYMARG ALE recovery: safety margin UZEIT TIMS 
452 ALERCYTIME ALE time of recovery UZEIT TIMS 
453 ALERESERVD Byte reserved INT1 INT1 
455 ALEROL Roll file used in percent   INT4 
456 ALEROLLIM Limit for percentage of roll file used   INT4 
457 ALEROLMAX Largest percentage of roll file used   INT4 
458 ALERT text CHAR1 CHAR 
459 ALERTLEVEL SD Monitor: Key figure alert level ALERTLEVEL CHAR 
460 ALERTPTR TMS: Method Pointer for Troubleshooting CHAR32 CHAR 
461 ALERTSTAT Alert: general status (alert, Customizing, ...)   INT4 
462 ALERUNT Runtime of transaction step in seconds   INT4 
463 ALERUNTLIM Limit for runtime of transaction step (seconds)   INT4 
464 ALERUNTREP Name of program, for which runtime is exceeded TEXT20 CHAR 
465 ALERUNTUSR Name of user, for which runtime is exceeded TEXT20 CHAR 
466 ALERUNTWP Number of work process, for which a runtime alert occurs   INT4 
467 ALESLCNT No. of system log alerts for alert trigger   INT4 
468 ALESLCNTLM Limit for number of system logs for alert trigger   INT4 
469 ALESLFR No. system logs per hour for alert trigger   INT4 
470 ALESLFRLM Limit for system logs per hour for alert trigger   INT4 
471 ALESLID System log ID which triggers an alert CHAR3 CHAR 
472 ALESLOPCOD Additional operation code for system log filter definition   INT4 
473 ALESLTXT Variable text of system log triggering an alert TEXT40 CHAR 
474 ALESTAT Indicator: Generate IDoc Status List? XFELD CHAR 
475 ALEST_KK Stock Savings Plan XFELD CHAR 
476 ALESUBTYPE Alert sub-type INT1 INT1 
477 ALESWAP SWAP area used in %   INT4 
478 ALESWAPAKB Maximum swap area in KB   INT4 
479 ALESWAPFR Limit for free SWAP area at alert trigger (in MB)   INT4 
480 ALESWAPKB Currently occupied swap area in KB   INT4 
481 ALESWAPSZ Threshold value for SWAP usage in %   INT4 
482 ALESWFMB Free swapspace in MB   INT4 
483 ALESWFMBLM Boundary value for free swapspace in MB   INT4 
484 ALESYSTRC System trace switch   INT4 
485 ALETIME Time when alert occurred, UTC format (seconds)   INT4 
486 ALETOID Upper boundary for system log filter definition TEXT3 CHAR 
487 ALETOOL Analysis tool for alert TEXT64 CHAR 
488 ALETOOLTYP Alert analysis tool type INT1 INT1 
489 ALETYPE Alert type INT1 INT1 
490 ALEUSERNO Number of registered users   INT4 
491 ALEVALUE Alert value: 0=Green, 1=Yellow, 2=Red INT1 INT1 
492 ALEVTCOUNT Alert: number of events   INT4 
493 ALEVTTYPE Alert: Event: Event Type   INT4 
494 ALEWAITLM1 Wait time limit for yellow alert   INT4 
495 ALEWAITLM2 Wait time limit for red alert   INT4 
496 ALEWAITTIM Average wait time of dialog step (in ms)   INT4 
497 ALEXECUTES Number of executes for each period INT4 INT4 
498 ALEXTENTS Number of extents of a data cluster   INT4 
499 ALEZERO Indicator: Create IDoc for Offsetting Payments XFELD CHAR