SAP ABAP Data Element - Index W, page 10
Data Element - W
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | WF_TXTTEXT | Workflow: Text in TWFTX | TDLINE | CHAR |
2 | WF_UNAMETS | Workflow: Test object user name | CHAR12 | CHAR |
3 | WF_UPDATED | User Recieves a Mail in Event of Changes | XFELD | CHAR |
4 | WF_UPD_NEW_WF | Mail if Change When New Workflow is Started | XFELD | CHAR |
5 | WF_USERESC | Workflow: Flag for specifying agent type | SO_ESCAPE | CHAR |
6 | WF_USERNAM | Workflow: Agent name (user name or shared distribution list) | CHAR12 | CHAR |
7 | WF_USER_ROLE | Role of the User in the Application Scenario | WF_USER_ROLE | CHAR |
8 | WF_VBFUNC | Workflow: Function module called in update task | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
9 | WF_WINCOML | Workflow: Windows command line | CHAR70 | CHAR |
10 | WF_WINFILE | Windows file name without extension | CHAR8 | CHAR |
11 | WF_WINPROG | Workflow: Windows program | CHAR8 | CHAR |
12 | WF_WITEM | Transfer of a workflow ID | WF_WITEM | CHAR |
13 | WGABGA | Value of total goods issues quantity | WERT15 | CURR |
14 | WGBDR | Yes/no Field Employer Contribution | XFELD | CHAR |
15 | WGBEZ | Material Group Description | TEXT20 | CHAR |
16 | WGBEZ60 | Long text describing the material group | TEXT60 | CHAR |
17 | WGBEZ_FLAG | Indicator for Requesting Material Group Descriptions | BAPIFLAG | CHAR |
18 | WGBKZ | Indicator for the bill of exchange protest | WGBKZ | CHAR |
19 | WGBPF | ER BPF contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
20 | WGEID | Identification number | TXATT | CHAR |
21 | WGGRP | Wage type group | HRWGR | CHAR |
22 | WGHIE | Material group hierarchy | KLASSE | CHAR |
23 | WGHIER_D | Material group hierarchy level | KLASSE | CHAR |
24 | WGHST | Level number of the material group hierarchy | WGHST | CHAR |
25 | WGLIF | Vendor Material Group | CHAR18 | CHAR |
26 | WGMAX | Distance: Upper Limit | PB03_PPNKM | DEC |
27 | WGMIN | Distance: Lower Limit | PB03_PPNKM | DEC |
28 | WGPBV | ER BV percentage | DEC3_4 | DEC |
29 | WGPP1 | Employer's Contribution 1 (%) | BVPCT | DEC |
30 | WGPP2 | Employer's Contribution 2 (%) | BVPCT | DEC |
31 | WGRC_ACTIVE | Flag Indicating Whether Vendor Participates in Check | CHAR | |
32 | WGRC_BATCH | Event in Background Mode | WGRC_BATCH_CONTROL | CHAR |
33 | WGRC_CALWEEK | Week | NUMC2 | NUMC |
34 | WGRC_CAPA_UNITS | Capacity Units for an Activity | WGRC_CAPA_UNITS | INT4 |
35 | WGRC_CLEARING | Purge Corrected Entries | CHAR | |
36 | WGRC_DAY | Weekday | CHAR25 | CHAR |
37 | WGRC_DOUBLE | Double Assignment of Vendors in Planning | WGRC_DOUBLE | CHAR |
38 | WGRC_FLAG | Flag | CHAR | |
39 | WGRC_FRAMESIZE | Interval in Minutes for Next Assignment in RWGRC001 | NUMC2 | NUMC |
41 | WGRC_GRC_ACTIVE | Goods Receipt Capacity Check Is Active | FLAG | CHAR |
42 | WGRC_LOCATION | Door or Staging Area | WGRC_LOCATION | CHAR |
43 | WGRC_LOCATION_NAME | Name of Door / Staging Area | WGRC_LOCATION_NAME | CHAR |
45 | WGRC_NO_PLANNING | Check Without Planning | CHAR45 | CHAR |
46 | WGRC_POSTATUS | Status of Purchasing Document | WGRC_POSTATUS | NUMC |
47 | WGRC_RASTER | Pointer for Relevant Entry in Grid Table | WGRC_RASTER | RAW |
48 | WGRC_REFRESH | Return Existing Buffered Data or Read New Data | FLAG | CHAR |
49 | WGRC_ROUNDING | Rounding in Minutes | WGRC_ROUNDING | NUMC |
51 | WGRC_SELECTION_RES | Time Criteria for Resource Selection | WGRC_SELECTION_RES | CHAR |
52 | WGRC_SHIFT | Delivery Date Shift to a Different Day | FLAG | CHAR |
53 | WGRC_SORT_REWORK | Sort Sequence in 'RWGRC_004' | WGRC_SORT_REWORK | NUMC |
56 | WGRC_TIME | Time Buckets Profile in Format HH:MM-HH:MM | WGRC_TIME | CHAR |
58 | WGRC_TIME_TO | Finish Time | WGRC_TIME_HHMM | CHAR |
60 | WGRC_UPD | Changes to Capacity Data: Change Type | WGRC_UPD | CHAR |
62 | WGRC_YEAR | Year | KJAHR | NUMC |
63 | WGRP_DESCRIPTION | Short Description of an Object Type | WVOBJTYPE_DESCRIPTION | CHAR |
64 | WGRTX | Wage type group text | TEXT25 | CHAR |
65 | WGRUNDM | Currency in which the basic rent is displayed | WAERS | CUKY |
66 | WGRUPPE | Winding group | GEGST | CHAR |
67 | WGRU_HIE1 | Material group hierarchy 1 | KLASSE | CHAR |
68 | WGRU_HIE2 | Material group hierarchy 2 | KLASSE | CHAR |
69 | WGSBEST | Value of Future Total Stock | WERT15 | CURR |
70 | WGSOF | Employer SOF contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
71 | WGSREQN | Document number of store order document buffer | EBELN | CHAR |
72 | WGSREQP | Item number of inbound document buffer | EBELP | NUMC |
73 | WGSVP | Employer's Contribution to Social Insurance (%) | P05_SVPRN | DEC |
74 | WGTFAC | Weight factor for shift aggre. of performance database | FLTP | |
75 | WGTXT | DUEVO reason for change | TEXT20 | CHAR |
76 | WGTYP | Wage type for workers' compensation | LGART | CHAR |
77 | WGVBR | Total usage value | WERT15 | CURR |
78 | WGVUT | Employer VUT contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
79 | WGWAO | Employer WAO contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
80 | WGWAW | Employer WA/WW contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
81 | WGZFW | Employer ZFW contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
82 | WGZUGA | Total value of goods receipts quantity | WERT15 | CURR |
83 | WGZW1 | Employer ZW contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
84 | WHANG_KK | Number of repetition items | NUM03 | NUMC |
85 | WHANZ_KK | Number of Items for this Repetition Group | WHANZ_KK | NUMC |
86 | WHBUD_KK | Selection criterion for reversing a repetition item | DATUM | DATS |
87 | WHCLDE | Parent Where Clause | WHCLDOM | CHAR |
88 | WHCLDEC | Client Where Clause | WHCLDOM | CHAR |
89 | WHEREBED | WHERE Condition for SELECT | CHAR40 | CHAR |
90 | WHERETXT | Table Line for "WHERE (itab)" Statement | CHAR72 | CHAR |
91 | WHERK | Source | CHAR10 | CHAR |
92 | WHGRPC_KK | Repetition group | CHAR3 | CHAR |
93 | WHGRP_KK | Repetition group | WHGRP_KK | NUMC |
94 | WHGXXX | Total value in local currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
95 | WHNFL | Living Area | DEC3_2 | DEC |
96 | WHOLELEN | IS-HCM: Total Length of HCM Message (in Charcters) | MAILLEN | INT4 |
97 | WHOLERUNRAD | Choose: entire billing run | KENNZX | CHAR |
98 | WHOLE_YEAR | Indicator: fiscal year only complete | XFELD | CHAR |
99 | WHOUR | Number of hours worked | STDAZ | DEC |
100 | WHRREF | Currency of Reference Stock Price | WAERS | CUKY |
101 | WIAMT_KK | Total Withdrawals for Cash Desk Closing | WRTV7 | CURR |
102 | WICHT | Weighting Percentage | CHAR25 | CHAR |
103 | WICSEARCHADDITIONAL | Search string for supplementary criterion | CHAR80 | CHAR |
104 | WICSEARCHDESCRIPTION | Search string for long text in IAC product catalog | TEXT80 | CHAR |
105 | WICSEARCHMAT | Search string for material in IAC product catalog | TEXT80 | CHAR |
106 | WICSEARCHNAME | Search string for material short text in product catalog | TEXT80 | CHAR |
107 | WICSEARCHTITLE | Search string for item title in IAC product catalog | TEXT80 | CHAR |
108 | WIDGET_URL | Uniform Resource Locator | TEXT132 | CHAR |
109 | WIDNO_FI | Vendor billing document: Payment reference number FI | WIDNO_LF | CHAR |
110 | WIEDE | Rehiring of Seasonal/Forestry Workers (Obsolete with ZVMP) | XFELD | CHAR |
111 | WIEDERHOL | X: Repeat run | XFELD | CHAR |
112 | WIKON_012K | Subaccount for bill of exchange collection | SAKNR | CHAR |
113 | WIMID | Work item ID | SWW_WIID | NUMC |
114 | WIMNG | Quantity of active ingredient | WIMNG | QUAN |
115 | WIMT_AVG | Average process internal machine lock wait time (ms) | DEC154_DB4 | DEC |
116 | WIMT_SUM | Total cumulative time spent on internal machine waits | DEC150_DB4 | DEC |
117 | WIMT_S_AVG | Average of total cumulative internal machine lock wait time | DEC154_DB4 | DEC |
118 | WIM_SUM | Cumulative no. of process waits for internal machine locks | INT4 | INT4 |
119 | WINCPO | Increment of item no. of vendor billing document | NUM6 | NUMC |
120 | WINDO | Window ID | CHAR2 | CHAR |
121 | WINDOWNR | Parallel report window number | NUM03 | NUMC |
122 | WINDOW_ID | Window name | CHAR32 | CHAR |
123 | WINDOW_SYS | Windows system ID | WINDOW_SYS | CHAR |
124 | WIND_BADI_EXCLUDE_WIND_ITEM | Indicator 'Do not create entry in worklist' | XFELD | CHAR |
125 | WIND_CONDBI_ABSCH | Indicator: Switch Off Message Category CONDBI | XFELD | CHAR |
126 | WIND_DIR | Direct Entry Indicator | ACTIV_FLAG | CHAR |
127 | WIND_DIREKTEINT | Indicator: Set Direct Entry | XFELD | CHAR |
128 | WIND_FLD | Field Name from the Assigned Table | WIND_FLD | CHAR |
129 | WIND_MIG | Migration Indicator | ACTIV_FLAG | CHAR |
130 | WIND_SIMULIEREN | Indicator: Simulate Migration | XFELD | CHAR |
131 | WIND_STA | Processing indicator | WIND_STA | CHAR |
132 | WIND_TAB | Condition Tables for Document Index | WIND_TAB | CHAR |
133 | WIND_TEST | Simulate Migration WIND | XFELD | CHAR |
134 | WIND_USE_KONH_VALIDITY | Use Maximum Validity Period | XFELD | CHAR |
135 | WIND_VAI | Content of VAR Field | WIND_VAI | CHAR |
136 | WIND_VAR | Variable field | WIND_VAR | NUMC |
137 | WIND_WIEDERHOLEN | Indicator: Repeat Migration | XFELD | CHAR |
138 | WINFK | Window function | WINFK | CHAR |
139 | WINFO | Vendor billing document: read info record | XFELD | CHAR |
140 | WINFR_IND | Indicates store grouping for inforecords | CHAR | |
141 | WINFW | Charge for bill of exchange collection in document currency | WERT7 | CURR |
142 | WINFW_BI | Charge for bill of exchange collection (batch input field) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
143 | WINFW_F140 | Charge for collection of bill of exchange in document curr. | WRTV7 | CURR |
144 | WINHW | Charge for bill of exchange collection in local currency | WERT7 | CURR |
145 | WINHW_BI | Charge for bill of exchange collection (batch input field) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
146 | WINHW_F140 | Charge for collection of bills of exchange (in local curr.) | WRTV7 | CURR |
147 | WINID | Window ID for graphic | CHAR6 | CHAR |
148 | WINNER | Indicator: Attendance | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
149 | WINNR | Window number | DYNPRONR | NUMC |
150 | WINTERLEVEL_TXT | Text for Winter Maintenance Level | CHAR30 | CHAR |
151 | WINWORD | Output to WinWord interface (y/n) ? | XFELD | CHAR |
152 | WINWW | Company Address | CHAR4 | CHAR |
153 | WINX1 | X-coordinate 1 (left) of window | WINXI | DEC |
154 | WINX2 | X-coordinate 2 (right) of window | WINXI | DEC |
155 | WINXI | X coordinate of a window | WINXI | DEC |
156 | WINY1 | Y-coordinate 1 (above) of window | WINYI | DEC |
157 | WINY2 | Y-coordinate 2 (below) of window | WINYI | DEC |
158 | WINYI | Y coordinate of a window | WINYI | DEC |
159 | WIN_FRAME | Display Window Using Frame and Name in Corners | XFELD | CHAR |
160 | WIN_ID | Fill Window Area with Window Name | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | WIN_PATH_K | Path ID for the Knowledge Warehouse | URL_PATH_K | CHAR |
162 | WIN_PROTCL | Protocol for the Server for Starting the Native GUI | URL_PROTCL | CHAR |
163 | WIN_SERVER | Name of Server for starting GUIs | SVR_NAME | CHAR |
164 | WIN_SYMBID | Fill Window Area with Symbol of your Choice | XFELD | CHAR |
165 | WIN_SYMBOL | Symbol | TEXT1 | CHAR |
166 | WIN_TITLE | Window Title | TEXT60 | CHAR |
167 | WIN_TYPE | Specification of Area in Main Window (Top, Body, Bottom) | WIN_TYPE | CHAR |
168 | WIOUT | Any period | YNFLG | CHAR |
169 | WIPARTEVEN | Output with sessions | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
170 | WIPBATCH_ACTIVE | WIP Batch Active | XFELD | CHAR |
171 | WIPBATCH_FUNC_A | 'WIP Batch' Function Active | XFELD | CHAR |
172 | WIPBATCH_FUNC_N | 'WIP Batch' Function Not Active | XFELD | CHAR |
173 | WIPKZ | WIP (Work in Process) | XFELD | CHAR |
174 | WIPM | Work in Process: Input Quantity | MENGV8 | QUAN |
175 | WIRAK | Flag whether active ingred./product quantities mgmt active | CHAR1 | CHAR |
176 | WIRKF4 | Flag shows if F4 help for active ingredient mgmt was pressed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
177 | WIRKGRAD | Efficiency/utilization of a capacity | INT2 | INT2 |
178 | WIRKS | Flag if active ingredient unit of measure columns are shown | CHAR1 | CHAR |
179 | WISHES | Consideration of employees' interests and preferences | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
180 | WISPWF_KEY_FIG | Interface Workflow: Description of a key-figure | CHAR | |
181 | WISPWF_VALUE_U | Value of a key-figure with units | CHAR | |
182 | WISP_0_ELIM | Copy of CDS_0_ELIM | WISP_BOOL | CHAR |
183 | WISP_ABGSGEO | Miscellaneous Issues at Cost | WERTV10 | CURR |
184 | WISP_ABGSGVO | Miscellaneous Issues at Retail | WERTV10 | CURR |
185 | WISP_ABGSGVP | Misc Issues at Retail With Tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
186 | WISP_ABGSMNG | Miscellaneous Issue Quantity | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
187 | WISP_ABSTGEO | Opening Stock at Cost | WERTV10 | CURR |
188 | WISP_ABSTGVO | Opening Stock at Retail | WERTV10 | CURR |
189 | WISP_ABSTGVP | Opening Stock at Retail With Tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
190 | WISP_ABSTMNG | Opening Stock Quantity | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
191 | WISP_ACCEPT_EX | Indicator: Accept Existing Plant Group | XFELD | CHAR |
192 | WISP_ALDAT | Creation Date of MAP Allocation Table | DATUM | DATS |
193 | WISP_ALUSR | MAP Allocation Table Created By | USNAM | CHAR |
194 | WISP_ALUZT | MAP Allocation Table Creation Time | UZEIT | TIMS |
195 | WISP_ANCHORSTRUC | Retail Planning: Name of the DDIC-Struktur for the Anchor | AS4TAB | CHAR |
196 | WISP_ARTANZ | Number of Articles | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
197 | WISP_ATNAM | MAP: Name of Classification System Characteristic | ATNAM | CHAR |
198 | WISP_ATRNAVFL | Copy of RSATRNAVFL (Info Object is Navigation Attribute) | XFELD | CHAR |
199 | WISP_ATTFLG | Checkbox: The Attribute must be Constructed | XFLAG | CHAR |
200 | WISP_ATTRIBUTE | Retail Planning: Attribute within a Master Data Hierarchy | FDNAME | CHAR |
201 | WISP_ATWRT | Value for Characteristic in Classification System | ATWRT | CHAR |
202 | WISP_AVGDAT | MAP: Date of Average Price Calculation | DATE | DATS |
203 | WISP_AVGRET | MAP: Average Price | WERTV10 | CURR |
204 | WISP_AVGW1 | Memory Currency 1 in Currency Fields for Average Retail | WAERS | CUKY |
205 | WISP_AVGW2 | Memory Currency 2 for Currency Fields for Average Retail | WAERS | CUKY |
206 | WISP_AVGWS | Currency Key for Average Retail | WAERS | CUKY |
207 | WISP_AVGWS_D | Currency Key (Dummy) for Average Retail | WAERS | CUKY |
208 | WISP_AVRUBMGVO | Average Retail: Business Volume at Retail - Markdown | WERTV10 | CURR |
209 | WISP_AVRUBMGVP | Average Retail: Business Volume Retail/Tax - Markdown | WERTV10 | CURR |
210 | WISP_AVRUMSGEO | Average Retail: Business Volume at Cost | WERTV10 | CURR |
211 | WISP_AVRUMSGVO | Average Retail: Business Volume at Retail | WERTV10 | CURR |
212 | WISP_AVRUMSGVP | Average Retail: Business Volume Retail/Tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
213 | WISP_AVRUMSUMBPRS | Average Retail: Bus. Volume With Markdown + Price Reduction | WERTV10 | CURR |
214 | WISP_AVRUMSUMBPRS2 | Average Retail: BusVol Rtl/Tax Markdown and Price Reduction | WERTV10 | CURR |
215 | WISP_BACKG_PROMO | Background Processing for Creating Promotions | XFELD | CHAR |
216 | WISP_BACKRFC | RFC Destination for Application Call-Back to MAP (Notify) | RFCDEST | CHAR |
218 | WISP_BASME | Base Unit of Measure for Planned Figures | MEINS | UNIT |
219 | WISP_BATCHFLG | Background Processing | XFELD | CHAR |
220 | WISP_BDMETHOD | Method of Breaking Down a Grouping | WISP_BDMETHOD | CHAR |
221 | WISP_BDTYPE_ALLOC | Break-Down Category for Allocation Table Interfaces | WISP_BDTYPE_ALLOC | CHAR |
222 | WISP_BDTYPE_PROMO | Break-Down Category for Retail Promotion Interfaces | WISP_BDTYPE_PROMO | CHAR |
223 | WISP_BKIMVO_PRZ | Shrinkage % | PRZ32V | DEC |
224 | WISP_BKIMVP_PRZ | Shrinkage With tax % | PRZ32V | DEC |
225 | WISP_BKSMGEO | Stock adjustment miscellaneous - cost | WERTV10 | CURR |
226 | WISP_BKSMGVO | Stock Adjustment Miscellaneous - Retail | WERTV10 | CURR |
227 | WISP_BKSMGVP | Stock adjustment miscellaneous - retail with tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
228 | WISP_BKSMMNG | Stock Adjustment Miscellaneous - Quantity | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
229 | WISP_BKSPGEO | Stock adjustment miscellaneous + (cost) | WERTV10 | CURR |
230 | WISP_BKSPGVO | Stock Adjustment Miscellaneous + Retail | WERTV10 | CURR |
231 | WISP_BKSPGVP | Stock adjustment miscellaneous + retail with tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
232 | WISP_BKSPMNG | Stock Adjustment Miscellanous + Quantity | MENGV15_3 | QUAN |
233 | WISP_BOOL | Copy of RS_BOOL | WISP_BOOL | CHAR |
234 | WISP_BREAKD | Grouping Break-Down | WISP_BREAKD | CHAR |
235 | WISP_BREAKDTAB | Table for Group Break-Downs | TABNAME | CHAR |
236 | WISP_BREAKDTXT | Description of Grouping Break-Down | TXT50 | CHAR |
237 | WISP_BSMER | Basic Characteristic of a Grouping Break-Down | FDNAME | CHAR |
238 | WISP_BUFSIZE | Buffer Size | INT4 | |
239 | WISP_BW | BW Usage | XFELD | CHAR |
240 | WISP_BWAPPL | Copy of RSBWAPPL | CHAR | |
241 | WISP_BWSWITCH | Switch to Activate BW Connection | XFELD | CHAR |
242 | WISP_CALCD | Non-Time-Based Aggregation for Value (Planning Hierarchy) | WISP_CALCD | CHAR |
243 | WISP_CALCM | Time-Based Aggregation for a Characteristic | WISP_CALCM | CHAR |
244 | WISP_CALCORDER | Calculation Sequence in Formula Groups | WISP_CALCORDER | NUMC |
245 | WISP_CKENNZ | Additional Key Figure in Manual Planning | WISP_CKENNZ | CHAR |
246 | WISP_COLPL | Indicator: Characteristic Planning Permitted | XFELD | CHAR |
247 | WISP_CONCHGDAT | Change Date for Planning Step Link | DATUM | DATS |
248 | WISP_CONCHGUSR | Planning Step Link Last Changed By... | USNAM | CHAR |
249 | WISP_CONCHGUZT | Change Time for Planning Step Link | UZEIT | TIMS |
250 | WISP_CONCREDAT | Planning Step Link Created on | DATUM | DATS |
251 | WISP_CONCREUSR | Planning Step Link Created By | USNAM | CHAR |
252 | WISP_CONCREUZT | Planning Step Link Created At... | UZEIT | TIMS |
253 | WISP_CONTEXTSTRUC | Retail Planning: Name of DDIC-Structure for Context Struct. | AS4TAB | CHAR |
255 | WISP_CREFFIELD | Reference Field for an Additional Key Figure | FDNAME | CHAR |
256 | WISP_CREFTAB | Reference Table for an Additional Key Figure | AS4TAB | CHAR |
257 | WISP_CREPORT | Program for Linking Planning Steps | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
258 | WISP_CSCHARTXT | Name of Value for Characteristic in Classification System | TEXT30 | CHAR |
259 | WISP_CTCODE | Transaction for Linking Planning Steps | TCODE | CHAR |
260 | WISP_CUBE | InfoCube | RSINFOCUBE | CHAR |
262 | WISP_CUBEFIELD | InfoCube Field Name | FDNAME | CHAR |
264 | WISP_CUBETEXT | InfoCube Field Description | TEXT20 | CHAR |
265 | WISP_CUBETIMEFIELD | Name of InfoCube Time Field | FDNAME | CHAR |
267 | WISP_DBTAB | Name of a Database Table for a Planning Step | DBOBJ_NAME | CHAR |
268 | WISP_DELFLG | Delete Records not Available in Master Data | XFELD | CHAR |
269 | WISP_DELIST | MAP: Delisting Flag | XFELD | CHAR |
270 | WISP_DEPENDSTRUC | Retail Planning: DDIC Structure for Determination Characts | AS4TAB | CHAR |
274 | WISP_DIMTYPE_ALLOC | Dimension Category for Allocation Table Interface | WISP_DIMTYPE_ALLOC | CHAR |
275 | WISP_DIMTYPE_PROMO | Dimension Category for Retail Promotion Interfaces | WISP_DIMTYPE_PROMO | CHAR |
276 | WISP_DISAGG | Disaggregation for Planning Hierarchy | X | CHAR |
277 | WISP_DPLHVS | Delete Planning Hierarchy Version | WISP_PLHVS | CHAR |
278 | WISP_DTPLHVS | Disaggregation for Target Planning Hierarchy Version | XFELD | CHAR |
279 | WISP_DVSPRED_3 | Default Distribution Key for a Period Without a Fiscal Year | SPRED | CHAR |
280 | WISP_DVSPRED_7 | Default Distribution Key for a Period With a Fiscal Year | SPRED | CHAR |
281 | WISP_EXKNZ | MAP: External Key Figure in Interface | FDNAME | CHAR |
282 | WISP_EXMER | MAP: External Characteristic in an Interface | FDNAME | CHAR |
283 | WISP_EXOBJ | Object can be run (program or transaction) | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
284 | WISP_E_VISIBLE | Function Code Active in Entry Screen | XFELD | CHAR |
285 | WISP_FACTOR | Average Number of Low-Level Base Units of Measure | MEANZSUB | DEC |
286 | WISP_FAKT1_C | Create Proportional Factor 1 in Automatic Setup | XFELD | CHAR |
287 | WISP_FAKT1_CM | Use Proportional Factor 1 for Maintenance or Display | XFELD | CHAR |
288 | WISP_FAKT2_C | Create Proportional Factor 2 in Automatic Setup | XFELD | CHAR |
289 | WISP_FAKT2_CM | Use Proportional Factor 2 in Maintenance or Display | XFELD | CHAR |
290 | WISP_FAKT3_C | Create Proportional Factor 3 in Automatic Setup | XFELD | CHAR |
291 | WISP_FAKT3_CM | Use Proportional Factor 3 in Maintenance or Display | XFELD | CHAR |
292 | WISP_FBNAME1 | Retail Plannig: Name of Funct.Mod. that Builds MD Hierarchy | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
293 | WISP_FBNAME2 | Retail Planning: Name of Funct.Mod. that Reads the Atribs | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
294 | WISP_FCLASS | Retail Planning: Function Class for Users | KPP_FCLASS | CHAR |
295 | WISP_FGRTXT | Formula Group Description | TXT30 | CHAR |
296 | WISP_FIELDTYPE | Field Type in a Planning Scenario | WISP_FIELDTYPE | CHAR |
297 | WISP_FILGRP | Store Group | WISP_FILGRP | NUMC |
298 | WISP_FLGBASME | Planning Units and Base Units of Measure Are Different | XFLAG | CHAR |
299 | WISP_FLG_BW | Indicator, Display BW Tabstrips in Planning Session | XFELD | CHAR |
300 | WISP_FLG_KENN | Indicator, Show Key Figure Tabstrips | XFELD | CHAR |
301 | WISP_FLG_MERK | Show Flag for Tabstrip Characteristics | XFELD | CHAR |
302 | WISP_FLG_NOPIC | Do Not Display Graphics for Network Plan Tool | XFELD | CHAR |
303 | WISP_FLG_NOWF | Flag: Do Not Use Object Services | XFELD | CHAR |
304 | WISP_FLG_NO_DOCK | Do Not Display Network Window in Manual Planning | XFELD | CHAR |
305 | WISP_FLG_RWGRU | Indicator: Retail Material Group | XFELD | CHAR |
306 | WISP_FLG_TECHVIEW_BW | Flag Technical View / Description in BW Configuration | XFELD | CHAR |
307 | WISP_FORGR | Formula Group for a Planning Step | WISP_FORGR | CHAR |
308 | WISP_FORTP | Formula Type (Arithmetic, Previous Period, Coverage,...) | WISP_FORTP | CHAR |
309 | WISP_FORZP | Formula Calculation Timepoint | WISP_FORZP | CHAR |
310 | WISP_FOZNR | Formula Line Number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
311 | WISP_GENERIC_HIETAB_ENTRY | MAP: Unstructured Line of a Hierarchy Table | CHAR | |
312 | WISP_GENERIC_KEY | MAP: Unstructured Key | WISP_GENERIC_KEY | CHAR |
313 | WISP_GRPMER | Break-Down Grouping Characteristic | WISP_PLMER | CHAR |
314 | WISP_HIERKEY | Key String for Lock for Material / Characteristics Planning | CHAR | |
315 | WISP_HIESTRUC | Retail Planning: DDIC Structure of the Master Data Hierarchy | AS4TAB | CHAR |
316 | WISP_HIETAB | Name of Hierarchy Table in the Database | TABNAME | CHAR |
317 | WISP_HKOMP | Maintain or Display a Complete Hierarchy | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | WISP_HKOMP_M | Generate All Characteristic Levels | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | WISP_HTEIL | Maintain or Display Hierarchies From a Specific Level | XFELD | CHAR |
320 | WISP_HTEIL_M | Create One Characteristic Level Only | XFELD | CHAR |
321 | WISP_HUMSGEO | Business Volume Projection | WERTV10 | CURR |
322 | WISP_HVSTXT | Description of a Planning Hierarchy Version | TXT30 | CHAR |
323 | WISP_IABSTGEO | Actual Opening Balance | WERTV10 | CURR |
324 | WISP_IEBSTGEO | Actual Closing Balance | WERTV10 | CURR |
325 | WISP_IFSWITCH | Switch to Activate/Deactivate Interface | XFELD | CHAR |
326 | WISP_IIDGEO | Actual Shrinkage | WERTV10 | CURR |
328 | WISP_IRETGEO | Actual Returns | WERTV10 | CURR |
329 | WISP_IUBMGEO | Actual Revaluation - Cost Price | WERTV10 | CURR |
330 | WISP_IUBMGVO | Actual Revaluation - Retail Price | WERTV10 | CURR |
331 | WISP_IUBMGVP | Actual Revaluation - Retail with Tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
332 | WISP_IUBPGEO | Actual Revaluation Plus Cost | WERTV10 | CURR |
333 | WISP_IUBPGVO | Actual Revaluation Plus Retail | WERTV10 | CURR |
334 | WISP_IUBPGVP | Actual Revaluation Retail With Tax | WERTV10 | CURR |
335 | WISP_IUMSGEO | Actual Business Volume | WERTV10 | CURR |
336 | WISP_IZUKGEO | Actual Additional Purchases | WERTV10 | CURR |
337 | WISP_KENNZ | Plng/Additional Key figure With Control Parameters | CHAR32 | CHAR |
338 | WISP_LIEFW | Indicator: Generate Delivery Waves Automatically | XFELD | CHAR |
339 | WISP_LINITFL | Copy of RSLINITFL (Line Item Dimension) | XFELD | CHAR |
340 | WISP_LISTFLG | Listing Indicator | WISP_LISTFLG | NUMC |
341 | WISP_LOCCHK | Layout Indicator: Cell Value is Locked | XFELD | CHAR |
342 | WISP_LOCSTRAT | Indicator Local Allocation Strategy | XFELD | CHAR |
343 | WISP_LSDTP | MAP: Determine Listing Date | WISP_LSDTP | CHAR |
344 | WISP_LSTCHK | Listing Check | XFELD | CHAR |
345 | WISP_LSTDAT | Listing Date | DATE | DATS |
346 | WISP_LSTDEL | Delisting Flag | XFELD | CHAR |
347 | WISP_LSTFLG | Listing Plan | XFELD | CHAR |
348 | WISP_LVTYPE | Merchandise and Assortment Planning: Planning Level Type | WISP_LVTYPE | CHAR |
349 | WISP_MAN | Indicator: Manual Maintenance of Material Attributes | XFELD | CHAR |
350 | WISP_MARK | Line Selected in Table Control | XFELD | CHAR |
351 | WISP_MASCHPL | Automatic Planning | WISP_MASCHPL | CHAR |
352 | WISP_MASCHPLTXT | Description of Automatic Planning | TXT30 | CHAR |
353 | WISP_MATTXT | Retail Planning: description for a planned material | TXT40 | CHAR |
355 | WISP_MAUTOQUALOKFL | Flag: Request Technology and Quality OK | RSBOOL | CHAR |
357 | WISP_MDATTRTYPE | MAP:Attrib.Type when Constructing a Hierarchy frm Mstr Data | WISP_MDATTRTYPE | CHAR |
358 | WISP_MDATTRVAL | MAP:FctMd Return Value for Reading the Master Data Hierarchy | WISP_MDATTRVAL | CHAR |
359 | WISP_MDC_FIELDNAME | Name of Characteristic With Complex Master Data Check | FDNAME | CHAR |
360 | WISP_MDC_FNAM | Name of Function Module in Master Data Check | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
361 | WISP_MERK10_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Char. Value 10 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
362 | WISP_MERK10_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char 10 | XFELD | CHAR |
363 | WISP_MERK10_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char 10 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
364 | WISP_MERK10_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 10 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
365 | WISP_MERK10_V | Reference Characteristic Feature 10 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
366 | WISP_MERK11_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Character Feature 11 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
367 | WISP_MERK11_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char 11 | XFELD | CHAR |
368 | WISP_MERK11_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Character 11 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
369 | WISP_MERK11_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 11 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
370 | WISP_MERK11_V | Reference Characteristic 11 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
371 | WISP_MERK12_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 12 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
372 | WISP_MERK12_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char 12 | XFELD | CHAR |
373 | WISP_MERK12_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Character 12 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
374 | WISP_MERK12_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 12 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
375 | WISP_MERK12_V | Reference Characteristic 12 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
376 | WISP_MERK13_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 13 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
377 | WISP_MERK13_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char 13 | XFELD | CHAR |
378 | WISP_MERK13_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Character 13 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
379 | WISP_MERK13_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 13 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
380 | WISP_MERK13_V | Reference Characteristic 13 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
381 | WISP_MERK14_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 14 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
382 | WISP_MERK14_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char 14 | XFELD | CHAR |
383 | WISP_MERK14_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Character 14 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
384 | WISP_MERK14_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 14 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
385 | WISP_MERK14_V | Reference Characteristic 14 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
386 | WISP_MERK15_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 15 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
387 | WISP_MERK15_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char 15 | XFELD | CHAR |
388 | WISP_MERK15_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Character 15 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
389 | WISP_MERK15_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 15 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
390 | WISP_MERK15_V | Reference Characteristic 15 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
391 | WISP_MERK16_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 16 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
392 | WISP_MERK16_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 16 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
393 | WISP_MERK16_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 16 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
394 | WISP_MERK17_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 17 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
395 | WISP_MERK17_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 17 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
396 | WISP_MERK17_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 17 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
397 | WISP_MERK18_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 18 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
398 | WISP_MERK18_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 18 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
399 | WISP_MERK18_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 18 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
400 | WISP_MERK19_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 19 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
401 | WISP_MERK19_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 19 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
402 | WISP_MERK19_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 19 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
403 | WISP_MERK1_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Character. Value 1 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
404 | WISP_MERK1_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char. 1 | XFELD | CHAR |
405 | WISP_MERK1_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Character. 1 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
406 | WISP_MERK1_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 1 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
407 | WISP_MERK1_V | Reference Value for Characteristic 1 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
408 | WISP_MERK20_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Character. Value 20 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
409 | WISP_MERK20_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 20 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
410 | WISP_MERK20_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 20 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
411 | WISP_MERK21_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Character. Value 21 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
412 | WISP_MERK21_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 21 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
413 | WISP_MERK21_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 21 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
414 | WISP_MERK22_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 22 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
415 | WISP_MERK22_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 22 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
416 | WISP_MERK22_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 22 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
417 | WISP_MERK23_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 23 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
418 | WISP_MERK23_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 23 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
419 | WISP_MERK23_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 23 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
420 | WISP_MERK24_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 24 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
421 | WISP_MERK24_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 24 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
422 | WISP_MERK24_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 24 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
423 | WISP_MERK25_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Characteristic 25 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
424 | WISP_MERK25_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 25 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
425 | WISP_MERK25_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 25 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
426 | WISP_MERK2_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Char. Value 2 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
427 | WISP_MERK2_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char. 2 | XFELD | CHAR |
428 | WISP_MERK2_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Character. 2 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
429 | WISP_MERK2_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 2 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
430 | WISP_MERK2_V | Reference Characteristic Value 2 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
431 | WISP_MERK3_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Char. Value 3 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
432 | WISP_MERK3_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char. 3 | XFELD | CHAR |
433 | WISP_MERK3_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 3 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
434 | WISP_MERK3_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 3 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
435 | WISP_MERK3_V | Reference Characteristic Value 3 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
436 | WISP_MERK4_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Char. Value. 4 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
437 | WISP_MERK4_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char. 4 | XFELD | CHAR |
438 | WISP_MERK4_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 4 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
439 | WISP_MERK4_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 4 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
440 | WISP_MERK4_V | Reference Characteristic Value 4 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
441 | WISP_MERK5_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Char. Value 5 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
442 | WISP_MERK5_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char. 5 | XFELD | CHAR |
443 | WISP_MERK5_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 5 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
444 | WISP_MERK5_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 5 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
445 | WISP_MERK5_V | Reference Characteristic Value 5 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
446 | WISP_MERK6_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Char. Value 6 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
447 | WISP_MERK6_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char. 6 | XFELD | CHAR |
448 | WISP_MERK6_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 6 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
449 | WISP_MERK6_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 6 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
450 | WISP_MERK6_V | Reference Characteristic Value 6 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
451 | WISP_MERK7_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Char. Value 7 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
452 | WISP_MERK7_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char. 7 | XFELD | CHAR |
453 | WISP_MERK7_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 7 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
454 | WISP_MERK7_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 7 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
455 | WISP_MERK7_V | Reference Characteristic Value 7 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
456 | WISP_MERK8_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Char. Value 8 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
457 | WISP_MERK8_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char. 8 | XFELD | CHAR |
458 | WISP_MERK8_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 8 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
459 | WISP_MERK8_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 8 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
460 | WISP_MERK8_V | Reference Characteristic Value 8 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
461 | WISP_MERK9_A | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Char. Value 9 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
462 | WISP_MERK9_R | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Radio Button Char. 9 | XFELD | CHAR |
463 | WISP_MERK9_S | Hierarchy Maintenance Selection Screen: Keyword Char. 9 | CHAR20 | CHAR |
464 | WISP_MERK9_T | Hierarchy Maintenance: Text for Characteristic 9 | CHAR32 | CHAR |
465 | WISP_MERK9_V | Reference Characteristic Value 9 | CHAR40 | CHAR |
466 | WISP_MERKB_A | Hierarchie Maintenance: Node Characteristic Value | CHAR40 | CHAR |
467 | WISP_MERKB_S | Hierarchy Maintenance: Node Characteristic Keyword | SCRTEXT_L | CHAR |
468 | WISP_MERKB_T | Text for Node Characteristic | CHAR60 | CHAR |
469 | WISP_MPLMETH | Automatic Planning Activity | WISP_MPLMETH | CHAR |
470 | WISP_MPREPORT | Program for Automatic Planning | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
472 | WISP_NOCHNG_AKART | No Changes to Promotion Type | XFELD | CHAR |
473 | WISP_NODELFLG | Hold Records not Available in Master Data | XFELD | CHAR |
474 | WISP_NORMA | Key Figure for 'Norm' and 'Weighted Average' Aggregation | CHAR | |
475 | WISP_NOUPDFLG | Do Not Overwrite Existing Data | BOOLE | CHAR |
476 | WISP_NOUPD_TREE | Do Not Change Existing Subtrees | XFELD | CHAR |
477 | WISP_NUMLSTART | Number of Articles Listed in Assortment | DEC9 | DEC |
478 | WISP_NUMMCCART | Number of Articles in Material Group | DEC9 | DEC |
479 | WISP_NUMMCCSTY | Number of Styles in Material Group | DEC9 | DEC |
480 | WISP_NUMSTORAS | Number of Stores in Assortment | DEC7 | DEC |
481 | WISP_NUMSTORE | Number of Stores in a Store Group | DEC7 | DEC |
482 | WISP_NUMSTORFG | Number of Stores in Store Group | DEC7 | DEC |
483 | WISP_N_LEADCOL | Number of Simple Leading Columns | NUMC | |
484 | WISP_OBJID | Description of Network Maintenance Object | CHAR | |
485 | WISP_OBJNAME | Network Maintenance Object Type | CHAR | |
486 | WISP_OBJSTAT | Status of Object Created in MAP | WISP_OBJSTAT | CHAR |
487 | WISP_OBJTXT | Description of a Network Maintenance Object | CHAR | |
488 | WISP_OTBGEO | OTB for Cost Price | WERTV10 | CURR |
489 | WISP_OVRWR_TREE | Overwrite Existing Subtrees | XFELD | CHAR |
490 | WISP_PABSTGEO | Planned Opening Balance | WERTV10 | CURR |
495 | WISP_PATH | Path Identifier in Planning Hierarchy | CHAR | |
496 | WISP_PEBSTGEO | Planned Closing Balance | WERTV10 | CURR |
497 | WISP_PERI3 | Use Period Field Without Fiscal Year | XFELD | CHAR |
498 | WISP_PERI37 | Use 3- or 7-Character Periods | WISP_PERI37 | CHAR |
499 | WISP_PERI3_VTL | Use Period Field Without Fiscal Year | XFELD | CHAR |
500 | WISP_PERI7 | Use Period Field With Fiscal Year | XFELD | CHAR |