SAP ABAP Data Element - Index W, page 14
Data Element - W
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | WLMODE_CM_CA | Processing Type | WLMODE_CM_CA | CHAR |
2 | WLMTXT | Heading | TEXT80 | CHAR |
3 | WLNUMASGN_CM_CA | Number of Work Items to Be Assigned | NUM02 | NUMC |
4 | WLNUMITEMS_CM_CA | Maximum Number of Uncompleted Entries | NUM03 | NUMC |
5 | WLOEK | Deletion indicator IS-R tables | WLOEK | CHAR |
6 | WLOGV | SP calculation: Update log with/without correct items | XFELD | CHAR |
7 | WLOKL | Local assortment for a retail plant | KUNNR | CHAR |
8 | WLOMB | Indicator eligible as collateral | JANEI | CHAR |
9 | WLPOS | Value scale item | WLPOS | NUMC |
10 | WLPRI | IS-H: Priority for Preregistration/Waiting List Management | WLPRI | CHAR |
11 | WLPRICONV | IS-H: Umschlüsselung Priorität in Warteliste | WLPRICONV | CHAR |
12 | WLRULETXT_CM_CA | Rule Description | TEXT50 | CHAR |
13 | WLSCRULE_CM_CA | Prioritization Rule | WLSCRULE_CM_CA | CHAR |
14 | WLSPAR | Use of division in SAP Retail listing check | WLSPAR | CHAR |
15 | WLSTN | Name of the Dataset for the Bill/Exch. with Check/Bill/Exch. | CHAR6 | CHAR |
16 | WLTEXT_CM_CA | Descriptive Text | TEXT255 | CHAR |
17 | WLTMS | ATP: Requested delivery date | APOTSTAMP | DEC |
18 | WLTXT | Text for goods/services ID | TEXT20 | CHAR |
19 | WLTYPE_CM_CA | Worklist: Type | CHAR | |
20 | WLUHR | Requested delivery time | TIME_SHIPT | TIMS |
21 | WLWB_XASORT | Entry by Assortment | XFELD | CHAR |
22 | WLWB_XLAYGR | Entry by Layout Module | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | WLWB_XSITE | Entry by Site | XFELD | CHAR |
24 | WLXCNUM_CM_CA | Overwrite Number of Entries to Be Assigned | XFELD | CHAR |
25 | WLXCPIC_CM_CA | Individual Selection (Cherry Picking) Permitted | XFELD | CHAR |
26 | WLYUZEIT | TMS QA: Time When Worklist Updated | SYTIME | TIMS |
27 | WLZBP | State central bank location | TEXT60 | CHAR |
28 | WL_DESCRIPTION | Textual Description of Worklist | WL_DESCRIPTION | CHAR |
29 | WL_ERROR | Error Code for Frontend | WL_ERROR | NUMC |
30 | WL_HOST | Host Name with Domain, e.g. * | CHAR | |
31 | WL_KEYLINE | Key for Worklist | WL_KEYLINE | CHAR |
32 | WL_PORT | Port, for example, 1080 (empty = not used) | NUMC | |
33 | WL_PROTOCOL | Protocol for URL (* = wild card) | CHAR | |
34 | WL_SORTKEY | Sort/Search/Match Sequence | CHAR | |
35 | WL_URL | URL Template to Check, for example, /sap/* | CHAR | |
36 | WMAK | Material type ID | WMAK | CHAR |
37 | WMANZL | Number of Waiting-List Bookings Already Received | DEC3 | DEC |
38 | WMANZWA | Display Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
39 | WMARGEFF | Flag: Coupon discount affects margins | FLAG | CHAR |
40 | WMATN | Posting material number of value-only or individual material | MATNR | CHAR |
41 | WMATTX | Description for product catalog | TEXT40 | CHAR |
42 | WMAXPOS | Maximum Number of Items per Process | NUM5 | NUMC |
43 | WMAXTASKS | Maximum Number of Parallel Processes | NUM4 | NUMC |
44 | WMDAGBI | Work station application for large images | DAPPL | CHAR |
45 | WMDAKBI | Work station application for small images | DAPPL | CHAR |
46 | WMDASND | Work station application for sound files | DAPPL | CHAR |
47 | WMDATAB | Product catalog valid from | DATUM | DATS |
48 | WMDATBIS | Product catalog valid to | DATUM | DATS |
49 | WMENG | Order quantity in sales units | MENG13 | QUAN |
50 | WMENGC | Order qty in sales units - 00009001 corresponds to 9.001 | NUMC13 | NUMC |
51 | WMERF | Requested Quantity Entered | CHAR1 | CHAR |
52 | WMETH | Indicator: account managed in external system | WMETH | CHAR |
53 | WMGWCOPYRULEKEY | Copy rule | CHAR10 | CHAR |
54 | WMGWCOPYRULETXT | Description | CHAR60K | CHAR |
55 | WMINR | Product catalog number | WMINR | CHAR |
56 | WMINR_HEAD | Product catalog at header level in sales order | WMINR | CHAR |
57 | WMIN_BI | Minimum queue time (batch input) | CHAR11 | CHAR |
58 | WMITX | Product Catalog Name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
59 | WMIXDT | Caution: sample org levels in use | XFELD | CHAR |
60 | WMKALVG | Document schema for determining a calculation schema | KALVG | CHAR |
61 | WMKMP | Characteristic profile | KLASSE | CHAR |
62 | WMKUM | Account balance (accumulated value in foreign currency ) | CHAR18 | CHAR |
63 | WMKZPRS | Indicates price display | XFELD | CHAR |
64 | WMM_ADMIN_ACTVT | All possible activities for Work Mode Management | WMM_ADMIN_ACTVT | CHAR |
65 | WMNGE | Quantity requested by store | MENG13 | QUAN |
66 | WMNNH | Credit sales in foreign currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
67 | WMNNS | Debit sales in foreign currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
68 | WMODE_KK | Processing mode | WMODE_KK | CHAR |
69 | WMON_FKSTK_ABS | Number of open deliveries in a wave regarding billing status | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
70 | WMON_FKSTK_ICON | Billing status icons | WMON_ICON | CHAR |
71 | WMON_FKSTK_REL | Percentage of open deliveries in a wave re:billing status | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
72 | WMON_LVSTK_ABS | Number of open deliveries in a wave re: overall WM status | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
73 | WMON_LVSTK_ICON | Overall WM activity status icons | WMON_ICON | CHAR |
74 | WMON_LVSTK_REL | Percentage of open deliveries in a wave re:overall WM status | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
75 | WMON_PKSTK_ABS | Number of open deliveries in a wave regarding packing status | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
76 | WMON_PKSTK_ICON | Overall packing status icons | WMON_ICON | CHAR |
77 | WMON_PKSTK_REL | Percentage of open deliveries in a wave re: packing status | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
78 | WMON_SEL_VARIANT_DLVMON_DN | Delivery list selection variants: delivery note | RALDB_VARI | CHAR |
79 | WMON_SEL_VARIANT_DLVMON_GI | Delivery list selection variant: post goods issue | RALDB_VARI | CHAR |
80 | WMON_TOTAL_DEL | Total number of deliveries in a wave | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
81 | WMON_TRSTA_ABS | Absolute number of open deliveries in a wave for | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
82 | WMON_TRSTA_ICON | Transportation planning status icons | WMON_ICON | CHAR |
83 | WMON_TRSTA_REL | Percent of open deliveries in a wave re:transp. plan. status | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
84 | WMON_VESTK_ICON | Icon for Status Handling Unit Placed In Stock | WMON_ICON | CHAR |
85 | WMON_WBSTK_ABS | Number of open deliveries in a wave re: goods mvmt status | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
86 | WMON_WBSTK_ICON | Goods movement status icons | WMON_ICON | CHAR |
87 | WMON_WBSTK_REL | Percent of open deliveries in a wave re: goods mvmt. status | WMON_NUMBER | DEC |
88 | WMPOS | Agency business: Indicator for multiple items in document | XFELD | CHAR |
89 | WMSAL | Balance in foreign currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
90 | WMSTTAG | Key date for product catalog price determination | DATS | DATS |
91 | WMS_LSMENG_FLO | Intern. field/do not use/Deliv. target qty in base UoM | FLTP | FLTP |
92 | WMS_VSMNG_FLO | Internal field/ do not use / shipping quantity in base UoM | FLTP | FLTP |
93 | WMTYP | Prod. catalog category | WMTYP | CHAR |
94 | WMTYPDT | Data carrier type of Web server | TYPDT | CHAR |
95 | WMUSTER | Copy from winding group | GEGST | CHAR |
96 | WMVAR | Product catalog variant | WMVAR | CHAR |
97 | WMVARD | Product catalog variant | WMVAR | CHAR |
98 | WMVTX | Description for product catalog variant | TEXT40 | CHAR |
99 | WMVWAERS | Currency key for product catalog variant | WAERS | CUKY |
100 | WMVWAERS_EWU | Currency key for parallel currency | WAERS | CUKY |
101 | WMV_SPRAS | Language key for product catalog variant | SPRAS | LANG |
102 | WMWKZ | Tax code for bill of exchange charges | MWSKZ | CHAR |
103 | WMWKZ_NEW | Tax Code for Bill of Exchange Charges | MWSKZ_NEW | CHAR |
104 | WMWSBPB_RL | Agency Business: Tax of Remuneration List Conditions | BAPICURR | DEC |
105 | WMWSBP_RL | Tax of Remuneration List Conditions | WERTV7 | CURR |
106 | WMWST | Tax amount in document currency | WERT7 | CURR |
107 | WMWST_BI | Tax amount in document currency (batch input field) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
108 | WMWST_X8 | Tax amount (+/-) in document currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
109 | WMXXH | Monthly credit postings total in account currency | WERT8 | CURR |
110 | WMXXH9 | Monthly credit postings total in account currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
111 | WMXXK | Accumulated end of fiscal month balance in account currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
112 | WMXXK9 | Accumulated end of fiscal month balance in account currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
113 | WMXXO | Monthly balance in account currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
114 | WMXXO9 | Monthly balance in account currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
115 | WMXXS | Monthly debit postings total in account currency | WERT8 | CURR |
116 | WMXXS9 | Monthly debit postings total in account currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
117 | WNAME | Name of bill of exchange drawer | TEXT30 | CHAR |
118 | WNAM_____4 | Currency key field | WNAM_____4 | CHAR |
119 | WNBPF | Employee BPF Contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
120 | WNB_BWART | Movement Type for Part Provided By-Product External Proc. | BWART | CHAR |
121 | WNB_BWARTS | Movement Type Reversal for Part Provided By-Prod. Ext.Proc. | BWART | CHAR |
122 | WNDBT_AVG | Average process non-database lock wait time (ms) | DEC154_DB4 | DEC |
123 | WNDBT_SUM | Total cumulative time spent on non-database lock waits | DEC150_DB4 | DEC |
124 | WNDBT_S_AG | Average of total cumulative non-database lock wait time | DEC154_DB4 | DEC |
125 | WNDB_SUM | Cumulative number of process waits for non-database locks | INT4 | INT4 |
126 | WNEBA | Service charge settlement (Trading contract) | XFELD | CHAR |
127 | WNETPI | Agency business: Net price of an item in the payment documnt | BAPICURR | DEC |
128 | WNETPR | Vendor billing document: net price in document currency | WERTV6 | CURR |
129 | WNETS | Net Amount in Foreign Currency with Protective Asterisks | TEXT18 | CHAR |
130 | WNETV | Net Amount in Foreign Currency with +/- Signs | WRTV7 | CURR |
131 | WNETV_FPM | Net Amount in Foreign Currency with +/- Signs | WERTV12 | CURR |
132 | WNETW | Agency business: Net invoice amount in doc. currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
133 | WNETWB | Agency business: Net amount of item | BAPICURR | DEC |
134 | WNETWB_RL | Agency business: Net amount of a list item | BAPICURR | DEC |
135 | WNETWP | Agency business: Net item amount in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
136 | WNOCPRO | Flag for error handling during determin. of coupon profile | WNOCPRO | CHAR |
137 | WNOR_BI | Standard queue time (batch input) | CHAR11 | CHAR |
138 | WNPBV | EE BV percentage | DEC3_4 | DEC |
139 | WNPP1 | Employee's Contribution 1 (%) | BVPCT | DEC |
140 | WNPP2 | Employee's Contribution 2 (%) | BVPCT | DEC |
141 | WNSOF | Employee SOF Contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
142 | WNSVP | Employee's Contribution to Social Insurance (%) | BVPCT | DEC |
143 | WNUMMER | Consecutive number of winding | LFDNR2 | NUMC |
144 | WNVBD | Receipt indicator can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | WNVUT | Employee VUT Contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
146 | WNWAO | Employee WAO Contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
147 | WNWAW | Employee WA/WW Contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
148 | WNZFW | Employee ZFW Contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
149 | WNZW1 | Employee ZW Contribution (Netherlands) | BVPCT | DEC |
150 | WN_BWART | Movement Type for GR By-Product from Network (Plant Stock) | BWART | CHAR |
151 | WN_BWARTK | Movement type goods receipt by-product sales order stock | BWART | CHAR |
152 | WN_BWARTKS | Move. type cancel. goods receipt by-prod. sales order stock | BWART | CHAR |
153 | WN_BWARTP | Movement type for goods receipt by-product from NW proj. stk | BWART | CHAR |
154 | WN_BWARTPS | Movement type cancelled goods receipt by-prod. project stock | BWART | CHAR |
155 | WN_BWARTS | Movement Type for Goods Receipt Cancellation By-Product | BWART | CHAR |
156 | WOAMT_CA | Write-Off Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
157 | WOAXXX | Value of Scrap in Object Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
158 | WOBETRW_KK | Amount Written Off | WRTV7 | CURR |
159 | WOBJ | Object in a reclassification tree | SEU_NAME | CHAR |
160 | WOBLBANKAU | Initiate posting of account statement | XFELD | CHAR |
161 | WOBLBBLAR2 | Document type of remaining risk | BLART | CHAR |
162 | WOBLBBLART | Bill of exchange liability posting document type | BLART | CHAR |
163 | WOBLBBLDAT | Bill of exchange liability posting document date | DATUM | DATS |
164 | WOBLBBUDAT | Bill of exchange liability posting date | DATUM | DATS |
165 | WOBLBINPUT | Bill of exchange liability posting | W_BINPUT | CHAR |
166 | WOBLBISDAT | Reverse remaining risk item up until this date | DATUM | DATS |
167 | WOBLBSCHL1 | Posting key of the remaining risk posting | BSCHL | CHAR |
168 | WOBLBWEFAE | Bill of exchange liability posting due date | DATUM | DATS |
169 | WOBLBWVERW | Bill of exchange liability posting usage indicator | WVERW_WEDF | CHAR |
170 | WOBLCALCUL | Extend remaining risk due date by additional days | XFELD | CHAR |
171 | WOBLRERISK | Carry out remaining risk posting | XFELD | CHAR |
172 | WOBLRSKTXT | Text for remaining risk posting | TXT50 | CHAR |
173 | WOBLSHBKZ1 | Special G/L indicator of remaining risk posting | UMSKZ | CHAR |
174 | WOBLWGEPLA | Charge off bounced/failed bill of exchange | XFELD | CHAR |
175 | WOBLWVFAEL | Charge off failed bill of exchange before due date | XFELD | CHAR |
176 | WOBLZURUEK | Cancel Remaining Risk | XFELD | CHAR |
177 | WOC0B | Last day of the Week from DAT00 | DATUM | DATS |
178 | WOC0V | First day of the week | DATUM | DATS |
179 | WOCHD | Horizon for week representation | NUMC03 | NUMC |
180 | WOCHE | Selection field for time interval unit: 'Week' | CHAR1 | CHAR |
181 | WOCHEA | Number of weeks (split into weekly quantities) | DEC03 | DEC |
182 | WOCHENTAG | Day of the delivery | CHAR10 | CHAR |
183 | WOCHE_IS | IS-M: Week - 3 characters | CHAR3 | CHAR |
184 | WOCHTGKZ | Fixed weekday from date flag | CHAR1 | CHAR |
185 | WOCOST | Transfer without Costs | WOCOST | CHAR |
186 | WOD1AVGPRW | Average forecast value | MENGV13 | QUAN |
187 | WOD1CALLBY | Application Calling Position in the Planning Workbench | WOD1CALLBY | CHAR |
188 | WOD1CONVDIR | Conversion indicator for online planning | WOD1CONVDIR | CHAR |
189 | WOD1ICON1 | Icon Within Online Planning | CHAR128 | CHAR |
190 | WOD1ISTRW | Actual range of coverage in online planning | DEC03_2 | DEC |
191 | WOD1KONNRKENNUNG | Indicator for the Uniqueness of a Contract | WOD1KONNRKENNUNG | CHAR |
192 | WOD1MEPOITEM | Indicator for Order Items in MEPO for Online Planning | WOD1MEPOITEM | CHAR |
193 | WOD1POPROPOSAL | Generation of Proposed Quantities for Purchase Order Items | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
194 | WOD1PROMEFF | Effect of promotion on consumption | DEC3_7 | DEC |
195 | WOD1SOLLRW | Target range of coverage in online planning | DEC03_2 | DEC |
196 | WOD1TYPEOFRUN | Subscreen Control in the Planning Workbench | WOD1TYPEOFRUN | CHAR |
197 | WOD1_POSITION_BY_MATNR | Postioning Using Material Number | MATNR | CHAR |
198 | WOD1_STATUS_ICON | Status Icon for Online Planning | CHAR4 | CHAR |
199 | WOD1_TAKE_EBELN | Indicates order proposals are generated from existing PO | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
200 | WOD1_TAKE_LB | Indicator: Order Proposals Using Load Building | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
201 | WOD1_TAKE_RW | Order proposals are based on target range of coverage | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
202 | WOD1_TAKE_USER | Indicates order proposal based on freely-definable criterion | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
203 | WOD2CAPA | Only Disp. Incorrect Gds Rcpt Capacity Check Purchase Orders | XCHAR | CHAR |
204 | WOD2HEAD | Display title | XCHAR | CHAR |
205 | WOD2HORIZONT | Horizon | NUM2 | NUMC |
206 | WOD2KZFOREKGRP | Also Find Purchase Orders for Alternative Purchasing Groups | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
207 | WOD2KZKONNR | Control Indicator for Contracts in Online Planning | WOD2KZKONNR | CHAR |
208 | WOD2KZRELIF | Article Selection Observes the Regular Vendor Indicator | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
209 | WOD2LTSSPLITT | Creation of a PO for Each Vendor Subrange | XCHAR | CHAR |
210 | WOD2ORDER | Display sequence | CHAR2 | CHAR |
211 | WOD2SHOW | Display application | XCHAR | CHAR |
212 | WOD2SHOWP | Display Restriction Profile | XCHAR | CHAR |
213 | WOD2SOR1 | Sort Method for Worklist | WOD2SOR1 | CHAR |
214 | WOD2SOR2 | Sort Method for Online Planning | WOD2SOR2 | CHAR |
215 | WOD2TOGE | Display worklist and application together | XCHAR | CHAR |
216 | WOD2UPBRW | Upper range of coverage limit in online planning | DEC03_2 | DEC |
217 | WOD2ZWBI | Call online planning with separate screen | XCHAR | CHAR |
218 | WOD3_BEL_STATUS | WOD3: Document Status from the Selection | WOD3_STATUS | CHAR |
219 | WOD3_DIS_STATUS | WOD3: Confirmation Status | WOD3_STATUS | CHAR |
220 | WOD3_EBELP_ICON | Icon if Header Information; Otherwise Order Item Number | CHAR128 | CHAR |
221 | WOD3_EINDT | Modified Item Delivery Date | DATUM | DATS |
222 | WOD3_EINDT_ORIG | Original Item Delivery Date | DATUM | DATS |
223 | WOD3_ELIKZ | Changed "Delivery Completed" Indicator for Item | XFELD | CHAR |
224 | WOD3_ELIKZ_ORIG | Original "Delivery Completed" Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
225 | WOD3_ELOEK | Changed Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document | XFELD | CHAR |
226 | WOD3_ELOEK_ORIG | Original Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document | ELOEK | CHAR |
227 | WOD3_ERR_STATUS | WOD3: Error Message Status | WOD3_STATUS | CHAR |
228 | WOD3_STATUS | WOD3: Status | WOD3_STATUS | CHAR |
229 | WOD3_TXZ01 | WOD3: Name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
230 | WOD4_ELIKZ | "Delivery Completed" Indicator | WOD4_ELIKZ | CHAR |
231 | WOD4_ELIKZ_PROP | Prepopulate Delivery Completed Ind. for Backordering (WOD3) | WOD4_ELIKZ_PROP | CHAR |
232 | WOD4_FRGKZ | Release | WOD4_FRGKZ | CHAR |
233 | WOD4_LOEKZ | Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document | WOD4_LOEKZ | CHAR |
234 | WOD4_LOEKZ_PROP | Prepopulation of Deletion Indicator for Backordering (WOD3) | WOD4_LOEKZ_PROP | CHAR |
235 | WOD4_XORDERTYPE | Indicator: Internal or External Purchase Order | XFELD | CHAR |
236 | WOD5FILTER | Indicator for Filtering by Worklist Status | XCHAR | CHAR |
237 | WOD5_CURODWGTN | Net Order Weight of a Material | MENG13 | QUAN |
238 | WOD5_CURQUAN | Actual Qty of the Restrictions in Optimized Load Building | MENG13 | QUAN |
239 | WOD5_CURVAL | Actual Value of the Restrictions in Load Building | WERT11 | CURR |
240 | WOD5_INVBUY | Quantity from Investment Buy | CHAR30 | CHAR |
241 | WOD5_PROMO | Promotion Quantity Available | CHAR30 | CHAR |
242 | WOD5_SHOW_HEADINFO | Indicator: Display Header Data for Load Building | XCHAR | CHAR |
243 | WOD5_SHOW_RESTRICTION | Indicator: Display Restriction Data for Load Building | XCHAR | CHAR |
244 | WOD5_STATUS | Item Status | CHAR30 | CHAR |
245 | WOFFS1 | Maintenance package offset | WZYKL | CHAR |
246 | WOFFS2 | Maintenance package offset (performance) | WZYKL | CHAR |
247 | WOFFSET | Offset with start in cycle | QANZAHL4 | INT4 |
248 | WOFSUM | Total fixed value in object currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
249 | WOFXXX | Fixed value in object currency (not in DB) | WERTV8 | CURR |
250 | WOFXXX9 | Fixed value in object currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
251 | WOGBS_KK | Outstanding total of open items at doubtful entry/IVA | WRTV7 | CURR |
252 | WOGRES | Total rem.value in object currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
253 | WOGSUM | Total Fixed and Variable Value in Object Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
254 | WOGXXO | Original value in object currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
255 | WOGXXX | Total Value in Object Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
256 | WOGXXX9 | Total value in object currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
257 | WOHRS | Planned working hours | DEC3_4 | DEC |
258 | WOINEIP | Current week in individual period | WOINEIP | DEC |
259 | WOKNZ | West/East Indicator | WOKNZ | CHAR |
260 | WOMOC | Number of week or month | CHAR2 | CHAR |
261 | WOM_OWN | Women owned | CHAR1 | CHAR |
262 | WONUM | Week Number | NUM3 | NUMC |
263 | WOPKZ | Indicator: next/previous period | CHAR2 | CHAR |
264 | WOPXXX | Fixed Planned Value in Object Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
265 | WORD080RFC | Structure element RFC, f. Word, Excel | CHAR80 | CHAR |
266 | WORD1____3 | Search term in function documentation | WORD1____3 | CHAR |
267 | WORD2____3 | Search term in function documentation | WORD2____3 | CHAR |
268 | WORD3____3 | Search term in function documentation | WORD3____3 | CHAR |
269 | WORD4____3 | Search term in function documentation | WORD4____3 | CHAR |
270 | WORD_TYP | Noun, Verb, Adjective | WORD_TYP | CHAR |
271 | WORKAREA | Application Area | CHAR1 | CHAR |
272 | WORKBENCH | Open engineering workbench | CHAR1 | CHAR |
273 | WORKDAYS | Number of workdays as basis for cash concentration | CHAR1 | CHAR |
274 | WORKF | Transfer to workflow (exception result) | XFELD | CHAR |
275 | WORKFLOW | Workflow | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
276 | WORKFLOWTEXT | Text for Workflow | WORKFLOWTEXT | CHAR |
277 | WORKFLWART | Group key for workflow-relevant fields | WORKFLWART | CHAR |
278 | WORKF_044D | Work File Name for Accumulated Balance Audit Trail | FILEINTERN | CHAR |
279 | WORKF_ACTV | Event Creation Switch for Updating Database | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
280 | WORKF_IND | Tansfer of individual record to workflow (result of exceptn) | XFELD | CHAR |
281 | WORKF_TAB | Table transfer to Workflow | XFELD | CHAR |
282 | WORKI | Workday indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
283 | WORKING_STATUS | Status for the Display of Time Intervals in the iView | WORKING_STATUS | CHAR |
284 | WORKIT | Indicator: work items exist | KENNZX | CHAR |
285 | WORKKZ | Internal indicator to show address itvl has been processed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
286 | WORKLISTID | Worklist Number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
287 | WORKLISTID_CA | Obsolete | CHAR | |
288 | WORKLIST_EB | Worklist | CHAR10 | CHAR |
289 | WORKLOAD | Number of Purchasing Documents to be Processed | WORKLOAD | NUMC |
290 | WORKMODE | Processing Type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
291 | WORKM_KK | Change Payment Data: Work Mode | WORKM_KK | CHAR |
292 | WORKP | Work Center Assignment | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
293 | WORKPAPER | PM: Shop Paper | WORKPAPER | CHAR |
294 | WORKSCHEDULETYPE | Time description for daily work schedule | WORKSCHEDULETYPE | CHAR |
295 | WORKS_NUMBER_TYPE | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
296 | WORKS_NUMBER_TYPE1 | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
297 | WORKTIME | Working Time (Frame Heading) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
298 | WORKWITH | Copy from Worklist Without Hours | X | CHAR |
299 | WORK_AREA | Working area | CHAR18 | CHAR |
300 | WORK_AREA_STD | Default working area | CHAR18 | CHAR |
301 | WORK_DAY | Take factory calendar into account | KENNZX | CHAR |
302 | WORK_DIR | Working Directory | STRG | |
303 | WORK_HOME_TYPE | Proxy Data Element (generated) | STRG | |
304 | WORK_HOME_TYPE1 | Proxy Data Element (generated) | STRG | |
305 | WORK_ICON | Processing status | ICON_34_2 | CHAR |
306 | WORK_LIST_AKTIV | Worklist is active | KENNZX | CHAR |
307 | WORK_ORDER_CREATE_UNAME | Work Order Create User Name | CHAR12 | CHAR |
308 | WORK_ORDER_ID | Work Order Number | CHAR35 | CHAR |
309 | WORK_ORDER_ITEM_ID | Work Order Item Number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
310 | WORK_ORDER_MESSAGEUUID | Work Order Message UUID | CHAR34 | CHAR |
311 | WORK_SCHEDULING_DATA | IP: Work Scheduling Data | XFELD | CHAR |
312 | WORPR | Work permit required | XFELD | CHAR |
313 | WORST_S_C | Worst success code | SUCC_CODE | INT4 |
314 | WORST_S_CC | Worst success code (in characters) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
315 | WORT | Number in words | CHAR25 | CHAR |
316 | WORT1 | City of bill of exchange drawer | TEXT30 | CHAR |
317 | WORT2 | City of bill of exchange drawee | TEXT30 | CHAR |
318 | WORT_USE | Short form or synonym | CHAR1 | CHAR |
319 | WOS | Supply Period in Weeks | NUMC02 | NUMC |
320 | WOSCR_AC | Cash Balancing: General Ledger Account for Posted Amounts | SAKNR | CHAR |
321 | WOSCR_ACCTDET | Cash Balancing: Type of Account Determination | WOSCR_ACCTDET | CHAR |
322 | WOSCR_ACCT_TEXT | IAC Cash Balancing: Description for a General Ledger Account | TEXT20 | CHAR |
323 | WOSCR_AC_ADJ | Cash Balancing: G/L Account for Posting Difference Amounts | SAKNR | CHAR |
324 | WOSCR_AC_REC | Cash Balancing: G/L Account for Counted Amounts | SAKNR | CHAR |
325 | WOSCR_ALL_ST_ANZ | Expense Invoice: "Display All Taxes" Indicator | YESNO | CHAR |
326 | WOSCR_AMOUNT_TXT | Cash Balancing: Column Header for Amount | TEXT20 | CHAR |
327 | WOSCR_CBL_POSTING | Cash Balancing: Filter Value for Business Add-In WOSCR_CBL | WOSCR_CBL_POSTING | CHAR |
328 | WOSCR_CBL_RSNCD | Cash Balancing: Reason for Deviations | WOSCR_CBL_RSNCD | CHAR |
329 | WOSCR_CBL_RSNGRP | Cash Balancing: Group for Reasons for Deviations | WOSCR_CBL_RSNGRP | CHAR |
330 | WOSCR_CBL_SHOWADJUST | "Display Column for Difference Amounts" Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
331 | WOSCR_CBL_SHOWPOSTED | "Display Column for Posted Amounts" Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
332 | WOSCR_EXI_AC | G/L Account for Vendor Invoice | SAKNR | CHAR |
333 | WOSCR_EXI_AC_TXT | Text for Account Lines | TEXT20 | CHAR |
334 | WOSCR_EXI_CURR_IND | Expense Invoice: Currency Selection Indicator | YESNO | CHAR |
335 | WOSCR_EXI_DFLT_ACC | Expense Invoice: Default Account Indicator | YESNO | CHAR |
336 | WOSCR_EXI_DFLT_WERKS | Reference plant | WERKS | CHAR |
337 | WOSCR_EXI_GRP | Group For Expense Invoice Accounts | WOSCR_EXI_GRP | CHAR |
338 | WOSCR_EXI_GRP_TXT | Descriptive Text for Grouping | TEXT20 | CHAR |
339 | WOSCR_EXI_POSTING | IAC Expense Invoice: Filter Value for BAdI WOSCR_EXI | WOSCR_EXI_POSTING | CHAR |
340 | WOSCR_EXI_TAX_TXT | Text for Tax Code | TEXT20 | CHAR |
341 | WOSCR_GRP | Group of Accounts in the Cash Balancing Internet Application | WOSCR_GRP | CHAR |
342 | WOSCR_GRP_TEXT | Cash Balancing: Descriptive Text for a Group of Accounts | TEXT20 | CHAR |
343 | WOSCR_HKONT_TXT | Cash Balancing: Column Header for G/L Account | TEXT20 | CHAR |
344 | WOSCR_MULTI_SEL | Number of Single Values for Selecting Postings | NUMC2 | NUMC |
345 | WOSCR_PF | Cash Balancing: Item Number for Posted Monetary Amount | INT4_NOS | INT4 |
346 | WOSCR_PF_ADJ | Cash Balancing: Item Number for Difference Amount | INT4_NOS | INT4 |
347 | WOSCR_PF_REC | Cash Balancing: Item Number for Counted Amounts | INT4_NOS | INT4 |
348 | WOSCR_POSTED_TXT | Cash Balancing: Column Header for Posted Amounts | TEXT20 | CHAR |
349 | WOSCR_POST_004 | Separate Posting for Lines for an Account Breakdown | CHAR1 | CHAR |
350 | WOSCR_RSN_REQD | "Reason Obligatory or Optional" Indicator | WOSCR_RSN_REQD | CHAR |
351 | WOSCR_SACCT_TEXT | Text for Breakdown Lines of an Account Breakdown | TEXT20 | CHAR |
353 | WOSCR_SGRP_TEXT | Descriptive Text for Subgroup of a Group of Accounts | TEXT20 | CHAR |
354 | WOSCR_SHKZG | Cash Balancing: Debit/Credit Indicator | SHKZG | CHAR |
355 | WOSCR_SORT | Sequence Group of Accounts/Subgroup/G/L Account/Currency | NUMC2 | NUMC |
356 | WOSCR_SUB_GROUP | Cash Balancing: Key for a Subgroup of G/L Accounts | WOSCR_SUB_GROUP | CHAR |
357 | WOSCR_TOTAL | "Display Totals Row for Subgroup" Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
358 | WOSCR_TOTAL_004 | Indicator for Totals in Account Breakdown | CHAR1 | CHAR |
359 | WOSCR_WAERS | Cash Balancing: Currency for Breakdown Lines | WAERS | CUKY |
360 | WOSCR_ZUONR_TXT | Cash Balancing: Column Header for Assignment Numbers | TEXT20 | CHAR |
361 | WOSIDIFFIN | Control entry of difference reason IAC phys. inv. Ret. Store | CHAR | |
362 | WOSIINVPER | Period for selecting phys. inventory numbers for input help | NUMC | |
363 | WOSIMI05S | Offer "Change count" function on initial screen | CHAR | |
364 | WOSIST500 | Control for output of overview screen | WOSIST500 | CHAR |
365 | WOSIUSEPOSWS | Use POS currency | CHAR | |
366 | WOSTD | Hours per week | STDAZ | DEC |
367 | WOSXXX | Sender-Independent Value in Object Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
368 | WOSZ_WGS_APPHEADING | Title Line of Application in Retail Store | CHAR40 | CHAR |
369 | WOSZ_WGS_AREA | Area Title in Retail Store | CHAR40 | CHAR |
370 | WOSZ_WGS_TITLE | Title of Application in Retail Store (Title Line) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
371 | WOTAG | Factory calendar: Day | HFCAL | CHAR |
372 | WOTAGABL | Day of week of meter reading | WOTAG1 | NUMC |
373 | WOTNR | Calendar: Number of day | CHAR1 | CHAR |
374 | WOVSUM | Total variable value in object currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
375 | WOVXXX | Variable value in object currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
376 | WOVXXX9 | Variable Value in Object Currency | WERTV9 | CURR |
377 | WOWXXX | Value of WIP in Object Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
378 | WO_COMMIT | Commit Control for the Posting of Objects in APO | CHAR1 | CHAR |
379 | WO_IN_PER | IS-M/AM: Date Spec.: Week Relative to "Reference Date" | WO_IN_PER | CHAR |
380 | WO_TID | Find DSRs (Distrib. Stas Data) without Transaction Context | XFELD | CHAR |
381 | WP3AGR_NAME | Authorization Role | CHAR30 | CHAR |
382 | WP3AUTOASSIGN | Assign Automatically and Update Immediately | XFELD | CHAR |
383 | WP3COUNTER | Counter field | NUMC6 | NUMC |
384 | WP3HIDEOKLINES | Only Lines with Messages | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | WP3HIERPRTR | Display Portal Roles in Hierarchical Order | XFELD | CHAR |
386 | WP3LEVEL | Level of Service in Menu Hierarchy | NUMC2 | NUMC |
387 | WP3LINEFRAGMENT | Fragment of a Long Text String | TEXT132 | CHAR |
388 | WP3LOGSYS | Target System for a Portal Role | LOGSYS | CHAR |
389 | WP3NOAUTOTRANSP | Disable Automatic Transport Recording | XFELD | CHAR |
390 | WP3REMAININGLEN | Remaining String Length for Long Name | NUMC6 | NUMC |
391 | WP3ROLEKEY | Portal Role Uses Long Data Field | XFELD | CHAR |
392 | WP3ROLELIST_MODE | Function to be executed by the portal role transaction | XFELD | CHAR |
393 | WP3ROLENAME | Portal Role Name | TEXT132 | CHAR |
394 | WP3ROLENAMEH | Hash Value of Portal Role | WP3ROLENAMEH | CHAR |
395 | WP3RTEXT | Portal Role Text | TEXT132 | CHAR |
396 | WP3SRVID | Portal Role Service | TEXT132 | CHAR |
397 | WP3SRVIDT | Portal Role Service (Text) | TEXT132 | CHAR |
398 | WP3SRVKEY | Service ID Uses Long Data Field | XFELD | CHAR |
399 | WP3SRVTYPE | Service Type in Portal Roles | WP3SRVTYPE | CHAR |
400 | WP3STATUS | Portal Role Status | WP3STATUS | CHAR |
401 | WP3TIMESTAMP | Time Stamp of Portal Role (Format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) | NUMC14 | NUMC |
402 | WPACTION | Current Activity of the Work Process | WPACTION | CHAR |
403 | WPARGK | Partner schema for the billing doc.header | PARGR | CHAR |
404 | WPARGP | Partner schema for the billing doc.item | PARGR | CHAR |
405 | WPARSERVERGRP | Name of logon/server group for parallel processing | RZLLI_ACN | CHAR |
406 | WPAYD | Method for determining term of payment for settlm. req. list | WPAYD | CHAR |
407 | WPB00 | Value of gross price | WERT7 | CURR |
409 | WPBNAME | User Currently Served | UBNAME | CHAR |
410 | WPBPSPLIT | Assignment of wage types w/o exact splits to WPBP period | WPBPSPLIT | CHAR |
411 | WPCHANINFO | Serialized Information | CHAR | |
412 | WPCHANNELS | Data Element for Storing Channel Assignments | WPCHANNELS | CHAR |
413 | WPCOD | Type of Work Permit | WPCOD | CHAR |
414 | WPCONFCCLS | Query When Closing a Channel | FLAG | CHAR |
415 | WPCPU | CPU | WPCPU | CHAR |
416 | WPCPU2 | CPU Time | WPCPU2 | TIMS |
418 | WPCSLANG | Logon Language for the Component System | SPRAS | LANG |
419 | WPCTYP | Revision Type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
420 | WPDAT | Work process number | CHAR3 | CHAR |
421 | WPDESCR | Description of Workplace System Settings | TEXT80 | CHAR |
422 | WPDEVICE | Description of Output Device for Workplace | CHAR30 | CHAR |
423 | WPDIARESTR | EM data: wpdiarestart | INT4 | |
424 | WPDRCORNCK | Drag&Relate: No Check for Cross-System D&R | FLAG | CHAR |
425 | WPDRDIALOG | Drag&Relate: Dialog for Relate | FLAG | CHAR |
426 | WPDUMPS | Number of Dumps of the Work Process | WPDUMPS | CHAR |
427 | WPELZEIT | Previous Runtime of Request (elapsed) | WPELZEIT | CHAR |
428 | WPENTRYTYP | Field assignment: Type of field | WPENTRYTYP | CHAR |
429 | WPEXPL | Explosion Number | CHAR2 | CHAR |
430 | WPEXT | External number range for maintenance plan | NUMKR | CHAR |
431 | WPFAN | Indicator pledgeable | JANEI | CHAR |
432 | WPFLFLAG | Indicator for Standard Languages in a Logical System | CHAR | |
433 | WPFLG | General Indicator for Revisions | WPFLG | CHAR |
434 | WPFXXX | Fixed Value in Local Currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
435 | WPF_ACTFL | Active-Inactive Indicator for a Price Family | XFELD | CHAR |
436 | WPF_AKTPR | Current Sales Price | WERTV6 | CURR |
437 | WPF_FAMILY_PRICING | Applictn: Family Pricing Transaction-Controlled (X = Active) | XFELD | CHAR |
438 | WPF_FAMNR | Identification Number for Price Family | CHAR10 | CHAR |
439 | WPF_FCHAL | Price Change Allowed (_=No, 1=Group, 2=Group and Article) | WPF_MODKZ | CHAR |
440 | WPF_FCHNG | Manual Price Change of Family Member To Occur (X = Yes) | XFELD | CHAR |
441 | WPF_FHIDE | Pricing Item Hidden for Family Member (X = Yes) | XFELD | CHAR |
442 | WPF_FMTYP | Type of Family Member | WPF_FMTYP | CHAR |
443 | WPF_GENKZ | Pricing Item Generated by the System (X = Yes) | XFELD | CHAR |
444 | WPF_GMATN | Group and Article Number | MATNR | CHAR |
445 | WPF_GPRKZ | Price Group Rounding Allowed for Family Grp of Price Family | XFELD | CHAR |
446 | WPF_GROUP | Number of a Family Group in a Price Family | CHAR10 | CHAR |
447 | WPF_KBETR_ACTUAL | Current Sales Price | WERTV6 | CURR |
448 | WPF_KBETR_TARGET | Target Sales Price | WERTV6 | CURR |
449 | WPF_MODKZ | Price Family: Indicator for Permitted Price Change | WPF_MODKZ | CHAR |
450 | WPF_OLDFL | Different Dist.-Chain-Specific Price Relationship (X = Yes) | XFELD | CHAR |
451 | WPF_PRELS | Price Family: Indicator for Price Relationship | WPF_PRELS | CHAR |
452 | WPF_PRELS_CHOICE | Price Family: Selection Indicator for Price Relationship | CHAR1 | CHAR |
453 | WPF_RMATN | Price Family: Reference Material of Family Group | MATNR | CHAR |
454 | WPF_RSBUF | Indicator for Resetting Internal Tables (X = Yes) | XFELD | CHAR |
455 | WPF_SMATN | Master Material of a Price Family | MATNR | CHAR |
456 | WPF_VRKME_GRID1 | Sales Unit | MEINS | UNIT |
457 | WPGID | Revision ID | WPID | NUMC |
458 | WPGRO | Profit group | CHAR4 | CHAR |
459 | WPGROUPID | Group Name for System Settings | CHAR | |
460 | WPGRP | Maintenance planning group | INGRP | CHAR |
461 | WPGXXX | Total projection value in controlling area currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
462 | WPHROTYPE | Workplace AddOn: Own Data Element for HR Object Type | WPHROTYPE | CHAR |
463 | WPHROTY_C | Workplace-Specific Data Element for HR Object Type (Caller) | WPHROTY_C | CHAR |
464 | WPHYS_FBWE | Bills of exchange are entered as genuine paper ones | XFELD | CHAR |
465 | WPHYS_WEDE | Bill of exchange presented physically | XFELD | CHAR |
466 | WPIACTION | Current activity of the work process | INT1 | INT1 |
467 | WPID | EM data: wpid | INT4 | |
468 | WPID_ALV | EM data: wpid | INT4 | |
469 | WPINDEX | Work Process Number | WPINDEX | INT4 |
470 | WPINT | Internal number range for maintenance plan | NUMKR | CHAR |
471 | WPIRESTART | Restart After Error | WPIRESTART | INT1 |
472 | WPISTATUS | Work process status | WPISTATUS | INT1 |
473 | WPITEMID | Entry ID for System Settings | CHAR | |
474 | WPITYPE | Internal work process type | WPITYPE | INT1 |
475 | WPITYPE_ALV | Internal Type of Work Process | WPITYPE | INT1 |
476 | WPIWAITING | Reason for wait | WPIWAITING | INT1 |
477 | WPKEYIDENT | Data Element Identifies Object Type | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
478 | WPKEYNAME | Key Element | SWC_ELEM | CHAR |
479 | WPKEYORDER | Sequence of Key Fields | NUMC2 | NUMC |
480 | WPKEYTYPE | Key Type (Alternative Key) | NUMC3 | NUMC |
481 | WPLAN | Reference maintenance plan | WARPL | CHAR |
482 | WPLDGRP | Logon Group for URL Generation in the Workplace | RFCEXEC | CHAR |
483 | WPLG_AAFLD_STOCQ | Field for BW Query Info Structure for Stock | FDNAME | CHAR |
484 | WPLG_AAFLD_TURNQ | BW Query Field for Business Volume Quantity | FDNAME | CHAR |
485 | WPLG_AAFLD_TURNV | BW Query Field for Business Volume Value | FDNAME | CHAR |
486 | WPLG_AA_STEP | Step Number in Selection Method | MCW_AA_LFDNR_ID | NUMC |
487 | WPLG_ALIEN_CATEGORY | Indicator: Material Category Different from LM Category | XFELD | CHAR |
488 | WPLG_INDEX | Index for the Valuation of Material Items on Shelves | INT4 | |
489 | WPLG_STOCMETH | Stock Selection Methods | MCW_AA_METH_ID | CHAR |
490 | WPLG_TURNMETH | Sales Selection Method | MCW_AA_METH_ID | CHAR |
491 | WPLPMOVE | Behavior when Moving Nodes | WPLPMOVE | CHAR |
492 | WPLPNODEID | Number of a Node in the Workplace LaunchPad | NUMC | |
493 | WPLPNODSTA | Node Status | WPLPNODSTA | CHAR |
494 | WPMAA | Absolute Minimum Margin | WERTV8 | CURR |
495 | WPMAP | Profit margin as a percentage | DEC2_3 | DEC |
496 | WPMAPFVAL | Field value | F4CHAR132 | CHAR |
497 | WPMINIMIZE | Minimalized Start | FLAG | CHAR |
498 | WPMSGSRV | Workplace Alert Server | BOOLE | CHAR |
499 | WPMUTEX | Mutex Counter | WPMUTEX | INT4 |
500 | WPMUTEX_EXCL | Exclusive Mutex Counter | WPMUTEX | INT4 |