SAP ABAP Data Element - Index W, page 14
Data Element - W
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
3 WLNUMASGN_CM_CA Number of Work Items to Be Assigned NUM02 NUMC 
4 WLNUMITEMS_CM_CA Maximum Number of Uncompleted Entries NUM03 NUMC 
5 WLOEK Deletion indicator IS-R tables WLOEK CHAR 
6 WLOGV SP calculation: Update log with/without correct items XFELD CHAR 
7 WLOKL Local assortment for a retail plant KUNNR CHAR 
8 WLOMB Indicator eligible as collateral JANEI CHAR 
9 WLPOS Value scale item WLPOS NUMC 
10 WLPRI IS-H: Priority for Preregistration/Waiting List Management WLPRI CHAR 
11 WLPRICONV IS-H: Umschlüsselung Priorität in Warteliste WLPRICONV CHAR 
12 WLRULETXT_CM_CA Rule Description TEXT50 CHAR 
14 WLSPAR Use of division in SAP Retail listing check WLSPAR CHAR 
15 WLSTN Name of the Dataset for the Bill/Exch. with Check/Bill/Exch. CHAR6 CHAR 
16 WLTEXT_CM_CA Descriptive Text TEXT255 CHAR 
17 WLTMS ATP: Requested delivery date APOTSTAMP DEC 
18 WLTXT Text for goods/services ID TEXT20 CHAR 
19 WLTYPE_CM_CA Worklist: Type   CHAR 
20 WLUHR Requested delivery time TIME_SHIPT TIMS 
21 WLWB_XASORT Entry by Assortment XFELD CHAR 
22 WLWB_XLAYGR Entry by Layout Module XFELD CHAR 
24 WLXCNUM_CM_CA Overwrite Number of Entries to Be Assigned XFELD CHAR 
25 WLXCPIC_CM_CA Individual Selection (Cherry Picking) Permitted XFELD CHAR 
26 WLYUZEIT TMS QA: Time When Worklist Updated SYTIME TIMS 
27 WLZBP State central bank location TEXT60 CHAR 
28 WL_DESCRIPTION Textual Description of Worklist WL_DESCRIPTION CHAR 
29 WL_ERROR Error Code for Frontend WL_ERROR NUMC 
30 WL_HOST Host Name with Domain, e.g. *   CHAR 
32 WL_PORT Port, for example, 1080 (empty = not used)   NUMC 
33 WL_PROTOCOL Protocol for URL (* = wild card)   CHAR 
34 WL_SORTKEY Sort/Search/Match Sequence   CHAR 
35 WL_URL URL Template to Check, for example, /sap/*   CHAR 
36 WMAK Material type ID WMAK CHAR 
37 WMANZL Number of Waiting-List Bookings Already Received DEC3 DEC 
38 WMANZWA Display Currency WAERS CUKY 
39 WMARGEFF Flag: Coupon discount affects margins FLAG CHAR 
40 WMATN Posting material number of value-only or individual material MATNR CHAR 
41 WMATTX Description for product catalog TEXT40 CHAR 
42 WMAXPOS Maximum Number of Items per Process NUM5 NUMC 
43 WMAXTASKS Maximum Number of Parallel Processes NUM4 NUMC 
44 WMDAGBI Work station application for large images DAPPL CHAR 
45 WMDAKBI Work station application for small images DAPPL CHAR 
46 WMDASND Work station application for sound files DAPPL CHAR 
47 WMDATAB Product catalog valid from DATUM DATS 
48 WMDATBIS Product catalog valid to DATUM DATS 
49 WMENG Order quantity in sales units MENG13 QUAN 
50 WMENGC Order qty in sales units - 00009001 corresponds to 9.001 NUMC13 NUMC 
51 WMERF Requested Quantity Entered CHAR1 CHAR 
52 WMETH Indicator: account managed in external system WMETH CHAR 
55 WMINR Product catalog number WMINR CHAR 
56 WMINR_HEAD Product catalog at header level in sales order WMINR CHAR 
57 WMIN_BI Minimum queue time (batch input) CHAR11 CHAR 
58 WMITX Product Catalog Name TEXT40 CHAR 
59 WMIXDT Caution: sample org levels in use XFELD CHAR 
60 WMKALVG Document schema for determining a calculation schema KALVG CHAR 
61 WMKMP Characteristic profile KLASSE CHAR 
62 WMKUM Account balance (accumulated value in foreign currency ) CHAR18 CHAR 
63 WMKZPRS Indicates price display XFELD CHAR 
64 WMM_ADMIN_ACTVT All possible activities for Work Mode Management WMM_ADMIN_ACTVT CHAR 
65 WMNGE Quantity requested by store MENG13 QUAN 
66 WMNNH Credit sales in foreign currency WERTV9 CURR 
67 WMNNS Debit sales in foreign currency WERTV9 CURR 
68 WMODE_KK Processing mode WMODE_KK CHAR 
69 WMON_FKSTK_ABS Number of open deliveries in a wave regarding billing status WMON_NUMBER DEC 
70 WMON_FKSTK_ICON Billing status icons WMON_ICON CHAR 
71 WMON_FKSTK_REL Percentage of open deliveries in a wave re:billing status WMON_NUMBER DEC 
72 WMON_LVSTK_ABS Number of open deliveries in a wave re: overall WM status WMON_NUMBER DEC 
73 WMON_LVSTK_ICON Overall WM activity status icons WMON_ICON CHAR 
74 WMON_LVSTK_REL Percentage of open deliveries in a wave re:overall WM status WMON_NUMBER DEC 
75 WMON_PKSTK_ABS Number of open deliveries in a wave regarding packing status WMON_NUMBER DEC 
76 WMON_PKSTK_ICON Overall packing status icons WMON_ICON CHAR 
77 WMON_PKSTK_REL Percentage of open deliveries in a wave re: packing status WMON_NUMBER DEC 
78 WMON_SEL_VARIANT_DLVMON_DN Delivery list selection variants: delivery note RALDB_VARI CHAR 
79 WMON_SEL_VARIANT_DLVMON_GI Delivery list selection variant: post goods issue RALDB_VARI CHAR 
80 WMON_TOTAL_DEL Total number of deliveries in a wave WMON_NUMBER DEC 
81 WMON_TRSTA_ABS Absolute number of open deliveries in a wave for WMON_NUMBER DEC 
82 WMON_TRSTA_ICON Transportation planning status icons WMON_ICON CHAR 
83 WMON_TRSTA_REL Percent of open deliveries in a wave re:transp. plan. status WMON_NUMBER DEC 
84 WMON_VESTK_ICON Icon for Status Handling Unit Placed In Stock WMON_ICON CHAR 
85 WMON_WBSTK_ABS Number of open deliveries in a wave re: goods mvmt status WMON_NUMBER DEC 
86 WMON_WBSTK_ICON Goods movement status icons WMON_ICON CHAR 
87 WMON_WBSTK_REL Percent of open deliveries in a wave re: goods mvmt. status WMON_NUMBER DEC 
88 WMPOS Agency business: Indicator for multiple items in document XFELD CHAR 
89 WMSAL Balance in foreign currency WERTV9 CURR 
90 WMSTTAG Key date for product catalog price determination DATS DATS 
91 WMS_LSMENG_FLO Intern. field/do not use/Deliv. target qty in base UoM FLTP FLTP 
92 WMS_VSMNG_FLO Internal field/ do not use / shipping quantity in base UoM FLTP FLTP 
93 WMTYP Prod. catalog category WMTYP CHAR 
94 WMTYPDT Data carrier type of Web server TYPDT CHAR 
95 WMUSTER Copy from winding group GEGST CHAR 
96 WMVAR Product catalog variant WMVAR CHAR 
97 WMVARD Product catalog variant WMVAR CHAR 
98 WMVTX Description for product catalog variant TEXT40 CHAR 
99 WMVWAERS Currency key for product catalog variant WAERS CUKY 
100 WMVWAERS_EWU Currency key for parallel currency WAERS CUKY 
101 WMV_SPRAS Language key for product catalog variant SPRAS LANG 
102 WMWKZ Tax code for bill of exchange charges MWSKZ CHAR 
103 WMWKZ_NEW Tax Code for Bill of Exchange Charges MWSKZ_NEW CHAR 
104 WMWSBPB_RL Agency Business: Tax of Remuneration List Conditions BAPICURR DEC 
105 WMWSBP_RL Tax of Remuneration List Conditions WERTV7 CURR 
106 WMWST Tax amount in document currency WERT7 CURR 
107 WMWST_BI Tax amount in document currency (batch input field) CHAR16 CHAR 
108 WMWST_X8 Tax amount (+/-) in document currency WRTV8 CURR 
109 WMXXH Monthly credit postings total in account currency WERT8 CURR 
110 WMXXH9 Monthly credit postings total in account currency WERTV9 CURR 
111 WMXXK Accumulated end of fiscal month balance in account currency WRTV8 CURR 
112 WMXXK9 Accumulated end of fiscal month balance in account currency WERTV9 CURR 
113 WMXXO Monthly balance in account currency WRTV8 CURR 
114 WMXXO9 Monthly balance in account currency WERTV9 CURR 
115 WMXXS Monthly debit postings total in account currency WERT8 CURR 
116 WMXXS9 Monthly debit postings total in account currency WERTV9 CURR 
117 WNAME Name of bill of exchange drawer TEXT30 CHAR 
118 WNAM_____4 Currency key field WNAM_____4 CHAR 
119 WNBPF Employee BPF Contribution (Netherlands) BVPCT DEC 
120 WNB_BWART Movement Type for Part Provided By-Product External Proc. BWART CHAR 
121 WNB_BWARTS Movement Type Reversal for Part Provided By-Prod. Ext.Proc. BWART CHAR 
122 WNDBT_AVG Average process non-database lock wait time (ms) DEC154_DB4 DEC 
123 WNDBT_SUM Total cumulative time spent on non-database lock waits DEC150_DB4 DEC 
124 WNDBT_S_AG Average of total cumulative non-database lock wait time DEC154_DB4 DEC 
125 WNDB_SUM Cumulative number of process waits for non-database locks INT4 INT4 
126 WNEBA Service charge settlement (Trading contract) XFELD CHAR 
127 WNETPI Agency business: Net price of an item in the payment documnt BAPICURR DEC 
128 WNETPR Vendor billing document: net price in document currency WERTV6 CURR 
129 WNETS Net Amount in Foreign Currency with Protective Asterisks TEXT18 CHAR 
130 WNETV Net Amount in Foreign Currency with +/- Signs WRTV7 CURR 
131 WNETV_FPM Net Amount in Foreign Currency with +/- Signs WERTV12 CURR 
132 WNETW Agency business: Net invoice amount in doc. currency WERTV8 CURR 
133 WNETWB Agency business: Net amount of item BAPICURR DEC 
134 WNETWB_RL Agency business: Net amount of a list item BAPICURR DEC 
135 WNETWP Agency business: Net item amount in document currency WERTV8 CURR 
136 WNOCPRO Flag for error handling during determin. of coupon profile WNOCPRO CHAR 
137 WNOR_BI Standard queue time (batch input) CHAR11 CHAR 
138 WNPBV EE BV percentage DEC3_4 DEC 
139 WNPP1 Employee's Contribution 1 (%) BVPCT DEC 
140 WNPP2 Employee's Contribution 2 (%) BVPCT DEC 
141 WNSOF Employee SOF Contribution (Netherlands) BVPCT DEC 
142 WNSVP Employee's Contribution to Social Insurance (%) BVPCT DEC 
143 WNUMMER Consecutive number of winding LFDNR2 NUMC 
144 WNVBD Receipt indicator can be changed XFELD CHAR 
145 WNVUT Employee VUT Contribution (Netherlands) BVPCT DEC 
146 WNWAO Employee WAO Contribution (Netherlands) BVPCT DEC 
147 WNWAW Employee WA/WW Contribution (Netherlands) BVPCT DEC 
148 WNZFW Employee ZFW Contribution (Netherlands) BVPCT DEC 
149 WNZW1 Employee ZW Contribution (Netherlands) BVPCT DEC 
150 WN_BWART Movement Type for GR By-Product from Network (Plant Stock) BWART CHAR 
151 WN_BWARTK Movement type goods receipt by-product sales order stock BWART CHAR 
152 WN_BWARTKS Move. type cancel. goods receipt by-prod. sales order stock BWART CHAR 
153 WN_BWARTP Movement type for goods receipt by-product from NW proj. stk BWART CHAR 
154 WN_BWARTPS Movement type cancelled goods receipt by-prod. project stock BWART CHAR 
155 WN_BWARTS Movement Type for Goods Receipt Cancellation By-Product BWART CHAR 
156 WOAMT_CA Write-Off Amount WRTV7 CURR 
157 WOAXXX Value of Scrap in Object Currency WERTV8 CURR 
158 WOBETRW_KK Amount Written Off WRTV7 CURR 
159 WOBJ Object in a reclassification tree SEU_NAME CHAR 
160 WOBLBANKAU Initiate posting of account statement XFELD CHAR 
161 WOBLBBLAR2 Document type of remaining risk BLART CHAR 
162 WOBLBBLART Bill of exchange liability posting document type BLART CHAR 
163 WOBLBBLDAT Bill of exchange liability posting document date DATUM DATS 
164 WOBLBBUDAT Bill of exchange liability posting date DATUM DATS 
165 WOBLBINPUT Bill of exchange liability posting W_BINPUT CHAR 
166 WOBLBISDAT Reverse remaining risk item up until this date DATUM DATS 
167 WOBLBSCHL1 Posting key of the remaining risk posting BSCHL CHAR 
168 WOBLBWEFAE Bill of exchange liability posting due date DATUM DATS 
169 WOBLBWVERW Bill of exchange liability posting usage indicator WVERW_WEDF CHAR 
170 WOBLCALCUL Extend remaining risk due date by additional days XFELD CHAR 
171 WOBLRERISK Carry out remaining risk posting XFELD CHAR 
172 WOBLRSKTXT Text for remaining risk posting TXT50 CHAR 
173 WOBLSHBKZ1 Special G/L indicator of remaining risk posting UMSKZ CHAR 
174 WOBLWGEPLA Charge off bounced/failed bill of exchange XFELD CHAR 
175 WOBLWVFAEL Charge off failed bill of exchange before due date XFELD CHAR 
176 WOBLZURUEK Cancel Remaining Risk XFELD CHAR 
177 WOC0B Last day of the Week from DAT00 DATUM DATS 
178 WOC0V First day of the week DATUM DATS 
179 WOCHD Horizon for week representation NUMC03 NUMC 
180 WOCHE Selection field for time interval unit: 'Week' CHAR1 CHAR 
181 WOCHEA Number of weeks (split into weekly quantities) DEC03 DEC 
182 WOCHENTAG Day of the delivery CHAR10 CHAR 
183 WOCHE_IS IS-M: Week - 3 characters CHAR3 CHAR 
184 WOCHTGKZ Fixed weekday from date flag CHAR1 CHAR 
185 WOCOST Transfer without Costs WOCOST CHAR 
186 WOD1AVGPRW Average forecast value MENGV13 QUAN 
187 WOD1CALLBY Application Calling Position in the Planning Workbench WOD1CALLBY CHAR 
188 WOD1CONVDIR Conversion indicator for online planning WOD1CONVDIR CHAR 
189 WOD1ICON1 Icon Within Online Planning CHAR128 CHAR 
190 WOD1ISTRW Actual range of coverage in online planning DEC03_2 DEC 
191 WOD1KONNRKENNUNG Indicator for the Uniqueness of a Contract WOD1KONNRKENNUNG CHAR 
192 WOD1MEPOITEM Indicator for Order Items in MEPO for Online Planning WOD1MEPOITEM CHAR 
193 WOD1POPROPOSAL Generation of Proposed Quantities for Purchase Order Items CHAR1_X CHAR 
194 WOD1PROMEFF Effect of promotion on consumption DEC3_7 DEC 
195 WOD1SOLLRW Target range of coverage in online planning DEC03_2 DEC 
196 WOD1TYPEOFRUN Subscreen Control in the Planning Workbench WOD1TYPEOFRUN CHAR 
197 WOD1_POSITION_BY_MATNR Postioning Using Material Number MATNR CHAR 
198 WOD1_STATUS_ICON Status Icon for Online Planning CHAR4 CHAR 
199 WOD1_TAKE_EBELN Indicates order proposals are generated from existing PO CHAR1_X CHAR 
200 WOD1_TAKE_LB Indicator: Order Proposals Using Load Building CHAR1_X CHAR 
201 WOD1_TAKE_RW Order proposals are based on target range of coverage CHAR1_X CHAR 
202 WOD1_TAKE_USER Indicates order proposal based on freely-definable criterion CHAR1_X CHAR 
203 WOD2CAPA Only Disp. Incorrect Gds Rcpt Capacity Check Purchase Orders XCHAR CHAR 
204 WOD2HEAD Display title XCHAR CHAR 
206 WOD2KZFOREKGRP Also Find Purchase Orders for Alternative Purchasing Groups CHAR1_X CHAR 
207 WOD2KZKONNR Control Indicator for Contracts in Online Planning WOD2KZKONNR CHAR 
208 WOD2KZRELIF Article Selection Observes the Regular Vendor Indicator CHAR1_X CHAR 
209 WOD2LTSSPLITT Creation of a PO for Each Vendor Subrange XCHAR CHAR 
210 WOD2ORDER Display sequence CHAR2 CHAR 
211 WOD2SHOW Display application XCHAR CHAR 
212 WOD2SHOWP Display Restriction Profile XCHAR CHAR 
213 WOD2SOR1 Sort Method for Worklist WOD2SOR1 CHAR 
214 WOD2SOR2 Sort Method for Online Planning WOD2SOR2 CHAR 
215 WOD2TOGE Display worklist and application together XCHAR CHAR 
216 WOD2UPBRW Upper range of coverage limit in online planning DEC03_2 DEC 
217 WOD2ZWBI Call online planning with separate screen XCHAR CHAR 
218 WOD3_BEL_STATUS WOD3: Document Status from the Selection WOD3_STATUS CHAR 
219 WOD3_DIS_STATUS WOD3: Confirmation Status WOD3_STATUS CHAR 
220 WOD3_EBELP_ICON Icon if Header Information; Otherwise Order Item Number CHAR128 CHAR 
221 WOD3_EINDT Modified Item Delivery Date DATUM DATS 
222 WOD3_EINDT_ORIG Original Item Delivery Date DATUM DATS 
223 WOD3_ELIKZ Changed "Delivery Completed" Indicator for Item XFELD CHAR 
224 WOD3_ELIKZ_ORIG Original "Delivery Completed" Indicator XFELD CHAR 
225 WOD3_ELOEK Changed Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document XFELD CHAR 
226 WOD3_ELOEK_ORIG Original Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document ELOEK CHAR 
227 WOD3_ERR_STATUS WOD3: Error Message Status WOD3_STATUS CHAR 
229 WOD3_TXZ01 WOD3: Name TEXT40 CHAR 
230 WOD4_ELIKZ "Delivery Completed" Indicator WOD4_ELIKZ CHAR 
231 WOD4_ELIKZ_PROP Prepopulate Delivery Completed Ind. for Backordering (WOD3) WOD4_ELIKZ_PROP CHAR 
233 WOD4_LOEKZ Deletion Indicator in Purchasing Document WOD4_LOEKZ CHAR 
234 WOD4_LOEKZ_PROP Prepopulation of Deletion Indicator for Backordering (WOD3) WOD4_LOEKZ_PROP CHAR 
235 WOD4_XORDERTYPE Indicator: Internal or External Purchase Order XFELD CHAR 
236 WOD5FILTER Indicator for Filtering by Worklist Status XCHAR CHAR 
237 WOD5_CURODWGTN Net Order Weight of a Material MENG13 QUAN 
238 WOD5_CURQUAN Actual Qty of the Restrictions in Optimized Load Building MENG13 QUAN 
239 WOD5_CURVAL Actual Value of the Restrictions in Load Building WERT11 CURR 
240 WOD5_INVBUY Quantity from Investment Buy CHAR30 CHAR 
241 WOD5_PROMO Promotion Quantity Available CHAR30 CHAR 
242 WOD5_SHOW_HEADINFO Indicator: Display Header Data for Load Building XCHAR CHAR 
243 WOD5_SHOW_RESTRICTION Indicator: Display Restriction Data for Load Building XCHAR CHAR 
244 WOD5_STATUS Item Status CHAR30 CHAR 
245 WOFFS1 Maintenance package offset WZYKL CHAR 
246 WOFFS2 Maintenance package offset (performance) WZYKL CHAR 
247 WOFFSET Offset with start in cycle QANZAHL4 INT4 
248 WOFSUM Total fixed value in object currency WERTV8 CURR 
249 WOFXXX Fixed value in object currency (not in DB) WERTV8 CURR 
250 WOFXXX9 Fixed value in object currency WERTV9 CURR 
251 WOGBS_KK Outstanding total of open items at doubtful entry/IVA WRTV7 CURR 
252 WOGRES Total rem.value in object currency WERTV8 CURR 
253 WOGSUM Total Fixed and Variable Value in Object Currency WERTV8 CURR 
254 WOGXXO Original value in object currency WERTV8 CURR 
255 WOGXXX Total Value in Object Currency WERTV8 CURR 
256 WOGXXX9 Total value in object currency WERTV9 CURR 
257 WOHRS Planned working hours DEC3_4 DEC 
258 WOINEIP Current week in individual period WOINEIP DEC 
259 WOKNZ West/East Indicator WOKNZ CHAR 
260 WOMOC Number of week or month CHAR2 CHAR 
261 WOM_OWN Women owned CHAR1 CHAR 
262 WONUM Week Number NUM3 NUMC 
263 WOPKZ Indicator: next/previous period CHAR2 CHAR 
264 WOPXXX Fixed Planned Value in Object Currency WERTV8 CURR 
265 WORD080RFC Structure element RFC, f. Word, Excel CHAR80 CHAR 
266 WORD1____3 Search term in function documentation WORD1____3 CHAR 
267 WORD2____3 Search term in function documentation WORD2____3 CHAR 
268 WORD3____3 Search term in function documentation WORD3____3 CHAR 
269 WORD4____3 Search term in function documentation WORD4____3 CHAR 
270 WORD_TYP Noun, Verb, Adjective WORD_TYP CHAR 
271 WORKAREA Application Area CHAR1 CHAR 
272 WORKBENCH Open engineering workbench CHAR1 CHAR 
273 WORKDAYS Number of workdays as basis for cash concentration CHAR1 CHAR 
274 WORKF Transfer to workflow (exception result) XFELD CHAR 
277 WORKFLWART Group key for workflow-relevant fields WORKFLWART CHAR 
278 WORKF_044D Work File Name for Accumulated Balance Audit Trail FILEINTERN CHAR 
279 WORKF_ACTV Event Creation Switch for Updating Database CHAR1_X CHAR 
280 WORKF_IND Tansfer of individual record to workflow (result of exceptn) XFELD CHAR 
281 WORKF_TAB Table transfer to Workflow XFELD CHAR 
282 WORKI Workday indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
283 WORKING_STATUS Status for the Display of Time Intervals in the iView WORKING_STATUS CHAR 
284 WORKIT Indicator: work items exist KENNZX CHAR 
285 WORKKZ Internal indicator to show address itvl has been processed CHAR1 CHAR 
286 WORKLISTID Worklist Number NUMC4 NUMC 
287 WORKLISTID_CA Obsolete   CHAR 
289 WORKLOAD Number of Purchasing Documents to be Processed WORKLOAD NUMC 
290 WORKMODE Processing Type CHAR1 CHAR 
291 WORKM_KK Change Payment Data: Work Mode WORKM_KK CHAR 
292 WORKP Work Center Assignment CHAR1_X CHAR 
294 WORKSCHEDULETYPE Time description for daily work schedule WORKSCHEDULETYPE CHAR 
295 WORKS_NUMBER_TYPE Proxy Data Element (generated)   CHAR 
296 WORKS_NUMBER_TYPE1 Proxy Data Element (generated)   CHAR 
297 WORKTIME Working Time (Frame Heading) CHAR1 CHAR 
298 WORKWITH Copy from Worklist Without Hours X CHAR 
299 WORK_AREA Working area CHAR18 CHAR 
300 WORK_AREA_STD Default working area CHAR18 CHAR 
301 WORK_DAY Take factory calendar into account KENNZX CHAR 
302 WORK_DIR Working Directory   STRG 
303 WORK_HOME_TYPE Proxy Data Element (generated)   STRG 
304 WORK_HOME_TYPE1 Proxy Data Element (generated)   STRG 
305 WORK_ICON Processing status ICON_34_2 CHAR 
306 WORK_LIST_AKTIV Worklist is active KENNZX CHAR 
307 WORK_ORDER_CREATE_UNAME Work Order Create User Name CHAR12 CHAR 
308 WORK_ORDER_ID Work Order Number CHAR35 CHAR 
309 WORK_ORDER_ITEM_ID Work Order Item Number CHAR10 CHAR 
312 WORPR Work permit required XFELD CHAR 
313 WORST_S_C Worst success code SUCC_CODE INT4 
314 WORST_S_CC Worst success code (in characters) CHAR10 CHAR 
315 WORT Number in words CHAR25 CHAR 
316 WORT1 City of bill of exchange drawer TEXT30 CHAR 
317 WORT2 City of bill of exchange drawee TEXT30 CHAR 
318 WORT_USE Short form or synonym CHAR1 CHAR 
319 WOS Supply Period in Weeks NUMC02 NUMC 
320 WOSCR_AC Cash Balancing: General Ledger Account for Posted Amounts SAKNR CHAR 
321 WOSCR_ACCTDET Cash Balancing: Type of Account Determination WOSCR_ACCTDET CHAR 
322 WOSCR_ACCT_TEXT IAC Cash Balancing: Description for a General Ledger Account TEXT20 CHAR 
323 WOSCR_AC_ADJ Cash Balancing: G/L Account for Posting Difference Amounts SAKNR CHAR 
324 WOSCR_AC_REC Cash Balancing: G/L Account for Counted Amounts SAKNR CHAR 
325 WOSCR_ALL_ST_ANZ Expense Invoice: "Display All Taxes" Indicator YESNO CHAR 
326 WOSCR_AMOUNT_TXT Cash Balancing: Column Header for Amount TEXT20 CHAR 
327 WOSCR_CBL_POSTING Cash Balancing: Filter Value for Business Add-In WOSCR_CBL WOSCR_CBL_POSTING CHAR 
328 WOSCR_CBL_RSNCD Cash Balancing: Reason for Deviations WOSCR_CBL_RSNCD CHAR 
329 WOSCR_CBL_RSNGRP Cash Balancing: Group for Reasons for Deviations WOSCR_CBL_RSNGRP CHAR 
330 WOSCR_CBL_SHOWADJUST "Display Column for Difference Amounts" Indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
331 WOSCR_CBL_SHOWPOSTED "Display Column for Posted Amounts" Indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
332 WOSCR_EXI_AC G/L Account for Vendor Invoice SAKNR CHAR 
333 WOSCR_EXI_AC_TXT Text for Account Lines TEXT20 CHAR 
334 WOSCR_EXI_CURR_IND Expense Invoice: Currency Selection Indicator YESNO CHAR 
335 WOSCR_EXI_DFLT_ACC Expense Invoice: Default Account Indicator YESNO CHAR 
337 WOSCR_EXI_GRP Group For Expense Invoice Accounts WOSCR_EXI_GRP CHAR 
338 WOSCR_EXI_GRP_TXT Descriptive Text for Grouping TEXT20 CHAR 
340 WOSCR_EXI_TAX_TXT Text for Tax Code TEXT20 CHAR 
341 WOSCR_GRP Group of Accounts in the Cash Balancing Internet Application WOSCR_GRP CHAR 
342 WOSCR_GRP_TEXT Cash Balancing: Descriptive Text for a Group of Accounts TEXT20 CHAR 
343 WOSCR_HKONT_TXT Cash Balancing: Column Header for G/L Account TEXT20 CHAR 
344 WOSCR_MULTI_SEL Number of Single Values for Selecting Postings NUMC2 NUMC 
345 WOSCR_PF Cash Balancing: Item Number for Posted Monetary Amount INT4_NOS INT4 
346 WOSCR_PF_ADJ Cash Balancing: Item Number for Difference Amount INT4_NOS INT4 
347 WOSCR_PF_REC Cash Balancing: Item Number for Counted Amounts INT4_NOS INT4 
348 WOSCR_POSTED_TXT Cash Balancing: Column Header for Posted Amounts TEXT20 CHAR 
349 WOSCR_POST_004 Separate Posting for Lines for an Account Breakdown CHAR1 CHAR 
350 WOSCR_RSN_REQD "Reason Obligatory or Optional" Indicator WOSCR_RSN_REQD CHAR 
351 WOSCR_SACCT_TEXT Text for Breakdown Lines of an Account Breakdown TEXT20 CHAR 
353 WOSCR_SGRP_TEXT Descriptive Text for Subgroup of a Group of Accounts TEXT20 CHAR 
354 WOSCR_SHKZG Cash Balancing: Debit/Credit Indicator SHKZG CHAR 
355 WOSCR_SORT Sequence Group of Accounts/Subgroup/G/L Account/Currency NUMC2 NUMC 
356 WOSCR_SUB_GROUP Cash Balancing: Key for a Subgroup of G/L Accounts WOSCR_SUB_GROUP CHAR 
357 WOSCR_TOTAL "Display Totals Row for Subgroup" Indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
358 WOSCR_TOTAL_004 Indicator for Totals in Account Breakdown CHAR1 CHAR 
359 WOSCR_WAERS Cash Balancing: Currency for Breakdown Lines WAERS CUKY 
360 WOSCR_ZUONR_TXT Cash Balancing: Column Header for Assignment Numbers TEXT20 CHAR 
361 WOSIDIFFIN Control entry of difference reason IAC phys. inv. Ret. Store   CHAR 
362 WOSIINVPER Period for selecting phys. inventory numbers for input help   NUMC 
363 WOSIMI05S Offer "Change count" function on initial screen   CHAR 
364 WOSIST500 Control for output of overview screen WOSIST500 CHAR 
365 WOSIUSEPOSWS Use POS currency   CHAR 
366 WOSTD Hours per week STDAZ DEC 
367 WOSXXX Sender-Independent Value in Object Currency WERTV8 CURR 
368 WOSZ_WGS_APPHEADING Title Line of Application in Retail Store CHAR40 CHAR 
369 WOSZ_WGS_AREA Area Title in Retail Store CHAR40 CHAR 
370 WOSZ_WGS_TITLE Title of Application in Retail Store (Title Line) CHAR40 CHAR 
371 WOTAG Factory calendar: Day HFCAL CHAR 
372 WOTAGABL Day of week of meter reading WOTAG1 NUMC 
373 WOTNR Calendar: Number of day CHAR1 CHAR 
374 WOVSUM Total variable value in object currency WERTV8 CURR 
375 WOVXXX Variable value in object currency WERTV8 CURR 
376 WOVXXX9 Variable Value in Object Currency WERTV9 CURR 
377 WOWXXX Value of WIP in Object Currency WERTV8 CURR 
378 WO_COMMIT Commit Control for the Posting of Objects in APO CHAR1 CHAR 
379 WO_IN_PER IS-M/AM: Date Spec.: Week Relative to "Reference Date" WO_IN_PER CHAR 
380 WO_TID Find DSRs (Distrib. Stas Data) without Transaction Context XFELD CHAR 
381 WP3AGR_NAME Authorization Role CHAR30 CHAR 
382 WP3AUTOASSIGN Assign Automatically and Update Immediately XFELD CHAR 
383 WP3COUNTER Counter field NUMC6 NUMC 
384 WP3HIDEOKLINES Only Lines with Messages XFELD CHAR 
385 WP3HIERPRTR Display Portal Roles in Hierarchical Order XFELD CHAR 
386 WP3LEVEL Level of Service in Menu Hierarchy NUMC2 NUMC 
387 WP3LINEFRAGMENT Fragment of a Long Text String TEXT132 CHAR 
388 WP3LOGSYS Target System for a Portal Role LOGSYS CHAR 
389 WP3NOAUTOTRANSP Disable Automatic Transport Recording XFELD CHAR 
390 WP3REMAININGLEN Remaining String Length for Long Name NUMC6 NUMC 
391 WP3ROLEKEY Portal Role Uses Long Data Field XFELD CHAR 
392 WP3ROLELIST_MODE Function to be executed by the portal role transaction XFELD CHAR 
393 WP3ROLENAME Portal Role Name TEXT132 CHAR 
394 WP3ROLENAMEH Hash Value of Portal Role WP3ROLENAMEH CHAR 
395 WP3RTEXT Portal Role Text TEXT132 CHAR 
396 WP3SRVID Portal Role Service TEXT132 CHAR 
397 WP3SRVIDT Portal Role Service (Text) TEXT132 CHAR 
398 WP3SRVKEY Service ID Uses Long Data Field XFELD CHAR 
399 WP3SRVTYPE Service Type in Portal Roles WP3SRVTYPE CHAR 
400 WP3STATUS Portal Role Status WP3STATUS CHAR 
401 WP3TIMESTAMP Time Stamp of Portal Role (Format YYYYMMDDHHMMSS) NUMC14 NUMC 
402 WPACTION Current Activity of the Work Process WPACTION CHAR 
403 WPARGK Partner schema for the billing doc.header PARGR CHAR 
404 WPARGP Partner schema for the billing doc.item PARGR CHAR 
405 WPARSERVERGRP Name of logon/server group for parallel processing RZLLI_ACN CHAR 
406 WPAYD Method for determining term of payment for settlm. req. list WPAYD CHAR 
407 WPB00 Value of gross price WERT7 CURR 
409 WPBNAME User Currently Served UBNAME CHAR 
410 WPBPSPLIT Assignment of wage types w/o exact splits to WPBP period WPBPSPLIT CHAR 
411 WPCHANINFO Serialized Information   CHAR 
412 WPCHANNELS Data Element for Storing Channel Assignments WPCHANNELS CHAR 
413 WPCOD Type of Work Permit WPCOD CHAR 
414 WPCONFCCLS Query When Closing a Channel FLAG CHAR 
418 WPCSLANG Logon Language for the Component System SPRAS LANG 
419 WPCTYP Revision Type CHAR4 CHAR 
420 WPDAT Work process number CHAR3 CHAR 
421 WPDESCR Description of Workplace System Settings TEXT80 CHAR 
422 WPDEVICE Description of Output Device for Workplace CHAR30 CHAR 
423 WPDIARESTR EM data: wpdiarestart   INT4 
424 WPDRCORNCK Drag&Relate: No Check for Cross-System D&R FLAG CHAR 
425 WPDRDIALOG Drag&Relate: Dialog for Relate FLAG CHAR 
426 WPDUMPS Number of Dumps of the Work Process WPDUMPS CHAR 
427 WPELZEIT Previous Runtime of Request (elapsed) WPELZEIT CHAR 
428 WPENTRYTYP Field assignment: Type of field WPENTRYTYP CHAR 
429 WPEXPL Explosion Number CHAR2 CHAR 
430 WPEXT External number range for maintenance plan NUMKR CHAR 
431 WPFAN Indicator pledgeable JANEI CHAR 
432 WPFLFLAG Indicator for Standard Languages in a Logical System   CHAR 
433 WPFLG General Indicator for Revisions WPFLG CHAR 
434 WPFXXX Fixed Value in Local Currency WERTV8 CURR 
435 WPF_ACTFL Active-Inactive Indicator for a Price Family XFELD CHAR 
436 WPF_AKTPR Current Sales Price WERTV6 CURR 
437 WPF_FAMILY_PRICING Applictn: Family Pricing Transaction-Controlled (X = Active) XFELD CHAR 
438 WPF_FAMNR Identification Number for Price Family CHAR10 CHAR 
439 WPF_FCHAL Price Change Allowed (_=No, 1=Group, 2=Group and Article) WPF_MODKZ CHAR 
440 WPF_FCHNG Manual Price Change of Family Member To Occur (X = Yes) XFELD CHAR 
441 WPF_FHIDE Pricing Item Hidden for Family Member (X = Yes) XFELD CHAR 
442 WPF_FMTYP Type of Family Member WPF_FMTYP CHAR 
443 WPF_GENKZ Pricing Item Generated by the System (X = Yes) XFELD CHAR 
444 WPF_GMATN Group and Article Number MATNR CHAR 
445 WPF_GPRKZ Price Group Rounding Allowed for Family Grp of Price Family XFELD CHAR 
446 WPF_GROUP Number of a Family Group in a Price Family CHAR10 CHAR 
447 WPF_KBETR_ACTUAL Current Sales Price WERTV6 CURR 
448 WPF_KBETR_TARGET Target Sales Price WERTV6 CURR 
449 WPF_MODKZ Price Family: Indicator for Permitted Price Change WPF_MODKZ CHAR 
450 WPF_OLDFL Different Dist.-Chain-Specific Price Relationship (X = Yes) XFELD CHAR 
451 WPF_PRELS Price Family: Indicator for Price Relationship WPF_PRELS CHAR 
452 WPF_PRELS_CHOICE Price Family: Selection Indicator for Price Relationship CHAR1 CHAR 
453 WPF_RMATN Price Family: Reference Material of Family Group MATNR CHAR 
454 WPF_RSBUF Indicator for Resetting Internal Tables (X = Yes) XFELD CHAR 
455 WPF_SMATN Master Material of a Price Family MATNR CHAR 
457 WPGID Revision ID WPID NUMC 
458 WPGRO Profit group CHAR4 CHAR 
459 WPGROUPID Group Name for System Settings   CHAR 
460 WPGRP Maintenance planning group INGRP CHAR 
461 WPGXXX Total projection value in controlling area currency WERTV8 CURR 
462 WPHROTYPE Workplace AddOn: Own Data Element for HR Object Type WPHROTYPE CHAR 
463 WPHROTY_C Workplace-Specific Data Element for HR Object Type (Caller) WPHROTY_C CHAR 
464 WPHYS_FBWE Bills of exchange are entered as genuine paper ones XFELD CHAR 
465 WPHYS_WEDE Bill of exchange presented physically XFELD CHAR 
466 WPIACTION Current activity of the work process INT1 INT1 
467 WPID EM data: wpid   INT4 
468 WPID_ALV EM data: wpid   INT4 
469 WPINDEX Work Process Number WPINDEX INT4 
470 WPINT Internal number range for maintenance plan NUMKR CHAR 
472 WPISTATUS Work process status WPISTATUS INT1 
473 WPITEMID Entry ID for System Settings   CHAR 
474 WPITYPE Internal work process type WPITYPE INT1 
475 WPITYPE_ALV Internal Type of Work Process WPITYPE INT1 
477 WPKEYIDENT Data Element Identifies Object Type CHAR1_X CHAR 
479 WPKEYORDER Sequence of Key Fields NUMC2 NUMC 
480 WPKEYTYPE Key Type (Alternative Key) NUMC3 NUMC 
481 WPLAN Reference maintenance plan WARPL CHAR 
482 WPLDGRP Logon Group for URL Generation in the Workplace RFCEXEC CHAR 
483 WPLG_AAFLD_STOCQ Field for BW Query Info Structure for Stock FDNAME CHAR 
484 WPLG_AAFLD_TURNQ BW Query Field for Business Volume Quantity FDNAME CHAR 
485 WPLG_AAFLD_TURNV BW Query Field for Business Volume Value FDNAME CHAR 
486 WPLG_AA_STEP Step Number in Selection Method MCW_AA_LFDNR_ID NUMC 
487 WPLG_ALIEN_CATEGORY Indicator: Material Category Different from LM Category XFELD CHAR 
488 WPLG_INDEX Index for the Valuation of Material Items on Shelves   INT4 
489 WPLG_STOCMETH Stock Selection Methods MCW_AA_METH_ID CHAR 
490 WPLG_TURNMETH Sales Selection Method MCW_AA_METH_ID CHAR 
491 WPLPMOVE Behavior when Moving Nodes WPLPMOVE CHAR 
492 WPLPNODEID Number of a Node in the Workplace LaunchPad   NUMC 
494 WPMAA Absolute Minimum Margin WERTV8 CURR 
495 WPMAP Profit margin as a percentage DEC2_3 DEC 
496 WPMAPFVAL Field value F4CHAR132 CHAR 
497 WPMINIMIZE Minimalized Start FLAG CHAR 
498 WPMSGSRV Workplace Alert Server BOOLE CHAR 
499 WPMUTEX Mutex Counter WPMUTEX INT4 
500 WPMUTEX_EXCL Exclusive Mutex Counter WPMUTEX INT4