SAP ABAP Data Element - Index V, page 17
Data Element - V
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | VVSCHL1 | Key part 1 for resubmission | TEXT20 | CHAR |
2 | VVSCHL2 | Key part 2 for resubmission | TEXT20 | CHAR |
3 | VVSCHL3 | Key part 3 for resubmission | TEXT20 | CHAR |
4 | VVSCHL4 | Key part 4 for resubmission | TEXT20 | CHAR |
5 | VVSCONDEB | IS-IS: Indic., FI-Customer is assigned to DARWIN partner | XFELD | CHAR |
6 | VVSCONNMSP | Reference to main representative list of rents | SMIETSP | CHAR |
7 | VVSCOUPON | Coupon ID for interest and accrued interest calculation | VVSCOUPON | CHAR |
8 | VVSCTYP | Cardinality Category (1, N) | VVSCTYP | CHAR |
9 | VVSDATUM | Search date | DATUM | DATS |
10 | VVSDD | Printing Date Indicator | VVMWKZ | CHAR |
11 | VVSDEBAUT | Automatic customer indicator | JANE | CHAR |
12 | VVSDED | File for assigned distribution | VVRORD | CHAR |
13 | VVSDEF | Default indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
14 | VVSDEFADR | Indicator copy object address | XFELD | CHAR |
15 | VVSDEPOSTA | Securities account statistics key | VVDEPOSTA | NUMC |
16 | VVSDIREC | Transfer/retirement | VVSDIREC | CHAR |
17 | VVSDIVSN | Division Factor | NUMC2 | NUMC |
18 | VVSDOI | Checkbox: select all items, key date for OI | XFELD | CHAR |
19 | VVSDOKU | Documentation identification | VVSDOKU | NUMC |
20 | VVSDP | Print Parameter Document Indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
21 | VVSDRK | Target Register Indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
22 | VVSDTYP | Loans Class | VVSDTYP | NUMC |
23 | VVSDV | Premium reserve fund list number | VVSDVNR | CHAR |
24 | VVSDWERKBI | Shift payment date to workday | CHAR1 | CHAR |
25 | VVSEBETRAG | Cash-/percentage amount for unit-/percent quoted securities | WHRV5 | CURR |
26 | VVSEC | Indicator: Rate Type Conversion for Securities | XFELD | CHAR |
27 | VVSECU | Treasury authorization group | SYCHAR08 | CHAR |
28 | VVSEFFKAP | Effective Capital Available | CHAR1 | CHAR |
29 | VVSEFFMETH | Alternative effective interest method | SEFFMETH | NUMC |
30 | VVSEFFZIVZ | +/- sign for effective interest rate calculation | VVSEFFZIVZ | CHAR |
32 | VVSEINBE | Flag for Withholding Amount on Disbursement | VVSEINBE | CHAR |
33 | VVSEKKOST | Display CO Documents for Secondary Costs | XFELD | CHAR |
34 | VVSELK | Selection Key | VVSELK | CHAR |
35 | VVSELKBEZ | Name of selection key | TEXT40 | CHAR |
36 | VVSELSCHEM | Type of selection of objects | VVSELSCHEM | CHAR |
37 | VVSENT | Removal Indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
38 | VVSET | Selection set | XFELD | CHAR |
39 | VVSETVERW | Usage of cost element sets in Real Estate reporting | VVSETVERW | CHAR |
40 | VVSEVENT1 | Event control - Condition | VVSEVENT1 | CHAR |
41 | VVSEVENT2 | Event control - Flow record | VVSEVENT2 | CHAR |
42 | VVSEVNR | Event number | RANL | CHAR |
43 | VVSEXCLVON | Exclusive Indicator for the Start of a Calculation Period | VVSEXCLVON | NUMC |
44 | VVSF2 | F2 indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
45 | VVSFAELLIG | Next Due Date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
46 | VVSFANT | Indicator for due date-related FiMa calculations | VVSFANT | NUMC |
47 | VVSFANT_BI | Indicator for due date-related FiMa calculations | CHAR1 | CHAR |
48 | VVSFART | Due date type | STERMIN | NUMC |
49 | VVSFART_BI | Due date type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
50 | VVSFDEF | Default indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
51 | VVSFEART | Feststellungsverfahren für Feldgruppensteuerung | VVSFEART_EW | CHAR |
52 | VVSFEART_EW | Feststellungsart im Einheitswertbescheid | VVSFEART_EW | CHAR |
53 | VVSFGAKTIV | Active indicator for the release procedure | JANE | CHAR |
54 | VVSFGART | Transaction Type in Securities Management | VVSFGART | CHAR |
55 | VVSFGBEW | Transaction data to be released available | VVSFGBEW | NUMC |
56 | VVSFGKZ | Release Indicator | VVSFGKZ | CHAR |
57 | VVSFGKZX | Release flag | VVSFGKZ | CHAR |
58 | VVSFGOBJ | Release object | VVSFGOBJ | CHAR |
59 | VVSFGST | Release status for release procedure | VVSFGST | NUMC |
60 | VVSFIBU | Control entry of overpayment and advance payment data | VVSFIBU | CHAR |
61 | VVSFINCL | Inclusive Indicator for Due Date | VVSINCL | NUMC |
62 | VVSFINCLBI | Inclusive indicator for due date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
63 | VVSFIWOTYP | Usage type for notification of housing construc.financing | VVSFIWOTYP | CHAR |
64 | VVSFIXRATE | Fixed exchange rate | XFELD | CHAR |
65 | VVSFKALRI | Calculation of periods with flexible valid-to date? | XFELD | CHAR |
66 | VVSFLARTBI | Area type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
67 | VVSFLARTKL | Area type for the feature class | SFLART | NUMC |
68 | VVSFLARTMS | Area type which is linked to this fixtures + fitting feature | SFLART | NUMC |
69 | VVSFLAT | Indicator 'Traded flat', accrued interest calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
70 | VVSFMETH | Method for determining the next due date | T_SFMETH | NUMC |
71 | VVSFMETHBI | Method for determining the next due date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
72 | VVSFOART | Fund category indicator | VVSFOART | CHAR |
73 | VVSFORMREF | Formula reference for the cash flow calculator | T_FORMBE | CHAR |
74 | VVSFOUND | Record found? | VVSFOUND | CHAR |
75 | VVSFRAN_BI | Indicator for shifting due date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
76 | VVSFTCODE | Transaction code for display during release (DARWIN) | TCODE | CHAR |
77 | VVSFUNDI | Indicator: Funded | JANEI | CHAR |
78 | VVSFUTANP | Subsequent adjustment ? (No, initial adj., subsequent adj.) | VVSFUTANP | CHAR |
79 | VVSFVMETBI | Update method for calculation date/due date | CHAR2 | CHAR |
80 | VVSFWERK | Shift due date to working day | T_SWERK | NUMC |
81 | VVSFWERKBI | Shift to working day for due date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
82 | VVSGBTR | Total clearing amount debit in currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
83 | VVSGEB | Indicator: Attribute relevant for building | VVSZUART | CHAR |
84 | VVSGEBURT | Building rating | VVSZUST | CHAR |
85 | VVSGENR | Building: number | SGENR | CHAR |
86 | VVSGES | Role for total commitment relevant for loans | XFELD | CHAR |
87 | VVSGESAUS | Legal Right of Notice Excluded | XFELD | CHAR |
88 | VVSGESST | Branch Office | VVSGESST | CHAR |
89 | VVSGL | Creditor Notice Type Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
90 | VVSGLZBE | SCB ID revenue/expense | VVSGLZBE | CHAR |
91 | VVSGLZBSA | SCB indicator for tax expenditure | VVSGLZBE | CHAR |
92 | VVSGLZBSE | SCB indicator for tax yield | VVSGLZBE | CHAR |
93 | VVSGORD | Permitted on general file level | KENZX | CHAR |
94 | VVSGR | Indicator: Attribute relevant for real estate | VVSZUART | CHAR |
95 | VVSGRART | Property type | VVSGRART | NUMC |
96 | VVSGRART_AB | Grundstücksart für Hebesatz | VVSGRART_AB | CHAR |
97 | VVSGRART_BI | Property Type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
98 | VVSGRART_EW | Grundstücksart im Einheitswertbescheid | VVSGRART_EW | CHAR |
99 | VVSGRBA | Grundbuchart (4stellig für RE Allgemeine Bestandsübersicht) | VVSGRBA | NUMC |
100 | VVSGRBAI | Internal land register type | VVSGRBAI | NUMC |
101 | VVSGRFRM | Property ground type | VVSGRFRM | NUMC |
102 | VVSGRFRM_BI | Property Ground Type | CHAR3 | CHAR |
103 | VVSGRGZS | Overall condition of property | VVSGRGZS | NUMC |
104 | VVSGRGZS_BI | Overall Condition of Property | CHAR3 | CHAR |
105 | VVSGRPMERK | Group indicator of feature | CHAR2 | CHAR |
106 | VVSGRQAL | Property: Quality of location | VVSGRQAL | NUMC |
107 | VVSGRQAL_BI | Property: Quality of Location | CHAR3 | CHAR |
108 | VVSGRUNDBTMP | Grundbuch: temporäre Nummer | CHAR8 | CHAR |
109 | VVSGSART | Warrant product type indicator | VVSGSART | NUMC |
110 | VVSGTART | Building Part Type | VVSGTART | NUMC |
111 | VVSGTXT48 | Segment text 48 characters | TEXT48 | CHAR |
112 | VVSGUTA | Expert report identification | VVSGUTA | CHAR |
113 | VVSHBEB | Special G/L Indicator for Withholding Amounts | UMSKZ | CHAR |
114 | VVSHERK | Origin indicator: 'From planned record/actual record' | VVSHERK | CHAR |
115 | VVSHHOCH | Historical high price for unit-quoted securities | VVPKTKUR | DEC |
116 | VVSHKNZ | Debit / Credit Indicator | VVSHKNZ | CHAR |
117 | VVSHKZAKT | Special G/L indicator for payments on acct | UMSKZ | CHAR |
118 | VVSHKZANF | Special G/L indicator for down payment request | UMSKZ | CHAR |
119 | VVSHKZVZB | Special G/L indicator for operating costs advance payment | UMSKZ | CHAR |
120 | VVSHKZVZH | Special G/L indicator for heating costs advance payment | UMSKZ | CHAR |
121 | VVSHKZVZN | Special G/L ID for advance payment for general incid.expen. | UMSKZ | CHAR |
122 | VVSHOARTEX | External fee type | VVSHOARTEX | NUMC |
123 | VVSHOARTIN | Internal fee type | VVSHOARTIN | NUMC |
124 | VVSHORD | Permitted on main file level | KENZX | CHAR |
125 | VVSHTIEF | Historical low price for unit-quoted securities | VVPKTKUR | DEC |
126 | VVSHWHR | Local currency | WAERS | CUKY |
127 | VVSICHANL4 | Collat.sec.type name - R11/76 appendix 4 | VVSICHANL4 | CHAR |
128 | VVSIDENT | Identification number assignment indicator | VVSIDENT | NUMC |
129 | VVSIDRWINT | Posting ID for FI interface | VVSIDRWINT | NUMC |
130 | VVSID_AT | Indicator: Assign Numbers for OeNB Externally | JANEI | CHAR |
131 | VVSID_AT_FS | Assign (OeNB) Ident Number | BP_JANEI | CHAR |
132 | VVSIHMA | Modernization Measure | VVSIHMA | CHAR |
133 | VVSIMKYKON | Sending RE Object Assigned? | XFELD | CHAR |
134 | VVSINCL | Inclusive indicator for beginning and end of a period | VVSINCL | NUMC |
135 | VVSINCLBIS | Inclusive Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period | VVSINCLBIS | NUMC |
136 | VVSINCLVER | Inclusive Indicator for Clearing Date | VVSINCLVER | NUMC |
137 | VVSINCL_BI | Inclusive indicator for beginning and end of a period | CHAR1 | CHAR |
138 | VVSINDTEU | Swiss rent adj.: Standard of living index | WBIND | CHAR |
139 | VVSINDUTBK | Swiss rent adj.: Maintenance + operating costs index | WBIND | CHAR |
140 | VVSINGLEKEY | Check indicator of SUs to be settled | XFELD | CHAR |
141 | VVSINGLEOBJ | Single Object Selection | XFELD | CHAR |
142 | VVSINKKOKO | Inclusive indicator for the end of the fixed period | XFELD | CHAR |
143 | VVSINLZ_AT | Institute Number According to OeNB | VVSINLZ_AT | CHAR |
144 | VVSINME_AT | Institute Subject to Austrian Reg. Reporting Requirements | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | VVSINSTBEZ | Location: Maintenance district | SINSTBEZ | NUMC |
146 | VVSINTEB | Financial Assets Management internal level | INTEB | NUMC |
147 | VVSINTEBBEZ | Name for Internal Level of Financial Assets Management | TEXT40 | CHAR |
148 | VVSJBUE | Asset group R11/76, Asset 6 (yearly stock overview) | VVSJBUE | CHAR |
149 | VVSJHOCH | Yearly high price for unit-quoted securities | VVPKTKUR | DEC |
150 | VVSJTIEF | Yearly low price for unit-quoted securities | VVPKTKUR | DEC |
151 | VVSKABSCH | Price markdown | VVSKABSCH | CHAR |
152 | VVSKALID2 | Calendar ID 2 (valid in connection with calendar ID 1) | WFCID | CHAR |
153 | VVSKAR_LL | Logical deletion grace period | INT3 | NUMC |
154 | VVSKAR_PL | Physical deletion grace period | INT3 | NUMC |
155 | VVSKAUFPR | Purchase price rating | VVSKAUFPR | CHAR |
156 | VVSKEY1 | Key field 1 (combined full key for a release object) | VVSKEY1 | CHAR |
157 | VVSKEY2 | Key field 2 of release object (for indiv. application use) | VVSKEY2 | CHAR |
158 | VVSKEYVALUE | RE: General Key Field Content | STRG | |
159 | VVSKNZPROZ | Money-/percent amount indicator | VVSZUST | CHAR |
160 | VVSKOAREF | Reference cond.type which the current cond.type refers to | SKOART | NUMC |
161 | VVSKOART | Condition: Type | SKOART | NUMC |
162 | VVSKOARTAZ | Condition type "Settlement payment" | SKOART | NUMC |
163 | VVSKOARTBI | Condition type, i.e. lowest subdivision of condition records | CHAR4 | CHAR |
164 | VVSKOARTCHAR | Condition type, i.e. lowest subdivision of condition records | CHAR04 | CHAR |
165 | VVSKOARTFB | Condition type "False occupancy charge" | SKOART | NUMC |
166 | VVSKOARTOU | Swiss adjustment: Condition type for typical local rent | SKOART | NUMC |
167 | VVSKOARTRS | Adjustment Switzerland: Cond.type reserve from ref./apprec. | SKOART | NUMC |
168 | VVSKOMPART | Component type: numerical/alphanumerical | VVKOMPART | CHAR |
169 | VVSKOMPB | Internal processing key of number component | VVSKOMPB | CHAR |
170 | VVSKOMPGEN | Component generation type | VVSKOMPGEN | CHAR |
171 | VVSKOMPNAM | Component name key | VVSKOMPNAM | CHAR |
172 | VVSKOMPPZ | Check digit group | VVSKOMPPZ | CHAR |
173 | VVSKONTART | Quota type | VVSKONTART | NUMC |
175 | VVSKOPO | Detailed identification for condition items | VVSKOPO | NUMC |
176 | VVSKOPO_BI | Detailed identification for condition items | CHAR2 | CHAR |
177 | VVSKOSTLART | Category of cost center (vacancy / own usage) | VVSKOSTLART | CHAR |
178 | VVSKOTYPAO | Condition cat "Surcharges" for rent adjustment | SKOTYP | NUMC |
179 | VVSKOTYPBK | Condition category "Operating costs" for rent adjustment | SKOTYP | NUMC |
180 | VVSKRIT | Incoming payments: Identification of evaluation criterion | VVSKRIT | CHAR |
181 | VVSKRIT2 | Criterion for flow logic in planned record processing/IPD | VVSKRIT2 | CHAR |
182 | VVSKSTYP | Condition Header-Search Type | VVSKSTYP | CHAR |
183 | VVSKTOSORT | Sort by G/L account - Yes/No | XFELD | CHAR |
184 | VVSKTWT | Calendar days/working days indicator | VVSKTWT | NUMC |
185 | VVSKUEART | Notice Type for the Loan | VVSKUEART | NUMC |
186 | VVSKUEARTB | Adjustment Indicator for Notice Fields | VVSKUEARTB | NUMC |
187 | VVSKUEDN | Notice Arrangement Borrower | VVSKUEDN | NUMC |
188 | VVSKUEGL | Notice Arrangement Lender | VVSKUEGL | NUMC |
189 | VVSKULT | Month end indicator for calculating the period of notice | JFLAGG | CHAR |
190 | VVSKURSART | Security Price Type | VVSKURSART | CHAR |
191 | VVSKVZA | Reason why advance payment adjustment not carried out | VVSKVZA | CHAR |
192 | VVSKWG14 | Position grouping acc. Para 14 GBA (Sec. and loans) | VVSKWG14 | CHAR |
193 | VVSKWG18 | Information in accordance with §18 GBA | VVSKWG18 | NUMC |
194 | VVSKWHR | Redundant from 4.0C | WAERS | CUKY |
195 | VVSKZA | Expand partner relationship (yes/no) | KENZX | CHAR |
196 | VVSKZMAHN | Dunning type indicator | VVSKZMAHN | CHAR |
197 | VVSKZOLD | Indicator: Entry Obsolete | XFELD | CHAR |
198 | VVSKZUSA | Price notation | CHAR6 | CHAR |
199 | VVSLAGE | Location Rating of Object | VVSZUST | CHAR |
200 | VVSLAGEWE | Location: Business entity | SLAGEWE | NUMC |
201 | VVSLEER | Vacancies | VVSLEER | CHAR |
202 | VVSLEERSTD | Number of rental unit unoccupancy interval | CHAR22 | CHAR |
203 | VVSLEERV | Short sales possible | XFELD | CHAR |
204 | VVSLESROUT | Read routine | NUMC2 | NUMC |
205 | VVSLFD | Sequential no. in output | NUM2 | NUMC |
206 | VVSLFDBANR | Sequence Number of Alternative Salutation | NUM2 | NUMC |
207 | VVSLFDNR | Sequence Number (Summarization of Loan Document Data) | VVSLFDNR | NUMC |
208 | VVSLINNO | Block number for controlling table for RLR adjustment | VVSLINNO | NUMC |
209 | VVSLISTE | Indicator for list selection | VVSLISTE | CHAR |
210 | VVSLKLASSE | Classification of lists relevant for reporting | VVSLKLASSE | CHAR |
211 | VVSLOANFUNC | Application subfunction | VVSLOANFUNC | CHAR |
212 | VVSLOANFUNCBEZ | Name of Application Subfunction in Loans | TEXT60 | CHAR |
213 | VVSLOANFUNCUSE | Use of Application Subfunctions in Loans | VVSLOANFUNCUSE | NUMC |
214 | VVSLOEDIST | Deletion interval | NUM3 | NUMC |
215 | VVSLOEKZ | Deletion indicator | VVSLOEKZ | NUMC |
216 | VVSLOERHYT | Reorganization frequency | VVSLOERHYT | INT1 |
217 | VVSLP | Print Parameter Log Indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
218 | VVSLREG | Last register indicator | VVSREG | CHAR |
219 | VVSLTYP | BAV list category | VVSLTYP | NUMC |
220 | VVSLVGRP1 | Internal Indicator | VVSLVGRP1 | CHAR |
221 | VVSLVGRP2 | Internal indicator | VVSLVGRP2 | CHAR |
222 | VVSLVHERK | Contract origin indicator | VVSLVHERK | NUMC |
223 | VVSLVSON | Insurance Policy Special Treatment Indicator | VVLVSON | NUMC |
224 | VVSLZEILE | Print line | NUMC3 | NUMC |
225 | VVSMAHNM | Loan Manual Dunning Level | VVSMAHNM | CHAR |
226 | VVSMANU | Manual debit position / manually created planned records | CHAR1 | CHAR |
227 | VVSMASE | Market segment | VVSMASE | CHAR |
228 | VVSMASU | Automatic debit position / memo records | CHAR1 | CHAR |
229 | VVSMBTYP | Indicator for Company Code Category of Table | VVBTYP | CHAR |
230 | VVSME | Indicator: Attribute relevant for rental units | VVSZUART | CHAR |
231 | VVSMELDF | Form of payment report acc. to § 60 AWG | VVSMELDF | CHAR |
232 | VVSMENR | Rental unit: number | SMENR | CHAR |
233 | VVSMIETNW | Rent statement | VVSMIETNW | CHAR |
234 | VVSMIETRTXT | Name of tenancy law | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
235 | VVSMINRES | Reserve requirement indicator | JANEI | CHAR |
236 | VVSMITARB | IS-IS: Indicator, partner is employee | XFELD | CHAR |
237 | VVSMITARB2 | Employee indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
238 | VVSMIVE | Lease-Out: Number | VVSMIVE | CHAR |
239 | VVSMOPT | Modification option | VVSMOPT | CHAR |
240 | VVSMP | Indicator for table parameters | KENZX | CHAR |
241 | VVSMREG | Reminder Register | VVSREG | CHAR |
242 | VVSMSIGN | Modification sign | VVSMSIGN | CHAR |
243 | VVSMSLANGU | Maintenance language for representative list of rents | SPRAS | LANG |
244 | VVSMSPTYPE | Representative list of rents category | VVSMSPTYPE | NUMC |
245 | VVSMTYP | Mode Type (X = Only in Change Mode) | KENZX | CHAR |
246 | VVSMULTP | Multiplication Factor | NUMC2 | NUMC |
247 | VVSMUZU | Relationship type 'Corporate group parent to' | BZTYP | NUMC |
248 | VVSMVANG | Lease-out - Offer | RANL | CHAR |
249 | VVSMVARTINT | Real Estate Contract: Reference between objects and contract | VVSMVARTINT | NUMC |
250 | VVSMVNR | Table version: sequential number | VVSMVNR | NUMC |
251 | VVSMVYM | Table version (YYYYMM) | VVSVYM | ACCP |
252 | VVSMW102 | BAV asset group stmt 102 | VVSMW102 | CHAR |
253 | VVSMWWHR | Settlement or cover provision currency (Regulat. reporting) | WAERS | CUKY |
254 | VVSMZBFAK | Minus tolerance - Time unit fixed interest period | VVSRFAK | CHAR |
255 | VVSNAME | Name of sort field (sort string) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
256 | VVSNBNR | Condition number | VVSNBNR | NUMC |
257 | VVSNBPOS | Item Number | NUMC04 | NUMC |
258 | VVSNEU_ANL | Asset group R11/76, appendix 3 and 4 | VVSNEU_ANL | CHAR |
259 | VVSNEXTLN | Line number of next statement to be executed | VVSLINNO | NUMC |
260 | VVSNKSRMS | Service charge collector for object with tenant SC settlemnt | J_OBJNR | CHAR |
261 | VVSNOSND | Message / processing should not be sent | JANE | CHAR |
262 | VVSNRABT1 | No. of entry in section 1 of land register | CHAR3 | CHAR |
263 | VVSNRABT2 | Number of entry in section 2 of land register | CHAR3 | CHAR |
264 | VVSNRABT3 | No. of entry in Section 3 of land register | CHAR3 | CHAR |
265 | VVSNRFLST | Consecutive no. of a lot on a property | VVSNRFLST | NUMC |
266 | VVSNUTZ | Main usage type of object | SNUNR | NUMC |
267 | VVSNVER1 | Field is no longer used | CHAR1 | CHAR |
268 | VVSNW101 | *** Internal usage *** | VVSNW101 | NUMC |
269 | VVSNW102 | *** Internal usage *** | VVSNW102 | CHAR |
270 | VVSNW201 | *** Internal usage *** | VVSNW201 | CHAR |
271 | VVSNW600 | Asset group BAV stmt 101, 201 and 600 | VVSNW600 | CHAR |
272 | VVSNZAWS | Nominal interest form of payment | SZAHLDIV | NUMC |
273 | VVSNZBED | Additional condition number | NUMC04 | NUMC |
274 | VVSNZWDVZ | +/- sign correction days for payment method | VORZEI | CHAR |
275 | VVSNZWKEY | Indic. For Nominal Int. Pmnt Form With Adjustm. Days | VVSZWKEY | CHAR |
276 | VVSOALOCK | Data for "object in portfolio" are locked | ICON | CHAR |
277 | VVSOBEZ | Organizational District | CHAR2 | CHAR |
278 | VVSOBJCHNG | Object data can be changed in collateral value | JANEI | CHAR |
279 | VVSOBJEKT | Object ID | SRGRP | CHAR |
280 | VVSOBJEVNT | Object type which can be assigned to an event category | VVSOBJEVNT | CHAR |
281 | VVSOBJGES | General impression of object | VVSZUST | CHAR |
282 | VVSOBJGPO | Internal key for object for business partner table | CHAR13 | CHAR |
283 | VVSOBJLAGE | Location: district | RESOBJLAGE | NUMC |
284 | VVSOBJNR | Object Number (Virtual Object) | VVSOBJNR | CHAR |
285 | VVSOBJNRBI | Object number (virtual object) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
286 | VVSOBTYP | Main File-Company Code Category Indicator | VVBTYP | CHAR |
287 | VVSOBTYPBI | Object type for objects to which addresses are assigned | CHAR2 | CHAR |
288 | VVSOESART | Austrian collateral security type ind. | VVSOESART | CHAR |
289 | VVSONDERWR | Total of all unscheduled repayments as part of rollover | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
290 | VVSONDST | Special posting treatment | VVSONDST | CHAR |
291 | VVSOP | Main File Parameter Indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
292 | VVSOPT | Selection Option | RALDB_OPTI | CHAR |
293 | VVSOPTION | M/Text Option byte | VVSOPTION | CHAR |
294 | VVSORD | Permitted on file level | KENZX | CHAR |
295 | VVSORDER | Borrower's note via order management | XFELD | CHAR |
296 | VVSORTBEL | Sort documents by document numbers | BOOLE | CHAR |
297 | VVSORTIMM | Sort documents by settlement units | BOOLE | CHAR |
298 | VVSORTKEY | Sort sequence for documents in posting interface | VVSORTKEY | NUMC |
299 | VVSPARTID | Indicator for usage of IS-IS partner identification | XFELD | CHAR |
300 | VVSPARTNR | Partner number | VVSPARTNR | CHAR |
301 | VVSPB | Indicator for Removal of Loan | VVMWKZ | CHAR |
302 | VVSPCNUM | Flächennummer automatisch erzeugen | JANE | CHAR |
303 | VVSPHPA | Phonetic partner search indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
304 | VVSPHPP | Target word list from phonetic search term | XFELD | CHAR |
305 | VVSPL | Test Run Indicator | VVMWKZ | CHAR |
306 | VVSPLIT | Debit position splitting | XFELD | CHAR |
307 | VVSPNID | Daybook identification | VVSPNID | CHAR |
308 | VVSPONR | Spool number | SYSPONO | NUMC |
309 | VVSPOSINMSP | Base value for grouping RU in RLR group | VVSADJBASE | CHAR |
310 | VVSPP | Rollover date parameter indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
311 | VVSPRIO | Processing level / priority level flow control | NUM2 | NUMC |
312 | VVSPROTLEVEL | Level of detail of log for rent adjustment | VVSPRTLEVEL | NUMC |
313 | VVSPRSLPRT | Language key for language of partner/owner | SPRAS | LANG |
314 | VVSPRSLRCP | Language key for texts for letter printout | SPRAS | LANG |
315 | VVSPRTLEVEL | Level of detail of log for rent adjustment | VVSPRTLEVEL | NUMC |
316 | VVSPTYP | Function type (report, transaction etc.) | VVSPTYP | CHAR |
317 | VVSPUTCALL | Put/call option ID | VVPUTCALL | NUMC |
318 | VVSPZBFAK | Plus tolerance - Time unit fixed interest period | VVSRFAK | CHAR |
319 | VVSRAARTBI | Room type | CHAR2 | CHAR |
320 | VVSRACOMMIT | Reservation for approval for a rent adjustment | NUMC02 | NUMC |
321 | VVSRAEUME | Indicator: Characteristic relevant for rooms | VVSZUART | CHAR |
322 | VVSRANG | Ranking | VVSRANG | CHAR |
323 | VVSRANTYP | Contract types relevant for the line item category | CHAR10 | CHAR |
324 | VVSRAREJECT | Reason for rejecting a rent adjustment | NUM02 | NUMC |
325 | VVSRART | Register Type Indicator | VVSRART | CHAR |
326 | VVSRAUM | Indicator: Relevant for rooms | VVSZUART | CHAR |
327 | VVSRBEZ | Indicator for contracting party classification | VVSRBEZ | NUMC |
328 | VVSRECTYPE | Record Type | VVSRECTYPE | CHAR |
329 | VVSREFZINS | Loan With Reference Interest Rate | XFELD | CHAR |
330 | VVSREFZITI | Refer.flow category in accrual/deferral flow records | SBEWZITI | CHAR |
331 | VVSREG | Register indicator | VVSREG | CHAR |
332 | VVSREGION | Sales Region | VVSREGION | CHAR |
333 | VVSRENOV | Indicator for expansion/modernization/clearance measure | VVSRENOV | CHAR |
334 | VVSREVAL | Determine price gain taking account of accruals/deferrals | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | VVSREVALEXCL | Price gains w/o proportionate gains from deferral write-back | XFELD | CHAR |
336 | VVSREVCST | Position management regarding capitalized costs | VVSREVCST | CHAR |
337 | VVSREVPOF | Valuation allocation on portfolio level | XFELD | CHAR |
338 | VVSRFAK | Reservation Period Time Unit | VVSRFAK | CHAR |
339 | VVSRFKART | Reference condition type | SKOART | NUMC |
340 | VVSRNDALL | Currency of total value rounding parameter | WAERS | CUKY |
341 | VVSRNDFE | Currency of rounding value per area unit | WAERS | CUKY |
342 | VVSRNDVFBI | Rounding of interim results for prepayments | CHAR1 | CHAR |
343 | VVSRNLOCK | Data for renewal is locked | ICON | CHAR |
344 | VVSROHPER | Period gross profit | VVSROHPER | NUMC |
345 | VVSRREFKONT | Indicator for copying account assignment (X=yes, blank=no) | XFELD | CHAR |
346 | VVSRRTYP | Variants for creating totals in credit standing check | JANEI | CHAR |
347 | VVSRSFILTER | Filter for resubmission dates is active/not active | ICON | CHAR |
348 | VVSRSLOCK | Data for resubmission is locked | ICON | CHAR |
349 | VVSRTTYP | Sort type indicator for BAV control | VVSRTTYP | CHAR |
350 | VVSRTYP | Target register category indicator | VVSRTYP | CHAR |
351 | VVSRUNDVF | Rounding of interim results for prepayments | TFMSRUNDVF | NUMC |
352 | VVSRUND_BI | Rounding of interim results for prepayments | CHAR1 | CHAR |
353 | VVSRUNIT | Currency unit | VVSRUNIT | CHAR |
354 | VVSSAMMELBS_EW | Sammelbescheid (Flag) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
355 | VVSSAUSLA | Non-resident tax indicator | JANEI | CHAR |
356 | VVSSCHRITT | Increment | NUMC01 | NUMC |
357 | VVSSD | Search date indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
358 | VVSSEARCH | Business partner search initial screen | VVSSEARCH | CHAR |
359 | VVSSECFUNC | Securities application subfunction | VVSSECFUNC | CHAR |
360 | VVSSELANT | Self-Help Share | VVSSELANT | CHAR |
361 | VVSSELART | Selection type as basis for calculating fees | VVSSELART | NUMC |
362 | VVSSIGN | Selection sign | RALDB_SIGN | CHAR |
363 | VVSSOID | Unique sort field ID | XFELD | CHAR |
364 | VVSSOLHAB | Debit/credit indicator | VVSSOLHAB | CHAR |
365 | VVSSOLIST | Plan/Actual principle | VVSSOLIST | CHAR |
366 | VVSSOLLID | No. of debit position in fiscal year | VVSSOLLID | NUMC |
367 | VVSSOND | Type of arrangement | VVSSOND | NUMC |
368 | VVSSORT | Sort field usage | VVSSORT | CHAR |
369 | VVSSORT1 | Sort field for automatic debit position | CHAR1 | CHAR |
370 | VVSSORTID | Indicator whether sort field as unique partner ID | XFELD | CHAR |
371 | VVSSPALTE | Output Column in BAV Reports | NUM3 | NUMC |
372 | VVSSPARAM1 | Parameter value release status | VVSSPARAM | CHAR |
373 | VVSSPARAM2 | Parameter value release status | VVSSPARAM | CHAR |
374 | VVSSPERRKZ | Lock Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
375 | VVSSPEZBER | Rent adjustment by points: Special calculation method | VVSSPEZBER | NUMC |
376 | VVSSTAT | Status of data record | VVSSTAT | CHAR |
377 | VVSSTATI | Status which can be used as entry status | STATI | NUMC |
378 | VVSSTATO | Status which can be reached as target status | STATI | NUMC |
379 | VVSSTATUS | IS-IS: Status of a table entry | VVSSTATUS | CHAR |
380 | VVSSTAT_BI | Status of data record | CHAR2 | CHAR |
381 | VVSSTCKBIS | For RUs with Multiple Floors: Top Floor of RU | VVSSTOCKW | NUMC |
382 | VVSSTCK_BI | For RUs with several storeys: Top storey of RU | CHAR3 | CHAR |
383 | VVSSTDORT | Regional location | VVSSTDORT | CHAR |
384 | VVSSTDORT2 | Regional location | VVSSTDORT | CHAR |
385 | VVSSTOCKBI | Floor | CHAR3 | CHAR |
387 | VVSSUBNO | Line number for control table for RLR adjustment | VVSSUBNO | NUMC |
388 | VVSSVWNR | Sending management contract | VVSVWNR | CHAR |
389 | VVSSWHR | Stock price currency | WAERS | CUKY |
390 | VVSTAB | Interval between individual scales in LO in months | INTVJ | NUMC |
391 | VVSTAF_ABS | Interval between 2 graduated records in months | NUMC03 | NUMC |
392 | VVSTAF_ANZ | Graduated increase term | NUMC3 | NUMC |
393 | VVSTAF_BEG | 1st graduated increase | DATUM | DATS |
394 | VVSTAF_BTR | Basic sum | WRTV7 | CURR |
395 | VVSTAF_ERA | Absolute graduated increase | WRTV7 | CURR |
396 | VVSTAF_ERP | Graduated percentage increase | DECV3_7 | DEC |
397 | VVSTALT | Previous Status of Lease-Out | STATI | NUMC |
398 | VVSTARB | Work on Object Started | VVJANE | CHAR |
399 | VVSTAT | Status of condition table | VVSTAT | CHAR |
400 | VVSTATCUR | Current status of screen | CHARX8 | CHAR |
401 | VVSTATNEU | New status (for next screen) | CHARX8 | CHAR |
402 | VVSTATSAV | Screen save status | CHARX8 | CHAR |
403 | VVSTATX | Processing status | VVSTATX | CHAR |
404 | VVSTBEA | Processing status | VVSTBEA | CHAR |
405 | VVSTBEL | Display reversed documents | XFELD | CHAR |
406 | VVSTCKBIS | Uppermost Floor of a Building | VVSSTOCKW | NUMC |
407 | VVSTCKBISBI | Top floor of a building | CHAR3 | CHAR |
408 | VVSTDAT | Key date | VVSTDAT | DATS |
409 | VVSTDSPRAS | Language key for correspondence | SPRAS | LANG |
410 | VVSTECHEM | Settlement firm: Evaluation group | STECHEM | CHAR |
411 | VVSTEILNME | Identification set of RUs participating in settlement | VVSTEILNME | CHAR |
412 | VVSTEUERMBETRAG | GrSt-Messbetrag | WERTV6 | CURR |
413 | VVSTEUMBETRAG | Steuermeßbetrag | WERTV6 | CURR |
414 | VVSTEUSTAT | Control indicator for overriding stat/alternative status | VVSTEUSTAT | NUMC |
415 | VVSTGBASIS | Base Days Method | VVSTGBASIS | CHAR |
416 | VVSTGBASIS_DI | No. of days in year for interest calc. method (cash flow) | CHAR | |
417 | VVSTGMETH | Daily Method | VVSTGMETH | NUMC |
418 | VVSTGMETH_DI | Days calculation method (cash flow) | CHAR | |
419 | VVSTICHT | Key date in the settlement period | DATUM | DATS |
420 | VVSTICHTAG | Key date for data transfer | DATUM | DATS |
421 | VVSTICHTFL | Stichtag zur Errechnung der Flächen | DATUM | DATS |
422 | VVSTIKEZ | Key date type indicator | VVSTIKEZ | CHAR |
423 | VVSTITART | Borrower's Note Loan Security Type | VVSTITART | NUMC |
424 | VVSTKUN | Notice status | VVSTKUN | NUMC |
425 | VVSTLABT | Indicator for undisclosed assignment | XFELD | CHAR |
426 | VVSTMIET | Rent per parking space | BWHR | CURR |
427 | VVSTMOEGL | Reversability of a transaction record | VVSTMOEGL | CHAR |
428 | VVSTMOEGLT | Possibility of reversing a transaction rec. - Text | CHAR013 | CHAR |
429 | VVSTMVA | Rental agreement offer status | VVSTMVA | NUMC |
430 | VVSTOKAT | Reversal category for reversal module | VVSTOKAT | CHAR |
431 | VVSTPROL | Rollover status | VVSTPROL | NUMC |
432 | VVSTRANS | Transport indicator of master number | VVSTRANS | CHAR |
433 | VVSTREUKZ | Handling of trust amount | VVSTREUKZ | CHAR |
434 | VVSTYP | Activity Type | VVSTYP | CHAR |
435 | VVSTZAWS | Repayment payment form | SZAHLDIV | NUMC |
436 | VVSTZWKEY | Indicator for repayment pmnt form with adjustm.days | VVSZWKEY | CHAR |
437 | VVSUABT | Subsection number of premium reserve fund list | VVSUABT | CHAR |
438 | VVSUBTOT | Split LC amounts per FC | VVSUBTOT | CHAR |
439 | VVSUCH | Search string phonetic search | TEXT12 | CHAR |
440 | VVSUFLAE | Area unit | MEINS | UNIT |
441 | VVSULTBIS | Month-End Indicator for the End of a Calculation Period | VVSULT | CHAR |
442 | VVSULTEFSZ | Month-end indicator for end of fixed period | VVSULT | CHAR |
443 | VVSULTVERR | Month-End Indicator for Clearing Date | VVSULT | CHAR |
444 | VVSULTVON | Month-End Indicator for Start of a Calculation Period | VVSULT | CHAR |
445 | VVSUMASSE | Measurement unit | MEINS | UNIT |
446 | VVSUMSABGRVERF | Procedure used to accrue/defer sales-based rent agreement | VVSUMSABGRVERF | CHAR |
447 | VVSUM_GROESSE_KAT | Summe der Katasterflächen | VVDIFF_GROESSE_KAT | QUAN |
448 | VVSUNART | Main usage type | VVSUNART | CHAR |
449 | VVSUNUTZA | Main usage type | VVSUNUTZA | CHAR |
450 | VVSUPALTST | Alternative status for overriding/dependent object | J_ISTAT | CHAR |
451 | VVSUPGE | Take account of most superior building in hierarchy | XFELD | CHAR |
452 | VVSUPISTAT | Status for overriding/dependent object | J_ISTAT | CHAR |
453 | VVSUPNR | Sequential number within a general daybook no. | NUMC4 | NUMC |
454 | VVSUPOBJNR | Object number of overriding/dependent object | J_OBJNR | CHAR |
455 | VVSUPOBTYP | Object type for overriding/dependent object | J_OBTYP | CHAR |
456 | VVSUPVRGNG | Activity in overriding/dependent object | J_VORGANG | CHAR |
457 | VVSUREG | Source Register | VVSREG | CHAR |
458 | VVSVARNAME | Description of variables in cash flow calculator | T_XFELD04 | CHAR |
459 | VVSVARNAMEMA | Variable name | CHAR06 | CHAR |
460 | VVSVARTYPEMA | Type of variable | VVSVARTYPEMA | CHAR |
461 | VVSVBTR | Open clearing amount debit in currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
462 | VVSVERDI | Summarization indicator | JANEI | CHAR |
463 | VVSVERFU | Type of Restraint on Drawing | VVSVERFU | NUMC |
464 | VVSVERT | Distribution keys for distributing remaining loans | CHAR01 | CHAR |
465 | VVSVFART | Verfahrensart zur Feldgruppensteuerung | VVSVFART_EW | CHAR |
466 | VVSVFART_CUST | Verfahrensart zur Feldgruppensteuerung | VVXTEXT30 | CHAR |
467 | VVSVFART_EW | Verfahrensart im Einheitswertbescheid | VVSVFART_EW | CHAR |
468 | VVSVINCL | Inclusive indicator for value date | VVSINCL | NUMC |
469 | VVSVMETH | Method for determining the next value date | T_SVMETH | NUMC |
470 | VVSVMETHBI | Method for determining the next value date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
471 | VVSVNR | File Version Sequential Number | VVSVNR | NUMC |
472 | VVSVORG | Automatic Posting Run Activity | VVSVORG | CHAR |
473 | VVSVORGANG | Release procedure activity number | VVSVORGANG | NUMC |
474 | VVSVORGKZ | Activity indicator for debit/credit control | VVSVORGKZ | NUMC |
475 | VVSVORSLGH | Mortgage Loan Proposal | JANEI | CHAR |
476 | VVSVORSLGP | Rollover proposal | JANEI | CHAR |
477 | VVSVORSLGS | Borrower's notes proposal | JANEI | CHAR |
478 | VVSVORSLGX | Proposal others | JANEI | CHAR |
479 | VVSVULT | Month-End Indicator for Value Date | VVSULT | CHAR |
480 | VVSVWERK | Shift calculation date to working day | T_SWERK | NUMC |
481 | VVSVWERKBI | Shift calculation day to working day | CHAR1 | CHAR |
482 | VVSVWEVENT | Event for administration contract | VVSVWEVENT | CHAR |
483 | VVSVWNR | Management Contract Number | VVSVWNR | CHAR |
484 | VVSVYM | Main file version (YYYYMM) | VVSVYM | ACCP |
485 | VVSVZAWS | Repayment settlement payment form | SZAHLDIV | NUMC |
486 | VVSVZWKEY | ID for redemption settlement payment form with adjustm.days | VVSZWKEY | CHAR |
487 | VVSWAERS | Currency key debit amount | WAERS | CUKY |
488 | VVSWENRBIS | Number of business entity to | SWENR | CHAR |
489 | VVSWENRNKA | Valid business entity | SWENR | CHAR |
490 | VVSWENRVON | Number of business entity from | SWENR | CHAR |
491 | VVSWPHGMPF | Securities trading law reporting obligation indicator | JANEI | CHAR |
492 | VVSWPTERM | Securities forward dealings indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
493 | VVSWTYP | Modification Value Type | VVSWTYP | NUMC |
494 | VVSZAHLART | Fee payment type for management contracts | NUMC3 | NUMC |
495 | VVSZART | Assignment type | VVSZART | CHAR |
496 | VVSZAWS_BI | Payment form (at start of period, mid-period, at period end) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
497 | VVSZBFAK | Time unit fixed interest period | VVSRFAK | CHAR |
498 | VVSZBMETMV | Calculation method for time-dependent periods | VVSZBMETMV | NUMC |
499 | VVSZBME_BI | Calculation method for time-dependent periods | CHAR1 | CHAR |
500 | VVSZBMMVBI | Calculation method for time-dependent periods | CHAR1 | CHAR |