SAP ABAP Data Element - Index V, page 19
Data Element - V
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | VVWBGES2OW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 2 public authority-funded apartmnt | WRTV7 | CURR |
2 | VVWBGES2SR | CEA: Total costs subtotal 2 other rooms | WRTV7 | CURR |
3 | VVWBGES2SW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 2 other apartments | WRTV7 | CURR |
4 | VVWBGES3GE | CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 total | WRTV7 | CURR |
5 | VVWBGES3OW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 public authority-funded apartmnt | WRTV7 | CURR |
6 | VVWBGES3SR | CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 other rooms | WRTV7 | CURR |
7 | VVWBGES3SW | CEA: Total costs subtotal 3 other apartments | WRTV7 | CURR |
8 | VVWBGESUGE | CEA: Total costs total | WRTV7 | CURR |
9 | VVWBGESUOW | CEA: Total costs total public authority-supported apartmnts | WRTV7 | CURR |
10 | VVWBGESUSR | CEA: Total costs other rooms total | WRTV7 | CURR |
11 | VVWBGESUSW | CEA: Total costs other apartments total | WRTV7 | CURR |
12 | VVWBGESWFL | CEA: Total living area | VVBFLART | QUAN |
13 | VVWBGEZBGE | CEA: Total costs additional measures total | WRTV7 | CURR |
14 | VVWBGEZBOW | CEA: Total costs addit.measures public author.subs.apartmnts | WRTV7 | CURR |
15 | VVWBGEZBSR | CEA: Total costs additional measures other rooms | WRTV7 | CURR |
16 | VVWBGEZBSW | CEA: Total costs additional measures other apartments | WRTV7 | CURR |
17 | VVWBGKGBET | CEA: Total costs property total amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
18 | VVWBGKGBOW | CEA: Total costs property amount public author.subsid.aptmnt | WRTV7 | CURR |
19 | VVWBGKGBSR | CEA: Total costs property amount other rooms | WRTV7 | CURR |
20 | VVWBGKGBSW | CEA: Total costs property amount other apartments | WRTV7 | CURR |
21 | VVWBGUEAB | WB: Gültig-ab-Datum | DATS | DATS |
22 | VVWBGUEBIS | WB: Gültig-bis-Datum | DATS | DATS |
23 | VVWBIND | Nummer der Teilwirtschaftlichkeits- oder Zusatzberechnung | VVWBIND | CHAR |
24 | VVWBINDK | Nummer der Teilwirtschaftlichkeits- oder Zusatzberechnung | VVWBIND | CHAR |
25 | VVWBINDSTAT | Status Teilwirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung | VVWBINDSTAT | NUMC |
26 | VVWBINDXSTAT | WB: Texte für Status Teilberechnung | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
27 | VVWBJBETRAGM | Aufwand/Jahr mit MAW | WRTV7 | CURR |
29 | VVWBKO01 | WiBe: Kopieren Allg. Daten ja/nein | XFELD | CHAR |
30 | VVWBKO10 | WiBe: Kopieren Mieteinheiten ja/nein | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | VVWBKO20 | WiBe: Kopieren Gesamtkosten ja/nein | XFELD | CHAR |
32 | VVWBKO30 | WiBe: Kopieren Finanzierungsplan ja/nein | XFELD | CHAR |
33 | VVWBKO40 | WiBe: Kopieren LA: Kapitalkosten ja/nein | XFELD | CHAR |
34 | VVWBKO50 | WiBe: Kopieren LA: Bewirtschaftungskosten ja/nein | XFELD | CHAR |
35 | VVWBKOART | WB: Kostenposition | VVWBKOART | CHAR |
36 | VVWBKOGRP | WB: Kostengruppen | VVWBGRP | NUMC |
37 | VVWBKO_GESAMT | WB: Kosten gesamt | WRTV7 | CURR |
38 | VVWBLAAAOW | CEA: Admin. costs depreciation of grounds/facilities pub. ap | WRTV7 | CURR |
39 | VVWBLAAASW | CEA: Admin. costs deprec. of grounds & facilities other aps | WRTV7 | CURR |
40 | VVWBLAAGOW | CEA: Admin costs depreciation bldg subsidized apartment | WRTV7 | CURR |
41 | VVWBLAAGSW | CEA: Admin costs depreciation building other apartments | WRTV7 | CURR |
42 | VVWBLAASOW | Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
43 | VVWBLAASSW | Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
44 | VVWBLABEGB | CEA: Admin costs/oper. costs amount per M2 usage/garage area | WRTV7 | CURR |
45 | VVWBLABEGM | CEA: Admin costs/operating costs usable area - garage area | VVBFLART | QUAN |
46 | VVWBLABEGO | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
47 | VVWBLABEGS | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
48 | VVWBLABENB | CEA: Admin. costs/operating costs amount per M2 usable area | WRTV7 | CURR |
49 | VVWBLABENM | CEA: Administration costs/operating costs usable area | VVBFLART | QUAN |
50 | VVWBLABEWB | CEA: Admin costs/operating costs amount per m2/living area | WRTV7 | CURR |
51 | VVWBLABEWM | CEA: Administration costs/operating costs living area | VVBFLART | QUAN |
52 | VVWBLABS1O | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
53 | VVWBLABS1S | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
54 | VVWBLABS2O | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
55 | VVWBLABS2S | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
56 | VVWBLAIMGM | CEA: Admin costs/maintenance costs usable area or garage | VVBFLART | QUAN |
57 | VVWBLAINGB | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
58 | VVWBLAINNB | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
59 | VVWBLAINNM | CEA: Administration and maintenance costs of usage area | VVBFLART | QUAN |
60 | VVWBLAINWB | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
61 | VVWBLAINWM | CEA: Administration costs/maintenance costs living area | VVBFLART | QUAN |
62 | VVWBLAIS1O | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
63 | VVWBLAIS1S | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
64 | VVWBLAIS2O | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
65 | VVWBLAIS2S | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
66 | VVWBLAKDIF | CEA: Difference interest depreciation | WRTV7 | CURR |
67 | VVWBLAKSOW | CEA: Total capital costs for publicly subsidized apartments | WRTV7 | CURR |
68 | VVWBLAKSSW | CEA: Total capital costs other apartments | WRTV7 | CURR |
69 | VVWBLAMGAG | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
70 | VVWBLAMGAO | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
71 | VVWBLAMGAS | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
72 | VVWBLAMGWG | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
73 | VVWBLAMGWO | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
74 | VVWBLAMGWP | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | DEC3_2 | DEC |
75 | VVWBLAMGWS | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
76 | VVWBLAMWOG | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
77 | VVWBLAMWOO | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
78 | VVWBLAMWOS | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
79 | VVWBLAOMGB | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
80 | VVWBLAOMGM | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
81 | VVWBLASUOW | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
82 | VVWBLASUSW | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
83 | VVWBLAVGA | CEA: Administration costs Garage no. | DEC3 | DEC |
84 | VVWBLAVGAB | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
85 | VVWBLAVGBG | CEA: Administration costs garage | WRTV7 | CURR |
86 | VVWBLAVGBO | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
87 | VVWBLAVGBS | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
88 | VVWBLAVWBG | CEA: Administration costs apartments | WRTV7 | CURR |
89 | VVWBLAVWBO | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
90 | VVWBLAVWBS | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
91 | VVWBLAVWO | CEA: Administration costs number of apartments | DEC3 | DEC |
92 | VVWBLAVWOB | CEA: Depreciation costs of total interest of other apart. | WRTV7 | CURR |
93 | VVWBLFD_NR | WB: laufende Nummer | NUMC03 | NUMC |
94 | VVWBMAW | Prozentsatz des Mietausfallwagnis | DEC03_2 | DEC |
95 | VVWBMAWYN | Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechn.: Kennzeichen Mietausfallwagnis | XFELD | CHAR |
96 | VVWBMBETRAGM | Aufwand/Mon mit MAW | WRTV7 | CURR |
97 | VVWBMONATERUECK | Zeitraum der Nachverrechnung in Monaten | INT2 | INT2 |
98 | VVWBNAME | Description of cost efficiency analysis | VVWBNAME | CHAR |
99 | VVWBNR | Nummer der Hauptwirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung | VVWBNR | CHAR |
100 | VVWBNUTZ | Nutzungskategorie für Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung | VVWBNUTZ | NUMC |
101 | VVWBORT | CEA: Location of premises | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
102 | VVWBPROZGK | WB: Prozentangabe der Gesamtkosten | DEC3_3 | DEC |
103 | VVWBPZP | CEA: Interest % own funds | DEC3_2 | DEC |
104 | VVWBREKZ | WB: Rechenkennzeichen für Anzahl Einheiten | VVWBREKZ | NUMC |
105 | VVWBREYN | Anpassungsteilnahme festlegen | CHAR01 | CHAR |
106 | VVWBRMBETRAG | Monatsbetrag pro Einheit (6 Stellen) | VVWBRMBETRAG | DEC |
107 | VVWBRMBETRAGCUK | Monatsbetrag pro Einheit (6 Stellen) in zweiter Währung | VVWBRMBETRAG | DEC |
108 | VVWBRMBETRAGM | Monatsbetrag pro Einheit (6 Stellen) einschl. MAW | VVWBRMBETRAG | DEC |
109 | VVWBRPTALVVAR | Gemeinsamer Variantenname | SLIS_VARI | CHAR |
110 | VVWBRPTHI | Übersicht über Berechnungen zum Stichtag | XFELD | CHAR |
111 | VVWBRPTHIST | Änderungshistorie der lfd. Aufwendungen | XFELD | CHAR |
112 | VVWBRPTINCZWB | Teilber. einschließlich Zusatzber. in Verzweigungslisten | XFELD | CHAR |
113 | VVWBRPTLACOMP | Nur chronologische Folge nach Gültig-ab-Datum | XFELD | CHAR |
114 | VVWBRPTPART | Abschnitte der WiBe zum Stichtag | XFELD | CHAR |
115 | VVWBSANPGRD | WiBe: Anpassungsgrund | VVWBANPGRD | CHAR |
116 | VVWBSDRING | Priority for accommodation entitlement certificate | CHAR4 | CHAR |
117 | VVWBSTAT | Status Hauptwirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung | VVWBSTAT | NUMC |
118 | VVWBSTR | CEA: Street of premises | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
119 | VVWBTILSUM | CEA: Repayment amount costs | WRTV7 | CURR |
120 | VVWBTIND | Nummer der Teilber für ALLE Teil-/Zusatzber (Sortiermerkmal) | VVWBIND | CHAR |
121 | VVWBVAOEF | CEA: Total calculated costs share public. subsidized apart. | DEC3_2 | DEC |
122 | VVWBVEYN | WB: Verwenden Ja/Nein | XFELD | CHAR |
123 | VVWBVKBAN | CEA: Total construction costs new amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
124 | VVWBVKBATX | CEA: Information total construction costs | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
125 | VVWBVKBAV | CEA: Total construction costs old amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
126 | VVWBVKGRN | CEA: Total property costs and new amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
127 | VVWBVKGRTX | CEA: Calculated total costs property & development costs | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
128 | VVWBVKGRV | CEA: Total property costs and development old amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
129 | VVWBVKOEA | CEA: Total costs public subsidized old amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
130 | VVWBVKOEN | CEA: Total costs public subsidized new amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
131 | VVWBVKOETX | CEA: Total costs publicly subsidized description | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
132 | VVWBVKS1N | CEA: Total costs other costs 1 new amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
133 | VVWBVKS1TX | CEA: Total costs other costs 1 description | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
134 | VVWBVKS1V | CEA: Total costs other costs 1 old amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
135 | VVWBVKS2N | CEA: Total costs other costs 2 new amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
136 | VVWBVKS2TX | CEA: Total costs other costs 2 description | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
137 | VVWBVKS2V | CEA: Total costs other costs 2 old amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
138 | VVWBVKSUN | CEA: Total costs new amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
139 | VVWBVKSUTX | CEA: Total costs description | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
140 | VVWBVKSUV | SCEA: TotCosts total of old amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
141 | VVWBVORBLYN | WB: Vorblenden Ja/Nein | XFELD | CHAR |
142 | VVWBWAEHRUNG | WB: Bezugswährung | WAERS | CUKY |
143 | VVWBWBAUPRG | WB: Wohnungsbauprogramm | NUMC4 | NUMC |
144 | VVWBWEITERDAT | WB: Weitergabedatum | DATS | DATS |
145 | VVWBWRMBETRAG | Weitergabe Monatsbetrag pro Einheit (6 Stellen) | VVWBRMBETRAG | DEC |
146 | VVWBWRMBETRAGCUK | Weitergabe Monatsbetrag pro Einheit (6 St.) in zweiter Währ. | VVWBRMBETRAG | DEC |
147 | VVWBXANPGRD | WiBe: Bezeichnung des Anpassungsgrundes | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
148 | VVWBXART | Finanzierungsart bzw. Aufwandsart | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
149 | VVWBXAUFWART | WB: Aufwandsarten Bezeichnungen | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
150 | VVWBXAUFWGRP | Wirtschaftlichkeitsberechn.: Bezeichnung der Aufwandsgruppen | XBEZ20 | CHAR |
151 | VVWBXAUFWKAT | Bezeichnung der Aufwandskategorie | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
152 | VVWBXFIART | WB: Bezeichnung der Finanzierungsarten | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
153 | VVWBXFIGRP | WB: Texte zu Finanzierungsgruppen | XBEZ20 | CHAR |
154 | VVWBXIHMA | WiBe: Maßnahme (Modernisierung, Neubau etc.) | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
155 | VVWBXKOART | WB: Kostenpositionen Bezeichnungen | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
156 | VVWBXKOGRP | WB: Bezeichnung der Kostengruppen | XBEZ20 | CHAR |
157 | VVWBXNUTZ | WB: Texte für Nutzungskategorien | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
158 | VVWBXNUTZWERK | WiBe: Nutzwerk./Partner Mieteinheit | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
159 | VVWBXREPORT | RE-WB: Reportbezeichnung | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
160 | VVWBXREPORTGRP | RE-WB: Reportgruppenbezeichnung | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
161 | VVWBXSTAT | WB: Texte für Status Hauptberechnung | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
162 | VVWBXWBIND | WiBe: Beschreibung Teil-WB | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
163 | VVWBXWBNR | WiBe: Beschreibung Haupt-WB | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
164 | VVWBXZWECK | WB: Text zu Zweckbindung | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
165 | VVWBZIND | Nummer der Teilwirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung | VVWBIND | CHAR |
166 | VVWBZUDAT | Zugangsdatum der Teilwirtschaftlichkeitsberechnung | DATE | DATS |
167 | VVWBZUSAYN | WB: Zusatzberechnung | XFELD | CHAR |
168 | VVWBZUSAYNK | Kurztext für Zusatzberechnung | CHAR15 | CHAR |
169 | VVWBZUSAYNM | Text für die Zusatzberechnung | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
170 | VVWBZWECK | WB: Zweckbindung | NUMC3 | NUMC |
171 | VVWDVLSNAM | Indicator whether message also sent to SY-Uname (WDUL) | JANE | CHAR |
172 | VVWERTEINH | Unit for total val./val.of a BE liable to sales tax | CHAR3 | CHAR |
173 | VVWERTNR | Einheitswertnummer zum Flurstück | NUM4 | NUMC |
174 | VVWERTN_AD | Account determination key for account determination | VVWERTN_AD | CHAR |
175 | VVWERTN_ADCN | Account determination key for account determination | VVWERTN_ADCN | CHAR |
176 | VVWERTN_ADV | Account determination key for account determination | VVWERTN_ADV | CHAR |
177 | VVWERTZAHL | Wertzahl | NUMC3 | NUMC |
178 | VVWERT_ZONE1 | Wert/qm Zone 1 | WERTV6 | CURR |
179 | VVWERT_ZONE2 | Wert/qm Zone 2 | WERTV6 | CURR |
180 | VVWERT_ZONE3 | Wert/qm Zone 3 | WERTV6 | CURR |
181 | VVWHEATAMOUNT | H = heat consumed | DEC13_2 | DEC |
182 | VVWHRREF1 | Translation currency reference rate for currency warrant | WAERS | CUKY |
183 | VVWHRREF2 | Translation currency reference rate for currency warrant | WAERS | CUKY |
184 | VVWIRTART | Wirtschaftsart | VVWIRTART | NUMC |
185 | VVWIRTARTTXT | Wirtschaftsart | TEXT100 | CHAR |
186 | VVWIRTART_C | Wirtschaftsart | TEXT4 | CHAR |
187 | VVWKGMAX | Maximum value controlling area currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
188 | VVWKGMAXR | Relative maximum value in controlling area currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
189 | VVWKGMAXR_A | Relative maximum value CCurrency (in display currency) | WERTV8 | CURR |
190 | VVWKGMAX_A | Maxumum value CCurr (in display currency) | WERTV8 | CURR |
191 | VVWKGMIN | Minimum value CACur | WERTV8 | CURR |
192 | VVWKGMINR | Relative minimum value in CACur value | WERTV8 | CURR |
193 | VVWKGMINR_A | Relative minimum value CACur (in display currency) | WERTV8 | CURR |
194 | VVWKGMIN_A | Minimum value CACur (in display currency) | WERTV8 | CURR |
195 | VVWKGXXX | Value/CACur | WERTV8 | CURR |
196 | VVWKGXXX_A | Value CCurrency (in display currency) | WERTV8 | CURR |
197 | VVWME_ACT | Raum/Flächen auch für Wohnungswirtschaftliche MEs erlaubt | JANE | CHAR |
198 | VVWMWSKZ | Sales tax indicator default value for private rent agrmnt | MWSKZ | CHAR |
199 | VVWMWST | Tax amount in document currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
200 | VVWOGXXX | Value OCur | WERTV8 | CURR |
201 | VVWOGXXX_A | Value OCurr (in display currency) | WERTV8 | CURR |
202 | VVWRSALDO | Balance in document currency/transaction currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
203 | VVWRVBRT | Gross amount in document currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
204 | VVWRVNET | Net amount in document currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
205 | VVWRVSTE | Tax amount (+/-) in document currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
206 | VVWSINCL | Inclusive indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
207 | VVWTGXXX | Value TCur | WERTV8 | CURR |
208 | VVWTGXXX_A | Value TCurr (in display currency) | WERTV8 | CURR |
209 | VVWWPROZ | Percentage share for hot water consumption | VVPROZE | DEC |
210 | VVXABRART3 | Three-charact.description of sett.type for SC after sett. | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
211 | VVXABREART | Description of settlement type for SC after settlement | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
212 | VVXABT | Text on assignee | TEXT30 | CHAR |
213 | VVXAEND | Text for change or deletion | TEXT60 | CHAR |
214 | VVXAKTIE | Stock, investment cert., subscrip.rights - Yes/No | XFELD | CHAR |
215 | VVXAMT | Einheitswert: Finanzamt | TEXT80 | CHAR |
216 | VVXAMTADR | Einheitswert: Finanzamt Adresse | TEXT80 | CHAR |
217 | VVXANLEIHE | Bond - Yes/No | XFELD | CHAR |
218 | VVXANTYP | Application name | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
219 | VVXAOB | Number of Object Characteristic | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
220 | VVXAOGR | Group of object characteristics | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
221 | VVXAPARNR | Partner ID in previous system | CHAR15 | CHAR |
222 | VVXARTOBJ | Object type description | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
223 | VVXARTOPT | Type of option rate determination | CHAR30 | CHAR |
224 | VVXARTZUAB | Description for surch./ rent adjustm. expert opinion | TEXT50 | CHAR |
225 | VVXARW | BAV approval of accepted value | KENZX | CHAR |
226 | VVXASPGRD | Reason for adjustment block (text) | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
227 | VVXAUFLMR | Write back rent reserve? | XFELD | CHAR |
228 | VVXAUSP | Number of object characteristic value | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
229 | VVXBANDBLT | Volume and page of land register | CHAR1 | CHAR |
230 | VVXBASISK | Short description of calculation base | XKBEZ | CHAR |
231 | VVXBASISL | Description of calculation base | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
232 | VVXBAUAKL | Description of building age category of a RLR | CHAR30K | CHAR |
233 | VVXBAUGENE | Building permit: note | XMBEZ | CHAR |
234 | VVXBAUJ | Year of construction of building | VVXBAUJ | CHAR |
235 | VVXBAV | Indicator for evaluation in accordance with BAV | KENZX | CHAR |
236 | VVXBAVG | BAV approval indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
237 | VVXBAVREG | BAV register number | CHAR8 | CHAR |
238 | VVXBEARB | Processing type description | TEXT20 | CHAR |
239 | VVXBEGEH | Last inspection: by | XKBEZ | CHAR |
240 | VVXBELAST | Type of encumbrance in section 3 of land register | TEXT15 | CHAR |
241 | VVXBELATXT | Long text for form item types | TEXT70 | CHAR |
242 | VVXBELBIND | Occupancy obligation: to | CHAR15 | CHAR |
243 | VVXBELEGNG | Description of occupancy of RU by LO | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
244 | VVXBEMERK | Note | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
245 | VVXBERARTK | Calculation type description (short text) | XKBEZ | CHAR |
246 | VVXBERBASL | Calculation base description | XMBEZ | CHAR |
247 | VVXBERECHT | Berechtigter | TEXT120 | CHAR |
248 | VVXBERFORM | Calculation form description | XMBEZ | CHAR |
249 | VVXBERGRP | Name of authorization group (long text) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
250 | VVXBEZBM | Description of modernization measures | XLBEZ | CHAR |
251 | VVXBEZDOKU | Document key text | XBEZ20 | CHAR |
252 | VVXBEZUG | Description of rental unit occupancy area | XKBEZ | CHAR |
253 | VVXBINDPKT | Index status as base for first rental adjustment | CHAR9 | CHAR |
254 | VVXBODENART | Bodenart Langtext | TEXT40 | CHAR |
255 | VVXBODENKLASSE | Bodenklasse Langtext | TXT35 | CHAR |
256 | VVXBRSCH | Industry sector description | CHAR15 | CHAR |
257 | VVXBSKRED | Vendor posting key for owner settlement | TEXT20 | CHAR |
258 | VVXBSSAKO | G/L account posting key for owner settlement | TEXT20 | CHAR |
259 | VVXBSST | Tax account posting key for owner settlement | TEXT20 | CHAR |
260 | VVXBST | Indicator for position lists (regulatory reporting) | KENZX | CHAR |
261 | VVXBV_EW | Besitzverhältnis im Einheitswertbescheid | VVXTEXT30 | CHAR |
262 | VVXBWHR | Display in portfolio currency - Yes/No | XFELD | CHAR |
263 | VVXBWNR | Reservation application number of a rental unit | VVXBWNR | CHAR |
264 | VVXCATEGORY | Text for category | XLBEZ | CHAR |
265 | VVXCBAW | Check button - selection condition | CHAR01 | CHAR |
266 | VVXCBDAR | Check button - Loans selection | CHAR01 | CHAR |
267 | VVXCBDAT | Check button - Reference date | CHAR01 | CHAR |
268 | VVXCBDDAT | Check button - Printing date | CHAR01 | CHAR |
269 | VVXCBDRK | Check Button - Print Document | CHAR01 | CHAR |
270 | VVXCBDRKE | Check Button - Log Print Parameter Entered | CHAR01 | CHAR |
271 | VVXCBEND | Check button - Subsequently delete from file | CHAR01 | CHAR |
272 | VVXCBHAW | Check Button - Main Selection Criterion | CHAR01 | CHAR |
273 | VVXCBPAV | Check button - Document print/spool parameter entered | CHAR01 | CHAR |
274 | VVXCBTST | Check Button - Test Run | CHAR01 | CHAR |
275 | VVXCBUT1 | Check button no.1 | KENZX | CHAR |
276 | VVXCBUT2 | Check button no.2 | KENZX | CHAR |
277 | VVXCOMMNT | Comment about lot | TEXT60 | CHAR |
278 | VVXCTVFUNC | ISIS: CTV function code | VVXCTVFUNC | CHAR |
279 | VVXCTVKEY | ISIS: CTV record key | VVXCTVKEY | CHAR |
280 | VVXCTVPROG | ISIS: Name of CTV program in host | CHAR8 | CHAR |
281 | VVXDARF | Loan overview general heading | CHAR01 | CHAR |
282 | VVXDARINFO | Loan information basic header | CHAR01 | CHAR |
283 | VVXDARLV | Loans distribution general heading | CHAR01 | CHAR |
284 | VVXDAZUST | Condition: roof | CHAR30 | CHAR |
285 | VVXDEBFI | Customer transferred from FI | XFELD | CHAR |
286 | VVXDECK | Indicator for eligibility for premium reserve fund | KENZX | CHAR |
287 | VVXDESCRIPT | RE: General Description Text | STRG | |
288 | VVXDET | Detail push button | CHAR01 | CHAR |
289 | VVXDETAIL | Display in- and outflows in detail ? | XFELD | CHAR |
290 | VVXDIRACT | Activate rent adjustments directly (without display)? | XFELD | CHAR |
291 | VVXDIRECT | Activate rent adjustments directly (without display)? | XFELD | CHAR |
292 | VVXDIREKT | Direct selection general heading | CHAR01 | CHAR |
293 | VVXDIRSTO | Reverse rent adjustment directly (without display?) | XFELD | CHAR |
294 | VVXDJAHR | ConstYr | GJAHR | NUMC |
295 | VVXDOC | Document (doc. 1 - 5) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
296 | VVXDOCTYP | Document categ.(doc. 1 - 5) | BRFNM | CHAR |
297 | VVXDUEVA | Indicator for interface to DUEVA log | KENZX | CHAR |
298 | VVXDUNMODK | Reminder procedure for rent adjustment (short text) | VVXDUNMODK | CHAR |
299 | VVXDUNMODL | Reminder procedure for rent adjustment (long text) | VVXDUNMODL | CHAR |
300 | VVXEIGENT | Eigentümer / Erbbauberechtigter | TEXT80 | CHAR |
301 | VVXEIGENTADR | Adresse des Eigentümers | TEXT80 | CHAR |
302 | VVXENDE | Indicator: Vacancy reason for rental end | XFELD | CHAR |
303 | VVXENTSTEHUNGSART | Entstehungsart Langtext | TEXT40 | CHAR |
304 | VVXERBBAU | Heritable building right | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
305 | VVXERF | Field text entered | CHAR01 | CHAR |
306 | VVXERKEHR | Location: Transport connections | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
307 | VVXFAKT | Conversion factor for fractional share of property | CHAR6 | CHAR |
308 | VVXFAMT | Indicator for evaluation in accordance with tax office | KENZX | CHAR |
309 | VVXFART | Flächenart Langtext | TEXT35 | CHAR |
310 | VVXFAZUST | Condition: facade | CHAR30 | CHAR |
311 | VVXFEART_EW | Feststellungsart im Einheitswertbescheid | VVXTEXT30 | CHAR |
312 | VVXFELD1 | Field 1 from project system | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
313 | VVXFELD1S | Key field for field 1 from project system | XTEXT15 | CHAR |
314 | VVXFELD2 | Field 2 from project system | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
315 | VVXFELD2S | Key field for field 2 from project system | XTEXT15 | CHAR |
316 | VVXFELDN | Incoming payments: Field name for organization criterion | VVXFELDN | CHAR |
317 | VVXFIELDNOTUSED | Field redundant - Field not used anymore | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | VVXFILL | Padding character for non-numerical numbers | CHAR1 | CHAR |
319 | VVXFLDBEZ | Description of DDIC field | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
320 | VVXFLDTXT | Table field text | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
321 | VVXFORM | ITAB field for form | CHAR15 | CHAR |
322 | VVXFUND_TY | IPD: Classification of participant | XLBEZ | CHAR |
323 | VVXGBA2LB | Text for type of charges and restrictions for land reg.type | TEXT60 | CHAR |
324 | VVXGBAMT | Grundbuchamt | TEXT100 | CHAR |
325 | VVXGEBART | Building: Building type | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
326 | VVXGEBLAGE | Location or Floor in Building Part | XDOKBS | CHAR |
327 | VVXGEBNAME | Name at Birth | TEXT35 | CHAR |
328 | VVXGEBNAMZ | Birth name-additional information | TEXT35 | CHAR |
329 | VVXGEBT | Building: part | CHAR15 | CHAR |
330 | VVXGEBURT | Building rating | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
331 | VVXGEBZUST | Condition: general condition | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
332 | VVXGEMARK | Gemarkung, Flur, Flurstück | TEXT60 | CHAR |
333 | VVXGEMEINDE | Name of municipality | VVXGEMEINDE | CHAR |
334 | VVXGENERICSO | String for generic SELECT-OPTION | CHAR | |
335 | VVXGERSTD | Jurisdiction | TEXT35 | CHAR |
336 | VVXGESAMT | General impression of object | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
337 | VVXGLAUB | Gläubiger | TEXT120 | CHAR |
338 | VVXGRART | Property type | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
339 | VVXGRART2 | Property: Type | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
340 | VVXGRART_AB | Grundstücksart für Hebesatz | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
341 | VVXGRART_EW | Grundstücksart im Einheitswertbescheid | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
342 | VVXGRFRM | Text: Ground type of property | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
343 | VVXGRFRM2 | Property: Ground type | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
344 | VVXGRGZS | Text about property overall condition | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
345 | VVXGRGZS2 | Property: Overall condition | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
346 | VVXGRNART | Usage Type of Property According to Land Use Map | TEXT40 | CHAR |
347 | VVXGROEKL | Name of factor class of a representative list of rents | CHAR30K | CHAR |
348 | VVXGRQAL | Quality of property location | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
349 | VVXGRQAL2 | Property: Quality of location | VVXTEXT20 | CHAR |
350 | VVXGRSTLST | laufende BV-Nmmern zu einem Eintrag | XTEXT100 | CHAR |
351 | VVXGRTXT | Text for property | XLBEZ | CHAR |
352 | VVXGRUPP | Teilflächengruppe Langtext | TEXT40 | CHAR |
353 | VVXGUELAB | Date from when entry valid | CHAR15 | CHAR |
354 | VVXGUTA | Expert report: Short text | TEXT60 | CHAR |
355 | VVXGZLSCH | Payment method for credit memos | CHAR30 | CHAR |
356 | VVXG_ARW | BAV-Approval of accepted value | KENZX | CHAR |
357 | VVXG_BAV | BAV approval indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
358 | VVXHAWBED | Main selection criterion: General heading | CHAR01 | CHAR |
359 | VVXHIGH | Field value "Upto" | LDBIXHIGH | CHAR |
360 | VVXHKVOTYP | Name of settlement type for heating cost formula | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
361 | VVXHOARTEK | External fee type description (short text) | XKBEZ | CHAR |
362 | VVXHOARTEL | External fee type description (long text) | XMBEZ | CHAR |
363 | VVXHOARTIK | Internal fee type description (short text) | XKBEZ | CHAR |
364 | VVXHOARTIL | Description of internal fee type (long text) | XMBEZ | CHAR |
365 | VVXHOO | Main file/file relationship | CHAR01 | CHAR |
366 | VVXHSBUT | Main select button | CHAR01 | CHAR |
367 | VVXHVART | Texte Herrschvermerke | TEXT40 | CHAR |
368 | VVXID_AT | OeNB ID Number | VVXID_AT | CHAR |
369 | VVXID_AT_FS | (OeNB) Ident Number | VVXID_AT_FS | CHAR |
370 | VVXIMOBJ | Description of Real Estate object | TEXT20 | CHAR |
371 | VVXINCL | Indicator date inclusive | XFELD | CHAR |
372 | VVXINDART | Description of index series | TEXT30 | CHAR |
373 | VVXIND_LOC | IPD: Link to commercial object | XLBEZ | CHAR |
374 | VVXIND_SIT | IPD: Location of commercial object | XLBEZ | CHAR |
375 | VVXIND_TYP | IPD: Commercial object type | XLBEZ | CHAR |
376 | VVXINFO | General information field | CHAR30K | CHAR |
377 | VVXINSTBEZ | Location: Maintenance district | CHAR15 | CHAR |
378 | VVXISKL | Description of type of clause for index-linked rent | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
379 | VVXIURK | Document number | CHAR15 | CHAR |
380 | VVXJURORT | Company registered office | TEXT35 | CHAR |
381 | VVXJ_ISTAT | Rental unit occupancy type | CHAR5 | CHAR |
382 | VVXJ_TXT04 | Occupancy type: short text | CHAR04 | CHAR |
383 | VVXJ_TXT30 | Occupancy type (text) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
384 | VVXKAOB | Short description of object characteristic | XKBEZ | CHAR |
385 | VVXKAOG | Short description of object characteristic group | XKBEZ | CHAR |
386 | VVXKARTENART | Kartenart Langtext | TEXT35 | CHAR |
387 | VVXKAUS | Short description of characteristic value | XKBEZ | CHAR |
388 | VVXKAUTART | Deposit: type | CHAR15 | CHAR |
389 | VVXKCORRGROUP | Short description of correspondence group | XKBEZ | CHAR |
390 | VVXKEYS | Field for Key Texts | CHAR12 | CHAR |
391 | VVXKOGRPK | Name of condition group | XKBEZ | CHAR |
392 | VVXKOGRPL | Name of condition group | XMBEZ | CHAR |
393 | VVXKOGRPM | Condition group text | XBEZ20 | CHAR |
394 | VVXKOKBEZ | Quota short name | CHAR15 | CHAR |
395 | VVXKOLBEZ | Quota long name | CHAR50 | CHAR |
396 | VVXKOMPWER | Constant value of component | CHAR013 | CHAR |
397 | VVXKONZ | Corporate group ID types | CHAR15 | CHAR |
398 | VVXKORRBER | Name of correspondence application | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
399 | VVXKOSTL | Cost center: name | KOSTL | CHAR |
400 | VVXKRED | Summary of credit information | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
401 | VVXKREIS | Name of district | VVXKREIS | CHAR |
402 | VVXKSTMA | Status Short Text for a Lease-Out Offer | XKBEZ | CHAR |
403 | VVXKTWT | Name of indicator for calendar days/working days | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
404 | VVXKTYP | Cost type description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
405 | VVXKUEFR | Type of notice period | CHAR30 | CHAR |
406 | VVXKUEND | Indicator: Vacancy reasons for notice | XFELD | CHAR |
407 | VVXKWG18 | Info text acc. to §18GBA | TEXT35 | CHAR |
408 | VVXKZBEST | Status: portfolio | TEXT40 | CHAR |
409 | VVXLAGE | Location of Building Part | XDOKBS | CHAR |
410 | VVXLAGEWE | Location: Business ent. | CHAR15 | CHAR |
411 | VVXLAGK | Representative list of rents: locat.class | XMBEZ | CHAR |
412 | VVXLAND | Country variant for regulatory reporting | VVXLAND | CHAR |
413 | VVXLANDRCP | Description of country of letter recipient | TEXT15 | CHAR |
414 | VVXLAST | Comment on charges and restrictions | XTEXT50 | CHAR |
415 | VVXLCORRGROUP | Long description of correspondence group | XLBEZ | CHAR |
416 | VVXLEERKEY | Empty key only for client-specific tables | VVXLEERKEY | CHAR |
417 | VVXLGESCH | Location in floor (text) | CHAR15 | CHAR |
418 | VVXLIDIREC | Transfer/retirement (text) | TEXT30 | CHAR |
419 | VVXLIFT | Type of elevator installment (text) | CHAR15 | CHAR |
420 | VVXLIFTB | Elevator to floor in building | VVXSTOCKK | CHAR |
421 | VVXLISTKZ | Indicator for output of planning lists | VVXLISTKZ | CHAR |
422 | VVXLOW | Field value "From" | LDBIXLOW | CHAR |
423 | VVXMANSP | Dunning block reason | CHAR30 | CHAR |
424 | VVXMAOB | Name of object characteristic | XMBEZ | CHAR |
425 | VVXMAOG | Name of group of object characteristics | XMBEZ | CHAR |
426 | VVXMARK | Selection: More lots on property | CHAR1 | CHAR |
427 | VVXMARKE | List selection | CHAR1 | CHAR |
428 | VVXMAUS | Name of characteristic | XMBEZ | CHAR |
429 | VVXMCORRGROUP | Correspondence group name | XMBEZ | CHAR |
430 | VVXME | Rental unit address | XLBEZ | CHAR |
431 | VVXMEDIEN | Media reception (text) | CHAR15 | CHAR |
432 | VVXMERKMA | Characteristic | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
433 | VVXMETXT | Text for rental unit | XMBEZ | CHAR |
434 | VVXMETXT2 | Text for rental unit | XMBEZ | CHAR |
435 | VVXMETXTK | Rental unit short text | CHAR20 | CHAR |
436 | VVXMID | Main tenant address | XLBEZ | CHAR |
437 | VVXMIETR | Tenancy law | XTEXT30 | CHAR |
438 | VVXMIETSP | Representative list of rents: allocation | CHAR15 | CHAR |
439 | VVXMODI | Modifications general heading | CHAR01 | CHAR |
440 | VVXMSPAOSCM | Basis of relative surcharge for rent adjustment | CHAR004 | CHAR |
441 | VVXMSTMA | Status Long Text for a Lease-Out Offer | XMBEZ | CHAR |
442 | VVXMTBER | Word processing MTEXT area | CHAR04 | CHAR |
443 | VVXMTBTDIR | Index for M/Text batch files | VVXMTDIR | CHAR |
444 | VVXMTCMD | UNIX command in order to carry out M/Text (inc. path) | VVXCMD | CHAR |
445 | VVXMTDSC | MText word processing: Member description line | CHAR50 | CHAR |
446 | VVXMTGRP | Word processing MText group | CHAR04 | CHAR |
447 | VVXMTHOST | Name of PC which is used for M/Text | VVXHOST | CHAR |
448 | VVXMTHOSTK | M/TEXT-Host (short name) | VVXMTHOSTK | CHAR |
449 | VVXMTMEM | M/Text member name | VVXMTMEM | CHAR |
450 | VVXMTMEMB | M/TEXT-member | CHAR30 | CHAR |
451 | VVXMTOLDIR | Directory for M/Text files for online processing | VVXMTDIR | CHAR |
452 | VVXMTVARB | M/Text online or batch processing | VVXMTVARB | CHAR |
453 | VVXMVANART | Lease-Out Secondary Adjustment Type | XKBEZ | CHAR |
454 | VVXMVANPPR | Lease-out primary adjustment type | CHAR15 | CHAR |
455 | VVXMVART | Lease out: Type | CHAR15 | CHAR |
456 | VVXMVARTINTK | Real Estate contract: object/contract reference (short text) | VVXMVARTINTK | CHAR |
457 | VVXMVARTINTL | Real Estate contract: object/contract reference (long text) | VVXMVARTINTL | CHAR |
458 | VVXMVINDSE | Industry of master tenant | TEXT20 | CHAR |
459 | VVXMVKUEAR | Notice Type of Lease-Out | TEXT20 | CHAR |
460 | VVXNAME1 | Name of master tenant | NAME | CHAR |
461 | VVXNAME1MC | IS-IS: Name 1 in upper case characters for matchcode search | CHAR16 | CHAR |
462 | VVXNAT_INT | IPD: Ownership structure | XLBEZ | CHAR |
463 | VVXNEXTCB | Next check button | CHAR01 | CHAR |
464 | VVXNOMST | Short text about unit number/nominal | CHAR | |
465 | VVXNOMZ | Nominal interest rate | CHAR01 | CHAR |
466 | VVXNOTPL | No automatic creation of functional location allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
467 | VVXNRA1 | Section 1, number of entry | VVXNRGB | CHAR |
468 | VVXNRA2 | Section 2, number of entry | VVXNRGB | CHAR |
469 | VVXNRA2A | No. of change in section II | VVXNRGB | CHAR |
470 | VVXNRA3 | Section 3, number of entry | VVXNRGB | CHAR |
471 | VVXNRARA | No of change in sect. III | VVXNRGB | CHAR |
472 | VVXNRBSTD | Number in property list | VVXNRGB | CHAR |
473 | VVXNRBV | BV-Nummer | VVXNRBV | CHAR |
474 | VVXNUNR | Rental unit usage type (text) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
475 | VVXNUTZUNGSART | Nutzungsart Langtext | TEXT35 | CHAR |
476 | VVXOBJADR | Object address | CHAR50 | CHAR |
477 | VVXOBJART | Type of real estate object | XTEXT10 | CHAR |
478 | VVXOBJHON2 | Text on object type which a fee type can be valid for | TEXT40 | CHAR |
479 | VVXOBJHONO | Text on object type which a fee type can be valid for | TEXT40 | CHAR |
480 | VVXOBJLAGE | Location: district | CHAR15 | CHAR |
481 | VVXOBJTEXT | Text for Real Estate object | CHAR61 | CHAR |
482 | VVXOBJTXT | Text for Real Estate object | XMBEZ | CHAR |
483 | VVXOBJTYPE | Text of Object Type for Real Estate | TEXT15 | CHAR |
484 | VVXOFFICE_LO | IPD: Region (only for usage type office > 50%) | XLBEZ | CHAR |
485 | VVXOFFICE_TY | IPD: Office type | XLBEZ | CHAR |
486 | VVXORDF | File information general heading | CHAR01 | CHAR |
487 | VVXORDLF | File list general heading | CHAR01 | CHAR |
488 | VVXORF | File/register information general heading | CHAR01 | CHAR |
489 | VVXORT | Address: City | TEXT35 | CHAR |
490 | VVXORT01MC | IS-IS: City 1 in upper case characters for matchcode search | CHAR16 | CHAR |
491 | VVXPAADR | Partner/address string | CHAR60 | CHAR |
492 | VVXPARTADR | Main tenant address | CHAR45 | CHAR |
493 | VVXPARTID | IS-IS: Partner identification | CHAR15 | CHAR |
494 | VVXPARTNR | Master tenant: name | CHAR35 | CHAR |
495 | VVXPARTNRA | Alternative payer: name | CHAR35 | CHAR |
496 | VVXPARTNRB | Name of applicant for a rental unit | CHAR35 | CHAR |
497 | VVXPARTNRG | Land register: name | CHAR35 | CHAR |
498 | VVXPASSWD | M/Text password | VVXPASSWD | CHAR |
499 | VVXPATHDEB | Name of file path for customer change data (BI or CT) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
500 | VVXPBBTC | Push button - Batch execution | CHAR01 | CHAR |