SAP ABAP Data Element - Index V, page 15
Data Element - V
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | VVJSRCH | Final settlement indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
2 | VVJSTAND | Copy tables which belong in the standard system ? | XFELD | CHAR |
3 | VVJSTAT | Identification for statistical information | JANE | CHAR |
4 | VVJSTEUER | Indicator: Tax entry | VVJSTEUER | CHAR |
5 | VVJSTICH | Key date for manual posting | JANE | CHAR |
6 | VVJSTMVA | Dummy parameter for parameter docu. on offer status | XFELD | CHAR |
7 | VVJSTOCK | Premium reserve fund-relevant indicator | JANEI | CHAR |
8 | VVJSTORNO | Reversal indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
9 | VVJSUMACT | Indicator: Total for feature class up-to-date ? | XFELD | CHAR |
10 | VVJTABLDIRECT | Enter data in VIAK11 table. Do not read-in D-record | XFELD | CHAR |
11 | VVJTEST | test run | XFELD | CHAR |
12 | VVJTSOFVER | Immediate Repayment Settlement | JFLAGG | CHAR |
13 | VVJTTLMV | Indicator: Total debits and credits for a rental agrmt etc. | XFELD | CHAR |
14 | VVJUEBERAE | Predistribution settlement unit indicator | JANE | CHAR |
15 | VVJUMB | Indicator: Real Estate invoice amount has been transferred | JANE | CHAR |
16 | VVJUMBUCH | Indicator whether advance payments transferred | JANE | CHAR |
17 | VVJUMLKOAR | Ind. that apportionment unit is determined via cond. types | JANE | CHAR |
18 | VVJUNUTZA | Indicator: Predominant usage type ' '-ANLKL, 'X'-TIV36 | JANE | CHAR |
19 | VVJUPDOS | Indicator: Overwrite existing option rates | XFELD | CHAR |
20 | VVJUPDSUM | Dummy: Is no longer used (3.0) | XFELD | CHAR |
21 | VVJUSRVALUE | New condition amount determined by user | XFELD | CHAR |
22 | VVJUSURY | Take account of excess rent limit? | XFELD | CHAR |
23 | VVJVERK | Sales restriction | JANEI | CHAR |
24 | VVJVERK6B | Sale in acc. with tax credit method | CHAR1 | CHAR |
25 | VVJVERK6BU | Transfer of securities in acc. with §6b | CHAR1 | CHAR |
26 | VVJVERTEIL | Distribution assignment permitted | XFELD | CHAR |
27 | VVJVGLEFFZ | Effective int.-relevant comparative effective int. | KENZX | CHAR |
28 | VVJVGLVALUE | New condition amount acc. to comparative group | XFELD | CHAR |
29 | VVJVIAK07 | Indicator: Delete option rates for AU from legacy data trfr | XFELD | CHAR |
30 | VVJVIBEOS | Indicator: Delete opt.rates in corr. from legacy data trfr | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | VVJVIOB05 | Indicator: Delete opt.recs for building from old data trnsfr | XFELD | CHAR |
32 | VVJVIOB06 | Indicator: Delete opt.rates for prop. from legacy data trfr | XFELD | CHAR |
33 | VVJVIOB07 | Indicator: Delete option rates for BE from old data trfr | XFELD | CHAR |
34 | VVJVIRECH | Indicator: Delete line items in corr. from old data trnsfr | XFELD | CHAR |
35 | VVJVOLLAB | Full transfer indicator | JANE | CHAR |
36 | VVJVORAUS | ID for planned record reference to an advance payment | KENZX | CHAR |
37 | VVJVORHAND | ' ': SBEWZITI never available; not blank: SBEWZITI must be | CHAR1 | CHAR |
38 | VVJVORSCH | Default calculation form when created | XFELD | CHAR |
39 | VVJVSOFVER | Immediate repayment settlement | JFLAGG | CHAR |
40 | VVJVSOP | Dummy: Is no longer used (3.0) | JANEI | CHAR |
41 | VVJVSTBE | Input tax adjustment selection indicator | JANE | CHAR |
42 | VVJVSTBEST | Allocation number management indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
43 | VVJVSTBR | Input tax revision selection indicator | JANE | CHAR |
44 | VVJVSTKO | Input tax correction selection indicator | JANE | CHAR |
45 | VVJVSTOPT | Input tax opting (indicator) | JANE | CHAR |
46 | VVJVVNIMP | Indicator: Initialize option rate transfer table | XFELD | CHAR |
47 | VVJVWHEIZT | Heating expense settlement: Usage of heating value days | JANE | CHAR |
48 | VVJVWKST | Indicator: Costs for property manager (not owner) | JANE | CHAR |
49 | VVJVZ | Indicator: Fee type is advance payment | XFELD | CHAR |
50 | VVJVZOFFEN | Take account of unpaid advance payments? | XFELD | CHAR |
51 | VVJVZZGB | Ind. for adv.pmnt adjustment to take account of pmnts made | JANE | CHAR |
52 | VVJWBEVAL01 | Adjustment based on CEA for public authority-supp.accomm. | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | VVJWBEVAL02 | Adjustment based on CEA for other apartments/offices | XFELD | CHAR |
54 | VVJWBNLHD | Indicator: Dutch apartment val., line with feature category | XFELD | CHAR |
55 | VVJWBNLMML | Indicator: Dutch apartment val., line with feature/points | XFELD | CHAR |
56 | VVJWBNLRA | Indcator: Apartment valuation NL, line with room type | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | VVJWBNLSUM | Indicator: Dutch apartment val., line with total of points | XFELD | CHAR |
58 | VVJWDVOR | Send resubmission | XFELD | CHAR |
59 | VVJWEIM | Resale to reserve carrier permitted | JANEI | CHAR |
60 | VVJWENR | Planning for business entities | XFELD | CHAR |
61 | VVJWERT | Fixtures + fittings feature allows point data in object? | XFELD | CHAR |
62 | VVJWTEIG | Resid./Part Ownership | JANEI | CHAR |
63 | VVJZBNKP | Central bank data maintenance indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
64 | VVJZEND | Possible to reset the meter | JANE | CHAR |
65 | VVJZIABBA | Interest-based accruals/deferrals indicator | JANEI | CHAR |
66 | VVJZINFO | Indicator additional information available | XFELD | CHAR |
67 | VVJZUF | Equal loan distribution button | KENZX | CHAR |
68 | VVJZUONR | Indicator: Allocation at start yes/no | JANE | CHAR |
69 | VVJZUSCH | Indicator: Create surcharge from rent adjustment | JANE | CHAR |
70 | VVJZUSINF | More info.about object in addition to no. of points? | XFELD | CHAR |
71 | VVJZUSTPFL | Select contracts subject to approval ? | XFELD | CHAR |
72 | VVJZWJAHR | Payment form refers to effective from date of condition | XFELD | CHAR |
73 | VVJ_ALL_CHANGED_RC_COND | Indicator: Change LO conds also in rent adjustment letter | XFELD | CHAR |
74 | VVJ_AOAUFW | Indicator for BAV-relevant extraordinary expenses | KENZX | CHAR |
75 | VVJ_ERL | Indicator for BAV-relevant revenues | KENZX | CHAR |
76 | VVJ_KOST | Indicator for BAV-relevant costs | KENZX | CHAR |
77 | VVJ_NKSIM | Indicator: Simulate service charges settlement | XFELD | CHAR |
78 | VVJ_OBART_HIE | Object type(s) for hierarchy structure | J_OBART | CHAR |
79 | VVJ_OBART_SEL | Object(s) for data selection | J_OBART | CHAR |
80 | VVJ_OBJNR | Obj. number for posting remaining amount for master SU | J_OBJNR | CHAR |
81 | VVJ_OBJNR2 | Object no: Real Estate extended object number (partner) | VVJ_OBJNR2 | CHAR |
82 | VVJ_OBJNRX | Object no: Real estate extended object number reporting | VVJ_OBJNRX | CHAR |
83 | VVJ_OBJNRX_CONTRACT | Extended Object Number Lease-In | VVJ_OBJNRX | CHAR |
84 | VVJ_OBJNRX_OBJECT | Extended object number real estate object | VVJ_OBJNRX | CHAR |
85 | VVKAAFA_A | Cumulative unplanned depreciation (display currency) | ANLKWERT | CURR |
86 | VVKABSCHTX | Price markdown | C5KLEIN | CHAR |
87 | VVKAPTOW | CEA: Repayment outside capital amount publicly subsid.accom. | WRTV7 | CURR |
88 | VVKAPTP | CEA: Repayment % outside capital | DEC3_2 | DEC |
89 | VVKAPTSW | CEA: Repayment outside capital amount other accommodation | WRTV7 | CURR |
90 | VVKAPZOW | CEA: Interest outside capital amount publicly subsid.accomm | WRTV7 | CURR |
91 | VVKAPZP | CEA: Interest % outside capital | DEC3_2 | DEC |
92 | VVKAPZSW | CEA: Interest outside capital amount other accommodation | WRTV7 | CURR |
93 | VVKART1 | Debit acct acct type | KOART | CHAR |
94 | VVKARTENART | Kartenart | CHAR04 | CHAR |
95 | VVKARTENNUMMER | Kartennummer | CHAR12 | CHAR |
96 | VVKATADR | Veränderungsnachweis: Katasteramt Adresse | TEXT80 | CHAR |
97 | VVKBAWH_OS | Exercise price currency to local currency exchange rate | KURSF | DEC |
98 | VVKBEMPR | Issue price independent of currency | VVKWKURS | DEC |
99 | VVKBEWH_OS | Reference unit currency to local currency exchange rate | KURSF | DEC |
100 | VVKBKOND | Condition amount independent of currency | VVKWKURS | DEC |
101 | VVKBKONDBI | Condition amount independent of currency | CHAR15 | CHAR |
102 | VVKBKON_BI | Condition amount independent of currency | CHAR18 | CHAR |
103 | VVKBPWH_OS | Exercise price currency to local currency exchange rate | KURSF | DEC |
104 | VVKEJAHR | Year of receipt of notice | GJAHR | NUMC |
105 | VVKEMONAT | Month by which notice received | NUMC2 | NUMC |
106 | VVKEMWH_OS | Issue currency to local currency exchange rate | KURSF | DEC |
107 | VVKENNZ | Kennzeichen für Meldewesen | MELDKZ | CHAR |
108 | VVKENNZEICHEN | Kennzeichen interne Nutzung (I) / int. Entwicklungsplan.(P) | VVKENNZEICHEN | CHAR |
109 | VVKENNZEICHEN_AM | Kennzeichen A=Anlagenstammsatz / F=Anl-Werte aus Fremdsystem | CHAR01 | CHAR |
110 | VVKENNZS | Kennzeichen Versicherungssparte DÜVA | VVKENNZS | CHAR |
111 | VVKENNZV | Vermögensart - Meldewesen Österreich | VVKENNZV | CHAR |
112 | VVKENNZW | Kennzeichen für Wertpapier-Kennummer | VVKENNZW | CHAR |
113 | VVKERLGANZ | Rev.acct for adv.pmnts made for tenant service charge sett. | SAKNR | CHAR |
114 | VVKERLNAV | rev.acct for serv.charges sett. | SAKNR | CHAR |
115 | VVKERLNET | Net rev.acct for cust. posting in service charges settlement | SAKNR | CHAR |
116 | VVKEY | DARWIN universal key (no client) | VVKEYBAV | CHAR |
117 | VVKEY10 | Key field for deadline monitoring (10 characters) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
118 | VVKEY13 | Key field for deadline monitoring (13 characters) | CHAR13 | CHAR |
119 | VVKEYDATE | Key date | VVKEYDATE | DATS |
120 | VVKEYDATEOI | Key date for the data selection | VVKEYDATE | DATS |
121 | VVKEYOBJ | Internal key for object | VVKEY | CHAR |
122 | VVKFEINS | Unit: area | CHAR5 | CHAR |
123 | VVKHERKX | Price source | RFCCHAR8 | CHAR |
124 | VVKHHOCH | Historical high price for percentage-quoted securities | DEC3_7 | DEC |
125 | VVKHTIEF | Historical low price for percentage-quoted securities | DEC3_7 | DEC |
126 | VVKIDWH_OS | Index marker currency to local currency exchange rate | KURSF | DEC |
127 | VVKJHOCH | Yearly high price for percentage-quoted securities | DEC3_7 | DEC |
128 | VVKJTIEF | Yearly low price for percentage-quoted securities | DEC3_7 | DEC |
129 | VVKLAKTZEI | Complaint reference code | CHAR20 | CHAR |
130 | VVKLASS | Classification | SWPKLASS | NUMC |
131 | VVKLDATUBI | Date of complaint | CHAR10 | CHAR |
132 | VVKLDATUM | Date of complaint | DATUM | DATS |
133 | VVKLDATUM_DI | Date of complaint | CHAR10 | CHAR |
134 | VVKLEN | Unit: length | CHAR5 | CHAR |
135 | VVKNZMZ | Treasury: Only take limit value into account for overpmnts | XFELD | CHAR |
136 | VVKOABIS | Cost elements ..upto | KSTAR | CHAR |
137 | VVKOAVON | Cost elements from... | KSTAR | CHAR |
138 | VVKOBLBEG | Tenant acct sheet: Start date for cleared items | DDAT | DATS |
139 | VVKOBLEND | Tenant acct sheet: End date for open/cleared items | DDAT | DATS |
140 | VVKOGRP | Account group | VVKOGRP | CHAR |
141 | VVKOGRPBEZ | Name of account group | TEXT40 | CHAR |
142 | VVKOMMTR | Internal comment | TEXT50 | CHAR |
143 | VVKONDPJ | Conditions on lease-out effective per year (display) | JFLAGG | CHAR |
144 | VVKONDSEL | Copy Conditions Selectively | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | VVKONTO1 | POR incoming account Swiss post office/bank (in object CoCd) | SAKNR | CHAR |
146 | VVKONTO2 | POR clearing account Swiss post office/bank (in object CoCd) | SAKNR | CHAR |
147 | VVKONTO3 | Commitments to object company code (Management company code) | SAKNR | CHAR |
148 | VVKONTO4 | POR clearing account (in manager company code) | SAKNR | CHAR |
149 | VVKONTO5 | Commitments to object company code from COCD_GKT | SAKNR | CHAR |
150 | VVKONTO6 | POR clearing account / Pool account | SAKNR | CHAR |
151 | VVKONTXT | Context | CHAR10 | CHAR |
152 | VVKOPBENU | Copy User Fields | XFELD | CHAR |
153 | VVKOPDP | Copy partner | XFELD | CHAR |
154 | VVKOPF_BER | Text module output in header | XFELD | CHAR |
155 | VVKOPGRP | Copy encumbrances | XFELD | CHAR |
156 | VVKOPKOND | Copy conditions | XFELD | CHAR |
157 | VVKOPOBJ | Copy objects | XFELD | CHAR |
158 | VVKOPOVORBEL | Indicator for Default Setting of Conditions from Customizing | JANEI | CHAR |
159 | VVKOPSIC | Copy Collateral | XFELD | CHAR |
160 | VVKOR | From sales organization | VKORG | CHAR |
161 | VVKORRBER | Correspondence application | KORRBER | NUMC |
162 | VVKOSTKTO | Cost account for incidental expense account settlement | KSTAR | CHAR |
163 | VVKOSTL | Cost center for own usage | KOSTL | CHAR |
164 | VVKOSTLEER | Cost center for vacancy | KOSTL | CHAR |
165 | VVKPBLART | Default document type for account maintenance | BLART | CHAR |
166 | VVKREF_OS | Reference price for warrants for currency | UKURS | DEC |
167 | VVKREINS | Unit: room content | CHAR5 | CHAR |
168 | VVKREIS | Kreis Langtext | TEXT40 | CHAR |
169 | VVKRSDAT | Rate date (exchange rate) | DATUM | DATS |
170 | VVKRUNE | Rounding difference, neutral P+L acct | SAKNR | CHAR |
171 | VVKRUNK | Rounding differences from service charge settlement | SAKNR | CHAR |
172 | VVKSAFA_A | Cumulative special depreciation (display currency) | ANLKWERT | CURR |
173 | VVKSTAR_PR | Revenue element for advance payments with RE ref. | KSTAR | CHAR |
174 | VVKSTATU | Indicator status adjustment portfolio | JANEI | CHAR |
175 | VVKTXELEM | Header text element | BIG30 | CHAR |
176 | VVKTXT | Short text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
177 | VVKUEDMM | Month of notice | NUMC2 | NUMC |
178 | VVKUEDTT | Day of Notice | NUMC2 | NUMC |
179 | VVKUEDYY | Year of notice | GJAHR | NUMC |
180 | VVKUEFR | Management contract notice period | SKUEFR | NUMC |
181 | VVKUENDKVT | Notice, correspondence activity | KORRVORF | NUMC |
182 | VVKUNNRVW | Customer no. in company code of management contract | KUNNR | CHAR |
183 | VVKUNNR_BI | Customer number | KUNNR | CHAR |
184 | VVKUPRTCTRL | Print parameter for notice | VVPRTCTRL | CHAR |
185 | VVKURS1 | Exchange rate into settlement currency | KURSF | DEC |
186 | VVKURS2 | Exchange rate from settlement currency into local currency | KURSF | DEC |
187 | VVKURSABS | Price of a unit-quoted security in quotation currency | VVPKTKUR | DEC |
188 | VVKURSAUSW | Price type for evaluations | VVSKURSART | CHAR |
189 | VVKURSF | Exchange rate | KURSF | DEC |
190 | VVKURSFW | Foreign currency exchange rate | KURSF | DEC |
191 | VVKURSF_BI | Exchange rate | CHAR9 | CHAR |
192 | VVKURSHW | Local currency exchange rate | KURSF | DEC |
193 | VVKURSPROZ | Price of percentage-quoted security in percent | VVPKTKUR | DEC |
194 | VVKURZTEXT | Beschreibung Gleichrangrahmen/Mithaftung Abt. III Grundbuch | TEXT80 | CHAR |
195 | VVKWAERS | Unit: currency | CHAR5 | CHAR |
196 | VVKWKURS | Security price | VVKWKURS | DEC |
197 | VVKZ | Processing ID | CHAR1 | CHAR |
198 | VVKZBF | BAV/tax office indicator | VVKZBF | CHAR |
199 | VVKZEIGGKT | Cash account control for owner | VVKZEIGGKT | CHAR |
200 | VVKZESR | Activation of POR functions | JANE | CHAR |
201 | VVKZHBKID | Activate account determination | JANE | CHAR |
202 | VVKZHDN | Main borrower indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
203 | VVKZLSCHG | Payment Method for Credit Memos After Lease-Out Ended | ZLSCH | CHAR |
204 | VVKZLSCHL | Payment method for debit memos after lease-out ended | ZLSCH | CHAR |
205 | VVKZMWST | Activate VAT functions | JANE | CHAR |
206 | VVKZVALID | Kennzeichen Grundbuchabschreibung/-zuschreibung | VVKZVALID | CHAR |
207 | VVLAB | Valuated, unrestricted-use stock in period before last | MENG13 | QUAN |
208 | VVLAND1RCP | Country key for recipient of a letter | LAND1 | CHAR |
209 | VVLAND_CORRFEATURE | Country ISO code | LAND1 | CHAR |
210 | VVLAUFZ | Management contract term | NUMC4 | NUMC |
211 | VVLAUFZEIT_ERB | Laufzeit der Erbbaurechts in Jahren | VVLAUFZEIT_ERB | NUMC |
212 | VVLAUFZEIT_ERB_BI | Laufzeit der Erbpacht | CHAR3 | CHAR |
213 | VVLBEZ | Long description for asset type acc. to R96 appendix 11 | CHAR60 | CHAR |
214 | VVLEERGD | Vacancy reason | VVLEERGD | NUMC |
215 | VVLEERPROZ | Vacancy percentage rate, borne by landlord | DEC3_2 | DEC |
216 | VVLEINS | Unit of length | MEINS | UNIT |
217 | VVLEINS_BI | Unit of Length | CHAR3 | CHAR |
218 | VVLEN | Unit of length | MEINS | UNIT |
219 | VVLENBI | Unit of Length | CHAR3 | CHAR |
220 | VVLEN_DEF | Pre-setting for units of length | MEINS | UNIT |
221 | VVLFD | Sequence Number | CHAR2 | CHAR |
222 | VVLFDNR | Table entry sequential number | LFDNR | CHAR |
223 | VVLFDNR2 | Laufende Nummer | NUMC2 | NUMC |
224 | VVLFDNR4 | Laufende Nummer | NUMC4 | NUMC |
225 | VVLFDNR4_BI | Laufende Nummer | CHAR4 | CHAR |
226 | VVLFDNR5 | Laufende Nummer | NUMC4 | NUMC |
227 | VVLFNR | Sequence number | NUM3 | NUMC |
228 | VVLFNRK | Periods of notice sequence number | LFNR3 | NUMC |
229 | VVLFNRR | Instalment payment sequence no. | LFNR3 | NUMC |
230 | VVLFNRU | Sequence number for sales amount and percentage | LFNR3 | NUMC |
231 | VVLFNRU_BI | Sequence number for sales amount and percentage | CHAR3 | CHAR |
232 | VVLFPAR | General parameters for logical field | CHAR04 | CHAR |
233 | VVLGEMARK | Explanation of sub-district | VVLGEMARK | CHAR |
234 | VVLGEXMPL | Market data: Location data of object class | TEXT15 | CHAR |
235 | VVLIALAGE | Reduced Rate | DEC03_2 | DEC |
236 | VVLIAREA | Area added/removed | VVLIAREA | QUAN |
237 | VVLIAREA_BI | Area added/removed | CHAR16 | CHAR |
238 | VVLICACCON | Down payment | WRTV7 | CURR |
239 | VVLICALCOM | County rate | DEC03_2 | DEC |
240 | VVLICALCOS | County rate for not rented | DEC03_2 | DEC |
241 | VVLICARROT | Rounding | WRTV7 | CURR |
242 | VVLICAUPER | Raising percentage | DEC03_2 | DEC |
243 | VVLICBASIM | Taxable amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
244 | VVLICBASVL | Basic value | WRTV7 | CURR |
245 | VVLICBLCMM | Period in months after that county rate is reduced | NUMC03 | NUMC |
246 | VVLICCCNRO | C/C number | CHAR010 | CHAR |
247 | VVLICCOEFF | Annual coefficient for D-Building | DEC03_2 | DEC |
248 | VVLICCOFCA | Category coefficient | DEC03_2 | DEC |
249 | VVLICCOFRE | Regional Coefficient | DEC03_2 | DEC |
250 | VVLICCOFRI | Revaluation Coefficient | DEC3_2 | DEC |
251 | VVLICCORUS | Use grouping code | VVLIC2 | CHAR |
252 | VVLICCOSIM | Annual Asset incrementative cost | WRTV7 | CURR |
253 | VVLICDECAT | Category description | CHAR50LOW | CHAR |
254 | VVLICDECLA | Class description | CHAR50LOW | CHAR |
255 | VVLICDEPRI | First instalment detractions | WRTV7 | CURR |
256 | VVLICDERUS | Use group description | CHAR50LOW | CHAR |
257 | VVLICDESEC | Second instalment detractions | WRTV7 | CURR |
258 | VVLICDTFIN | End period date | DATS | DATS |
259 | VVLICDTPRI | First payment deadline | DATS | DATS |
260 | VVLICDTSEC | Second payment deadline | DATS | DATS |
261 | VVLICDTVAL | Validity date | DATS | DATS |
262 | VVLICESATT | Name of the ICI collector | DDTEXT | CHAR |
263 | VVLICFLPRI | Flag 1st instalment payment | XFELD | CHAR |
264 | VVLICGRCAT | Cadastral group | VVLIC2 | CHAR |
265 | VVLICICMIN | Minimum ICI | WRTV7 | CURR |
266 | VVLICICVAL | ICI value | WRTV7 | CURR |
267 | VVLICIDCAT | Category ID | VVLIC4 | CHAR |
268 | VVLICIDCLA | Class ID | VVLIC2 | CHAR |
269 | VVLICMEESC | Months of exclusion | NUMC02 | NUMC |
270 | VVLICMEPOS | Months of ownership | NUMC02 | NUMC |
271 | VVLICORT01 | Ort | VVLICORT01 | CHAR |
272 | VVLICPEDET | Detraction percentage | DEC03_2 | DEC |
273 | VVLICPEPOS | Percentage of ownership | DEC03_2 | DEC |
274 | VVLICQUPRI | First instalment share | DEC03_2 | DEC |
275 | VVLICREDOM | Domain revenue | WRTV7 | CURR |
276 | VVLICRENBA | Basic Cadastral revenue | WRTV7 | CURR |
277 | VVLICRENCA | Cadastral revenue | WRTV7 | CURR |
278 | VVLICSALDO | Balance | WRTV7 | CURR |
279 | VVLICTPCAL | Calculation type | VVLICTPCAL | CHAR |
280 | VVLICVAIMM | D-Building value | WRTV7 | CURR |
281 | VVLICVALIM | Asset value of the year | WRTV7 | CURR |
282 | VVLICVAVEN | Selling value for building areas | WRTV7 | CURR |
283 | VVLICVEDET | Possible detraction value | WRTV7 | CURR |
284 | VVLICVLPRI | First instalment value | WRTV7 | CURR |
285 | VVLICVLSEC | Second instalments value | WRTV7 | CURR |
286 | VVLICZOCEN | Census Area | VVLIC2 | CHAR |
287 | VVLIDATE | Acquisition/Retirement Date | DATE | DATS |
288 | VVLIDATE_BI | Acquisition/Retirement Date | CHAR10 | CHAR |
289 | VVLIDIREC | Transfer/retirement | VVLIDIR | CHAR |
290 | VVLIFNRVW | Vendor no. of manager in object company code | LIFNR | CHAR |
291 | VVLIFTBIS | Elevator to Floor in Building | VVSSTOCKW | NUMC |
292 | VVLIFTBISBI | Elevator to floor in building | CHAR3 | CHAR |
293 | VVLILFDNR | Sequence number | NUMC5 | NUMC |
294 | VVLILFDNR_BI | Sequence number | CHAR5 | CHAR |
295 | VVLINE | First line on the list screen | VVILINE | INT4 |
296 | VVLINE1 | Line number | INT1 | INT1 |
297 | VVLINEMAX | Max. no. of lines in display table | VVILINE | INT4 |
298 | VVLINES_BUKRS | Address line of company code | LINES | CHAR |
299 | VVLINOTE | Memo | TEXT100 | CHAR |
300 | VVLIRABBAT | Reduction percentage | DEC03_2 | DEC |
301 | VVLIRBAARR | Furniture taxable amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
302 | VVLIRBACAN | Rental taxable amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
303 | VVLIRBAGAR | Guarantor taxable amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
304 | VVLIRBAIMP | Taxable amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
305 | VVLIRCDTRI | tax code | VVLIRCDTRI | CHAR |
306 | VVLIRCDUFF | Tax office code | VVLIRCDUFF | CHAR |
307 | VVLIRDEIRE | IRE description | CHAR50LOW | CHAR |
308 | VVLIRDESPO | Accounting position description | CHAR50LOW | CHAR |
309 | VVLIRDETRI | Descrizione tributo | VVLIDETRI | CHAR |
310 | VVLIRDTFAT | Billing date | DDAT | DATS |
313 | VVLIRDTREG | Registration date | DDAT | DATS |
314 | VVLIRFARAT | Accounting accruals: Start/End aggreement | VVLIRFARAT | CHAR |
315 | VVLIRFLABB | Reduction flag | XFELD | CHAR |
316 | VVLIRFLCON | Flag accounted | XFELD | CHAR |
317 | VVLIRFLIVA | Flag Vlue Added Tax | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | VVLIRFLREC | Flag Payback | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | VVLIRFLRIS | Flag advance resolution | XFELD | CHAR |
320 | VVLIRGICON | Days since agreement | NUMC03 | NUMC |
321 | VVLIRIDIRE | Calculation type | VVLIC2 | CHAR |
322 | VVLIRIRMIN | Minimum IRE | WRTV7 | CURR |
323 | VVLIRIRRIS | Advance resolution IRE | WRTV7 | CURR |
324 | VVLIRIRVAL | IRE value | WRTV7 | CURR |
325 | VVLIRMIARR | Minimum for furnitures | WRTV7 | CURR |
326 | VVLIRMICAN | Minimum for annual rent | WRTV7 | CURR |
328 | VVLIRNRRAT | Number of adding accruals | NUMC01 | NUMC |
329 | VVLIRNRREG | Registration number | CHAR13 | CHAR |
330 | VVLIRPEIAR | IRE% for Furniture | DEC03_2 | DEC |
331 | VVLIRPEICA | IRE% for bail | DEC03_2 | DEC |
332 | VVLIRPEIGA | IRE% for guarantor | DEC03_2 | DEC |
333 | VVLIRPEIRE | IRE Percentage | DEC03_2 | DEC |
334 | VVLIRPFATT | Accounting frequency | VVLIRPFATT | CHAR |
335 | VVLIRRECIM | IRE payback | WRTV7 | CURR |
336 | VVLIRRECPE | Payback percentage | DEC03_2 | DEC |
337 | VVLIRRECPE_OBSOLET | field is obsolet (Payback percentage now in table TIVLIRCO) | DEC03_2 | DEC |
338 | VVLIRSERIE | Series | VVLIC2 | CHAR |
339 | VVLIRSPREC | Expenses payback | WRTV7 | CURR |
340 | VVLIRTPANNO | Type of year | VVLIRTPANN0 | CHAR |
341 | VVLIRTPANNX | Type of year handled as intermediate year | XFELD | CHAR |
342 | VVLIRVLARR | Furniture value | WRTV7 | CURR |
343 | VVLIRVLCAN | Rental | WRTV7 | CURR |
344 | VVLIRVLCAU | Bail value | WRTV7 | CURR |
345 | VVLIRVLGAR | Guarantor monthly val. | WRTV7 | CURR |
346 | VVLIRVLUFF | Register office IRE value | WRTV7 | CURR |
347 | VVLISTART | Type of list | LISTART | CHAR |
348 | VVLIUFFREG | Register Office | VVLIRUFFREG | CHAR |
349 | VVLIVEVAL | Evaluation of fixt. and fitting charact. for living quality | DECV3_2 | DEC |
350 | VVLOEDAT | Deletion date for edited records in MZDAT | DATUM | DATS |
351 | VVLSCNFLAREA | Flurstücksfläche am Vertrag | VVBFLART | QUAN |
352 | VVLTTRDATE | Date of the letter which this appendix belongs to | DDAT | DATS |
353 | VVLTYP | BAV list category | VVLTYP | NUMC |
354 | VVLVSIGN | Residential value sign for fixt./fitt.charact. of RUs | VVLVSIGN | CHAR |
355 | VVLZLSCH | Payment method for debit memos | ZLSCH | CHAR |
356 | VVMABER | Dunning: area | MABER | CHAR |
357 | VVMAHADR | Address type for dunning notices | ADRTYP | CHAR |
358 | VVMAHNS | Dunning: level | MAHNS | NUMC |
359 | VVMANOPT | Option Rate to Be Entered Manually | POPTSATZ | DEC |
360 | VVMANPKVT | Rent adjustment, correspondence activity | KORRVORF | NUMC |
361 | VVMANPVERZ_BI | Adjustment delay in months | CHAR2 | CHAR |
362 | VVMANSP | Dunning: Blocking reason | MANSP | CHAR |
363 | VVMAXBETR | Subsidy/grant maximum amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
364 | VVMAXBE_BI | Subsidy/grant maximum amount | CHAR13 | CHAR |
365 | VVMAXCOST | Maximum costs value for service charge settlement | WERT7 | CURR |
366 | VVMAXCOST1 | Maximum costs value per service charge key for SCS | WERT7 | CURR |
367 | VVMAXCOST2 | Maximum costs value per condition type for SCS | WERT7 | CURR |
368 | VVMAXMIET | Maximum rent for sales-based lease-outs | WRTV7 | CURR |
369 | VVMAXVALFE | Maximum allowed condition amount per area unit | WRTV7 | CURR |
370 | VVMAXVALGS | Total maximum allowed condition amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
371 | VVMEOPT | Rental unit opted for input tax | XFELD | CHAR |
372 | VVMFACH | Rent table field | CHAR10 | CHAR |
373 | VVMGJ | Fiscal year of period before last | GJAHR | NUMC |
374 | VVMIDAT | Date of Last Correction Run in Classic RE | DATUM | DATS |
375 | VVMIGRA | Preparatory Run for Data Migration to RE-FX | XFLAG | CHAR |
376 | VVMINABT | Minimum assignment amount | BWHR | CURR |
377 | VVMINAU_OS | Minimum exercise | WERTV7 | CURR |
378 | VVMINBETR | Minimum rent per sales grading | WRTV7 | CURR |
379 | VVMINBETR_BI | Minimum rent per sales grading | CHAR13 | CHAR |
380 | VVMINMIET | Minimum rent for sales-based rental agrmnts | WRTV7 | CURR |
381 | VVMITEIG | Miteigentum | CHAR29 | CHAR |
382 | VVMITEIGTN | Miteigentum Nenner | VVBEIGTN | DEC |
383 | VVMITEIGTN_BI | RE: Miteigentum Nenner | CHAR6 | CHAR |
384 | VVMITEIGTZ | Miteigentum Zähler | VVBEIGTZ | DEC |
385 | VVMITEIGTZ_BI | RE: Miteigentum Zähler | CHAR6 | CHAR |
386 | VVMITHAFT | Mithaftungs-/Gleichrangrahmen-Nr. | CHAR12 | CHAR |
387 | VVMITHAFTKZ | Kennzeichen Gleichrangrahmen | VVMITHAFTKZ | CHAR |
388 | VVMKOART | Reduction condition type | SKOART | NUMC |
389 | VVMLB | Total valuated stock in period before last | MENG13V | QUAN |
390 | VVMMASSE | Cubic Area | VVMMASSE | QUAN |
391 | VVMMINUMS_BI | Minimum sales in reporting interval | CHAR18 | CHAR |
392 | VVMMO | Month of period before last | MONAT | NUMC |
393 | VVMMXMBEZ | Reason for rent reduction | XMBEZ | CHAR |
394 | VVMNOPTS | Option Rate to Be Entered Manually | CHAR10 | CHAR |
395 | VVMODCALL | The call mode (CALL / SWIT) | CHARX8 | CHAR |
396 | VVMODCNEU | The new call mode (CALL / SWIT) | CHARX8 | CHAR |
397 | VVMODCURR | Consecutive editing mode for the screen | CHARX8 | CHAR |
398 | VVMODNEU | New call mode for the screen | CHARX8 | CHAR |
399 | VVMONAT | Number of months | NUM2 | NUMC |
400 | VVMONBE | Accrued/deferred month (correction items) | NUM2 | NUMC |
401 | VVMRKVGCODE | Selections requirements for adjustment method comparison | VVMRKVGCODE | CHAR |
402 | VVMSEHI | Measurement unit for assignment of participating SUs | MEINS | UNIT |
403 | VVMSFRNZBI | Indicator for shifting due date | CHAR1 | CHAR |
404 | VVMSGID | Message ID | CHAR02 | CHAR |
405 | VVMSGTXT | Message Text | CHAR256 | CHAR |
406 | VVMSKZ | Tax code for vendor posting | MWSKZ | CHAR |
407 | VVMSPADDSYS | Total surcharge per AU (fixt&fit. abs surch.+rel surcharge) | WRTV7 | CURR |
408 | VVMSPNCOSYS | New rent per area unit (calculated by system) | WRTV7 | CURR |
409 | VVMSPNCOUSR | New rent per area unit (entered by user) | WRTV7 | CURR |
410 | VVMSPVALFE | Condition amount per AU acc. to representative list of rents | WRTV7 | CURR |
411 | VVMSPVALGS | Condition amount according to representative list of rents | WRTV7 | CURR |
412 | VVMSREFNR | Security deposit reference number | TEXT30 | CHAR |
413 | VVMUS_ACT | Integrierte Pflege zusammengeh. Mieträume/flächen aktivieren | JANE | CHAR |
414 | VVMVHDOPT1 | Standard Hierarchy of Lease-Out Overview | JANE | CHAR |
415 | VVMVHDOPT2 | Lease-out view - lease-out overview | JANE | CHAR |
416 | VVMVHDOPT3 | Rental agreement overview | JANE | CHAR |
417 | VVMVIMKEY | Lease-Out -Real Estate Key | IMKEY | CHAR |
418 | VVMVINDSEC | Industry of master tenant | BRSCH | CHAR |
419 | VVMVK_DIAL | Ist-Konditionen über Dialog verteilen | JANE | CHAR |
420 | VVMVPRTCTRL | Print control lease-out | VVPRTCTRL | CHAR |
421 | VVMWSKZ | Tax code for unqualified down payment | MWSKZ | CHAR |
422 | VVMWSKZ0 | Tax on Sales/Purchases Code with Tax Rate 0 | MWSKZ | CHAR |
423 | VVMWSKZUST | Management contract: Sales tax code (posting to cust. acc.) | MWSKZ | CHAR |
424 | VVMWSKZVST | Management contract: Input tax code (posting to vendor acc.) | MWSKZ | CHAR |
425 | VVMWSKZVW | Sales tax code | CHAR2 | CHAR |
426 | VVMWSTNR_EIG | Value-added tax of owner | STCEG | CHAR |
427 | VVMWST_PRZ | Percentage rate of sales tax | PRZ43V | DEC |
428 | VVMYEINKO | Month/year monthly income | NUMC06 | NUMC |
429 | VVMZST | Indicator: Tenant assessed for tax | XFELD | CHAR |
430 | VVNABTRV | Contract of assignment number | CHAR15 | CHAR |
431 | VVNAFA_GJE_A | Fiscal year end ordinary depreciation (display currency) | ANLKWERT | CURR |
432 | VVNAME_FINAMT | Name des Finanzamtes | TEXT40 | CHAR |
433 | VVNAME_KATAMT | Name des Katasteramtes | TEXT40 | CHAR |
434 | VVNANGNEU | New offer number for condition header | LFNR3 | NUMC |
435 | VVNANZAUSZ | Maximum number of cleared documents which can be accepted | INT4 | INT4 |
436 | VVNARW | Internal stock indicator (BAV) | VVNARW | NUMC |
437 | VVNATION | Nationality | LAND1 | CHAR |
438 | VVNATOL | Term end tolerance in days (+/-) | VVNTOL | INT2 |
439 | VVNATURE_INT | IPD: Ownership structure | VVNATURE_INT | CHAR |
440 | VVNAVAL | Guarantee number | CHAR15 | CHAR |
441 | VVNAZR | Ranking Order For Display | NUMC03 | NUMC |
442 | VVNBFOLGE | Processing sequence of calculation bases | DEC2 | DEC |
443 | VVNCLASSIZE | Number of characteristics in a characteristics category | NUMC4 | NUMC |
444 | VVNCODE | Entry for item | JANEI | CHAR |
445 | VVNDOBJ | Select objects not flagged for deletion | XFELD | CHAR |
446 | VVNDOBJ_FS | Selection: "Undeleted Obj." / "Deleted Obj." | XFELD | CHAR |
447 | VVNDOCCNT | Number of printed letters for an adjustment | NUMC3 | NUMC |
448 | VVNDYNGRP | Screen group number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
449 | VVNEINHEIT | Assessed value base year | CJAHR | CHAR |
450 | VVNEINHW | Assessed value: base year | GJAHR | NUMC |
451 | VVNEINTR | Number of an entry | NUMC3 | NUMC |
452 | VVNETYIELD | IPD: Net market yield | DEC5_2 | DEC |
453 | VVNET_INCOME | Annual Net Income | WERTV8 | CURR |
454 | VVNEWCONME | Create new conditions on rental unit? | XFELD | CHAR |
455 | VVNEWCONMV | Generate new conditions on lease-out? | XFELD | CHAR |
456 | VVNFELD | Field number of a logical field | VVNFELD | NUMC |
457 | VVNGEBTEIL | Building part number | VVNGEBTEIL | NUMC |
458 | VVNKAZUSCHL | Cost surcharge for service charge settlement | XFELD | CHAR |
459 | VVNKIND_OF_ACTIVE_RENT_ADJ | RE Correspondence: Active Rent Adjustments to be Selected | VVNKIND_OF_ACTIVE_RENT_ADJ | NUMC |
460 | VVNKIND_OF_INACTIVE_RENT_ADJ | RE Correspondence: Inactive Rent Adjustments to be Selected | VVNKIND_OF_INACTIVE_RENT_ADJ | NUMC |
461 | VVNKOKEY | Account assignment key identification | VVNKOKEY | CHAR |
462 | VVNKOMPPOS | Position of Components within the Number | NUM02 | NUMC |
463 | VVNLAUFZ | Contract term in months | NUMC4 | NUMC |
464 | VVNLAUFZ_DI | Contract term in months | CHAR4 | CHAR |
465 | VVNLFDNUM | Sequence number | NUMC04 | NUMC |
466 | VVNLFDPR | Priority which should be given to this reserve | NUMC1 | NUMC |
467 | VVNLIMIT | Distribution limit number | NUMC06 | NUMC |
468 | VVNMANR | Employee- / clerk number | VVNMANR | NUMC |
469 | VVNMEIST | Actual number of rental units per usage type | NUMC5 | NUMC |
470 | VVNMESOLL | No. of rental units (target) per usage type | NUMC5 | NUMC |
471 | VVNMODERN | Year of modernization | GJAHR | NUMC |
472 | VVNMTOL | Reminder Tolerance in days (+/-) | VVNTOL | INT2 |
473 | VVNNPART | Last name of applicant | TEXT20 | CHAR |
474 | VVNNPARTB | Master tenant: last name | TEXT20 | CHAR |
475 | VVNNPARTBA | Alternative payer: surname | TEXT20 | CHAR |
476 | VVNOADJUST | Flag; No adjustment possible | CHAR1 | CHAR |
477 | VVNOCND | Checkbox: Aggregate items | XFELD | CHAR |
478 | VVNOCORHON | Management contract: No correction of fees | XFELD | CHAR |
479 | VVNOMANAG | Management contract: No manager posting yes/no | XFELD | CHAR |
480 | VVNOOBJEKT | Management contr.: Object-related fees not permitted yes/no | XFELD | CHAR |
481 | VVNOOWNER | Management contract: No owner posting yes/no | XFELD | CHAR |
482 | VVNOTEDOMKEY | Subarea identification | VVNOTEDOMKEY | CHAR |
483 | VVNOTENTXTLN | Sequence number of text line | NUMC | |
484 | VVNOTEOBJKEY | Memo ID (higher-level key) | VVNOTEOBJKEY | CHAR |
485 | VVNOTESUBKEY | Memo ID (higher-level key) | VVNOTESUBKEY | CHAR |
486 | VVNOTEXTXTLN | Content of text line | CHAR | |
487 | VVNOTWAERS | Quotation currency (which prices are in) | WAERS | CUKY |
488 | VVNPAGE | New page after control break Yes/No | VVVKZ | CHAR |
489 | VVNPEIG | Owner partner number | SPARTNR | CHAR |
490 | VVNPEIG_NEW | Owner partner number | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
491 | VVNPERSOND | Special period to post follow-up costs | NUMC2 | NUMC |
492 | VVNPOS | Position on form page | NUM3 | NUMC |
493 | VVNPRIO | Incoming payments: Priority of evaluation criteria | VVNPRIO | NUMC |
494 | VVNPROT | Log Level | CHAR01 | CHAR |
495 | VVNPVERW | Manager partner no. | SPARTNR | CHAR |
496 | VVNPVERW_NEW | Manager partner no. | BU_PARTNER | CHAR |
497 | VVNRA1 | lfd. Nr. Eintragung Abt. I | VVXNRGB | CHAR |
498 | VVNRA2 | Laufende Nummer der Eintragungen | VVNRA2 | CHAR |
499 | VVNRA3 | Laufende Nummer der Eintragungen | VVNRA3 | CHAR |
500 | VVNRANG | Ranking number (position number) of variant or modification | NUMC03 | NUMC |