SAP ABAP Data Element - Index V, page 11
Data Element - V
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 VVAMMRHYBI Number of months in period CHAR3 CHAR 
2 VVAMMRHY_BK Frequency in months of cash deposit interest settlement NUMC03 NUMC 
3 VVAMNVZG SCS: No.of months for determin.eff.-from date for new AP DEC2 DEC 
4 VVAMONAT Number of months in adjustment period NUMC3 NUMC 
5 VVAMONMIND Minimum interval between two rent adjustments in months NUMC03 NUMC 
6 VVAMST Minimum Duration of a Commercial Lease-Out in Months INT3 NUMC 
7 VVAMTEXPL MText word processing: No. of copies of letter per document VVAMTEXPL NUMC 
8 VVAMTKOPIE M/text no. of copies of letter VVAMTEXPL NUMC 
9 VVAMV No. of lease-outs VVDEC6 DEC 
10 VVAMZBZAE Minus tolerance - Fixed interest period counter NUMC04 NUMC 
11 VVANABT Max. no. of assignments NUMC03 NUMC 
12 VVANAME Name of output field CHAR30 CHAR 
13 VVANLN1 Asset: main number ANLN1 CHAR 
14 VVANLN2 Asset: Subnumber ANLN2 CHAR 
15 VVANMRHY Number of Months In Interest Period NUMC03 NUMC 
16 VVANPSKCODE Condition/gradings adjustment scope VVANPSKCODE CHAR 
17 VVANRSTELL Number of characters in asset number NUM02 NUMC 
18 VVANSADR Address category from partner management for letter ADRTYP CHAR 
19 VVANSWL_A Yearly flows affecting acquisition value (display currency) ANLKWERT CURR 
20 VVANSW_GJE_A Fiscal year end acquisition value (display currency) ANLKWERT CURR 
21 VVANTEIL Proportional Planned Value Calculation CHAR1 CHAR 
22 VVANTEILSART Anteilsart Eigentümer CHAR02 CHAR 
23 VVANTEIL_BNENNER LUM: Brucheigentumsanteil Nenner VVBEIGTN DEC 
24 VVANTEIL_BZAEHL LUM: Brucheigentumsanteil Zähler VVBEIGTZ DEC 
25 VVANTEIL_GNENNER LUM: Gesamthandseigentum Nenner VVBEIGTN DEC 
26 VVANTEIL_GZAEHL LUM: Gesamthandseigentum Zähler VVBEIGTZ DEC 
29 VVANTM Tenant share of incidental expenses (gross) WRTV7 CURR 
30 VVANTV Landlord share of incidental expenses (gross) WRTV7 CURR 
31 VVANWENDUNG Anwendung FOLA = Flurstück / FOLR = Grundbuch CHAR04 CHAR 
32 VVANZBEL Display all line items XFELD CHAR 
33 VVANZGEBGR No. of characters for number of building/property NUMC1 NUMC 
34 VVANZSMENR Number of characters for rental unit number NUMC1 NUMC 
35 VVANZSWENR Number of characters for business entity number NUMC1 NUMC 
36 VVAPERTAGE No. of days of a (calculation) period in cash flow INT6 NUMC 
37 VVAPLAN Cash management update period in years NUM02 NUMC 
38 VVAPROF Settlement profile for costs APROF CHAR 
39 VVAPT No. of partners DEC5 DEC 
40 VVAPZBZAE Plus tolerance - Fixed interest period counter NUMC04 NUMC 
41 VVARBIS Archiving carried out upto DATS DATS 
42 VVAREA_GS Total area as base for adjustment without rounding errors VVBFLART QUAN 
43 VVARGUMENT Key argument when errors occur CHAR30 CHAR 
44 VVARND Remaining Life for Revenue Value Calculation DEC5 DEC 
45 VVARN_021 Line layout that will be copied CHAR3 CHAR 
46 VVAROBJ Real Estate archiving object VVAROBJ NUMC 
47 VVARZAE Reservation Period Counter NUMC04 NUMC 
48 VVASCLISTNAM RE: Name in a <Name,Value> Pair in an Association List   STRG 
49 VVASCLISTSTR RE: Parameter List in Form of <Name='Value'> Strings   CHAR 
50 VVASCLISTVAL RE: Value in a <Name,Value> Pair in an Association List   STRG 
51 VVASTELL Number of parking spaces DEC5 DEC 
52 VVASTK Number of Loans in File AINT4 INT4 
53 VVASTKR Number of Loans in Register AINT4 INT4 
54 VVATAGE Number of days INT6 NUMC 
55 VVATAGE2 No. of days VVATAGE2 QUAN 
56 VVATAP Period for cleared items in days NUM03 NUMC 
57 VVATMRHY Number of Months in Repayment Period NUMC03 NUMC 
58 VVATTERM Number of days for 'reserved until' date WERT2 DEC 
59 VVATTRHYBI Number of days acc. to frequency CHAR3 CHAR 
60 VVAUANWERT Wert Aussenanlagen WERTV6 CURR 
61 VVAUSF Execution type (online, bckgrnd) CHAR01 CHAR 
63 VVAUSP Value of a table field CHARX12 CHAR 
64 VVAUSPG Value group NUM04 NUMC 
66 VVAVERDI Uncompressed period in years NUM02 NUMC 
67 VVAVERDIEN No. of earners (living in household) DEC2 DEC 
68 VVAVMRHY Number of Months in Repayment Clearing Period NUMC03 NUMC 
69 VVAWE No. of business entities DEC6 DEC 
70 VVAXST Maximum Term of a Lease-Out in Months INT3 NUMC 
71 VVAZBZAE Numerator fixed interest period NUMC04 NUMC 
72 VVAZFRI Days for determining the payment deadline NUM03 NUMC 
73 VVAZIMM Number of rooms DEC6 DEC 
74 VVBA2MIND Reduction in value due to land register sect. II BWHR CURR 
75 VVBABRE Settlement units VVBABRE QUAN 
76 VVBABRE_BI Apportionment factor CHAR18 CHAR 
77 VVBABS Absolute amnout/amount used in posting activity WERTV7 CURR 
78 VVBABSISUM Total assignment value of collateral securities WERTV7 CURR 
79 VVBAFA Depreciation amount BWHR CURR 
80 VVBAGATELL Trivial Amount Limit WERTV7 CURR 
82 VVBAGRPBEZ Name of Flow Type Group TEXT40 CHAR 
84 VVBAKEYBEZ Name of processing key TEXT40 CHAR 
85 VVBAKTVER Current Contract Capital WERTV7 CURR 
86 VVBALT Index points / old interest rate DEC5_3 DEC 
87 VVBALTWMIN Long-standing encumbrances value BWHR CURR 
88 VVBANDNR Band-Nr. eines Grundbuchs VVBANDNR CHAR 
89 VVBANDNR_ERB Band-Nr Erbbaugrundbuch VVBANDNR CHAR 
90 VVBANKA Name of financial instition TEXT20 CHAR 
91 VVBANPASSFE New condition amount for each area unit (changeable) WRTV7 CURR 
92 VVBANPBCUK Planned modernization costs in second currency WRTV7 CURR 
93 VVBANPBM Total pro rata modernization costs for the rental unit WRTV7 CURR 
94 VVBANZGE Number of floors DEC3_1 DEC 
95 VVBANZGE2 Number of floors DEC5_1 DEC 
96 VVBANZGEBI Number of floors CHAR5 CHAR 
97 VVBARAG_EW Cash settlement for warrant exercising in issue curr. WERTV7 CURR 
98 VVBARAG_HW Cash settlement during warrant exercising in local currency WERTV7 CURR 
99 VVBARAG_OS Cash settlement during warrant exercising in ref. currency WERTV8 CURR 
100 VVBARAW_OS Currency key for cash settlement of warrant WAERS CUKY 
101 VVBART Processing Type VVBART CHAR 
102 VVBARTBEZ Name of processing type TEXT40 CHAR 
103 VVBASIS Index base DEC5_3 DEC 
104 VVBASJHR_BI Index series base year CHAR4 CHAR 
105 VVBASPW_OS Exercise price currency WAERS CUKY 
106 VVBASP_OS Basic price WERTV7 CURR 
107 VVBATNHW Nominal Unscheduled Repayment in Local Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
108 VVBATNWR Nominal Unscheduled Repayment in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
109 VVBATSHW Unscheduled Repayment: Debit Position in Local Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
110 VVBATSW2 Unsched. Repayment: Debit Position in Alternative Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
111 VVBATSWR Unsched. Repayment: Debit Position in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
112 VVBATYP Processing category VVBATYP CHAR 
113 VVBATYPBEZ Name of processing category TEXT40 CHAR 
114 VVBATZHW Unscheduled Repayment: Incoming Payments in Local Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
115 VVBATZW2 Unscheduled Repayment: Incoming Payments in Altern. Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
116 VVBATZWR Unsched. Repayment: Incoming Payments in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
117 VVBAUEH Price per unit of measurement for external area BWHR CURR 
118 VVBAUFHW Write Back Accumulated Accruals/Deferrals in Local Curr. WERTV8_TR CURR 
119 VVBAUFMOD Expense for renovation/modernization/reconstruct./expansion BWHR CURR 
120 VVBAUFWR Write Back Accumulated Accruals/Deferrals in Position Crcy WERTV8_TR CURR 
121 VVBAUMIET External area rent per unit BWHR CURR 
122 VVBAUNK Construction incid. costs as % of net construction costs DEC3_7 DEC 
123 VVBAUROH External area monthly gross profit BWHR CURR 
125 VVBAUTANPFE New condition amount for each area unit (original) WRTV7 CURR 
126 VVBAUWERT Building value BWHR CURR 
127 VVBAVAKTIV BAV data business entity active indicator JANEI CHAR 
128 VVBAVGGSMT Average total rent WRTV7 CURR 
129 VVBAVHW Disbursement Obligation in Local Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
130 VVBAVVWR Available Disbursement Obligation in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
131 VVBAVW2 Disbursement Obligation in Alternative Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
132 VVBAVWR Disbursement Obligation in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
133 VVBAZHPF Disbursement Obligation WERTV7 CURR 
134 VVBAZV Disbursement obligation WERTV7 CURR 
135 VVBAZVL Disbursement obligation (CURR 19) WERTV10 CURR 
136 VVBBABD_AN Security account book value markdown (acquisition value) WERTV8_TR CURR 
137 VVBBABD_BU Security account book value markdown (book value) WERTV8_TR CURR 
138 VVBBARWERT Net Present Value WERTV7 CURR 
139 VVBBASIS Basis for management contract fee calculation DEC9_2 DEC 
140 VVBBASISBI Calculation base for conditions CHAR13 CHAR 
141 VVBBAUOERB Building Value Without Heritable Building BWHR CURR 
142 VVBBAUW13 Value: Building value 1913 WRBTR_SUM CURR 
143 VVBBAUWAKT Value: current building value WRBTR_SUM CURR 
144 VVBBAUWMIN Construc.charges value BWHR CURR 
145 VVBBBBTRSUM Gross total of condition items WRTV7 CURR 
147 VVBBELAERG Operating profit amount WERTV7 CURR 
148 VVBBELAMNG Number for single amount DEC5 DEC 
149 VVBBELAPRS Single amount WERTV7 CURR 
150 VVBBELAST Value-dated encumbrance (land register section II and III) WERTV7 CURR 
151 VVBBELWERG Collateral value yield WERTV7 CURR 
152 VVBBELWERT Collateral value WERTV7 CURR 
153 VVBBERFOBT (Gross-) total of calculation forms of a fee type WRTV7 CURR 
154 VVBBERFONT (Net-) amount of calculation forms of a fee type WRTV7 CURR 
155 VVBBERFORM Payment amount for a calculation form/selection types WRTV7 CURR 
156 VVBBERFOST Taxes on sales/purchases amount of calc. forms of a fee type WRTV7 CURR 
157 VVBBERFSBT (Gross-) total of all valid calculation forms WRTV7 CURR 
158 VVBBERFSNT (Net-) total of all valid calculation forms WRTV7 CURR 
159 VVBBERFSST Taxes on sales/purchases total of all valid calc. forms WRTV7 CURR 
160 VVBBETRIE2 Value: facilities WRBTR_SUM CURR 
161 VVBBETRIEB Operating costs BWHR CURR 
162 VVBBEWIRT Administration costs BWHR CURR 
163 VVBBEWKOG Commercial administration costs amount BWHR CURR 
164 VVBBEWKOW Residential administration costs BWHR CURR 
165 VVBBEZ Reversal via reverse processing using BBEZ VVBBEZ CHAR 
166 VVBBEZEIN Reference units BWHR CURR 
167 VVBBEZUG Purchase of foreign currency through warrants WERTV7 CURR 
168 VVBBEZ_BI Relationship amount CHAR13 CHAR 
169 VVBBILANZ Company balance sheet total WERT8 CURR 
170 VVBBISHENG Existing commitment WERTV7 CURR 
171 VVBBLABZ Collateral value deduction (imputed) BWHR CURR 
172 VVBBLVNABZ Collateral Value Proposal After Imputed Deduction BWHR CURR 
173 VVBBLVTAX Proposal of valuer for collateral value BWHR CURR 
174 VVBBLVVABZ Collateral Value Before Imputed Deduction BWHR CURR 
175 VVBBODEN Land value BWHR CURR 
176 VVBBODOERB Land Value Without Heritable Building BWHR CURR 
177 VVBBOKLFW Position amount opening clause WERTV7 CURR 
178 VVBBONIPRF Result of credit standing check WERTV7 CURR 
179 VVBBRTEINH Gross amount per area unit WERTV7 CURR 
180 VVBBRUTTO Gross amount WRTV7 CURR 
181 VVBBSTBWHR Position Amount in Position Currency WERTV7 CURR 
182 VVBBSTHWHR Position amount in local currency WERTV7 CURR 
183 VVBBUDAT Posting date for the balance sheet transfer DATUM DATS 
184 VVBCONSUMP F = Fuel consumption DEC13_2 DEC 
185 VVBCREDIT Credit amount in document currency with +/- sign WRTV7 CURR 
186 VVBCREDTAX Tax contained in credit amount in doc.currency with +/- sign WRTV7 CURR 
187 VVBDARLSUM Loans total amount WERTV7 CURR 
188 VVBDEBE Coverage amount BWHR CURR 
189 VVBDEBIT Debit amount in document currency with +/- sign WRTV7 CURR 
190 VVBDEBTAX Tax contained in debit amount in doc.currency with +/- sign WRTV7 CURR 
191 VVBDISAGIO Discount/Premium WERTV7 CURR 
192 VVBDIVID Dividend/profit distribution amount WERT8 CURR 
193 VVBDMQMB1 Land price: market value WRBTR CURR 
194 VVBDMQMB2 Land price: Purchase price WRBTR CURR 
195 VVBDMQMB2_2 Land Price: Purchase Price WRTV8 CURR 
196 VVBDNRWERT Land reference value: Market value determination WRBTR CURR 
197 VVBDNWERT Land value: market value determination WRBTR CURR 
198 VVBDNWERT_2 Land Value: Market Value Determination WRTV8 CURR 
199 VVBDSAGIOU Discount/ Premium (not yet collected) WERTV7 CURR 
201 VVBEAKTJAHRERL Erlöse abzugsf Vst Vstberichtigung aktuelles Jahr KSTAR CHAR 
202 VVBEAKTJAHRKST Kosten nicht abzugsf Vst Vstberichtigung aktuelles Jahr KSTAR CHAR 
203 VVBEAMOUNT441 Bagatellgrenze §44a Absatz 1 VVBECURR CURR 
204 VVBEAMOUNT442 Betrag Bagatellgrenze §44a Absatz 2 VVBECURR CURR 
205 VVBEAMOUNT443 Bagatellgrenze §44a Absatz 3 VVBECURR CURR 
206 VVBEAMOUNT444 Bagatellgrenze §44a Absatz 4 VVBECURR CURR 
207 VVBEARBNR Bearbeitungs-Nr. CHAR12 CHAR 
208 VVBEARBTEXT Beschreibung Bearbeitungs-Nr. Grundbuch XTEXT80 CHAR 
209 VVBEAVHW_V Abzugsfähige Vorsteuer Hauswährung mit Vorzeichen VVBECURR CURR 
210 VVBEBASECHANGE Berichtigungsbasis geändert FLAG CHAR 
211 VVBEBASETYP Satzart Berichtigungsbasis VVBEBASETYP CHAR 
212 VVBECOJAHR Jahr des Berichtigungslaufes JAHR NUMC 
213 VVBECORAMOUNT Für den Buchungszeitraum errechneter Berichtigungsbetrag VVBECURR CURR 
214 VVBECORAMOUNT44 Korr. Berichtigungsbetrag Bagatellgrenzen §44 UStDV VVBECURR CURR 
215 VVBECORAMOUNTJAHR Prognose für den Jahresberichtigungsbetrag VVBECURR CURR 
216 VVBECORBASEGUID Technischer Schlüssel Berichtigungsbasissatz VVBEGUID RAW 
217 VVBECORITEMGUID Technischer Schlüssel für Berichtigungsbuchungen VVBEGUID RAW 
218 VVBECORMONAT Monat, für den der Berichtigungslauf stattfand VVBECORMONAT CHAR 
219 VVBECOROBJ Berichtigungsobjekt Vorsteuerberichtigung VVBECOROBJ CHAR 
220 VVBECOSTAMOUNT Kosten (netto) der Maßnahmen bzw. AHK VVBECURR CURR 
221 VVBECSTATUS Status des Berichtigungsobjektes VVBECSTATUS CHAR 
222 VVBECTYP Typ des Berichtigungsobjektes VVBECTYP CHAR 
224 VVBEDEDPROZENT Prozentualer Vorsteuerabzug bis Kalenderjahr POPTSATZ DEC 
225 VVBEDEDTAXNEW Gemäß aktueller Nutzungsverhältnissen abzugsfähige Vorsteuer VVBECURR CURR 
226 VVBEDEDTAXOLD Ursprünglich abgezogene Vorsteuer VVBECURR CURR 
227 VVBEDEDTAX_TOYEAR Abgezogene Vorsteuer bis Kalenderjahr VVBECURR CURR 
228 VVBEFROMACTDATE Leistungsbezugsdatum von DATUM DATS 
229 VVBEFROMDATE44 Bagatellgrenze gilt für Berichtigungen ab DATUM DATS 
230 VVBEGRUND44 Ergebnis der Bagatellprüfung VVBEGRUND44 CHAR 
233 VVBEINF Opening amount VVBEINF CURR 
234 VVBEING Incoming amount WRTV7 CURR 
235 VVBEINHBRTCUK Gross unit price in second currency BEINH DEC 
236 VVBEINHNETCUK Net unit price in second currency BEINH DEC 
237 VVBEINHSTE Tax amount for unit price BEINH DEC 
238 VVBEINHSTECUK Tax amount for unit price in second currency BEINH DEC 
239 VVBEINHW Assessed value: value WRBTR CURR 
240 VVBEINHW2 Assessed value: value WRBTR_SUM CURR 
241 VVBEIVO Total issue amount BWHR CURR 
242 VVBEK Effective capital WERTV7 CURR 
243 VVBEKL Effective capital (CURR 19) WERTV10 CURR 
244 VVBEKZ Indicator whether resubmission has already been processed TEXT01 CHAR 
245 VVBELAST Lasten und Beschränkungen CHAR8 CHAR 
246 VVBELAST_TXT Lasten und Beschränkungen TEXT80 CHAR 
247 VVBELEGGRUPPE Document group for reversal of loan flows KENZX CHAR 
248 VVBEMKAT Bemerkungen zum Katasteramt TEXT60 CHAR 
249 VVBEMWSTS_V Vorsteuer gesamt Hauswährung mit Vorzeichen VVBECURR CURR 
250 VVBENAVHW_V Nicht abzugsfähige Vorsteuer Hauswährung mit Vorzeichen VVBECURR CURR 
251 VVBENONCOR Position ist nicht zu berichtigen VVBENONCOR CHAR 
252 VVBENONDEDTAXNEW Gemäß aktuellen Nutzungsverhältnissen nicht abz Vorsteuer VVBECURR CURR 
253 VVBENONDEDTAXOLD Ursprünglich nicht abzugsfähige Vorsteuer VVBECURR CURR 
254 VVBENONDEDTAX_TOYEAR Nicht abzugsfähige Vorsteuer bis Kalenderjahr VVBECURR CURR 
255 VVBEOBJNR Objektnummer des Kontierungsobjektes Berichtigungsbuchung J_OBJNR CHAR 
257 VVBEOPTSATZJAHR Hochrechnung Optionssatz POPTSATZ DEC 
258 VVBEOPTSATZNEW Für die Vorsteuerberichtigung maßgeblicher Optionssatz POPTSATZ DEC 
259 VVBEOPTSATZOLD Optionssatz nach Vorsteueraufteilung POPTSATZ DEC 
260 VVBEPOPTSATZ442 Bagatellgrenze §44 UStDV Absatz 2 POPTSATZ DEC 
263 VVBERECHTA3 Berechtigter TEXT120 CHAR 
264 VVBEREFJAHR Bezugsjahr der Berichtigung JAHR NUMC 
265 VVBERGRP Authorization group VVBERGRP CHAR 
266 VVBERHGES Increase amount in full (not referring to the area) WRTV7 CURR 
267 VVBERHGSCH Adjustment amount based on relative/absolute factors WRTV7 CURR 
268 VVBERHHPZS Adjustment amount based on change in mortgage interest rate WRTV7 CURR 
269 VVBERHTEUR Adjustment amt based on change in standard of living index WRTV7 CURR 
270 VVBERHUTBK Adj. amount based on change in maintenance/operating costs WRTV7 CURR 
271 VVBERMERK Bemerkung zum Flurstück TEXT10 CHAR 
272 VVBERMIN Building stock reduction due to heritable building right BWHR CURR 
273 VVBERSCHEH Development amount per area unit BWHR CURR 
274 VVBESSOLLID ID des Berichtigungslaufes VVSSOLLID NUMC 
275 VVBESSOLLIDJAHR Jahr zur Lauf-Id (nach CPU-Datum) JAHR NUMC 
276 VVBESTAND Kennzeichen Bestand alt / Bestand neu CHAR1 CHAR 
277 VVBESTBELNR Belegnummer des Stornobeleges BELNR CHAR 
278 VVBESTKZ Stock indicator VVBESTKZ NUMC 
279 VVBESTOKZ Berichtigungsbasissatz wurde storniert (nur manuelle) FLAG CHAR 
280 VVBETOACTDATE Leistungsbezugsdatum bis DATUM DATS 
281 VVBETOTALTAX Gesamtbetrag der Vorsteuer in Hauswährung VVBECURR CURR 
282 VVBETRALT Correction items old value VVWERT7V CURR 
283 VVBETRAUS Hide amount for manual posting KENZX CHAR 
284 VVBETRIEBSNOTW Kennzeichen Betriebsnotwendige Fläche CHAR1 CHAR 
285 VVBETRREST Net book value transfer amount VVWERT7V CURR 
286 VVBEUMBUCH Correction items: Selected amount VVWERT7V CURR 
287 VVBEVENT (Currency-) amount of event WRTV7 CURR 
288 VVBEVORJAHRERL Erlöse abzugsf Vst Vstberichtigung abweichendes Jahr KSTAR CHAR 
289 VVBEVORJAHRKST Kosten nicht abzugsf Vst Vstberichtigung abeichende Jahre KSTAR CHAR 
290 VVBEWATEXT Incoming payment description CHAR18 CHAR 
291 VVBEXBASE Beschreibungstext zum manuellen Basisatz TEXT60 CHAR 
292 VVBEXCOROBJ Bezeichnung des Berichtigungsobjektes CHAR60 CHAR 
293 VVBEZEH_OS Reference unit WERTV7 CURR 
294 VVBEZGR Reference Factor VVBEZGR QUAN 
295 VVBEZPW_OS Reference unit currency WAERS CUKY 
296 VVBEZP_OS Reference unit WERTV7 CURR 
297 VVBEZWH_OS Reference unit currency WAERS CUKY 
298 VVBFEABS Max.capping limit for apartm. before key date/under min.amnt WERT5 CURR 
299 VVBFEKAPAB Minimum rent per square unit for reduced capping limit WERT5 CURR 
300 VVBFESTB Fixed amount for management contract fees WRTV7 CURR 
301 VVBFLABW Difference in area between RU and rooms assigned VVBFLART QUAN 
302 VVBFLAEEH Price per unit of area BWHR CURR 
303 VVBFLART Area of area type VVBFLART QUAN 
304 VVBFLART1 Area of area type (max) VVBFLART QUAN 
305 VVBFLART2 Area of area type (min) VVBFLART QUAN 
306 VVBFLARTBI Area of area type CHAR18 CHAR 
307 VVBFLART_A Area (display unit) VVBFLART QUAN 
308 VVBFLART_BI Fläche der Flächenart CHAR18 CHAR 
309 VVBFLSUM Total area of rooms of rental unit VVBFLART QUAN 
310 VVBFLVALUFE Amount per area unit of a characteristic in RLR WRTV7 CURR 
311 VVBFMVALUFE Amount per area unit of characteristic in RLS WRTV7 CURR 
312 VVBFREIIII Previous release amount WERTV7 CURR 
313 VVBFVVALUFE Amount per area unit of characteristic WRTV7 CURR 
314 VVBFWBWHW Foreign exchange valuation in local currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
315 VVBGEH Price per garage/unit BWHR CURR 
316 VVBGEROHER Total yearly gross profit BWHR CURR 
317 VVBGESBMI Actual total costs of modernization WRTV7 CURR 
318 VVBGESBMP Total costs for modernization planned WRTV7 CURR 
319 VVBGESNK Total service charges for chosen settlement period WRTV7 CURR 
320 VVBGESNKPR Total service charges for previous settlement period WRTV7 CURR 
321 VVBGESTERG Prime costs result WERTV7 CURR 
324 VVBGESZULGS Legally permitted total amount WRTV7 CURR 
325 VVBGEWINN IS-IS: Disclosed company profit WERT8 CURR 
326 VVBGNKPCUK Total service charges for previous stt.per. in 2nd currency WRTV7 CURR 
327 VVBGPREIS Total price per square unit BWHR CURR 
328 VVBGRMQM Basic rent per area unit NUMC16 NUMC 
329 VVBGRP Processing group VVBGRP CHAR 
330 VVBGRPBEZ Name of processing group TEXT40 CHAR 
331 VVBGRZWRT Limit/threshold value for inc. pmnts procedure WERTV7 CURR 
332 VVBGSBMCUK Actual total costs of modernization in second currency WRTV7 CURR 
333 VVBGSF Total receivables amount WERTV7 CURR 
334 VVBGSFL Total receivables amount (CURR 19) WERTV10 CURR 
335 VVBGSNKCUK Total service charges for chosen stt.period in 2nd currency WRTV7 CURR 
336 VVBGUTH Credit account WRTV7 CURR 
337 VVBHEREGS Production costs excluding property BWHR CURR 
338 VVBHERIGS Production costs including property BWHR CURR 
339 VVBHOARSBT (Gross-) total of all periodic fee types WRTV7 CURR 
340 VVBHOARSNT (Net-) total of all periodic fee types WRTV7 CURR 
341 VVBHOARSST Taxes on sales/purch. total for all periodic fee types WRTV7 CURR 
342 VVBHOARTBT (Gross-) amount of a periodic fee type WRTV7 CURR 
343 VVBHOARTEX (Net-) total of a periodic fee type WRTV7 CURR 
344 VVBHOARTNT (Net-) total of a periodic fee type WRTV7 CURR 
345 VVBHOARTST Taxes on sales/purchases total for a periodic fee type WRTV7 CURR 
346 VVBHOEHEST Storey number VVDEC3_1V DEC 
347 VVBINDAKT Current index status DEC5_3 DEC 
348 VVBINDDAT1_BI Date on which the markers for 1st adjustment are used CHAR10 CHAR 
349 VVBINDPKT1_BI Index status as base for first rental adjustment CHAR9 CHAR 
350 VVBINDPKT_BI Index marker status at last rent adjustment CHAR9 CHAR 
351 VVBINITIAL At present not supported (always 0) WERTV8_TR CURR 
352 VVBINSTAND Maintenance costs BWHR CURR 
353 VVBIUMBUCH Correction items: Amount to be transferred WERT7 CURR 
354 VVBJMZUGBM Yearly rental surcharge in accordance with §3 MHG WRTV7 CURR 
355 VVBJREIN Yearly net profit BWHR_V CURR 
356 VVBJROH Yearly gross profit BWHR CURR 
357 VVBJUNGD Subscription value of new stock (per securities acct) in LC WERTV8_TR CURR 
358 VVBKAPAUS Capital stock of a quota BWHR CURR 
359 VVBKAUTA Deposit amount (in display currency) WRTV7 CURR 
360 VVBKAUTART Deposit: amount WRTV7 CURR 
361 VVBKGVHW Exchange Rate Gains and Losses in Local Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
362 VVBKGVWR Exchange Rate Gains and Losses in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
363 VVBKKWR Commitment Capital Acc. to Condition Header in Pos. Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
364 VVBKOBWHW Valuation of capitalized costs from price in local currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
365 VVBKOBWWR Valuation of capitalized costs from price in pos. currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
366 VVBKOFBHW Forex valuation of capitalized costs in local currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
367 VVBKOND Condition: amount WRTV7 CURR 
368 VVBKONDA Condition (in display currency) WRTV7 CURR 
369 VVBKONDMAX Maximum condition WRTV7 CURR 
370 VVBKONDMAXR Relative maximum condition WRTV7 CURR 
371 VVBKONDMAXR_A Relative maximum condition (in display currency) WRTV7 CURR 
372 VVBKONDMIA Minimum condition (in display currency) WRTV7 CURR 
373 VVBKONDMIN Minimum condition WRTV7 CURR 
374 VVBKONDMINR Relative minimum condition WRTV7 CURR 
375 VVBKONDMINR_A Relative minimum condition (in display currency) WRTV7 CURR 
376 VVBKONDMXA Maximum condition (in display currency) WRTV7 CURR 
377 VVBKONDSUM Currency amount total of condition items WERTV7 CURR 
378 VVBKONDSUMNET Condition: Total net amount WRTV7 CURR 
379 VVBKONDSUMNET_MAX Maximum Attainable Net Rent Based on Relative Factors WRTV7 CURR 
380 VVBKONDSUMTOT Condition: Total gross amount WRTV7 CURR 
381 VVBKOND_BI Condition item currency amount CHAR18 CHAR 
382 VVBKOPMO Average costs per 30 days for a term type WRTV7 CURR 
383 VVBKOPTG Average costs per day for a condition type WRTV7 CURR 
384 VVBKPTGCUK average costs/day for 1 condition type, in 2nd currency WRTV7 CURR 
385 VVBKSTBHW Book value of activated incid. costs in local currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
386 VVBKSTBWR Book value of capitalized incid. costs in position currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
387 VVBKURSFW Market value of security portfolio in foreign currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
388 VVBKURSHW Market value of security portfolio in local currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
389 VVBKURS_AN Average acquisition price for security in securities acct CHAR12 CHAR 
390 VVBKURS_BU Average book price for security in securities acct CHAR12 CHAR 
391 VVBKURS_OS Basic rate for warrant DECV3_7 DEC 
392 VVBKWHR Redundant from 4.0C WRTV7 CURR 
393 VVBLARTBB Doc.type for transfers btwn corr.items in an asset BLART CHAR 
395 VVBLATTNR_ERB Blatt-Nr Erbbaugrundbuch VVBLATTNR CHAR 
396 VVBLFEST Date collateral value fixed DATUM DATS 
397 VVBLVVERSL Payment in case of claim BWHR CURR 
398 VVBMANPBM Monthly adjustment in accordance with §3 MHG WRTV7 CURR 
399 VVBMASEH Price per mass unit BWHR CURR 
400 VVBMAXAF Maximum increase per area unit DEC7_2 DEC 
401 VVBMAXAG Total maximum increase DEC7_2 DEC 
402 VVBMBTR Minimum interest amount WRTV3 DEC 
403 VVBMEINKO Monthly income BWHR CURR 
404 VVBMESIZEMS Rental unit areas relevant to representative list of rents VVBFLART QUAN 
405 VVBMIET Planned or realized rental income per year BWHR CURR 
406 VVBMIETAUS Risk of rent loss BWHR CURR 
407 VVBMIETE Rent income per period BWHR CURR 
408 VVBMIHW Reductions in local currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
409 VVBMITTEL Mean value between asset and revenue values BWHR_V CURR 
410 VVBMIW2 Capital Reduction in Alternative Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
411 VVBMIWR Capital Reduction in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
412 VVBMMVALUFE Amount for each area unit for a fixtures & fittings charact. WRTV7 CURR 
413 VVBMMVALUFEBI Amount for each area unit for a fixtures & fittings charact. CHAR18 CHAR 
414 VVBMMVALUFECUK Amount/AU for fixtures and fittings charact. in second curr. WRTV7 CURR 
415 VVBMOROH Monthly gross profit BWHR CURR 
416 VVBMROH Monthly gross profit BWHR CURR 
417 VVBMSPADDON Absolute surcharge/reduction for RLR adjustment WRTV7 CURR 
418 VVBMSPBAS Base rent per area unit acc. to rep.list of rents WRTV6 CURR 
419 VVBMWSTA Value-added tax amount included (in displaly currency) WRTV7 CURR 
420 VVBMZUGBM Monthly surcharge planned in acc. with German tenancy law WRTV7 CURR 
421 VVBNAVST Amount of non-deductible input tax share WRTV7 CURR 
422 VVBNBUERG Initial capital not guaranteed WERTV7 CURR 
423 VVBNETEINH Net amount per area unit WERTV7 CURR 
424 VVBNEU Index points / int.rate / amount new DEC5_3 DEC 
425 VVBNEUAUS External area new value BWHR CURR 
426 VVBNEUBK Construction costs new value BWHR CURR 
427 VVBNEUBNK Construction incidental costs new value BWHR CURR 
428 VVBNEUBS New Building Value Before Collateral Markdown BWHR CURR 
429 VVBNEUBT New value of special parts BWHR CURR 
430 VVBNEUENGA New commitment WERTV7 CURR 
431 VVBNEUFE New amount per area unit WRTV7 CURR 
432 VVBNEUG Garages new value BWHR CURR 
433 VVBNEUGES Total new amount (not relative to the area) WRTV7 CURR 
434 VVBNEUMIET New rental amount after rent adjustment WRTV7 CURR 
435 VVBNEURBK Net construction costs new value BWHR CURR 
436 VVBNEUST Parking spaces new value BWHR CURR 
437 VVBNEUTG Building Part New Value BWHR CURR 
438 VVBNEWE Nominal Value per Stock (Independent of Currency) VVKWKURS DEC 
439 VVBNEWEUAL New condition amount in Euro WRTV7 CURR 
440 VVBNEWEUFE New condition amount per area unit in Euro WRTV6 CURR 
441 VVBNFRKAU Security deposit amount not released WRTV7 CURR 
442 VVBNOM Nominal total WERTV7 CURR 
443 VVBNOM_FRE Free nominal WERTV7 CURR 
444 VVBNOVST Input tax amount up to which an correction is not applicable WERT7 CURR 
445 VVBNSICH Collateral nominal amount BWHR CURR 
446 VVBNTBMZ Actual usage: Construction dimension number DEC3_2 DEC 
447 VVBNTBMZS Actual usage: Construction Dimension No. (Total) DEC6_2 DEC 
448 VVBNTGFZ Actual usage: Amount of floor-area ratio DEC2_2 DEC 
449 VVBNTGFZS Actual usage: Amount of floor-area ratio (total) DEC6_2 DEC 
450 VVBNTGRZ Actual usage: floor area ratio DEC1_2 DEC 
451 VVBNTGRZS Actual usage: Amount of floor area ratio (total) DEC6_2 DEC 
452 VVBNZBMZ Permitted usage: Construction dimension no. DEC3_2 DEC 
453 VVBNZBMZS Permitted usage: Construct.dimension no. (total) DEC6_2 DEC 
454 VVBNZGFZ Permitted usage: Floor-area ratio DEC2_2 DEC 
455 VVBNZGFZS Permitted usage: floor-area ratio (total) DEC6_2 DEC 
456 VVBNZGRZ Permitted Usage: Site Occupancy Index DEC1_2 DEC 
457 VVBNZGRZS Allowed Usage: Site Occupancy Index (Total) DEC6_2 DEC 
458 VVBOBJWERT Determined object value BWHR CURR 
459 VVBODANT Bodenwertanteil WERTV6 CURR 
460 VVBODEMIN Land value reduction due to heritable building right BWHR CURR 
464 VVBOLDDMAL Condition amount in original currency WRTV7 CURR 
465 VVBOLDDMFE Condition amount per area unit in original currency WRTV6 CURR 
466 VVBOLDEUAL Old condition amount in Euro WRTV7 CURR 
467 VVBOLDEUFE Old condition amount per area unit in Euro WRTV6 CURR 
468 VVBPAUALT Total of old flat-rate transfer postings VVWERT7V CURR 
469 VVBPAUSCH Flat-rate transfer amount VVWERT7V CURR 
470 VVBPK Planned capital WERTV7 CURR 
471 VVBPKL Plan capital (CURR 19) WERTV10 CURR 
472 VVBPKTE No. of points which the fix./fit.feature is weighted with DECV_5_2 DEC 
473 VVBPKTEMAX of points which the feature is weighted with DECV_5_2 DEC 
474 VVBPKTEMIN of points which the feature is weighted with DECV_5_2 DEC 
475 VVBPKTEMSP points f. weighting of feature in repr.rnt list DECV_5_2 DEC 
476 VVBPKTERH Absolute change of index points for rent adjustment DEC4_2 DEC 
477 VVBPKTERH_BI Absolute change of index points for rent adjustment CHAR8 CHAR 
478 VVBPKTE_BI No. of points which the fix./fit.feature is weighted with CHAR10 CHAR 
479 VVBPKTFL Points for the feature class / area class DECV5_2 DEC 
480 VVBPKTMXKL Maximum number of points to be considered per class DECV_5_2 DEC 
481 VVBPKTREBI Resulting no. of points for a fixture and fittings feature CHAR8 CHAR 
482 VVBPKTRES Resulting no. of points for a fixture and fittings feature DECV_5_2 DEC 
483 VVBPKTSUM Total number of points for feature class or object VVDECV5_2 DEC 
484 VVBPMI Maintenance costs to be paid by tenant - Actual WRTV7 CURR 
485 VVBPMICUK Actual maintenance costs debited to tenant in 2nd currency WRTV7 CURR 
486 VVBPMS Maintenance costs to be paid by tenant - Planned WRTV7 CURR 
487 VVBPMSCUK Planned maintenance costs debited to tenant in 2nd currency WRTV7 CURR 
488 VVBPRTABSI Share of actual costs for incurred yearly on RU WRTV7 CURR 
489 VVBPRTABSP Share of CM planned costs incurred yearly on a RU WRTV7 CURR 
490 VVBPTSHW Scheduled Repayment: Debit Position in Local Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
491 VVBPTSW2 Scheduled Repayment: Debit Position in Alternative Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
492 VVBPTSWR Scheduled Repayment: Debit Position in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
493 VVBPTZHW Scheduled Repayment: Incoming Payment in Local Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
494 VVBPTZW2 Sched. Repayment: Incoming Payment in Alternative Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
495 VVBPTZWR Scheduled Repayment: Incoming Payment in Position Currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
496 VVBP_EIGENT Geschäftspartnernummer Eigentümer BP_PARTNR CHAR 
497 VVBP_EXT_KATAMT Externe Partner-ID Katasteramt CHAR15 CHAR 
498 VVBP_FINAMT Geschäftspartnernummer Finanzamt BP_PARTNR CHAR 
499 VVBP_JEIGENT Geschäftspartnernummer juristischer Eigentümer BP_PARTNR CHAR 
500 VVBP_KATAMT Geschäftspartnernummer Katasteramt BP_PARTNR CHAR