SAP ABAP Data Element - Index V, page 11
Data Element - V
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | VVAMMRHYBI | Number of months in period | CHAR3 | CHAR |
2 | VVAMMRHY_BK | Frequency in months of cash deposit interest settlement | NUMC03 | NUMC |
3 | VVAMNVZG | SCS: No.of months for determin.eff.-from date for new AP | DEC2 | DEC |
4 | VVAMONAT | Number of months in adjustment period | NUMC3 | NUMC |
5 | VVAMONMIND | Minimum interval between two rent adjustments in months | NUMC03 | NUMC |
6 | VVAMST | Minimum Duration of a Commercial Lease-Out in Months | INT3 | NUMC |
7 | VVAMTEXPL | MText word processing: No. of copies of letter per document | VVAMTEXPL | NUMC |
8 | VVAMTKOPIE | M/text no. of copies of letter | VVAMTEXPL | NUMC |
9 | VVAMV | No. of lease-outs | VVDEC6 | DEC |
10 | VVAMZBZAE | Minus tolerance - Fixed interest period counter | NUMC04 | NUMC |
11 | VVANABT | Max. no. of assignments | NUMC03 | NUMC |
12 | VVANAME | Name of output field | CHAR30 | CHAR |
13 | VVANLN1 | Asset: main number | ANLN1 | CHAR |
14 | VVANLN2 | Asset: Subnumber | ANLN2 | CHAR |
15 | VVANMRHY | Number of Months In Interest Period | NUMC03 | NUMC |
16 | VVANPSKCODE | Condition/gradings adjustment scope | VVANPSKCODE | CHAR |
17 | VVANRSTELL | Number of characters in asset number | NUM02 | NUMC |
18 | VVANSADR | Address category from partner management for letter | ADRTYP | CHAR |
19 | VVANSWL_A | Yearly flows affecting acquisition value (display currency) | ANLKWERT | CURR |
20 | VVANSW_GJE_A | Fiscal year end acquisition value (display currency) | ANLKWERT | CURR |
21 | VVANTEIL | Proportional Planned Value Calculation | CHAR1 | CHAR |
22 | VVANTEILSART | Anteilsart Eigentümer | CHAR02 | CHAR |
23 | VVANTEIL_BNENNER | LUM: Brucheigentumsanteil Nenner | VVBEIGTN | DEC |
24 | VVANTEIL_BZAEHL | LUM: Brucheigentumsanteil Zähler | VVBEIGTZ | DEC |
25 | VVANTEIL_GNENNER | LUM: Gesamthandseigentum Nenner | VVBEIGTN | DEC |
26 | VVANTEIL_GZAEHL | LUM: Gesamthandseigentum Zähler | VVBEIGTZ | DEC |
27 | VVANTEIL_NENNER | Anteil Nenner | VVBEIGTN | DEC |
28 | VVANTEIL_ZAEHL | Anteil Zähler | VVBEIGTZ | DEC |
29 | VVANTM | Tenant share of incidental expenses (gross) | WRTV7 | CURR |
30 | VVANTV | Landlord share of incidental expenses (gross) | WRTV7 | CURR |
31 | VVANWENDUNG | Anwendung FOLA = Flurstück / FOLR = Grundbuch | CHAR04 | CHAR |
32 | VVANZBEL | Display all line items | XFELD | CHAR |
33 | VVANZGEBGR | No. of characters for number of building/property | NUMC1 | NUMC |
34 | VVANZSMENR | Number of characters for rental unit number | NUMC1 | NUMC |
35 | VVANZSWENR | Number of characters for business entity number | NUMC1 | NUMC |
36 | VVAPERTAGE | No. of days of a (calculation) period in cash flow | INT6 | NUMC |
37 | VVAPLAN | Cash management update period in years | NUM02 | NUMC |
38 | VVAPROF | Settlement profile for costs | APROF | CHAR |
39 | VVAPT | No. of partners | DEC5 | DEC |
40 | VVAPZBZAE | Plus tolerance - Fixed interest period counter | NUMC04 | NUMC |
41 | VVARBIS | Archiving carried out upto | DATS | DATS |
42 | VVAREA_GS | Total area as base for adjustment without rounding errors | VVBFLART | QUAN |
43 | VVARGUMENT | Key argument when errors occur | CHAR30 | CHAR |
44 | VVARND | Remaining Life for Revenue Value Calculation | DEC5 | DEC |
45 | VVARN_021 | Line layout that will be copied | CHAR3 | CHAR |
46 | VVAROBJ | Real Estate archiving object | VVAROBJ | NUMC |
47 | VVARZAE | Reservation Period Counter | NUMC04 | NUMC |
48 | VVASCLISTNAM | RE: Name in a <Name,Value> Pair in an Association List | STRG | |
49 | VVASCLISTSTR | RE: Parameter List in Form of <Name='Value'> Strings | CHAR | |
50 | VVASCLISTVAL | RE: Value in a <Name,Value> Pair in an Association List | STRG | |
51 | VVASTELL | Number of parking spaces | DEC5 | DEC |
52 | VVASTK | Number of Loans in File | AINT4 | INT4 |
53 | VVASTKR | Number of Loans in Register | AINT4 | INT4 |
54 | VVATAGE | Number of days | INT6 | NUMC |
55 | VVATAGE2 | No. of days | VVATAGE2 | QUAN |
56 | VVATAP | Period for cleared items in days | NUM03 | NUMC |
57 | VVATMRHY | Number of Months in Repayment Period | NUMC03 | NUMC |
58 | VVATTERM | Number of days for 'reserved until' date | WERT2 | DEC |
59 | VVATTRHYBI | Number of days acc. to frequency | CHAR3 | CHAR |
60 | VVAUANWERT | Wert Aussenanlagen | WERTV6 | CURR |
61 | VVAUSF | Execution type (online, bckgrnd) | CHAR01 | CHAR |
62 | VVAUSGSWERT | Ausgangswert | WERTV6 | CURR |
63 | VVAUSP | Value of a table field | CHARX12 | CHAR |
64 | VVAUSPG | Value group | NUM04 | NUMC |
66 | VVAVERDI | Uncompressed period in years | NUM02 | NUMC |
67 | VVAVERDIEN | No. of earners (living in household) | DEC2 | DEC |
68 | VVAVMRHY | Number of Months in Repayment Clearing Period | NUMC03 | NUMC |
69 | VVAWE | No. of business entities | DEC6 | DEC |
70 | VVAXST | Maximum Term of a Lease-Out in Months | INT3 | NUMC |
71 | VVAZBZAE | Numerator fixed interest period | NUMC04 | NUMC |
72 | VVAZFRI | Days for determining the payment deadline | NUM03 | NUMC |
73 | VVAZIMM | Number of rooms | DEC6 | DEC |
74 | VVBA2MIND | Reduction in value due to land register sect. II | BWHR | CURR |
75 | VVBABRE | Settlement units | VVBABRE | QUAN |
76 | VVBABRE_BI | Apportionment factor | CHAR18 | CHAR |
77 | VVBABS | Absolute amnout/amount used in posting activity | WERTV7 | CURR |
78 | VVBABSISUM | Total assignment value of collateral securities | WERTV7 | CURR |
79 | VVBAFA | Depreciation amount | BWHR | CURR |
80 | VVBAGATELL | Trivial Amount Limit | WERTV7 | CURR |
81 | VVBAGRP | Flow Type Group | VVBAGRP | CHAR |
82 | VVBAGRPBEZ | Name of Flow Type Group | TEXT40 | CHAR |
83 | VVBAKEY | Processing Key | VVBAKEY | CHAR |
84 | VVBAKEYBEZ | Name of processing key | TEXT40 | CHAR |
85 | VVBAKTVER | Current Contract Capital | WERTV7 | CURR |
86 | VVBALT | Index points / old interest rate | DEC5_3 | DEC |
87 | VVBALTWMIN | Long-standing encumbrances value | BWHR | CURR |
88 | VVBANDNR | Band-Nr. eines Grundbuchs | VVBANDNR | CHAR |
89 | VVBANDNR_ERB | Band-Nr Erbbaugrundbuch | VVBANDNR | CHAR |
90 | VVBANKA | Name of financial instition | TEXT20 | CHAR |
91 | VVBANPASSFE | New condition amount for each area unit (changeable) | WRTV7 | CURR |
92 | VVBANPBCUK | Planned modernization costs in second currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
93 | VVBANPBM | Total pro rata modernization costs for the rental unit | WRTV7 | CURR |
94 | VVBANZGE | Number of floors | DEC3_1 | DEC |
95 | VVBANZGE2 | Number of floors | DEC5_1 | DEC |
96 | VVBANZGEBI | Number of floors | CHAR5 | CHAR |
97 | VVBARAG_EW | Cash settlement for warrant exercising in issue curr. | WERTV7 | CURR |
98 | VVBARAG_HW | Cash settlement during warrant exercising in local currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
99 | VVBARAG_OS | Cash settlement during warrant exercising in ref. currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
100 | VVBARAW_OS | Currency key for cash settlement of warrant | WAERS | CUKY |
101 | VVBART | Processing Type | VVBART | CHAR |
102 | VVBARTBEZ | Name of processing type | TEXT40 | CHAR |
103 | VVBASIS | Index base | DEC5_3 | DEC |
104 | VVBASJHR_BI | Index series base year | CHAR4 | CHAR |
105 | VVBASPW_OS | Exercise price currency | WAERS | CUKY |
106 | VVBASP_OS | Basic price | WERTV7 | CURR |
107 | VVBATNHW | Nominal Unscheduled Repayment in Local Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
108 | VVBATNWR | Nominal Unscheduled Repayment in Position Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
109 | VVBATSHW | Unscheduled Repayment: Debit Position in Local Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
110 | VVBATSW2 | Unsched. Repayment: Debit Position in Alternative Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
111 | VVBATSWR | Unsched. Repayment: Debit Position in Position Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
112 | VVBATYP | Processing category | VVBATYP | CHAR |
113 | VVBATYPBEZ | Name of processing category | TEXT40 | CHAR |
114 | VVBATZHW | Unscheduled Repayment: Incoming Payments in Local Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
115 | VVBATZW2 | Unscheduled Repayment: Incoming Payments in Altern. Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
116 | VVBATZWR | Unsched. Repayment: Incoming Payments in Position Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
117 | VVBAUEH | Price per unit of measurement for external area | BWHR | CURR |
118 | VVBAUFHW | Write Back Accumulated Accruals/Deferrals in Local Curr. | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
119 | VVBAUFMOD | Expense for renovation/modernization/reconstruct./expansion | BWHR | CURR |
120 | VVBAUFWR | Write Back Accumulated Accruals/Deferrals in Position Crcy | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
121 | VVBAUMIET | External area rent per unit | BWHR | CURR |
122 | VVBAUNK | Construction incid. costs as % of net construction costs | DEC3_7 | DEC |
123 | VVBAUROH | External area monthly gross profit | BWHR | CURR |
124 | VVBAUSSEN | Value: Grounds | WRBTR_SUM | CURR |
125 | VVBAUTANPFE | New condition amount for each area unit (original) | WRTV7 | CURR |
126 | VVBAUWERT | Building value | BWHR | CURR |
127 | VVBAVAKTIV | BAV data business entity active indicator | JANEI | CHAR |
128 | VVBAVGGSMT | Average total rent | WRTV7 | CURR |
129 | VVBAVHW | Disbursement Obligation in Local Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
130 | VVBAVVWR | Available Disbursement Obligation in Position Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
131 | VVBAVW2 | Disbursement Obligation in Alternative Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
132 | VVBAVWR | Disbursement Obligation in Position Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
133 | VVBAZHPF | Disbursement Obligation | WERTV7 | CURR |
134 | VVBAZV | Disbursement obligation | WERTV7 | CURR |
135 | VVBAZVL | Disbursement obligation (CURR 19) | WERTV10 | CURR |
136 | VVBBABD_AN | Security account book value markdown (acquisition value) | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
137 | VVBBABD_BU | Security account book value markdown (book value) | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
138 | VVBBARWERT | Net Present Value | WERTV7 | CURR |
139 | VVBBASIS | Basis for management contract fee calculation | DEC9_2 | DEC |
140 | VVBBASISBI | Calculation base for conditions | CHAR13 | CHAR |
141 | VVBBAUOERB | Building Value Without Heritable Building | BWHR | CURR |
142 | VVBBAUW13 | Value: Building value 1913 | WRBTR_SUM | CURR |
143 | VVBBAUWAKT | Value: current building value | WRBTR_SUM | CURR |
144 | VVBBAUWMIN | Construc.charges value | BWHR | CURR |
145 | VVBBBBTRSUM | Gross total of condition items | WRTV7 | CURR |
146 | VVBBELABSS | Base amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
147 | VVBBELAERG | Operating profit amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
148 | VVBBELAMNG | Number for single amount | DEC5 | DEC |
149 | VVBBELAPRS | Single amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
150 | VVBBELAST | Value-dated encumbrance (land register section II and III) | WERTV7 | CURR |
151 | VVBBELWERG | Collateral value yield | WERTV7 | CURR |
152 | VVBBELWERT | Collateral value | WERTV7 | CURR |
153 | VVBBERFOBT | (Gross-) total of calculation forms of a fee type | WRTV7 | CURR |
154 | VVBBERFONT | (Net-) amount of calculation forms of a fee type | WRTV7 | CURR |
155 | VVBBERFORM | Payment amount for a calculation form/selection types | WRTV7 | CURR |
156 | VVBBERFOST | Taxes on sales/purchases amount of calc. forms of a fee type | WRTV7 | CURR |
157 | VVBBERFSBT | (Gross-) total of all valid calculation forms | WRTV7 | CURR |
158 | VVBBERFSNT | (Net-) total of all valid calculation forms | WRTV7 | CURR |
159 | VVBBERFSST | Taxes on sales/purchases total of all valid calc. forms | WRTV7 | CURR |
160 | VVBBETRIE2 | Value: facilities | WRBTR_SUM | CURR |
161 | VVBBETRIEB | Operating costs | BWHR | CURR |
162 | VVBBEWIRT | Administration costs | BWHR | CURR |
163 | VVBBEWKOG | Commercial administration costs amount | BWHR | CURR |
164 | VVBBEWKOW | Residential administration costs | BWHR | CURR |
165 | VVBBEZ | Reversal via reverse processing using BBEZ | VVBBEZ | CHAR |
166 | VVBBEZEIN | Reference units | BWHR | CURR |
167 | VVBBEZUG | Purchase of foreign currency through warrants | WERTV7 | CURR |
168 | VVBBEZ_BI | Relationship amount | CHAR13 | CHAR |
169 | VVBBILANZ | Company balance sheet total | WERT8 | CURR |
170 | VVBBISHENG | Existing commitment | WERTV7 | CURR |
171 | VVBBLABZ | Collateral value deduction (imputed) | BWHR | CURR |
172 | VVBBLVNABZ | Collateral Value Proposal After Imputed Deduction | BWHR | CURR |
173 | VVBBLVTAX | Proposal of valuer for collateral value | BWHR | CURR |
174 | VVBBLVVABZ | Collateral Value Before Imputed Deduction | BWHR | CURR |
175 | VVBBODEN | Land value | BWHR | CURR |
176 | VVBBODOERB | Land Value Without Heritable Building | BWHR | CURR |
177 | VVBBOKLFW | Position amount opening clause | WERTV7 | CURR |
178 | VVBBONIPRF | Result of credit standing check | WERTV7 | CURR |
179 | VVBBRTEINH | Gross amount per area unit | WERTV7 | CURR |
180 | VVBBRUTTO | Gross amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
181 | VVBBSTBWHR | Position Amount in Position Currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
182 | VVBBSTHWHR | Position amount in local currency | WERTV7 | CURR |
183 | VVBBUDAT | Posting date for the balance sheet transfer | DATUM | DATS |
184 | VVBCONSUMP | F = Fuel consumption | DEC13_2 | DEC |
185 | VVBCREDIT | Credit amount in document currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
186 | VVBCREDTAX | Tax contained in credit amount in doc.currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
187 | VVBDARLSUM | Loans total amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
188 | VVBDEBE | Coverage amount | BWHR | CURR |
189 | VVBDEBIT | Debit amount in document currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
190 | VVBDEBTAX | Tax contained in debit amount in doc.currency with +/- sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
191 | VVBDISAGIO | Discount/Premium | WERTV7 | CURR |
192 | VVBDIVID | Dividend/profit distribution amount | WERT8 | CURR |
193 | VVBDMQMB1 | Land price: market value | WRBTR | CURR |
194 | VVBDMQMB2 | Land price: Purchase price | WRBTR | CURR |
195 | VVBDMQMB2_2 | Land Price: Purchase Price | WRTV8 | CURR |
196 | VVBDNRWERT | Land reference value: Market value determination | WRBTR | CURR |
197 | VVBDNWERT | Land value: market value determination | WRBTR | CURR |
198 | VVBDNWERT_2 | Land Value: Market Value Determination | WRTV8 | CURR |
199 | VVBDSAGIOU | Discount/ Premium (not yet collected) | WERTV7 | CURR |
200 | VVBEACTDATE | Date of Service | DATUM | DATS |
201 | VVBEAKTJAHRERL | Erlöse abzugsf Vst Vstberichtigung aktuelles Jahr | KSTAR | CHAR |
202 | VVBEAKTJAHRKST | Kosten nicht abzugsf Vst Vstberichtigung aktuelles Jahr | KSTAR | CHAR |
203 | VVBEAMOUNT441 | Bagatellgrenze §44a Absatz 1 | VVBECURR | CURR |
204 | VVBEAMOUNT442 | Betrag Bagatellgrenze §44a Absatz 2 | VVBECURR | CURR |
205 | VVBEAMOUNT443 | Bagatellgrenze §44a Absatz 3 | VVBECURR | CURR |
206 | VVBEAMOUNT444 | Bagatellgrenze §44a Absatz 4 | VVBECURR | CURR |
207 | VVBEARBNR | Bearbeitungs-Nr. | CHAR12 | CHAR |
208 | VVBEARBTEXT | Beschreibung Bearbeitungs-Nr. Grundbuch | XTEXT80 | CHAR |
209 | VVBEAVHW_V | Abzugsfähige Vorsteuer Hauswährung mit Vorzeichen | VVBECURR | CURR |
210 | VVBEBASECHANGE | Berichtigungsbasis geändert | FLAG | CHAR |
211 | VVBEBASETYP | Satzart Berichtigungsbasis | VVBEBASETYP | CHAR |
212 | VVBECOJAHR | Jahr des Berichtigungslaufes | JAHR | NUMC |
213 | VVBECORAMOUNT | Für den Buchungszeitraum errechneter Berichtigungsbetrag | VVBECURR | CURR |
214 | VVBECORAMOUNT44 | Korr. Berichtigungsbetrag Bagatellgrenzen §44 UStDV | VVBECURR | CURR |
215 | VVBECORAMOUNTJAHR | Prognose für den Jahresberichtigungsbetrag | VVBECURR | CURR |
216 | VVBECORBASEGUID | Technischer Schlüssel Berichtigungsbasissatz | VVBEGUID | RAW |
217 | VVBECORITEMGUID | Technischer Schlüssel für Berichtigungsbuchungen | VVBEGUID | RAW |
218 | VVBECORMONAT | Monat, für den der Berichtigungslauf stattfand | VVBECORMONAT | CHAR |
219 | VVBECOROBJ | Berichtigungsobjekt Vorsteuerberichtigung | VVBECOROBJ | CHAR |
220 | VVBECOSTAMOUNT | Kosten (netto) der Maßnahmen bzw. AHK | VVBECURR | CURR |
221 | VVBECSTATUS | Status des Berichtigungsobjektes | VVBECSTATUS | CHAR |
222 | VVBECTYP | Typ des Berichtigungsobjektes | VVBECTYP | CHAR |
223 | VVBEDATERET | Datum Abgang | DDAT | DATS |
224 | VVBEDEDPROZENT | Prozentualer Vorsteuerabzug bis Kalenderjahr | POPTSATZ | DEC |
225 | VVBEDEDTAXNEW | Gemäß aktueller Nutzungsverhältnissen abzugsfähige Vorsteuer | VVBECURR | CURR |
226 | VVBEDEDTAXOLD | Ursprünglich abgezogene Vorsteuer | VVBECURR | CURR |
227 | VVBEDEDTAX_TOYEAR | Abgezogene Vorsteuer bis Kalenderjahr | VVBECURR | CURR |
228 | VVBEFROMACTDATE | Leistungsbezugsdatum von | DATUM | DATS |
229 | VVBEFROMDATE44 | Bagatellgrenze gilt für Berichtigungen ab | DATUM | DATS |
230 | VVBEGRUND44 | Ergebnis der Bagatellprüfung | VVBEGRUND44 | CHAR |
231 | VVBEHERKUNFT | Herkunft der Buchung | VVBEHERKUNFT | CHAR |
232 | VVBEHWAERS | Hauswährung | WAERS | CUKY |
233 | VVBEINF | Opening amount | VVBEINF | CURR |
234 | VVBEING | Incoming amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
235 | VVBEINHBRTCUK | Gross unit price in second currency | BEINH | DEC |
236 | VVBEINHNETCUK | Net unit price in second currency | BEINH | DEC |
237 | VVBEINHSTE | Tax amount for unit price | BEINH | DEC |
238 | VVBEINHSTECUK | Tax amount for unit price in second currency | BEINH | DEC |
239 | VVBEINHW | Assessed value: value | WRBTR | CURR |
240 | VVBEINHW2 | Assessed value: value | WRBTR_SUM | CURR |
241 | VVBEIVO | Total issue amount | BWHR | CURR |
242 | VVBEK | Effective capital | WERTV7 | CURR |
243 | VVBEKL | Effective capital (CURR 19) | WERTV10 | CURR |
244 | VVBEKZ | Indicator whether resubmission has already been processed | TEXT01 | CHAR |
245 | VVBELAST | Lasten und Beschränkungen | CHAR8 | CHAR |
246 | VVBELAST_TXT | Lasten und Beschränkungen | TEXT80 | CHAR |
247 | VVBELEGGRUPPE | Document group for reversal of loan flows | KENZX | CHAR |
248 | VVBEMKAT | Bemerkungen zum Katasteramt | TEXT60 | CHAR |
249 | VVBEMWSTS_V | Vorsteuer gesamt Hauswährung mit Vorzeichen | VVBECURR | CURR |
250 | VVBENAVHW_V | Nicht abzugsfähige Vorsteuer Hauswährung mit Vorzeichen | VVBECURR | CURR |
251 | VVBENONCOR | Position ist nicht zu berichtigen | VVBENONCOR | CHAR |
252 | VVBENONDEDTAXNEW | Gemäß aktuellen Nutzungsverhältnissen nicht abz Vorsteuer | VVBECURR | CURR |
253 | VVBENONDEDTAXOLD | Ursprünglich nicht abzugsfähige Vorsteuer | VVBECURR | CURR |
254 | VVBENONDEDTAX_TOYEAR | Nicht abzugsfähige Vorsteuer bis Kalenderjahr | VVBECURR | CURR |
255 | VVBEOBJNR | Objektnummer des Kontierungsobjektes Berichtigungsbuchung | J_OBJNR | CHAR |
256 | VVBEOPTSATZABGANG | Abgangsoptionssatz | POPTSATZ | DEC |
257 | VVBEOPTSATZJAHR | Hochrechnung Optionssatz | POPTSATZ | DEC |
258 | VVBEOPTSATZNEW | Für die Vorsteuerberichtigung maßgeblicher Optionssatz | POPTSATZ | DEC |
259 | VVBEOPTSATZOLD | Optionssatz nach Vorsteueraufteilung | POPTSATZ | DEC |
260 | VVBEPOPTSATZ442 | Bagatellgrenze §44 UStDV Absatz 2 | POPTSATZ | DEC |
262 | VVBERECHT | Berechtigter | BP_PARTNR | CHAR |
263 | VVBERECHTA3 | Berechtigter | TEXT120 | CHAR |
264 | VVBEREFJAHR | Bezugsjahr der Berichtigung | JAHR | NUMC |
265 | VVBERGRP | Authorization group | VVBERGRP | CHAR |
266 | VVBERHGES | Increase amount in full (not referring to the area) | WRTV7 | CURR |
267 | VVBERHGSCH | Adjustment amount based on relative/absolute factors | WRTV7 | CURR |
268 | VVBERHHPZS | Adjustment amount based on change in mortgage interest rate | WRTV7 | CURR |
269 | VVBERHTEUR | Adjustment amt based on change in standard of living index | WRTV7 | CURR |
270 | VVBERHUTBK | Adj. amount based on change in maintenance/operating costs | WRTV7 | CURR |
271 | VVBERMERK | Bemerkung zum Flurstück | TEXT10 | CHAR |
272 | VVBERMIN | Building stock reduction due to heritable building right | BWHR | CURR |
273 | VVBERSCHEH | Development amount per area unit | BWHR | CURR |
274 | VVBESSOLLID | ID des Berichtigungslaufes | VVSSOLLID | NUMC |
275 | VVBESSOLLIDJAHR | Jahr zur Lauf-Id (nach CPU-Datum) | JAHR | NUMC |
276 | VVBESTAND | Kennzeichen Bestand alt / Bestand neu | CHAR1 | CHAR |
277 | VVBESTBELNR | Belegnummer des Stornobeleges | BELNR | CHAR |
278 | VVBESTKZ | Stock indicator | VVBESTKZ | NUMC |
279 | VVBESTOKZ | Berichtigungsbasissatz wurde storniert (nur manuelle) | FLAG | CHAR |
280 | VVBETOACTDATE | Leistungsbezugsdatum bis | DATUM | DATS |
281 | VVBETOTALTAX | Gesamtbetrag der Vorsteuer in Hauswährung | VVBECURR | CURR |
282 | VVBETRALT | Correction items old value | VVWERT7V | CURR |
283 | VVBETRAUS | Hide amount for manual posting | KENZX | CHAR |
284 | VVBETRIEBSNOTW | Kennzeichen Betriebsnotwendige Fläche | CHAR1 | CHAR |
285 | VVBETRREST | Net book value transfer amount | VVWERT7V | CURR |
286 | VVBEUMBUCH | Correction items: Selected amount | VVWERT7V | CURR |
287 | VVBEVENT | (Currency-) amount of event | WRTV7 | CURR |
288 | VVBEVORJAHRERL | Erlöse abzugsf Vst Vstberichtigung abweichendes Jahr | KSTAR | CHAR |
289 | VVBEVORJAHRKST | Kosten nicht abzugsf Vst Vstberichtigung abeichende Jahre | KSTAR | CHAR |
290 | VVBEWATEXT | Incoming payment description | CHAR18 | CHAR |
291 | VVBEXBASE | Beschreibungstext zum manuellen Basisatz | TEXT60 | CHAR |
292 | VVBEXCOROBJ | Bezeichnung des Berichtigungsobjektes | CHAR60 | CHAR |
293 | VVBEZEH_OS | Reference unit | WERTV7 | CURR |
294 | VVBEZGR | Reference Factor | VVBEZGR | QUAN |
295 | VVBEZPW_OS | Reference unit currency | WAERS | CUKY |
296 | VVBEZP_OS | Reference unit | WERTV7 | CURR |
297 | VVBEZWH_OS | Reference unit currency | WAERS | CUKY |
298 | VVBFEABS | Max.capping limit for apartm. before key date/under min.amnt | WERT5 | CURR |
299 | VVBFEKAPAB | Minimum rent per square unit for reduced capping limit | WERT5 | CURR |
300 | VVBFESTB | Fixed amount for management contract fees | WRTV7 | CURR |
301 | VVBFLABW | Difference in area between RU and rooms assigned | VVBFLART | QUAN |
302 | VVBFLAEEH | Price per unit of area | BWHR | CURR |
303 | VVBFLART | Area of area type | VVBFLART | QUAN |
304 | VVBFLART1 | Area of area type (max) | VVBFLART | QUAN |
305 | VVBFLART2 | Area of area type (min) | VVBFLART | QUAN |
306 | VVBFLARTBI | Area of area type | CHAR18 | CHAR |
307 | VVBFLART_A | Area (display unit) | VVBFLART | QUAN |
308 | VVBFLART_BI | Fläche der Flächenart | CHAR18 | CHAR |
309 | VVBFLSUM | Total area of rooms of rental unit | VVBFLART | QUAN |
310 | VVBFLVALUFE | Amount per area unit of a characteristic in RLR | WRTV7 | CURR |
311 | VVBFMVALUFE | Amount per area unit of characteristic in RLS | WRTV7 | CURR |
312 | VVBFREIIII | Previous release amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
313 | VVBFVVALUFE | Amount per area unit of characteristic | WRTV7 | CURR |
314 | VVBFWBWHW | Foreign exchange valuation in local currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
315 | VVBGEH | Price per garage/unit | BWHR | CURR |
316 | VVBGEROHER | Total yearly gross profit | BWHR | CURR |
317 | VVBGESBMI | Actual total costs of modernization | WRTV7 | CURR |
318 | VVBGESBMP | Total costs for modernization planned | WRTV7 | CURR |
319 | VVBGESNK | Total service charges for chosen settlement period | WRTV7 | CURR |
320 | VVBGESNKPR | Total service charges for previous settlement period | WRTV7 | CURR |
321 | VVBGESTERG | Prime costs result | WERTV7 | CURR |
322 | VVBGESTKOS | Prime costs | WERTV7 | CURR |
323 | VVBGESWERT | Total value | VVBGESWERT | QUAN |
324 | VVBGESZULGS | Legally permitted total amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
325 | VVBGEWINN | IS-IS: Disclosed company profit | WERT8 | CURR |
326 | VVBGNKPCUK | Total service charges for previous stt.per. in 2nd currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
327 | VVBGPREIS | Total price per square unit | BWHR | CURR |
328 | VVBGRMQM | Basic rent per area unit | NUMC16 | NUMC |
329 | VVBGRP | Processing group | VVBGRP | CHAR |
330 | VVBGRPBEZ | Name of processing group | TEXT40 | CHAR |
331 | VVBGRZWRT | Limit/threshold value for inc. pmnts procedure | WERTV7 | CURR |
332 | VVBGSBMCUK | Actual total costs of modernization in second currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
333 | VVBGSF | Total receivables amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
334 | VVBGSFL | Total receivables amount (CURR 19) | WERTV10 | CURR |
335 | VVBGSNKCUK | Total service charges for chosen stt.period in 2nd currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
336 | VVBGUTH | Credit account | WRTV7 | CURR |
337 | VVBHEREGS | Production costs excluding property | BWHR | CURR |
338 | VVBHERIGS | Production costs including property | BWHR | CURR |
339 | VVBHOARSBT | (Gross-) total of all periodic fee types | WRTV7 | CURR |
340 | VVBHOARSNT | (Net-) total of all periodic fee types | WRTV7 | CURR |
341 | VVBHOARSST | Taxes on sales/purch. total for all periodic fee types | WRTV7 | CURR |
342 | VVBHOARTBT | (Gross-) amount of a periodic fee type | WRTV7 | CURR |
343 | VVBHOARTEX | (Net-) total of a periodic fee type | WRTV7 | CURR |
344 | VVBHOARTNT | (Net-) total of a periodic fee type | WRTV7 | CURR |
345 | VVBHOARTST | Taxes on sales/purchases total for a periodic fee type | WRTV7 | CURR |
346 | VVBHOEHEST | Storey number | VVDEC3_1V | DEC |
347 | VVBINDAKT | Current index status | DEC5_3 | DEC |
348 | VVBINDDAT1_BI | Date on which the markers for 1st adjustment are used | CHAR10 | CHAR |
349 | VVBINDPKT1_BI | Index status as base for first rental adjustment | CHAR9 | CHAR |
350 | VVBINDPKT_BI | Index marker status at last rent adjustment | CHAR9 | CHAR |
351 | VVBINITIAL | At present not supported (always 0) | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
352 | VVBINSTAND | Maintenance costs | BWHR | CURR |
353 | VVBIUMBUCH | Correction items: Amount to be transferred | WERT7 | CURR |
354 | VVBJMZUGBM | Yearly rental surcharge in accordance with §3 MHG | WRTV7 | CURR |
355 | VVBJREIN | Yearly net profit | BWHR_V | CURR |
356 | VVBJROH | Yearly gross profit | BWHR | CURR |
357 | VVBJUNGD | Subscription value of new stock (per securities acct) in LC | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
358 | VVBKAPAUS | Capital stock of a quota | BWHR | CURR |
359 | VVBKAUTA | Deposit amount (in display currency) | WRTV7 | CURR |
360 | VVBKAUTART | Deposit: amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
361 | VVBKGVHW | Exchange Rate Gains and Losses in Local Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
362 | VVBKGVWR | Exchange Rate Gains and Losses in Position Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
363 | VVBKKWR | Commitment Capital Acc. to Condition Header in Pos. Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
364 | VVBKOBWHW | Valuation of capitalized costs from price in local currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
365 | VVBKOBWWR | Valuation of capitalized costs from price in pos. currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
366 | VVBKOFBHW | Forex valuation of capitalized costs in local currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
367 | VVBKOND | Condition: amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
368 | VVBKONDA | Condition (in display currency) | WRTV7 | CURR |
369 | VVBKONDMAX | Maximum condition | WRTV7 | CURR |
370 | VVBKONDMAXR | Relative maximum condition | WRTV7 | CURR |
371 | VVBKONDMAXR_A | Relative maximum condition (in display currency) | WRTV7 | CURR |
372 | VVBKONDMIA | Minimum condition (in display currency) | WRTV7 | CURR |
373 | VVBKONDMIN | Minimum condition | WRTV7 | CURR |
374 | VVBKONDMINR | Relative minimum condition | WRTV7 | CURR |
375 | VVBKONDMINR_A | Relative minimum condition (in display currency) | WRTV7 | CURR |
376 | VVBKONDMXA | Maximum condition (in display currency) | WRTV7 | CURR |
377 | VVBKONDSUM | Currency amount total of condition items | WERTV7 | CURR |
378 | VVBKONDSUMNET | Condition: Total net amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
379 | VVBKONDSUMNET_MAX | Maximum Attainable Net Rent Based on Relative Factors | WRTV7 | CURR |
380 | VVBKONDSUMTOT | Condition: Total gross amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
381 | VVBKOND_BI | Condition item currency amount | CHAR18 | CHAR |
382 | VVBKOPMO | Average costs per 30 days for a term type | WRTV7 | CURR |
383 | VVBKOPTG | Average costs per day for a condition type | WRTV7 | CURR |
384 | VVBKPTGCUK | average costs/day for 1 condition type, in 2nd currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
385 | VVBKSTBHW | Book value of activated incid. costs in local currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
386 | VVBKSTBWR | Book value of capitalized incid. costs in position currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
387 | VVBKURSFW | Market value of security portfolio in foreign currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
388 | VVBKURSHW | Market value of security portfolio in local currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
389 | VVBKURS_AN | Average acquisition price for security in securities acct | CHAR12 | CHAR |
390 | VVBKURS_BU | Average book price for security in securities acct | CHAR12 | CHAR |
391 | VVBKURS_OS | Basic rate for warrant | DECV3_7 | DEC |
392 | VVBKWHR | Redundant from 4.0C | WRTV7 | CURR |
393 | VVBLARTBB | Doc.type for transfers btwn corr.items in an asset | BLART | CHAR |
394 | VVBLATTNR | Blatt-Nr. Grundbuch | VVBLATTNR | CHAR |
395 | VVBLATTNR_ERB | Blatt-Nr Erbbaugrundbuch | VVBLATTNR | CHAR |
396 | VVBLFEST | Date collateral value fixed | DATUM | DATS |
397 | VVBLVVERSL | Payment in case of claim | BWHR | CURR |
398 | VVBMANPBM | Monthly adjustment in accordance with §3 MHG | WRTV7 | CURR |
399 | VVBMASEH | Price per mass unit | BWHR | CURR |
400 | VVBMAXAF | Maximum increase per area unit | DEC7_2 | DEC |
401 | VVBMAXAG | Total maximum increase | DEC7_2 | DEC |
402 | VVBMBTR | Minimum interest amount | WRTV3 | DEC |
403 | VVBMEINKO | Monthly income | BWHR | CURR |
404 | VVBMESIZEMS | Rental unit areas relevant to representative list of rents | VVBFLART | QUAN |
405 | VVBMIET | Planned or realized rental income per year | BWHR | CURR |
406 | VVBMIETAUS | Risk of rent loss | BWHR | CURR |
407 | VVBMIETE | Rent income per period | BWHR | CURR |
408 | VVBMIHW | Reductions in local currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
409 | VVBMITTEL | Mean value between asset and revenue values | BWHR_V | CURR |
410 | VVBMIW2 | Capital Reduction in Alternative Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
411 | VVBMIWR | Capital Reduction in Position Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
412 | VVBMMVALUFE | Amount for each area unit for a fixtures & fittings charact. | WRTV7 | CURR |
413 | VVBMMVALUFEBI | Amount for each area unit for a fixtures & fittings charact. | CHAR18 | CHAR |
414 | VVBMMVALUFECUK | Amount/AU for fixtures and fittings charact. in second curr. | WRTV7 | CURR |
415 | VVBMOROH | Monthly gross profit | BWHR | CURR |
416 | VVBMROH | Monthly gross profit | BWHR | CURR |
417 | VVBMSPADDON | Absolute surcharge/reduction for RLR adjustment | WRTV7 | CURR |
418 | VVBMSPBAS | Base rent per area unit acc. to rep.list of rents | WRTV6 | CURR |
419 | VVBMWSTA | Value-added tax amount included (in displaly currency) | WRTV7 | CURR |
420 | VVBMZUGBM | Monthly surcharge planned in acc. with German tenancy law | WRTV7 | CURR |
421 | VVBNAVST | Amount of non-deductible input tax share | WRTV7 | CURR |
422 | VVBNBUERG | Initial capital not guaranteed | WERTV7 | CURR |
423 | VVBNETEINH | Net amount per area unit | WERTV7 | CURR |
424 | VVBNEU | Index points / int.rate / amount new | DEC5_3 | DEC |
425 | VVBNEUAUS | External area new value | BWHR | CURR |
426 | VVBNEUBK | Construction costs new value | BWHR | CURR |
427 | VVBNEUBNK | Construction incidental costs new value | BWHR | CURR |
428 | VVBNEUBS | New Building Value Before Collateral Markdown | BWHR | CURR |
429 | VVBNEUBT | New value of special parts | BWHR | CURR |
430 | VVBNEUENGA | New commitment | WERTV7 | CURR |
431 | VVBNEUFE | New amount per area unit | WRTV7 | CURR |
432 | VVBNEUG | Garages new value | BWHR | CURR |
433 | VVBNEUGES | Total new amount (not relative to the area) | WRTV7 | CURR |
434 | VVBNEUMIET | New rental amount after rent adjustment | WRTV7 | CURR |
435 | VVBNEURBK | Net construction costs new value | BWHR | CURR |
436 | VVBNEUST | Parking spaces new value | BWHR | CURR |
437 | VVBNEUTG | Building Part New Value | BWHR | CURR |
438 | VVBNEWE | Nominal Value per Stock (Independent of Currency) | VVKWKURS | DEC |
439 | VVBNEWEUAL | New condition amount in Euro | WRTV7 | CURR |
440 | VVBNEWEUFE | New condition amount per area unit in Euro | WRTV6 | CURR |
441 | VVBNFRKAU | Security deposit amount not released | WRTV7 | CURR |
442 | VVBNOM | Nominal total | WERTV7 | CURR |
443 | VVBNOM_FRE | Free nominal | WERTV7 | CURR |
444 | VVBNOVST | Input tax amount up to which an correction is not applicable | WERT7 | CURR |
445 | VVBNSICH | Collateral nominal amount | BWHR | CURR |
446 | VVBNTBMZ | Actual usage: Construction dimension number | DEC3_2 | DEC |
447 | VVBNTBMZS | Actual usage: Construction Dimension No. (Total) | DEC6_2 | DEC |
448 | VVBNTGFZ | Actual usage: Amount of floor-area ratio | DEC2_2 | DEC |
449 | VVBNTGFZS | Actual usage: Amount of floor-area ratio (total) | DEC6_2 | DEC |
450 | VVBNTGRZ | Actual usage: floor area ratio | DEC1_2 | DEC |
451 | VVBNTGRZS | Actual usage: Amount of floor area ratio (total) | DEC6_2 | DEC |
452 | VVBNZBMZ | Permitted usage: Construction dimension no. | DEC3_2 | DEC |
453 | VVBNZBMZS | Permitted usage: Construct.dimension no. (total) | DEC6_2 | DEC |
454 | VVBNZGFZ | Permitted usage: Floor-area ratio | DEC2_2 | DEC |
455 | VVBNZGFZS | Permitted usage: floor-area ratio (total) | DEC6_2 | DEC |
456 | VVBNZGRZ | Permitted Usage: Site Occupancy Index | DEC1_2 | DEC |
457 | VVBNZGRZS | Allowed Usage: Site Occupancy Index (Total) | DEC6_2 | DEC |
458 | VVBOBJWERT | Determined object value | BWHR | CURR |
459 | VVBODANT | Bodenwertanteil | WERTV6 | CURR |
460 | VVBODEMIN | Land value reduction due to heritable building right | BWHR | CURR |
461 | VVBODENART | Bodenart | TEXT5 | CHAR |
462 | VVBODENKLASSE | Bodenklasse | CHAR06 | CHAR |
463 | VVBODWERT | Bodenwert | WERTV6 | CURR |
464 | VVBOLDDMAL | Condition amount in original currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
465 | VVBOLDDMFE | Condition amount per area unit in original currency | WRTV6 | CURR |
466 | VVBOLDEUAL | Old condition amount in Euro | WRTV7 | CURR |
467 | VVBOLDEUFE | Old condition amount per area unit in Euro | WRTV6 | CURR |
468 | VVBPAUALT | Total of old flat-rate transfer postings | VVWERT7V | CURR |
469 | VVBPAUSCH | Flat-rate transfer amount | VVWERT7V | CURR |
470 | VVBPK | Planned capital | WERTV7 | CURR |
471 | VVBPKL | Plan capital (CURR 19) | WERTV10 | CURR |
472 | VVBPKTE | No. of points which the fix./fit.feature is weighted with | DECV_5_2 | DEC |
473 | VVBPKTEMAX | of points which the feature is weighted with | DECV_5_2 | DEC |
474 | VVBPKTEMIN | of points which the feature is weighted with | DECV_5_2 | DEC |
475 | VVBPKTEMSP | points f. weighting of feature in repr.rnt list | DECV_5_2 | DEC |
476 | VVBPKTERH | Absolute change of index points for rent adjustment | DEC4_2 | DEC |
477 | VVBPKTERH_BI | Absolute change of index points for rent adjustment | CHAR8 | CHAR |
478 | VVBPKTE_BI | No. of points which the fix./fit.feature is weighted with | CHAR10 | CHAR |
479 | VVBPKTFL | Points for the feature class / area class | DECV5_2 | DEC |
480 | VVBPKTMXKL | Maximum number of points to be considered per class | DECV_5_2 | DEC |
481 | VVBPKTREBI | Resulting no. of points for a fixture and fittings feature | CHAR8 | CHAR |
482 | VVBPKTRES | Resulting no. of points for a fixture and fittings feature | DECV_5_2 | DEC |
483 | VVBPKTSUM | Total number of points for feature class or object | VVDECV5_2 | DEC |
484 | VVBPMI | Maintenance costs to be paid by tenant - Actual | WRTV7 | CURR |
485 | VVBPMICUK | Actual maintenance costs debited to tenant in 2nd currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
486 | VVBPMS | Maintenance costs to be paid by tenant - Planned | WRTV7 | CURR |
487 | VVBPMSCUK | Planned maintenance costs debited to tenant in 2nd currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
488 | VVBPRTABSI | Share of actual costs for incurred yearly on RU | WRTV7 | CURR |
489 | VVBPRTABSP | Share of CM planned costs incurred yearly on a RU | WRTV7 | CURR |
490 | VVBPTSHW | Scheduled Repayment: Debit Position in Local Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
491 | VVBPTSW2 | Scheduled Repayment: Debit Position in Alternative Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
492 | VVBPTSWR | Scheduled Repayment: Debit Position in Position Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
493 | VVBPTZHW | Scheduled Repayment: Incoming Payment in Local Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
494 | VVBPTZW2 | Sched. Repayment: Incoming Payment in Alternative Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
495 | VVBPTZWR | Scheduled Repayment: Incoming Payment in Position Currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
496 | VVBP_EIGENT | Geschäftspartnernummer Eigentümer | BP_PARTNR | CHAR |
497 | VVBP_EXT_KATAMT | Externe Partner-ID Katasteramt | CHAR15 | CHAR |
498 | VVBP_FINAMT | Geschäftspartnernummer Finanzamt | BP_PARTNR | CHAR |
499 | VVBP_JEIGENT | Geschäftspartnernummer juristischer Eigentümer | BP_PARTNR | CHAR |
500 | VVBP_KATAMT | Geschäftspartnernummer Katasteramt | BP_PARTNR | CHAR |