SAP ABAP Data Element - Index M, page 3
Data Element - M
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 MAXTRANS Oracle: dba_tables.max_trans DEC17 DEC 
2 MAXTREFF Maximum no. of hits NUMC5 NUMC 
3 MAXTZ Maximum number of table lines SYST_LONG INT4 
4 MAXUB_KK Maximum Transfer Posting Amount WERT7 CURR 
5 MAXUI UIF Max. contribution DEC6_2 DEC 
6 MAXUP_KK Highest Sub-Item Number Assigned NUM06 NUMC 
7 MAXUZEIT IS-M: Availability Limit UZEIT TIMS 
8 MAXUZEIT_CHAR IS-M: Availability Limit CHAR06 CHAR 
9 MAXV Maximum volume of a picking wave MENG8 QUAN 
10 MAXVA Upper Value for Earning Ranges NUM10 NUMC 
11 MAXVALUE Calculation field for preventing field overflows MENGEV13 QUAN 
12 MAXVERHART Maximum Number of Packaging Materials MAXVERHART DEC 
13 MAXVG Maximum number of historical values PERAN DEC 
14 MAXWAGE BSI: Maximum salary BSI_WAGE DEC 
15 MAXWDH Maximum number of grid repetitions in period MAXWDH NUMC 
16 MAXWFLEVEL Maximum number of levels in workflow WFLEVEL INT4 
17 MAXWGHUNIT IS-M: Unit of weight MEINS UNIT 
18 MAXWO Maximum number of work hours per week STDAZ DEC 
19 MAXXBLNR_BRO Broker report - highest assigned ref no. for posted docs XBLNR_KK CHAR 
20 MAXZEIT Maximum available capacity of a picking wave in hours DEC15_3 DEC 
21 MAXZL Number of existing entries INT2 INT2 
22 MAXZT Maximum labor capacity of the shipping point in days DEC3_2 DEC 
23 MAXZUORD IS-M: Maximum number of assignments INT4 INT4 
24 MAX_AMOUNT Maximum Receipt Amount BAPICURR DEC 
25 MAX_AMT Maximum amount for payment WERT7 CURR 
26 MAX_ASNUM Maximum Number of Services per Read Operation SYST_LONG INT4 
27 MAX_BONIT_KK Max. creditworthiness for refunding a security BONIT_KK NUMC 
28 MAX_BREITE IS-M: Maximum Width of an Ad Spec GROESSE QUAN 
29 MAX_CAP Maximum capacity FLTP FLTP 
30 MAX_CAP_DU Duration for maximum capacity INT4 INT4 
31 MAX_CAP_UM Time bucket for maximum capacity (week / month / ...) MEINS UNIT 
32 MAX_CNT Restrict entries in hit list DDSHMAXREC INT4 
33 MAX_CONTAINER Container   CHAR 
34 MAX_COSPHI Upper limit for cosine phi DEC03_2 DEC 
35 MAX_COUNT Upper Limit for Determination of Workload MAX_COUNT INT4 
36 MAX_COV Maximum range of coverage allowed (in periods) FLTP FLTP 
37 MAX_CPT_BILREG Maximum Total Consumption of Clearing Registers E_VERBR CHAR 
38 MAX_CPT_SECREG Permissible maximum consumption of secondary meter E_VERBR CHAR 
39 MAX_CSEQNR Number of column blocks LSEQNR NUMC 
40 MAX_DAY Maximum width of a day DEC8_2 DEC 
41 MAX_DAYS Number of Days Since Last Existing Budget Billing Plan INT4 INT4 
42 MAX_DELIV Maximum number of deliveries per shipment document NUMC4 NUMC 
43 MAX_DIMNR Number of characteristics NUM3 NUMC 
44 MAX_DIST Distance to equivalent qualification INT1 INT1 
45 MAX_DT Maximum CHAR1 CHAR 
46 MAX_EINTRG Maximum entries for table structures DEC4 DEC 
47 MAX_EXT MaxExtent: maximum number of extents   INT4 
48 MAX_EXTENT Current MaxExtent size DEC14 DEC 
49 MAX_HITS Maximum number of hits NUM5 NUMC 
50 MAX_HOEHE IS-M: Maximum Height of an Ad Spec GROESSE QUAN 
51 MAX_HOUR Maximum width for an hour DEC8_2 DEC 
52 MAX_ITEMS Maximum Number of Records to Process per Process NUM5 NUMC 
53 MAX_ITVL_RETRIES_KK Maximum Number of Repetition Attempts for Interval INT2 INT2 
54 MAX_JOBS_KK Maximum Number of Jobs for an Activity INT2 INT2 
55 MAX_KAUGR SD-Monitor: Max. number of conditions per exclusion group NUM3 NUMC 
56 MAX_KUNNR Maximum Number of Customers per Read Transaction SYST_LONG INT4 
57 MAX_LAENGE IS-M: Maximum length of a commercial in seconds WS_LENGTH NUMC 
58 MAX_LEVEL Maximum explosion level in order browser MAX_LEVEL INT1 
59 MAX_LIFNR Maximum number of vendors per read transaction SYST_LONG INT4 
60 MAX_LINES Maximum no. of transactions to be displayed INT2 INT2 
61 MAX_LOCK_LEVEL Maximum Lock Level Allowed MAX_LOCK_LEVEL NUMC 
63 MAX_LSEQNR Number of row blocks LSEQNR NUMC 
64 MAX_MATNR Maximum Number of Materials per Read Operation SYST_LONG INT4 
65 MAX_MIN Maximum with for a minute DEC8_2 DEC 
66 MAX_MONTH Maximum width for a month DEC8_2 DEC 
67 MAX_MO_DATE Maximum Move-Out Date MAX_MO_DATE DATS 
68 MAX_NR Internal consecutive number of service for service frequency NUMC5 NUMC 
69 MAX_OBJCTS_ALV Directory Size Entries ABAP_MSIZE DEC 
70 MAX_OCCUPANTS Maximum number of occupants NUM4 NUMC 
71 MAX_OLOAD Maximum capacity load INT1 INT1 
72 MAX_OUT2 Maximum number of extract entries (OUT2) NUM3 NUMC 
73 MAX_PAGE Maximum number of pages in a list NUMC4 NUMC 
74 MAX_PAGENR Number of (vertical) pages NUMC4 NUMC 
75 MAX_PARTNER Maximum Number of Partners per Read Transaction SYST_LONG INT4 
76 MAX_PFSTAT Maximum maintenance status of the material PSTAT CHAR 
77 MAX_PI_ZID Line ID for Diff. When Act. Costs Greater Than Planned Costs KKA_ZID CHAR 
78 MAX_PL_IST Method Using Greater of Planned Costs and Actual Costs MAX_PL_IST CHAR 
79 MAX_PROD_QTY Maximum Product Quantity MAX_PROD_QTY NUMC 
80 MAX_PROD_QTY_UI Maximum Product Quantity MAX_PROD_QTY_UI NUMC 
81 MAX_QTY Maximum Quantity Recipient MENG13 QUAN 
82 MAX_QUART Maximum width for a quarter DEC8_2 DEC 
83 MAX_RDAT IS-M: Maximum Backdating Start of Validity Period (Months) SYNUM02 NUMC 
84 MAX_RDAT_CHAR IS-M: Maximum backdating start of validity period (months) CHAR02 CHAR 
85 MAX_REC Number of entries read NUM05 NUMC 
86 MAX_REC_BIC Number of entries read NUM06 NUMC 
87 MAX_REC_TO_LOAD maximum number of records to load without asking the user MAX_REC_TO_LOAD NUMC 
88 MAX_SEGM Record layout for archived tables (maximum value) MAX_SEGM CHAR 
89 MAX_SEL Maximum number of SELECT statements NUMC4 NUMC 
90 MAX_SELECTION Maximum Selection SYST_LONG INT4 
93 MAX_SUM Maximum number of extract entries (totals) NUM3 NUMC 
95 MAX_TASKS Maximum Number of Parallel Processes NUM2 NUMC 
96 MAX_TIME Maximum Time in Minutes   INT4 
97 MAX_TRANS Max trans DEC17 DEC 
99 MAX_TTYP Maximum number of transport categories INT4 INT4 
100 MAX_UNT IS-M: Maximum Interruption in Validity Period (in Months) NUMC2 NUMC 
101 MAX_UNT_CHAR IS-M: Maximum interruption in validity period (in months) CHAR02 CHAR 
102 MAX_UPD Force update for records NUM4 NUMC 
103 MAX_VALUE Highest doc.value WERTV9 CURR 
104 MAX_VKONT Maximum Number of Contract Accounts for Each Read Transactn SYST_LONG INT4 
105 MAX_VOLUME Maximum volume of a shipment MENG15 QUAN 
107 MAX_WEEK Maximum width for a week DEC8_2 DEC 
108 MAX_WEIGHT Maximum weight of a shipment MENG15 QUAN 
110 MAX_WERKS Maximum number of plants per read transaction SYST_LONG INT4 
111 MAX_YEAR Maximum width of a year DEC8_2 DEC 
112 MAYKV Employer Threshold Amount DEC6_2 DEC 
113 MAZAE_CA Counter for Several Dunning Notices to a Business Partner NUMC6 NUMC 
114 MAZAE_KK Counter for several dunning notices to a business partner NUMC6 NUMC 
115 MAZAR Units of measure for type/shipping unit CHAR3 CHAR 
116 MAZINSAUS x - Transfer Dunning Interest CHAR1 CHAR 
117 MAZMG Automatic Calculation of Supplement to Maternity Pay XFELD CHAR 
118 MA_ARCITY Destination MA_CITY CHAR 
119 MA_ARDATE Arrival date MA_DATE DATS 
120 MA_ARTIME Arrival Time MA_TIME TIMS 
121 MA_CHRTR Charter flight CHAR1 CHAR 
122 MA_DOCTYPE Document Type CHAR10 CHAR 
124 MA_FMEAL Evening meal during the flight CHAR1 CHAR 
125 MA_FZDIF Difference cml qty recvd by customer and tot cml dlv ord qty MENGV15_3 QUAN 
126 MA_LVCITY Departure Location MA_CITY CHAR 
127 MA_LVDATE Departure date MA_DATE DATS 
128 MA_LVTIME Departure time MA_TIME TIMS 
129 MA_MOVIE Inflight movie CHAR1 CHAR 
130 MA_NWFKOSTL Number of assets assigned to a cost center CHAR9 CHAR 
131 MA_PACKNO Package number from service master PACKNO NUMC 
132 MA_PRIO MiniApp Priority CHAR20 CHAR 
133 MA_REGLR Scheduled flight CHAR1 CHAR 
134 MA_SCMA_STATUS_KK Program Status of RFKK_MA_SCHEDULER for Incorrect Mass Act. SYCHAR01 CHAR 
135 MA_SNACK Inflight snack CHAR1 CHAR 
136 MA_SR_TYPE Trans.Type Sender/Receiver for Traffic on Marketplace CHAR1 CHAR 
137 MA_XFELD Enter activity milestone XFELD CHAR 
138 MB1DS Expected Due Date DATUM DATS 
139 MB1PR MAT B1 Issue Date DATUM DATS 
140 MB51_SEL_MAA Select Purchase Order Items with Multiple Acct. Assignment XFELD CHAR 
141 MB51_SHARE_BPMNG Proportional Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit MENG13 QUAN 
142 MB51_SHARE_DMBTR Proportional Amount in Local Currency WERT7 CURR 
143 MB51_SHARE_MENGE Proportional Quantity in Purchase Order Unit MENG13 QUAN 
144 MB52_ALV_FLT Generate Non-Hierarchical List XFELD CHAR 
145 MB52_ALV_HSQ Generate Hierarchical List XFELD CHAR 
146 MB52_NOVAL Do not display values XFELD CHAR 
147 MB52_XMCHB Display batch stocks XFELD CHAR 
148 MB52_XSOND Special stock plant - Stock in stock transfer at plant level XFELD CHAR 
149 MB53_AUTOSELECT Automatic column selection XFELD CHAR 
150 MB5B_ARCHIVE Include Archived MM Documents XFELD CHAR 
151 MB5B_XNOMCHB Selection of Batches Without MCHB Entries XFELD CHAR 
152 MB5B_XONUL Only Materials with Stock or Goods Movements XFELD CHAR 
153 MB5OA_BPRME Also Represent Quantities in Purchase Order Price Unit XFELD CHAR 
154 MB5OA_BPWEB_107 Delivered Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit MENG13 QUAN 
155 MB5OA_BPWEB_107_WEORA Accepted Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit MENG13 QUAN 
156 MB5OA_BPWEB_109 Released Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit MENG13 QUAN 
157 MB5OA_BPWEB_109_WEORA Delivered Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit MENG13 QUAN 
158 MB5OA_BPWEB_BLOCKED Valuated GR Blocked Stock in Purchase Order Price Unit MENG13 QUAN 
159 MB5OA_BWESB_107 Delivered Quantity in Base Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
160 MB5OA_BWESB_107_WEORA Accepted Quantity in Base Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
161 MB5OA_BWESB_109 Released Quantity in Base Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
162 MB5OA_BWESB_109_WEORA Delivered Quantity in Base Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
163 MB5OA_BWESB_BLOCKED Valuated GR Blocked Stock/CST in Base Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
164 MB5OA_KNTTP Also Select Purchase Order Items with Account Assignment XFELD CHAR 
165 MB5OA_MEINS Show Quantities in Base Unit of Measure XFELD CHAR 
166 MB5OA_NDTGR Date of Delivery Without Origin Acceptances DATUM DATS 
167 MB5OA_NDTRL Date of Release Without Origin Acceptances DATUM DATS 
168 MB5OA_NOORA Purchase Order History Without Origin Acceptance XFELD CHAR 
169 MB5OA_NO_ST Materials Without Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock XFELD CHAR 
170 MB5OA_TRANSFER_BPRME Post-Origin-Acceptance Transfer Stock in PO Price Unit MENG13 QUAN 
171 MB5OA_TRANSFER_BSTME Post-Origin-Acceptance Transfer Stock in Purchase Order Unit MENG13 QUAN 
172 MB5OA_TRANSFER_MEINS Post-Origin-Acceptance Transfer Stock in Base Unit of Meas. MENG13 QUAN 
173 MB5OA_WDTAC Date of Origin Acceptance DATUM DATS 
174 MB5OA_WDTDL Date of Delivery After Origin Acceptances DATUM DATS 
175 MB5OA_WESBB_107 Delivered Quantity in Purchase Order Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
176 MB5OA_WESBB_107_WEORA Accepted Quantity in Purchase Order Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
177 MB5OA_WESBB_109 Released Quantity in Purchase Order Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
178 MB5OA_WESBB_109_WEORA Delivered Quantity in Purchase Order Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
179 MB5OA_WESBB_BLOCKED Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock in Order Unit MENG13 QUAN 
180 MB5OA_WIORA Purchase Order History with Origin Acceptance XFELD CHAR 
181 MB5OA_WITHB Also Select Completely Accepted Purchase Order Items XFELD CHAR 
182 MB5OA_WI_ST Materials with Valuated Goods Receipt Blocked Stock XFELD CHAR 
183 MB5SIT_FREE Delivered Unrestricted-Use Stock in Base Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
184 MB5SIT_GI_681_BUOM Post-Origin-Acceptance Transfer Stock in Base Unit of Meas. MENG13 QUAN 
185 MB5SIT_GI_685_BUOM Post-Origin-Acceptance Transfer Stock in Base Unit of Meas. MENG13 QUAN 
186 MB5SIT_GI_687_BUOM Post-Origin-Acceptance Transfer Stock in Base Unit of Meas. MENG13 QUAN 
187 MB5SIT_GI_B Issuing Valuated Stock in Transit in Base Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
188 MB5SIT_GR_B Receiving Valuated Stock in Transit in Base Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
189 MB5SIT_OUT_DEL Unrestricted-Use Stock TB Delivered in Base Unit of Measure MENG13 QUAN 
190 MB5SIT_P_GI Selection via Goods Issue XFELD CHAR 
191 MB5SIT_P_GR Selection via Goods Receipt XFELD CHAR 
192 MB5SIT_P_ST Selection via Stock Transfer XFELD CHAR 
193 MB5SIT_SIT_GIB Post-Origin-Acceptance Transfer Stock in Base Unit of Meas. MENG13 QUAN 
194 MB5SIT_SIT_GRB Post-Origin-Acceptance Transfer Stock in Base Unit of Meas. MENG13 QUAN 
195 MB5SIT_WI_GM Goods Movements Posted to Unrestricted Use XFELD CHAR 
196 MB5SIT_WI_ST Goods Movements Posted to Unrestricted-Use Stock XFELD CHAR 
197 MB5S_ZERO_D Display items that have been cleared also XFELD CHAR 
198 MB5TD_BUDAT Date for Selection According to Posting Date DATUM DATS 
199 MB5TD_CALC_DMBTR Calculated Value of Stock in Transit on Date WERT8 CURR 
200 MB5TD_CALC_TRAME Calculated Stock in Transit on Date MENG15_3 QUAN 
201 MB5TD_CCOMP Cross-Company-Code Order CHAR01 CHAR 
202 MB5TD_FLT_VARI Layout for Non-Hierarchical List SLIS_VARI CHAR 
203 MB5TD_HSQ Only Totals for Stock in Transit on Date XFELD CHAR 
204 MB5TD_HSQ_VARI Layout for Hierarchical List SLIS_VARI CHAR 
205 MB5TD_SUM Generate Totals List XFELD CHAR 
206 MB5TD_SUM_VARI Layout for Totals List SLIS_VARI CHAR 
207 MB5TD_TRAME Stock in Transit MENG15_3 QUAN 
208 MB5T_SEL Stock Transport Order Selection XFELD CHAR 
209 MB5T_SELCC Cross-Company-Code Stock Transport Orders XFELD CHAR 
210 MBACK Number of Months to be Taken into Account NUMC2 NUMC 
211 MBANZ Number of essential bookings DEC5 DEC 
212 MBAS Aggregate on monthly basis XFELD CHAR 
213 MBASE Basic amount (law 30-12-1988) CHAR8 CHAR 
214 MBBEZ Industry sector description TEXT25 CHAR 
217 MBCSS Basic amount of special additional contribution CHAR12 CHAR 
218 MBDAT Material Staging/Availability Date DATUM DATS 
219 MBDATA The payload data (only in textual representation) MBSTRING STRG 
220 MBDATASET Specifies the dataset to be defined MBDATASET CHAR 
221 MBDAT_DRS Material Availability Date Third-Party Order Planning DATUM DATS 
222 MBDAT_PI Material availability date DATUM DATS 
223 MBDIF Deferment Period for Material Provision in Days MBDIF NUMC 
225 MBDSEXIST Flag whether Dataset exists in Mapbox Repository AS4FLAG CHAR 
226 MBDSTRANS Flag whether Dataset will be transported AS4FLAG CHAR 
227 MBDTV Material availability date for availability check DATE DATS 
228 MBEDR Maximum Contribution P05_WERTV7 CURR 
229 MBEGM Indicator for machine time start MBEGM CHAR 
230 MBEG_PERS IS-H: Person Responsible for Medical Grounds RI_KUNNR CHAR 
231 MBEG_STAT IS-H: Release Indicator for Medical Grounds XFELD CHAR 
232 MBEKBEAN_ALL Display All Account Assignments for a Purchase Order Item XFELD CHAR 
233 MBEKBEAN_CNT_EKBE Number of Purchase Order History Records SYST_LONG INT4 
234 MBELN Competitor: document number of price entry document MBELN CHAR 
235 MBELP Item number of competitor price entry document MBELP NUMC 
236 MBEP1 Work field for determining ISR check digit DEC02 DEC 
237 MBEP2 Work field for determining ISR check digit CHAR1 CHAR 
238 MBEP3 Work field for determining ISR check digit CHAR20 CHAR 
239 MBEP4 Work field for determining ISR check digit CHAR20 CHAR 
240 MBEP5 ISR Check Field CHAR33 CHAR 
241 MBEP6 ISR Number Field CHAR1 CHAR 
242 MBEP7 ISR Number Field CHAR2 CHAR 
243 MBEP8 ISR Number Field CHAR2 CHAR 
244 MBEQU Material block for goods movements MBEQU CHAR 
245 MBERA Competitor: Price entry type MBERA CHAR 
246 MBEST Stock quantity (PP) FLTP FLTP 
247 MBETE_VK Total Amount in Euro WRTV7 CURR 
248 MBETH_KK Dunning notice amount in local currency WRTV7 CURR 
249 MBETM_CA Dunned Amount in Transaction Currency WRTV7 CURR 
250 MBETM_KK Dunned amount in transaction currency WRTV7 CURR 
251 MBETR Amount field for ISR CHAR13 CHAR 
252 MBETS_KK Dunned Amount WRTV7 CURR 
253 MBEZW Dependencies for characteristic CHAR1 CHAR 
254 MBFSUM Total Fixed Quantity Recorded MENGV8 QUAN 
255 MBFXXX Fixed quantity entered MENGV8 QUAN 
256 MBGJA Fiscal year of MBEW or EBEW or QBEW GJAHR NUMC 
257 MBGROUP Used to group the given keys Unique w/ GROUP, DATASET & KIND MBCHAR50 CHAR 
258 MBGSUM Total Fixed and Variable Quantity Recorded MENGV8 QUAN 
260 MBGXXX Total quantity entered MENGV8 QUAN 
262 MBKEY Unique key (name) used to store the content. MBCHAR50 CHAR 
263 MBKIND Specifies kind of data S=MScen R=MapRule D=mapdata V=mapvald MBCHAR1 CHAR 
264 MBLDGR Screen group relevant for screen sequence determination XFELD CHAR 
266 MBLNR Number of Material Document BELNR CHAR 
267 MBLNR_CA Cancellation Document Transfer/Loan BELNR CHAR 
268 MBLNR_P Material Document Number - Partner BELNR CHAR 
269 MBLNR_PB Material Document Number of Payback BELNR CHAR 
270 MBLNR_PRE_ Material Document Number for Pre-Read BELNR CHAR 
271 MBLNR_TR Material Document Number of Transfer Posting/Loan BELNR CHAR 
272 MBLOCKRECS Index of Locked Records MBSTRING STRG 
273 MBLOCKSIZE Block Size for Download NUMC06 NUMC 
274 MBLPO Item in material document MBLPO NUMC 
275 MBLPO_P Item in Material Document - Partner MBLPO NUMC 
276 MBNUM Number of time balance in period ANZ5_2 DEC 
277 MBOP_HOUR_ALV Operations: Megabytes per Hour   INT4 
278 MBO_FORKEY_TYPE foreign key type   CHAR 
279 MBO_FORKEY_VALUE Foreign key value   CHAR 
281 MBO_STATE MBO: Status of an Object   NUMC 
282 MBO_STRUCT Business object strucures DBOBJ_NAME CHAR 
285 MBPARENTDS Immediate parent-dataset MBDATASET CHAR 
286 MBPART Part of a pair MBCHAR115 CHAR 
287 MBPREI Net price: Document currency (direct input, transfer of POs) CHAR11 CHAR 
288 MBPRIVILEGED Privileged dataset MBCHAR1 CHAR 
289 MBPUBREAD Read access of this dataset MBBOOLEAN CHAR 
290 MBPUMN Denominator: Conversion OPUn into OUn (Direct Input of POs) CHAR5 CHAR 
291 MBPUMZ Numerator: Conversion OPUn into OUn (direct input of POs) CHAR5 CHAR 
292 MBPUSHBUTTON_BATCH Display/Change Batch   CHAR 
293 MBP_WERT Display Prices and Values XFELD CHAR 
294 MBREF Screen reference depending on the material type MAREF CHAR 
295 MBREMARKS Remarks to the given dataset. MBCHAR100 CHAR 
296 MBROK_AKT_VK Broker Contract Dunning Lock for Assigned Insurance Objects XFELD CHAR 
297 MBRSH Industry sector MBRSH CHAR 
298 MBRSYS IS-M: Automatic Payment System MBRSYS CHAR 
299 MBRUE MBEWH rec. already exists for per. before last of MBEW per. XFELD CHAR 
300 MBSART SAP model purchasing document type SELKZ_EA CHAR 
301 MBSIT Indicator for Transit Processes MBSIT CHAR 
302 MBSTATE Commit State MBCHAR1 CHAR 
303 MBSTMG Purchase order quantity (direct input, transfer of POs) CHAR13 CHAR 
304 MBSTRING String datatype MBSTRING STRG 
305 MBSVB Late DB Update for Goods Movements MBSVB CHAR 
306 MBS_ABWBI Max. relat. deviation betw. book value and actual value PRZ22 DEC 
307 MBS_BDSTI ID for area of inventory sampling MBS_BDSTI CHAR 
308 MBS_BDSTIT Name of selected area of inventory sampling TEXT40 CHAR 
309 MBS_BUAKT Current book value CURRV13 CURR 
310 MBS_BUANF Initial book value WERT13 CURR 
311 MBS_BUBSE Book value of stock management unit CURRV13 CURR 
312 MBS_BUZZP Book value at time of count CURRV13 CURR 
313 MBS_DAKTU Update carried out DATUM DATS 
314 MBS_DATUM Date of inventory sampling DATUM DATS 
315 MBS_DESCH Delta of stratum changer MBS_DECV5 DEC 
316 MBS_DHOCH Extrapolation Carried Out DATUM DATS 
318 MBS_DSBSE Stock management levels allocated DATUM DATS 
319 MBS_DSLGH Stock population generated DATUM DATS 
320 MBS_DSSCH Stratification carried out DATUM DATS 
321 MBS_DZUFA Random selection carried out DATUM DATS 
322 MBS_GRUPP Group used to combine stock management levels CHAR2 CHAR 
323 MBS_GSDAT Planned count date of inventory sampling DATUM DATS 
324 MBS_HOCHR Extrapolation procedure MBS_HOCHR CHAR 
325 MBS_HOCHRT Name of selected extrapolation procedure TEXT40 CHAR 
326 MBS_IGSCH Default key for inventory sampling profile MBS_IGSCH CHAR 
327 MBS_ISZZP Actual value at time of count CURRV13 CURR 
328 MBS_KNANF Class number at beginning of invtry sampling NUM04 NUMC 
329 MBS_KWEIT Class interval uniform for all classes WERT11 CURR 
330 MBS_NGAKT Number of current stratum elements NUM05 NUMC 
331 MBS_NGAN2 Updated sample size NUM05 NUMC 
332 MBS_NGANF No. of stratum elements at beginning NUM05 NUMC 
333 MBS_NGANW Defined sample size NUM05 NUMC 
334 MBS_NGBSE No of stratum elements of stock mgmt unit NUM05 NUMC 
335 MBS_NGGEZ No of counted sampling elements NUM05 NUMC 
336 MBS_NGMIN Minimum sample size per stratum NUM05 NUMC 
337 MBS_NGSYS Calculated sample size NUM05 NUMC 
338 MBS_NGZUF Number of sample elements taken NUM05 NUMC 
339 MBS_NGZZP Number of posted sample elements at time of count NUM05 NUMC 
340 MBS_NRBSE Stock management level number NUM03 NUMC 
341 MBS_NRSCH Number of stratum in sampling area NUM02 NUMC 
342 MBS_OUTN6 Numeric output field, 6 chars long NUM06 NUMC 
343 MBS_POSLG Stock population item NUM06 NUMC 
344 MBS_PREIO Upper price limit for sampling area WERT11 CURR 
345 MBS_PWERT Percentage upper value limit PROZENT NUMC 
346 MBS_RELSF Relative statistical error PRZ22 DEC 
347 MBS_SANZB Upper number of strata for variation NUM02 NUMC 
348 MBS_SANZV Lower number of strata for variation NUM02 NUMC 
349 MBS_SDAKT Current standard deviation of difference estimation FLTP FLTP 
350 MBS_SDANF Starting value for standard deviation of differences FLTP FLTP 
351 MBS_SDANW Standard deviation defined for difference estimation FLTP FLTP 
352 MBS_SDVOR Default value for standard deviation of differences FLTP FLTP 
353 MBS_SDZZP Standard deviation of difference estimate at time of count FLTP FLTP 
354 MBS_SINUM Inventory sampling number MBS_SINUM CHAR 
355 MBS_SISTA Description of the inventory sampling status MBS_SISTA CHAR 
356 MBS_SISTAT Text for identification of an inventory sampling status TEXT40 CHAR 
357 MBS_SJAHR Calendar year of the inventory sampling GJAHR NUMC 
358 MBS_SMAKT Current standard deviation of mean-value estimation FLTP FLTP 
359 MBS_SMANF Initial standard deviation of book values FLTP FLTP 
360 MBS_SMANW Standard deviation defined for mean-value estimation FLTP FLTP 
361 MBS_SMBSE Standard deviation of mean-value estimation FLTP FLTP 
362 MBS_SMVOR Default value for standard deviation of book values FLTP FLTP 
363 MBS_SMZZP Std. deviation of actual values for mean-value estimation FLTP FLTP 
364 MBS_SNAKT Current Stratum number of inventory sampling NUM02 NUMC 
365 MBS_SNANF Stratum number at beginning of inventory sampling NUM02 NUMC 
366 MBS_SNZZP Stratum number of inventory sampling at time of count NUM02 NUMC 
367 MBS_STEXT Text for inventory sampling TEXT40 CHAR 
368 MBS_STICH Stock mgmt level allowed for inventory sampling XFELD CHAR 
369 MBS_SWAHR Probable degree of confidence (percentage) PRZ22 DEC 
370 MBS_URFAK Conversion factor for currency of inventory sampling UKURS DEC 
371 MBS_WAERS Currency key for inventory sampling WAERS CUKY 
372 MBS_WERTO Upper value limit for sampling area WERT13 CURR 
373 MBS_WERTU Lower value limit for sampling area WERT13 CURR 
374 MBS_XABCB Consider ABC indicator MBS_XABCB CHAR 
375 MBS_XAKTU Update counted and posted stock management units MBS_XAKTU CHAR 
376 MBS_XAKTUA Text for identifying the update procedure TEXT60 CHAR 
377 MBS_XFBEZ Relation of error variance MBS_XFBEZ CHAR 
378 MBS_XISAP SAP Inventory Sampling MBS_XISAP CHAR 
379 MBS_XISAPT Text for identification of inventory sampling TEXT40 CHAR 
380 MBS_XLOEB Include deletion flag XFELD CHAR 
381 MBS_XNULA Exclude Zero Stocks MBS_XNULA CHAR 
382 MBS_XNULB Consider zero stock balances XFELD CHAR 
383 MBS_XSERN Exclude Serial Numbers MBS_XSERN CHAR 
384 MBS_XSPEL Sample element (selected) XFELD CHAR 
385 MBS_XVERR Element of complete-count area XFELD CHAR 
386 MBS_ZPSTI Inventory sampling method MBS_ZPSTI CHAR 
387 MBS_ZPSTIT Text for inventory sampling method TEXT40 CHAR 
389 MBTRV Basic amount CHAR7 CHAR 
391 MBUCH X: Required posting XFELD CHAR 
392 MBUHR Material Staging Time (Local, Relating to a Plant) TIME_PLANT TIMS 
393 MBUHR_PI Material staging time (local time with reference to a plant) TIME_PLANT_PI TIMS 
394 MBUKRS Dunning company code BUKRS CHAR 
395 MBVAL Subsequent calculation of value active MBVAL CHAR 
396 MBVALUE The payload data value (only in textual representation) MBCHAR100 CHAR 
397 MBVORGANG Trans./event selection XFELD CHAR 
398 MBVR_TESTLAUF Perform test run XFELD CHAR 
399 MBWAP Planned goods issue (for reservation) XFELD CHAR 
400 MBWAU Unplanned goods issue XFELD CHAR 
401 MBWBEST Quantity of valuated stock MENGV15 QUAN 
402 MBWDW Models for Valuating Official Housing MBWDW CHAR 
403 MBWEB Goods receipt for purchase order XFELD CHAR 
404 MBWEF Goods receipt for production order XFELD CHAR 
405 MBWEW Material Documents: Goods Receipt for WIP Batch XFELD CHAR 
406 MBWNR Customer number of competitor KUNNR CHAR 
407 MBWO Subsequent calculation of value allowed MBWO CHAR 
408 MBWRT Characteristic Values MBWRT NUMC 
409 MBWSO Price entry: check competitor against material assortment XFELD CHAR 
410 MBW_NAME Name of co-applicant TEXT30 CHAR 
411 MBXC255 MapBox designer message text. MBXCHAR255 CHAR 
412 MBXCHAR1 Action   CHAR 
413 MBXMSGID MapBox message id.   CHAR 
414 MBX_MSGSEQ MapBox designer message sequence number.   INT1 
415 MBX_MSGTYPE MapBox designer message type.   CHAR 
416 MBZART_SEL IS-M/SD: Combination type of combination edition CHAR01 CHAR 
417 MBZWRT Maximum base value ANLKWERT CURR 
419 MB_BPRME Quantity in Purchase Order Price Unit MEINS UNIT 
420 MB_BSTMG Goods receipt quantity in order unit MENG13 QUAN 
421 MB_BUSTW_CNT Consecutive Counter: Posting String for Values (Inv. Mgmt) NUM03 NUMC 
422 MB_CNT02 Consecutive counter in ATAB tables for inventory managment NUM02 NUMC 
423 MB_DEBUG_CONTROL Debugging Control Structure MM-IM (Type X(16))   CHAR 
424 MB_DEBUG_NAME Name of a Breakpoint   CHAR 
425 MB_DIMNG Difference quantity for goods movements MENGV13 QUAN 
426 MB_DSNAME Name of file (dataset) when data copied/adopted CHAR50 CHAR 
428 MB_ERFME Quantity in Unit of Entry MEINS UNIT 
429 MB_ERFMG Quantity in Unit of Entry MENG13 QUAN 
430 MB_FELDL Field name for storage location selection CHAR16 CHAR 
431 MB_FELDM Field name in work document CHAR16 CHAR 
432 MB_FELDS Field name in quantity blocking table CHAR16 CHAR 
433 MB_FELDV Field name for availability calculation CHAR16 CHAR 
434 MB_GRBEW Reason for movement MB_GRBEW NUMC 
435 MB_GRUND Reason for goods movment NUMC4 NUMC 
437 MB_LDEST Printer for printing GR/GI slips RSPOPNAME CHAR 
438 MB_LINE_DEPTH Hierarchy level of line in document MB_LINE_DEPTH NUMC 
439 MB_LINE_ID Unique identification of document line MB_LINE_ID NUMC 
440 MB_LOCK_WAIT Waiting time for late block MB_LOCK_WAIT NUMC 
441 MB_LOGSYS_DESTIN Logical system name of destination LOGSYS CHAR 
442 MB_LOGSYS_SOURCE Logical system of source LOGSYS CHAR 
443 MB_MBEST Stock field in material master record view CHAR16 CHAR 
444 MB_MEINS Quantity in Stockkeeping Unit MEINS UNIT 
446 MB_MES_INVENTORY_ID Identification of Stock Posting in MES CHAR60 CHAR 
447 MB_MES_STORLOC_TYPE Type of inventory management for production storage location MB_MES_STORLOC_TYPE CHAR 
448 MB_MSTAT Field in material master view containing phys. inv. status CHAR16 CHAR 
449 MB_NO045 No error messages for unrealistic total values XFELD CHAR 
450 MB_OPT_ALV_GRID_UI Output list as ALV Grid CHAR1 CHAR 
451 MB_PARENT_ID Identifier of immediately superior line MB_LINE_ID NUMC 
452 MB_SC_CO_ORDER Subcontracting with Reference to Production Order in CO XFELD CHAR 
453 MB_SHKZG Sign (+/-) of Material Posting CHAR1 CHAR 
454 MB_SLASH Frame for items CHAR1 CHAR 
455 MB_SSTAT Field in material master containing phys. inventory status CHAR16 CHAR 
456 MB_TAKE_IT Item is Adopted in Document XFELD CHAR 
457 MB_TDFORM Inventory management: form (layout set) name TDFORM CHAR 
459 MB_TDOBJCT Text: application object TDOBJECT CHAR 
460 MB_USERG User group for output determination CHAR8 CHAR 
461 MB_VON Number of entries MBLPO NUMC 
462 MB_XAUTO Item automatically created MB_XAUTO CHAR 
463 MB_XBACK Back to next highest level XFELD CHAR 
465 MB_XTEST Test data for generation of batch input XFELD CHAR 
466 MC01OBJ_TY Type of Object in Container MC01OBJ_TY CHAR 
467 MC01OBJ_TYP Type of Object in Container MC01OBJ_TYP CHAR 
468 MC11SSL_RECORD_DEL Sales Order Schedule Lines Delivery Indicator Deleted XFELD CHAR 
469 MC11V_0SSL_BMENG Confirmed Quantity of Sales Order Sched. Lines in Sales Unit MENG13 QUAN 
470 MC11V_0SSL_VSMNG Delivered Quantity in Sales Unit of Sales Order Sched. Lines MENG13 QUAN 
471 MC11V_0SSL_WMENG Requested Quantity of Sales Order Sched. Lines in Sales Unit MENG13 QUAN 
472 MCABG Graph of goods issues SCRPFLAG CHAR 
473 MCABG1 Graph of goods issues SCRPFLAG CHAR 
474 MCABGABG Quantity issued MENG13V QUAN 
475 MCABRUE Teardown DAUER_6_3 QUAN 
476 MCABRUEI Actual teardown DAUER_6_1V QUAN 
477 MCABS Object's display type MCABS CHAR 
478 MCALL Multiple Checks - do not use anymore XFELD CHAR 
479 MCALT Display stock overview SCRPFLAG CHAR 
480 MCAN1 Text 1: object to analyze for logistics information system CHAR38 CHAR 
481 MCAN2 Text 2 for object to analyze LIS CHAR38 CHAR 
482 MCANA Number of standard analysis MCANALYSE CHAR 
483 MCANATXT Text on analysis in Logistics Controlling TEXT40 CHAR 
485 MCANZHL Number of characteristic values in the ranking list NUMC3 NUMC 
486 MCAPG Current page number BCSP2 NUMC 
487 MCAPL Application for Multiple Checks MCAPL CHAR 
488 MCAPP Number of application MCAPP CHAR 
489 MCAPPVRL Standard application in LIS MCAPPVRL CHAR 
490 MCARBPLH Work center hierarchy ARBPL CHAR 
491 MCAREA Function group belonging to the function module CHAR4 CHAR 
492 MCART Material type MTART CHAR 
493 MCATX Application text TEXT40 CHAR 
494 MCATYP Columnar comparison of characteristic for each key figure XFLAG CHAR 
495 MCAT_ART Transfer material group material indiciator FLAG CHAR 
496 MCAUTHFLAG Flag indicating if authorization check active in MC display AS4FLAG CHAR 
497 MCAWAER Key for the currency in which the analysis is carried out WAERS CUKY 
498 MCAWAER1 Key for the currency in which the analysis is carried out WAERS CUKY 
499 MCAWAER2 Key for the currency in which the analysis is carried out WAERS CUKY 
500 MCAWAER3 Key for the currency in which the analysis is carried out WAERS CUKY