SAP ABAP Data Element - Index M, page 22
Data Element - M
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
2 | MSAM_MO_MATERIAL_CONF_SCENARIO | Material Consumption with or without Serial Number | MSAM_MO_MATERIAL_CONF_SCENARIO | CHAR |
3 | MSAM_MO_MEASUREMNT_SEL_VARIANT | Selection Variant for Selecting Measuring Points | RALDB_VARI | CHAR |
5 | MSAM_MO_NOTIF_SELECT_VARIANT | Selection Variant for Notification Selection | RALDB_VARI | CHAR |
7 | MSAM_MO_OBJECT_LIST_ACTIVE | Download Objects from Object List | MSAM_MO_OBJECT_LIST_ACTIVE | CHAR |
8 | MSAM_MO_OPR_CONF_ACTTYPE | Activity Type for Confirmation | MSAM_MO_OPR_CONF_ACTTYPE | CHAR |
9 | MSAM_MO_OPR_CONF_TIME_TYPE | Operation Confirmaton: Allowed Unit | MSAM_MO_OPR_CONF_TIME_TYPE | CHAR |
10 | MSAM_MO_OPR_CONF_UNIT | Operation Confirmation: Unit | MSAM_MO_OPR_CONF_UNIT | CHAR |
12 | MSAM_MO_ORDER_HEADER_SEL_VAR | Selection Variant for the Order Header Selection | RALDB_VARI | CHAR |
13 | MSAM_MO_ORDER_TYPE_PROF | Order Type Profile | CHAR10 | CHAR |
14 | MSAM_MO_PARTNER_SELECT_VARIANT | Selection Variants for Partner Selection | RALDB_VARI | CHAR |
15 | MSAM_MO_PROFILE_CONFIRM | Confirmation Profile | CHAR10 | CHAR |
16 | MSAM_MO_PROFILE_ORDER | Order Profile | CHAR10 | CHAR |
17 | MSAM_MO_QRFC_ACTIV_FLAG | qRFC Activation | FLAG | CHAR |
19 | MSAM_MO_SD_AMMOUNT | No. of Calls Triggered for Backend-Controlled Replication | MSAM_MO_SD_AMMOUNT | CHAR |
20 | MSAM_MO_TIME_CONF_UPDATE_SCEN | Update When Confirming Data with Errors | MSAM_MO_TIME_CONF_UPDATE_SCEN | CHAR |
21 | MSAM_SELECT_HEADER_KEYS | Select Header Keys of the objects | FLAG | CHAR |
22 | MSAM_TECHOBJ_HIER_ACTIVE | Activate technical object hierarchy processing | FLAG | CHAR |
23 | MSAM_TECOBJ_HIER_ACTIVE | MSAM technical object hierarchy | CHAR | |
24 | MSART_VK | Dunning Level Type | MSART_VK | CHAR |
25 | MSATZ | Tax Rate | PRZ32 | DEC |
26 | MSATZ_DUZ | Taxes on sales/purchases rate for interest for days overdue | PRZ43 | DEC |
27 | MSATZ_F05L | Tax rate | PRZ43V | DEC |
28 | MSATZ_MWST | Tax Rate | NUM5 | NUMC |
29 | MSAUS | Breakdown Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
30 | MSCHL | Dunning key | MSCHL | CHAR |
31 | MSCHLAG | With keywords | XFELD | CHAR |
32 | MSCHL_MHND | Dunning key if separate printout is active; otherwise blank | MSCHL | CHAR |
33 | MSCOUNT | Name of counter | MSNAME | CHAR |
34 | MSCOUNTER | Counter value | INT4 | |
35 | MSDAMPEL | Status of MCD Object Check | FLAG | CHAR |
36 | MSDAPPL | Component Type | MSDAPPL | CHAR |
37 | MSDAT_VK | Execution Date of Dunning Level | DATUM | DATS |
38 | MSDBUILDNO | Build Number (Software Logistics Simplification) | MSDBUILDNO | CHAR |
39 | MSDCHECKHINT | Error Description | TEXT80 | CHAR |
40 | MSDCHECKOBJ | Object Checked | TEXT20 | CHAR |
41 | MSDCONFLCASE | Reaction to Conflict (SyncBO) | FLAG | CHAR |
42 | MSDDELETED | Mobile Component Descriptor Deleted | FLAG | CHAR |
43 | MSDDISPOHORIZONT | Date by which planning performed for a media product in M/SD | DATE | DATS |
44 | MSDEAPPL | Error Handling by Application | FLAG | CHAR |
45 | MSDEAUTO | Automatic Error Handling | FLAG | CHAR |
46 | MSDECLIENT | Data Modified by Client | FLAG | CHAR |
47 | MSDERRORCASE | SyncBO Error | FLAG | CHAR |
48 | MSDESERVER | View of Data Consolidated by Server | FLAG | CHAR |
49 | MSDEXTRACT | Attributes Extraction Type | MSDEXTRACT | CHAR |
50 | MSDINACTIVE | Mobile Component Descriptor Inactive | CHAR1 | CHAR |
51 | MSDINITVAL | SyncBOs Expect Initial Value | MSDINITVAL | CHAR |
52 | MSDINTERVAL | Delay (Time Interval) | MSD_INDEX | NUMC |
53 | MSDINVISIBLE | MI: Flag for SAP Homepage Invisible | FLAG | CHAR |
54 | MSDLOGLEVEL | MI: Log Level for Installation Toolkit | MSDLOGLEVEL | CHAR |
55 | MSDNA | Name of dialog module/feature | CHAR30 | CHAR |
56 | MSDNAME | Mobile Component | MSDNAME | CHAR |
58 | MSDREMOVEDB | MI: Remove Temporary Image from Database (Space/X) | FLAG | CHAR |
59 | MSDRK | Ind: Set milestone dates automatically | XFELD | CHAR |
60 | MSDROLEBASE | Version as Role Default | FLAG | CHAR |
61 | MSDRUNTIME | Runtime Environment for Mobile Component Descriptor | MSDRUNTIME | CHAR |
62 | MSDSYNCBOVAL | SyncBO Object Value | MSDVALUE | CHAR |
63 | MSDTEXT | Short Text for Mobile Component Descriptor | METEXT_SHORT | CHAR |
64 | MSDTH | Standard milestone group created on | DATUM | DATS |
65 | MSDTV | Standard milestone group changed on | DATUM | DATS |
66 | MSDVSAHRE | SyncBO: Shared Data | FLAG | CHAR |
67 | MSDVSHARED | Data Visible to All | FLAG | CHAR |
68 | MSD_AUTHORITY | Authorization Object | XUOBJECT | CHAR |
69 | MSD_BISDAT | To-Date for Selecting M/SD Orders/Bill.Docs in Sales Summary | DATUM | DATS |
70 | MSD_COND_TYPE | Mobile Component Descriptor: Condition Type | MSDPROPERTY | CHAR |
71 | MSD_COND_VALUE | Mobile Component Descriptor: Condition Value | MSDVALUE | CHAR |
72 | MSD_CUSTATTRIBUTE | Mobile Component Descriptor Customizing Attribute | CHAR | |
73 | MSD_CUSTINDEX | Mobile Component Descriptor Customizing Attribute Index | MSD_INDEX | NUMC |
74 | MSD_CUSTNAME | Mobile Component Descriptor Customizing Attribute Name | MSD_VALUENAME | CHAR |
75 | MSD_CUSTVALUE | Mobile Component Descriptor Customizing Attribute Value | CHAR255 | CHAR |
76 | MSD_CUSTVALUE_LOW | Value for Customizing Entries in MCD | TEXT255 | CHAR |
77 | MSD_DEPINDEX | Mobile Component Descriptor Dependency Index | MSD_INDEX | NUMC |
78 | MSD_DEPNAME | Mobile Component Descriptor Dependency Name | CHAR | |
79 | MSD_DEPTYPE | Mobile Component Descriptor Dependency Type | MSD_DEPTYPE | CHAR |
80 | MSD_DEPVALUE | Mobile Component Descriptor Dependency Value | MSDVALUE | CHAR |
81 | MSD_DEPVALUE_HIGH | Version Number To (Framework-Dependent) | MSDVALUE_LOW | CHAR |
82 | MSD_DEPVALUE_LOW | Version Number (Framework-Dependent) | MSDVALUE_LOW | CHAR |
83 | MSD_IMG_NAME | Name of Installation Image | TEXT60 | CHAR |
84 | MSD_INSTALLNO | Sequential Number in Installation Sequence | NUM04 | NUMC |
85 | MSD_INSTTYPE | MI Installation Toolkit: Image Types (Field/User) | MSD_ITYPE | CHAR |
86 | MSD_INST_SEQUENCE | Installation Sequence | MSDVALUE | CHAR |
87 | MSD_PROPNAME | Mobile Component Descriptor Property Name | MSDPROPERTY | CHAR |
88 | MSD_PROPVALUE | Mobile Component Descriptor Property Value | MSDVALUE | CHAR |
89 | MSD_SEQUENCE | Sequence in SyncBO - Needed for ALV | NUMC | |
90 | MSD_SPRACHE | Short Language Key | TEXT2 | CHAR |
91 | MSD_VONDAT | From-Date for Selecting M/SD Orders/Bill.Docs in Sales Summ. | DATUM | DATS |
92 | MSEC2 | Base unit of measure (temporarily 2 characters) | MSEC2 | UNIT |
93 | MSEC6 | Unit of measurement (6-char) | MSEC6 | CHAR |
94 | MSEGSTATUS | Good Receipt Status | STATV | CHAR |
95 | MSEGTYPE | Segment Type | CHAR2 | CHAR |
96 | MSEGTYPE_MD | Segment Type | CHAR2 | CHAR |
97 | MSEGZN | Counter for MSEG Serial Number Assignment | MSEGZN | INT4 |
98 | MSEH3 | External Unit of Measurement in Commercial Format (3-Char.) | MSEH3 | CHAR |
99 | MSEH6 | External Unit of Measurement in Technical Format (6-Char.) | MSEH6 | CHAR |
100 | MSEHI | Unit of Measurement | MEINS | UNIT |
101 | MSEHI_ISO | Lower-Level Unit of Measure in ISO Code | ISOCD_UNIT | CHAR |
102 | MSEHI_WS | Unit of measurement of characteristic | MEINS | UNIT |
103 | MSEHL | Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 30 Characters) | TEXT30 | CHAR |
104 | MSEHL_WS | Unit of Measurement in Characteristic (Description) | TEXT30 | CHAR |
105 | MSEHT | Unit of Measurement Text (Maximum 10 Characters) | TEXT10 | CHAR |
106 | MSEHX | Internal Unit of Measurement Format | CHAR3 | CHAR |
107 | MSEIN | Unit of measurement | MEINS | UNIT |
108 | MSEIT | Total number of pages | PACK2 | DEC |
109 | MSEND | Send information mail after data receipt | MSEND | CHAR |
110 | MSEXTBNDPORT | Message Server Port for External Binding Program | CHAR10 | CHAR |
111 | MSFAK | Multiple-shift factor for multiple shift operation | MSFAK | DEC |
112 | MSFAKR | Effects of multiple shifts in depreciation key | MSFAKR | CHAR |
113 | MSFAKR_NEW | Effects of multiple shifts in depreciation key | MSFAKR_NEW | CHAR |
114 | MSFAK_ALTD | Shift Factor in Multiple-Shift Deprec.(Legacy Data Trans.AA) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
115 | MSFBT | Maximum Cash Discount Amount in Foreign Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
116 | MSG | Message Row | CHAR83 | CHAR |
117 | MSGCNT | Message Counter in Log Entry | MSGCNT | NUMC |
118 | MSGFIELD | Field name of variables used in the message | FDNAME | CHAR |
119 | MSGFLG | Message Log Exists | CHAR1 | CHAR |
120 | MSGFN | Function | MSGFN | CHAR |
121 | MSGFN_CD | function | MSGFN_CD | CHAR |
122 | MSGFN_FG | function | MSGFN_FG | CHAR |
123 | MSGFN_PD | Function | MSGFN_PD | CHAR |
124 | MSGFULLTXT | Complete Text of a T100 Message | CHAR | |
125 | MSGID | Message identification | ARBGB | CHAR |
126 | MSGID____1 | Message number | MSGID____1 | CHAR |
127 | MSGINFO | Extra Information for Messages | TEXT50 | CHAR |
128 | MSGINIT | Initialization Status: Message Table | MSGINIT | CHAR |
129 | MSGKZ | Processing of messages | MSGKZ | CHAR |
130 | MSGKZ_GRP | Message in case of changes in the master contract | XFELD | CHAR |
131 | MSGKZ_VGVI | Save message in log instead of issuing output ? | XFELD | CHAR |
132 | MSGKZ_VUVF | Send Message | XFELD | CHAR |
133 | MSGLGINDXC | Index of a message for a method (in characters) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
134 | MSGLI | Long text of error message | CHAR200 | CHAR |
135 | MSGLN | Message length for CAD data transfer | MSGLN | NUMC |
136 | MSGLOGINDX | Index of a message for a method | INT4 | INT4 |
137 | MSGLT_KK | Application Log: Icon for Message Long Text | TEXT50_KK | CHAR |
138 | MSGNO | System Message Number | MSGNR | CHAR |
139 | MSGNR | Message number | MSGNR | CHAR |
140 | MSGNRTN | Message number for message to be issued | MSGNR | CHAR |
141 | MSGNUM | Message number | NUM04 | NUMC |
142 | MSGOBINDXC | Index of an object for messages of a method (in char) | CHAR10 | CHAR |
143 | MSGOBJINDX | Index of an object for messages of a method | INT4 | INT4 |
144 | MSGPAR1 | 1st Message Parameter | MSGPAR | CHAR |
145 | MSGPAR2 | 2nd Message Parameter | MSGPAR | CHAR |
146 | MSGPAR3 | 3rd Message Parameter | MSGPAR | CHAR |
147 | MSGPAR4 | 4th Message Parameter | MSGPAR | CHAR |
148 | MSGPOS_JHAW | IS-M/AM: Position of Error Message on the Template | MSGPOS_JHAW | CHAR |
149 | MSGPRI | Priority of message | CHAR02 | CHAR |
150 | MSGPRIO | Priority of message | CHAR02 | CHAR |
151 | MSGSEV | Message type (W, E) | MSGSEV | CHAR |
152 | MSGSORT | Sort field for messages | CHAR10 | CHAR |
153 | MSGSOURCE | Message origin | MSGSOURCE | CHAR |
154 | MSGST | Indicator: Display message | CHAR1 | CHAR |
155 | MSGS_AVAIL | Number of Messages Generated by Geocoding | INT4 | |
156 | MSGTA | Allowed message types | CHAR5 | CHAR |
157 | MSGTAB | Table name of variables used in the message | AS4TAB | CHAR |
158 | MSGTAT | Message Type Allocation Table | MSGTA | CHAR |
159 | MSGTB | Active message type for batch input without online | CHAR1 | CHAR |
160 | MSGTD | Standard message type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
161 | MSGTE | System message category, purchasing | MSGTE | CHAR |
162 | MSGTEXT | Edited error message for RFC calls | SD_ERRMSG | CHAR |
163 | MSGTP | Indicator for Warning/Error or S Message | CHAR1 | CHAR |
164 | MSGTP_KO | Message category | CHAR1 | CHAR |
165 | MSGTS | Active message type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
166 | MSGTX | Message text | TEXT100 | CHAR |
167 | MSGTXINDXC | Index of message text in table | CHAR10 | CHAR |
168 | MSGTXT | Message Text | TEXT100 | CHAR |
169 | MSGTXTINDX | Index of text portion of a message for a method | INT4 | INT4 |
170 | MSGTXTX__1 | Message text (continuation) | MSGTXTX__1 | CHAR |
171 | MSGTXT___1 | Message text | MSGTXT___1 | CHAR |
172 | MSGTY | Message Type | MSGAR | CHAR |
173 | MSGTYP | SAP message type | EDI_MESTYP | CHAR |
174 | MSGTYPCONV | Parameter for message type conversion | MSGTYPCONV | CHAR |
175 | MSGTYPE | Message Type That Controls Change of Posted Condition Items | MSG_TYPE | CHAR |
176 | MSGTYSD | Message Type - Shipping Processing | MSGTE | CHAR |
177 | MSGTYSD_SYS | System default: message category, shipping processing | MSGTYSD | CHAR |
178 | MSGTYWS | Message type - shipping processing | MSGTYWS | CHAR |
179 | MSGTY_BF | Message type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
180 | MSGTY_CO | Message type (E, I, W, ...) | MSGTY_CO | CHAR |
181 | MSGTY_FCU4 | Message type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
182 | MSGTY_JV | Message Type Joint venture | MSGTY_JV | CHAR |
183 | MSGV1 | Message variable 01 | CHAR50 | CHAR |
184 | MSGV2 | Message variable 02 | CHAR50 | CHAR |
185 | MSGV3 | Message variable 03 | CHAR50 | CHAR |
186 | MSGV4 | Message variable 04 | CHAR50 | CHAR |
187 | MSGVBS_KK | Message variable | SYCHAR50 | CHAR |
188 | MSGVS | Message control version: Purchasing/Sales | CHAR8 | CHAR |
189 | MSGVSSD | Version of output control, shipping processing | MSGVS_V50AGL | CHAR |
190 | MSGVS_V50AGL | Message version for T160M control | MSGVS_V50AGL | CHAR |
191 | MSGVX_KK | Message variables (concatenated) | TXT80 | CHAR |
192 | MSGXX | Output area for error message | CHAR200 | CHAR |
193 | MSGZEILE | Line number | CHAR22 | CHAR |
194 | MSG_126 | SD Monitor: Indicates whether condition record is scaled | YESNO | CHAR |
195 | MSG_CATEGORY | Message Category | MSG_CATEGORY | CHAR |
196 | MSG_CATEGORY_NAME | Message Category Description | MSG_CATEGORY_NAME | CHAR |
198 | MSG_COUNT | Message Count | MSG_COUNTD | INT4 |
199 | MSG_FILTER | Message filter for POI | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
200 | MSG_ID_D2D | IS-H Nachrichten-ID D2D | CHAR | |
201 | MSG_INIT | Initialize message in log buffer | XFLAG | CHAR |
202 | MSG_LINE_D | Text line for contextual short problem | TEXT75 | CHAR |
203 | MSG_NN8 | SD Monitor: #Messages 008/108/208 in pricing | INT4 | INT4 |
204 | MSG_NN9 | SD Monitor: #Messages 009/109/209 for pricing | INT4 | INT4 |
205 | MSG_NO | Message Number | MSGNR | CHAR |
206 | MSG_PORT | Character String for the Port Number to a Message Service | CHAR | |
207 | MSG_SIZE | Message Size | MSG_SIZED | CHAR |
208 | MSG_SKOART | Condition Type for Table VDMSG_FOR_COND | CHAR | |
209 | MSG_SRV | Message Server Name | SVR_NAME | CHAR |
210 | MSG_STRING | Character String for Message Service | CHAR | |
211 | MSG_SUPPR | IS-H: Message Output to Be Suppressed | XFELD | CHAR |
212 | MSG_TYPE_ICON_KK | Message Category for Dependency Check | CHAR4 | CHAR |
213 | MSG_TYPE_KK | Message Category | CHAR4 | CHAR |
214 | MSHBT | Maximum Cash Discount Amount in Local Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
215 | MSHOST | Host Name | MSHOST | CHAR |
216 | MSHOST2 | Name of the Host Server | MSHOST2 | CHAR |
217 | MSHOSTADR | Host IP address | RAW4 | RAW |
218 | MSHOSTNAME | Host Name | CHAR64 | CHAR |
219 | MSHTTPADDRSTR | IP Address | CHAR64 | CHAR |
220 | MSHTTPBINDHOST | Host Name Connected to the Port | CHAR255 | CHAR |
221 | MSHTTPCHANGEABLE | Service Modifiable | CHAR1 | CHAR |
222 | MSHTTPEXTBIND | External Binding Program | INT1 | INT1 |
223 | MSHTTPINDEX | Index of HTTP Service | INT4 | |
224 | MSHTTPPORT | Port for Inbound HTTP and HTTPS Connections | CHAR10 | CHAR |
225 | MSHTTPPORTSTATE | Port Status | INT4 | |
226 | MSHTTPPORTSTATES | Port Status | CHAR | |
227 | MSHTTPPORTSTR | HTTP Port Number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
228 | MSHTTPPROT | Service Protocol | INT4 | |
229 | MSHTTPPROTSTR | Protocol | CHAR20 | CHAR |
230 | MSHTTPRIHOST | Name of host on which the reverse invoke client is running | CHAR255 | CHAR |
231 | MSHTTPRISERV | Port of the Reverse Invoke Client | CHAR10 | CHAR |
232 | MSHTTPSERVERPORT | Profil Parameters for the Associated Service | CHAR32 | CHAR |
233 | MSHTTPVHOSTIDX | Index of Virtual Host | CHAR3 | CHAR |
234 | MSHTTP_ICON | Icon | CHAR4 | CHAR |
235 | MSHTTP_PROCTIME | Processing Time of an HTTP Request | CHAR6 | CHAR |
236 | MSHTTP_TIMEOUT | Timeout for HTTP Connections | CHAR6 | CHAR |
237 | MSIGN | Selection Operator SIGN (as per Range Table) | MSIGN | CHAR |
238 | MSIKZ | Indicator: Display message number in preview | XFLAG | CHAR |
239 | MSIM_OK | Billing Block Reason Permits Mass Simulation | KENNZX | CHAR |
240 | MSIPADRSTR | IP Address as Character String | CHAR20 | CHAR |
241 | MSKAK | Indicator for masking the action category in T138M | XFELD | CHAR |
242 | MSKAT | Indicator: Mask activity category | XFELD | CHAR |
243 | MSKAUSW | Logical screen number masking | CHAR2 | CHAR |
244 | MSKAW | Ind.: Successor screen/function necessary for each screen | XFELD | CHAR |
245 | MSKBR | Indicator for masking industry sector reference in T138m | XFELD | CHAR |
246 | MSKDG | Indicator: Mask screen group | XFELD | CHAR |
247 | MSKDY | Indicator for masking screen number in T138M | XFELD | CHAR |
248 | MSKEN | Indicator: Dialog module or feature | CHAR1 | CHAR |
249 | MSKK1 | Indicator: Mask control indicator 1 | XFELD | CHAR |
250 | MSKK2 | Indicator: Mask control indicator 2 | XFELD | CHAR |
251 | MSKMR | Indicator for masking material type reference in T138M | XFELD | CHAR |
252 | MSKTR | Indicator: Mask SAP transaction category | XFELD | CHAR |
253 | MSLANG | Microsoft Language ID | MSLANG | INT4 |
254 | MSLINESELECTED | Selected Line | CHAR1 | CHAR |
255 | MSLPP | FI-SL: Data element for MSL key figure in planning | MENGV12 | QUAN |
256 | MSLRP_043G | Dunning Key for Residual Items | MSCHL | CHAR |
257 | MSLVT | Balance carried forward of quantity | MENGV8 | QUAN |
258 | MSLVT12 | Balance carried forward of quantity | MENGV12 | QUAN |
259 | MSLVT9 | Balance carried forward of quantity | MENGV9 | QUAN |
260 | MSLXX | Total of the transactions of period in units of measure | MENGV8 | QUAN |
261 | MSLXX12 | Total of the transactions of period in units of measure | MENGV12 | QUAN |
262 | MSLXX9 | Total of the transactions of period in units of measure | MENGV9 | QUAN |
263 | MSLXX9_6 | Total of the transactions of period in units of measure | QUAN | |
264 | MSNAME | Server Name | MSNAME | CHAR |
265 | MSNAME2 | Application Server Instance | MSNAME2 | CHAR |
266 | MSNAME3 | Instance Name | MSNAME2 | CHAR |
267 | MSNAME_ALV | Server Name | MSNAME | CHAR |
268 | MSNEU_VK | New Dunning Level | MAHNS_KK | NUMC |
269 | MSNITRC | Trace Setting for Message Server Clients | RAW2 | RAW |
270 | MSNITRCSTR | NI Trace Setting | CHAR5 | CHAR |
271 | MSNMK | Feature for checking action sequence | CHAR5 | CHAR |
272 | MSNOCLIENTS | Number of Clients Waiting | INT4 | |
273 | MSNUM_EB | Message number in electronic bank statement | NUM5 | NUMC |
274 | MSORT | Sort field for messages | CHAR10 | CHAR |
275 | MSPABPLF | Dun last due date of a budget billing plan | KENNZX | CHAR |
276 | MSPARLINE | Line | CHAR128 | CHAR |
277 | MSPARNAME | Name | CHAR128 | CHAR |
278 | MSPARVALUE | Value | CHAR128 | CHAR |
279 | MSPEC | Specialized manually | MSPEC | CHAR |
280 | MSPER | Block imposed for material/plant | XFELD | CHAR |
281 | MSPKO_DAYS_KK | Contract acct dunn. lock: days | INT4 | INT4 |
282 | MSPKO_KK | Dunning lock reason for contract account | MANSP_KK | CHAR |
283 | MSPOP_DAYS_KK | Item dunning lock: days | INT4 | INT4 |
284 | MSPOP_KK | Dunning Lock Reason for Line Item | MANSP_KK | CHAR |
285 | MSPORTINT | Port Number | INT4 | |
286 | MSPORTSTR | Port Number as Character String | CHAR10 | CHAR |
287 | MSPRASPOS | Position of Two Character Language Field | AS4POS | NUMC |
288 | MSPRUMZ | No automatic disconnection for move-in/out | KENNZX | CHAR |
289 | MSQACTEXCT | Number of extents scanned ( = extent switches +1). | INT4 | |
290 | MSQAPPNAME | MS SQL Server Profiler application name | CHAR256 | CHAR |
291 | MSQAPPPROG | Name of the application program which owns the connection. | CHAR256 | CHAR |
292 | MSQAUTOUPD | SQL Server flag for auto update statistics for table index. | CHAR3 | CHAR |
293 | MSQAVFRBYT | Average number of free bytes on the pages scanned. | DEC | |
294 | MSQAVPGDEN | Average page density as percentage (the higher, the better). | DEC | |
295 | MSQAVRWSZ | Average record size (byte). | DEC | |
296 | MSQBAKUPID | MS SQL Server backup ID for the backup task | INT4 | INT4 |
297 | MSQBAKUPSZ | MS SQL server - size of the backup | INT4 | INT4 |
298 | MSQBEGRUDT | MS SQL server - the date to begin executing the job | DATS | |
299 | MSQBEGRUTM | MS SQL server - the time to start executing the server job | TIMS | |
300 | MSQBESTEXT | Ideal no. of extent changes if all are contiguously linked. | INT4 | |
301 | MSQBKFINDT | MS SQL server backup finish date | CHAR | |
302 | MSQBKMEDNA | MS SQL Server - Desciption of the media name | CHAR | |
303 | MSQBKPYFNA | MS SQL Server - Physical file name | CHAR256 | CHAR |
304 | MSQBKTYPE | MS SQL server - backup type ( full, differential, log) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
305 | MSQBLOCPRI | The SPID of the process blocking this SQL process. | INT4 | INT4 |
306 | MSQBLOPRID | SPID of blocking process. | INT2 | INT2 |
307 | MSQCACHEAC | MS SQL server - Number of stored procedures active | INT4 | INT4 |
308 | MSQCACHEHT | MS SQL server - cache hit ratio | INT4 | INT4 |
309 | MSQCACHESZ | MS SQL server - current cache size | INT4 | INT4 |
310 | MSQCACHEUS | MS SQL server - No. of proc cache slots holding stored proc | INT4 | INT4 |
311 | MSQCARATIO | MS SQL server cache ratio | INT4 | INT4 |
312 | MSQCATEGRY | MS SQL server database category | INT4 | INT4 |
313 | MSQCATEID | MS SQL server - job category | INT4 | INT4 |
314 | MSQCFADVOP | Controls whether advanced SQL Server options are shown | INT4 | INT4 |
315 | MSQCFAFMSK | Controls which processors SQL Server runs on | INT4 | INT4 |
316 | MSQCFCACHE | MS SQL server - configured procedure cache size | INT4 | INT4 |
317 | MSQCFFIBER | Controls whether SQL Server runs in fiber or thread mode | CHAR1 | CHAR |
318 | MSQCFGVALU | MS SQL server - config_value of sp_configure parameter | CHAR12 | CHAR |
319 | MSQCFIDXCM | Controls the amount of memory used by index creation sorts | INT4 | INT4 |
320 | MSQCFLOCKS | Controls the maximum number of available locks | INT4 | INT4 |
321 | MSQCFLUSH | MS SQL server cache flushes | INT4 | INT4 |
322 | MSQCFMASIO | Controls the maximum number of outstanding asynch disk I/Os | INT4 | INT4 |
323 | MSQCFMAXSM | Controls the maximum amount of memory allocated to SQL Servr | INT4 | INT4 |
324 | MSQCFMDOP | Controls the number of threads to use in parallel plan exec. | INT4 | INT4 |
325 | MSQCFMINSM | Controls the minimum amount of memory allocated to SQL Servr | INT4 | INT4 |
326 | MSQCFNETPS | Controls the size data transfers between SQL Server/ clients | INT4 | INT4 |
327 | MSQCFOPOBJ | The number of open objects in SQL Server at any time | INT4 | INT4 |
328 | MSQCFPRYBT | Controls whether SQL Server should run at a higher priority | INT4 | INT4 |
329 | MSQCFRECIN | Maximum number of minutes that SQL Server recovers DB | INT4 | INT4 |
330 | MSQCFUSRCN | Controls the max number of simult. connections to SQL Servr | INT4 | INT4 |
331 | MSQCFVALUE | A SQL Server configuration parameter value | INT4 | INT4 |
332 | MSQCFWSS | Reserves physical memory for SQL Server | INT4 | INT4 |
333 | MSQCFWTHR | Controls the maximum number of worker threads avail to SQL | INT4 | INT4 |
334 | MSQCMPCOLU | MS SQL server Compatibility Column | INT1 | INT1 |
335 | MSQCNTRTYP | MS SQL server - device controller type | INT2 | INT2 |
336 | MSQCOLNAME | MS SQL server table column name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
337 | MSQCOLTYPE | The physical storage type of the column as from systypes | INT2 | INT2 |
338 | MSQCOLUMLT | MS SQL server - table column list | TEXT8192 | CHAR |
339 | MSQCONFCOM | Explanation about MS SQL server configuration param option. | MSQCHR510 | CHAR |
340 | MSQCONFMAX | Maximum for sp_configure parameter | CHAR11 | CHAR |
341 | MSQCONFMIN | MS SQL server - minimum for sp_configure parameter | CHAR11 | CHAR |
342 | MSQCONFNUM | MS SQL server configuration parameter. | INT2 | INT2 |
343 | MSQCONFSTA | Bitmap indicating the status of the configuration option | INT2 | INT2 |
344 | MSQCONFVAL | MS SQL server configuration parameter value. | CHAR12 | CHAR |
345 | MSQCONID | MS SQL Server Profiler connection ID | DEC8 | DEC |
346 | MSQCPU | MS SQL Server Profiler CPU | DEC9 | DEC |
347 | MSQCPUBUSY | MS SQL Server - time CPU was busy since last server startup | INT4 | INT4 |
348 | MSQCPUIDLE | MS SQL Server - time SQL Server was idle since last started | INT4 | INT4 |
349 | MSQCPUTIME | MS SQL Server total cumulative CPU time for a SQL process | INT4 | INT4 |
350 | MSQCREDATE | MS SQL server database creation date. | CHAR8 | CHAR |
351 | MSQCSID | MS SQL Server - char. set ID that the index was created with | INT2 | INT2 |
352 | MSQCURUSER | MS SQL server online users | INT4 | INT4 |
353 | MSQDATACAC | MS SQL server - data cache size | INT4 | INT4 |
354 | MSQDATE | MS SQL server - job start and end date | INT4 | INT4 |
355 | MSQDBARTA | ARITHABORT: Terminates on overflow or divide-by-zero error. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
356 | MSQDBASCRE | AUTO_CREATE_STATISTICS: missing statistics auto. generated. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
357 | MSQDBASEID | MS SQL Server database ID | INT2 | INT2 |
358 | MSQDBASUPD | AUTO_UPDATE_STATISTICS: Out of date statistics auto. updated | CHAR1 | CHAR |
359 | MSQDBAUTCL | The database will close down when the last user logs out | CHAR1 | CHAR |
360 | MSQDBAUTSH | AUTO_SHRINK: when 25% of the file is unused, file is shrunk. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
361 | MSQDBCCLST | MS SQL server - dbcc output line | CHAR120 | CHAR |
362 | MSQDBCCRTM | MS SQL server - run time limit for dbcc commands | INT4 | INT4 |
363 | MSQDBCLNSD | Database was cleanly shutdown | CHAR1 | CHAR |
364 | MSQDBCMPLV | Compatibility level SQL Server is running on. | INT4 | INT4 |
365 | MSQDBCNULL | CONCAT_NULL_YIELDS_NULL: NULLs concatenated result in NULL. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
366 | MSQDBCREDT | Date the database was created. | CHAR12 | CHAR |
367 | MSQDBCURCM | Cursor close on commit:any cursors open are closed on commit | CHAR1 | CHAR |
368 | MSQDBDBO | RESTRICTED_USER: Only the DB owner can access the database. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
369 | MSQDBEMRGY | Database is in emergency mode. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
370 | MSQDBFLTXT | Initializes fulltext indexing or removes all fulltext catalg | CHAR1 | CHAR |
371 | MSQDBFREE | Database free space in data files in MB. | INT4 | INT4 |
372 | MSQDBFRESZ | Free space in the database in MB (difference size - used). | INT4 | INT4 |
373 | MSQDBLOAD | The database is in a loading state. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
374 | MSQDBLOCDF | CURSOR_DEFAULT LOCAL: cursor declarations default to LOCAL | CHAR1 | CHAR |
375 | MSQDBMODE | MS SQL server database lock mode | INT2 | INT2 |
376 | MSQDBNAME | The name of the database in SQL Server instance. | CHAR255 | CHAR |
377 | MSQDBNDUSR | Number of different users connected to SAP database | INT4 | INT4 |
378 | MSQDBNOTRC | The database is not recovering | CHAR1 | CHAR |
379 | MSQDBNULL | ANSI_NULLS: any comparisons to a NULL value evaluate to NULL | CHAR1 | CHAR |
380 | MSQDBNUMPC | Number of non-SAP processes connected to SAP database. | INT4 | INT4 |
381 | MSQDBOFFLN | The database is in status OFFLINE. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
382 | MSQDBPRERC | The database is in a prerecovering state | CHAR1 | CHAR |
383 | MSQDBQUTID | Quoted identifier: " can be used to surround identifiers. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
384 | MSQDBRDOLY | The database is in read only mode. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
385 | MSQDBRECTR | RECURSIVE_TRIGGERS: enables recursive firing of triggers. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
386 | MSQDBRECVR | Recovery of the database is underway. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
387 | MSQDBRESSZ | Space (MB) reserved for database objects in database files. | DEC | |
388 | MSQDBRNDA | NUMERIC_ROUNDABORT: error on loss of precision in expression | CHAR1 | CHAR |
389 | MSQDBSAPPC | Number of connections to SAP database from SAP application. | INT4 | INT4 |
390 | MSQDBSHTDW | Database encountered a problem during startup. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
391 | MSQDBSIZE | Database size in MB (data files). | DEC | |
392 | MSQDBSNGLE | SINGLE_USER: the database is in single user mode. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
393 | MSQDBSTATS | MS SQL server database status | INT4 | INT4 |
394 | MSQDBSTDBY | Database is functioning as a standby server. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
395 | MSQDBSUSPC | Database is marked as suspect. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
396 | MSQDBSZ | MS SQL server DB size | DEC | |
397 | MSQDBTPDET | TORN_PAGE_DETECTION: incomplete pages can be detected. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
398 | MSQDBTRCLG | Trunc. log on chkpt.: checkpoint when log is 70% full. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
399 | MSQDBULKCP | SELECT INTO and fast bulk copies are allowed. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
400 | MSQDBUNAL | MSSQL Server database unallocated space | INT4 | INT4 |
401 | MSQDBUNUSZ | Reserved for database objects but not used (in KB). | DEC | |
402 | MSQDBUPTIM | MS SQL server database startup time | CHAR20 | CHAR |
403 | MSQDBUPTME | Date and time of last SQL Server start. | CHAR20 | CHAR |
404 | MSQDBUSED | Database used space in data files in MB. | INT4 | INT4 |
405 | MSQDBUSRAN | ANSI_NULL_DEFAULT: NULL values allowed as default. | CHAR1 | CHAR |
406 | MSQDBVER | SQL Server build number (corresponding to a Service Pack). | INT4 | INT4 |
407 | MSQDBWARN | ANSI_WARNINGS: null values in aggregate fcns, or divide by 0 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
408 | MSQDENSITY | MS SQL server - density of the columns in the table | CHAR25 | CHAR |
409 | MSQDEVFLSZ | MS SQL server device file size | INT4 | INT4 |
410 | MSQDEVFREE | Free space left on file system (partition) in MB. | DEC | |
411 | MSQDEVNAME | MS SQL server backup device name | MSSSYSNAME | CHAR |
412 | MSQDEVSIZE | The size in MB of the logical device the file resides upon | DEC | |
413 | MSQDEVTYPE | MS SQL server backup device type | INT2 | INT2 |
414 | MSQDPAGES | Number of data or index pages used stated in kilobytes | DEC | |
415 | MSQDRFRSZ | MS SQL server - Free disk space on the drive | INT4 | INT4 |
416 | MSQDRTION | MS SQL Server Profiler duration | DEC9 | DEC |
417 | MSQDSCONN | Number of attempted connections to SQL Server. | INT4 | INT4 |
418 | MSQDSCPPCT | Percent of time the CPUs have been busy. | INT4 | INT4 |
419 | MSQDSCPUBY | Number of seconds CPUs have been busy (sum for all CPUs) . | INT4 | INT4 |
420 | MSQDSCPUID | Number of seconds CPUs have been idle (sum for all CPUs) . | INT4 | INT4 |
421 | MSQDSIDPCT | Percent of time CPUs have been idle. | INT4 | INT4 |
422 | MSQDSIOBSY | Number of seconds SQL Server tasks were busy with IO. | INT4 | INT4 |
423 | MSQDSIOPCT | Percent of time SQL Server tasks have beeen busy whit IO. | INT4 | INT4 |
424 | MSQDSMEATM | Number of seconds since last measurement was done | INT4 | INT4 |
425 | MSQDSPCKER | Number of network packets with error since SQL Server start. | INT4 | INT4 |
426 | MSQDSPCKRD | Number of network packets received. | INT4 | INT4 |
427 | MSQDSPCKST | Number of network packets sent out by SQL Server. | INT4 | INT4 |
428 | MSQDSSQLSC | Number of seconds SQL Server has been running. | INT4 | INT4 |
429 | MSQDSTOTER | Number of disk read or write errors since SQL Server started | INT4 | INT4 |
430 | MSQDSTOTRD | Number of disk reads done by SQL Server (physical reads). | INT4 | INT4 |
431 | MSQDSTOTWR | Number of physical disk writes done by SQL Server. | INT4 | INT4 |
432 | MSQDVHIGPG | MS SQL server - Last virtual page num on a database device | INT4 | INT4 |
433 | MSQDVLOWPG | MS SQL server - first virtual page number on a database dev | INT4 | INT4 |
434 | MSQDYNMEM | MS SQL server dynamic memory | INT4 | INT4 |
435 | MSQECID | Execution context ID used to uniquely identify subthreads | INT4 | INT4 |
436 | MSQENVIRON | MS SQL server - (reserved word). | CHAR255 | CHAR |
437 | MSQERRFLG | SQL Server flag 'Y' if true , 'N' if false | CHAR01 | CHAR |
438 | MSQERRLIST | MS SQL server - output line of sql server error log | CHAR256 | CHAR |
439 | MSQEVENT | MS SQL Server Profiler event name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
440 | MSQEVTCLS | MS SQL Server profiler event class | DEC08 | DEC |
441 | MSQEVTNOT | MS SQL server - event log notification level | INT4 | INT4 |
442 | MSQEXECMD | Command currently being executed by the given process id | CHAR32 | CHAR |
443 | MSQEXIST | MSSQL Server - returns whether the object exists in database | CHAR1 | CHAR |
444 | MSQEXPDATE | MS SQL server - backup expiration date | CHAR20 | CHAR |
445 | MSQEXTFRAG | Extent fragmentation in scanning the leaf pages of an index | DEC | |
446 | MSQEXTSWIT | No. of extent switches by traversing the index level. | INT4 | |
447 | MSQFAIACT | MSSQL Server - action to be performed after job step failure | INT2 | INT2 |
448 | MSQFAISTID | MS SQL server - next step after the failure of job step | INT4 | INT4 |
449 | MSQFAMSENU | MS SQL server - position of media family in media set | INT2 | INT2 |
450 | MSQFILEID | MS SQL server file identifier unique per DB | INT2 | INT2 |
451 | MSQFILENUM | MS SQL Server - file ID | DEC_10 | DEC |
452 | MSQFILNAME | MS SQL server database physical file name with full path | CHAR520 | CHAR |
453 | MSQFILSTAT | MS SQL server - database file status | INT4 | INT4 |
454 | MSQFLCREDB | file was created with a CREATE DB command | CHAR001 | CHAR |
455 | MSQFLDBCRE | file created during Database creation | CHAR001 | CHAR |
456 | MSQFLDFDEV | file is on default device | CHAR1 | CHAR |
457 | MSQFLDSKFL | file is a disk file | CHAR001 | CHAR |
458 | MSQFLEXTS | Total number of extents assigned to a file | DEC | |
459 | MSQFLGROW | Growth size of the SQL Server database file | DEC | |
460 | MSQFLGRPCT | SQL Server file has growth represented in percentage | CHAR1 | CHAR |
461 | MSQFLGRPDF | Default file grp contains objects created w/o defined filegp | CHAR001 | CHAR |
462 | MSQFLGRPID | MS SQL Server file group ID | INT2 | INT2 |
463 | MSQFLGRPNA | Filegroup (a collection of database files). | CHAR256 | CHAR |
464 | MSQFLGRPRO | The file group is read only | CHAR001 | CHAR |
465 | MSQFLLGDEV | file is a log file | CHAR001 | CHAR |
466 | MSQFLPRIM | Primary file containing startup information and also data | CHAR1 | CHAR |
467 | MSQFLSIZE | MS SQL server database file size | INT4 | INT4 |
468 | MSQFLTGROW | True file growth in MB | DEC | |
469 | MSQFLTMXSZ | True Max file size in MB(-1 means file grows till disk full) | DEC | |
470 | MSQFLTSIZE | File size in MB. | DEC | |
471 | MSQFLUEXTS | Total no. of used extents(8 contiguous pgs) assigned to file | DEC | |
472 | MSQFLWRTBU | file has been written to since the last backup was done | CHAR001 | CHAR |
473 | MSQFREEBUF | MS SQL server free buffer list | INT4 | INT4 |
474 | MSQFREQINT | MS SQL Server - Job execution days in the week | INT4 | INT4 |
475 | MSQFREQTYP | MS SQL Server - value indicating job execution days | INT4 | INT4 |
476 | MSQFSTIAM | First IAM page of the table or index | MSQHEX6 | RAW |
477 | MSQFULSCAN | MS SQL Server - count of full scan tables | INT4 | INT4 |
478 | MSQFUNCVER | Date of this version of the smss function group | DATS | DATS |
479 | MSQGID | MS SQL Server - group ID of the user | INT2 | INT2 |
480 | MSQGROUPID | MS SQL Server file group ID on which the index created | INT2 | INT2 |
481 | MSQHOSTNA | MS SQL server - server name | CHAR30 | CHAR |
482 | MSQHOSTNAM | Hostname of the application server logged into SQL Server. | CHAR256 | CHAR |
483 | MSQHOSTNE | Hostname of the application server logged into SQL Server. | CHAR128 | CHAR |
484 | MSQIDFIRPG | MS SQL server index pointer to the first or root page. | MSQHEX6 | RAW |
485 | MSQIDXDECT | The index delete count | INT2 | INT2 |
486 | MSQIDXDESC | SQL Server index description | MSQCHR210 | CHAR |
487 | MSQIDXEXTS | No. of extents in that index level or entire heap. | INT4 | |
488 | MSQIDXHGT | Number of index levels excluding data pages (index height). | INT2 | INT2 |
489 | MSQIDXID | MS SQL Server index ID | INT2 | INT2 |
490 | MSQIDXKEYS | MS SQL server - index keys | CHAR256 | CHAR |
491 | MSQIDXLEVL | Level within the index tree - 0 is the leaf (or data) level. | INT4 | |
492 | MSQIDXPAGS | No. of pages in the index level. | INT4 | |
493 | MSQIDXROOT | MS SQL server pointer to the root page of the index | MSQHEX6 | RAW |
494 | MSQIDXROWS | No. of rows in that level of the index. | INT4 | |
495 | MSQIDXSEA | MS SQL server - index searches | INT4 | INT4 |
496 | MSQIDXSTAT | MS SQL server index status | INT4 | INT4 |
497 | MSQIMOBTYP | MS SQL server - Object type (int) | INT1 | INT1 |
498 | MSQINDEX | MS SQL Server Profiler list index | INT4 | INT4 |
499 | MSQINDKEYS | The table columns in the index key. | CHAR2078 | CHAR |
500 | MSQIOBUSY | Time spent by Sql server doing io since last startup | INT4 | INT4 |