SAP ABAP Data Element - Index M, page 6
Data Element - M
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 MCW_IZLGVO Quantity of stock counted at retail WERTV9 CURR 
2 MCW_IZLGVP Quantity of stock counted at retail with tax WERTV9 CURR 
3 MCW_IZLMNG Quantity of stock, counted in base unit of measure MENGV15_3 QUAN 
4 MCW_JUMENG Annual inventory turn (quantity) PRZ32V DEC 
5 MCW_JUWERT Annual inventory turn (value) PRZ32V DEC 
6 MCW_KALWOC Calendar week NUM02 NUMC 
7 MCW_KAVANZ Sales order volume number of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
8 MCW_KAVGEO Sales order volume at cost WERTV10 CURR 
9 MCW_KAVGEW Sales order volume weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
10 MCW_KAVGVO Sales order volume at retail WERTV10 CURR 
11 MCW_KAVGVP Sales order volume at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
12 MCW_KAVMAM Sales order volume margin with tax PRZ32V DEC 
13 MCW_KAVMAO Sales order volume margin PRZ32V DEC 
14 MCW_KAVMNG Sales order volume quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
15 MCW_KAVVOL Sales order volume volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
16 MCW_KMAANZ Goods issue (distribution center), no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
17 MCW_KMAGEO Goods issue (DC) at cost WERTV10 CURR 
18 MCW_KMAGEW Goods issue (DC) weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
19 MCW_KMAGVO Goods issue (DC) at retail WERTV10 CURR 
20 MCW_KMAGVP Goods issue (dist. center) at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
21 MCW_KMAMNG Goods issue (distribution center) quantity in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
22 MCW_KMAVOL Goods issue (DC) volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
23 MCW_KMEANZ Goods receipt (distribution center), no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
24 MCW_KMEGEO Goods receipt (DC) at cost WERTV10 CURR 
25 MCW_KMEGEW Goods receipt (DC) weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
26 MCW_KMEGVO Goods receipt (DC) at retail WERTV10 CURR 
27 MCW_KMEGVP Goods receipt (dist. center) at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
28 MCW_KMEMNG Goods receipt (distribution center) quantity in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
29 MCW_KMEVOL Goods receipt (distribution center) volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
30 MCW_KOLIF Prior vendor of regular vendor LIFNR CHAR 
31 MCW_LANDLF Country of vendor LAND1 CHAR 
32 MCW_LANDRL Country of regular vendor LAND1 CHAR 
33 MCW_LFAMNG Comparision quantity for vendor information in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
34 MCW_LIFANZ Deliveries to customers, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
35 MCW_LIFGEW Deliveries to customers, weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
36 MCW_LIFLWK RIS/Reporting Server - vendor/supplying plant LIFNR CHAR 
37 MCW_LIFMNG Deliveries to customers, quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
38 MCW_LIFVOL Deliveries to customers, volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
39 MCW_LTSNR Vendor sub-range at regular vendor LTSNR CHAR 
40 MCW_MERK1 Characteristic 1 ATWRT CHAR 
41 MCW_MERK2 Characteristic 2 ATWRT CHAR 
42 MCW_MERK3 Characteristic 3 ATWRT CHAR 
43 MCW_MINCONF Minimum confidence (in percent)   DEC 
44 MCW_MINSUPR Minimum support (relative) in percent   DEC 
45 MCW_MONAT Calendar month AM_MONAT NUMC 
46 MCW_NUTZBE Usage intensity (BUn) in market-basket analysis MENGV15_3 QUAN 
47 MCW_NUTZVE Usage intensity (sales unit of measure) in basket analysis MENGV15_3 QUAN 
48 MCW_OAVMNG On-order quantity IS-R MENGV15_3 QUAN 
49 MCW_OAVWRT On-order value IS-R WERTV10 CURR 
50 MCW_POSNR Consecutive item number NUMC6 NUMC 
51 MCW_PRSNLA Sales deviation (absolute) during sales WERTV10 CURR 
52 MCW_PRSNLS Sales deviation during sales WERTV10 CURR 
54 MCW_RAVANZ Return orders, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
55 MCW_RAVGEO Return orders at cost WERTV10 CURR 
56 MCW_RAVGEW Return orders weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
57 MCW_RAVGVO Return orders at retail WERTV10 CURR 
58 MCW_RAVGVP Return orders at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
59 MCW_RAVMNG Return orders quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
60 MCW_RAVVOL Return orders volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
61 MCW_RLFANZ Return deliveries from customer, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
62 MCW_RLFGEW Return deliveries from customer, weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
63 MCW_RLFMNG Return deliveries from customer, quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
64 MCW_RLFVOL Return deliveries from customer, volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
65 MCW_RLIFN Account number of regular vendor LIFNR CHAR 
66 MCW_RTEANZ Returns to vendor, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
67 MCW_RTEGEO Returns to vendor at cost WERTV10 CURR 
68 MCW_RTEGEW Returns to vendor weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
69 MCW_RTEGVO Returns to vendor at retail WERTV10 CURR 
70 MCW_RTEGVP Returns to vendor at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
71 MCW_RTEMNG Returns to vendor quantity in base unit of measure MENGV15_3 QUAN 
72 MCW_RTEVOL Returns to vendor volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
73 MCW_RWMENG Range of coverage in days (quantity) BCSP4 DEC 
74 MCW_RWWERT Range of coverage in days (value) BCSP4 DEC 
75 MCW_SABTNR Retail master data department ABTNR CHAR 
76 MCW_SAVANZ Third-party order, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
77 MCW_SAVGEO Third-party orders at cost WERTV10 CURR 
78 MCW_SAVGEW Third-party orders weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
79 MCW_SAVGVO Third party orders at retail WERTV10 CURR 
80 MCW_SAVGVP Third-party orders at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
81 MCW_SAVMAM Third-party order margin w/tax PRZ32V DEC 
82 MCW_SAVMAO Third-party order margin PRZ32V DEC 
83 MCW_SAVMNG Third-party orders quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
84 MCW_SAVVOL Third-party orders volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
85 MCW_SBSGEO End of season stock at cost WERTV10 CURR 
86 MCW_SBSGEW End of season stock weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
87 MCW_SBSGVO End of season stock at retail WERTV10 CURR 
88 MCW_SBSGVP End of season stock at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
89 MCW_SBSMNG End of season stock quantity in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
90 MCW_SBSVOL End of season stock volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
91 MCW_SBZIRK Master data: customer district (Retail) BZIRK CHAR 
92 MCW_SCANGR Scanning level during shopping basket analysis PRZ32V DEC 
93 MCW_SEKGRP Master data: purchasing group (Retail) EKGRP CHAR 
94 MCW_SEKORG Master data: purchasing organization (Retail) EKORG CHAR 
95 MCW_SIZEL23 Maximum size L2, L3 INT4 INT4 
96 MCW_SMATKL Master data: material group (Retail) MATKL CHAR 
97 MCW_SPRSNL Third-party sales deviation WERTV10 CURR 
98 MCW_STVORG Indicator: transaction key relevance for SAP BW (Retail/CP) MCW_STVORG CHAR 
99 MCW_SUMGEO Third-party sales at cost WERTV10 CURR 
100 MCW_SUMGVO Third-party sales at retail WERTV10 CURR 
101 MCW_SUMGVP Third-party sales at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
102 MCW_SUMMNG Third-party sales quantity in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
103 MCW_SUPA Absolute support of a material/object STUN_INT4 INT4 
104 MCW_SUPKZ Auxiliary statistics update indicator SUPKZ CHAR 
105 MCW_SUPR Relative support of a material/object KAAUS FLTP 
106 MCW_SUPRP Minimum support DEC8_3 DEC 
107 MCW_SVKORG Master data: sales organization (Retail) VKORG CHAR 
108 MCW_SVTWEG Master data: distribution channel (Retail) VTWEG CHAR 
109 MCW_TAGEIV Days on sale, no. of MCZAEHLINT INT4 
110 MCW_TGZTKL Time of day class MCW_TGZTKL CHAR 
111 MCW_TOPN The top n results (top n) INT4 INT4 
112 MCW_TRJAHR Transfer document year GJAHR NUMC 
113 MCW_UAVGEO Stock transport order 2 (supplying site view) at cost WERTV10 CURR 
114 MCW_UAVGEW Stock transport order 2 (supplying site view), weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
115 MCW_UAVGVO Stock transport order 2 (supplying site view) at retail WERTV10 CURR 
116 MCW_UAVGVP Stock transport order 2 (supplying site view) at retail w/T WERTV10 CURR 
117 MCW_UAVMAM Stock transport order 2 (supplying site view), margin w/tax PRZ32V DEC 
118 MCW_UAVMAO Stock transport order 2 (supplying site view), margin PRZ32V DEC 
119 MCW_UAVMNG Stock transport order 2 (supplying site view), quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
120 MCW_UAVVOL Stock transport order 2 (supplying site view), volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
121 MCW_UBGEO Revaluation PPw/oVAT WERTV10 CURR 
122 MCW_UBGVO Revaluations at sales price without tax WERTV10 CURR 
123 MCW_UBGVP Revaluations at sales price including tax WERTV10 CURR 
124 MCW_UBMEAZ Revaluation at cost minus, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
125 MCW_UBMEPM Revaluation at cost minus, quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
126 MCW_UBMGEO Revaluation at cost, minus WERTV10 CURR 
127 MCW_UBMGVO Revaluation at retail, minus WERTV10 CURR 
128 MCW_UBMGVP Revaluation at retail, minus, at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
129 MCW_UBMVAZ Revaluation at retail, minus, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
130 MCW_UBMVPM Revaluation at retail, minus, quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
131 MCW_UBPEAZ Revaluation at cost plus, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
132 MCW_UBPEPM Revaluation at cost, plus, quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
133 MCW_UBPGEO Revaluation at cost, plus WERTV10 CURR 
134 MCW_UBPGVO Revaluation at retail, plus WERTV10 CURR 
135 MCW_UBPGVP Revaluation at retail, plus, at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
136 MCW_UBPVAZ Revaluation at retail, plus, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
137 MCW_UBPVPM Revaluation at retail, plus, quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
138 MCW_UHMENG Inventory turn (quantity) PRZ32V DEC 
139 MCW_UHWERT Inventory turn (value) PRZ32V DEC 
140 MCW_UHZEIT Time sale was entered UZEIT TIMS 
141 MCW_ULAANZ Goods clearing: issues, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
142 MCW_ULAGEO Goods clearing: issues at cost WERTV10 CURR 
143 MCW_ULAGEW Goods clearing: issues weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
144 MCW_ULAGVO Goods clearing: issues at retail WERTV10 CURR 
145 MCW_ULAGVP Goods clearing: issues at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
146 MCW_ULAMNG Goods clearing: issues quantity in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
147 MCW_ULAVOL Goods clearing: issues volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
148 MCW_ULEANZ Goods clearing: receipts, no. of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
149 MCW_ULEGEO Goods clearing: receipts at cost WERTV10 CURR 
150 MCW_ULEGEW Goods clearing: receipts weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
151 MCW_ULEGVO Goods clearing: receipts at retail WERTV10 CURR 
152 MCW_ULEGVP Goods clearing: receipts at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
153 MCW_ULEMNG Goods clearing: receipts quantity in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
154 MCW_ULEVOL Goods clearing: receipts volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
155 MCW_ULVGEO Stock transport order at cost WERTV10 CURR 
156 MCW_ULVGEW Stock transport order weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
157 MCW_ULVGVO Stock transport order at retail WERTV10 CURR 
158 MCW_ULVGVP Stock transport order at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
159 MCW_ULVMAM Stock transport order margin with tax PRZ32V DEC 
160 MCW_ULVMAO Stock transport order margin PRZ32V DEC 
161 MCW_ULVMNG Stock transport order quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
162 MCW_ULVVOL Stock transport order volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
163 MCW_UMAGEO Sales (absolute) at cost WERTV10 CURR 
164 MCW_UMAGVO Sales (absolute) at retail WERTV10 CURR 
165 MCW_UMAGVP Sales (absolute) at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
166 MCW_UMAMNG Sales (absolute) quantity in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
168 MCW_UMSGEO Sales at cost WERTV10 CURR 
169 MCW_UMSGVO Sales at retail WERTV10 CURR 
170 MCW_UMSGVP Sales at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
171 MCW_UMSMAM Sales margin with tax PRZ32V DEC 
172 MCW_UMSMAO Sales margin PRZ32V DEC 
173 MCW_UMSMNG Sales quantity in base unit of measure MENGV15_3 QUAN 
174 MCW_URSPVP Original retail price WERTV6 CURR 
175 MCW_VLFKZ Plant cat./ category of assortment owner VLFKZ CHAR 
176 MCW_VTVORG RIS/Rep.Server transaction key: Sales and Distribution MCW_VTVORG CHAR 
177 MCW_WERTUM Sales value POS (exact value) WERTV10 CURR 
178 MCW_WESANZ Goods receipt (vendor) number of transactions MCZAEHLINT INT4 
179 MCW_WESGEO Goods receipt (vendor) at cost WERTV10 CURR 
180 MCW_WESGEW Goods receipt (vendor) weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
181 MCW_WESGVO Goods receipt (vendor) at retail WERTV10 CURR 
182 MCW_WESGVP Goods receipt (vendor) at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
183 MCW_WESMAM Goods receipt margin with tax (vendor+GR(DC)) PRZ32V DEC 
184 MCW_WESMAO Goods receipt margin (vendor+GR(DC)) PRZ32V DEC 
185 MCW_WESMNG Goods receipt (vendor) quantity in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
186 MCW_WESVOL Goods receipt (vendor) volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
187 MCW_WGRU1 Material group hierarchy 1 KLASSE CHAR 
188 MCW_WGRU2 Material group hierarchy 2 KLASSE CHAR 
190 MCW_WRKGR1 Plant group hierarchy 1 KLASSE CHAR 
191 MCW_WRKGR2 Plant group hierarchy 2 KLASSE CHAR 
192 MCW_ZUGGEO Receipts at cost WERTV10 CURR 
193 MCW_ZUGGEW Receipts weight MENGV15_3 QUAN 
194 MCW_ZUGGVO Receipts at retail WERTV10 CURR 
195 MCW_ZUGGVP Receipts at retail with tax WERTV10 CURR 
196 MCW_ZUGMNG Receipts quantity in BUn MENGV15_3 QUAN 
197 MCW_ZUGVOL Receipts volume MENGV15_3 QUAN 
198 MCXVERD Checkbox: Aggregate data for selected characteristic X CHAR 
199 MCXXLDAT Name of XXL file CHAR8 CHAR 
200 MCXXLSTA Indicator: Start XXL to export X CHAR 
201 MCYES Check existence of reference personnel numbers XFELD CHAR 
202 MCYPER Number of previous periods for exception period MCPER NUMC 
203 MCYPERZ Number of future periods for exception period MCPER NUMC 
204 MCYUPER Number of periods for the assigned exception MCPER NUMC 
205 MCY_SYMB Symbol for fax parameters CHAR20 CHAR 
206 MCY_TEXT Text for fax parameter symbol CHAR80 CHAR 
207 MCZAD Display receipts/issues diagram (graph) SCRPFLAG CHAR 
208 MCZAD1 Display receipts/issues diagram (graph) SCRPFLAG CHAR 
209 MCZAG Receipts/issues diagram (graph) XFELD CHAR 
210 MCZBLOCKS Number of data blocks read SYST_LONG INT4 
211 MCZEILE IS-H: Matchcode line CHAR79 CHAR 
212 MCZEITR Period to analyze DATUM DATS 
213 MCZFLDTXT Short description for data element belonging to the field AS4TEXT CHAR 
214 MCZMNG1 Target quantity of activity type 1 MENGV15 QUAN 
215 MCZMNG1OZ Target quantity/activity type 1 w/o perfmnce efficiency rate MENGV15 QUAN 
216 MCZMNG2 Target quantity of activity type 2 MENGV15 QUAN 
217 MCZMNG2OZ Target quantity/activity type 2 w/o perfmnce efficiency rate MENGV15 QUAN 
218 MCZMNG3 Target quantity of activity type 3 MENGV15 QUAN 
219 MCZMNG3OZ Target quantity/activity type 3 w/o perfmnce efficiency rate MENGV15 QUAN 
220 MCZMNG4 Target quantity of activity type 4 MENGV15 QUAN 
221 MCZMNG4OZ Target quantity/activity type 4 w/o perfmnce efficiency rate MENGV15 QUAN 
222 MCZMNG5 Target quantity of activity type 5 MENGV15 QUAN 
223 MCZMNG5OZ Target quantity/activity type 5 w/o perfmnce efficiency rate MENGV15 QUAN 
224 MCZMNG6 Target quantity of activity type 6 MENGV15 QUAN 
225 MCZMNG6OZ Target quantity/activity type 6 w/o perfmnce efficiency rate MENGV15 QUAN 
226 MCZRECORDS Number of data records in a block SYST_LONG INT4 
227 MCZSELDATE Selection date of data read SYDATS DATS 
228 MCZUG Graph of goods receipts SCRPFLAG CHAR 
229 MCZUG1 Graph of goods receipts SCRPFLAG CHAR 
230 MCZUGANG Quantity of goods received MENG13V QUAN 
231 MCZ_AAUSW Ind.: General selection FLAG CHAR 
232 MCZ_ALLOBJ Ind.: Use all information objects for data source? FLAG CHAR 
233 MCZ_HIGH To value in the selection RSSELVALUE CHAR 
234 MCZ_INTTYPE ABAP data type (C,D,N,...) INTTYPE CHAR 
235 MCZ_LENGTH Length of field in the data record in BAPI export DDLENG NUMC 
236 MCZ_LINE Data record in a data block in the BAPI export CHAR255 CHAR 
237 MCZ_LOW From value in the selection RSSELVALUE CHAR 
238 MCZ_OFFSET Offset of field in the data record in BAPI export DOFFSET NUMC 
239 MCZ_OPTION Selection option for values during selection RALDB_OPTI CHAR 
240 MCZ_RECNO Record number in a data block during BAPI export CHAR1 CHAR 
241 MCZ_SELVSV Ind.: Selection version of the OIW metadata FLAG CHAR 
242 MCZ_SHOWT Ind.: Display text for information object? FLAG CHAR 
243 MCZ_SHOWU Ind.: Display unit for information object? FLAG CHAR 
244 MCZ_SIGN Ind. to include/exclude values during selection RALDB_SIGN CHAR 
245 MCZ_TXTMET Text for data source in OIW during BAPI export TEXT60 CHAR 
246 MCZ_TXTOBJ Text for information object in OIW during BAPI export TEXT40 CHAR 
247 MC_AANFP Number of requests for quotation items MCZAEHLER DEC 
248 MC_AANFR Number of requests for quotations MCZAEHLER DEC 
249 MC_AANGP Number of Quotation Items MCZAEHLER DEC 
250 MC_ABEST No. of purchase orders MCZAEHLER DEC 
251 MC_ABRUE Scheduled teardown time DAUER_6_1V QUAN 
252 MC_ABSTE Number of purchase order item schedule lines MCZAEHLER DEC 
253 MC_ABSTP Number of purchase order items MCZAEHLER DEC 
254 MC_AEFREQ Incoming orders: frequency DECV15_3 DEC 
255 MC_AEFREQB Incoming orders: frequency acc. to conf. date of sched. line DECV15_3 DEC 
256 MC_AEKZWI1 Incoming orders: gross WERTV9 CURR 
257 MC_AEKZWI2 Incoming orders: net 1 WERTV9 CURR 
258 MC_AEKZWI3 Incoming orders: net 2 WERTV9 CURR 
259 MC_AEKZWI4 Incoming orders: freight WERTV9 CURR 
260 MC_AEKZWI5 Incoming orders: pricing subtotal 5 WERTV9 CURR 
261 MC_AEKZWI6 Incoming orders: pricing subtotal 6 WERTV9 CURR 
262 MC_AEMENGE Incoming orders quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
263 MC_AENETWR Net value of incoming orders WERTV10 CURR 
264 MC_AEWAVWR Cost of incoming orders WERTV10 CURR 
265 MC_AFAKWE Released net value of billing document for contract WERTV9 CURR 
266 MC_AGUTS Number of credit memos for vendors MCZAEHLINT INT4 
267 MC_AGWRT Rebate income from final settlement WERTV10 CURR 
268 MC_AKONP Number of contract items MCZAEHLER DEC 
269 MC_AKONT Number of contracts MCZAEHLER DEC 
270 MC_AKTWE Current goods receipt quantity in order unit MENG13 QUAN 
271 MC_ALAV Points score: Shipping notif. GR date - notified date DEC3 DEC 
272 MC_ALAV1 Points score 1: Variance from shipping notification DEC3 DEC 
273 MC_ALAV2 Points score 2: Variance from shipping notification DEC3 DEC 
274 MC_ALELOC Set up only in the local system, no distribution XFLAG CHAR 
275 MC_ALESYS System in which the statistic set up is to be distributed EDI_PARNUM CHAR 
276 MC_ALFPE Number of delivery schedules MCZAEHLER DEC 
277 MC_ALFPL Number of scheduling agreements MCZAEHLER DEC 
278 MC_ALFPP Number of scheduling agreement items MCZAEHLER DEC 
279 MC_ALFZT Mean delivery time in days DECV13 DEC 
280 MC_ALIEF Number of deliveries MCZAEHLER DEC 
281 MC_ANZAG Number of offers MCZAEHLER DEC 
282 MC_ANZAGPO Number of quotation items MCZAEHLER DEC 
283 MC_ANZAU Number of orders MCZAEHLER DEC 
284 MC_ANZAUPO Number of order items MCZAEHLER DEC 
285 MC_ANZFA Number of production orders MCZAEHLER DEC 
286 MC_ANZFK No.of billing docs MCZAEHLER DEC 
287 MC_ANZFKPO Number of billing items MCZAEHLER DEC 
288 MC_ANZHV TIS: Number of main shipping units in the shipment MCZAEHLER DEC 
289 MC_ANZKONV Number of a condition in the document MCZAEHLER DEC 
290 MC_ANZLI No. of deliveries MCZAEHLER DEC 
291 MC_ANZLIPO Number of delivery items MCZAEHLER DEC 
292 MC_ANZPK TIS: Number of packages MCZAEHLER DEC 
293 MC_ANZRE Number of returns/credit memo requests MCZAEHLER DEC 
294 MC_ANZREPO No.of returns items MCZAEHLER DEC 
295 MC_ANZTP TIS: No. of shipments MCZAEHLER DEC 
296 MC_ANZTPLF TIS: Number of deliveries in the shipment MCZAEHLER DEC 
297 MC_ANZTS TIS: Number of shipment stages MCZAEHLER DEC 
298 MC_ANZVORG Number of operations MCZAEHLER DEC 
299 MC_APERDAT Creation Date of Order Item DATUM DATS 
300 MC_ARECH Number of invoices for vendors MCZAEHLINT INT4 
301 MC_ARLRKRG Key Figure: Number of Remuneration Lists (Payment) MCZAEHLER DEC 
302 MC_ARLRKRGRLAL Key figure: No. of request lists (payment) MCZAEHLER DEC 
303 MC_ARLRKRGRLBU Key figure: Number of posting lists (payment) MCZAEHLER DEC 
304 MC_ARLRKRL Key Figure: No. of Invoice Lists (Vendor Billing Document) MCZAEHLER DEC 
305 MC_ARLRPRG Key Figure: No. of Documents in Remuneration Lists (Payment) MCZAEHLER DEC 
306 MC_ARLRPRGRLAL Key figure: Number of documents in request lists (payment) MCZAEHLER DEC 
307 MC_ARLRPRGRLBU Key figure: Number of documents in posting lists (payment) MCZAEHLER DEC 
308 MC_ARLRPRL Key figure: no. of documents in invoice lists (VBD) MCZAEHLER DEC 
309 MC_ARVRSIO Version of an information structure VRSIO CHAR 
310 MC_ASVRG Operation scrap MENGV15 QUAN 
311 MC_ASWRT Total rebate income from condition record WERTV10 CURR 
312 MC_AUSWT Rebate. Value paid out + open documents WERTV10 CURR 
313 MC_AUWRT Rebate: Rebate payments in local currency WERTV10 CURR 
314 MC_AUWRT_K Rebate: Value of payments in condition currency WERTV10 CURR 
315 MC_AVMNG Fixed quantity of scrap from production MENGV15_3 QUAN 
316 MC_AWBRKCS Key Figure: Number of Customer Settlements MCZAEHLER DEC 
317 MC_AWBRKRG Key figure: Number of payment requests MCZAEHLER DEC 
318 MC_AWBRKRL Key figure: Number of vendor billing documents MCZAEHLER DEC 
319 MC_AWBRPCS Key Figure: Number of Line Items in Customer Settlement MCZAEHLER DEC 
320 MC_AWBRPRG Key figure: Number of payment request items MCZAEHLER DEC 
321 MC_AWBRPRL Key figure: No. of vendor billing document items MCZAEHLER DEC 
322 MC_BBRTWR Gross order value in order currency WERT7 CURR 
323 MC_BDMNG Requirement Quantity MENGV15 QUAN 
324 MC_BEARZ Scheduled processing time DAUER_6_1V QUAN 
325 MC_BELNR Number of update-relevant document BELNR CHAR 
326 MC_BIW LIS connection BIW export SD documents: update group STAFO CHAR 
327 MC_BLOCKSIZE No. of data recs per LUW NUM06 NUMC 
328 MC_BNBTR Delivery costs in local currency WERT15 CURR 
329 MC_BNETWR Net order value in order currency WERT7 CURR 
330 MC_BOANZPU Vendor business volume: no. of points (subseq. settlement) MENGV13 QUAN 
331 MC_BOBRGEW Vendor business volume: gross weight (subsequent settlement) MENGV15_3 QUAN 
332 MC_BOERT Rebate income from settlement w. regard to condition record WERTV10 CURR 
333 MC_BOMGB Cumulative quantity subject to subsequent settlement MENG13 QUAN 
334 MC_BOMNG Vendor business volume: quantity in condition unit MENGV13 QUAN 
335 MC_BOMNGST Vendor business volume: quantity in scale unit MENGV15 QUAN 
336 MC_BONBA Rebate: Accumulated sales volume in local currency WERTV10 CURR 
337 MC_BONBALF Key figure: Rebate basis (subtotal 7), vendor billing doc. WERTV9 CURR 
338 MC_BONBARD Key fig: Rebate basis (condition subtotal 7), payt: cust. WERTV9 CURR 
339 MC_BONBARG Key fig: Rebate basis (condition subtotal 7), payt: vendor WERTV9 CURR 
340 MC_BONTGEW Vendor business volume: net weight (subsequent settlement) MENGV15_3 QUAN 
341 MC_BONUS LIS Link to Rebates: Update Group STAFO CHAR 
342 MC_BORRW Dissolved (reversed) provision for accrued condition income WERTV10 CURR 
343 MC_BORUW Provision for accrued condition income WERTV10 CURR 
344 MC_BOUABEK Vendor busn. volume: value from purch. doc. in arr. currency WERTV8 CURR 
345 MC_BOUABRE Vendor busn. vol.: value from invoice doc. in arr. currency WERTV8 CURR 
346 MC_BOUHW Vendor business volume: value in rebate arrangement currency WERTV8 CURR 
347 MC_BOUKD Vendor busn. vol. value in cond. curr.: settlement-relevant WERTV9 CURR 
348 MC_BOUKDEK Vendor busn. vol.: value from purch. doc. in cond. currency WERTV9 CURR 
349 MC_BOUKDRE Vendor busn. vol.: value from inv. doc. in cond. currency WERTV9 CURR 
350 MC_BOUST Vendor busn. vol. value in scale curr.: settlement-relevant WERTV9 CURR 
351 MC_BOUSTEK Vendor busn. vol. value from purch. doc. in scale currency WERTV9 CURR 
352 MC_BOUSTRE Vendor busn. vol. value from invoice doc. in scale currency WERTV9 CURR 
353 MC_BOVOLUM Vendor business volume: physical volume (subseq. settlement) MENGV15_3 QUAN 
354 MC_BRGEWLF Key figure: gross weight of vendor billing document MENGV15_3 QUAN 
355 MC_BRTLFRL Key fig.: Final Amt, Remuneration List (Vendor Billing Doc.) WERTV9 CURR 
356 MC_BRTRDRL Key Fig.: Final Amount Remuneration List, Payment: Customer WERTV9 CURR 
357 MC_BRTRDRLBU Key figure: Final amount of posting list (payment to cust.) WERTV9 CURR 
358 MC_BRTRGRL Key Fig.: Final Amt of Remuneration List, Payment: Customer WERTV9 CURR 
359 MC_BRTRGRLAL Key figure: Final amount of request list (payment to vendor) WERTV9 CURR 
360 MC_BRTWPLF Key figure: Gross value of vendor billing document (item) WERTV9 CURR 
361 MC_BRTWPRD Key fig: Gross value of payment (item) to customer WERTV9 CURR 
362 MC_BRTWPRG Key figure: Gross value of payment (item) to vendor WERTV9 CURR 
363 MC_BRTWR Gross order value in base unit of measure WERTV8 CURR 
364 MC_BRTWRLF Key figure: Gross value of vendor billing document WERTV9 CURR 
365 MC_BRTWRRD Key figure: Gross value of payment request (customer) WERTV9 CURR 
366 MC_BRTWRRG Key figure: Gross value of payment request (vendor) WERTV9 CURR 
367 MC_BRTWR_R Gross order value (returns) WERTV8 CURR 
368 MC_BSPRS Purchase order price WERTV8 CURR 
369 MC_BUCHDAT Posting date of last confirmation DATUM DATS 
370 MC_BUDAT Posting date of goods received or invoice receipt for order DATUM DATS 
371 MC_BUDTCMP Posting date of last goods issue DATUM DATS 
372 MC_BVBWESB Change in Stock: Valuated GR Blocked Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
373 MC_BVCEINM Change in Stock: Storage Locatn Stock All Restrd-Use Batches MENGV15 QUAN 
374 MC_BVCINSM Change in Stock: Stock in Quality Inspection (Batch-Related) MENGV15 QUAN 
375 MC_BVCLABS Change in Stock: Valuated, Unrestricted-Use Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
376 MC_BVCRETM Stock Change for Blocked Stock Returns (Batch-Related) MENGV15 QUAN 
377 MC_BVCSPEM Change in Stock: Blocked Stock (Batch-Related) MENGV15 QUAN 
378 MC_BVCUMLM Change in Stock: Stock in Transfer (Batch-Related) MENGV15 QUAN 
379 MC_BVCWESB Change of Valuated GR-stock, Batch MENGV15 QUAN 
380 MC_BVEINME Change in Stock: Storage Locatn Stock All Restrd-Use Batches MENGV15 QUAN 
381 MC_BVGLGMG Change in Stock: Tied Empties Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
382 MC_BVINSME Change in Stock: Stock in Quality Inspection MENGV15 QUAN 
383 MC_BVKA Change in Stock Sales Order Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
384 MC_BVKEINM Change in Stock: Restricted-Use Consignment Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
385 MC_BVKINSM Change in Stock: Consignment Stock in Quality Inspection MENGV15 QUAN 
386 MC_BVKLABS Change in Stock: Unrestricted-Use Consignment Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
387 MC_BVKSPEM Change in Stock: Blocked Consignment Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
388 MC_BVKUEIN Change in Stock: Sales Order Stock, Restricted-Use (Batch) MENGV15 QUAN 
389 MC_BVKUINS Change in Stock: Stock in Quality Inspection at Customer MENGV15 QUAN 
390 MC_BVKULAB Change in Stock: Unrestricted-Use Stock at Customer MENGV15 QUAN 
391 MC_BVLABST Change in Stock: Valuated, Unrestricted-Use Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
392 MC_BVLBEIN Stock Change: Stock Provided to Vendor(Restricted-Use Batch) MENGV15 QUAN 
393 MC_BVLBINS Change in Stock: Provision of Matl to Vendor in Qual. Insp. MENGV15 QUAN 
394 MC_BVLBLAB Change in Stock: Provision of Material to Vendor-Unrest.-Use MENGV15 QUAN 
395 MC_BVPR Stock Change Project Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
396 MC_BVRETME Stock Change Blocked Stock Returns MENGV15 QUAN 
397 MC_BVSABWE Change of Valuated GR-Stock, SD, batch MENGV15 QUAN 
398 MC_BVSEINM Change in Stock: Restricted-Use Consignment Stock (Batch) MENGV15 QUAN 
399 MC_BVSINSM Change in Stock: Consignment Stock in Quality Inspection MENGV15 QUAN 
400 MC_BVSLABS Change in Stock: Unrestricted-Use Consignment Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
401 MC_BVSPEME Change in Stock: Blocked Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
402 MC_BVSQBWE Change in Valuated GR-Stock, Project, batch MENGV15 QUAN 
403 MC_BVSSPEM Change in Stock: Blocked Consignment Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
404 MC_BVTRAME Change in Stock: Stock in Transit MENGV15 QUAN 
405 MC_BVUMLMC Change in Stock: Stock in Transfer (Plant to Plant) MENGV15 QUAN 
406 MC_BVUMLME Change in Stock: Stock in Transfer MENGV15 QUAN 
407 MC_BWERTVKA Value Change Sales Order Stock WERT15 CURR 
408 MC_BWERTVPR Value Change Project Stock WERT15 CURR 
409 MC_BWESB Valuated GR Blocked Stock MENGV15 QUAN 
410 MC_BZGMG Quantity resulting in delivery costs for purchase order MENG13 QUAN 
411 MC_BZGWR Delivery costs for order from invoice in LC   CURR 
412 MC_BZGWW Delivery costs for order from goods receipt in LC WRTV7 CURR 
413 MC_BZWRT Rebate: Amount to be paid WERTV10 CURR 
414 MC_CAS LIS link to Sales Support (CAS): update group STAFO CHAR 
415 MC_CATEGORY Cross-Client Customizing Category MC_CATEGORY CHAR 
416 MC_CKAANON Sales Order Stock (Batch), Valuate Anonymously MENGV15 QUAN 
417 MC_CMEDFLG Indicator to control the process flow in RMCAF000 CHAR1 CHAR 
418 MC_CMFPATH Path description for external files TEXT60 CHAR 
419 MC_CM_CID Only select and delete initial data and (all indic. initial) FLAG CHAR 
420 MC_CM_CPC No automatic period conversion FLAG CHAR 
421 MC_CM_DCTB Indicator: "Drop/Create table" FLAG CHAR 
422 MC_CM_DVLE Data transfer to updating FLAG CHAR 
423 MC_CM_ENQT (Un)lock table at information structure/version level MCSENQTAB NUMC 
424 MC_CM_IDD Select and delete initial data records only FLAG CHAR 
425 MC_CM_IDXF "Delete/Set Up Secondary Indices" indicator FLAG CHAR 
426 MC_CM_INI Reset target version FLAG CHAR 
427 MC_CM_NOD Delete according to selection FLAG CHAR 
428 MC_CM_NOINIT Indicator 'No copying of initial data records' FLAG CHAR 
429 MC_CM_OUP Change selected data only FLAG CHAR 
430 MC_CM_PARAL Indicator: Parallel Mode MC_PARAL CHAR 
431 MC_CM_PSIZE Packet Size of Data Processing in Copy Management MC_PSIZE NUMC 
432 MC_CM_QDD Delete source data after copying FLAG CHAR 
433 MC_CM_QDU Change source data during copying FLAG CHAR 
434 MC_CM_SSEL sorted reading of DB table FLAG CHAR 
435 MC_CM_USEX Source data determined via a functional enhancement FLAG CHAR 
436 MC_CM_VSD Delete selected data only FLAG CHAR 
437 MC_COPA LIS interface to CO/PA - incoming orders: update group STAFO CHAR 
438 MC_CPRANON Project Stock (Batch), Valuated Anonymously MENGV15 QUAN 
439 MC_CWESB Valuated GR-blocked stock, batch MENG13V QUAN 
440 MC_DATA MC: Input/Output Data CHAR100 CHAR 
441 MC_DATAINC Data Include w. transfer structures f. formulas/requirements PROGNAME CHAR 
442 MC_DATBI End date of validity period of an arrangement DATUM DATS 
443 MC_DATUM2 Date for document index update (time-dependent documents) DATUM DATS 
444 MC_DELKRLF Key figure: Condition subtotal 2 (basis del credere) VBD WERTV9 CURR 
445 MC_DELKRRG Key Figure: Payment based on Remuneration List Conditions WERTV9 CURR 
446 MC_DFAULT Number of faulty documents tolerated NUM10 NUMC 
447 MC_DIFFT Time difference in days MCZAEHLER DEC 
448 MC_DLIFZ Mean average delivery time (R/2->R/3 link) DEC4_1 DEC 
449 MC_DLI_NAM Distribution list for selection version SO_OBJ_NAM CHAR 
450 MC_DMBTR Amount in local currency WERT15 CURR 
451 MC_DOCUID Documentation for Multiclient Compliance MC_DOCUID CHAR 
452 MC_EFFEKLF Key figure: effective value of vendor billing document WERTV9 CURR 
453 MC_EFFEKRD Key figure: Effective value of payment (customer) WERTV9 CURR 
454 MC_EFFEKRG Key figure: Effective value of payment (vendor) WERTV9 CURR 
455 MC_EFFHW Effective order value in local currency WERTV8 CURR 
456 MC_EFFWR Effective order value WERTV8 CURR 
457 MC_EFFWR_R Effective order value of returns WERTV8 CURR 
458 MC_EILFSTA Delivery status of schedule line STATV CHAR 
459 MC_EINME Storage Location Inventory of All Restricted-Use Batches MENGV15 QUAN 
460 MC_EISBE Safety stock MENGV15 QUAN 
461 MC_ENMNG Quantity withdrawn MENGV15 QUAN 
462 MC_ENTNFZ Cumulative quantity for goods withdrawal in base unit MENGV15_3 QUAN 
463 MC_ENWRT Issued Value WERTV10 CURR 
464 MC_ERFDAT Date on which the purchasing document was entered DATUM DATS 
465 MC_ETYPE Multiple Client Analysis: Object List Entry Type MC_ETYPE CHAR 
466 MC_EWESB Valuated GR-blocked stock, Salesorder with batch MENG13V QUAN 
467 MC_EXTYP Exception category: "N"ormal, "G"roup or " " still open CHAR1 CHAR 
468 MC_FA_FREI Order has status RELEASED X CHAR 
469 MC_FA_GLFT Order has status DELIVERED X CHAR 
470 MC_FA_RUECK Order has status CONFIRMED X CHAR 
471 MC_FA_TGLI Order has Status PDLV X CHAR 
473 MC_FINANZ LIS link to cash management and forecast: update group STAFO CHAR 
474 MC_FORMNAME Form routines running in the check routines MC_FORMNAME CHAR 
475 MC_GAMNG Total order quantity MENGV15 QUAN 
476 MC_GASMG Total Scrap Quantity in the Order MENGV15 QUAN 
477 MC_GENFLAG Indicator: object generated AS4FLAG CHAR 
478 MC_GLFZT Weighted mean delivery time in days DECV13 DEC 
479 MC_GLGMG Tied empties stock MENGV15 QUAN 
480 MC_GMNGA Total Delivered Lot Size MENGV15 QUAN 
481 MC_GSMNG Total planned order quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
482 MC_GUKZWI1 Credit memos: gross WERTV9 CURR 
483 MC_GUKZWI2 Credit memos: net 1 WERTV9 CURR 
484 MC_GUKZWI3 Credit memos: net 2 WERTV9 CURR 
485 MC_GUKZWI4 Credit memos: freight WERTV9 CURR 
486 MC_GUKZWI5 Credit memos: pricing subtotal 5 WERTV9 CURR 
487 MC_GUKZWI6 Credit memos: pricing subtotal 6 WERTV9 CURR 
488 MC_GUMENGE Credit memos quantity MENGV15_3 QUAN 
489 MC_GUNETWR Net value of credit memos WERTV10 CURR 
490 MC_GUWAVWR Credit memos: cost WERTV10 CURR 
491 MC_HDRVORG Transaction for Purchasing Document HDRVORG CHAR 
492 MC_HEADLN Optional 2nd column headings (LIS standard analyses) SCRTEXT_L CHAR 
493 MC_IAMNG Actual scrap quantity from an order item MENGV15_3 QUAN 
494 MC_IDOCFBS Name of IDoc function module FUNCNAME CHAR 
495 MC_IMGACTIVE Flag: IMG Activity Exists CHAR1 CHAR 
496 MC_INFTYP Type of info structure, type <> space: internal use CHAR1 CHAR 
497 MC_INSME Stock in quality inspection MENGV15 QUAN 
498 MC_INVOICE Characteristics: invoice number VBELN CHAR 
499 MC_KAANONYM Sales Order Stock, Valuated Anonymously MENGV15 QUAN 
500 MC_KABRS Scheduled cap. requirements for the op. segment teardown DAUER_6_1V QUAN