SAP ABAP Data Element - Index U, page 5
Data Element - U
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | UC_METHOD | Consolidation Method | UC_METHOD | CHAR |
2 | UC_METHOD_TXT | Method Text | TEXT60 | CHAR |
3 | UC_METHTYPE | Method Category | UC_METHTYPE | NUMC |
4 | UC_MKEY | Key Field for the Method | UC_MODELKEY | CHAR |
5 | UC_MLAYOUT | Monitor Layout | UC_MLAYOUT | CHAR |
6 | UC_MODELKEY | Key Field for Model | UC_MODELKEY | CHAR |
7 | UC_MODID | Sequence Number - Logging of Modifications | NUMC6 | NUMC |
8 | UC_MODIFY | Overwrite Existing Settings | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
9 | UC_MODOP | Operation | UC_MODOP | CHAR |
10 | UC_MONCUST | Monitor: Hierarchy-dependent Status Display | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
11 | UC_MON_FLD_USAGE | Consolidation Monitor: Use of a Characteristic | UC_MON_FLD_USAGE | CHAR |
12 | UC_MRVS_FLG | Mass Reversal Indicator | UC_FLG | CHAR |
13 | UC_MSEHI | Unit of Measure | MEINS | UNIT |
14 | UC_MSGINDEX | List Processor: Index of Message | NUM04 | NUMC |
15 | UC_MSTEP | Method Step | UC_MSTEP | NUMC |
16 | UC_MULTIPROV | MultiProvider for Reporting (Delta Load) | RSINFOCUBE | CHAR |
17 | UC_MUTFLG | Mutual Stock Method | UC_FLG | CHAR |
18 | UC_NBVAL | Transfer Net Book Value During Asset Transfer | UC_FLG | CHAR |
19 | UC_NEQCUS | Customizing: Negative Stockholders' Equity | UC_COICUS | CHAR |
20 | UC_NEQEXC | Exception for Negative Stockholders' Equity | UC_FLG | CHAR |
21 | UC_NEQFLG | Negative Stockholders' Equity | UC_FLG | CHAR |
22 | UC_NGAACC1 | Item for Amortization of Negative Goodwill - Original Cost | UC_FLG | CHAR |
23 | UC_NGAACC2A | Item for Accumulated Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
24 | UC_NGAACC2B | Item for Accumulated Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
25 | UC_NGAACC3A | Item for Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
26 | UC_NGAACC3B | Item for Write-up of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
27 | UC_NGAACC4 | Statistical Item for Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
28 | UC_NGAACC5 | Statistical Item for Neg. Goodwill C/T Difference | UC_FLG | CHAR |
29 | UC_NGAACC7A | Balance Sheet Offset for Neg. Goodwill - Amortization | UC_FLG | CHAR |
30 | UC_NGAACC7B | Balance Sheet Offset for Neg. Goodwill - Amortization | UC_FLG | CHAR |
31 | UC_NGAAQCI | Item f.Negative Push-down Goodwill, Accumulated Amortization | UC_FLG | CHAR |
32 | UC_NGAAQDI | Item for Negative Push-down Goodwill, Original Cost | UC_FLG | CHAR |
33 | UC_NGABG | Start of Amortization of New Negative Goodwill | UC_DGWBG | CHAR |
34 | UC_NGACUS | Customizing: Ordinary Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_COICUS | CHAR |
35 | UC_NGAEXC | Exception for Ordinary Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
36 | UC_NGAFLG | Ordinary Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
37 | UC_NGALFLG | Limit for Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
38 | UC_NGALVAL | Limit for Amortization of Negative Goodwill | WERTV9 | CURR |
39 | UC_NGAPE | Life of Amortization of Negative Goodwill in Periods | NUMC3 | NUMC |
40 | UC_NGARFLG | Amortize New Negative Goodwill over Remaining Useful Life | UC_FLG | CHAR |
41 | UC_NGAYR | Life of Amortization of Negative Goodwill in Years | NUMC2 | NUMC |
42 | UC_NGDACC1 | Item for Direct Elimination of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
43 | UC_NGDACC2 | Statistical Item for Direct Elimination of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
44 | UC_NGDACC4A | Balance Sheet Offset for Neg. Goodwill - Direct Elimination | UC_FLG | CHAR |
45 | UC_NGDACC4B | Balance Sheet Offset for Neg. Goodwill - Direct Elimination | UC_FLG | CHAR |
46 | UC_NGDCUS | Customizing: Direct Elimination of Negative Goodwill | UC_COICUS | CHAR |
47 | UC_NGDEXC | Exception for Direct Elimination of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
48 | UC_NGDFLG | Direct Elimination of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
49 | UC_NGFLG | Negative Goodwill | X | CHAR |
50 | UC_NGNCUS | Customizing: Extraordinary Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_COICUS | CHAR |
51 | UC_NGNEXC | Exception for Extraordinary Amortization of Neg. Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
52 | UC_NGNFLG | Extraordinary Amortization of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
53 | UC_NGPROC | Treatment of Negative Goodwill | UC_NGPROC | CHAR |
54 | UC_NGPROC_COIAC | Treatment of Negative Goodwill in Investment Acquisition | UC_NGPROC | CHAR |
55 | UC_NGRACC1A | B/S Item for Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
56 | UC_NGRACC1B | B/S Item for Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
57 | UC_NGRACC1C | B/S Offset Item for Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
58 | UC_NGRACC1D | B/S Offset Item for Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
59 | UC_NGRACC2A | Balance Sheet Offset for Neg. Goodwill - Periodic Reduction | UC_FLG | CHAR |
60 | UC_NGRACC2B | Balance Sheet Offset for Neg. Goodwill - Periodic Reduction | UC_FLG | CHAR |
61 | UC_NGRACC4 | Statistical Item for Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
62 | UC_NGRBG | Start of Reduction of New Negative Goodwill | UC_DGWBG | CHAR |
63 | UC_NGRCUS | Customizing: Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | UC_COICUS | CHAR |
64 | UC_NGREXC | Exception for Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
65 | UC_NGRFLG | Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
66 | UC_NGRLFLG | Limit for Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
67 | UC_NGRLVAL | Limit for Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill | WERTV9 | CURR |
68 | UC_NGRPE | Life of Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill in Periods | NUMC3 | NUMC |
69 | UC_NGRRFLG | Reduce New Negative Goodwill over Its Remaining Useful Life | UC_FLG | CHAR |
70 | UC_NGRYR | Life of Periodic Reduction of Negative Goodwill in Years | NUMC2 | NUMC |
71 | UC_NGWCUS | Customizing: Direct Writeoff of Negative Goodwill | UC_COICUS | CHAR |
72 | UC_NGWEXC | Exception for Direct Writeoff of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
73 | UC_NGWFLG | Direct Writeoff of Negative Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
74 | UC_NID | Surrogate ID for Hierarchy Node | INT4 | |
75 | UC_NINVFLG | Allow Negative Investments | UC_FLG | CHAR |
76 | UC_NMINFLG | No Calculation of Minority Interest | UC_FLG | CHAR |
77 | UC_NODE_INPUT | SEM-BCS: Allow entry at hierarchy nodes? | UC_FLG | CHAR |
78 | UC_NOT_ASSIGNED | Equity Items Not Assigned | UC_FLG | CHAR |
79 | UC_NO_DISPLAY | Do Not Display Hierarchy in Consolidation Monitor | UC_FLG | CHAR |
80 | UC_NPIND | Post Interunit Losses | UC_FLG | CHAR |
81 | UC_NUMBER | Key Figure Value | FLTP | FLTP |
82 | UC_OBJ_KIND | Object Type (Generator) | CHAR | |
83 | UC_OBJ_VERSION | Version of a Generated Object (Generator) | CHAR | |
84 | UC_OBLIGATORY | Required Entry | UG_FLG | CHAR |
85 | UC_OC | Top Consolidation Groups for Organizational Change | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
86 | UC_OCTOPNODE | Organizational Change: Top Nodes | UC_FLG | CHAR |
87 | UC_ODAACC1 | Equity Balancing Item | UC_FLG | CHAR |
88 | UC_ODAFLG | Legacy Data Transfer | UC_FLG | CHAR |
89 | UC_ODAPE | Period of Legacy Data Transfer | NUMC3 | NUMC |
90 | UC_ODAYR | Fiscal Year of Legacy Data Transfer | NUMC4 | NUMC |
91 | UC_OK_CODE | OK Code | CHAR20 | CHAR |
92 | UC_OLDDOCFLG | Existing Document Remains Valid | UC_FLG | CHAR |
93 | UC_OPTIONAL | Value Entry is Optional for Parameter | UC_FLG | CHAR |
94 | UC_ORGCHANGE | Organizational Change Number | UC_ORGCHANGE | NUMC |
95 | UC_ORGCHLOGIC | Activity calculated with "organizational change" logic | UC_FLG | CHAR |
96 | UC_ORGFLG | Activity calculated with "organizational change" logic | UC_FLG | CHAR |
97 | UC_ORG_ACTIVE | Organizational Change in Consolidation Monitor Active | UC_FLG | CHAR |
98 | UC_PARAM | Consolidation: General Setting | UC_PARAM | NUMC |
99 | UC_PARAMETER | Is Characteristic a Permanent Parameter? | UC_FLG | CHAR |
100 | UC_PARAM_DISPLAY | Display Parameters in Page Header? | UC_FLG | CHAR |
101 | UC_PARENTFLDNAME | SAP Cons: Field Name of Predecessor | UC_FIELDNAME | CHAR |
102 | UC_PARENTFLG | Parent Unit | X | CHAR |
103 | UC_PARENTVALUE | SAP Cons: Value of Predecessor | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
104 | UC_PARTNER | Partner Unit | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
105 | UC_PARTNERCMB | Combination of Partner Units | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
106 | UC_PCCTYPE | Type of Consolidation Group Change | UC_PCCTYPE | NUMC |
107 | UC_PCNT | Percentage Rate | FLTP | |
108 | UC_PCNT1 | Change in Investment Share | UC_PRZ38 | DEC |
109 | UC_PCNTCOGM | Cost of Goods Manufactured as Percentage of Sales | UC_PERC38S | DEC |
110 | UC_PCNTDSTCST | Distribution Costs as Percentage of Sales | UC_PRZ38 | DEC |
111 | UC_PCNTINCCST | Incidental Costs in Percent | UC_PRZ38 | DEC |
112 | UC_PCNTINV1 | Change in Share of Investment (Percentage Rate) | UC_PRZ38 | DEC |
113 | UC_PCNTMARGIN | Gross Margin in Percent | UC_PRZ38 | DEC |
114 | UC_PCNTMARKUP | Markup in Percent | UC_PRZ38 | DEC |
115 | UC_PCNTSCRAP | Percentage Rate of Scrap Value | UC_PCNT38 | DEC |
116 | UC_PCNTSHARE | Supplier Share | UC_PRZ38 | DEC |
117 | UC_PDEFLG | Partial Divestiture as Equity Transaction | UC_FLG | CHAR |
118 | UC_PDGACC1 | Push-down Goodwill: Reserves | UC_FLG | CHAR |
119 | UC_PDGACC2 | Push-down Goodwill: Amortization | UC_FLG | CHAR |
120 | UC_PDGACC3 | Push-down Goodwill (Negative): Amortization | UC_FLG | CHAR |
121 | UC_PDOUBLE | Duplicate Use | CHAR | |
122 | UC_PERCENTAGE | Percentage Rate | UC_PCNT38 | DEC |
123 | UC_PERCR | Profit Margin in Percent | UC_PERC38S | DEC |
124 | UC_PERID | Period of a Fiscal Year | POPER | NUMC |
125 | UC_PERIOD | Period of Fiscal Year | UC_PERIOD | NUMC |
126 | UC_PERIODS | Number of Periods | UC_PERIOD | NUMC |
127 | UC_PERTYPE | Period Category | UC_PERTYPE | CHAR |
128 | UC_PERTYPEGROUP | Period Category Group | UC_PERTYPEGROUP | CHAR |
129 | UC_PEXIST | Existence Check | CHAR | |
130 | UC_PGRACC1A | Posting Items: Offsetting Entry | UC_FLG | CHAR |
131 | UC_PGRACC1B | Posting Items: Offsetting Entry | UC_FLG | CHAR |
132 | UC_PGRACC2A | Posting Items: Currency Translation Differences | UC_FLG | CHAR |
133 | UC_PGRACC2B | Posting Items: Currency Translation Differences | UC_FLG | CHAR |
134 | UC_PGRACC3A | Posting Items: Distribution Costs from | UC_FLG | CHAR |
135 | UC_PGRACC3B | Posting Items: Distribution Costs from | UC_FLG | CHAR |
136 | UC_PGRACC4 | Posting Items: Distribution Costs to | UC_FLG | CHAR |
137 | UC_PHIER | Hierarchical Check | CHAR | |
138 | UC_PLATFORM | Platform of Consolidation | UC_PLATFORM | NUMC |
139 | UC_PLEVEL | Posting Level | UC_PLEVEL | CHAR |
140 | UC_PLEVEL_INIT_PER | Period Initialization Task: Posting Levels | UC_PLEVEL_INIT_PER | CHAR |
141 | UC_PLEVEL_SPACE | Posting Level; No Predefined Values | CHAR | |
142 | UC_POACQ | Post to Acquiring Consolidation Unit | UC_FLG | CHAR |
143 | UC_POIND | Post Offsetting Entry at Inventory-Managing Cons Unit | UC_FLG | CHAR |
144 | UC_PREFIX_STAT | Prefix for Statistical Items | TEXT1 | CHAR |
145 | UC_PREFIX_STAT_TXT | Prefix for Text of Statistical Items | TEXT5 | CHAR |
146 | UC_PRESGW | Manually-changed Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
147 | UC_PRGRP | Product Group | UC_PRGRP | CHAR |
148 | UC_PROFLG | Proportional Consolidation | X | CHAR |
149 | UC_PROT | Issue an Audit Trail | UC_FLG | CHAR |
150 | UC_PRO_ACTIVE | Proportional Consolidation is Activated in the Cons Monitor | UC_FLG | CHAR |
151 | UC_PTEST | Test Mode | CHAR | |
152 | UC_PUACHK | Check Push-down Goodwill | UC_PUACHK | CHAR |
153 | UC_PUAFLG | Push-down Accounting | UC_FLG | CHAR |
154 | UC_PUNUSED | Unused | CHAR | |
155 | UC_PURFLG | Purchase Method | UC_FLG | CHAR |
156 | UC_QUANT | Inventory Quantity | UC_QUANT9 | QUAN |
157 | UC_QUANTITY | Quantity | UC_QUANTITY | QUAN |
159 | UC_QUDOCFLG | Post Quantities | X | CHAR |
160 | UC_QUERY | Query | UC_QUERY | CHAR |
161 | UC_QUKEY | Unit of Measure | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
162 | UC_QUVAL | Quantity | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
163 | UC_R3INTEGRAT | File-based Integration with SAP R/3 and SAP ECC | UC_FLG | CHAR |
164 | UC_RCL_CONDITION | Condition | CHAR1 | CHAR |
165 | UC_RCL_CONDITION_TYPE | Definition of Condition | UC_RCL_CONDITION_TYPE | NUMC |
166 | UC_RCL_CONDITION_TYPE_FLG | Definition of Condition | UC_FLG | CHAR |
167 | UC_RCL_DESTINATION | Target Assignment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
168 | UC_RCL_PARSUB | Restrict Selection to Parent/Subsidiary Cons Units | UC_RCL_PARSUB | CHAR |
169 | UC_RCL_PERCENTAGE | Percentage Rate | CHAR1 | CHAR |
170 | UC_RCL_PERCENTAGE_DATA | Percentage Rate Data: Periodic or Cumulative | UC_RCL_PERCENTAGE_DATA | NUMC |
171 | UC_RCL_PERCENTAGE_DATA_FLG | Percentage Rate Data: Periodic or Cumulative | UC_FLG | CHAR |
172 | UC_RCL_PERCENTAGE_TYPE | Type of Percentage Rate Data | UC_RCL_PERCENTAGE_TYPE | NUMC |
173 | UC_RCL_PERCENTAGE_TYPE_FLG | Type of Percentage Rate Data | UC_FLG | CHAR |
174 | UC_RCL_PER_TRIGGER | Per Trigger | UC_FLG | CHAR |
175 | UC_RCL_SOURCE | Source Assignment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
176 | UC_RCL_TRIGGER | Trigger | CHAR1 | CHAR |
177 | UC_RCL_TRIGGER_DATA | Trigger Data: Periodic or Cumulative | UC_RCL_TRIGGER_DATA | NUMC |
178 | UC_RCL_TRIGGER_DATA_FLG | Trigger Data: Periodic or Cumulative | UC_FLG | CHAR |
179 | UC_RCL_TRIGGER_TYPE | Type of Trigger Data | UC_RCL_TRIGGER_TYPE | NUMC |
180 | UC_RCL_TRIGGER_TYPE_FLG | Type of Trigger Data | UC_FLG | CHAR |
181 | UC_RECV_NODE | Organizational Change Number: Receiver Consolidation Group | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
182 | UC_REFPERIOD | Reference Fiscal Period for Hierarchy Drilldown | POPER | NUMC |
183 | UC_REFYEAR | Reference Fiscal Year (for Hierarchy Drilldown) | GJAHR | NUMC |
184 | UC_REPGROUP | Consolidation Group | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
185 | UC_REPORTINGCUBE | InfoCube for Reporting (Delta Load) | RSINFOCUBE | CHAR |
187 | UC_REPUNIT | Consolidation Unit | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
188 | UC_REPUNITCMB | Combination of Consolidation Units | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
189 | UC_REPUNITS | SEM-BCS: Pseudo Char.: Cons Unit Combination per Cons Area | UC_CHAR_ARTIFICIAL | CHAR |
190 | UC_REPUNIT_ASSET | Asset/Liability-managing Consolidation Unit | UC_FIELDNAME | CHAR |
191 | UC_RETBG | Retirement at Beginning of Period | UC_FLG | CHAR |
192 | UC_RETPERIOD | Period of Disposal | NUMC3 | NUMC |
193 | UC_RETYEAR | Year of Disposal | NUMC4 | NUMC |
194 | UC_RND_DIFF | Assignment of Differences | UC_FLG | CHAR |
195 | UC_RND_KFIG | Key Figures | X | CHAR |
196 | UC_RND_KFIG_CHECK | Key figure for which the rounding rule is checked | X | CHAR |
197 | UC_RND_KFIG_ROUND | Key figure for which rounding takes place | X | CHAR |
198 | UC_RND_TRIGGER | Rounding: Selection 1 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
199 | UC_RND_TRIGGER2 | Rounding: Selection 2 | CHAR1 | CHAR |
201 | UC_ROLE_GUI | Role of Consolidation | UG_ROLE | CHAR |
202 | UC_ROLE_G_SUBACCNT | Subassignment | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
203 | UC_ROLLNAME | Data Element | ROLLNAME | CHAR |
204 | UC_ROUND_KFIG_CHECK | Key Figure to Check | UC_FIELDNAME | CHAR |
205 | UC_ROUND_KFIG_ROUND | Key Figure to Round | UC_FIELDNAME | CHAR |
206 | UC_ROUND_TYPE | Rounding Type | UC_ROUND_TYPE | NUMC |
207 | UC_RSISEL | Single Selection | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
208 | UC_RYEAR | Fiscal Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
209 | UC_R_DATA | Reference to Any Data Object | DATA | REF |
210 | UC_SAALLDOC | Document Field | UC_FLG | CHAR |
211 | UC_SAFIXDOC | Fixing of Document Fields | UC_SAFIXDOC | CHAR |
212 | UC_SAHIDEDOCFLG | Show Document Field Only Upon Request | UC_FLG | CHAR |
213 | UC_SAQOCI | Other Comprehensive Income in Step Acquisition | UC_SAQOCI | CHAR |
214 | UC_SAVE_LOG | Save Log when Task Is Executed | UC_FLG | CHAR |
215 | UC_SCONMI | Minority Interest in Retained Earnings | UC_SCONMI | CHAR |
216 | UC_SCRID | Screen ID | CHAR10 | CHAR |
217 | UC_SEIND | Elimination at Supplier for Equity Method Consolidation Unit | UC_FLG | CHAR |
218 | UC_SEL | Selection Condition | UC_SEL | CHAR |
219 | UC_SELACCTYPE | Type of Selection Condition/Target Assignment | UC_SELACCTYPE | NUMC |
220 | UC_SELID | GUID for Identifying the Selection Condition | SYSUUID_22 | CHAR |
221 | UC_SELTYPE | Selection Condition Type - Internal | UC_SELTYPE | NUMC |
222 | UC_SEL_ATTR | Selection Attribute | UC_FLG | CHAR |
223 | UC_SEL_NORMALIZED | Type of Selection Condition Normalization | UC_SEL_NORMALIZED | NUMC |
224 | UC_SEND_NODE | Organizational Change Number: Sender Consolidation Group | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
225 | UC_SEQNR | Sequence Number | NUMC04 | NUMC |
226 | UC_SEQNR1 | Sequence Number | NUMC1 | NUMC |
227 | UC_SEQNR2 | Sequence Number | NUMC2 | NUMC |
228 | UC_SEQNR3 | Sequence Number | NUMC3 | NUMC |
229 | UC_SEQNR4 | Sequence Number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
230 | UC_SEQNUM | Activity Sorting: Sequence Number | NUMC | |
231 | UC_SETID | GUID for Identifying the Set | SYSUUID_22 | CHAR |
232 | UC_SETKEY | Concatenated Values of the Independent Fields | UC_SETKEY | CHAR |
233 | UC_SETLTXT | Short Text for Row of a Range | CHAR | |
234 | UC_SETNAME | Name of Set | UC_SETNAME | CHAR |
235 | UC_SETRANGE | Top/Bottom Limit of Range | UC_FLG | CHAR |
236 | UC_SETTEXT | Description for the Ranges | TEXT40 | CHAR |
237 | UC_SET_ACTIVE | Use Maximum Selections | UC_FLG | CHAR |
238 | UC_SID | Surrogate ID | UG_SID | INT4 |
239 | UC_SIGN | Debit/Credit Sign | UC_SIGN | CHAR |
240 | UC_SISEL | Single Selection | UC_SISEL | CHAR |
241 | UC_SISELID | GUID for Identifying a Single Selection | SYSUUID_22 | CHAR |
242 | UC_SPCNT | do not use! (see note 849599) | UC_SIGN | CHAR |
243 | UC_SPIACC1A | Selected Items: Annual Net Income | UC_FLG | CHAR |
244 | UC_SPIACC1B | Selected Items: Annual Net Income Offsetting Item | UC_FLG | CHAR |
245 | UC_SPIACC2A | Selected Items: Minority Interest in Annual Net Income | UC_FLG | CHAR |
246 | UC_SPIACC2B | Selected Items: Min. Interest in Annual Net Income - Offset | UC_FLG | CHAR |
247 | UC_SPIACC3 | Selected Items: Adjusted Annual Net Income | UC_FLG | CHAR |
248 | UC_SPIACC4 | Selected Items: Min. Interest in Adjusted Annual Net Income | UC_FLG | CHAR |
249 | UC_SPIACC5 | Selected Items: Adjusted Annual Net Income - Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
250 | UC_SPIACC6 | Selected Items: Min.Int. in Adjusted Net Income - Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
251 | UC_SPIACC7 | Selected Items: Adjusted Annual Net Income (Equity Method) | UC_FLG | CHAR |
252 | UC_SPIACC8 | Selected Items: MIN in Adjusted Net Income (Equity Method) | UC_FLG | CHAR |
253 | UC_SPIACC9 | Selected Items: Adjusted Annual Net Income - Push-down Meth. | UC_FLG | CHAR |
254 | UC_SPIACCA | Selected Items: MIN in Adjusted Net Income - Push-down | UC_FLG | CHAR |
255 | UC_SPIACCB | Selected Items: Overall Offsetting Item | UC_FLG | CHAR |
256 | UC_SPIACCC | Selected Items: Group Share | UC_FLG | CHAR |
257 | UC_SPIACCD | Selected Items: Group Share with Voting Rights | UC_FLG | CHAR |
258 | UC_SPIACCE | Selected Items: Group Share Without Voting Rights | UC_FLG | CHAR |
259 | UC_SPIACCF | Selected Items: Group Share in Annual Net Income | UC_FLG | CHAR |
260 | UC_SPIACCG | Selected Items: Group Share, Direct Investment | UC_FLG | CHAR |
261 | UC_SPIACCHA | Selected Items: Loss from Divestiture | UC_FLG | CHAR |
262 | UC_SPIACCHB | Selected Items: Gain from Divestiture | UC_FLG | CHAR |
263 | UC_SPIACCIA | Selected Items: Minority Interest in Loss from Divestiture | UC_FLG | CHAR |
264 | UC_SPIACCIB | Selected Items: Minority Interest in Gain from Divestiture | UC_FLG | CHAR |
265 | UC_SPIACCJA | Special Items: Investment Writeup | UC_FLG | CHAR |
266 | UC_SPIACCJB | Special Items: Investment Amortization | UC_FLG | CHAR |
267 | UC_SPIACCK | Selected Item: Appropriations for Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
268 | UC_SPIACCL | Selected Items: Currency Translation for Goodwill | UC_FLG | CHAR |
269 | UC_SPIACCX | Selected Items: Third-Party Investment | UC_FLG | CHAR |
270 | UC_SPIACCY | Selected Items: Full GW at Beginning of Period | UC_FLG | CHAR |
271 | UC_SPIACCZ | Selected Items: Full GW at End of Period | UC_FLG | CHAR |
272 | UC_SPITEM | Selected Items | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
273 | UC_STATID | ID of Statistic Data Record | SYSUUID_22 | CHAR |
274 | UC_STATOBJ | Object Status of Preceding Database Operation | UC_STATOBJ | CHAR |
275 | UC_STATUS_ACTIVE | Status Management of Consolidation Monitor Activated | UC_FLG | CHAR |
276 | UC_STATUS_BEARING | Cross-CU Processing: Status-bearing Consolidation Group | UC_FLG | CHAR |
277 | UC_STAT_AGGR_TYPE | Aggregation Type | UC_STAT_AGGR_TYPE | CHAR |
278 | UC_STAT_CONTENT | SEM-BCS: Content of Statistic | STRG | |
279 | UC_STAT_ERROR | SEM-BCS: Statistic Error | UC_FLG | CHAR |
280 | UC_STAT_FUNC_TIME | Runtime of Function | INT4 | |
281 | UC_STAT_LEVEL | SEM-BCS: Statistic Level | NUMC2 | NUMC |
282 | UC_STAT_LOG_TIME | Runtime of Log | INT4 | |
283 | UC_STAT_PERCENTAGE | Percentage Rate | NUMC | |
284 | UC_STAT_REPGROUP_COUNT | Number of Consolidation Groups | INT4 | |
285 | UC_STAT_REPUNIT_COUNT | Number of Consolidation Units | INT4 | |
286 | UC_STAT_STATUS_CHECK_TIME | Runtime for Status Check | INT4 | |
287 | UC_STAT_STATUS_UPDATE_TIME | Runtime for Status Confirmation | INT4 | |
288 | UC_STAT_TIME_GROSS | Total Execution Time | INT4 | |
289 | UC_STAT_TX_READ_TIME | Time for All Read Accesses to Transaction Data | INT4 | |
290 | UC_STAT_TX_RECS_MODIFIED | Number of Records Written to BW | INT4 | |
291 | UC_STAT_TX_RECS_READ | Number of Records Read from BW | INT4 | |
292 | UC_STAT_TX_WRITE_TIME | Time for Write Accesses to Transaction Data | INT4 | |
293 | UC_STAT_TYPE | SEM-BCS: Statistic Type | UC_STAT_TYPE | NUMC |
294 | UC_STAT_VALUE | Value of an Attribute | STRG | |
295 | UC_STIFLG | Display Statistical Items in Audit Trail | UC_FLG | CHAR |
296 | UC_STM_ACTION | Status Management Action | CHAR4 | CHAR |
297 | UC_STM_CG1 | Consolidation Group 1 | CHAR | |
298 | UC_STM_CG2 | Consolidation Group 2 | CHAR | |
299 | UC_STM_CHLOGINFO | Update Log Information | UC_FLG | CHAR |
300 | UC_STM_CU1 | Consolidation Unit 1 | CHAR | |
301 | UC_STM_CU2 | Consolidation Unit 2 | CHAR | |
302 | UC_STM_DATE | Status Last Changed On | DATUM | DATS |
303 | UC_STM_DCHIND | Action that Changes Data | UC_FLG | CHAR |
304 | UC_STM_ERROR | Number of Errors in Task Run | NUM04 | NUMC |
305 | UC_STM_KIND_OF_INFO | Type of Information for the Status | UC_FIELDNAME | CHAR |
306 | UC_STM_METHOD_NAME | Name of Functional Method | STRG | |
307 | UC_STM_NRLCH | Number of Last Change Made to Task | NUMC02 | NUMC |
308 | UC_STM_NRLDCH | Number of Last Action That Changed Data | NUMC02 | NUMC |
309 | UC_STM_PSTATUS | Period Status | UC_STM_PSTATUS | CHAR |
310 | UC_STM_STATE | State of Status Transformation | STRG | |
312 | UC_STM_STATUS1 | Task Status in Consolidation Monitor | CHAR | |
314 | UC_STM_STATUS_INTERN | Internal Automaton Status | STRG | |
315 | UC_STM_TASK | Task | CHAR | |
316 | UC_STM_TIME | Status Last Changed At | TIME | TIMS |
317 | UC_STM_TYPE_OF_INFO | Type of Status Information | UC_FIELDNAME | CHAR |
318 | UC_STM_USER | Last Changed by | AS4USER | CHAR |
319 | UC_STM_WARNG | Number of Warnings | NUMC04 | NUMC |
320 | UC_STOP | Breakpoint During Successive Execution of Tasks | UC_FLG | CHAR |
321 | UC_STRING | String | CHAR | |
322 | UC_SUBACCNT | Subassignment of Breakdown Category | TEXT40 | CHAR |
323 | UC_SUBCOMP | Method Subcomponent | UC_SUBCOMP | NUMC |
324 | UC_SUMIND | List Processor: Summation Index | RAW2 | RAW |
325 | UC_SVALU | do not use! (see note 849599) | UC_SIGN | CHAR |
326 | UC_SVERSION | SEM-BCS: Special Version | UC_SVERSION | CHAR |
327 | UC_SVERSIONTYPE | SEM-BCS: Field Type of Special Version | UC_SVERSIONTYPE | CHAR |
328 | UC_SVERSIONTYPE_TXT | Field Type of Special Version | TEXT60 | CHAR |
329 | UC_TABTYPE | Title Element for Method Tabstrip Control | UC_TABTYPE | NUMC |
330 | UC_TASK | Task | UC_TASK | CHAR |
331 | UC_TASKASS | Also Copy Tasks | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
332 | UC_TASKGRP | Task Group | UC_TASKGRP | CHAR |
333 | UC_TASKHIER | Task Hierarchy | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
334 | UC_TASKPR | Preceding Task | UC_TASK | CHAR |
335 | UC_TASKPROC | Processing Type Used by Task | UC_TASKPROC | CHAR |
336 | UC_TASKTYPE | Task Category | UC_TASKTYPE | CHAR |
337 | UC_TASK_AUTH | Characteristic Used in Authorization Check of Tasks | UC_FLG | CHAR |
338 | UC_TASK_CURRENCY | Currency Attribute for Task Sequence | CHAR | |
339 | UC_TASK_DOCTYPE | Document Type | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
340 | UC_TASK_FLD1 | Characteristic 1 | UC_AUTH_VALUE | CHAR |
341 | UC_TASK_FLD2 | Characteristic 2 | UC_AUTH_VALUE | CHAR |
342 | UC_TASK_FLD3 | Characteristic 3 | UC_AUTH_VALUE | CHAR |
343 | UC_TASK_FLD4 | Characteristic 4 | UC_AUTH_VALUE | CHAR |
344 | UC_TASK_FLD5 | Characteristic 5 | UC_AUTH_VALUE | CHAR |
345 | UC_TASK_FLD6 | Characteristic 6 | UC_AUTH_VALUE | CHAR |
346 | UC_TASK_FLD7 | Characteristic 7 | UC_AUTH_VALUE | CHAR |
347 | UC_TASK_FLD8 | Characteristic 8 | UC_AUTH_VALUE | CHAR |
348 | UC_TASK_RELEVANT | Consolidation Unit is Relevant for Task | UC_FLG | CHAR |
349 | UC_TASK_REPUNIT | Method Depends on | UC_FLG | CHAR |
350 | UC_TCDOCFLG | Post in Transaction Currency | X | CHAR |
351 | UC_TCKEY | Transaction Currency | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
352 | UC_TCVAL | Value in Transaction Currency | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
353 | UC_TDIFLG | Other Comprehensive Income in Total Divestiture | UC_FLG | CHAR |
354 | UC_TESTRUN | Test Run | UC_FLG | CHAR |
355 | UC_TIME | Time of last change | TIME | TIMS |
356 | UC_TIMEMODE | Reporting Mode for Starting-Date-dependent Transaction Data | UC_TIMEMODE | NUMC |
357 | UC_TIME_DEP | Time Dependency | UC_TIME_DEP | NUMC |
358 | UC_TOPERIOD | "To" Period of Fiscal Year | POPER | NUMC |
359 | UC_TOYEAR | "To" Fiscal Year | GJAHR | NUMC |
360 | UC_TRANS | Use | UC_TRANS | CHAR |
361 | UC_TR_ASSETLIAB_SUPER | Assets/Liabilities: Transport Independent Characteristics | UC_FLG | CHAR |
362 | UC_TR_CA_AREA | Transport Consolidation Area | UC_FLG | CHAR |
363 | UC_TR_CA_AREAFIX | Transport Characteristics That Are Fixed in the Cons Area | UC_FLG | CHAR |
364 | UC_TR_CA_BCFCUST | Transport Carryforward Balance | UC_FLG | CHAR |
365 | UC_TR_CA_BLOCK_BWATTR | Transport Custom Attributes | UC_FLG | CHAR |
366 | UC_TR_CA_BLOCK_CSF | Transport Settings for Consolidation Functions | UC_FLG | CHAR |
367 | UC_TR_CA_BLOCK_CU | Transport Consolidation Units and Consolidation Groups | UC_FLG | CHAR |
368 | UC_TR_CA_BLOCK_ITEM | Transport Items | UC_FLG | CHAR |
369 | UC_TR_CA_BLOCK_METHOD | Transport Methods | UC_FLG | CHAR |
370 | UC_TR_CA_BLOCK_SUBACCT | Transport Subassignments | UC_FLG | CHAR |
371 | UC_TR_CA_BLOCK_TASK | Transport Tasks | UC_FLG | CHAR |
372 | UC_TR_CA_BLOCK_VERSION | Transport Version Settings | UC_FLG | CHAR |
373 | UC_TR_CA_BWATTR | Transport Custom Attributes | UC_FLG | CHAR |
374 | UC_TR_CA_BWATTR_HIER | Transport Hierarchies for Custom Attributes | UC_FLG | CHAR |
375 | UC_TR_CA_CG | Transport Consolidation Groups | UC_FLG | CHAR |
376 | UC_TR_CA_COICUST | Transport Settings for Consolidation of Investments | UC_FLG | CHAR |
377 | UC_TR_CA_CU | Transport Consolidation Units | UC_FLG | CHAR |
378 | UC_TR_CA_CUC | Transport Combinations of Consolidation Units | UC_FLG | CHAR |
379 | UC_TR_CA_CU_HIER | Transport Consolidation Unit Hierarchy | UC_FLG | CHAR |
380 | UC_TR_CA_CVACUST | Transport Capitalization and Valuation Allowances | UC_FLG | CHAR |
381 | UC_TR_CA_DATABASIS | Transport Data Basis | UC_FLG | CHAR |
382 | UC_TR_CA_DEFVAL | Transport Default Values | UC_FLG | CHAR |
383 | UC_TR_CA_DELAYOUT | Transport Data Entry Layouts | UC_FLG | CHAR |
384 | UC_TR_CA_DOCTYPE | Transport Document Types | UC_FLG | CHAR |
385 | UC_TR_CA_FSFREQ | Transport Consolidation Frequency | UC_FLG | CHAR |
386 | UC_TR_CA_IPACUST | Transport Elim. of IU Profit/Loss in Transferred Assets | UC_FLG | CHAR |
387 | UC_TR_CA_IPICUST | Transport Elimination of IU Profit/Loss in Inventory | UC_FLG | CHAR |
388 | UC_TR_CA_ITEM | Transport Items | UC_FLG | CHAR |
389 | UC_TR_CA_ITEM_HIER | Transport Item Hierarchy | UC_FLG | CHAR |
390 | UC_TR_CA_ITGRP | Transport Breakdown Categories | UC_FLG | CHAR |
391 | UC_TR_CA_OC | Transport Organizational Changes | UC_FLG | CHAR |
392 | UC_TR_CA_PERTYP | Transport Period Category | UC_FLG | CHAR |
393 | UC_TR_CA_SISEL | Transport Single Selections | UC_FLG | CHAR |
394 | UC_TR_CA_SITEM | Transport Selected Items | UC_FLG | CHAR |
395 | UC_TR_CA_SUBACCT | Transport Subassignments | UC_FLG | CHAR |
396 | UC_TR_CA_SUBACCT_HIER | Transport Hierarchies for Subassignments | UC_FLG | CHAR |
397 | UC_TR_CA_SVERSION | Transport Special Versions | UC_FLG | CHAR |
398 | UC_TR_CA_TASK_HIER | Transport Task Hierarchy | UC_FLG | CHAR |
399 | UC_TR_CA_VERSION | Transport Versions | UC_FLG | CHAR |
400 | UC_TR_CA_VERSIONS | Transport Assignments of Special Versions | UC_FLG | CHAR |
401 | UC_TR_CA_XBRL | Transport XBRL Mapping | UC_FLG | CHAR |
402 | UC_TR_CA_XRIND | Transport Currency Translation Settings | UC_FLG | CHAR |
403 | UC_TR_OBJECTKEY | Semantic Object Key for Transport | CHAR | |
404 | UC_TTAB | List Processor: Existence of a Text Table | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
405 | UC_TXTID | List Processor: Index for Texts in List Processor | NUMC03 | NUMC |
406 | UC_TXTLG | Long Text | TEXT60 | CHAR |
407 | UC_TXTMI | Medium Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
408 | UC_TXTSH | Short Text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
409 | UC_TXT_COUNTER | General Counter (as Text) | CHAR | |
410 | UC_TX_TYPE | Transaction Type | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
411 | UC_TX_TYPE_ACQ | Transaction Type for Acquisitions | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
412 | UC_TX_TYPE_BCF | Transaction Type for Balance Carryforwards | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
413 | UC_TX_TYPE_DIV | Transaction Type for Divestitures | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
414 | UC_TX_TYPE_SO | Field Type, Transaction Type | UG_VALUE | CHAR |
415 | UC_UNIT | Base Unit of Measure | MEINS | UNIT |
416 | UC_UNIT_FLD | Field Name for Currency Key / Unit of Measure of Key Figure | UC_FIELDNAME | CHAR |
417 | UC_UPDATESTATUS | Object Status of Preceding Database Operation | UC_UPDATESTATUS | CHAR |
418 | UC_UPLBADI_FLT | Filter Value for BAdI for Data Transfer | UC_UPLBADI_FLT | CHAR |
419 | UC_UPLOADSOURCE | Data Collection: Data Source | UC_UPLOADSOURCE | CHAR |
420 | UC_UPL_BLOCKING | Upload: Select Field for 'Delete All' | UC_FLG | CHAR |
421 | UC_UPL_COLUMN_FIX | Fixed Column Width | UC_FLG | CHAR |
422 | UC_UPL_COLUMN_VAR | Variable Column Width | UC_FLG | CHAR |
423 | UC_UPL_COMMENTLINE | Comment Row (Lead Character) | CHAR | |
424 | UC_UPL_COMP_COLUMNWIDTH | Upload: Component: Column Width | UC_FLG | CHAR |
425 | UC_UPL_COMP_LINETYPES | Upload: Component: Row Types | UC_FLG | CHAR |
426 | UC_UPL_COMP_SIGNS | Upload: Component: Treatment of Dr/Cr Signs | UC_FLG | CHAR |
428 | UC_UPL_DATAENTRY_CUMULATIVE | Input Type: Cumulative | UC_FLG | CHAR |
429 | UC_UPL_DATAENTRY_PERIODICAL | Input Type: Periodic | UC_FLG | CHAR |
430 | UC_UPL_DATATYPE | Upload: Data Type | UC_UPL_DATATYPE | CHAR |
431 | UC_UPL_DELETE_PER_VALUE | Delete All: For Each Characteristic Value | UC_FLG | CHAR |
432 | UC_UPL_DIGITS | Upload: Digit Separation | UC_UPL_DIGITS | CHAR |
433 | UC_UPL_DIGITS_COMMA | Upload: Digit Separation: Comma as Decimal Point | UC_FLG | CHAR |
434 | UC_UPL_DIGITS_DETECT | Upload: Digit Separation: Automatic Recognition | UC_FLG | CHAR |
435 | UC_UPL_DIGITS_DOT | Upload: Digit Separation: Period as Decimal Point | UC_FLG | CHAR |
436 | UC_UPL_DUMMY | Free Field for Use in Upload Methods | UC_VALUE | CHAR |
437 | UC_UPL_FIELDCAT | Upload: Field Catalog | UC_UPL_FIELDCAT | CHAR |
438 | UC_UPL_FIELDNAME | Characteristic to Upload | UC_FIELDNAME | CHAR |
439 | UC_UPL_FILETYPE | File Type for Integration with EC-CS or EC-PCA | UC_UPL_FILETYPE | NUMC |
440 | UC_UPL_HRY2MD | Use Text Nodes from Hierarchy | UC_FLG | CHAR |
441 | UC_UPL_HRYLEAF2CG | End Nodes in Source Hierarchy Turn into Consolidation Groups | UC_FLG | CHAR |
442 | UC_UPL_HRYLEVEL | Flexible Upload: Hierarchy Level | NUMC | |
443 | UC_UPL_HRY_DIFF_PNC | Hierarchy: Differentiate Between Predecessor and Successor | UC_FLG | CHAR |
444 | UC_UPL_LINETYPE | Upload: Row Type Indicator | UC_UPL_LINETYPE | CHAR |
445 | UC_UPL_LINETYPE_DATA | Row Types: Header Row and Data Rows | UC_FLG | CHAR |
446 | UC_UPL_LINETYPE_INDICATORS | Use Row Type Indicators | UC_FLG | CHAR |
447 | UC_UPL_LINETYPE_LST | Upload: Row Type (for List Output) | UC_UPL_LINETYPE_LST | CHAR |
448 | UC_UPL_LOAD_HRY | Load Hierarchy | UC_FLG | CHAR |
449 | UC_UPL_LOAD_IMPL_EDGE | Load Hierarchy Relationship Attributes | UC_FLG | CHAR |
450 | UC_UPL_LOAD_MD | Load Master Data | UC_FLG | CHAR |
451 | UC_UPL_LOG_ERR | Log Only Shows Data Records That Contain Errors | UC_FLG | CHAR |
452 | UC_UPL_MAPPING | Upload: Mapping Exists | UC_FLG | CHAR |
455 | UC_UPL_MSGTY_STAT | Upload: Message Type for Statistical Log | UC_UPL_MSGTY_STAT | CHAR |
457 | UC_UPL_SEPARATOR | Column Separator | UC_UPL_SEPARATOR | CHAR |
458 | UC_UPL_SIGN_FLG | Treatment of Dr/Cr Sign | UC_FLG | CHAR |
459 | UC_UPL_SIGN_HANDLING | Upload: Treatment of Debit/Credit Sign? | UC_FLG | CHAR |
460 | UC_UPL_SUPERORDINATE | Also Upload Independent Field of Compound | UC_FLG | CHAR |
462 | UC_USER | User Name | USNAM | CHAR |
463 | UC_USGAAP | Calculate Acquisitions with Direct Shares or Group Shares | UC_USGAAP | CHAR |
464 | UC_VALAF | Total Original Book Value | WERTV9 | CURR |
465 | UC_VALAL | Also Consider Valuation Allowance | UC_FLG | CHAR |
466 | UC_VALAP | Acquisition Book Value | WERTV9 | CURR |
467 | UC_VALBG | Beginning Book Value | WERTV9 | CURR |
468 | UC_VALBY | Beginning Book Value, Current Fiscal Year | WERTV9 | CURR |
469 | UC_VALCHECK | Validation Rule | UC_VALCHECK | CHAR |
470 | UC_VALCHECKID | GUID to Identify Validation Rule | SYSUUID_22 | CHAR |
471 | UC_VALCHECK_FORMULA_TEXT | Formula Text | STRG | |
472 | UC_VALD0 | Valuation Allowance, Prior Years in Prior Periods | WERTV9 | CURR |
473 | UC_VALD1 | Valuation Allowance, Current Year in Prior Periods | WERTV9 | CURR |
474 | UC_VALD2 | Valuation Allowance, Current Year in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
475 | UC_VALD3 | C/T Diff Balance Sheet/Income Statement in Prior Periods | WERTV9 | CURR |
476 | UC_VALD4 | C/T Diff Balance Sheet/Income Statement in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
477 | UC_VALDA | Acc. Adjustment of Orig.Cost for Divestiture in Cur. Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
478 | UC_VALDD | Accumulated Amortization for Divestiture in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
479 | UC_VALDD_D2 | Valuation Allowance, Prior Years in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
480 | UC_VALDE | Amount of Extraordinary Amortization | WERTV9 | CURR |
481 | UC_VALDI | Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
482 | UC_VALDJ | Gain of Original Cost from Disposal in Prior Periods | WERTV9 | CURR |
483 | UC_VALDN | Amount of Ordinary Amortization | WERTV9 | CURR |
484 | UC_VALDP | Acc. Adjustment of Acq. Cost for Divestiture fr.PriorPeriods | WERTV9 | CURR |
485 | UC_VALEN | Ending Book Value | WERTV9 | CURR |
486 | UC_VALK0 | Original Cost | WERTV9 | CURR |
487 | UC_VALK1 | Divestiture in Prior Years | WERTV9 | CURR |
488 | UC_VALK2 | Currency Translation Difference in Prior Years | WERTV9 | CURR |
489 | UC_VALK3 | C/T Difference in Prior Periods, Current Year | WERTV9 | CURR |
490 | UC_VALK4 | Currency Translation Difference in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
491 | UC_VALL3 | C/T Difference in Prior Periods, Current Year | WERTV9 | CURR |
492 | UC_VALL4 | C/T Differences in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
493 | UC_VALM1 | C/T Difference for Divestiture in Prior Periods | WERTV9 | CURR |
494 | UC_VALM2 | C/T Difference for Divestiture in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
495 | UC_VALM3 | Divestiture of C/T Difference in Prior Periods | WERTV9 | CURR |
496 | UC_VALM4 | Divestiture C/T Difference in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |
497 | UC_VALN1 | Valuation Allowance, Income Statement | WERTV9 | CURR |
498 | UC_VALN2 | C/T Difference Balance Sheet/Income Stmt in Prior Years | WERTV9 | CURR |
499 | UC_VALN3 | C/T Diff Bal.Sheet/Inc.Stmt in Prior Periods, Current Year | WERTV9 | CURR |
500 | UC_VALN4 | C/T Diff Balance Sheet/Income Statement in Current Period | WERTV9 | CURR |