SAP ABAP Data Element - Index S, page 49
- S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 S-18 S-19 S-20 S-21 S-22 S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 S-27 S-28 S-29 S-30 S-31 S-32 S-33 S-34 S-35 S-36 S-37 S-38 S-39 S-40 S-41 S-42 S-43 S-44 S-45 S-46 S-47 S-48 S-49 S-50 S-51 S-52 S-53 S-54 S-55 S-56 S-57 S-58 S-59 S-60 S-61 S-62 S-63 S-64 S-65 S-66 S-67 S-68 S-69 S-70 S-71 S-72 S-73 S-74 S-75 S-76 S-77 S-78 S-79 S-80 S-81 S-82 S-83
Data Element - S
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | SO_PSTHR1 | Functional substitute: Forward and delete | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
2 | SO_PSTHR2 | Automatic forwarding without deletion | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
3 | SO_PTENC | Number of objects for which this object is an attachment | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
4 | SO_PTFOL | Number of folders which contain the object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
5 | SO_PTHYP | Number of hyperlinks to this object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
6 | SO_PTMBO | Number of MBO objects which contain this object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
7 | SO_PTNOT | Number of objects, in which this object is a note | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
8 | SO_PUBDL | Substitute: Maintain shared distribution lists | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
9 | SO_PUFOL | Authorization: Shared folders | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
10 | SO_PWCNT | Number of passwords in list | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
11 | SO_QI_ATT | Attachments | SO_QICON | CHAR |
12 | SO_QI_BC | Sent as blind copy | SO_QICON | CHAR |
13 | SO_QI_CP | Sent as copy | SO_QICON | CHAR |
14 | SO_QI_EX | Sent as express | SO_QICON | CHAR |
15 | SO_QI_FFB | No forwarding | SO_QICON | CHAR |
16 | SO_QI_OAC | Completion status | SO_QICON | CHAR |
17 | SO_QI_OBTP | Object Type | SO_QICON | CHAR |
18 | SO_QI_PFB | No printing | SO_QICON | CHAR |
19 | SO_QI_PROC | Executable | SO_QICON | CHAR |
20 | SO_QI_RD | Read Status of Object (Read or Unread) | SO_QICON | CHAR |
21 | SO_QI_RES | Resubmission | SO_QICON | CHAR |
22 | SO_QI_RR | Reply required | SO_QICON | CHAR |
23 | SO_QI_RS | Reply was sent | SO_QICON | CHAR |
24 | SO_QI_SDST | Send Status | SO_QICON | CHAR |
25 | SO_QI_SND | Sent Object | SO_QICON | CHAR |
26 | SO_QI_SO | Message Attributes | SO_QICON | CHAR |
27 | SO_RADIOWL | Resubmission lead time acc. to working days or calendar days | RADIOBUTT | CHAR |
28 | SO_RADIOWT | Single or periodic resubmission | RADIOBUTT | CHAR |
29 | SO_RAPCNT | Number of recipients processing the object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
30 | SO_RAPNUM | Number of recipients processing the object | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
31 | SO_RARCNT | Number of recipients who must take action | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
32 | SO_RARNUM | Number of recipients who must take action | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
33 | SO_RATCNT | Number of recipients who have taken action | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
34 | SO_RATNUM | Number of recipients who have taken action | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
35 | SO_RAW255 | SAPoffice: Binary data, length 255 | SO_RAW255 | RAW |
36 | SO_RAW_LIN | LINE in RAW editor for text entry | SO_TEXT072 | CHAR |
37 | SO_RAW_NO | RAW text: number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
38 | SO_RAW_SIZ | Size of document of type RAW (in lines) | SO_OBJ_SIZ | NUMC |
39 | SO_RAW_STA | Status of the RAW text | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
40 | SO_RAW_TP | Object RAW text: Object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
41 | SO_RAW_YR | RAW text: year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
42 | SO_RBCCNT | Number of recipients of a blind copy | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
43 | SO_RBCNUM | Number of recipients of a blind copy | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
44 | SO_RCMAX | Maximum number of recipients allowed per send | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
45 | SO_RCMAX_F | Maximum number of recipients allowed per send operation | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
46 | SO_RCMAX_T | Maximum number of recipients allowed per send operation | SO_TEXT004 | CHAR |
47 | SO_RCODE | Return code | SYST_SHORT | INT4 |
48 | SO_RCPCNT | Number of recipients of a copy | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
49 | SO_RCPNUM | Number of recipients of a copy | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
50 | SO_RCTPDES | Type of Recipient Address | SORECTPDES | CHAR |
51 | SO_RC_FNAM | Full name of the recipient | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
52 | SO_RD_DAT | Date on which document was last read | DATUM | DATS |
53 | SO_RD_TIM | Time at which document was last read | UZEIT | TIMS |
54 | SO_RECADR | Name of recipient or number of recipients | SO_ADRNAM | CHAR |
55 | SO_RECCADR | Address name of recipient | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
56 | SO_RECCNT | Number of recipients of the object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
57 | SO_RECDEP | SAPoffice: Name of field for department | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
58 | SO_RECFAX | SAPoffice: Fax or telex number of recipient | TELEX | CHAR |
59 | SO_RECL_IN | SAPoffice: Include recipient list | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
60 | SO_RECL_PR | SAPoffice: Print recipient list | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
61 | SO_RECNAM1 | SAPoffice: Name of field for first part of name | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
62 | SO_RECNAM2 | SAPoffice: Name of field for second part of name | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
63 | SO_RECNAME | SAPoffice: Name of the recipient of a document (also ext.) | SOEXTADRI1 | CHAR |
64 | SO_RECNUM | Number of Recipients of Object | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
65 | SO_RECPOBO | SAPoffice: Name of field for PO box | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
66 | SO_RECPRI | Priority | SO_TEXT020 | CHAR |
67 | SO_RECREM | SAPoffice: comments about a recipient | SO_TEXT072 | CHAR |
68 | SO_RECSTAT | SAPoffice: Name of field for country key | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
69 | SO_RECSTRT | SAPoffice: Name of field for street | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
70 | SO_RECTOWN | SAPoffice: Name of field for city | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
71 | SO_RECTYP | Type of Recipient Address | SO_REC_TYP | CHAR |
72 | SO_REC_ADR | Recipient address for the SAP communications server | SO_ADDRESS | CHAR |
73 | SO_REC_CNT | SAPoffice: Number of recipients (outbox) | SO_TEXT004 | CHAR |
74 | SO_REC_DES | RFC destination with which the document is sent | SO_RFCDES | CHAR |
75 | SO_REC_EXP | Recipient name (express handling) | SO_REC_EXP | CHAR |
76 | SO_REC_EXT | External address (SMTP/X.400...) | SOEXTADRI1 | CHAR |
77 | SO_REC_FAX | SAPoffice: Name of the field for fax number | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
78 | SO_REC_FIX | Do Not Change Recipient on Screen | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
79 | SO_REC_ID | Recipient ID | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
80 | SO_REC_LST | Recipient list is also transferred | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
81 | SO_REC_MAX | SAPoffice: Maximum number of recipients when sending message | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
82 | SO_REC_MND | SAPoffice: Client to which the document is to be sent | SO_ADR_CLN | CLNT |
83 | SO_REC_NAM | Recipient Name | USERNAME | CHAR |
84 | SO_REC_NO | Recipient number from ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
85 | SO_REC_OWN | SAPoffice: owner of a distribution list, address etc. | USERNAME | CHAR |
86 | SO_REC_PRI | Priority | SO_OBJ_PRI | CHAR |
87 | SO_REC_STA | SAPcomm: status of the sent object | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
88 | SO_REC_SYS | SAPoffice: System name to which the message is sent | SO_SYDEST | CHAR |
89 | SO_REC_TIT | SAPoffice: Form of address of fax or telex recipient | SO_STRI012 | CHAR |
90 | SO_REC_TP | Recipient type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
91 | SO_REC_TP2 | Inbound distribution: Recipient type | RECTYPE | CHAR |
92 | SO_REC_TTL | SAPoffice: Name of field for form of address | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
93 | SO_REC_TYP | Receive externally: Recipient type | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
94 | SO_REC_YR | Recipient year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
95 | SO_REFE1 | Number of references to an object | SO_CNT1 | RAW |
96 | SO_REFE2 | No. of objects for which object is a reference | SO_CNT1 | RAW |
97 | SO_REFER | A reference to a document exists | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
98 | SO_REFRESH | Reconstruction of screen | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
99 | SO_REFTYPE | Indicates how document contents are saved | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
100 | SO_REF_NO | Object reference: number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
101 | SO_REF_TO | SAPoffice: SAPcomm ID for send process concerned | SO_SC_ID | CHAR |
102 | SO_REF_TP | Object reference type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
103 | SO_REF_YR | Object reference year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
104 | SO_REGION | Addresses: regional code | REGIO | CHAR |
105 | SO_REG_KEY | SAPoffice: Key for read register | CHAR80 | CHAR |
106 | SO_RELID | SAPoffice: RELID for import/export tables | RELID | CHAR |
107 | SO_REORGDY | Log Deletion of SAPoffice Documents | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
108 | SO_REPCNT | Counter which displays number of repetitions | SO_NUMC004 | CHAR |
109 | SO_REP_DAY | Reply within ... days | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
110 | SO_REP_DNA | Recipient of reply: distribution list name | SO_OBJ_NAM | CHAR |
111 | SO_REP_DOC | Object ID of the document being replied to | SO_ENTRYID | CHAR |
112 | SO_REP_ID | Reply recipient ID | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
113 | SO_REP_MND | Replication: Client entry | SO_MAND | CHAR |
114 | SO_REP_NAM | Recipient of reply: User name | USERNAME | CHAR |
115 | SO_REP_NO | Recipient of reply: number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
116 | SO_REP_OWN | SAPoffice: owner of a distribution list, address etc | USERNAME | CHAR |
117 | SO_REP_REC | Name of reply recipient for a document (incl. ext.) | SOEXTADRI1 | CHAR |
118 | SO_REP_TO | SAPoffice: SAPcomm ID replied to | SO_SC_ID | CHAR |
119 | SO_REP_TP | Recipient of reply: Object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
120 | SO_REP_YR | Recipient of reply: year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
121 | SO_RESADR | New recipient address | SO_ADR110 | CHAR |
122 | SO_RESCADR | Address name of new recipient | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
123 | SO_RESEND | SAPoffice: Object sent to recipient more than once | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
124 | SO_RESMAND | Client of new recipient | MANDT | CLNT |
125 | SO_RESSYS | System of new recipient | LOGSYS | CHAR |
126 | SO_RESTYP | Type of new recipient address | SO_RES_TYP | CHAR |
127 | SO_RESUB | Substitute can access resubmissions | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
128 | SO_RES_DAT | Date of next resubmission | DATUM | DATS |
129 | SO_RES_FOL | SAPoffice: ID of the resubmission folder | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
130 | SO_RES_RD | The resubmitted document was viewed again | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
131 | SO_RES_TIM | Time of next resubmission in system | UZEIT | TIMS |
132 | SO_RET_ADR | SAPoffice: UNIX address for this Office (UNIX server) | SO_STRI050 | CHAR |
133 | SO_RET_COD | Return code | SO_NUMC004 | CHAR |
134 | SO_REXCNT | Number of recipients of the express message | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
135 | SO_RFCDES | RFC destination for SAPoffice server | RFCDEST | CHAR |
136 | SO_RGTEXT | Folder class/area | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
137 | SO_RG_GRUP | Create group folder | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
138 | SO_RG_MAND | Create client folder | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
139 | SO_RML_MD | Addresses: Client | SO_MAND | CHAR |
140 | SO_RML_NAM | Addresses: SAP name | USERNAME | CHAR |
141 | SO_RPLY_ID | Communic.ID to which the external document is a reply | SO_SC_ID | CHAR |
142 | SO_RRDCNT | Number of Recipients Who Have Read Object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
143 | SO_RRDNUM | Number of Recipients Who Have Read Object | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
144 | SO_RRPCNT | Number of recipients who have sent required reply | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
145 | SO_RRPNUM | Number of recipients who have sent required reply | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
146 | SO_RRRCNT | Number of recipients who must reply to the object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
147 | SO_RRRNUM | Number of recipients who must reply to the object | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
148 | SO_RSDAY | Day of resubmission (eg. every first Wednesday) | SO_RSFD | CHAR |
149 | SO_RSFACID | Factory calendar identification code for the resubmission | WFCID | CHAR |
150 | SO_RSFLG | Interpretation of the resubmission period (days/months) | SO_RSFU | CHAR |
151 | SO_RSFLGL | SAPoffice: interpretation of lead time for the resubmission | SO_RSFL | CHAR |
152 | SO_RSMCNT | Number of resubmissions for a document | SO_COUNT1 | NUMC |
153 | SO_RSPOID | Number of a SPOOL entry | RSPOID | INT4 |
154 | SO_RSSELTR | Resubmission depending on attributes | SO_SELECT | CHAR |
155 | SO_RSSPA | Intervals at which an object should be resubmitted | SO_COUNT1 | NUMC |
156 | SO_RSTPDES | Type of Recipient Address | SORESTPDES | CHAR |
157 | SO_RSUBM | SAPoffice: folder entry is a resubmitted object | SO_FELD123 | CHAR |
158 | SO_RSU_NO | Resubmission: object number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
159 | SO_RSU_TP | Resubmission: Object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
160 | SO_RSU_YR | Resubmission: object year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
161 | SO_RSWD | Resubmission on workdays only | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
162 | SO_RS_BTID | ID of the batch item supervising the resubmission | NUMC12 | NUMC |
163 | SO_RS_NEXT | SAPoffice: Date of next resubmission | DATUM | DATS |
164 | SO_RTFCHNG | Flag for change to RTF editor use | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
165 | SO_RULENO | Rule number | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
166 | SO_SAE | Recipient must reply to document | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
167 | SO_SAPNUSR | Create office user for SAP user name | USERNAME | CHAR |
168 | SO_SAP_BDY | Send externally with SAP data part | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
169 | SO_SAP_F | SAPoffice: Flag for changing SAP authorization | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
170 | SO_SAP_NAM | SAP name of a SAPoffice user | USERNAME | CHAR |
171 | SO_SBCCNT | Number of blind copies sent | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
172 | SO_SCHED | SAPoffice: Send at specified time | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
173 | SO_SCHEDUL | SAPoffice: send time | SO_TEXT003 | CHAR |
174 | SO_SCOM_NO | SAPcomm: number of the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
175 | SO_SCOM_TP | SAPcomm ID: ID type | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
176 | SO_SCOM_YR | SAPcomm: year of ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
177 | SO_SCPCNT | Number of copies sent | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
178 | SO_SCRFORM | SAPoffice: User-defined standard SAPscript layout set | SO_FORM | CHAR |
179 | SO_SCR_NO | SAPscript object: number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
180 | SO_SCR_SIZ | SAPscript object: size (in lines) | SO_OBJ_SIZ | NUMC |
181 | SO_SCR_TP | SAPscript object: type from the ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
182 | SO_SCR_YR | SAPscript object: year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
183 | SO_SC_DATE | SAPcomm: Transfer date to SAPcomm | DATUM | DATS |
184 | SO_SC_PART | SAPoffice: part of a SAPcomm ID | SO_TEXT241 | CHAR |
185 | SO_SC_TIME | SAPcomm: Transfer time to SAPcomm | UZEIT | TIMS |
186 | SO_SD_FNAM | Full name of sender | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
187 | SO_SEARCH | Search term (name) | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
188 | SO_SEC_CNT | SAPoffice: Counter for a statistics entry | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
189 | SO_SEC_NAM | Name of a statistics entry | SO_TEXT006 | CHAR |
190 | SO_SEE | Recipient must process document | SO_DYNP_EE | CHAR |
191 | SO_SELDISP | SAPoffice: Display field for correspondence (optional) | SO_TEXT015 | CHAR |
192 | SO_SELECT | Selection/check field | SO_SELECT | CHAR |
193 | SO_SEL_001 | Selection criterion: Daily | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
194 | SO_SEL_007 | Selection criterion: Weekly | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
195 | SO_SEL_030 | Selection criterion: Monthly | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
196 | SO_SEL_365 | Selection Criterion: Annually | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
197 | SO_SEL_RUN | Selection criterion: Every run | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
198 | SO_SENCHNG | Flag for change to preassigned send settings | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
199 | SO_SENDATR | Attributes of send operation | SO_TEXT072 | CHAR |
200 | SO_SENSIT | SAPoffice: sensitivity of the object to be sent | SO_TEXT004 | CHAR |
201 | SO_SEQUNO | Consecutive number of a rule | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
202 | SO_SEX | Send Express | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
203 | SO_SEXCNT | No. of express messages sent | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
204 | SO_SGK | Send: Blind copy | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
205 | SO_SHARED | Indicator for shared distribution list | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
206 | SO_SHR_FOL | Folder ID of the shared folders (root) | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
207 | SO_SKD | Send: No printing | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
208 | SO_SKIPS | Execute: Process First Screen in Background | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
209 | SO_SKP | Send: Copy | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
210 | SO_SKW | Send: No forwarding | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
211 | SO_SMTP | Internet address | SO_STRI050 | CHAR |
212 | SO_SMTP_F | SAPoffice: Flag for changing SMTP authorization | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
213 | SO_SM_SNDR | Must be same sender | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
214 | SO_SNDADR | Address name of sender | SO_ADRNAM | CHAR |
215 | SO_SNDART | External transmission method of document | SO_SNDART | CHAR |
216 | SO_SNDAU | Substitute has authorization to send | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
217 | SO_SNDCADR | Address name of sender | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
218 | SO_SNDDAT | SAPoffice: date on which the object is to be sent | DATUM | DATS |
219 | SO_SNDI_RD | SAPoffice: Reading of transmission info required | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
220 | SO_SNDNUM | Range of number of recipients allowed per send operation | SO_SNDNUM | NUMC |
221 | SO_SNDREM | SAPoffice: comment on send process | SO_TEXT050 | CHAR |
222 | SO_SNDTIM | SAPoffice: time at which the object is to be sent | UZEIT | TIMS |
223 | SO_SNDTYP | Type of sender address | SO_SND_TYP | CHAR |
224 | SO_SND_ART | Transmission Method (Fax, Telex, ...) | SO_SND_ART | CHAR |
225 | SO_SND_BC | Send as a blind copy | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
226 | SO_SND_CP | Send: As copy | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
227 | SO_SND_DAY | Send in ... days | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
228 | SO_SND_DR | Send: As disregard | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
229 | SO_SND_EX | Send express | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
230 | SO_SND_EXT | Sender of an external document | SOEXTADRI1 | CHAR |
231 | SO_SND_ID | ID of the sender of the document | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
232 | SO_SND_NAM | Sender: Name | USERNAME | CHAR |
233 | SO_SND_NO | Sender number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
234 | SO_SND_NOT | Send: With note | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
235 | SO_SND_PRI | Send: Priority | SO_OBJ_PRI | CHAR |
236 | SO_SND_STA | Status to be sent | SO_TEXT004 | CHAR |
237 | SO_SND_TP | Sender type from the ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
238 | SO_SND_YR | Sender year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
239 | SO_SNS_DES | Sensitivity description | SO_SNS_DES | CHAR |
240 | SO_SNTPDES | Sender address type | SOSNDTPDES | CHAR |
241 | SO_SOMFNR | SAPoffice: Fax matchcode key | CHAR10 | CHAR |
242 | SO_SORT | Sort Sequence | SO_SORT | CHAR |
243 | SO_SORTCLA | SAPoffice: Sort class for recipient name (type) | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
244 | SO_SORTKEY | Sort key for recipient type | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
245 | SO_SORTNAM | SAPoffice: Sort field for recipient name (address name) | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
246 | SO_SPOOL | ID of the spool entry (e.g. after faxing) | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
247 | SO_SQWIN | Switch confirmation prompt on or off when deleting | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
248 | SO_SQWIN_F | Value for changing the confirmation prompt | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
249 | SO_SRTFD | SAPoffice: SRTFD for import/export tables | SO_SRTFD | CHAR |
250 | SO_SSO_CNT | Subscription object: Item in list | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
251 | SO_SSO_NO | Subscription list number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
252 | SO_SSO_TP | Subscription list type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
253 | SO_SSO_YR | Subscription list year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
254 | SO_SSW_DEN | Addresses: Soft*Switch distribution element name | SO_TEXT008 | CHAR |
255 | SO_SSW_DGN | Addresses: Soft*Switch distribution group name | SO_TEXT008 | CHAR |
256 | SO_STADATE | Date of status | DATUM | DATS |
257 | SO_STAICO | Status of Activation Period | SO_STAICO | CHAR |
258 | SO_STAMAIL | Sending a mail when this confirmation type appears | SO_STAMAIL | CHAR |
259 | SO_START | Start line of the related body part | SO_LIN_DES | NUMC |
260 | SO_STATIME | Time of status | UZEIT | TIMS |
261 | SO_STATUS | Status of a document sent externally | SO_SNDSTAT | CHAR |
262 | SO_STA_CNT | Counter for status entries for this send process | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
263 | SO_STA_CR | User name responsible for creating status | UNAME | CHAR |
264 | SO_STA_DIR | Specifies whether status applies to sending or receiving | CHAR1 | CHAR |
265 | SO_STA_ORD | Sequential arrangement of this status | CHAR1 | CHAR |
266 | SO_STA_SND | Author of status (address object) | SO_ADR_OBJ | CHAR |
267 | SO_STA_TXT | Send externally: description of status to be sent | SO_TEXT080 | CHAR |
268 | SO_STDFL | Addresses: Default flag | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
269 | SO_STORE | Object is stored in a folder | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
270 | SO_STORE_I | Retain default document for entire session | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
271 | SO_SUBJECT | SAPoffice: description of the body part | SO_TEXT050 | CHAR |
272 | SO_SUBNAM | Name of substitute for user | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
273 | SO_SUBSTIT | Flag indicating that substitute was created | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
274 | SO_SUB_DES | Substitution type: Automatic forwarding | SO_STRI020 | CHAR |
275 | SO_SUB_ID | ID of the substitute who (also) received the object | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
276 | SO_SUB_NAM | Substitute: Name of substitute | USERNAME | CHAR |
277 | SO_SUB_NO | Substitute: Number from ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
278 | SO_SUB_TP | Substitute type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
279 | SO_SUB_YR | Substitute year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
280 | SO_SUCNT | Counter for active periods of a substitute | SO_COUNT1 | NUMC |
281 | SO_SUFLAG0 | Authorization for private folders | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
282 | SO_SUFLAG1 | Forward all documents automatically | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
283 | SO_SUFLAG2 | Substitute: Flag 2 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
284 | SO_SUFLAG3 | Substitute: Flag 3 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
285 | SO_SUFLAG4 | Substitute: Flag 4 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
286 | SO_SUFLAG5 | Substitute: Flag 5 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
287 | SO_SUFLAG6 | Substitute: Flag 6 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
288 | SO_SUFLAG7 | Substitute: Flag 7 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
289 | SO_SUFLAG8 | Substitute: Flag 8 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
290 | SO_SUFLAG9 | Substitute: Flag 9 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
291 | SO_SUNO1 | Substitute: Additional folder auth. - number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
292 | SO_SUNO2 | Substitute: Note number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
293 | SO_SUNO3 | Substitute: Alternative number from ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
294 | SO_SUTP1 | Substitute: Additional folder auth. - object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
295 | SO_SUTP2 | Substitute: Note - object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
296 | SO_SUTP3 | Substitute: Alternative object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
297 | SO_SUYR1 | Substitute: Additional folder auth. - year from ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
298 | SO_SUYR2 | Substitute: Note - year from ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
299 | SO_SUYR3 | Substitute: Alternative year from ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
300 | SO_SYDEST | SAPoffice: System ID of internal SAP address | SO_SYDEST | CHAR |
301 | SO_SYMANDT | SAPoffice: Client of user in other system | SO_ADR_CLN | CLNT |
302 | SO_SYSID | Send externally: system ID for communications ID | SO_SYSID | CHAR |
303 | SO_SYSNUM | System number for incoming Internet mail | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
304 | SO_SYUSR | Your user view is set when you start SAPoffice | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
305 | SO_SYUSRIN | Inbox filter (unviewed documents only) | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
306 | SO_SYUSROU | User view of outbox | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
307 | SO_TAB_DES | SAPoffice: Description of the table to be searched | TEXT50 | CHAR |
308 | SO_TAB_NAM | SAPoffice: Name of the table to be searched | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
309 | SO_TAR_FOL | Target folder (default setting) | SO_OBJ_DES | CHAR |
310 | SO_TDATFW | Date for end of automatic forwarding | DATUM | DATS |
311 | SO_TDATSB | Date for end of substitution | DATUM | DATS |
312 | SO_TELE_F | SAPoffice: Flag f. changing telecommunications authorization | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
313 | SO_TEST_ID | SAPoffice: Test ID for SAPconnect test | SO_TEST_ID | CHAR |
314 | SO_TEXT | Text line of a message | SO_TEXT072 | CHAR |
315 | SO_TEXT001 | Text field length 1 | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
316 | SO_TEXT003 | Text field length 3: for use as required | SO_TEXT003 | CHAR |
317 | SO_TEXT005 | Text field length 5: screen display numbers | SO_TEXT005 | CHAR |
318 | SO_TEXT012 | Folder name | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
319 | SO_TEXT015 | SAPoffice: text field length 15 | SO_TEXT015 | CHAR |
320 | SO_TEXT018 | Text field length 18 | SO_TEXT018 | CHAR |
321 | SO_TEXT030 | SAPoffice: Text field | SO_TEXT030 | CHAR |
322 | SO_TEXT050 | Text field length 50 | SO_TEXT050 | CHAR |
323 | SO_TEXT072 | SAPoffice: text length 72 | SO_TEXT072 | CHAR |
324 | SO_TEXT15 | Text field length 15: authorization check | SO_TEXT015 | CHAR |
325 | SO_TEXT254 | Text field length 254: texts | SO_TEXT254 | CHAR |
326 | SO_TEXT255 | Text field length 255: texts | SO_TEXT255 | CHAR |
327 | SO_TEXTATR | Attributes of send operation | SO_TEXT072 | CHAR |
328 | SO_TFOLDES | Folder in which the document is created or stored | SO_OBJ_DES | CHAR |
329 | SO_TFOLNAM | Folder in which the document is created or stored | SO_OBJ_NAM | CHAR |
330 | SO_TIM_AB | Active phase of automatic reply: start | UZEIT | TIMS |
331 | SO_TIM_AC | Time by which the received object must be acted upon | UZEIT | TIMS |
332 | SO_TIM_AE | Active phase of automatic reply: end | UZEIT | TIMS |
333 | SO_TIM_AT | Time at which the sent object was acted upon | UZEIT | TIMS |
334 | SO_TIM_CH | Time of Last Change | UZEIT | TIMS |
335 | SO_TIM_CR | Time created | UZEIT | TIMS |
336 | SO_TIM_DL | Expiry time of object | UZEIT | TIMS |
337 | SO_TIM_FOR | Time when the document was forwarded | UZEIT | TIMS |
338 | SO_TIM_FW | Time at which object was forwarded | UZEIT | TIMS |
339 | SO_TIM_IN | Time object was received | UZEIT | TIMS |
340 | SO_TIM_IP | Time when document was received | UZEIT | TIMS |
341 | SO_TIM_OU | Time at which the object was sent | UZEIT | TIMS |
342 | SO_TIM_RB | Resubmission: time | UZEIT | TIMS |
343 | SO_TIM_RBB | Start of resubmission: time | UZEIT | TIMS |
344 | SO_TIM_RBE | End of resubmission: time | UZEIT | TIMS |
345 | SO_TIM_RC | Time object was received | UZEIT | TIMS |
346 | SO_TIM_RD | Time at which the document was viewed | UZEIT | TIMS |
347 | SO_TIM_RR | A reply must be sent by the specified time | UZEIT | TIMS |
348 | SO_TIM_RS | A reply was sent at the specified time | UZEIT | TIMS |
349 | SO_TIM_RSL | SAPoffice: lead time of resubmission in hours | SO_COUNT1 | NUMC |
350 | SO_TIM_SB | Time at which substitution or forwarding begins | UZEIT | TIMS |
351 | SO_TIM_SD | Time at Which The Object Was Sent | UZEIT | TIMS |
352 | SO_TIM_SE | Time at which substitution or automatic forwarding ends | UZEIT | TIMS |
353 | SO_TISTAMP | Time stamp | SYTSTP | NUMC |
354 | SO_TO_REPL | Number of persons with "Reply required" | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
355 | SO_TPONLY | Only this object type can be stored in this folder | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
356 | SO_TP_DES | Object type description | SO_TEXT026 | CHAR |
357 | SO_TP_NEW | SAPoffice: type of object created | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
358 | SO_TRANBIN | Flag for indicating an obj. to be transported in binary form | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
359 | SO_TXTNUM | SAPoffice: internal number of text element | SO_NUMBER | NUMC |
360 | SO_TXTXPR | Short description of the respective information | SOTXTEXPR | CHAR |
361 | SO_TXT_AA | Text if automatic reply is defined or not | SO_STRI050 | CHAR |
362 | SO_TXT_AUT | Substitute: Text for authorization headers | SO_TEXT036 | CHAR |
363 | SO_TYPASCI | Treat document class as a ASCII file | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
364 | SO_TYPSND | Information about send object | SO_TYPSND | CHAR |
365 | SO_UADNAM | Name of the user in the address management | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
366 | SO_UEX_CNT | Counter for Unread Express Documents in inbox | INT4 | |
367 | SO_UHCNT | Counts how many users have this object in HOLD status | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
368 | SO_UIDHASH | Hash number of AP12 ID | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
369 | SO_UNREAD | Number of unviewed messages in this folder | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
370 | SO_UNR_CNT | SAPoffice: Number of unread documents | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
371 | SO_UNXCONF | Path specification for a UNIX file | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
372 | SO_UNX_ADR | SAPoffice: UNIX address | SO_TEXT241 | CHAR |
373 | SO_UNX_DES | SAPoffice: RFC destination of the UNIX mail server | SO_RFCDES | CHAR |
374 | SO_UPDWN | Reverse sort should be carried out | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
375 | SO_URL | Insert link | SO_URL | CHAR |
376 | SO_USCNT | Number of users in the list | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
377 | SO_USRADR | SAPoffice: Address of the user in the address administration | ADRNR | CHAR |
378 | SO_USRART | User identifier | SO_USRIDC | CHAR |
379 | SO_USRAU | Maintain user: only the administrator is authorized | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
380 | SO_USRIADR | Number of internal company address | SO_INTADR | CHAR |
381 | SO_USRNAM | SAPoffice: SAP name in other system | USERNAME | CHAR |
382 | SO_USRVW_F | SAPoffice: Flag for changing user view | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
383 | SO_USR_ABO | SAPoffice: User has subscribed to folders | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
384 | SO_USR_DEL | SAPoffice: Office user was deleted | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
385 | SO_USR_ID | SAPoffice: User ID of an Office user | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
386 | SO_USR_NAM | SAPoffice user name | USERNAME | CHAR |
387 | SO_USR_NO | User number from the ID | SO_USR_NO | CHAR |
388 | SO_USR_SEL | SAPoffice: Search for SAPoffice recipients | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
389 | SO_USR_TP | User type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
390 | SO_USR_VW | SAPoffice: Single-line or double-line inbox/outbox | SO_USR_VW | CHAR |
391 | SO_USR_YR | User year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
392 | SO_UZEIT | Hours, minutes, seconds for validity period | SYTIME | TIMS |
393 | SO_VAR_DES | Description of a variable | SO_TEXT040 | CHAR |
394 | SO_VAR_NAM | Variable name | SO_TEXT030 | CHAR |
395 | SO_VIEW_F1 | User view: Folder contents single-line | SO_USR_VW | CHAR |
396 | SO_VIEW_F2 | User view: Folder contents double-line | SO_USR_VW | CHAR |
397 | SO_VIEW_I1 | User view: Single-line inbox | SO_USR_VW | CHAR |
398 | SO_VIEW_I2 | User view: Double-line inbox | SO_USR_VW | CHAR |
399 | SO_VIEW_IE | User view: Common inbox | SO_USR_VW | CHAR |
400 | SO_VIEW_O1 | User view: Single-line outbox | SO_USR_VW | CHAR |
401 | SO_VIEW_O2 | User view: Double-line outbox | SO_USR_VW | CHAR |
402 | SO_VM | SAPoffice: Processing indicator | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
403 | SO_VM_TXT | SAPoffice: Explanatory text for execution type | SO_TEXT026 | CHAR |
404 | SO_VM_TYP | Execute: Type (Report, Dialog Module, ...) | SO_VM_TYP | CHAR |
405 | SO_WAITDAT | No processing before this date | DATUM | DATS |
406 | SO_WAITTIM | No processing before this time | UZEIT | TIMS |
407 | SO_WASTE | Object is in trash | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
408 | SO_WFSTART | Fax processing: Trigger workflow directly | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
409 | SO_WST_FOL | SAPoffice: ID of the private trash | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
410 | SO_WV_F | Identifier for resubmission | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
411 | SO_W_DATA | SAPoffice: Binary Data Vector | SO_W_DATA | CHAR |
412 | SO_W_LEN | Filled Length of Object Line | SO_W_LEN | CHAR |
413 | SO_W_LINE | Contents of Object Line | SO_W_LINE | CHAR |
414 | SO_W_NAME | SAPoffice: Parameter name | SO_W_NAME | CHAR |
415 | SO_W_VALUE | SAPoffice: Parameter Value | SO_W_VALUE | CHAR |
416 | SO_X400_F | Change value for send authorization via X.400 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
417 | SO_X50_SEL | Address search via LDAP | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
418 | SO_YR_NEW | SAPoffice: year ID of the object created | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
419 | SP2_FLAG | VBLOG handling in SP2 project | SP2_FLAG | CHAR |
420 | SPA05 | Multi-function column 05 | MUFLD | CHAR |
421 | SPA51 | Output ATP quantity | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | SPA52 | Output actual/target range of coverage | XFELD | CHAR |
423 | SPA53 | Output actual/mimimum range of coverage | XFELD | CHAR |
424 | SPA54 | Output actual/maximum range of coverage | XFELD | CHAR |
425 | SPA55 | Output target stock quantity | XFELD | CHAR |
426 | SPA56 | Output minimum stock quantity | XFELD | CHAR |
427 | SPA57 | Output maximum stock quantity | XFELD | CHAR |
428 | SPA58 | Output average daily requirements | XFLAG | CHAR |
429 | SPA59 | Output of the average daily production rate | CHAR1 | CHAR |
430 | SPA60 | Output control for days' supply | CHAR1 | CHAR |
431 | SPAAN | Special Tax Indicator | SPAAN | CHAR |
432 | SPAAU | Reference division for document types (by sales area) | SPART | CHAR |
433 | SPABA | Current margin (gross) | WERTV6 | CURR |
434 | SPABA_BAPI | Current Margin (Gross) for BAPIs | BAPICURR | DEC |
435 | SPABR | Margin (gross) in sales price calculation | WERTV6 | CURR |
436 | SPABR_BAPI | Margin (Gross) in the Sales Price Calculation for BAPIs | BAPICURR | DEC |
437 | SPACEFLAG | Controls whether SPACE is included in printout | XFELD | CHAR |
438 | SPACES_12 | Type of record - attachment J | CHAR12 | CHAR |
439 | SPACT | Action that initiates the blocking process | CHAR2 | CHAR |
440 | SPADSY | Set SPA parameters | CHAR34 | CHAR |
441 | SPAETER | Actual Finish/Planned Finish After Latest Scheduled Finish | DAUER_4_1 | QUAN |
442 | SPAETER_2 | Actual Finish/Planned Finish After Latest Scheduled Finish | DAUER_9_1 | QUAN |
443 | SPAFLOG_ITEM_NOTE | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
444 | SPAFLOG_ITEM_SEVERITY_CODE | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
445 | SPAFLOG_ITEM_TYPE_ID | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
446 | SPAF_LOGITEM_CAT_CODE_CONTENT | Proxy Data Element (generated) | CHAR | |
447 | SPAGEWMANT | Standard weight of paper for cover | PAPIERGEW | QUAN |
448 | SPAIV | Division for intercompany billing | SPART | CHAR |
449 | SPAKO | Reference division for conditions | SPART | CHAR |
450 | SPAKU | Reference division for customers | SPART | CHAR |
451 | SPAK_ACL_INCLUDING_SUPACKAGES | Restriction of Client Packages - Including Subpackages | CHAR | |
452 | SPAK_ACL_POINT_TO_POINT_FLAG | Package Interface - Point-to-Point Access | CHAR | |
464 | SPAK_APPLICATION_COMPONENT | Application Component | UFPS_POSID | CHAR |
466 | SPAK_CLIENT_MAIN_PROGRAM_D | Main Program of the Client Package Object | PROGNAME | CHAR |
467 | SPAK_CLIENT_OBJECT_NAME_D | Name of the Client Package Object | SOBJ_NAME | CHAR |
468 | SPAK_CLIENT_OBJECT_TYPE_D | Object Type of the Client Package Object | OBJECT | CHAR |
469 | SPAK_CLIENT_OBJ_RESPONSIBLE_D | Person Responsible for the Client Package Object | AS4USER | CHAR |
470 | SPAK_CLIENT_PACKAGE_ACH_COMP_D | Application Component of the Client Package | UFPS_POSID | CHAR |
472 | SPAK_CLIENT_PACKAGE_SW_COMP_D | Software Component of the Client Package | DLVUNIT | CHAR |
473 | SPAK_CLIENT_PACKAGE_TRLAYER_D | Transport Layer of the Client Package | DEVLAYER | CHAR |
474 | SPAK_CLIENT_PACK_RESPONSIBLE_D | Person Responsible for the Client Package | AS4USER | CHAR |
475 | SPAK_CLIENT_SOURCE_INCLUDE_D | Client Object: Include in which the Package Error occurs | PROGNAME | CHAR |
476 | SPAK_CLIENT_STRUPACK_NAME_D | Structure Package of the Client Package | DEVCLASS | CHAR |
477 | SPAK_DEPRECATION_TYPE | Type of Deprecation: Error, Warning, or Information | SPAK_DEPRECATION_TYPE | CHAR |
478 | SPAK_DIFF_STRUCTURE_PACKAGES_D | Indicator 'Different Server and Client Structure Packages' | BOOLE | CHAR |
479 | SPAK_ENFORCED_PACK_CHECK_D | Indicator 'Forced Encapsulation' of the Server Package | BOOLE | CHAR |
480 | SPAK_FIRST_NOT_STRUCT_PACKAGE | Package Hierarchy: First Not-Structure Package | DEVCLASS | CHAR |
481 | SPAK_PACKAGE_ERROR_CATEGORY_D | Package Error Category | CHAR | |
482 | SPAK_PACKAGE_ERROR_MESSAGE_D | Package Error: Message Text | STRING | STRG |
483 | SPAK_PACKAGE_ERROR_NUMBER_D | Number of the Same Package Errors in the Client Package | INT4 | |
484 | SPAK_PACK_ERROR_CATEG_DESCR_D | Cause of the Package Error | STRING | STRG |
485 | SPAK_PACK_ERROR_SEVERITY_D | Severity of the Package Error | CHAR1 | CHAR |
486 | SPAK_REPLACEMENT_SUBOBJ_NAME | Replacement Object: Subobject Name | CHAR | |
487 | SPAK_REPLACEMENT_SUBOBJ_TYPE | Replacement Object: Subobject Type | CHAR | |
488 | SPAK_SERVER_OBJECT_NAME_D | Name of the Server Package Object | SOBJ_NAME | CHAR |
489 | SPAK_SERVER_OBJECT_TYPE_D | Object Type of the Server Package Object | OBJECT | CHAR |
490 | SPAK_SERVER_OBJ_RESPONSIBLE_D | Person Responsible for the Server Package Object | AS4USER | CHAR |
491 | SPAK_SERVER_PACKAGE_ACH_COMP_D | Application Component of the Server Package | UFPS_POSID | CHAR |
493 | SPAK_SERVER_PACKAGE_SW_COMP_D | Software Component of the Server Package | DLVUNIT | CHAR |
494 | SPAK_SERVER_PACKAGE_TRLAYER_D | Transport Layer of the Server Package | DEVLAYER | CHAR |
495 | SPAK_SERVER_PACK_ENCAPS_D | Indicator 'Encapsulation of the Server Package' | BOOLE | CHAR |
496 | SPAK_SERVER_PACK_RESPONSIBLE_D | Person Responsible for the Server Package | AS4USER | CHAR |
497 | SPAK_SERVER_STRUPACK_NAME_D | Structure Package of the Server Package | DEVCLASS | CHAR |
498 | SPAK_TRKORR | Transport Request | TRKORR | CHAR |
499 | SPAK_TRKORR_TASK | Task in a Transport Request | TRKORR | CHAR |