SAP ABAP Data Element - Index S, page 67
- S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 S-18 S-19 S-20 S-21 S-22 S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 S-27 S-28 S-29 S-30 S-31 S-32 S-33 S-34 S-35 S-36 S-37 S-38 S-39 S-40 S-41 S-42 S-43 S-44 S-45 S-46 S-47 S-48 S-49 S-50 S-51 S-52 S-53 S-54 S-55 S-56 S-57 S-58 S-59 S-60 S-61 S-62 S-63 S-64 S-65 S-66 S-67 S-68 S-69 S-70 S-71 S-72 S-73 S-74 S-75 S-76 S-77 S-78 S-79 S-80 S-81 S-82 S-83
Data Element - S
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
2 | SUB_M_JOB | SUBMIT for job scheduling | RSSCR_CFLG | CHAR |
4 | SUB_M_VARI | SUBMIT for variant maintenance | RSSCR_CFLG | CHAR |
5 | SUB_NW_AVLB | Subnetwork Available for Activity | SUB_NW_AVLB | CHAR |
6 | SUB_OBJECT | Sub-object | SUB_OBJECT | CHAR |
7 | SUB_PACKNO | Subpackage number | PACKNO | NUMC |
8 | SUB_REGION | Sub-region | FTPD_REG_ID | CHAR |
9 | SUB_REG_TYPE | Type of sub-region | FTPD_REGION_TYP | NUMC |
10 | SUB_STRING | String with information on equipment measurement documents | STRG | |
11 | SUB_TAX_ID_ICA | External Tax Subindicator | CHAR | |
12 | SUB_TAX_ID_KK | FI-CA: Tax Subcode | CHAR4 | CHAR |
13 | SUB_TIME | Submit time of JCL job | TIMES | TIMS |
14 | SUB_TYPE | Subobject Type | CHAR4 | CHAR |
16 | SUB_WWW | Web Reporting is active | RSSCR_CFLG | CHAR |
17 | SUCCESS | Success Message | SUCCESS | CHAR |
18 | SUCCESS_FLAG | Indicator: Successful Task | SUCCESS_FLAG | CHAR |
19 | SUCC_BELNR | Differential Invoicing - Document Number Follow-On Document | BELNR | CHAR |
20 | SUCC_BUZEI | Differential Invoicing - Document Item Follow-On Document | NUMC6 | NUMC |
21 | SUCC_CODE | Success code | SUCC_CODE | INT4 |
22 | SUCC_CODEC | Success code in characters | SUCC_CODEC | CHAR |
23 | SUCC_GJAHR | Differential Invoicing - Fiscal Year Follow-On Document | GJAHR | NUMC |
24 | SUCHBEGEA | Search term for input/output group | SUCHBEGEA | CHAR |
25 | SUCHBEGK | Search term for command group | SUCHBEGK | CHAR |
26 | SUCHBEGTXT | Text for search term | TEXT30 | CHAR |
27 | SUCHBEGWG | Search term for winding group | SUCHBEGWG | CHAR |
28 | SUCHBEGZ | Matchcode search term for register group | SUCHBEGZ | CHAR |
29 | SUCHBEZ | Search Help Title with Length 60 | DDTEXT | CHAR |
30 | SUCHDAT | List restart point | DATS | DATS |
31 | SUCHEN | Search rule for CAPP characteristics | XFELD | CHAR |
32 | SUCHFELD | Search field for accessing postal structures w/o matchcode | CHAR40 | CHAR |
33 | SUCHFELD_K | IS-M: Identifier to replace words in field | CHAR3 | CHAR |
34 | SUCHFELD_KBEZSPLIT | IS-M: Search field for accessing short text for issue mix | CHAR15 | CHAR |
35 | SUCHFELD_L | IS-M: Word to be replaced in phonetic search | CHAR40 | CHAR |
36 | SUCHFOLGNR | IS-M: Number of search sequence | NUMC01 | NUMC |
37 | SUCHFS | Financial document processing: Field selection search term | FAAKK | CHAR |
38 | SUCHSTRING | Search string | CHAR30 | CHAR |
39 | SUCHTAV | IS-H: Suchtaversionsmittel (z.B. Antabus, Nemexin) | XFELD | CHAR |
40 | SUCHTSUB | IS-H: Suchtsubstitutionsmittel (z.B. Methadon) | XFELD | CHAR |
41 | SUCH_BTYP | IS-M: Search with mix type | XFELD | CHAR |
42 | SUCH_DRCK | IS-M: Search with printing works | XFELD | CHAR |
43 | SUCH_PVA | IS-M: Search with edition | XFELD | CHAR |
44 | SUCH_ROUTE | IS-M: Search with truck route | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | SUCH_SPLIT | IS-M: Search with edition | XFELD | CHAR |
46 | SUCH_VSPA | IS-M: Search with shipping document type | XFELD | CHAR |
47 | SUCNUM_KK | Number of Successful Cases | INT4 | INT4 |
48 | SUCODE | PMIS: No. of cause of damage codes | MCZAEHLER | DEC |
49 | SUCT_CLIENT | Mandant | CHAR | |
50 | SUC_APLFL | Order Sequence of Successor Operation | PLNFOLGE | CHAR |
51 | SUC_ARBPL | Work Center of Successor Operation | ARBPL | CHAR |
52 | SUC_AUFNR | Order Number of Successor Operation | AUFNR | CHAR |
53 | SUC_AVM_NR | IS-M: Order Number of Subsequent Document | AVM_NR | CHAR |
54 | SUC_CO_ASTTX | User Status of Successor Operation | CHAR40 | CHAR |
55 | SUC_CO_STTXT | System Status of Successor Operation | CHAR40 | CHAR |
56 | SUC_KTXT40 | Short Text Work Center of Successor Operation | TEXT40 | CHAR |
57 | SUC_LTXA1 | Short Text of Successor Operation | TEXT40 | CHAR |
58 | SUC_MGVRG | Quantity of Successor Operation | MENG13 | QUAN |
59 | SUC_POS_NR | IS-M: Item Number of Subsequent Item | AVM_PNR | NUMC |
60 | SUC_VORME | Unit of Measure of Successor Operation | MEINS | UNIT |
61 | SUC_VORNR | Number of Successor Operation | VORNR | CHAR |
62 | SUDEC | Insurance Line of Business Indicator | SUDEC | NUMC |
63 | SUDEC_A | Versicherungssparte | SUDEC | NUMC |
64 | SUDIA | Display a warning before material is substituted | XFELD | CHAR |
65 | SUDIF | Balance (Pmnt Advice Header - Total Pmnt Advice Items Diff.) | WRTV7 | CURR |
66 | SUDRU | Original entry will be printed | XFELD | CHAR |
67 | SUDS_ABAP_PATH_WS | Message Element Path Web Service | STRG | |
68 | SUDS_AD_SEARCH_NUM_MAX_HITS | Maximum hits | INT4 | |
69 | SUDS_CHAR255 | Character 255 | SUDS_CHAR255 | CHAR |
70 | SUDS_DATA_ABAP_TYPE | Data Abap Type | CHAR | |
71 | SUDS_DATA_DECIMALS | Decimals | INT4 | |
72 | SUDS_DATA_LENGTH | Data Length | INT4 | |
73 | SUDS_DATA_TYPE | Type information about a single field | CHAR | |
75 | SUDS_DIRECTION_WS | Web Service Message Direction Indicator | CHAR | |
76 | SUDS_MSG_TYPE_WS | Internal Message Type Name of Web Service | CHAR | |
77 | SUDS_MSG_TYPE_WS_EXT | External Message Type Name of Web Service | CHAR | |
78 | SUDS_OBJ_ATTR | Object attribute | CHAR64 | CHAR |
80 | SUDS_SIGN | Sign | SUDS_SIGN | CHAR |
81 | SUDS_XPATH | XPath | STRG | |
82 | SUEBNART | Main usage type | SUEBNART | CHAR |
83 | SUEBTK | Unlimited Overfulfillment | XFELD | CHAR |
84 | SUEBTO | Overfulfillment Tolerance | PRZ21 | DEC |
85 | SUEBTO_BI | Overfulfillment tolerance | CHAR4 | CHAR |
86 | SUERG | Outcome of substitution | SUERG | CHAR |
87 | SUFFIXABBREV | Suffix to Street Name According to USPS | CHAR04 | CHAR |
88 | SUFFIX_KK | Suffix for NIF Spain - Payment Medium Formats CSB 19/58 | NUMC | |
90 | SUFIX | Suffix for ordinal numbers | TEXT5 | CHAR |
91 | SUFLG_EURO | Reconcile supplier data | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
92 | SUFOFORM | Form | TEXT40 | CHAR |
93 | SUFPF_F150 | Total of Due Items of A Crcy + Foreign Crcy Dunning Charge | WRTV8 | CURR |
94 | SUFPH_F150 | Total of Due Items of A Crcy + Local Crcy Dunning Charge | WRTV8 | CURR |
95 | SUFZF_F150 | Total Due Items of Crcy + Interest +For. Crcy Dunning Charge | WRTV8 | CURR |
96 | SUFZH_F150 | Total Due Items of A Crcy + Int.+ Local Crcy Dunning Charge | WRTV8 | CURR |
97 | SUF_SIGN | Character after row | CHAR1 | CHAR |
98 | SUGDATE | Default Date | DATUM | DATS |
99 | SUGEB_FBWE | Charges total | WERT7 | CURR |
100 | SUGED_FBWE | Charges total for DME presentation | WERT7 | CURR |
101 | SUGG_DYNNR | Propose screen number(s) for maint. screens | XFLAG | CHAR |
102 | SUGRD | Reason for material substitution | SUGRD | CHAR |
103 | SUGRD_PD | Reason for Material Substitution | SUGRD_PD | CHAR |
104 | SUGRV | Proposed reason for substitution | SUGRD | CHAR |
105 | SUGSBASSTA | Status of Basis Release | SUGSBASSTA | CHAR |
106 | SUGSBOOL | Boolean Value | SUGSBOOL | CHAR |
107 | SUGSUPGINC | Extent of upgrade information | SUGSUPGINC | CHAR |
108 | SUGSUPGMOD | Mode when reading upgrade information | SUGSUPGMOD | CHAR |
109 | SUGUT_F05A | Total of Credit Memo Amounts | WRTV7 | CURR |
110 | SUHIE | Hierarchy (document header, item,...) of statistics update | SUHIE | CHAR |
111 | SUIDADTYPE | Address Type of the Identity | SUIDADTYPE | NUMC |
112 | SUIDRESPONSIBLE | User Responsible for Technical User Account | XUBNAME | CHAR |
113 | SUIDTECHDESC | Description of the Technical User Account | SUIDTECHDESC | CHAR |
114 | SUIDTECHID | Technical User | SUIDTECHID | CHAR |
115 | SUIDTZONE | Time Zone of User | TZNZONE | CHAR |
116 | SUID_ACTION | Action to Be Executed | INT1 | |
117 | SUID_AUTH_ACTION | Activities for Authorization Check | SUID_AUTH_ACTION | CHAR |
118 | SUID_AUTH_OBJECT | Authorization Objects | SUID_AUTH_OBJECT | CHAR |
119 | SUID_CERTIFICATE | Certificate (Binary Format) | SUID_CERTIFICATE | RSTR |
122 | SUID_CHANGE_FROM_DAT | Start of the Change Date of the Validity | DATS | DATS |
123 | SUID_CHANGE_MODE | Change Mode for a Table Entry | SUID_CHANGE_MODE | CHAR |
124 | SUID_CHANGE_TO_DAT | End of the Change Date of the Validity | DATS | DATS |
125 | SUID_CHAR512 | Character, Length 512 | SUID_CHAR512 | CHAR |
126 | SUID_COMPANY_NAME | Company name | TEXT40 | CHAR |
127 | SUID_CUA_MODE | CUA: Processing Mode of User | INT1 | |
128 | SUID_DBMS_CLIENT | DBMS Client | CHAR | |
134 | SUID_DB_STATUS | Database Status | INT1 | |
135 | SUID_ENV_ID | Setting ID | SUID_ENV_ID | CHAR |
137 | SUID_GROUP_TEXT | User Group Description | XUTEXT | CHAR |
138 | SUID_GUID | GUID of the Identity | SYSUUID | RAW |
141 | SUID_LOCKOPER | Lock Operation: Identity Was Locked/Unlocked | CHAR01 | CHAR |
142 | SUID_LOCKSCOPE | Lock in CUA: Local or Global | SUID_LOCKSCOPE | CHAR |
143 | SUID_NODE_ACTIVITY | Action to Be Executed on a Node | INT1 | |
144 | SUID_NODE_COMP_TYPE | Data Element (Semantic Domain) | ROLLNAME | CHAR |
145 | SUID_NODE_FIELD | Node Field | FDNAME | CHAR |
146 | SUID_NODE_KEY | Node Key | SSTR | |
147 | SUID_NODE_KEY_HANDLE | Key Handle: Temporary Key when Creating Node | CHAR | |
148 | SUID_NODE_NAME | Node Name | AS4TAB | CHAR |
149 | SUID_NODE_STATUS | Node Status | INT1 | |
150 | SUID_ORGTYPE | Organization Type | SUID_ORGTYPE | CHAR |
151 | SUID_PARENT_ROLE_NAME | Name of the Associated Composite Role | AGR_NAME | CHAR |
152 | SUID_PASSWORD_LOGON | Password logon not possible | SUID_PASSWORD_LOGON | CHAR |
153 | SUID_PASSWORD_STATE | Password Status (Initial/Productive/Active/Inactive) | SUID_PASSWORD_STATE | CHAR |
155 | SUID_SAVED_STATUS | Status of the Identity Processing | SUID_SAVED_STATUS | CHAR |
156 | SUID_SAVED_STATUS_TEXT | Status of the Identity Processing | CHAR | |
157 | SUID_SEG_STATUS | Segment Status | INT1 | |
158 | SUID_SNC_INFO | SNC: Value of the Profile Parameter for Unsecured Logon | SUID_SNC_INFO | CHAR |
159 | SUID_SNC_INFO_TEXT | SNC: Description for Unsecured Logon | CHAR | |
160 | SUID_SNC_KSTAT | Status of the Canonical Name | SUID_SNC_KSTAT | CHAR |
161 | SUID_SYSTEM_TEXT | Receiving System Description | SUID_TEXT40 | CHAR |
162 | SUID_SYSTEM_TIME_ZONE | System Time Zone | TZNZONE | CHAR |
163 | SUID_TA_MODUS | Transaction Mode | INT1 | |
164 | SUID_TA_STATUS | Transaction Status | INT1 | |
165 | SUID_TCODE_MODE | Transaction: Individual Maintenance, Mass Maintenance | SUID_TCODE_MODE | CHAR |
166 | SUID_UUID | Identity API: UUID for Identity (Char 36) | SUID_UUID | CHAR |
167 | SUIITEM | Reserved toolbox entries | GSURESITEM | NUMC |
168 | SUIM_CHDOC_KEY | Key for Indexed Search for Central Change Documents | CHAR | |
169 | SUIM_CHDOC_KEY_TYP | Types for Index Key | SUIM_CHDOC_KEY_TYP | CHAR |
170 | SUIM_FLAG | Indicator in SUIM Area | SUSRFLAG | CHAR |
171 | SUIM_LOCK_SEL | Lock Status Y=Locked, N=Not Locked, Space=Irrelevant | SUIM_LOCK_SEL | CHAR |
172 | SUIM_TEXT | Texts for Operators | XUTEXT | CHAR |
173 | SUIRESITEM | Toolbox entry | TEXT40 | CHAR |
174 | SUIT8 | Regular Payments According to Infotype 8 | P_AMT07V | CURR |
175 | SUITP | Suitability Percent | DEC3_2 | DEC |
176 | SUI_COPY | Sub-items are copied | FLAG | CHAR |
177 | SUI_LINK | Subitems Exist | SYCHAR132 | CHAR |
178 | SUJET_NR | IS-M: Subject Number | TEXT10 | CHAR |
179 | SULPA | Scope of selection for sch. agmt. items for release creation | SULPA | CHAR |
180 | SULTFAEL | Key for due date | STERMIN | NUMC |
181 | SULTZHLG | Key for payment deadline | STERMIN | NUMC |
182 | SUM01 | Warehouse stock / total (including special stor.locs) | MENG13 | QUAN |
183 | SUM01W | Plant stock / only plant segment | MENG13 | QUAN |
184 | SUM02 | Total of promised receipts | MENG13 | QUAN |
185 | SUM03 | Total of planned receipts | MENG13 | QUAN |
186 | SUM04 | Total of promised issues | MENG13 | QUAN |
187 | SUM05 | Total of planned issues | MENG13 | QUAN |
188 | SUMAF_KK | Total of Receivables Submitted | CHAR18 | CHAR |
189 | SUMAG | Issue totals | MENGV13 | QUAN |
190 | SUMAH | Total Credit Postings Minus Credit Reversals in Doc. Curr. | WRTV8 | CURR |
191 | SUMAHHW | Total Credit Postings Minus Credit Reversals in Local Curr. | WRTV8 | CURR |
192 | SUMAMNTH_BRO | Amount for summary posting broker report (local currency) | WRTV8 | CURR |
193 | SUMAMNTTR_BRO | Amount for summary posting broker report(transactn currency) | WRTV8 | CURR |
194 | SUMAM_KK | Amount entered | WRTV7 | CURR |
195 | SUMAS | Total Debit Postings Minus Debit Reversals in Document Curr. | WRTV8 | CURR |
196 | SUMASHW | Total Debit Postings Minus Debit Reversals in Local Currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
197 | SUMAU | Total sales order requirements | SUMBD | CHAR |
198 | SUMA_LOG_VALIDITY | SU10: Log Validity (in Days) | NUMC | |
199 | SUMBA | Committed issue total | MENGV13 | QUAN |
200 | SUMBACCOST | RFSUMB00 - Accounts with Cost Center Posting | SAKNR | CHAR |
201 | SUMBB | Total of all wage type amounts | P_AMT08V | CURR |
202 | SUMBCLOSE | Balance Sheet Account for Closing Postings | SAKNR | CHAR |
203 | SUMBCWHR | Amount in Display Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
204 | SUMBD | Summing up of requirements | SUMBD | CHAR |
205 | SUMBEW | IS-H AT: Summe der Bewegungen | SUMBEW | NUMC |
206 | SUMBKOSTL | RFSUMB00 - Cost Center | KOSTL | CHAR |
207 | SUMBOPEN | Balance Sheet Account for Opening Postings | SAKNR | CHAR |
208 | SUMBPANDL | Closing Postings - Profit & Loss Account | SAKNR | CHAR |
209 | SUMBRETEARN | Closing Postings - Retained Earnings Account | SAKNR | CHAR |
210 | SUMBRUNTYPE | Closing Postings: Account Selection | SUMBRUNTYPE | CHAR |
211 | SUMBSSKZB | Transfer acc. to BAV stock indicator | SSKZB | NUMC |
212 | SUMBSSKZF | Transfer acc. to tax authority stock indicator | SSKZF | NUMC |
213 | SUMBSUAB | Transfer to sub-section | SUABNDV | NUMC |
214 | SUMBT_P_VK | Number of Transfer Documents for Each Currency | WRTV7 | CURR |
215 | SUMCI | ATP Server: confirmed issues total | MENGV15 | QUAN |
216 | SUMCO | Total of Payments on Account | WRTV8 | CURR |
217 | SUMCOPA_KK | Total of Amounts for CO-PA Transfer | WERTV8 | CURR |
218 | SUMCT2 | Control Type SumJC External Procurement | SUMCT2 | CHAR |
219 | SUMCT3 | Control Type SumJC Stock Transfer | SUMCT3 | CHAR |
220 | SUMCTRLNUMBPOS_BRO | Control total for number of items in a broker report | NUM06 | NUMC |
221 | SUMDELTAHW | Total of amount changes in LC | WERTV9 | CURR |
222 | SUMDELTATW | Total of amount changes in TC | WERTV9 | CURR |
223 | SUMDIM | Hierarchy Dimension for Rollup | FDNAME | CHAR |
224 | SUMEI | Filled table lines | NUM3 | NUMC |
225 | SUMFA | Total of the Open Items Due | WRTV8 | CURR |
226 | SUMFE | Totals fields (1,2,3) | TEXT20 | CHAR |
227 | SUMFELD | Element in a totals row | SUMFELD | CHAR |
228 | SUMFLAG | Indicates number as total | XFELD | CHAR |
229 | SUMF_OKORG | Obsolete | CHAR3 | CHAR |
230 | SUMGBTR_VK | Total amount | CHAR27 | CHAR |
231 | SUMGR | Totals storage for group values | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
232 | SUMGTZ | Summation of all degree day coefficients | SUMGTZ | DEC |
233 | SUMHA | Cumulative Credit Amount in Local Currency (18 characters) | CURR18 | CURR |
234 | SUMHA_EB | Total Credit | WERT9 | CURR |
235 | SUMHW | Total of approved amounts (local currency) | WERTV9 | CURR |
236 | SUMHWAPP | Total of amounts to be released (local currency) | WERTV9 | CURR |
237 | SUMID | Qualifier for totals segment for shipping notification | SUMID | CHAR |
238 | SUMIS | ATP Server: Total Issues | MENGV15 | QUAN |
239 | SUMITEM | Totals item | RITEM | CHAR |
240 | SUMKNTNR | Node number of the superior operation | KNTNR | NUMC |
241 | SUMKNZ_KK | Totaling | SUMKNZ_KK | CHAR |
242 | SUMKZ | Totals record indicator | KENZX | CHAR |
243 | SUMKZ_EB | Summation level of the posting | SUMKZ | CHAR |
244 | SUMLF | Total delivery requirements | SUMBD | CHAR |
245 | SUMLIMIT | Overall Limit | WERT7 | CURR |
246 | SUMM8 | Totals Field for Amounts | WERT8 | CURR |
247 | SUMM9 | Totals Field for Amounts | WERT9 | CURR |
248 | SUMMA | Addend | SUMMA | FLTP |
249 | SUMMAND_D | Function module example data element | RECHENFELD | DEC |
250 | SUMMAPPLID | Summarizer: Application Identifier | SUMMAPPLID | CHAR |
251 | SUMMARY1 | Overview | CHAR132 | CHAR |
252 | SUMMARYLIST | Summary List | XFELD | CHAR |
253 | SUMMARYLISTFILE | Create File | XFELD | CHAR |
254 | SUMMA_KK | Total clearing entries | WRTV8 | CURR |
255 | SUMMB | Indicator: Summary report | XFELD | CHAR |
256 | SUMMCBLANG | Summarizer: Callback for Language-Specific Text Processing | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
257 | SUMME | Function module example data element | RECHENFELD | DEC |
258 | SUMMEGES | Total business event demand | HRSUM | DEC |
259 | SUMMEPOS | Total over quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
260 | SUMME_011P | Is the total to be displayed? If yes, where? | CHAR1 | CHAR |
261 | SUMME_INV | Capital Spending Total for Item Category S | CVAL8 | CURR |
262 | SUMME_KK | Total in account balance | WRTV7 | CURR |
263 | SUMME_MNG | Quantities total for item category S | CQUA8 | QUAN |
264 | SUMME_POS | Total of two or more items | CVAL8 | CURR |
265 | SUMME_X | Daily totals | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
266 | SUMMFAL | IS-H AT: Summe der Fälle | SUMMFAL | NUMC |
267 | SUMMFIELD | Group Total | SUMMFIELD | CHAR |
268 | SUMMH | Total credit postings | WRTV8 | CURR |
269 | SUMMH_KK | Total credit postings | WRTV8 | CURR |
270 | SUMMINFEX1 | Summarizer: First Exponent of Information Content Function | DEC | |
271 | SUMMINFEX2 | Summarizer: Second Exponent of Information Content Function | DEC | |
272 | SUMMODE | Summation mode for lines and columns of matrix | SUMMODE | CHAR |
273 | SUMMONTREC | Summarizer: Retrieve Recursively from Ontological Map | XFELD | CHAR |
274 | SUMMRME | IS-M: No. required for discount, billed and recorded | SAEME | DEC |
275 | SUMMRMM | IS-M: Number req.for discount, billed + recorded | SAEMM | QUAN |
276 | SUMMRMO | IS-M: Total req.for disc., billed + recorded | WERTV8 | CURR |
277 | SUMMS | Total debit postings | WRTV8 | CURR |
278 | SUMMSNTDLM | Summarizer: String of All Sentence Delimiting Symbols | CHAR10 | CHAR |
279 | SUMMSNTLNG | Summarizer: Minimum Sentence Length in Words | NUMC | |
280 | SUMMSPTWGH | Summarizer: Weight of Special Terms | DEC | |
281 | SUMMSTUFE | Summation level | SUMMSTUFE | CHAR |
282 | SUMMS_KK | Total debit postings | WRTV8 | CURR |
283 | SUMM_STR | Totaling required for criterion | CHAR10 | CHAR |
284 | SUMNF | Total of the Open Items Not Yet Due | WRTV8 | CURR |
285 | SUMNOT | Indicator: Do not total dependent requirements | CHAR1 | CHAR |
286 | SUMNO_BRO | Broker Report: Specified Number for Totals Postings | SUMNO_BRO | CHAR |
287 | SUMNR_BI | Node number of the superior operation | CHAR8 | CHAR |
288 | SUMOP | Total of All Receivables | WRTV8 | CURR |
289 | SUMOPKUM | Cumulative Total of Open Items | WRTV8 | CURR |
290 | SUMOP_CM | A/R summary: Open items total (by days in arrears) | WRTV8 | CURR |
291 | SUMOP_F035 | Total of Due Items with More Than n Days in Arrears | WRTV8 | CURR |
292 | SUMPB | Total of all basic pay | WERTV5 | CURR |
293 | SUMPOSTNET_BRO | Total Items to be Posted | WRTV8 | CURR |
294 | SUMPOST_BRO | Total Items to be Posted | WRTV8 | CURR |
295 | SUMPO_F42B | Items Total by Days Overdue | WRTV8 | CURR |
296 | SUMPP | Percentage | DEC3 | DEC |
297 | SUMPROP_BRO | Total Proposed Items | WRTV8 | CURR |
298 | SUMRBME | IS-M: Total no. qualifying for discount, billed + recorded | SAEME | DEC |
299 | SUMRBMM | IS-M: Quantity qualifying for discount accepted + billed | SAEMM | QUAN |
300 | SUMRBMO | IS-M: Total qualifying. for discount accepted + billed | WERTV8 | CURR |
301 | SUMRC_KK | Callback Total | CHAR16 | CHAR |
302 | SUMRE | ATP Server: Total Receipts | MENGV15 | QUAN |
303 | SUMREV | Total of all amounts revalued and approved | WERTV9 | CURR |
304 | SUMREVAPP | Total of all amounts revalued, but still to be approved | WERTV9 | CURR |
305 | SUMRST2 | Replenishment Strategy External Procurement for SumJC | SUMRST2 | CHAR |
306 | SUMRST3 | Replenishment Strategy Stock Transfer for SumJC | SUMRST3 | CHAR |
307 | SUMSEK | Indicator: Total dependent requirements | CHAR1 | CHAR |
308 | SUMSH | Total Credit Reversals in Document Currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
309 | SUMSHHW | Total Credit Reversals in Local Currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
310 | SUMSO | Cumulative Debit Amount in Local Currency (18 character) | CURR18 | CURR |
311 | SUMSO_EB | Total Debit | WERT9 | CURR |
312 | SUMSS | Total Debit Reversals in Document Currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
313 | SUMSSHW | Total Debit Reversals in Local Currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
314 | SUMSTM_BRO | Total of all items in a broker report | WRTV8 | CURR |
315 | SUMST_KK | Status of Aggregated Interim Status | SUMST_KK | CHAR |
316 | SUMSZ_KK | Number of Summary Records for Reconciliation Key | INT4 | INT4 |
317 | SUMTAB | FI-SL summary table | AS4TAB | CHAR |
318 | SUMTB | Permissibilty of trans. type for automatic record creation | P02_BVAU | CHAR |
319 | SUMTW | Total of approved amounts (transaction currency) | WERTV9 | CURR |
320 | SUMTWAPP | Total of amounts to be released (transaction currency) | WERTV9 | CURR |
321 | SUMTWBELNR | Total from document | WERTV9 | CURR |
322 | SUMTY | Meaning of Amounts Fields | SUMTY | CHAR |
323 | SUMVA | Totals variants | TEXT20 | CHAR |
324 | SUMWA_KK | Currency Key for the Totals | WAERS | CUKY |
325 | SUMWO_KK | Total of Write-Offs | CHAR16 | CHAR |
326 | SUMWRT | Total | CHAR15 | CHAR |
327 | SUMWRT_ROUND | Rounded total | CHAR15 | CHAR |
328 | SUMZA | Total of the Open Items Due for Payment | WRTV8 | CURR |
329 | SUMZA_KK | Total Payments | CHAR16 | CHAR |
330 | SUMZG | Total receipts | MENGV13 | QUAN |
331 | SUM_ADVANC | Total advances for a trip | BAPICURR | DEC |
332 | SUM_DIF | Total of Differences (Cumulative to Today) | MENGV13 | QUAN |
333 | SUM_DSCT | Sum of Discounts/Surcharges | NUMC06 | NUMC |
334 | SUM_DT | Total | CHAR1 | CHAR |
335 | SUM_FKW | Total (FM area currency) | WRTV8 | CURR |
336 | SUM_FP | IS-H: Number of flat rates per case | ISHBTAG | NUMC |
337 | SUM_FROM | Report summation interval (from level) | SUM_LEVEL | CHAR |
338 | SUM_FROM_L | Row block summation interval (from level) | CHAR2 | CHAR |
339 | SUM_FROM_N | Report summation interval (from level) | SUM_N | NUMC |
340 | SUM_MAX | Maximum summation level | NUM2 | NUMC |
341 | SUM_MYBAS | Total of Layer Base Values (Index LIFO) | WERT13N | CURR |
342 | SUM_MYMNG | Total of layer quantities | MENG13V | QUAN |
343 | SUM_MYWRL | Total of layer values | WERT13N | CURR |
344 | SUM_MYWRN | Total of net layer values | WERT13N | CURR |
345 | SUM_MYWRT | Total of gross layer values | WERT13N | CURR |
346 | SUM_NBP | IS-H: Post-discharge treatment flat rate | ISHBTAG | NUMC |
347 | SUM_OPRD | Sum of Operands | NUMC06 | NUMC |
348 | SUM_PAIDCO | Travel expenses paid by company | BAPICURR | DEC |
349 | SUM_PAYOUT | Payment Amount | BAPICURR | DEC |
350 | SUM_PL | Final amount of posting list in document currency | WERTV8 | CURR |
351 | SUM_PRIC | Sum of Prices | NUMC06 | NUMC |
352 | SUM_PRKL | Sum of Price Adjustment Clause | NUMC06 | NUMC |
353 | SUM_REIMBU | Reimbursement amount for a trip | BAPICURR | DEC |
354 | SUM_RL | Invoice list final amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
355 | SUM_SCHM | Sum of Schemas | NUMC06 | NUMC |
356 | SUM_SE | IS-H: Total of procedures surcharges per case | ISHBTAG | NUMC |
357 | SUM_TFND | Sum of Rate Determination | NUMC06 | NUMC |
358 | SUM_TO | Report summation interval (to level) | SUM_LEVEL | CHAR |
359 | SUM_TO_L | Row block summation level (to level) | CHAR2 | CHAR |
360 | SUM_TO_N | Report summation interval (to level) | SUM_N | NUMC |
361 | SUM_TRIF | Sum of Rates | NUMC06 | NUMC |
362 | SUM_TRW | Total (transaction currency) | WRTV8 | CURR |
363 | SUM_TTGRP | Totals formula for transaction type group | CHAR75 | CHAR |
364 | SUM_TTYP | Sum of Rate Categories | NUMC06 | NUMC |
365 | SUM_VALUE | Total document value | WERTV9 | CURR |
366 | SUM_VBP | IS-H: PRe-admission treatment flat rate | ISHBTAG | NUMC |
367 | SUM_WERT1 | Total of Value 1 for All Reference Values | SUM_OPWERT | DEC |
368 | SUM_WERT2 | Total of Value 2 for All Reference Values | SUM_OPWERT | DEC |
369 | SUM_XFELD | Build sum | XFELD | CHAR |
370 | SUM_ZUMNG | Total of receipt quantities | MENG13V | QUAN |
371 | SUM_ZUWRT | Total of receipt values | WERT13N | CURR |
372 | SUNAM_KK | Specification of Name and City (Optional) for Bus.Ptr.Search | TEXT80 | CHAR |
373 | SUNDAY | Sunday | XFELD | CHAR |
374 | SUNDY | Selection field for start day:'Sunday' | CHAR1 | CHAR |
375 | SUNEB_AV | Total of Payment Amounts for All Payment Advice Items | WRTV7 | CURR |
376 | SUNIT | Total value unit for totals segment in the shipping notif. | EDIF6411 | CHAR |
377 | SUNKZ | IS-H: Other Accident, Other Accident Consequence Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
378 | SUNTBEZ | Company relationship | SUBEZ | CHAR |
379 | SUNTG | IS-H: Certificate Subgroup (Int. Certif. Type PPA Billing) | SUNTG | CHAR |
380 | SUNTO | Indicator: Take Underdelivery Tolerance Into Account | XFELD | CHAR |
381 | SUOZF_F150 | Total Open Items of A Crcy + Int. + For. Crcy Dunning Charge | WRTV8 | CURR |
382 | SUOZH_F150 | Total Open Items of A Crcy + Int.+ Local Crcy Dunning Charge | WRTV8 | CURR |
383 | SUO_COPY | Suboperations Are Copied | FLAG | CHAR |
384 | SUPCD | Supplemental method | SUPCD | CHAR |
385 | SUPCOMPR | Supercompressibility Factor Is Used | SUPCOMPR | CHAR |
386 | SUPDATE_GROUP | Grouping Of Entries Within an Update Object | INT4 | |
387 | SUPDG | Indicator: 'Suppress Dialog' | CHAR1 | CHAR |
388 | SUPERTAB | Report Writer table | RWTABLE | CHAR |
389 | SUPERTYPE | Supertype for table TALIM | SUPERTYPE | CHAR |
390 | SUPERVISOR | Name of Supervisor in Pymt Sampling Proc. | XUBNAME | CHAR |
391 | SUPERVISOR2 | Supervisor Primary Backup | XUBNAME | CHAR |
392 | SUPERVISOR3 | Supervisor Secondary Backup | XUBNAME | CHAR |
393 | SUPER_REGION | Super region | FTPD_REG_ID | CHAR |
394 | SUPER_REG_TYPE | Type of Superordinate Region | FTPD_REGION_TYP | NUMC |
395 | SUPGAS4DAT | Generic AS4DATE for the upgrade | SUPGAS4DAT | CHAR |
396 | SUPGAS4USR | Generic AS4USER for the upgrade | SUPGAS4USR | CHAR |
397 | SUPGTRKORR | Generic DTEL for TRKORR in the upgrade | SUPGTRKORR | CHAR |
398 | SUPG_TABLE_CATALOG | Upgrade Table Catalog | SUPG_TABLE_CATALOG | CHAR |
399 | SUPKZ | Statistics update indicator (post in/post out) | SUPKZ | CHAR |
400 | SUPKZD | Update Indicator: BW Extraction | SUPKZD | CHAR |
401 | SUPLEVEL | Higher hierarchy level of political regional structure | REGLEVEL | NUMC |
402 | SUPLN | Billing plan number of the Subsequent document | FPLNR | CHAR |
403 | SUPL_STORG_LOC_ACT | Issuing Storage Location Active | XFELD | CHAR |
404 | SUPMODE | Table Supplementation Mode (Language Transport) | SUPMODE | CHAR |
405 | SUPOF_F150 | Total Open Items of A Crcy + Foreign Crcy Dunning Charge | WRTV8 | CURR |
406 | SUPOH_F150 | Total Open Items of A Crcy + Local Crcy Dunning Charge | WRTV8 | CURR |
407 | SUPO_07A1 | Number of table changes for totals record | DEC15 | DEC |
408 | SUPPFLG | Indicator node = vendor | CHAR01 | CHAR |
409 | SUPPLE | Supplementary Line | CHAR01 | CHAR |
410 | SUPPLEMENT | BSI: Supplement | NUM1 | NUMC |
411 | SUPPLENGTH | Length of key supplement | NUMC3 | NUMC |
412 | SUPPLY_OR_NET | Grid or Supplier Budget Billing Plan Modifiable | SUPPLY_OR_NET | CHAR |
413 | SUPPL_PAY | Supplement | CHAR2 | CHAR |
414 | SUPPOFFSET | Offset key supplement | DOFFSET | NUMC |
415 | SUPPORTS_KEYFIGURE_DUPLICATES | Supp. queries w/ dupl. KYF which cont. diff. aggregations | RS_BOOL | CHAR |
416 | SUPPR | Indicator as to whether text should be printed | XFELD | CHAR |
417 | SUPPRESS | Indicator: Suppress characteristic | XFELD | CHAR |
418 | SUPPRESS_IDOC | Do not create outgoing IDocs | EBA_FLAG | CHAR |
419 | SUPPRESS_INIT | Flag: skip document initializing in TRANSAKTION_INIT | XFELD | CHAR |
420 | SUPPRESS_TRANSL_TECH_TEXTS | Suppress Translation of Technical Texts | SUPPRESS_TRANSL_TECH_TEXTS | CHAR |
421 | SUPPROBJ | Flag: Suppress object display (-> 'X') | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | SUPPR_INTE | Switch: Suppress Integration | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
423 | SUPP_STRU | Suppress Structural Authorization Check | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
424 | SUPRC | Language Supplementation Return Code | SUPRC | NUMC |
425 | SUPTYCODE | Supply Planning Type Code | CHAR1 | CHAR |
426 | SUP_750X | Suppression of Vacancies Integration | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
427 | SUP_CODE | Supevisory department code | CHAR | |
428 | SUP_FOR_NO_ITEMS_KK | Suppress Correspondence if No Items Present | XFELD | CHAR |
429 | SUP_GRID_ID | Higher Level Grid | GRID_ID | CHAR |
430 | SUP_KEY_TYPES1 | Additional Key 1 | J_1BCIAPOBJ | CHAR |
431 | SUP_KEY_TYPES2 | Additional Key 2 | J_1BCIAPOBJ | CHAR |
432 | SUP_KEY_VALUE1 | Value for Additional Key 1 | J_1BCIAPVAL | CHAR |
433 | SUP_KEY_VALUE2 | Value for Additional Key 2 | J_1BCIAPVAL | CHAR |
434 | SUQTY | Total Prepack Components Entered So Far | QTY10 | NUMC |
435 | SURCHARGE | LAW: Percentage Surcharge for a User Type | CHAR | |
436 | SURCHARGERATE_SC | Charges Installment | SURCHARGERATE_SC | DEC |
437 | SURCHSUM | Display Sum of R.R. VAT and R.n.R. VAT | XFELD | CHAR |
438 | SURCOD | PMIS: Cause of damage | QCODE | CHAR |
439 | SUREA | ATP: Substitution reason for rules-based ATP | SUREA | CHAR |
440 | SUREGTAX | Add. Regional suspended amounts | WERTV8 | CURR |
441 | SURES | Stock transfer reservation selection | VFMOD | CHAR |
442 | SURESDATA | Administration Data for External (non-SAP) Resources | CHAR | |
443 | SURESTYP | External (non-SAP) Resource Type | CHAR | |
444 | SURES_FBWE | Planned amounts still available | WERT8 | CURR |
445 | SURGRP | PMIS: Code group - cause of damage | QCODEGRP | CHAR |
446 | SURICHT | Direction of Document | SURICHT | CHAR |
447 | SURKAT | Catalog type - cause of damage | QKATART | CHAR |
448 | SURKZ | Overhead on Cost Object | XFELD | CHAR |
449 | SURL | URL length 255 | SURL | CHAR |
450 | SURVEYKEY | Key to survey | SURVEYKEY | CHAR |
451 | SURVEYOBJKEY | Key to survey including target ID | SURVEYOBJKEY | CHAR |
453 | SURVEY_ID | Survey: unique name | SURVEY_ID | CHAR |
454 | SURVEY_ID_OLD | Copy survey | SURVEY_ID | CHAR |
455 | SURVEY_OBART | Objekt type of the Survey | J_OBART_LD | CHAR |
456 | SURVEY_OBJECT | Web Survey: object for questionnaire | SURVEY_OBJECT | CHAR |
457 | SURVY | Survey answered | XFELD | CHAR |
458 | SURV_AVAIL | Survey Available | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
459 | SUR_APPLI | Survey application | SUR_APPLI | CHAR |
460 | SUR_BELNR | Document number survey document | CO_BELNR | CHAR |
461 | SUR_CATEGORY | Survey: Application | SUR_APPLI | CHAR |
462 | SUR_COMMENT_FLAG | Survey: field with commentary | XFELD | CHAR |
463 | SUR_COMPARE_FLAG | Survey: field with comparison value | XFELD | CHAR |
464 | SUR_FIELD_CAPT | Survey: folder text entry | CHAR | |
465 | SUR_FIELD_ID | Survey: field | FDNAME | CHAR |
466 | SUR_FIELD_UNIT | Survey: Unit Input Field | CHAR | |
467 | SUR_FIELD_VALUE | Survey: field value | CHAR | |
468 | SUR_FTYPE | Survey: SAP field type (with or without update data) | XFELD | CHAR |
469 | SUR_HEADER_DATA | Survey: header data | CHAR | |
470 | SUR_MODE | Survey: flag, read, write or check module | SUR_APPLINT_TYPE | CHAR |
471 | SUR_OPTIONAL | Survey: update data: optional or required field | XFELD | CHAR |
472 | SUR_PDATE | Posting date survey document | DATUM | DATS |
473 | SUR_PLUGIN | Survey: type of plugin | SUR_PLUGIN | CHAR |
474 | SUR_PRE_PARAM | Survey: field contains default parameters | XFELD | CHAR |
475 | SUR_PTIME | Survey document time created | UZEIT | TIMS |
476 | SUR_RADIO_CONST | Constant field value | XFELD | CHAR |
477 | SUR_RADIO_PREPAR | Field val. from default parameter | XFELD | CHAR |
478 | SUR_RADIO_TARGET | Field value from receiver | XFELD | CHAR |
479 | SUR_REF_FLAG | Survey: Flag - Reference ('X') or constant (' ') | BOOLEAN | CHAR |
480 | SUR_SSM_SYNCH | Indicators: Synchronize Survey Status Manager | XFELD | CHAR |
481 | SUR_STATUS | Survey status | SUR_STATUS | NUMC |
482 | SUR_STRUCTURE | Questionnaire number | CHAR | |
483 | SUR_STYLE | Survey: style of generated HTML | SUR_STYLE | CHAR |
484 | SUR_TARGET_ID | Survey: target object | INDEX6 | NUMC |
485 | SUR_TARGET_REF | Survey: Reference between question and target item | CHAR | |
486 | SUR_TARGET_TYPE | Survey: Type of target object | SUR_TARGET_TYPE | CHAR |
487 | SUR_TARGET_VALUE | Survey: Value of the target object | CHAR | |
488 | SUR_UNIT_FLAG | Survey: Field with unit | XFELD | CHAR |
489 | SUR_VERSION | Survey: Response number | NUMC | |
490 | SUR_V_IDX | Survey: vector index | NUMC | |
491 | SUSABEJA | Reporting year | GJAHR | NUMC |
492 | SUSALISE | List separation | XFELD | CHAR |
493 | SUSAMONA | Reporting Period | MONAT | NUMC |
494 | SUSAPOSX | Determination of levels for group totals | NUMC1 | NUMC |
495 | SUSASUM | Only totals are displayed | XFELD | CHAR |
496 | SUSATITL | Additional heading | TXT40 | CHAR |
497 | SUSA_SIGN | Indicator: Display Plus/Minus Sign | XFELD | CHAR |
498 | SUSER | Name of user from SAP logon | CHAR12 | CHAR |
499 | SUSEREXIT | User exit 14 active | XFELD | CHAR |
500 | SUSINSURANCE | Indicator: Insurance Active for Product Type | XFELD | CHAR |