SAP ABAP Data Element - Index S, page 48
- S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 S-18 S-19 S-20 S-21 S-22 S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 S-27 S-28 S-29 S-30 S-31 S-32 S-33 S-34 S-35 S-36 S-37 S-38 S-39 S-40 S-41 S-42 S-43 S-44 S-45 S-46 S-47 S-48 S-49 S-50 S-51 S-52 S-53 S-54 S-55 S-56 S-57 S-58 S-59 S-60 S-61 S-62 S-63 S-64 S-65 S-66 S-67 S-68 S-69 S-70 S-71 S-72 S-73 S-74 S-75 S-76 S-77 S-78 S-79 S-80 S-81 S-82 S-83
Data Element - S
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | SO_DEL_RE | SAPoffice: delete unviewed objects | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
2 | SO_DEL_REM | SAPoffice: delete unviewed objects with message | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
3 | SO_DEL_RR | SAPoffice: delete unanswered objects | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
4 | SO_DEL_RRM | SAPoffice: delete unanswered objects with message | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
5 | SO_DEPAR | Department name | ABTEI | CHAR |
6 | SO_DEPTH | Expansion level | SO_POSNO | NUMC |
7 | SO_DESTOBJ | Target object | SO_OBJ_INS | CHAR |
8 | SO_DEST_EV | Target event | SO_EVENT | CHAR |
9 | SO_DIR_ADR | Company address for direct addresses (empty or "unknown") | AD_ADDRNUM | CHAR |
10 | SO_DIR_EXT | Direct external address as recipient | SO_EXT_ADR | LCHR |
11 | SO_DISREG | SAPoffice: SC ID of the send process to be disregarded | SO_SC_ID | CHAR |
12 | SO_DISTRIB | This system is part of a system group | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
13 | SO_DIS_HOM | Send to home addresses of users | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
14 | SO_DIS_OFF | This SAP system is not part of a mail system group | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
15 | SO_DIS_RFC | A remote SAPoffice is active for this SAP system | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
16 | SO_DIS_RML | Forward all messages to a central mail system | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
17 | SO_DLIREC | Group recipients into distribution list | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
18 | SO_DLISIZE | Number of entries in the distribution list | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
19 | SO_DLI_DES | Description of distribution list | SO_OBJ_DES | CHAR |
20 | SO_DLI_EXP | Expand specified distribution list | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
21 | SO_DLI_FRE | Subscription list | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
22 | SO_DLI_NAM | Name of distribution list | SO_OBJ_NAM | CHAR |
23 | SO_DLI_NO | Distribution list: number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
24 | SO_DLI_SEL | SAPoffice: Selection of distribution lists | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
25 | SO_DLI_SIZ | Distribution list size (number of entries) | SO_OBJ_SIZ | NUMC |
26 | SO_DLI_TP | Distribution list type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
27 | SO_DLI_YR | Distribution list year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
28 | SO_DNAME | Distinguished name (DN) of an X.500 directory entry | SO_TEXT255 | CHAR |
29 | SO_DOCTYP | Document Class | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
30 | SO_DOCTYPE | SAPoffice: Type of file to be transferred | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
31 | SO_DOC_DES | Title of entry | SO_OBJ_DES | CHAR |
32 | SO_DOC_LA | Language in which object was created | SPRAS | LANG |
33 | SO_DOC_LEN | Length of a PC file (number of bytes) | SO_DOC_LEN | NUMC |
34 | SO_DOC_NAM | Object name | SO_OBJ_NAM | CHAR |
35 | SO_DOC_NO | Object: Number from ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
36 | SO_DOC_SIZ | Size of SAPoffice Document (for API1) | SO_DOC_SIZ | CHAR |
37 | SO_DOC_TP | Object: Object Type From ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
38 | SO_DOC_YR | Object: Year from ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
39 | SO_DO_GRP | ToDo group of the recipient | SO_NUMC001 | CHAR |
40 | SO_DPCNT | Number of departments in the list | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
41 | SO_DRK_FOL | SAPoffice: ID of an invisible folder | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
42 | SO_DSP_PBN | SAPoffice: Name of an execution parameter | SO_TEXT030 | CHAR |
43 | SO_DSP_PBV | Displayable part of table SOOP1 | SO_TEXT255 | CHAR |
44 | SO_DYNPRO | Screen which is displayed | SO_DYNPRO | CHAR |
45 | SO_DYNTEXT | Dynamic Function Texts | SO_TEXT030 | CHAR |
46 | SO_EDI_SEL | Select EDI inbound distribution | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
47 | SO_ENCL1 | Number of attachments for an object | SO_CNT1 | RAW |
48 | SO_ENCL2 | Number of objects which use this object as an enclosure | SO_CNT1 | RAW |
49 | SO_ENCODED | SAPoffice: body part was coded | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
50 | SO_ENC_CNT | Number of attachments for the object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
51 | SO_ENDLINE | SAPoffice: End line of the related body part | SO_LIN_DES | NUMC |
52 | SO_ENQ_DB | Enqueue on database level | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
53 | SO_ENQ_KEY | SAPoffice: key of a locked object | SO_TEXT072 | CHAR |
54 | SO_ENQ_OBJ | SAPoffice: name of a locked object | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
55 | SO_ENTDATE | Date of entry in table | DATUM | DATS |
56 | SO_ENTPOS | Position of first entry displayed in list | SO_POSNO | NUMC |
57 | SO_ENTRY | Distribution list entry | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
58 | SO_ENTRYID | Folder Entry ID (Obj+Fol+Forwarder Name) | SO_ENTRYID | CHAR |
59 | SO_ENTSUM | Total entries in list | SO_POSNO | NUMC |
60 | SO_ENTTIME | Time of entry in table | UZEIT | TIMS |
61 | SO_ESCAPE | Specification of recipient type | SO_ESCAPE | CHAR |
62 | SO_ESCAPE1 | SAPoffice: Short message recipient type | SO_ESCAPE | CHAR |
63 | SO_ESCAPE2 | Entry type | SO_ESCAPE2 | CHAR |
64 | SO_ESCDESC | Description of entry | SO_TEXT026 | CHAR |
65 | SO_ESC_DES | Recipient type | SO_STRI050 | CHAR |
66 | SO_ESC_FOL | Indicator for an entry | SO_ESC_FOL | CHAR |
67 | SO_ESC_FRW | Address type for forwarding | SO_ESC_FRW | CHAR |
68 | SO_ESC_USD | Indicator for an entry | SO_ESC_USD | CHAR |
69 | SO_ESC_USR | SAPoffice: Indicator for specifying a user | SO_ESC_USR | CHAR |
70 | SO_EV_EVNT | Triggering event | SO_EVENT | CHAR |
71 | SO_EV_OBJ | Triggering object | SO_OBJ_INS | CHAR |
72 | SO_EXCL_F | All users not specified are edited | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
73 | SO_EXMAX | Maximum number of express messages allowed per send | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
74 | SO_EXMAX_T | Maximum number of express messages allowed per send | SO_TEXT004 | CHAR |
75 | SO_EXPEX | Execution of express messages in new session | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
76 | SO_EXPIN | No notification of unviewed mails at logon | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
77 | SO_EXPNA | Name of exit routine for express messages | PROGNAME | CHAR |
78 | SO_EXP_DAT | SAPoffice: Expiration Date for this Folder Entry | DATUM | DATS |
79 | SO_EXP_SREQ | Also search for dependent subrequests | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
80 | SO_EXTCT | Object contents are stored externally | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
81 | SO_EXTHD | Object-specific header is stored externally | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
82 | SO_EXTOPON | Always Display Options for External Sending | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
83 | SO_EXTPAG | Sending to pager is permitted | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
84 | SO_EXTPRT | Sending to printer is permitted | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
85 | SO_EXTREC | Display external recipients only | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
86 | SO_EXTSAP | Authorization to send within SAP system group | SO_I_FLAG | CHAR |
87 | SO_EXTSMTP | Authorization to send via the Internet | SO_I_FLAG | CHAR |
88 | SO_EXTTELE | Authorization to send via telematic services | SO_I_FLAG | CHAR |
89 | SO_EXTX400 | Authorization to send via X.400 | SO_I_FLAG | CHAR |
90 | SO_EXTX500 | Authorization to access the LDAP services | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
91 | SO_EXT_REC | External transmission: transmission method code | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
92 | SO_EXT_SAP | Authorization to send within SAP system group | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
93 | SO_EXT_SEL | SAPoffice: Selection of external addresses | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
94 | SO_EXT_STP | SAPoffice: Authorization to send with Internet | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
95 | SO_EXT_TEL | SAPoffice: Authorization for telecommunications | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
96 | SO_EXT_X40 | SAPoffice: Authorization to send with X.400 | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
97 | SO_EX_ARCH | Connection to an archive | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
98 | SO_EX_FAX | Connection to fax communications component | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
99 | SO_EX_OBJ | Send to Business Objects | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
100 | SO_EX_ORG | HR Org is connected and maintained | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
101 | SO_EX_PAG | One Paging Component Is Connected | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
102 | SO_EX_SAP | The SAP system is part of a mail system group | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
103 | SO_EX_SMTP | Connection to Internet Gateway | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
104 | SO_EX_TLX | Connection to telex communications component | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
105 | SO_EX_X400 | Connection to X.400 component | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
106 | SO_EX_X500 | LDAP service connection | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
107 | SO_FACCNT | Number of ToDo objects stored in the folder | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
108 | SO_FAXFORM | SAPoffice: User layout set name for faxing | SO_FORM | CHAR |
109 | SO_FAX_NR | SAPoffice: Fax number | SO_TEXT030 | CHAR |
110 | SO_FCODE | Function code for a SAPoffice function | SO_TEXT004 | CHAR |
111 | SO_FDATFW | Date, start of first automatic forwarding | DATUM | DATS |
112 | SO_FDATSB | Date, Start of Substitution | DATUM | DATS |
113 | SO_FILEEXT | File extension for PC application | CHAR3 | CHAR |
114 | SO_FIRSTRS | SAPoffice: date of the first resubmission or send date | DATUM | DATS |
115 | SO_FIXED | Check-in/check-out flag | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
116 | SO_FLAG | Search of private or shared folders | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
117 | SO_FLCNT | Number of folders where object is still stored | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
118 | SO_FOLAD | Substitute can access cost-center-wide folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
119 | SO_FOLASDN | Name of folder in which document is saved after sending | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
120 | SO_FOLASDT | Title of folder for saving document after sending | SO_TEXT036 | CHAR |
121 | SO_FOLCC | Substitute can access company-code-wide folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
122 | SO_FOLCL | Substitute can access client-wide folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
123 | SO_FOLCRDN | Folder in which document is saved after creation | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
124 | SO_FOLCRDT | Title of folder in which document is saved after creation | SO_TEXT036 | CHAR |
125 | SO_FOLDP | Substitute can access department-wide folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
126 | SO_FOLGR | Substitute can access group folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
127 | SO_FOLLIN | Name of folder for document reference after sending | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
128 | SO_FOLLIT | Title of folder for document reference after sending | SO_TEXT050 | CHAR |
129 | SO_FOLMOVE | Move to / delete from folder | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
130 | SO_FOLPL | Substitute can access plant-wide folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
131 | SO_FOLRGTP | Folder area | SO_TEXT020 | CHAR |
132 | SO_FOLSORT | Setting for sorting folders subscribed to | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
133 | SO_FOL_ABO | SAPoffice: Folders subscribed to | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
134 | SO_FOL_ALL | Function is executed for all folders | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
135 | SO_FOL_AUT | Access authorization for shared folder (default setting) | SO_FOL_CL | CHAR |
136 | SO_FOL_DES | Folder title | SO_OBJ_DES | CHAR |
137 | SO_FOL_ENT | Number of folders in this folder | SO_OBJ_SIZ | NUMC |
138 | SO_FOL_NAM | Folder name | SO_OBJ_NAM | CHAR |
139 | SO_FOL_NO | Object folder: Number from ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
140 | SO_FOL_RG | Folder: Area (private, shared folders) | SO_FOL_RG | CHAR |
141 | SO_FOL_SEC | Folder area (private, client, group, ...) | SO_FOL_SEC | CHAR |
142 | SO_FOL_SEL | Function is executed for selected folders | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
143 | SO_FOL_SIZ | Number of documents stored in this folder | SO_OBJ_SIZ | NUMC |
144 | SO_FOL_TP | Object folder: Object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
145 | SO_FOL_TXT | Text: Move to / delete from folder | SO_STRI030 | CHAR |
146 | SO_FOL_TY | SAPoffice: Folder type | SO_FOL_TY | CHAR |
147 | SO_FOL_VW | SAPoffice foreground/background processing | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
148 | SO_FOL_YR | Object folder: Year from ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
149 | SO_FORADR | User who Forwarded the Document | SO_ADRNAM | CHAR |
150 | SO_FORFB | You cannot forward this message | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
151 | SO_FORMLAN | Fax layout set language | SYLANGU | LANG |
152 | SO_FORM_F | SAPoffice: User-defined fax layout set | SO_FORM | CHAR |
153 | SO_FORM_S | SAPoffice: User-defined SCR object layout set | SO_FORM | CHAR |
154 | SO_FORWADR | Recipient of automatic forwarding | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
155 | SO_FORWALL | All documents will be forwarded | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
156 | SO_FORWARD | SAPoffice: forwarder of the object to be sent | SO_ADDRESS | CHAR |
157 | SO_FORWNAM | User name to which documents are forwarded | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
158 | SO_FOR_ID | ID of the last forwarder | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
159 | SO_FOR_NAM | Name of forwarder | USERNAME | CHAR |
160 | SO_FOR_NO | Forwarder: number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
161 | SO_FOR_TP | Forwarder: Object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
162 | SO_FOR_YR | Forwarder: year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
163 | SO_FPT_NO | Forward pointer correspondence: Number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
164 | SO_FPT_TP | Forward pointer for correspondence: Object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
165 | SO_FPT_YR | Forward pointer correspondence: year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
166 | SO_FRDCNT | Number of objects to be read | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
167 | SO_FRG_NAM | Name of the folder area (client, plant, etc.). | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
168 | SO_FROUT | Object is to be forwarded outside of SAPoffice | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
169 | SO_FRPCNT | Number of objects to be answered | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
170 | SO_FSOCHNG | Flag for change to setting for folders subscribed to | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
171 | SO_FTDCNT | Number of objects to be processed | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
172 | SO_FW_FNAM | Full name of the last forwarder | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
173 | SO_FX_CO | SAPoffice: private recipient name | TEXT35 | CHAR |
174 | SO_FX_COV | Cover sheet and text on one page | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
175 | SO_FX_DATE | SAPoffice: Date received | DATUM | DATS |
176 | SO_FX_DEPM | SAPoffice: Department of fax or telex recipient | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
177 | SO_FX_FILE | SAPoffice: File and path name for fax file on NFS | SADC70 | CHAR |
178 | SO_FX_ITYP | SAPoffice: Information type | CHAR8 | CHAR |
179 | SO_FX_IVAL | SAPoffice: Information value | CHAR60 | CHAR |
180 | SO_FX_LDES | Description of the country key of the fax number | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
181 | SO_FX_NAM1 | SAPoffice: Name 1 of fax or telex recipient | NAME | CHAR |
182 | SO_FX_NAM2 | SAPoffice: name 2 of fax recipient | NAME | CHAR |
183 | SO_FX_NUMB | SAPoffice: Fax number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
184 | SO_FX_ORID | SAPoffice: Sender ID | CHAR20 | CHAR |
185 | SO_FX_PAGN | SAPoffice: Number of pages | CHAR4 | CHAR |
186 | SO_FX_PBOX | SAPoffice: P.O. box of fax recipient | PFACH | CHAR |
187 | SO_FX_REC | SAPoffice: Recipient name/name of the distribution list | USERNAME | CHAR |
188 | SO_FX_RESC | SAPoffice: Recipient type | SO_FX_RESC | CHAR |
189 | SO_FX_SANR | Title of fax sender | SO_STRI012 | CHAR |
190 | SO_FX_SATE | SAPoffice: Country code for sending a fax/telex | LAND1 | CHAR |
191 | SO_FX_SCFX | Fax number of the fax sender's company | TELEX | CHAR |
192 | SO_FX_SCO2 | Second part of the company name of the fax sender | NAME | CHAR |
193 | SO_FX_SCOM | Name of fax sender's company | NAME | CHAR |
194 | SO_FX_SCTL | Telephone number of fax sender's company | TELEX | CHAR |
195 | SO_FX_SDAT | SAPoffice: Transmission date of fax/telex | DATUM | DATS |
196 | SO_FX_SDEP | SAPoffice: department of sender | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
197 | SO_FX_SERV | SAPoffice: Server ID | CHAR10 | CHAR |
198 | SO_FX_SFAX | SAPoffice: fax number of sender (extension only) | TEXT16 | CHAR |
199 | SO_FX_SIMM | SAPoffice: Fax/telex to be sent immediately | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
200 | SO_FX_SNAM | SAPoffice: name of fax sender | NAME | CHAR |
201 | SO_FX_SNIT | SAPoffice: Fax/telex is sent at night | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
202 | SO_FX_SORT | SAPoffice: Sort field for fax distribution table (key) | CHAR4 | CHAR |
203 | SO_FX_SPST | Postal code of fax sender | PFACH | CHAR |
204 | SO_FX_SSTR | Street of fax sender | TEXT35 | CHAR |
205 | SO_FX_STEL | SAPoffice: Telephone extension of sender | TEXT16 | CHAR |
206 | SO_FX_STIM | SAPoffice: Time fax/telex should be sent | UZEIT | TIMS |
207 | SO_FX_STIT | Title of fax sender's company | SO_STRI012 | CHAR |
208 | SO_FX_STR | SAPoffice: Street of fax or telex recipient | TEXT35 | CHAR |
209 | SO_FX_STWN | City of fax sender | TEXT35 | CHAR |
210 | SO_FX_TIME | SAPoffice: Time received | UZEIT | TIMS |
211 | SO_FX_TOWN | SAPoffice: City of fax or telex recipient | TEXT35 | CHAR |
212 | SO_FX_TYPE | SAPoffice: Fax type | CHAR10 | CHAR |
213 | SO_F_HIST | SAPoffice: correspondence, flag for SOMT | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
214 | SO_GENOPOF | Hide General Send Options | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
215 | SO_GFCNT | Number of group folders created by a user | SO_CNT1 | RAW |
216 | SO_GFCNT_T | Number of group folders created by a user | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
217 | SO_GFMAX | Max. number of group folders which a user can create | SO_CNT1 | RAW |
218 | SO_GFMAX_T | Max. number of group folders which a user can create | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
219 | SO_GHRAWDO | Display of document header in continuos-text editor | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
220 | SO_GH_CHNG | Flag for general header when creating RAW documents | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
221 | SO_GLMAX | Maximum size of the access lists of a user | SO_CNT1 | RAW |
222 | SO_GLMAX_T | Maximum size of the access lists of a user | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
223 | SO_GROUP_F | Change authorization for creating client folders | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
224 | SO_GWHOST | Gateway host for incoming Internet mail | SO_STRI080 | CHAR |
225 | SO_GWSERV | Gateway service for incoming Internet mail | SO_STRI012 | CHAR |
226 | SO_HABUFCL | Time Stamp for Invalidating Home Address Buffer | SYTSTP | NUMC |
227 | SO_HASH | Send externally: hash string for hash table (inverse table) | SO_TEXT241 | CHAR |
228 | SO_HASH_CT | Send externally: counter for entries with same hash string | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
229 | SO_HD_NUM | Number of lines of an object header in object packet | SO_PCKLINE | NUMC |
230 | SO_HD_STRT | Start line of object header in transport packet | SO_PCKLINE | NUMC |
231 | SO_HEAD_IN | SAPoffice: Include message header | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
232 | SO_HEAD_ON | SAPoffice: Print message header | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
233 | SO_HEX001 | Bit-map length 1 | SO_HEX001 | RAW |
234 | SO_HOCNT | Number of documents which should not be archived | SO_CNT1 | RAW |
235 | SO_HOCNT_T | Number of documents which should not be archived | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
236 | SO_HOLDO | The object has status HOLD | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
237 | SO_HOMAX | Max. no. of documents a user can protect from archiving | SO_CNT1 | RAW |
238 | SO_HOMAX_T | Max. no. of documents a user can protect from archiving | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
239 | SO_HOMEADR | User's Home Address (Internal Users Only) | CHAR001 | CHAR |
240 | SO_HOST | Host name for incoming Internet mail | SO_STRI080 | CHAR |
241 | SO_HYP_NO | Hypertext pointer: number | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
242 | SO_HYP_TP | Hypertext pointer: Object type | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
243 | SO_HYP_YR | Hypertext pointer: year | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
244 | SO_IAE | Inbox/resubmission: Reply required | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
245 | SO_IDOC_F | Flag for changing default document specification | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
246 | SO_ID_TYPE | Send Externally: ID: Received or Sent | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
247 | SO_IEU | ToDo status | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
248 | SO_IEX | Inbox/resubmission: Express | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
249 | SO_IGK | Inbox/resubmission: Blind copy | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
250 | SO_IGL | Inbox/resubmission: Viewed | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
251 | SO_IGLV | Inbox: Viewed | ICON | CHAR |
252 | SO_IKP | Inbox/resubmission: Copy | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
253 | SO_IMAPUID | ID used by the IMAP server | SO_IMAPUID | NUMC |
254 | SO_IMPORT | SAPoffice: priority of the object to be sent | SO_OBJ_PRI | CHAR |
255 | SO_INB_FOL | SAPoffice: ID of the inbox folder | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
256 | SO_INCL_F | All specified users are being processed | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
257 | SO_INDEX | Index folder and documents contained in it | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
258 | SO_INFOL | Inbox | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
259 | SO_INITNO | SAPoffice: Number from ID of last default document | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
260 | SO_INITTP | SAPoffice: Type from ID of last default document | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
261 | SO_INITYR | SAPoffice: Year from ID of last default document | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
262 | SO_INMAX | Maximum number of documents allowed in the inbox | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
263 | SO_INMAX_T | Maximum number of documents allowed in the inbox | SO_TEXT004 | CHAR |
264 | SO_INT | SAPoffice: Type I | SO_INT | INT4 |
265 | SO_INTSND | Authorization for internal transmission | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
266 | SO_INT_LEV | Integration level for objects (partially) stored externally | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
267 | SO_IN_DEX | SAPoffice: Indexing on/off | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
268 | SO_IN_OUT | Displays the direction in a correspondence | SO_TEXT050 | CHAR |
269 | SO_IPR | Inbox/resubmission: Priority of document | SO_OBJ_PRI | CHAR |
270 | SO_IVM | Inbox/resubmission: Process object | SO_IN_EX | CHAR |
271 | SO_IWV | Inbox: Resubmission (flag) | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
272 | SO_JOBCNT | ID number of send process | CHAR8 | CHAR |
273 | SO_JOBNAME | Name of Send Process | CHAR32 | CHAR |
274 | SO_KEYFLD | SAPoffice: Name of key field in address table | SO_FELDNAM | CHAR |
275 | SO_KLASSE | Addresses: class assigned to an address | KLASSE | CHAR |
276 | SO_KOR_ADR | Address name of the correspondent | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
277 | SO_KOR_NAM | Name of the correspondent | USERNAME | CHAR |
278 | SO_LADAT | Date of last access | DATUM | DATS |
279 | SO_LAND | Addresses: X.400 country key | LAND1 | CHAR |
280 | SO_LEAVE | Flag to exit screen | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
281 | SO_LEVEL | Folder hierarchy level | SO_NUMC004 | CHAR |
282 | SO_LEV_NUM | Sequence within a folder hierarchy level | SO_NUMC004 | CHAR |
283 | SO_LFDNR | Addresses: Sequence number | SO_TEXT003 | CHAR |
284 | SO_LFD_NR | Addresses: Sequence Number of Address | LFDNR | CHAR |
285 | SO_LG_NAM | Long name of address to be displayed on screen | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
286 | SO_LIFSP | Retention period of documents in folder | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
287 | SO_LINKDN | Folder in which reference appears after document is created | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
288 | SO_LINKDT | Title of folder for reference when document is created | SO_TEXT036 | CHAR |
289 | SO_LISTCNT | Number of list entries for substitution or autom. forwarding | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
290 | SO_LOCK | File blocked at file server by application | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
291 | SO_LST_DAT | Date on which object was last sent | DATUM | DATS |
292 | SO_LST_ENT | Search distribution lists with this entry | SO_ADRNAM | CHAR |
293 | SO_LST_PRV | Selection criterion for private distribution lists | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
294 | SO_LST_PUB | Search of private or shared distribution lists | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
295 | SO_LST_SUB | Selection criterion for subscription lists | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
296 | SO_LST_TIM | Time at which object was last sent | UZEIT | TIMS |
297 | SO_MAILCMD | Path name with parameters of Sendmail program | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
298 | SO_MAILDES | Status for which user requires notification | SO_STRI030 | CHAR |
299 | SO_MAX_LEN | Query PC documents from this size | SO_DOC_LEN | NUMC |
300 | SO_MC_NAME | SAPoffice: Name of matchcode used for the search | CHAR5 | CHAR |
301 | SO_MEMADR | Dirct address | SOEXTADRI1 | CHAR |
302 | SO_MEMID | Memory ID for executing with memory | SO_TEXT030 | CHAR |
303 | SO_MEM_ID | ID of an entry in the distribution list | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
304 | SO_MEM_NAM | Entry in distribution list: Name | SO_OBJ_NAM | CHAR |
305 | SO_MEM_NO | Object in distribution list: number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
306 | SO_MEM_TP | Object in distribution list: Object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
307 | SO_MEM_YR | Object in distribution list: year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
308 | SO_MESID | SAPoffice: ID of the object to be sent | SO_TEXT128 | CHAR |
309 | SO_MESS_TP | Type of message | CHAR4 | CHAR |
310 | SO_MESTIT | SAPoffice: description of the object to be sent | SO_TEXT128 | CHAR |
311 | SO_MFNAME | SAPoffice: Name of table for address search | CHAR10 | CHAR |
312 | SO_MLSTAT | Status of external send in which a mail was sent | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
313 | SO_MOD_DES | Changeability of document | SO_MOD_DES | CHAR |
314 | SO_MSGTP | Type of send request (message or status) | SO_MSGTP | CHAR |
315 | SO_NAME | Recipient address | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
316 | SO_NAME1 | SAPoffice: Address name | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
317 | SO_NAME_FW | Name of forwarder | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
318 | SO_NAME_SD | Name of sender | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
319 | SO_NATIO | SAPoffice: international code for character set | NATION | CHAR |
320 | SO_NDRSND | Direct external sending is not allowed in this system | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
321 | SO_NEWSTAT | New status to be set | CHAR12 | CHAR |
322 | SO_NEW_FAX | SAPoffice: Create new fax number | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
323 | SO_NEW_INT | SAPoffice: Create new Internet address | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
324 | SO_NEW_RML | SAPoffice: Create new RML address | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
325 | SO_NEW_TEL | SAPoffice: Create new telephone number | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
326 | SO_NEW_X40 | Selection option: Edit new X.400 address | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
327 | SO_NEXCNT | QUOTA: Number of documents that no longer exist | SO_INT4 | INT4 |
328 | SO_NEXTSND | Sending to an external address recipient type not allowed | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
329 | SO_NF_DELI | Acknowledgment of receipt expected | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
330 | SO_NINTSND | Send internally not allowed in this system | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
331 | SO_NOAREX | Flag for change "Automatic reply not..." | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
332 | SO_NOARSDE | Send automatic reply externally | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
333 | SO_NOENTRY | Document class not allowed in this SAP system | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
334 | SO_NOEXEC | Document class cannot be executed in this SAP system | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
335 | SO_NOEXTRE | Do not display external recipients (for docs received ext.) | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
336 | SO_NOTDELI | Acknowledgment of receipt expected | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
337 | SO_NOTES | Flag for an attachment | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
338 | SO_NOTE_IN | Print note | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
339 | SO_NOTIF | Type of confirmation | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
340 | SO_NOTREAD | Pattern passed only applies to unviewed documents | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
341 | SO_NOTREC | Read acknowledgment expected | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
342 | SO_NOTTP_F | Change default document class | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
343 | SO_NOT_DEL | SAPoffice: Is a delivery confirmation required? | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
344 | SO_NOT_NO | Object note: number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
345 | SO_NOT_NUM | Number of note lines for this recipient | SO_PCKLINE | NUMC |
346 | SO_NOT_REC | SAPoffice: Is a receipt confirmation required? | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
347 | SO_NOT_TP | Default setting of document class | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
348 | SO_NOT_YR | Object note: year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
349 | SO_NO_ADR | No search in address management | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
350 | SO_NO_DIR | No search in the direct addresses | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
351 | SO_NO_NEW | SAPoffice: number of the object created | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
352 | SO_NO_TOM | Generic document class (for example, for PC documents) | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
353 | SO_NRTFEDT | Continuos-text editor for SAP editor documents | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
354 | SO_NT_LINE | Notes editor | EDPLINE | CHAR |
355 | SO_NT_STRT | Initial line of the note text for this recipient | SO_PCKLINE | NUMC |
356 | SO_NUMBER | SAPoffice: numbers in the screen | SO_NUMBER | NUMC |
357 | SO_NUMCOM | Addresses: several entries for this communication method | SO_NUMCOM | CHAR |
358 | SO_NUMFW | Number of defined/relevant forwardings | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
359 | SO_NUMOFF | SAPoffice: Number of recipients allowed for internal transm. | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
360 | SO_NUMRS | Number of resubmissions for a document | SO_COUNT1 | NUMC |
361 | SO_NUMSAP | SAPoffice: Number of remote SAP recipients allowed | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
362 | SO_NUMSB | Number of defined/relevant substitutions | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
363 | SO_NUMSMTP | SAPoffice: Number of Internet recipients allowed | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
364 | SO_NUMTELE | SAPoffice: Number of recipients with telecommunications | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
365 | SO_NUMX400 | SAPoffice: Number of X.400 recipients allowed | SO_NUMC005 | CHAR |
366 | SO_NUM_DES | SAPoffice: number ID | CHAR50 | CHAR |
367 | SO_NUM_FI | SAPoffice: Sequence number for search table SOFIND | SO_NUM3 | NUMC |
368 | SO_NVW_CNT | SAPoffice: Number of unread documents (shared folders) | SO_INT | INT4 |
369 | SO_OAE | Outbox: Reply required | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
370 | SO_OAS | Outbox: Reply sent | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
371 | SO_OBJAA | Display object types in ascending or descending order | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
372 | SO_OBJA_CC | Substitute can access company confidential objects | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
373 | SO_OBJA_CO | Substitute can access confidential objects | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
374 | SO_OBJA_FC | Substitute can access functional objects | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
375 | SO_OBJA_PE | Substitute can access private objects | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
376 | SO_OBJA_PR | Substitute can access private objects | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
377 | SO_OBJCNT | Number of main documents | SO_INT4 | INT4 |
378 | SO_OBJIE | Display all object types or selection | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
379 | SO_OBJLEN | Document size | SO_INT4 | INT4 |
380 | SO_OBJPN | Display selected or unselected object types | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
381 | SO_OBJ_AC | The recipient must take action | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
382 | SO_OBJ_APP | Application object | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
383 | SO_OBJ_ATT | Document has attachments | ICON | CHAR |
384 | SO_OBJ_AUT | Authorizations of a user for an object | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
385 | SO_OBJ_CC | This is a company confidential object | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
386 | SO_OBJ_CO | Sensitivity: Standard | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
387 | SO_OBJ_CP | Document cannot be changed | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
388 | SO_OBJ_DES | Short description of contents | SO_OBJ_DES | CHAR |
389 | SO_OBJ_EDT | Expiration date of object | DATUM | DATS |
390 | SO_OBJ_ENC | Object: coded | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
391 | SO_OBJ_FC | Sensitivity: Functional | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
392 | SO_OBJ_FIL | Object from SAPfile | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
393 | SO_OBJ_ID | SAPoffice: ID of a SAPoffice object | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
394 | SO_OBJ_KEY | Key of an SAP object | SO_OBJ_KEY | CHAR |
395 | SO_OBJ_LA | Language in Which Document Is Created | SPRAS | LANG |
396 | SO_OBJ_LEN | Size of Document Content | SO_OBJ_LEN | CHAR |
397 | SO_OBJ_MTH | Method of an SAP object | SO_TEXT030 | CHAR |
398 | SO_OBJ_NAM | Name of document, folder or distribution list | SO_OBJ_NAM | CHAR |
399 | SO_OBJ_NO | Object: Number from ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
400 | SO_OBJ_PR | Sensitivity: Confidential | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
401 | SO_OBJ_PR1 | SAPoffice: Short message data element for private object | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
402 | SO_OBJ_PRI | Document priority | SO_OBJ_PRI | CHAR |
403 | SO_OBJ_RD | Object has already been viewed | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
404 | SO_OBJ_RN | A reply cannot be sent to the object | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
405 | SO_OBJ_RR | A reply must be sent for this object | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
406 | SO_OBJ_RS | The reply to this object has already been sent | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
407 | SO_OBJ_SEL | SAPoffice: Choose SAP object instances | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
408 | SO_OBJ_SND | Object has already been sent | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
409 | SO_OBJ_SNS | Object: Sensitivity (private, functional, ...) | SO_OBJ_SNS | CHAR |
410 | SO_OBJ_SRT | Sort field | SO_OBJ_SRT | CHAR |
411 | SO_OBJ_TP | Code for document class | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
412 | SO_OBJ_TYP | SAPoffice: Object type for number range object | SO_OBJ_TYP | CHAR |
413 | SO_OBJ_YR | Object: Year from ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
414 | SO_OCS_NAM | Name of the SAPoffice user in OCS | TEXT10 | CHAR |
415 | SO_OEE | Outbox: ToDo | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
416 | SO_OER | Outbox: Done | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
417 | SO_OEU | Outbox: Check action (field) | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
418 | SO_OEX | Outbox: Express (flag) | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
419 | SO_OFFICE | Internal call from SAPoffice | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
420 | SO_OFFSET | Offset entry | SO_NUMBER | NUMC |
421 | SO_OFO | Folder only contains objects | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
422 | SO_OGK | Outbox: Blind copy (flag) | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
423 | SO_OGL | Outbox: Viewed | SO_TEXT004 | CHAR |
424 | SO_OIB | Outbox: In process | SO_TEXT002 | CHAR |
425 | SO_OKP | Outbox: Copy (flag) | SO_TEXT003 | CHAR |
426 | SO_OPR | Outbox: Priority (field) | SO_FLAN | CHAR |
427 | SO_ORG_SEL | Choose organizational units | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
428 | SO_ORIGIN | SAPoffice: owner of the object to be sent | SO_ADDRESS | CHAR |
429 | SO_OUFOL | Outbox | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
430 | SO_OUTBOX | Flag: Save in outbox after sending | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
431 | SO_OUTFL | Documents are copied to the outbox when sent | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
432 | SO_OUTFL_F | Change value for storing documents when sending | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
433 | SO_OUT_EXP | Expiration time for documents in outbox | SO_NUM3 | NUMC |
434 | SO_OUT_FOL | SAPoffice: ID of Outbox Folder | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
435 | SO_OWN_ADR | Address name of the owner | SO_ADRNAM | CHAR |
436 | SO_OWN_FNA | Full name of the owner | SO_STRI035 | CHAR |
437 | SO_OWN_ID | ID of the owner of the document | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
438 | SO_OWN_NAM | Name of document owner | USERNAME | CHAR |
439 | SO_OWN_NO | Owner number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
440 | SO_OWN_TP | Owner type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
441 | SO_OWN_YR | Owner year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
442 | SO_PAENC | No.of archived objects f. which this object is an attachment | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
443 | SO_PAFOL | Number of folders, in which object is stored and archived | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
444 | SO_PAHYP | Number of archived hyperlinks to this object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
445 | SO_PAMBO | Number of archived MBO objects which contain this object | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
446 | SO_PANOT | Number of archived objects in which this object is a note | SO_CNT2 | RAW |
447 | SO_PARFUNC | SAPoffice: Parameter function | CHAR3 | CHAR |
448 | SO_PARNAME | SAPoffice: Parameter name | SO_PARNAME | CHAR |
449 | SO_PARTEXT | SAPoffice: Parameter description | SO_TEXT036 | CHAR |
450 | SO_PARTYPE | SAPoffice: Parameter type | SO_PARTYPE | CHAR |
451 | SO_PAR_FOL | ID of the parent folder of this folder | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
452 | SO_PAR_NO | Parent object number from the ID | SO_OBJ_NO | CHAR |
453 | SO_PAR_TP | Parent object type from ID | SO_OBJ_TP | CHAR |
454 | SO_PAR_YR | Parent object year from the ID | SO_OBJ_YR | CHAR |
455 | SO_PASS | Password for Unix mail administrator | CHAR8 | CHAR |
456 | SO_PASSW | Password | SO_TEXT012 | CHAR |
457 | SO_PA_FR01 | Indicator: Select Option/Parameters | CHAR01 | CHAR |
458 | SO_PCK_IDX | SAPoffice: Index in packing list | SYST_LONG | INT4 |
459 | SO_PCOLE | Start PC application in SAP window | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
460 | SO_PCTRL | SAPoffice: object can be deleted in external inbox | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
461 | SO_PC_DES | Name of PC document | SO_TXT40 | CHAR |
462 | SO_PERMA | SAPoffice: Object is displayed independent of selection date | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
463 | SO_PERSREC | Select private recipients only | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
464 | SO_PFLCL | Private folder class | SO_FOL_CL | CHAR |
465 | SO_PFOCHNG | Do not move documents to additional folders when sending | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
466 | SO_PLCNT | Number of plants in the list | SO_NUM5 | NUMC |
467 | SO_PNAME | SAPoffice: name of the parameter value | SO_TEXT030 | CHAR |
468 | SO_PPCHNG | Flag for change to preassigned printer setting | SO_TEXT001 | CHAR |
469 | SO_PRFOL | Private folders | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
470 | SO_PRGPATH | SAPoffice: Path for a PC application | LOCALFILE | CHAR |
471 | SO_PRIFB | Object cannot be printed | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
472 | SO_PRIORI | SAPoffice: send priority of the object (bundled) | SO_OBJ_PRI | CHAR |
473 | SO_PRI_DES | Recipient Priority | SO_PRI_DES | CHAR |
474 | SO_PROCMAN | SAPoffice: Client in which a document is executed | MANDT | CLNT |
475 | SO_PROCSYS | SAPoffice: System in which a document can be executed | SO_PROCSYS | CHAR |
476 | SO_PROC_CL | Client in Which Document is Processed | MANDT | CLNT |
477 | SO_PROC_SY | System in Which Document is Processed | SO_SYSID | CHAR |
478 | SO_PROT1 | Substitute can access class 1 folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
479 | SO_PROT2 | Substitute can access class 2 folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
480 | SO_PROT3 | Substitute can access class 3 folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
481 | SO_PROT4 | Substitute can access class 4 folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
482 | SO_PROT5 | Substitute can access class 5 folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
483 | SO_PROT6 | Substitute can access class 6 folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
484 | SO_PROT7 | Substitute can access class 7 folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
485 | SO_PROT8 | Substitute can access class 8 folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
486 | SO_PROT9 | Substitute can access class 9 folders | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
487 | SO_PROTECT | SAPoffice: object is protected against changes | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
488 | SO_PROTI | Substitute can access the inbox | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
489 | SO_PROTIO | Substitute can access the inbox and outbox | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
490 | SO_PROTO | Substitute can access the outbox | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
491 | SO_PROXY | Substitute | SO_STRI241 | CHAR |
492 | SO_PRPANDH | Default settings for printing of document header | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
493 | SO_PRPARCH | Default settings for calling print parameters | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
494 | SO_PRPARNP | Default settings for printing of notes | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
495 | SO_PRPARRL | Default settings for printing of recipient list | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
496 | SO_PRTCT | Document title modifiable | SO_FLAG | CHAR |
497 | SO_PRVDL | Substitute can access private distribution lists | SO_OBJ_AUT | CHAR |
498 | SO_PRV_DOM | Addresses: X.400 private domain | SO_TEXT016 | CHAR |
499 | SO_PRV_FOL | SAPoffice: ID of the highest private folder | SO_OBJ_ID | CHAR |
500 | SO_PSTHR | Functional documents are forwarded | SO_FLAG | CHAR |