SAP ABAP Data Element - Index S, page 34
- S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 S-18 S-19 S-20 S-21 S-22 S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 S-27 S-28 S-29 S-30 S-31 S-32 S-33 S-34 S-35 S-36 S-37 S-38 S-39 S-40 S-41 S-42 S-43 S-44 S-45 S-46 S-47 S-48 S-49 S-50 S-51 S-52 S-53 S-54 S-55 S-56 S-57 S-58 S-59 S-60 S-61 S-62 S-63 S-64 S-65 S-66 S-67 S-68 S-69 S-70 S-71 S-72 S-73 S-74 S-75 S-76 S-77 S-78 S-79 S-80 S-81 S-82 S-83
Data Element - S
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | SMO3IMRC_7 | Code group - measurement reading valuation code | SMO3QCODE1 | CHAR |
2 | SMO3IMRC_8 | Number of decimal places for number display | SMO3IMRC_ | INT2 |
3 | SMO3IMRC_9 | Deletion flag for 1-level deletion logic | SMO3IMRC_1 | CHAR |
4 | SMO3IM_PR | Investment measure profile | SMO3IM_PR | CHAR |
5 | SMO3INBDT | First start-up date | DATUM | DATS |
6 | SMO3INCO1 | Incoterms (part 1) | SMO3INCO1 | CHAR |
7 | SMO3INCO2 | Incoterms (part 2) | SMO3INCO2 | CHAR |
8 | SMO3INCPO | Increment of item number in the SD document | NUM6 | NUMC |
9 | SMO3INDLT | Object long text indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
10 | SMO3INFLS | Read customer-material info record ? | XFELD | CHAR |
11 | SMO3INFNR | Number of purchasing info record | SMO3INFNR | CHAR |
13 | SMO3INNAM | Name of the Maintenance Planner Group | TEXT18 | CHAR |
14 | SMO3INSKZ | Instance indicator | X | CHAR |
15 | SMO3INSME | Stock in quality inspection | SMO3MENG1 | QUAN |
16 | SMO3INTCN | Intrastat code | NUM03 | NUMC |
17 | SMO3INTEL | Maintenance Planner Group Telephone Number | CHAR12 | CHAR |
18 | SMO3INTKL | Internal class type | XFELD | CHAR |
19 | SMO3INTRM | Intra material | SMO3MATNR | CHAR |
20 | SMO3INTSF | Highlighted | SMO3INTSF | CHAR |
21 | SMO3INVER | Inverse | SMO3INVER | CHAR |
22 | SMO3ISDD | Actual start: Execution (date) | DATUM | DATS |
23 | SMO3ISDZ | Actual start: Execution/setup (time) | SMO3ATIME | TIMS |
24 | SMO3ISERH | Confirmed break time | SMO3VGWRT | QUAN |
25 | SMO3ISMNW | Actual work | SMO3ARBEI | QUAN |
26 | SMO3ISPLI | Actual number of splits | SMO3SPLIT | DEC |
27 | SMO3ISTAD | Actual start / date | DATUM | DATS |
28 | SMO3ISTAU | Actual start / time | T | TIMS |
29 | SMO3ISTRU | Assembly | SMO3MATNR | CHAR |
30 | SMO3IUPDT | Date on which the object was last changed | DATUM | DATS |
31 | SMO3IUPNA | Name of the user who last changed the object | USNAM | CHAR |
32 | SMO3IWERK | Maintenance Planning Plant | SMO3WERKS | CHAR |
33 | SMO3IZUST | Initial status of a new batch | SMO3IZUST | CHAR |
34 | SMO3I_COU | Counter for differentiation 6-digit | NUM6 | NUMC |
35 | SMO3I_INF | Parameter ID object info | SMO3I_INF | CHAR |
36 | SMO3I_PAR | Partner | SMO3I_PAR | CHAR |
37 | SMO3JMJAH | Year for which the number of employees is given | SMO3JAHR | NUMC |
38 | SMO3JMZAH | Number of employees for the year | SMO3JMZAH | NUMC |
39 | SMO3JV_AC | Indicator: JVA active | XFELD | CHAR |
40 | SMO3JV_PA | Partner account number | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
41 | SMO3J_1AG | Goods issue revaluation performed | SMO3J_1AG | CHAR |
42 | SMO3J_ANU | Maximum number of user statuses | NUMC3 | NUMC |
43 | SMO3J_DYN | No. of include screens | DYNPRONR | NUMC |
44 | SMO3J_NOS | Flag: No status profile | XFELD | CHAR |
45 | SMO3J_OBJ | Object number | SMO3J_OBJ | CHAR |
46 | SMO3J_OBT | Object type | SMO3J_OBT | CHAR |
47 | SMO3J_PRO | Module pool for Include screen | PROGRAM_ID | CHAR |
48 | SMO3J_SNU | Maximum number of system statuses | NUMC3 | NUMC |
49 | SMO3J_STS | Status profile | SMO3J_STS | CHAR |
50 | SMO3J_SVE | Flag: External status management | XFELD | CHAR |
51 | SMO3KABSS | Customer payment guarantee procedure | SMO3KABSS | CHAR |
52 | SMO3KAEND | Condition rate of change for amount/percentage | XFELD | CHAR |
53 | SMO3KAEND1 | Delete the scope for changing rate | XFELD | CHAR |
54 | SMO3KAEND2 | Condition scope of change for unit of measure | XFELD | CHAR |
55 | SMO3KAEND3 | Calculation type can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
56 | SMO3KAEND4 | Scope for changing conversion factors | XFELD | CHAR |
57 | SMO3KAEND5 | Scope for changing the value | XFELD | CHAR |
58 | SMO3KALAU | Procedure for material exclusion | SMO3KALSM | CHAR |
59 | SMO3KALKS | Pricing procedure assigned to this customer | SMO3KALKS | CHAR |
60 | SMO3KALLI | Procedure for material listing | SMO3KALSM | CHAR |
61 | SMO3KALSM | Pricing procedure for sales and distribution | SMO3KALSM | CHAR |
62 | SMO3KALSM1 | Output determination procedure | SMO3KALSM | CHAR |
63 | SMO3KALSM2 | Procedure for item output | SMO3KALSM | CHAR |
64 | SMO3KALSM3 | Procedure (pricing, output control, acct. det., costing,...) | SMO3KALSM | CHAR |
65 | SMO3KALSU | Procedure for material determination | SMO3KALSM | CHAR |
66 | SMO3KALVG | Document procedure (for determining pricing procedure) | SMO3KALVG | CHAR |
67 | SMO3KAPAO | Production work center reserved by plant maintenance | KREUZ | CHAR |
68 | SMO3KAPA_ | Indicator: Determine capacity requirements | FLAG | CHAR |
69 | SMO3KAPID | Capacity ID | SMO3KAPID | NUMC |
70 | SMO3KAPPL | Application | SMO3KAPPL | CHAR |
71 | SMO3KAPPL3 | Application | SMO3KAPPL3 | CHAR |
72 | SMO3KARTV | Proposed condition type for fast entry | SMO3KSCHL | CHAR |
73 | SMO3KATR1 | Attribute 1 | SMO3ATTR1 | CHAR |
74 | SMO3KATR11 | Attribute 10 | SMO3ATTR11 | CHAR |
75 | SMO3KATR2 | Attribute 2 | SMO3ATTR2 | CHAR |
76 | SMO3KATR3 | Attribute 3 | SMO3ATTR3 | CHAR |
77 | SMO3KATR4 | Attribute 4 | SMO3ATTR4 | CHAR |
78 | SMO3KATR5 | Attribute 5 | SMO3ATTR5 | CHAR |
79 | SMO3KATR6 | Attribute 6 | SMO3ATTR6 | CHAR |
80 | SMO3KATR7 | Attribute 7 | SMO3ATTR7 | CHAR |
81 | SMO3KATR8 | Attribute 8 | SMO3ATTR8 | CHAR |
82 | SMO3KATR9 | Attribute 9 | SMO3ATTR9 | CHAR |
83 | SMO3KAUGR | Condition exclusion group | SMO3KAUGR | CHAR |
84 | SMO3KAUGR1 | Condition exclusion group1 | SMO3KAUGR | CHAR |
85 | SMO3KAUGR2 | Condition exclusion group 2 | SMO3KAUGR | CHAR |
86 | SMO3KAULF | Sequential number for condition exclusion | NUM3 | NUMC |
87 | SMO3KAUSF | Component scrap in percent | DEC3_2 | DEC |
88 | SMO3KAUTO | Condition determined manually | XFELD | CHAR |
89 | SMO3KAUVF | Condition exclusion procedure | SMO3KAUVF | CHAR |
90 | SMO3KAWRT | Price Determination: Condition Basis | SMO3KAWRT | DEC |
91 | SMO3KBFLAG | Bit Encrypted Flags in Pricing | SMO3KBFLAG | RAW |
92 | SMO3KCBRG | Cumulative gross weight of all batch split items | SMO3MENG11 | QUAN |
93 | SMO3KCMEN | Cumulative batch quantity of all split items (in StckUnit) | SMO3MENG11 | QUAN |
94 | SMO3KCNTG | Cumulative net weight of all batch split items | SMO3MENG11 | QUAN |
95 | SMO3KCVOL | Cumulative volume of all batch split items | SMO3MENG11 | QUAN |
96 | SMO3KDATU | Condition pricing date | DATUM | DATS |
97 | SMO3KDAUF | Sales order number | SMO3VBELN | CHAR |
98 | SMO3KDEIN | Delivery schedule for sales order | NUM04 | NUMC |
99 | SMO3KDERL | Business data allowed at item level ? | XFELD | CHAR |
100 | SMO3KDGRP | Customer group | SMO3KDGRP | CHAR |
101 | SMO3KDMAT | Material belonging to the customer | SMO3IDNEX | CHAR |
102 | SMO3KDPOS | Item number in sales order | NUM06 | NUMC |
103 | SMO3KDPTX | Customer description of material | TEXT40 | CHAR |
104 | SMO3KDUPL | Structure condition | SMO3KDUPL | CHAR |
105 | SMO3KFAKT | Factor for condition base value | FLTP | FLTP |
106 | SMO3KFAKT1 | Factor for condition basis (period) | FLTP | FLTP |
107 | SMO3KFKIV | Condition for inter-company billing | XFELD | CHAR |
108 | SMO3KFPOS | Indicator: "configurable item" | XFLAG | CHAR |
109 | SMO3KGRPE | Group condition | SMO3KGRPE | CHAR |
110 | SMO3KGRUP | Class group description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
111 | SMO3KHERK | Origin of the condition | SMO3KHERK | CHAR |
112 | SMO3KINAK | Condition is inactive | SMO3KINAK | CHAR |
113 | SMO3KINCL | Set indicator if source table is an Include structure | X | CHAR |
114 | SMO3KKBER | Credit control area | SMO3KKBER | CHAR |
115 | SMO3KKBTX | Description of the credit control area | TEXT35 | CHAR |
116 | SMO3KKIDX | Index number for 'perform construction' condition key | SMO3PRIDX | DEC |
117 | SMO3KKMOD | Module pool for condition access | SMO3KKMOD | CHAR |
118 | SMO3KKOPF | Condition applies to header | XFELD | CHAR |
119 | SMO3KKOWK | Indicator: Conditions at plant level | SMO3KKOWK | CHAR |
120 | SMO3KKREF | Account category reference | SMO3KKREF | CHAR |
121 | SMO3KKURS | Condition exchange rate for conversion to local currency | SMO3KKURS | DEC |
122 | SMO3KLABC | Customer classification (ABC analysis) | SMO3KLABC | CHAR |
123 | SMO3KLAKT | Classification active indicator | X | CHAR |
124 | SMO3KLAPO | Item number | NUM02 | NUMC |
125 | SMO3KLART | Indicator: standard class type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
126 | SMO3KLASA | Indicator: SAP object classified as standard | XFELD | CHAR |
127 | SMO3KLASS | Class group | SMO3KLASS | CHAR |
128 | SMO3KLFKZ | Classification allowed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
129 | SMO3KLFN1 | Current number of the line scale | SMO3KLFNR | NUMC |
130 | SMO3KLF_K | Scale number for pricing | SMO3KLFNR | NUMC |
131 | SMO3KLF_S | Number of incremental scale | SMO3KLFNR | NUMC |
132 | SMO3KLIMP | Check credit limit | SMO3KLIMP | CHAR |
133 | SMO3KLMAF | Indicator: object/class | SMO3KLMAF | CHAR |
134 | SMO3KLPKZ | Class maintenance allowed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
135 | SMO3KLSCH | Keyword (upper case for matchcode) | CHAR40 | CHAR |
136 | SMO3KLSTA | Class status | SMO3KLSTA | CHAR |
137 | SMO3KMANU | Making manual entries | SMO3KMANU | CHAR |
138 | SMO3KMEIN | Condition unit | MEINS | UNIT |
139 | SMO3KMENG | Quantity conversion | XFELD | CHAR |
140 | SMO3KMPME | Component unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
141 | SMO3KMPMG | Component quantity | MENGV13 | QUAN |
142 | SMO3KMPOL | Name of the module pool for generating condition screen | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
143 | SMO3KMPRS | Condition changed manually | XFELD | CHAR |
144 | SMO3KMXAW | Indicator for maximum condition base value | SMO3KMXWR | CHAR |
145 | SMO3KMXWR | Indicator for maximum condition amount | SMO3KMXWR | CHAR |
146 | SMO3KNEGA | Plus/minus sign of the condition amount | SMO3KNEGA | CHAR |
147 | SMO3KNFAK | Customer factory calendar | WFCID | CHAR |
148 | SMO3KNKLI | Customer's account number with credit limit reference | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
149 | SMO3KNOBJ | Number of object with linked dependencies | SMO3KNOBJ | NUMC |
150 | SMO3KNRMA | Account number of the dunning recipient | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
151 | SMO3KNTYP | Condition category (examples: tax, freight, price, cost) | SMO3KNTYP | CHAR |
152 | SMO3KNUH32 | Condition record number | SMO_GUID | CHAR |
153 | SMO3KNUMA | Agreement (various conditions grouped together) | SMO3KNUMA | CHAR |
154 | SMO3KNUMA1 | Sales deal | SMO3KNUMA | CHAR |
155 | SMO3KNUMA2 | Rebate agreement | SMO3KNUMA | CHAR |
156 | SMO3KNUMA3 | Promotion | SMO3KNUMA | CHAR |
157 | SMO3KNUMA4 | Standard agreement | SMO3KNUMA | CHAR |
158 | SMO3KNUMA5 | Sales quote | SMO3KNUMA | CHAR |
159 | SMO3KNUMH | Condition record number | SMO3KNUMB | CHAR |
160 | SMO3KNUMT | Number of texts | SMO3KNUMB | CHAR |
161 | SMO3KNUMV | Number of the document condition | SMO3KNUMV | CHAR |
162 | SMO3KOAID | Condition class | SMO3KOAID | CHAR |
163 | SMO3KOART | Account type | SMO3KOART | CHAR |
164 | SMO3KOART1 | Account type of the customer/vendor | SMO3KOART1 | CHAR |
165 | SMO3KOBED | Requirement | SMO3BEDNG | NUMC |
166 | SMO3KOBLI | Condition is mandatory | XFELD | CHAR |
167 | SMO3KOBOG | Condition type/table group for agreements | SMO3KOBOG | CHAR |
168 | SMO3KODAT | Picking date | DATUM | DATS |
169 | SMO3KODAT1 | Validity start date of the condition record | DATUM | DATS |
170 | SMO3KODAT2 | Validity end date of the condition record | DATUM | DATS |
171 | SMO3KOFRA | Alternative formula for condition base value | SMO3KOFRM | NUMC |
172 | SMO3KOFRM | Condition formula for alternative calculation type | SMO3KOFRM | NUMC |
173 | SMO3KOFRS | Formula for scale base value | SMO3KOFRM | NUMC |
174 | SMO3KOINH | Account holder name | SMO3KOINH | CHAR |
175 | SMO3KOKFI | Allocation indicator | SMO3KOKFI | CHAR |
176 | SMO3KOKRS | Controlling area | SMO3CACCD | CHAR |
177 | SMO3KOLNR | Access sequence - Access number | SMO3KOLNR | NUMC |
178 | SMO3KOMPP | Form delivery group and correlate BOM components | SMO3KOMPP | CHAR |
179 | SMO3KONAU | Condition is mandatory | XFELD | CHAR |
180 | SMO3KONDA | Price group (customer) | SMO3KONDA | CHAR |
181 | SMO3KONDA1 | Price group (customer) | SMO3KONDA | CHAR |
182 | SMO3KONDM | Material Pricing Group | SMO3KONDM | CHAR |
183 | SMO3KONDM1 | Material pricing group | SMO3KONDM | CHAR |
184 | SMO3KONFK | Configuration supported | XFELD | CHAR |
185 | SMO3KONFO | Indicator: use in configurable objects | XFELD | CHAR |
186 | SMO3KONMS | Condition scale unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
187 | SMO3KONWA | Rate unit (currency or percentage) | WAERS | CUKY |
188 | SMO3KONWS | Scale currency | WAERS | CUKY |
189 | SMO3KOPOS | Sequential number of the condition | NUM02 | NUMC |
190 | SMO3KOQUA | Confirmation status of picking/putaway | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
191 | SMO3KOQUK | Status of picking confirmation | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
192 | SMO3KORDB | Indicator: Source list requirement | XFELD | CHAR |
193 | SMO3KORLI | Delivery type for correction deliveries | SMO3LFART | CHAR |
194 | SMO3KOSAR | Cost center category | SMO3KOSAR | CHAR |
195 | SMO3KOSRT | Search term for conditions | CHAR10 | CHAR |
196 | SMO3KOSTA | Picking status/Putaway status | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
197 | SMO3KOSTK | Overall picking / putaway status | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
198 | SMO3KOSTL | Cost center | SMO3KOSTL | CHAR |
199 | SMO3KOSZA | Overhead Type | SMO3AUFZA | CHAR |
200 | SMO3KOTAB | Condition table | AS4TAB | CHAR |
201 | SMO3KOTAB1 | Condition table | SMO3KOTAB | NUMC |
202 | SMO3KOTABN | Condition Table | SMO_KOTABN | CHAR |
203 | SMO3KOUPD | Condition update | XFELD | CHAR |
204 | SMO3KOWRR | Statistical values | SMO3KOWRR | CHAR |
205 | SMO3KOZGF | Access sequence | SMO3KOZGF | CHAR |
206 | SMO3KOZGV | Relevant for rebate | SMO3KOZGV | CHAR |
207 | SMO3KPEIN | Condition pricing unit | SMO3KPEIN | DEC |
208 | SMO3KPOSI | Condition applies to items | XFELD | CHAR |
209 | SMO3KPOSN | Condition item number | NUM6 | NUMC |
210 | SMO3KPOSN1 | Item number | NUM03 | NUMC |
211 | SMO3KPRDT | Pricing date | SMO3KPRDT | CHAR |
212 | SMO3KRECH | Calculation type for condition | SMO3KRECH | CHAR |
213 | SMO3KRECH3 | Calculation type for condition | SMO3KRECH3 | CHAR |
214 | SMO3KRELI | Condition for invoice list | SMO3KRELI | CHAR |
215 | SMO3KRFKZ | Referenced Configuration | X | CHAR |
216 | SMO3KRUEK | Accruals are set up for the condition (e.g. freight) | XFELD | CHAR |
217 | SMO3KSCHA | Condition type | SMO3KSCHL | CHAR |
218 | SMO3KSCHG | Material listing/exclusion type | SMO3KSCHL | CHAR |
219 | SMO3KSCHL | Condition type | SMO3KSCHL | CHAR |
220 | SMO3KSCHL1 | Condition type for copying costs from line items | SMO3KSCHL | CHAR |
221 | SMO3KSDAT | ID: Condition structure has validity period | XFELD | CHAR |
222 | SMO3KSKPF | Pricing procedure for contract conditions at header level | SMO3KALSM | CHAR |
223 | SMO3KSPAE | Rebate was set up retroactively | XFELD | CHAR |
224 | SMO3KSPOS | Pricing procedure for contract conditions at item level | SMO3KALSM | CHAR |
225 | SMO3KSTAT | Condition is used for statistics | XFELD | CHAR |
226 | SMO3KSTBM | Condition scale quantity | SMO3MENG11 | QUAN |
227 | SMO3KSTBS | Pricing: Scale Basis | SMO3KSTBS | DEC |
228 | SMO3KSTEU | Condition control | SMO3KSTEU | CHAR |
229 | SMO3KSTPR | Checking rule for scale rates | SMO3KSTPR | CHAR |
230 | SMO3KSTRG | Cost object | SMO3KSTRG | CHAR |
231 | SMO3KTAAR | Sales Activity Type for Sales Support | SMO3KTAAR | CHAR |
232 | SMO3KTAAR1 | CAS: Classify sales activity types | SMO3KTAAR1 | CHAR |
233 | SMO3KTABG | Start of sales activity (date) | SMO3KTABG | DATS |
234 | SMO3KTABT | Start of sales activity | SMO3KTABT | TIMS |
235 | SMO3KTAEB | Analysis of sales activity outcome | SMO3KTAEB | CHAR |
236 | SMO3KTAEN | End of sales activity (date) | SMO3KTAEN | DATS |
237 | SMO3KTAER | Outcome of sales activities | SMO3KTAER | CHAR |
238 | SMO3KTAET | End of sales activity (time) | SMO3KTAET | TIMS |
239 | SMO3KTAFK | Type of follow-up activity | SMO3KTAAR | CHAR |
240 | SMO3KTAGR | Reason for sales activity | SMO3KTAGR | CHAR |
241 | SMO3KTAST | Status of sales activity | SMO3KTAST | CHAR |
242 | SMO3KTEXT | Short text for a sales activity | TEXT40 | CHAR |
243 | SMO3KTEXT1 | Search term for product proposal | TEXT40 | CHAR |
244 | SMO3KTGRD | Account assignment group for this customer | SMO3KTGRD | CHAR |
245 | SMO3KTGRM | Account assignment group for this material | SMO3KTGRM | CHAR |
246 | SMO3KTOKD | Customer account group | SMO3KTOKD | CHAR |
247 | SMO3KTOP2 | Chart of accounts according to country legislation | SMO3KTOPL | CHAR |
248 | SMO3KTOPL | Chart of accounts | SMO3KTOPL | CHAR |
249 | SMO3KTREL | Relevance for Account Assignment | SMO3KTREL | CHAR |
250 | SMO3KTSCH | Standard text key | SMO3KTSCH | CHAR |
251 | SMO3KTX01 | Description of technical object | TEXT40 | CHAR |
252 | SMO3KUKLA | Customer classification | SMO3KUKLA | CHAR |
253 | SMO3KULEP | Grace periods per line item | NUM03 | NUMC |
254 | SMO3KUMNE | Denominator for converting condition units to base units | SMO3UMBSN | DEC |
255 | SMO3KUMNE2 | Denominator for converting condition units to base units | SMO3KUMNE2 | INT4 |
256 | SMO3KUMZA | Numerator for converting condition units to base units | SMO3UMBSZ | DEC |
257 | SMO3KUMZA2 | Numerator for converting condition units to base units | SMO3KUMZA2 | INT4 |
258 | SMO3KUNAG | Sold-to party | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
259 | SMO3KUND1 | Customer number | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
260 | SMO3KUND2 | End customer number | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
261 | SMO3KUND3 | Operator | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
262 | SMO3KUNDE | Partner number (KUNNR, LIFNR, or PERNR) | SMO3KUNDE | CHAR |
263 | SMO3KUNDS | Customer to Whom Serial Number was Delivered | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
264 | SMO3KUNIV | Customer number for intercompany billing | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
265 | SMO3KUNN0 | Customer number ZERO (0) allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
266 | SMO3KUNNR | Customer number | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
267 | SMO3KUNNR1 | Customer | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
268 | SMO3KUNNR2 | Customer number (rebate recipient) | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
269 | SMO3KUNNR3 | Customer number | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
270 | SMO3KUNNR4 | Customer number of plant | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
271 | SMO3KUNUM | Customer number | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
272 | SMO3KUNWE | Ship-to party | SMO3KUNNR | CHAR |
273 | SMO3KURSK | Exchange rate for pricing and statistics | SMO3KURRF | DEC |
274 | SMO3KURST | Exchange rate type | KURST | CHAR |
275 | SMO3KURST1 | Exchange rate type for translation into country currency | KURST | CHAR |
276 | SMO3KVARC | Condition for configuration | XFELD | CHAR |
277 | SMO3KVEWE | Usage of the condition table | SMO3KVEWE | CHAR |
278 | SMO3KVGR1 | Customer group 1 | SMO3KVGR1 | CHAR |
279 | SMO3KVGR2 | Customer group 2 | SMO3KVGR2 | CHAR |
280 | SMO3KVGR3 | Customer group 3 | SMO3KVGR3 | CHAR |
281 | SMO3KVGR4 | Customer group 4 | SMO3KVGR4 | CHAR |
282 | SMO3KVGR5 | Customer group 5 | SMO3KVGR5 | CHAR |
283 | SMO3KVMEI | Condition unit in the document | MEINS | UNIT |
284 | SMO3KVSL1 | Account key | SMO3KVSCH | CHAR |
285 | SMO3KVSL2 | Account key - accruals / provisions | SMO3KVSCH | CHAR |
286 | SMO3KWAEH | Condition currency (for cumulation fields) | WAERS | CUKY |
287 | SMO3KWMEN | Cumulative order quantity in sales units | SMO3MENG11 | QUAN |
288 | SMO3KZAKT | Active indicator for access sequence | XFELD | CHAR |
289 | SMO3KZAUF | 'Order will be classified' indicator | X | CHAR |
290 | SMO3KZAZU | Order combination indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
291 | SMO3KZBEW | Movement indicator | SMO3KZBEW | CHAR |
292 | SMO3KZBKD | Indicator: material to be provided by customer | XFELD | CHAR |
293 | SMO3KZBLF | Indicator: material to be provided by vendor | XFELD | CHAR |
294 | SMO3KZBWA | Mvt type category | CHAR2 | CHAR |
295 | SMO3KZBWS | Indicator: valuation of special stock | SMO3KZBWS | CHAR |
296 | SMO3KZBZG | Scale basis indicator | SMO3KZBZG | CHAR |
297 | SMO3KZBZG3 | Scale basis indicator | SMO3KZBZG3 | CHAR |
298 | SMO3KZCLA | Option to classify batches | SMO3KZCLA | CHAR |
299 | SMO3KZDRU | Printing of document item | SMO3KZDRU | CHAR |
300 | SMO3KZEAR | Final issue for this reservation | XFELD | CHAR |
301 | SMO3KZEFF | Indicator: changed with new effectivity | SMO3TECHS | CHAR |
302 | SMO3KZEIL | Indicator: formatting applies to each single long text line | X | CHAR |
303 | SMO3KZERS | Indicator: spare part | XFELD | CHAR |
304 | SMO3KZEXL | Indicator: Exclusive condition access | XFELD | CHAR |
305 | SMO3KZGRP | Grouping indicator | SMO3KZGRP | CHAR |
306 | SMO3KZGRU | Control: Reason for Movement | SMO3FAUSW | CHAR |
307 | SMO3KZINI | Characteristic: Initial value allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
308 | SMO3KZKFG | Configurable Material | XFELD | CHAR |
309 | SMO3KZKON | Display or suppress account field/manual account assignment | SMO3FAUSW | CHAR |
310 | SMO3KZKSD | Serial data when maintaining equipment | X | CHAR |
311 | SMO3KZKUP | Indicator: co-product | XFELD | CHAR |
312 | SMO3KZLOE | Indicator: delete data record | CHAR1 | CHAR |
313 | SMO3KZLTA | Long text indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
314 | SMO3KZMHD | Check shelf life expiration date/production date | SMO3KZMHD | CHAR |
315 | SMO3KZMLA | Primary language indicator for text segment | CHAR1 | CHAR |
316 | SMO3KZNEP | Condition exclusion indicator | SMO3KZNEP | CHAR |
317 | SMO3KZPIP | Pipeline Handling Mandatory | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | SMO3KZPRC | Material Master Record for a Process | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | SMO3KZRBW | Indicator post net book value for retirement | XFELD | CHAR |
320 | SMO3KZSTR | Transaction/event is relevant for statistics | SMO3KZSTR | CHAR |
321 | SMO3KZTLF | Partial delivery at item level | SMO3KZTLF | CHAR |
322 | SMO3KZUST | Responsibility in SD for condition/material | SMO3KZUST | CHAR |
323 | SMO3KZVBR | Consumption posting | SMO3KZVBR | CHAR |
324 | SMO3KZVBU | Consumption posting | SMO3KZVBU | CHAR |
325 | SMO3KZVPR | Price Control Mandatory | XFELD | CHAR |
326 | SMO3KZWES | GR blocked stock | SMO3KZWES | CHAR |
327 | SMO3KZWIW | Condition subtotal | SMO3KZWIW | CHAR |
328 | SMO3KZZDE | Maintain status data of a batch | XFELD | CHAR |
329 | SMO3KZZUG | Receipt indicator | SMO3KZZUG | CHAR |
330 | SMO3LABOR | Laboratory/design office | SMO3LABOR | CHAR |
331 | SMO3LABST | Valuated stock with unrestricted use | SMO3MENG1 | QUAN |
332 | SMO3LADGR | Loading group | SMO3LADGR | CHAR |
333 | SMO3LAEDA | Date of last change | DATUM | DATS |
334 | SMO3LAENG | Length | MENG13 | QUAN |
335 | SMO3LANDA | Alternative country key | SMO3LANDA | CHAR |
336 | SMO3LATYP | Activity Type Category | SMO3LATYP | CHAR |
337 | SMO3LATYP1 | Variant Activity Type Category for Actual Postings | SMO3LATYP1 | CHAR |
338 | SMO3LBKUM | Total valuated stock | SMO3MENG1 | QUAN |
339 | SMO3LBREI | Total width of list | NUMC3 | NUMC |
340 | SMO3LDDAT | | DATUM | DATS |
341 | SMO3LEARR | Activity type for confirmation | SMO3LSTAR | CHAR |
342 | SMO3LEINH | Activity unit | MEINS | UNIT |
343 | SMO3LEIST | Characteristics table | SMO3LEIST | CHAR |
344 | SMO3LEKNW | Indicator showing no remaining work expected | XFELD | CHAR |
345 | SMO3LFART | Delivery type | SMO3LFART | CHAR |
346 | SMO3LFARV | Default delivery type | SMO3LFART | CHAR |
347 | SMO3LFBJA | Fiscal year of a reference document | GJAHR | NUMC |
348 | SMO3LFBNR | Document number of a reference document | SMO3BELNR | CHAR |
349 | SMO3LFDAT | Delivery date | DATUM | DATS |
350 | SMO3LFGSA | Overall delivery status of the item | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
351 | SMO3LFIMG | Actual quantity delivered (in sales units) | MENG13 | QUAN |
352 | SMO3LFNR2 | Sequential number | NUM02 | NUMC |
353 | SMO3LFPOS | Item of a reference document | SMO3MBLPO | NUMC |
354 | SMO3LFREG | Supply region (region supplied) | ZONE | CHAR |
355 | SMO3LFREL | Item is relevant for delivery | XFELD | CHAR |
356 | SMO3LFREL1 | Item is relevant for delivery | XFELD | CHAR |
357 | SMO3LFSTA | Delivery status | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
358 | SMO3LFSTK | Delivery status | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
359 | SMO3LFUHR | Time of delivery | SMO3LFUHR | TIMS |
360 | SMO3LGART | Wage type | SMO3LGART | CHAR |
361 | SMO3LGMNG | Actual quantity delivered in stockkeeping units | MENG13 | QUAN |
362 | SMO3LGNUM | Warehouse number / warehouse complex | SMO3LGNUM | CHAR |
363 | SMO3LGOBE | Description of storage location | TEXT16 | CHAR |
364 | SMO3LGORT | Storage location | SMO3LGORT | CHAR |
365 | SMO3LGPBE | Storage bin | CHAR10 | CHAR |
366 | SMO3LGPLA | Storage bin | SMO3LGPLA | CHAR |
367 | SMO3LGTYP | Storage type | SMO3LGTYP | CHAR |
368 | SMO3LGWID | Object ID of the Work Center | SMO3CR_OB | NUMC |
369 | SMO3LICDT | Date license granted | DATUM | DATS |
370 | SMO3LICNO | Tax exemption license number | SMO3LICNO | CHAR |
371 | SMO3LIEF | External processing | SMO3LIEF | CHAR |
372 | SMO3LIFNR | Account number of vendor or creditor | SMO3LIFNR | CHAR |
373 | SMO3LIFNR1 | Vendor number of plant | SMO3LIFNR | CHAR |
374 | SMO3LIFRE | Different invoicing party | SMO3LIFNR | CHAR |
375 | SMO3LIFSD | Customer delivery block (sales area) | SMO3LIFSP | CHAR |
376 | SMO3LIFSD1 | Central delivery block for the customer | SMO3LIFSP | CHAR |
377 | SMO3LIFSK | Delivery block (document header) | SMO3LIFSP | CHAR |
378 | SMO3LIFSM | Delivery block | SMO3LIFSP | CHAR |
379 | SMO3LIFSP | Default delivery block | SMO3LIFSP | CHAR |
380 | SMO3LIFSP1 | Schedule line blocked for delivery | SMO3LIFSP | CHAR |
381 | SMO3LIFZT | Delivery time in days | DEC3 | DEC |
382 | SMO3LISOF | Create delivery immediately | SMO3LISOF | CHAR |
383 | SMO3LISTO | List object type for variable lists | CHAR3 | CHAR |
384 | SMO3LKENZ | Deletion indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | SMO3LKGSK | Overall delivery status for all items | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
386 | SMO3LKVRZ | Short name for foreign trade statistics | CHAR7 | CHAR |
387 | SMO3LLAND | Destination country | LAND1 | CHAR |
388 | SMO3LMENG | Required quantity for in stockkeeping units | MENG13 | QUAN |
389 | SMO3LNBKN | Bank account number length | NUM02 | NUMC |
390 | SMO3LNBKS | Length of the bank key | NUM02 | NUMC |
391 | SMO3LNBLZ | Bank number length | NUM02 | NUMC |
392 | SMO3LNPSK | Post office bank current account number length | NUM02 | NUMC |
393 | SMO3LNSPL | Delivery within one warehouse | SMO3LNSPL | CHAR |
394 | SMO3LNST1 | Permitted input length for tax code 1 | NUM02 | NUMC |
395 | SMO3LNST2 | Permitted input length for tax code 2 | NUM02 | NUMC |
396 | SMO3LOEVM | Deletion indicator for condition item | XFELD | CHAR |
397 | SMO3LOEVM1 | Deletion flag for customer (sales level) | XFELD | CHAR |
398 | SMO3LOEVM2 | Central deletion flag for master record | XFELD | CHAR |
399 | SMO3LOHN | Indicator: Print time tickets | FLAG | CHAR |
400 | SMO3LOHNA | Wage type | SMO3LOART | CHAR |
401 | SMO3LOKNZ | Deletion indicator for BOMs | XFELD | CHAR |
402 | SMO3LOSBS | To lot size | MENG13 | QUAN |
403 | SMO3LOSVN | From lot size | MENG13 | QUAN |
404 | SMO3LPDATE | Date of last password changes | SMO_DATE | DATS |
405 | SMO3LPRIO | Delivery priority | SMO3LPRIO | NUMC |
406 | SMO3LRGDT | Return date for returnable packaging | DATUM | DATS |
407 | SMO3LRMEI | Alternative unit of measure for stockkeeping unit | MEINS | UNIT |
408 | SMO3LSMEH | Unit of measure from delivery note | MEINS | UNIT |
409 | SMO3LSMEN | Cumulative required delivery qty (all dlv-relev.sched.lines) | SMO3MENG11 | QUAN |
410 | SMO3LSMNG | Quantity in units from delivery note | MENG13 | QUAN |
411 | SMO3LSTAR | Activity Type | SMO3LSTAR | CHAR |
412 | SMO3LSTEL | Loading point | SMO3LSTEL | CHAR |
413 | SMO3LTRMN | Required end date | DATUM | DATS |
414 | SMO3LTRUR | Required end date-time | UZEIT | TIMS |
415 | SMO3LTSNR | Vendor sub-range | SMO3LTSNR | CHAR |
416 | SMO3LTXA1 | Short text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
417 | SMO3LTYPA | Action when material variant determined during configuration | SMO3LTYPA | CHAR |
418 | SMO3LTYPV | Run ATP check on material variants | SMO3LTYPV | CHAR |
419 | SMO3LVOLG | Flag Material for Deletion at Storage Location Level | XFELD | CHAR |
420 | SMO3LVOMA | Flag Material for Deletion at Client Level | XFELD | CHAR |
421 | SMO3LVORM | Deletion flag | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | SMO3LVOWK | Flag Material for Deletion at Plant Level | XFELD | CHAR |
423 | SMO3LVSTA | Status of warehouse management activities | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
424 | SMO3LVSTK | Overall status of warehouse management activities | SMO3STATV | CHAR |
425 | SMO3LVS_L | Warehouse number description | TEXT25 | CHAR |
426 | SMO3LVS_L1 | Name of storage type | TEXT25 | CHAR |
427 | SMO3MABER | Dunning area | SMO3MABER | CHAR |
428 | SMO3MADAT | Last dunned on | DATUM | DATS |
429 | SMO3MAGRP | Code group - Tasks | SMO3QCODE1 | CHAR |
430 | SMO3MAHN1 | Number of days for first reminder/urging letter | SMO3MAHNT | DEC |
431 | SMO3MAHN2 | Number of days for second reminder/urging letter | SMO3MAHNT | DEC |
432 | SMO3MAHN3 | Number of days for third reminder/urging letter | SMO3MAHNT | DEC |
433 | SMO3MAHNA | Dunning procedure | SMO3MAHNA | CHAR |
434 | SMO3MAHNA1 | Reference dunning procedure for text selection | SMO3MAHNA | CHAR |
435 | SMO3MAHNS | Dunning level from which all due items are to be totaled | SMO3MAHNS | NUMC |
436 | SMO3MAHNS1 | Dunning level | SMO3MAHNS | NUMC |
437 | SMO3MAKAT | Catalog type - Tasks | SMO3QKATA | CHAR |
438 | SMO3MAKTX | Material description | TEXT40 | CHAR |
439 | SMO3MANSP | Dunning block | SMO3MANSP | CHAR |
440 | SMO3MANUM | Serial task number | NUM4 | NUMC |
441 | SMO3MATBF | Material on which stock is managed | SMO3MATNR | CHAR |
442 | SMO3MATKL | Material group | SMO3MATKL | CHAR |
443 | SMO3MATNR | Material number | SMO3MATNR | CHAR |
444 | SMO3MATNR1 | Material number used by customer | SMO3IDNEX | CHAR |
445 | SMO3MATST | Material status from MM/PP view | SMO3MMSTA | CHAR |
446 | SMO3MATWA | Material entered | SMO3MATNR | CHAR |
447 | SMO3MATXT | Short text for task | TEXT40 | CHAR |
448 | SMO3MAT_K | Sales order number of valuated sales order stock | SMO3VBELN | CHAR |
449 | SMO3MAT_K1 | Sales order item of valuated sales order stock | NUM06 | NUMC |
450 | SMO3MAT_P | Valuated customer stock WBS element | SMO3PS_PO | NUMC |
451 | SMO3MAUEH | Downtime unit | MEINS | UNIT |
452 | SMO3MAXBL | Maximum display block for variable lists | SMO3LISTO | CHAR |
453 | SMO3MBBEZ | Industry sector description | TEXT25 | CHAR |
454 | SMO3MBDAT | Material availability date | DATUM | DATS |
455 | SMO3MBLNR | Number of material document | SMO3BELNR | CHAR |
456 | SMO3MBLPO | Item in material document | SMO3MBLPO | NUMC |
457 | SMO3MBREF | Screen reference depending on the material type | SMO3MAREF | CHAR |
458 | SMO3MBRSH | Industry sector | SMO3MBRSH | CHAR |
459 | SMO3MB_BS | Goods receipt quantity in order unit | MENG13 | QUAN |
460 | SMO3MB_GR | Reason for movement | SMO3MB_GR | NUMC |
461 | SMO3MB_IN | Stock type | SMO3MB_IN | CHAR |
462 | SMO3MCKEY | Classification | AS4FLAG | CHAR |
463 | SMO3MEABM | Unit of dimension for length/width/height | MEINS | UNIT |
464 | SMO3MEEIN | Unit of measure of a purchased material | MEINS | UNIT |
465 | SMO3MEHRF | Indicator: multiple classification | XFELD | CHAR |
466 | SMO3MEINS | Base unit of measure | MEINS | UNIT |
467 | SMO3MENG1 | Order quantiy for each item is limited to 1 | XFELD | CHAR |
468 | SMO3MENGE | Quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
469 | SMO3MENGU | Quantity Updating in Material Master Record | XFELD | CHAR |
470 | SMO3MERKM | Indicator: inspection characteristics for operation required | FLAG | CHAR |
471 | SMO3MFCOD | Activity code | SMO3QCODE | CHAR |
472 | SMO3MFGRP | Code group - Activities | SMO3QCODE1 | CHAR |
473 | SMO3MFKAT | Catalog type - Activities | SMO3QKATA | CHAR |
474 | SMO3MFTEX | Activity text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
475 | SMO3MGVRG | Operation quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
476 | SMO3MIKBA | Minimum condition base value | SMO3MENG11 | QUAN |
477 | SMO3MINAU | Minimum order quantity in base unit of measure | MENG13 | QUAN |
478 | SMO3MINLF | Minimum delivery quantity in delivery note processing | MENG13 | QUAN |
479 | SMO3MIVRZ | Days in arrears after which a dunning notice will be sent | NUM03 | NUMC |
480 | SMO3MJAHR | Material doc. year | GJAHR | NUMC |
481 | SMO3MLANG | Primary language for object texts | SPRAS | LANG |
482 | SMO3MMSTA | Plant-Specific Material Status | SMO3MMSTA | CHAR |
483 | SMO3MNCOD | Task code | SMO3QCODE | CHAR |
484 | SMO3MNGFA | Quantity factor for activities | NUMC3 | NUMC |
485 | SMO3MPNMT | Manufacturer Part | XFELD | CHAR |
486 | SMO3MPROK | Status manual price change | SMO3MPROK | CHAR |
487 | SMO3MREGL | Rules for copying from the sample account for G/L accounts | SMO3MREGL | CHAR |
488 | SMO3MRNKZ | Manual invoice maintenance | XFELD | CHAR |
489 | SMO3MSAUS | Breakdown indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
490 | SMO3MSCHL | Dunning key | SMO3MSCHL | CHAR |
491 | SMO3MSGKZ | Send warning | XFELD | CHAR |
492 | SMO3MSTAE | Cross-Plant Material Status | SMO3MMSTA | CHAR |
493 | SMO3MSTAV | Cross-distribution-chain material status | SMO3VMSTA | CHAR |
494 | SMO3MSTDV | Date from which the X-distr.-chain material status is valid | DATUM | DATS |
495 | SMO3MSTKZ | Indicator for maintaining multi-lingual texts | XFELD | CHAR |
496 | SMO3MTART | Material type | SMO3MTART | CHAR |
497 | SMO3MTBEZ | Description of material type | TEXT25 | CHAR |
498 | SMO3MTEND | Last of the month switch for date determination | SMO3MTEND | CHAR |
499 | SMO3MTPOS | Item category group from material master | SMO3MTPOS | CHAR |
500 | SMO3MTREF | Reference material type | SMO3MAREF | CHAR |