SAP ABAP Data Element - Index S, page 73
- S-1 S-2 S-3 S-4 S-5 S-6 S-7 S-8 S-9 S-10 S-11 S-12 S-13 S-14 S-15 S-16 S-17 S-18 S-19 S-20 S-21 S-22 S-23 S-24 S-25 S-26 S-27 S-28 S-29 S-30 S-31 S-32 S-33 S-34 S-35 S-36 S-37 S-38 S-39 S-40 S-41 S-42 S-43 S-44 S-45 S-46 S-47 S-48 S-49 S-50 S-51 S-52 S-53 S-54 S-55 S-56 S-57 S-58 S-59 S-60 S-61 S-62 S-63 S-64 S-65 S-66 S-67 S-68 S-69 S-70 S-71 S-72 S-73 S-74 S-75 S-76 S-77 S-78 S-79 S-80 S-81 S-82 S-83
Data Element - S
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | SWF_TST_INT4 | SWF_TST_INT4 | INT4 | |
2 | SWF_TST_NUMC1 | Workflow-Unit: Zeichenfolge mit Ziffern | SWF_TST_NUMC1 | NUMC |
3 | SWF_TST_NUMC10 | Workflow-Unit: Zeichenfolge mit Ziffern | SWF_TST_NUMC10 | NUMC |
4 | SWF_TYPE | WF: Type (View, view cluster or transaction) | SWF_TYPE | CHAR |
5 | SWF_UNIT | Workflow Data Type for a Physical Unit | UNIT | |
6 | SWF_UNITNR | Workflow: Nummer des Unittest | NUMC | |
7 | SWF_USELTS | Extend Selected Step | XFELD | CHAR |
8 | SWF_UTL_IMAGE_TYPE | Type of image to access: DB/transactional buffer/pre-image | SWF_UTL_IMAGE_TYPE | CHAR |
9 | SWF_WFDKE_ | WFP: Structure SWD_WFDKEY unstructured | CHAR15 | CHAR |
10 | SWF_WFPTYP | Type of Workflow Wizard | SWF_WFPTYP | CHAR |
11 | SWF_WFSPEC | Workflow: Registration Type | CHAR | |
12 | SWF_WIDTH | WFP: Width of parallel approval procedure | SWF_DEPTH | NUMC |
13 | SWF_WIZTXT | WF: Wizard step description (wizard without workflow) | TEXT80 | CHAR |
14 | SWF_XAPPRE | WF- Result of decision for extended approval | SWF_XAPPRE | CHAR |
15 | SWF_XI_NWA_BOOLEAN | ccBPM NWA boolean variable (X=true, space=false) | XSDBOOLEAN | CHAR |
16 | SWF_XI_NWA_DATE | ccBPM NWA Type corresponding data type for Java date | XSDDATETIME_LONG_Z | DEC |
17 | SWF_XI_NWA_FLOAT | ccBPM NWA corresponding data type for Java float | FLTP | |
18 | SWF_XI_NWA_INT | ccBPM NWA Integer | DEC | |
19 | SWF_XI_NWA_LONG | ccBPM NWA corresponding data type for Java long | DEC | |
20 | SWF_XI_NWA_SHORT | ccBPM NWA corresponding data type for Java short | INT4 | |
21 | SWF_XI_NWA_STRING | Basic String Type for ccBPM NWA | STRG | |
22 | SWF_XI_SO_STEPFLAG | Service Property of a Step in the BPE | FLAG | CHAR |
23 | SWF_XI_SO_STEPTYPE | Type of Service Step in the BPE | SWF_XI_SO_STEPTYPE | CHAR |
24 | SWF_XI_SO_SYNCFLAG | Synchronization at Start and End of Block | FLAG | CHAR |
25 | SWF_XI_WF_ID | ccBPM Process Definition | HROBJEC_14 | CHAR |
26 | SWF_XMLSIZ | Size in Bytes | SWF_XMLSIZ | INT4 |
27 | SWF_XMLVER | Serialized Version of an XML Document | NUMC | |
28 | SWGACTIVE | SAP Workload: Active | SAPWLCHAR1 | CHAR |
29 | SWGASSIGNED | SAP Workload: System Assigned to a DSR Component | SAPWLCHR32 | CHAR |
30 | SWGFLAG | SAP Workload: Indicator for Various Purposes | SAPWLCHAR1 | CHAR |
31 | SWGINDDEST | SAP Workload: Indirect RFC Destination for Monitoring System | SAPWLRFCDST | CHAR |
32 | SWGINDEX | SAP Workload: Index | SAPWLINT2 | INT2 |
33 | SWGLR | Total Budget | WERTV8 | CURR |
34 | SWGLS | Overall Plan | WERTV8 | CURR |
35 | SWGMONDEST | SAP Workload: RFC Destination for Monitoring System | SAPWLRFCDST | CHAR |
36 | SWGMONSYS | SAP Workload: System ID of Monitoring System | SAPWLCHR32 | CHAR |
37 | SWGPACMNT | SAP Workload: Comment for a Parameter | SAPWTXT128 | CHAR |
38 | SWGPARNM | SAP Workload: DSR Collector Parameters | SAPWLCHR40 | CHAR |
39 | SWGPARTYP | SAP Workload: DSR Collector Parameter Type | SAPWLCHAR1 | CHAR |
40 | SWGPAUNIT | SAP Workload: Unit of a DSR Collector Parameter | SAPWLTXT12 | CHAR |
41 | SWGPAVALC | SAP Workload: Character Value of a DSR Collector Parameter | SAPWLCHAR128 | CHAR |
42 | SWGPAVALI | SAP Workload: Integer Value of a DSR Collector Parameter | INT4 | |
43 | SWGRELINFO | SAP Workload: Release Notes | SAPWLTXT40 | CHAR |
44 | SWGSERVICE | SAP Workload: Service Type | SAPWLINT2 | INT2 |
45 | SWGSOLDEST | SAP Workload: RFC Destination for Solution Manager | SAPWLRFCDST | CHAR |
46 | SWGSTATTYP | SAP Workload: Statistics Type | SAPWLTXT40 | CHAR |
47 | SWGSYSNAME | SAP Workload: System Name | SAPWLCHR32 | CHAR |
48 | SWGSYSTYPE | N3 Workload: Type of Statistics Component | TEXT10 | CHAR |
49 | SWG_INFO | Information field for attachment | CHAR20 | CHAR |
50 | SWG_RRPCNT | Number of replies | NUMC04 | NUMC |
51 | SWHACTOR_D | WFP: SWHACTOR unstructured | CHAR14 | CHAR |
52 | SWHR | Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
53 | SWHRAUSG | Clearing amount currency | WAERS | CUKY |
54 | SWHRKNDCUK | Second Currency for Correspondence | WAERS | CUKY |
55 | SWHRKOND | Currency of Condition Item | WAERS | CUKY |
56 | SWHRKONDBI | Currency of condition item | CHAR5 | CHAR |
57 | SWHRKO_BI | Currency of condition item | CHAR5 | CHAR |
58 | SWHRNKGR | Service charge group currency | WAERS | CUKY |
59 | SWHRORG | Loan currency before conversion to EURO | WAERS | CUKY |
60 | SWHRT | Currency swap indicator | SWHRT | CHAR |
61 | SWHRZHLG | Currency of payment amount | WAERS | CUKY |
62 | SWHRZUSA | Currency of commitment amount | WAERS | CUKY |
63 | SWH_ACCP | Workflow: Data Type ACCP | ACCP | |
64 | SWH_CHAR10 | Workflow: Data Type CHAR(10) | CHAR | |
65 | SWH_CHAR100 | Workflow: Data Type CHAR(100) | CHAR | |
66 | SWH_CHAR1000 | Workflow: Data Type CHAR(1000) | CHAR | |
67 | SWH_CHAR200 | Workflow: Data Type CHAR(200) | CHAR | |
68 | SWH_CHAR50 | Workflow: Data Type CHAR(50) | CHAR | |
69 | SWH_CHAR500 | Workflow: Data Type CHAR(500) | CHAR | |
70 | SWH_CLNT | Workflow: Data Type CLNT | CLNT | |
71 | SWH_CURR | Workflow: Data Type CURR(15,2) | BSPCURR | CURR |
72 | SWH_DATS | Workflow: Data Type DATS | DATS | |
73 | SWH_DEC | Workflow: Data Type DEC | DEC | |
74 | SWH_FLTP | Workflow: Data Type FLTP | FLTP | |
75 | SWH_INT1 | Workflow: Data Type INT1 | INT1 | |
76 | SWH_INT2 | Workflow: Data Type INT2 | INT2 | |
77 | SWH_INT4 | Workflow: Data Type INT4 | INT4 | |
78 | SWH_LANG | Workflow: Data Type LANG | LANG | |
79 | SWH_LCHR | Workflow: Data Type LCHR | LCHR | |
80 | SWH_LRAW | Workflow: Data Type LRAW | LRAW | |
81 | SWH_NUMC | Workflow: Data Type NUMC | NUMC | |
82 | SWH_NUMC10 | Workflow: Data Type NUMC(10) | NUMC | |
83 | SWH_NUMC100 | Workflow: Data Type NUMC(100) | NUMC | |
84 | SWH_NUMC200 | Workflow: Data Type NUMC(200) | NUMC | |
85 | SWH_NUMC255 | Workflow: Data Type NUMC(255) | NUMC | |
86 | SWH_NUMC50 | Workflow: Data Type NUMC(50) | NUMC | |
87 | SWH_RAW | Workflow: Data Type RAW | RAW | |
88 | SWH_RAW10 | Workflow: Data Type RAW(10) | RAW | |
89 | SWH_RAW100 | Workflow: Data Type RAW(100) | RAW | |
90 | SWH_RAW1000 | Workflow: Data Type RAW(1000) | RAW | |
91 | SWH_RAWSTRING | Workflow: Data Type RAWSTRING | RSTR | |
92 | SWH_SSTRING | Workflow: Data Type SSTRING | SSTR | |
93 | SWH_SSTRING10 | Workflow: Data Type SSTRING(10) | SSTR | |
94 | SWH_SSTRING100 | Workflow: Data Type SSTRING(100) | SSTR | |
95 | SWH_SSTRING255 | Workflow: Data Type SSTRING(255) | SSTR | |
96 | SWH_STATUS | Status | SWH_STATUS | CHAR |
97 | SWH_STRING | Workflow: Data Type STRING | STRG | |
98 | SWH_TIMS | Workflow: Data Type TIMS | TIMS | |
99 | SWH_UNIT | Workflow: Data Type UNIT | UNIT | |
100 | SWIALLTK | F1 for Indicator "All" | CHAR1 | CHAR |
101 | SWIALLTSK | Documentation on Task Type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
102 | SWIANALOBJ | Type of Analysis Object | SWIANALOBJ | NUMC |
103 | SWIDEVCL | Task Package | DEVCLASS | CHAR |
104 | SWIEVENT | Object Type Event | SWC_ELEM | CHAR |
105 | SWIFT | SWIFT/BIC for International Payments | SWIFT | CHAR |
106 | SWINP | Input field | CHAR1 | CHAR |
107 | SWINPX | Input field | XFELD | CHAR |
108 | SWINT | Highlighted output | CHAR1 | CHAR |
109 | SWINTX | Highlighted output | XFELD | CHAR |
110 | SWINV | Output invisible | CHAR1 | CHAR |
111 | SWINVX | Output invisible | XFELD | CHAR |
112 | SWIOEVENT | Object Type Event | CHAR1 | CHAR |
113 | SWIOMETH | Object Method | SWC_ELEM | CHAR |
114 | SWIOTYP | Object Type in Business Object Repository (BOR) | OJ_NAME | CHAR |
115 | SWIRTBR | Industry indicator | CHAR5 | CHAR |
116 | SWITASK | Task ID in Workflow | HROBJID_12 | CHAR |
117 | SWITSKCHK | Immediate Consistency Check for Tasks | CHAR1 | CHAR |
118 | SWITSKMES | Task Message | CHAR1 | CHAR |
119 | SWITSKTYP | Task Type | OTYPE | CHAR |
120 | SWI_AGENT | Name of work item agent | TEXT40 | CHAR |
121 | SWI_BATCH | WIS: Work item type - Background step | XFELD | CHAR |
122 | SWI_BRUTTO | Processing Duration of Work Item | SWI_CHAR17 | CHAR |
123 | SWI_B_MEAN | Average total time for task | SWI_CHAR17 | CHAR |
124 | SWI_CANCEL | Status "logically deleted" | XFELD | CHAR |
125 | SWI_CLSTYP | Object Type Category | SWI_CLSTYP | CHAR |
126 | SWI_COMMIT | Status "executed" | XFELD | CHAR |
127 | SWI_COMPLE | Status "completed" | XFELD | CHAR |
128 | SWI_COUNT | Number of Work Items | INT4 | |
129 | SWI_DEPTH | Hierarchy level for work item | INT4 | |
130 | SWI_DIAGNO | Error cause | NATXT | CHAR |
131 | SWI_DIALOG | WIS: Work item type - Dialog step | XFELD | CHAR |
132 | SWI_ERROR | Status "error" | XFELD | CHAR |
133 | SWI_FLOW | WIS: Work item type - (Sub)workflow | XFELD | CHAR |
134 | SWI_ICONTX | Icon text | CHAR | |
135 | SWI_MARK | WF: Radio button | SYCHAR01 | CHAR |
136 | SWI_NETTO | Working hours for work item in days hours minutes seconds | SWI_CHAR17 | CHAR |
137 | SWI_NUMC48 | Domain for Info System | NUMC | |
138 | SWI_N_MEAN | Average work time for task | SWI_CHAR17 | CHAR |
139 | SWI_OUTOPT | Additional Entries in the Work Item List | XFELD | CHAR |
140 | SWI_QUAN10 | Lower limit for processing duration | SWI_CHAR17 | CHAR |
141 | SWI_QUAN50 | Average for processing duration | SWI_CHAR17 | CHAR |
142 | SWI_QUAN90 | Upper limit for processing duration | SWI_CHAR17 | CHAR |
143 | SWI_READY | Status "ready" | XFELD | CHAR |
144 | SWI_SELECT | Status "reserved" | XFELD | CHAR |
145 | SWI_START | Status "in process" | XFELD | CHAR |
146 | SWI_TARA | Wait time for work item in days hours minutes seconds | SWI_CHAR17 | CHAR |
147 | SWI_TASKGR | Task group | HROBJEC_14 | CHAR |
148 | SWI_TIMSEL | Selection Time Period | SWI_TIMSEL | CHAR |
149 | SWI_TLIGHT | WF: Icon (Stop and Go) | SWI_TLIGHT | CHAR |
150 | SWI_TOPLVL | Workflow: Additional Selection Properties | SWI_TOPLVL | NUMC |
151 | SWI_TPDEAD | Info system: Type of missed deadline | TEXT40 | CHAR |
152 | SWI_TSKGRP | Task group | HROBJEC_14 | CHAR |
153 | SWI_TS_RAD | Indicator denoting that search for standard tasks | XFELD | CHAR |
154 | SWI_T_MEAN | Average wait time for task | SWI_CHAR17 | CHAR |
155 | SWI_T_RAD | Indicator denoting that search for customer tasks | XFELD | CHAR |
156 | SWI_UILOAD | Workflow: Selection for Workload Analysis | SWI_UILOAD | NUMC |
157 | SWI_WAIT | Status "waiting" | XFELD | CHAR |
158 | SWI_WF_RAD | Indicator denoting that search for workflow tasks | XFELD | CHAR |
159 | SWI_WS_RAD | Indicator denoting that search for workflow templates | XFELD | CHAR |
160 | SWJHR | Budget (Annual Value) | WERTV8 | CURR |
161 | SWJHS | Annual Plan Value | WERTV8 | CURR |
162 | SWJHT | Annual Budget | WERTV8 | CURR |
163 | SWJ_ACTION | Action | SWJ_ACTION | NUMC |
164 | SWJ_APPL | Applications Within WF Output Medium | SWJ_APPL | NUMC |
165 | SWJ_CNTTYP | PPF: Type of Parameter Container (Runtime/Customizing ) | SWJ_CNTTYP | CHAR |
166 | SWJ_CONDID | ID for Parameter Condition | SYSUUID_C | CHAR |
167 | SWJ_CONDTP | Type of Parameter Condition | SWJ_CONDTP | NUMC |
168 | SWJ_CRTDAT | Created On | SYDATS | DATS |
169 | SWJ_CRTNAM | Creator of Parameter Condition | SYCHAR12 | CHAR |
170 | SWJ_CRTSPR | Creation Language of Parameter Condition | SPRAS | LANG |
171 | SWJ_CRTTIM | Created at | SYTIME | TIMS |
172 | SWJ_CRTUTC | UTC Data for Parameter Condition (Creation) | TZNTSTMPS | DEC |
173 | SWJ_DESCR | Name of Parameter Condition | TEXT80 | CHAR |
174 | SWJ_EDTDAT | Changed On | SYDATS | DATS |
175 | SWJ_EDTNAM | Last Changer of Parameter Condition | SYCHAR12 | CHAR |
176 | SWJ_EDTTIM | Time changed | SYTIME | TIMS |
177 | SWJ_EDTUTC | UTC Data for Parameter Condition (Last Change) | TZNTSTMPS | DEC |
178 | SWJ_FNAME | Function Module for Parameterization | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
179 | SWJ_INTFAC | Status of Interface | NUMC2 | NUMC |
180 | SWJ_OBJROL | Role of Object (01-Current Object, 02-Reference Object) | SWJ_OBJROL | NUMC |
181 | SWJ_OBJTYP | Object Type | OJ_NAME | CHAR |
182 | SWJ_PARAM | Status of Parameter Maintenance | NUMC2 | NUMC |
183 | SWJ_RDESCR | Runtime Name (with Parameter Replacement) | TEXT120 | CHAR |
184 | SWJ_REFTYP | Ref. object type | OJ_NAME | CHAR |
185 | SWJ_SAPRL | Release of System | SYCHAR04 | CHAR |
186 | SWJ_SHTEXT | Description for Parameter Condition | TEXT80 | CHAR |
187 | SWJ_UTC | UTC Data for Parameter Condition | TZNTSTMPS | DEC |
188 | SWKCHARTYP | Character Data Type for Container Definition | SWK_CHAR | CHAR |
189 | SWKDATETYP | Date Type for Container Definition | SWK_DATE | DATS |
190 | SWKDP40 | MRP Plan | WERTV8 | CURR |
191 | SWKEXEGUID | Workflow: GUID for Work Item Execution | SWKEXEGUID | CHAR |
192 | SWKFLTPTYP | Floating Point Data Type for Container Definition | SWK_FLOAT | FLTP |
193 | SWKFR | Fixed Amount | WERTV8 | CURR |
194 | SWKFR_CURR | Currency Unit | WAERS | CUKY |
195 | SWKGR | Amount | WERTV8 | CURR |
196 | SWKGR_CURR | Currency Unit | WAERS | CUKY |
197 | SWKHACT | Action | SWKHACT | CHAR |
198 | SWKHAND | Handler | SWK_HAND | CHAR |
199 | SWKHCAT | Handler Category | SWKHCAT | CHAR |
200 | SWKHKIN | Type of Handler (callback or Launch) | SWKHKIN | CHAR |
201 | SWKINTTYP | Integer Data Type for Container Definition | SWK_INT | INT4 |
202 | SWKPATH | Service Path | SWK_PATH | CHAR |
203 | SWKPORT | Port Number | SWK_PORT | CHAR |
204 | SWKPP40 | Project Plan | WERTV8 | CURR |
205 | SWKPP46 | Project Plan | WERTV8 | CURR |
206 | SWKPROT | Log | SWK_PROT | CHAR |
207 | SWKSRVR | Server | SWK_SRVR | CHAR |
208 | SWKSTRNBW_KK | Source Structure of Extraction Fields | AS4TAB | CHAR |
209 | SWKTIMETYP | Time Data Type for Container Definition | SWK_TIME | TIMS |
210 | SWKVR | Variable Amount | WERTV8 | CURR |
211 | SWKVR_CURR | Currency Unit | WAERS | CUKY |
212 | SWKWPUTY | URL Type in the Workplace Server | SWKWPUTY | CHAR |
213 | SWK_CHFLAG | Indicator: Check Derived Object Types? | SWK_CHFLAG | CHAR |
214 | SWK_CLSMET | Workflow: Method Name | SWK_CLSMET | CHAR |
215 | SWK_CLSNAM | Workflow: Type of Objects in Persistent Object References | SWK_TYPEID | CHAR |
216 | SWK_CLSTYP | Object Category | SWK_CLSTYP | CHAR |
217 | SWK_DECIKEY | Index of an Alternative of a User Decision | SWK_DECIKEY | NUMC |
218 | SWK_DECITEXT | Text of an Alternative of a User Decision | SWC_VALUE | CHAR |
219 | SWK_MSG | Language-Specific Message | SWK_MSG | CHAR |
220 | SWK_MSG_C | Error Code | INT4 | INT4 |
221 | SWK_TSKRS | Release Status of Task | SWK_TSKRS | CHAR |
222 | SWK_URL | URL | SWK_URL | CHAR |
223 | SWK_VAL_XL | Character Value: Extra Large | SWK_VAL_XL | CHAR |
224 | SWK_XLEN | Length of the Field in Bytes | SWK_XLEN | NUMC |
225 | SWK_XMLTYP | XML-Schema Data Type of Container Element | SWK_XMLTYP | CHAR |
226 | SWL01 | SAP Workload: Number of Steps with Response Time < 0.1s | INT4 | |
227 | SWL01D | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < 0.1s (%) | DEC | |
228 | SWL02 | SAP Workload: No. of Steps with Response Time 0.1s< RT< 0.2s | INT4 | |
229 | SWL02D | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Resp. Time 0.1s< RT< 0.2s | DEC | |
230 | SWL02K | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < 0.2s (%) | DEC | |
231 | SWL03 | SAP Workload: No. of Steps with Response Time 0.2s< RT< 0.3s | INT4 | |
232 | SWL03D | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Resp. Time 0.2s< RT< 0.3s | DEC | |
233 | SWL03K | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < 0.3s (%) | DEC | |
234 | SWL04 | SAP Workload: No. of Steps with Response Time 0.3s< RT< 0.4s | INT4 | |
235 | SWL04D | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Resp. Time 0.3s< RT< 0.4s | DEC | |
236 | SWL04K | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < 0.4s (%) | DEC | |
237 | SWL05 | SAP Workload: No. of Steps with Response Time 0.4s< RT< 0.5s | INT4 | |
238 | SWL05D | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Resp. Time 0.4s< RT< 0.5s | DEC | |
239 | SWL05K | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < 0.5s (%) | DEC | |
240 | SWL1 | SAP Workload: No. of Steps with Response Time 0.5s< RT< 1.0s | INT4 | |
241 | SWL10 | SAP Workload: No. of Steps with Response Time 3s< RT< 10s | INT4 | |
242 | SWL10D | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Resp. Time 3s< RT< 10s | DEC | |
243 | SWL10K | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < 10s (%) | DEC | |
244 | SWL10P | SAP Workload: No. of Steps with Response Time > 10s | INT4 | |
245 | SWL10PD | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time > 10s (%) | DEC | |
246 | SWL10PK | SAP Workload: Share of All Steps (%) (Always 100%) | INT4 | |
247 | SWL1D | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Resp. Time 0.5s< RT< 1.0s | DEC | |
248 | SWL1K | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < 1s (%) | DEC | |
249 | SWL2 | SAP Workload: No. of Steps with Response Time 1s< RT< 2s | INT4 | |
250 | SWL2D | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Resp. Time 1s< RT< 2s (%) | DEC | |
251 | SWL2K | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < 2s (%) | DEC | |
252 | SWL3 | SAP Workload: No. of Steps with Response Time 2s< RT< 3s | INT4 | |
253 | SWL3D | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Resp. Time 2s< RT< 3s (%) | DEC | |
254 | SWL3K | SAP Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < 3s (%) | DEC | |
255 | SWLAC | Workflow Inbox Active? | XFELD | CHAR |
256 | SWLACCT | SAP Workload: Accounting Number | XUACCNT | CHAR |
257 | SWLACPUMTI | SAP Workload: Ø CPU Time for an Application Stats Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
258 | SWLACPUSTI | SAP Workload: Total CPU Time: Application Stats Step (s) | SAPWLTIME2 | DEC |
259 | SWLACTTYP | SAP Workload: Initial Action in "Load from External Systems" | SAPWLCHR40 | CHAR |
260 | SWLADBTIME | SAP Workload: Avg Database Time for an Appl. Stats Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
261 | SWLADMMTI | SAP STATTRACE: Average Time for ADM Message of this Code(ms) | SAPWLUDC10 | DEC |
262 | SWLAGGLEVL | SAP Workload: Parameter 'Aggregationsebene' für FB | CHAR | |
263 | SWLAGGR | SAP Workload: Tcode Aggr: DevClass, Sub-App, App | SAPWLCHR32 | CHAR |
264 | SWLAMRESPT | SAP workload: Ø Response Time: Application Stats Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
265 | SWLAPPINF | SAP Workload: Application Info in the App. Statistics Record | CHAR | |
266 | SWLAPPSTEP | SAP Workload: Number of Steps in the Application Statistics | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
267 | SWLASINIKY | SAP Workload: Application statistics initial key | CHAR | |
268 | SWLASOPKY | SAP Workload: Application statistics open key | CHAR | |
269 | SWLASOTXT | SAP Workload: Application Statistics: Function Text | SAPWLCHR61 | CHAR |
270 | SWLASRESPT | SAP Workload: Total Response Time (s) | SAPWLTIME2 | DEC |
271 | SWLASTECTX | SAP Workload: Application Statistics: Technical Function Txt | SAPWLCHR61 | CHAR |
272 | SWLAVBIN | SAP Workload: Ø Data Volume to Application Server (Byte) | DEC | |
273 | SWLAVBIN_LONG | SAP Workload: Ø Data Volume to Application Server (Byte) | DEC | |
274 | SWLAVBOT | SAP Workload: Ø Data Volume to Front End per Step (Byte) | DEC | |
275 | SWLAVBOT_LONG | SAP Workload: Ø Data Volume to Front End per Step (Byte) | DEC | |
276 | SWLAWAITMT | SAP Workload: Ø Wait Time per Application Stats Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
277 | SWLBDLNAME | SAP Workload Data Model | SAPWTXT30 | CHAR |
278 | SWLBOOL | WLC: {X;space} for display of WIM log entry in WF log | SWLBOOL | CHAR |
279 | SWLBSTEP | SAP Workload: Number of Steps in Background Processing | INT4 | |
280 | SWLCALLER | SAP STATTRACE: User that Trigerred the Call | CHAR13 | CHAR |
281 | SWLCALLS | SAP STATTRACE: Number of Calls | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
282 | SWLCALLTI | SAP STATTRACE: Call Time on Client (ms; incl. Network Time) | SAPWLTIME0 | DEC |
283 | SWLCHNGCN | SAP Workload: Number of Logical Database Changes | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
284 | SWLCHNGMT | SAP Workload: Average Change Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME3 | DEC |
285 | SWLCHNGREC | SAP Workload: Number of Changed DB Records | SAPWLP30 | DEC |
286 | SWLCHNGST | SAP Workload: Total Time for Logical DB Changes (s) | SAPWLTIME0 | DEC |
287 | SWLCHNGST1 | SAP Workload: Total Time for Logical Changes (s) | DEC | |
288 | SWLCL | Class in Workflow Inbox | SWLCL | CHAR |
289 | SWLCLTEXT | Technical Name of an Inbox Class | TEXT40 | CHAR |
290 | SWLCNT | SAP STATTRACE: Number of Calls of ADM Message of this Code | SAPWLUDC10 | DEC |
291 | SWLCNTAGG | SAP Workload: Counter in Aggregates | SAPWLDEC24 | DEC |
292 | SWLCODE | SAP STATTRACE: OP Code of ADM Message | NUMC | NUMC |
293 | SWLCPUMTA | SAP Workload: CPU Time per Transaction (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
294 | SWLCPUMTI | SAP Workload: Average CPU Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
295 | SWLCPUMTIX | SAP Workload: Average CPU Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
296 | SWLCPUSTI | SAP Workload: Total CPU Time (s) | SAPWLTIME2 | DEC |
297 | SWLCPUSTI1 | SAP Workload: Total CPU Time (s) | DEC | |
298 | SWLCPUTI | SAP workload: CPU time (ms) | SAPWLTIME2 | DEC |
299 | SWLCUALOTI | SAP Workload: Load Time for GUI Objects from Database (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
300 | SWLDATE | SAP Workload: Start Date of Analysis Period | DATUM | DATS |
301 | SWLDBCCNT | SAP Workload: Number of Dialog Steps per DB Connection | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
302 | SWLDBCNT | SAP Workload: Number of Database Procedure Calls | SAPWLCTLNG | DEC |
303 | SWLDBCOMTI | SAP Workload: Total COMMIT Time (s) | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
304 | SWLDBCOMTIAVG | SAP Workload: COMMIT Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SWNCDOMDEC24D | DEC |
305 | SWLDBCONN | SAP Workload: Logical Name of Database Connection | CHAR30 | CHAR |
306 | SWLDBCOUNT | SAP Workload: Number of Database Procedure Calls | SAPWLCTLNG | DEC |
307 | SWLDBPRAV1 | SAP Workload: Average Time per DB Procedure Call (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
308 | SWLDBPRAVG | SAP Workload: Average Time per DB Procedure Call (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
309 | SWLDBPRMT1 | SAP Workload: Ø Time for DB Proc. Calls per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
310 | SWLDBPRMTA | SAP Workload: Ø Time for DB Proc. Calls per Transact. (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
311 | SWLDBPRMTI | SAP Workload: Ø Time for DB Proc. Calls per Transact. (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
312 | SWLDBPRONA | SAP Workload: Database Procedure Name | CHAR100 | CHAR |
313 | SWLDBPRTI1 | SAP Workload: Time for DB Accesses by DB Procedures (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
314 | SWLDBPRTI2 | SAP Workload: Time for DB Accesses by DB Procedures (ms) | DEC15 | DEC |
315 | SWLDBPRTIM | SAP Workload: Time for DB Accesses by DB Procedures (ms) | SAPWLCTLNG | DEC |
316 | SWLDBRECMT | SAP workload: Average Response Time per Database Row (ms) | SAPWLTIME3 | DEC |
317 | SWLDBREQCN | SAP Workload: Logical Database Calls from ABAP | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
318 | SWLDBREQMT | SAP Workload: Average Time per Logical Database Call (ms) | SAPWLTIME3 | DEC |
319 | SWLDBREQTI | SAP Workload: Database Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
320 | SWLDBREQTP | SAP workload: Type of ABAP request sent to the DB interface | SAPWLCHR32 | CHAR |
321 | SWLDBROWCN | SAP Workload: Number of Database Rows Read | SAPWLINT4 | INT4 |
322 | SWLDBST | SAP Workload: Total Database Time (s) | SAPWLTIME2 | DEC |
323 | SWLDBST1 | SAP Workload: Total Database Time (s) | DEC | |
324 | SWLDBTI | SAP Workload: Total Database Time (s) | SAPWLTIME2 | DEC |
325 | SWLDBTIAVG | SAP Workload: Average DB Time (ms) | SWNCDOMDEC24D | DEC |
326 | SWLDBTIME | SAP Workload: Average Database Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
327 | SWLDBTIMEX | SAP Workload: Average Database Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
328 | SWLDBUFRCN | SAP Workload: No. of Records Read from the Single Rec.Buffer | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
329 | SWLDDICTI | SAP workload: Time in DDIC interface (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
330 | SWLDEST | SAP STATTRACE: Local Destination | CHAR32 | CHAR |
331 | SWLDESTINATION | SAP Workload: Name of RFC Destination | SAPWLCHR64 | CHAR |
332 | SWLDESTUSR | SAP STATTRACE: Remote User from Destination | XUBNAME | CHAR |
333 | SWLDIAST | SAP Workload: Transaction Details - Number of Steps | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
334 | SWLDIASTEP | SAP Workload: Number of Steps | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
335 | SWLDMDTXT | DMD: Name of Data Model from Solution Manager | SAPWTXT120 | CHAR |
336 | SWLDRDCN | SAP Workload: Number of Directly Read Data Records | DEC15 | DEC |
337 | SWLDREADCN | SAP Workload: Number of Direct Reads | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
338 | SWLDREADMT | SAP Workload: Average Time for Logical Direct Reads (ms) | SAPWLTIME3 | DEC |
339 | SWLDREADREC | Number of Records Read in the Type "Direct Read" | SAPWLP30 | DEC |
340 | SWLDREADST | SAP Workload: Total Time for Logical Direct Reads (s) | SAPWLTIME0 | DEC |
341 | SWLDREAST1 | SAP Workload: Total Time for Logical Direct Reads (s) | DEC | |
342 | SWLDYNLOTI | SAP Workload: Load Time for Screens from Database (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
343 | SWLENTRYID | SAP Workload: Background Job Name | SAPWLCHR73 | CHAR |
344 | SWLEXAV | SAP Workload: Ø Usage of Extended Memory/Dialog Step | SAPWLDEC31 | DEC |
345 | SWLEXETI | SAP STATTRACE: Execution Time on Server (ms) | SAPWLTIME0 | DEC |
346 | SWLEXMEMAX | SAP Workload: Maximum Usage of Extended Memory (KB) | SAPWLDEC31 | DEC |
347 | SWLFCODE | SAP Workload: Function Code | CHAR20 | CHAR |
348 | SWLFGTRPMT | SAP Workload: Average GUI Time per Roundtrip (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
349 | SWLFGUICT | SAP Workload: Number of Roundtrips | SAPWLTIME0 | DEC |
350 | SWLFGUICT_LONG | SAP Workload: Number of Roundtrips | DEC | |
351 | SWLFGUIMT | SAP Workload: Average GUI Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
352 | SWLFGUIST | SAP Workload: Total GUI Time (s) | SAPWLTIME0 | DEC |
353 | SWLFGUIST1 | SAP Workload: Total GUI Time (s) | DEC | |
354 | SWLFGUITI | SAP Workload: GUI Time for a Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME0 | DEC |
355 | SWLFNETMT | SAP Workload: Avg. Frontend Network Time per Dialog Step(ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
356 | SWLFNETST | SAP Workload: Total Frontend Network Time (s) | SAPWLTIME0 | DEC |
357 | SWLFNETST1 | SAP Workload: Total Frontend Network Time (s) | DEC | |
358 | SWLFNETST2 | SAP Workload: Total Frontend Network Time (s) | DEC | |
359 | SWLFUNCN | SAP STATTRACE: Name of Executed Function | CHAR32 | CHAR |
360 | SWLFUNCNAME | SAP Workload: Function Name | SAPWLCHR64 | CHAR |
361 | SWLGCOLDCOUNT | SAP Workload: Number of Garbage Coll. Calls for Old Gen. | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
362 | SWLGCOLDTI | SAP Workload: Total Garbage Coll. Time for Old Gen. (ms) | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
363 | SWLGCOLDTIM | SAP Workload: Average Garbage Coll. Time for Old Generation | SWNCDOMDEC24D | DEC |
364 | SWLGCSHATI | SAP Workload: Total Garbage Coll. Time f. Shared Objs (ms) | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
365 | SWLGCSHATIM | SAP Workload: Avge Garbage Collection Time f. Shared Objects | SWNCDOMDEC24D | DEC |
366 | SWLGCSHRCOUNT | SAP Workload: Garbage Collection Calls for Shared Objects | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
367 | SWLGCYOUCOUNT | SAP Workload: No. of Garb. Coll. Calls for Young Generation | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
368 | SWLGCYOUTI | SAP Workload: Total Garbage Coll. Time for Young Gen. (ms) | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
369 | SWLGCYOUTIM | SAP Workload: Avge Garbage Coll. Time for Young Generation | SWNCDOMDEC24D | DEC |
370 | SWLGENTI | SAP Workload: Time for Code, GUI, and Screen Generation (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
371 | SWLGES | Budget | WERTV8 | CURR |
372 | SWLGES_CUR | Budget Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
373 | SWLGLFNAME | SAP Workload: Trace File Name (SPAWL_GLOB_TRACE, ST05) | TEXT100 | CHAR |
374 | SWLGPL | Overall Plan Value | WERTV8 | CURR |
375 | SWLGPL_CUR | Currency Unit: Overall Plan Value | WAERS | CUKY |
376 | SWLHCHTI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists - Time for Logical DB Changes (ms) | SAPWLTIME3 | DEC |
377 | SWLHCPUTI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists - CPU Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
378 | SWLHDATE | SAP Workload: Date of Creation of Statistics Record | SAPWLDATE | DATS |
379 | SWLHDBREQ | SAP Workload: Hit Lists - Logical Database Calls from ABAP | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
380 | SWLHDBTI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists, Database Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME2 | DEC |
381 | SWLHDRETI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists - Time for Logical Direct Reads (ms) | SAPWLTIME3 | DEC |
382 | SWLHLOADTI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists: Load and Generation Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
383 | SWLHLTEXT | SAP workload: Hit lists: Component name | SAPWLCHR60 | CHAR |
384 | SWLHLUNIT | SAP workload: Hit lists: Component unit | SAPWLCHAR8 | CHAR |
385 | SWLHLVALUE | SAP workload: Hit lists: Component value | SAPWLCHR32 | CHAR |
387 | SWLHPRGNAM | SAP Workload: ABAP Program for Transaction Step | SAPWLCHR40 | CHAR |
388 | SWLHPROCTI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists - Processing Time of Dialog Step(ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
389 | SWLHRESPTI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists: Dialog Step Response Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
390 | SWLHROLLWAITTI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists - Roll Wait Time for Dialog Step(ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
391 | SWLHSRETI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists: Time for Log. Seq. Reads (ms) | SAPWLTIME3 | DEC |
392 | SWLHTIME | SAP workload: Time stamp for statistics record | SAPWLTIMES | TIMS |
393 | SWLHTPDEST | SAP-Workload: Destination (host, service) of HTTP-Request | CHAR | |
394 | SWLHTPPATH | SAP Workload: HTTP Path | SAPWLCH128 | CHAR |
396 | SWLHTTPCALLTI | SAP Workload: Call Time | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
397 | SWLHTTPCALTIAVG | SAP Workload: Average Call Time | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
398 | SWLHTTPCNT | SAP Workload: Number of HTTP Calls | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
399 | SWLHTTPDEST | SAP Workload: HTTP Destination | CHAR | |
402 | SWLHTTPPATH | SAP Workload: HTTP Path | SWNCDOMTXT128 | CHAR |
403 | SWLHTTPRECIVE | SAP Workload: Data Received by HTTP (Bytes) | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
404 | SWLHTTPSEND | SAP Workload: Data Sent by HTTP (Bytes) | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
407 | SWLHUSRNAM | SAP Workload: Hit Lists - User Name | XUBNAME | CHAR |
408 | SWLHWAITTI | SAP Workload: Hit Lists: Dialog Step Wait Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
409 | SWLHWPID | SAP workload: Hit Lists: Work Process Number | SAPWLINT1 | INT1 |
410 | SWLIDLETI | SAP STATTRACE: Wait Time for ICF Server (ms) | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
411 | SWLIP | SAP STATTRACE: Local IP Address | CHAR16 | CHAR |
412 | SWLJET | Budget | WERTV8 | CURR |
413 | SWLJET_CUR | Annual Budget Currency Unit | WAERS | CUKY |
414 | SWLJHR | Value (Fiscal Year) | WERTV8 | CURR |
415 | SWLJHR_CUR | Budget Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
416 | SWLJPL | Annual Plan Value | WERTV8 | CURR |
417 | SWLJPL_CUR | Currency Unit: Overall Plan Value | WAERS | CUKY |
418 | SWLLCKMT | SAP Workload: Ø Time for Lock Operations per Dialog Step(ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
419 | SWLLCKMTX | SAP Workload: Ø Time for Lock Operations per Dialog Step(ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
420 | SWLLOAMT | SAP Workload: Average Load and Generation Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
421 | SWLLOAMTX | SAP Workload: Average Load and Generation Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
422 | SWLLOATI | SAP Workload: Code, GUI, and Screen Load Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
423 | SWLLOCKCNT | SAP workload: Number of lock operations | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
424 | SWLLOCKTI | SAP Workload: Lock Operations per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
425 | SWLLSTCMPTY | N3 Workload: Type of a Statistics-Writing Component | CHAR10 | CHAR |
426 | SWLLUWCNT | SAP Workload: Number of LUW Changes | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
427 | SWLMAILFROM | SAP STATTRACE: Sender of a query to ICF server | SWNCDOMTXT128 | CHAR |
428 | SWLMAILTO | SAP STATTRACE: Recipient of a query to an ICF server | SWNCDOMTXT128 | CHAR |
429 | SWLMANDT | SAP Workload: Client | MANDT | CLNT |
430 | SWLMAXMEM | SAP workload: Total memory requirement | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
431 | SWLMAXPAGE | SAP Workload: Number of Newly Occuped Pages in Paging Area | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
432 | SWLMAXROLL | SAP Workload: Maximum Memory Required for Roll Area | SAPWLP15 | DEC |
433 | SWLMDBTA | SAP Workload: Average Database Time per Transaction (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
434 | SWLMECHFRSH | SAP Workload: Released Memory from Shared Code Cache | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
435 | SWLMECHMALLO | SAP Workload: Memory Allocated for Shared Code Cache | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
436 | SWLMEMALLO | SAP Workload: Locally Allocated Memory | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
437 | SWLMEMALSH | SAP Workload: Shared Allocated Memory | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
438 | SWLMEMTOT | SAP Workload: Average Usage of All Memory Types (KB) | SAPWLDEC31 | DEC |
439 | SWLMEOBALOLD | SAP Workload: Memory for Objects in the Old Generation | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
440 | SWLMEOBALSHR | SAP Workload: Memory for Shared Objects (Bytes) | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
441 | SWLMEOBFROLD | SAP Workload: Released Memory fpr Old Generation Objects | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
442 | SWLMEOBFROM | SAP Workload: Memory Moved from Young Generation to Old Gen. | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
443 | SWLMEOBFRSHR | SAP Workload: Memory Released for Shared Objects (Bytes) | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
444 | SWLMEOBFRYOU | SAP Workload: Memory Released for Young Generation Objects | SWNCDOMDEC24 | DEC |
445 | SWLMEPERM | Permission to Execute Work Items in ME Mode | CHAR1 | CHAR |
446 | SWLMODE | SAP Workload: Display Mode | CHAR1 | CHAR |
447 | SWLMRESPTA | SAP Workload: Average Response Time per Transaction (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
448 | SWLMRESPTI | SAP Workload: Average Response Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
449 | SWLMRESPTX | SAP Workload: Average Response Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
450 | SWLMRLINTI | SAP Workload: Average Roll In Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
451 | SWLMRLOUTI | SAP Workload: Average Roll-Out Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
452 | SWLMRLOUTX | SAP Workload: Average Roll-Out Time per Dialog Step (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
453 | SWLMRSPTI | SAP Workload: Average Response Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
454 | SWLMRWAITI | SAP Workload: Average Roll Wait Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
455 | SWLMRWAITX | SAP Workload: Average Roll Wait Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME1 | DEC |
456 | SWLN3ACTN | DSR Statistics: Action | CHAR128 | CHAR |
457 | SWLN3ACTTY | DSR Statistics: Action Type | INT2 | INT2 |
458 | SWLN3AGTNM | DSR Statistics: Name of Agent | CHAR32 | CHAR |
459 | SWLN3AGVER | DSR Statistics: Version of an Aggregate Structure (Profile) | INT4 | |
460 | SWLN3ASTYP | DSR Statistics: Action or Service Types (A/S) | SWLN3ASTFW | CHAR |
461 | SWLN3BIGKB | DSR Statistics: Large Values for Kilobytes | SAPWLSULNG | DEC |
462 | SWLN3BIGMS | DSR Statistics: Large Values for Milliseconds | SAPWLSULNG | DEC |
463 | SWLN3BIGNC | DSR Statistics: Dec.-15 Value as Character (Agent) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
464 | SWLN3CALLS | N3 Workload: Number of Calls for a DSR Component | INT2 | INT2 |
465 | SWLN3CALLTI | N3 Workoad: Time for Call of a Component (ms) | INT4 | |
466 | SWLN3CMPNM | DSR Statistics: Name of a Non-R/3 Component | TEXT32 | CHAR |
467 | SWLN3COUNT | DSR Statistics: Counter for Large Values | SAPWLSULNG | DEC |
468 | SWLN3COUNTP | N3 Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time x<RT< x (%) | DEC | |
469 | SWLN3COUNTPC | N3 Workload: Share of Steps with Response Time < X (%) | DEC | |
470 | SWLN3CPTYP | DSR Statistics: Type of Non-R/3 Component | TEXT10 | CHAR |
471 | SWLN3DEFON | DSR Statistics: Parameter: Only Default Values Exist | CHAR1 | CHAR |
472 | SWLN3DEST | DSR Statistics: Destination of a Called Component | CHAR128 | CHAR |
473 | SWLN3DFIN | DSR Statistics: Indicator: Data Finished | CHAR1 | CHAR |
474 | SWLN3FILL | dsr trace record v2 erweiterungsfeld | CHAR | |
475 | SWLN3FILNM | DSR Statistics: File Name | CHAR128 | CHAR |
476 | SWLN3FUNCN | DSR-Statistik: Funktionsname des vermessenen Code-Abschnitts | CHAR128 | CHAR |
477 | SWLN3HTLSZ | DSR Statistics: Number of Elements in Hit Lists | INT4 | |
478 | SWLN3INFO | DSR Statistics: Component-Specific Information | CHAR256 | CHAR |
479 | SWLN3INTOT | DSR Statistics: Indicator: Data in <TOTAL> | CHAR1 | CHAR |
480 | SWLN3INWM | DSR Statistics: Data in Weekly/Monthly Summarization | CHAR1 | CHAR |
481 | SWLN3JVTID | dsr trace record v2 | CHAR | |
482 | SWLN3KBYTE | DSR Statistics: Memory in Kilobytes | INT4 | |
483 | SWLN3LUWIF | DSR Statistics: LUW Information | STAT_HEX_1 | RAW |
484 | SWLN3MCALTI | N3 Workload: Average Response Time of a Component (ms) | INT4 | |
485 | SWLN3MODN | DSR-Statistik: Modulsname des vermessenen Code-Abschnitts | CHAR32 | CHAR |
486 | SWLN3MREXTI | N3 Workload: Average Time for Execution on Remote System | INT4 | |
487 | SWLN3MSECS | DSR Statistics: Time in Milliseconds | INT4 | |
488 | SWLN3NETTI | N3 Workload: Network Time/Frontend Network Time (ms) | SAPWLTIME0 | DEC |
489 | SWLN3NRCAL | DSR Statistics: Number of Times a Component Is Called | STAT_INT2 | INT2 |
490 | SWLN3PCNAM | DSR Statistics: Name of User of Parameter | TEXT32 | CHAR |
491 | SWLN3PCTYP | DSR Statistics: Parameter User Type | CHAR3 | CHAR |
492 | SWLN3PRID | DSR Statistics: Process ID | INT4 | |
493 | SWLN3RDMOD | DSR Statistics: Read Mode for Raw Statistical Records | STAT_INT4 | INT4 |
494 | SWLN3RECBYTE | N3 Workload: Number of Received Bytes at Component Call | INT4 | |
495 | SWLN3RECV | DSR-Statistik: Version des Subsatzes | CHAR4 | CHAR |
496 | SWLN3REMDEST | N3 Workload: Destination of a Called Component | CHAR128 | CHAR |
497 | SWLN3REMEXTI | N3 Workload: Time for Execution on the Remote System | INT4 | |
498 | SWLN3RETCD | DSR Statistics: Return Code Short Form (CHAR1) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
499 | SWLN3RETTX | DSR Statistics: Return Code Additional Text (CHAR80) | CHAR80 | CHAR |
500 | SWLN3RTCAT | DSR Statistics: Upper Limit of a Response Time Interval | INT4 |