SAP ABAP Data Element - Index S, page 33
Data Element - S
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 SMO3CLHIE Indicator: hierarchy allowed XFELD CHAR 
2 SMO3CLINT Internal class number SMO3CLINT NUMC 
4 SMO3CLLOE Indicator: selected for deletion XFELD CHAR 
5 SMO3CLMIG Indicator: distribution class type XFELD CHAR 
6 SMO3CLMOD Default class data - can be overwritten in component XFELD CHAR 
7 SMO3CLMUL Multiple selection allowed XFELD CHAR 
8 SMO3CLOBK Required component XFELD CHAR 
9 SMO3CLSTA Classification status CHAR1 CHAR 
10 SMO3CLUNV Indicator: classification incomplete - manual XFELD CHAR 
11 SMO3CLUNV1 Indicator: classification incomplete - system XFELD CHAR 
12 SMO3CMCHE Credit limit check for SM processing SMO3CMCHE CHAR 
13 SMO3CMENG Corrected quantity in sales unit MENG13 QUAN 
14 SMO3CMFRE Release date of the document determined by credit management DATUM DATS 
15 SMO3CMGRA Credit group sales order SMO3CRMGR CHAR 
16 SMO3CMGST Overall status of credit checks SMO3CMGST CHAR 
18 SMO3CMPNT ID: Item with active credit function / relevant for credit XFELD CHAR 
19 SMO3CMPS0 Status of credit check for customer reserve 1 SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
20 SMO3CMPS1 Status of credit check for customer reserve 2 SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
21 SMO3CMPS2 Status of credit check for customer reserve 3 SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
22 SMO3CMPSA Status of static credit limit check SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
23 SMO3CMPSB Status of dynamic credit limit check in the credit horizon SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
24 SMO3CMPSC Status of credit check against maximum document value SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
25 SMO3CMPSD Status of credit check against terms of payment SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
26 SMO3CMPSE Status of credit check against customer review date SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
27 SMO3CMPSF Status of credit check against open items due SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
28 SMO3CMPSG Status of credit check against oldest open items SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
29 SMO3CMPSH Status of credit check against highest dunning level SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
30 SMO3CMPSI Status of credit check against financial document SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
31 SMO3CMPSJ Status of credit check against export credit insurance SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
32 SMO3CMPSK Status of credit check against payment card authorization SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
33 SMO3CMPSL Status of credit check of reserves 4 SMO3CMPSZ CHAR 
34 SMO3COND Indicator for Conditions SMO3COND CHAR 
35 SMO3COPAR CO Partner updating SMO3COPAR CHAR 
37 SMO3CO_AP General counter for order SMO3CO_AP NUMC 
38 SMO3CO_AU Routing number for operations in the order SMO3AUFPL NUMC 
39 SMO3CO_CH Changed at UZEIT TIMS 
40 SMO3CO_CO Collective order with/without automatic goods movement SMO3CO_CO CHAR 
41 SMO3CO_FI Predistribution of fixed costs for acty type/bus. process XFELD CHAR 
42 SMO3CO_GE Confirmed order finish date DATUM DATS 
43 SMO3CO_GE1 Confirmed order finish (time) UHRZT TIMS 
44 SMO3CO_GL Finish date DATUM DATS 
45 SMO3CO_GL1 Scheduled finish DATUM DATS 
46 SMO3CO_GL2 Basic finish (time) UHRZT TIMS 
47 SMO3CO_GL3 Scheduled finish time UHRZT TIMS 
48 SMO3CO_GS Actual start date DATUM DATS 
49 SMO3CO_GS1 Order start date DATUM DATS 
50 SMO3CO_GS2 Scheduled start DATUM DATS 
51 SMO3CO_GS3 Actual start time UHRZT TIMS 
52 SMO3CO_GS4 Basic start time UHRZT TIMS 
53 SMO3CO_GS5 Scheduled start time SMO3ATIME TIMS 
54 SMO3CO_IN Time created UZEIT TIMS 
55 SMO3CO_IS Actual work MENG13 QUAN 
56 SMO3CO_MA Indicator: Confirm quantity manually in actual XFELD CHAR 
57 SMO3CO_OB Commitments management active SMO3OBLAC CHAR 
58 SMO3CO_PE Forecast finish date of operation from confirmation DATUM DATS 
59 SMO3CO_PE1 Forecast finish time of operation from confirmation SMO3ATIME TIMS 
60 SMO3CO_PE2 Personnel number SMO3PERNR NUMC 
61 SMO3CO_PO Order item number SMO3CO_PO NUMC 
62 SMO3CO_RM Confirmation counter SMO3CIM_C NUMC 
63 SMO3CO_RT Confirmation text TEXT40 CHAR 
64 SMO3CO_RU Confirmation number of operation SMO3CO_RU NUMC 
65 SMO3CO_ST Indicator: Document Has Been Reversed FLAG CHAR 
66 SMO3CO_ST1 Confirmation counter of cancelled confirmation SMO3CIM_C NUMC 
67 SMO3CO_TA Indicator: Actual Allocation Price SMO3TARKZ CHAR 
68 SMO3CO_YR Price Calculation with Period-Based Average Prices XFELD CHAR 
69 SMO3CP_RU Indicator: Print confirmation for operation FLAG CHAR 
71 SMO3CR_OB Object ID of the resource SMO3CR_OB NUMC 
72 SMO3CSLGO Issue location for production order SMO3LGORT CHAR 
73 SMO3CSLTY Indicator: configured material (material variant) XFELD CHAR 
74 SMO3CSSTR Average material purity in % DEC3_2 DEC 
75 SMO3CS_AL Alternative item: group CHAR2 CHAR 
76 SMO3CS_AL1 Alternative item: ranking order NUM2 NUMC 
77 SMO3CS_AL2 Alternative item: strategy SMO3CS_AL CHAR 
78 SMO3CS_CL Classification number NUM8 NUMC 
79 SMO3CS_DI Explosion type SMO3CS_DI CHAR 
80 SMO3CS_KN Indicator: BOM item changed/selected via obj. dependencies CHAR1 CHAR 
81 SMO3CS_KN1 Indicator: manual change to sales order BOM CHAR1 CHAR 
82 SMO3CS_KS Node number of original sales order BOM item SMO3KNTNR NUMC 
83 SMO3CS_KS1 Bill of material for original sales order BOM item SMO3STNUM CHAR 
84 SMO3CS_KS2 Counter for original sales order BOM item SMO3CIM_C NUMC 
85 SMO3CS_KS3 BOM category of original sales order BOM item SMO3STLTY CHAR 
86 SMO3CS_KZ Indicator: classification as selection condition XFELD CHAR 
87 SMO3CS_KZ1 Indicator: follow-up item XFELD CHAR 
88 SMO3CS_NF Discontinuation group CHAR2 CHAR 
89 SMO3CS_NF1 Follow-up group CHAR2 CHAR 
90 SMO3CS_NF2 Follow-up material in BOM item - NOT IN USE SMO3MATNR CHAR 
91 SMO3CS_SA Indicator for relevancy to costing SMO3CK_SE CHAR 
92 SMO3CTLPC Credit management: Risk category SMO3CTLPC CHAR 
93 SMO3CTLPD Credit management: Risk category new customer SMO3CTLPC CHAR 
94 SMO3CUOBJ Configuration (internal object number) SMO3CUOBJ NUMC 
95 SMO3CUOBJ1 Internal object number for batch classification SMO3CUOBJ NUMC 
96 SMO3CUOBJ2 Configuration SMO3CUOBJ NUMC 
98 SMO3CURHA Currency key of the hard currency WAERS CUKY 
99 SMO3CURIN Currency key of the index-based currency WAERS CUKY 
100 SMO3CUX_ID Instance Number (Persistent) CHAR32 CHAR 
101 SMO3CUX_PE Instance Number Type (Persistent) SMO3CUX_PE CHAR 
102 SMO3CY_BS Indicator rqmts.record is confirmed (cap.availability check) SMO3CY_BS CHAR 
103 SMO3CY_CO Counters for cap. rqmts. records (various caps. + indiv.caps SMO3CY_CO NUMC 
104 SMO3CY_KB Remaining capacity rqmts.for operation segment "Processing" SMO3KAPBE FLTP 
105 SMO3CY_KB1 Scheduled cap. requirements for the op. segment "processing" SMO3KAPBE FLTP 
106 SMO3CY_KE Unit of of measure for displaying capacity requirements MEINS UNIT 
107 SMO3CY_SP Split number INT1 INT1 
108 SMO3DABAR Default release type SMO3ABART CHAR 
109 SMO3DABRB Reference date for settlement SMO3DDAT DATS 
110 SMO3DAPLA Message if material is used in routing/master recipe SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
111 SMO3DATAB Valid-from date DATUM DATS 
112 SMO3DATBI Valid to date DATUM DATS 
114 SMO3DATUV Valid-from date DATUM DATS 
115 SMO3DATVO Date proposed as valid-to date SMO3DATVO CHAR 
116 SMO3DATVO1 Propose current date as requested delivery date XFELD CHAR 
117 SMO3DAUNO Normal duration of the activity SMO3DAUER QUAN 
118 SMO3DAUNO1 Normal duration/unit MEINS UNIT 
119 SMO3DBEST Message if material is used in Inventory Management SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
120 SMO3DCQNT Committed quantity MENG13 QUAN 
121 SMO3DDISP Message if material is used in MRP SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
122 SMO3DEAR1 Competitor ID XFELD CHAR 
123 SMO3DEAR2 Sales partner indicator XFELD CHAR 
124 SMO3DEAR3 Sales prospect ID SMO3DEAR3 CHAR 
125 SMO3DEAR4 Indicator for customer type 4 XFELD CHAR 
126 SMO3DEAR5 ID for default sold-to party XFELD CHAR 
127 SMO3DEINK Message if material is used in Purchasing SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
128 SMO3DEVIC Additional device data SMO3DEVIC CHAR 
129 SMO3DFAKO Message if material is used in production order header SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
130 SMO3DFAPO Message if Material Used in Production Order or Network Item SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
131 SMO3DFHMI Message if PRT are assigned to routing or order SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
132 SMO3DIAFM Dialog for short quantity XFELD CHAR 
133 SMO3DIAPA Dialog message for product attribute SMO3DIAPA CHAR 
134 SMO3DIAUV Dialog message for incompletion XFELD CHAR 
135 SMO3DIKOM Name of the dialog communication block for conditions TABNAME CHAR 
136 SMO3DINBU Standards data screen XFELD CHAR 
137 SMO3DINKE DIN class indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
138 SMO3DINKE1 Code letter CHAR3 CHAR 
139 SMO3DINST Message if material is used in Plant Maintenance SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
140 SMO3DISKZ Storage location MRP indicator SMO3DISKZ CHAR 
141 SMO3DISST Low-level code SMO3DISST CHAR 
142 SMO3DISTBP Distance to BP in km SMO3NUM5 NUMC 
143 SMO3DLFPL Message if material used in long-term planning SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
144 SMO3DNPBS Sample screen suffix to... NUM1 NUMC 
145 SMO3DNPVN Sample screen suffix from... NUM1 NUMC 
146 SMO3DOKAR Document type SMO3DOKAR CHAR 
147 SMO3DOKNR Document number SMO3DOKNR CHAR 
148 SMO3DOKTL Document part SMO3DOKTL CHAR 
149 SMO3DOKUK Document screen XFELD CHAR 
150 SMO3DOKVR Document version SMO3DOKVR CHAR 
151 SMO3DPBED Message if independent requirement is created for material SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
152 SMO3DPLEN Output length of field NUMC3 NUMC 
153 SMO3DPROG Message if material is used in Forecasting SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
154 SMO3DQMPF Message if material is used in QM inspection procedures SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
155 SMO3DRUKZ Print ID for condition lines SMO3DRUKZ CHAR 
156 SMO3DSBGR Credit management representatives group for new customers SMO3SBGRP CHAR 
157 SMO3DSTLK Message if material is used in BOM header SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
158 SMO3DSTLP Message if material is used as BOM item SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
159 SMO3DTASRC Primary Data Record Source for a Condition Record SMO3DTASRC CHAR 
160 SMO3DTAUF Message if material is used in WM transfer order SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
161 SMO3DTBED Message if material used in WM transfer reqmt/posting change SMO3FEDIA CHAR 
162 SMO3DTVOB Proposed starting date for the rebate validity period SMO3DTVOB CHAR 
163 SMO3DTVOR Default current date for start/end dates in PM order XFELD CHAR 
167 SMO3DVDAT Date of last date shift DATUM DATS 
168 SMO3DVNAM Name of the user who carried out the date shift USNAM CHAR 
169 SMO3DWERK Delivering plant SMO3WERKS CHAR 
170 SMO3DYNPR Screen number for transaction CL20 subscreens DYNPRONR NUMC 
171 SMO3DYNPR1 Screen number for transaction CL24 subscreens DYNPRONR NUMC 
172 SMO3DYNPR2 Screen number for transaction CL24 subscreens DYNPRONR NUMC 
173 SMO3DYNPR3 Screen number for classification pool subscreens DYNPRONR NUMC 
174 SMO3DYPLA Indicator: dynamic storage bin XFELD CHAR 
175 SMO3DZAEH Condition counter SMO3ZAEHK NUMC 
176 SMO3DZAEH1 Condition item index SMO3ZAEHK NUMC 
177 SMO3DZAEK Condition counter for (header conditions) SMO3ZAEHK NUMC 
179 SMO3DZEIE Unit for the break time MEINS UNIT 
180 SMO3DZEII Record usage history for equipment XFELD CHAR 
181 SMO3DZEKK Sequential number of account assignment NUM02 NUMC 
182 SMO3DZFAE Calendar day for the baseline date for payment TAG01 NUMC 
183 SMO3DZIEM Target quantity UoM MEINS UNIT 
184 SMO3DZIFN Field for condition table FDNAME CHAR 
185 SMO3DZLSC Payment method SMO3ZLSCH CHAR 
186 SMO3DZLST Name of the dataset for the form printout CHAR6 CHAR 
187 SMO3DZMEN Target quantity in sales units MENG13 QUAN 
188 SMO3DZMON Additional months NUM02 NUMC 
189 SMO3DZPRO Cash discount percentage rate SMO3PRZ23 DEC 
190 SMO3DZSCH Payment block (default value) SMO3ZAHLS CHAR 
191 SMO3DZSMN Additional months for special condition (term 1) NUM02 NUMC 
192 SMO3DZSMN1 Additional months for special condition (term 2) NUM02 NUMC 
193 SMO3DZSMN2 Additional months for special condition (term 3) NUM02 NUMC 
194 SMO3DZSTG Due date for special condition TAG01 NUMC 
195 SMO3DZTAG Days from baseline date for payment NUM03 NUMC 
197 SMO3DZTER Terms of payment key SMO3ZTERM CHAR 
198 SMO3DZTER1 Description of terms of payment TEXT30 CHAR 
199 SMO3DZUKO Name of sample program for displaying conditions PROGRAMM CHAR 
200 SMO3DZUKR Combination criteria for delivery CHAR40 CHAR 
201 SMO3DZUPR Name of sample program for accessing conditions PROGRAMM CHAR 
202 SMO3DZUSC Batch status key SMO3ZUSCH CHAR 
203 SMO3DZUST Batch in restricted-use stock XFELD CHAR 
204 SMO3EAN11 International Article Number (EAN/UPC) SMO3EAN11 CHAR 
205 SMO3EANNR European Article Number (EAN) - obsolete!!!!! CHAR13 CHAR 
206 SMO3EARLY Early number assignment XFELD CHAR 
207 SMO3EARTX Text for object type TEXT20 CHAR 
208 SMO3EBELN Purchasing document number SMO3EBELN CHAR 
209 SMO3EBELP Item number of purchasing document SMO3EBELP NUMC 
210 SMO3EBORT Installation point for sub-item TEXT20 CHAR 
211 SMO3EBUKR Original key of the company code SMO3EBUKR CHAR 
212 SMO3EDATU Schedule line date DATUM DATS 
213 SMO3EDATU1 Requested delivery date DATUM DATS 
214 SMO3EDI_E Schedule line type EDI SMO3ETART CHAR 
215 SMO3EHTBG Relative start date unit MEINS UNIT 
216 SMO3EHTEN Relative end date unit MEINS UNIT 
217 SMO3EIKTO Our account number at the customer or vendor CHAR12 CHAR 
219 SMO3EINME Total Stock of All Restricted Batches SMO3MENG1 QUAN 
220 SMO3EINTE Text for a table entry SMO3EINTE CHAR 
221 SMO3EINZL Single equipment installation at functional location XFELD CHAR 
222 SMO3EKGRP Purchasing group SMO3EKGRP CHAR 
223 SMO3EKKOG Condition group with vendor CHAR4 CHAR 
224 SMO3EKORG Purchasing organization SMO3EKORG CHAR 
225 SMO3EKUNN Account number of customer SMO3KUNNR CHAR 
226 SMO3ELEMLE Length of the short-code SMO_NUM3 DEC 
227 SMO3ELEMNO Number of the short-codes SMO_NUM3 DEC 
228 SMO3ELIFN Vendor's account number SMO3LIFNR CHAR 
229 SMO3ELIKZ "Delivery completed" indicator XFELD CHAR 
230 SMO3ELSE_ Indicator: Other Data Active X CHAR 
231 SMO3EMATN Material number corresponding to manufacturer part number SMO3MATNR CHAR 
232 SMO3EMLIF Vendor to be supplied/who is to receive delivery SMO3LIFNR CHAR 
233 SMO3ENMNG Quantity withdrawn MENG13 QUAN 
234 SMO3ENVOP External Number Assignment Without Validation XFELD CHAR 
235 SMO3EQART Type of technical object SMO3EQART CHAR 
236 SMO3EQBER Text for notes CHAR30 CHAR 
237 SMO3EQFNR Sort field CHAR30 CHAR 
238 SMO3EQLFN Consecutive numbering of EquipUsagePeriods on same day NUM03 NUMC 
239 SMO3EQMAT Material block indicator XFELD CHAR 
240 SMO3EQNNR Number of next EquipUsagePeriod on same day NUM03 NUMC 
241 SMO3EQTYP Equipment category SMO3EQTYP CHAR 
242 SMO3EQUNR Equipment number SMO3EQUNR CHAR 
243 SMO3ERDAT Date on which the record was created DATUM DATS 
244 SMO3ERFME Unit of entry MEINS UNIT 
245 SMO3ERFMG Quantity in unit of entry MENG13 QUAN 
246 SMO3ERLOE Identifier "Revenue posting allowed" SMO3ERLOE CHAR 
247 SMO3ERLRE Completion rule for quotation / contract SMO3ERLRE CHAR 
248 SMO3ERNAM Name of person who created the object USNAM CHAR 
249 SMO3ERSDA Creation date DATUM DATS 
250 SMO3ERSKZ Indicator: spare part SMO3ERSKZ CHAR 
251 SMO3ERSTX Spare part indicator text TEXT30 CHAR 
252 SMO3ERZEI Time, at which the record was added UHRZT TIMS 
253 SMO3ERZET Entry time UZEIT TIMS 
254 SMO3ESOKZ Purchasing info record category SMO3ESOKZ CHAR 
255 SMO3ETENE Schedule line SMO3ETENR NUMC 
256 SMO3ETENR Schedule line SMO3ETENR NUMC 
257 SMO3ETERL Schedule lines allowed XFELD CHAR 
258 SMO3ETTYP Schedule line category SMO3ETTYP CHAR 
259 SMO3ETYTX Equipment category description TEXT30 CHAR 
260 SMO3EVERE Compliance with shipping instructions SMO3EVERE CHAR 
261 SMO3EVERS Shipping instructions SMO3EVERS CHAR 
262 SMO3EVRWR Determine cost XFELD CHAR 
263 SMO3EWAHR Usage probability in % (alternative item) DEC3 DEC 
264 SMO3EXCOK Carry out legal control for sales document type SMO3EXCOK CHAR 
265 SMO3EXCOP Carry out legal control for item category SMO3EXCOP CHAR 
266 SMO3EXDIA Automatic dialog in document for legal control XFELD CHAR 
267 SMO3EXMOD Time interval for legal control SMO3EXMOD CHAR 
268 SMO3EXNUM Number of foreign trade data in MM and SD documents SMO3EXNUM CHAR 
269 SMO3EXPKZ Export indicator SMO3EXPKZ CHAR 
270 SMO3EXPNT Base 10 Exponent for Conversion to the Base Unit of Measure SMO3EXPNT INT2 
271 SMO3EZEIT Arrival time UZEIT TIMS 
272 SMO3FABKL Factory calendar key WFCID CHAR 
273 SMO3FAKSD Billing block for customer (sales and distribution) SMO3FAKSP CHAR 
274 SMO3FAKSD1 Central billing block for customer SMO3FAKSP CHAR 
275 SMO3FAKSK Billing block in SD document SMO3FAKSP CHAR 
277 SMO3FAKSP1 Billing block for item SMO3FAKSP CHAR 
278 SMO3FAKTF Billing form SMO3FAKTF CHAR 
279 SMO3FAMST Marital status key SMO3FAMST CHAR 
281 SMO3FATXT Marital status SMO3FATXT CHAR 
282 SMO3FAUNA Name of the field selection definition CHAR11 CHAR 
283 SMO3FAUSA Customer master record field status def.for general data SMO3FA040 CHAR 
284 SMO3FAUSF Customer master record field status def.for comp.code data SMO3FA040 CHAR 
285 SMO3FAUSV Customer master record field status def.for sales fields SMO3FA040 CHAR 
286 SMO3FAUSW Field status bar, plant master for IS-R data SMO3FA040 CHAR 
287 SMO3FCODE Screen for creating missing data SMO3FCODE CHAR 
288 SMO3FDBUK Cash management and forecast company code SMO3BUKRS CHAR 
289 SMO3FDNAM Field name of the status table FDNAME CHAR 
290 SMO3FDNAM1 Document field name FDNAME CHAR 
291 SMO3FDOW First day of Week SMO3FDOW CHAR 
293 SMO3FEGRP Code group - Problem SMO3QCODE1 CHAR 
294 SMO3FEHGR Incompletion procedure for sales document SMO3FEHGR CHAR 
295 SMO3FEHOB Object for which error group created SMO3FEHOB CHAR 
296 SMO3FEKAT Catalog type - Problems SMO3QKATA CHAR 
297 SMO3FELDK Field selection group for document header SMO3FAWGR CHAR 
298 SMO3FELDP Field selection for item SMO3FAWGR CHAR 
299 SMO3FELFD Item number in item record SMO3FELFD NUMC 
300 SMO3FENDD Earliest finish /date DATUM DATS 
301 SMO3FENDU Earliest finish /time T TIMS 
302 SMO3FETXT Notification item short text TEXT40 CHAR 
303 SMO3FHMKZ Equip. category relevant to production resources and tools XFLAG CHAR 
304 SMO3FIKRS Financial management area SMO3FIKRS CHAR 
305 SMO3FING Person Responsible for Company Area TEXT14 CHAR 
306 SMO3FIPOS Commitment item SMO3FIPOS CHAR 
307 SMO3FISTL Funds center SMO3FISTL CHAR 
308 SMO3FIXMG Delivery date and quantity fixed XFELD CHAR 
309 SMO3FKAIV Billing type for intercompany billing SMO3FKART CHAR 
310 SMO3FKARA Proposed billing type for an order-related billing document SMO3FKART CHAR 
311 SMO3FKART Billing type SMO3FKART CHAR 
312 SMO3FKARV Proposed billing type for a delivery-related billing doc. SMO3FKART CHAR 
313 SMO3FKBER Functional Area SMO3FKBER CHAR 
314 SMO3FKDAT Billing date for billing index and printout DATUM DATS 
315 SMO3FKISM Transaction-specific pricing procedure XFELD CHAR 
316 SMO3FKIVK Billing totals status for intercompany billing SMO3STATV CHAR 
317 SMO3FKIVP Intercompany billing status SMO3STATV CHAR 
318 SMO3FKREL Relevant for billing SMO3FKREL CHAR 
319 SMO3FKSAA Billing status for order-related billing documents SMO3STATV CHAR 
320 SMO3FKSAK Billing status (order-related billing document) SMO3STATV CHAR 
321 SMO3FKSTA Billing status of delivery-related billing documents SMO3STATV CHAR 
322 SMO3FKSTK Billing status SMO3STATV CHAR 
323 SMO3FKTKT Activity type for the actions procedure SMO3KTAAR CHAR 
324 SMO3FKTYP Billing category SMO3FKTYP CHAR 
325 SMO3FLREF Field reference for material master SMO3FLREF CHAR 
326 SMO3FLTTX Description of functional location category TEXT30 CHAR 
327 SMO3FLTYP Functional location category SMO3FLTYP CHAR 
328 SMO3FMENG Quantity is fixed XFELD CHAR 
330 SMO3FM_HR Date for activation of Funds Management-HR integration DATUM DATS 
331 SMO3FPART Billing plan/invoice plan type SMO3FPART CHAR 
332 SMO3FPLNR Billing plan number / invoicing plan number SMO3FPLNR CHAR 
333 SMO3FPLTR Item for billing plan/invoice plan/payment cards SMO3FPLTR NUMC 
334 SMO3FPRCD Provincial tax code SMO3FPRCD CHAR 
335 SMO3FRKLS Classification KLASSE CHAR 
336 SMO3FRKLS1 Link to include screen from the Classification System QKZ CHAR 
337 SMO3FSAVD Earliest scheduled start: Execution (date) DATUM DATS 
338 SMO3FSAVZ Earliest scheduled start: Execution (time) SMO3ATIME TIMS 
339 SMO3FSEDD Earliest scheduled finish: Execution (date) DATUM DATS 
340 SMO3FSEDZ Earliest scheduled finish: Execution (time) SMO3ATIME TIMS 
341 SMO3FSSAD Earliest scheduled start: Teardown (date) DATUM DATS 
342 SMO3FSSAZ Earliest scheduled start: Teardown (time) SMO3ATIME TIMS 
343 SMO3FSSBD Earliest scheduled start: Processing (date) DATUM DATS 
344 SMO3FSSBZ Earliest scheduled start: Processing (time) SMO3ATIME TIMS 
345 SMO3FSTAD Earliest start / date DATUM DATS 
346 SMO3FSTAU Earliest start / time T TIMS 
347 SMO3FSTVA Field status variant SMO3FSTVA CHAR 
349 SMO3FUNKT Function type CHAR1 CHAR 
350 SMO3GAART Warranty type SMO3GAART CHAR 
351 SMO3GANZZ Currency conversion after multiplication XFELD CHAR 
352 SMO3GATYP Warranty category SMO3GATYP CHAR 
353 SMO3GBDAT Date of birth SMO3GBDAT DATS 
354 SMO3GBSTA Overall processing status of the SD document item SMO3STATV CHAR 
355 SMO3GBSTK Overall processing status of document SMO3STATV CHAR 
356 SMO3GERNR Serial number SMO3GERNR CHAR 
357 SMO3GESTA Status of the generator when program ended SMO3GESTA CHAR 
359 SMO3GFORM Legal status SMO3GFORM CHAR 
360 SMO3GLKLA Same classification XFELD CHAR 
361 SMO3GMVDT Date of the legal dunning proceedings DATUM DATS 
362 SMO3GRBED Copying requirements SMO3GRPNO NUMC 
363 SMO3GRKOR Delivery group (items are delivered together) SMO3GRKOR NUMC 
364 SMO3GRLNR Routine number for creating group key NUM02 NUMC 
365 SMO3GRMEN Scale unit MEINS UNIT 
366 SMO3GROES Size/dimensions CHAR32 CHAR 
367 SMO3GROSS Size/dimension SMO3GROES CHAR 
368 SMO3GRPOS Item for which this item is an alternative SMO3GRPOS NUMC 
369 SMO3GRSTR Group definition of structure data SMO3GRSTR NUMC 
370 SMO3GRULG Weight group for delivery (To group) SMO3GRULG CHAR 
371 SMO3GRUND Initial screen CL20: screen module one/two-line XFELD CHAR 
372 SMO3GRUPP Customer credit group SMO3GRUPP CHAR 
373 SMO3GRZGF Access sequence for the group key SMO3KOZGF CHAR 
374 SMO3GSBER Business area SMO3GSBER CHAR 
375 SMO3GSBER1 Globally unique business area SMO3GSBER1 CHAR 
376 SMO3GSBER2 Consolidation business area SMO3GSBER2 CHAR 
377 SMO3GSGEW Total weight SMO3MENG11 QUAN 
378 SMO3GSTRU Generated DDIC table for LIS, conditions, messages AS4TAB CHAR 
379 SMO3GTEXT Business area description TEXT30 CHAR 
380 SMO3GUEBG Valid-from date (outline agreements, product proposals) DATUM DATS 
381 SMO3GUEBG1 Proposed valid-from date SMO3GUEBG CHAR 
382 SMO3GUEBGZET Time of change UHRZT TIMS 
383 SMO3GUEEN Valid-to date (outline agreements, product proposals) DATUM DATS 
384 SMO3GUEENZET Time of change UHRZT TIMS 
385 SMO3GWLDT Guarantee date DATUM DATS 
386 SMO3GWLEN Date on which the warranty ends DATUM DATS 
387 SMO3GWREL Relevant for weight/volume XFELD CHAR 
388 SMO3GZOLX Preference zone SMO3GZOLX CHAR 
389 SMO3HEQNR Equipment position at InstallLoc (Superior Equip./FunctLoc) CHAR4 CHAR 
390 SMO3HEQUI Superior Equipment SMO3EQUNR CHAR 
391 SMO3HERKU Characteristic origin CHAR10 CHAR 
392 SMO3HERKZ Origin indicator for notification SMO3HERKZ CHAR 
393 SMO3HERLD Country of manufacture LAND1 CHAR 
394 SMO3HERST Manufacturer of asset TEXT30 CHAR 
395 SMO3HERTA Origin table SMO3HERTA CHAR 
396 SMO3HIDEN Public holiday calendar key HIDENT CHAR 
397 SMO3HISTU Level (in multi-level BOM explosions) DEC2 DEC 
398 SMO3HISTU1 Level number within hierarchy NUM2 NUMC 
399 SMO3HITYP Customer hierarchy type SMO3HITYP CHAR 
400 SMO3HITYP1 Hierarchy type for pricing SMO3HITYP CHAR 
401 SMO3HIW Hours in Week SMO3HIW DEC 
402 SMO3HKTOK Account group for higher-level customer hierarchy SMO3KTOKD CHAR 
403 SMO3HNWAG On/off switch for messages about quotations SMO3HNWAG CHAR 
404 SMO3HNWKM On/off switch for messages about outline agreements SMO3HNWKM CHAR 
407 SMO3HSCRT SubscreenType - Header SMO3SCRTP CHAR 
408 SMO3HSDAT Date of production of the batch DATUM DATS 
409 SMO3HSPAR Higher-level division SMO3SPART CHAR 
410 SMO3HVKOR Higher-level sales organization SMO3VKORG CHAR 
411 SMO3HVTWE Higher-level distribution channel SMO3VTWEG CHAR 
412 SMO3HWAER Local currency SMO3WAERS CUKY 
413 SMO3HZUOR Assignment to hierarchy SMO3HZUOR NUMC 
414 SMO3IAUTG Technical object authorization group SMO3IAUTG CHAR 
415 SMO3IAUTX Text for the authorization group for the data object TEXT20 CHAR 
416 SMO3IBLOCK Sales Document Item Block DEFAULT CHAR 
417 SMO3ICRDT Date on which the object was created DATUM DATS 
418 SMO3ICRNA Name of the user who created the object USNAM CHAR 
419 SMO3ICRTM Time at which the object was created UZEIT TIMS 
420 SMO3IDNNR Maintenance request SMO3IDNNR NUMC 
422 SMO3IDXAK Update condition index XFELD CHAR 
423 SMO3IDXBD Condition Index Requirement SMO3IDXBD NUMC 
424 SMO3IDXUP Update condition index XFELD CHAR 
425 SMO3IEDD Actual finish: Execution (date) DATUM DATS 
426 SMO3IEDZ Actual finish: Execution (time) SMO3ATIME TIMS 
427 SMO3IENDD Actual finish / date DATUM DATS 
428 SMO3IENDU Actual finish / time T TIMS 
429 SMO3IEQUI Installation of equipment allowed at the functional location X CHAR 
430 SMO3IHREZ Customer's or vendor's internal reference TEXT12 CHAR 
431 SMO3IHREZ_ Ship-to Party Character TEXT12 CHAR 
432 SMO3ILA Maintenance activity type SMO3ILART CHAR 
433 SMO3ILATX Description of maintenance activity type SMO3TXT30 CHAR 
434 SMO3ILA_G Warranty case X CHAR 
435 SMO3ILA_V Insurance case X CHAR 
436 SMO3ILOAN Location and account assignment for technical object SMO3ILOAN CHAR 
437 SMO3ILOM_ Indicator: Generate change documents X CHAR 
438 SMO3ILOM_1 Start-up Date of the Technical Object DATUM DATS 
439 SMO3ILOM_2 Indicator: Long text exists X CHAR 
440 SMO3ILOM_3 Object reference indicator SMO3ILOM_ CHAR 
441 SMO3ILOM_4 Position in superior technical object CHAR4 CHAR 
442 SMO3ILOM_5 Indicator: customer object X CHAR 
443 SMO3IMKEY Internal key for real estate object SMO3IMKEY CHAR 
444 SMO3IMPDA Foreign trade: Control import data in MM purchase orders SMO3IMPDA CHAR 
445 SMO3IMRC10 Deletion flag for 2-level deletion logic SMO3IMRC_2 CHAR 
446 SMO3IMRC11 Measuring point target value SMO3IMRC_4 FLTP 
447 SMO3IMRC12 Indicator: MeasDoc. created after associated MaintTask X CHAR 
448 SMO3IMRC13 Measuring point additional short text TEXT40 CHAR 
449 SMO3IMRC14 Indicator: counter replaced X CHAR 
450 SMO3IMRC15 Power of ten exponent for floating point display SMO3IMRC_3 INT2 
451 SMO3IMRC16 Date of the measurement DATUM DATS 
452 SMO3IMRC17 Indicator: counter reading entered as difference X CHAR 
453 SMO3IMRC18 Indicator: measuring point inactive X CHAR 
454 SMO3IMRC19 Indicator to show that measuring point is a counter X CHAR 
455 SMO3IMRC20 Indicator: counter runs backwards X CHAR 
456 SMO3IMRC21 Indicator: copying of measurement readings desirable X CHAR 
457 SMO3IMRC22 Inverted time stamp: 99.999.999.999 - seconds AD NUMC11 NUMC 
458 SMO3IMRC23 Indicator: MeasPoint is a reference measuring point X CHAR 
459 SMO3IMRC24 Time of Measurement UZEIT TIMS 
460 SMO3IMRC25 Measurement document SMO3IMRC_5 CHAR 
461 SMO3IMRC26 Measurement document text TEXT40 CHAR 
462 SMO3IMRC27 Object number of the measuring point object SMO3J_OBJ CHAR 
463 SMO3IMRC28 Measuring point category description TEXT30 CHAR 
464 SMO3IMRC29 Measuring point category SMO3IMRC_6 CHAR 
465 SMO3IMRC30 Upper measurement range limit/maximum total counter reading SMO3IMRC_4 FLTP 
466 SMO3IMRC31 Online message category when measurement range exceeded SMO3IMRC_7 CHAR 
467 SMO3IMRC32 Lower measurement range limit/minimum total counter reading SMO3IMRC_4 FLTP 
468 SMO3IMRC33 Measurement range unit MEINS UNIT 
469 SMO3IMRC34 Measuring point SMO3IMRC_8 CHAR 
470 SMO3IMRC35 Processing status SMO3IMRC_9 CHAR 
471 SMO3IMRC36 Position number of the object measuring point (sort field) CHAR20 CHAR 
472 SMO3IMRC37 Description of measuring point TEXT40 CHAR 
473 SMO3IMRC38 Annual estimate in SI unit SMO3IMRC_4 FLTP 
474 SMO3IMRC39 Measurement reading/total counter reading in SI unit SMO3IMRC_4 FLTP 
475 SMO3IMRC40 Person who took the measurement reading USNAM CHAR 
476 SMO3IMRC41 Unit of Measurement for Document Entry MEINS UNIT 
477 SMO3IMRC42 Measurement Reading in Unit of Entry SMO3IMRC_4 FLTP 
478 SMO3IMRC43 Reference measuring point SMO3IMRC_8 CHAR 
479 SMO3IMRC44 Original Document on Copying of Measurement Reading SMO3IMRC_5 CHAR 
480 SMO3IMRC45 Uniqueness of measuring point position number SMO3IMRC10 CHAR 
481 SMO3IMRC46 Tolerance period for a measurement time in the future SMO3INT4_ INT4 
482 SMO3IMRC47 Production resource/tool object ID SMO3CR_OB NUMC 
483 SMO3IMRC48 CIM resource object type for production resources/tools SMO3CR_OB1 CHAR 
484 SMO3IMRC49 Indicator: total counter reading set externally X CHAR 
485 SMO3IMRC50 Measuring point from which MeasReading transfer was copied SMO3IMRC_8 CHAR 
486 SMO3IMRC51 Valuation code SMO3QCODE CHAR 
487 SMO3IMRC52 Object number of order operation/confirmation counter etc. SMO3J_OBJ CHAR 
488 SMO3IMRC53 Object number of associated operation SMO3J_OBJ CHAR 
489 SMO3IMRCR Indicator: character comes from reference measuring point X CHAR 
490 SMO3IMRCR1 Indicator: code group comes from reference measuring point X CHAR 
491 SMO3IMRCR2 Indicator: target value comes from reference measuring point X CHAR 
492 SMO3IMRCR3 Indicator: additional text comes from reference MeasPoint X CHAR 
493 SMO3IMRCR4 Indicator: position number comes from reference MeasPoint X CHAR 
494 SMO3IMRC_ Reversal indicator X CHAR 
495 SMO3IMRC_1 Counter Reading Difference in SI Unit SMO3IMRC_4 FLTP 
496 SMO3IMRC_2 Indicator: valuation code sufficient for measurmnt. document X CHAR 
497 SMO3IMRC_3 Counter overflow reading in SI unit SMO3IMRC_4 FLTP 
498 SMO3IMRC_4 Indicator for counter reading document X CHAR 
499 SMO3IMRC_5 Counter reading in SI unit SMO3IMRC_4 FLTP 
500 SMO3IMRC_6 Catalog type - measurement reading valuation code SMO3QKATA CHAR