SAP ABAP Data Element - Index B, page 29
Data Element - B
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | BELNR_F05U | Doc.within One of the Intercomp.Transactns to be Reversed | BELNR | CHAR |
2 | BELNR_FI | Accounting document number | BELNR | CHAR |
3 | BELNR_FIAA | Document Number of Original Accounting Document | BELNR | CHAR |
4 | BELNR_FKK | Number of Doc.from Accounting/Contract Accts Rec.and Payable | OPBEL_KK | CHAR |
5 | BELNR_FL | Vendor billing document list: header | NUMC | NUMC |
6 | BELNR_FM | IS-PS: Document number for cash desk subsidiary ledger | BELNR | CHAR |
7 | BELNR_FO | Document number: statistical update (subsequent settlement) | VBELN | CHAR |
8 | BELNR_KK | Accounting Document Number | BELNR_KK | CHAR |
9 | BELNR_KO | Document number for condition maintenance | CHAR10 | CHAR |
10 | BELNR_MARK | IS-H: Sort sequence for document number | ISH_SORT06 | NUMC |
11 | BELNR_NTR | Document number of update-relevant document | EBELN | CHAR |
12 | BELNR_NTR_ALV | Document Number Price-Determination-Relevant Document | EBELN | CHAR |
13 | BELNR_P | Document Number of Parked Accounting Document | BELNR | CHAR |
14 | BELNR_PTR | Document Number Price-Determination-Relevant Document | EBELN | CHAR |
15 | BELNR_R | Tax transfer reversal document | BELNR | CHAR |
16 | BELNR_RAPERB | Document Number of Document Generated in Periodic Processing | BELNR | CHAR |
17 | BELNR_RL | Vendor billing document list | BELNR | CHAR |
18 | BELNR_R_DEF | N-Tax transfer reversal document | BELNR | CHAR |
19 | BELNR_SAMM | IS-M: Document Number for Coll.Transfer of Automatic Debit | BELNR | CHAR |
20 | BELNR_SR | IS-H: Collective invoice number (BCM) | BELNR | CHAR |
21 | BELNR_T | Tax transfer document | BELNR | CHAR |
22 | BELNR_T_DEF | N-Tax transfer document | BELNR | CHAR |
23 | BELNR_VEDA | Agreement number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
24 | BELNR_VK | Transfer Document Number | BELNR_VK | CHAR |
25 | BELNS | Document to be Reversed | BELNR | CHAR |
26 | BELPOS | Document number, item number compressed for GR/GI slip | BELPOS | NUMC |
27 | BELPOSI | Line item | BELPOSI | NUMC |
28 | BELPR | Conditions: Check for transaction data | XFIELD | CHAR |
29 | BELRT | Receipt Total in Weekly Report | GESBE | CURR |
30 | BELSP | Validity for specific sales documents for export control | XFELD | CHAR |
31 | BELSPLIT | Document split criterion | CHAR2 | CHAR |
32 | BELSPLIT2 | FI document split | P_BELSPLIT | CHAR |
33 | BELST | Tax item, vendor billing document | NUMC4 | NUMC |
34 | BELSUM | Sum of Meals Receipts by Day | GESBE | CURR |
35 | BELTIME | Reservation Time | CHAR1 | CHAR |
36 | BELTP | Reference document category | BELTP | CHAR |
37 | BELTP_KK | Document Category According to Source | BRANCH_KK | CHAR |
38 | BELTP_WMPP | Doc.category for material staging WM->PP | BELTP_WMPP | CHAR |
39 | BELTX | Document text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
40 | BELTY | Document Category | BELTY | CHAR |
41 | BELWER | Amount | WERTV8 | CURR |
42 | BELZART | Line Item Type | BELZART | CHAR |
43 | BELZART1 | Document line type 1 | BELZART | CHAR |
44 | BELZART2 | Line item type 2 | BELZART | CHAR |
45 | BELZART3 | Document line type 3 | BELZART | CHAR |
46 | BELZART4 | Document line type 4 | BELZART | CHAR |
47 | BELZART5 | Document line type 5 | BELZART | CHAR |
48 | BELZEI | Line item number within a line item | BELZEI | NUMC |
49 | BELZEILE | Billing line item for billing documents | LFDNR6 | NUMC |
50 | BELZINDEX | Internal consecutive number of document line item | LFDNR6 | NUMC |
51 | BELZVERW | Use of a Line Item Type | BELZVERW | CHAR |
52 | BEL_ART | Document type | BEL_ART | CHAR |
53 | BEL_COUNT | Number of documents | MCZAEHLER | DEC |
54 | BEL_DAT | Reference date | DATS | DATS |
55 | BEL_FIRST_KK | First Document | NUMC07 | NUMC |
56 | BEL_LAST_KK | Last Document | NUMC07 | NUMC |
57 | BEMAR | MARIBEL is relevant | CHAR1 | CHAR |
58 | BEMAS | Supplementary unit | CHAR5 | CHAR |
59 | BEMCH | Meal voucher | CHAR1 | CHAR |
60 | BEMDV | Combination of two planning ISs or planning ID and prod.line | RBUTTON | CHAR |
61 | BEMEH | Supplementary unit | MEINS | UNIT |
62 | BEMEN | Detailed info on valuated stock quantity | XFLAG | CHAR |
63 | BEMER | Notes | CHAR22 | CHAR |
64 | BEMERKUNG | Note on new use in ERP | CHAR120 | CHAR |
65 | BEMEXT | IS-H: EA Externe Bemerkungen | TEXT50 | CHAR |
66 | BEMIAB1 | Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday morning from... | UHRZT | TIMS |
67 | BEMIAB2 | Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday afternoon from .. | UHRZT | TIMS |
68 | BEMIBET | Issue volumes | WHRBTRG | CURR |
69 | BEMIBI1 | Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday morning until ... | UHRZT | TIMS |
70 | BEMIBI2 | Contact person's visiting hours: Wednesday afternoon until.. | UHRZT | TIMS |
71 | BEMINT | IS-H: EA Interne Bemerkungen | TEXT50 | CHAR |
72 | BEMNG | Quantity moved in GR/GI | MENGE | QUAN |
73 | BEMOAB1 | Contact person's visiting hours: Monday morning from ... | UHRZT | TIMS |
74 | BEMOAB2 | Contact person's visiting hours: Monday afternoon from ... | UHRZT | TIMS |
75 | BEMOBI1 | Contact person's visiting hours: Monday morning until ... | UHRZT | TIMS |
76 | BEMOBI2 | Contact person's visiting hours: Monday afternoon until ... | UHRZT | TIMS |
77 | BEMON | Months of starting period | PABRP | NUMC |
78 | BEMOT | Accounting Indicator | BEMOT | CHAR |
79 | BEMOT_TXT | Accounting Indicator Description | TEXT25 | CHAR |
80 | BEMPC | Modificator Personal Calendar Belgium | NUMC2 | NUMC |
81 | BEMPF_NAME | IS-M: Voucher Copy Recipient Name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
82 | BEMPREIS | Issue Price | VVBNENNW | CURR |
83 | BEMWSTG | Taxes on sls/purch. within total costs from acc.stt.;D-tape | WRTV7 | CURR |
84 | BEN01 | Not Used | XFELD | CHAR |
85 | BEN02 | Not Used | XFELD | CHAR |
86 | BEN03 | Student Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
87 | BEN04 | COBRA Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
88 | BEN05 | Smoker Indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
89 | BENABL | User-defined schedule flag is set | CHAR1_X | CHAR |
90 | BENAM | EMU: name of user carrying out conversion | XUBNAME | CHAR |
91 | BENCHM | Name of benchmark | BENCH | CHAR |
92 | BENDDA | Latest End Date of Business Event to be Booked | DATUM | DATS |
93 | BENDYS_TXT | Benefits days service text | CHAR10 | CHAR |
94 | BENEU | Goods catalog: New materials | DATUM | DATS |
95 | BENGA | Total commitment amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
96 | BENID | Benefit indicator | CHAR1 | CHAR |
97 | BENMTH_TXT | Benefits month of service text | CHAR10 | CHAR |
98 | BENTEXT | Benefit texts | CHAR15 | CHAR |
99 | BENUM | Area number for pension insurance | NUM2 | NUMC |
100 | BENUTZSTD | Usage hours | E_OPERAND | CHAR |
101 | BENVOZL | New advance payment amount from acct sttlmnt result; D-tape | WRTV7 | CURR |
102 | BENYRS_TXT | Benefits years of service text | CHAR10 | CHAR |
103 | BEN_6MONTH | Employee normally works less than 6 months during the year | CHAR01 | CHAR |
104 | BEN_AAMTY | Benefit Type of Cumulated Amount | BEN_AAMTY | CHAR |
105 | BEN_ACCFA | Benefit Factor for Provider Cost | DEC3_4 | DEC |
106 | BEN_ACCOST | Benefit Provider Cost Amount | P_AMT07 | CURR |
107 | BEN_ACCTNR | Benefit Account number | CHAR20 | CHAR |
108 | BEN_ACFAC | To be deleted - no longer used! | XFELD | CHAR |
109 | BEN_ACHRS | Benefit Display Dynamic Eligibility by Actual Hours Worked | XFELD | CHAR |
110 | BEN_ACTIVE | Benefit Active indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
111 | BEN_ADDMAX | Benefit Maximum units for additional insurance coverage | DEC9 | DEC |
112 | BEN_ADDMIN | Benefit Minimum units for additional insurance coverage | DEC9 | DEC |
113 | BEN_ADDNO | Benefit Number of Additional Insurance Coverage Units | DEC9 | DEC |
114 | BEN_ADDUN | Benefit Unit of Additional Insurance Coverage | P_AMT07 | CURR |
115 | BEN_ADDUNYN | Indicator: Additional Units Required | XFELD | CHAR |
116 | BEN_ADDYN | ESS Benefits - Indicator: Plan Can Be Added | XFELD | CHAR |
117 | BEN_ADD_BPLAN | Benefit Indicator plan can be added | XFELD | CHAR |
118 | BEN_ADJPR | Benefit date of adjustment reason processing | DATUM | DATS |
119 | BEN_ADOBE | ADOBE Used to Display Benefit Forms | XFELD | CHAR |
120 | BEN_AFFDT | Benefit Affidavit date | DATUM | DATS |
121 | BEN_AGEDAY | Benefit Cut-off day for age group determination | BEN_DAY | NUMC |
122 | BEN_AGEGR | Benefit age group | BEN_AGEGR | CHAR |
123 | BEN_AGEHI | Benefit Maximum age limit for the age group | DEC3 | DEC |
124 | BEN_AGEII | Benefit age group for calculating imputed income | BEN_AGEII | CHAR |
125 | BEN_AGEIN | Benefit Age group relevance indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
126 | BEN_AGELI | Benefit Upper/lower age limit | NUMC3 | NUMC |
127 | BEN_AGELO | Benefit Minumum age limit for the age group | DEC3 | DEC |
128 | BEN_AGELT | Age limit for Catch-up contribution eligibility | NUMC03 | NUMC |
129 | BEN_AGEMO | Benefit Cutoff month for age group determination | BEN_MONTH | NUMC |
130 | BEN_AGREE | Benefit Agreement to cancel indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
131 | BEN_ALLPL | Benefit Indicator prerequisite every plan | XFELD | CHAR |
132 | BEN_AMTOK | Benefit Indicator: Contribution Type 'Amount' Allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
133 | BEN_ANYPL | Benefit Indicator prerequisite any plan | XFELD | CHAR |
134 | BEN_ANYTM | Benefit Indicator changes allowed anytime | XFELD | CHAR |
135 | BEN_AREA | Benefit area | BEN_AREA | CHAR |
136 | BEN_AREATX | Benefit Area Text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
137 | BEN_AUTOM | Benefit indicator for automatic plan | XFELD | CHAR |
138 | BEN_BACCST | Benefit Provider costs | BAPICURR | DEC |
139 | BEN_BADDUN | Benefit Unit of Additional Insurance Coverage | BAPICURR | DEC |
140 | BEN_BAPAA | Planned balance (curr. year) for flexible spending account | P_AMT07V | CURR |
141 | BEN_BAPPA | Planned balance (prev. year) for flexible spending account | P_AMT07V | CURR |
142 | BEN_BAYAA | Previous balance (curr. year) for flexible spending account | P_AMT07V | CURR |
143 | BEN_BAYPA | Previous balance (prev.s year) for flexible spending account | P_AMT07V | CURR |
144 | BEN_BBCAMT | Benefit Employee pre-tax contribution amount for bonus | BAPICURR | DEC |
145 | BEN_BBCMAA | Benefit Maximum amount for pre-tax contribution for bonus | BAPICURR | DEC |
146 | BEN_BBCMIA | Benefit minimum amount for pre-tax contribution for bonus | BAPICURR | DEC |
147 | BEN_BBNCST | Benefit costs for bonus payment | BAPICURR | DEC |
148 | BEN_BBPAMT | Benefit employee post-tax contribution amount for bonus | BAPICURR | DEC |
149 | BEN_BBPMAA | Benefit maximum amount for post-tax contribution for bonus | BAPICURR | DEC |
150 | BEN_BBPMIA | Benefit minimum amount for post-tax contribution for bonus | BAPICURR | DEC |
151 | BEN_BBSCOV | Benefit insurance coverage basic amount | BAPICURR | DEC |
152 | BEN_BCAMNT | Benefit employee contribution | BAPICURR | DEC |
153 | BEN_BCAMT | Benefit Employee Pre-Tax Contribution Amount for Bonus | P_AMT07 | CURR |
154 | BEN_BCMAA | Benefit maximum amount for pre-tax contribution for bonus | P_AMT07 | CURR |
155 | BEN_BCMAP | Benefit maximum percentage for pre-tax contribution bonus | DEC3_2 | DEC |
156 | BEN_BCMAU | Benefit maximum number of units for pre-tax contr. bonus | DEC9 | DEC |
157 | BEN_BCMAXA | Benefit BAPI maximum contribution for savings plans | BAPICURR | DEC |
158 | BEN_BCMIA | Benefit minimum amount for pre-tax contribution for bonus | P_AMT07 | CURR |
159 | BEN_BCMINA | Benefit BAPI minimum contribution for savings plans | BAPICURR | DEC |
160 | BEN_BCMIP | Benefit minimum percentage for pre-tax contribution bonus | DEC3_2 | DEC |
161 | BEN_BCMIU | Benefit minimum number of units for pre-tax contr. for bonus | DEC9 | DEC |
162 | BEN_BCNSAL | Benefit base salary for contribution calculation | BAPICURR | DEC |
163 | BEN_BCOVOV | Benefit override coverage amount | BAPICURR | DEC |
164 | BEN_BCOVRYN | Indicator: Insurance Coverage Required | XFELD | CHAR |
165 | BEN_BCPCT | Benefit Employee Pre-Tax Contribution Percentage for Bonus | DEC3_2 | DEC |
166 | BEN_BCRAMO | Benefit employee's override credit amount | BAPICURR | DEC |
167 | BEN_BCRAMT | Benefit employee's calculated credit amount | BAPICURR | DEC |
168 | BEN_BCRSAL | Benefit base salary for credit | BAPICURR | DEC |
169 | BEN_BCSTOV | Benefit alternative amount for costs | BAPICURR | DEC |
170 | BEN_BCUNIT | Benefit contribution unit (employee contribution) | BAPICURR | DEC |
171 | BEN_BCUNT | Benefit EE Pre-Tax Contribution Number of Units for Bonus | DEC9 | DEC |
172 | BEN_BCVMAX | Benefit BAPI maximum insurance coverage (absolute) | BAPICURR | DEC |
173 | BEN_BCVMIN | Benefit BAPI minimum insurance coverage (absolute) | BAPICURR | DEC |
174 | BEN_BEEAMT | Benefit employee's pre-tax contribution | BAPICURR | DEC |
175 | BEN_BEECOV | Benefit employee's insurance coverage | BAPICURR | DEC |
176 | BEN_BEECST | Benefit employee costs | BAPICURR | DEC |
177 | BEN_BEEPRE | To be deleted - do not use! | BAPICURR | DEC |
178 | BEN_BEEPST | To be deleted - do not use! | BAPICURR | DEC |
179 | BEN_BEETTL | To be deleted - do not use! | BAPICURR | DEC |
180 | BEN_BEEVD | Benefit indicator records start on adjustment reason date | XFELD | CHAR |
181 | BEN_BEFXD | Benefit indicator records start on another date | XFELD | CHAR |
182 | BEN_BEIND | Benefit indicator for start date of infotype records | BEN_BEIND | CHAR |
183 | BEN_BENID | Benefit beneficiary object ID | OBJPS | CHAR |
184 | BEN_BENIND | Benefit beneficiary indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
185 | BEN_BENNAM | Benefit beneficiary name | TEXT50 | CHAR |
186 | BEN_BENTYP | Benefit Beneficiary Type | SUBTY | CHAR |
187 | BEN_BENYN | Benefit Indicator for Relevancy of Beneficiaries | XFELD | CHAR |
188 | BEN_BERCST | Benefit employer costs | BAPICURR | DEC |
189 | BEN_BERTTL | To be deleted - do not use! | BAPICURR | DEC |
190 | BEN_BESYS | Benefit indicator records begin at date of offer | XFELD | CHAR |
191 | BEN_BEWTYP | Benefit wage type for bonus employee pre-tax amount | LGART | CHAR |
192 | BEN_BIMINC | Benefits Imputed Income | BAPICURR | DEC |
193 | BEN_BINVAMT | Benefit investment amount | BAPICURR | DEC |
194 | BEN_BNCAT | Benefit Beneficiary Category | BEN_BNCAT | NUMC |
195 | BEN_BNCNT | Benefit Number of Beneficiaries | NUMC2 | NUMC |
196 | BEN_BNCST | Benefit Costs for Bonus Payment | P_AMT07 | CURR |
197 | BEN_BNFOK | Benefit indicator beneficiary is valid | XFELD | CHAR |
198 | BEN_BNRTX | Benefit type of beneficient person text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
199 | BEN_BONYN | Benefit indicator plan relevant for bonus payments | XFELD | CHAR |
200 | BEN_BOPTIYN | Indicator: Health Plan Option Required | XFELD | CHAR |
201 | BEN_BPAMT | Benefit Employee Post-Tax Contribution Amount for Bonus | P_AMT07 | CURR |
202 | BEN_BPMAA | Benefit maximum amount for post-tax contribution for bonus | P_AMT07 | CURR |
203 | BEN_BPMAP | Benefit maximum percentage post-tax contribution for bonus | DEC3_2 | DEC |
204 | BEN_BPMAU | Benefit maximum number of units post-tax contr. for bonus | DEC9 | DEC |
205 | BEN_BPMAXA | Benefit BAPI maximum post-tax amount for savings plans | BAPICURR | DEC |
206 | BEN_BPMIA | Benefit minimum amount for post-tax contribution for bonus | P_AMT07 | CURR |
207 | BEN_BPMINA | Benefit BAPI minimum post-tax amount for savings plans | BAPICURR | DEC |
208 | BEN_BPMIP | Benefit minimum percentage post-tax contribution for bonus | DEC3_2 | DEC |
209 | BEN_BPMIU | Benefit minimum number of units for post-tax contr. bonus | DEC9 | DEC |
210 | BEN_BPPCT | Benefit Employee Post-Tax Contribution Percentage for Bonus | DEC3_2 | DEC |
211 | BEN_BPRCNT | Benefit Payout Percentage for Beneficiaries | DEC3 | DEC |
212 | BEN_BPRELM | Benefit BAPI maximum pre-tax contribution | BAPICURR | DEC |
213 | BEN_BPROK | Benefit pre-tax contributions are allowed for bonus | XFELD | CHAR |
214 | BEN_BPTAMT | Benefit employee post-tax contribution amount | BAPICURR | DEC |
215 | BEN_BPTCST | Benefits Additional Employee Post-Tax Costs | BAPICURR | DEC |
216 | BEN_BPTLIM | Benefit annual maximum post-tax contribution | BAPICURR | DEC |
217 | BEN_BPTOK | Benefit post-tax contributions allowed for bonus | XFELD | CHAR |
218 | BEN_BPTTX | Benefit Start Bonus Post-Tax Contribution Deduction Immed. | XFELD | CHAR |
219 | BEN_BPUNT | Benefit EE Post-Tax Contr. Number of Units for Bonus | DEC9 | DEC |
220 | BEN_BPWTYP | Benefit wage type for employee post-tax bonus contribution | LGART | CHAR |
221 | BEN_BRELAT | To be deleted - do not use! | TEXT15 | CHAR |
222 | BEN_BRMAXA | Benefit BAPI maximum contribution f. flex. spending accounts | BAPICURR | DEC |
223 | BEN_BRMINA | Benefit BAPI minimum contribution f. flex. spending accounts | BAPICURR | DEC |
224 | BEN_BROLL | Benefit Indicator Pre-Tax Is Rolled Over (Bonus) | XFELD | CHAR |
225 | BEN_BRWTYP | Benefit wage type for employer bonus contribution | LGART | CHAR |
226 | BEN_BSALAR | Benefit salary | BAPICURR | DEC |
227 | BEN_BSALD | Benefit cutoff day for salary calculation | BEN_DAY | NUMC |
228 | BEN_BSALM | Benefit cutoff month for salary calculation | BEN_MONTH | NUMC |
229 | BEN_BSALOV | Benefit salary override | BAPICURR | DEC |
230 | BEN_BSCOV | Benefit Insurance Coverage Basic Amount | P_AMT08V | CURR |
231 | BEN_BSWTYP | Benefit wage type for calculation base | LGART | CHAR |
232 | BEN_BTLLIM | Benefit annual maximum contribution total | BAPICURR | DEC |
233 | BEN_BTWTYP | Benefit Technical Wage Type for Bonus Payment | LGART | CHAR |
234 | BEN_CAGEDY | Benefit cutoff day for age group determination | BEN_CDAY | CHAR |
235 | BEN_CAGEIN | To be deleted - no longer used! | XFELD | CHAR |
236 | BEN_CAGEMO | Benefit cutoff month for age group determination | BEN_CMONTH | CHAR |
237 | BEN_CAMNT | Benefit employee contribution | P_AMT07 | CURR |
238 | BEN_CANCD | Benefit claim cancelled | XFELD | CHAR |
239 | BEN_CATEG | Benefit Plan Category | BEN_CATEG | CHAR |
240 | BEN_CATTX | Benefit Plan Category Text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
241 | BEN_CBSALD | Benefit cutoff day for salary calculation | BEN_CDAY | CHAR |
242 | BEN_CBSALM | Benefit cutoff month for salary calculation | BEN_CMONTH | CHAR |
243 | BEN_CCNAM | Benefit combined contribution limit amount | P_AMT07 | CURR |
244 | BEN_CCNFA | Benefit salary factor for combined contribution limit | P_DEC3_5 | DEC |
245 | BEN_CCNLM | Benefit combined contribution limit | BEN_CCNLM | CHAR |
246 | BEN_CCNLTX | Benefit combined contribution limit text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
247 | BEN_CCNWT | Benefit combined contribution limit wage type | LGART | CHAR |
248 | BEN_CCSDD | Benefit Calculated Benefit Accrual Service (Days) | PSEN_CALDD | DEC |
249 | BEN_CCSMM | Benefit Calculated Benefit Accrual Service (Months) | PSEN_CALMM | DEC |
250 | BEN_CCSYY | Benefit Calculated Benefit Accrual Service (Years) | PSEN_CALYY | DEC |
251 | BEN_CCVAM | Benefit combined insurance coverage limit amount | P_AMT08 | CURR |
252 | BEN_CCVFA | Benefit salary factor for combined insurance coverage limit | P_DEC3_5 | DEC |
253 | BEN_CCVLM | Benefit combined insurance coverage limit | BEN_CCVLM | CHAR |
254 | BEN_CCVLTX | Benefit combined insurance coverage limit text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
255 | BEN_CCVWT | Benefit combined insurance coverage limit wage type | LGART | CHAR |
256 | BEN_CEEON | Benefit Indicator Only Concurrently Employed Persons | XFELD | CHAR |
257 | BEN_CEMSW | Benefits Main Switch for Concurrent Employment | XFELD | CHAR |
258 | BEN_CGFDD | Benefit Benefit Accrual Service Grandfathered Plans (Days) | PSEN_CALDD | DEC |
259 | BEN_CGFMM | Benefit Benefit Accrual Service Grandfathered Plans (Months) | PSEN_CALMM | DEC |
260 | BEN_CGFYY | Benefit Benefit Accrual Service Grandfathered Plans (Years) | PSEN_CALYY | DEC |
261 | BEN_CGRCDA | Benefit end of grace period: day | BEN_CDAY | CHAR |
262 | BEN_CGRCMO | Benefit end of grace period: Month | BEN_CMONTH | CHAR |
263 | BEN_CGRCRD | Benefit End of Current Year Grace Period: Day | BEN_CDAY | CHAR |
264 | BEN_CGRCRM | Benefit End of Current Year Grace Period: Month | BEN_CMONTH | CHAR |
265 | BEN_CHADT | Benefit date of eligibility change | DATUM | DATS |
266 | BEN_CHATR | Benefit Charitable Organization Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
267 | BEN_CHDIF | Benefit difference of change percentages | DEC9_2 | DEC |
268 | BEN_CHELI | Benefit change percentage eligible employees | DEC9_2 | DEC |
269 | BEN_CHGYN | ESS Benefits - Indicator: Plan Can Be Changed | XFELD | CHAR |
270 | BEN_CHG_BCOVR | Benefit indicator insurance coverage can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
271 | BEN_CHG_BENEF | Benefit indicator beneficiaries can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
272 | BEN_CHG_BOPTI | Benefit indicator option can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
273 | BEN_CHG_BPLAN | Benefit indicator plan can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
274 | BEN_CHG_BPTTX | Benefit indicator post-tax immed. (bonus) can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
275 | BEN_CHG_DEPCV | Benefit indicator dependent coverage option can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
276 | BEN_CHG_DEPDT | Benefit indicator dependents can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
277 | BEN_CHG_INVES | Benefit indicator investments can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
278 | BEN_CHG_LEVL1 | Benefit indicator option can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
279 | BEN_CHG_PRETX | Benefit indicator pre-tax can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
280 | BEN_CHG_PSTTX | Benefit indicator post-tax can be changed immediately | XFELD | CHAR |
281 | BEN_CHNGO | Benefit indicator IDOC contains changes only | XFELD | CHAR |
282 | BEN_CHPAR | Benefit change percentage participating employees | DEC9_2 | DEC |
283 | BEN_CKALW | Benefit indicator check condition on every key date | XFELD | CHAR |
284 | BEN_CKFFL | Benefit indicator check conditions if not yet fulfilled | XFELD | CHAR |
285 | BEN_CLCHG | Benefit flexible spending account claims can be changed | XFELD | CHAR |
286 | BEN_CLCNF | Benefit agreement can be given to rejection of claims | XFELD | CHAR |
287 | BEN_CLDAT | Benefit Claim Submission Date | DATUM | DATS |
288 | BEN_CLOSIN | To be deleted - no longer used! | XFELD | CHAR |
289 | BEN_CLPAA | Benefit planned claims (curr. year) for flex. spending acct | P_AMT07 | CURR |
290 | BEN_CLPPA | Planned claims (previous year) for flex. spending accounts | P_AMT07 | CURR |
291 | BEN_CLSTA | Benefit Status of FSA Claim | BEN_CLSTA | CHAR |
292 | BEN_CLSTTX | Benefit Text on Status of FSA Claim | DDTEXT | CHAR |
293 | BEN_CLYAA | Year-to-date claims (curr. year) for flex. spending accounts | P_AMT07 | CURR |
294 | BEN_CLYPA | Year-to-date claims (previous year) for flex. spending accts | P_AMT07 | CURR |
295 | BEN_CMAIN | Benefit Calculation for Benefit Accrual Service | P_RECHZ | CHAR |
296 | BEN_CMAMT | Benefit Cumulated Amount of Retirement Plan | P_AMT08V | CURR |
297 | BEN_CMAXA | Benefit maximum pre-tax contribution amount | P_AMT07 | CURR |
298 | BEN_CMAXP | Benefit maximum percentage for pre-tax contribution | DEC3_2 | DEC |
299 | BEN_CMAXU | Benefit maximum number of units for pre-tax contribution | DEC9 | DEC |
300 | BEN_CMERC | Benefit Cumulated Employer Contribution | P_AMT08V | CURR |
301 | BEN_CMERN | Benefit Cumulated Pensionable Earnings | P_AMT08V | CURR |
302 | BEN_CMHRS | Benefit Cumulated Pensionable Working Hours | PRANZHL | DEC |
303 | BEN_CMINA | Benefit minimum amount for pre-tax contribution | P_AMT07 | CURR |
304 | BEN_CMINP | Benefit minimum percentage for pre-tax contribution | DEC3_2 | DEC |
305 | BEN_CMINU | Benefit minimum number of units for pre-tax contribution | DEC9 | DEC |
306 | BEN_CMPRE | Benefit Cumulated Pre-Tax Employee Contributions | P_AMT08V | CURR |
307 | BEN_CMPST | Benefit Cumulated Post-Tax Employee Contributions | P_AMT08V | CURR |
308 | BEN_CMSDD | Benefit Accrual Service Manual Adjusments (Days) | PSEN_CALDD | DEC |
309 | BEN_CMSMM | Benefit Accrual Service Manual Adjustments (Months) | PSEN_CALMM | DEC |
310 | BEN_CMSYY | Benefit Accrual Service Manual Adjustments (Years) | PSEN_CALYY | DEC |
311 | BEN_CMTSV | Benefit Calendar Type for Length of Service Calculation | PBAS_CUMTY | CHAR |
312 | BEN_CMTTX | Benefit Text Calendar Type for Length of Service Calculation | TEXT20 | CHAR |
313 | BEN_CNAMT | Benefit employer contribution for savings plan | P_AMT07 | CURR |
314 | BEN_CNAPU | Benefit indicator ER contribution per unit EE contribution | XFELD | CHAR |
315 | BEN_CNBIN | Benefit employer contribution w/ salary as calculation base | XFELD | CHAR |
316 | BEN_CNECA | Benefit indicator ER contribtion is a factor of EE contr. | XFELD | CHAR |
317 | BEN_CNIND | Benefit indicator employer contribution for savings plan | XFELD | CHAR |
318 | BEN_CNPCI | Benefit indicator employer contribution percentage | XFELD | CHAR |
319 | BEN_CNPCT | Benefit employer contribution percentage for savings plan | DEC3_2 | DEC |
320 | BEN_CNPPC | Benefit employer contribution Precise % for savings plan | DEC | |
321 | BEN_CNPRTX | Benefit pre-tax contribution relevant for combined limit | XFELD | CHAR |
322 | BEN_CNPSTX | Benefit post-tax contribution relevant for combined limit | XFELD | CHAR |
323 | BEN_COBCM | COBRA indicator for calendar month plans | CHAR1 | CHAR |
324 | BEN_COBRA | Benefit indicator COBRA relevance | XFELD | CHAR |
325 | BEN_COBSR | Relevant for COBRA subsidy | CHAR1 | CHAR |
326 | BEN_COB_SUBS | Benefit Indicator for COBRA Subsidy | CHAR1 | CHAR |
327 | BEN_COCAT | Benefit category of corequisite plan | BEN_CATEG | CHAR |
328 | BEN_CODAT | Benefit date cost incurred | DATS | DATS |
329 | BEN_CODAY | Benefit contribution start day after waiting period | BEN_DAY2 | NUMC |
330 | BEN_COINT | Benefit time unit for start of contr. after waiting period | BEN_ENINT | CHAR |
331 | BEN_CONDT | Benefit contribution calculation date | DATUM | DATS |
332 | BEN_CONSIS | Benefit result of consistency check | BEN_CONSIS | CHAR |
333 | BEN_CONTAC | Benefit contact person at the plan provider | TEXT30 | CHAR |
334 | BEN_CONTR | Benefit indicator for plan attribute contributions | XFELD | CHAR |
335 | BEN_CONYN | Benefits: Indicator for Relevance of Contributions | XFELD | CHAR |
336 | BEN_COORD | Benefit Indicator Coordination of Benefits | XFELD | CHAR |
337 | BEN_COPAA | Benefit planned contributions (current year) for FSA | P_AMT07 | CURR |
338 | BEN_COPLN | Benefit corequisite plan | BEN_PLAN | CHAR |
339 | BEN_COPPA | Benefit planned FSA contributions (previous year) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
340 | BEN_COTYP | Benefit corequisite plan type | BEN_TYPE | CHAR |
341 | BEN_COVAMT | Benefit insurance coverage amount | P_AMT08V | CURR |
342 | BEN_COVBAS | Benefit base amount for insurance coverage calculation | XFELD | CHAR |
343 | BEN_COVBD | To be deleted - no longer used! | BEN_DAY | NUMC |
344 | BEN_COVBM | To be deleted - no longer used! | BEN_MONTH | NUMC |
345 | BEN_COVER | To be deleted - no longer used! | BEN_COVER | CHAR |
346 | BEN_COVETX | Benefit insurance coverage rule variant text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
347 | BEN_COVFAC | Benefit salary factor for insurance coverage | P_DEC3_5 | DEC |
348 | BEN_COVFM | Benefits Coverage Rule Variant | BEN_COVFM | CHAR |
349 | BEN_COVGR | Benefit insurance coverage grouping | BEN_COVGR | CHAR |
350 | BEN_COVGTX | Benefit insurance coverage grouping text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
351 | BEN_COVIN | Benefit indicator for insurance coverage grouping | XFELD | CHAR |
352 | BEN_COVLTX | Benefit Insurance Option Text | TEXT30 | CHAR |
353 | BEN_COVLVL | Benefit Insurance Option | BEN_COVLVL | CHAR |
354 | BEN_COVMAX | Benefit maximum insurance coverage amount | P_AMT08 | CURR |
355 | BEN_COVMIN | Benefit minimum insurance coverage amount | P_AMT08 | CURR |
356 | BEN_COVOVR | Benefit Alternative Amount for Insurance Coverage Amount | P_AMT08 | CURR |
357 | BEN_COVYN | Benefit indicator for coverage rule variant relevancy | XFELD | CHAR |
358 | BEN_COV_MONTHS | Benefit Coverage in Months | ANZ5_4 | DEC |
359 | BEN_COYAA | Benefit previous FSA contributions (current year) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
360 | BEN_COYPA | Benefit previous FSA contributions (previous year) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
361 | BEN_CPLYRD | Benefit day of plan year begin flexible spending account | BEN_CDAY | CHAR |
362 | BEN_CPLYRM | Benefit month of plan year begin flexible spending account | BEN_CMONTH | CHAR |
363 | BEN_CPMOD | Benefit Compensation Model | BEN_CPMOD | CHAR |
364 | BEN_CPMOE | Benefit Compensation Model for Calculating Earnings | BEN_CPMOD | CHAR |
365 | BEN_CPMOH | Benefit Compensation Model for Calculating Working Hours | BEN_CPMOD | CHAR |
366 | BEN_CPMOTX | Benefit Compensation Model Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
367 | BEN_CPRCNT | Benefit payout percentage for contingency beneficiaries | DEC3 | DEC |
368 | BEN_CPWTYP | Benefit Wage Type for Storage of Compensation from Model | LGART | CHAR |
369 | BEN_CRAMO | Benefit Alternative Credit Amount | P_AMT07 | CURR |
370 | BEN_CRAMT | Benefit Calculated Credit Amount | P_AMT07 | CURR |
371 | BEN_CRBEG | Benefit Start Date of IT Record that Exists at Present | DATUM | DATS |
372 | BEN_CRDAM | Benefit credit amount in credit rule variant | P_AMT07 | CURR |
373 | BEN_CRDYN | Benefit indicator for credit rule variant relevancy | XFELD | CHAR |
374 | BEN_CREDDT | Benefit Credit Calculation Date | DATUM | DATS |
375 | BEN_CREDIT | Benefit Credit Rule Variant | BEN_CREDIT | CHAR |
376 | BEN_CREDTX | Benefit credit rule variant text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
377 | BEN_CRED_YN | Benefits: Indicator for Relevance of Credit Plans | XFELD | CHAR |
378 | BEN_CREND | Benefit End Date of IT Record that Exists at Present | DATUM | DATS |
379 | BEN_CRFAC | Benefit salary factor for credit amount | DEC3_4 | DEC |
380 | BEN_CRGRP | Benefit Parameter Group for Grouping | BEN_CRGRP | CHAR |
381 | BEN_CRMAX | Benefit maximum amount in credit rule variant | P_AMT07 | CURR |
382 | BEN_CRMIN | Benefit minimum amount in credit rule variant | P_AMT07 | CURR |
383 | BEN_CRPRO | Benefit Calculation Process for Benefit Accrual Service | PSEN_PROCE | CHAR |
384 | BEN_CRQYN | Indicator: Corequisite Plans Required | XFELD | CHAR |
385 | BEN_CSALDY | Benefit cutoff day for salary group determination | BEN_CDAY | CHAR |
386 | BEN_CSALIN | To be deleted - no longer used! | XFELD | CHAR |
387 | BEN_CSALMO | Benefit cutoff month for salary group determination | BEN_CMONTH | CHAR |
388 | BEN_CSCYN | Benefits: Indicator for Relevance of Costs and Credits | XFELD | CHAR |
389 | BEN_CSRVDY | Benefit cutoff day for seniority group determination | BEN_CDAY | CHAR |
390 | BEN_CSRVMO | Benefit cutoff month for seniority group determination | BEN_CMONTH | CHAR |
391 | BEN_CSTCR | Benefit indicator for plan attribute costs/credits | XFELD | CHAR |
392 | BEN_CSTDT | Benefit Cost Calculation Date | DATUM | DATS |
393 | BEN_CSTFA | Benefits Factor for Employee Costs | DEC3_4 | DEC |
394 | BEN_CSTFM | Benefit Cost Rule Variant | BEN_CSTFM | CHAR |
395 | BEN_CSTID | Benefit customer ID for doctor search engine | NUMC4 | NUMC |
396 | BEN_CSTINFO | Cost Information | BEN_CSTINFO | STRG |
397 | BEN_CSTOV | Benefit Alternative Amount for Costs | P_AMT07 | CURR |
398 | BEN_CSTV1 | Benefit cost grouping | BEN_CSTV1 | CHAR |
399 | BEN_CSTYN | Benefit indicator for cost rule variant relevancy | XFELD | CHAR |
400 | BEN_CTCNT | Benefit number of contingency beneficiaries | NUMC2 | NUMC |
401 | BEN_CTGIN | Benefit indicator beneficiary is contingency beneficiary | XFELD | CHAR |
402 | BEN_CTGNAM | Benefit name of contingency beneficiary | TEXT50 | CHAR |
403 | BEN_CTGYN | Benefit indicator relevancy of contingency beneficiary | XFELD | CHAR |
404 | BEN_CTODD | Benefit Total Benefit Accrual Service (Days) | PSEN_CALDD | DEC |
405 | BEN_CTOMM | Benefit Total Benefit Accrual Service (Months) | PSEN_CALMM | DEC |
406 | BEN_CTOYY | Benefit Total Benefit Accrual Service (Years) | PSEN_CALYY | DEC |
407 | BEN_CTRTX | Benefit type of contingency beneficiary text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
408 | BEN_CUMHD | Benefit indicator cumulation using period of employment | XFELD | CHAR |
409 | BEN_CUMPD | Benefit indicator cumulation in fixed period | XFELD | CHAR |
410 | BEN_CUMST | Benefit date type for earliest possible cumulation start | TMART | CHAR |
411 | BEN_CUNIT | Benefit contribution unit (employee contribution) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
412 | BEN_CURDT | Benefit current evaluation key date | DATUM | DATS |
413 | BEN_CURR | Benefit Currency Key | WAERS | CUKY |
414 | BEN_CV1IN | Benefit indicator cost grouping for cost rule variant | XFELD | CHAR |
415 | BEN_DASNU | Benefit no. of time units lgth of adj. process after sel. | DEC4 | DEC |
416 | BEN_DASUN | Benefit time unit for lngth of adj. process after selection | RPMSH | CHAR |
417 | BEN_DBNEL | Benefits Dependent/Beneficiary is Not Eligible | XFELD | CHAR |
418 | BEN_DCNCC | Benefits: Flag to Display Contributions | XFELD | CHAR |
419 | BEN_DEC_ADDNO | Benefit indicator additional units can be reduced | XFELD | CHAR |
420 | BEN_DEC_BPRCO | Benefit indicator pre-tax contribution bonus can be reduced | XFELD | CHAR |
421 | BEN_DEC_BPTCO | Benefit indicator post-tax bonus can be reduced | XFELD | CHAR |
422 | BEN_DEC_CAMNT | Benefit indicator contribution can be reduced | XFELD | CHAR |
423 | BEN_DEC_PRECO | Benefit indicator pre-tax contribution can be reduced | XFELD | CHAR |
424 | BEN_DEC_PSTCO | Benefits indicator post-tax contribution can be reduced | XFELD | CHAR |
425 | BEN_DEFERR | Benefits Indicator Qualified Plan | XFELD | CHAR |
426 | BEN_DEFLTI | Benefit indicator default investment for savings plans | XFELD | CHAR |
427 | BEN_DEL_BPLAN | Benefit indicator plan can be deleted | XFELD | CHAR |
428 | BEN_DEMDT | Benefit evaluation date for employee demographic | DATUM | DATS |
429 | BEN_DEPCOV | Benefit Dependent Coverage | BEN_DEPCOV | CHAR |
430 | BEN_DEPCTX | Benefit Dependent Coverage Option Text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
431 | BEN_DEPCVYN | Indicator: Dependent Coverage Required | XFELD | CHAR |
432 | BEN_DEPID | Benefit dependent object ID | OBJPS | CHAR |
433 | BEN_DEPIN | Benefit dependent indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
434 | BEN_DEPNAM | Benefit Name of Dependent | TEXT50 | CHAR |
435 | BEN_DEPOK | Benefit indicator dependent is allowed | XFELD | CHAR |
436 | BEN_DEPTYP | Benefit dependent type | SUBTY | CHAR |
437 | BEN_DEPYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of dependents | XFELD | CHAR |
438 | BEN_DOCID | Benefit Physician ID | CHAR20 | CHAR |
439 | BEN_DOCNAM | Benefit Physician Name | TEXT30 | CHAR |
440 | BEN_DPCNT | Benefit number of dependents | NUMC2 | NUMC |
441 | BEN_DPCVFR | Benefit start dependent coverage at jump | BEN_DEPCOV | CHAR |
442 | BEN_DPCVTO | Benefits target dependent coverage for jump | BEN_DEPCOV | CHAR |
443 | BEN_DRVVR | Benefit variant of payroll driver for payroll simulation | RALDB_VARI | CHAR |
444 | BEN_DSPPRE | Benefit pre-tax indicator must be displayed | XFELD | CHAR |
445 | BEN_DSP_DETYN | Indicator: Plan Details Required | XFELD | CHAR |
446 | BEN_DURCC | Flexible benefit indicator records end after a period for CC | XFELD | CHAR |
447 | BEN_DURNU | Benefit number of time units for length of adj. process | DEC4 | DEC |
448 | BEN_DURUN | Benefit time unit for length of adjustment process | RPMSH | CHAR |
449 | BEN_DYSPL | Benefit Plan as Basis for Calculating Dynamic Eligibility | BEN_PLAN | CHAR |
450 | BEN_DYSVN | Benefit Required Service for Dynamic Eligibility (Number) | DEC4 | DEC |
451 | BEN_DYSVU | Benefit Required Service for Dynamic eligibility (Unit) | RPMSH | CHAR |
452 | BEN_EEBYN | Benefit indicator employee's beneficiary status | XFELD | CHAR |
453 | BEN_EECAMT | Benefit Employee Pre-Tax Contribution Amount | P_AMT07 | CURR |
454 | BEN_EECGR | Benefit employee contribution grouping | BEN_EECGR | CHAR |
455 | BEN_EECGTX | Benefit employee contribution grouping text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
456 | BEN_EECIN | Benefit indicator for employee contribution grouping | XFELD | CHAR |
457 | BEN_EECON | Benefit Employee Contribution Rule Variant | BEN_EECON | CHAR |
458 | BEN_EECOST | Benefit Employee Cost Amount | P_AMT07 | CURR |
459 | BEN_EECOTX | Benefit employee contribution rule text | TEXT20 | CHAR |
460 | BEN_EECOVA | Benefit Insurance Coverage | P_AMT08 | CURR |
461 | BEN_EECPCT | Benefit EE Pre-Tax Contribution Percentage | DEC3_2 | DEC |
462 | BEN_EECPP | Benefit Pre- and Post Tax as Basis Indicator | XFELD | CHAR |
463 | BEN_EECPR | Benefit Indicator Based on Pre-Tax Contribution Only | XFELD | CHAR |
464 | BEN_EECPS | Benefit Indicator Based on Post-Tax Contribution Only | XFELD | CHAR |
465 | BEN_EECSTYN | Indicator: Employee Costs Required | XFELD | CHAR |
466 | BEN_EECTX | Benefit Share of EE Contribution as Basis for ER Contrib. | BEN_EECTX | CHAR |
467 | BEN_EECWT | Benefit wage type for EE catch-up contribution | LGART | CHAR |
468 | BEN_EECYN | Benefit indicator for relevancy of EE contribution | XFELD | CHAR |
469 | BEN_EEDAT | To be deleted - do not use! | XFELD | CHAR |
470 | BEN_EEFAC | To be deleted - no longer used! | XFELD | CHAR |
471 | BEN_EEOWN | Benefit indicator 403(b) plan belongs to employee | XFELD | CHAR |
472 | BEN_EEPRC | Benefits Employee Pre-Tax Costs | P_AMT07 | CURR |
473 | BEN_EEPRE | Benefit employee's pre-tax contribution (estimate) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
474 | BEN_EEPSC | Benefits Employee Post-Tax Costs | P_AMT07 | CURR |
475 | BEN_EEPST | Benefit employee's post-tax contribution (estimate) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
476 | BEN_EESTAT | Benefit Second Program Grouping | BEN_EESTAT | CHAR |
477 | BEN_EETTL | Benefit employee's total contribution (estimate) | P_AMT07 | CURR |
478 | BEN_EEUNT | Benefit Employee Pre-Tax Contribution Number of Units | DEC9 | DEC |
479 | BEN_EEWTYP | Benefit Wage Type for Pre-Tax Employee Contributions | LGART | CHAR |
480 | BEN_EGRCL | Benefit End of Grace Period for FSA Claim | DATUM | DATS |
481 | BEN_ELEPER | Election period for checking changes of benefit elections | DATUM | DATS |
482 | BEN_ELIDA | Benefit actual eligibility date | DATUM | DATS |
483 | BEN_ELIDT | Benefit calculated eligibility date | DATUM | DATS |
484 | BEN_ELIDTO | Benefit override eligibility date | DATUM | DATS |
485 | BEN_ELIG | Benefit eligibility rule variant | BEN_ELIG | CHAR |
486 | BEN_ELIGR | Benefit eligibility grouping | BEN_ELIGR | CHAR |
487 | BEN_ELUMP | Benefit Projected Benefit as Lump-Sum Payment | P_AMT08 | CURR |
488 | BEN_EMDEA | Benefit Projected Monthly Benefit in Event of Death | P_AMT08 | CURR |
489 | BEN_EMDIS | Benefit Projected Monthly Benefit in Event of Disability | P_AMT08 | CURR |
490 | BEN_EMJAS | Benefit Projected Benefit "Joint and Survivor" | P_AMT08 | CURR |
491 | BEN_EMNTH | Benefit Projected Benefit as Monthly Payment | P_AMT08 | CURR |
492 | BEN_EMP | Benefit: Print Date of General Notice for Employee | DATUM | DATS |
493 | BEN_EMP_CLASS | Employment Class | CHAR2 | CHAR |
494 | BEN_EMP_STATUS | Employee status for Nondiscrimination testing | BEN_EMP_STATUS | CHAR |
495 | BEN_ENBEG | Benefits start of infotype records for open enrollment | DATUM | DATS |
496 | BEN_ENDAY | Benefit first possible day of enrollment | BEN_DAY2 | NUMC |
497 | BEN_ENEND | Benefit end of infotype records for open enrollment | DATUM | DATS |
498 | BEN_ENEOT | Benefit indicator records end at the end of time | XFELD | CHAR |
499 | BEN_ENFXD | Benefit indicator records end on another date | XFELD | CHAR |
500 | BEN_ENIND | Benefit indicator for infotype records' end date | BEN_ENIND | CHAR |