SAP ABAP Data Element - Index B, page 32
Data Element - B
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 BEZFL Reference sequence for a sequence PLNFOLGE CHAR 
2 BEZGDAT Reference date DATUM DATS 
3 BEZGR Reference Factor BEZGR DEC 
4 BEZGROLD Reference factors (obsolete) BEZGROLD DEC 
5 BEZIN Minimum of existence - institution CHAR4 CHAR 
7 BEZIRK1 Ad Pre-Print Zone (Higher Level Route) BEZIRK CHAR 
8 BEZIRK2 Carrier Route (Lower Level Route) BEZIRK CHAR 
9 BEZIRKABH Specify Carrier Route when Defining Viability Set AUSPRGART CHAR 
10 BEZIRKSUM Total Ad Pre-Print Quantity MENGGPOS QUAN 
12 BEZIRKTAT Actual Carrier Route BEZIRK CHAR 
13 BEZIRK_AKT IS-M: Current Carrier Route BEZIRK CHAR 
17 BEZKATE1 Carrier Route Flat Rate Category BEZKATE1 CHAR 
18 BEZKATE2 IS-M: Carrier Route Category 2 BEZKATE2 CHAR 
19 BEZKATE3 IS-M: Carrier Route Category 3 BEZKATE3 CHAR 
20 BEZKATE4 IS-M: Carrier Route Category 4 BEZKATE4 CHAR 
21 BEZKATE5 IS-M: Carrier Route Category 5 BEZKATE5 CHAR 
22 BEZKNOTA Description of departure point TEXT30 CHAR 
23 BEZKNOTA2 Description of departure point - Part 2 TEXT30 CHAR 
24 BEZKNOTZ Description of destination point TEXT30 CHAR 
25 BEZKNOTZ2 Description of destination - Part 2 TEXT30 CHAR 
26 BEZKNTANF Reference node for start of a sequence KNTNR NUMC 
27 BEZKNTEND Finish reference node of a sequence KNTNR NUMC 
28 BEZKO Description of the document type TEXT20 CHAR 
29 BEZKOMPR Abbreviated location name CHAR60 CHAR 
30 BEZKOMPRA Departure point: Description of location (compressed) CHAR60 CHAR 
31 BEZKOMPRZ Destination: Description of Location (Compressed) CHAR60 CHAR 
32 BEZKONDB1 Condition Reference for Determining Sales Agent Bonus 1 JBEZKOND CHAR 
33 BEZKONDB2 Condition Reference for Determining Sales Agent Bonus 2 JBEZKOND CHAR 
34 BEZKONDP Condition Reference For Sales Vol.Dependent Commission Det. JBEZKOND CHAR 
35 BEZKONDPR1 IS-M: Condition Reference for Price Field 1 in the Order JBEZKOND CHAR 
36 BEZKONDPR2 IS-M/AM: Condition Reference for Price Field 2 in the Order JBEZKOND CHAR 
37 BEZKS Name of Cost Center CHAR30 CHAR 
38 BEZKZ Customs office description TEXT11 CHAR 
39 BEZLG Reference wage type for basic pay LGART CHAR 
40 BEZNK Unplanned delivery costs ANLKWERT CURR 
41 BEZNP Net price of source of supply WERT11 CURR 
42 BEZOB Reference is Mandatory BEZOB CHAR 
44 BEZPERFAKT IS-M: Service Type for Billing BEZPER CHAR 
45 BEZPERSE IS-M: Service Type for Social Facility BEZPER CHAR 
46 BEZPO Description of the item category TEXT20 CHAR 
47 BEZR2 Description of variant in R/2 CHAR60 CHAR 
48 BEZRKRCHRE Carrier Route Subject to Research BEZIRK CHAR 
49 BEZRNDNAM IS-M: Text for Delivery Round TEXT15 CHAR 
51 BEZRUNDTAT Actual Delivery Round BEZRUNDE CHAR 
52 BEZRUND_SEL Del.Round Selection for Carrier Routes with Several Del.Rnds BEZRUNDE CHAR 
53 BEZRUND_SEL_RH Del.Round Selection for Carrier Routes with Several Del.Rnds BEZRUNDE CHAR 
54 BEZRWHR Post subscription rights: Currency of subscription right WAERS CUKY 
55 BEZSV Name of supplementary insurance SVVER CHAR 
56 BEZTYPEHI Mix Type for Reference in Substitution Hierarchy BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA CHAR 
57 BEZTYPERS Mix Type for Substitute Edition BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA CHAR 
58 BEZTYPMITB Mix Type for Combination or Substitute Edition BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA CHAR 
59 BEZTYPMITB_JE_PVA Mix Type for Combination or Substitute Edition BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA CHAR 
60 BEZTYPMTB Mix Type of Combination Edition BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA CHAR 
66 BEZUGSDAT Actual move-in date DATUM DATS 
68 BEZUGSWERT Settlement share of a distribution rule CHAR19 CHAR 
69 BEZUGTXT Your material type TEXT25 CHAR 
70 BEZUGTXT1 SAP reference material types TEXT25 CHAR 
71 BEZUGTXT2 Existing material types TEXT25 CHAR 
72 BEZUR_D Notification Reference Time UZEIT TIMS 
73 BEZVE Previous exemption from ZVE XFELD CHAR 
74 BEZWKZ Base value key for depreciation calculation BEZWKZ CHAR 
75 BEZWKZTX Short descriptive text: Base value DDTEXT CHAR 
76 BEZWRT Description / Value TEXT40 CHAR 
77 BEZZT PM Notification Reference Date/Time BEZZT CHAR 
78 BEZZT_ORD Default Values: Reference Time for Order Completion BEZZT_ORD CHAR 
80 BEZ_DATEI Names of upload files TEXT40 CHAR 
81 BEZ_FL Totals at Carrier Route Level XFELD CHAR 
82 BEZ_GEO Carrier Route/Geographical Unit CHAR10 CHAR 
83 BEZ_KANAL Name of the communication channel TEXT40 CHAR 
84 BEZ_KNOART IS-M: Text for Type of Structure Node CHAR3 CHAR 
85 BEZ_RICHT IS-M: Direction in Which Structure is to be Expanded CHAR20 CHAR 
86 BE_AAZULAS IS-M: Booking Unit for Ad Type Admissibility BELEINH CHAR 
87 BE_ACCREQUIRED Account Assignment for Logical Backend Required BE_ACCREQUIRED CHAR 
88 BE_ANTEIL IS-M: Share of Sales Volume of Lower-Level BU (in Percent) BE_ANTEIL DEC 
89 BE_ANT_PRO IS-M: Percentage Share for Commission Distribution (Combi) BE_ANTEIL DEC 
90 BE_BASIS IS-M: Basic Booking Unit BELEINH CHAR 
91 BE_BESTOBJ IS-M: Element Object of a Basic BU BE_BESTOBJ CHAR 
92 BE_CIR_TITLE Payee Title in Circular Check XFELD CHAR 
93 BE_CONTACT_EM Email Address of the Contact Person BE_CONTACT_EM CHAR 
95 BE_CORR_INDICATOR Correction Indicator for Withholding Tax Return BE_CORR_INDICATOR CHAR 
96 BE_CORR_REFERENCE Reference Number for the Correction BE_CORR_REFERENCE CHAR 
97 BE_DATUM IS-M: Date on Which a BU is "Published" DATUM DATS 
98 BE_DIVISION Division Code   CHAR 
99 BE_DIVISION_HDR BE Division Header Information   CHAR 
101 BE_FI_YEAR Reference Document Object- Fiscal Year in Backend System GJAHR NUMC 
102 BE_FPLZ IS-M: Booking Unit for Fixed Space Planning BELEINH CHAR 
103 BE_GEN_IFO_HDR BE general header   CHAR 
104 BE_GEN_INFO_HDR BE General Information Header   CHAR 
105 BE_GRBEW Reason for Movement MB_GRBEW NUMC 
106 BE_GRP IS-M: Booking Unit Group BE_GRP CHAR 
107 BE_HIE_TYP IS-M/AM: Booking Unit - Hierarchy Type BE_HIE_TYP CHAR 
108 BE_HIE_VER IS-M: BU Hierarchy Version BE_HIE_VER NUMC 
109 BE_HIE_VRW IS-M/AM: Use of Work Area Hierarchies BE_HIE_VRW CHAR 
110 BE_ITEM_SRV Service Object Item in Backend System BBP_REF_ITEM CHAR 
112 BE_IV_ID Invoice ID CHAR20 CHAR 
113 BE_LOG_SYSTEM Logical System of Logistics Backend LOGSYS CHAR 
114 BE_MINBASE Minimum Base Amount BE_MINBASE CURR 
115 BE_NIHIL Payment Indicator - Fiche- Belgium   CHAR 
116 BE_NR_INTERVAL Sender Number Range Interval   CHAR 
117 BE_OBJART IS-M: Object Type - BU Object BE_OBJART CHAR 
118 BE_OBJECT IS-M: Neutral Object for BU/PPU/... BE_OBJECT CHAR 
119 BE_OBJECT_ID Follow-On Document Object ID in Backend BBP_BE_OBJECT_ID CHAR 
120 BE_OBJECT_TYPE Follow-On Document Object Type in Backend System OJ_NAME CHAR 
121 BE_OBJ_ITEM Follow-On Object Item in Backend System BBP_REF_ITEM CHAR 
122 BE_POPUP IS-M/AM: Control Voucher Copy Recipient Selection BE_POPUP CHAR 
123 BE_QLAND Belgium Sender Country Key   CHAR 
124 BE_REC_LEN Number of Records   NUMC 
125 BE_REFOBJ Reference Object in Backend System BBP_BE_OBJECT_ID CHAR 
126 BE_REFOBJ_ITEM Reference Object Item in Backend System BBP_REF_ITEM CHAR 
127 BE_REFOBJ_SBITM Reference Object Sub-Position in Backend System CHAR20 CHAR 
128 BE_REFOBJ_TYPE Reference Object Type in Backend System OJ_NAME CHAR 
129 BE_REPORTDATE Date of Report - Fiche (Belgium) DATUM DATS 
130 BE_REPORTYEAR Reporting Year in the Withholding Tax Return BE_REPORTYEAR NUMC 
131 BE_SEND_ENTNO Sender Enterprise Number BE_SEND_ENTNO CHAR 
132 BE_SEND_INFO_HDR BE Sender Information Header   CHAR 
134 BE_SEND_POCODE Sender Postal Code   CHAR 
135 BE_SEQ_NUM Sequential Number for Fiche - Belgium   CHAR 
136 BE_SMLCPY Belgium Small Company CHAR1 CHAR 
137 BE_SPRAS Language of Sender Company   CHAR 
138 BE_TAX_ID Tax Identification Number for Belgium BE_TAX_ID CHAR 
139 BE_TBEL IS-M: Booking Unit for Selective Bookings BELEINH CHAR 
140 BE_TEST_RUN Test Run Indicator - Belgium   CHAR 
141 BFART Service level BFART CHAR 
142 BFART_TXT Description of mode of transport AS4TEXT CHAR 
143 BFBNAM Function Module Name FUNCNAME CHAR 
144 BFBWUL Batch Where-Used List in Repetitive Manufacturing BFBWUL CHAR 
145 BFDAT Settlement Date for Deadline DATUM DATS 
146 BFDATEI IS-M: Document Flow File BFDATEI CHAR 
147 BFEKZ IS-H: Authorization Certificate for Early Detection Exists XFELD CHAR 
148 BFIN_KK Last document INT4 INT4 
149 BFLAG Infotype used for valuation FLAG CHAR 
150 BFLBTR Area basic amount per location category WRTV6 CURR 
151 BFLBTRCUK Area basic amount per location class in second currency WRTV6 CURR 
152 BFLD_RADIO Influencing fields checkbox DYNPCHOICE CHAR 
153 BFLME Generic Material with Logistical Variants BFLME CHAR 
154 BFMAR Foreign Trade: Type of means of transport BFMAR CHAR 
155 BFMTX Text for company code group CHAR25 CHAR 
157 BFNAE Name of field in individual list of stock overview BFNAE CHAR 
158 BFNAM Name of field in basic stock overview list BFNAM CHAR 
159 BFNRNUM BFNR counter - Route determination INT4 INT4 
160 BFONVOL Fund volume WERT8 CURR 
161 BFORD1_AW Nominal value - long (display currency) WERTV8 CURR 
162 BFORM Processing form: Collective processing via worklist XFELD CHAR 
163 BFORMEL IS-H: Valuation Formula for Extended Services BFORMEL CHAR 
164 BFORMTEXT IS-H: Text Field for Valuation Formula TEXT40 CHAR 
165 BFRAM Booking priority (frame) CHAR01 CHAR 
166 BFRAMESIZE Length of the buffer frames INT4 INT4 
167 BFRATE Fixed instalment DEC11_2 DEC 
168 BFRDT_KK Date on Which Creditworthiness was Fixed DATUM DATS 
169 BFREI Unseizable Amount WERT05 CURR 
170 BFRGR Permissibility Indicator for Exemption Reason ZKENN CHAR 
171 BFRJAR Retention period in years JAHR2 NUMC 
172 BFRMON Retention period in months MONAT NUMC 
173 BFS_STUFE ZEBU Postal Packing Level BFS_STUFE NUMC 
174 BFTNRTMP FO Integration: Temporary Transaction Number BFTNRTMP CHAR 
175 BFTNUMB FO Integration: Transaction Number BFTNUMB CHAR 
176 BFTYP_KK Fixing or release BFTYP_KK CHAR 
177 BFUNC_ADAPT_MAN Generated BFunction Repository entry to be adapted manually BFUNC_ADAPT_MAN CHAR 
178 BFUNC_MAN_DONE Generated BFunction Repository entry manually adapted BFUNC_MAN_DONE CHAR 
179 BFUNC_REVERSIBLE Flag if Business Function is reversible   CHAR 
180 BFUNK_EBPP Key for the Processing Function (Biller Direct) BFUNK_EBPP CHAR 
181 BFUNK_KK Processing function key BFUNK_KK CHAR 
182 BFWBWHW_AW Forex valuation in display currency from local currency WERTV8_TR CURR 
183 BFWMS Control posting for external WMS BFWMS CHAR 
184 BF_AAFA Proportional Unplanned Depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
185 BF_AAFAG Posted unplanned depreciation for the year BAPICURR DEC 
186 BF_AAFAL Proportional unplanned depreciation for the year BAPICURR DEC 
187 BF_AAFAV Proportional cumulative unplanned depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
188 BF_ABBTREB Deduction amount invoice BAPICURR DEC 
189 BF_ACCURR Currency Key WAERS CUKY 
190 BF_ACSUB HR Vendor group NUMC5 NUMC 
191 BF_ADATU Date for beginning of validity DATUM DATS 
192 BF_ADJ01EB Revised amount WERT7 CURR 
193 BF_AFABE_D Real depreciation area BF_AFABE NUMC 
194 BF_AFABE_RBWE Base depreciation area for determining net book value AFABE NUMC 
195 BF_AFABG Depreciation calculation start date DATUM DATS 
196 BF_AFASL Depreciation key BF_AFASL CHAR 
197 BF_AFA_GEP Planned depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
198 BF_AFA_GJE Depreciation at fiscal year end BAPICURR DEC 
199 BF_AGKONEB Account number or key of a work list CHAR16 CHAR 
200 BF_AGUMSEB Special G/L indicators which are to be selected CHAR10 CHAR 
201 BF_AIBDT Original acquisition date of AuC/ transferred asset DATUM DATS 
202 BF_AIBN1 Original asset that was transferred BF_ANLN1 CHAR 
203 BF_AIBN2 Original asset that was transferred BF_ANLN2 CHAR 
204 BF_AIMMO Indicator: real estate BF_AIMMO NUMC 
205 BF_AKBLNEB Payment on account document number BELNR CHAR 
206 BF_AKTIVD Asset capitalization date DATUM DATS 
207 BF_ALIND Index series for replacement values by age BF_WBIND CHAR 
208 BF_AM_AUFNR Investment Order AUFNR CHAR 
209 BF_AM_IPSNR WBS element - maintenance project PS_POSNR NUMC 
210 BF_AM_KFZKZ License plate no. of vehichle BF_AM_KFZKZ CHAR 
211 BF_AM_LAND1 Asset's country of origin LAND1 CHAR 
212 BF_AM_LAND1_ISO Asset's country of origin LAND1 CHAR 
213 BF_AM_LIFNR Account number of vendor (other key word) LIFNR CHAR 
214 BF_AM_LRVDAT Date of last revaluation DATUM DATS 
215 BF_AM_POSNR WBS element investment project PS_POSNR NUMC 
216 BF_AM_SERNR Serial number BF_GERNR CHAR 
217 BF_AM_UMWKZ Reason for environmental investment BF_AM_UMWKZ CHAR 
218 BF_ANBTR Amount posted BAPICURR DEC 
219 BF_ANBWA Asset transaction type CHAR3 CHAR 
220 BF_ANDSJ Yrs Expired up to Fisc.Yr Start from Start of Spec.Dep. BF_JARAF NUMC 
221 BF_ANDSP Expired useful life in periods during FY from SDep start dat BF_PERAF NUMC 
222 BF_ANEQK Indicator: Historical management BF_ANEQK NUMC 
223 BF_ANLAR Asset types for objects CHAR5 CHAR 
224 BF_ANLGR Group asset BF_ANLN1 CHAR 
225 BF_ANLGR2 Subnumber of group asset BF_ANLN2 CHAR 
226 BF_ANLKL Asset class BF_ANLKL CHAR 
227 BF_ANLN1 Main Asset Number BF_ANLN1 CHAR 
228 BF_ANLN2 Asset Subnumber BF_ANLN2 CHAR 
229 BF_ANLTP Asset Category BF_ANLTP NUMC 
230 BF_ANLUE Asset super number BF_ANLUE CHAR 
231 BF_ANTEI In-house production percentage BF_PRZ32 DEC 
232 BF_ANWNDEB Application using bank data storage BF_ANWNDEB CHAR 
233 BF_ANZESEB Number of memo records from the bank statement NUM5 NUMC 
234 BF_ANZSPEB Number of collective items NUM5 NUMC 
235 BF_APROP Variable depreciation portion DEC3_4 DEC 
236 BF_ARRSKEB Overdue charges from/to partners in account currency WERT7 CURR 
237 BF_ASTATEB Statement status CHAR1 CHAR 
238 BF_AUFLA_ANLA Date of conveyance DATUM DATS 
239 BF_AUFN Proportional Revaluation of Ordinary Depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
240 BF_AUFNG Posted revaluation of accumulated ordinary depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
241 BF_AUFNL Proportional revaluation of annual ordinary dep. BAPICURR DEC 
242 BF_AUFNV Proportional cum. revaluation on ordinary depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
243 BF_AUFW Proportional Revaluation of Replacement Value BAPICURR DEC 
244 BF_AUFWB Posted revaluation of replacement value BAPICURR DEC 
245 BF_AUFWL Proportional revaluation for the year on replacement value BAPICURR DEC 
246 BF_AUFWV Proportional cumulative revaluation on replacement value BAPICURR DEC 
247 BF_AUFW_GJE Revaluation at fiscal year end BAPICURR DEC 
248 BF_AVBALEB Current bank account balance BF_WERT9 CURR 
249 BF_AVGES Insurance companies BF_AVGES CHAR 
250 BF_AVSIDEB Pmnt advice no. BF_AVSIDEB CHAR 
251 BF_AVTAR Insurance rate FI-AA BF_AVTAR CHAR 
252 BF_AZDATEB Statement Date DATUM DATS 
253 BF_AZNUMEB Statement Number NUM5 NUMC 
254 BF_AZSNREB Statement page number NUM3 NUMC 
255 BF_AZTIMEB Acct statement time TIMES TIMS 
256 BF_BACKL_GJE Cum. revaluation of ord. depreciation at fiscal year end BAPICURR DEC 
257 BF_BACLA Indicator: Execute Batch Classification BF_BACLA CHAR 
258 BF_BANKKEB Bank key (usually bank number) BANKK CHAR 
259 BF_BATCHEB Batch number (bundle number) CHAR3 CHAR 
260 BF_BCHWRT_GJE Book value at fiscal year end BAPICURR DEC 
261 BF_BDATU Date validity ends DATUM DATS 
262 BF_BELNR Document number in Financial Accounting BELNR CHAR 
263 BF_BEST_GJE Acquisition value at fiscal year end (w/o BAPICURR DEC 
264 BF_BEZEI Stock determination name, length 40 TEXT40 CHAR 
265 BF_BKTOAEB Bank account type CHAR23 CHAR 
266 BF_BLAUFEB Start of period DATUM DATS 
267 BF_BNKEY Name of the bank key BNKEY CHAR 
268 BF_BNKKOEB G/L Account/Internal Cash Mgmt Account CHAR10 CHAR 
269 BF_BPRIO Stock determination: Priority indicator NUM3 NUMC 
270 BF_BSTDT Asset purchase order date DATUM DATS 
271 BF_BUDAT Posting Date in the Document DATUM DATS 
272 BF_BUSABEB Accounting clerk CHAR2 CHAR 
273 BF_BUTIMEB Value date time TIMES TIMS 
274 BF_BUTXTEB Bank posting text CHAR50 CHAR 
275 BF_BUZEI Document line item number in a Financial Accounting document NUMC3 NUMC 
276 BF_BVDATEB Posting date at the bank DATUM DATS 
277 BF_BWASL Asset transaction type BWASL CHAR 
278 BF_BZDAT Reference date DATUM DATS 
279 BF_CAUFN Internal order AUFNR CHAR 
280 BF_CHECTEB Reference information sent by bank e.g. check number CHCKN CHAR 
281 BF_CONFIG_ELEMENT Configuration element for Business Function source BF_CONFIG_ELEMENT CHAR 
282 BF_CSNUMEB Clearing record number NUM3 NUMC 
283 BF_CURRISO ISO code account currency ISOCD CHAR 
284 BF_DATM1EB Value date DDAT DATS 
285 BF_DEAKT Deactivation date DATUM DATS 
286 BF_DIALG Stock determination: Online control XFELD CHAR 
287 BF_DMBE2 Amount in Second Local Currency WERT12 CURR 
288 BF_DMBE3 Amount in Third Local Currency WERT12 CURR 
289 BF_DMBTR Amount in local currency WERT12 CURR 
291 BF_DSTATEB Print status CHAR1 CHAR 
292 BF_DZINSG Posted interest for the year BAPICURR DEC 
293 BF_EFARTEB Entry type CHAR1 CHAR 
294 BF_EHWNR_ANLA Tax number of the notice of assessment BF_EHWNR_ANLA CHAR 
295 BF_EHWRT Assessed value BAPICURR DEC 
296 BF_EHWZU_ANLA Date of last notice of assessment DATUM DATS 
297 BF_EIGKZ Property indicator BF_EIGKZ CHAR 
299 BF_EPERLEB Line item completed CHAR1 CHAR 
300 BF_EPVOZEB Debit/credit key for line items CHAR1 CHAR 
301 BF_ERLBT Revenue from asset sale BAPICURR DEC 
302 BF_ESBTREB Ending balance amount BF_WERT9 CURR 
303 BF_ESDMBEB Ending balance equivalent in local currency BF_WERT9 CURR 
304 BF_ESNUMEB Memo record number (line item number in bank statement) NUM5 NUMC 
305 BF_ESTATEB Error status CHAR4 CHAR 
306 BF_ESTYPEB Closing balance type (F=closing, M=interim, X=blank) CHAR1 CHAR 
307 BF_ESVOZEB Closing balance +/- sign CHAR1 CHAR 
308 BF_FEINS Area unit MEINS UNIT 
310 BF_FELDNF5 Field name from the document index CHAR5 CHAR 
311 BF_FIAMT Local tax office TEXT25 CHAR 
312 BF_FLURK_ANLA Land register map number CHAR4 CHAR 
313 BF_FLURN_ANLA Plot number CHAR10 CHAR 
314 BF_FOISO ISO code original currency ISOCD CHAR 
315 BF_FWAEREB Original currency key (different from transaction currency) WAERS CUKY 
316 BF_FWBTREB Foreign currency amount (different from account cuurency) WERT7 CURR 
318 BF_GEGST Technical asset number BF_GEGST CHAR 
319 BF_GKONT Offsetting Account Number BF_GKONT CHAR 
320 BF_GLOBAFABER Cross-system depreciation area BF_GLOAFABER CHAR 
321 BF_GPLAB Planned retirement date DATUM DATS 
322 BF_GRBLT_ANLA Land register page BF_GRBLT_ANLA CHAR 
323 BF_GRBND_ANLA Land register volume BF_GRBND_ANLA CHAR 
324 BF_GREIN_ANLA Land register entry on DATUM DATS 
325 BF_GRLFD_ANLA Land register entry: Sequence number BF_GRLFD_ANLA CHAR 
326 BF_GROUP Stock determination group BF_GROUP CHAR 
327 BF_GRP01EB Session name for bank postings CHAR12 CHAR 
328 BF_GRP02EB Session name for subledger accounting CHAR12 CHAR 
329 BF_GRPNREB Bundle number for grouping line items CHAR2 CHAR 
330 BF_GRUFL Surface area MENG13 QUAN 
331 BF_GRUND Reason for manual valuation of net assets BF_GRUND CHAR 
332 BF_GRUVO_ANLA Land Register of DATUM DATS 
333 BF_GSBEREB Business area CHAR4 CHAR 
334 BF_HERST Manufacturer of asset TEXT30 CHAR 
335 BF_HRACT HR Integration of Backflush BF_HRACT CHAR 
336 BF_HZINSEB Credit interest BF_HZINSEB DEC 
337 BF_IAUFN Maintenance order AUFNR CHAR 
338 BF_IDENREB ID number for cash management and forecast BF_IDENREB NUMC 
339 BF_IM_XINVM Indicator: Investment measure for assets BF_XFELD CHAR 
340 BF_INBDA Asset Accounting: Date of operating readiness DATUM DATS 
341 BF_INFO1EB Additional information 1 CHAR30 CHAR 
342 BF_INFO2EB Additional information 2 CHAR30 CHAR 
343 BF_INKEN Inventory indicator BF_XFELD CHAR 
345 BF_INTAGEB Interpretation algorithm BF_INTAGEB NUMC 
346 BF_INVNOEB Invoice number BF_INVNOEB CHAR 
347 BF_INVNR_ANLA Inventory number BF_INVNR_ANLA CHAR 
348 BF_INVSL Investment support key BF_INVSL CHAR 
349 BF_INVZ Proportional Investment Grants BAPICURR DEC 
350 BF_INVZL Proportional investment grant for the year BAPICURR DEC 
351 BF_INVZU_ANLA Supplementary inventory specifications BF_INVZU_ANLA CHAR 
352 BF_INVZV Proportional cumulative investment grants BAPICURR DEC 
353 BF_INV_GJE Investment support at fiscal year end BAPICURR DEC 
354 BF_ITMNREB Item number NUM3 NUMC 
355 BF_IVDAT_ANLA Last inventory date DATUM DATS 
356 BF_IZWEK Reason for investment BF_IZWEK CHAR 
357 BF_JPDATEB Date of failed bills of exchange in Japan DATUM DATS 
358 BF_KAAFA Cumulative unplanned depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
359 BF_KANSW Cumulative acquisition and production costs BAPICURR DEC 
360 BF_KANZA Cumulative down payments BAPICURR DEC 
361 BF_KAUFN Cumulative revaluation of ordinary depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
362 BF_KAUFW Cumulative revaluation on the replacement value BAPICURR DEC 
363 BF_KBLNR Document number for funds reservation CHAR10 CHAR 
364 BF_KFMODEB Account modification BF_KFMODEB CHAR 
365 BF_KIDNOEB Payment Reference CHAR30 CHAR 
366 BF_KINVZ Cumulative investment grants BAPICURR DEC 
367 BF_KMAFA Cumul. transfer of reserves BAPICURR DEC 
368 BF_KNAFA Accumulated ordinary depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
369 BF_KNRZAEB Account number of an alternative payer KUNNR CHAR 
370 BF_KOARTAV Account type payment advices BF_KOARTAV CHAR 
371 BF_KONTEXT Backflush type   CHAR 
372 BF_KOSTLEB Cost Center CHAR10 CHAR 
373 BF_KOSTLV Cost center responsible for asset KOSTL CHAR 
374 BF_KSAFA Cumulative special depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
375 BF_KTOGR Account determination KTOGR CHAR 
376 BF_KTOIHEB Bank account holder CHAR35 CHAR 
377 BF_KTONRAV Account number BF_KTONRAV CHAR 
378 BF_KTOSBEB Special account name CHAR35 CHAR 
379 BF_KUKEYEB Short key (surrogate) BF_KUKEYEB NUMC 
380 BF_KURSFEB Exchange rate (different from local currency) KURSF DEC 
381 BF_KWAEREB Account currency key WAERS CUKY 
382 BF_KWBTREB Amount in account currency WERT7 CURR 
383 BF_KZINW Cumulative interest BAPICURR DEC 
384 BF_LBASW Leasing base value as new BAPICURR DEC 
385 BF_LBLNR No. of last document with which posting to asset was made BF_LBLNR CHAR 
386 BF_LBXNOEB Lockbox number CHAR7 CHAR 
387 BF_LCISOI ISO code for local currency ISOCD CHAR 
388 BF_LEABG Lease start date DATUM DATS 
389 BF_LEAFI Leasing company LIFNR CHAR 
390 BF_LEANZ Number of lease payments DEC5 DEC 
391 BF_LEART Leasing type BF_LEASART CHAR 
392 BF_LEGEB Periodic lease payment paid to leasing company/lessor BAPICURR DEC 
393 BF_LEJAR Length of lease in years BF_JARAF NUMC 
394 BF_LEPER Length of lease in periods BF_PERAF NUMC 
395 BF_LETXT Leasing data text TEXT50 CHAR 
396 BF_LIEFE Name of asset supplier TEXT30 CHAR 
397 BF_LKAUF Leased asset purchase price BAPICURR DEC 
398 BF_LKDAT Leasing agreement notice date DATUM DATS 
399 BF_LKUZA Total of posted leasing payments BAPICURR DEC 
400 BF_LKUZI Total leasing interest posted BAPICURR DEC 
401 BF_LLAVB Total of long-term leasing liability BAPICURR DEC 
402 BF_LMZIN Leasing monthly interest rate (Capital Lease) BF_AFPROZ DEC 
403 BF_LNRAN Sequence number of asset line items in fiscal year BF_LNRAN NUMC 
404 BF_LRYTH Lease payment cycle BF_PERAF NUMC 
405 BF_LTZBW Posting date of the last lease payment DATUM DATS 
406 BF_LVDAT Leasing agreement date DATUM DATS 
407 BF_LVORS Advance payments BF_XFELD CHAR 
408 BF_LVTNR Leasing agreement number CHAR15 CHAR 
409 BF_LWAER Local Currency WAERS CUKY 
410 BF_LZINS Leasing interest rate (capital lease) BF_AFPROZ DEC 
411 BF_MAFA Proportional Transfer of Reserves BAPICURR DEC 
412 BF_MAFAG Posted transfer of reserves for the year BAPICURR DEC 
413 BF_MAFAL Proportional transfer of reserves for the year BAPICURR DEC 
414 BF_MAFAV Proportional cumulative transfer of reserves BAPICURR DEC 
415 BF_MCOA1 Search term for matchcode search CHAR30 CHAR 
416 BF_MNGART Context-related quantity MENGE QUAN 
417 BF_MNGTXT Backflush quantity text   CHAR 
418 BF_MODE Backflush Mode BF_MODE CHAR 
419 BF_MSFAK Multiple-shift factor for multiple shift operation BF_MSFAK DEC 
420 BF_MVS Stock determination: Quantity distribution rule NUM3 NUMC 
421 BF_NAFA Proportional Ordinary Depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
422 BF_NAFAG Posted ordinary depreciation for the year BAPICURR DEC 
423 BF_NAFAL Proportional ordinary depreciation for the year BAPICURR DEC 
424 BF_NAFAV Proportional accumulated ordinary depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
425 BF_NBBLNEB Subledger document number BELNR CHAR 
426 BF_NDABJ Expired useful life in years at start of the fiscal year BF_JARAF NUMC 
427 BF_NDABP Expired useful life in periods at start of fiscal year BF_PERAF NUMC 
428 BF_NDJAR Planned useful life in years BF_JARAF NUMC 
429 BF_NDPER Planned useful life in periods BF_PERAF NUMC 
430 BF_NDURJ Original useful life in years BF_JARAF NUMC 
431 BF_NDURP Original useful life in periods BF_PERAF NUMC 
432 BF_NEBTREB Amount paid of invoice BAPICURR DEC 
433 BF_NOPIP No pipeline withdrawals XFELD CHAR 
434 BF_OPVWA Indicator: asset under construct. with line item settlement BF_XFELD CHAR 
435 BF_ORD41 Evaluation Group 1 BF_ORD4X CHAR 
436 BF_ORD42 Evaluation Group 2 BF_ORD4X CHAR 
437 BF_ORD43 Evaluation Group 3 BF_ORD4X CHAR 
438 BF_ORD44 Evaluation Group 4 BF_ORD4X CHAR 
439 BF_ORT01_ANLA Municipality TEXT25 CHAR 
440 BF_OTH01EB Other amount WERT7 CURR 
441 BF_PABKSEB Country key of partner bank LAND1 CHAR 
442 BF_PABLZEB Bank number of partner bank BANKK CHAR 
443 BF_PAKTD Capitalization date of asset being transferred DATUM DATS 
444 BF_PAKTOEB Account number at the partner bank BANKN CHAR 
445 BF_PANL1 Main number partner asset (intercompany transfer) BF_ANLN1 CHAR 
446 BF_PANL2 Partner asset subnumber (intercompany transfer) BF_ANLN2 CHAR 
447 BF_PARTNEB Business partners CHAR55 CHAR 
448 BF_PASWIEB SWIFT code of partner bank SWIFT CHAR 
449 BF_PBNKISO ISO code of country of partner bank INTCA CHAR 
450 BF_PBUKR Partner company code BUKRS CHAR 
452 BF_PIPEL Stock determination: Pipeline withdrawal XFELD CHAR 
453 BF_PIPREEB Line items were interpreted CHAR1 CHAR 
454 BF_PNOTAEB Daybook number CHAR10 CHAR 
455 BF_POSAGEB Posting algorithm (lockbox only) CHAR3 CHAR 
456 BF_POSNO Stock determination: Item number NUM3 NUMC 
457 BF_PRES1EB Total of first check debit WERT7 CURR 
458 BF_PRES2EB Total of second check debit WERT7 CURR 
459 BF_PROJN Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR BF_PROJN CHAR 
460 BF_PROZS Asset retirement: Percentage rate BF_PRZ32 DEC 
461 BF_PSWBT Amount for Updating in General Ledger WERT12 CURR 
462 BF_QBSHB Withholding tax amount (in document currency) WERT12 CURR 
463 BF_QBSHH Withholding tax amount (in local currency) WERT12 CURR 
464 BF_QSATZ Withholding tax rate BF_PRZ22 DEC 
465 BF_QSSHB Withholding tax base amount WERT12 CURR 
466 BF_QSSHH Withholding tax base amount (local currency) WERT12 CURR 
467 BF_QUANT Fulfilled Quantity MENG13 QUAN 
468 BF_RANLEB Contract number BF_RANLEB CHAR 
470 BF_RAPOS Stock determination: Priority ind. ranking in item table BF_RANK CHAR 
471 BF_RAQUA Stock determination: quantity ranking order BF_RANK CHAR 
472 BF_RASSC Company ID of trading partner RCOMP CHAR 
474 BF_RAVAL Stock determination: price ranking order BF_RANK CHAR 
475 BF_RBETR Amount Paid in Local Currency WERTV12 CURR 
476 BF_REFBKEB Bank reference number CHAR35 CHAR 
477 BF_REFNR2EB Customer to customer reference 2 CHAR35 CHAR 
478 BF_REFNREB Customer-to-customer reference CHAR35 CHAR 
479 BF_REMSN HR Transfer number NUMC5 NUMC 
480 BF_RGSNOEB Line number of invoice information NUM3 NUMC 
481 BF_RGWAEEB Invoice currency WAERS CUKY 
482 BF_RGWAISO ISO code invoice currency ISOCD CHAR 
483 BF_RPOST Number of Items paid PACK4 DEC 
484 BF_RSKON Total Cash Discount Included in Payment (Local Currency) WERTV12 CURR 
485 BF_RSNUMEB Copied record number NUM3 NUMC 
486 BF_RSTGREB External reason code for payment differences CHAR3 CHAR 
487 BF_RTEXT Number of Text Lines for the Items Paid PACK4 DEC 
488 BF_RULES Stock determination rule BF_RULES CHAR 
489 BF_RWBTR Amount paid in transaction currency WERTV12 CURR 
490 BF_RWSKT Total Cash Discount in Payment (Transaction Currency) WERTV12 CURR 
491 BF_SAFA Proportional Special Depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
492 BF_SAFAG Posted special depreciation for the year BAPICURR DEC 
493 BF_SAFAL Proportional special depreciation for the year BAPICURR DEC 
494 BF_SAFAV Proportional cumulative special depreciation BAPICURR DEC 
495 BF_SAFBG Start date for special depreciation DATUM DATS 
496 BF_SCEN Backflush scenario BF_SCEN CHAR 
497 BF_SCHRW Asset scrap value BAPICURR DEC 
498 BF_SDOC2EB Number of second subledger document BELNR CHAR 
499 BF_SEL01F5 Input field for search criterion for selecting open items CHAR20 CHAR 
500 BF_SEQNREB Bank statement sequential number BF_SEQNREB NUMC