SAP ABAP Data Element - Index B, page 32
Data Element - B
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | BEZFL | Reference sequence for a sequence | PLNFOLGE | CHAR |
2 | BEZGDAT | Reference date | DATUM | DATS |
3 | BEZGR | Reference Factor | BEZGR | DEC |
4 | BEZGROLD | Reference factors (obsolete) | BEZGROLD | DEC |
5 | BEZIN | Minimum of existence - institution | CHAR4 | CHAR |
6 | BEZIRK | Carrier Route | BEZIRK | CHAR |
7 | BEZIRK1 | Ad Pre-Print Zone (Higher Level Route) | BEZIRK | CHAR |
8 | BEZIRK2 | Carrier Route (Lower Level Route) | BEZIRK | CHAR |
9 | BEZIRKABH | Specify Carrier Route when Defining Viability Set | AUSPRGART | CHAR |
10 | BEZIRKSUM | Total Ad Pre-Print Quantity | MENGGPOS | QUAN |
11 | BEZIRKT | Carrier Route | BEZIRK | CHAR |
12 | BEZIRKTAT | Actual Carrier Route | BEZIRK | CHAR |
13 | BEZIRK_AKT | IS-M: Current Carrier Route | BEZIRK | CHAR |
14 | BEZIRK_BLG | IS-M: Insert Zone | BEZIRK | CHAR |
15 | BEZIRK_VRT | IS-M: Ad Pre-Print Zone | BEZIRK | CHAR |
16 | BEZISSRRETYP | Bezeichnung Ausgabentyp | BEZISSRRETYP | CHAR |
17 | BEZKATE1 | Carrier Route Flat Rate Category | BEZKATE1 | CHAR |
18 | BEZKATE2 | IS-M: Carrier Route Category 2 | BEZKATE2 | CHAR |
19 | BEZKATE3 | IS-M: Carrier Route Category 3 | BEZKATE3 | CHAR |
20 | BEZKATE4 | IS-M: Carrier Route Category 4 | BEZKATE4 | CHAR |
21 | BEZKATE5 | IS-M: Carrier Route Category 5 | BEZKATE5 | CHAR |
22 | BEZKNOTA | Description of departure point | TEXT30 | CHAR |
23 | BEZKNOTA2 | Description of departure point - Part 2 | TEXT30 | CHAR |
24 | BEZKNOTZ | Description of destination point | TEXT30 | CHAR |
25 | BEZKNOTZ2 | Description of destination - Part 2 | TEXT30 | CHAR |
26 | BEZKNTANF | Reference node for start of a sequence | KNTNR | NUMC |
27 | BEZKNTEND | Finish reference node of a sequence | KNTNR | NUMC |
28 | BEZKO | Description of the document type | TEXT20 | CHAR |
29 | BEZKOMPR | Abbreviated location name | CHAR60 | CHAR |
30 | BEZKOMPRA | Departure point: Description of location (compressed) | CHAR60 | CHAR |
31 | BEZKOMPRZ | Destination: Description of Location (Compressed) | CHAR60 | CHAR |
32 | BEZKONDB1 | Condition Reference for Determining Sales Agent Bonus 1 | JBEZKOND | CHAR |
33 | BEZKONDB2 | Condition Reference for Determining Sales Agent Bonus 2 | JBEZKOND | CHAR |
34 | BEZKONDP | Condition Reference For Sales Vol.Dependent Commission Det. | JBEZKOND | CHAR |
35 | BEZKONDPR1 | IS-M: Condition Reference for Price Field 1 in the Order | JBEZKOND | CHAR |
36 | BEZKONDPR2 | IS-M/AM: Condition Reference for Price Field 2 in the Order | JBEZKOND | CHAR |
37 | BEZKS | Name of Cost Center | CHAR30 | CHAR |
38 | BEZKZ | Customs office description | TEXT11 | CHAR |
39 | BEZLG | Reference wage type for basic pay | LGART | CHAR |
40 | BEZNK | Unplanned delivery costs | ANLKWERT | CURR |
41 | BEZNP | Net price of source of supply | WERT11 | CURR |
42 | BEZOB | Reference is Mandatory | BEZOB | CHAR |
43 | BEZPER | Service Type | BEZPER | CHAR |
44 | BEZPERFAKT | IS-M: Service Type for Billing | BEZPER | CHAR |
45 | BEZPERSE | IS-M: Service Type for Social Facility | BEZPER | CHAR |
46 | BEZPO | Description of the item category | TEXT20 | CHAR |
47 | BEZR2 | Description of variant in R/2 | CHAR60 | CHAR |
48 | BEZRKRCHRE | Carrier Route Subject to Research | BEZIRK | CHAR |
49 | BEZRNDNAM | IS-M: Text for Delivery Round | TEXT15 | CHAR |
50 | BEZRUNDE | IS-M: Delivery Round | BEZRUNDE | CHAR |
51 | BEZRUNDTAT | Actual Delivery Round | BEZRUNDE | CHAR |
52 | BEZRUND_SEL | Del.Round Selection for Carrier Routes with Several Del.Rnds | BEZRUNDE | CHAR |
53 | BEZRUND_SEL_RH | Del.Round Selection for Carrier Routes with Several Del.Rnds | BEZRUNDE | CHAR |
54 | BEZRWHR | Post subscription rights: Currency of subscription right | WAERS | CUKY |
55 | BEZSV | Name of supplementary insurance | SVVER | CHAR |
56 | BEZTYPEHI | Mix Type for Reference in Substitution Hierarchy | BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA | CHAR |
57 | BEZTYPERS | Mix Type for Substitute Edition | BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA | CHAR |
58 | BEZTYPMITB | Mix Type for Combination or Substitute Edition | BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA | CHAR |
59 | BEZTYPMITB_JE_PVA | Mix Type for Combination or Substitute Edition | BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA | CHAR |
60 | BEZTYPMTB | Mix Type of Combination Edition | BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA | CHAR |
61 | BEZTYPNACH | Mix Type, Copy Destination | BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA | CHAR |
62 | BEZTYPVON | Mix Type, Copy Template | BEZUGSTYP_JE_PVA | CHAR |
63 | BEZTYP_TEXT | Mix Type Text | TEXT50 | CHAR |
64 | BEZUG | Reference | KENNZX | CHAR |
65 | BEZUGGRD | Purchase Reason | BEZUGGRD | CHAR |
66 | BEZUGSDAT | Actual move-in date | DATUM | DATS |
68 | BEZUGSWERT | Settlement share of a distribution rule | CHAR19 | CHAR |
69 | BEZUGTXT | Your material type | TEXT25 | CHAR |
70 | BEZUGTXT1 | SAP reference material types | TEXT25 | CHAR |
71 | BEZUGTXT2 | Existing material types | TEXT25 | CHAR |
72 | BEZUR_D | Notification Reference Time | UZEIT | TIMS |
73 | BEZVE | Previous exemption from ZVE | XFELD | CHAR |
74 | BEZWKZ | Base value key for depreciation calculation | BEZWKZ | CHAR |
75 | BEZWKZTX | Short descriptive text: Base value | DDTEXT | CHAR |
76 | BEZWRT | Description / Value | TEXT40 | CHAR |
77 | BEZZT | PM Notification Reference Date/Time | BEZZT | CHAR |
78 | BEZZT_ORD | Default Values: Reference Time for Order Completion | BEZZT_ORD | CHAR |
79 | BEZZUOTYP | IS-M: Read Depth | TEXT20 | CHAR |
80 | BEZ_DATEI | Names of upload files | TEXT40 | CHAR |
81 | BEZ_FL | Totals at Carrier Route Level | XFELD | CHAR |
82 | BEZ_GEO | Carrier Route/Geographical Unit | CHAR10 | CHAR |
83 | BEZ_KANAL | Name of the communication channel | TEXT40 | CHAR |
84 | BEZ_KNOART | IS-M: Text for Type of Structure Node | CHAR3 | CHAR |
85 | BEZ_RICHT | IS-M: Direction in Which Structure is to be Expanded | CHAR20 | CHAR |
86 | BE_AAZULAS | IS-M: Booking Unit for Ad Type Admissibility | BELEINH | CHAR |
87 | BE_ACCREQUIRED | Account Assignment for Logical Backend Required | BE_ACCREQUIRED | CHAR |
88 | BE_ANTEIL | IS-M: Share of Sales Volume of Lower-Level BU (in Percent) | BE_ANTEIL | DEC |
89 | BE_ANT_PRO | IS-M: Percentage Share for Commission Distribution (Combi) | BE_ANTEIL | DEC |
90 | BE_BASIS | IS-M: Basic Booking Unit | BELEINH | CHAR |
91 | BE_BESTOBJ | IS-M: Element Object of a Basic BU | BE_BESTOBJ | CHAR |
92 | BE_CIR_TITLE | Payee Title in Circular Check | XFELD | CHAR |
93 | BE_CONTACT_EM | Email Address of the Contact Person | BE_CONTACT_EM | CHAR |
94 | BE_CONTACT_ID | Contact Person Name | BE_CONTACT_ID | CHAR |
95 | BE_CORR_INDICATOR | Correction Indicator for Withholding Tax Return | BE_CORR_INDICATOR | CHAR |
96 | BE_CORR_REFERENCE | Reference Number for the Correction | BE_CORR_REFERENCE | CHAR |
97 | BE_DATUM | IS-M: Date on Which a BU is "Published" | DATUM | DATS |
98 | BE_DIVISION | Division Code | CHAR | |
99 | BE_DIVISION_HDR | BE Division Header Information | CHAR | |
100 | BE_EWERK | Plant | WERKS | CHAR |
101 | BE_FI_YEAR | Reference Document Object- Fiscal Year in Backend System | GJAHR | NUMC |
102 | BE_FPLZ | IS-M: Booking Unit for Fixed Space Planning | BELEINH | CHAR |
103 | BE_GEN_IFO_HDR | BE general header | CHAR | |
104 | BE_GEN_INFO_HDR | BE General Information Header | CHAR | |
105 | BE_GRBEW | Reason for Movement | MB_GRBEW | NUMC |
106 | BE_GRP | IS-M: Booking Unit Group | BE_GRP | CHAR |
107 | BE_HIE_TYP | IS-M/AM: Booking Unit - Hierarchy Type | BE_HIE_TYP | CHAR |
108 | BE_HIE_VER | IS-M: BU Hierarchy Version | BE_HIE_VER | NUMC |
109 | BE_HIE_VRW | IS-M/AM: Use of Work Area Hierarchies | BE_HIE_VRW | CHAR |
110 | BE_ITEM_SRV | Service Object Item in Backend System | BBP_REF_ITEM | CHAR |
111 | BE_ITEM_TYPE | Back-End Item Type | BE_ITEM_TYPE | CHAR |
112 | BE_IV_ID | Invoice ID | CHAR20 | CHAR |
113 | BE_LOG_SYSTEM | Logical System of Logistics Backend | LOGSYS | CHAR |
114 | BE_MINBASE | Minimum Base Amount | BE_MINBASE | CURR |
115 | BE_NIHIL | Payment Indicator - Fiche- Belgium | CHAR | |
116 | BE_NR_INTERVAL | Sender Number Range Interval | CHAR | |
117 | BE_OBJART | IS-M: Object Type - BU Object | BE_OBJART | CHAR |
118 | BE_OBJECT | IS-M: Neutral Object for BU/PPU/... | BE_OBJECT | CHAR |
119 | BE_OBJECT_ID | Follow-On Document Object ID in Backend | BBP_BE_OBJECT_ID | CHAR |
120 | BE_OBJECT_TYPE | Follow-On Document Object Type in Backend System | OJ_NAME | CHAR |
121 | BE_OBJ_ITEM | Follow-On Object Item in Backend System | BBP_REF_ITEM | CHAR |
122 | BE_POPUP | IS-M/AM: Control Voucher Copy Recipient Selection | BE_POPUP | CHAR |
123 | BE_QLAND | Belgium Sender Country Key | CHAR | |
124 | BE_REC_LEN | Number of Records | NUMC | |
125 | BE_REFOBJ | Reference Object in Backend System | BBP_BE_OBJECT_ID | CHAR |
126 | BE_REFOBJ_ITEM | Reference Object Item in Backend System | BBP_REF_ITEM | CHAR |
127 | BE_REFOBJ_SBITM | Reference Object Sub-Position in Backend System | CHAR20 | CHAR |
128 | BE_REFOBJ_TYPE | Reference Object Type in Backend System | OJ_NAME | CHAR |
129 | BE_REPORTDATE | Date of Report - Fiche (Belgium) | DATUM | DATS |
130 | BE_REPORTYEAR | Reporting Year in the Withholding Tax Return | BE_REPORTYEAR | NUMC |
131 | BE_SEND_ENTNO | Sender Enterprise Number | BE_SEND_ENTNO | CHAR |
132 | BE_SEND_INFO_HDR | BE Sender Information Header | CHAR | |
133 | BE_SEND_NAME | Sender's Name | BE_SEND_NAME | CHAR |
134 | BE_SEND_POCODE | Sender Postal Code | CHAR | |
135 | BE_SEQ_NUM | Sequential Number for Fiche - Belgium | CHAR | |
136 | BE_SMLCPY | Belgium Small Company | CHAR1 | CHAR |
137 | BE_SPRAS | Language of Sender Company | CHAR | |
138 | BE_TAX_ID | Tax Identification Number for Belgium | BE_TAX_ID | CHAR |
139 | BE_TBEL | IS-M: Booking Unit for Selective Bookings | BELEINH | CHAR |
140 | BE_TEST_RUN | Test Run Indicator - Belgium | CHAR | |
141 | BFART | Service level | BFART | CHAR |
142 | BFART_TXT | Description of mode of transport | AS4TEXT | CHAR |
143 | BFBNAM | Function Module Name | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
144 | BFBWUL | Batch Where-Used List in Repetitive Manufacturing | BFBWUL | CHAR |
145 | BFDAT | Settlement Date for Deadline | DATUM | DATS |
146 | BFDATEI | IS-M: Document Flow File | BFDATEI | CHAR |
147 | BFEKZ | IS-H: Authorization Certificate for Early Detection Exists | XFELD | CHAR |
148 | BFIN_KK | Last document | INT4 | INT4 |
149 | BFLAG | Infotype used for valuation | FLAG | CHAR |
150 | BFLBTR | Area basic amount per location category | WRTV6 | CURR |
151 | BFLBTRCUK | Area basic amount per location class in second currency | WRTV6 | CURR |
152 | BFLD_RADIO | Influencing fields checkbox | DYNPCHOICE | CHAR |
153 | BFLME | Generic Material with Logistical Variants | BFLME | CHAR |
154 | BFMAR | Foreign Trade: Type of means of transport | BFMAR | CHAR |
155 | BFMTX | Text for company code group | CHAR25 | CHAR |
156 | BFM_ETNTITY | To Account Assignment | MAX_LNG_PSELEMENT | CHAR |
157 | BFNAE | Name of field in individual list of stock overview | BFNAE | CHAR |
158 | BFNAM | Name of field in basic stock overview list | BFNAM | CHAR |
159 | BFNRNUM | BFNR counter - Route determination | INT4 | INT4 |
160 | BFONVOL | Fund volume | WERT8 | CURR |
161 | BFORD1_AW | Nominal value - long (display currency) | WERTV8 | CURR |
162 | BFORM | Processing form: Collective processing via worklist | XFELD | CHAR |
163 | BFORMEL | IS-H: Valuation Formula for Extended Services | BFORMEL | CHAR |
164 | BFORMTEXT | IS-H: Text Field for Valuation Formula | TEXT40 | CHAR |
165 | BFRAM | Booking priority (frame) | CHAR01 | CHAR |
166 | BFRAMESIZE | Length of the buffer frames | INT4 | INT4 |
167 | BFRATE | Fixed instalment | DEC11_2 | DEC |
168 | BFRDT_KK | Date on Which Creditworthiness was Fixed | DATUM | DATS |
169 | BFREI | Unseizable Amount | WERT05 | CURR |
170 | BFRGR | Permissibility Indicator for Exemption Reason | ZKENN | CHAR |
171 | BFRJAR | Retention period in years | JAHR2 | NUMC |
172 | BFRMON | Retention period in months | MONAT | NUMC |
173 | BFS_STUFE | ZEBU Postal Packing Level | BFS_STUFE | NUMC |
174 | BFTNRTMP | FO Integration: Temporary Transaction Number | BFTNRTMP | CHAR |
175 | BFTNUMB | FO Integration: Transaction Number | BFTNUMB | CHAR |
176 | BFTYP_KK | Fixing or release | BFTYP_KK | CHAR |
177 | BFUNC_ADAPT_MAN | Generated BFunction Repository entry to be adapted manually | BFUNC_ADAPT_MAN | CHAR |
178 | BFUNC_MAN_DONE | Generated BFunction Repository entry manually adapted | BFUNC_MAN_DONE | CHAR |
179 | BFUNC_REVERSIBLE | Flag if Business Function is reversible | CHAR | |
180 | BFUNK_EBPP | Key for the Processing Function (Biller Direct) | BFUNK_EBPP | CHAR |
181 | BFUNK_KK | Processing function key | BFUNK_KK | CHAR |
182 | BFWBWHW_AW | Forex valuation in display currency from local currency | WERTV8_TR | CURR |
183 | BFWMS | Control posting for external WMS | BFWMS | CHAR |
184 | BF_AAFA | Proportional Unplanned Depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
185 | BF_AAFAG | Posted unplanned depreciation for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
186 | BF_AAFAL | Proportional unplanned depreciation for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
187 | BF_AAFAV | Proportional cumulative unplanned depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
188 | BF_ABBTREB | Deduction amount invoice | BAPICURR | DEC |
189 | BF_ACCURR | Currency Key | WAERS | CUKY |
190 | BF_ACSUB | HR Vendor group | NUMC5 | NUMC |
191 | BF_ADATU | Date for beginning of validity | DATUM | DATS |
192 | BF_ADJ01EB | Revised amount | WERT7 | CURR |
193 | BF_AFABE_D | Real depreciation area | BF_AFABE | NUMC |
194 | BF_AFABE_RBWE | Base depreciation area for determining net book value | AFABE | NUMC |
195 | BF_AFABG | Depreciation calculation start date | DATUM | DATS |
196 | BF_AFASL | Depreciation key | BF_AFASL | CHAR |
197 | BF_AFA_GEP | Planned depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
198 | BF_AFA_GJE | Depreciation at fiscal year end | BAPICURR | DEC |
199 | BF_AGKONEB | Account number or key of a work list | CHAR16 | CHAR |
200 | BF_AGUMSEB | Special G/L indicators which are to be selected | CHAR10 | CHAR |
201 | BF_AIBDT | Original acquisition date of AuC/ transferred asset | DATUM | DATS |
202 | BF_AIBN1 | Original asset that was transferred | BF_ANLN1 | CHAR |
203 | BF_AIBN2 | Original asset that was transferred | BF_ANLN2 | CHAR |
204 | BF_AIMMO | Indicator: real estate | BF_AIMMO | NUMC |
205 | BF_AKBLNEB | Payment on account document number | BELNR | CHAR |
206 | BF_AKTIVD | Asset capitalization date | DATUM | DATS |
207 | BF_ALIND | Index series for replacement values by age | BF_WBIND | CHAR |
208 | BF_AM_AUFNR | Investment Order | AUFNR | CHAR |
209 | BF_AM_IPSNR | WBS element - maintenance project | PS_POSNR | NUMC |
210 | BF_AM_KFZKZ | License plate no. of vehichle | BF_AM_KFZKZ | CHAR |
211 | BF_AM_LAND1 | Asset's country of origin | LAND1 | CHAR |
212 | BF_AM_LAND1_ISO | Asset's country of origin | LAND1 | CHAR |
213 | BF_AM_LIFNR | Account number of vendor (other key word) | LIFNR | CHAR |
214 | BF_AM_LRVDAT | Date of last revaluation | DATUM | DATS |
215 | BF_AM_POSNR | WBS element investment project | PS_POSNR | NUMC |
216 | BF_AM_SERNR | Serial number | BF_GERNR | CHAR |
217 | BF_AM_UMWKZ | Reason for environmental investment | BF_AM_UMWKZ | CHAR |
218 | BF_ANBTR | Amount posted | BAPICURR | DEC |
219 | BF_ANBWA | Asset transaction type | CHAR3 | CHAR |
220 | BF_ANDSJ | Yrs Expired up to Fisc.Yr Start from Start of Spec.Dep. | BF_JARAF | NUMC |
221 | BF_ANDSP | Expired useful life in periods during FY from SDep start dat | BF_PERAF | NUMC |
222 | BF_ANEQK | Indicator: Historical management | BF_ANEQK | NUMC |
223 | BF_ANLAR | Asset types for objects | CHAR5 | CHAR |
224 | BF_ANLGR | Group asset | BF_ANLN1 | CHAR |
225 | BF_ANLGR2 | Subnumber of group asset | BF_ANLN2 | CHAR |
226 | BF_ANLKL | Asset class | BF_ANLKL | CHAR |
227 | BF_ANLN1 | Main Asset Number | BF_ANLN1 | CHAR |
228 | BF_ANLN2 | Asset Subnumber | BF_ANLN2 | CHAR |
229 | BF_ANLTP | Asset Category | BF_ANLTP | NUMC |
230 | BF_ANLUE | Asset super number | BF_ANLUE | CHAR |
231 | BF_ANTEI | In-house production percentage | BF_PRZ32 | DEC |
232 | BF_ANWNDEB | Application using bank data storage | BF_ANWNDEB | CHAR |
233 | BF_ANZESEB | Number of memo records from the bank statement | NUM5 | NUMC |
234 | BF_ANZSPEB | Number of collective items | NUM5 | NUMC |
235 | BF_APROP | Variable depreciation portion | DEC3_4 | DEC |
236 | BF_ARRSKEB | Overdue charges from/to partners in account currency | WERT7 | CURR |
237 | BF_ASTATEB | Statement status | CHAR1 | CHAR |
238 | BF_AUFLA_ANLA | Date of conveyance | DATUM | DATS |
239 | BF_AUFN | Proportional Revaluation of Ordinary Depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
240 | BF_AUFNG | Posted revaluation of accumulated ordinary depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
241 | BF_AUFNL | Proportional revaluation of annual ordinary dep. | BAPICURR | DEC |
242 | BF_AUFNV | Proportional cum. revaluation on ordinary depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
243 | BF_AUFW | Proportional Revaluation of Replacement Value | BAPICURR | DEC |
244 | BF_AUFWB | Posted revaluation of replacement value | BAPICURR | DEC |
245 | BF_AUFWL | Proportional revaluation for the year on replacement value | BAPICURR | DEC |
246 | BF_AUFWV | Proportional cumulative revaluation on replacement value | BAPICURR | DEC |
247 | BF_AUFW_GJE | Revaluation at fiscal year end | BAPICURR | DEC |
248 | BF_AVBALEB | Current bank account balance | BF_WERT9 | CURR |
249 | BF_AVGES | Insurance companies | BF_AVGES | CHAR |
250 | BF_AVSIDEB | Pmnt advice no. | BF_AVSIDEB | CHAR |
251 | BF_AVTAR | Insurance rate FI-AA | BF_AVTAR | CHAR |
252 | BF_AZDATEB | Statement Date | DATUM | DATS |
253 | BF_AZNUMEB | Statement Number | NUM5 | NUMC |
254 | BF_AZSNREB | Statement page number | NUM3 | NUMC |
255 | BF_AZTIMEB | Acct statement time | TIMES | TIMS |
256 | BF_BACKL_GJE | Cum. revaluation of ord. depreciation at fiscal year end | BAPICURR | DEC |
257 | BF_BACLA | Indicator: Execute Batch Classification | BF_BACLA | CHAR |
258 | BF_BANKKEB | Bank key (usually bank number) | BANKK | CHAR |
259 | BF_BATCHEB | Batch number (bundle number) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
260 | BF_BCHWRT_GJE | Book value at fiscal year end | BAPICURR | DEC |
261 | BF_BDATU | Date validity ends | DATUM | DATS |
262 | BF_BELNR | Document number in Financial Accounting | BELNR | CHAR |
263 | BF_BEST_GJE | Acquisition value at fiscal year end (w/o | BAPICURR | DEC |
264 | BF_BEZEI | Stock determination name, length 40 | TEXT40 | CHAR |
265 | BF_BKTOAEB | Bank account type | CHAR23 | CHAR |
266 | BF_BLAUFEB | Start of period | DATUM | DATS |
267 | BF_BNKEY | Name of the bank key | BNKEY | CHAR |
268 | BF_BNKKOEB | G/L Account/Internal Cash Mgmt Account | CHAR10 | CHAR |
269 | BF_BPRIO | Stock determination: Priority indicator | NUM3 | NUMC |
270 | BF_BSTDT | Asset purchase order date | DATUM | DATS |
271 | BF_BUDAT | Posting Date in the Document | DATUM | DATS |
272 | BF_BUSABEB | Accounting clerk | CHAR2 | CHAR |
273 | BF_BUTIMEB | Value date time | TIMES | TIMS |
274 | BF_BUTXTEB | Bank posting text | CHAR50 | CHAR |
275 | BF_BUZEI | Document line item number in a Financial Accounting document | NUMC3 | NUMC |
276 | BF_BVDATEB | Posting date at the bank | DATUM | DATS |
277 | BF_BWASL | Asset transaction type | BWASL | CHAR |
278 | BF_BZDAT | Reference date | DATUM | DATS |
279 | BF_CAUFN | Internal order | AUFNR | CHAR |
280 | BF_CHECTEB | Reference information sent by bank e.g. check number | CHCKN | CHAR |
281 | BF_CONFIG_ELEMENT | Configuration element for Business Function source | BF_CONFIG_ELEMENT | CHAR |
282 | BF_CSNUMEB | Clearing record number | NUM3 | NUMC |
283 | BF_CURRISO | ISO code account currency | ISOCD | CHAR |
284 | BF_DATM1EB | Value date | DDAT | DATS |
285 | BF_DEAKT | Deactivation date | DATUM | DATS |
286 | BF_DIALG | Stock determination: Online control | XFELD | CHAR |
287 | BF_DMBE2 | Amount in Second Local Currency | WERT12 | CURR |
288 | BF_DMBE3 | Amount in Third Local Currency | WERT12 | CURR |
289 | BF_DMBTR | Amount in local currency | WERT12 | CURR |
290 | BF_DSARTEB | Planning Type | BF_DSARTEB | CHAR |
291 | BF_DSTATEB | Print status | CHAR1 | CHAR |
292 | BF_DZINSG | Posted interest for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
293 | BF_EFARTEB | Entry type | CHAR1 | CHAR |
294 | BF_EHWNR_ANLA | Tax number of the notice of assessment | BF_EHWNR_ANLA | CHAR |
295 | BF_EHWRT | Assessed value | BAPICURR | DEC |
296 | BF_EHWZU_ANLA | Date of last notice of assessment | DATUM | DATS |
297 | BF_EIGKZ | Property indicator | BF_EIGKZ | CHAR |
298 | BF_ELAUFEB | Period end | DATUM | DATS |
299 | BF_EPERLEB | Line item completed | CHAR1 | CHAR |
300 | BF_EPVOZEB | Debit/credit key for line items | CHAR1 | CHAR |
301 | BF_ERLBT | Revenue from asset sale | BAPICURR | DEC |
302 | BF_ESBTREB | Ending balance amount | BF_WERT9 | CURR |
303 | BF_ESDMBEB | Ending balance equivalent in local currency | BF_WERT9 | CURR |
304 | BF_ESNUMEB | Memo record number (line item number in bank statement) | NUM5 | NUMC |
305 | BF_ESTATEB | Error status | CHAR4 | CHAR |
306 | BF_ESTYPEB | Closing balance type (F=closing, M=interim, X=blank) | CHAR1 | CHAR |
307 | BF_ESVOZEB | Closing balance +/- sign | CHAR1 | CHAR |
308 | BF_FEINS | Area unit | MEINS | UNIT |
309 | BF_FEINS_ISO | Area unit | ISOCD_UNIT | CHAR |
310 | BF_FELDNF5 | Field name from the document index | CHAR5 | CHAR |
311 | BF_FIAMT | Local tax office | TEXT25 | CHAR |
312 | BF_FLURK_ANLA | Land register map number | CHAR4 | CHAR |
313 | BF_FLURN_ANLA | Plot number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
314 | BF_FOISO | ISO code original currency | ISOCD | CHAR |
315 | BF_FWAEREB | Original currency key (different from transaction currency) | WAERS | CUKY |
316 | BF_FWBTREB | Foreign currency amount (different from account cuurency) | WERT7 | CURR |
317 | BF_GDLGRP | Sort Key 5 | BF_GDLGRP | CHAR |
318 | BF_GEGST | Technical asset number | BF_GEGST | CHAR |
319 | BF_GKONT | Offsetting Account Number | BF_GKONT | CHAR |
320 | BF_GLOBAFABER | Cross-system depreciation area | BF_GLOAFABER | CHAR |
321 | BF_GPLAB | Planned retirement date | DATUM | DATS |
322 | BF_GRBLT_ANLA | Land register page | BF_GRBLT_ANLA | CHAR |
323 | BF_GRBND_ANLA | Land register volume | BF_GRBND_ANLA | CHAR |
324 | BF_GREIN_ANLA | Land register entry on | DATUM | DATS |
325 | BF_GRLFD_ANLA | Land register entry: Sequence number | BF_GRLFD_ANLA | CHAR |
326 | BF_GROUP | Stock determination group | BF_GROUP | CHAR |
327 | BF_GRP01EB | Session name for bank postings | CHAR12 | CHAR |
328 | BF_GRP02EB | Session name for subledger accounting | CHAR12 | CHAR |
329 | BF_GRPNREB | Bundle number for grouping line items | CHAR2 | CHAR |
330 | BF_GRUFL | Surface area | MENG13 | QUAN |
331 | BF_GRUND | Reason for manual valuation of net assets | BF_GRUND | CHAR |
332 | BF_GRUVO_ANLA | Land Register of | DATUM | DATS |
333 | BF_GSBEREB | Business area | CHAR4 | CHAR |
334 | BF_HERST | Manufacturer of asset | TEXT30 | CHAR |
335 | BF_HRACT | HR Integration of Backflush | BF_HRACT | CHAR |
336 | BF_HZINSEB | Credit interest | BF_HZINSEB | DEC |
337 | BF_IAUFN | Maintenance order | AUFNR | CHAR |
338 | BF_IDENREB | ID number for cash management and forecast | BF_IDENREB | NUMC |
339 | BF_IM_XINVM | Indicator: Investment measure for assets | BF_XFELD | CHAR |
340 | BF_INBDA | Asset Accounting: Date of operating readiness | DATUM | DATS |
341 | BF_INFO1EB | Additional information 1 | CHAR30 | CHAR |
342 | BF_INFO2EB | Additional information 2 | CHAR30 | CHAR |
343 | BF_INKEN | Inventory indicator | BF_XFELD | CHAR |
344 | BF_INPFTEB | Input Format | BF_INPFTEB | CHAR |
345 | BF_INTAGEB | Interpretation algorithm | BF_INTAGEB | NUMC |
346 | BF_INVNOEB | Invoice number | BF_INVNOEB | CHAR |
347 | BF_INVNR_ANLA | Inventory number | BF_INVNR_ANLA | CHAR |
348 | BF_INVSL | Investment support key | BF_INVSL | CHAR |
349 | BF_INVZ | Proportional Investment Grants | BAPICURR | DEC |
350 | BF_INVZL | Proportional investment grant for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
351 | BF_INVZU_ANLA | Supplementary inventory specifications | BF_INVZU_ANLA | CHAR |
352 | BF_INVZV | Proportional cumulative investment grants | BAPICURR | DEC |
353 | BF_INV_GJE | Investment support at fiscal year end | BAPICURR | DEC |
354 | BF_ITMNREB | Item number | NUM3 | NUMC |
355 | BF_IVDAT_ANLA | Last inventory date | DATUM | DATS |
356 | BF_IZWEK | Reason for investment | BF_IZWEK | CHAR |
357 | BF_JPDATEB | Date of failed bills of exchange in Japan | DATUM | DATS |
358 | BF_KAAFA | Cumulative unplanned depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
359 | BF_KANSW | Cumulative acquisition and production costs | BAPICURR | DEC |
360 | BF_KANZA | Cumulative down payments | BAPICURR | DEC |
361 | BF_KAUFN | Cumulative revaluation of ordinary depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
362 | BF_KAUFW | Cumulative revaluation on the replacement value | BAPICURR | DEC |
363 | BF_KBLNR | Document number for funds reservation | CHAR10 | CHAR |
364 | BF_KFMODEB | Account modification | BF_KFMODEB | CHAR |
365 | BF_KIDNOEB | Payment Reference | CHAR30 | CHAR |
366 | BF_KINVZ | Cumulative investment grants | BAPICURR | DEC |
367 | BF_KMAFA | Cumul. transfer of reserves | BAPICURR | DEC |
368 | BF_KNAFA | Accumulated ordinary depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
369 | BF_KNRZAEB | Account number of an alternative payer | KUNNR | CHAR |
370 | BF_KOARTAV | Account type payment advices | BF_KOARTAV | CHAR |
371 | BF_KONTEXT | Backflush type | CHAR | |
372 | BF_KOSTLEB | Cost Center | CHAR10 | CHAR |
373 | BF_KOSTLV | Cost center responsible for asset | KOSTL | CHAR |
374 | BF_KSAFA | Cumulative special depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
375 | BF_KTOGR | Account determination | KTOGR | CHAR |
376 | BF_KTOIHEB | Bank account holder | CHAR35 | CHAR |
377 | BF_KTONRAV | Account number | BF_KTONRAV | CHAR |
378 | BF_KTOSBEB | Special account name | CHAR35 | CHAR |
379 | BF_KUKEYEB | Short key (surrogate) | BF_KUKEYEB | NUMC |
380 | BF_KURSFEB | Exchange rate (different from local currency) | KURSF | DEC |
381 | BF_KWAEREB | Account currency key | WAERS | CUKY |
382 | BF_KWBTREB | Amount in account currency | WERT7 | CURR |
383 | BF_KZINW | Cumulative interest | BAPICURR | DEC |
384 | BF_LBASW | Leasing base value as new | BAPICURR | DEC |
385 | BF_LBLNR | No. of last document with which posting to asset was made | BF_LBLNR | CHAR |
386 | BF_LBXNOEB | Lockbox number | CHAR7 | CHAR |
387 | BF_LCISOI | ISO code for local currency | ISOCD | CHAR |
388 | BF_LEABG | Lease start date | DATUM | DATS |
389 | BF_LEAFI | Leasing company | LIFNR | CHAR |
390 | BF_LEANZ | Number of lease payments | DEC5 | DEC |
391 | BF_LEART | Leasing type | BF_LEASART | CHAR |
392 | BF_LEGEB | Periodic lease payment paid to leasing company/lessor | BAPICURR | DEC |
393 | BF_LEJAR | Length of lease in years | BF_JARAF | NUMC |
394 | BF_LEPER | Length of lease in periods | BF_PERAF | NUMC |
395 | BF_LETXT | Leasing data text | TEXT50 | CHAR |
396 | BF_LIEFE | Name of asset supplier | TEXT30 | CHAR |
397 | BF_LKAUF | Leased asset purchase price | BAPICURR | DEC |
398 | BF_LKDAT | Leasing agreement notice date | DATUM | DATS |
399 | BF_LKUZA | Total of posted leasing payments | BAPICURR | DEC |
400 | BF_LKUZI | Total leasing interest posted | BAPICURR | DEC |
401 | BF_LLAVB | Total of long-term leasing liability | BAPICURR | DEC |
402 | BF_LMZIN | Leasing monthly interest rate (Capital Lease) | BF_AFPROZ | DEC |
403 | BF_LNRAN | Sequence number of asset line items in fiscal year | BF_LNRAN | NUMC |
404 | BF_LRYTH | Lease payment cycle | BF_PERAF | NUMC |
405 | BF_LTZBW | Posting date of the last lease payment | DATUM | DATS |
406 | BF_LVDAT | Leasing agreement date | DATUM | DATS |
407 | BF_LVORS | Advance payments | BF_XFELD | CHAR |
408 | BF_LVTNR | Leasing agreement number | CHAR15 | CHAR |
409 | BF_LWAER | Local Currency | WAERS | CUKY |
410 | BF_LZINS | Leasing interest rate (capital lease) | BF_AFPROZ | DEC |
411 | BF_MAFA | Proportional Transfer of Reserves | BAPICURR | DEC |
412 | BF_MAFAG | Posted transfer of reserves for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
413 | BF_MAFAL | Proportional transfer of reserves for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
414 | BF_MAFAV | Proportional cumulative transfer of reserves | BAPICURR | DEC |
415 | BF_MCOA1 | Search term for matchcode search | CHAR30 | CHAR |
416 | BF_MNGART | Context-related quantity | MENGE | QUAN |
417 | BF_MNGTXT | Backflush quantity text | CHAR | |
418 | BF_MODE | Backflush Mode | BF_MODE | CHAR |
419 | BF_MSFAK | Multiple-shift factor for multiple shift operation | BF_MSFAK | DEC |
420 | BF_MVS | Stock determination: Quantity distribution rule | NUM3 | NUMC |
421 | BF_NAFA | Proportional Ordinary Depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
422 | BF_NAFAG | Posted ordinary depreciation for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
423 | BF_NAFAL | Proportional ordinary depreciation for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
424 | BF_NAFAV | Proportional accumulated ordinary depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
425 | BF_NBBLNEB | Subledger document number | BELNR | CHAR |
426 | BF_NDABJ | Expired useful life in years at start of the fiscal year | BF_JARAF | NUMC |
427 | BF_NDABP | Expired useful life in periods at start of fiscal year | BF_PERAF | NUMC |
428 | BF_NDJAR | Planned useful life in years | BF_JARAF | NUMC |
429 | BF_NDPER | Planned useful life in periods | BF_PERAF | NUMC |
430 | BF_NDURJ | Original useful life in years | BF_JARAF | NUMC |
431 | BF_NDURP | Original useful life in periods | BF_PERAF | NUMC |
432 | BF_NEBTREB | Amount paid of invoice | BAPICURR | DEC |
433 | BF_NOPIP | No pipeline withdrawals | XFELD | CHAR |
434 | BF_OPVWA | Indicator: asset under construct. with line item settlement | BF_XFELD | CHAR |
435 | BF_ORD41 | Evaluation Group 1 | BF_ORD4X | CHAR |
436 | BF_ORD42 | Evaluation Group 2 | BF_ORD4X | CHAR |
437 | BF_ORD43 | Evaluation Group 3 | BF_ORD4X | CHAR |
438 | BF_ORD44 | Evaluation Group 4 | BF_ORD4X | CHAR |
439 | BF_ORT01_ANLA | Municipality | TEXT25 | CHAR |
440 | BF_OTH01EB | Other amount | WERT7 | CURR |
441 | BF_PABKSEB | Country key of partner bank | LAND1 | CHAR |
442 | BF_PABLZEB | Bank number of partner bank | BANKK | CHAR |
443 | BF_PAKTD | Capitalization date of asset being transferred | DATUM | DATS |
444 | BF_PAKTOEB | Account number at the partner bank | BANKN | CHAR |
445 | BF_PANL1 | Main number partner asset (intercompany transfer) | BF_ANLN1 | CHAR |
446 | BF_PANL2 | Partner asset subnumber (intercompany transfer) | BF_ANLN2 | CHAR |
447 | BF_PARTNEB | Business partners | CHAR55 | CHAR |
448 | BF_PASWIEB | SWIFT code of partner bank | SWIFT | CHAR |
449 | BF_PBNKISO | ISO code of country of partner bank | INTCA | CHAR |
450 | BF_PBUKR | Partner company code | BUKRS | CHAR |
451 | BF_PFORMEB | Processing Type | BF_PFORMEB | NUMC |
452 | BF_PIPEL | Stock determination: Pipeline withdrawal | XFELD | CHAR |
453 | BF_PIPREEB | Line items were interpreted | CHAR1 | CHAR |
454 | BF_PNOTAEB | Daybook number | CHAR10 | CHAR |
455 | BF_POSAGEB | Posting algorithm (lockbox only) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
456 | BF_POSNO | Stock determination: Item number | NUM3 | NUMC |
457 | BF_PRES1EB | Total of first check debit | WERT7 | CURR |
458 | BF_PRES2EB | Total of second check debit | WERT7 | CURR |
459 | BF_PROJN | Old: Project number : No longer used --> PS_POSNR | BF_PROJN | CHAR |
460 | BF_PROZS | Asset retirement: Percentage rate | BF_PRZ32 | DEC |
461 | BF_PSWBT | Amount for Updating in General Ledger | WERT12 | CURR |
462 | BF_QBSHB | Withholding tax amount (in document currency) | WERT12 | CURR |
463 | BF_QBSHH | Withholding tax amount (in local currency) | WERT12 | CURR |
464 | BF_QSATZ | Withholding tax rate | BF_PRZ22 | DEC |
465 | BF_QSSHB | Withholding tax base amount | WERT12 | CURR |
466 | BF_QSSHH | Withholding tax base amount (local currency) | WERT12 | CURR |
467 | BF_QUANT | Fulfilled Quantity | MENG13 | QUAN |
468 | BF_RANLEB | Contract number | BF_RANLEB | CHAR |
469 | BF_RANTYEB | Agreement Type | BF_RANTYEB | CHAR |
470 | BF_RAPOS | Stock determination: Priority ind. ranking in item table | BF_RANK | CHAR |
471 | BF_RAQUA | Stock determination: quantity ranking order | BF_RANK | CHAR |
472 | BF_RASSC | Company ID of trading partner | RCOMP | CHAR |
473 | BF_RAUMNR | Room | CHAR8 | CHAR |
474 | BF_RAVAL | Stock determination: price ranking order | BF_RANK | CHAR |
475 | BF_RBETR | Amount Paid in Local Currency | WERTV12 | CURR |
476 | BF_REFBKEB | Bank reference number | CHAR35 | CHAR |
477 | BF_REFNR2EB | Customer to customer reference 2 | CHAR35 | CHAR |
478 | BF_REFNREB | Customer-to-customer reference | CHAR35 | CHAR |
479 | BF_REMSN | HR Transfer number | NUMC5 | NUMC |
480 | BF_RGSNOEB | Line number of invoice information | NUM3 | NUMC |
481 | BF_RGWAEEB | Invoice currency | WAERS | CUKY |
482 | BF_RGWAISO | ISO code invoice currency | ISOCD | CHAR |
483 | BF_RPOST | Number of Items paid | PACK4 | DEC |
484 | BF_RSKON | Total Cash Discount Included in Payment (Local Currency) | WERTV12 | CURR |
485 | BF_RSNUMEB | Copied record number | NUM3 | NUMC |
486 | BF_RSTGREB | External reason code for payment differences | CHAR3 | CHAR |
487 | BF_RTEXT | Number of Text Lines for the Items Paid | PACK4 | DEC |
488 | BF_RULES | Stock determination rule | BF_RULES | CHAR |
489 | BF_RWBTR | Amount paid in transaction currency | WERTV12 | CURR |
490 | BF_RWSKT | Total Cash Discount in Payment (Transaction Currency) | WERTV12 | CURR |
491 | BF_SAFA | Proportional Special Depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
492 | BF_SAFAG | Posted special depreciation for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
493 | BF_SAFAL | Proportional special depreciation for the year | BAPICURR | DEC |
494 | BF_SAFAV | Proportional cumulative special depreciation | BAPICURR | DEC |
495 | BF_SAFBG | Start date for special depreciation | DATUM | DATS |
496 | BF_SCEN | Backflush scenario | BF_SCEN | CHAR |
497 | BF_SCHRW | Asset scrap value | BAPICURR | DEC |
498 | BF_SDOC2EB | Number of second subledger document | BELNR | CHAR |
499 | BF_SEL01F5 | Input field for search criterion for selecting open items | CHAR20 | CHAR |
500 | BF_SEQNREB | Bank statement sequential number | BF_SEQNREB | NUMC |