SAP ABAP Domain - Index P, page 21
Domain - P
# | Domain Name | Short Description | Data type | Length | Decimals |
1 | PRC_FLAG_ACCOUNT_RELEVANT | Indicator for Account assignment relevance (Yes/No field) | CHAR | 1 | |
2 | PRC_FLAG_DELETION | Condition records should be deleted from the database | CHAR | 1 | |
3 | PRC_FLAG_INVOICE_LIST | Flag invoice list conditions | CHAR | 1 | |
4 | PRC_FLAG_IN_OUT | Trinary Decision | CHAR | 1 | |
5 | PRC_FLAG_ITEM_STATISTICAL | Statistical values | CHAR | 1 | |
6 | PRC_FLAG_PRICING_DATE | Condition price data (KPRDT) | CHAR | 1 | |
7 | PRC_FLAG_UPDATE | Update indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
8 | PRC_FORMULA | Pricing formula or requirement | CHAR | 20 | |
9 | PRC_FORMULA_NUM | Pricing formula or requirement (numerical) | NUMC | 7 | |
10 | PRC_GENERAL_FLAGS | Area for flags in bit form | RAW | 2 | |
11 | PRC_GROUP_CONDITION_FLAG | Condition is a group/duplicated/header condition | CHAR | 1 | |
12 | PRC_HEAD_ACS | Header access fields | CHAR | 128 | |
13 | PRC_IN_OUT_INACTIVE | Taking Account of Deactivated Conditions | CHAR | 1 | |
14 | PRC_IN_OUT_STATISTICAL | Taking Account of Statistical Conditions | CHAR | 1 | |
15 | PRC_ITEM_ACS | Item access fields | CHAR | 2048 | |
16 | PRC_ITEM_SIGN | Item sign | CHAR | 1 | |
17 | PRC_KB_ID | Knowledge Base ID | INT4 | 10 | |
19 | PRC_LIST_CONDITION_CLASS | List via KOAID | CHAR | 10 | |
20 | PRC_LIST_COND_SCALE_TYPE | List via STFKZ | CHAR | 5 | |
21 | PRC_LIST_KDUPL | List via KDUPL | CHAR | 3 | |
22 | PRC_LOCK_MODE | Setting and Canceling Lock Mode | CHAR | 1 | |
23 | PRC_LOGICAL_KEY | Logical key for key value pairs | CHAR | 30 | |
24 | PRC_LOGICAL_VALUE | Logical value for key value pairs | CHAR | 32 | |
25 | PRC_MANDATORY_TYPE | Behaviour of Mandatory Conditions | CHAR | 1 | |
26 | PRC_MNT_RATE | Condition maintenance: Condition amount | CHAR | 21 | |
27 | PRC_MODE | Processing Mode | CHAR | 1 | |
28 | PRC_MODE_ITEM | Mode at Item Level | CHAR | 1 | |
29 | PRC_MODE_RW | Indicator for read or write mode | CHAR | 1 | |
30 | PRC_NUMBER_OF_DAYS | Number of days | NUMC | 3 | |
31 | PRC_NUMBER_OF_MONTHS | Number of months | NUMC | 3 | |
32 | PRC_NUMBER_OF_WEEKS | Number of weeks | NUMC | 3 | |
33 | PRC_NUMBER_OF_YEARS | Number of years | NUMC | 2 | |
34 | PRC_OUTPUT_MODE | Kind of Output | CHAR | 1 | |
35 | PRC_PP_SUBTOTAL | Forming subtotals for conditions | CHAR | 1 | |
36 | PRC_PRICING_TYPE | Pricing type | CHAR | 1 | |
37 | PRC_PRIC_PROC | Pricing procedure | CHAR | 6 | |
38 | PRC_PRIC_PROC_CDB | Pricing Procedure | CHAR | 6 | |
39 | PRC_PRINT_INDICATOR | Print Flag | CHAR | 1 | |
40 | PRC_PRINT_UNIT | Unit of currency for screen/print issue (KOEIN) | CUKY | 5 | |
41 | PRC_PRINT_VALUE | Value prepared for print issue | CHAR | 30 | |
42 | PRC_PROCESS_MODE | Processing Type | CHAR | 1 | |
43 | PRC_PRODUCT_ERP | Product number in ERP systems | CHAR | 18 | |
44 | PRC_QUANTITY | Quantity | DEC | 18 | 5 |
45 | PRC_RATE_CHECK_RULE | Checking rule for scale rates | CHAR | 1 | |
46 | PRC_REC_ORIGIN | Source of Data Record in Buffer | CHAR | 1 | |
47 | PRC_REDETERMINE | Redetermination: All Conditions | CHAR | 1 | |
48 | PRC_RELEASE_STATUS | Release Status | CHAR | 1 | |
49 | PRC_ROUNDING_RULE | Rounding rule | CHAR | 1 | |
50 | PRC_RULE_ID | ID for Rounding Rule | NUMC | 7 | |
51 | PRC_SALES_TAX_CODE | Taxes on sales/puchases code | CHAR | 2 | |
52 | PRC_SCALE_BASE_TYPE | Scale Base Value (Scale Base Type) | CHAR | 3 | |
53 | PRC_SCALE_BASIS | Scale base value | DEC | 18 | 5 |
54 | PRC_STATUS_EXPECTED_PRICE | Status expected price | CHAR | 1 | |
55 | PRC_STATUS_MANUAL_CHANGE | Status manual price change | CHAR | 1 | |
56 | PRC_STATUS_MAX_VALUE | Maximum Value/Base Flag | CHAR | 1 | |
57 | PRC_STEP | Level number | NUMC | 3 | |
58 | PRC_TERMS_OF_PAYMENT | Terms of payment key | CHAR | 4 | |
59 | PRC_TIME_DECIMALS | Time with Decimal Places (for Seconds) | DEC | 13 | 7 |
60 | PRC_TRACK_MAINTENANCE_MODE | Maintenance mode for tracking condition screen changes | NUMC | 2 | |
61 | PRC_UPDATE_MODE | Indicator for saving | CHAR | 1 | |
62 | PRC_VALUE_DATE | Value date | DATS | 8 | |
63 | PRC_VALUE_DAYS | No. of Value Days | NUMC | 2 | |
64 | PRC_VARIABLE_GROUP_KEY | Variable key 100 bytes | CHAR | 100 | |
65 | PRC_VARIANT_DESCRIPTION | Text for a Variant Condition | CHAR | 50 | |
66 | PRC_VARIANT_KEY | Variant condition | CHAR | 26 | |
67 | PRC_VERSION | Version number | CHAR | 6 | |
68 | PRC_WITHHOLDING_TAX | Withholding tax code | CHAR | 2 | |
69 | PRDATE | Structural authorization selection period | CHAR | 1 | |
70 | PRDATV | Prop.f.pricing date | CHAR | 1 | |
71 | PRDCD | XSI: product code | CHAR | 10 | |
72 | PRDFLID | Product Flow Indicator | CHAR | 4 | |
73 | PRDKT_ARI | FI-ARI: External suppliers' product | CHAR | 6 | |
74 | PRDKT_BF | Complementary Software Partner product | CHAR | 8 | |
75 | PRDPL | Production dates or basic dates ? | CHAR | 1 | |
76 | PRDUR | Ind. forecast execution | CHAR | 1 | |
77 | PRDVO_POFO | Portfolio Determination: Date for Portfolio Determination | CHAR | 1 | |
78 | PRD_QTR_M340_ES | Reporting Period/Quarter for Modelo-340 | CHAR | 2 | |
79 | PRD_SOURCE | PSC Product Source | CHAR | 2 | |
80 | PREAS | Reason for changing master data | CHAR | 2 | |
81 | PREBENE | Trading contract: Level for incompleteness check | CHAR | 1 | |
82 | PREBE_KK | Check level | CHAR | 2 | |
83 | PREDA | Date of preference determination | DATS | 8 | |
84 | PREFA | Foreign Trade: Preference - Preference Type | CHAR | 10 | |
85 | PREFE | Preference Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
86 | PREFIX | Prefix | CHAR | 25 | |
87 | PREFIXCODE | Official document numbering: Prefix code for Taiwan | CHAR | 2 | |
88 | PREFIX_CN | To define prefix which will be part of official doc. number | CHAR | 10 | |
89 | PREFPACOD | Preference Code | CHAR | 3 | |
90 | PREFTYP_FPM | Category of note to payee | CHAR | 30 | |
91 | PREFTYP_PAY | Note to payee categ. | CHAR | 10 | |
92 | PREFXINUSE | Indicator for package interface prefix used | CHAR | 1 | |
93 | PREF_DOM | Direct/indirect quotation prefix for exchange rate | CHAR | 1 | |
94 | PREIFAKT | Price adjustment factor | DEC | 12 | 7 |
95 | PREIGKL | Price adjustment clause | CHAR | 10 | |
96 | PREINABG | Indicator: do not prorate price | CHAR | 1 | |
97 | PREIS | Various types of costs | CURR | 11 | 2 |
98 | PREISKLA | Price class | CHAR | 10 | |
99 | PREISSH | Price activation status at promotion header level | CHAR | 1 | |
100 | PREISTUF | Price level | CHAR | 10 | |
101 | PREISTYP | Price category | CHAR | 1 | |
102 | PRELBILL | Provisional billing | CHAR | 1 | |
103 | PRELDAT4 | HR master data field | RAW | 178 | |
104 | PRELDATA | HR master data field | RAW | 250 | |
105 | PREL_DATA4 | Data field for HR master data | CHAR | 850 | |
106 | PREL_DATEN | Data field for HR master data | CHAR | 250 | |
107 | PREMB_0022 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
108 | PREMB_0040 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 3 | |
109 | PREMB_0041 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 1 | |
110 | PREMG_0014 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
111 | PREMG_0015 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 10 | |
112 | PREMG_0017 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 8 | |
113 | PREMG_0018 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
114 | PREMG_0019 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 2 | |
115 | PREMG_0020 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 2 | |
116 | PREMH_0030 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
117 | PREMH_0034 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
118 | PREMK_0019 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
119 | PREMK_0020 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 10 | |
120 | PREMK_0021 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
121 | PREMK_0022 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
122 | PREMK_0023 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 10 | |
123 | PREMK_0024 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
124 | PREMK_0025 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 35 | |
125 | PREML_0022 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
126 | PREML_0025 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 40 | |
127 | PREML_0040 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 3 | |
128 | PREMM_0031 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 2 | |
129 | PREMM_0032 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
130 | PREMM_0033 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 2 | |
131 | PREMM_0034 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 2 | |
132 | PREMM_0035 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 1 | |
133 | PREMN_0009 | Domain generated for matchcode field | NUMC | 1 | |
134 | PREMN_0014 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 18 | |
135 | PREMN_0015 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 10 | |
136 | PREMN_0016 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 10 | |
137 | PREMN_0017 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 8 | |
138 | PREMQ_0028 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
139 | PREMQ_0029 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
140 | PREMQ_0032 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
141 | PREMQ_0033 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 20 | |
142 | PREMR_0014 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 18 | |
143 | PREMR_0015 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 10 | |
144 | PREMR_0017 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 8 | |
145 | PREMR_0024 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 8 | |
146 | PREMR_0027 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 8 | |
147 | PREMV_0036 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
148 | PREMV_0037 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 4 | |
149 | PREMV_0038 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 3 | |
150 | PREMV_0039 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 10 | |
151 | PREMW_0026 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 1 | |
152 | PREMZ_0009 | Domain generated for matchcode field | NUMC | 1 | |
153 | PREMZ_0027 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 8 | |
154 | PREMZ_0031 | Domain generated for matchcode field | CHAR | 8 | |
155 | PRENA | Preference verification | CHAR | 1 | |
156 | PRENC | Certificate of negation ID | CHAR | 1 | |
157 | PREND | Issue date of certificate of negation | DATS | 8 | |
158 | PRENE | Vendor declaration exists | CHAR | 1 | |
159 | PRENG | Validity date of vendor declaration | DATS | 8 | |
160 | PRENN | Number of exemption certificate for legal control | CHAR | 8 | |
161 | PRENO | Number of exemption certificate for legal control | NUMC | 8 | |
162 | PREN_FORMAT_NAME | Maste data file format | CHAR | 20 | |
163 | PREPDATE | PREPDATE | CHAR | 35 | |
164 | PREP_COUNTER | Meters for order creation | NUMC | 6 | |
165 | PREQ_COVER_TYPE | Period Factor for Determining Availability Date/Time | DEC | 4 | 3 |
166 | PRESDROP | Pressure drop in Joule Thomson Effect | DEC | 7 | 4 |
167 | PRESOBJACT | Object activation status in presentation buffer | CHAR | 1 | |
168 | PRESSURE_W | Average water pressure in bars | DEC | 5 | 2 |
169 | PREVREQ | Previous Progress Pymt. Request Number | CHAR | 9 | |
170 | PRE_ARC_FLG | Flag for Archiving Precheck report | CHAR | 1 | |
171 | PRE_SHIP_ERSCHDAT | Publication Date for Advance Delivery | DATS | 8 | |
172 | PRFG | Check status of production version after last check | CHAR | 1 | |
173 | PRFKZ | Preferred situation | CHAR | 1 | |
174 | PRFLD | Input Field Check | CHAR | 1 | |
175 | PRFLG | ATP Server: Check mode | CHAR | 1 | |
176 | PRFOR | Premium formula | NUMC | 3 | |
177 | PRFTP | IS-H*MED: Checking Type | CHAR | 1 | |
178 | PRFUN | Function module to be called up | CHAR | 10 | |
179 | PRFUNC | Structural authorization function module | CHAR | 30 | |
180 | PRFZA | Check-digit algorithm for EAN category | CHAR | 2 | |
181 | PRF_ORIGIN | Profile origin | CHAR | 1 | |
182 | PRGBZ | External date type | CHAR | 1 | |
183 | PRGRP_ARTHIER | Indicator: Price Group Assign. Active in Mat. Hier. Mainten. | CHAR | 1 | |
184 | PRGRP_MERCHCAT | Indicator: Price Group Assignm. Active in Mat.Group Mainten. | CHAR | 1 | |
185 | PRGRP_PERIOD_STATUS | Status of Validity Period of a Price Group | CHAR | 1 | |
186 | PRGRP_VK | Product group | CHAR | 2 | |
187 | PRGRS | Period for date (day, week, month, interval format) | CHAR | 1 | |
188 | PRGUE | Validity period/range (week, month) | NUMC | 3 | |
189 | PRI | Priority | CHAR | 3 | |
190 | PRIBEARBSTAT | Status of the material item in the price catalog | CHAR | 2 | |
191 | PRIBEARBSTATKUNDE | PRICAT: Status of Customer at Outbound | CHAR | 2 | |
192 | PRIBEARBSTATPROKUNDE | PRICAT: Status of the Catalog Item at Outbound | CHAR | 2 | |
193 | PRICEHIST | Display Complete History for Each Price Key | CHAR | 1 | |
194 | PRICEORIGIN | Price Origin | CHAR | 3 | |
196 | PRICE_GROUP | Price Level Group | CHAR | 6 | |
197 | PRICE_GROUP_CAT | Price Group Categories | CHAR | 2 | |
198 | PRICE_GROUP_T | Price Level Group Description | CHAR | 40 | |
199 | PRICE_LEVEL | Price Level | NUMC | 3 | |
200 | PRICE_ORIGIN | Origin of Sales Price | CHAR | 1 | |
201 | PRICE_ORIG_CHG_TYPE | Change Category of Sales Price Origin from Old to New Price | CHAR | 2 | |
202 | PRICE_SCHEMA | Price Pattern | NUMC | 3 | |
203 | PRICHAR1 | PRICAT: General message field, length 1 | CHAR | 1 | |
204 | PRICHAR16 | PRICAT: General message field length 16 | CHAR | 16 | |
205 | PRICHAR17 | PRICAT: General message field length 17 | CHAR | 17 | |
206 | PRICHAR18 | PRICAT: General message field length 18 | CHAR | 18 | |
207 | PRICHAR2 | PRICAT: General message field, length 2 | CHAR | 2 | |
208 | PRICHAR3 | PRICAT: General message field length 3 | CHAR | 3 | |
209 | PRICHAR30 | PRICAT: General message field length 30 | CHAR | 30 | |
210 | PRICHAR35 | PRICAT: General message field length 35 | CHAR | 35 | |
211 | PRICHAR4 | PRICAT: General message field length 4 | CHAR | 4 | |
212 | PRICHAR9 | PRICAT: General input field length 3 | CHAR | 9 | |
213 | PRICHMGINTERVAL | PRICAT: Interval in Days | NUMC | 3 | |
214 | PRICODE | PRICAT: Additional information on unit of measure | CHAR | 50 | |
215 | PRIDEF | Definition point of printer | CHAR | 1 | |
216 | PRIDOWNLOAD | PRICAT on the Internet: Download Control | CHAR | 1 | |
217 | PRIDX | Index number for PERFORM in programs | DEC | 3 | |
218 | PRIDYNPROGROUP | PRICAT: Group Box for PRICAT Maintenance | NUMC | 2 | |
219 | PRIDYNPROLEVEL | PRICAT: Level Within the Catalog | CHAR | 1 | |
220 | PRIDYNPRONAME | PRICAT: Name of a Group Box | CHAR | 50 | |
221 | PRIDYNPROPOSITION | PRICAT: Sequence Number within the Group Box | NUMC | 2 | |
222 | PRIDYNPROVIEW | PRICAT: Function Code for Selecting the View | CHAR | 10 | |
223 | PRIEAN | PRICAT: EAN (Pricat format 35 characters) | CHAR | 35 | |
224 | PRIEANTYP | Type of material identification | CHAR | 2 | |
225 | PRIFIELDLEVEL | PRICAT: Dynamic Maintenance Level | CHAR | 1 | |
226 | PRIHISTORY | PRICAT: Type of history processing | CHAR | 1 | |
227 | PRIINTART | PRICAT: Number suffix for non-transferred EAN | CHAR | 5 | |
228 | PRIKEYSDOM | Domain for primary keys of SMOE Admin Console tables | CHAR | 10 | |
229 | PRILOADOPTIONEN | PRICAT: Settings for loading profiles | CHAR | 1 | |
230 | PRILOGON | PRICAT on the Internet: Logon Control | CHAR | 1 | |
231 | PRIMM | Print Time | CHAR | 1 | |
232 | PRIMM2 | Printed At (Front-End Printer) | CHAR | 1 | |
233 | PRIMQTY | PRIQTY for DB2 | NUMC | 7 | |
234 | PRIMTAB | IS-M/SD: Primary table for an object type | CHAR | 10 | |
235 | PRINBR | PRICAT: Sequential catalog numberer | CHAR | 10 | |
236 | Output Control in Training and Event Management | CHAR | 1 | ||
237 | PRINTERTYP | Printer type | CHAR | 8 | |
238 | PRINTLOCK_KK | Printing Lock | CHAR | 1 | |
239 | PRINTMODE | Choice of Printing Technique (SAPscript, PDF-Based Forms) | CHAR | 1 | |
240 | PRINTPROGRAMM | ABAP/4 program name | CHAR | 40 | |
241 | PRINT_BUTTON_ACTIVE | Activate Button for Bill Printout | CHAR | 2 | |
242 | PRINT_CANC_DOC | Print Reversal Document As Well | CHAR | 2 | |
243 | PRINT_KEY | PM: Print log internal key | CHAR | 30 | |
244 | PRINT_NEW_MND_KK | Print New Mandate | CHAR | 1 | |
245 | PRINT_OBJ | Object to be printed in MS-WinWord | CHAR | 1 | |
246 | PRINT_OUTPUT | Print Output: HTML | PDF | CHAR | 4 | |
247 | PRINT_POSS | Print Variant | CHAR | 1 | |
248 | PRINT_PROFIL_ID | IDs for user-defined print profiles in shipping (V2) | CHAR | 15 | |
249 | PRINUMC15 | PRICAT: General message field length 15 (numerical) | NUMC | 15 | |
250 | PRINUMC17 | PRICAT: General message field length 17 (numerical) | NUMC | 17 | |
251 | PRINUMC18 | PRICAT: General message field length 18 (numerical) | NUMC | 18 | |
252 | PRINUMC3 | PRICAT: General message field length 3 (numerical) | NUMC | 3 | |
253 | PRIO | IS-PSD: Priority of address | NUMC | 1 | |
254 | PRIOA | Period type: day | CHAR | 3 | |
255 | PRIOD | Period | CHAR | 6 | |
256 | PRIODEY | Period length in days | DEC | 3 | |
257 | PRIOGR_URG | Requirement Urgency Group | CHAR | 2 | |
258 | PRIOGR_URGTX | Text for Requirement Urgency Group | CHAR | 35 | |
259 | PRIOK | Priority | CHAR | 1 | |
260 | PRION1 | Priority (1 to 9) | NUMC | 1 | |
261 | PRIORITAET | Priority | CHAR | 2 | |
262 | PRIORITAET_QUICK | Priority for Quickinfo EA61EX | CHAR | 2 | |
263 | PRIORITY | Error message priority | NUMC | 1 | |
264 | PRIORITY_A | Priority: Assignment of Follow-Up Material to Original Mat. | CHAR | 2 | |
265 | PRIOT | Spool request priority | NUMC | 1 | |
266 | PRIOUTPUTSTATE | PRICAT: Controls Supply of Data to Catalog Fields -Outbnd | CHAR | 1 | |
267 | PRIOUTSTATE | PRICAT: Status of a Price Catalog at Outbound | CHAR | 1 | |
268 | PRIOY | Priority of sequence of resource allocation | CHAR | 1 | |
269 | PRIO_ORG | Organizational Priority | CHAR | 1 | |
270 | PRIO_ORGTX | Text for Organizational Priority | CHAR | 35 | |
271 | PRIO_REQ | Requirement Priority | NUMC | 3 | |
272 | PRIO_REQTX | Text for Requirement Priority | CHAR | 35 | |
273 | PRIO_URG | Requirement Urgency | NUMC | 2 | |
274 | PRIO_URGTX | Text for Requirement Urgency | CHAR | 35 | |
275 | PRIPERIODE | PRICAT: Time unit (day, week, month) (char &) | CHAR | 6 | |
276 | PRIPREI | PRICAT: Should prices be transferred | CHAR | 1 | |
277 | PRIPRF | PRICAT: Requirements profile | CHAR | 4 | |
278 | PRIPRICEDISPL | PRICAT On Internet: Control of Price Display | CHAR | 1 | |
279 | PRIPRICEDWNLD | PRICAT on Internet: Control of Price Download | CHAR | 1 | |
280 | PRIPRICESRC | PRICAT on the Internet: Price Source | CHAR | 1 | |
281 | PRIPRODGRP | PRICAT: Sequential number within the product group | NUMC | 6 | |
282 | PRIPRODGRPMAX | PRICAT: Maximum run number within the product group | NUMC | 6 | |
283 | PRIPRODUCTGROUP | PRICAT: PGI or assortment module from Pricat IDoc | CHAR | 18 | |
284 | PRIPRODUCTGRP_TEXT | PRICAT: PGI or assortment module text | CHAR | 35 | |
285 | PRIPROFILNAME | PRICAT: Name of the profile for copying data | CHAR | 30 | |
286 | PRIQUALPERIOD | PRICAT: Qualifier for periods | CHAR | 3 | |
287 | PRISATNR | Assignment Indicator for Generic Material | CHAR | 18 | |
288 | PRISBCPORT | PRICAT: Port of an SBC Server | NUMC | 5 | |
289 | PRISBCSTRING | PRICAT: String for SBC Parameter | CHAR | 30 | |
290 | PRISTAF | PRICAT: Should scales be transferred | CHAR | 1 | |
291 | PRISTATE | PRICAT: Catalog processing status | CHAR | 3 | |
292 | PRISTATEINDICATOR | PRICAT: Movement Indicator for the Item | CHAR | 2 | |
293 | PRISTRUKTURTYP | Price Catalog: Type of Enhancement Structure | CHAR | 2 | |
294 | PRITEST | PRICAT: Test flag | CHAR | 1 | |
295 | PRITY | Priority for the address lines | CHAR | 1 | |
296 | PRIUEB | PRICAT: Transfer unit of measure for material | CHAR | 1 | |
297 | PRIV_PUB_INDIC | Private/Public Flag | CHAR | 1 | |
298 | PRIWEBSTATE | PRICAT: Indicator for Internet Release | CHAR | 1 | |
299 | PRIXMLTYPE | PRICAT: Type of Transferred XML File | CHAR | 10 | |
300 | PRI_CALC | Measurement characteristic (counters) | CHAR | 1 | |
301 | PRI_COND_PRICING_UNIT | Condition Pricing Unit | DEC | 5 | |
302 | PRI_DATA_MODEL | data model for accessing the database | CHAR | 3 | |
303 | PRI_DESCRIPTION | General Text | CHAR | 50 | |
304 | PRI_ITEM_ID_EXT | External Item Number | NUMC | 10 | |
305 | PRI_MEMORY | Amount of Memory | INT4 | 10 | |
306 | PRI_PROCESS_MODE | Processing Mode | CHAR | 1 | |
307 | PRI_STRING | PRICAT on the Internet: Search String | CHAR | 100 | |
308 | PRI_VARIANT_KEY | Key for Variant Condition | CHAR | 26 | |
309 | PRI_XML_LINE | An XML String | STRG | 0 | |
310 | PRJ_ACTION | Project-Related Switch in Change and Transport System | CHAR | 20 | |
311 | PRJ_D_CONSTRAINT_REL_TYPE | Constraint Relation Type (Start-Start, Start-End, etc.) | INT4 | 10 | |
312 | PRKST | Costs for a network activity | CURR | 11 | 2 |
313 | PRLKF | Cond. seq. for loc. substitution in transportation planning | CHAR | 2 | |
314 | PRLKO | Cond. for location substitution in transportation planning | CHAR | 3 | |
315 | PRLSM | Planning procedure for route limitation | CHAR | 2 | |
316 | PRLST | Level in planning procedure for route limitation | NUMC | 2 | |
317 | PRLTP | Plan. cat. for route limitation of transportation planning | NUMC | 3 | |
318 | PRMGR | Forecast model group | CHAR | 1 | |
319 | PRMOD | Forecast model | CHAR | 1 | |
320 | PRNEW | Append to other spool requests | CHAR | 1 | |
321 | PRNST_KK | Direct Debit Pre-Notification: Status of an Item | CHAR | 1 | |
322 | PRNUM_NR | Log number for tax exemption licenses | CHAR | 10 | |
323 | PRO43 | Percentage with 3 decimal places | DEC | 7 | 3 |
324 | PROBCL_KK | Application log: problem class | CHAR | 1 | |
325 | PROBLEM_SUBTYPE | SDB: Problem Subtype | CHAR | 4 | |
326 | PROC1 | Internal procurement type | CHAR | 1 | |
327 | PROC2 | Control indicator in the case of external procurement | CHAR | 1 | |
328 | PROCEDUR | IS-HCM Character with length 30, upper case only | CHAR | 30 | |
329 | PROCESSEDX | Processing status | CHAR | 1 | |
330 | PROCESSID | PID of an R/3 WP (DB session) | INT4 | 10 | |
331 | PROCESSING_STATE_SOCM | Processing Status for Context Nodes | CHAR | 6 | |
332 | PROCESSING_TYPE | Display Context Hierarchy Chain | CHAR | 3 | |
333 | PROCESSNO | Number of a process on operating system level | CHAR | 10 | |
334 | PROCESSOR | Program that Processes the Backlog Quantity | CHAR | 40 | |
335 | PROCESSTYPE_IDE | Processing mode for aggregation | CHAR | 2 | |
336 | PROCESS_ENGINEER | Process: configuration in engineering/design | CHAR | 1 | |
337 | PROCESS_INDICATOR | Process Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
338 | PROCESS_INDICATOR_UI | Process Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
339 | PROCESS_KK | Process in which a Posting Occurs | CHAR | 2 | |
340 | PROCESS_SALES | Process: configuration in sales | CHAR | 1 | |
341 | PROCID_CPRC_KK | ID of Process (Set Alternative Currency) | CHAR | 2 | |
342 | PROCL | Program class | CHAR | 1 | |
343 | PROCLEVEL | Level of processing | CHAR | 1 | |
344 | PROCMD | Replenishment Type | CHAR | 1 | |
345 | PROCPRIO | Procurement Priority | DEC | 13 | 2 |
346 | PROCS | PDC processing status | CHAR | 3 | |
347 | PROCS_TYP | Selection Type | CHAR | 1 | |
348 | PROCTYPE_ITAGCY | Agency Collections Transaction Category | CHAR | 1 | |
349 | PROCUREMENTPROGRESSINDICATOR | Procurement Progress Indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
350 | PROC_CLASS | DD: Possible classes for DDIC processes | CHAR | 3 | |
351 | PROC_EVENT | IS-H: Event triggering procedure creation | NUMC | 2 | |
352 | PROC_EVTUP | IS-H: Event That Caused Procedure to Be Modified | NUMC | 2 | |
353 | PROC_STAT | Processing State | CHAR | 1 | |
354 | PROC_TYPE | Status of Purchase Requisition | CHAR | 1 | |
355 | PRODATE | Control of date transfer for output operands | CHAR | 1 | |
356 | PRODAVREQ_ID | ID for SOA object ProductAvailabilityRequirement | CHAR | 35 | |
357 | PRODA_KK | Execution date of payment with DME | DATS | 8 | |
358 | PRODEINH | IS-M/AM: Production unit | NUMC | 10 | |
359 | PRODG | Product group | CHAR | 5 | |
360 | PRODH | Product Hierarchy | CHAR | 18 | |
361 | PRODH1 | Domain for standard data element PRODH1 | CHAR | 5 | |
362 | PRODH2 | Domain for standard data element PRODH2 | CHAR | 5 | |
363 | PRODH3 | Domain for standard data element PRODH3 | CHAR | 8 | |
364 | PRODHST | Product Hierarchy Structure | CHAR | 14 | |
365 | PRODHX | Domain for standard data elements PRODH4 to PRODH9 | CHAR | 1 | |
366 | PRODH_HTYPE | Hierarchy type for product hierarchy | NUMC | 1 | |
367 | PRODH_INV | Product hierarchy - reverse | CHAR | 18 | |
368 | PRODH_READREF | Control indicator Read the product hierarchy with references | CHAR | 1 | |
369 | PRODH_STU | IS-M: Competitor exclusion: Product hierarchy levels | NUMC | 1 | |
370 | PRODNUM | IS-M/SD: Product number postal service product key | NUMC | 4 | |
371 | PRODONLY | Dependent definition of system landscape | CHAR | 1 | |
372 | PRODPER | Production Month for JVA in CO | NUMC | 6 | |
373 | PRODPRF_TX | Description of production scheduler profile | CHAR | 40 | |
374 | PRODSEQ | IS-PSD: Production sequence | CHAR | 6 | |
375 | PRODUCT_ID | Identification of waste product area | CHAR | 2 | |
376 | PRODUCT_RETURNABLE | Returnable | CHAR | 1 | |
377 | PRODUCT_RETURNABLE_UI | Returnable | CHAR | 1 | |
378 | PRODVARART | IS-M/AM: Production unit variant type | CHAR | 2 | |
379 | PRODVERSTXT | Product Version Text | CHAR | 72 | |
380 | PROD_ID | Product ID | CHAR | 40 | |
381 | PROD_ITEM_TYPE | Product Item Category | CHAR | 4 | |
382 | PROD_MAINT_TBL | Product Maintenance Table | CHAR | 30 | |
383 | PROD_PL_BASIS | Product Planning basis | CHAR | 1 | |
384 | PROD_TYPE | Product Category | CHAR | 1 | |
385 | PROFCATEGORY | Profile Category | NUMC | 2 | |
386 | PROFDECIMALS | Decimal places in profile | NUMC | 2 | |
387 | PROFEST | Process quantity, fixed value | DEC | 7 | 3 |
388 | PROFHIST | Profile history | NUMC | 2 | |
389 | PROFID | Profile ID | CHAR | 7 | |
390 | PROFIDPROJ | Profile ID: Work Breakdown Structure | CHAR | 7 | |
391 | PROFID_DT | Profile order progress report | CHAR | 12 | |
392 | PROFID_GRF | Profile ID for order-dependent parameters | CHAR | 7 | |
393 | PROFID_LIS | Profile for detail list | CHAR | 12 | |
394 | PROFID_ORD_REP | Profile for Order Report | CHAR | 12 | |
395 | PROFIL | Profile | CHAR | 7 | |
396 | PROFILE | Picking waves profile | CHAR | 10 | |
397 | PROFILE_IF | Profile for BOM transfer | CHAR | 4 | |
398 | PROFILE_VALUE | Profile Values | CHAR | 128 | |
399 | PROFILE_VIEW | Profile Maintenance - View | CHAR | 2 | |
400 | PROFILID | Profile ID: Network | CHAR | 7 | |
401 | PROFILTXT | Profile text | CHAR | 30 | |
402 | PROFIL_ID | IDs for user-related profiles of capacity planning | CHAR | 10 | |
403 | PROFITSIM | Method for simulating profit | CHAR | 1 | |
404 | PROFIT_DISPLAY_METHOD | Display methods, profit simulation | CHAR | 1 | |
405 | PROFL | Authorization profile | CHAR | 12 | |
406 | PROFLD | Description of regulation profile | CHAR | 70 | |
407 | PROFPARLVL | Integer value with 31 figures and signs | DEC | 31 | |
408 | PROFPL | Name of planning profile | NUMC | 12 | |
409 | PROFROLE | Profile allocation role | CHAR | 4 | |
410 | PROFROLECONTEXT | Context for Profile Allocation Roles | CHAR | 22 | |
411 | PROFROLETXT | Profile allocation role (text) | CHAR | 60 | |
412 | PROFTEXT | Profile text | CHAR | 30 | |
413 | PROFTXT | Profile text | CHAR | 40 | |
414 | PROFTYPE | Profile type | NUMC | 2 | |
415 | PROFVALUE | Profile value | DEC | 16 | |
416 | PROFVERSCRT | Create Profile Version in Case of Changes | NUMC | 2 | |
417 | PROFVERSNO | Profile version number | NUMC | 18 | |
418 | PROF_AS_LEVEL | Level to which profile is allocated | CHAR | 3 | |
419 | PROF_CEP | Profile for CEP | CHAR | 7 | |
420 | PROF_COST_VAL | Purchase Value Change Profile | CHAR | 4 | |
421 | PROF_COST_VAL_TXT | Profile Text | CHAR | 80 | |
422 | PROF_CRITERION | CRM Marketing: Target group selection - criteria | CHAR | 1 | |
423 | PROF_FD_DAT | Profile: Displayed fields | CHAR | 12 | |
424 | PROF_FSEL_CEP | Profile ID: Work Breakdown Structure | CHAR | 7 | |
425 | PROG2_KK | Program name | CHAR | 8 | |
426 | PROGENT | Program Category | CHAR | 8 | |
427 | PROGID | Program Run ID | CHAR | 1 | |
428 | PROGN | Program name | CHAR | 40 | |
429 | PROGNAME | Program Name | CHAR | 40 | |
430 | PROGNAME_1 | Program name | CHAR | 40 | |
431 | PROGN_021F | Program name | CHAR | 8 | |
432 | PROGN_021M | Program name | CHAR | 8 | |
433 | PROGN_KK | Program name | CHAR | 8 | |
434 | PROGPYMT | Progress Payment Rate | CHAR | 3 | |
435 | PROGRAMID | SAP program name (ABAP/4 program, dynpro name) | CHAR | 40 | |
436 | PROGRAMM | ABAP program name | CHAR | 40 | |
437 | PROGRAMMR2 | Variant name in RIVA R/2 | CHAR | 8 | |
438 | PROGRAM_HAZARD_WASTE | Fixed Values of Program for Conditions in Waste Legislation | CHAR | 4 | |
439 | PROGRAM_ID | Program name (report name, screen name without number) | CHAR | 40 | |
440 | PROGRAM_ORDER_SELECT | Fixed Value of Program for Order Selection | CHAR | 4 | |
441 | PROGRESS_CHK | Domain for Progress checkbox | CHAR | 1 | |
442 | PROGROUP | Program group | CHAR | 1 | |
443 | PROGT | Command (ARCR) | CHAR | 6 | |
444 | PROGTYP | Type of entry in a report set | CHAR | 4 | |
445 | PROG_STAT | Repository: Program status | CHAR | 14 | |
446 | PROG_TYPE | R/3 Repository: Program type | CHAR | 12 | |
447 | PROID_CA | Process Indicator (Dunning, Payment, ...) | CHAR | 2 | |
448 | PROID_KK | Process code (dunning, payment, ...) | CHAR | 2 | |
449 | PROJAUTH | Number of one/several projects | NUMC | 3 | |
450 | PROJECT_ID | Project name | CHAR | 10 | |
451 | PROJECT_NAME | Project Description | CHAR | 30 | |
452 | PROJECT_STATUS | Status of Project | CHAR | 1 | |
453 | PROJECT_TGROUP | Translator Group of Individual Agencies | CHAR | 2 | |
454 | PROJECT_TL_TYP_SOCM | Project Types of Task Plan | CHAR | 1 | |
455 | PROJN | Project number: DO NOT use -> PS_POSNR | CHAR | 16 | |
456 | PROJ_CDC_ACTIVE | Recording Changes | CHAR | 1 | |
457 | PROJ_CLASS | Project class | CHAR | 6 | |
458 | PROJ_FILE | Project management document file extension | CHAR | 5 | |
459 | PROJ_K2 | Project management keyword type | CHAR | 1 | |
460 | PROJ_NTYPE | Note types | CHAR | 4 | |
461 | PROJ_PHASE | Project phases | CHAR | 6 | |
462 | PROJ_STAT_DOM | Project Status Combination | INT1 | 3 | |
463 | PROJ_VISIBILITY | Visibility | CHAR | 1 | |
464 | PROKI | Project short identification | CHAR | 16 | |
465 | PROKZ | Forecast indicator | CHAR | 1 | |
466 | PROMOTION_PRICE | Promotion Price | CURR | 12 | 2 |
467 | PROMOTION_PRICE_UI | Promotion Price | DEC | 12 | 2 |
468 | PRONU | Foreign Trade - Pro Forma Invoice Number | CHAR | 25 | |
469 | PROOS | MRP indicator for forecast | CHAR | 1 | |
470 | PROPERTY | Shift Planning: Requirements Characteristics | CHAR | 1 | |
471 | PROPNAME | Name of Property | CHAR | 30 | |
472 | PROPR | Forecast profiles | CHAR | 4 | |
473 | PROPRULE_ITAGCY | Default rule | CHAR | 4 | |
474 | PROP_BOOL | Property Bag: Boolean Value | CHAR | 1 | |
475 | PROP_EDIT | Property Bag: Editor for Attribute Maintenance | CHAR | 32 | |
476 | PROP_HSTR | Screen: Property String in HTML Syntax | STRG | 0 | |
477 | PROP_NAME | Property Bag: Name of a Property | CHAR | 30 | |
478 | PROP_RFID_ATTR | Property Bag: Attributes of Property "RFID" | CHAR | 30 | |
479 | PROP_SPEECH_ATTR | Property Bag: Attributes of Property "Speech" | CHAR | 30 | |
480 | PROP_STRING | Property Bag: Attribute String | STRG | 0 | |
481 | PROP_TYPE | Property: Type | CHAR | 10 | |
482 | PROP_VALUE | Property Value | CHAR | 255 | |
483 | PROP_VALUE_ORIGIN | Property Bag: Origin of Attribute Value | CHAR | 1 | |
484 | PRORATE1 | Indicator: account for operand proration | CHAR | 1 | |
485 | PRORATE2 | Operand proration control | CHAR | 1 | |
486 | PROSA | ID for material selection - active | CHAR | 1 | |
487 | PROTART | Reservation type for names in development environment | CHAR | 1 | |
488 | PROTECIN | Default value for technical device installation | CHAR | 1 | |
489 | PROTECTED_KK | Indicator of whether lock is protected for processing | CHAR | 1 | |
490 | PROTF | Document management log field | CHAR | 20 | |
491 | PROTH | High-level log | CHAR | 2 | |
492 | PROTLEVEL | Log generation level | NUMC | 1 | |
493 | PROTLINETY | IDoc definition tools | CHAR | 1 | |
494 | PROTNAME | Input- Name of a DDIC log | CHAR | 40 | |
495 | PROTNR | IS-M/SD: Log counter | NUMC | 10 | |
496 | PROTO | Log | CHAR | 1 | |
497 | PROTS | Sublevel log | CHAR | 2 | |
498 | PROTSTAT | Log Status | CHAR | 1 | |
499 | PROT_ART | Log type | CHAR | 1 | |
500 | PROVB | Consumption indicator for forecast | CHAR | 1 |