SAP ABAP Domain - Index P, page 12
Domain - P
# Domain Name Short Description Data type Length Decimals
1 PAPERSIZE Paper size CHAR   
2 PAPIERGEW Weight of paper QUAN
3 PAPIERGEW_T IS-M: Weight of paper (to a thousandth of a unit of meas.) CHAR   
4 PAPMB_0027 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR 30    
5 PAPMN_0014 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR 20    
6 PAPMN_0015 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR 10    
7 PAPMN_0017 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR   
8 PAPMV_0022 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR   
9 PAPMV_0023 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR   
10 PAPMV_0024 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR   
11 PAPMV_0026 Domain generated for matchcode field CHAR   
12 PAPOS IS-M/AM: Position of Contact Person CHAR   
13 PAPPL Applications programs, function modules, logical databases CHAR   
14 PAR0 x CHAR 20    
15 PAR1 x CHAR 20    
16 PAR3 x CHAR   
17 PARAART Parameter type CHAR   
18 PARAC Parameter for action CHAR 10    
20 PARAKENN Parameter ID CHAR   
21 PARAM RI: Parameter name CHAR   
22 PARAMDESC Description of Password Parameter CHAR 255    
23 PARAMETER Field name transfer (parameter) CHAR 16    
24 PARAMETR Device parametrization CHAR   
25 PARAMID Parameter ID CHAR   
26 PARAMNAME Parameter Name CHAR 40    
27 PARAMTEX_3 Parameter short text CHAR 48    
28 PARAMTYPE Parameter Type for Functions Relating to Process Template CHAR   
29 PARAMTYP_TT Parameters for test tool CHAR   
30 PARAMVALUE Contents of runtime variable for file names CHAR 60    
31 PARAM_DESCRIPTION Paramter Decription CHAR 60    
32 PARAM_PS Parameter Number NUMC   
33 PARANAM Key figure parameters CHAR 10    
34 PARANAME Name of a using parameter for a subroutine CHAR 30    
35 PARAS Period split for splitting indep.reqmts CHAR   
36 PARA_GRADE DD: Number of processes for parallel execution NUMC   
37 PARA_NAME SAP Installation: Parameter Name CHAR 64    
38 PARA_VALUE SAP Installation: Parameter Value CHAR 128    
39 PARC_STATE Archiving status of employee CHAR   
40 PARDT Deposit material representation CHAR   
41 PAREF Assignment data parameters CHAR 10    
42 PAREMFIN Parameter value for recipient determination CHAR 30    
43 PARGR Partner Group CHAR   
44 PARHO Contact person's hobby CHAR   
45 PARID Parameter ID CHAR   
46 PARMS Parameter value CHAR   
47 PARMSTCODE Parameter Sting Code CHAR 32    
48 PARNA IS-H: Parameter name CHAR 10    
49 PARNA_FI IS-H: parameter names for TN03A CHAR 10    
50 PARNO Number of the function parameter NUMC   
51 PARNO_SHP Partner number CHAR 17    
52 PARNR Activity partner number NUMC 10    
53 PARNR_EXT External partner number CHAR 35    
54 PARPAY Self-Billing: Display of Partial Quantities Is Planned CHAR   
55 PARS_TEXT Line in source code of object dependency CHAR 72    
56 PARS_TOKD Constraint type of a token in dependency parser NUMC   
57 PARS_TOKT Type of token in dependency parser CHAR   
58 PARTBY Table partition category CHAR 12    
59 PARTE Partner : export (ship-to party)/ import (vendor) CHAR 10    
60 PARTGR Goods Receipt Posted for Summarized JIT Call re. Delivery CHAR   
61 PARTIAL_REV Flag for partial cancellation CHAR   
62 PARTICCONF Confirmation of Participation CHAR   
63 PARTIC_EXPID WebService: Participation ID in External LMS CHAR 32    
64 PARTIC_FOLLOWUP Participation Was Followed Up CHAR   
65 PARTIC_PASSED Course Passed CHAR   
66 PARTIC_TRACKING_STATUS Status of External Learning Progress CHAR   
67 PARTINDEX DD: Partition identification CHAR 10    
68 PARTMB Part of a pair CHAR 115    
69 PARTNER_EXP Expense Management: Partner CHAR 10    
70 PARTNER_FIS Partner Number CHAR 10    
71 PARTNER_FLAG_SOCM Copy partner CHAR   
72 PARTNER_ID Business Partner ID CHAR 10    
73 PARTNER_SINCE Partner Since (Year) NUMC   
74 PARTNER_STATUS Partner Status CHAR   
75 PARTPARAM Partial period parameters CHAR   
76 PARTY Parameter type CHAR   
77 PARTY_ARI FI-ARI: External services supplier CHAR   
78 PARTY_BF Complementary Software Partner Identification CHAR   
79 PART_CHK Domain for partner checkbox. CHAR   
80 PART_CLASS DD: Category of partitioning of work list CHAR   
81 PART_DATA Content of a Part of a Field of an External ID CHAR 192    
82 PART_NAME Name for separating exit class events CHAR 30    
83 PARVAL Parameter value CHAR 100    
84 PARVO Contact person authority CHAR   
85 PARVW Partner function CHAR   
86 PARVW_4 Partner usage CHAR   
87 PARZA Business partner numerator NUMC   
88 PAR_AFZON Grouping of personnel subareas for family allowances CHAR   
89 PAR_AGROP Agriculture CHAR   
90 PAR_AGTII Income tax category NUMC   
91 PAR_APELC Married last name CHAR 28    
92 PAR_APELL Last name CHAR 28    
93 PAR_ARTID Type of absence due to accident or occupational illness CHAR   
94 PAR_ASPCE Employee grouping for Social Insurance contributions CHAR   
95 PAR_AVGBA Average basis NUMC   
97 PAR_CAFJP AFJP code for Social Insurance CHAR   
98 PAR_CAIMP Indicator: Date of payment or payroll accounting period CHAR   
99 PAR_CAREA Area code CHAR   
100 PAR_CDDEX External document code for kinship event CHAR   
101 PAR_CDDOC Document code for kinship event CHAR   
102 PAR_CDEVT Kinship event code CHAR   
103 PAR_CIVIL ANSeS census marital status NUMC   
104 PAR_CLAVE Employee or family member/next of kin CHAR   
105 PAR_COART Workplace Health Insurers (ART) code CHAR   
106 PAR_COASF Type of family allowance CHAR   
107 PAR_CODBU CBU: Unique Bank Code CHAR 22    
108 PAR_CODMV Movement code CHAR   
109 PAR_CODPR ANSes Census province code NUMC   
110 PAR_COMTR Ministry of Labor activity code CHAR   
111 PAR_CONDILAB AFIP Differentiated Services CHAR   
112 PAR_COZON Internal Revenue (DGI) contribution reduction area codes CHAR   
113 PAR_CPAIS Country code CHAR   
114 PAR_CSERV Type of service codes NUMC   
115 PAR_CUILE Employee CUIL CHAR 11    
116 PAR_DECV1 Amount decimal 1 position with sign DEC   
117 PAR_DEPTM Department CHAR   
118 PAR_DEXPL Business Address Activity CHAR   
119 PAR_DGIOF Internal Revenue Service (DGI) agency code CHAR   
120 PAR_DSINDPSQ Sequential number of Social insurance contribution payment NUMC   
121 PAR_DSTHDAS Status of Social insurance contribution payment CHAR   
122 PAR_EANOV School year CHAR   
123 PAR_EMAIL E-mail address CHAR 60    
124 PAR_FAMOS Family member type for Welfare Fund CHAR   
125 PAR_FEREN Resig.dte. CHAR 10    
126 PAR_GESES Grouping of employee subgroups for Social Insurance NUMC   
127 PAR_ID ProductAvailabilityRequirement ID for Nummber Range Object CHAR 20    
128 PAR_INCOR Type of absence adjustment in months that do not have 30 dys NUMC   
129 PAR_LIGEN Determines whether a list is issued or a wage type generated CHAR   
130 PAR_LIQDA Payroll run CHAR   
131 PAR_LOC Town of kinship event CHAR 10    
132 PAR_LOCAD Town CHAR 10    
133 PAR_LSORT Type of classification of records for Legal Payroll Pmnts B. NUMC   
134 PAR_MDCON Contract arrangement CHAR   
135 PAR_MDISC Incapacity indicator CHAR   
136 PAR_MESES Months of the year NUMC   
137 PAR_MESIM Fiscal month for tax NUMC   
138 PAR_MMCEN ANSeS Register reason for action CHAR   
139 PAR_MMSIJ SIJP reason for action CHAR   
140 PAR_NACIO ANSeS Census nationality code NUMC   
141 PAR_NFORM Level of training CHAR   
142 PAR_NOACT Activity code (CIIU) CHAR   
143 PAR_NOMBS Names CHAR 28    
144 PAR_NRACT Family link event record number CHAR   
145 PAR_NRJUZ Tribunal number of the family link event CHAR   
146 PAR_NRSEC Secretaryship of the family link event CHAR   
147 PAR_NUMPU Door number CHAR   
148 PAR_OBRAS Welfare Fund code CHAR   
149 PAR_PCTGE Percentage to five decimals DEC
150 PAR_PDSMP Position held CHAR   
151 PAR_PISOB Floor CHAR   
152 PAR_PROVN Province CHAR   
153 PAR_PRSIC Provincial codes for SICORE CHAR   
154 PAR_PTRAB Position held CHAR   
155 PAR_REBLA Blank spaces reserved - Business address register CHAR 153    
156 PAR_RESBL Blank spaces reserved - Employer register CHAR 86    
157 PAR_RESEB Blank spaces reserved - Family/next of kin register CHAR 24    
158 PAR_RESER Blank spaces reserved - Named person register CHAR   
159 PAR_RMPAC Agreed remuneration CHAR 15    
160 PAR_SEMES Six monthly period for family allowances average CHAR   
161 PAR_SINIE Claimant code (SIJP) CHAR   
162 PAR_SIREV Review situation - ANSES Census NUMC   
163 PAR_SPEC Income tax: special processing CHAR   
164 PAR_STATE State of PARB object CHAR   
165 PAR_STATS Status of the Company CHAR   
166 PAR_STBAJ Leaving situation CHAR   
167 PAR_SUCUR Branch CHAR   
168 PAR_SYJUB Indicator: Employee belongs to SIPA CHAR   
169 PAR_TCSES Type of work contract in Argentina NUMC   
170 PAR_TDOMC Address type CHAR   
171 PAR_TEGRP Labor category for severance pay calculation CHAR   
172 PAR_TELEF Telephone NUMC   
173 PAR_TELFN Telephone no. CHAR 15    
174 PAR_TEMIL E-mail type CHAR   
175 PAR_TFCEN Type of family member for ANSeS Register CHAR   
176 PAR_TIDOC ANSes Census document type CHAR   
177 PAR_TINOV Type of update CHAR   
178 PAR_TIPAB Absence type CHAR   
179 PAR_TIPEM Company type -SIJPv16 and later CHAR   
180 PAR_TIPOE Schooling Type CHAR   
181 PAR_TIPRG Record type CHAR   
182 PAR_TIPSS Social Insurance type NUMC   
183 PAR_TORRE Tower CHAR   
184 PAR_TPUOS Calculation of deductions and contributions to Welfare Fund CHAR   
185 PAR_TTELF Telephone type CHAR   
186 PAR_TYACT Employee activity code CHAR   
187 PAR_TYPFA Family member types for Family Allowances CHAR   
188 PAR_WERT IS-H: Parameter value CHAR 15    
189 PASCH Planned order type key CHAR   
190 PASEL Planned order visible CHAR   
191 PASSVERSION Password Version DEC   
192 PASSW IS-H: Password for user ID for CPIC session CHAR   
193 PASSWD_NOOFATTAMPT No of permitted attempts for a Password DEC   
195 PASSW_HANDLING IS-M: Setting for Password and Access Data CHAR   
196 PASSW_HANDLING_IU2 IS-M: Setting for Password and Access Data CHAR   
197 PASS_NUMB Sequence number of a check-in activity CHAR 10    
198 PATBSTATE Status of Batch Operation in OCS Transactions CHAR   
199 PATCH Support Package name CHAR 20    
200 PATCHCOND Patch step condition CHAR   
202 PATCHSTAT Status of patch application CHAR   
203 PATCHSTEP Name of patch step CHAR 20    
204 PATCHSTEPA Step is taken into account when patch/backup is applied CHAR   
205 PATCH_APPLY Maintenance type of software component CHAR   
206 PATCH_RC Return code of a patch step CHAR   
207 PATCH_SCEN Scenario for applying the patch CHAR   
209 PATCH_TYPE OCS Package Type CHAR   
210 PATCT Counter for templates in TCPAT NUMC   
211 PATH01 Unix File Path CHAR 55    
212 PATH02 Unix File Path CHAR 70    
213 PATHEXT Physical Path Name for Multimedia Connection CHAR 200    
214 PATHEXTERN Physical file path for platform-independent file names CHAR 200    
215 PATHINTERN Internal logical file name CHAR 60    
216 PATJN Define start data of planned orders in the planning table CHAR   
217 PATLOGNAME Log Name of SPAM/SAINT Sub-Log CHAR 32    
218 PATNR IS-H: Patient number CHAR 10    
219 PATORGID IS-H: Identification of organizational unit CHAR 15    
220 PATSEMSTAT OCS semaphore status CHAR   
221 PATTERN__3 Search pattern in short text CHAR 15    
222 PATTR HR attributes CHAR   
223 PATVERSION Version eines OCS Vorabpakets CHAR 14    
224 PATVR Scheduling strategy in the planning table CHAR   
225 PATXT Long text for planned order type CHAR 15    
226 PATYP Pair type in time evaluation CHAR   
227 PATYPE Type of participation (prebooking, booking, cancellation) CHAR   
228 PAT_CH20K Character Field Length 20480 (20K) CHAR 20480    
229 PAT_FLAG PAT07: Flag CHAR   
230 PAT_FORMAT Identification of EPS parcel format CHAR   
231 PAT_MAXLEN Maximum length (20K) of an EPS parcel LRAW 20480    
232 PAT_NOGEN Suppress generation when applying patch CHAR   
233 PAT_RECTYP Record type of a record in EPS parcel CHAR   
234 PAT_REQT Prerequisite type CHAR   
235 PAT_STATUS IS-H: Patient status CHAR   
236 PAT_TRUE PAT07: True value CHAR   
237 PAUPLAN Break schedule CHAR   
238 PAUSH Travel Expense Type Individual or Per Diem/Flat Rate CHAR   
239 PAUSN_VK Payment exception CHAR   
240 PAUST Taxation Indicator CHAR   
241 PAUVS Recording input tax for entire trip CHAR   
242 PAU_ABORG Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander CHAR   
243 PAU_ABTYP Absense Type CHAR   
244 PAU_ADALL APS Adjust Allowance CURR 15 
245 PAU_ADDCON Superannuation addictional contibution CHAR   
246 PAU_ADHDA APS Adjust Higher duties allowance CURR 15 
247 PAU_ADPLT APS Adjust Penalties CURR 15 
248 PAU_ADSAL APS Adjust Salary CURR 15 
249 PAU_AGFLG Accrual or Grant leave type CHAR   
250 PAU_AUNIT Accrual Unit CHAR   
251 PAU_BFLAG Opening balance flag for prior service CHAR   
252 PAU_CMONS Options for calculating LOS CHAR   
253 PAU_CONTR Contributor Status CHAR   
254 PAU_CURPR HR AUS PS:Current service or prior service CHAR   
255 PAU_DEC32 AU-PS: Decimals with 3,2 DEC
256 PAU_DTORG Origin for data type CHAR   
257 PAU_DV12_2 Liability Dollar Value DEC 12 
258 PAU_DV15_2 Dollar Value DEC 15 
259 PAU_DV7_2 Entitlement Dollar Value DEC
260 PAU_EDSEQ Sequence number for Equity and Diversity data NUMC   
261 PAU_EDTYP Type of data for Equity and Diversity CHAR   
262 PAU_ELIGR Eligibility group for increment CHAR   
263 PAU_ENTML HR-AU-PS: Leave entitlement for Prior Service DEC 10 
264 PAU_EXCHO Choice for Superannuation Fund Exclusion CHAR   
265 PAU_FEATR Name of feature CHAR   
266 PAU_FNAMT Fornightly amount CURR 15 
267 PAU_FULTT Full-time CHAR   
268 PAU_GENDR sex of the employee CHAR   
269 PAU_GESCH Gender for Equity and Diversity CHAR   
270 PAU_GRPID Group identifier for leave provision (AU-PBS) CHAR   
271 PAU_GRPIN Indicator for the LWOP/UNAL impact grouping CHAR   
272 PAU_IBUKY Key for Industry within a HR Country CHAR   
273 PAU_IMGRP LWOP/UNAL impact group CHAR   
274 PAU_IMPTY Impact Type CHAR   
275 PAU_INALL APS initial allowance CURR 15 
276 PAU_INHDA APS initial HDA CURR 15 
277 PAU_INPLT APS Initial Penalties CURR 15 
278 PAU_INSAL APS initial salary CURR 15 
279 PAU_LCODE Master leave code CHAR   
280 PAU_LDTYP Calculation and Payment method CHAR   
281 PAU_LLDOP HR AU PS:Option for unpaid leave loading CHAR   
282 PAU_LVIND Leave indicator CHAR   
283 PAU_LVRSQ Leave Payment Rules (check table for fetaure 13RIL) CHAR   
284 PAU_LWOPE LWOP Impact indicator CHAR   
285 PAU_LWOPI Effect on leave CHAR   
286 PAU_MEDCL Superannuation Medical Classification CHAR   
287 PAU_MEMST Membership status CHAR   
288 PAU_NOTSL Notional Salary CURR 15 
289 PAU_NPLEN Time unit for threshold vale CHAR   
290 PAU_NSUPF Name of Superannuation Fund CHAR   
291 PAU_OEMIN Other Employment Instrument CHAR   
292 PAU_PAIDE Leave loading paid in current leave year or in next LeaveY ? CHAR   
293 PAU_PAYCA Redundancy Payment Category CHAR   
295 PAU_PAYFM Payment Formula CHAR   
296 PAU_PAYRL Payment Rule Group CHAR   
297 PAU_PAYTY Payment type CHAR   
298 PAU_PBSFU Superannuation Fund for Public Sector Flag CHAR   
299 PAU_PDIND Day Indicator CHAR   
300 PAU_PEMIN Primary Employment Instrument CHAR   
301 PAU_PERIN Permanency Indicator NUMC   
303 PAU_PSLVE Prior Service Leave Type CHAR   
305 PAU_PYCTR APS Pay Center CHAR 10    
306 PAU_RDN13 P13_13RDN CHAR   
307 PAU_REACD Reason code CHAR   
308 PAU_REASC LWOP/UNAL Impact period CHAR   
309 PAU_RIDTP Flexible rule for termination payment CHAR   
310 PAU_RUDTL Flexible key for accrual transfer (Feature 13TRF) CHAR   
311 PAU_RULES Accrual/entilement transfer rules CHAR   
312 PAU_SALARY APS Super salary CURR 15 
313 PAU_SEQTR Sequence order for transfer frequency NUMC   
314 PAU_TLALL APS Total allowances CURR 15 
315 PAU_TLHDA APS Total Higher duty allowance CURR 15 
316 PAU_TLPLT APS Total Penalties CURR 15 
317 PAU_TLSAL APS Total Salary CURR 15 
318 PAU_TRARL Transfer freqency rules CHAR   
319 PAU_TUNIT Time unit for transfer frequency CHAR   
320 PAU_UNALE Unauthorized leave impact indicator CHAR   
321 PAU_UNALI Impact type of unauthorized leave CHAR   
322 PAU_UNLEN Time unit for threshold value CHAR   
323 PAU_YMFLG Yearly or monthly leave CHAR   
324 PAVERT IS-M/AM: Distributor for contact person CHAR   
325 PAVIP VIP code for contact person CHAR   
326 PAWUSRID User who created the record CHAR 12    
328 PAYBEL_KK Number of Payment Document in Contract Accts Rec./Payable CHAR 12    
330 PAYCO Payroll parameter for amounts CHAR   
331 PAYDEFVIEW_CA FI-CA: Default for Create Payment Data CHAR   
332 PAYDET_FPM Note to payee text CHAR 150    
333 PAYDISPALLOC_CA Clear Dispute Amount CHAR   
334 PAYEXTT_VK Category of expanded data for payment CHAR   
335 PAYFM_KK Payment Form Number CHAR 12    
336 PAYFORM_ORIGIN_KK Origin Area for Payment Form CHAR   
337 PAYFREQ Payment frequency category CHAR   
338 PAYFREQID Payment frequency ID CHAR   
339 PAYF_AMOUNT_TYPE_CA Amount Type for a Payment Form CHAR   
340 PAYF_AMOUNT_TYPE_KK Amount category of a payment form CHAR   
341 PAYID_EXC_CA ID of External Payment CHAR 35    
342 PAYKBELNR Repayment schedule document number CHAR 10    
343 PAYMENTPLANTYPE Utilities: Payment Plan Category CHAR   
345 PAYMET_KK Direct Debit/Cash Payer Indicator CHAR   
346 PAYMOD Payment program CHAR   
347 PAYMO_MODE_KK Output Mode for Payment Media Attached CHAR 20    
348 PAYMTID_ITAGCY Identification of Payment Method Maintenance in Agency Coll. CHAR   
349 PAYMTTYPE_ITAGCY Category for a Payment in Agency Collections CHAR   
350 PAYMTYPE_FPM Pymt med. type: Collective, logical, physical individ. pymt CHAR   
351 PAYMTYPE_VK Payment Document Category CHAR   
352 PAYMT_ADD_ITAGCY Agency Collections: Additional Payment Method CHAR   
353 PAYMT_CASH_CHECK_ITAGCY Bank payment method CHAR   
354 PAYMT_ITAGCY Bank payment method CHAR   
355 PAYMT_KK Payment Category in Cash Desk CHAR   
356 PAYM_ACC_ITAGCY Agency Collections: Payment Method Acct Maint. Application CHAR   
358 PAYNO_FPM Sequential payment number INT4 10    
359 PAYNR_KK Convenience Stores: Payment Document Number NUMC   
360 PAYOT Service provider CHAR   
361 PAYPDATETY Planning type: monthly or annual planning CHAR   
362 PAYPER_SC Periodicity CHAR   
363 PAYREQNO Progress Payment Request Number CHAR   
364 PAYSOURCE_ITAGCY Origin of Payment CHAR   
368 PAYST_KK Status of Payment Report NUMC   
369 PAYTP_KK Category of payment/payment lot CHAR   
370 PAYTP_PR_KK Type of Payment for Processes (Withdrawals and Differences) CHAR   
371 PAYTY Payroll type CHAR   
372 PAYTYPE_CA FI-CA: Payment Type CHAR   
373 PAYTYPE_ITAGCY Payment Category CHAR   
374 PAYTYP_CA Payment Type NUMC   
375 PAYTY_EBPP EBPP: Type of Payment (for the Clearing) CHAR   
377 PAY_APPLOC Tech. application for off-cycle activities CHAR   
378 PAY_BKDEF Default value for payment method Off-Cycle Workbench CHAR   
379 PAY_CHKTY Off-cycle: standard payment method for transfer and check CHAR   
380 PAY_CUMTY_PAR Parameter for Cumulation Types CHAR   
381 PAY_CUMULEXITS Country exit types for cumulations CHAR   
382 PAY_CUM_DAY Start of Cumulation Interval, Day NUMC   
383 PAY_CUM_MONTH Start of Cumulation Interval, Month NUMC   
384 PAY_CUM_WIN Time-Based Window for Cumulation Table Entries INT1   
385 PAY_DIFF_KK Further Differentiation for Payment Document CHAR 16    
386 PAY_EXTERN Only External Payment Allowed CHAR   
387 PAY_GRP_CNT_LOG Country Groupings for Payroll Log CHAR   
388 PAY_IC_FLAG Process Manager: Input, Output, or Created Object CHAR   
389 PAY_MODELLID Identification of a process model CHAR   
390 PAY_OBJRFF CHeck management grouping NUMC   
391 PAY_OCCAT Category for off-cycle reason CHAR   
392 PAY_OCRSN Reason for off-cycle payroll CHAR   
393 PAY_OUTOFSEQ Out-of-sequence check indicator CHAR   
394 PAY_PM_EVENTTYP Type of Event to Which Response is Required CHAR 10    
395 PAY_PM_PACEL_BUILD_ID Filter value for determination of BAdI for set creation CHAR 10    
396 PAY_PM_SEL_FLT_VAL Filter Value for Selection Program CHAR 30    
397 PAY_PM_WAIT_FLT_VAL Filter Value for Wait Points CHAR 20    
398 PAY_PRCTY Procedure Type for Off-Cycle Batch Processing CHAR   
399 PAY_PSTATUS Status of a step in a process CHAR   
400 PAY_PTYPE Assignment of default values CHAR 12    
401 PAY_ST_OBJ Object in HR status management CHAR 10    
402 PAY_SZ558A Processing session, payroll account transfer for spec.pymts CHAR   
403 PA_EZRBX Period selection control CHAR   
404 PA_NO_OF_PERIODS Number of periods in year DEC
405 PA_REPCL HR report category CHAR   
406 PA_SUBOBJ HR: Subobject CHAR 50    
407 PA_SUBOBJNAME HR: sub-object name CHAR 10    
408 PA_SUBOBJTYP HR: Subobject CHAR   
409 PA_SWITCH Partner Inheritance Switch CHAR   
411 PB01_COLX HR: Display (SC Act) NUMC   
412 PB01_COLX_SUM HR: Display (SC Act) NUMC   
413 PB01_SB_BETRG HR-DEH: Amount in Severely Challenged Report CURR 12 
414 PB01_TIRFG Repayment Sequence within Garnishment CHAR   
415 PB03_AABG0 Indicator for Dissolution Charge CHAR   
416 PB03_ABEZ0 Type of Payment CHAR   
417 PB03_ACTION Batch Input Actions CHAR   
418 PB03_AGRD0 Deregistration Reason: Code CHAR   
419 PB03_AGRD1 Deregistration Reason: Code CHAR   
420 PB03_AGRD2 Deregistration Reason: Code CHAR   
421 PB03_ANGV0 Entitlement to Continued Pay CHAR   
422 PB03_ANSP0 Contact Person CHAR 20    
423 PB03_ASTAT Status Information for Semiretirement Infotype Record CHAR   
424 PB03_ATZMD Semiretirement Model NUMC   
425 PB03_ATZTY Semiretirement Category CHAR   
426 PB03_AUBGR Social Insurance Contribution Group CHAR   
427 PB03_BENT0 Tips or Commission Contained in Gross Remuneration NUMC   
428 PB03_DATE_NOT_USED HCM AT: Domain for Database Columns Not in Use DATS   
429 PB03_DBABM Exemption Method for Double Taxation Convention CHAR   
430 PB03_DBAUK Codes for Controlling the DTC Indicator for Exemption Method NUMC   
431 PB03_EAUSP Characteristic Value for Contribution Groups NUMC   
432 PB03_ERTG0 Payment in Lieu of Unused Leave: Paid Working Days NUMC   
433 PB03_GEGC0 Legal Bases: Code CHAR   
434 PB03_GPGRD Reason Public Transport Is Not Acceptable CHAR   
435 PB03_JAGU0 Entitlement Calculation Acc. to Working Year/Calendar Year NUMC   
436 PB03_KB_GRUN0 HCM AT: Reason f. Incapacity to Work ELDA Sick Leave Certif. CHAR   
437 PB03_KRPRT Indicator: Sickness Certificate Printed/Requested CHAR   
438 PB03_KSB_KONS Status: Consolidation with IT3248 CHAR   
439 PB03_KSB_PERSNO Status of the Search by Personnel Number CHAR   
440 PB03_KUKAT Short-Time Work Categories CHAR   
441 PB03_KURFN Reference Number for Reduced Working Hours CHAR   
442 PB03_KVARZ Payment of Short-Time Working Support CHAR   
443 PB03_KZABW Absence Indicator CHAR   
444 PB03_KZKU0 Indicator for Illness/Accident, Work Accident/Illness NUMC   
445 PB03_LIMIT_CHECK Limit Check CHAR   
446 PB03_LZGEN Codes for Payslip Creation CHAR   
447 PB03_MALU0 Penalty CHAR   
448 PB03_MART0 HCM AT: Notification Type ELDA Sick Leave Certificate CHAR   
449 PB03_NUMC2 2 Character Numerical Field Without Validation NUMC   
450 PB03_PPFKT Reduction Factor for Commuter Rate and Commuter Euro CHAR   
451 PB03_PPNKM Kilometer Entry with Decimals DEC
452 PB03_QUART Quarter: CHAR Field of Length 1, Fixed Values 1-4 CHAR   
453 PB03_RNARU Rounding Type for Leave CHAR   
454 PB03_SBZC0 Payment in Kind: Code CHAR   
455 PB03_STATS Status of Characteristic Type CHAR   
456 PB03_STATU Status Information for ELDA CHAR   
457 PB03_STATUS_ABG Status Information for Sick Leave Notification CHAR   
458 PB03_STAT_RUECK Status Information for Reserve Basis CHAR   
459 PB03_TAGU0 Calc. Cont. Pay Entitl. Acc. to Working Days, Calendar Days NUMC   
460 PB03_UNURL Unpaid Leave NUMC   
461 PB03_VWVC0 Type of Relationship: Code CHAR   
462 PB04_CODAU Regional tax code NUMC   
463 PB04_QLAND Country code CHAR   
464 PB05_DSATZ NSI: Data Record CHAR 168    
465 PB10_AMO11 Garnishment order amount CURR 11 
466 PB10_AMOU4 Amount CURR
467 PB10_AMOU7 Garnishment order amount CURR
468 PB10_CDATE BSI: Check date DATS   
469 PB10_CMETH BSI: Tax calculation method NUMC   
470 PB10_DEMOD Model of the Disposable Net CHAR   
471 PB10_EXCEP Rule for the calculation of the non-exempt amount CHAR   
472 PB10_EXCPT Exceptional case CHAR   
473 PB10_EXTN Telephone extension number of the employee CHAR   
474 PB10_FORML BSI: Tax formula NUMC   
475 PB10_GCATE Garnishment document category CHAR   
476 PB10_GORCD Garnishment originator code CHAR   
477 PB10_GSTAT Garnishment status CHAR   
478 PB10_GUNIT Unit CHAR   
479 PB10_MEDSU Medical support indicator CHAR   
480 PB10_MSGNO BSI: Message number NUMC   
481 PB10_NEIND Indicator for exemption CHAR   
482 PB10_NEMOD Model for calculating the nonexempt amount CHAR   
483 PB10_OBALN Garnishment order amount indicator CHAR   
484 PB10_OCATE Garnishment order category CHAR   
485 PB10_ORDCD Garnishment order type CHAR   
486 PB10_PROID Processing identifier CHAR   
487 PB10_PTYPE BSI: Payment type NUMC   
488 PB10_RCPF1 BSI40: Foreign Key for RCPFORMULA in BRCRCP NUMC   
489 PB10_RCPF2 BSI40: Foreign Key for RCPFORMULA in BRCGEN NUMC   
490 PB10_RESCK BSI: Residence check NUMC   
491 PB10_RLIND Rule indicator for reciprocity CHAR   
492 PB10_SCRUL Service charge rule CHAR   
493 PB10_STPTY Type of payment CHAR   
494 PB10_STYPE Type of withholding CHAR   
495 PB10_TCODE BSI: Tax code CHAR 11    
496 PB10_TPLAN BSI: Plan type CHAR   
497 PB10_TXSRT Sort mode CHAR   
498 PB10_WAGEI Wage indicator CHAR   
499 PB33_AMOU7 Garnishment order amount CURR
500 PBASCAT Base period category CHAR