SAP ABAP Data Element - Index Q, page 6
Data Element - Q
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | QQIDCTTIME | iSeries: Total Time Used by Index Creates (Database Monitor) | DEC | |
2 | QQIDXA | iSeries: Optimizer Advised Index (Database Monitor) | QQYN | CHAR |
3 | QQIDXD | iSeries: Key Fields for the Advised Index | QQIDXD | CHAR |
4 | QQIDXK | iSeries: No. of Key Fields of Advised Index | QQDEC150 | DEC |
5 | QQIDXN | iSeries: Indexes (Database Monitor) | QQCHAR1000 | LCHR |
6 | QQIFNM | Index file | QQTFN | CHAR |
7 | QQILNM | iSeries: System Name of Index Library (Database Monitor) | QQTLN | CHAR |
8 | QQIMNM | Index member | QQTMN | CHAR |
9 | QQINSCNT | iSeries: Number of Executed INSERTs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
10 | QQIRSN | iSeries: Index Reason Code (Database Monitor) | QQC301 | CHAR |
11 | QQISXN | QQISXN: Indexes (database monitor for iSeries) | QQCHAR1000 | LCHR |
12 | QQJFLD | Join field | QQJFLD | RAW |
13 | QQJNDS | iSeries: Dataspace Number (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
14 | QQJNG | Join criterion | QQYN | CHAR |
15 | QQJNMT | iSeries: Join Method (Database Monitor) | QQC21 | CHAR |
16 | QQJNOP | iSeries: Join Operator (Database Monitor) | QQC21 | CHAR |
17 | QQJNP | Join position | QQJNP | INT4 |
18 | QQJNTY | iSeries: Join Type (Database Monitor) | QQC21 | CHAR |
19 | QQJNUM | iSeries: Job Number (Database Monitor) | QQJNUM | CHAR |
20 | QQJOB | iSeries: Job Name (Database Monitor) | QQJOB | CHAR |
21 | QQJOBPID | iSeries: Process ID of a Work Process | INT4 | INT4 |
22 | QQKEY | iSeries: Key Field (Database Monitor) | QQKEY | CHAR |
23 | QQKEY2 | iSeries: 2nd Key Field of Database Monitor Files | QQDEC150 | DEC |
24 | QQKP | iSeries: Key Positioning (Database Monitor) | QQYN | CHAR |
25 | QQKPN | iSeries: No. of Key Positioning Keys (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
26 | QQKS | iSeries: Key Selection (Database Monitor) | QQYN | CHAR |
27 | QQKSEL | Estimated number of rows returned by key selection | QQKSEL | INT4 |
28 | QQKZ2 | Quality Score Squared | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
29 | QQKZDEF | Definition of Quality Score Classes | QQKZDEF | CHAR |
30 | QQLIFN | iSeries: Index Name (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
31 | QQLILN | iSeries: Index Library (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
32 | QQLNLN | iSeries: NLSS Library (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
33 | QQLNTN | iSeries: NLSS Table (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
34 | QQLOCK | iSeries: Jobs Holding/Waiting for a Database Record Lock | QQBYTE | CHAR |
35 | QQLOCKTYPE | iSeries: Record Lock Type (Read/Update) | QQBYTE | CHAR |
36 | QQLPTF | iSeries: Base Table (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
37 | QQLPTL | iSeries: Base Library (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
38 | QQLTFN | iSeries: Table Name (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
39 | QQLTLN | iSeries: Library Name (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
40 | QQLTU | iSeries: Time Last Used (Database Monitor) | QQTIME | CHAR |
41 | QQMATL | Nested level of views subselected | QQMATL | INT4 |
42 | QQMATN | Subselect of materialized view | QQMATN | INT4 |
43 | QQMAXT | iSeries: Maximum Time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
44 | QQMETU | iSeries: Timest. of Most Expensive Stmt. (Database Monitor) | QQTIME | CHAR |
45 | QQMINT | iSeries: Minimum Time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
46 | QQMNOTLIGHTS | Monitor Control for Quality Notifications in Worklist | QKZ | CHAR |
47 | QQMRGQ | iSeries: Merged QDTs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
48 | QQM_EA_SELECT_ALL_ATTACHMENTS | Select All Attachments for Notification | XFLAG | CHAR |
49 | QQM_EA_SELECT_ALL_PARTNERS | Select All Partners for Notification | XFLAG | CHAR |
50 | QQM_EA_SEL_AND_RELATION | Linkage of Selection Relationship for Partner | QQM_EA_SEL_RELATION | CHAR |
51 | QQM_EA_SEL_OR_RELATION | Linkage of Selection Relationship for Partner | QQM_EA_SEL_RELATION | CHAR |
52 | QQM_EA_SEL_RELATION | Selection Relationship: 'Or' or 'And' Relationship | QQM_EA_SEL_RELATION | CHAR |
53 | QQM_EA_SHOW_ATTACHMENTS | Display Selection of Attachments for Notification | XFLAG | CHAR |
54 | QQM_EA_SHOW_PARTNERS | Display Selection of Partners for Notification | XFLAG | CHAR |
55 | QQM_SMPL_N | Phys.-Sample Number from Original Phys.-Sample Record | CHAR8 | CHAR |
56 | QQNLNM | iSeries: System Name of NLSS Library (Database Monitor) | QQTLN | CHAR |
57 | QQNTNM | iSeries: System Name of NLSS Table (Database Monitor) | QQTFN | CHAR |
58 | QQODFTIME | iSeries: Timestamp of Oldest Data (Database Monitor) | QQTIME | CHAR |
59 | QQODPI | iSeries: ODP Implementation (Database Monitor) | QQC11 | CHAR |
60 | QQOPNT | iSeries: Open time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
61 | QQORDG | Ordering | QQYN | CHAR |
62 | QQORGQ | iSeries: Original Number of QDTs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
63 | QQOTHCNT | iSeries: Number of Miscellaneous Statements | QQDEC150 | DEC |
64 | QQOTHT | iSeries: Any other time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
65 | QQPID | iSeries: Pool ID (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
66 | QQPLIB | iSeries: Package/Program Library (Database Monitor) | QQC10 | CHAR |
67 | QQPNAM | iSeries: Package/Program Name (Database Monitor) | QQC10 | CHAR |
68 | QQPSIZ | iSeries: Pool Size (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
69 | QQPSUO | iSeries: Number of PSEUDO OPENs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
70 | QQPTFN | iSeries: Physical File (Dtabhase Monitor) | QQTFN | CHAR |
71 | QQPTLN | iSeries: System Name of Base Library (Database Monitor) | QQTLN | CHAR |
72 | QQPTMN | iSeries: Physical Member (Database Monitor) | QQTMN | CHAR |
73 | QQQDTL | Nested level of subselect | QQQDTL | INT4 |
74 | QQQDTN | Subselect number | QQQDTN | INT4 |
75 | QQQRYCNT | iSeries: Number of Different Statements (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
76 | QQRBKCNT | iSeries: Number of Executed ROLLBACKs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
77 | QQRCDS | Record selection | QQYN | CHAR |
78 | QQRCOD | Reason code | QQRCOD | CHAR |
79 | QQRCODAPR | Reason code | QQRCOD | CHAR |
80 | QQRCODIDC | iSeries: Reason Code (Database Monitor) | QQRCOD | CHAR |
81 | QQRCODIDU | iSeries: Reason Code for Used Index (Database Monitor) | QQRCOD | CHAR |
82 | QQRCODSRT | iSeries: Reason Code (Database Monitor) | QQRCOD | CHAR |
83 | QQRCODTMF | iSeries: Reason Code for Temp. Table (Database Monitor) | QQRCOD | CHAR |
84 | QQRCODTSC | iSeries: Reason Code for Table Scan (Database Monitor) | QQRCOD | CHAR |
85 | QQRDBN | Relational database name | QQRDBN | CHAR |
86 | QQREST | Estimated number of rows selected | QQROWS | INT4 |
87 | QQRID | Record ID | QQRID | INT4 |
88 | QQRIDX | Number of entries in index | QQROWS | INT4 |
89 | QQRKART | Control Chart Type | QQRKART | CHAR |
90 | QQRKCPC | Process Capability Index (cp) | QSTATWERTC | CHAR |
91 | QQRKCPKC | Process Capability Index (cpk) | QSTATWERTC | CHAR |
92 | QQRKDTOL | Display Specification Limits in Control Chart Track | QQRKDTOL | CHAR |
93 | QQRKFPAR | Statistical Parameter in a Control Chart | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
94 | QQRKFPAR1C | Parameter 1 for Control Charts | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
95 | QQRKFPAR2C | Parameter 2 for Control Charts | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
96 | QQRKFPAR3C | Parameter 3 for Control Charts | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
97 | QQRKFPAR4C | Parameter 4 for Control Charts | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
98 | QQRKIPAR | Statistical Parameter in a Control Chart | QANZAHL4 | INT4 |
99 | QQRKIPAR1 | Statistical Parameter in a Control Chart | QANZAHL4 | INT4 |
100 | QQRKIPAR2 | Statistical Parameter in a Control Chart | QANZAHL4 | INT4 |
101 | QQRKKZRAS0 | Control Chart Assignment in Each Inspection Lot | QRADIO | CHAR |
102 | QQRKKZRAS1 | Control Chart Assignment for Each Inspection Point | QRADIO | CHAR |
103 | QQRKKZRAST | Control Chart Assignment for Each Inspection Point | QKZ | CHAR |
104 | QQRKMIL | Center Line of a Control Chart | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
105 | QQRKMILC | Center Line of a Control Chart | QSTATWERTC | CHAR |
106 | QQRKNR | Control Chart Number | QQRKNR | NUMC |
107 | QQRKOBJECT | Description of an Object in a Control chart | TEXT20 | CHAR |
108 | QQRKOEG | Upper Action Limit of a Control Chart | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
109 | QQRKOEGC | Upper Action Limit of a Control Chart | QSTATWERTC | CHAR |
110 | QQRKOWG | Upper Warning Limit of a Control Chart | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
111 | QQRKOWGC | Upper Warning Limit of a Control Chart | QSTATWERTC | CHAR |
112 | QQRKPC | Average Fraction of Nonconforming Units | QSTATWERTC | CHAR |
113 | QQRKPINTVL | Interval Length in Control Chart | QQRKPINTVL | INT1 |
114 | QQRKRGMAE | Control Limits Can Be Changed Manually | QKZ | CHAR |
115 | QQRKRGMAN | Control Limits Changed Manually | QQRKRGMAN | CHAR |
116 | QQRKSPUR | Control Chart Track | QQRKSPUR | NUMC |
117 | QQRKSTATUS | Control Chart Status | QQRKSTATUS | NUMC |
118 | QQRKUEG | Lower Action Limit of a Control Chart | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
119 | QQRKUEGC | Lower Action Limit of a Control Chart | QSTATWERTC | CHAR |
120 | QQRKUWG | Lower Warning Limit of a Control Chart | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
121 | QQRKUWGC | Lower Warning Limit of a Control Chart | QSTATWERTC | CHAR |
122 | QQRRN | iSeries: Relative Record Number (Database Monitor) | INT4 | INT4 |
123 | QQRROW | iSeries: Result Rows (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
124 | QQRSS | iSeries: No. of Rows Selected or Sorted (Database Monitor) | QQROWS | INT4 |
125 | QQSCGT | QM: Q-score must be greater for posting | NUM3 | NUMC |
126 | QQSELCNT | iSeries: Number of Executed SELECTs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
127 | QQSNAM | iSeries: Statement Name (Database Monitor) | QQC18 | CHAR |
128 | QQSPLF | iSeries: Name of a Spool File | QCHAR10 | CHAR |
129 | QQSPLFNO | iSeries: Number of a Spool File | QCHAR6 | CHAR |
130 | QQSPLFSTS | iSeries: Status of a Spool File | QCHAR10 | CHAR |
131 | QQSRTCNT | iSeries: Number of Sorts (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
132 | QQSRTTOTR | iSeries: Total Rows Sorted (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
133 | QQSRTTTIME | iSeries: Total Time Used by Sorts (Database Monitor) | DEC | |
134 | QQSSIZ | iSeries: Sort Size (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
135 | QQSSP | No Manual Inventory Posting for QM-Relevant Material | QKZ | CHAR |
136 | QQSSYSDAT | Validity date of certification | QQSSYSDAT | DATS |
137 | QQSTATUS | iSeries: Job Status | CHAR4 | CHAR |
138 | QQSTF | iSeries: Statement Function (Database Monitor) | QQSTF | CHAR |
139 | QQSTGUSE | iSeries: Storage Used for Memory Based Database Monitor | INT4 | INT4 |
140 | QQSTIM | Start timestamp | QQTIME | CHAR |
141 | QQSTN | Statement number (unique) | QQSTN | INT4 |
142 | QQSTOP | iSeries: Statement Operation (Database Monitor) | QQC21 | CHAR |
143 | QQSTTX | iSeries: Statement Text (Database Monitor) | QQLCHR | LCHR |
144 | QQSUBQ | Subquery | QQYN | CHAR |
145 | QQSUMCNT | iSeries: Number of Executed SQL Statements | QQDEC150 | DEC |
146 | QQSV | Document Is Used as Quality Assurance Agreement | QKZ | CHAR |
147 | QQSVVORH | Quality Assurance Agreement Exists | QKZ | CHAR |
148 | QQSYS | System name | QQSYS | CHAR |
149 | QQTDBTIME | iSeries: Total Database Processing Time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
150 | QQTFN | File name | QQTFN | CHAR |
151 | QQTIM | QQTIMx: Timestamp, currently not used | QQTIME | CHAR |
152 | QQTIME | iSeries: Record Creation Timestamp (Database Monitor) | QQTIME | CHAR |
153 | QQTLN | iSeries: System Name of Library (Database Monitor) | QQTLN | CHAR |
154 | QQTMFCNT | iSeries: Number of Temporary Files Created | QQDEC150 | DEC |
155 | QQTMFTTIME | iSeries: Total Time Used by Temp. File Creates | DEC | |
156 | QQTMN | Member name | QQTMN | CHAR |
157 | QQTMPR | Number of rows in temporary file | QQROWS | INT4 |
158 | QQTOTAVGT | iSeries: Overall Average Execution Time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
159 | QQTOTR | Total rows in table | QQROWS | INT4 |
160 | QQTOUT | iSeries: Timeout (Database Monitor) | QQC11 | CHAR |
161 | QQTSCCNT | iSeries: Number of Table Scans | QQDEC150 | DEC |
162 | QQTSCTOTR | iSeries: Total Rows Read by Table Scans | QQDEC150 | DEC |
163 | QQTSCTTIME | iSeries: Total Time Used by Table Scans | DEC | |
164 | QQTTIM | iSeries: Time for Index Create (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
165 | QQTTIM_SRT | iSeries: Sort Time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
166 | QQTTIM_TF | iSeries: Create Time of Temporary Table (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
167 | QQTY_ILOTS_ACC | Cumulated quantity of accepted inspection lots | QMENGEPLOS | QUAN |
168 | QQTY_ILOTS_REJ | Cumulated quantity of rejected inspection lots | QMENGEPLOS | QUAN |
169 | QQTY_ILOTS_SKIP | Skip quantity | QMENGEPLOS | QUAN |
170 | QQUDEF | User-defined field | QQUDEF | CHAR |
171 | QQUNIN | UNION clause specified | QQYN | CHAR |
172 | QQUNUM | Number of Reference Quota Arrangement | QUNUM | CHAR |
173 | QQUPDCNT | iSeries: Number of Executed UPDATEs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
174 | QQUSER | iSeries: Job User (Database Monitor) | QQUSER | CHAR |
175 | QQVREQ | Quality Assurance Agreement Is Required | QKZ | CHAR |
176 | QRASTEH_BI | Grid unit of measure (batch input) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
177 | QRASTER | Inspection Frequency (Only for Inspection with Insp. Points) | QRASTER | NUMC |
178 | QRASTEREH | Grid Unit of Measure | MEINS | UNIT |
179 | QRASTERMNG | Quantity for Grid Point Definition | QPROBEFAK | DEC |
180 | QRASTMENG | Quantity Between Two Inspections | MENG13 | QUAN |
181 | QRASTMENG_ | Quantity Between Two Inspections | CHAR17 | CHAR |
182 | QRASTZEHT | Time Unit | MEINS | UNIT |
183 | QRASTZEHT_ | Time Unit for Inspection Points (Batch Input) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
184 | QRASTZFAK | Time Factor | QPROBEFAK | DEC |
185 | QRASTZFAK_ | Time Factor for Inspection Points (Batch Input) | CHAR6 | CHAR |
186 | QRBNREQUI | Copy Catalog Profile from Equipment | QKZ | CHAR |
187 | QRBNRMATNR | Copy Catalog Profile from Material Master | QKZ | CHAR |
188 | QRBNRQMART | Copy Catalog Profile from Quality Notification Type | QKZ | CHAR |
189 | QRBNRTCHPL | Copy Catalog Profile from Functional Location | QKZ | CHAR |
190 | QRDKLASPLA | Marginal Classes up to the Plausibility Limits | QKZ | CHAR |
191 | QREADONLY | Field Ready for Input | TEXT10 | CHAR |
192 | QREDSTUFE | New Inspection Stage if OK | QPRSTUFE | NUMC |
193 | QREFAKTIV | Activate Dynamic Modification Level Reference | QKZ | CHAR |
194 | QREFERAMK | Values Are Referenced in the Specification | QKZ | CHAR |
195 | QREFFLD | Reference Field | QREFFLD | CHAR |
196 | QREFMERK | Master Inspection Characteristic to be Used As Copy Model | QMERKNR | CHAR |
197 | QREFMETH | Inspection Method Used As a Copy Model | QPMETHODE | CHAR |
198 | QREFOBJ | Reference to Object for Multiple Specification | NUMC | |
199 | QREFWERK | Plant | WERKS | CHAR |
200 | QREOHANDLE | Control Program for Archiving | TABIX | INT4 |
201 | QREPAUF | Repair Order | VBELN | CHAR |
202 | QREPORT_NO | Evaluation Number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
203 | QREP_COUNT | Maximum No. of Evaluations per Call | NUMC4 | NUMC |
204 | QREQUIRED | Required Entry | QKZ | CHAR |
205 | QRESARCH | Retention Period for Transaction Data in Quality Inspection | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
206 | QRESDAT | Reset Date of Quality Level | DATUM | DATS |
207 | QRESDETEE | Retention Period for QM Transaction Data on Level 4 | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
208 | QRESET | iSeries: Flag to indicate reset in ST04 | QQCHAR1 | CHAR |
209 | QRESNO_C | Result Number (Characteristic) | NUMC8 | NUMC |
210 | QRESPERRE | Block Invoice | QKZ | CHAR |
211 | QRESPROBEN | Retention Period for QM Transaction Data on Level 3 | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
212 | QRESQALS | Retention Period for QM Transaction Data on Level 1 | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
213 | QRESQDQL | Expiry Period of Q-Level in Days | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
214 | QRESQDQLCH | Expiry Date of Quality Level (with Batch) in Days | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
215 | QRESQMTB | Retention Period for Archiving Inspection Methods | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
216 | QRESQPMK | Retention Period for Archiving Master Insp. Characs | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
217 | QRESQPRS | Residence Time of Physical Samples in Days | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
218 | QREST | iSeries: Estimated No. of Selected Rows (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
219 | QRESTEXT | Results Text | TEXT80 | CHAR |
220 | QRESTIMEQL | Reset Time Period for Quality Level in Days | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
221 | QRESVALUAT | Valuation A/R | CHAR1 | CHAR |
222 | QRESVOMK | Retention Period for QM Transaction Data in Level 2 | QRESIDENZ | NUMC |
223 | QRES_ATTR | Results Record Attribute | QATTRIBUT | CHAR |
224 | QRES_CODE | Code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
225 | QRES_INVAL | Invalid Result | CHAR1 | CHAR |
226 | QRES_NO | Result Number (Physical Sample) | NUMC8 | NUMC |
227 | QRES_ORG | Data Origin | QERGDATH | CHAR |
228 | QRES_ORG_T | Text for Data Origin | TEXT40 | CHAR |
229 | QRES_REMAR | Inspection Description for Single Value | TEXT40 | CHAR |
230 | QRES_TEXT | Text for Code | TEXT80 | CHAR |
231 | QRES_VAL | Numerical Evaluation Result | QIFLTP | CHAR |
232 | QRES_VALUE | Measured Value | QIFLTP | CHAR |
233 | QREVLV | Not Used at the Moment | REVLV | CHAR |
234 | QRFCCHAR | RFC Transfer Protocol with qRFC Version | QRFCCHAR | CHAR |
235 | QRFCSTATE | Transactional tRFC queue status | QRFCSTATE | CHAR |
236 | QRFCTID | Transaction ID | RFCCHAR24 | CHAR |
237 | QRFCVERS | qRFC Version for NetWeaver | QRFCVERS | INT1 |
238 | QRFC_CFG_ARG | Argument for a qRFC configuration entry | CHAR | |
239 | QRFC_CFG_NAME | Name of a qRFC configuration entry | CHAR | |
240 | QRFC_DEST | RFC Destination | TEXT32 | CHAR |
241 | QRFC_QUEUE_NAME | Queue Name for Background RFC | QRFC_QUEUE_NAME | CHAR |
242 | QRFC_QUEUE_STATE | State of Background Queue | INT4 | |
243 | QRFPN | Reference personnel number | PERNR | NUMC |
244 | QRIDX | iSeries: Number of Entries in Created Index | QQDEC150 | DEC |
245 | QRKANZE | Display Control Charts | QKZ | CHAR |
246 | QRKXGROUP | Reference Axis of a Control Chart | QQRKXGROUP | CHAR |
247 | QRMDE | Influence of QM Results Recording on Confirmation | QRMDE | CHAR |
248 | QROWCOUNT | Number of Lines | INT4 | INT4 |
249 | QRPROFIL | Confirmation Profile | QRPROFIL | CHAR |
250 | QRP_ACCASSOBJ | Account Assignment Object (UID) | SYSUUID | RAW |
251 | QRP_ACTUAL_SCRAP_QTY | Actual Scrap Quantity Based on Components | MENG13V | QUAN |
252 | QRP_ORDERID | Key (UID) for an Order in APO | SYSUUID_22 | CHAR |
253 | QRP_PLANNED_SCRAP_QTY | Planned Scrap Quantity Based On Components | MENG13V | QUAN |
254 | QRP_TARGET_QTY | Target Quantity Based on Components | MENG13V | QUAN |
255 | QRP_TYP_POST_MODE | Call Mode for APO Reporting Point Posting | QRP_POST_MODE | CHAR |
256 | QRP_VAR_QTY | Variance Quantity Based On Components | MENG13V | QUAN |
257 | QRP_WIP_CREDIT | WIP Credit | MENG13V | QUAN |
258 | QRP_WIP_QTY | Work-in-Process Quantity Based On Components | MENG13V | QUAN |
259 | QRSCHLMK | Sequence Key of the Master Inspection Characteristic | CIM_RSCHL | CHAR |
260 | QRSDAT | Date when the Ordered Quantity Was Reset | QFREIDAT | DATS |
261 | QRSS | iSeries: Number of Rows Sorted (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
262 | QRS_HDR_NO | Production Version Number | CHAR12 | CHAR |
263 | QRT | Calendar quarter of observation period | CHAR1 | CHAR |
264 | QRUECKNR | Confirmation Number for Inspection Characteristic | QRUECKNR | NUMC |
265 | QRUECKNRVE | Use Confirmation Number | QKZ | CHAR |
266 | QRUECKWEIS | Reject Characteristic (Partial Sample) | QKZ | CHAR |
267 | QRUECKWEZ | Rejection Number | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
268 | QRUECKWEZP | Rejection Number | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
269 | QRUECKWEZP2 | Rejection Number for the 2nd Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
270 | QRUECKWEZP3 | Rejection Number for the 3rd Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
271 | QRUECKWEZP4 | Rejection Number for the 4th Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
272 | QRUECKWEZP5 | Rejection Number for the 5th Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
273 | QRUECKWEZP6 | Rejection Number for the 6th Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
274 | QRUECKWEZP7 | Rejection Number for the 7th Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
275 | QRUECKWEZ_INT4 | Rejection Number | INT4 | INT4 |
276 | QRUECKWZP2 | Rejection Number for the 2nd Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
277 | QRUECKWZP3 | Rejection Number for the 3rd Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
278 | QRUECKWZP4 | Rejection Number for the 4th Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
279 | QRUECKWZP5 | Rejection Number for the 5th Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
280 | QRUECKWZP6 | Rejection Number for the 6th Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
281 | QRUECKWZP7 | Rejection Number for the 7th Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
282 | QRWQUOTE | Rejection Rate (Total Number/Share of Rejections) | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
283 | QRWQUOTEMG | Rejection Rate (Rejected Quantity/Total Quantity) | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
284 | QRZWAN1 | Optional Characteristic | QRADIO | CHAR |
285 | QRZWAN2 | Conditional Characteristic After Acceptance | QRADIO | CHAR |
286 | QRZWAN3 | Conditional Characteristic After Rejection | QRADIO | CHAR |
287 | QRZWAN4 | Required Characteristic | QRADIO | CHAR |
288 | QRZWANG | Characteristic Category | QRZWANG | CHAR |
289 | QSACHVERH | Problem Details | CHAR1 | CHAR |
290 | QSAMPLERES | Sample Results | QKZ | CHAR |
291 | QSAMPLE_LAST_VALID | Last Inspected Sample Is Valid | QKZ | CHAR |
292 | QSAMPLE_NO | Physical Sample Number | NUMC8 | NUMC |
293 | QSATR | Reduced Withholding Tax Rate for Exemption | PRZ22 | DEC |
294 | QSATS | German Reunification Tax for the Withholding Tax | PRZ22 | DEC |
295 | QSATZ | Withholding Tax Rate | PRZ22 | DEC |
296 | QSATZ_KK | Additional Withholding Tax Rate | QSATZ_KK | DEC |
297 | QSAVLASTVA | Automatic Save on Confirmation of Last Value | QKZ | CHAR |
298 | QSBEI_KK | Total Withholding Tax Amount That We Retain | WRTV7 | CURR |
299 | QSBEZ | Description of Withholding Tax Code | TEXT40 | CHAR |
300 | QSBFR_KK | Withholding Tax Amount Retained By Partner | WRTV7 | CURR |
301 | QSBGR | Authority for Exemption from Withholding Tax | QSBGR | CHAR |
302 | QSBT1 | Withholding tax amount | DEC5 | DEC |
303 | QSBTR | Withholding tax amount | WERT5 | CURR |
304 | QSCENARIO | Key for a Scenario | QSCENARIO | CHAR |
306 | QSCENARIOKX | Short Description of Notification Scenario | TEXT40 | CHAR |
307 | QSCHLQUOTE | Defective Quantity Rate (Defective Qty/Sample Qty) | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
308 | QSCHTEXT | Text Field: Inspection Severity | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
309 | QSCOD | Official Withholding Tax Code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
310 | QSDATHER | Data Origin for Table QSTRE | QSDATHER | CHAR |
311 | QSDEVANT | Standard Deviation of Share of Nonconforming Units | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
312 | QSDEVDLZT | Standard Deviation of Lead Time | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
313 | QSDEVQKZ | Standard Deviation of Quality Score | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
314 | QSEL | Radio button for qualifications requirements | KREUZ | CHAR |
315 | QSELAKTIV | Selection Criteria Active | QKZ | CHAR |
316 | QSELDAT | Key Date for Selecting the Planned Changes | DATUM | DATS |
317 | QSELEINST | Characteristic Type for Control Key | QKZEINSTMK | CHAR |
318 | QSELEKT | Selection Indicator | QKZ | CHAR |
319 | QSELEZEIT | Selection Period for Inspection Lot Processing in Days | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
320 | QSELLIMIT | Selection Limit for the Selected Entries | QSELLIMIT | INT2 |
321 | QSELLOTBYEQUI | Inspection Lot Selection Using Equipment | QKZ | CHAR |
322 | QSELLOTBYFUNC | Inspection Lot Selection Using Functional Locations | QKZ | CHAR |
323 | QSEL_SET | Selected Set | CHAR8 | CHAR |
324 | QSEL_SET_P | Plant for Selected Set | CHAR4 | CHAR |
325 | QSENDEFLAG | Characteristic Result Confirmation from Control Station | QSENDEFLAG | CHAR |
326 | QSEPARATOR | Separator for Single Values | CHAR1 | CHAR |
327 | QSERIALNR | Single-Unit Number for the Unit to Be Inspected | QSERIALNR | CHAR |
328 | QSERIALNRVER | Use Single Unit Number | QKZ | CHAR |
329 | QSERNPINST | Record PM Serial Numbers | QKZ | CHAR |
330 | QSERNRKZ | Change History with Serial Number | QKZ | CHAR |
331 | QSERNROFF | No Serial Numbers Active | QKZ | CHAR |
332 | QSERRUECK | Results Confirmation Exists for Unit to Be Inspected | QKZ | CHAR |
333 | QSETNR | Default set for evaluations | SETID | CHAR |
334 | QSFBH | Amount Exempt from Withholding Tax (in Local Currency) | WERT7 | CURR |
335 | QSFBT | Withholding Tax-Exempt Amount (in Document Currency) | WERT7 | CURR |
336 | QSFBT_BI | Withholding Tax-Exempt Amount (in Doc.Curr.) (Batch Input) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
337 | QSFBT_KQST | Tax-Exempt Amount for Calculation of Withholding Tax | WERTV7 | CURR |
338 | QSFBT_O | Obsolete: amount exempt of withholding tax: do NOT use | WERT7 | CURR |
339 | QSFBT_VZ | Amount Free of Withhld.Tax (in Doc.Curr.) with +/- Sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
340 | QSFBT_X8 | Withholding Tax Exempt Amount in Document Currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
341 | QSIAUSPRG | Characteristic Overview for Characteristic Attributes | QKZ | CHAR |
342 | QSIEINFELD | Characteristic Overview (Summarized) | QKZ | CHAR |
343 | QSIEINFELDPLUS | Characteristic Overview (Summarized Plus) | QKZ | CHAR |
344 | QSIFEHLEH | Characteristic Overview for Nonconforming Units | QKZ | CHAR |
345 | QSIFEHLER | Characteristic Overview of Defect Numbers | QKZ | CHAR |
346 | QSIGMA | Standard Deviation for Measured Values | QSIGMA | FLTP |
347 | QSIGMAIN | Internal Dispersion | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
348 | QSIGMAMIT | Mean Dispersion | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
349 | QSIGMAMQ | Mean Quadratic Dispersion | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
350 | QSINGLERES | Single Results | QKZ | CHAR |
351 | QSINPROC | Call for Each Selection | QKZ | CHAR |
352 | QSIOCX | OCX Characteristic Overview | QKZ | CHAR |
353 | QSIPRUEFL | Characteristic Overview of Unit to Be Inspected | QKZ | CHAR |
354 | QSISUMPLUS | Characteristic Overview (Summarized Plus) | QKZ | CHAR |
355 | QSIUEBERB | Characteristic Overview | QKZ | CHAR |
356 | QSIVARIAB | Characteristic Overview of Confirmation of Measured Values | QKZ | CHAR |
357 | QSKIPOVERV | Skip Characteristic Overview Screen | QKZ | CHAR |
358 | QSKIPQTMG | Skipped Quantity (Skip Quantity/Total Quantity) | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
359 | QSKIPQUOTE | Skip Rate (Number of Skips/Total Number) | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
360 | QSKIP_TIME | Waiting Time (Minutes) Since Insp. Lot Creation for Skip Lot | NUMC4 | NUMC |
361 | QSKIP_WL | Skip Worklist | QKZ | CHAR |
362 | QSKOA_KK | Withholding Tax Account For Outgoing Payment | SAKNR | CHAR |
363 | QSKOE_KK | Withholding Tax Account For Incoming Payment | SAKNR | CHAR |
364 | QSKOV_KK | G/L Account For Statistical Withholding Tax Item | SAKNR | CHAR |
365 | QSKZDPC | Donations/Pyts on Act (Donativos/Pagos) fr Wth.Tx Rep | CHAR01 | CHAR |
366 | QSLVT12 | Balance carried forward quantity | MENGV12 | QUAN |
367 | QSLWBEZ | Identification for the Inspection Point Field Combination | QSLWBEZ | CHAR |
368 | QSLXX12 | Quantity in a period | MENGV12 | QUAN |
369 | QSMBT | Minimum amounts for 1099 reporting | WERT7 | CURR |
370 | QSMGANDMAT | Cumulated Quantity that Was Posted to Another Material | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
371 | QSMGANGENS | Accumulated Quantity of Accepted Inspection Lots (with Skip) | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
372 | QSMGDIFF | Accumulated Qty Difference Between Target Qty and Actual Qty | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
373 | QSMGDIFFPR | Accumulated Quantity Difference of Sample Quantity in Lot | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
374 | QSMGFREIBE | Accumulated Qty that Was Posted to Unrestricted-Use Stock | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
375 | QSMGGEPRFT | Cumulated Sample Quantity | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
376 | QSMGGPRFTI | Cumulated Sample Quantity (Actual) | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
377 | QSMGGUT | Cumulated Inspected and Accepted Quantity | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
378 | QSMGMINUS | Cumulated Quantity Posted as an Underdelivery | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
379 | QSMGPLUS | Cumulated Quantity Posted as an Overdelivery | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
380 | QSMGRLIEF | Cumulated Quantity Posted Back to the Vendor | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
381 | QSMGRUECK | Cumulated Quantity of Rejected Inspection Lots | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
382 | QSMGRUECKL | Cumulated Quantity Posted to Reserves | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
383 | QSMGSCHL | Cumulated Inspected and Defective Quantity | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
384 | QSMGSCHRTT | Cumulated Quantity Posted to Scrap | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
385 | QSMGSELECT | Cumulated Quantity of Summarized Inspection Lots | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
386 | QSMGSKIP | Cumulated Quantity of Skipped Inspection Lots | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
387 | QSMGSPERR | Cumulated Quantity Posted to Blocked Stock | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
388 | QSMGSTPR | Cumulated Quantity Posted to Sample | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
389 | QSMGZERSTR | Cumulated Quantity Destroyed During Inspection | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
390 | QSMGZUBUCH | Accumulated Quantity Still To Be Posted | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
391 | QSMMGEIG | Total Defective Quantity (Internal) | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
392 | QSMMGFRD | Total Defective Quantity (External) | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
393 | QSMMNG | Quantity | MENGE | QUAN |
394 | QSMNUM | Sort number for task | NUMC04 | NUMC |
395 | QSMPL_ATTR | Physical Sample Attribute | QATTRIBUT | CHAR |
396 | QSMPL_INVA | Invalid Physical Sample | CHAR1 | CHAR |
397 | QSMPL_REMR | Inspection Description for Sample | TEXT40 | CHAR |
398 | QSMPL_SIZE | Sample Size n | CHAR10 | CHAR |
399 | QSMRGMNG | Total Quantity Returned | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
400 | QSMRKMNG | Total Complaint Quantity | QKUMMENGE | QUAN |
401 | QSMSTTXT | Task Status | TEXT40 | CHAR |
402 | QSOLLWERTC | Target Value for a Quantitative Characteristic | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
403 | QSOLLWERTE | Target Value for a Quantitative Characteristic | QSOLLWERTE | FLTP |
404 | QSORTFELD | Search Field | CHAR40 | CHAR |
405 | QSORTINKR | Sort Number Increment | NUMC4 | NUMC |
406 | QSORTNR | Sort Number | NUMC4 | NUMC |
407 | QSOSTPANZ | Number of Planned Partial Samples | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
408 | QSPANNWEI | Range of Valid Measured Values | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
409 | QSPANNWEIC | Range of Valid Measured Values | QSTATWERTC | CHAR |
410 | QSPCKRIT | SPC Criterion | QSPCKRIT | CHAR |
411 | QSPCMK | SPC Characteristic | QKZ | CHAR |
412 | QSPC_ALT1 | Retain SPC Criterion | QKZ | CHAR |
413 | QSPC_ALT2 | Supplement SPC Criterion | QKZ | CHAR |
414 | QSPC_ALT3 | Change SPC Criterion | QKZ | CHAR |
416 | QSPERRFKT | Function That Will Be Blocked | QSPERRFKT | CHAR |
417 | QSPERRGR | Blocking reason | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
418 | QSPERRLEV | QM: Block Level for Block Code | QSPERRLEV | CHAR |
419 | QSPEZUEBER | Inspect with Material Specification | QKZ | CHAR |
420 | QSPINAKT | Block Is Inactive | QKZ | CHAR |
421 | QSPRASARG | Starting Language for the Displayed List | SPRAS | LANG |
422 | QSPRAZEIGE | Possible Languages | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
423 | QSPRED | Distribution key for quantities | SPRED | CHAR |
424 | QSPRN | Fee for Withholding Tax | NUM5 | NUMC |
425 | QSPRO | Withholding Tax Percentage | DEC3_2 | DEC |
426 | QSPROZ | Inspection Percentage | DEC3 | DEC |
427 | QSPTP_KK | Line Item Category From Withholding Tax View | QSPTP_KK | CHAR |
428 | QSRCBTCH | First Batch in Source Inspection Lot: GR Control | QSRCBTCH | CHAR |
429 | QSRCGR | GR Control for Rejected Source Inspection Lot | QSRCGR | CHAR |
430 | QSREC | Vendor Recipient Type | QSREC | CHAR |
431 | QSREP | Recipient Code for Recipient Type | QSREP | CHAR |
432 | QSS1VERFKZ | Tqss1 Sampling Procedure Setting | QSS1VERFKZ | CHAR |
433 | QSSBE_KK | Additional Withholding Tax Base Amount | QSSBE_KK | CHAR |
434 | QSSBW | Inspection by quality assurance | QSSBW | CHAR |
435 | QSSEW_KK | Withholding Tax Supplement | QSSEW_KK | CHAR |
436 | QSSH2 | Withholding Tax Base Amount in Second Local Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
437 | QSSH3 | Withholding Tax Base Amount in Third Local Currency | WERT7 | CURR |
438 | QSSHB | Withholding Tax Base Amount | WERT7 | CURR |
439 | QSSHB8_KK | Tax Base Amount | WRTV8 | CURR |
440 | QSSHB_BI | Withholding Tax Base Amount (Batch Input Field) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
441 | QSSHB_B_KK | Base Amount For Withholding Tax With +/- Sign (Batch Input) | CHAR16 | CHAR |
442 | QSSHB_KK | Tax Base Amount | WRTV7 | CURR |
443 | QSSHB_KQST | Withholding Tax Base Amount | WERTV7 | CURR |
444 | QSSHB_O | Old: Withholding tax base amount: do NOT use | WERT7 | CURR |
445 | QSSHB_VZ | Withholding Tax Base Amount with +/- Sign | WRTV7 | CURR |
446 | QSSHB_X8 | Withholding Tax Base Amount in Document Currency | WRTV8 | CURR |
447 | QSSHH | Withholding Tax Base Amount (Local Currency) | WERT7 | CURR |
448 | QSSHK | Inspection Lot Origin | QHERK | CHAR |
449 | QSSHK_H | Origin of inspection lot (credit) | QHERK | CHAR |
450 | QSSHK_S | Origin of inspection lot (debit) | QHERK | CHAR |
451 | QSSKZ | Withholding Tax Code | QSSKZ | CHAR |
452 | QSSKZ_A_KK | Witholding Tax Code For Outgoing Payments | QSSKZ | CHAR |
453 | QSSKZ_E_KK | Withholding Tax Code For Incoming Payments | QSSKZ | CHAR |
454 | QSSKZ_O | Obsolete: Withholding tax indicator: do NOT use | QSSKZ | CHAR |
455 | QSSKZ_S_KK | Withholding Tax Code from Contract Account | QSSKZ | CHAR |
456 | QSSKZ_V_KK | Differing Witholding Tax Code for Transaction | QSSKZ | CHAR |
457 | QSSPUR | Control Key for Quality Management in Procurement | QSSPUR | CHAR |
458 | QSSTAT | Status of QINF Status Profile | J_ESTAT | CHAR |
459 | QSSTA_KK | Withholding Tax Processing Status | QSSTA_KK | CHAR |
460 | QSSYS | Target QM System for Vendor | QSSYS | CHAR |
461 | QSSYSBEW | Valuation of Vendor QM System | QSSYSBEW | NUMC |
462 | QSSYSFAM | Actual QM System of Vendor | QSSYSFAM | CHAR |
463 | QSSYSZERT | Certified QM System - Skip | QKZ | CHAR |
464 | QSSYS_IST | Vendor's QM system | QSSYSFAM | CHAR |
465 | QSSYS_SOLL | Required QM system for vendor | QSSYS | CHAR |
466 | QSTABI | Inspection lot for stability study | QSTABI | CHAR |
467 | QSTABICON | Storage Condition | QSTABICON | CHAR |
468 | QSTABICONTXT | Description of Storage Condition | TEXT120 | CHAR |
469 | QSTABIEINFELD | Field for Summarized Results in the Stability Study | CHAR50 | CHAR |
470 | QSTABILOT | Inspection Lot for Stability Study | QSTABILOT | CHAR |
471 | QSTABIWPAKETE | Stability Study: Other Packages Available | QKZ | CHAR |
472 | QSTARTPROB | Starting Value for the Assignment of Sample Numbers | QPROBENR | NUMC |
473 | QSTARTZEIT | Inspection Start Time | QZEIT | TIMS |
474 | QSTAT0 | Optional Characteristic (Processing Is Optional) | QKZ | CHAR |
475 | QSTAT01 | Inspection Lot is Created Automatically | QKZ | CHAR |
476 | QSTAT1 | Required Characteristic (Processing Required) | QKZ | CHAR |
477 | QSTAT14 | Completion of Short-Term Inspection | QKZ | CHAR |
478 | QSTAT16 | All Inspections Completed | QKZ | CHAR |
479 | QSTAT19 | Documentation Required for Inspection Lot | QKZ | CHAR |
480 | QSTAT2 | Characteristic Is Being Processed | QKZ | CHAR |
481 | QSTAT20 | Inspection Plan Required | QKZ | CHAR |
482 | QSTAT21 | Enter Sample Manually | QKZ | CHAR |
483 | QSTAT27 | Inspection Lot is an R/2 Inspection Lot | QKZ | CHAR |
484 | QSTAT28 | Select Characteristics Manually | QKZ | CHAR |
485 | QSTAT3 | Characteristic Is Valuated | QKZ | CHAR |
486 | QSTAT31 | Trigger Sample Calculation Manually | QKZ | CHAR |
487 | QSTAT34 | Stock Postings Completed | QKZ | CHAR |
488 | QSTAT35 | Usage Decision Has Been Made | QKZ | CHAR |
489 | QSTAT4 | Characteristic Is Skipped | QKZ | CHAR |
490 | QSTAT45 | Material as Dynamic Modification Criterion | QKZ | CHAR |
491 | QSTAT46 | Vendor as Dynamic Modification Criterion | QKZ | CHAR |
492 | QSTAT47 | Manufacturer as Dynamic Modification Criterion | QKZ | CHAR |
493 | QSTAT48 | Customer as Dynamic Modification Criterion | QKZ | CHAR |
494 | QSTAT49 | Machine as Dynamic Modification Criterion | QKZ | CHAR |
495 | QSTAT5 | Characteristic Is Closed | QKZ | CHAR |
496 | QSTAT50 | Project as Dynamic Modification Criterion | QKZ | CHAR |
497 | QSTAT6 | Copy Inspection Characteristic to Subsystem | QKZ | CHAR |
498 | QSTAT7 | Characteristic Is Fixed (Processing Not Possible) | QKZ | CHAR |
499 | QSTAT9 | Characteristic Is Blocked for Evaluations | QKZ | CHAR |
500 | QSTATA | Required Charac. when Controlling Charac. Is Accepted | QKZ | CHAR |