SAP ABAP Data Element - Index Q, page 5
Data Element - Q
# | Data Element | Short Description | Domain | Data Type |
1 | QNAUSWC12 | Number of Outstanding Notifications for Material/Batch | INT4 | |
2 | QNAUSWC2 | Number of Notifications for Material/Batch and Customer | INT4 | |
3 | QNAUSWC21 | No.of Completed Notifications f. Material/Batch and Customer | INT4 | |
4 | QNAUSWC22 | No. of Outstanding Notifications f. Matl/Batch and Customer | INT4 | |
5 | QNAUSWC3 | Number of Notifications for Material/Batch and Vendor | INT4 | |
6 | QNAUSWC31 | No. of Completed Notifications for Material/Batch and Vendor | INT4 | |
7 | QNAUSWC32 | No. of Outstanding Notifications for Matl/Batch and Vendor | INT4 | |
8 | QNAUSWFE1 | Number of Notifications for Defect Type | INT4 | |
9 | QNAUSWFE11 | Number of Completed Notifications for Defect Type | INT4 | |
10 | QNAUSWFE12 | Number of Outstanding Notifications for Defect Type | INT4 | |
11 | QNAUSWFO1 | Number of Notifications for Defect Location | INT4 | |
12 | QNAUSWFO11 | Number of Completed Notifications for Defect Location | INT4 | |
13 | QNAUSWFO12 | Number of Outstanding Notifications for Defect Location | INT4 | |
14 | QNAUSW_ALV1 | Total Number of Notifications | INT4 | |
15 | QNAUSW_ALV11 | Number of Completed Notifications | INT4 | |
16 | QNAUSW_ALV12 | Number of Outstanding Notifications | INT4 | |
17 | QNAUSW_ALVOBJNAME | Reference Object for Existing Notifications | CHAR30K | CHAR |
18 | QNAUSW_ALVOBJTYPE | Reference Object for Existing Notifications (Internal) | INT4 | |
19 | QNBAUCONT | Function Module when Saving | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
20 | QNBAUSTEIN | Function Module Name | FUNCNAME | CHAR |
21 | QNBENUTZ | Field Is No Longer Used | CHAR8 | CHAR |
22 | QNEMAILADR | Internet Address | TEXT132 | CHAR |
23 | QNENNMASS | Nominal Value for Tolerance Key Change | QSOLLWERTE | FLTP |
24 | QNERLEDIGT | Task Has Status "Completed" | QKZ | CHAR |
25 | QNEU_CGRAM | New Code Group | QCGRAUSW | CHAR |
26 | QNEU_CHARG | Batch Number for Material Transfer Posting | CHARG | CHAR |
27 | QNEU_MAT | Transfer Posting to Another Material Number | MATNR | CHAR |
28 | QNEU_METHO | Number of Replacement Inspection Method | QPMETHODE | CHAR |
29 | QNEU_VERSI | Version Number of Replacement Inspection Method | QVERSNR | CHAR |
30 | QNEU_WERK | Plant for Replacement Inspection Method | WERKS | CHAR |
31 | QNEXTCHARA | Goto Next Charac., Partial Sample, Unit to Be Inspected | QKZ | CHAR |
32 | QNEXTOPERA | Goto the Next Operation to Be Inspected | QKZ | CHAR |
33 | QNFECODKZ | Search for Notifications for "Defect Type" Code | QKZ | CHAR |
34 | QNFEGRPKZ | Search for Notifications for "Defect Type" Code Group | QKZ | CHAR |
35 | QNFLAGKM | Usage for Follow-Up Function | QNFLAGKM | CHAR |
36 | QNFLAGMA | Documentation for Follow-Up Function | QNFLAGMA | CHAR |
37 | QNFLAGST | Status of Task Generated | QKZ | CHAR |
38 | QNFOCODKZ | Search for Notifications for "Defect Location" Code | QKZ | CHAR |
39 | QNFOGRPKZ | Search for Notifications for "Defect Location" Code Group | QKZ | CHAR |
40 | QNFREI | Task Has Status "Released" | QKZ | CHAR |
41 | QNFUNKTION | Keys for Function in Action Box | CHAR4 | CHAR |
42 | QNIANTEIL | Not Initialized for Fraction | QNOTINI | CHAR |
43 | QNICON1 | No Outstanding Notifications | SCRPICON_N | CHAR |
44 | QNICON2 | Outstanding Notifications | SCRPICON_N | CHAR |
45 | QNICONA | Function Icon | SCRPICON_N | CHAR |
46 | QNICONQ | Icon with Quick Info on Function | CHAR40 | CHAR |
47 | QNINITIAL | Value Not Initial if Set | QKZ | CHAR |
48 | QNINITIAL01 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
49 | QNINITIAL02 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
50 | QNINITIAL03 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
51 | QNINITIAL04 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
52 | QNINITIAL05 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
53 | QNINITIAL06 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
54 | QNINITIAL07 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
55 | QNINITIAL08 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
56 | QNINITIAL09 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
57 | QNINITIAL10 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
58 | QNINITIAL11 | Value Not Initial If Set | QKZ | CHAR |
59 | QNINITIAL12 | Value Not Initial if Set | QKZ | CHAR |
60 | QNINITIAL13 | Value not initial if set | QKZ | CHAR |
61 | QNINTERNADR | Internal User Address | USERNAME | CHAR |
62 | QNIO_FALL | Text Field 'Not OK' for Dynamic Modification Rule Screen | QTXT10 | CHAR |
63 | QNIPLANMK | Unplanned Characteristic | QKZ | CHAR |
64 | QNKMPR | Field Not Used as of 3.0 Field Reserved for SAP | DATUM | DATS |
65 | QNKSTAT | Decimal Places for Statistical Values, e.g. Indexes | QSTELLEN | INT1 |
66 | QNKSTELLOF | Number of Additional Decimal Places for Statistical Values | QSTELLEN | INT1 |
67 | QNKSTMSGTYP | Message Category if There Are Too Many Decimal Places | QNKSTMSGTYP | CHAR |
68 | QNKUKZ | Search for Notifications for Customer | QKZ | CHAR |
69 | QNKZACTIONBOX | Created Using Action Box | QKZ | CHAR |
70 | QNLIFRE | Alternative Bill Recipient | LIFNR | CHAR |
71 | QNLIKZ | Search for Vendor Notifications | QKZ | CHAR |
72 | QNMASSN | The Function Is Generated as Task | QKZ | CHAR |
73 | QNMATCHKUKZ | Search for Notifications for Material/Batch and Customer | QKZ | CHAR |
74 | QNMATCHKZ | Search for Notifications for Material and Batch | QKZ | CHAR |
75 | QNMATCHLIKZ | Search for Notifications for Material/Batch and Vendor | QKZ | CHAR |
76 | QNMATKUKZ | Search for Notifications for Material/Customer | QKZ | CHAR |
77 | QNMATKZ | Search for Notifications for Material | QKZ | CHAR |
78 | QNMATLIKZ | Search for Notifications for Material/Vendor | QKZ | CHAR |
79 | QNMOD | Display Mode for Notifications | QKZMOD | CHAR |
80 | QNOAUF | Do Not Read Order in Function Module | QKZ | CHAR |
81 | QNOCHARV | Do Not Create Characteristic Versions | CHAR1 | CHAR |
82 | QNOCHG | Batch Data Not Inspected in Function Module | QKZ | CHAR |
83 | QNODETEXT | QM: Node Text for Tree from QE51N (->QETREEINFO) | CHAR | |
84 | QNOERR | No Error Messages in Function Module | QKZ | CHAR |
85 | QNOEXPAUTO | Single Values Are Not Automatically Expanded | QKZ | CHAR |
86 | QNOINPUT | Results Are Calculated Internally | QKZ | CHAR |
87 | QNOINSP | Inspection Control in the QM Info Record | QNOINSP | CHAR |
88 | QNOLZACT | QM: Long-term inspection inactive | QKZ | CHAR |
89 | QNOMATINPT | No Material/Batch Can Be Entered | QKZ | CHAR |
90 | QNONCE | Follow-Up Function Can Only Be Performed Once | QKZ | CHAR |
91 | QNOPLAN | No Task List Selection at Lot Creation | QKZ | CHAR |
92 | QNOSKIP | No Skip Allowed | QKZ | CHAR |
93 | QNOWEABN | No GR Inspection if Source Inspection Lot Exists | QKZ | CHAR |
94 | QNOWRN | No Warnings in Function Module | QKZ | CHAR |
98 | QNO_MAT | Do Not Transfer MATERIAL_DATA | CHAR1 | CHAR |
100 | QNO_RECORDING | No Characteristic Recording | QKZ | CHAR |
101 | QNO_RPT | Do Not Transfer REPORT_HEADER | CHAR1 | CHAR |
104 | QNO_SHD | Do Not Transfer SAMPLE_HEADER | CHAR1 | CHAR |
105 | QNO_STP | Do Not Transfer METHOD_DATA | CHAR1 | CHAR |
106 | QNO_VND | Do Not Transfer VENDOR_DATA | CHAR1 | CHAR |
107 | QNPDAT | Next Inspection Date | DATUM | DATS |
108 | QNPOS | Sort Number Within Action Box | QFELFD | NUMC |
109 | QNPRINTOUT | Printout | QKZ | CHAR |
110 | QNPRINTWOSAVE | Print Notification Shop Papers Without Saving | QKZ | CHAR |
111 | QNQMACTIONBOX | Action Box Display | QKZ | CHAR |
112 | QNQMEINSTIEG | Initial Document | QKZ | CHAR |
113 | QNREF | Indicator: Update Key Figures | QKZ | CHAR |
114 | QNREF_TO_PURCH_DOC | Return Delivery with Reference to Original Purchasing Doc. | QKZ | CHAR |
115 | QNREGELN | Dependent Follow-Up Function | QKZ | CHAR |
116 | QNSENDEMAIL | Send E-Mail | QKZ | CHAR |
117 | QNSENDFAX | Send Fax | QKZ | CHAR |
118 | QNSENDINTERN | Send to Internal User | QKZ | CHAR |
119 | QNSTATUS | Notification Has Status "Completed" | QKZ | CHAR |
120 | QNSTATUSAB | Status: Voice Mail | QKZ | CHAR |
121 | QNSTATUSBES | Status: Busy | QKZ | CHAR |
122 | QNSTATUSER | Status: Reached | QKZ | CHAR |
123 | QNSTATUSNER | Status: Not reached | QKZ | CHAR |
124 | QNSUMDLZT | Total Lead Time of Notifications | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
125 | QNTEL1 | Telephone Number of Person Called | CHAR30 | CHAR |
126 | QNTEL2 | Telephone Number of Caller | CHAR30 | CHAR |
127 | QNTEL3 | Telephone Number | CHAR30 | CHAR |
128 | QNTEXT | Text Length | QNTEXT | CHAR |
129 | QNTEXTF | Function Text | QTXT30 | CHAR |
130 | QNTIN | Indicator: Post quantities | XFELD | CHAR |
131 | QNTYDIV | Denominator for Input Quantity Conversion | UMBSN | DEC |
132 | QNTYFAC | Numerator of Quotient for Unit of Measure Conversion | UMBSZ | DEC |
133 | QNT_13_3 | Quantity - length 13 and decimal 3 | CHAR17 | CHAR |
134 | QNUMLAB | Number of Labels for a Physical Sample | QANZAHL2 | INT2 |
135 | QNVERMERK | Person who Creates Internal Note | NAME | CHAR |
136 | QNVERS | Variants for Determining Existence of Notifications | QKZVERS | CHAR |
137 | QNVORGANG | Business Transaction | J_VORGANG | CHAR |
138 | QNZEIT | Number of Days | NUMC4 | NUMC |
139 | QN_PORTAL_STATUS | PLM: Portal Status Notification/Order (MyNotifs, MyOrders) | QN_PORTAL_STATUS | CHAR |
140 | QN_PRIMARY_STATUS | Primary Status of a Notification | QN_PRIMARY_STATUS | CHAR |
141 | QN_STATUS | Status of a Notification (prepared) | CHAR255 | CHAR |
142 | QOBGRKL_A | Upper Limit of Quality Score Class A | QKENNZAHL | DEC |
143 | QOBGRKL_B | Upper Limit of Quality Score Class B | QKENNZAHL | DEC |
144 | QOBGRKL_C | Upper Limit of Quality Score Class C | QKENNZAHL | DEC |
145 | QOBGRKL_D | Upper Limit of Quality Score Class D | QKENNZAHL | DEC |
146 | QOBGRKL_E | Upper Limit of Quality Score Class E | QKENNZAHL | DEC |
147 | QOBJKEY | Item Key: Defect; Cause, Task... | NUMC08 | NUMC |
148 | QOD_APP_NAME | Application ID | CHAR3 | CHAR |
149 | QOD_APP_TEXT | Application Name | TXT30 | CHAR |
150 | QOD_DEF_STAT | Default Status | QOD_BOOLEAN | CHAR |
151 | QOD_DOCUMENT_SIZE | QM OData: Notification Document Size in DMS | CHAR | |
152 | QOD_FSIZE | File Size | NUMC10 | NUMC |
153 | QOD_MAX_HIT | Maximum Hits for Records | NUMC5 | NUMC |
154 | QOD_STAT_COLOR | Status Color | QOD_COLOR | CHAR |
155 | QOD_STAT_TEXT | Status Text | QOD_STAT_TEXT | CHAR |
156 | QOEXIDV | QM: Highest-Level Handling Unit | EXIDV | CHAR |
157 | QOFFELZMK | Number of Outstanding Long-Term Chars Which Require Conf. | INT2 | INT2 |
158 | QOFFENLZMK | Number of Outstanding Short-Term Chars Which Require Conf. | INT2 | INT2 |
159 | QOFFEN_PKT | Number of Outstanding Inspection Points | NUMC4 | NUMC |
160 | QOFFSETC | Offset for the Scale Conversion of Measured Values | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
161 | QOFFSETF | Offset for the Scale Conversion of Measured Values | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
162 | QOFSETFAKT | Info on Offset, Factor and Presentation of Single Results | TEXT80 | CHAR |
163 | QOKCODE | Function Code | CHAR4 | CHAR |
164 | QOLST | Quota scale | QOLST | CHAR |
165 | QOPER_NO | Operation Number in Task List | CHAR4 | CHAR |
166 | QOPER_SAMPLE_SIZE | Sample Size at Operation Level | QMENGEPLOS | QUAN |
167 | QOPER_TXT | Operation Short Text | TEXT40 | CHAR |
168 | QOPR_FLAG | Operation flag | CHAR | |
169 | QORDER_NO | Order Number | CHAR12 | CHAR |
170 | QORGFE | Number of the Primary Defect | QKZ | CHAR |
171 | QORGTID | Original TID for Inbound Queue | RFCCHAR24 | CHAR |
172 | QORIGINAL_INPUT | Original Value Before Input Processing | CHAR25 | CHAR |
173 | QOTEXT | Object type text for qualifications reqmts in the order | TEXT25 | CHAR |
174 | QOTSWORTPK | Keyword for Part of Object | TEXT15 | CHAR |
175 | QOTYP | Appraising object type | OTYPE | CHAR |
176 | QOTYPE | Object type for qualifications requirements | OTYPE | CHAR |
177 | QOUTPREP | Preparing the Recording Screen | PROGRAMM | CHAR |
178 | QOVERPROC | Process Function for Modif. Index Only on Char. Overview | QKZ | CHAR |
179 | QOVERSTEU | Read Control Indicators Only on Overview Screen | QKZ | CHAR |
180 | QPADETAIL | Details for Inspection Type | SYCHAR40 | CHAR |
181 | QPALOESCH | Delete Inspection Type | SYCHAR40 | CHAR |
182 | QPAMKTXT | Short Text for Selected Set or Code Group | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
183 | QPAMSP | Language Key for Long Text for Selected Set/Code Group | SPRAS | LANG |
184 | QPARA | Control Indicator "Parameter Characteristic" Set/Not Set | QKZ | CHAR |
185 | QPARAM | Evaluation Parameter (System-Dependent) | TEXT40 | CHAR |
186 | QPART | Inspection Type | QPART | CHAR |
187 | QPARTARG | Positioning for the Inspection Type | QPART | CHAR |
188 | QPARTNEU | Assign Inspection Type | QKZ | CHAR |
189 | QPART_LOT | Partial Lot | CHAR6 | CHAR |
190 | QPART_T | Text for Inspection Type | TEXT40 | CHAR |
191 | QPBMESTUCK | Inspection Decription Long Text for Single Value | SYCHAR40 | CHAR |
192 | QPBMKLASSE | Inspection Description Long Text for Class | SYCHAR40 | CHAR |
193 | QPBMMERKMA | Inspection Description Long Text for Insp. Charac. | SYCHAR40 | CHAR |
194 | QPBMPROBE | Insp. Description for Partial Sample | SYCHAR40 | CHAR |
195 | QPCALLOWED | Transfer posting | QKZ | CHAR |
196 | QPCISSUE | Goods issue allowed | QKZ | CHAR |
197 | QPCP_ACTION | Name of a User Action | SYCHAR70 | CHAR |
198 | QPCP_CHANGEDOCUMENT | Indicator: Changes to Documents in Control Plan | QKZ | CHAR |
199 | QPCP_CHECK_ON_DATE | Date of Control Plan Check | DATS | |
200 | QPCP_CHECK_ON_TIME | Time of Control Plan Check | TIMS | |
201 | QPCP_CHECK_RESULT | Result of Control Plan Check | QPCP_CHECK_RESULT | CHAR |
202 | QPCP_CHECK_TIMESTAMP | Time of Results Calculation | BCOS_TSTMP | DEC |
203 | QPCP_CUST_RELEASE_CON_ON | Customer Release Date for Construction | DATUM | DATS |
204 | QPCP_CUST_RELEASE_QM_ON | Customer Quality Release Date | DATUM | DATS |
205 | QPCP_DELETED | Deletion Indicator | QKZ | CHAR |
206 | QPCP_EDIT_MODE | Write Mode for Control Plan | QPCP_EDIT_MODE | CHAR |
207 | QPCP_FMEA_CHAR_ID | Characteristic ID in FMEA | CGPL_EXTID | CHAR |
208 | QPCP_FMEA_GUID | GUID of FMEA in a Control Plan | CGPL_PROJECT_GUID | RAW |
209 | QPCP_GUID | GUID of an Element in Control Plan | QPCP_GUID | RAW |
210 | QPCP_GUID_OLR3 | GUID of a Control Plan | RAW | |
211 | QPCP_IS_ROOT | Object Type is Root in Structure | QKZ | CHAR |
212 | QPCP_ITEM_ID | External ID of Control Plan Item | NUMC8 | NUMC |
213 | QPCP_ITEM_NEEDED | Display Item in Control Plan | QKZ | CHAR |
215 | QPCP_LOAD_REQUEST_REQ | Manual Load Request for Object Type | QKZ | CHAR |
216 | QPCP_MONITOR_DEL_CHAR | Monitor for Existing Characteristics in FMEA and Plan | CHAR40 | CHAR |
217 | QPCP_MONITOR_SUB_CHAR | Monitor for Copying Characteristics | CHAR40 | CHAR |
218 | QPCP_MONITOR_SUB_FMEA | Monitor for Copying Lower-Level FMEAs | CHAR40 | CHAR |
219 | QPCP_OBJ | Data Element for Object | NUMC | |
220 | QPCP_OBJCAT | Object Category | QPCP_OBJCAT | CHAR |
221 | QPCP_OBJTYPE | Data Element for Object Type | NUMC | |
222 | QPCP_PART_NUMBER | Part Number | CHAR24 | CHAR |
223 | QPCP_PLANPHASE | Control Plan Phase | QPCP_PLANPHASE | CHAR |
224 | QPCP_PLANTYPE | Control Plan Type | QPCP_PLANTYPE | CHAR |
225 | QPCP_PLANTYPE_OLR3 | Type of Control Plan | CHAR | |
226 | QPCP_PLAN_ID | External ID of Control Plan | QPCP_PLAN_ID | CHAR |
227 | QPCP_PLAN_ID_OLR3 | External ID of Control Plan | CHAR | |
228 | QPCP_PRINT_RELEVANT | Indicator for Print-Relevant Object | QKZ | CHAR |
229 | QPCP_PROCCAT | Process Category | QPCP_PROCCAT | CHAR |
230 | QPCP_PROCTYPE | Process Type | NUMC | |
231 | QPCP_PROJECT_ID | Project Number | CHAR24 | CHAR |
232 | QPCP_RELEASED_ON_DATE | Release Date for Data Record | DATS | |
233 | QPCP_RELEASED_ON_TIME | Release Time for Data Record | TIMS | |
234 | QPCP_SELECTION_DATE | Date for Master Data Selection for Control Plan | DATUM | DATS |
235 | QPCP_SELFIELD | Data Element for Selection Field | NUMC | |
236 | QPCP_SELRANGE | Counter for Selection Area | NUMC | |
237 | QPCP_SELSUBST | Indicator for Replacement Selection Conditions | QKZ | CHAR |
239 | QPCP_VENDOR_ID | Vendor Number at Customer Location | CHAR10 | CHAR |
240 | QPCRECEIPT | Goods receipt allowed | QKZ | CHAR |
241 | QPCWOSLCH | Transfer Posting Allowed, If No Change to Storage Location | QKZ | CHAR |
242 | QPEKZ | Formula Parameter: Field for Sample Result | QKZ | CHAR |
243 | QPERMIT | Notification Type with Approval Procedure | XFELD | CHAR |
245 | QPHYSPRME | Unit of Measure for Physical Sample Size | MEINS | UNIT |
246 | QPHYSPRNR | Physical Sample Number | QPHYSPRNR | CHAR |
247 | QPHYSPROBE | Number of the Partial Sample | QPROBENR | NUMC |
248 | QPHYSPRUM | Size of the Physical Sample | QMENGEPLOS | QUAN |
249 | QPHYSUMF | Cumulated Physical Sample Quantity | QMENGEPLOS | QUAN |
250 | QPHYS_NR | Physical Sample Number | CHAR12 | CHAR |
251 | QPKTUNGEMK | Unplanned Characteristic Was Created with this Sample No. | QPROBENR | NUMC |
252 | QPLAF | Planned order (manual) to be included in quota arrangement | XFELD | CHAR |
253 | QPLAKT | Copy Characteristics from Current List | QKZ | CHAR |
254 | QPLAN | Task List Already Assigned at Inspection Lot Creation | QKZ | CHAR |
255 | QPLANDAT | Date, for Which the Change Is Planned | DATUM | DATS |
256 | QPLANT | Plant | CHAR4 | CHAR |
257 | QPLANTEXT | Text Field: Sampling Scheme | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
258 | QPLANT_TXT | Plant Description | TEXT30 | CHAR |
259 | QPLAUSIFAK | Factor (%) with Which the Plausibility Limit Is Calculated | QPLAUSIF | DEC |
260 | QPLAUSIOB | Upper Plausibility Limit | QSOLLWERTE | FLTP |
261 | QPLAUSIOBC | Upper Plausibility Limit | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
262 | QPLAUSIUN | Lower Plausibility Limit | QSOLLWERTE | FLTP |
263 | QPLAUSIUNC | Lower Plausibility Limit | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
264 | QPLEXT_COMM_TECHNOLOGY | Communication Technology | QPLEXT_COMM_TEC | CHAR |
265 | QPLGRTYP | Combined Field Task List Type/Task List Group | QPLGRTYP | CHAR |
266 | QPLNALQL | Group Counter | ALTNR | CHAR |
267 | QPLNFEAT | QM: Authorization to Maintain a Plan Characteristic | QKZ | CHAR |
268 | QPLNFLQL | Sequence of Operations Within a Plan | PLNFOLGE | CHAR |
269 | QPLNFL_BIS | Upper Limit of the Node Sequence for the Inspection Plan | PLNFOLGE | CHAR |
270 | QPLNFL_VON | Lower Limit of the Node Sequence for the Inspection Plan | PLNFOLGE | CHAR |
271 | QPLNFOLGE | Sequence of Operations Within a Plan | PLNFOLGE | CHAR |
272 | QPLNKN | QMIS: Task List Node Number | KNTNR | NUMC |
273 | QPLNKNQL | Number of Task List Node | KNTNR | NUMC |
274 | QPLNNRQL | Key for Task List Group | PLNNR | CHAR |
275 | QPLNTYQL | Task List Type | PLNTY | CHAR |
276 | QPLN_VERWE | Task List Usage | PLN_VERWE | CHAR |
277 | QPLOA | Inspection Lot on Which the Usage Decision is Based | QPLOS | NUMC |
278 | QPLON | New Insp.Lot Created by Posting Change (Only in LUBU) | QPLOS | NUMC |
279 | QPLOS | Inspection Lot Number | QPLOS | NUMC |
280 | QPLOSART | Inspection Type | QPLOSART | CHAR |
281 | QPLOSARTXT | Short Text for the Inspection Type | TEXT40 | CHAR |
282 | QPLOSLTXT | Long Text for Inspection Lot | QKZLTXT | CHAR |
283 | QPLOSQINF | Inspection Lot No. in QINF for Current Status | QPLOS | NUMC |
284 | QPLOSQINF2 | Inspection Lot No. in QINF for Next Status | QPLOS | NUMC |
285 | QPLOSQL | Number of the Last Inspection Lot with Usage Decision | NUMC12 | NUMC |
286 | QPLOSQL1 | Number of Last Inspection Lot Without Usage Decision | NUMC12 | NUMC |
287 | QPLOSSTATU | Status of Inspection Lot Record | QPLOSSTATU | CHAR |
288 | QPLOS_CD | Inspection Lot Number | QPLOS | NUMC |
289 | QPLSTICH | Key Date for Changes to the Plan (Characteristics, etc.) | DATUM | DATS |
290 | QPMATLOS | Allowed Share of Scrap | QPMATLOS | FLTP |
291 | QPMERKMALE | Master Inspection Chars Without Reference to Batch Class | QKZ | CHAR |
292 | QPMETHBI | Upper Selection Limit for the Range of Inspection Methods | QPMETHODE | CHAR |
293 | QPMETHODE | Inspection Method | QPMETHODE | CHAR |
294 | QPMETHVO | Lower Selection Limit for the Range of Inspection Methods | QPMETHODE | CHAR |
295 | QPMK_IMPORT_MODUS | Mode for Reference to Master Inspection Characteristic | CHAR1 | CHAR |
296 | QPMOJT | PM Object (Equipment or Functional Location) | CHAR30 | CHAR |
297 | QPMZWANG | Assignment of Test Equipment Required | QKZ | CHAR |
298 | QPORTEXT | Field for Process-Optimized Results Recording | TEXT80 | CHAR |
299 | QPOS | Item | QPOSNR | CHAR |
300 | QPOSITION | Item | CHAR | |
301 | QPOSNR | Position of a method for a char. within a list of methods | QPOSNR | CHAR |
302 | QPOSNR_VL | Delivery Item | POSNR | NUMC |
303 | QPPANZPRUE | Number of Insp. Point Inspections Without Characteristic | QDYNANZ4 | INT4 |
304 | QPPBEWERT | Valuation Status Inspection Point | QPPBEWERT | CHAR |
305 | QPPFERTIG | Inspection Point Status | QPPFERTIG | CHAR |
306 | QPPINAKTIV | Inspection Point Is Inactive | QKZ | CHAR |
307 | QPPKTABS | Flow Variants for Inspection Point Completion | QPPKTABS | CHAR |
308 | QPPKTABS_TXT | Flow variant identifier for the inspection point completion | DDTEXT | CHAR |
309 | QPPKTTYP | Inspection Point Type | QPPKTTYP | CHAR |
310 | QPPKZTLZU | Partial Lot Assignment in an Inspection During Production | QPPKZTLZU | CHAR |
311 | QPPL | Inspection with Task List | QKZ | CHAR |
312 | QPPMEINH | Unit of Measure for the Inspection Point | MEINS | UNIT |
313 | QPPMGE | Inspection Point Yield | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
314 | QPPMGE_A | Rejected Quantity for the Inspection Point | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
315 | QPPMGE_N | Rework Quantity for the Inspection Point | QSOLLWERTC | CHAR |
316 | QPPNR | Inspection Point Number | QPPNR | NUMC |
317 | QPPSORTKEY | Key Field (Sort Field) for Inspection Point | QPPSORT | CHAR |
318 | QPPSTPRVER | Freely-Defined Inspection Points | QSTPRVER | CHAR |
319 | QPPVECODA | Code for Inspection Point Valuation (Accepted) | QCODE | CHAR |
320 | QPPVECODE | Code for Inspection Point Valuation | QCODE | CHAR |
321 | QPPVECODGR | Code Group for Inspection Point Valuation | QCODEGRP | CHAR |
322 | QPPVECODR | Code for Inspection Point Valuation (Rejected) | QCODE | CHAR |
323 | QPPVEMENGE | Selected Set for Inspection Point Valuation | QAUSWAHLMG | CHAR |
324 | QPPVEWERK | Plant of Selected Set for Inspection Point Valuation | WERKS | CHAR |
325 | QPR6NOLI | List Cannot Be Displayed | QKZ | CHAR |
326 | QPR6TEST | Simulate Physical-Sample Creation | QKZ | CHAR |
327 | QPR7NOLI | List Cannot Be Displayed | QKZ | CHAR |
328 | QPRANZ | Number of Physical Samples for Physical-Sample Drawing | QANZAHL1 | INT1 |
329 | QPRANZ1 | Fixed No. of Physical Samples for Primary Sample Stage | QANZAHL1 | INT1 |
330 | QPRANZ2 | Fixed No. of Physical Samples for Pooled Sample Stage | QANZAHL1 | INT1 |
331 | QPRART | Physical-Sample Type | QPRART | CHAR |
332 | QPRB_MAN | Manually Created Sample | QKZ | CHAR |
333 | QPREFIX | Prefix for Report Writer objects in evaluations | CHAR4 | CHAR |
334 | QPRENDE | End Date of the Inspection | DATUM | DATS |
335 | QPRFBESPRA | Long Text Language for Inspection Description | SPRAS | LANG |
336 | QPRFQUOTE | Inspection Rate (Inspected Quantity/Total Quantity) | QSTATWERT | FLTP |
337 | QPRFRQ | Field Not Used as of 3.0 Field Reserved for SAP | QPRFRQ | DEC |
338 | QPRIMPACK | Primary Packaging (Stability Study) | QPRIMPACK | CHAR |
339 | QPRIMPACKTXT | Description of Primary Packaging (Stability Study) | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
340 | QPRIO_PUNKTE | Priority Points | QPLEXT_PRIOP | INT4 |
341 | QPRNV_KZ | Physical Sample No Longer Exists | QKZ | CHAR |
342 | QPROBEANZ | No. of Inspection Points for Characteristic Summarization | NUMC4 | NUMC |
343 | QPROBEFAK | Sample Quantity Factor for Sample(Mult. Sample Unit of Msr.) | QPROBEFAK | DEC |
344 | QPROBEFAKC | Sample Quantity Factor for Sample (Batch Input) | CHAR6 | CHAR |
345 | QPROBEMGEH | Base Unit of Measure for the Sample Unit | MEINS | UNIT |
346 | QPROBEMGEH_EXT | Unit of Measure of External Sample | QPLEXT_PROBEMGEH | UNIT |
347 | QPROBENR | Sample Number | QPROBENR | NUMC |
348 | QPROBENRPP | Sample Number (Based on an Inspection Point) | QPROBENR | NUMC |
349 | QPROBEPL | Partial Sample No. for Inspection Charac. in Task List | QPROBEPL | NUMC |
350 | QPROBEPL_C | Partial Sample for an Insp. Characteristic (Batch Input) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
351 | QPROBME | Sample Unit of Measure | MEINS | UNIT |
352 | QPROBME6 | Sample Unit of Measure | MSEC6 | CHAR |
353 | QPROBME_C | Sample Unit of Measure (Batch Input) | CHAR3 | CHAR |
354 | QPROBMGEH6 | Base Unit of Measure for the Sample Unit | MSEC6 | CHAR |
355 | QPROBMGFAK | Sample Unit Factor | QPROBEFAK | DEC |
356 | QPROBNRBIS | Highest Partial Sample No. Valid for Instruction | QPROBEPL | NUMC |
357 | QPRODDAT | Production Date | DATUM | DATS |
358 | QPROKZ | Project Considered for Dynamic Modification | QKZ | CHAR |
360 | QPROPERTY_DESC | Property Description | QPLEXT_PROPERTY_DESC | CHAR |
362 | QPROT_LINE | Text Line for Log Tables | QCHAR80 | CHAR |
363 | QPROZ | Percentage Subject to Withholding Tax | PRZ32 | DEC |
364 | QPROZAZL | Acceptance Number as Percentage of Sample Size | QPROZAZL | FLTP |
365 | QPROZAZLC | Acceptance Number as Percentage of Sample Size | QPROZAZLC | CHAR |
366 | QPROZENT | Unit for the Rate (Percent) | QPROZENT | UNIT |
367 | QPROZUMF | Sample Size as Percentage of Lot Size | QPROZUMF | FLTP |
368 | QPROZUMFC | Sample Size as Percentage of Lot Size | QPROZUMFC | CHAR |
369 | QPROZ_KK | Share Subject To Tax For Withholding Tax | PRZ32 | DEC |
370 | QPRPLATZ | Work Center | ARBPL | CHAR |
371 | QPRPOS | Test Position | QPRPOS | NUMC |
372 | QPRQUALIF | Inspector Qualification | QPRQUALIF | CHAR |
373 | QPRSBEARBEITER | Processor Responsible for the Sample, Sample Taker | CHAR20 | CHAR |
374 | QPRSCHAER1 | Insp. Severity in Samp.-Draw. Proc. at Primary Sample Stage | QPRSCHAERF | NUMC |
375 | QPRSCHAER2 | Insp. Severity of Samp.-Proc. at Pooled Sample Stage | QPRSCHAERF | NUMC |
376 | QPRSCHAERF | Inspection Severity | QPRSCHAERF | NUMC |
377 | QPRSCHAERP | Inspection Severity | QPRSCHAERF | NUMC |
378 | QPRSCHAERV | Inspection Severity in Sampling Procedure | QPRSCHAERF | NUMC |
379 | QPRSCHERL | Allowed Inspection Severities | QPRSCHAERF | NUMC |
380 | QPRSENTDATUM | Date of Sample Drawing | DATUM | DATS |
381 | QPRSENTORT | Location of Sample Drawing (Functional Location) | TPLNR | CHAR |
382 | QPRSENTZEIT | Time of Sample Drawing | QZEIT | TIMS |
383 | QPRSINFEORT | Description of Sample-Drawing Location | CHAR60 | CHAR |
384 | QPRSSTATUS | Internal Status of Physical-Sample Record | CHAR40 | CHAR |
385 | QPRSTART | Inspection Start Date | DATUM | DATS |
386 | QPRSTNAE | Inspection Stage for Next Inspection | QPRSTUFE | NUMC |
387 | QPRSTUFE | Inspection Stage | QPRSTUFE | NUMC |
388 | QPRSTUFEAN | Initial Inspection Stage | QPRSTUFE | NUMC |
389 | QPRS_AEN | Last User who Changed the Physical-Sample Record | QAENDERER | CHAR |
390 | QPRS_AENDT | Date the Physical Sample Was Changed | DATUM | DATS |
391 | QPRS_AENZT | Time at Which Physical-Sample Record Changed | QZEIT | TIMS |
392 | QPRS_ANL | User who Created the Physical Sample | QAENDERER | CHAR |
393 | QPRS_ANLDT | Creation Date of Physical Sample | DATUM | DATS |
394 | QPRS_ANLZT | Time at Which the Physical Sample Was Created | QZEIT | TIMS |
395 | QPRS_ANWST | User Status of the Physical-Sample Record | CHAR40 | CHAR |
396 | QPRS_FRG | User who Released the Physical Sample | QAENDERER | CHAR |
397 | QPRS_FRGDT | Physical Sample Release Date | DATUM | DATS |
398 | QPRS_FRGZT | Time of Physical Sample Release | QZEIT | TIMS |
399 | QPRTYP | Sample Category | QPRTYP | CHAR |
400 | QPRTYPTXT | Physical-Sample Category Text | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
401 | QPRUEFDATB | End Date of the Inspection | DATUM | DATS |
402 | QPRUEFDATV | Inspection Start Date | DATUM | DATS |
403 | QPRUEFER | Name of the Inspector | QPRUEFER | CHAR |
404 | QPRUEFKZ | Inspection Description Exists | QKZ | CHAR |
405 | QPRUEFLINR | Single-Unit Number for the Unit to Be Inspected | QSERIALNR | CHAR |
406 | QPRUEFPKT | Inspection Point | QPRUEFPKT | CHAR |
407 | QPRUEFPKT1 | Inspection Point | QPRUEFPKT1 | CHAR |
408 | QPRUEFUMF | Quantity to Be Inspected | QMENGEPLOS | QUAN |
409 | QPRUEFZTB | End Time of the Inspection | QZEIT | TIMS |
410 | QPRUEFZTV | Starting Time of the Inspection | QZEIT | TIMS |
411 | QPRZIEHVER | Sample-Drawing Procedure | QPRZIEHVER | CHAR |
412 | QPR_NK | Number of the Number Range for Physical Samples | CHAR2 | CHAR |
413 | QPTFN | iSeries: System Name of Base Table (Database Monitor) | AS4TAB | CHAR |
414 | QPTLN | iSeries: Library of Physical File (Database Monitor) | QQTLN | CHAR |
415 | QPUMF1 | Inspection Scope not Verified | QRADIO | CHAR |
416 | QPUMF2 | Sample Scope Can Be Smaller | QRADIO | CHAR |
417 | QPUMF3 | Inspection Scope Can Be Larger | QRADIO | CHAR |
418 | QPUMF4 | Inspection Scope Must Be Adhered To | QRADIO | CHAR |
419 | QPUMFKZ | Inspection Scope | QPUMFKZ | CHAR |
420 | QPVOLTXT | Long Text for the Inspection Operation | QKZLTXT | CHAR |
421 | QPVO_MK | Number of Plan Node (Operation) | KNTNR | NUMC |
422 | QPVO_ZO | Number of Plan Node (Operation) | KNTNR | NUMC |
423 | QPVSTPRVER | Sampling Procedure for Sample Management | QSTPRVER | CHAR |
424 | QPZLFH | Assigned Test Equipment | PZLFH | NUMC |
425 | QPZNR | Sample-Drawing Number | NUMC12 | NUMC |
426 | QPZ_TEXT | Comments on the Physical-Sample Drawing | TEXT40 | CHAR |
427 | QP_CHAORIG | Inspection Characteristic Origin | QP_CHAORIG | CHAR |
428 | QP_CHAORIG_GUID | Reference to Characteristic That Was Adopted | PLM_AUDIT_GUID_AUD | RAW |
429 | QP_CHAORIG_REF | Link to Characteristic That Was Copied into Plan/List | CHAR24 | CHAR |
430 | QP_CHAORIG_TXT | Description of Origin of Inspection Characteristic | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
431 | QP_CP_FLAG | Display control-plan fields? | QKZ | CHAR |
432 | QP_CTRMETH | Control Method | QP_CTRMETH | CHAR |
433 | QP_CTRMETH_TXT | Description for Control Method | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
434 | QP_NO_INSPECTION | Do Not Copy Inspection Characteristic to Inspection Lot | QKZ | CHAR |
435 | QP_RESPLAN | Response Plan | QP_RESPLAN | CHAR |
436 | QP_RESPLAN_TXT | Description for Response Plan | QKURZTEXT | CHAR |
437 | QQ1000 | iSeries: Reserved Field (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
438 | QQAJN | Estimated number of joined rows | QQROWS | INT4 |
439 | QQAPR | iSeries: Reason Code for Access Plan Rebuild | QQC41 | CHAR |
440 | QQAPRT | iSeries: Timestamp of Access Plan Rebuild (Database Monitor) | QQTIME | CHAR |
441 | QQARSS | iSeries: Average Result Set Size (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
442 | QQAVGT | iSeries: Average Time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
443 | QQC103 | SQL package name | QQC10 | CHAR |
444 | QQC104 | SQL package library | QQC10 | CHAR |
445 | QQC11 | iSeries: Reserved Field (Database Monitor) | QQC11 | CHAR |
446 | QQC12 | iSeries: Reserved Field (Database Monitor) | QQC12 | CHAR |
447 | QQC13 | QQC13: Parse required? (Y/N) | QQC13 | CHAR |
448 | QQC14 | QQC14: Statement outcome | QQC14 | CHAR |
449 | QQC16 | QQC16: Data conversion | QQC16 | CHAR |
450 | QQC181 | SQL cursor name | QQC18 | CHAR |
451 | QQC182 | SQL statement name | QQC18 | CHAR |
452 | QQC21 | iSeries: Reserved Field (Database Monitor) | QQC21 | CHAR |
453 | QQC22 | iSeries: Reserved Field (Database Monitor) | QQC22 | CHAR |
454 | QQC23 | QQC23: Used for different purposes | QQC23 | CHAR |
455 | QQC301 | iSeries: Reserved Field (Database Monitor) | QQC301 | CHAR |
456 | QQC302 | iSeries: Reserved Field (Database Monitor) | CHAR | |
457 | QQCAPR | iSeries: No of Access Plan Rebuilds (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
458 | QQCIA | iSeries: Index Advice (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
459 | QQCIC | iSeries: Number of Index Creates (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
460 | QQCIU | iSeries: Index Usage (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
461 | QQCLST | iSeries: CLOSE time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
462 | QQCNAM | iSeries: Cursor Name (Database Monitor) | QQC18 | CHAR |
463 | QQCNT | iSeries: No. of Executions of a Statement (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
464 | QQCOMCNT | iSeries: No. of Executed COMMITs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
465 | QQCRTK | iSeries: Key Fields of Created Index (Database Monitor) | QQCHAR1000 | LCHR |
466 | QQCS | QQCS: Sorts count (database monitor for iSeries) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
467 | QQCSO | iSeries: No. of Sorts (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
468 | QQCST | iSeries: Constraint Used (Y/N) (Database Monitor) | QQC11 | CHAR |
469 | QQCSTN | iSeries: Constraint Name (Database Monitor) | DBINDEX | CHAR |
470 | QQCTF | iSeries: No. of Temporaray File Creates (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
471 | QQCTS | iSeries: Number of Table Scans (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
472 | QQDACV | iSeries: Data Conversion (Database Monitor) | QQC11 | CHAR |
473 | QQDBMACT | iSeries: Active Database Monitor for a Database Shadow Job | QQDBMACT | INT4 |
474 | QQDDLCNT | iSeries: Number of Executed DDL Statements | QQDEC150 | DEC |
475 | QQDELCNT | iSeries: Number of Executed DELETEs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
476 | QQDFVL | iSeries: Default Values in Temp. Table (Database Monitor) | QQYN | CHAR |
477 | QQDMPTIME | iSeries: Timestamp of Database Monitor Dump | QQTIME | CHAR |
478 | QQDSS | iSeries: Dataspace Selection (Database Monitor) | QQYN | CHAR |
479 | QQDTL | iSeries: Query Definition Template Level | QQDEC150 | DEC |
480 | QQDTN | iSeries: Query Definition Template Number | QQDEC150 | DEC |
481 | QQEBUF | iSeries: External Buffer (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
482 | QQEPT | Estimated processing time | QINT4 | INT4 |
483 | QQETIM | End timestamp | QQTIME | CHAR |
484 | QQFETT | iSeries: FETCH time (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
485 | QQFKEY | Estimated number of rows returned by key positioning | QQFKEY | INT4 |
486 | QQFULO | iSeries: Number of FULL OPENs (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
487 | QQGRPG | Grouping | QQYN | CHAR |
488 | QQHSTV | Host variables | QQYN | CHAR |
489 | QQHVAR | iSeries: Host Variable Values (Database Monitor) | QQCHAR1000 | LCHR |
490 | QQHVI | iSeries: Host Variable Implementation (Database Monitor) | QQC11 | CHAR |
491 | QQI1 | iSeries: Reserved Field (Database Monitor) | QQI1 | INT4 |
492 | QQI2 | iSeries: Reserved Field (Database Monitor) | QQI2 | INT4 |
493 | QQI3 | QQI3: Used for different purposes | QQI3 | INT4 |
494 | QQI4 | QQI4: Used for different purposes | QQI4 | INT4 |
495 | QQI5 | QQI5: Used for different purposes | QQI5 | INT4 |
496 | QQIBUF | iSeries: Internal Buffer (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
497 | QQIDACNT | iSeries: Index Advice (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
498 | QQIDAQRYCT | iSeries: Number of Index Advices (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |
499 | QQIDATBCNT | iSeries: Number of Tables over which Indexes are Advised | QQDEC150 | DEC |
500 | QQIDCCNT | iSeries: Number of Index Creates (Database Monitor) | QQDEC150 | DEC |