SAP ABAP Data Element - Index J, page 28
Data Element - J
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 J_7LPREIS Recycling Partner Article Price (REA Processing) J_7LWERTVX CURR 
2 J_7LPREISB__03 Price in Document Currency (3 Decimal Places) J_7LCURR__03 DEC 
3 J_7LPREISB__04 Currency with 4 decimal places J_7LCURR__04 DEC 
4 J_7LPREISB__07 Currency Field with 7 Decimal Places J_7LCURR__07 DEC 
5 J_7LPRFORMEL Formula for Param. Price Calculation (Function Module) FUNCNAME CHAR 
7 J_7LPRGTG REA Checking Group Short Text in Uppercase CHAR40 CHAR 
8 J_7LPRGTX REA Checking Group Short Text TEXT40 CHAR 
9 J_7LPRGWA Price for Weight-Dep.Fee in Alternative Curr.of Ref.CompCode J_7LWERTVX CURR 
10 J_7LPRGWE Price for Weight-Dep.Fee in Recycling Partner Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
11 J_7LPRGWR Price for Weight-Dep.Fee in Reference Company Code Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
12 J_7LPRICINGBUFFERKZ Indicator: Store in Application Server Buffer XFELD CHAR 
13 J_7LPRIMGEW REA DECLARATION: Weight Amount of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
14 J_7LPRIM_VRKME Primary Sales Unit of Article MEINS UNIT 
15 J_7LPRINTX Indicator Create Spool Request for Log at Automatic Update XFELD CHAR 
16 J_7LPROBLARTKZ Control Document Type Log XFELD CHAR 
17 J_7LPROP_MODE Mode for Propagation of Master Data J_7LPROP_MODE CHAR 
18 J_7LPROTKZ Indicator: Single Record Log for Productive Declaration XFELD CHAR 
19 J_7LPROT_FORMAT REA Declaration: Format of Single Record Log (x= Multirow) XFELD CHAR 
20 J_7LPRSTA Price for Item-Dep.Fee in Alternative Crcy of Ref.CompCode J_7LWERTVX CURR 
21 J_7LPRSTE Price for Item-Dep.Fee in Recycling Partner Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
22 J_7LPRSTR Price for Item-Dep.Fee in Crcy of Reference Company Code J_7LWERTVX CURR 
23 J_7LPR_KZ Unique Price Indicator QKZ CHAR 
24 J_7LPVRST Control of REA Price List Version J_7LRVRSST CHAR 
26 J_7LRAWEAR Alternative Currency for Company Code REA WAERS CUKY 
27 J_7LRBART Reference Document Type J_7LBLART CHAR 
28 J_7LRBMENG Base Quantity MENGE QUAN 
29 J_7LRBUKM Company Code: Article and Recycling Partner Master BUKRS CHAR 
30 J_7LRBUKP Company Code: Price Lists BUKRS CHAR 
31 J_7LRBUKW Company Code for Plants for Bill of Material Assignment BUKRS CHAR 
32 J_7LRDATAB REA Settlement Period - Start DATS DATS 
33 J_7LRDATBI REA Settlement Period, End DATS DATS 
34 J_7LRDATLA Date of Last Periodical Declaration DATUM DATS 
35 J_7LRDATPE Key Date for Periodical Declaration REA DATUM DATS 
36 J_7LREA_RELEASE REA: Internal REA Release Identifier CHAR10 CHAR 
37 J_7LRECOVERY_GEWEI Weight Unit of Recovered Quantity MEINS UNIT 
38 J_7LRECOVERY_MNGP Recovered Quantity Proportional (Sales Unit/Unit of Entry) J_7LDEC DEC 
39 J_7LRECOVERY_RGEW Fraction Weight of Recovered Quantity J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
40 J_7LRECOVERY_VRKME Sales Unit of Recovered Quantity MEINS UNIT 
41 J_7LREFAKTOR REA Recycling partner master data: Refunding factor J_7LREFAKTOR DEC 
42 J_7LREF_OK Include Referencing XFELD CHAR 
43 J_7LRENT Recycling Partner LIFNR CHAR 
44 J_7LREPROKZ Indicator: Log Missing Recycling Partner Assignment XFELD CHAR 
45 J_7LRESDT Selection Result J_7LRESDT CHAR 
46 J_7LRESTAT Recycling Partner Status J_7LRESTAT CHAR 
47 J_7LREUSE_P Packaging Reuse within a Period J_7LREUSE DEC 
48 J_7LREUSE_T Reusable Packaging During Life Span J_7LREUSE DEC 
49 J_7LREWAER Recycling Partner Currency WAERS CUKY 
50 J_7LRGEW Fraction Weight J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
51 J_7LRGEWFF Fraction Weight with Fraction Formula J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
52 J_7LRGEW_2 REA Fraction Weight with 2 Decimal Places J_7LMENG17_2 QUAN 
53 J_7LRGEW_3 REA Fraction Weight with 3 Decimal Places J_7LMENG17_3 QUAN 
54 J_7LRGMENG Quantity Limit MENGE QUAN 
55 J_7LRKORWE Adjustment Amount in Recycling Partner Crcy (REA Settlement) J_7LWERTVX CURR 
56 J_7LRKORWH Adjustment Amount in Doc. Currency Calc. from Header Record J_7LWERTVX CURR 
57 J_7LRKORWR Adjustment Amount in Document Currency (REA Settlement) J_7LWERTVX CURR 
58 J_7LRKPEIN Number of Sales Units in Packaging Bill of Material KPEIN DEC 
59 J_7LRKSCHL Statistical Condition Type for Sales and Distribution KSCHL CHAR 
60 J_7LRKUMNE REA Article: Denominator to Convert SUn to BUn UMBSN DEC 
61 J_7LRKUMZA REA Article: Numerator to Convert SUn to BUn UMBSZ DEC 
62 J_7LRLAND REA Reference Country LAND1 CHAR 
63 J_7LRMAT Reference Article REA MATNR CHAR 
64 J_7LRMATN Material Number in Assigned Sales Document Item MATNR CHAR 
65 J_7LRMKEY Reference Key: Object in Which the Declar. Object is packed CHAR020 CHAR 
66 J_7LRMTYP Article Category J_7LRMTYP CHAR 
67 J_7LRP Selection Criteria for Declaration REA J_7LRP CHAR 
68 J_7LRPERIO REA Declaration Periodicity J_7LRPERIO CHAR 
69 J_7LRPLPOS Price List Item J_7LRPLPOS NUMC 
70 J_7LRPLT Price List Item Category J_7LRPLT CHAR 
71 J_7LRPLVRS Price List Version J_7LRPLVRS CHAR 
72 J_7LRPOS_A REA Declaration: Line Item NUMC6 NUMC 
73 J_7LRPRSA Price in Alternative Currency of Company Code J_7LWERTVX CURR 
74 J_7LRPRSE Price in Recycling Partner Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
75 J_7LRPRSR Price in Reference Company Code Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
76 J_7LRSPLIT Splitting Quota in Percent J_7LPRZNT DEC 
77 J_7LRSTKGT REA Recycling Partner Fraction: Short Text in Uppercase CHAR40 CHAR 
78 J_7LRSTKTG Internal Fraction: Short Text in Uppercase CHAR40 CHAR 
79 J_7LRSTKTX Internal Fraction: Short Text TEXT40 CHAR 
80 J_7LRSTKXT REA Recycling Partner Fraction: Short Text TEXT40 CHAR 
81 J_7LRSTKXTL REA Recycling Partner Fraction: Short Text (Extended) TEXT50 CHAR 
82 J_7LRSTLAN Bill of Materials Usage for Article STLAN CHAR 
83 J_7LRSTOFA Settlement Fraction: Recycling Partner J_7LSTOFFE CHAR 
84 J_7LRSTOFE Partner Fraction J_7LSTOFFE CHAR 
85 J_7LRSTOFI Internal Fraction J_7LRSTOFI CHAR 
86 J_7LRSTOFP Fraction Price: Recycling Partner J_7LSTOFFE CHAR 
87 J_7LRSTPA Price in Alternative Currency of Reference Company Code J_7LWERTVX CURR 
88 J_7LRSTPB Price in Document Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
89 J_7LRTYP Article Referencing Type REA J_7LRTYP CHAR 
90 J_7LRUNDG Rounding Type for Item-Dependent Fee J_7LRUNDG CHAR 
91 J_7LRVARIANTE Variant of Reference Article J_7LVARIANTE CHAR 
92 J_7LRVBLN Assigned Sales Document VBELN CHAR 
93 J_7LRVRKM Reference Sales Unit MEINS UNIT 
94 J_7LRWAER Company Code Currency WAERS CUKY 
95 J_7LR_DELIMIT Separator TEXT1 CHAR 
96 J_7LR_ENDOFREC Record End Indicator CHAR30 CHAR 
97 J_7LR_RECLEN Fixed record length NUM6 NUMC 
98 J_7LSAKNZ REA Indicator for Spool Request CHAR1_X CHAR 
99 J_7LSAKRNFI Accrual Account for Recycling Fees SAKNR CHAR 
100 J_7LSASH_POSITION Separator Position in Container Control J_7LSASH_POSITION INT1 
101 J_7LSASTAT Active Indicator for REA Bill of Materials AKTKN CHAR 
102 J_7LSAVEDKZ Indicator that Declaration Has Already Been Saved CHAR1_X CHAR 
103 J_7LSAVE_INIT Save Initial Values XFELD CHAR 
104 J_7LSAVKZ Save Indicator XFELD CHAR 
105 J_7LSBART Cancellation/Adjustment Document Type J_7LBLART CHAR 
106 J_7LSCHLZE Purchasing Condition Type for Recycling Partner KSCHL CHAR 
107 J_7LSCREENGRP REA internal: screen object group CHAR03 CHAR 
108 J_7LSCREENNAME REA internal: Name of screen object in Dynpro CHAR30 CHAR 
109 J_7LSDKNZ REA Indicator for Print Immediately CHAR1_X CHAR 
110 J_7LSDKZ Indicator: Data Collector Billing Document Executed XFELD CHAR 
111 J_7LSEKUNDGEW REA DECLARATION: Weight Amount of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
112 J_7LSKATXG REA Special Condition Type: Short Text in Uppercase CHAR60 CHAR 
113 J_7LSKATXT REA Special Condition Type: Short Text TEXT60 CHAR 
114 J_7LSMARTFORM_KZ Indicator: User Smart Forms for Form Display XFELD CHAR 
115 J_7LSMARTFPACK_KZ Indicator: Authorize Smart Forms from All Packages XFELD CHAR 
116 J_7LSOKOA Special Condition Type J_7LSOKOA NUMC 
117 J_7LSORKZ Sort Number NUM02 NUMC 
118 J_7LSPERI Period Grid Info Structure: External Document Data REA J_7LSPERI CHAR 
119 J_7LSPMASK Mask for Collective Change XFELD CHAR 
120 J_7LSPRAS REA: Language Key SPRAS LANG 
121 J_7LSTATUS REA Internal Use: Re. Partner-Dependant Field Status J_7LSTATUS CHAR 
122 J_7LSTATUS_BOM Status of a BOM   CHAR 
123 J_7LSTATUS_BOM_ITEM Status of a BOM Component   CHAR 
124 J_7LSTATUS_BOM_TEXT Status of a BOM (Text)   CHAR 
125 J_7LSTATUS_FI Status for Transfer to FI CHAR132 CHAR 
126 J_7LSTATUS_LISTE Status of the Document CHAR132 CHAR 
127 J_7LSTBOMX Indicator: Check BOM Status XFELD CHAR 
128 J_7LSTKLUX Usage in REA Bills of Materials CHAR1 CHAR 
129 J_7LSTKLZ Control Plant-Dependency of Bill of Material Assignment J_7LSTKLZ CHAR 
130 J_7LSTLALT Indicator: Display Alternative BOM in BOM Dialog XFELD CHAR 
131 J_7LSTLANA Bill of Materials Usage for Article STLAN CHAR 
132 J_7LSTLANV Bill of Materials Usage for Packaging STLAN CHAR 
133 J_7LSTLANX Change BOM Usage for Multilevel BOMs XFELD CHAR 
134 J_7LSTLFSC Indicator: Display BOM Dialog in Full Screen XFELD CHAR 
135 J_7LSTLLAB Indicator: Display Column Short Title in BOM Dialog XFELD CHAR 
136 J_7LSTLPIC Indicator: Output Short Text in Place of Icons in BOM Dialog XFELD CHAR 
137 J_7LSTLPLH Indicator: Hide BOM Information on Header Level XFELD CHAR 
138 J_7LSTLPLI Indicator: Hide BOM Information on Item Level XFELD CHAR 
139 J_7LSTLSTA Indicator: Display BOM Status in BOM Dialog XFELD CHAR 
140 J_7LSTLUNS Indicator: Display Unit of Measure Icons in BOM Dialog XFELD CHAR 
141 J_7LSTLVMX Indicator: Hide BOMs Flagged for Deletion XFELD CHAR 
142 J_7LSTLWWH Ind.: Check Plant Changeover and Use only on Header Level XFELD CHAR 
143 J_7LSTOFFATT Attribute for Recycling Partner Fraction J_7LSTOFFATT NUMC 
144 J_7LSTORNOFIKZ Automatically Start FI Posting When Canceled XFELD CHAR 
145 J_7LSTP4 Price in Recycling Partner Currency J_7LSTP4 CURR 
146 J_7LSTPE Price in Recycling Partner Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
147 J_7LSTPEF Price Fee Formula in Recycling Partner Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
148 J_7LSTPEFF Price Fraction Formula in Recycling Partner Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
149 J_7LSTPEG Price Fee in Recycling Partner Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
150 J_7LSTPEOA Price Fee Without Discount J_7LWERTVX CURR 
151 J_7LSTPEOAFF Price Fraction Formula w/o Discount in Re.Partner Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
152 J_7LSTPHE Price in Recycling Partner Currency per Trade Level J_7LWERTVX CURR 
153 J_7LSTPR Price in Reference Company Code Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
154 J_7LSTPREIS2 Price 2 Decimal Places   CURR 
155 J_7LSTPREIS4 Price 4 Decimal Places   DEC 
156 J_7LSTPRF Price Fee Formula in Company Code Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
157 J_7LSTPRFF Price Fraction Formula in Company Code Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
158 J_7LSTPRG Price Fee in Company Code Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
159 J_7LSTPROA Price Fee Without Discount in Company Code Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
160 J_7LSTPROAFF Price Fraction Formula w/o Discount in Company Code Currency J_7LWERTVX CURR 
161 J_7LSTUEC REA: number of pieces without decimal place J_7LSTUEC DEC 
162 J_7LSTUFEX Indicator: Evaluate Level in Document Flow XFELD CHAR 
163 J_7LSTYP Record Type of General Interface CHAR3 CHAR 
164 J_7LSTYPTXT Record Type Name CHAR50 CHAR 
165 J_7LSUB_POS REA Customizing: Subitem NUMC6 NUMC 
167 J_7LSUNKZ Save Impossible CHAR1_X CHAR 
168 J_7LSUSTAIN_BRAND_TX Brand Name - Sustainability Reporting TEXT40 CHAR 
169 J_7LSUSTAIN_CASES_ON_PALLET Number of Crates per Pallet   NUMC 
170 J_7LSUSTAIN_CUBE_UTILIZATION Degree of Packaging Utilization   NUMC 
171 J_7LSUSTAIN_ESTIMATED_ITEMS Estimated Number of Sold Articles   NUMC 
173 J_7LSUSTAIN_MAX_SU_VOL Maximum Volume of Sales Unit MENG13 QUAN 
174 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRD_CATEGORY_TX Product Category - Sustainability Reporting TEXT40 CHAR 
175 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRD_SUBCATEGORY_TX Product Subcategory - Sustainability Reporting TEXT40 CHAR 
176 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_ACC Paper Primary Packaging from Accredited Manufacturers XFELD CHAR 
177 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_ALU_WGT Aluminum Fraction Weight of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
178 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_DESCR Description of Primary Packaging TEXT40 CHAR 
179 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_GL_WGT Glass Fraction Weight of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
180 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_MAT Primary Packaging Fraction - Sustainability Reporting J_7LSTOFFE CHAR 
181 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_OT_WGT Remaining Fraction Weights of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
182 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_PA_WGT Paper Fraction Weight of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
183 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_PL_WGT Plastic Fraction Weight of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
184 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_RCPC_WGT Recycled Waste: Fraction Weight of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
185 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_RC_WGT Recycled Material: Fraction Weight of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
186 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_ST_WGT Steel Fraction Weight of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
187 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_SUPPLIER Primary Packaging Supplier NAME CHAR 
189 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_TYPE Packaging Type of Primary Packaging J_7LINFOK CHAR 
190 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_TYPE_TX Primary Packaging Type TEXT40 CHAR 
191 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_WD_WGT Wood Fraction Weight of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
192 J_7LSUSTAIN_PRIM_PACK_WGT Weight of Primary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
194 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_ACC Paper Secondary Packaging from Accredited Manufacturers XFELD CHAR 
195 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_ALU_WGT Aluminum Fraction Weight of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
196 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_DESCR Description of Secondary Packaging TEXT40 CHAR 
197 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_GL_WGT Glass Fraction Weight of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
198 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_MAT Secondary Packaging Fraction - Sustainability Reporting J_7LSTOFFE CHAR 
199 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_OT_WGT Remaining Fraction Weights of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
200 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_PA_WGT Paper Fraction Weight of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
201 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_PL_WGT Plastic Fraction Weight of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
202 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_RCPC_WGT Recycled Waste: Fraction Weight of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
203 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_RC_WGT Recycled Material: Fraction Weight of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
204 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_ST_WGT Steel Fraction Weight of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
205 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_SUPPLIER Secondary Packaging Supplier NAME CHAR 
207 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_TYPE Packaging Type of Secondary Packaging J_7LINFOK CHAR 
208 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_TYPE_TX Secondary Packaging Type TEXT40 CHAR 
209 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_WD_WGT Wood Fraction Weight of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
210 J_7LSUSTAIN_SEC_PACK_WGT Weight of Secondary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
211 J_7LSUSTAIN_SU_PER_PACK Number of Sales Units in Transport Packaging   NUMC 
212 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_ACC Paper Tertiary Packaging from Accredited Manufacturers XFELD CHAR 
213 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_ALU_WGT Aluminum Fraction Weight of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
214 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_DESCR Description of Tertiary Packaging TEXT40 CHAR 
215 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_GL_WGT Glass Fraction Weight of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
216 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_MAT Tertiary Packaging Fraction - Sustainability Reporting J_7LSTOFFE CHAR 
217 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_PA_WGT Paper Fraction Weight of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
218 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_PL_WGT Plastic Fraction Weight of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
219 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_RCPC_WGT Recycled Waste: Fraction Weight of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
220 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_RC_WGT Recycled Material: Fraction Weight of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
221 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_ST_WGT Steel Fraction Weight of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
222 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_SUPPLIER Tertiary Packaging Supplier NAME CHAR 
224 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_TYPE Packaging Type of Tertiary Packaging J_7LINFOK CHAR 
225 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_TYPE_TX Tertiary Packaging Type TEXT40 CHAR 
226 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_WD_WGT Wood Fraction Weight of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
227 J_7LSUSTAIN_TER_PACK_WGT Weight of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
228 J_7LSUSTAIN_TRANS_PACK_ALU_WGT Aluminum Fraction Weight of Transport Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
229 J_7LSUSTAIN_TRANS_PACK_OT_WGT Remaining Fraction Weights of Transport Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
230 J_7LSUSTAIN_TRANS_PACK_PA_WGT Paper Fraction Weight of Transport Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
231 J_7LSUSTAIN_TRANS_PACK_PL_WGT Plastic Fraction Weight of Transport Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
232 J_7LSUSTAIN_TRANS_PACK_ST_WGT Steel Fraction Weight of Transport Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
233 J_7LSUSTAIN_TRANS_PACK_WD_WGT Wood Fraction Weight of Transport Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
234 J_7LSUSTAIN_USED_PACK_MAT Number of Packaging Materials   NUMC 
235 J_7LSUSTAIN_USED_TRANSPACK_MAT Number of Transport Packaging Materials   NUMC 
236 J_7LSVBLN REA Declaration: Document of Canceled Declaration VBELN CHAR 
237 J_7LTARA Packaging Weight Tare J_7LMENG17_6 QUAN 
238 J_7LTERMINAL_KZ REA Indicator: Use of Terminal Name by Jetform Communication CHAR1_X CHAR 
239 J_7LTERTGEW REA DECLARATION: Weight Amount of Tertiary Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
240 J_7LTESTLAUF REA Declaration: Field for Form Output "Test Run" CHAR20 CHAR 
241 J_7LTLKNZ REA Indicator for Test Run CHAR1_X CHAR 
242 J_7LUEPOS REA Declaration: Higher-Level Line Item NUMC6 NUMC 
243 J_7LUPDATE_MODE Update Mode for Data Change J_7LUPDATE_MODE CHAR 
244 J_7LUPLLOK Indicator for Upload from Local Server XFELD CHAR 
245 J_7LUT_CONN Universal Data Collector XFELD CHAR 
246 J_7LV1MKUKZ Indicator: Save Article Quantity Flow at Customer Level XFELD CHAR 
247 J_7LV1MKZ Indicator: Save Declar. of Quantity Flow at Article Level XFELD CHAR 
248 J_7LV1MLFKZ Indicator: Save Article Quantity Flow at Vendor Level XFELD CHAR 
249 J_7LVAKTG REA Packaging Types: Short Text in Uppercase CHAR60 CHAR 
250 J_7LVAKTX REA Packaging Types: Short Text TEXT60 CHAR 
251 J_7LVALUE Value of a Field CHAR40 CHAR 
252 J_7LVALUEALT Value of a Field that is Overwritten CHAR40 CHAR 
254 J_7LVASTAT Active Indicator for Packaging AKTKN CHAR 
255 J_7LVBART Default Document Type for Subsequent Function REA J_7LBLART CHAR 
256 J_7LVBFADIR Evaluation Direction for Document Flow J_7LVBFADIR CHAR 
257 J_7LVBFAFILTER Document Type Filter for Document Flow Evaluation J_7LVBFAFILTER NUMC 
258 J_7LVBFAFILTERTX Description of Document Type Filter for Doc. Flow Evaluation TEXT60 CHAR 
259 J_7LVBFAKEY Key of Access Sequence for Document Flow Evaluation J_7LVBFAKEY NUMC 
260 J_7LVBFAKEYTX Description of Access Sequence for Document Flow Evaluation TEXT60 CHAR 
261 J_7LVBFAPATH Document Flow Evaluation Path J_7LVBFAPATH NUMC 
262 J_7LVBFAPATHTX Description of Path for Document Flow Evaluation TEXT60 CHAR 
263 J_7LVBFAREAD Definition of Single Access for Document Flow Evaluation J_7LVBFAREAD NUMC 
264 J_7LVBFAREADTX Description of Single Access for Document Flow Evaluation TEXT60 CHAR 
265 J_7LVBFTAB Results Table for Sales Document Flow Evaluation J_7LVBFTAB CHAR 
266 J_7LVBLNS REA Declaration: Doc.Number of Cancelation Document VBELN CHAR 
267 J_7LVBTYP REA Document Category J_7LRVBTYP CHAR 
268 J_7LVDFTYP Transaction Category Data Filter J_7LVDFTYP CHAR 
269 J_7LVEBENE Packaging Level J_7LVEBENE NUMC 
270 J_7LVEKTG REA Packaging Levels: Short Text in Uppercase CHAR60 CHAR 
271 J_7LVEKTX Packaging Levels: Short Text TEXT60 CHAR 
272 J_7LVFKADD Indicator for Volume/Area Class, Additive XFELD CHAR 
273 J_7LVFKLTG Volume/Area Class Short Text in Uppercase CHAR40 CHAR 
274 J_7LVFKLTX Volume/Area Class Short Text TEXT40 CHAR 
275 J_7LVFLAB Volume/Area from (Scale Volume/Area Class REA) J_7LMENG17_6 QUAN 
276 J_7LVFLBIS Volume/Area to (Scale Volume/Area Class REA) J_7LMENG17_6 QUAN 
277 J_7LVFLKL Volume/Area Class J_7LRVFLKL CHAR 
278 J_7LVFLST Number of Pieces for Volume and Area Classes J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
279 J_7LVFLST_2 No of Pieces - Volume and Area Classes with 2 Decimal Places J_7LMENG17_2 QUAN 
280 J_7LVFORMT Packaging Form Type J_7LVFORMT CHAR 
281 J_7LVGBELX REA: Use Reference Document Mode J_7LVGBELX CHAR 
282 J_7LVGEW Packaging Weight J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
283 J_7LVGTYP Transaction Category J_7LVGTYP CHAR 
284 J_7LVMENT Transfer Recycling Partner Assignment of Reference Material J_7LVMENT CHAR 
285 J_7LVMSTF Transfer Fraction Assignment of Reference Material J_7LVMSTF CHAR 
286 J_7LVMVRP Transfer Reference Material Packaging Assignment J_7LRVMVRP CHAR 
287 J_7LVMVRS Transfer Assignment of All Versions of Reference Material J_7LVMVRS CHAR 
288 J_7LVNR_A REA Declaration: Document Number VBELN CHAR 
289 J_7LVNR_POST REA Declaration: Successor Document Relevant for Calculation VBELN CHAR 
290 J_7LVNR_PRE REA Declaration: calculation-relevant previous document VBELN CHAR 
291 J_7LVORGKEY Transaction Key J_7LVORGKEY NUMC 
292 J_7LVORGKTX Short Text for Transaction Key TEXT60 CHAR 
293 J_7LVORZ Plus/Minus Sign for Movement Data J_7LRVORZ CHAR 
294 J_7LVPART Packaging Type J_7LRVPART NUMC 
295 J_7LVPARTATT Packaging Type Attribute J_7LVPARTATT INT1 
296 J_7LVPARTG Packaging Type Weight-Dependent Fee J_7LRVPART NUMC 
297 J_7LVPARTS Packaging Type Item-Dependent Fee J_7LRVPART NUMC 
298 J_7LVPEBENEENTNAM REA: Packaging Level of Recycling Partner J_7LVEBENE NUMC 
299 J_7LVPG5 5-Digit Packaging Group Key for REA Declaration CHAR005 CHAR 
300 J_7LVPGKTG REA Packaging Groups: Short Text in Uppercase CHAR40 CHAR 
301 J_7LVPGKTX REA Packaging Groups: Short Text TEXT40 CHAR 
302 J_7LVPGRP Packaging Group J_7LRVPGRP CHAR 
303 J_7LVPMMKZ Indicator: Indicate Use of Packaging for Purchasing XFELD CHAR 
304 J_7LVPSDKZ Indicator: Indicate Use of Packaging for Sales XFELD CHAR 
305 J_7LVPSTAT Packaging Declaration Status J_7LMSTAT CHAR 
306 J_7LVPTYP Packaging Class J_7LRVTYP CHAR 
307 J_7LVRKME_U REA: Conversion into Sales Unit MEINS UNIT 
308 J_7LVRP Packaging MATNR CHAR 
309 J_7LVRPGUX Usage in Packaging Groups CHAR1 CHAR 
310 J_7LVRPKT Packaging Category Fraction J_7LVRPKT CHAR 
311 J_7LVRPKTATT Attribute for Packaging Category J_7LVRPKTATT INT1 
312 J_7LVRPKTG Packaging Category Fraction Short Text in Uppercase CHAR40 CHAR 
313 J_7LVRPKTX Packaging Category Fraction Short Text TEXT40 CHAR 
314 J_7LVRPST Number of Pieces, Packaging J_7LMENGV17_6 QUAN 
315 J_7LVRS Version CHAR6 CHAR 
317 J_7LVRSKZ Version Indicator, Unique QKZ CHAR 
318 J_7LVRSSATZ Version of an Import Record Structure J_7LVRSSATZ NUMC 
319 J_7LVRSST Control of Versions, Article and Packaging Master REA J_7LRVRSST CHAR 
320 J_7LVTBERX Sales Area Derivation Mode for Clearing Document J_7LVTBERX CHAR 
321 J_7LVTRNKZ Indicator for Packaging Separability J_7LVTRNKZ CHAR 
322 J_7LVVARIANTE Variant of Packaging J_7LVARIANTE CHAR 
323 J_7LVZWRKX Use Plants Assignment Table for Plant Changeover Hier.BOM XFELD CHAR 
324 J_7LWERKS Plant Bill of Material Assignment WERKS CHAR 
325 J_7LWERKSX Indicator: Use Plant Changeover with Multilevel BOMs XFELD CHAR 
326 J_7LWERKS_D Target Plant WERKS CHAR 
327 J_7LWERKS_O Source Plant WERKS CHAR 
328 J_7LWF_EVENT Trigger Workflow Event XFELD CHAR 
329 J_7LWF_MODE Mode: Workflow Event Control J_7LWF_MODE CHAR 
330 J_7LXAUTOF Use Default Parameter Definition for Release into FI XFELD CHAR 
331 J_7LXAUTOV Use Default Parameter Definition for Automatic Document Flow XFELD CHAR 
332 J_7LXAUTOX Use Default Automatic Execution at Condition Update XFELD CHAR 
333 J_7LXBUDATX Use Default Derivation of Posting Date XFELD CHAR 
334 J_7LXKSCHLX Use Default Parameter Def. Separate Doc. for Condition Type XFELD CHAR 
335 J_7LXMSGLOG Level of Detail for Display of Messages and Error Log J_7LXMSGLOG CHAR 
336 J_7LZART Payment Type J_7LZART CHAR 
337 J_7LZEIT_F1 Help for Selection Screen DATS DATS 
338 J_7LZGFTYP Access Sequence Type J_7LZGFTYP CHAR 
339 J_7LZKZFRME Indicator: Use Formulas for Fee Calculation XFELD CHAR 
340 J_7LZKZFRMM Indicator: Use Formulas on Single Packaging XFELD CHAR 
341 J_7LZLNDFD Country of Destination Field FDNAME CHAR 
342 J_7LZLNDKY Target Country Key Field for Access FDNAME CHAR 
343 J_7LZLNDPAR Target Country Partner Function (e.g.GR for Goods Recipient) PARVW CHAR 
344 J_7LZLNDTB Target Country Table AS4TAB CHAR 
345 J_7LZMATNR Assigned Material Number MATNR CHAR 
346 J_7LZNAME Licensee Contact Person XUBNAME CHAR 
347 J_7LZNEHM Licensee, Customer Number with Recycling Partner REA J_7LZNEH CHAR 
348 J_7LZNEHM_KUNDE Licensee Number of Customer Number with Recycling Partner J_7LZNEH CHAR 
349 J_7LZSPLITG Indicator: Activate Global Additional Splitting f. Packaging XFELD CHAR 
350 J_7LZSPLITK Ind.: Packaging Splitting Complementary for All Re.Partners XFELD CHAR 
351 J_7LZSPLITV Additional Splitting at Packaging Level XFELD CHAR 
352 J_7LZUORD REA Output: Assigned Object for Version CHAR20 CHAR 
353 J_7L_ABSCHLAGZ Advance Payment for Partial Year Declaration CHAR1 CHAR 
354 J_7L_BUFFERMODE Buffer Mechanism for Packaging J_7L_BUFFERMODE CHAR 
355 J_7L_CONST Value CHAR30 CHAR 
356 J_7L_INFO Info About Wizard   CHAR 
357 J_7L_KPEIN2FMENG Prefill Component Quantity from Base Quantity XFELD CHAR 
358 J_7L_KPEIN2ZDAT Preassign Addit. Packaging Data from Component Quantity XFELD CHAR 
359 J_7L_KUERZBETRAG Reduction Amount for Partial Year Declaration CHAR1 CHAR 
360 J_7L_MAXLINES2EXPAND Expand All Nodes to...   INT1 
361 J_7L_MAX_L_INTERVAL Interval Size   INT2 
362 J_7L_NOPARTNER_VERSION Deactivate Versioning of Recycling Partners XFELD CHAR 
363 J_7L_NO_AME Do Not Display Alternative Units of Measure XFELD CHAR 
364 J_7L_NO_INFOS Do Not Display Information Messages XFELD CHAR 
365 J_7L_PREFI Prefix CHAR30 CHAR 
366 J_7L_PREISFORMEL_X REA: Include Price Formula CHAR1_X CHAR 
367 J_7L_QUICK_ASSIGN Quick Assignment of Packing to Article XFELD CHAR 
369 J_7L_SRCFL Source Field FDNAME CHAR 
370 J_7L_SRCST Source Structure AS4TAB CHAR 
371 J_7L_SUFFI Suffix CHAR30 CHAR 
372 J_7L_TRGFL Target Field FDNAME CHAR 
373 J_7L_TRGST Target Structure AS4TAB CHAR 
374 J_7L_UNDO_STEPS Number of Redo Steps   INT1 
375 J_ANBRTWR IS-M/AM: LIS Order Gross Sales Volume Ad WERTV10 CURR 
376 J_ANKZWI1 IS-M/AM: LIS Order ST1 for Ad Item WERTV9 CURR 
382 J_ANNETWR IS-M/AM: LIS Order Net Sales Volume for Ad WERTV10 CURR 
383 J_ANUMB Maximum number of user statuses NUMC3 NUMC 
384 J_ANWEN IS-M: Text for logical application J_ANWEN CHAR 
385 J_ANWST Flag 'Procedure Can Change User Status' XFELD CHAR 
386 J_ANWS_ERL Set/Delete user status allowed KREUZ CHAR 
387 J_APPKL IS-M: Application (always J for IS-M:) J_APPKL CHAR 
388 J_APPLICATION IS-M/SD: Application indicator CHAR1 CHAR 
389 J_ATEXT User Status Line TEXT40 CHAR 
390 J_ATEXT_A User status line - old TEXT40 CHAR 
391 J_ATEXT_N User status line - new TEXT40 CHAR 
392 J_BCOUNTEND Number of counter of POS at the end of the day NUMC06 NUMC 
393 J_BELANZ IS-M: Number of Documents CHAR02 CHAR 
394 J_BERSL Authorization key J_BERSL CHAR 
395 J_BONDTYP Excise Bonding: Bond type J_BONDTYP CHAR 
396 J_BU_PARTNER Business Partner BU_PARTNER CHAR 
397 J_CHAR02 IS-U General Field with Length 2 for Function Modules J_CHAR2 CHAR 
398 J_CHGKZ Indicator: Change documents are active XFELD CHAR 
399 J_CHGNR Change number NUM3 NUMC 
400 J_CHIND Change Indicator J_CHIND CHAR 
401 J_CIRC_ORIGIN Technical data origin of circulation J_CIRC_ORIGIN CHAR 
402 J_CO_AUFNR Order number of internal CO order for account assignment AUFNR CHAR 
403 J_CRMVRG CRM: User Status Triggers Business Transaction J_VORGANG CHAR 
404 J_DATE_HR IS-M/SD: Date of Origin of Additional Payment in HR DATS DATS 
405 J_DELSTAT Flag: Delete status XFELD CHAR 
406 J_DEVICE Output Device for Shipping Documents RSPOPNAME CHAR 
407 J_DLBRTWR IS-M/AM: LIS order gross sales volume for service WERTV10 CURR 
408 J_DLKZWI1 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST1 service WERTV9 CURR 
409 J_DLKZWI2 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST2 service WERTV9 CURR 
410 J_DLKZWI3 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST3 service WERTV9 CURR 
412 J_DLKZWI5 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST5 service WERTV9 CURR 
413 J_DLKZWI6 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST6 service WERTV9 CURR 
414 J_DLNETWR IS-M/AM: LIS order net sales volume service WERTV10 CURR 
415 J_DYNNR No. of include screens DYNPRONR NUMC 
416 J_EINNR_N IS-M: Subsequent Document Sub-Item Document Flow J_EINNR NUMC 
417 J_EINNR_V IS-M: Preceding document sub-item document flow J_EINNR NUMC 
418 J_EMONAT Calendar month of publication date of an issue J_AEABPER ACCP 
419 J_EQUOTE IS-M: Success rate PRZNT DEC 
420 J_ESTAT User Status J_ESTAT CHAR 
421 J_ET_AMONAT Number of Publication Dates for Edition in Accrual Month NUMC4 NUMC 
422 J_ET_EMONAT Number of publication dates for edition in publication month NUMC4 NUMC 
423 J_ET_MMONAT Number of publication dates for edition in auditing month NUMC4 NUMC 
424 J_EVENT IS-M: Event to Trigger Activities J_EVENT CHAR 
425 J_FAKDAT IS-M: LIS auxiliary field for billing date in the order DATUM DATS 
426 J_FBGEN Flag 'Generate function module' XFELD CHAR 
427 J_FKIMG_D IS-M: LIS Actual Billing Quantity MENG13 QUAN 
428 J_FLDNAME IONRA field for numbered key field from entity table FDNAME CHAR 
429 J_FLDOBJNR Field name for object number FDNAME CHAR 
430 J_FLG_FORB Flag: Transaction Prohibited KREUZ CHAR 
431 J_FLG_WARN Flag Showing Transaction Only Permitted after Warning XFELD CHAR 
432 J_FMGAZ IS-M: LIS Actual Billing Quantity for Ad MENG15 QUAN 
433 J_FMGAZGS IS-M: LIS Actual Billing Quantity Ad Credit Memo MENG15 QUAN 
434 J_FMGDL IS-M: LIS actual billing quantity service MENG15 QUAN 
435 J_FMGDLGS IS-M: LIS actual billing quantity service credit memo MENG15 QUAN 
436 J_FMGGES IS-M: LIS actual billing quantity total MENG15 QUAN 
437 J_FMGGESGS IS-M: LIS actual billing quantity total credit memo MENG15 QUAN 
438 J_FMGOL IS-M/AM: LIS actual billing quantity for online item MENG15 QUAN 
439 J_FMGOLGS IS-M: LIS actual billing quantity cred.memo for online item MENG15 QUAN 
440 J_FMGSI IS-M: LIS actual billing quantity for ad insert MENG15 QUAN 
441 J_FMGSIGS IS-M: LIS actual billing quantity ad insert credit memo MENG15 QUAN 
442 J_FMGVT IS-M/AM: LIS actual billing quantity for distribution item MENG15 QUAN 
443 J_FMGVTGS LIS actual billing qty for cred.memo for distribution item MENG15 QUAN 
444 J_FMGWS IS-M: LIS actual billing quantity for commercial MENG15 QUAN 
445 J_FMGWSGS IS-M: LIS actual bill.quantity commercial credit memo MENG15 QUAN 
446 J_FORMULAR Form for printing shipping document TDFORM CHAR 
448 J_GUANKZW1 IS-M/AM: LIS Order ST1 Ad Credit Memo WERTV9 CURR 
449 J_GUANKZW2 IS-M/AM: LIS Order ST2 Ad Credit Memo WERTV9 CURR 
450 J_GUANKZW3 IS-M/AM: LIS Order ST3 Ad Credit Memo WERTV9 CURR 
451 J_GUANKZW4 IS-M/AM: LIS Order ST4 Ad Credit Memo WERTV9 CURR 
452 J_GUANKZW5 IS-M/AM: LIS Order ST5 Ad Credit Memo WERTV9 CURR 
453 J_GUANKZW6 IS-M/AM: LIS Order ST6 ad Credit Memo WERTV9 CURR 
454 J_GUBRTWR IS-M/AM: LIS order sales volume gross credit memo total WERTV10 CURR 
455 J_GUDLKZW1 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST1 service credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
456 J_GUDLKZW2 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST2 service credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
457 J_GUDLKZW3 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST3 service credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
458 J_GUDLKZW4 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST4 service credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
459 J_GUDLKZW5 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST5 service credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
460 J_GUDLKZW6 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST6 service credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
461 J_GUKZWI1 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST1 total credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
462 J_GUKZWI2 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST2 total credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
463 J_GUKZWI3 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST3 total credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
464 J_GUKZWI4 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST4 total credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
465 J_GUKZWI5 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST5 total credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
466 J_GUKZWI6 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST6 total credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
467 J_GUNETWR IS-M/AM: LIS order sales volume net credit memo total WERTV10 CURR 
468 J_GUOLKZW1 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST1 credit memo for online item WERTV9 CURR 
469 J_GUOLKZW2 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST2 credit memo for online item WERTV9 CURR 
470 J_GUOLKZW3 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST3 credit memo for online item WERTV9 CURR 
471 J_GUOLKZW4 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST4 credit memo for online item WERTV9 CURR 
472 J_GUOLKZW5 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST5 credit memo for online item WERTV9 CURR 
473 J_GUOLKZW6 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST6 credit memo for online item WERTV9 CURR 
474 J_GUSIKZW1 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST1 ad insert credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
475 J_GUSIKZW2 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST2 ad insert credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
476 J_GUSIKZW3 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST3 ad insert credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
477 J_GUSIKZW4 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST4 ad insert credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
478 J_GUSIKZW5 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST5 ad insert credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
479 J_GUSIKZW6 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST6 ad insert credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
480 J_GUVTKZW1 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST1 distribution credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
481 J_GUVTKZW2 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST2 Distribution credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
482 J_GUVTKZW3 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST3 distribution credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
483 J_GUVTKZW4 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST4 distribution credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
484 J_GUVTKZW5 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST5 distribution credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
485 J_GUVTKZW6 IS-M/AM: LIS order ST6 distribution credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
486 J_GUWSKZW1 IS-M: LIS order ST1 commercial credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
487 J_GUWSKZW2 IS-M: LIS order ST2 commercial credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
488 J_GUWSKZW3 IS-M: LIS order ST3 commercial credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
489 J_GUWSKZW4 IS-M: LIS order ST4 commercial credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
490 J_GUWSKZW5 IS-M: LIS order ST5 commercial credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
491 J_GUWSKZW6 IS-M: LIS order ST6 commercial credit memo WERTV9 CURR 
492 J_HSONR Highest Status Number J_STONR NUMC 
493 J_HSTNR Highest status no. assigned NUM4 NUMC 
494 J_IABGMONAT Accrual Month for Billing Amounts and Billed Issues J_AEABPER ACCP 
495 J_ICON_ACCEPT IS-M/SD: Icon for Acceptance CHAR30 CHAR 
496 J_ICON_DELETE IS-M/SD: Icon for Deletion CHAR30 CHAR 
497 J_ICON_DETAIL IS-M/SD: Icon for Detailed View CHAR30 CHAR 
498 J_ICON_LOCK IS-M/SD: Icon for Locking/Unlocking CHAR30 CHAR 
499 J_ICON_OUTPUT IS-M/SD: Icon for Output CHAR30 CHAR 
500 J_ICON_SELECT IS-M/SD: Selection Icon CHAR30 CHAR