SAP ABAP Data Element - Index J, page 21
Data Element - J
# Data Element Short Description Domain Data Type
1 J_3GEPCGR6 Debited Profit Center - Group 6 SETNAM_INT CHAR 
2 J_3GEPRC01 Debited Profit Center 01 PRCTR CHAR 
3 J_3GEPRC02 Debited Profit Center 02 PRCTR CHAR 
4 J_3GEPRC03 Debited Profit Center 03 PRCTR CHAR 
5 J_3GEPRC04 Debited Profit Center 04 PRCTR CHAR 
6 J_3GEPRC05 Debited Profit Center 05 PRCTR CHAR 
7 J_3GEPRC06 Debited Profit Center 06 PRCTR CHAR 
8 J_3GEPRC07 Debited Profit Center 07 PRCTR CHAR 
9 J_3GEQART Procurement Type for External Equipment J_3GEQART CHAR 
10 J_3GEQMATNR Equipment Material Number MATNR CHAR 
11 J_3GERFGEN Indicator for Entry or Generation of Hours X CHAR 
12 J_3GETYP Recipient Type J_3GETYP CHAR 
13 J_3GETYPA Sending Recipient Type J_3GETYP CHAR 
14 J_3GETYPE Receiving Recipient Type J_3GETYP CHAR 
15 J_3GEWERKS Debited Plant WERKS CHAR 
17 J_3GFAKTAB Billing Indicator - Sender J_3GFAKTKZ CHAR 
18 J_3GFAKTEM Billing Indicator - Recipient J_3GFAKTKZ CHAR 
19 J_3GFAKTKZ Billing Indicator J_3GFAKTKZ CHAR 
20 J_3GFIKTIV Fictitious Indicator X CHAR 
22 J_3GFMGUE Release Notification Allowance for Unrestricted Usage (Days) NUMC NUMC 
23 J_3GFORMEL Calculation Formula for Catalog Values CHAR50 CHAR 
24 J_3GFREMDP Indicator for External Employees X CHAR 
25 J_3GFRISTLO Indicator: Deadline Logic X CHAR 
26 J_3GFUEART Filler Type for PBE Documents J_3GFUEART CHAR 
27 J_3GFUESTD Create Hours for Performance-Based Equipment Report NUM02 NUMC 
28 J_3GGENSTA Generation Status J_3GGENSTA CHAR 
29 J_3GGRENZE Maximum Activity Limit per Day (External) J_3GPROZ DEC 
30 J_3GGRENZI Maximum Activity Limit per Day (Internal) J_3GPROZ DEC 
31 J_3GGRUND Reason for Acquisition/Retirement (Movement) CHAR1 CHAR 
32 J_3GHERST Publisher of Catalog J_3GHERST CHAR 
33 J_3GHIEKG1 Hierarchy Level of Catalog Group 1 CHAR1 CHAR 
34 J_3GHIEKG2 Hierarchy Level of Catalog Group 2 CHAR1 CHAR 
35 J_3GHIERA Hierarchy Levels of Catalog J_3GHIERA CHAR 
36 J_3GIBEWEG Internal Transaction Type J_3GIBEWEG NUMC 
37 J_3GILOBAU Checkbox: Copy ETM Data X CHAR 
38 J_3GIMPT1 Actual Value of Measuring Point IMRC_POINT CHAR 
39 J_3GIMPT2 Calculated Value of Measuring Point IMRC_POINT CHAR 
40 J_3GINTERP Catalog Value Cannot be Interpolated J_3GINTERP CHAR 
41 J_3GINTEX Internal/External Price Settlement/Document Creation J_3GINTEX CHAR 
42 J_3GINTGRZ Percentage - Limits DEC2_2 DEC 
43 J_3GINVENTUR Physical Inventory Indicator X CHAR 
44 J_3GINVSTA Status of Construction Site Inventory J_3GINVSTA CHAR 
45 J_3GKALART Costing Type of Number in Catalog J_3GKALART CHAR 
46 J_3GKALSMT CEM Procedure for Price List Determination KALSM CHAR 
47 J_3GKAPPL Area of Usage J_3GKAPPL CHAR 
48 J_3GKATGR1 Catalog Group 1 J_3GKATGR1 CHAR 
49 J_3GKATGR2 Catalog Group 2 J_3GKATGR2 CHAR 
50 J_3GKATGRP Catalog Group J_3GKATGRP CHAR 
51 J_3GKATNRC Number in Catalog J_3GKATNRC CHAR 
52 J_3GKATPFL No Catalog Maintenance Using BOM CHAR1_X CHAR 
53 J_3GKBAUL ETM-Relevant Indicator J_3GKBAUL CHAR 
54 J_3GKEINSA Indicator - Relevant to Short Operation Periods X CHAR 
55 J_3GKENIE Indicator for I(nternal) or E(xternal) Posting J_3GKENIE CHAR 
56 J_3GKENNGEW Indicator for Total Weight Determination X CHAR 
57 J_3GKENNZ Technical Statistics J_3GKENNZ CHAR 
58 J_3GKENORG Indicator: Org. Struct. for Acc. Dtrmn (Providing/Debited) J_3GKENORG CHAR 
59 J_3GKINP Indicator: Item Created in Input XFELD CHAR 
60 J_3GKLEIVO Indicator: Calculate PBE as TBE X CHAR 
61 J_3GKMERKM Indicator for Characteristics J_3GKMERKM CHAR 
62 J_3GKOKRS CO Area for Profit Center CACCD CHAR 
63 J_3GKONDTP Table Type for Conditions on Screen J_3GKONDTP CHAR 
64 J_3GKSTAT Status of Catalog Rating J_3GKSTAT CHAR 
65 J_3GKURZB Short Description J_3GKURZB CHAR 
66 J_3GKVERK Indicator: Sales/Repurchase SD Document Types for Mat. Dely J_3GKVERK CHAR 
67 J_3GKZABS Indicator for Allowing Internal Sender X CHAR 
68 J_3GKZABSE Indicator for Allowing External Sender X CHAR 
69 J_3GKZABSI Indicator for Allowing Internal Sender X CHAR 
70 J_3GKZBEL Indicator for Creating Change Document X CHAR 
71 J_3GKZBELE Indicator Allowing Entry of External Document Number - Y/N X CHAR 
72 J_3GKZBERG Indicator for Provision Fees J_3GKZBERG CHAR 
73 J_3GKZEIVE Indicator for Owner/Administrator J_3GKZEIVE CHAR 
74 J_3GKZEMPB Indicator for Allowing Recipient in Document Entry J_3GKZERF CHAR 
75 J_3GKZEMPE Indicator for Allowing External Recipient X CHAR 
76 J_3GKZEMPF Indicator for Allowing Recipient X CHAR 
77 J_3GKZEMPI Indicator for Allowing Internal Recipient X CHAR 
78 J_3GKZEMPK Indicator: Recipient Created in Header X CHAR 
79 J_3GKZEQUB Indicator for Allowing Equipment in Document Entry J_3GKZERF CHAR 
80 J_3GKZEQUI Indicator for Allowing Equipment in Document Entry X CHAR 
81 J_3GKZEQUK Indicator: Equipment Created in Header X CHAR 
82 J_3GKZFRIS Usage Period Indicator J_3GKZFRIS CHAR 
83 J_3GKZFUEL Indicator: fill gaps in perf.-based equi. documents X CHAR 
84 J_3GKZGER Indicator for Equipment X CHAR 
85 J_3GKZLAD Indicator: Loading/Unloading Costs Apply J_3GKZLAD CHAR 
86 J_3GKZLADE Indicator: External (Un)Loading Costs J_3GKZLAD CHAR 
87 J_3GKZLADG Indicator: Relevancy to Loading Costs CHAR1 CHAR 
88 J_3GKZLADI Indicator: Internal Loading Costs J_3GKZLAD CHAR 
89 J_3GKZLATR Activity Type Separation J_3GKZLATR CHAR 
90 J_3GKZLVOE Indicator: Calculate external PBE as TBE X CHAR 
91 J_3GKZLVOI Indicator: Calculate Internal PBE as TBE X CHAR 
92 J_3GKZMAT Material Indicator X CHAR 
93 J_3GKZMATB Indicator for Allowing Material in Document Entry J_3GKZERF CHAR 
94 J_3GKZMENG Item/Multipart Indicator J_3GKZMENG CHAR 
95 J_3GKZMIEM Indicator for Allowing Intermediate Recipient X CHAR 
96 J_3GKZPACH Leasing Type Indicator J_3GKZPACH CHAR 
97 J_3GKZPERB Indicator for Allowing Personnel in Document Entry J_3GKZERF CHAR 
98 J_3GKZPERK Indicator: Personnel Created in Header X CHAR 
99 J_3GKZPERS Personnel Indicator X CHAR 
100 J_3GKZSEND Indicator for Allowing Sender in Document Entry J_3GKZERF CHAR 
101 J_3GKZSPEB Indicator: Special Price for External Recipient of Service J_3GKZSOPR CHAR 
102 J_3GKZSPEL Indicator: Special Price for External Provider of Service J_3GKZSOPR CHAR 
103 J_3GKZSPIB Indicator: Special Price for Internal Recipient of Service J_3GKZSOPR CHAR 
104 J_3GKZSPIL Indicator: Special Price for Internal Provider of Service J_3GKZSOPR CHAR 
105 J_3GKZUEB Indicator: Copy Shipping Document J_3GKZUEB CHAR 
106 J_3GKZVERS Indicator: Shipping Documents Exist X CHAR 
107 J_3GKZVERW Indicator for Administrator Check X CHAR 
108 J_3GLABEQUI Last Settlement - Equipment Performance DATS DATS 
109 J_3GLABMAT Last Settlement - Material Sales DATS DATS 
110 J_3GLABPERS Last Settlement - Personnel Performance DATS DATS 
111 J_3GLABRECH Date of Last Settlement DATUM DATS 
112 J_3GLADBEZ Text for Loading Costs Indicator J_3GLADBEZ CHAR 
113 J_3GLARUECK Activity Type "Repurchase" for Materials J_3GLVART CHAR 
114 J_3GLBUKRS Providing Company Code BUKRS CHAR 
115 J_3GLEERF No Usage X CHAR 
116 J_3GLEERFP No Usage X CHAR 
117 J_3GLEERFR Calculated Activity Recording/Measuring Point Category IMRC_MPTYP CHAR 
118 J_3GLEERFT Actual Activity Recording/Measuring Point Category IMRC_MPTYP CHAR 
119 J_3GLEIERB Indicator for Service Provider J_3GLEIERB CHAR 
120 J_3GLEIERF Activity Recording (Operating/Working Hours) IMRC_MPTYP CHAR 
121 J_3GLEIFLU Indicator: Settlement View J_3GLEIFLU CHAR 
122 J_3GLEMPF Recipient of Service J_3GLEIST CHAR 
123 J_3GLERBR Provider of Service J_3GLEIST CHAR 
124 J_3GLFDNR Sequence Number for Catalog Costing J_3GLFDNR NUMC 
125 J_3GLFDNR2 Sequence Number NUMC2 NUMC 
126 J_3GLFDNR4 Sequence Number NUMC4 NUMC 
127 J_3GLGSBER Providing Business Area GSBER CHAR 
128 J_3GLG_VAR Display Variant for PBE Report J_3GLG_VAR CHAR 
129 J_3GLICENCE_NUM License Plate Number CHAR15 CHAR 
130 J_3GLKOKRS Providing Controlling Area CACCD CHAR 
131 J_3GLOEKZ Deletion Indicator XFELD CHAR 
132 J_3GLOGIK Standard Allocation Table J_3GLOGIK CHAR 
133 J_3GLPCGR1 Providing Profit Center - Group 1 SETNAM_INT CHAR 
134 J_3GLPCGR2 Providing Profit Center - Group 2 SETNAM_INT CHAR 
135 J_3GLPCGR3 Providing Profit Center - Group 3 SETNAM_INT CHAR 
136 J_3GLPCGR4 Providing Profit Center - Group 4 SETNAM_INT CHAR 
137 J_3GLPCGR5 Providing Profit Center - Group 5 SETNAM_INT CHAR 
138 J_3GLPCGR6 Providing Profit Center - Group 6 SETNAM_INT CHAR 
139 J_3GLPRC01 Providing Profit Center 01 PRCTR CHAR 
140 J_3GLPRC02 Providing Profit Center 02 PRCTR CHAR 
141 J_3GLPRC03 Providing Profit Center 03 PRCTR CHAR 
142 J_3GLPRC04 Providing Profit Center 04 PRCTR CHAR 
143 J_3GLPRC05 Providing Profit Center 05 PRCTR CHAR 
144 J_3GLPRC06 Providing Profit Center 06 PRCTR CHAR 
145 J_3GLPRC07 Providing Profit Center 07 PRCTR CHAR 
146 J_3GLPRCG1 Providing Profit Center - Group 1 CHAR1 CHAR 
147 J_3GLRELE Relevancy to Wages X CHAR 
148 J_3GLVART Activity Type J_3GLVART CHAR 
149 J_3GLVARTZU Activity Type for Deadline Surcharge J_3GLVART CHAR 
150 J_3GLVART_WL Activity Type for Redelivery J_3GLVART CHAR 
151 J_3GLVCPL Activity Settlement Type: Complete PBE Report J_3GLVART CHAR 
152 J_3GLVFUE Activity Settlement Type: Create PBE Report J_3GLVART CHAR 
153 J_3GLWERKS Providing Plant WERKS CHAR 
154 J_3GMASCHB "Fill PBE Documents" Indicator J_3GMASCHB CHAR 
155 J_3GMATNRZU Material Number for Deadline Surcharge MATNR CHAR 
156 J_3GMEINSA Indicator: Take Multiple Usage Periods into Account X CHAR 
157 J_3GMENGE Quantity MENG13 QUAN 
158 J_3GMENGEV13 Quantity With +/- Sign MENGV13 QUAN 
159 J_3GMERNAM Characteristic Name CHAR30 CHAR 
160 J_3GMERNRI Internal Characteristic Number ATINN NUMC 
161 J_3GMIEEMPERFI Indicator: Intermediate Recipient (Internal) J_3GMITEMPFERF CHAR 
162 J_3GMIEMPF Indicator for Intermediate Recipient J_3GMIEMPF CHAR 
163 J_3GMIEMPFERF Indicator: Intermediate Recipient (Across Co. Codes) J_3GMITEMPFERF CHAR 
166 J_3GMITACO CO Order - Intermediate Recipient AUFNR CHAR 
167 J_3GMITAPM PM Order Recipient AUFNR CHAR 
168 J_3GMITKOK Controlling Area - Intermediate Recipient CACCD CHAR 
169 J_3GMITKOS Cost Center - Intermediate Recipient KOSTL CHAR 
170 J_3GMITLAG Storage Location - Intermediate Recipient LGORT CHAR 
171 J_3GMITPRO Project Number - Intermediate Recipient PS_PSPNR NUMC 
172 J_3GMITPSP WBS Element - Intermediate Recipient PS_POSNR NUMC 
173 J_3GMITREF Reference Type - Intermediate Recipient J_3GREFTYP CHAR 
174 J_3GMITTLE Intermediate Recipient KUNNR CHAR 
175 J_3GMITWRK Plant - Intermediate Recipient WERKS CHAR 
176 J_3GMNWRT Average Value When New WERT CURR 
177 J_3GMPBEG Start of Measuring Point IMRC_FLTPS FLTP 
178 J_3GMPBEG1 Actual Start of Measuring Point NUM10 NUMC 
179 J_3GMPBEG2 Calculated Start of Measuring Point NUMC10 NUMC 
180 J_3GMPEND End of Measuring Point IMRC_FLTPS FLTP 
181 J_3GMPEND1 Actual End of Measuring Point NUMC10 NUMC 
182 J_3GMPEND2 Calculated End of Measuring Point NUMC10 NUMC 
183 J_3GMP_DIALOG Measurement Document Maintenance Dialog J_3GMBDIA NUMC 
184 J_3GMTART_KATAL Material Type Allowed in Catalog? X CHAR 
185 J_3GMTART_PAKET Material Type Allowed in Package? X CHAR 
186 J_3GNAME_AGEX Name of Sold-To Party NAME CHAR 
187 J_3GNAME_EMPF Name of Recipient NAME CHAR 
188 J_3GNAME_WEEX Name of External Ship-To Party NAME CHAR 
189 J_3GNATION Cluster PC: nation code CHAR1 CHAR 
190 J_3GNEGFUELL Indicator: Fill When Stock is Negative X CHAR 
191 J_3GNEGMEN Negative Quantities Allowed Even for Chronolog. Inv. Mgmt X CHAR 
192 J_3GNETZPL Network Number AUFNR CHAR 
193 J_3GNODAY Public holiday indicator according to factory calendar CHAR1 CHAR 
194 J_3GNUMMER Internal Number for Classification OBJEKT CHAR 
195 J_3GNURKAT Only Catalog Values Allowed CHAR1_X CHAR 
196 J_3GOBSOLET Obsolete. Do Not Use Anymore. CHAR1 CHAR 
198 J_3GORGKEN Indicator: Across All Organizational Structures X CHAR 
199 J_3GORGUEB Indicator: Across All Organizational Structures CHAR1 CHAR 
200 J_3GPACHT Leasing Type J_3GKZPACH CHAR 
203 J_3GPAKKENN Settlement Package Indicator X CHAR 
204 J_3GPAKKENN_ICON Icon for Package Indicator ABMSGTXT CHAR 
206 J_3GPAKP_AQZIF Equivalence Number for Settlement AQZIF DEC 
207 J_3GPAKP_PROZS Settlement Percentage Rate PROZS DEC 
208 J_3GPARKEN Indicator: Park CEM Documents X CHAR 
209 J_3GPAUE Document Flat Rate - External J_3GPAUSCH CHAR 
210 J_3GPAUI Document Flat Rate - Internal J_3GPAUSCH CHAR 
211 J_3GPBETRE Document Flat Rate Amount - External WERTV8 CURR 
212 J_3GPBETRI Document Flat Rate Amount - Internal WERTV8 CURR 
213 J_3GPDAYNR Day number (type P) DEC1 DEC 
214 J_3GPEABS Document Flat Rate Indicator (External) - Sender J_3GPAUSCH CHAR 
215 J_3GPEEMPS Document Flat Rate Indicator (External) - Recipient J_3GPAUSCH CHAR 
216 J_3GPEMPST Price Determiner KUNNR CHAR 
217 J_3GPERIOD Period of Portion of Insurance Contribution J_3GPERIOD CHAR 
218 J_3GPERNR Personal Number J_3GPERNR NUMC 
219 J_3GPIABS Document Flat Rate Indicator (Internal) - Sender J_3GPAUSCH CHAR 
220 J_3GPIEMPS Document Flat Rate Indicator (Internal) - Recipient J_3GPAUSCH CHAR 
221 J_3GPKBEZ Package Description TEXT60 CHAR 
222 J_3GPKOKRS Controlling Area for Master Cost Center CACCD CHAR 
223 J_3GPKOSTL Master Cost Center KOSTL CHAR 
224 J_3GPKTYP Package Type J_3GPKTYP CHAR 
225 J_3GPLTYP Price List PLTYP CHAR 
226 J_3GPMAUFE PM Order Number (Owner) AUFNR CHAR 
227 J_3GPMAUFV PM Order Number (Administrator) AUFNR CHAR 
228 J_3GPMKENZ Key Figure: Cost of the Maintenance Order (PMIS) J_3GPMKENZ CHAR 
229 J_3GPNAME1 Internal Characteristic Name for Costing CHAR30 CHAR 
230 J_3GPNAME2 Variable Name CHAR2 CHAR 
231 J_3GPOSAB Document Item - Retirement J_3GPOSNR NUMC 
232 J_3GPOSINK Item Increment SPOSN CHAR 
233 J_3GPOSMAX Last Assigned Item Number for Catalog BOM INT4 INT4 
234 J_3GPOSNR Item Number J_3GPOSNR NUMC 
235 J_3GPOSNRE External Item Number NUMC4 NUMC 
236 J_3GPOSNRI Internal Item Number NUMC4 NUMC 
237 J_3GPOSZU Document Item - Acquisition J_3GPOSNR NUMC 
238 J_3GPRAEND Take Price Change Over Time Into Account X CHAR 
239 J_3GPRGRMM Price Group for Material KONDM CHAR 
240 J_3GPRGRPE Price Group for Equipment KONDA CHAR 
241 J_3GPROTID Sequence number identifying a log record NUMC6 NUMC 
242 J_3GPROZ Leasing Interest Rate J_3GPROZ DEC 
243 J_3GREFPAKET Package Template J_3GPAKET CHAR 
244 J_3GREFTAB Reference Type Partner Function - Sender J_3GREFTYP CHAR 
245 J_3GREFTWE Reference Type Partner Function Ship-To Int./Sold-To Ext. J_3GREFTYP CHAR 
246 J_3GREFTYP Reference Type for Recipient J_3GREFTYP CHAR 
247 J_3GREP Repairs WERTV7 CURR 
248 J_3GREPK PMIS Key Figure for Repairs WERTV8 CURR 
249 J_3GRESSOU Resource CHAR18 CHAR 
250 J_3GRESTX Short Text for Resource TEXT40 CHAR 
251 J_3GRESTYP Resource Indicator J_3GRESTYP CHAR 
252 J_3GRKAUF_MAT_E Repurchase of External Material AUART CHAR 
253 J_3GRKAUF_MAT_I Repurchase of Internal Material AUART CHAR 
254 J_3GSCHPRS Indicator: Shift Price X CHAR 
255 J_3GSEMPST Standard Recipient KUNNR CHAR 
256 J_3GSHOWKZ Indicator for Displaying Field XFIELD CHAR 
257 J_3GSONDPR Indicator for Entering Special Price X CHAR 
258 J_3GSTART Date of Productive Start DATUM DATS 
259 J_3GSTDBEL Indicator for Allowing Standard Document X CHAR 
260 J_3GSTDMON Hours per Month DEC03_2 DEC 
261 J_3GSTDTAG Hours per Day DEC03_2 DEC 
263 J_3GSTEUER Control Whether Price List Determination or Condition Type J_3GSTEUER NUMC 
264 J_3GSTEUKZ Tax Between Persons Involved J_3GSTEUKZ CHAR 
265 J_3GSTLMAT Determine Use of Catalog for BOMs or Material J_3GSTLMAT CHAR 
266 J_3GSTORNO Canc. Ind. (Derived Size from Canc./Reversal Doc.) X CHAR 
267 J_3GSTRVAL Characteristics Value CHAR35 CHAR 
268 J_3GTAGBEZ Day name CHAR15 CHAR 
269 J_3GTAGMON Number of Days/Month DEC3_2 DEC 
270 J_3GTDATUM Date Texts for Catalog/BOM Screens CHAR1 CHAR 
271 J_3GTESTSD Enhanced Authorization for Test SD Input (CEM) X CHAR 
272 J_3GTH1 Help Texts for Catalog/BOM Screens CHAR1 CHAR 
273 J_3GTH2 Help Texts for Catalog/BOM Screens CHAR1 CHAR 
274 J_3GTPLKZ Catalog Code J_3GTPLKZ CHAR 
275 J_3GTPLTXT Catalog Description J_3GTPLTXT CHAR 
276 J_3GTRAHMEN Frame Texts for Catalog/BOM Screens CHAR1 CHAR 
277 J_3GUEBSTA Copy Indicator for Location Settl. Type for Settl. Calendar J_3GUEBSTA CHAR 
278 J_3GUMBDAT Date of Last Transfer Posting DATUM DATS 
279 J_3GUMBUAB Posting Type - Debited Party J_3GUMBUA CHAR 
280 J_3GUMBUAL Posting Type - Providing Party J_3GUMBUA CHAR 
281 J_3GUMVERE Redirection Settlement Type - External J_3GLVART CHAR 
282 J_3GUMVERI Redirection Settlement Type - Internal J_3GLVART CHAR 
283 J_3GUPOSNR Sub-Item Number NUMC2 NUMC 
285 J_3GVBELNE Number of External Billing Document VBELN CHAR 
286 J_3GVERMEIN Unit of Measure for Settlement MEINS UNIT 
287 J_3GVERMENG Settlement Quantity MENG13 QUAN 
288 J_3GVERRE Settlement Type X CHAR 
289 J_3GVERS Insurance WERTV7 CURR 
290 J_3GVERSUM Amount Insured WERT7 CURR 
291 J_3GVERWAL Administrator J_3GEIGVER CHAR 
292 J_3GVERWTP Central/Decentral Equipment Management Category J_3GVERWTP CHAR 
293 J_3GVMONAT Indicator for Complete Month J_3GVMONAT NUMC 
295 J_3GVSART Insurance Type AVART CHAR 
296 J_3GVVCOM Comment CHAR40 CHAR 
297 J_3GWAERS Currency of Shipping Document WAERS CUKY 
298 J_3GWAERS1 Currency Flat Rate Amount (Internal) - Sender WAERS CUKY 
299 J_3GWAERS2 Currency Flat Rate Amount (External) - Sender WAERS CUKY 
300 J_3GWAERS3 Currency Flat Rate Amount (Internal) - Recipient WAERS CUKY 
301 J_3GWAERS4 Currency Flat Rate Amount (External) - Recipient WAERS CUKY 
302 J_3GWARGRP Material Group MATKL CHAR 
303 J_3GWEERF No Usage X CHAR 
304 J_3GWEERFP No Usage X CHAR 
305 J_3GWEGERF Entry of Route (Km Driven) IMRC_MPTYP CHAR 
306 J_3GWOFFS Offset for Presentation of Weeks J_3GWOFFS NUMC 
307 J_3GZAHLW Form of Payment DBMON NUMC 
308 J_3GZARTHR Time Type with Reference to HR LGART CHAR 
309 J_3GZARTPP Time Type with Reference to PP LOHNGRP CHAR 
310 J_3GZDEQUI Indicator for Central-Decentral Equipment J_3GZDEQUI CHAR 
311 J_3GZUBEGR CO Object Redirection for Acc. Determntn in Price Determntn J_3GZUBEGR CHAR 
312 J_3GZUFRIS Surcharge from Relevancy to Deadlines J_3GZUFRIS CHAR 
313 J_3GZUGR Indicator for Access to Basic Price J_3GZUGR CHAR 
314 J_3GZUGTAG Function for Settlement on Acquisition Date/PBE X CHAR 
315 J_3GZULERF Allowed Entry Categories J_3GZULERF NUMC 
316 J_3GZULNR Registration Number CHAR20 CHAR 
317 J_3GZULRESS Allowed Resources J_3GZULRESS NUMC 
318 J_3GZUSCHUE Surcharge for Unrestricted Usage (Days) NUMC NUMC 
319 J_3GZUTVHLG Ind.: Acquisition Date Counts (as Daily Settlement for PBE) X CHAR 
320 J_3G_COLOR Color Definition for MAterial Item Field J_3G_COLOR NUMC 
321 J_3RACCRUAL Accrual Basis for VAT Accounting XFELD CHAR 
322 J_3RACCRUAL_FIELD Accrual Parameter Name for Grouping CHAR30 CHAR 
323 J_3RACHEK Chek key CHAR01 CHAR 
324 J_3RACQUIS11 Acqusitons for the fiscal period J_3RBS5VALUE CURR 
325 J_3RACQUISMETHOD Acquisition method   CHAR 
326 J_3RALACCAM Account,subaccount CHAR010 CHAR 
327 J_3RALASNAME Full name and purpose of an object TXT50 CHAR 
328 J_3RALBUYDATE Capitalization date of fixed asset (waybill, invoice) DATE DATS 
329 J_3RALBUYNMB Number of capitalization asset document (waybill, invoice) BELNR CHAR 
330 J_3RALCODEAN Analytical account code SAKNR CHAR 
331 J_3RALCODEANDEPR Analytical account code of depreciation charges CHAR010 CHAR 
332 J_3RALCOMNAME Organization name CHAR160 CHAR 
333 J_3RALDEPRGROUP Depreciation group number CHAR10 CHAR 
334 J_3RALDIVISION Struct division name CHAR80 CHAR 
335 J_3RALDOCDAT Filling date DATE DATS 
336 J_3RALEMPTY Flag:fixied asset is empty or not J_3RALEMPTY NUMC 
337 J_3RALICDATE Creation date of inventory card DATE DATS 
338 J_3RALINVOICE System number of incoming invoice BELNR CHAR 
339 J_3RALKINDACTIV Kind of activity CHAR12 CHAR 
340 J_3RALLCLEAR All Payments TEXT100 CHAR 
341 J_3RALLOCATION Location of fixed asset TEXT255 CHAR 
342 J_3RALMODEL Model, type, mark TXT50 CHAR 
343 J_3RALNB Inventory card number CHAR015 CHAR 
344 J_3RALNRUN Flag: Fixed asset is not started J_3RALNRUN NUMC 
345 J_3RALOKOF The Rusiian qualifier of a fixed assets (OKOF) CHAR9 CHAR 
346 J_3RALOLD Flag: Old asset or not J_3RALOLD NUMC 
347 J_3RALOPERTYPE Operation type code CHAR10 CHAR 
348 J_3RALOPTYPECODE Operation type code CHAR10 CHAR 
349 J_3RALPASP Number of registration passport EHWNR_ANLA CHAR 
350 J_3RALPRCOST Acquisition cost of all objects ANLKWERT CURR 
351 J_3RALQUANT Quantity of objects NUM05 NUMC 
352 J_3RALREQ Flag:Fixed asset has left completely J_3RALREQ NUMC 
353 J_3RALRETDATE Retirement date from accounting DATE DATS 
354 J_3RALSERN Works number GERNR CHAR 
355 J_3RALSTATUS Status of fixed asset J_3RALSTATUS NUMC 
356 J_3RALVIRT Flag:Asset take a part in calculating,but it isn't showing J_3RALVIRT NUMC 
357 J_3RALYEAR Year of incoming invoice GJAHR NUMC 
358 J_3RAMTRDESCIRPT Description of amount reduction code TEXT120 CHAR 
359 J_3RAOKOFTEXT OKOF Code Description 1 CHAR130 CHAR 
360 J_3RAOKOFTEXT2 OKOF Code Description 2 CHAR130 CHAR 
361 J_3RAPCB03 Acquisition value at the Beginning of the Year J_3RBS5VALUE CURR 
362 J_3RAPCE04 Acquisition value at the End of the Year J_3RBS5VALUE CURR 
363 J_3RAQUANT Issued Workwear Quantity MENG13V QUAN 
364 J_3RAUOM Workwear Unit of Measure MEINS UNIT 
365 J_3RBANKL Correspondent bank number BANKL CHAR 
366 J_3RBANKN Bank correspondent account number BANKN CHAR 
367 J_3RBATCH Post Documents via Batch Input Session XFELD CHAR 
368 J_3RBATCHNM Batch Input Session Name MAPPE_WEDF CHAR 
369 J_3RBEG_BALANCE Beginning balance WERTV8 CURR 
370 J_3RBKONT Bank control key for correspondent account at our bank BKONT CHAR 
371 J_3RBLART Document type CHAR1 CHAR 
372 J_3RBPY_BALANCE Balance at the end of year before previous WERTV8 CURR 
373 J_3RBS5COL01 Content of Column 1 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
374 J_3RBS5COL02 Content of Column 2 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
375 J_3RBS5COL03 Content of Column 3 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
376 J_3RBS5COL04 Content of Column 4 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
377 J_3RBS5COL05 Content of Column 5 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
378 J_3RBS5COL06 Content of Column 6 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
379 J_3RBS5COL07 Content of Column 7 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
380 J_3RBS5COL08 Content of Column 8 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
381 J_3RBS5COL09 Content of Column 9 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
382 J_3RBS5COL10 Content of Column 10 J_3RBS5COL CHAR 
383 J_3RBS5COLTEXT Column header TEXT50 CHAR 
384 J_3RBS5COLTEXT1 Column Title 1 TEXT50 CHAR 
385 J_3RBS5COLTEXT2 Column Title 2 TEXT50 CHAR 
386 J_3RBS5COLTEXT3 Column Title 3 TEXT50 CHAR 
387 J_3RBS5COLTEXT4 Column Title 4 TEXT50 CHAR 
388 J_3RBS5COLTEXT5 Column Title 5 TEXT50 CHAR 
389 J_3RBS5COLUMN Code of Section Column CHAR02 CHAR 
390 J_3RBS5DESCRIPT Section Description/Header TEXT255 CHAR 
391 J_3RBS5DESCRIPTR Title of Row in Adobe PDF Form TEXT255 CHAR 
392 J_3RBS5DESCRIPTR1 Row description BS N5 section 1 TEXT40 CHAR 
393 J_3RBS5DESCRIPTR2 Row description BS N5 section 2 TEXT40 CHAR 
394 J_3RBS5DESCRIPTR3 Row description BS N5 section 3 TEXT40 CHAR 
395 J_3RBS5DESCRIPTR4 Row description BS N5 section 4 TEXT40 CHAR 
396 J_3RBS5DESCRIPTR5 Row description BS N5 section 5 TEXT40 CHAR 
397 J_3RBS5DESCRIPTS Description of Asset Class Group TEXT40 CHAR 
398 J_3RBS5EXTCODE Output Code of Section Row in Legal Form CHAR04 CHAR 
399 J_3RBS5FOOTER Section Footer TEXT255 CHAR 
400 J_3RBS5FORMCODE Section Code of Balance Sheet Supplement N5 CHAR04 CHAR 
404 J_3RBS5OKOPF_NAME OKOPF description TEXT200 CHAR 
406 J_3RBS5OKVED_NAME OKVED desctiption TEXT200 CHAR 
407 J_3RBS5PDATE Print date DATS DATS 
408 J_3RBS5PLEDGED Pledged Assets XFELD CHAR 
409 J_3RBS5POKOPF_NAME OKOPF description TEXT200 CHAR 
410 J_3RBS5ROWCODE Internal Code of Section Row CHAR04 CHAR 
411 J_3RBS5SELOPT Code of Asset Class Group CHAR04 CHAR 
412 J_3RBS5SELOPTBTN Maintain Selection Criteria CHAR01 CHAR 
413 J_3RBS5SHORTALVC Title of Column in ALV List TEXT40 CHAR 
414 J_3RBS5SHORTALVR Title of Row in ALV List TEXT80 CHAR 
415 J_3RBS5SHUTDOWN Assets Shut Down XFELD CHAR 
416 J_3RBS5VALUE Value for ALV-output (1-10) J_3RBS5VALUE CURR 
417 J_3RBSVARIANT Variant of Financial Statement Versions   CHAR 
418 J_3RBSVARTEXT Description of the variant of Financial statement versions   CHAR 
419 J_3RBS_EXPLANATION Explanation code for Balance Sheet line item CHAR4 CHAR 
420 J_3RBS_FILE_PATH File Path and Name   STRG 
421 J_3RBS_FSFORM Financial Statement Form Number J_3RBS_FORMNR CHAR 
422 J_3RBS_FSV Financial Statement Version CHAR4 CHAR 
423 J_3RBS_ITEM_NUMBER Line Item Number NUMC3 NUMC 
424 J_3RBS_NAME Name Display for Detalization Sections   STRG 
425 J_3RBS_OUTPUT Output Type CHAR1 CHAR 
426 J_3RBS_PDF Radio button for Adobe Interactive + XML Output CHAR1 CHAR 
427 J_3RBS_PERMAX Period To (1-16) NUMC02 NUMC 
428 J_3RBS_PERMIN Period From (1-16) NUMC02 NUMC 
429 J_3RBS_REP_PERIOD Reporting Period J_3RBS_PER CHAR 
430 J_3RBS_TAG XML Tag: To Be Removed TEXT255 CHAR 
431 J_3RBS_VALUE Output value for Balance Sheet Supplements J_3RBS_VALUE CHAR 
432 J_3RBS_XML Radio button for XML Output CHAR1 CHAR 
434 J_3RBUSINESSAREA Do Not Copy Business Area in the Created Document XFELD CHAR 
436 J_3RCALL_TR Post via call transaction(immediately) CHAR1 CHAR 
437 J_3RCARDNUMBER Filling an invetory card number J_3RCARDNUMBER CHAR 
438 J_3RCAUGBI Document number of the clearing document for invoice BELNR CHAR 
439 J_3RCAUGBR Document number of the clearing document for reversal doc BELNR CHAR 
440 J_3RCBELRR Reversal accounting document number BELNR CHAR 
441 J_3RCBUDINV Posting date in the accounting invoice DATUM DATS 
442 J_3RCBUDREV Posting date in the reversal accounting document DATUM DATS 
443 J_3RCBUPLA Business place CHAR4 CHAR 
444 J_3RCBUZEI Invoice document line number BUZEI NUMC 
445 J_3RCBUZER Reversal accounting document line number BUZEI NUMC 
446 J_3RCCOVEN Partner CHAR10 CHAR 
447 J_3RCDZBD1P Cash Discount Percentage 1 PRZ23 DEC 
448 J_3RCDZBD1T Cash discount days 1 ZBDXT DEC 
449 J_3RCDZBD2P Cash Discount Percentage 2 PRZ23 DEC 
450 J_3RCDZBD2T Cash discount days 2 ZBDXT DEC 
451 J_3RCDZBD3T Net Payment Terms Period ZBDXT DEC 
452 J_3RCDZBFIX Fixed Payment Terms ZBFIX CHAR 
453 J_3RCDZFBDT Base date for calculation of term of payment DATUM DATS 
454 J_3RCDZLSCH Payment method ZLSCH CHAR 
455 J_3RCDZLSPR Payment Block Key ZAHLS CHAR 
456 J_3RCDZTERM Terms of payment key ZTERM CHAR 
457 J_3RCDZUONR Assignment number ZUONR CHAR 
458 J_3RCEXPND Hide Accounting Documents CHAR1_X CHAR 
459 J_3RCFIINGJR Accounting invoice document year GJAHR NUMC 
460 J_3RCFIRVGJR Reversal accounting document year GJAHR NUMC 
461 J_3RCGJAPAYI Payment Fiscal year for invoice GJAHR NUMC 
462 J_3RCGJAPAYR Payment Fiscal year for reversal GJAHR NUMC 
463 J_3RCHAR1X Pymnt.sent ayment Order Exists for this Item CHAR1_X CHAR 
464 J_3RCHAR34 Text field 34 characters   CHAR 
465 J_3RCHECKXREF1 Do Not Check Date in Business Partner Ref. Key XFELD CHAR 
466 J_3RCHECKXREF2 Check Date in Business Partner Ref. Key XFELD CHAR 
467 J_3RCHESTSIZE Chest Size   NUMC 
468 J_3RCINVFI Accounting invoice number BELNR CHAR 
469 J_3RCITPAYINV Payment line item for invoice BUZEI NUMC 
470 J_3RCITPAYREV Payment line item for reversal document BUZEI NUMC 
471 J_3RCKOARI Invoice account type KOART CHAR 
472 J_3RCKOARR Reversal account type KOART CHAR 
473 J_3RCKURSI Exchange rate invoice KURSF DEC 
474 J_3RCKURSR Exchange rate reversal document KURSF DEC 
475 J_3RCLCUR Clearing currency WAERS CUKY 
476 J_3RCLEAR Cleared WERT7 CURR 
477 J_3RCLOINGJR Logistic document year GJAHR NUMC 
478 J_3RCLORVGJR Reversal logistic document year GJAHR NUMC 
479 J_3RCLOTHSIZE Clothing Size   CHAR 
480 J_3RCLRNG Clearing currency amount WERT7 CURR 
481 J_3RCODEOBJ Controlling object code J_3RCODEOBJ CHAR 
482 J_3RCOLLARSIZE Size of Collar   NUMC 
483 J_3RCOMPANY160 Company name (160 characters)   CHAR 
484 J_3RCONFMATNR Configurable Material Number MATNR CHAR 
485 J_3RCOST_FP Expense Account SAKNR CHAR 
486 J_3RCOUNTABLE Precious Material Countable XFELD CHAR 
487 J_3RCPAYINV Payment document number for invoice BELNR CHAR 
488 J_3RCPAYREV Payment document number for reversal BELNR CHAR 
489 J_3RCPREVI Execute Immediately CHAR1_X CHAR 
490 J_3RCPYAMT Amount in Payment Currency WERT7 CURR 
491 J_3RCPYCUR Currency for Automatic Payment WAERS CUKY 
492 J_3RCREVCOM Comment CHAR70 CHAR 
493 J_3RCSCMIN Logistic document number BELNR CHAR 
494 J_3RCSCMRR Reversal logistic document number BELNR CHAR 
495 J_3RCSECCO Section code CHAR4 CHAR 
496 J_3RCSHKZI Debit/credit invoice document indicator SHKZG CHAR 
497 J_3RCSHKZR Debit/credit reversal document indicator SHKZG CHAR 
498 J_3RCWRBTI Invoice amount in document currency WERT7 CURR 
499 J_3RCWRBTR Reversal amount in document currency WERT7 CURR 
500 J_3RCWRTINV Translation date in the accounting invoice DATUM DATS