SAP ABAP Function Module - Index R, page 65
- R-1 R-2 R-3 R-4 R-5 R-6 R-7 R-8 R-9 R-10 R-11 R-12 R-13 R-14 R-15 R-16 R-17 R-18 R-19 R-20 R-21 R-22 R-23 R-24 R-25 R-26 R-27 R-28 R-29 R-30 R-31 R-32 R-33 R-34 R-35 R-36 R-37 R-38 R-39 R-40 R-41 R-42 R-43 R-44 R-45 R-46 R-47 R-48 R-49 R-50 R-51 R-52 R-53 R-54 R-55 R-56 R-57 R-58 R-59 R-60 R-61 R-62 R-63 R-64 R-65 R-66 R-67
Function Module - R
# | Function Module | Mode | Short Description |
1 | RS_TEXTPOOL_GET_PROGRAM_STATE | ABAP/4-Textelemente: Holt aktuellen Toolzustand | |
2 | RS_TEXTPOOL_GET_STATE | ABAP/4-Textelemente: Status des Tools holen | |
3 | RS_TEXTPOOL_PREPARE_FOR_TERM | Textelemente Sicherungsabfrage + Speichern nach Bedarf | |
4 | RS_TEXTPOOL_PRE_4_REINVOCATION | Vorbereitung interne Navigation | |
7 | RS_TEXTPOOL_TODO_CHECK | TODO Check for Text Pool | |
8 | RS_TIME_INPUT | Zeitinput für dyn. Zeitberechnung | |
9 | RS_TMPL_AFTER_IMPORT | After-Import Methods for Queries and Other Reporting Objects (Elements) | |
10 | RS_TMPL_BEFORE_EXPORT | Call before export | |
11 | RS_TOOLDOCU_ACCESS | Aufruf der Doku zu den Werkzeugen der Abap Development Workbench | |
12 | RS_TOOL_ACCESS | Aufruf der Werkzeuge der ABAP Development Workbench | |
13 | RS_TOOL_ACCESS_REMOTE | R | REMOTE Aufruf der Werkzeuge der Abap Development Workbench |
14 | RS_TOOL_ACCESS_VIA_WB_MANAGER | Aufruf der Werkzeuge der Abap Development Workbench | |
15 | RS_TRANSACTION_ADD | Create Transaction Code | |
16 | RS_TRANSACTION_CHECK | Check Transaction Code | |
17 | RS_TRANSACTION_COPY | Create Transaction Code | |
18 | RS_TRANSACTION_DELETE | Delete Transaction Code | |
19 | RS_TRANSACTION_EDIT | Change Transaction Code | |
20 | RS_TRANSACTION_INCONSISTENCIES | Error List of Transaction | |
21 | RS_TRANSACTION_LANGUAGE_EXIT | Exitfunktion, beim Ändern der Originalpsrache eines EU-Obj. aufgerufen | |
22 | RS_TRANSACTION_LIST | List of Function Groups | |
23 | RS_TRANSACTION_RENAME | Create Transaction Code | |
24 | RS_TRANSACTION_SHOW | Display Transaction Code | |
25 | RS_TRANSACTION_SINGLE_GET | Get Transaction for Specified Parameter Transaction | |
26 | RS_TRANSACTION_TEST | Execute Transaction Code | |
27 | RS_TRANSACTION_WM_EDITOR | Graphical User Interface: Change a Status | |
28 | RS_TRANSACTION_WM_GET_CUR_REQ | Current GUI Object | |
29 | RS_TRANSACTION_WM_GET_CUR_STAT | Menu Painter: Editorzustand | |
30 | RS_TRANSACTION_WM_PREP_TERMIN | Save Transaction if Necessary | |
31 | RS_TRCS_AFTER_IMPORT | after-import for transformation M version | |
32 | RS_TRDIR_SELECT | Select single * from TRDIR (mittels internem Puffer) | |
33 | RS_TRDIR_UPDATE | Update TRDIR (und internen Puffer) | |
34 | RS_TREE_ADD_NODE | Insert Nodes | |
35 | RS_TREE_AUTOMATIC_REFRESH | Start automatic refresh | |
36 | RS_TREE_COMPRESS | Hide subtree(s) | |
37 | RS_TREE_CONSTRUCT | Construct new hierarchy or insert subtree | |
39 | RS_TREE_CREATE | Create hierarchy | |
40 | RS_TREE_DELETE_NODE | Delete node with associated sub-tree | |
41 | RS_TREE_EXPAND | Expand subtree | |
42 | RS_TREE_GET_CURRENT_LAYOUT | Get layout information for displayed hierarchy | |
43 | RS_TREE_GET_CURRENT_NODE | Get node at which cursor is positioned | |
44 | RS_TREE_GET_CURRENT_ROOT | Get current root node | |
45 | RS_TREE_GET_CURRENT_TREE | Get structure information for displayed hierarchy | |
46 | RS_TREE_GET_DEVCLASS | Liefert für ein gegebenes Objekt die zugehörige Entwicklungsklasse | |
47 | RS_TREE_GET_INPUT | Get entires from input fields | |
48 | RS_TREE_GET_MARKED_NODES | Get selected nodes | |
49 | RS_TREE_GET_MODIFICATION_LOG | Get change log for hierarchy | |
50 | RS_TREE_GET_NODE | Get nodes for specified ID | |
51 | RS_TREE_GET_NODE_BY_NAME | Get node for specified node name | |
52 | RS_TREE_GET_PREDECESSOR | Get preceding node | |
53 | RS_TREE_GET_SEARCHSTRING | Get last search strinng | |
54 | RS_TREE_LIST | Simulate hierarchy or subtree display | |
55 | RS_TREE_LIST_DISPLAY | Display hierarchy | |
56 | RS_TREE_MODIFY_NODE | *** Do Not Use *** (->RS_TREE_SET_NODE) | |
57 | RS_TREE_MOVE | Reassign Node with Subtree | |
58 | RS_TREE_OBJECTLIST_PLACEMENT | Ein neues Objekt zu einem Programm wird im passenden Baum plaziert | |
59 | RS_TREE_OBJECT_PLACEMENT | Ein neues Objekt zu einem Programm wird im passenden Baum platziert | |
60 | RS_TREE_POP | Get hierarchy from the stack and restore | |
61 | RS_TREE_PUSH | Place hierarchy on the stack | |
62 | RS_TREE_RESET_LOCK | Deselect node | |
63 | RS_TREE_SET_CURRENT_LAYOUT | Set layout with marked cursor position | |
64 | RS_TREE_SET_CURRENT_TREE | Set other hierarchy | |
65 | RS_TREE_SET_LOCK | Select node | |
66 | RS_TREE_SET_NODE | Change Nodes | |
67 | RS_TREE_SET_SCROLL_POS | Position node at the beginning of the page | |
68 | RS_TREE_SLEEP | R | *** Internal Use Only *** |
70 | RS_TRFN_AFTER_IMPORT | After-import: Of transformation M version | |
71 | RS_TROBJTYPE_CHECK_GSUBTYPES | Prüfung beim Anlegen von Datentypen (TADIR) gegen GSUBTYPES | |
72 | RS_TR_ADDI_DOCS_TO_REQUEST | Write Additional Objects (Docs, Shapefiles...) to BW Object Request | |
73 | RS_TR_AFTER_DEL | BW CTO: Postprocess After Deleting Objects (Delete Local TADIR) | |
74 | RS_TR_AFTER_SAVE_ACT_DEL | BW CTO: Postprocessing After Saving, Activating, or Deleting Objects | |
75 | RS_TR_BEX_REQUEST_CREATE | BW CTO: Create Request for BEx Objects | |
76 | RS_TR_GET_TARGET_CLIENT | Populates Target Client During After-Import Processing | |
77 | RS_TR_MODIFY_OBJECT | Modified Object (Conversion to D TLOTO, Checks for Non-Changeable ContObj) | |
78 | RS_TR_MODIFY_OBJECT_LIST | Modified Objects (Conversion to D TLOGO, Remove Non-Changeable ContObj) | |
79 | RS_TR_OBJECTS_CHECK | BW CTO: Prüft die Editierbarkeit von BW Objekten | |
81 | RS_TR_OBJECTS_SORT_INSERT | BW CTO: Writes Objects to Requests Sorted by Task / Target System | |
82 | RS_TR_OBJECTS_TRANSPORT | Transports a Range of Objects or Inserts as $TMP to TADIR | |
83 | RS_TR_SYSTEM_CHANGEABLE | Can the system be changed with regard to BW CTO? | |
84 | RS_TR_TADIR_POPUP | BW CTO: Anzeige des TADIR Eintrags (mit Umwandlung in Auslieferungsobekt) | |
85 | RS_TR_WRITE_OBJECTS_TO_REQUEST | BW CTO: Writes Objects to Request That Were Selected in Dialog Box | |
86 | RS_TYPE_CHECK_EXCEPTION | Schliesst Ausnahmen aus der GTADIR-Trefferliste aus (für Typprüfung) | |
87 | RS_TYPE_CHECK_STYP | Intern: Typdefinitionen in TYPE-POOL prüfen | |
88 | RS_TYPE_EXISTENCE_CHECK | Prüft Existenz eines Typs | |
91 | RS_TYPE_POSITION | Determine the Position of TYPE/CONSTANT in type group | |
92 | RS_UNAME_CHECK | Prüft Sy-uname für EU | |
93 | RS_UNI_CREATE_SET | R | |
96 | RS_UNI_INSTALLED_LANGU_GET | R | Installed languages ##with ISO code and text |
100 | RS_UNI_KEY_INFO_GET | R | |
104 | RS_UNI_URL_IOBJ_GET | R | |
107 | RS_UOMT_AFTER_IMPORT | TLOGO: After Import Quantity Conversion Type | |
108 | RS_UPDATE_F4_VALUES | Maintain Personal Values List for F4 | |
110 | RS_UPDATE_WHERE_USED | R | Index zu einem Programm(Rahmenporogramm) erzeugen oder aktualisieren |
111 | RS_UPDR_AFTER_IMPORT | After import method for update rules | |
112 | RS_URLS_GET_CUR_REQ | ||
114 | RS_VALUES_BOX | ABAP: Combobox für Textfelder auf Selektionsbildern (interne Verwendung!) | |
116 | RS_VALUES_TREE | F4 for tree names | |
117 | RS_VARIANT_ADD | Hinzufuegen neue Variante | |
118 | RS_VARIANT_ADD_RFC | R | Hinzufuegen neue Variante |
119 | RS_VARIANT_ADMIN_DATA | Verwaltungsinfo zu Varianten eines Reports entsprechen VARIANT_NAMES | |
120 | RS_VARIANT_ATTR_SAVE | Sichern VARI, VARIVDAT (nur interner Gebrauch) | |
121 | RS_VARIANT_CATALOG | Returns variant directory for a report in an internal table | |
122 | RS_VARIANT_CAT_PRINT | Drucken Liste und Inhalte der Varianten | |
123 | RS_VARIANT_CHANGE | Change Variant | |
124 | RS_VARIANT_CHANGE_RFC | R | Ändern Variante |
125 | RS_VARIANT_CHECK_TSTC | Überprüft Eingaben bei Reporttransaktionspflege | |
126 | RS_VARIANT_CLIENTCOPY | Funktionsbaustein für Clientcopy | |
127 | RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS | Select-options + Parameter (mit Werten) | |
128 | RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS_255 | Select-options + Parameter (mit Werten) | |
129 | RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS_255_RFC | R | Select-options + Parameter (mit Werten) |
130 | RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS_RFC | R | Select-options + Parameter (mit Werten) |
131 | RS_VARIANT_CONVERT_TO_DYNAMIC | Reporteigene Selektionen (DDIC) -> Dynamische Selektionen | |
132 | RS_VARIANT_COPY | Kopieren Variante | |
133 | RS_VARIANT_DELETE | Loeschen Variante (im aktuellen Mandanten oder in allen Mandanten) | |
134 | RS_VARIANT_DELETE_RFC | R | Loeschen Variante (im aktuellen Mandanten) |
135 | RS_VARIANT_DEL_ALL_CLIENTS | Löschen aller Varianten zu einem Report in allen Mandanten | |
136 | RS_VARIANT_DISPLAY | Anzeigen der Variante | |
137 | RS_VARIANT_DISPLAY_255 | Anzeigen der Variante | |
138 | RS_VARIANT_DISPLAY_FROM_SELSCR | Variante anzeigen vom Selektionsbild aus | |
139 | RS_VARIANT_DISPLAY_SUBSCREENS | Subscreenanzeige für Variantenpflege | |
140 | RS_VARIANT_EXISTS | Checks whether variant exists | |
141 | RS_VARIANT_FETCH | Interner Gebrauch: Variante holen , anzeigen, löschen vom Selbild | |
142 | RS_VARIANT_FETCH_SUB | Interner Gebrauch: Variante holen , anzeigen, löschen vom Selbild | |
143 | RS_VARIANT_FOR_ONE_SCREEN | Check whether a screen has any variants | |
144 | RS_VARIANT_IDELETE | Löschen intern generierter Varianten (interner Gebrauch) | |
145 | RS_VARIANT_INCONSISTENT_SLIN | interner Gebrauch,Variante veraltet, LIKE auf Struktur | |
146 | RS_VARIANT_INFO | Information zu Varianten (keine Werte!) | |
147 | RS_VARIANT_LIST | Erzeugt Liste der Varianten mit diversen interaktiven Moeglichkeiten | |
148 | RS_VARIANT_LIST_TSTC | Variantenliste für Reporttransaktionen | |
149 | RS_VARIANT_OBSOLETE | Variante veraltet (interner Gebrauch) | |
150 | RS_VARIANT_RENAME | Umbenennen einer Variante | |
151 | RS_VARIANT_SAVE_FROM_SELSCREEN | Als Variante sichern vom Selektionsbild (interner Gebrauch) | |
152 | RS_VARIANT_SAVE_FROM_SUB | Als Variante sichern vom Selektionsbild (interner Gebrauch) | |
153 | RS_VARIANT_SCREEN | Auswahlscreen zur Variantenpflege | |
154 | RS_VARIANT_SELECTIONSCREENS | Liefert alle Selektionsbilder des Reports auf Liste | |
155 | RS_VARIANT_SELECTIONS_DESCR | Technische Eigenschaften der Felder in der Variante | |
156 | RS_VARIANT_SWITCH_PROGRAM | (interne Verwendung) | |
157 | RS_VARIANT_TEXT | Returns text for a variant | |
158 | RS_VARIANT_TEXT_RFC | R | Liefert Text zu einer Variante |
159 | RS_VARIANT_VALUES_TECH_DATA | Werte in RSPARAMS-Struktur, letzter Änderer | |
160 | RS_VARIANT_VALUES_TECH_DAT_255 | Werte in RSPARAMS-Struktur, letzter Änderer | |
161 | RS_VARIANT_VALUE_SAVE | Sichern VARI, VARIVDAT (nur interner Gebrauch) | |
162 | RS_VARIANT_VARIABLES | Variablen in Varianten | |
163 | RS_VARI_V_1_ACTUAL_MONTH | Erster des aktuellen Monats | |
164 | RS_VARI_V_1_LAST_MONTH | Erster des Vormonats | |
165 | RS_VARI_V_1_NEXT_MONTH | Erster des nächsten Monats | |
166 | RS_VARI_V_ACTUAL_MONTH | Aktueller Monat | |
167 | RS_VARI_V_DAYS_UP_TO_NOW | Periode, (sy-datum - xxx, sy-datum + yyy) | |
168 | RS_VARI_V_INIT | Initialisierung (interne Verwendung) | |
169 | RS_VARI_V_INIT_TIME | Initialisierung (interne Verwendung) | |
170 | RS_VARI_V_LAST_MONTH | Vorhergehender Monat | |
171 | RS_VARI_V_L_ACTUAL_MONTH | Letzter Tag des Vormonats | |
172 | RS_VARI_V_L_LAST_MONTH | Letzter Tag des Vormonats | |
173 | RS_VARI_V_MONTH_UP_TO_NOW | Periode von Monatsanfang bis Tagesdatum (interne Verwendung) | |
174 | RS_VARI_V_MONTH_XXX_YYY | Monatsanfang von (Aktuelles Datum - xxx Montate) | |
175 | RS_VARI_V_QUARTER1XXXX | Erstes Quartal 19xx | |
176 | RS_VARI_V_QUARTER2XXXX | Erstes Quartal 19xx | |
177 | RS_VARI_V_QUARTER3XXXX | Erstes Quartal 19xx | |
178 | RS_VARI_V_QUARTER4XXXX | Erstes Quartal 19xx | |
179 | RS_VARI_V_REPLACE_VARIABLES | Interne Verwendung: Ersetzt Variablen in Variablentexten | |
180 | RS_VARI_V_SAVE | Sichern der Variablen in Selektionen (interne Verwendung) | |
181 | RS_VARI_V_TIME_00_UP_TO_NOW | Tagesanfang bis jetzt | |
182 | RS_VARI_V_TIME_NOW | Aktuelle Zeit aus SY-UZEIT | |
183 | RS_VARI_V_TIME_NOW_X | SY-UZEIT + x | |
184 | RS_VARI_V_TODAY | Versorgt Parameter mit aktuellem Tagesdatum (interne Verwendung) | |
185 | RS_VARI_V_TODAY_X | Sy-datum + x Tage | |
186 | RS_VARI_V_TODAY_XWD | Sy-datum + x Arbeitstage | |
187 | RS_VARI_V_WDAYS_UP_TO_NOW | Periode, (sy-datum - xxx, sy-datum + yyy) | |
188 | RS_VARI_V_XWD_ACTUAL_MONTH | N. Arbeitstag des aktuellen Monats | |
189 | RS_VC_GET_QUERY_VIEW_DATA | R | Get Data for a Query or View |
190 | RS_VC_GET_QUERY_VIEW_DATA_FLAT | R | Get Data for a Query or View |
191 | RS_VC_GET_QUERY_VIEW_DEF | R | Get Data for a Query or View |
192 | RS_VC_GET_VIEW_LIST | R | Returns Query Views |
193 | RS_VC_NODE_MANIPULATION | R | Read the Guid and other info for a node |
194 | RS_VC_OPEN_OBJECTS_GET | R | Read Object Lists (Possibly Hierarchical) with Selection Criteria |
195 | RS_VC_PERS_BOD_WRITE | R | Write Personalization Data (Used by BEx Open Dialog) |
196 | RS_VC_TREE_DELETE_RFC | R | Delete a node (RFC-enabled version) |
197 | RS_VC_VALUES_GET | R | Read Characteristic Values with Restrictions |
198 | RS_VERS_BLOCK_ALL | Complete Definition of a Display Block for Version Comparison | |
199 | RS_VERS_BLOCK_DEF | ||
200 | RS_VERS_CLEAR_TECH_FIELDS | Delete contents of fields marked "technical" | |
201 | RS_VERS_COMPARE | Version Comparison DE Objects | |
203 | RS_VERS_COMPARE_TAB_EXAMPLE | Beispiel für den Aufruf von RS_VERS_DOMPARE_TAB | |
204 | RS_VERS_DISPLAY_INIT | Versionsvergleich: Anzeige-Stack initialisieren | |
205 | RS_VERS_DISPLAY_NEXT | Anzeige eines einzelnen Blocks (Auch hierarchisch sequentiell) | |
206 | RS_VERS_DISPLAY_PROCESS | Den Anzeige-Stack als Liste einzelner Blöcke anzeigen | |
207 | RS_VERS_DISPLAY_PUSH | Intern: Fertig aufbereiteten Block auf den Anzeige-Stack legen | |
209 | RS_VERS_LANGUAGE_INFO | Zurückholen einer Version: Spracheninfo | |
210 | RS_VERS_TITEL_DEF | Define Header Block for Version Comparison and Place on Stack | |
211 | RS_WARNING_BOX | Interne Verwendung: Warnungs-Popup | |
212 | RS_WARNING_EXECUTE | Warnung beim Ausführen, falls eine inaktive Fassung existiert | |
213 | RS_WA_GET_DEVCLASS | Liefert Paket zu einem Entwicklungsobjekt | |
216 | RS_WB_ED_CONVERT_OBJECTTYPE | Konvertierung Editor-int. Objekttyp in Workbench-Objekttyp | |
217 | RS_WB_GET_SEARCH_ID | ||
218 | RS_WB_GET_SEARCH_STATE | Glob. Suchen / Ersetzen: Status zurückgeben | |
219 | RS_WB_OBJECT_LIFECYCLE_EVENT | R | Workbench objects lifecycle relevant processes |
220 | RS_WB_SEARCH | ||
221 | RS_WB_SEARCH_PREPARE_FOR_TERM | Glob. Suchen / Ersetzen: Vorbereitung für Beenden | |
222 | RS_WB_SPLCO_GET_EXCL_FUNCTIONS | Holen der auszuschließenden Funktionen | |
223 | RS_WB_SPLCO_GET_SCREEN | Holen neues Dynpro | |
227 | RS_WB_SPLIT_CORE | ||
228 | RS_WHERE_USED_LIST_CHECK_STATE | Prüfen, ob der Verwendungsnachweis aktuell ist und welche Version | |
229 | RS_WHERE_USED_LIST_NEW_CHECK | Prüfen, ob neuer Verwendungsnachweis eingeschalten | |
230 | RS_WORKBENCH_CUSTOMIZING | Workbench: Settings | |
231 | RS_WORKBENCH_CUSTOMIZING_NEW | Workbench: Settings | |
232 | RS_WORKBENCH_CUSTOMIZING_OLD | Workbench: Settings | |
233 | RS_WORKBENCH_CUSTOMIZING_RESET | Zustand zurücksetzen und Neuladen erzwingen | |
234 | RS_WORKING_AREA_ACTIVE_CHECK | Prüft, ob das "active source / inactive source"-Verfahren aktiv ist | |
235 | RS_WORKING_AREA_GET | Liest kompletten Arbeitsbereich aus dem ABAP aus | |
236 | RS_WORKING_AREA_INIT | Initialisieren der Workarea | |
237 | RS_WORKING_AREA_PREPARE | Bereitet Working-Area für den ABAP vor und ruft working_set_insert | |
238 | RS_WORKING_AREA_PREPARE_INFO | Bereitet Working-Area für den ABAP vor und ruft working_set_insert | |
239 | RS_WORKING_AREA_READ | Liest Arbeitsbereich aus dem ABAP aus | |
240 | RS_WORKING_AREA_SET | Setzt Arbeitsbereich für den ABAP (->RS_WORKING_AREA_GET) | |
241 | RS_WORKING_AREA_SHIFT | Umhängen einer Korrektur auf einen anderen Benutzer | |
242 | RS_WORKING_OBJECTS_ACTIVATE | Aktivieren von inaktiven Objekten: dunkle Schnittstelle mit Mengen | |
244 | RS_WWIB_AFTER_IMPORT | After-Import-Methode für Web Metadata Items (NW7.0) | |
245 | RS_WWPA_AFTER_IMPORT | After-Import-Methode für Web Metadata Parameters ( NW7.0) | |
246 | RS_XLWB_AFTER_IMPORT | After import method for Excel Workbooks | |
247 | RS_XMLSTRING_SHOW_EXTERNAL | Display an XML in external browser | |
248 | RS_XSD2GUI_PASSWORD | request password | |
249 | RS_XSD2GUI_POPUP | XML Input pop-up | |
250 | RTBWHC_EXTRACT_IO_ORGUNIT | Extraktion Infoobjekt organisatorische Einheit | |
251 | RTBWHC_FILL_COLUMNS | Füllen der retailspezifischen Spalten (Vkorg, Ekorg, Filiale...) | |
252 | RTBWHC_GET_MSD_ORGUNIT | BW-Extraktor für Retail-MSD der Org.einheit | |
253 | RTBWHC_REFRESH_COLUMNS | Frischt internen Puffer auf (bei Tree und Grid) | |
254 | RTCMBW_HIERARCHY_CATALOG_CDTH | API-Template: Übertragung von Hierarchieverzeichnis | |
255 | RTCMBW_HIERARCHY_TRANSFER_CDTH | API-Template: Übertragung von Hierarchietabellen mit Inhalt | |
256 | RTCMMD_CDT1_READ | Einlesen der SKU Ebene für eine Category | |
257 | RTCMMD_CDT1_SINGLE_READ | Einzelsatz aus den Category Stammdaten | |
258 | RTCMMD_SKU_READ | Einlesen der SKU Ebene für eine Category | |
259 | RTCMMD_SKU_SINGLE_READ | Einlesen der SKU Ebene für eine Category | |
260 | RTCM_CDT_AREA_PROFIT_CALCULATE | Kalkulation der belegten Regalfläche/-strecke | |
261 | RTCM_CDT_MASTER_DATA_SPACEMGMT | Anreichern der kumulierten Flächen entlang des CDT | |
263 | RTF_EDITOR_CREATE_EDITOR | RTF Editor: Creating a Sub-Control from the Type Editor | |
264 | RTF_EDITOR_CREATE_FRAME | RTF-Editor: Anlegen des Frames | |
265 | RTF_EDITOR_CREATE_STATUSBAR | RTF-Editor: Anlegen eines Subcontrols vom Typ Statusbar | |
266 | RTF_EDITOR_CREATE_TOOLBAR | RTF-Editor: Anlegen eines Subcontrols vom Typ Toolbar | |
267 | RTF_EDITOR_DESTROY_FRAME | RTF Editor: Destroying a Frame | |
268 | RTF_EDITOR_DESTROY_SUBCONTROL | RTF-Editor: Zerstören eines Subcontrols | |
269 | RTF_EDITOR_FCODE_CTRL_V | RTF Editor: Determining the Function Code from Event PASE REQUESTED | |
270 | RTF_EDITOR_FCODE_DELETE_PAR | RTF Editor: Bestimmung des Funktionscodes aus dem Event DELETE PARAGRAPH | |
271 | RTF_EDITOR_FCODE_ENTER | RTF Editor: Determining the Function Code from Event ENTER | |
272 | RTF_EDITOR_FCODE_TOOLBAR | RTF Editor: Bestimmung des Funktionscodes aus dem Event SINGLE_CLICK | |
273 | RTF_EDITOR_GET_TEXT | RTF-Editor: Lesen des Textes aus dem Editor | |
274 | RTF_EDITOR_PUT_TEXT | RTF Editor: Transferring a Text to the Editor | |
275 | RTMATGRP_CALL_101 | Aufruf Dynpro 101 | |
276 | RTMATGRP_CALL_200 | Aufruf Dynpro 100 | |
277 | RTMATGRP_CREATE_HIER_MD | Erzeugung der Artikelhierarchie Stammdaten | |
278 | RTMATGRP_CUST_SINGLE_READ | Einzelzugriff auf Customizingtabelle (MATGRP) | |
279 | RTMATGRP_DELETE_MASTERDATA | Löschen der CDT Stammdaten | |
280 | RTMATGRP_HIERT_SAVE | Save in Table MATRGRP_STRUC in Database | |
281 | RTMATGRP_HIER_SAVE | Save in Table MATRGRP_STRUC in Database | |
282 | RTMATGRP_HIER_SINGLE_SELECT | Lesen Hierarchiedaten | |
285 | RTMATGRP_SKU_SAVE | Save to Table MATRGRP_SKU in Database | |
286 | RTMATGRP_SKU_SAVE_UNSORT | Save to Table MATRGRP_SKU in Database | |
288 | RTMATGRP_STRUCT_SAVE | Save in Table MATRGRP_STRUCT in Database | |
289 | RTMATGRP_STRUC_SAVE | Save in Table MATRGRP_STRUC in Database | |
290 | RTM_ACTIVATE | R | |
291 | RTM_COLLECT | R | Aufsammeln der Daten aus SHM und Abgleich mit DB |
293 | RTM_INFO | R | |
294 | RTM_LOG | Write Log Entry | |
295 | RTM_PING | R | Runtime Monitor: Lebenszeichen vom Server |
296 | RTOHC_CHECK_REVERSE | Check reversals of related overhead docs | |
297 | RTOHC_DOCUMENT_CREATE | Create realtime overhead document in memory | |
298 | RTOHC_DOCUMENT_POST | Post realtime overhead document | |
299 | RTOHC_DOCUMENT_REVERSE | Check reversals of related overhead docs | |
300 | RTOHC_GET_OVERHEAD | List overhead doc(s) for a reference doc | |
301 | RTOHC_LIST_DOCS_REVERSED | List the overhead documents being reversed during txn | |
302 | RTOHC_REALTIME_DETERMINE | Determine if realtime overhead active for VRGNG | |
303 | RTOHC_REALTIME_VRGNG_LIST | List of activities with RTOHC activated in a period | |
304 | RTOHC_REVERSAL_UPDATE | Update function for realtime overhead reversals | |
305 | RTOHC_SHLP_EXIT_VRGNG | Search help for bus. txns. supported for RTOHC | |
306 | RTOHC_SHOW_ORIGIN_DOC | List overhead doc(s) for a reference doc | |
307 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_DCHCK | Event DCHCK: Checks Before Saving (All Views) | |
308 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_DINP2 | DINP2 event for direct input of retirement plan link to BCA | |
309 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_DLVE1 | Event DLVE1: Exit Maintenance (An Account) | |
310 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_DLVE2 | Event DLVE2: Exit Maintenance (All Accounts) | |
311 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_DSAVC | Event DSAVC: Complete The Data | |
312 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_DSAVE | Event DSAVE: Save Data | |
313 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_DTAKE | Event DTAKE: Transfer Data to LM | |
314 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_FMOD2 | Event FMOD2: Field modification for field groups | |
315 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_ISDAT | Event ISDAT: Data read | |
316 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_ISSTA | Event ISSTA: Initialization | |
317 | RTPA_BKKA_EVENT_XCHNG | Event XCHNG: Data changed? | |
320 | RTPA_BKKA_PAI_BCA152 | Additional check for view STO130 | |
321 | RTPA_BKKA_PAI_RTPA01 | PAI: Retirement Plan Number | |
322 | RTPA_BKKA_PAI_RTPA02 | PAI for view RTP001 | |
323 | RTPA_BKKA_PBO_RTPA02 | PBO for Retirement Plan Number | |
324 | RTPA_BKKA_UPDATE | BCA US Account Maintenance for IRA - DB Update | |
325 | RTPA_RPUS_EVENT_DCUAC | Event DCUAC: Change Standard Interface | |
326 | RTPA_RPUS_EVENT_DLVE2 | Event DLVE2: Exit Maintenance (All Accounts) | |
327 | RTPA_RPUS_EVENT_FCODE | Event FCODE: Process Own OK Codes | |
328 | RTPA_RPUS_EVENT_FMOD2 | Event FMOD2: Field Modifications for Field Groups | |
329 | RTPA_RPUS_EVENT_ISDAT | Event ISDAT: Read Data | |
330 | RTPA_RPUS_EVENT_ISSTA | Event ISSTA: Initialization | |
331 | RTPS_RPUS_EVENT_DLVE2 | Event DLVE2 | |
332 | RTPS_RPUS_EVENT_FCODE | Event FCODE: Handling OK-Codes | |
333 | RTPS_RPUS_EVENT_FMOD2 | Event FMOD2: Field Modifications for Field Groups | |
334 | RTPS_RPUS_EVENT_ISDAT | Event ISDAT: Read data | |
335 | RTPS_RPUS_EVENT_ISSTA | Event ISSTA: Initialization | |
336 | RTPS_RPUS_PAI_RTPS02 | PAI for view RTPS02 | |
337 | RTPS_RPUS_PBC_RTPS02 | PBC for view RTPS02: Account number for creating standing order | |
338 | RTPS_RPUS_PBO_RTPS02 | PBO event function for view RTPS02 | |
339 | RTP_RPUS_ACCOUNTHOLDER_GET | Communication program for BPs | |
340 | RTP_RPUS_BEN_GET | Communication program for BPs | |
341 | RTP_RPUS_BP_PLAN_GET | Communication program for BPs | |
342 | RTP_RPUS_CUA | Sets the pf-status for the screen | |
343 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_AUTH1 | Checks the authorization of a user. | |
344 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_CHGD1 | Change document: transfer selection values | |
345 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_CHGD2 | Change document: collects object names | |
346 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_CHGD4 | Change documents: item relevant? | |
347 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_DCHCK | Checks certain business rules | |
348 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_DCUAC | Change the menu | |
349 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_DCUAD | Sets the pf-status of the screen | |
350 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_DLVE1 | Initialize current memory and unlocks the table. | |
351 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_DLVE2 | Initializes all global variables | |
352 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_DSAVC | Prepares the data for storage in the database | |
353 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_DSAVE | Calls the function, which saves the data in the database | |
354 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_FCODE | Handles the function codes associated with a button | |
355 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_FMOD | Field modification for screen fields | |
356 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_ISDAT | Called after the initial screen | |
357 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_ISSTA | Initialization "event" | |
358 | RTP_RPUS_EVENT_XCHNG | Checks if any changes have been made | |
359 | RTP_RPUS_NOTICE_KEY_GET | For displaying notes | |
360 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP011 | Pai for bank area and plan number on initial screen. | |
361 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP012 | Pai for accountholder on initial screen | |
362 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP013 | Pai for retirement plan type on initial screen. | |
363 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP021 | Pai for currency and nature of plan in data screen | |
364 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP023 | Pai for the closing date of a retirement plan. | |
365 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP024 | Pai for the status of the retirement plan | |
366 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP025 | Pai for bp-number of accountholder in data screen | |
367 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP026 | Pai for table containing bps for Education Savings Account | |
368 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP033 | Pai for table containing other business partners | |
369 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP041 | Pai for table containing primary beneficiaries | |
370 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP042 | Pai for table containing contingent beneficiaries | |
371 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP073 | Pai for table containing statement recipients | |
372 | RTP_RPUS_PAI_RTP081 | Pai for entry field authorization group | |
373 | RTP_RPUS_PBO_RTP021 | Pbo for currency in data screen. | |
374 | RTP_RPUS_PBO_RTP026 | Pbo for table containing bps for an education IRA | |
375 | RTP_RPUS_PBO_RTP027 | Pbo for filling the maturity date | |
376 | RTP_RPUS_PBO_RTP033 | Pbo for table containing other business partners. | |
377 | RTP_RPUS_PBO_RTP041 | Pbo for table containing primary beneficiaries | |
378 | RTP_RPUS_PBO_RTP042 | Pbo for table containing contingent beneficiaries | |
379 | RTP_RPUS_PBO_RTP072 | PBO function for year-end statement header | |
380 | RTP_RPUS_PBO_RTP073 | Pbo for table containing statement recipients | |
381 | RTP_RPUS_PLAN_GET | Passes the actual data of the retirement plan | |
382 | RTP_RPUS_PLAN_INIT_GET | Passes the data of the retirement plan on the initial screen | |
383 | RTP_RPUS_SCREEN_PLAN_GET | Passes the actual data of the retirement plan | |
384 | RTP_RPUS_YES_GET | Communication program for BPs | |
385 | RTP_STOR_EVENT_DINP2 | Event DINP2 : Direct Input | |
386 | RTP_STOR_EVENT_DLVE1 | Event DLVE1 | |
387 | RTP_STOR_EVENT_DSAVB | DSAVB Event function | |
388 | RTP_STOR_EVENT_FMOD2 | Event FMOD2: Field modification for field groups | |
389 | RTP_STOR_EVENT_ISDST | ISDST Event function | |
390 | RTP_STOR_EVENT_ISSTA | ISSTA event function : Initialization | |
391 | RTP_STOR_EVENT_XCHNG | XCHNG event function | |
393 | RTP_STOR_PAI_RTP001 | PAI for view RTP001 | |
394 | RTP_STOR_PAI_STO130 | Additional check for view STO130 | |
395 | RTP_US_API_AGE_TO_DATE | Converts a floating number to year, month, days | |
396 | RTP_US_API_ALV_PLAN_REPORT | Displays ALV for retirement plan | |
397 | RTP_US_API_AMOUNT_DESCRIPT | Reads the amount description and puts amount in cr/deb | |
398 | RTP_US_API_CALCULATE_FMV_REP | Calculates the FMV for a set of retirement plans | |
399 | RTP_US_API_CALC_FMV | calculates the fair market value of a retirement plan | |
400 | RTP_US_API_CHANGE_PLAN | Locks plan number & fills tables | |
401 | RTP_US_API_CHECK_BP_SELECTION | Checks the entered business partner in a specified role | |
402 | RTP_US_API_CHECK_CLOSING_DATE | Checks the closing dates of the accounts belonging to a plan. | |
403 | RTP_US_API_CHECK_ED_BP_ROLES | Verifies the business partner roles for an Education IRA | |
404 | RTP_US_API_CHECK_OTHER_BP_ROLE | Checks whether the roletype of an Other bp is allowed | |
405 | RTP_US_API_CHECK_PLAN_SELECT | Checks the selection parameters for bank area, plan number and plan type | |
406 | RTP_US_API_CHECK_STATUS | Checks the status of a retirement plan | |
407 | RTP_US_API_CHECK_YEAR | Checks the entered tax year | |
408 | RTP_US_API_CONFIRM_POP_UP | Shows a pop-up screen | |
409 | RTP_US_API_DATES_TO_AGE | Calculate age within the given dates | |
410 | RTP_US_API_DATE_TO_STRUCT | Converts a date into a structure yyyy mm dd | |
411 | RTP_US_API_DBMODIFY | Bridging function to update retirement plan DB-tables | |
412 | RTP_US_API_DB_MODIFY_FMV | Bridging function for updating the dbase table rtp_us_tot | |
413 | RTP_US_API_DETERMINE_ACCHOLDER | Determines the BP number and role of the accountholder | |
414 | RTP_US_API_DETERMINE_FMV | Reads or calculates the fair market value of a retirement plan | |
415 | RTP_US_API_DISPLAY_PLAN | Fills the plan data | |
416 | RTP_US_API_ERROR_INFO_SET | Exports additional info in case an error occurred | |
417 | RTP_US_API_EXTEND_BP_DATA | Reads the full name and address of a BP | |
418 | RTP_US_API_F4_ROLES | Supports the F4 help for roles Other business partners | |
419 | RTP_US_API_FETCH_TEMP_NUMBER | Fetches a temporary plan number | |
420 | RTP_US_API_FILL_FIELD_CATALOG | Fill the field catalog table for the ALV | |
421 | RTP_US_API_GET_DESCRIPTIONS | Obtains the descriptions of the plan type, bank area etc | |
422 | RTP_US_API_HISTORY | Bridging function for displaying historical data | |
423 | RTP_US_API_HISTORY_ALV | Displays the ALV grid control for history data | |
424 | RTP_US_API_LOCK | Locks the DB-table rtp_us_plan | |
425 | RTP_US_API_MAINTAIN_BP | Bridging function for maintaining a business partner | |
426 | RTP_US_API_MAX_DAYS_IN_MONTH | Determines the maximum number of days in a month | |
427 | RTP_US_API_NEW_PLAN | Performs verifications for creating a new plan | |
428 | RTP_US_API_OBTAIN_FMV_REP | Obtains the year-end statements for several retirement plans | |
429 | RTP_US_API_OBTAIN_YES | Obtains the year-end information for a retirement plan | |
430 | RTP_US_API_PLANTYPE_GET_TEXT | Bezeichnung zu Bankkreis ermitteln | |
431 | RTP_US_API_PLAN_ACC_GET | Get plan structure rtp_us_plan by account number | |
432 | RTP_US_API_POP_UP_GET_DATE | Displays a pop-up screen | |
433 | RTP_US_API_PRINT_FMV | Printing routine for the fmv calls a BTE | |
434 | RTP_US_API_READ_STANDARD_ROLE | Reads and buffers standard roles for specified category | |
435 | RTP_US_API_STOR_GET | Get standing orders for all BCA accounts of a retirement plan | |
436 | RTP_US_API_STRUCT_TO_AGE | Converts a date structure (dd mm yyyy) into an age | |
437 | RTP_US_API_STRUCT_TO_DATE | Converts a structure yyyy mm dd to a date | |
438 | RTP_US_API_UNLOCK | Unlocks the DB-table rtp_us_plan | |
439 | RTP_US_API_VERIFY_BP | verifies the business partner | |
440 | RTP_US_BP_TYPES_POPUP | Displays a popup for BP type | |
441 | RTP_US_CUST_F4_HELP | Lists the fixed values for an input field | |
442 | RTP_US_CUST_MAINTAIN_DEFAULTS | Bridging function before displaying the fieldgroups | |
443 | RTP_US_CUST_SAVE | Responds to a function code | |
444 | RTP_US_DB_ACC_READ_MULT | Reads all the accounts belonging to a retirement plan | |
445 | RTP_US_DB_ACC_READ_PLAN_SNG | Read Retirement plan from account number | |
446 | RTP_US_DB_ADRC_READ | Reads from DB-table adrc | |
447 | RTP_US_DB_AGE_LIM_READ | Reads the database table trtp_us_age_lim | |
448 | RTP_US_DB_AMNTID_READ_MULT | Read the DB-tables trtp_us_amntid and trtp_us_amntidt | |
449 | RTP_US_DB_AMNTID_READ_SNG | Read the DB-tables trtp_us_amntid and trtp_us_amntidt | |
450 | RTP_US_DB_BEN_DELETE | Mass delete from DB-table rtp_us_ben | |
451 | RTP_US_DB_BEN_INSERT | Mass insert into the DB table rtp_us_ben | |
452 | RTP_US_DB_BEN_READ | Reads the db table rtp_us_ben | |
453 | RTP_US_DB_BEN_UPDATE | Mass update into DB-table rtp_us_ben | |
454 | RTP_US_DB_BP_ED_READ | Reads the business partner roles for an education IRA | |
455 | RTP_US_DB_BP_PLAN_DELETE | Mass delete from DB-table rtp_us_bp_plan | |
456 | RTP_US_DB_BP_PLAN_INSERT | Mass insert into DB-table rtp_us_bp_plan | |
457 | RTP_US_DB_BP_PLAN_READ | Reads the db table rtp_us_bp_plan | |
458 | RTP_US_DB_BP_PLAN_READ_MULT | Reads the db table rtp_us_bp_plan | |
459 | RTP_US_DB_BP_PLAN_UPDATE | Mass update into DB-table rtp_us_bp_plan | |
460 | RTP_US_DB_BUT000_READ | Reads the BUT000 data | |
461 | RTP_US_DB_BUT020_READ | Reads the BUT020 data | |
462 | RTP_US_DB_BUT100_EXISTS | Reads the database table BUT100 to see if there is an entry | |
463 | RTP_US_DB_CONT_DAT_READ_SNG | select contribution date limits information | |
464 | RTP_US_DB_CONT_LIM_READ_MULT | select contribution limits information | |
465 | RTP_US_DB_CONT_LIM_READ_SNG | select contribution limits information | |
466 | RTP_US_DB_CONT_READ | Reads the DB-tables trtp_us_cont and trtp_us_contt | |
467 | RTP_US_DB_CONT_TYP_READ | Reads the database table trtp_us_cont_typ | |
468 | RTP_US_DB_DEFAULTS_READ | Reads DB-table trtp_us_dflt | |
469 | RTP_US_DB_DFKKBPTAXNUM_READ | Reads the taxnumbers of a business partner | |
470 | RTP_US_DB_DFLT_DELETE | Mass delete from DB-table trtp_us_dflt | |
471 | RTP_US_DB_DFLT_INSERT | Mass insert into table TRTP_US_DFLT | |
472 | RTP_US_DB_DFLT_TAX_PERC_READ | Get withholding transaction type | |
473 | RTP_US_DB_DFLT_UPDATE | Mass update into DB-table TRTP_US_DFLT | |
474 | RTP_US_DB_DIST_CODE_READ_SNG | select single record for distribution code | |
475 | RTP_US_DB_D_REL_READ | Reads the distribution sub-code based on the distribution code | |
476 | RTP_US_DB_FSTAT_INSERT | Mass insert into table TRTP_US_FSTAT | |
477 | RTP_US_DB_FSTAT_READ | Reads the DB-table trtp_us_fstat | |
478 | RTP_US_DB_FSTAT_UPDATE | Mass update into DB-table TRTP_US_FSTAT | |
479 | RTP_US_DB_HIST_INSERT | Retirement plan - Insert history information | |
480 | RTP_US_DB_HIST_READ_DATE_REP | Reads the database table rtp_us_hist based upon a from-date and a to-date | |
481 | RTP_US_DB_HIST_READ_MULT | Reads multiple records from DB-table rtp_us_hist | |
482 | RTP_US_DB_HIST_READ_MULT_TAXYR | Reads multiple records from DB-table rtp_us_hist based on the tax-year | |
483 | RTP_US_DB_HIST_READ_REP | Reads the database table rtp_us_hist | |
484 | RTP_US_DB_LIM_ID_READ | Reads the database tables trtp_us_lim_id & trtp_us_lim_idt | |
485 | RTP_US_DB_PLANTYPE_READ | Reads the DB-tabl trtp_us_plantype | |
486 | RTP_US_DB_PLAN_INFO_READ | Reads DB-table trp_us_plan_info | |
487 | RTP_US_DB_PLAN_INSERT | Mass insert into DB table rtp_us_plan | |
488 | RTP_US_DB_PLAN_READ_INIT | Initializes the static variables | |
489 | RTP_US_DB_PLAN_READ_REP | Reads the database table rtp_us_plan | |
490 | RTP_US_DB_PLAN_READ_SNG | Single read of the db table rtp_us_plan | |
491 | RTP_US_DB_PLAN_UPDATE | Mass update into the DB-table rtp_us_plan | |
492 | RTP_US_DB_READ_AMNTID_PCAT_SNG | Single record read for RTP amount ID and BCA posting category | |
493 | RTP_US_DB_RMD_READ_REP | Reads the database table rtp_us_plan | |
494 | RTP_US_DB_TB044_READ_MULT | Reads all the BP roletypes which should be hidden | |
495 | RTP_US_DB_TOT_FMV_READ_REP | Reads the fmv from the database table rtp_us_tot | |
496 | RTP_US_DB_TOT_INSERT | Mass insert into DB table rtp_us_tot | |
497 | RTP_US_DB_TOT_READ | Reads the DB-table rtp_us_tot | |
498 | RTP_US_DB_TOT_READ_REP | Reads the database table rtp_us_tot | |
499 | RTP_US_DB_TOT_UPDATE | Retirement plan - Modify payment summary data | |
500 | RTP_US_DB_TOT_UPDATE_U | Mass update into the DB-table rtp_us_tot |